#Video Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
nikkeisimmer · 1 month
Oh My God...inZOI...
"Recommended System Requirements for inZOI (Life simulator from Krafton Games, South Korea)
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For those wanting to experience inZOI in all its glory with high frame rates and the most detailed visuals, aim for the following recommended specifications:
CPU: A more powerful processor like the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X or the Intel Core i5-10600K will deliver a smoother performance even in the most demanding scenarios.
RAM: Doubling the minimum requirement, 32 GB of RAM will ensure that your game runs seamlessly and enables extensive multitasking.
Video Card: Upgrading to an AMD Radeon RX 6800 or NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 video card will allow you to enjoy inZOI at higher resolutions and with better graphical fidelity.
Dedicated Video RAM: A hefty 10240 MB will give you the bandwidth needed for ultra-quality textures and prevent any graphical stuttering.
Pixel Shader and Vertex Shader: Remaining at version 5.0, but coupled with more robust hardware, you’ll be able to maximize the game’s visual settings.
OS: Windows 10/11 with the latest updates is again recommended for the best compatibility.
Free Disk Space: A consistent 50 GB of free space is recommended for game files, mods, and updates.
-quoted from https://inzoiresource.com/blogs/22/Minimum-and-Recommended-System-Requirements-for-inZOI
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Yeah...that's my wallet finding out I'm going to have to spend at least $4,000.00 to run inZOI decently on my computer. The thing is that you can no longer play these newest games on "integrated graphics chips". You have to get a dedicated card. My wife wants to play Dragon Age 4 (The Veilguard) which is coming out on October 31, 2024. And those games are just as intense on hardware as it is with inZOI.
Minimum and RECOMMENDED requirements for Dragon Age 4 "The Veilguard"
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Me, personally... I want to play Cities Skylines 2 and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Recommended requirements for those two games. Cities Skylines 2
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As for MSFS 2024 (due to come out in 2024?)
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It's over and above what is pictured in MSFS2020. Chillblast said that the "recommended specs" for FS2024 is the following:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 PC Recommended Requirements
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel i5-8400 | AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 970 | AMD Radeon RX 590
Storage: 150 GB available space
I'm calling HORSESHIT on that right now. I'm saying it's more in the realm of what inZOI and Dragon Age the Veilguard is putting out. You don't get that kind of gaming experience with the specs Chillblast espouses. Especially on the processor and graphics end of things. After all, on the FS forum board, the recommended specs being tossed about just for FS2020 is the following:
Intel i7-12700K CPU
Z690 motherboard
32GB DDR4 3600mhz RAM (upgrades for this on the site are very cheap, but like you said I’ve seen a couple instances where this RAM outperforms most others)
Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti
Liquid cooled, nice case, 850 watt power supply, etc
Frankly as far as I'm concerned, I'm tempted to go all out and perhaps go so far as investing in:
i9-13900K CPU
NVidia RTX 4090
at least a 1000watt power supply so that I can run peripherals like scanners and other photographic requirements...on top of just my gaming shit.
...at minimum.
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I'm sure there will be detractors going, "You don't need that kind of hardware to play Sims 3...or the current games"...well, the main thing in building a system is that you have to shell out for future proofing (as much as technology development allows at any given time) so that you don't have to spend as much money upgrading your computer system on an yearly basis as opposed to once every three to five years and that Sims 3 is not the only game that I play. And the new releases coming out are that graphics-intensive...
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I play SWTOR currently and I'm finding that the game stutters especially when there is a lot of people on a server. I want to minimize that so I'm thinking the more RAM I have and the better the video card, I'll get a little less lag out of it and that will help when I'm taking on Imp or Pub forces whichever side I'm playing against at the time. That and maybe improved graphics to the point where it looks semi-realistic. I'm also planning to get Dragon Age 1-3 and then Dragon Age 4 as well. Plus there are a few other graphics intensive games such as Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS: World) as well that are attracting my attention. I may even get into Call of Duty (depending on the feasibility of the user controls.
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Mass Effect drives me absolutely friggin' nuts when it comes to controlling my character Shepard - she's a "femShep". I have to key-bind my movement keys to keys that I'm familiar with in order to keep from going bug-frickin' mental. That also messes with the shoot key too. I'll get there someday. In the words of the ever-immortal Maverick Mitchell:
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So in a nutshell, these latest games if not forcing people to upgrade to a better class of gaming PC, will find that a lot of people with restrictive budgets may just drop out of the PC market and try to find it on console (if they play console games) no matter how restrictive the console games are in comparison to the PC versions as opposed to spending $4000 on a new gaming system. A standard PS5 is $499.95 CDN as opposed to spending 10X that much trying to set up a PC to be able to play these newer games. Add a couple hundred dollars buying a hard-drive for these consoles will maybe bring that amount to around $600.00 still much cheaper than buying a whole new PC. Dragon Age the Veilguard will only be released for PS5 and PC - No plans in the works for XBOX Series X as far as I know. And for now, inZOI is PC release only (with an intent to release to console later on down the road - though who knows when that will be) Why though am I looking at a new PC on a restrictive budget? Well, it's because I want to play the games in their full graphics and be unrestricted and potentially moddable states. Does it mean I'm going to have to save a lot of money while waiting on a new PC? Yes. Do I have the patience to wait? Yes...I'm in my fifties, I've waited this long...might as well.
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prozesa · 6 months
💡 15 Inventos Geniales que Debes Ver
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En este viaje a través del ingenio humano, nos sumergiremos en un universo de inventos geniales. Desde dispositivos revolucionarios hasta soluciones innovadoras, este vídeo está repleto de sorpresas. Acompáñanos hasta el final y descubre cómo la imaginación y la determinación han dado lugar a algunos inventos que debes ver. El vídeo: https://youtu.be/YzDLsu2I0KU Te puede interesar: - 👽 Visitando una Civilización Superior - 🪐 ¿Otro Planeta para Vivir? 15 Inventos Geniales que Debes Ver: nFrontier Pylo: Londres espera un gran aumento en el tráfico de bicicletas, con alrededor de 10 veces más bicicletas en las calles en los próximos años. Mientras tanto, en Nueva York, el uso de bicicletas se duplicó en marzo de 2020. Estos hechos entusiasmaron al equipo de nFrontier, quienes han creado un prototipo para lo que ellos llaman el casco de bicicleta más inteligente del mundo. Tiene sonido envolvente, e incluso un airbag llamado protector facial, todo envuelto alrededor de tu cabeza. Es un protector facial completo con gafas, algo que muchos ciclistas han estado echando de menos. Si el clima empeora, puedes colocar una visera. La carcasa del casco incluso tiene luces LED que puedes controlar con un simple toque de tus dedos. Entrenador portátil Vrgineers: Los pilotos que utilizan el entrenador portátil de Vrgineers tienen más probabilidades de aprobar sus exámenes finales en el primer intento. Permite entrenar en casi cualquier avión o helicóptero, lo que lo hace adecuado para el entrenamiento de pilotos militares y civiles. Los escenarios son diversos, desde misiones de rescate hasta vuelos en escuadrón. ¿Cómo lo consiguió la empresa? Agregaron soporte para simuladores como Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D y X-Plane. Pero la parte más genial es su portabilidad. El entrenador portátil de Vrgineers pesa 80 kilogramos y se puede transportar en un estuche especial que también funciona como base. Además, solo tarda aproximadamente media hora en montarse y configurarse, incluso si vuelas solo. Entrega subterránea de Pipedream Labs: La ciudad de Peachtree Corners en los Estados Unidos no es muy grande y solo tiene 42.000 habitantes, pero está adoptando rápidamente innovaciones inteligentes. La empresa Pipedream ha establecido un sistema de entrega único que funciona como un hiperloop en miniatura. Los robots se desplazan por carriles en un túnel subterráneo, entregando pizzas en solo 5 minutos. El túnel se extiende por 1,6 kilómetros y conecta el parque tecnológico Curiosity Lab con un centro comercial. Es una configuración prometedora que garantiza que la comida no se enfríe en el tráfico ni llegue 30 minutos tarde. BladeBUG: El ingeniero Chris Cheslak conoce bien las palas de las turbinas eólicas, por eso diseñó un robot para ayudar en su mantenimiento. Este trabajador de seis patas se arrastra por las palas buscando grietas y deformaciones. Su primer gran trabajo fue revisar la central eléctrica eólica O Catapult en Escocia. El robot caminó a lo largo de la pala durante unos 50 metros, enviando video y resultados de escaneo a los expertos. En el futuro, estos robots podrían reducir los costos de inspección en un tercio, tal vez incluso eliminando la necesidad de participación humana por completo. GyroGlove: Vive la vida sin temblores, ese es el lema de GyroGlove y captura perfectamente de qué se trata este guante. Diseñado para personas que enfrentan temblores en las manos, alberga un giroscopio que gira cuatro veces más rápido que una turbina de jet, lo que puede contrarrestar alrededor del 80% de los temblores. Inspirándose en la industria aeroespacial y las carreras de Fórmula 1, el guante es compacto y liviano con un peso de 580 gramos, perfecto para personas con Parkinson y profesionales como cirujanos o químicos que necesitan manos firmes. En el mercado estadounidense, tiene un precio de 4.900 dólares. Pantalla interactiva para vehículos AR de ITRI: ¿Alguna vez te has aburrido durante tu viaje diario? Has agotado tu lista de reproducción, has navegado por las redes sociales y has conquistado todos los niveles de Angry Birds. ¿Y ahora qué? Bueno, la gente de ITRI tiene una sugerencia: prueba a mirar por la ventana. Utilizando una combinación de GPS y cámaras, esta ventana inteligente rastrea hacia dónde estás mirando y muestra información interesante en el cristal, como datos históricos y diseños. Además, la información no bloquea tu vista. ¿Quieres saber más? Solo toca el cristal durante un tiempo prolongado. El equipo de ITRI presentó esta idea en el CES 2024 y mencionó que incluso puede funcionar con dispositivos portátiles. FlyNow: Deja atrás el tráfico, siéntate, relájate y disfruta del paisaje. No es necesario que controles el volante ni pises los pedales. Ese es el futuro que FlyNow está pintando para dentro de un par de años. Se están preparando para producir taxis voladores como el E-copter. Este vehículo eléctrico promete un alcance de 50 kilómetros y alcanza una velocidad máxima de 130 kilómetros por hora. La compañía comenzará con una versión de carga, reconociendo que no es adecuada para el ejército, pero ¿realmente importa si la adopción generalizada de E-copter puede ahorrar mucho dinero? Solo en Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Alemania, los problemas en las carreteras provocan pérdidas superiores a los 400 mil millones de dólares. Aurrigo: Bienvenidos al futuro. Están trabajando en toda una flota de vehículos no tripulados. El Auto Shuttle, un autobús de pasajeros, ha sido visto en carreteras británicas y checas con cinco LiDAR, siete cámaras y una vista de 360 grados, además de un operador en espera listo para la acción. Para los aeropuertos está el Auto Dolly, un portaequipajes compacto. El Auto Patrol está diseñado para patrullar áreas e identificar amenazas de seguridad. Aurrigo tiene grandes planes, ya está causando sensación a nivel nacional y da la bienvenida a inversores a bordo. ¿Crees que los conductores, los encargados de equipaje y los guardias de seguridad deberían estar nerviosos? Turbulence Solutions: Se espera que el cambio climático duplique o incluso triplique la turbulencia atmosférica para la década de 2050, lo que supone un enorme desafío para la aviación. Afortunadamente, Turbulence Solutions está abordando este problema de frente. Su tecnología mejora la suavidad del vuelo en un 80% y es brillantemente simple. Se colocan sensores estratégicamente cerca del morro del avión para detectar caídas de presión. Se han probado unas especiales plumas en aviones más pequeños. El sistema avanzado reacciona a los cambios en solo 0,1 segundos, lo que le da al avión tiempo suficiente para compensar automáticamente la turbulencia. Cabe destacar que las pruebas manejaron con éxito una aceleración vertical de 30 metros por segundo. Syroco: Alex Kazakh, cuatro veces campeón mundial de kitesurf, ha batido un récord al alcanzar velocidades superiores a los 100 kilómetros por hora en una cometa. Sin querer dormirse en los laureles, Kaz cofundó Syroco y actualmente está trabajando en un velero con el objetivo de superar la barrera de los 150 kilómetros por hora. El barco cuenta con un casco hidrodinámico aerodinámico conectado a una cometa que se eleva gradualmente sobre el agua a medida que aumenta la velocidad, asemejándose a un pez volador. Curiosamente, Syroco se enfrenta a la competencia de SP80, un equipo con ambiciones similares de superar los 150 kilómetros por hora. La pregunta es: ¿quién logrará este hito primero? Powerfoyle: Primero carga tu smartphone, luego tu tableta, no olvides tus auriculares, smartwatch, parlantes y otros dispositivos. ¿Cansado de esta rutina? Deja que tu arsenal tecnológico se recargue solo, sin necesidad de enchufes. Puede sonar a fantasía, pero es real gracias a los paneles solares Powerfoyle de Exeger. Aquí está el núcleo: los fotones de luz se transforman en electrones y cargan tus auriculares a través de estos paneles. 20 minutos de luz solar te darán una hora de música. Además, tienen un grosor de apenas 1,3 milímetros e incluso pueden funcionar con luz artificial. Exeger apunta a que mil millones de personas tengan dispositivos con estos paneles para 2030. ¡Buena suerte para ellos! Hyperice X Shoulder: Lleva la tecnología utilizada en los vestuarios de los clubes deportivos de élite al público. Combina calor y frío para el calentamiento y la terapia, con modos que cambian en solo 60 segundos. Una carga completa proporciona una hora y media de uso y se puede usar en cualquier hombro. Pesa 900 gramos y es flexiblemente ajustable, lo que permite la libre movilidad del brazo. ¿Qué tan efectivo es? Bueno, la estrella del Manchester City, Erling Haaland, no solo participó en la promoción del producto Hyperice, sino que también invirtió en la empresa comprando acciones. HEX: El skateboarding puede ser difícil para los principiantes, y aquí hay una razón: la tabla se mueve hacia adelante y hacia atrás, lo que dificulta mantener el equilibrio. Para abordar esto, los creadores de HEX crearon un patín con ruedas pintadas que giran solo en una dirección. El patín mide 56 centímetros, entrando en la categoría de mini cruiser según la clasificación de sus creadores. Es fácil de llevar a mano o en una bolsa especial. Ahora la pregunta es, ¿cuándo podemos anticipar una versión eléctrica? Magic Float: ¿Te quedas sin espacio en el muelle? ¿Necesitas urgentemente un café flotante, un cruce o una plataforma para helicópteros? Los bloques Magic Float son la solución, piensa en ellos como Lego para adultos. Fáciles de trabajar y divertidos de construir incluso sin experiencia, puedes crear una plataforma de 10 metros cuadrados en solo una hora. Cada metro cuadrado de Magic Float puede soportar hasta 1.129 kilogramos, dependiendo del modelo de bloque. Pueden soportar el calor del verano y el frío del invierno, soportando temperaturas tan bajas como -60 grados. Estos bloques no se congelan en hielo y están equipados para manejar cargas de olas de hasta cinco puntos. Milenco Aluminium Leveller más TRED GT WHEEL CHOCK: Son dos diseños temáticos automotrices. El primero es un nivelador de 4,8 kilogramos capaz de soportar alrededor de una tonelada y perfecto para levantar o nivelar un automóvil o remolque para acampar con una altura máxima de 12 entímetros. El segundo es un par de cuñas que se conectan entre sí para ahorrar espacio. Su perfil agresivo asegura un agarre óptimo y, al estar hechas de polipropileno, son fáciles de sostener con una mano. Pero la competencia no se queda atrás, llegando a presentar un camión volquete en sus anuncios. Read the full article
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muyactual · 6 months
💡 15 Inventos Geniales que Debes Ver
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En este viaje a través del ingenio humano, nos sumergiremos en un universo de inventos geniales. Desde dispositivos revolucionarios hasta soluciones innovadoras, este vídeo está repleto de sorpresas. Acompáñanos hasta el final y descubre cómo la imaginación y la determinación han dado lugar a algunos inventos que debes ver. El vídeo: https://youtu.be/YzDLsu2I0KU Te puede interesar: - 👽 Visitando una Civilización Superior - 🪐 ¿Otro Planeta para Vivir? 15 Inventos Geniales que Debes Ver: nFrontier Pylo: Londres espera un gran aumento en el tráfico de bicicletas, con alrededor de 10 veces más bicicletas en las calles en los próximos años. Mientras tanto, en Nueva York, el uso de bicicletas se duplicó en marzo de 2020. Estos hechos entusiasmaron al equipo de nFrontier, quienes han creado un prototipo para lo que ellos llaman el casco de bicicleta más inteligente del mundo. Tiene sonido envolvente, e incluso un airbag llamado protector facial, todo envuelto alrededor de tu cabeza. Es un protector facial completo con gafas, algo que muchos ciclistas han estado echando de menos. Si el clima empeora, puedes colocar una visera. La carcasa del casco incluso tiene luces LED que puedes controlar con un simple toque de tus dedos. Entrenador portátil Vrgineers: Los pilotos que utilizan el entrenador portátil de Vrgineers tienen más probabilidades de aprobar sus exámenes finales en el primer intento. Permite entrenar en casi cualquier avión o helicóptero, lo que lo hace adecuado para el entrenamiento de pilotos militares y civiles. Los escenarios son diversos, desde misiones de rescate hasta vuelos en escuadrón. ¿Cómo lo consiguió la empresa? Agregaron soporte para simuladores como Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D y X-Plane. Pero la parte más genial es su portabilidad. El entrenador portátil de Vrgineers pesa 80 kilogramos y se puede transportar en un estuche especial que también funciona como base. Además, solo tarda aproximadamente media hora en montarse y configurarse, incluso si vuelas solo. Entrega subterránea de Pipedream Labs: La ciudad de Peachtree Corners en los Estados Unidos no es muy grande y solo tiene 42.000 habitantes, pero está adoptando rápidamente innovaciones inteligentes. La empresa Pipedream ha establecido un sistema de entrega único que funciona como un hiperloop en miniatura. Los robots se desplazan por carriles en un túnel subterráneo, entregando pizzas en solo 5 minutos. El túnel se extiende por 1,6 kilómetros y conecta el parque tecnológico Curiosity Lab con un centro comercial. Es una configuración prometedora que garantiza que la comida no se enfríe en el tráfico ni llegue 30 minutos tarde. BladeBUG: El ingeniero Chris Cheslak conoce bien las palas de las turbinas eólicas, por eso diseñó un robot para ayudar en su mantenimiento. Este trabajador de seis patas se arrastra por las palas buscando grietas y deformaciones. Su primer gran trabajo fue revisar la central eléctrica eólica O Catapult en Escocia. El robot caminó a lo largo de la pala durante unos 50 metros, enviando video y resultados de escaneo a los expertos. En el futuro, estos robots podrían reducir los costos de inspección en un tercio, tal vez incluso eliminando la necesidad de participación humana por completo. GyroGlove: Vive la vida sin temblores, ese es el lema de GyroGlove y captura perfectamente de qué se trata este guante. Diseñado para personas que enfrentan temblores en las manos, alberga un giroscopio que gira cuatro veces más rápido que una turbina de jet, lo que puede contrarrestar alrededor del 80% de los temblores. Inspirándose en la industria aeroespacial y las carreras de Fórmula 1, el guante es compacto y liviano con un peso de 580 gramos, perfecto para personas con Parkinson y profesionales como cirujanos o químicos que necesitan manos firmes. En el mercado estadounidense, tiene un precio de 4.900 dólares. Pantalla interactiva para vehículos AR de ITRI: ¿Alguna vez te has aburrido durante tu viaje diario? Has agotado tu lista de reproducción, has navegado por las redes sociales y has conquistado todos los niveles de Angry Birds. ¿Y ahora qué? Bueno, la gente de ITRI tiene una sugerencia: prueba a mirar por la ventana. Utilizando una combinación de GPS y cámaras, esta ventana inteligente rastrea hacia dónde estás mirando y muestra información interesante en el cristal, como datos históricos y diseños. Además, la información no bloquea tu vista. ¿Quieres saber más? Solo toca el cristal durante un tiempo prolongado. El equipo de ITRI presentó esta idea en el CES 2024 y mencionó que incluso puede funcionar con dispositivos portátiles. FlyNow: Deja atrás el tráfico, siéntate, relájate y disfruta del paisaje. No es necesario que controles el volante ni pises los pedales. Ese es el futuro que FlyNow está pintando para dentro de un par de años. Se están preparando para producir taxis voladores como el E-copter. Este vehículo eléctrico promete un alcance de 50 kilómetros y alcanza una velocidad máxima de 130 kilómetros por hora. La compañía comenzará con una versión de carga, reconociendo que no es adecuada para el ejército, pero ¿realmente importa si la adopción generalizada de E-copter puede ahorrar mucho dinero? Solo en Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Alemania, los problemas en las carreteras provocan pérdidas superiores a los 400 mil millones de dólares. Aurrigo: Bienvenidos al futuro. Están trabajando en toda una flota de vehículos no tripulados. El Auto Shuttle, un autobús de pasajeros, ha sido visto en carreteras británicas y checas con cinco LiDAR, siete cámaras y una vista de 360 grados, además de un operador en espera listo para la acción. Para los aeropuertos está el Auto Dolly, un portaequipajes compacto. El Auto Patrol está diseñado para patrullar áreas e identificar amenazas de seguridad. Aurrigo tiene grandes planes, ya está causando sensación a nivel nacional y da la bienvenida a inversores a bordo. ¿Crees que los conductores, los encargados de equipaje y los guardias de seguridad deberían estar nerviosos? Turbulence Solutions: Se espera que el cambio climático duplique o incluso triplique la turbulencia atmosférica para la década de 2050, lo que supone un enorme desafío para la aviación. Afortunadamente, Turbulence Solutions está abordando este problema de frente. Su tecnología mejora la suavidad del vuelo en un 80% y es brillantemente simple. Se colocan sensores estratégicamente cerca del morro del avión para detectar caídas de presión. Se han probado unas especiales plumas en aviones más pequeños. El sistema avanzado reacciona a los cambios en solo 0,1 segundos, lo que le da al avión tiempo suficiente para compensar automáticamente la turbulencia. Cabe destacar que las pruebas manejaron con éxito una aceleración vertical de 30 metros por segundo. Syroco: Alex Kazakh, cuatro veces campeón mundial de kitesurf, ha batido un récord al alcanzar velocidades superiores a los 100 kilómetros por hora en una cometa. Sin querer dormirse en los laureles, Kaz cofundó Syroco y actualmente está trabajando en un velero con el objetivo de superar la barrera de los 150 kilómetros por hora. El barco cuenta con un casco hidrodinámico aerodinámico conectado a una cometa que se eleva gradualmente sobre el agua a medida que aumenta la velocidad, asemejándose a un pez volador. Curiosamente, Syroco se enfrenta a la competencia de SP80, un equipo con ambiciones similares de superar los 150 kilómetros por hora. La pregunta es: ¿quién logrará este hito primero? Powerfoyle: Primero carga tu smartphone, luego tu tableta, no olvides tus auriculares, smartwatch, parlantes y otros dispositivos. ¿Cansado de esta rutina? Deja que tu arsenal tecnológico se recargue solo, sin necesidad de enchufes. Puede sonar a fantasía, pero es real gracias a los paneles solares Powerfoyle de Exeger. Aquí está el núcleo: los fotones de luz se transforman en electrones y cargan tus auriculares a través de estos paneles. 20 minutos de luz solar te darán una hora de música. Además, tienen un grosor de apenas 1,3 milímetros e incluso pueden funcionar con luz artificial. Exeger apunta a que mil millones de personas tengan dispositivos con estos paneles para 2030. ¡Buena suerte para ellos! Hyperice X Shoulder: Lleva la tecnología utilizada en los vestuarios de los clubes deportivos de élite al público. Combina calor y frío para el calentamiento y la terapia, con modos que cambian en solo 60 segundos. Una carga completa proporciona una hora y media de uso y se puede usar en cualquier hombro. Pesa 900 gramos y es flexiblemente ajustable, lo que permite la libre movilidad del brazo. ¿Qué tan efectivo es? Bueno, la estrella del Manchester City, Erling Haaland, no solo participó en la promoción del producto Hyperice, sino que también invirtió en la empresa comprando acciones. HEX: El skateboarding puede ser difícil para los principiantes, y aquí hay una razón: la tabla se mueve hacia adelante y hacia atrás, lo que dificulta mantener el equilibrio. Para abordar esto, los creadores de HEX crearon un patín con ruedas pintadas que giran solo en una dirección. El patín mide 56 centímetros, entrando en la categoría de mini cruiser según la clasificación de sus creadores. Es fácil de llevar a mano o en una bolsa especial. Ahora la pregunta es, ¿cuándo podemos anticipar una versión eléctrica? Magic Float: ¿Te quedas sin espacio en el muelle? ¿Necesitas urgentemente un café flotante, un cruce o una plataforma para helicópteros? Los bloques Magic Float son la solución, piensa en ellos como Lego para adultos. Fáciles de trabajar y divertidos de construir incluso sin experiencia, puedes crear una plataforma de 10 metros cuadrados en solo una hora. Cada metro cuadrado de Magic Float puede soportar hasta 1.129 kilogramos, dependiendo del modelo de bloque. Pueden soportar el calor del verano y el frío del invierno, soportando temperaturas tan bajas como -60 grados. Estos bloques no se congelan en hielo y están equipados para manejar cargas de olas de hasta cinco puntos. Milenco Aluminium Leveller más TRED GT WHEEL CHOCK: Son dos diseños temáticos automotrices. El primero es un nivelador de 4,8 kilogramos capaz de soportar alrededor de una tonelada y perfecto para levantar o nivelar un automóvil o remolque para acampar con una altura máxima de 12 entímetros. El segundo es un par de cuñas que se conectan entre sí para ahorrar espacio. Su perfil agresivo asegura un agarre óptimo y, al estar hechas de polipropileno, son fáciles de sostener con una mano. Pero la competencia no se queda atrás, llegando a presentar un camión volquete en sus anuncios. Read the full article
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svenerd · 10 months
Games zu Weihnachten - Geschenke-Ratgeber von 0 - 18 Jahren
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Photo by Michelle_Raponi on Pixabay
Spiele für Kinder - Die perfekten Spiele bis 12 Jahre
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Photo by ShortSword on Pixabay Passend zur anstehenden Zeit, in der Geschenke für Weihnachten gesucht werden, stellen wir euch die perfekten Gaming-Geschenke für Kinder bis 12 Jahren für Nintendo Switch, Playstation, Xbox und PC vor. In den Videos am Ende jedes Abschnittes werden alle Spiele kurz vorgestellt. Den Inhalt der jeweiligen Videos findet ihr hier, inklusive Zeitstempel in den Videos. 00:00 Intro 00:48 Mario-Spiele Super Mario Odyssey New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury Super Mario Bros. Wonder 02:42 Bauen und Spaß haben Minecraft Minecraft Legends Minecraft Dungeons Super Mario Maker 2 Dragon Quest Builders 2 05:29 Lego Lego Star Wars: Die Skywalker-Saga Lego Marvel Superhelden 2 Lego Harry Potter Collection 07:16 Sport und Spaß Nintendo Switch Sports Ring Fit Adventure Mario Tennis Aces Mario Golf: Super Rush Mario Strikers: Battle League Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen: Tokyo 2020 11:07 Lebenssimulationen Disney Dreamlight Valley Fae Farm Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life My Time At Portia Landwirtschafts-Simulator Animal Crossing: New Horizons 14:48 Hüpfspaß Kirby und das vergessene Land Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe Disney Illusion Island 16:26 Abenteuer Stray The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening 17:32 Rennspiele Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged Team Sonic Racing Lego 2K Drive 20:09 Pokémon Pokémon Karmesin und Pokémon Purpur Pokémon-Legenden: Arceus Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu! Und Pokémon Let’s Go, Evoli! New Pokémon Snap Meisterdetektiv Pikachu kehrt zurück 23:14 Action/Shooter Splatoon 3 Powerwash Simulator
Spiele für Jugendliche - Die perfekten Spiele von 12 bis 18 Jahre
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Photo by wal_172619 on Pixabay 00:00 Intro 01:03 Was sollte man beachten 02:05 Fantasy-Spiele The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Tales of Arise Kena: Bridge of Spirits Elden Ring 04:08 Weltraum-Spiele No Man’s Sky Starfield 05:07 Fahren und Fliegen Forza Horizon 5 Forza Motorsport Gran Turismo 7 Wreckfest Microsoft Flight Simulator 07:31 Playstation-Spiele Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete Edition Horizon: Forbidden West Complete Edition Marvel’s Spider-Man Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 09:24 Lizenzspiele Hogwarts Legacy Mittelerde: Mordors Schatten Mittelerde: Schatten des Krieges Lego Der Hobbit Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Lego Star Wars: Die Skywalker Saga Guardians of the Galaxy Batman: Return to Arkham Batman Arkham Trilogy Lego Batman 3 - Jenseits von Gotham Lego DC Super-Villains 11:20 Hüpfen Super Mario Bros. Wonder Rayman Legends Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart 12:38 Cozy-Games Animal Crossing: New Horizons Stardew Valley Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22/23 14:18 Sport EA Sports FC 24 NBA 2K24 NHL 24 Madden NFL 24 16:27 Strategie Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope Anno 1800 Civilization 6 17:58 Puzzle Portal 2 / Portal Begleiterkollektion It Takes Two Untitled Goose Game 20:13 Spiele digital verschenken
Spiele für Erwachsene - Die perfekten Spiele für volljährige Zocker
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Photo by chriswanders on Pixabay 00:00 Intro 01:01 Für Rollenspiel-Fans Baldur‘s Gate 3 The Witcher 3 Divinity Original Sin 2 Disco Elysium – The Final Cut 05:31 Für Filmliebhaber und Nostalgiker Robocop: Rogue City Starship Troopers: Terran Command Aliens: Dark Descent Alien: Isolation 08:13 Für Strategen Crusader Kings 3 Stellaris Total War: Three Kingdoms 11:20 Für Gesellschaftsspieler The-Jackbox-Party-Pack-Reihe Party Animals 13:55 Für Horrorfans Resident Evil 4 Dead Space Remake 15:58 Große Hits zum kleinen Preis Yakuza 0 Immortals: Fenyx Rising Far Cry 6 Death‘s Door Vampire Survivors 18:21 Die absoluten Mainstream-Blockbuster The Last of Us Part 1 Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption 2 God of War Ragnarök Diablo 4 21:18 Für beste Freunde und Partner A Way Out Remnant 2 We Were Here Forever 24:16 Für Leseratten Slay the Princess 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical 26:15 Geheimtipps für die, die schon alles haben Pizza Tower Warhammer 40K: Boltgun Cassette Beasts 28:11 Worauf ihr beim Kauf achten solltet Read the full article
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
100 questions to ask a gamer.
Now a few weeks back I did "100 questions Q&A about me" well I thought why not do a 100 questions to ask a gamer. Since I am a gamer I thought why not? So here we go. Here is the last part 4
72) What game(s) have you played that you consider disappointing? Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Xbox Series X 2018) The Crew (2014 Xbox One)
73) Have you ever attended a midnight release for a highly anticipated game? Grand Theft Auto V,
74) Do you enjoy playing games with a focus on character customisation? Yes. I try and make it like my real self as much as I can.
75) What is your opinion on virtual reality (VR) gaming? I never really got into it.
76) Have you ever played a game solely for the multiplayer aspect, ignoring the single-player campaign? Yes.
77) What game(s) have you played that you consider ahead of their time? Grand Theft Auto V
78) Do you enjoy playing games with a strong emphasis on narrative and storytelling? Yes
79) What is your favourite video game console controller? Hmmm I don't know I would have to say the Xbox Elite Series 2
80) Have you ever participated in a game jam or game development competition? No
81) Do you enjoy playing games with a retro or nostalgic feel? Yes, mostly the 80s like in the 2002 Grand Theft Auto Vice City.
82) What game(s) have you played that you consider having the best world-building? I don't really understand the question.
83) Have you ever played a game that made you rethink your perspective on life? I am sure I have but I don't know which ones.
84) Do you enjoy playing games with a focus on cooperative gameplay? Rarely.
85) What is your opinion on the inclusion of politics and social issues in video games? Doesn't bother me. It makes it more interesting.
86) Have you ever played a game that you were initially skeptical about but ended up loving? Yes. Minecraft.
87) Do you enjoy playing games with a strong focus on character development? Yes.
88) What game(s) have you played that you consider having the best voice acting? I don't know.
89) Have you ever backed a video game project on crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter? No.
90) Do you enjoy playing games that require quick reflexes and fast-paced action? At times.
91) What is your favourite video game-related YouTube channel or content creator? I don't follow any.
92) Have you ever played a game that made you feel immersed in its world? Yes, Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)
93) Do you enjoy playing games with a focus on historical accuracy or realism? Yes.
94) What game(s) have you played that you consider having the best level design? I don't know. I don't really think like that.
95) Have you ever participated in a gaming marathon for charity (e.g., Extra Life)? No.
96) Do you enjoy playing games with a focus on moral choices and consequences? Yes.
97) What is your opinion on video game censorship and content ratings? It is what it is.
98) Have you ever played a game that had a significant impact on your personal life? No.
99) Do you enjoy playing games that offer a cooperative multiplayer experience? At times yes.
100) What game(s) have you played that you consider have the best gameplay mechanics? No clue.
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hacjames · 2 years
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Microsoft Flight Simulator is a series of flight simulator programs for MS-DOS, Classic Mac OS and Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is an open world game in the way that it has the whole Earth in. In this game you can either do missions where you have to go from A to B or just fly wherever you want. You can even find your house in this game. The game uses Google Earth to perfectly capture the Earth and use it in game.
This video shows gameplay of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and the player is flying from London to Amsterdam.
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freelancerenamul · 2 years
Which Top online games are popular on YouTube?
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Top YouTube-generated live games: Mobile Legends: 93 thousand viewers worldwide.
• Minecraft has 49K, worldwide viewers.
• 26K people worldwide are watching Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
• There are 25,000 viewers worldwide.
• 22K people watch Apex Legends worldwide.
• The New Dragon Quest: Michibikareshi Monotachi attracted 20 million viewers worldwide.
Which 2017 game is the most popular worldwide?
1. The Zelda Series: Which Nintendo Switch game, Breath of the Wild, is most popular in India in 2022
The award for the best game of 2022 went to Apex Legends Online, a well-known battle royale top online game.
Which game is most popular in India?
Ludo King is one of the 15 most played mobile games in India in 2021. Over 500 million copies of the popular two- to four-player board game Ludo King have been downloaded.
• Mobile India's Battlegrounds
• Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia
• Within Us....
• Hill Climbing Competitions.
• Master of Coins...
• Riders of the Subway...
• Saga of Candy Crush
Which game has ever sold the most copies the fastest?
Scarlet and Violet are the most popular Pokémon games ever released for Nintendo consoles. In just 72 hours, the most recent Pokémon games sold 10 million copies, both physically and digitally. Who is 1 on YouTube's gaming trending topic?
With 46.8 million subscribers as of December 2022, Chilean gamer Germán Garmendia, also known as JuegaGerman, ranked first among the most popular gaming channels on YouTube.
What is gaming's future?
The video game industry is being transformed by three major trends: new monetization strategies, environments reminiscent of the metaverse, and improved technology. Because big games are expensive to make and need a large global audience to succeed, scale will become even more important as competition grows.
Which cool games are most played?
• Traditional Solitaire
• Bob the Robber, Part 2
• Klondike Solitaire
• The Tiny, Big Snake.
• The Worms Zone
• Vex 4.
• Agor.io
• Minimal Alchemy
What is Google's best online game?
• Boxel Rebound, one of the best games for Google Chrome for 2022.
• Town has robbers.
• Good Friday!
• HTML5 Spelunky
• HD Free Rider
Which game is free to play?
Hurdle is one of the free online games. Hurdle is a new take on the well-known word guessing game. Try it out right now.
• Discord in the Family
• Word Wipe Game Arkadium To clear the rows and advance, make as many words as possible.
• The Bubble Shooter from Arkadium
• Solitaire Mahjong...
• A game of Mahjong for free
• A free eight-ball pool game
• Daily crossword puzzle online for free
Which PC game is currently the most popular?
Genshin Impact is one of the 25 best PC games available right now.
• The Stardew Valley
• Command
• The second Red Dead Redemption
• Dota 2
• Prey (2017)
• Civilization VI by Sid Meier.
• Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)
Which games were awarded the Game of the Year award?
The 2022 Game Awards: The complete list of winners includes God of War Ragnarök, which won a hefty six awards. However, Elden Ring managed to steal the spotlight by winning Game of the Year and Best Game Direction.
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kavinsps · 2 years
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What businesses are going to be more profitable in the metaverse?
Opportunity in the metaverse The most direct market is that of entertainment in its broadest conception, but others such as training and education, tourism, sports, blockchain or software development, among others, will house great business options.
“The metaverse is a virtual reality world, where people interact in an artificial environment, Starting a business in metaverse to technology. The ability of human beings to interact with the world is limited by their five senses. The development of communications and the Internet has allowed this interaction to cross the borders of the human body. Metaverse Business opportunity The metaverse represents a new dimension when it comes to perceiving the world and a great opportunity for all types of companies to develop.
As Fuentes explains, there are many situations where you can take advantage of simulating that you are in a place when you really are not, such as, for example, for certain training actions, for flight simulators, the video game industry, leisure, tourism, cinema , business meetings, etc. The metaverse aims to bring a new dimension to the Internet, hence the interest of companies”.
Term coined in 1992 by Neil Stephenson in his science fiction novel Snow Crash , this American writer referred to the metaverse as a world parallel to the physical world. In that world, you are seen by others as an avatar and you can socialize, explore virtual spaces, carry out productive tasks.
Democratization of technology
Real business opportunity in metaverse But not only now Zuckerberg and his ‘new’ Meta (the Facebook matrix) [ if you want to know what Facebook’s metaverse will be like, click here], others have already taken their first steps in the metaverse: “In the 1990s, several companies launched virtual reality initiatives with interaction between several users, but without much success. Nowadays, numerous startups from all over the world and large companies such as Facebook, Nvidia, Microsoft, Adobe… work and invest in services and technologies of the metaverse industry… The technological Opportunity in the metaverse barrier was the main obstacle for the complete development of the metaverse, but now , it is a world accessible to practically anyone and it is this democratization of technology that has made it easier for companies to become interested in it”, says Fuentes.
Video games and virtual reality
“there is a very large community of virtual reality users thanks to that industry and the fact that end users have had access to virtual reality glasses in recent years at a much lower price (around 350 euros), whereas a few years ago you had to invest around 2,000 euros to be able to access virtual reality”.
training experience
For example, this expert recalls, in 2020 “given the need to train health professionals in European ICUs, generated a training experience in the metaverse to train health professionals from all over Europe in ICU skills with no previous experience in they. We managed to train 20,000 professionals who, through virtual reality glasses, immerse themselves inside virtual ICUs, in which two patients must be integrated into the medical care team. Thus, professionals are trained and gain confidence to help in case of need”.
communicate directly
The main advantage of being in the metaverse is the ability to communicate with the public directly, “creating experiences centered on the user and turning them into an involved actor, achieving a greater brand impact and, therefore, conversion”.
According to this expert, although the sector with the most options is gaming , “especially due to the inherent ease of the end user, at present, brands such as Gucci, Coca-Cola, Stella Artois or Hyundai have been able to establish the first successes as far as campaigns in the metaverse are concerned. Perhaps the opportunity lies in the originality and agility of the campaign and, logically, in the ability to reach the public”.
The first season of consists of an adventure video game that proposes an unprecedented climatic catastrophe and challenges the candidate to save the most lives based on their decision making.
Business idea around metaverse In this way, becomes the first company in the world to use metaverse technology to evaluate people. Based on how you deal with different situations, a behavior profile will be created with 95% accuracy, higher than the 89% achieved by the current game.” Once the game is over, the company and the candidate will have the player’s complete profile at their disposal in just 15 minutes. ��The first season of our gaming is a great experience, but this second season will be revolutionary.
How to offer products and services in the metaverse?
How can a company offer its products and/or services in the metaverse? What will you need? Will it be complex for its structure? Will it be expensive?
“The ability to offer products and services in the metaverse will be a change very similar to the one that companies embarked on when they went from offering their physical services to moving the sales (and service) process to the online channel thanks to the Internet. In this case, new possibilities will open up that until now are science fiction.
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tekpiner · 2 years
X plane 11 liveries
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#X plane 11 liveries software
#X plane 11 liveries Pc
Note: We would like to give an extra thank, to our partners and that we can contribute as beta testers. There is no intention to violate copyright or other stipulations placed by aircraft model designers.
#X plane 11 liveries Pc
We support : X-Plane forum - Music by RYYZN - Freepik - Site is optimized for pc browser - Files are made for Windows - We use Chrome & Google Drive Work is only for X-Plane 11 aircraft models. um das Simulationserlebnis zu verbessern Allegiant Air new livery pack for the Fenix A320 com : X-Plane 11, X-Plane 10, Prepar3D. For your convenience we have uploaded the liveries as single. Several sophisticated painters from all over the world painted this artwork to let you enjoy your favorite airline. New webpage up in 2021 Plz contact us so we can help you! Click on members chat! There are more than 290 liveries available for the x737project Boeing 737-800 and BBJ2 aircraft. ​ We are building a new website and a new google drive, more space, easy to find, and direct download! Sorry but some links and files will not link directly. So always remember to take a backup of the entire x-plane 11 or the correct folders before installation! forums.x-plane / or our google drive is at your own risk, The Look and Feel of some exclusive paintings of some stock X-Plane 11 aircraft/helicopter.This time Marc Leydecker, famous of his high quality and accurate airports in and around US state Virginia, is pleased to offer you some exclusive liveries for the default Cessna C172SP and the Sikorsky. Socials Networks Facebook Instagram Discord. You are not allowed to redistribute any part of this package without permission.Īll installation form the ex. We work on sceneries and liveries for X-Plane 11, Prepar3D and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. It is for personal, non-commercial use only.
#X plane 11 liveries software
This software is protected by copyright laws. Please contact us asap and we will remove the file. X Flight Deck - The X-Plane Dude, make the sim real © 2018 - 2021 by Etron & Yohana,Ĭontact info email: note that some of the images are not correct for the downloaded package, as some of the images are included with payware packages!Īll files are original and are not modified in any way! If you as a developer have any misconceptions about sharing your original file, from our free google drive. Download the eagerly awaited 737 MAX family today You can search our file library or browse our entire livery library below. If you like to donate to us, we will always give 90% back to the developers, and spend 10% on developing this site,Īs well as always we have some free give away on some of our youtube videos!ĪRE YOU NEW TO X-PLANE THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO START
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matesvewor · 2 years
Totally accurate battle simulator update list
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Totally accurate battle simulator update list full version#
Totally accurate battle simulator update list update#
Totally accurate battle simulator update list full#
Totally accurate battle simulator update list simulator#
Landfall Games released the download for people who signed up to their website in July 2016. The game was made during a week-long game jam in a Swedish castle.
Totally accurate battle simulator update list full#
The full release of the game in April 2021 added both online and local multiplayer modes, and achievements. Both custom battles and units can be shared with other players via the Steam workshop.
Totally accurate battle simulator update list update#
A December 2020 update added the Unit Creator, where players can create their own units, giving them abilities, clothing, and weapons from the already existing TABS units, as well as the spin-offs Totally Accurate Battlegrounds and Totally Accurate Battle Zombielator. Players can create their own battle scenarios, choosing from any of the available units, maps, and winning conditions. The game features twenty maps in total, with twenty-two additional "Simulation" maps. The maps in the game are centered around the same themes as the factions and differ in size and geography. Many units have special abilities that are unique to them or they share with a few others, such as flight, projectile deflection, and teleportation. Some of these units are hidden on various maps and must be found by the player before they are unlocked. The game has over 130 units across fourteen factions, which are mostly themed around different cultures and eras of human history. With the addition of a May 2019 update, players are also able to "possess" units-controlling them manually from a third- or first-person perspective. During ongoing battles, players can move the camera around the map to get a better view of the fight, and can slow down or freeze time themselves. While armies typically win by defeating all enemy units, a May 2020 update added new winning conditions, such as surviving for a given amount of time, or killing a specific enemy unit. Once either army has been defeated, the battle freezes and the player is informed of who the victor is. As soon as the player clicks "Start", the battle begins and the two armies rush forward to attack each other. The two opposing armies can be placed on either opposite sides of the map, or one can surround the other. In the latter, there is no monetary limit and players build both armies. In the former, players are given a limited amount of in-game money to build an army in order to defeat an enemy force. The game encompasses two main modes: Campaign and
Totally accurate battle simulator update list simulator#
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is a ragdoll physics battle simulator. Two spin-offs, Totally Accurate Battle Zombielator, which is a parody of the survival horror genre, and Totally Accurate Battlegrounds, a parody of the battle royale genre, were released on 1 April 2017 and 5 June 2018, respectively. Many fans on twitter such as and more have been asking when TABS will release on Xbox for long, but it's out now.
Totally accurate battle simulator update list full version#
The full version of the game was released on 1 April 2021 for PC and macOS and on 5 October 2021 for Xbox and Microsoft players. The game was released in early access on Steam on 1 April 2019, for Microsoft Windows and macOS, and December 2019 for Xbox One, and has since received numerous free title updates that added new content, such as maps and units, in addition to fixing bugs and improving the performance. An alpha version of the game was initially released in 2016 to a small audience. It is a parody of the battle simulator genre. Totally Accurate Battle Simulator ( TABS) is a ragdoll physics battle simulation fighting video game developed by Landfall Games.
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solnahas · 2 years
Sims 4 download free torrent
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Don’t forget to run the game as administrator.
It’s recommended to block the game executable in your firewall.ĭownload: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Torrent The Sims 4 Torrent DownloadĬlick the download torrent button below to start your The Sims 4 freeload.
If you still get any trouble, run the game as Admin or move it to another location.
It is recommended to start the game for the first time in English (default).
If it asks for it, your crack was quarantined, same for OrangeEmu64 error.
Mount using Daemon Tools or Unpack with WinRAR (Tools dir).
Skidrow Codex Games on Monday, 9 August 2021 11:06:30 AM uploaded new game crack simulation, strategy, you can download the game with single link or multilink (game part zip).
VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon X1300 or Intel GMA X4500 & ALL DLC’s) Repack-Games full crack Free.CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ (2.0 GHz Dual Core required if using integrated graphics).Your Name In Lights Reward (Showtime) Minimum Up All Night Digital Content – Features the Laser Light Show, fun decorations, and outrageous party costumes. Life of the Party Digital Content – Features the Flaming Tiki Bar and sleek, stylized outfits for your Sims. The Sims 4 Soundtrack -a digital soundtrack featuring music from the gameĭownload: Metro Exodus Torrent Screenshots Sims 4 DLC’s Included in this version DLC's ListedĪwesome Animal Hats Digital Content – Features a collection of fun animal hats for your Sims to wear and show off!ĭigital Soundtrack – A digital soundtrack featuring music from the game.Įmail Sign-Up Incentive (Ghoulish Guitar).Up All Night Digital Content featuring the Laser Light Show, fun decorations, and outrageous party costumes.Life of the Party Digital Content featuring the Flaming Tiki Bar and sleek, stylized outfits for your Sims.
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
100 questions to ask a gamer.
Now a few weeks back I did "100 questions Q&A about me" well I thought why not do a 100 questions to ask a gamer. Since I am a gamer I thought why not? So here we go. Here is part 2
28) Have you ever played a game that exceeded your expectations? Yes. Microsoft Flight Simulator (Xbox Series X 2020)
29) Do you prefer first-person or third-person perspective in games? Third person.
30) What game(s) do you think are overrated? Overwatch 2, Fortnite, Roblox. To name a few
31) Have you ever played a video game that inspired you in some way? I am not sure.
32) Do you prefer games with a heavy focus on gameplay or narrative? Both.
33) What game(s) have you spent the most hours playing? Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox Series X 2013) Have you ever met any game developers or industry professionals? No
34) Do you enjoy playing games with a challenging difficulty level? Yes
35) What is your favourite video game console of all time? I am gonna say…. The Playstation 2 as I have so many memories with it.
36) Have you ever created your own video game levels or maps? No
37) Do you follow any professional eSports teams or players? No
38) What is your favourite aspect of gaming (e.g., storytelling, competition, exploration)? I don't have a favourite it's all great!
39) Have you ever played a game that changed your perspective on a particular topic? No
40) Do you prefer games with open-ended choices or a linear narrative? Open-ended choices
41) Have you ever played a game before its official release date? Yes
What is your favourite video game franchise? Grand Theft Auto or Hitman
42) Are there any video game genres you wish you were better at playing? Rocket League
43) Do you enjoy playing games with friends or prefer solo experiences? Solo
44) What game(s) have you recommended to others the most? None I don't recommend games.
45) Have you ever been part of a beta testing or early access program? Yes
46) Do you enjoy playing games that require strategic thinking? Yes Have you ever had a gaming marathon, playing for hours non-stop? No
47) What game(s) have you played that you consider underrated? Blur (Xbox 360 2010) Heavy Rain (PS3 2010) I am sure there is more but that's the first two I thought of.
48) Do you prefer games with realistic graphics or stylized/cartoonish visuals? Realistic graphics 49) What is your opinion on microtransactions in video games? Be careful you can lose a lot of money that way.
50) Have you ever written reviews or articles about video games? Yes
51) What is your favourite video game developer/publisher? Rockstar Games.
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kermakatti · 2 years
I redeemed a month of game pass from a can of Pringles & tried the new-ish flight sim via cloud gaming and it freaked the fuck out when I spawned in the Kokkola-Pietarsaari Airport
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Adorkable Twilight & Friends – “Full Flight”
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demifiendrsa · 3 years
Microsoft Flight Simulator - Xbox Series X|S Gameplay Trailer - Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2021
The Xbox Series X|S version of Microsoft Flight Simulator will launch on July 27, 2021. It will also be available via Xbox Game Pass.
Additionally, a free Top Gun: Maverick expansion in partnership with Paramount Pictures to celebrate the release of the Top Gun: Maverick will launch alongside the film on November 19, 2021.
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From light planes to wide-body jets, fly highly detailed authentic aircraft in the next generation of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Any time of year—day or night—test your piloting skills against real-time atmospheric simulation and live weather in a dynamic, living world. The sky is calling.
Available on Xbox Series X|S – Jump right into experiencing the thrill of flight with the most accessible entry to date that showcases the power of Xbox Series X|S.
Explore the World – Travel the world in amazing detail with over 37 thousand airports, two million cities, 1.5 billion buildings, real mountains, roads, trees, rivers, animals, traffic, and more.
Earn Your Wings – Hone your pilot skills in a variety of aircraft—from lightweight planes to commercial jets—with an experience that scales to your level.
Test Your Skill – Fly day or night with live real-time weather including accurate cloud coverage and cloud layers, wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, rain, and lightning.
Key Features
Immerse yourself in the vast and beautiful world that is our planet with more than 37 thousand airports, 1.5 billion buildings, 2 trillion trees, mountains, roads, rivers and more.
Earth is vibrant and ever-changing, and so is the world of Microsoft Flight Simulator which includes live traffic, real-time weather, and animals.
Fly in an ever-evolving digital world, as free, monthly updates continually enrich the simulation. World Updates graphically enhance specific regions of the planet while Simulation Updates deepen the authenticity of the flight experience.
Hone your skills as a pilot in a variety of aircraft from light planes to commercial jets with comprehensive flight models. Every aircraft includes highly detailed and accurate cockpits with realistic instrumentation.
The new weather engine enables users to switch on the live weather mode to experience real-time weather, including accurate cloud cover and cloud layers, wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, rain and more.
From pro to beginner, scale your level from full manual piloting to full assist with interactive and highlighted instrument guidance and checklists.
Experience flight any time of day, or any day of the year, allowing for night VFR, visual flight rules, and navigation.
A state-of-the-art physics engine with over 1,000 control surfaces per plane allows for a highly accurate flight model for each aircraft.
No pilot gets left behind regardless of skill level, with all-new tutorials, enhanced landing gear, Discovery Flights and more. Anyone can experience the thrill of flight!
Experience Microsoft Flight Simulator with friends and family on whichever platform you prefer with the introduction of cross-play and cross-save on all available platforms. Online multiplayer on Xbox console requires Xbox Game Pass Ultimate or Xbox Live Gold subscription (sold separately).
Buy the digital version of Microsoft Flight Simulator, and experience the simulator on Xbox Series X|S and Windows 10 PCs at no additional cost.
$59.99 USD for all available platforms; $89.99 USD for Deluxe Edition; $119.99 Premium Deluxe Edition for all available platforms.
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