iviarellereads · 1 year
Rogue Protocol, Chapter 4
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which (hacker voice) we're in.
Miki's feed has a scan of the facility, so Murderbot is fairly sure it knows where to look for the evidence it needs. Kader says the environmental conditions are showing good, and asks Don Abene if she's sure about the full environmental suits to go in. MB is about to ask Miki to suggest the full-gear, when Don Abene answers in the affirmative, they can reevaluate later but better to be cautious. MB relaxes, at least a little, and reminds itself these aren't its clients.(1)
MB watches the crew gear up and leave through Miki's eyes. Wilken goes first, and the feed from her helmet makes MB wonder if this is the best place to board the facility. Then again, its choice would be to go in with drones before any human set foot, and it snarks a little about knowing what it's doing.
Slowly, the rest of the humans, and Miki, filter onto the facility. MB splits its attention across seven streams, one for each helmet camera and Miki. The feed is completely quiet except for them. Miki wonders to "Rin" if the humans thought the systems would be lonely if they were left active. MB wonders if Art thought it was this stupid, but answers Miki with a maybe, then adds that GrayCris probably removed the system cores to cut their losses. Miki relays this to the humans, and Hirune agrees, though there's some shielding. Ejiro suspects it's the atmospheric disturbances, and Vibol comes in over comm to say they're in some heavy weather, as an in-joke that all the GI humans and Miki express amusement at.
MB finally slips out of the storage cubby and out of the lock, once again wiping the log. Kader is too busy to hear it this time. Instead of following the team, it heads down the corridor, missing its armour not because of anonymity, but because it senses a threat. It thought the visit to RaviHyral might have eased the paranoia, but not so much.
I couldn’t pin down what was bothering me. Scan was negative, and this far away from the team there was no ambient sound except the whisper through the air system. Maybe it was the lack of security camera access, but I’d been in worse places with no cameras. Maybe it was something subliminal. Actually, it felt pretty liminal. Pro-liminal. Up-liminal?(2) Whatever, there was no knowledge base here to look it up.
While the humans report the same sensation as it does, MB makes its way to the lift junction, and warns Miki that it's going to use it, and not to report the power fluctuation. Miki asks where it's going, and it says it needs to check out the geopod, as part of its orders. It remembers too late that it told Miki it was here as extra security for the team, but Miki doesn't question orders,(3) just tells MB to be careful.
MB considers telling Miki what it's really here for, but it knows Miki would report to its human friends immediately. They'll figure out that the facility was doing something other than its stated purpose eventually, when they consider things like the decontam room at the passenger lock, but if Miki says something, Don Abene will ask how she knows, and Miki will have to tell about MB.
Who knew being a heartless killing machine would present so many moral dilemmas. (Yes, that was sarcasm.)
MB gets off the lift and follows a corridor to the geo pod. It can see the storm outside, and it loses twenty two seconds just watching it. Something must leak into the feed, because Miki asks what it's looking at, so it sends a metadata-wiped video. Miki thinks it's pretty, and replays the video a few times as it follows Don Abene.
The team are nearly to their destination, so MB has to get a move on. It finds the digger bots, and finds that fortunately, though someone ordered them to dump their logs in violation of warranty, they were shut down before the buffers emptied, and MB can retrieve all that data without waking them. It's a lot of data, but it can store it on the memory clips it bought, and watch a favourite episode of Sanctuary Moon while it waits.
And wait it does, until Miki asks if that was "Rin".
MB disentangles itself from the console, and asks what Miki means. Miki sends an audio clip, but has to strip out the comm audio before MB can hear the other noises: the air system, and a heartbeat. It warns Miki to determine the direction of the hostile, and alert its humans.
Miki widens its scan, and Don Abene asks what's wrong. Miki asks MB for help, it doesn't have any security training, and it's never been in an emergency. With MB's help, Miki tells Don Abene that something is coming, and they need to leave. As MB processes the data, it tells Miki there's no time to get out, they have to shelter in place. Wilken and Gerth finally figure out what's happening and tell the humans to get down the corridor, but MB knows there's not enough time to make it, and says humans are too slow to work security effectively.
MB finally gets a lift and makes it down to the humans' location, and an action sequence follows that I have no hope of summarizing in full. Suffice it to say, MB makes it just in time to save Don Abene from being pulled out the closing hatch door, and if she hadn't been wearing the enviro suit, she would certainly have been torn in half. As the thing holds the helmet, MB disengages it, noting in an aside that if it had been wearing armour, it would never have had the sensitivity in its fingers to find the release tab.
As Miki asks worriedly if Don Abene needs medical assistance, Gerth tells everyone that MB is a SecUnit. MB wonders where it went wrong, why it lost its impulse control, and whether it should kill them all to protect itself.(4) That would be the smart thing, so it's going to have to take the dumb way out. It acknowledges that it's a SecUnit, but says it's under contract to Security Consultant Rin, sent as an extra security measure. It can't pretend to be an augmented human, not even one of those could do what it just did.
And, it's only at this point that it remembers that Miki will know the difference, that its feed signature is the one Rin was talking to it with the whole time. MB regrets not overriding Miki outright, a little. It asks Miki to let it help. So, when Don Abene asks Miki who this is, Miki says Rin is its friend, and asked Miki not to tell, to keep Don Abene safe. MB notes that this isn't quite a lie or the truth, and gains an inch of respect for Miki's potential depths. Gerth and Wilken share a startled look, but control it quickly.(5)
They contact the pilots, and then Miki notices that Hirune is missing. MB still has a feed for her, but it indicates she's unconscious. Miki replays its footage, finding that Hirune was dragged off first, before Gerth and Wilken started shooting, probably not realizing she was in the same direction as their shots.
Abene finally notices that Gerth and Wilken are pointing their weapons at her saviour. They want to know why there's a SecUnit here, but Abene wants to know how they let Hirune get taken. Miki asks Don Abene desperately to lie and say she knew Rin was here. MB is sure Abene won't take the word of her pet robot, and thinks privately that since that pet robot is playing fast and loose with the truth and definitely withholding that Rin and the SecUnit are the same person, its word isn't worth much here.
But, Abene plays along, and says she didn't know Rin would be here as well.
Gerth and Wilken are still snapping, and there's no communication on the feed between them. MB starts to get suspicious. There are plenty of legitimate questions to ask, since the scenario it described would violate bond regulations. And yet, Gerth finally takes her weapon off MB and points it down the corridor where a hostile took Hirune.
Abene says she doesn't care what they were told, they need to get Hirune back. Gerth can escort Brais and Ejiro back to the ship, and Wilken can help Abene or give her a gun and go with the others. MB punches the air internally, and says Rin instructed it to help in any way necessary. Wilken says Abene should go back to the ship, and she'll go for Hirune with the SecUnit.
The humans going back to the shuttle get upright, and MB tells them not to take a lift, in case it's compromised. Gerth snaps she knew that, and MB snarks in the feed that it knew she'd know that. Miki starts down the corridor where Hirune was taken, and Abene follows, picking up her helmet.(6) MB waits until Wilken starts following Abene and Miki, then comes up level with Abene, watching the other group's feeds for trouble.
(1) Do you think that's intended as "I'm not responsible for them anyway" or "these people might, in fact, be smarter than my usual clients"? (2) Not exactly how most of those words are used. XD Subliminal is below a threshold, in fairness. Liminal is the threshold, like a liminal space is a threshold between two defined spaces. A doorway is a liminal space between a inside and outside a home, for example, but a foyer is also a threshold because it's the transitional space between home and out. Pro-liminal and up-liminal aren't in any sort of common usage as terms that I can find. I think the word MB was looking for was "superliminal". And I can think of none of this without thinking of the Scott Pilgrim movie soundtrack, and the Sex Bob-Omb track "Threshold" which wouldn't be a very good soundtrack for this scene, but does amuse me. (3) Figure that'll come back to bite MB in the ass sooner, or later? (4) I'm sure with an extra moment to think, MB would acknowledge that the reason it has no more impulse control is because of its drive to protect humans. (5) Can't really blame them, since they were probably, rightly, told they were the only security, and they should've been looped in on any other real security to ensure proper coverage. (6) Times like this, my inability to visualize mentally really gets in the way of reading. I thought the helmet was pulled through the closing hatch, I don't see a passage indicating the hatch was reopened, and yet here we are. Am I missing a line somewhere, or is there an oopsie in the story?
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rosewind2007 · 1 year
Vote for your favourite AUGMENTED human in the Murderbot Diaries—please re-blog for a more representative sample:
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narakunkhmer · 4 months
ដល់ករ រាប់បីដង, លី សុខា  🇰🇭vs🇰🇭 រិទ្ធ វិបុល, Ly Sokha vs Rith Vibol, 19/...
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schoenes-thailand · 1 year
Bangkok: Polizei verhaftete Hunderte von illegalen Migranten und legte sie in Ketten, als Abschreckung
Die jüngste Massenverhaftung von Hunderten kambodschanischer Wanderarbeiter in Thailand – von denen einige in Bangkok aneinander gekettet fotografiert wurden – hat eine NGO veranlasst, die kambodschanische Regierung darauf zu drängen, mit den thailändischen Behörden zusammenzuarbeiten. Viele der 800 Arbeiter, die letzten Monat festgenommen wurden, hatten nicht genug Geld, um die Gebühren an der Grenze zu bezahlen, hatten abgelaufene Arbeitserlaubnisse oder nicht genügend Papiere. Die Arbeiter kehrten nach den letzten Khmer-Neujahrsferien, die vom 14. bis 16. April stattfanden, illegal nach Thailand zurück. Fotos, die in sozialen Medien geteilt wurden, zeigten Menschen, die mit ihren Händen in Ketten miteinander verbunden waren, als sie mit gesenktem Kopf in einem Polizeiwagen saßen.
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Die jüngste Massenverhaftung von Hunderten kambodschanischer Wanderarbeiter in Thailand – von denen einige in Bangkok aneinander gekettet fotografiert wurden – hat eine NGO veranlasst, die kambodschanische Regierung darauf zu drängen, mit den thailändischen Behörden zusammenzuarbeiten. Die Bilder seien ein Versuch der thailändischen Behörden, illegale Migranten öffentlich zu beschämen und möglicherweise andere davon abzuhalten, nach Thailand zu kommen, sagte Dy The Hoya, der Direktor des Migrationsprogramms des in Phnom Penh ansässigen Center for Alliance of Labour and Human Rights oder CENTRAL. „Die meisten festgenommenen Kambodschaner wurden gefoltert und mit Handschellen gefesselt“, heißt es in einer Erklärung von CENTRAL. „Menschen wurden auf engstem Raum festgehalten. Diese Verhaftungen beeinträchtigen nicht nur die grundlegenden Menschenrechte, sondern auch ihre Finanzen und den Lebensstandard ihrer Familie.“ Die Maßnahmen der thailändischen Behörden gingen weit über normale Strafverfolgungsmaßnahmen hinaus, und wenn die kambodschanischen Behörden keine Maßnahmen ergreifen, werden kambodschanische Wanderarbeiter weiterhin der gleichen Behandlung ausgesetzt sein, sagte Hoya. „Wenn Folter erlaubt ist, ist dies ein Akt der Unmenschlichkeit und Verletzung der Menschenrechte“, sagte er. „Es kann unseren Leuten wieder passieren. Das könnte die Spitze des Eisbergs sein.“ Noch keine Aussage Laut CENTRAL arbeiten etwa 2 Millionen Kambodschaner in Thailand, von denen etwa die Hälfte ohne Papiere sind. Menschen, die kürzlich ihre Arbeit in Fabriken verloren haben oder in der kambodschanischen Bauindustrie keine Arbeit finden können, kommen weiterhin nach Thailand, um hier eine Arbeit zu finden, sagte die NGO. Die kambodschanische Regierung sollte mit den thailändischen Behörden sprechen, um die Freilassung aller kürzlich Verhafteten zu erreichen und sicherzustellen, dass kambodschanische Arbeiter legal und mit vollem Rechtsschutz und allen Vorteilen arbeiten können, sagte CENTRAL. Ein Arbeiter sagte gegenüber Radio Free Asia, einem mit Benar News verbundenen Nachrichtendienst, dass neun Kambodschaner zusammen mit ihm festgenommen worden seien, die noch immer im Gefängnis seien. Prum Bunthorn sagte, er sei am 24. April in der Provinz Pathum Thani nördlich von Bangkok festgenommen worden, weil er nicht über ausreichende Dokumente verfügte. Er wurde freigelassen, als sein thailändischer Chef seine Kaution bezahlte, sagte er. Kambodschanern, die illegal in ein anderes Land einreisen, drohen Verhaftungen – aber in diesem Fall war die Entscheidung der thailändischen Behörden, die Wanderarbeiter in Ketten zu legen, eine Beleidigung, sagte Sim Vibol, Professor und Rechtsberater in Phnom Penh. In diesem Fall sei Kambodscha verpflichtet, der thailändischen Regierung eine diplomatische Note vorzulegen oder sich bei internationalen Institutionen wie den Vereinten Nationen zu beschweren, sagte er. „Wenn festgestellt wird, dass dies nur Kambodschanern passiert, können wir Thailand der Diskriminierung von Kambodschanern vorwerfen“, sagte Soeung Senkaruna, ein Sprecher der kambodschanischen Rechtsgruppe Adhoc. Die kambodschanische Regierung hat keine Erklärung zu den Verhaftungen abgegeben, obwohl die kambodschanische Botschaft in Thailand die thailändischen Behörden aufgefordert hat, die Verhaftung kambodschanischer Migranten einzustellen. Der Sprecher des kambodschanischen Außenministeriums, An Sok Khoeun, und der Regierungssprecher Phay Siphan antworteten diese Woche nicht auf Nachrichten, die von RFA hinterlassen wurden. / Benar News Read the full article
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blessphemy · 3 years
Names in The Murderbot Diaries (character spoilers)
All Systems Red:
Ayda Mensah — "Ayda" is of Arabic origin, meaning “returning, to come back." Mensah is a Ghanian surname (most common surname in current-day Ghana), apparently meaning “third-born”
Pin-Lee — Chinese. Could mean a several things, depending on how it is written.
Ratthi — Possibly a derivative of Hindu goddess of love “Rati.” The surname “Rathi” originates from/is often found in Northern India.
Bharadwaj — A Sanskrit name common to northern India. “Bharadwaja,” was a Vedic saint of ancient India, a renowned scholar.
Arada — In Spanish, "arada" means "plowing." In Turkish, “arada” means “between.”
Overse — “överse” in Swedish translates to “overlook, disregard (the faults of others), ignore, tolerate, forgive” or “to oversee, to review, inspect, monitor, survey.”
Volescu — Possibly Romanian
Gurathin — A mystery. Possibly a variation of the Sanskrit "Krithin"
Artificial Condition:
Eden — Biblical: garden of Eden
Rami — of Arabic origin meaning “archer” or “thrower.” (Etymology honorary mention: the word “tercera” describing Rami’s gender identity, is a spanish word meaning “third”)
Tapan — Hindi name meaning “summer,” “fiery”
Maro — Multiple cultures use the name “Maro,” (Japanese, Greek, Armenian, Hindi)
Tlacey — My bet is this is a space future evolution of the name “Tracey,” which has historically been a masculine name that later became feminine. It means “warlike,” “fierce”
Art — Yes, I know it’s an anagram acronym, but as a human given name, it’s English in origin.
Rogue Protocol:
Rin — Japanese name “dignified, severe, cold,” but may just be a short moniker that Murderbot chose for nondescriptness.
Don Abene — “Don” is a Spanish honorific, masculine. Google search turned up sparse results for “Abene,” with a suggestion that it may be Basque (an Iberian ethnic group), in which it is derived from the word “pillar.” “Abene” could also be a spelling variation of “Abena,” which is a given name meaning “born on Tuesday” (‘day names’ such as these used by Akan people of Ghana). “Abena” is also a Gujarati surname.
Hirune - Thin results again, and once again Basque. Meaning: “trinity, three,” and variation on “Irune”
Miki - A Japanese name, with misc spellings that can mean different things, though typically the first kanji used is “beautiful.” But this may just be intended to be a cutesy short name.
Kader - Arabic, meaning “powerful, capable”
Vibol - Khmer (Cambodian), meaning “abundant, vast”
Brais - Form of Blaise (Gaelic, Latin) English/French
Ejiro - Urhobo / Nigerian, meaning "praise God"
Wilken & Gerth - Both English names, both vaguely military-adjacent
Exit Strategy:
Jian - Chinese (“build” or “strong”), or Hebrew (“God is gracious.”)
Serrat - French surname
Network Effect:
Consuela Makeba - Consuela is a Spanish name meaning “comfort, consolation.” Makeba is an Ethiopian name, after the Queen Makeba.
Mensah’s Marital Partners, Farai and Tano:
Farai - A southern African name of the Shona ethnicity, meaning “joy, happy”
Tano - Possibly Italian, short for Gaetano. Or just a nice 2-syllable name of its own.
Preservation Survey:
Amena - An Arabic name, “honest, faithful.”
Roa - Arabic, or possibly Spanish surname.
Mihail - Romanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Greek. Variation on “Michael.”
Rajpreet - A Sikh name.
Hanifa - Arabic name meaning “true believer”
Kanti - Indian and Bengali name. Means “beauty.”

Thiago - A Portuguese name, derivative of “Santiago” i.e. “Saint James."
Barish - Hindi for “rain”
Estranza - Spanish for “strangeness”
Eletra - Similar to “Electra” of Greek myth
Ras - Greek name, meaning “to love”
Leonide - Old Greek
ART’s Crew:
Iris - A flower. Also a Greek name meaning “rainbow.”
Seth - Hebrew. “Set, appointed”
Martyn - Variant of Martin. “Dedicated to Mars” (Mars = God)
Tarik - Arabic. “Evening caller”
Turi - Celtic. “Bear”
Kareem - Arabic. “Generous"
Kaede - In the audiobook this is pronounced much like "Katie," meaning "pure." "Kaede" is also a Japanese name meaning "maple."
Fugitive Telemetry:
Lutran - Possibly a variation on “Lutron,” apparently a transliteration from Greek. Which I would think is a stretch, except it means: “the purchasing money for manumitting slaves, a ransom, the price of ransoming; especially the sacrifice by which expiation is effected, an offering of expiation.”
Indah - Indonesian name, “beautiful one”
Tural - Azerbaijani, “to be alive”
Tifany - Variant of Tiffany, English name “manifestation of God”
Farid - Arabic, Persian, Urdu. “Unique, precious”
Aylen - Mapuche (Native American) name. Possibly, “joy”
Balin - Hindi name meaning “soldier, sword”
Tellus - Possibly a Latin name, meaning “earth”
Kiran (mentioned as a name MB used at TranRollinHyfa) - Used in a variety of places and languages: Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, Gujarati, Nepali, Urdu. From the Sanskrit word “kirana,” meaning “sunbeam.”
Home, Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory:
Councilor Sonje - Variation of Sonia, an English name. Sonia itself may be a variation of the Greek Sophia, meaning “wisdom.”
Councilor Ephraim - In the Book of Genesis, Ephraim was the second son of Joseph, becoming the tribe of Ephraim.
Sekai - A Shona name. “humorous, joy”
Asa - Hebrew, possibly “healer.”
Elane - Old Greek
Bonus: RaviHyral
Ravi = “Sun” in Hindi
(I’m guessing that other place/company names in the books could also be transliterations.)
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sataniccapitalist · 3 years
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rathanakvibol-blog · 7 years
ខំរៀនទាន់មានឪកាស់ , Rathanak Vibol | Yong Ye
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Vibol - m (Khmer) abundant, large, vast
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prediksivibol-blog · 6 years
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🏆 Prediksi Bola VIBOL Uruguay vs Prancis 6 Juli 2018 Pukul 21.00 di Nizhny Novgorod Arena ⚽ _ ⚽ Bursa Taruhan Piala Dunia 2018 Uruguay vs Prancis 🏆 HANDICAP : ( 1/2 : 0 ) OVER/UNDER : ( 2 ) PERSENTASE KEMENANGAN : ( 50% - 50% ) Prediksi Skor Uruguay vs Prancis by Vibol : 🏆 Uruguay 1 - 1 Prancis 🏆 ⚽Uruguay (OVER) Untuk Bermain Anda Bisa Menghubungi Sponsor Kami yang ada di Bawah Ini : BBM : 2B118FB2 WA : +855 8731 8883 WeChat : KAMPUSBET #Vibol #PrediksiVibol #PrediksiBola #Bola #AgenBola #Kampusbet #Indonesia #SepakBola #BeritaBola #Football #JadwalBola #Soccer #PrediksiParlay #Maxbet #2018 #PialaDunia2018 #JadwalPialaDunia2018 #WorldCup #RussiaWorldCup #2018WorldCup #WorldCup2018 #PialaDunia #FIFAWorldCup #Viral #InfoBola #Berita #Mbappe #Griezmann #Uruguay #France
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girlloverlive · 7 years
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Crianças engraçadas 2017, cuidado com os arrependimentos – Rathanak Vibol nova comédia infantil 2017 #Funny videos, #Funny Kids, #Funny Animals Crianças engraçadas 2017, lembrete desconcertado - as famílias precisam preço, Rathanak Vibol nova comédia infantil 2017 ------------ ------ loading... source
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briamichellewrites · 2 years
A white cropped t-shirt, an oversized crème-colored button cardigan, jeans, and cream-colored ballet flats. That was the outfit Jayde had chosen for meeting George. Her hair was braided into a headband. Brad thought she looked amazing! She had an eye for fashion and putting together outfits. Her tall, thin build meant she could wear whatever she wanted and look like a model. Her outfit was a combination of things she found at Saks Fifth Avenue and Target.
He had on a t-shirt, jeans, and a scarf with slip-on shoes. It was simple but still stylish. The restaurant was only a few minutes away. George was on his way, so they got the room key and headed out. The air was warm, with a cool breeze. Perfect weather for walking around. They were, unfortunately, leaving the next morning, so they wanted to see as much as possible.
They would have to come back to see more of the city. Maybe for their next anniversary, if their schedules matched up. They held hands, no longer caring if anyone recognized them. It was the City of Love, after all. Maybe they would even kiss underneath the Eiffel Tower. When they got to the restaurant, he looked around for his friend. He saw him waving, so he pointed him out before they walked over. After sharing a hug, he officially introduced his girlfriend.
It was nice to finally meet him. They then sat down. She was beautiful – he gave her that. Still, she was young. During their conversation, he found that while she was polite, she also had a great sense of humor and a mouth of a sailor. She was also magnetic and genuine. He asked her what she did for work. She was a singer/songwriter. Did she write for herself or with different artists? Both.
She had worked with Bruce Springsteen, Jason Mraz, Gavin DeGraw, and Rob Thomas…. Those were the ones that came from the top of her head. She wanted to collaborate with Elton John someday. Brad mentioned she was a piano prodigy. She could play by ear and from memory. They were going to work on a movie together. What kind of music? Her genre was mostly singer-songwriter but as long as it had a piano, she could play it.
“Name a song”, George said.
“That I’ve written? Radio Nowhere by Bruce Springsteen.”
“Are you serious? You wrote that?”
“Co-wrote, yes. He wrote the lyrics, I wrote the melody.”
“Ok, you got me sold.”
Brad laughed. He had to brag about his girlfriend because he was that impressed and proud of her. The restaurant they chose had gluten-free and vegan options. Was she glute-free? Yeah, she had celiac disease. How was that? It was challenging sometimes. She had to be vigilant about what she ate and what was in it, especially at restaurants.
Whenever she asked for gluten-free options at a restaurant, she always felt bad about making a fuss. Brad had a special look in his eyes. It wasn’t something he had seen since before his divorce. He was in love and genuinely happy again. Was this a serious relationship? All the signs were pointing to yes. When she got up to use the bathroom, he asked him. He confirmed it was. They were not thinking about getting married or having kids yet. But he could see their relationship being long-term.
How did they meet? Leo. They were close friends and he told him about her. They initially met to talk about working on a project together but then, things happened. He was hesitant about starting a relationship with her because of their age difference’s but he couldn’t see himself happy without her. George liked her. As long as he was happy, then that was all that mattered.
How was the adoption process going? It was going well. He had just been matched with a little boy from Cambodia named Rath Vibol, who he was going to name Maddox. Jayde was not involved in the adoption and he didn’t want her to be. Why not? He didn’t want to ask that of her. It was his adoption, not hers. He could understand that. She had a daughter, who was her biological half sister, so she was helping as much as she could.
When she came back and sat down, he asked what her daughter’s name was. Ava, she was fifteen. That was her half sister? Yes, they had the same father but different mothers. She also had two biological children, who were seven and twelve months. They were both adopted because she couldn’t be a mother to them due to different circumstances. She also had two fur babies.
Cats or dogs? Dogs. They were both King Charles Cavalier Spaniels. Bruno was six and Bear was twelve months. Bruno tolerated his brother most times. She adopted Bruno about five years ago and Bear was a surprise from her friends. Did she have pictures? Her phone was filled with pictures. She was that kind of dog mom. They laughed as she pulled out her phone from her handbag and opened it up. She found a recent picture of them together before handing her phone to George.
She then told him which dog was which. They were cute! Who was the guy playing with them? That was her best friend, Jason Mraz. He was the kind of guy who loved everyone and everything. That picture had been sent to her from him. They had a cat/dog play date, which went surprisingly well given that cats were not the most patient animals.
No! Cody took his toy away from his sister before she could put it in her mouth. She frowned before bursting into tears. Elisa came over and handed her a teething toy. She put it in her mouth and calmed down. The toy she had grabbed? A toy car. She could have choked on it, so Cody was good for keeping it away from her. All she knew was that she had been told no and she didn’t understand why. He moved his toys further away, so she couldn’t grab them.
Elisa thanked him for not letting her put it into her mouth. Brad was at work. Since it was a Jewish holiday, Cody had the day off from school. Elisa also took the day off to be with the kids. She had gotten up to grab her phone when she heard the crying. Hoping she didn’t hurt herself, she came back in. Thankfully, it was only a temporary tantrum.
“Mommy, maybe we can put her in a box and push her around.”
“She might be a little big but you can ask daddy if he has a box big enough.”
“Just like a cat!”
“Mama. Mama”, Rachel babbled.
“Rachel, say dada”, Cody told her.
She would say it eventually. When she did, she hoped Brad would be able to hear it. Vroom vroom! Cody ran his car along the carpet before crashing it into stuffed animals. Kaboom! He flipped the car upside down, as if it had exploded. They then heard the front door open. Daddy’s home! They both went as fast as they could over to him. He bent down and picked them both up.
“Dada! Dada!”
“Rachel, did you just say dada”, Elisa asked excitedly.
His heart exploded with happiness! He kissed his little girl on her little cheek after picking her up. She was just waiting for him to come home. The happiness he felt made the entire work day worth it! He was so happy and in love with his little girl! Dada! Yes, he was dada! He gave her one more kiss on her cheek before they went into the kitchen to make dinner.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @jovichic-bonjovi4ever @borhap-au @beneathashadytree @duffs-shot-glass @geo-winchester @lokolokong-manunulat
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Rogue Protocol, Chapter 6
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which we say goodbye, again.
Murderbot has a lot less trouble on the way back out. It sends the drone up to the geo pod first, to scout, then takes Miki and the humans through, then locks the doors, for the humans' benefit more than real security. As it's about to get started, Abene notices that it's bleeding, and MB realizes that it got hurt a lot worse than it thought. It sees its scared-horrified face through Miki's feed as Abene approaches, but Miki assures it that Abene wants to help, and Abene asks if it would be better for Miki to give it first aid. MB can't form a sentence, because it does need the help, but it doesn't want to be touched.
Abene asks if Miki can leave Hirune, who rasps that she's fine, as she clings to a bulb of rehydration solution from the emergency kit. Abene says, good, then she'll start working on the console, and Miki can come help Rin. MB's mind starts trying to spin things around, and it starts to say it's not Rin, and Abene says, sure, Rin is its supervisor, yep.
As Miki starts treating MB, MB asks Miki if it told Abene that there is no Rin. Yes, Miki says, when Wilken attacked, Abene asked again if Miki was sure they could trust MB. But, it clarifies, it told because it wanted to, not because it has to obey. MB thinks Miki probably believes that,(1) but asks Miki why Abene thinks it lied. Miki explains that it's illegal to employ a SecUnit where GI operates, so someone along the way must be working anonymously, but it doesn't matter since MB is obviously here to help.(2)
As Miki finishes up, MB starts trying to hack in and get the feed from the enviro suits on the flight deck. Fortunately, it's able to sneak in and activate one. Gerth is asking about a response from the station, but nobody is alarmed, and when Gerth suggests something, too muffled to hear, Vibol says they'll have to sit tight until word can come in past the storm.
Miki relays this to Abene, but before anyone can do anything about any of it, MB gets a ping from its drone: the combat bots aren't between them and the shuttle. Abene suggests they might be near the geo pod, so MB recalls the drone, but finds nothing in the adjacent corridors. It knows it's missing something.
MB thinks again about the third combat drone, then about why Gerth and Wilken hadn't murdered the team on the docking station, or something. Were they sent by GrayCris, or someone else? It puts all its thoughts into a decision tree diagram, and gives it to Abene and Miki. Examining the Wilken and Gerth section, she asks what GrayCris would want now. MB suggests, to destroy the facility and hide the last of the evidence. GI's tractor array is all that's been keeping it going.
Abene thinks perhaps they were sent to sabotage the tractor array. Miki says Wilken changed her armour time display to show local facility time, and checked it fifty-seven times while walking through the facility. She knew what time something would happen.
This also recontextualizes the combat bots' behaviour. One bot to mess with the humans, two in the engineering pod, and one out of range, doing something still unknown. Abene says it must be the tractor array, then, but what did Gerth and Wilken seek to achieve? MB realizes it must have been an encrypted signal, because of the storm interference that wasn't storm. But, to whom?
On the shuttle audio, Gerth is now hesitant to leave, saying they need to wait the agreed-upon thirty minutes.
The diggers finish powering up, and MB gives the shuttle audio to Abene and Miki, and focuses on programming the diggers. When it's done, it tells them they have six minutes and they have to leave. Abene finally finishes what she was at, and announces something launched from the engineering pod, it must have been what Wilken's signal was meant to do, and it was intended to tell the combat bots to send one of their number over to the tractor array.
They leave the geo pod, making their way as quickly as possible, still not sure where the other combat bots are. MB tells Abene to order everyone off the shuttle when it opens her feed again, and Abene agrees. MB sends the diggers down the last corridor toward the shuttle, and opens Abene's feed. She tells Kader to get everyone off the shuttle at once, immediately. Kader triggers the emergency evacuate alarm on the shuttle, unquestioning. Kader uses the shuttle's local vid of the diggers approaching to justify it, against Gerth's objections.
Everyone disembarks the shuttle, and just as Gerth is making to attack Abene, MB finds the override code for her armour, just like Wilken's, and freezes her. MB stops the diggers, and everyone gets back on the shuttle, even dragging Gerth along.
Unfortunately, this is when the two remaining combat bots come back into play. MB holds them off with Wilken's projectile weapon, and gets everyone and then itself back on the shuttle. The hatches slamming down is the sound of sweet relief. They leave the facility.
Miki asks MB why it doesn't talk to it in the feed anymore. MB figures Miki must know, and doesn't dignify it with a response. It does, however, use one of the diggers to crush a combat bot. Miki says it had to tell MB's secret.(3)
The humans are all discussing what went on. MB suggests returning to the transit station ASAP in case the tractor failing causes damage to the shuttle.
Miki tells MB in the feed that it's never had a bot friend before. MB wants to block Miki's feed, but it needs to keep monitoring in case the humans start plotting against MB itself, now that Abene knows MB made Rin up, and it's only a matter of time before they realize how unusual that sort of behaviour is for SecUnits.
Meanwhile, the humans are instead focused on trying to stop the zipper (combat bot 4's vehicle) off its course. Not being able to talk them out of it without drawing attention, MB stands by while the humans hit the zipper with the shuttle.
Then MB hears a clank on the hatch.(4)
It yells about an emergency, since everyone's in together, and the humans start sealing doors and retreating, which MB figures will buy it a minute or two. It climbs outward, as Vibol explains to Port Authority that the shuttle has a rogue combat bot on the hull. MB is sure the PA is just about as terrified as it is.
MB quickly goes through the equipment that Wilken and Gerth have left on the shuttle, and finds a few more explosive packs. It's looking at some surveying equipment(5) when Miki comes through, saying it's going to help Rin. Abene tells it to protect itself, but Miki rejects the priority change.(6)
MB powers up the core sample cutter just as the combat bot blows the hatch. In another extraordinarily sad action sequence, Miki gives its life to buy time for MB to throw the core cutter at the combat bot, in just such a way as to take out its processors in near perfect mirror to how it just crushed Miki's.
I just sat on the deck. The shuttle neared the station, and the humans were on the comm, talking to the PA from the cockpit. They couldn’t lower the flight deck hatch because of the lock breaches, and I hadn’t answered their attempts to call me on feed or comm. I had still been sending visuals from my camera to the team feed, and they had seen the fight and Miki’s last moment from my point of view. Before I cut my feed connection to them, I’d heard Abene sobbing, Hirune trying to comfort her, the others murmuring in shock.
MB wonders if it's the lack of air making it feel slow.(7) Still, it pings the little transport Ship(8) and gives it a rendezvous point. Vibol tries to call out to it, but MB ignores the pleas and gets an emergency suit with maneuvering jets. The oxygen in the suit feels refreshing, almost. It sets things up so the humans might believe that MB and the suit were pulled out with the other debris in motion, and throws itself out the ruined hatch.
It's able to maneuver well enough to meet up with Ship, and hopes that nobody looked too closely at the sensors. It programs Ship to head for its expected journey, to HaveRatton Station, and then takes an inventory, making sure there are no tracers or bugs.
Murderbot takes a moment to think about Miki, its motivations, and the love it and Abene shared.(9) It's a little hurt that it will never have a friend like that.(10)
At the bottom of the ammo bag it took from Gerth and Wilken's things is a false pocket. It contains several false identity markers, and a bigger memory clip than what MB bought earlier. It plugs it into a reader.
Well, that was interesting. I hate caring about stuff. But apparently once you start, you can’t just stop. I wasn’t going to just send the geo pod data to Dr. Mensah.(11) I was taking it to her personally. I was going back. Then I laid down on the floor and started Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon from episode one.
(1) Murderbot is so skeptical of Miki's motivations. Its lived experience tells it that humans will betray and abuse it at the first opportunity where it serves them to do so. Even after watching Miki for this whole book, this whole day, it still has no context for understanding that Miki might be right. Sure, it's a simple human-form robot, and it's not as complex and certainly not as well educated as Murderbot, but Murderbot's whole thing is that this is the first time it's been free in its whole existence, which has been at least four years and a couple of months. It doesn't know THAT much more than Miki, it just looks like it does because its story, as we read it, has been focused on the parts that it's either good at, or amusingly bad at. (2) If only they knew the HALF of how close and how far that is from the truth. (3) Just now you said you told because you wanted to, Miki. Which was it? (4) Come on, at least ONE of them had to have seen this coming. (5) Not exactly the same as what was used on the SecUnits on the survey planet with PresAux in book 1, but I feel it's close enough to mark as a callback. (6) I guess we have an answer as to whether Miki was programmed only to follow orders. (7) As far as unreliable narrators go, Murderbot is right up there with Gideon Nav in "being ignorant of their own emotions and the sources thereof". It's okay, Murderbot, nobody here is going to judge you for mourning Miki, even though you were consistently kinda mean to it. (8) The one that Gerth and Wilken rode in on, all those few chapters ago. (9) Nobody's gonna get on my case about describing this as love, right, when Murderbot uses the word too? Platonic is just as valid as romantic. (10) Are you so sure, MB? (11) Really, so sure you'll never share that kind of relationship with anyone, particularly a human?
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
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narakunkhmer · 1 year
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