#Veteran Small Business Certification
nationallawreview · 3 months
SBA Eliminates Self-Certification for SDVOSBs
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) recently issued a direct final rule that eliminates self-certification for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses (SDVOSBs). The SBA’s final rule — which implements a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (NDAA 2024) — is effective August 5, 2024. Background To be awarded an SDVOSB set-aside or sole source…
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bigfrozenfan-fanfics · 7 months
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Chapter 76 - Kristoff at the Royal Navy base
Links: Chapter overview, Character list, Map, Glossar Rating: M over all Publishing cycle: around every 2-3 weeks
Remarks: all my chapters contain carefully selected music tracks (try to use headphones). It’s your own decision if you want to use them or not while reading. The purpose is to musically support the respective mood of the plot. If you can please use a browser for reading (not the Tumblr app) due to the text formatting and music.
Eriksen and Kristoff talked for more than an hour as they looked around the fortress inside. Kristoff was also taken to the very top of the roof, where he had a good view of the whole area. Kristoff had never been to the naval base before and was quite impressed by everything here. Eriksen promised to take him round the small peninsula later and show him everything, including the shipyard. However, there was one exception, as Eriksen said, because Kristoff was not allowed to enter the prison camp. But that didn't bother him, as he wasn't interested in seeing Arendelle's criminals.
          A little later, they returned downstairs and into the admiral's large office. Kristoff couldn't help but take a look around. The walls were piled high with books on nautical science, shipbuilding and reports on other countries and kingdoms. Many pictures about the sea, ships and foreign islands hung on the walls and, of course, certificates of the admiral’s achievements, including a captain's licence. All bearing the seal of the royal house of Arendelle and even signed by King Agnarr, as Kristoff noted.
          “So, what is the reason for your presence on the base?” asked Eriksen, watching him from his armchair.
          Kristoff sat down opposite him in another chair and rambled on a little. He talked about the queen's plan to form a new royal council and that the Baron of Snoob had tipped him off to include the naval base in his search.
          “I don't know if you can help me there, Admiral Eriksen. But it seems to me that matters concerning the Royal Navy should be represented on the council. After all, two ships are currently on their way to allied kingdoms on behalf of the queen to help us out of the supply crisis and ask for support there.”
          “Yes, I am of course aware of this assignment and have known the two captains personally for many years. They are good men and ideally suited for such an important mission,” replied Eriksen, “However, we hardly have any potential candidates for the royal council here at the naval base. Most of the sailors work as specialists in the shipyard, are in captain's training or other important positions for our fleet, or are simply ship's crews. The rest are guards or are busy with the prison camp and of course those who are only responsible for supplies and everything that goes with it, so they don't have much nautical experience.” He paused for a moment and thought.
          “Our base is actually set up like a small town where everyone does normal jobs. We have blacksmiths, rope and sail makers, bakers, butchers, the laundry, various craftsmen and of course everything else that goes with nautical and ship supplies. The only people I can think of for the council are our veterans, who are now retired and have gained a lot of experience in their lives. I will of course think carefully about your request and talk to them. However, not everyone is likely to be interested and want to change their lives so drastically. Quite apart from the fact that the families here or over there also live in Snoob, especially the children who can only attend school there. That affects most of us here on the peninsula, by the way.”
          “I can understand that very well,” said Kristoff. “It was just an idea and not binding. The queen selects the most suitable men and women from all the candidates from across the kingdom after they have personally auditioned.”
          Eriksen nodded. “Very well, may I offer you some refreshments before we go to the shipyard?”
          “No, thank you, admiral. But I have another request and Her Majesty doesn't know anything about it yet. It is to be a surprise for her and it would be my personal decision to take care of it. It's also a somewhat sensitive issue for a reason.”
          “Well, that depends on whether I can help you. What is it about?”
          “I wanted to ask if I could get passage on a ship to Weselton.”
          The Admiral raised his eyebrows and placed his index fingers against each other in front of his mouth with a thoughtful expression, tapped them against his lips a few times and mumbled a quiet “Hmm…”.
          “Weselton … I assume it's about the same problem, the supply of food and animal feed in the capital, right?” Kristoff nodded. “Well, Weselton isn't too big an island and they import more than they have to offer. Except wool and sheep, as far as I know, and fine cloth, which they sell at a premium. I once had the dubious pleasure of meeting the Duke there many years ago. Do you know him?”
          Kristoff cradled his head. "I met him once years ago, at one of Arendelle's sled races where he cheated. Other than that, not in person, no, but I know the stories about him and why trade with this kingdom was stopped a few years ago … because of that Duke. He must have been quite out of line back then and also had a very …”
          “… greedy and unfriendly behaviour? Yes, that suits this little chap. However, his nephew Lord Rupert Wolfgang is much more sociable and even quite helpful, the complete opposite of the old Duke. However, his behaviour takes some getting used to, not to say annoying. It seems to run in the family.” Eriksen laughed softly. “But still, if you're going to get in touch with anyone there, you'd better do it with him.”
          “That's interesting, I didn't know that. Thank you very much for this valuable information!” said Kristoff in surprise. “But, the passage … can you help me with that? However, Sven, my reindeer, and my carriage would also have to be on board, if possible, as I plan to disembark directly in Arendelles harbour on the return journey.”
          “Normally, we don't offer ship journeys for strangers, no matter how much they would be prepared to pay, but that doesn't apply to you, Your Highness, of course. I think I already have the right ship in mind for you and also for your luggage, so to speak,” he smiled.
After Mattias knocked on Halima's front door and she opened it for him, she fell into his arms with tears of joy in her eyes. It was still broad daylight in Arendelle, but next they both disappeared into the bedroom, tore off their clothes and made love, tenderly and intimately, as if it were the first time for both of them. They were able to take their time, as Elin was still at the castle and had her usual lessons with Olaf. Halima wasn't due to pick her up again until the afternoon and had been working in her room in the meantime. Until her beloved Destin suddenly appeared at the door.
          A little later, she prepared lunch for them both. Nothing special and consisting mainly of leftovers that were still in the kitchen and the icebox on the floor and, of course, a few fresh ingredients from the garden. But that didn't matter to either of them, because they were finally together again and had a lot to talk about. But Mattias avoided going into detail about some of the things he had seen and experienced, as he didn't want to frighten Halima.
          “I'm so glad that nothing happened to you, Destin, and that you didn't suffer any more serious injuries. There's no bandage and not even a scratch to be seen.”
          “I was very lucky, to be honest. A lot of men have had a very different experience. We've had so many losses, Halima, but I'd rather not talk about it right now.” He sighed and grabbed her hand on the table.
          “I saw the grief in the city and also saw the many wounded in the new hospital. I wanted to help in some way. The queen even gave a moving speech at the memorial service. But I can't and don't want to imagine it all and I was most afraid for you all the time, darling. Thank you for this beautiful but really sad letter, by the way.”
          “You cried a lot, didn't you?” She nodded and put her other hand over his. “I was afraid of that, but I was also afraid to tell you everything in person.”
          “It's all over now and you've come back to us safe and sound.”
          “Let's just stop talking about it, Halima, and think about the good things instead. You said that you carried on upstairs in Elin's room. I'd like to take a look at that.”
          “I'd love to, Destin. Let's go upstairs now. I also got her something to paint and hung up some pictures. I hope she likes it. I just finished it earlier and we could pick her up together later and then go out for dinner for the three of us, what do you say?”
          “Sounds good. She's never been to dinner with us before, so it could be a bit of an adventure for her.”
          “Oh yes, you're right, Destin,” she replied as she slowly climbed the stairs and he followed.
          The room was now tidy and very clean, the windows had also been cleaned and it no longer smelled as stale as before. There was no more dust in the air and a fresh, cool breeze blew in through the open windows. Elin's bed now even had a canopy over it and her doll, which Mattias had got for her, was lying directly on her pillow.
          A few picture books were piled up on a small round table with a low chair in front of it, as well as colouring materials next to a small easel that Halima had used herself many years ago. She had only had to replace the paint because the old pots had dried up long ago. Halima had hung the pictures she had painted and some photographs on a few more hooks on the sloping roof walls. All in all, the room now radiated warmth and cosiness.
          “I'm impressed, dear, you've done everything really beautifully. Elin will be thrilled, I'm sure of it.”
          “You know, Destin, I've been thinking about her a lot. Since she's been with us and Olaf has been teaching her to read and write in the castle, and she's even been allowed to meet the queen in person, she's changed a lot. She is no longer as shy as she used to be in the orphanage. Quite the opposite. She has opened up a lot and doesn't even seem to think about her bad past anymore.”
          “Have you ever heard her cry at night? You don't forget memories like that so quickly and who knows, maybe she dreams about it at night and just doesn't want to show us or doesn't dare to talk about it.”
          “Maybe, but I haven't heard anything like that yet, not even in the castle. Maybe she's banished it all to her innermost depths, who can say. But I think she's ready and …”
          “… can go to school and get to know lots of strange children around her?”
          “Yes, Destin, that's right. You took the words right out of my mouth. She is friendly to everyone she meets without fear, is curious and eager to learn. She wants to learn, Destin, and she's good at it. Elin has a really good grasp of things and understands many things more quickly than other children her age. I think interacting with children she doesn't know is the next important step for her, because she still needs to learn that too, and she's also getting to know the other children's games, which is also very important.”
          “Yes, you're certainly right, dear. I just hope the other kids won't tease her too much.”
          “It'll be fine, Destin. Besides, we can't look after her all day and Elin can't be in and out of the royal castle all the time. You'll be busy at the council and with other things during the day and I need to get back to work at Hudson's Hearth. She'll be studying at school and won't be able to be with a magical snowman all the time. Instead, she'll make new friends of her age and play and learn with them.”
          “Then let's go to the orphanage first thing in the morning and sign the contract with Liv for the adoption. And tonight, after dinner, we'll ask Elin very carefully what she thinks about the idea of officially going to a school.”
          “But first, and before we pick up Elin, I have something to show you that I'm sure will make you happy. Do you remember a few days ago when I was looking through all the old pictures up here in the corner? I found a very old one and you asked me what surprised me so much.” Mattias nodded.
          “What is it?”
          “Follow me.”
          Halima walked down the stairs with Mattias right behind her and bent down under the slope beneath the steps. She then pulled out a large framed picture and held it out for Mattias to see, smiling. He widened his eyes in sudden recognition and took the frame from her hands.
          “Let's go outside in the garden, it's brighter there than here and the colours on the oil painting will shine much brighter.”
          Halima was right, because as they stood outside in the afternoon sun, the painting suddenly seemed much more vivid to Mattias. It showed him in his new uniform as a newly appointed lieutenant with the great task of looking after the king's young son, the future King Agnarr. Next to him stood a young Halima, slim, with long brown hair and, in his eyes, simply beautiful. He himself had short black curly hair and no beard at all. He radiated strength and confidence in the picture, with one hand on Halima's shoulder, while they both smiled proudly and happily at the viewer.
          “Oh, Halima, that you still have this old picture of the two of us is a real treasure! Thank you so much. Look how young we were back then and the look on your face … I have no words … you were the most beautiful girl in all of Arendelle for me back then … and you still are …”
          He gave her a kiss on the lips and she hugged him as they both looked at the painting together.
          Mattias couldn't take his eyes off the picture and as he ran his finger over the painted face of his beloved, a tear of joy rolled down his cheek. Halima noticed immediately and cuddled up close to him so that they could reminisce together about a time when they were still freshly in love and making big plans.
Master Fabian was still pondering as he unlocked the front door of his fencing school and flat. The first thing he did was make himself a herbal tea in the kitchen and sit down at the large table in the fencing room, whose windows afforded a good view of the harbour and the castle. It had been a terrible few days and he had almost been too late to defend Anna, the queen, when Thord attacked her. It had been very close. He reviewed it all again when he could finally sit in peace and sip his steaming cup of tea.
          He had not even had one day to rest from the stress of the previous days when now the Queen was sending him to Corona, of all places. A kingdom to which he never intended to return; he mused.
          It was, of course, a beautiful land and kingdom, after all, he had grown up and spent his childhood there. He later learnt to master the art of fencing and even went travelling at a young age to perfect his skills. He had also heard about another brotherhood and wanted to know more about it.
          He was or had to be a member of the one from Corona, of course, as everyone who wanted to become a fencing master did, but the two brotherhoods had always been in rivalry, as he soon realised. There were always competitions to prove that one followed the better doctrine and ultimately this also led to unauthorised duels between a few hotheads. He had always stayed out of it and strictly followed the code. But when his father was unintentionally involved in one of these duels one day, he couldn't help but stand by his side.
          His father had always been his great role model and since Fabian's mother had died of a serious illness, his father was all the family he had left. He was ultimately the one who taught him how to use a sword, dagger and battle staff in the years that followed. He taught him to be able to defend himself and stand on his own two feet, to believe in himself and to always adhere to the code of the aspiring fencing masters once he had joined the brotherhood. And one day his father brought Fabian in and he actually passed all the exams with flying colours. His father was very proud of him and it was a dream come true for Fabian. He was officially made a fencing master.
          Until the day his father faced three good fencers from the other brotherhood at dusk to avenge one of his friends who had been stabbed in a duel that day. Fabian had to watch everything from a distance because his father had forbidden him to interfere, so he rushed to his father's aid because his life was in danger. But he was only moments too late and a sword had pierced his father's heart.
          Fabian was beside himself with grief and anger as he knelt next to him and clutched him with tears in his eyes. Then Fabian forgot all his resolutions and the code, jumped up, drew his sword and attacked himself just as the other three were about to make their escape.
          It was a fierce fight, in which he immediately killed one of them and seriously wounded the one who killed his father. However, the remaining man inflicted a deep cut on Fabian's leg so that he could no longer walk properly and made off with the wounded man.
          In the end, the brotherhood in Corona realised everything and expelled Fabian from the community, even threatening him with imprisonment. Fabian therefore drew a line, took all the family's savings and the best weapons, booked himself a ship passage with a destination far away from Corona and finally landed in Arendelle. That was decades ago now and the fencing master sighed before draining his cup and heading upstairs to pack for the journey.
          The ARN Voyager would set sail from the naval base in the early hours of the next morning and dock in Corona a few days later. So he didn't have too much time left to get there on one of the small sailing ships in the harbour.
          He was already standing at the stairs when there was a knock at the front door. Who could it be, Fabian asked himself and opened the door. Standing in front of him was one of the soldiers who had been with the troop that had killed Karrál's sub-leader.
          “Master Fabian, hello, I apologise for turning up unexpectedly and disturbing you,” he began, a nervous, almost hurried expression on his face as he looked behind him and around. Almost as if he was checking that no one had followed him.
          Fabian didn't miss this and interpreted it correctly, as he would soon realise. So he quickly invited him in.
          “Come in, soldier. I don't have much time, though, because I'm currently preparing for my journey.”
          Once the door was closed, the man got straight to the point. “I … er … I mean, there's something I can't deal with, something that happened in the forest in the north and that's been on my mind ever since. I'm afraid that someone even followed me up here because of it, because on the Crocus I stayed apart from those people, especially one of them, and maybe even behaved suspiciously.”
          “Come to the table in the fencing room and tell me about it. I can guess what it's all about and you needn't be afraid.”
          “Thank you, Master.”
          Shortly afterwards, the soldier told the whole story as he had experienced it. Fabian quickly realised that he had credibly not taken part in the actions and had even been threatened not to tell a soul when it was all over. The soldier fumbled around and visibly struggled to name the person responsible.
          “You know that this man committed a war crime and must be held accountable for it, and maybe others who had no problem helping him. No single person could commit such an offence. You must tell me the names, it's your duty, soldier!
          It took a while, but finally he came clean and named two more names in addition to the main culprit.
          “Am I now also being charged because I stood by and didn't do anything about it? I mean, I stood up to it as best I could, but there were five of us in the unit. I was very scared and could only watch what they were doing. Only one of us stood a little apart like me and when we looked at each other in shock … it was cruel …”
          “I'll keep you out of it as much as I can, but you'll have to make a statement because you're the only witness who had the courage to tell me the truth. But don't be afraid.”
          The soldier breathed a sigh of relief and sighed so loudly that you could literally hear the stone fall from his heart that had been weighing him down so heavily. Fabian put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.
          “I'll inform General Mattias. He'll organise everything else while I'm out of the country. Do you have somewhere to hide until the trial?”
          “Yes, I have.”
          Fabian then learnt the location and would pass this information on to Mattias with all the other details before boarding. He dismissed the soldier, looked after him for a few more moments and finally picked up where he had left off a good hour ago.
Anna was working on drafts for this year's town competitions when there was a brief knock and Elsa entered.
          “You're back so quickly,” she greeted her sister.
          “Quickly? Have you looked at the clock? It's almost three.”
          “Really now? Time has flown by.”
          Elsa stood behind her and looked over her shoulder. “What are you doing right now? Looks like a lot of fun.”
          “That's what it is. I'm working on the new competitions for the end of the year, before Christmas.”
          “We've been through this before,” Elsa said, tapping the paper that said 'ice carving'.
          “It's obvious that you're the first to notice, isn't it? There will be stricter rules this time and people with ice magic won't be allowed to take part or help others.” She looked up at Elsa and grinned mischievously.
          “You just don't want to let me win again, sis. But that's all right, as long as our citizens and the children have fun.”
          “How did it go up on the cliff?”
          “I think Yelana's a bit disappointed.”
          “What, why is that?”
          “Because she can't accompany the master builders back to camp on a big ship, only on one of the little one-masted sailboats.” Elsa grinned.
          Both sisters laughed out loud.
          “Well, who would have thought that a Northuldra, and their old leader on top of that, would take so much pleasure in travelling by ship.”
          “That's true. Besides, she hasn't got a bit seasick yet and that's saying something. What are your plans for today, sis? Are there any important documents waiting for you?”
          Anna shook her head, “Nope, just writing the letter for Mari, then I've got the rest of the day.”
          “And that rarely happens when you're Queen of all Arendelle, believe me.”
          “I know, Elsa, I realised that this afternoon and my head was spinning afterwards because I had to hurry so much. The text for the Sunday paper only went to the printers shortly after we returned. I finished it while you were away with Yelana. So the paper should have been out everywhere about three hours ago and that's really late this time. So I've told the printers to make it a late edition.”
          “A late edition? Interesting choice of words and I've never heard of such a thing. But it's very aptly worded and who knows, you might even have made history as the first queen to invent a late edition for a newspaper.”
          Anna had to laugh. “Thank you, Elsa, it just came to me.”
          “So you could apply our conversation's ideas from a few days ago just in time, that's good. I hope the citizens also use our ideas and go out into nature, fishing or hunting.”
          “I hope so too. I almost didn't think about it either, with all the events since then. But everything is fine now and I hope Kristoff and Kai in Snoob are too. I wonder what my darling is up to at the moment,” mused Anna, looking through the open window into the grey cloudy sky.
Eriksen had not promised too much, the shipyard was impressive and much larger than he had imagined. At the moment there was the bare hull of a two-masted brigantine or schooner brig, as the commander explained. Dozens of carpenters and sailors were working on it and Kristoff watched them with interest for a while. After all, it wasn't something you saw every day.
          “This type of ship is particularly well suited to rough seas and can sail higher into the wind than a normal brig thanks to its design. Incidentally, this is exactly the type of ship you'll be sailing to Weselton in. Come on, I'll show you,” said Eriksen, making an inviting gesture towards the southern harbour bay, where many masts could already be seen swaying in the gentle swell from a distance.
          It was a beautiful ship, Kristoff thought, when he saw it in its finished and seaworthy condition. It wasn't too big, but there was enough space in the hold, as the commander confirmed when he asked.
          “The Draba can set sail tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, it's a bit late to prepare everything for today. If you wish, you can take a hot bath this evening and I assume you will dine with me later, Your Highness?”
          “It would be a great pleasure, Admiral Eriksen, thank you very much for the impressive tour today and all the amenities. I'm already looking forward to travelling on the Draba tomorrow. Doesn't the name come from this little rock flower?”
          “Well recognised, Your Highness, you know your botany?”
          “Not exactly, but I … used to travel a lot in the mountains above the snow line, these flowers like the cold there and bare rocky crags.”
Fabian met Mattias just as he was about to enter the castle with Halima.
          “Hello, Lady Halima,” he greeted her first with a skilful bow and she returned the gallant greeting with a smile.
          “General Mattias, a word, please,” he then said with a serious expression on his face.
          “Hello, Fabian. Is it important? We were just about to pick up Elin and take her to a restaurant for dinner later.”
          “Yes, unfortunately it is and I only have a little time because I'm on my way to Corona and have to catch the sailor to the naval base later.”
          “Oh, that's right. Halima, why don't you go upstairs to Elin, I'll be right behind you.”
          Mattias grabbed Fabian by the shoulder and pulled him aside a little. “So, what's up, my friend?”
          Fabian told him in abbreviated form what he had learnt from the soldier and Matthias' face brightened noticeably.
          “That's very good news and exactly what we were hoping for, that one of the soldiers would give in and come clean after all, without any lengthy questioning or threats. Can you make a note of the most important things in the guardroom?”
          “Already done, I wrote it down at home.” Fabian pulled out a small sealed envelope and handed it to the general.
          “Thank you, Fabian. I'll take care of it first thing in the morning. But for now, let me wish you a safe and successful journey. Please take good care of yourself in Corona and don't make any unnecessary detours.”
          “I will, Destin. I promise.”
          They sealed it with a handshake and a short but strong hug before Fabian turned and headed for the harbour. He had already put his luggage on the boat, so he didn't have to worry about anything else.
When the mounted messenger was on his way to Vesterland to deliver Anna's letter to Princess Mari, the sisters went to the dining hall to eat their evening meal. Olaf was also there and although he never had to eat, he really enjoyed the company of the sisters and always enjoyed listening to their conversations. However, they weren't very talkative tonight and Olaf had the impression that something was on Elsa's mind.
          “So, Olaf? What have you been up to today?” asked Anna.
          “Read books with little Elin.” Now the snowman was in his element, forgetting his thoughts from a moment ago and talking about Elin's learning successes and how much fun they both always had. “But Halima and Mattias picked her up a while ago because they wanted to take her to a restaurant and told me they had a little surprise for her too. I wonder what that could be. Maybe more books? Or …”
          As Olaf continued to rattle on, the sisters looked at each other knowingly, as they already suspected what it must be about.
          “…I love restaurants, can we go there sometime? What is that actually?”
          “Oh, Olaf,” said Anna, “you say that so often, even though you don't even know what you love. When you love something, you really like it because you already know it well and you like it so much. You can only eat something in a restaurant, just like here, only with strangers at different tables. Besides, you don't have to eat anything, Olaf.”
          “People or families go to a tavern or restaurant together because they want to treat themselves to something special, or because they like to be served in a particularly nice way,” Elsa added.
          “Or lovers who want to spend a particularly nice evening together, Olaf.”
          “As they say, Anna, the way to the heart is through the stomach.”
          They both laughed, but Olaf didn't understand what they were talking about. He didn't recognise a joke either, so he could only look at them both questioningly.
          When the sisters saw his face, they laughed even harder, but Olaf didn't like it at all, because this time he had clearly realised that he was the reason.
          When Anna was able to catch her breath, she apologised to him. “I'm sorry, Olaf, but seeing the look on your face was just so funny. I didn't mean any offence, honestly.”
          “It's all right, Anna.”
          “I guess there are few things you don't love, Olaf, are there?” said Elsa, still with a smile on her face.
          “There is one thing I don't like and certainly don't love,” he replied, making a sad face.
          “And what would that be,” Anna asked in a serious tone and looked at her sister, who was now looking at Olaf just as seriously.
          “If you both had to go to war again.”
          Any hint of laughter died away and the sisters nodded as they both put their hands on his shoulders.
          “We never want that again, Olaf,” Elsa said quietly.
It was already quite dark when the three of them walked along the mountain road with Elin in the middle and headed towards the building with the brightly lit windows. The little girl was already very excited and held Halima's and Mattias' warm hands tightly in hers. She had never been invited anywhere just for dinner, where probably only the very posh people ate, she imagined. She wondered if her new parents were rich and a very brief thought of her dark past flashed through her mind as she felt a sense of loneliness, poverty and hunger before quickly brushing it aside. Today was going to be a special day, without images from the past in her head that occasionally popped up in her dreams at night. Elin nodded resolutely. She now had a whole new life and felt happy.
          ”They should actually put lanterns up here,” said Mattias, “if the moon isn't shining, you can hardly see the way.”
          “Why don't you tell the queen, you have a special connection to her,” replied Halima. “I'm sure she'll listen to your suggestion. On the other hand, maybe we could have just taken a lantern with us.”
          But shortly afterwards they reached the front door of the restaurant and Mattias briefly let go of Elin's hand to hold it open for them. Snatches of conversation and quiet laughter emanated from inside and a cosy warmth spread around their faces as they entered. However, just before they did, Mattias noticed some extinguished lanterns next to the door and had to agree with his fiancée.
          The innkeeper immediately approached them and greeted his regulars with a smile.
          “General Mattias, Lady Halima … nice to welcome you back to my place and I see that this time you have a young companion … hello, little one. Same table as usual, General, and a glass of our best red wine for you both?”
          “Gladly, Reik, and a glass of juice for our little Elin, please.”
          “Very well.”
          The innkeeper invited them to their usual table and picked up the menu from the counter as they passed.
          “Unfortunately, we've had to shorten our menu a little because we're also affected by the supply problem,” he said as he handed them both the menu. “So may I suggest fish of various kinds, lobster or a game ragout with freshly picked mushrooms?”
          “We're still thinking about it, Reik, please bring us the drinks first,” Mattias replied and turned to Elin, who had just taken a seat next to Halima, looked around curiously and then ran her fingers along the large tablecloth on the round table.
          “Are you hungry or not so hungry, Elin?” he asked.
          Elin looked up at him and shrugged her shoulders, “I don't know…”
          “I already know what we're going to do. Halima, have you chosen yet?”
          “The ragout sounds good, I'll have that today.”
          “Then I'll have fish today … trout, if available … let's see,” he said as he skimmed the menu, “and an empty plate for Elin. She can have a taste of both of us then, all right, little one?”
          Elin nodded hesitantly and looked curiously over at the few other guests.
          “Good idea, my darling, I would have suggested that too,” said Halima, putting the menu aside and smiling at Elin.
          The landlord brought the drinks and they placed their order. Elin watched and listened carefully, even when the host dished up shortly afterwards and her new parents took a cloth from the table, skilfully unfolded it and placed it over their legs before reaching for the cutlery. Elin followed suit and when Mattias asked what she wanted to try first, she pointed to Halima's plate of game stew, which smelled tempting.
          “I like that one.”
          Halima slid some of her plate over to Elin's and placed it in front of her.
          However, it was a little difficult for the little girl to eat due to the low seating height and when she pushed a forkful into her mouth, some of the sauce dripped down. Elin noticed it immediately and now realised the purpose of the cloth over her legs. She smiled at Mattias, who didn't hesitate for long, stood up with a grin and took one of the higher stools in front of the counter for Elin. Now everything was perfect and the little girl tucked into one delicious piece of meat after another.
          Halima and Mattias exchanged mischievous glances.
          “I can see you really like it,” he said, “but you'd better take your time with it, Elin. You have to savour this delicious dish.”
          Elin nodded vigorously and took a sip from her glass before continuing to eat, but now chewing a little more slowly and to Mattia's satisfaction a little longer.
          When they had all finished, he topped up his and Halima's wine and ordered a second glass of juice for the girl.
          “Elin,” Halima began, looking at her questioningly, “we were thinking about something today and wondering what you'd think.” She glanced over at Mattias, who immediately understood and continued for her.
          “We think it's time you learnt not only reading and writing from Olaf, but also many other exciting things.”
          Elin was now curious and asked, “Other exciting things? What do you mean?”
          “Well, what the other children your age learn at school. From a real teacher, you know?”
          “In a school? What's that? But I don't want to go back to a home like that or something, the other children at the orphanage always looked at me so strangely and teased me. I don't like that.”
          “No, no, Elin,” Halima intervened again, “don't worry, a school is something completely different and the teacher keeps an eye on all the children at all times so that they don't do anything like that. The children there are also very different to those at the orphanage and always go home to their parents after lessons in the afternoon. Just like you do when you come home to us. But you can also play with them if you like, that's also something you haven't done before and it's great fun.”
          Elin looked at both of them doubtfully and didn't know what to say.
          “I'll make you a suggestion, Elin, we'll all go to the school down by the harbour tomorrow and you can have a look around and get to know the teacher at the same time. All right?” said Mattias and signalled to the landlord, who immediately came to him.
          “We'd like to pay the bill, please.” Then Mattias turned to Elin again and grinned, “Besides, we have a surprise for you tonight.”
          “A surprise?”
          “Yes, my dear. I've finished decorating your room today and I hope you like it,” Halima explained and Elin's eyes lit up. “Let's go home and you can think about what we've said in peace, shall we?”
          Elin nodded and after Mattias had pressed a few coins into the innkeeper's hand, they left the restaurant.
The next morning brought a pleasant surprise for the castle residents when two long covered wagons with a high superstructure drove over the bridge and then came to a rumbling halt on the cobblestones of the castle courtyard. Captain Einar immediately rushed over because of the noise and met the two coachmen, who introduced themselves to him as Snoob's inhabitants and brought supplies for the castle and the capital on behalf of His Highness Kristoff Bjorgmann.
          Einar lifted the tarpaulins of both carriages and peered curiously underneath, while the coachmen stood by his side to explain. The first wagon was piled high with sacks of flour, barrels and baskets full of vegetables and all sorts of other food supplies. On the second wagon was mainly cattle feed and many bales of hay. The captain thanked them and immediately summoned some guardsmen, who were not only to look after the two guests and the draught horses, but were also entrusted with distributing the load.
          It wasn't actually much and would hardly be enough for everyone, but it was a good start and the bakers in the town would be particularly pleased to receive so much flour. Einar sent for Olina, the cook, to make a selection for the castle kitchen and also sent for Lars and his assistant so that they could get enough fresh straw into the stables. For the captain, catering for the royal castle was the most important thing and he was very pleased with how quickly everything was done as he stood there watching everyone.
          It wasn't long before the queen, with her sister at her side, walked down the steps in front of the castle and looked around, partly in joy and partly in amazement.
          “Captain Einar, didn't Kristoff come with them? I don't see him or Sven anywhere.”
          “As far as I can tell, His Highness only ordered this delivery in Snoob and the coachmen drove everything that was in the collection centre here. They didn't mention anything else, not even a message from him.”
          Anna drew her eyebrows together and looked at Elsa.
          “I understand that Kai didn't come with them, after all we gave him a holiday with his relatives, but Kristoff should have done his job with this amount of supplies. Is he on holiday in Snoob now too or what is he up to?”
          Elsa shrugged her shoulders, “Maybe he's helping Kai with the candidates for the new council, but to be honest, I have no idea what else it could be.”
          “Hmm,” Anna said with a brooding face, “so if he doesn't turn up in two days at the latest, I'll send a messenger, believe me.”
          “Since you're talking about messengers … look who's coming, Anna!”
          She wheeled round, hoping to see Kristoff with Sven after all, but instead Princess Mari of Vesterland was riding into the castle courtyard accompanied by her bodyguard.
          Mari spotted them both at the same moment, signalled her guards to dismount and rode right up to the sisters. She then swung skilfully out of the saddle and said, “Hello, my dears!” beaming with joy.
          The three of them hugged each other warmly one after the other and Mari immediately began to talk as they all went inside. Mari walked in the middle, her arms casually draped over the sisters' shoulders and in a good mood.
          “I see that you have already received a delivery of food, which makes me happy for you. They are still collecting for it everywhere in my kingdom and the wagons should arrive here the day after tomorrow at the latest. I received your letter yesterday, Anna. I'm really sorry about what happened to you outside our castle and you can be sure that the two guards have been severely reprimanded for it. Such behaviour is simply inexcusable! Dad wasn't even at home at the time because he always visits Mum's grave with me that day and I was taking care of your supply problem afterwards.”
          “I was thinking something like that, Mari,” said Elsa sympathetically and Anna added, “but I was still pretty angry. To be honest, nothing like this has ever happened to me before.”
          “Can you stay here for a few days, Mari? We were both planning to go mushroom picking together again after a long time and it would be nice if you could join us,” Elsa asked, stopping in front of the wide staircase to the first floor, “We could have a relaxed chat about so many things.”
          “I'd love to! I haven't done that for so long and I'm sure it would be a lot of fun with you two. But I'd have to ride back on Wednesday at the latest.”
          “That's great, I'm really looking forward to it,” said Anna. “Come on, let's go upstairs for a cup of tea and if you're hungry, I'll get Olina to prepare a little something for us.”
          “Tea sounds good, but I'm not very hungry yet. The main thing is that the three of us have a cosy time together.”
Meanwhile, south of Snoob …
          Kristoff had had a good night's sleep and thanked Eriksen once again as he got into his wagon and let Sven trot off in the direction of the landing stage. Once there, he recognised a ship with a new name painted on the hull. He read 'ARN Voyager' and was willing to bet that this had been Anna's idea, at least that's how he imagined it.
          The Draba was anchored right next to it and as he was about to go on board with Sven while his car was being hoisted over the railing, someone called out to him.
          He turned around and recognised Master Fabian, who was standing in the bow of the Voyager and waving down.
          “Master Fabian, what are you doing here on the naval base?” Kristoff called up.
          “I was just about to ask you the same question, Your Highness. I'm travelling on behalf of the queen and am about to set sail for Corona. And you?” Fabian called out.
          “Erm, well … I want to surprise Anna and have decided to sail to Weselton on my own because of the same problem you're travelling for, I suppose.”
          “Indeed I am, only in the opposite direction.” Fabian laughed.
          “It's quite a long way to Corona, isn't it?”
          “Yes, that's true and I reckon it will take me three to four days, depending on the wind.”
          “It's only just under two days for me, as Admiral Eriksen told me. Were you also in the fortress overnight?”
          “No, I arrived last night on a small sailing boat from Arendelle and then lay down in a hammock right here below deck.”
          “I see … well then, have a good trip and good luck in Corona.”
          “I wish you the same, Your Highness. We could both do with a bit of luck.”
          Kristoff nodded and waved goodbye before boarding the Draba and introducing himself to the captain.
          Half an hour later, both ships set sail.
Remark: I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment if you liked the story, I would be pleased to read your opinions, even criticisms. If you want to be tagged as soon I publish the next chapter please let me know, except you are already tagged :-)
Tagging: @true--north @annaofthenorthernlights @dronning-formynder05
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stevishabitat · 2 months
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If there were a fire, flood, or other disaster that destroyed your home, where would your important documents such as birth certificate, passport, deed, licenses, permits, etc be? Protect yourself by scanning all your important documents and storing them on a Survival Flash Drive.
Purchase a USB Flash Drive (also called memory sticks or thumb drives due to their small size)
Use a permanent marker, sticker, or label to put the word "ICE" (In Case of Emergency) on it
Scan your important documents using a scanner, and store the files on the Survival Flash Drive
All Government Issued IDs, Licenses, Permits, and Certifications for Each Family Member
Driver's License/ID
Veteran/Discharge Papers
Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Work Permits / Licenses
Social Security Card
Gun Permit
Immigration Papers
Important Non-Government Documents
Medical Records
Bank Accounts
Vaccination Records
Credit Card Accounts
Health Plan Information
Insurance (Home/Auto).
Power of Attorney
Advance Directives
Real Estate / Mortgage
Divorce/Custody Papers
Business Records
Rental Agreement
Restraining Orders
Other Important Information
Current Photos of Each Family Member and Pets
Important Family Pictures
Emergency Contact List with Addresses + Phone Numbers
Remember to keep the information on your Survival Flash Drive current by updating it regularly.
For an added level of security, you can password-protect the files or encrypt the drive using software like TrueCrypt. Keep in mind that emergency workers would have a hard time opening protected files.
Store your Survival Flash Drive in a small sealed plastic bag to prevent damage from the elements. Attach it to your key chain, put it in your purse, put it in a fireproof waterproof safe, put it in a drawer at work, or put it in the glove box of your vehicle. Keep a copy wherever you think it will be safe and available in an emergency away from your house (in case of fire or flood).
Create a document on your computer that includes all the details medical personnel may need to know in an emergency. Name the document ICE (which stands for In Case of Emergency. Save a copy of the ICE document on your Survival Flash Drive.
This document is in the public domain. It may be copied and distributed freely
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hosannan · 2 years
Reign of Reins { Leif & Nanna
Among the new students are massive wolves unlike any that Fodlan has seen before: not monsters cursed by crest stones, but mounts that are frequently used by Elyos’ elite cavalry units. The Officers Academy has gone out of its way to import a small pack of these creatures, hoping to one day offer certification for aspiring Wolf Knights. However, these seasoned veterans prefer sunny afternoon naps and would rather ignore whatever nonsense that’s coming out of your mouth. You’ll have to earn their respect first. [Grants Riding +1]
"You were always fond of dogs, were you not?" Nanna probed him in amusement, hands clasped behind her back as she strolled beside him. Lightheartedly, she sidled in closer to bump elbows with him, as a breathy laugh emitted from her nose. Her heels glided among the soft mounds of grass, disguising her shy elation at being by his side again as natural composure. Though, she supposed, even as her hands bounced to the rhythm of her footsteps, it wasn't all that hard to read her. Over the hilltop, Nanna spotted their true objective: wolves, lulled over on their stomachs under the afternoon sun. Though they were around the size she had expected, in reality, mounting wolves still reached the height of her neck at the end of the day. If they proved dangerous, she would be the first to be struck, tooth and nail.
“Leif dear, how should we go about this?” Her brows arched subtly, unveiling a youthful uncertainty that brought her back to her days in Fiana. "...I guess. Like this?" Crouching low, as to not startle them, Nanna approached cautiously—though, it appeared as though the wolves had already taken note of their presence. It wasn't like either of them could find mounts like this back home, but she supposed it would only benefit them to learn while they were here at Garreg Mach. Besides. As the sun would have it, this sort of challenge bore the fruits of concord, of peace—it felt strange to know there were no lives at stake at the end of this.
Raising both her hands to conduct the air, Nanna approached as she would a wild mare. Soft spoken, thoughtful. “Hello…” It nearly sounds like a hum beneath her tongue. “Busy today, aren’t you?” The wolves yawned, paying her little mind. Snorting indifferently, one of them even turned away from her, to lie in the direction of the sun.
She sighed, suppressing the desire to criticize the academy’s open-ended missions. Should they not have had a so-called “Wolf Knight” here to teach them? “Somehow, this indifference may be harder to me than an animal going buck-wild.”
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global-taxman-india · 15 days
Private Limited Company Registration In India
Your dream to start a business in India can't come to realization if you don't have a proper business entity to support it. A private limited company is India's most prominent form of business entity. From veterans to novices, from budding start-ups to established entrepreneurs, and from north India to south India, it is considered the best business entity.
In order to start your business with such an entity, you must go through four simple steps. The first step is to obtain the DSC signature, and the second is to apply for the Director Identification Number. Third, get name approval and fill SPICe+ form and lastly obtain PAN and TAN number.
One Person Company Registration
An OPC or One Person Company is a business format where a single person owns the company. There is no more than a single director or more than a single member. Being a single-handled company, an OPC is easy to manage. If you are an entrepreneur who seeks singular success, you can register as an OPC in India.
The definition of a One Person Company is explained in Sub Section 62 of Section 3 of the Companies Act, 2013, which states: “One Person Company means a company which features only one Member.” Therefore, unlike a Private Limited Company, this single company registration of a single owner doesn’t need a minimum of two directors. However, like a private limited company, the online One Person Company Registration in India does provide you with Limited Liability.
The process of company registration in India is simple and includes fewer steps. Apply for DSC and DIN, then send the name of the company for approval, collect all the documents, and file the form on the MCA website if the authority found the application and documents correct, then it provides you a status of One Person Company.
Nidhi Company Registration In India
Nidhi Company is a business entity in India governed under the Companies Act 2013. Its sole objective is to engage with thrift and savings among its members. A Nidhi Company is a Non-Banking Financial Institute that exclusively provides services like lending and deposits to its members. Therefore, it can be said a Nidhi Company in India only consists of funding from its members and shareholders.
Starting a Nidhi Company in India means starting a Non-Banking Financial Companies class. They are governed by the Reserve Bank of India. This body tells the registered Nidhi Company guidelines about lending and depositing activities. However, Nidhi Companies can only deal with their members. Therefore outside members are not allowed.
Startup Registration In India
In the initial days of the company, it is called a Startup. By starting a company in India, you take your first step in the business world. After setting up a company it comes under the category of startup for 10 years. To get the recognition, you must complete the startup registration.
In the process of registration, the government of India is helping businesses to grow. These schemes have many benefits and to take these benefits, the startup needs to register under the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DPIIT). The startup businesses must fulfil the eligibility to obtain the certificate of a startup business.
Public Limited Company Registration In India
A Public Limited Company should be the preferred business choice in India if you plan to raise funds from the general public through Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) because public limited companies have been privileged under Securities Laws to access the capital market.
Sole Proprietorship Registration, Eligibility And Process
A sole proprietorship in India is the most popular form of business structure for micro and small businesses operating in the unorganized sectors due to its simplicity, ease of information access, and nominal cost. Because of these factors, single owners are going for sole proprietorship registration in India.
The sole owners are liable for all the business debts and have unlimited liability. So, their business and personal assets are at risk. getting a certificate of incorporation for sole Proprietorship is a good idea. However, obtaining a certificate of sole Proprietorship is generally unsuitable for medium and large-scale businesses due to the array of disadvantages like unlimited liability, no separate legal entity, non-transferability, and limited company life.
Company Partnership Registration In India
Partnership registration in India involves the legal process of establishing a partnership firm under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. This process ensures that the partnership is legally recognized and the partners' rights and obligations are clearly defined. A partnership firm is a business entity where two or more individuals agree to operate a business together, sharing profits and losses according to the terms of their partnership agreement.
To register a partnership, the partners must prepare a partnership deed, which outlines the terms of the partnership, including the name of the firm, the nature of the business, the rights and duties of the partners, and the profit-sharing ratio. The partnership deed must be signed by all partners and should be registered with the Registrar of Firms to gain legal validity. Registration provides the partnership with a legal status and enhances its credibility, facilitating better access to financial and legal benefits.
Our Assistance In Company Registration In India
At GLOBAL TAXMAN INDIA Ltd, we provide end-to-end solutions for Company Registration. Our services.
GLOBAL TAXMAN INDIA Ltd is a leading legal consultancy firm, offering comprehensive services related to Company Registration in India.
Contact us .
Tel : +91-9811099550
Visit - www.globaltaxmanindia.com
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digitalvibesinfo · 26 days
90% Off Web Hosting + Free Domain: Hostinger’s Unmissable Deals!
Are you looking for affordable web hosting without compromising quality? In today's digital age, securing a reliable web hosting service at a budget-friendly price is more crucial than ever. Hostinger, known for its unbeatable deals, is offering an incredible 90% off on web hosting along with a free domain. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss, especially if you're looking to establish a strong online presence without breaking the bank.
In this blog post, we'll dive into why Hostinger is the best choice for budget-conscious users, how to make the most of their Hostinger Coupon Code, and where to find the best Hostinger Deals and Discounts. We’ll also discuss Hostinger's Discount Codes & Vouchers, their Promo Code & Rewards program, and how you can benefit from the Hostinger Promo Code 2024. Plus, we’ll explore how Dealszo can help you find even more savings during Veteran's Day Sales & Deals 2024.
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sphaviation · 30 days
Launch Your Drone Career with SPH Aviation!
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Elevate your career in the booming drone industry with SPH Aviation Pvt Ltd's top-notch drone pilot certification courses. Whether you're an aspiring dronepreneur or a business looking to leverage UAV technology, our programs are designed to give you the edge.
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mohalicareerpoint12 · 1 month
Elevate Your Accounting Skills with the Best Tally Course in Mohali
In today’s fast-paced business environment, proficiency in accounting software like Tally ERP 9 is a must-have skill for anyone pursuing a career in finance or accounting. Whether you are a business owner, an accountant, or a finance student, mastering Tally can give you a significant edge. If you’re in or around Mohali, Mohali Career Point (MCP) offers a top-notch Tally course designed to equip you with practical skills and in-depth knowledge.
Why Tally ERP 9 with GST is Essential
Tally ERP 9 is a comprehensive business management software used by businesses of all sizes across various industries. With the implementation of GST in India, the demand for professionals skilled in Tally ERP 9 has surged. This software is essential for managing accounts, inventory, sales, and purchases, and for ensuring compliance with GST.
What Makes Mohali Career Point the Best Place to Learn Tally in Mohali?
1. Experienced and Certified Trainers
At Mohali Career Point, the Tally course is taught by industry veterans with years of experience in accounting and finance. These trainers are not just educators but also practitioners who bring real-world insights into the classroom. Their hands-on approach ensures that you gain practical knowledge that goes beyond theoretical learning.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum
The Tally course at MCP is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of Tally ERP 9, with a special focus on GST. The curriculum includes:
Accounting Fundamentals: Learn the basics of accounting, financial statements, and bookkeeping.
Inventory Management: Manage stock, create purchase orders, and track inventory levels effectively.
GST Compliance: Understand the intricacies of GST, including GST registration, GST returns, and e-way bills.
Invoice Generation: Create and manage invoices, credit notes, and debit notes.
Taxation: Learn to handle TDS (Tax Deducted at Source), TCS (Tax Collected at Source), and other taxation processes.
Financial Reporting: Generate detailed financial reports, balance sheets, and profit & loss statements.
3. Hands-On Practical Training
MCP believes in learning by doing. The course includes extensive practical sessions where you work on real data and scenarios. This hands-on experience is crucial for understanding how Tally ERP 9 functions in a real business environment.
4. Flexible Learning Options
Understanding the busy schedules of students and professionals, MCP offers flexible learning options. You can choose between weekday or weekend batches, and there are both online and offline modes of learning available. This flexibility ensures that you can fit the course into your schedule without any hassle.
5. Industry-Recognized Certification
Upon completing the Tally course at MCP, you receive a certification that is recognized by employers across industries. This certification not only validates your skills but also enhances your resume, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.
6. Placement Assistance
MCP has a strong network of industry connections and offers placement assistance to its students. With a proven track record of helping students secure jobs in top companies, MCP provides the support you need to launch or advance your career.
Why Choose Tally ERP 9 for Your Accounting Needs?
User-Friendly Interface: Tally ERP 9 is known for its simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to navigate and manage their accounts.
Comprehensive Functionality: From accounting and inventory management to payroll and statutory compliance, Tally ERP 9 covers all your business management needs.
Real-Time Reporting: Tally allows you to generate real-time reports that provide insights into your business performance, helping you make informed decisions.
Scalability: Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, Tally ERP 9 is scalable to meet your growing needs.
How to Enroll in the Tally Course at Mohali Career Point
Enrolling in the Tally course at MCP is simple and straightforward. You can:
Visit the Institute: Drop by their center at SC-130 Top Floor, Phase 7, Mohali, 160059 to speak with their counselors.
Call or Email: Contact them at +91 7696 2050 51 or +91 7906 6891 91, or email them at [email protected] for more details.
Online Registration: Visit their official website to register for the course online.
Investing in a Tally ERP 9 with GST course at Mohali Career Point can be a game-changer for your career in accounting and finance. With experienced trainers, a comprehensive curriculum, and strong placement support, MCP offers the best Tally course in Mohali. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your skills and boost your career prospects. Enroll today and take the first step towards becoming a Tally expert!
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trueenewshub · 2 months
MSMECCII Concerts With Frost And Sullivan.
From Varanasi’s saris to Ludhiana’s hosiery to copper manufacturing in Yamunagar, Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is the backbone of the country yet they have not been able to match up to their potential.
Understanding the requirement of aid to this sector, Indrajit Ghosh-led MSMECCII has undertaken groundbreaking initiatives by organizing conferences and seminars on varied issues ranging from recycling of plastic, climate change, energy and sustainability.
It has conducted successful leadership conferences for MSME in Food and Beverage, Agriculture Jal Shakti and GST Education.
In July 2024, MSMECCII took a leap by collaborating with the American Transformational Growth Major, Frost & Sullivan laying down a unified agenda to leverage the MSME manufacturing units to compete with the global players.
Frost & Sullivan, the American Business Veterans will visit the MSME’s survey their structural activities and prepare an exhaustive report on the module by which the MSMEs can adopt specific global parameters to improve their manufacturing units in line with the global standards of operation.
International Business Startup and Entrepreneurs Association is also part of this association.
This training will aid the MSME owners to achieve an edge over other industries and enhance their work modules with pan-India customers particularly for their overseas customers.
Post completion of the training, the MSMEs will be provided with the Certificate of Achievement by MSMECCII and Frost & Sullivan.
Similar association and certification process will take place between World GREXPO Foundation & Frost & Sullivan for MSMEs in the Middle East to make their manufacturing units well-equipped as per global norms. MSMEs are corner stones for the Arab economy and contributes to about 90% of the economy hence this association comes as a major boost.
MSMECCII, GREXPO & Frost & Sullivan aims to place India’s most crucial sector on the world stage as equal players in knowledge, skillset, productivity and functionality.
India’s roughly 50 million MSMEs employ about 120 million people depicting the number of employees per firm. This gives an indicator of the size of the structural problem in the sector.
This robust network of MSMEs continue to face the most significant hurdle of access to finance, only 16% receiving funds.
Not only finance hurdle, MSMEs have faced tax issues, labour problems, poor infrastructure and technical hassles impacting their land ownership. An assimilation of factors led to reduced productivity of the most crucial sector of India, rather the backbone of the country.
The MSME sector is battling the 45-day payment rule quite hard and relaxation might not come easy.
On major lacuna of the industry pushing back the growth is absence of skillset. This was well identified by Frost and Sullivan as well as MSMECCII.
Indian MSMEs are far behind from skillset perspective compared to other counterparts in other countries. They are dependent on informal workers with limited technical know-how dampening the productivity forcing the small firms to hire low-skilled jobs rolling back long-term growth.
MSMECCII with the support of Frost & Sullivan will offer market research, data analytics growth strategy consulting and corporate training to the Indian MSMEs.
These MSMEs will range from varied industries like manufacturing FMCG plastic hardware and a whole range of manufacturing companies understanding the need of such structured training.
0 notes
usbri · 3 months
Determining If A Business Qualifies As A Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB)
The VOSB or sdvosb certification unleashes numerous special access procurement programs in government contracting. These certifications are essential for veteran entrepreneurs who want to play the federal contractors’ game after starting their businesses.
0 notes
deepthiragesh · 5 months
 Best Digital Marketing Academy in Calicut
In the bustling city of Calicut lies an educational gem, poised to revolutionise the landscape of digital marketing education. FutureSkool, renowned for its innovative approach and commitment to excellence, stands as the premier destination for aspiring digital marketers seeking to carve their niche in the industry.
The Rise of Digital Marketing
As the digital realm continues to expand, the demand for skilled professionals adept in digital marketing strategies has reached unprecedented heights. Businesses, both large and small, are increasingly reliant on digital platforms to reach their target audience, making proficiency in digital marketing indispensable. Recognizing this paradigm shift, FutureSkool has emerged as a beacon of light, guiding individuals towards success in the dynamic world of digital marketing.
Crafting the Future of Education
At FutureSkool, education transcends the confines of traditional learning paradigms. Here, students are not just passive recipients of knowledge; they are active participants in a transformative journey towards mastery. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical applications, FutureSkool equips students with the skills and expertise needed to thrive in the competitive landscape of digital marketing.
The FutureSkool Advantage
Cutting-Edge Curriculum
FutureSkool prides itself on its forward-thinking curriculum, meticulously designed to address the ever-evolving needs of the digital marketing industry. From search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing, content creation to data analytics, our comprehensive courses cover a spectrum of topics essential for success in the field.
Experienced Faculty
Our greatest asset lies in our faculty members – seasoned professionals and industry veterans who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom. With their guidance and mentorship, students gain invaluable insights into industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in digital marketing.
Hands-On Learning
At FutureSkool, theory meets practice in a dynamic learning environment where students are encouraged to experiment, innovate, and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. Through hands-on projects, case studies, and interactive workshops, students develop practical skills that are directly applicable to their future careers.
Industry Recognition
Upon completion of our programs, students receive industry-recognized certifications that serve as a testament to their proficiency and expertise in digital marketing. These certifications not only enhance their credibility in the job market but also open doors to a myriad of career opportunities.
Career Support
At FutureSkool, our commitment to student success extends beyond the classroom. We offer comprehensive career support services, including resume building workshops, interview preparation sessions, and job placement assistance, to empower our students to succeed in their professional endeavors.
Join the FutureSkool Community
By choosing FutureSkool, you're not just enrolling in an educational institution – you're becoming part of a vibrant and supportive community of like-minded individuals passionate about digital marketing. Our alumni network provides ongoing mentorship, networking opportunities, and collaboration avenues, ensuring that your journey towards success is guided every step of the way.
In a world where digital innovation drives business growth and success, mastering the art of digital marketing is no longer a luxury – it's a necessity. With FutureSkool by your side, you can embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a proficient digital marketer equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in the competitive landscape of the digital age. Discover your potential, unlock new opportunities, and chart a path to success with FutureSkool – the best digital marketing academy in Calicut.
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admineeuserres · 8 months
Best Contractors in Boise
Best Contractors in Boise
Peace of Mind Construction is a veteran owned and operated company focused on providing trustworthy, timely, and professional work in your home or business. We are licensed and insured and have a public works license to handle state funded projects.
Our team is made up of multiple Project Managers, each with over 30 years of experience. Our combined experience exceeds 300 years. We got you covered.
POM is always in search of fellow Veteran construct companies to partner & work with.
Our company is committed to providing long-term employment opportunities for our staff. We strive to foster a sense of pride and belonging among our team, making Peace of Mind Construction feel like a second family.
We select and retain dedicated team players who prioritize customer satisfaction and positive team dynamics. Our field staff go through comprehensive initial training and ongoing evaluations using advanced technology. We are committed to providing ongoing education and certifications to ensure the highest level of safety and quality for every project.
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BRADLEY ARCHIE  Operations Executive 
Pittsburgh, PA 
Education - Certifications 
University of Pittsburgh Katz School of Business | Executive MBA  
Indiana University of Pennsylvania | B.S. International Business, Finance  
Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) 
Private Pilot – Instrument/Commercial.  
United States Air Force Reservist (Current) 
United States Army Veteran 
Archley Consulting 
Supply chain and operations consulting or independent contributor contractor.  
Strategic Management, vendor contract negotiation and maintenance. 
Production planning, creating, and implementing production goals and efficiency improvements. 
Financial analysis & maintenance– margin analysis, vendor negotiation, total overhead analysis. 
Process improvement & vendor compliance – agile management and compliance.  
Product management and development – tools, technology to garments, experience across the board. 
ERP Management and implementation – SAP, Oracle, Trade Card, Sightline, and more.  
Multimedia: LinkedIn instructional videos, digital consultations, Livestream trade shows and events.  
Executive leadership and mentoring for small businesses and startups. 
Clients Include: GoPro, SpaceX/Tesla, AMD, NVIDIA, Twitch, PPG, BMW, Google, Uber, Symbotic, Oculus 
US Air Force 
Flying Crew Chief 
Managed daily facility evaluations; trained/supervised airmen and local nationals. 
Coordinate and manage daily briefings with senior military leadership on the status of communication infrastructure and open trouble tickets/work orders. 
Work closely with the parachute fabrication shop on inspections of parachutes and flotation equipment. 
Design, implement, and maintain a website for the NATOPS training program. 
Collect, seize, and preserve evidence according to federal and DOD guidelines and regulations. 
Assist in the removal of engines, transmissions, gearboxes, rotor hubs, and rotor blades. 
Perform in-flight duties and operate radar/weapon systems in turbojet, helicopter, or propeller aircraft. 
Operate specialized rescue tools and perform rescues, emergency medical care, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). 
Train, mentor, and brief maintenance personnel in practice with safety, maintenance, and USAF rules and regulations. 
Perform crash rescue, firefighting, crash removal, and damage control duties in connection with the launch and recovery of aircraft. 
Provide leadership and remove constraints to enable the team to work efficiently and in accordance with FAA regulations and company procedures. 
Supervise a team of five individuals providing clear instructions on their job requirements always in accordance with all USAF security standards. 
Remove and install aircraft subsystem assemblies including engines, rotors, gearboxes, transmissions, mechanical flight controls, and their components. 
Operate and supervise the operation of radar, NTDS, communications, and associated equipment in the exercise of air control functions. 
Maintain firefighting equipment and fire station facilities. 
  Symbotic Automation 
Interim Director Supply Chain - 15 Direct Reports 
Manufacturing & Supply chain program scaling manager & planner. 
Onboarding supply chain and manufacturing team members for scaling. 
Purchasing & planning structuring + execution. 
ERP data maintenance and migration Oracle/Source Day/Arena. 
Outsourcing operations to large scale contract manufacturing JABIL. ~$150M/year 8k units. 
Product development roadmap integration/stage gates. 
Robotics supply program management. 
  IAM Robotics 
Director Supply Chain & Operations - 15 Direct Reports 
Managed company purchasing and facilities maintenance. 
All materials acquisitions, compliance structures, global technical certifications acquisition. 
Outsource manufacturing transition from internal to external (Global). 
ERP Migration & other systems vertical Integration   
Appropriations manager for manufacturing and company spending. 
Manufacturing structuring & management. 
Inventory management - budget analysis and annual budget planning and spending 
Project Management  
Created and managed SOP between supply chain, engineering, manufacturing. 
KPI’s, scheduling, material acquisition, material compliance. 
Generated and established workflows for affiliated departments to enable clear lines of communication with executive management. 
Change Control & Management. 
Gap Analysis to ensure scalability of company vision.  
Scaled company operations and manufacturing from 15-75 people.  
Developed supply chain and raw materials resilience. Global Pandemic Proof.  
Created entire supply chain system – Vendors, Contracts, Compliance, QC, Scorecard 
Created operational ticketing system with Jira for project and supply chain management. 
Created and maintained the company Duns & Bradstreet account.  
Robotics Supply Chain liaison with “Roboburgh” – Mentorship and industry SME 
Onboarded outside capitol investors and technical partners + vertical integrators. 
Motional Self Driving + UBER ATG 
Program Manager Supply Chain & Operations - 25 Indirect Reports 
Purchasing and product manager for autonomous vehicle builds.  
Established relationships with 50+ new vendors and strengthened dealings with existing vendors. 
Managed project buying and materials flow for manufacturing operations. 
Coordinated with hardware and rapid prototyping projects (i.e., Electrical, Mechanical, Manufacturing) 
Built, coordinated, and maintained schedules across multiple teams. 
Managed shared resources and coordinated with a legal team on IP. 
Mediated between technical experts, executives, and non-experts to facilitate efficient procurement. 
Successfully led the company-wide migration of purchasing systems to SAP. 
Streamlined procurement procedures among diverse needs and timelines of a cross-disciplinary team of researchers and mechanical engineers (mechanical, electrical optical, software)  
Created an MRP system for project development into 2020.  
Migrate company to SAP  
Global Sourcing & Product Director – 50 direct reports USA/China 
Starting Position Global Sourcing Manager 
Reporting to CEO/CFO weekly for operational debriefing 
Managed and resourced $400 million in promotional gifts products globally. 
Effectively led negotiations with vendors, ensured compliance with global regulations 
Spent 3 months per year in the country consulting with manufacturing contacts across Asia. 
Provided meticulous oversight of supplier contracts, agreements, and goods ordered and received. 
Spearheaded the development and implementation of more optimized supply chain standards.  
Managed ERP and purchasing system migration. 
Hosted quarterly business reviews executive briefings in Hong Kong.  
Onboarded 15 employees globally to purchasing and merchandising offices. 
Led onsite quality control programs to minimize wastage in factories.   
Consistently exceeded company margin goals: Produced 5-15% cost savings annually ($1 million+) 
Improved efficiency of supply chain: Reduced lead time by 7+ days across product categories  
Expanded manufacturing base: Led initiative brings $3+ million to sourcing in other Asian countries. 
Led company drive to minimize wasted products during branding process. Recycling resale program. 
511 Tactical 
Senior Manager Sourcing & Product Development – Hard Goods/Soft Goods 
Starting Position Product Developer APAC 
20 Direct reports globally 
Asia-Pacific division leader, team of twenty coordination professionals and product merchandisers. 
$150M in sourcing and development of superior tactical apparel and gear from design through delivery.  
Developed and maintained on-site quality control oversight in Vietnam, Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Korea, Jordan, and European locations 
Project leader for one time run client designed products (SME) 
International SME product face for bids submission.  
Current Consultant 
Developed supply chain and raw materials resilience. Created the “511 quality standard” that other companies use as a metric.  
Rapid global deployment of prototypes for bids – product modifications and shipped 72 hours (about 3 days). 
Deployed global quality control standards for products and universal packaging standards for shipment. 
Migrated existing ERP system (None) to Trade card/GT Nexus 
Developed multiple product lines – Breach Tools, Rush Series, Accessory branded items. 
Created a commodity source system for OEM parts to manufacturers i.e., universal standards. 
Content Streamer: YouTube - Twitch – LinkedIn  
DIY, Tech Reviews and Gaming  
0 notes
bradarchie · 8 months
BRADLEY ARCHIE  Operations Executive 
Education - Certifications 
University of Pittsburgh Katz School of Business | Executive MBA  
Indiana University of Pennsylvania | B.S. International Business, Finance  
Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) 
Private Pilot – Instrument/Commercial.  
United States Air Force Reservist (Current) 
United States Army Veteran 
Archley Consulting 
Supply chain and operations consulting or independent contributor contractor.  
Strategic Management, vendor contract negotiation and maintenance. 
Production planning, creating, and implementing production goals and efficiency improvements. 
Financial analysis & maintenance– margin analysis, vendor negotiation, total overhead analysis. 
Process improvement & vendor compliance – agile management and compliance.  
Product management and development – tools, technology to garments, experience across the board. 
ERP Management and implementation – SAP, Oracle, Trade Card, Sightline, and more.  
Multimedia: LinkedIn instructional videos, digital consultations, Livestream trade shows and events.  
Executive leadership and mentoring for small businesses and startups. 
Clients Include: GoPro, SpaceX/Tesla, AMD, NVIDIA, Twitch, PPG, BMW, Google, Uber, Symbotic, Oculus 
US Air Force 
Flying Crew Chief 
Managed daily facility evaluations; trained/supervised airmen and local nationals. 
Coordinate and manage daily briefings with senior military leadership on the status of communication infrastructure and open trouble tickets/work orders. 
Work closely with the parachute fabrication shop on inspections of parachutes and flotation equipment. 
Design, implement, and maintain a website for the NATOPS training program. 
Collect, seize, and preserve evidence according to federal and DOD guidelines and regulations. 
Assist in the removal of engines, transmissions, gearboxes, rotor hubs, and rotor blades. 
Perform in-flight duties and operate radar/weapon systems in turbojet, helicopter, or propeller aircraft. 
Operate specialized rescue tools and perform rescues, emergency medical care, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). 
Train, mentor, and brief maintenance personnel in practice with safety, maintenance, and USAF rules and regulations. 
Perform crash rescue, firefighting, crash removal, and damage control duties in connection with the launch and recovery of aircraft. 
Provide leadership and remove constraints to enable the team to work efficiently and in accordance with FAA regulations and company procedures. 
Supervise a team of five individuals providing clear instructions on their job requirements always in accordance with all USAF security standards. 
Remove and install aircraft subsystem assemblies including engines, rotors, gearboxes, transmissions, mechanical flight controls, and their components. 
Operate and supervise the operation of radar, NTDS, communications, and associated equipment in the exercise of air control functions. 
Maintain firefighting equipment and fire station facilities. 
  Symbotic Automation 
Interim Director Supply Chain - 15 Direct Reports 
Manufacturing & Supply chain program scaling manager & planner. 
Onboarding supply chain and manufacturing team members for scaling. 
Purchasing & planning structuring + execution. 
ERP data maintenance and migration Oracle/Source Day/Arena. 
Outsourcing operations to large scale contract manufacturing JABIL. ~$150M/year 8k units. 
Product development roadmap integration/stage gates. 
Robotics supply program management. 
  IAM Robotics 
Director Supply Chain & Operations - 15 Direct Reports 
Managed company purchasing and facilities maintenance. 
All materials acquisitions, compliance structures, global technical certifications acquisition. 
Outsource manufacturing transition from internal to external (Global). 
ERP Migration & other systems vertical Integration   
Appropriations manager for manufacturing and company spending. 
Manufacturing structuring & management. 
Inventory management - budget analysis and annual budget planning and spending 
Project Management  
Created and managed SOP between supply chain, engineering, manufacturing. 
KPI’s, scheduling, material acquisition, material compliance. 
Generated and established workflows for affiliated departments to enable clear lines of communication with executive management. 
Change Control & Management. 
Gap Analysis to ensure scalability of company vision.  
Scaled company operations and manufacturing from 15-75 people.  
Developed supply chain and raw materials resilience. Global Pandemic Proof.  
Created entire supply chain system – Vendors, Contracts, Compliance, QC, Scorecard 
Created operational ticketing system with Jira for project and supply chain management. 
Created and maintained the company Duns & Bradstreet account.  
Robotics Supply Chain liaison with “Roboburgh” – Mentorship and industry SME 
Onboarded outside capitol investors and technical partners + vertical integrators. 
Motional Self Driving + UBER ATG 
Program Manager Supply Chain & Operations - 25 Indirect Reports 
Purchasing and product manager for autonomous vehicle builds.  
Established relationships with 50+ new vendors and strengthened dealings with existing vendors. 
Managed project buying and materials flow for manufacturing operations. 
Coordinated with hardware and rapid prototyping projects (i.e., Electrical, Mechanical, Manufacturing) 
Built, coordinated, and maintained schedules across multiple teams. 
Managed shared resources and coordinated with a legal team on IP. 
Mediated between technical experts, executives, and non-experts to facilitate efficient procurement. 
Successfully led the company-wide migration of purchasing systems to SAP. 
Streamlined procurement procedures among diverse needs and timelines of a cross-disciplinary team of researchers and mechanical engineers (mechanical, electrical optical, software)  
Created an MRP system for project development into 2020.  
Migrate company to SAP  
Global Sourcing & Product Director – 50 direct reports USA/China 
Starting Position Global Sourcing Manager 
Reporting to CEO/CFO weekly for operational debriefing 
Managed and resourced $400 million in promotional gifts products globally. 
Effectively led negotiations with vendors, ensured compliance with global regulations 
Spent 3 months per year in the country consulting with manufacturing contacts across Asia. 
Provided meticulous oversight of supplier contracts, agreements, and goods ordered and received. 
Spearheaded the development and implementation of more optimized supply chain standards.  
Managed ERP and purchasing system migration. 
Hosted quarterly business reviews executive briefings in Hong Kong.  
Onboarded 15 employees globally to purchasing and merchandising offices. 
Led onsite quality control programs to minimize wastage in factories.   
Consistently exceeded company margin goals: Produced 5-15% cost savings annually ($1 million+) 
Improved efficiency of supply chain: Reduced lead time by 7+ days across product categories  
Expanded manufacturing base: Led initiative brings $3+ million to sourcing in other Asian countries. 
Led company drive to minimize wasted products during branding process. Recycling resale program. 
511 Tactical 
Senior Manager Sourcing & Product Development – Hard Goods/Soft Goods 
Starting Position Product Developer APAC 
20 Direct reports globally 
Asia-Pacific division leader, team of twenty coordination professionals and product merchandisers. 
$150M in sourcing and development of superior tactical apparel and gear from design through delivery.  
Developed and maintained on-site quality control oversight in Vietnam, Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Korea, Jordan, and European locations 
Project leader for one time run client designed products (SME) 
International SME product face for bids submission.  
Current Consultant 
Developed supply chain and raw materials resilience. Created the “511 quality standard” that other companies use as a metric.  
Rapid global deployment of prototypes for bids – product modifications and shipped 72 hours (about 3 days). 
Deployed global quality control standards for products and universal packaging standards for shipment. 
Migrated existing ERP system (None) to Trade card/GT Nexus 
Developed multiple product lines – Breach Tools, Rush Series, Accessory branded items. 
Created a commodity source system for OEM parts to manufacturers i.e., universal standards. 
Content Streamer: YouTube - Twitch – LinkedIn  
DIY, Tech Reviews and Gaming  
1 note · View note
k12academics · 9 months
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En Route Transit is a specialized ground transportation provider offering tailored solutions for groups attending diverse events. Our commitment to excellence is committed to providing exceptional charter services to groups of passengers in San Antonio, Texas.
We are proud to highlight our array of certifications awarded by the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, signifying our dedication to excellence and inclusivity. These certifications include the Asian American Business Enterprise, Disabled Individual Business Enterprise, Economically Disadvantaged Small Business Enterprise, Minority Business Enterprise, Small Business Enterprise, and Veteran Business Enterprise distinctions. Each of these designations reflects our enduring commitment to fostering a thriving business environment.We hold the formal recognition as a Veteran-Owned Business by the esteemed Texas Veterans Commission. All customers, irrespective of age, color, gender, race, religion, or national origin, will be treated fairly and with respect. Our established dedicated customer support team is equipped to handle inquiries and provide assistance.
As the Founder and CEO owner of En Route Transit, I am deeply committed to leading with high character and integrity, setting the tone for the entire organization. My leadership philosophy revolves around transparency, empathy, and continuous improvement. I believe that open and honest communication is essential for building trust and maintaining strong relationships with my leadership team, employees, customers, and stakeholders.
I recognize that personal growth is an ongoing journey. I actively seek feedback from my leadership team, employees, and other stakeholders to identify areas where I can improve. I encourage an environment where constructive criticism is welcomed and valued. Regular one-on-one meetings with my leadership team provide an avenue for open discussions about our organization's direction, challenges, and opportunities. Additionally, I engage in self-reflection and participate in leadership development programs to enhance my skills and leadership qualities.
Transparency is a cornerstone of our customer relationships. We provide regular updates and clear communication on the status of orders, services, and any potential disruptions. Our customer portal offers real-time tracking, and we share insights into our processes, showcasing our commitment to honesty. Additionally, we openly share customer feedback with our internal teams, using it as a catalyst for improvement. For instance, during a recent service disruption, we immediately informed customers about the issue, outlined our mitigation plan, and kept them updated until the situation was resolved.
Our accessible buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts for passengers with disabilities, ensuring the inclusion of all travelers. En Route Transit LLC, which specializes in event transportation, offers transportation services for conferences, conventions, sports events, and large gatherings, as well as airport transfer services for timely pick-up or drop-off. Whether it be for corporate events, school trips, sporting events, or weddings, our charter services can be tailored to meet your specific needs. We take pride in creating customized itineraries for our clients, working closely with them to plan one-of-a-kind travel experiences that take into account destinations, schedules, and any special requirements.
En Route Transit LLC can accommodate time-sensitive needs, especially for events and airport transfers, due to its availability around-the-clock. Our services are highly adaptable, accommodating both small and large groups, and can be tailored to meet your particular needs. There are options for online booking and real-time vehicle tracking to increase convenience.
0 notes
horologic-shop1 · 9 months
Horologic - Discover the Elegance of Time, Unveil Your Unique Style!
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At Horologic, we are the Best automatic watch movement in USA, specializing in custom-made mechanical watches and accessories. With years of experience in the industry, our factory boasts a vast production area and a team of dedicated professionals. We take pride in our CE and Appearance patent certificates, which demonstrate our ability to deliver high-quality products that not only meet customer requirements but also comply with applicable regulatory standards.
Engaging with the Community
In addition to offering a wide range of watch tools and parts, we are deeply committed to fostering the culture of skilled craftsmanship in horology and jewelry repair. Through education, information sharing, and employment opportunities, we actively contribute to the development and preservation of clock and watch trades.
We support independent watchmakers, jewelry enthusiasts, and small businesses, and have established partnerships with various trade schools and a disabled veterans training center to Build a watch in Switzerland. Furthermore, we provide valuable insights to collectors and enthusiasts, emphasizing the intrinsic value of craftsmanship in timepieces.
Whether you wish to enhance your existing skills or embark on a new journey in watchmaking, our comprehensive resources, including step-by-step videos, articles, and courses, will guide you through the intricacies of watch repair and manufacturing.
Why Horologic Stands Out?
When you choose Horologic, you can be confident in the quality and expertise we bring to the table. Our watch manufacturing products have successfully obtained numerous approvals, and our extensive experience in crafting mechanical watches speaks for itself. We utilize state-of-the-art technology to ensure that our products are of the highest quality.
Manufacturing Excellence: With two dedicated production lines solely focused on watch movements, we prioritize precision and efficiency.
Exceptional Support: Our team members possess extensive experience and are certified in their English language skills, ensuring seamless communication and outstanding customer service.
Innovative Design Patents: We have ingeniously modified the timing function of the original movement, resulting in unique and distinctive timepieces.
Tailored Solutions: We understand the importance of customization. That's why we strive to provide you with a solution tailored to your specific needs within a remarkable turnaround time of three days.
Choose Horologic for an unparalleled experience in the world of mechanical watches and accessories. Unleash the beauty of time and express your individual style with our exceptional craftsmanship.
What We Offer?
We have a wide selection of products available throughout Switzerland, ensuring that we can provide you with the best quality at the most affordable price. Our range includes various watch components such as clasps, gaskets, pins, and screws.
In addition, we stock a diverse range of watch tools suitable for both professional watch repairers and those who prefer to repair their watches at home.
Whether you require watch-back openers, watch testers, screwdrivers, tweezers, or watch straps, Horoogic is the ultimate destination for all your watch tool, watch part, and timepiece accessory needs. If it's used by watchmakers or watch enthusiasts, chances are we have it in stock.
Moreover, our team consists of experienced, knowledgeable, and patient members who are dedicated to ensuring that you receive the correct merchandise and parts that you have ordered.
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