untitledclits-blog · 8 years
ur my maylay fuckboy lover :)
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
now i think it’s alright to feel inhuman now i think thats a riot 
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
im feeling better today! but i think im lying to myself..
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
i miss you! a lot! but it's okay! i will have to deal :^)
also, drake is too fuckin good like tbh like t b h
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
i cried hysterically this morning and my brother thought it was the neighbor’s dog
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
i think im trying to approach this the wrong way.. i simply just cant forget that you happened. i have to indulge myself in my heartbreak and what you did to me until i fully accept it for what it is and get pass it
the thing is, you hurt me a lot. you hurt me more than the last guy i loved. you make me think im not worthy of love, since the only two guys ive ever loved left me for someone else. you told me i could trust you, and in return, you hurt me more than you could ever imagine
ive been drowning myself in self-pity lately. god all ive been doing is drinking and smoking weed lmao. yo bitch needs to fuckin chill t b h
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
it will hurt less each day, and i cant wait for the day im completely over you :)
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
today has been the most stressful and intense day ever. this whole week has been total shit actually and today was just the breaking point i guess. on my way back from getting the pregnancy tests a car cut me off and i missed the green light and i was so reckless in the moment i just ran a red light without thinking and almost hit five cars. i can not believe i put myself in danger like that, it was almost as if i didnt care in that very moment. after that i had the biggest emotional breakdown ive had in a while. i also realized that i should have never believed that i could trust ryan for emotional support, bc when theyre not there for you, it really really hurts. especially if they told you they would be and you kind of started to expect them to. hes been extremely neglectful and rude lately, it really seems like he doesnt give a shit about me or our relationship anymore. im slowly starting to accept that. what was i kidding, thinking he actually gave a shit
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
if youre not willing to even try this long distance thing and be with me, then thats fine and ill accept that. i deserve someone who wants to be with me just as much as i want to be with them 
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
sometimes i miss you so damn much my body actually aches for your physical touch. its completely insane to me that someone ive only been talking/texting, with not much physical contact, for merely 3 months can provide me so much warmth and comfort. its ridiculously scary to me that i came to develop these feeligns for you in such a sort amount of time. i hope this isnt all one sided, that im able to see the connection we have and youre not. i know you dont want to be committed and see the many risks bc of the distance but honestly, i dont want to be with anyone else but you. im sad you arent able to  feel that with me
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
ive grown to be so attached to you, and the fact that you have the potential to hurt me so much sacres me, a lot 
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
god damn i like him so much it hurts, and i dont even understand why 
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
i really just want you to be completely honest with me man, lets cut the babe bullshit and stop acting like you give an actual shit about me 
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
i think about Ryan too much tbh
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
im probably going to grow like three massive pimples and take a runny enormous shit later. 
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untitledclits-blog · 8 years
people often tell me that i never seemed to give a shit in high school, and i would think in my head “thats cause i was fuckin sad” but of course i didn’t realize that until later on. i couldn’t sleep last night, and when i can’t sleep i start to develop the weirdest and actually quite fucked up thoughts. i remember one night from like 3am to 5am, i was thinking about my father and somehow to the conclusion that he had this malicious desire to murder me. what the fuck lmao. that caused me to develop so much anxiety towards him! and from then on i would have constant nightmares and that just made me not want to go to sleep, which only of course, worsened my insomnia. i don’t even know where I’m going with this stream of consciousness but yeah. I’ve been having lots of trouble sleeping lately, and that simple thought of not being able to fall asleep makes me so fuckin scared. I’m scared that ill start to think bad thoughts again! and that will eventually lead me to depression. i guess I’m afraid that ill suddenly or even unknowingly fall into depression again, and once i finally realize that I’m depressed ill try to do everything in my power to not be depressed. and that is just so damn exhausting dude.
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