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kosmografo · 5 days ago
Tuve una verruga
Tuve una verruga toda la vida, desde que era un niño. Hay fotos mías, de fiestas de cumpleaños, de distintas edades, donde aparezco junto al pastel, o junto a la piñata, o junto a los invitados (todos niños, obviamente), con mi gran verruga en la esquina de la frente, casi pegada al cuero cabelludo, a la altura de la mejilla izquierda. Era de un color café oscuro, ovalada más que redonda, pero…
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doctordavidjonn · 9 months ago
Recomendaciones para combatir las verrugas planas
Las verrugas planas, también conocidas como verrugas juveniles o verrugas planas juveniles, son crecimientos cutáneos benignos causados por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH). Aunque generalmente inofensivas, estas verrugas pueden ser molestas y afectar la apariencia de la piel. Como médico general, entiendo la importancia de proporcionar a los pacientes información y recomendaciones efectivas…
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salondebellezaanaf · 1 year ago
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josemanuelerre · 1 year ago
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donpalomostudio · 1 year ago
El peligro que hay detrás de las cosas que parecen Inofensivas
No sé por donde comenzar, la verdad sea dicha. Llevo un mes y medio sin tocar el blog, por una razón de peso: mi salud. A principios del mes de Marzo, aparecieron 3 delgadas líneas de color marrón claro en mi pulgar izquierdo. Que se han oscurecido a lo largo de estos meses, sin dar señales de irse. Al principio pensé que se trataba de un hematoma. Suelo ser muy distraída, y los golpes en las…
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doctorespecialistas · 2 years ago
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Los Mejores Dermatólogos Especialistas en Verrugas
Solicita una consulta con los mejores especialistas en dermatología para eliminar las verrugas.
¡Para más información, visita el siguiente enlace!
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coachingneurobiologico · 2 years ago
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La verruga es una excrecencia cutánea, con diversas formas y que puede afectar a diferentes zonas de la piel.
SENTIDO BIOLÓGICO: Una verruga es un escudo protector que ha dejado una marca de un ataque o una agresión recibida en esa zona. También una desvalorización a nivel estética. Suciedad un conflicto de mancha.
CONFLICTO: Conflicto de protección de un contacto agresivo o que mancha.
Conflicto de autocrítica. “Lo he hecho peor que mis compañeros». «He hecho un mal gesto».
Conflicto de vergüenza y mancha en relación a la localización. Conflicto de no poder tocar o no poder recibir. Tonalidad de remordimiento.
Conflicto de sentirse separado puntualmente. Con desvalorización.
Conflicto de mancha, desecho, con lamento. Conflicto de desvalorización ligero respecto al prójimo.
EN LA PALMA DE LA MANO: Conflicto de haber sido echado a la calle por el padre.
EN EL DORSO DE LAS MANOS: En niños de 6,7 años se puede dar un conflicto de “escribo mal». Resiente torpeza, ve que su mano no responde, la verruga puede aparecer en el dorso de la mano. Conflicto de no poder agarrar o alcanzar algo (dorso).
EN LA PLANTA DEL PIE: Conflicto de haber sido echado a la calle por la madre. Desvalorización en términos deportivos o de desplazamiento. Conflicto de mancha en relación a la madre.
EN LOS LABIOS: Miedo a que mis padres se separen. Beso o palabra que me avergüenza.
EN LAS AXILAS: Conflicto de separación respecto a los que debo proteger con una tonalidad de afecto en el lado derecho o de peligro en el izquierdo (para los zurdos al revés).
EN LA CARA: Conflicto con la imagen de uno mismo.
Un síntoma o enfermedad indica que se ha vivido un impacto conflictivo al que el inconsciente responde con un programa de adaptación.
Te ofrecemos un programa único, de Sanación Personal y Formación Profesional, con las más modernas técnicas para promover la sanación integral de las personas: Tanto a nivel físico, emocional, mental, espiritual y actitudinal.
Diplomado de formación profesional en Coaching NeuroBiológico, con triple certificación internacional.
Solicita la información!
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cinghialefedele · 19 days ago
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"Hm? Is there something on my uniform? You're staring..."
Art by the incredible @lunarscaled !!
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aleandriottopiercing · 5 months ago
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Remoção verruga
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nofuckingbody · 1 year ago
I love my life
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humbertocantu · 2 years ago
¿Te salió una pequeña verruguita en la nariz?
Pudiera ser una Papula Fibrosa Nasal La pápula fibrosa nasal es una pequeña protuberancia benigna que puede aparecer en la nariz. Aquí te explicaré qué es y cómo se puede tratar de manera efectiva. ¿Qué es una pápula fibrosa nasal? La pápula fibrosa nasal es una lesión inofensiva en la piel de la nariz, que se presenta como una pequeña protuberancia suave y color carne o rosada, es de…
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aescola0120 · 2 years ago
Curso Remoção de Verrugas Com Jato de Plasma (APENAS R$27,00 )
O Curso Remoção de Verrugas Com Jato de Plasma é uma excelente especialização para quem trabalha na área da estética. Sem dúvidas, esse treinamento é a oportunidade que você precisa para alavancar a sua carreira com Jato de Plasma. 🔴 Clique Aqui Para Saber Mais. Observação Importante! ANTES de você COMPRAR o Curso Remoção de Verrugas Com Jato de Plasma, eu preciso compartilhar algumas informações…
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sofea-00 · 3 months ago
@Auroraiterum Mira, este vídeo es una puta maravilla, y están todos muy bien representados, pero lo de @gabrielrufian en el seg 35,es para reverenciar al creador!! 🤣🤣🤣 😍😍😍p.d. A @IdiazAyuso le faltan verrugas!! 🙄🙄
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doctorespecialistas · 2 years ago
Los Mejores Dermatólogos Especialistas en Verrugas
Solicita una consulta con los mejores especialistas en dermatología para eliminar las verrugas.
¡Para más información, visita el siguiente enlace!
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year ago
Sidekick (Tesla Lindocruz x Reader)
Synopsis: Just Fracción, you had no power when it came to the rivalry between your masters. You knew that, Tesla... not so much.
Word Count: 0.7k
Tags/Warnings: Fracción!Reader, No Reader Pronouns
Notes: Ugh still fawning over underrated characters
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It wasn’t much of a fight. At least it didn’t look like it to you. It didn’t appear like one to your master, either, and yet, Tesla stood on the sidelines, ready to intervene as if he would be allowed to take a singular step onto the battlefield in the first place. 
You thought that the way he stood was funny, all straight with square shoulders and a gloved hand on the hilt of his Zanpakutō. You came up next to him to watch the battle. Your Master Nelliel fended off Nnoitra’s crescent axe with a thumb looped in the loose belt around her waist. You leaned forward, staring at Tesla from the side of your eye to gauge his reaction to the match. He gave nothing away other than the stiffening of his shoulders. You studied his eyepatch and leaned farther forward. Perhaps he didn’t see you.
“Can I help you?” he grumbled.  You let out a slight huff of satisfaction, mirroring his stance mockingly.
“Nnoitra is struggling.”
“Master Nnoitra is doing no such thing!” Tesla whipped toward you, hand now fully gripped around the hilt of his Zanpakutō, ready to draw at any moment. The motion didn’t escape you. Your eyes flickered downward, but a deep sigh ultimately overtook you as you fluttered to the sand below.
Tesla blinked, taken aback as you situated yourself among the white grains. You sat on the side of your thigh, leaning on one of your palms as you drew reishi pictures in the sand. The shapes glowed. Tesla frowned, watching as you smoothed out the particles.
“What are you doing?” he asked curtly. You glanced over to the match to your right, just in time to see Nnoitra go tumbling by the sheer force of Nelliel’s sword. He left a lengthy skidmark as he was enveloped by the white substrate below. You turned back to your little drawings. 
“This is going to take a while,” you sighed absentmindedly. “What are you going to do, Sidekick? It’s not like Nnoitra would let you intervene anyway.” 
Tesla looked at the field as you did. Nnoitra was bleeding from the shoulder, and Nelliel was already walking away. But despite his injuries, Nnoitra had already begun charging with his weapon, splashing sand behind him, only to be struck down again. Tesla studied you a moment more before he sat down with you. 
He sat with his legs crossed, letting his elbows rest on his knees as his back bent with the slightest slouch. His Verruga drew a long line in the sand by Tesla’s hip. You drew four diagonal lines between you and another four across them in the opposite direction.
“Do you know how to play?”
“Yes, I know.”
“First move is yours.” You clasped your hands in your lap, watching the board. Tesla didn’t make a motion to play, studying you intently instead. He scowled, sitting up the slightest bit in alert. 
“Why would you give me the first move?” he asked assusingly. Tesla crossed his arms over his chest, his brow furrowing in annoyance. You shrugged, running over one of the lines that didn’t fully form in the sand. 
“Our masters are the ones with the rivalry, Tesla. I have no ill will against you.” 
Tesla met your eye, watching you closely before he ultimately gave in and played the first move. 
By the time Nnoitra had enough, you and Tesla had made it through at least five games. He had relaxed some, bent ankles spread on either side of your game board with his head on his palm. Nnoitra barked Tesla’s name, causing him to jump.
“Tesla! Get over here; we’re leaving.” 
“Coming, Master Nnoitra!” Tesla scrambled up, smudging a quarter of your game with his boot. He did a trouble-take, almost freezing where he stood as he glanced briefly back to where you sat on the sand. Tesla’s lips parted and then closed. A nearly inaudible strangled sound stalled in his throat as he whipped back toward Nnoitra. 
“We’ll do a tie-breaker next time,” you said, dusting yourself off as you stood. You offered a slight smile and a nod. The corners of Tesla’s mouth threatened to turn upward.
“Tesla!” Nnoitra shouted somewhere in the background in a rage. Tesla jumped, turning on his heel to follow after his master. 
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: The itch to go back to my Szayel series slowly creeping
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cinghialefedele · 1 month ago
I often think about how much Tesla accommodates for others. How much he just doesn't prioritize his own wants and desires in favor of keeping whatever peace he DOES covet. He's selfish, yes, but he also tries to make sure his own issues and complaints aren't anyone's problem than his own.
Tesla often lives by a "if I'm not useful, then I'm not worth having around" sort of mentality, and he'll often hide away from EVERYONE once the stress or his own emotions become too much to handle. If he collapses under the weight of things (responsibilities, taking on other's issues, spreading himself thin assisting others, his own shortcomings, broken dreams/wants, dealing with his own PTSD), he absolutely goes to deal with it on his own, bc he deems it a bother to put that onto others.
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