#Venice Lei
apparentlyobscure · 4 months
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Venice Lei
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femmies · 2 months
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theneverendingshow · 2 months
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Venice Lei via Metart
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laferocia · 9 months
Mike Patton at JazzIn Festival Milano, 2010: Mike talks about trees, his wife, and says lots of "WOW".
Alright, here we go! Santa is coming, and Lilia from Italy wants to make a gift for her international Mike fan friends.
Let me give you a bit of context: the event is called JazzMi Festival. The individuals you see at the beginning of the video are Letizia Moratti, who was the mayor of Milan at that time; Red Ronnie (the guy with red hair and round glasses), a famous italian DJ in the 70s and 80s and for years the host of a TV show where he featured excellent artists who could perform live, the "Roxy Bar"; Nick The Nightfly (the guy with white hair), a Scotsman who has been in Italy for years, at that time he was the artistic director of the event and also a DJ.
Letizia Moratti shakes hands with Nick and they exchange greetings.
Red Ronnie: sei il direttore del festival! // You are the festival director!
Nick: Sì! Benvenuto Red, benvenuto Red! Adesso andiamo a trovare anche Mike, magari lo salutiamo. Vediamo se... facciamo un viaggio da queste parti. // Yes! Welcome Red, welcome Red! Now let's go and find Mike, perhaps we can say hello to him too. Let's see if... we take a tour around these parts.
Letizia Moratti: sono molto felice di essere riuscita a venire // I am pleased to have succeeded in coming.
They have a brief exchange about a previous event in Milan. Nick mentions that it was a beautiful evening and compliments the mayor not only for the event but also for the speech, which he describes as touching and non-institutional. She thanks him and replies that she is not good at speaking in an institutional manner. Nick remarks that he has the same issue with Italian, sometimes saying things he shouldn't (Moratti, however, praises his Italian, which is indeed excellent, featuring a slight and charming Anglophone accent).
At 1:10, finally they met Mike.
Mike: Ciao, salve, tutto bene? Sono Mike. Questo è Daniele // Hi, hello, how are you? I'm Mike. This is Daniele.
Daniele: Piacere // Nice to meet you.
Moratti speaks to Mike in English and he responds in Italian "Parlo abbastanza bene, non perfetto" (= I speak Italian quite well, though not perfectly").
Moratti: grazie per essere qua // Thanks for being here.
Mike: oh, grazie per... it's great to be here.
A note of appreciation for Letizia Moratti: she is one of the few Italian politicians who speaks a decent English.
2:02, Mike: è un bel lavoro! // It's quite a job!
Red Ronnie: ha lavorato tanto! // She worked a lot!
Moratti: Sì, ho fatto tante volte il giro del mondo per riuscire, votano 157 paesi, bisogna avere il voto della maggioranza, eravamo in competizione con la Turchia, non è stato facile. Comunque adesso l'abbiamo, io vado a Shanghai per fare la handover cerimony. // Yes, I've traveled the world many times to succeed. There are 157 countries voting, and you need the majority vote. We were in competition with Turkey, and it wasn't easy. Anyway, we have it now. I'm going to Shanghai for the handover ceremony.
Mike shakes hand with Nick and with a guy that is a city councillor, Giovanni Terzi. Moratti explains to Mike that the municipal councillor organized the festival.
Nick: Mike io ti devo portare i saluti di Norah Jones // Mike, I've got greetings for you from Norah Jones.
Mike: ah! Stavo parlando con lei anche ieri sera che stava a Venezia. // Oh! I was talking to her just last night, she was in Venice.
Nick: Perché ha suonato l'altra sera, lei ha guardato e mi fa "oh my friend Mike Patton," // Because she performed the other night, she looked at *(a poster or something about the event, I guess)* and said "oh my friend Mike Patton".
3:26, Red Ronnie: fai tutto Mondo Cane? // Are you playing the whole 'Mondo Cane' project?
Mike: sì sì sì! 22 canzoni // Yes, 22 songs.
3:43, Mike: un'orchestra piccolina, 12 violini, però funziona! // A small orchestra, 12 violins, but it works!
*A brief interlude of idle chatter, LOL*
3:46, Red Ronnie: la cosa incredibile, come hai visto nel disco ha messo, sì, "Il cielo in una stanza", che son dei classici... Letizia Moratti: è una delle mie canzoni preferite! Mike: ah allora è la prima canzone! È un pochino diversa ma è riconoscibile insomma; Letizia Moratti: posso avere un autografo? Mike: certo! Dovrei chiederlo io a lei! (Mike is is using the formal "lei" instead of "tu" as a form of courtesy and respect for Moratti's role and age) //
ENG: Red Ronnie: The incredible thing, as you saw on the record, is that he included, yes, "Il cielo in una stanza," which are classics... Letizia Moratti: It's one of my favorite songs! Mike: Ah, it's the first song then! It's a little different but still recognizable, in short. Letizia Moratti: Can I have an autograph? Mike: Of course! I should be the one asking you for it!
4:09, Mike pointing to the CD: "ahi ahi ahi, hai ascoltato?" Letizia Moratti: no! Red Ronnie: no no ma lei ascolta, diciamo che lei ha scelto di venire... Letizia Moratti: io ho scelto di venire al tuo concerto! Eh sì! Ho guardato tutto il programma e poi... Mike: ah sì? E quello di Norah Jones non l'hai visto?
ENG: Mike *pointing to the CD*: "Ouch ouch ouch, have you listened?" Letizia Moratti: No! Red Ronnie: No no, but she listens, let's say she chose to come... Letizia Moratti: I chose to come to your concert! Oh yes! I watched the entire program and then... Mike: Oh yeah? And you didn't see Norah Jones' concert? (Mike laughs, you can understand the rest of the conversation because they speak in English.)
4:40, Red Ronnie: è interessante perché questo è un progetto internazionale ma è molto italiano e questo pur con una ricerca... Letizia Moratti: è questo che mi è piaciuto! Mike: sì è bello! Red Ronnie: perché ad esempio "Urlo negro" dei Blackmen che è un disco (che da) piccolino ascoltavo... Mike: conosci? Hai sentito? Red: io ho il disco! Mike: quarantacinque (45) giri? Red: il juke box, il 45! Mike: mamma mia, questo è raro! Red: e quando lo mettevo nel juke box... e vedere tu *(it should be "vedere te", LOL)* che fai "Mondo cane"... Letizia Moratti: ma Red ha una collezione che è una meraviglia! Mike: eh si vede che è un intenditore! Moratti: sì, sì, ha pezzi abbastanza unici, ha piatti di John Lennon con le ghiande della pace... adesso abbiamo in programma di fare il giardino di John Lennon per l'8 ottobre... Red: beh ormai... Moratti: tanto è stato già detto! Eh sì, per i 30 anni... L'idea è quella di avere un albero da ogni Paese del mondo, tutti i Paesi che verranno qui per l'Expo, dove ognuno pianti un albero... Red: bel gesto! Potresti portarne uno dall'America, dalla tua zona... Mike: sì, c'ho magari qualche seme, non so... Moratti: bello! Mike: Io sono di quelle parti, California del nord, Redwood. Nick: San Francisco, Redwood. Mike: sì sì però io sono proprio... vengo da anche di più, capito? Più a nord. Moratti: il primo ce lo hanno regalato dal Congo. Mike: Wow! E com'è? Moratti: è un eucalipto. È uno degli alberi loro tipici, sì. Mike: una sequoia a Milano? Moratti: una sequoia sarebbe bellissimo! Mike: però (it should be "il clima") la clima mi sa che... Moratti: esatto, bisognerà cercare degli alberi che non muoiano... Mike: sì deve essere bagnatissimo, capito? Deve avere tanta tanta pioggia e non troppo sole, perciò... magari cresce un po' così ma... Moratti: un po' mini! Mike: sì sì un bonsai-sequoia! Moratti: ti lascio, vorrai stare un attimo... Mike: no! Dai, abbiamo fatto già... *voice: vogliamo fare una foto?* //
ENG: Red Ronnie: It's interesting because this is an international project, but it's very Italian, and this is despite thorough research... Letizia Moratti: That's what I liked about it! Mike: Yes, it's beautiful! Red Ronnie: For example, "Urlo negro" by the Blackmen, which is a record I used to listen to when I was little... Mike: Do you know it? Have you heard it? Red: I have the record! Mike: 45 RPM? Red: The jukebox, the 45! Mike: Oh my, that's rare! Red: And when I put it on the jukebox... and see you doing "Mondo cane"... Letizia Moratti: But Red has a collection that is wonderful! Mike: You can tell he's a connoisseur! Moratti: Yes, yes, he has quite unique pieces, turntable platters from John Lennon with the acorns of peace... now we're planning to create the John Lennon garden for October 8th... Red: Well, by now... Moratti: It's already been said! Yes, for the 30th anniversary... The idea is to have a tree from every country in the world, all the countries that will come here for the Expo (in 2015, Milan hosted the Expo), where each one plants a tree... Red: Nice gesture! Could you bring one from America, from your area... Mike: Yes, I might have some seeds, I don't know... Moratti: Nice! Mike: I'm from those parts, Northern California, Redwood. Nick: San Francisco, Redwood. Mike: Yes, yes, but I'm even further north. Moratti: The first one they gave us was from Congo. Mike: Wow! How is it? Moratti: It's a eucalyptus. It's one of their typical trees, yes. Mike: A sequoia in Milan? Moratti: A sequoia would be beautiful! Mike: But the climate, I think... Moratti: Exactly, we'll need to look for trees that won't die... Mike: Yes, it has to be very wet, you know? It needs a lot of rain and not too much sun, so... maybe it grows a bit like this but... Moratti: A mini one! Mike: Yes, yes, a bonsai-sequoia! Moratti: I'll leave you, you might want to stay a moment... Mike: No! Come on, we're already done... *Voice: Do you want to take a photo?*
7:00, Moratti: ma in casa parli italiano con tua moglie o... Mike: tutto! tre parole in italiano, una in inglese. Red: ma poi è una bolognese! Moratti: infatti! Lo so! Mike: lo senti? Un po'? Red: le "s" un pochino. Mike: un po' esce. Red: ma hai vissuto a Bologna? Mike: sì, 6 anni, più o meno. Red: ah, in che anni? Mike: sarebbe primi anni 90. Red: allora quando facevo il Roxy Bar. Mike: ah, infatti! Ho riconosciuto 'sta faccia! Guardavo, sì sì guardavo! Una volta, con un altro gruppo, non ricordo quale che ne avevo un paio, mi han detto eravamo chiesto (eravamo chiesto: it is not correct in italian but we can understand that he was saying "ci avevano chiesto") di andare lì però non potevamo fare. Red: tu hai collaborato con i Melvins, i Melvins han suonato dal vivo. Mike: sì sì sì mi ricordo! Red: il gruppo più rumoroso che abbia mai avuto! Mike: eh già! Red: hanno fatto... guarda... non puoi capire! Perché lui (Mike) ti sembra un bravo ragazzo... *a female voice, prolly his wife: ok, basta grazie, andiamo!* Red: lui fa degli esperimenti con la voce molto interessanti, con delle scatole, esperimenti. Un po' quello che faceva anche Demetrio Stratos, solo che faceva solo vocalizzi. Mike: sì ma per me Demetrio Stratos per me è proprio un idolo, è un grande, sono un grande fan, e c'ho molto rispetto per lui, ma veramente! Red: buon concerto Mike! Mike: grazie! È stato un piacere. *The other guy: quando sentirai urlare saremo noi!" //
ENG: Moratti: But do you speak Italian at home with your wife or... Mike: Everything! Three words in Italian, one in English. Red: But then she's from Bologna! Moratti: Indeed! I know! Mike: Can you hear it (he meant the typical Bologna accent)? A bit? Red: The "s", a little bit. Mike: It comes out a bit. Red: But did you live in Bologna? Mike: Yes, for 6 years, more or less. Red: Ah, in which years? Mike: It would be the early '90s. Red: So when I was doing the Roxy Bar (Roxy Bar was a music show created and hosted by Red Ronnie, broadcast in Italy from 1992 to 2001). Mike: Ah, indeed! I recognized that face! I watched it, yes, I watched it! Once, with another band, I don't remember which one because I had a couple, they had asked us to go there, but we couldn't make it. Red: You collaborated with the Melvins, and the Melvins played live. Mike: Yes, yes, I remember! Red: The loudest band I've ever had there! Mike: Oh, indeed! Red: They made... look... you can't understand! *Talking to Moratti* Because he (Mike) seems like a nice guy... *a female voice, probably his wife: okay, enough, thank you, let's go!* Red: He experiments with the voice in very interesting ways, with boxes, experiments. A bit like what Demetrio Stratos used to do, only he did vocalizations. Mike: Yes, but for me, Demetrio Stratos is truly an idol, he's great, I'm a big fan, and I have a lot of respect for him, really! Red: Good concert, Mike! Mike: Thank you! It's been a pleasure. *The other guy: When you hear shouting, it'll be us!"
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mishimamiravenecia · 5 months
Basílica de S. Marco, s. IX
The Basilica of St Mark, 9th century
Basilica di S. Marco, s.IX
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(English / Español / Italiano)
The Basilica of St Mark is the main church of the city of Venice, built to honor the relics of St. Mark the Evangelist.
The relics were stolen from Alexandria of Egypt in 828 AD by two Venetian merchants thanks to a stratagem: hidden in a basket of vegetables and pork.
The original church was progressively enriched with columns, friezes, marbles, sculptures, and gold brought to Venice on merchant ships coming from the east. A law of the Venetian Republic stipulated as a tribute that lucky merchants, after doing profitable business, should make a gift to embellish St. Mark's. Hence the variety of styles and materials.
The loot of the sack of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade (1204), in particular, enriched the treasure of the basilica, which was thus completed in the 13th century together with the splendid golden mosaics decoration.
La Basílica de San Marcos, la iglesia principal de Venecia, fue construida para honrar los restos de San Marcos Evangelista.
Los restos fueron robados en Alejandría de Egipto en 828, por dos comerciantes venecianos, gracias a un estratagema: escondidos en una canasta de hortalizas y carne de cerdo.
La iglesia original fue progresivamente enriquecida con columnas, frisos, mármoles, esculturas y oro llevados a Venecia en los barcos de los comerciantes que venían de oriente. Una ley de la República Veneciana imponía como tributo que los mercaderes afortunados, después de haber hecho los negocios provechosos, hicieran un regalo para embellecer San Marcos. De ahí la variedad de estilos y materiales.
El botín del saqueo de Constantinopla, en la cuarta cruzada ( 1204), en particular, enriqueció el tesoro de la Basílica que se terminó, finalmente, en el siglo XIII junto con la hermosa decoración de mosaicos dorados.
La Basilica di San Marco è la chiesa principale della città di Venezia, costruita per onorare le spoglie di San Marco Evangelista. Le spoglie furono trafugate da Alessandria d'Egitto nel 828 da due mercanti veneziani grazie ad uno stratagemma: nascoste in una cesta di ortaggi e di carne di maiale.
La chiesa originaria fu progressivamente arricchita di colonne, fregi, marmi, sculture, ori portati a Venezia sulle navi dei mercanti che arrivavano dall'oriente. Una legge della Repubblica Veneziana imponeva come tributo che i mercanti fortunati, dopo avere fatto gli affari vantaggiosi, facessero un regalo per abbellire San Marco. Da qui la varietà di stili e materiali.
Il bottino del sacco di Costantinopoli nel corso della Quarta Crociata (1204), in particolare, arricchì il tesoro della basilica che fu così terminata nel XIII secolo assieme alla splendida decorazione a mosaici dorati.
photo: @_electronaut_
fuente: tesori_italiani
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seventeen02 · 10 months
favorite movies !
say you love me
a moment of romance
in blow
life is beautiful
death in venice
purple noon
mr and mrs smith
girl interrupted
in the mood for love
days being wild
fallen angel
the beautiful person
the apartment
the black swan
the godfather 2
my own private idaho
two lovers under one roof
the scent of green papaya
vertical ray of the sun
stealing beauty
call me by your name
bonnie and clyde
fight club
kill bill
city of the rising sun
wheels of ashes
fruit of paradise
floating clouds
x movie
ley lines
the brown bunny
american psycho
platonic sex
last night in soho
pride and prejudice
red lights
the dreamers
the wind rises
six in paris
garden state
on the occasion of remembering the turning gate
the doom generation
the girl on the motorcycle
open house
the place without limits
twin peaks
before sunrise
all about lily chou chou
bride for rip van winkle
the lover
rebels of the neon god
as tears go by
a moment to remember
the hot spot
less than zero
edward scissorhands
eyes wide shut
un homme et une femme
the story of adele h
the last mistress
billboard dad
the pillow book
la la land
mirrored mind
fatal frame
and then we danced
dear ex
tune in for love
one fine spring day
reality bites
running on empty
millennium mambo
lost and found
who's the woman, who's the man
mulholland drive
Jess + Moss
swallowtail butterfly
dorian gray
durian durian
hana & alice
40 days and 40 nights
l'amour braque
to each is own
guilty of romance
city of madness
three times
mary is happy mary is happy
sleepless town
like someone in love
46 okunen no koi
cloud atlas
old boy
mystery train
the odd one dies
l'amour l'apres-midi
fire on the black hand side
le bonheur
fantastic planet
belladonna of sadness
lost highway
sweet movie
moulin rouge
the rich man's wife
requiem for a dream
the others
return of the living dead
interview with the vampire
wir kinder vom bahnof zoo
le mepris
chungking express
ashes and snow
shuttering island
the grand budapest hotel
the young girls of rochefort
the florida project
the edge of love
gone girl
bullet ballet
of love and shadows
galaxy express 999
lan yu
belle de jour
dead or alive
lost in translation
washington square
summer lovers
snake of june
a woman under the influence
mysterious skin
red eye
happy together
the walk
l.a. confidental
love & pop
linda linda linda
swing girls
the lover
helter sketler
suzhou river
kaili blues
kamikaze girls
valerie and her week of wonders
comrades, almost a love story
naked lunch
endless love
taxi driver
vivre sa vie
la collectionneuse
dog day afternoon
night in paradise
my mister
my name
better days
first love, letter on the breeze
split of the spirit
one million yen girl
juncchi mori
la belle
mermaid legend
blue spring
marie antoinette
brokeback mountain
portrait of lady on fire
nostos: the return
farewell my concubine
never let me go
bones and all
paris is burning
trouble everyday
memories of matsuko
pierrot le feu
taipei story
blue velvet
a woman is a woman
buffalo 66
the love witch
valley of dolls
the rocky horror picture show
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The Silent Road (2019)
Marietta Patricia Leis
Acrylic with ground graphite on Tyvek, wood rod, plastic tubes, gift of the artist, photography by Stefan Batista
The Silent Road is a dialogue between painting and sculpture. It represents a road that leads in two directions, reaching upward toward the ceiling and winding down to the floor. The Silent Road was inspired by Marietta Leis’s time in Iceland during the dark months of the long winter. According to the artist, “The treeless, volcanic landscape revealed the earth’s curved horizon, confronting me with a stark image of all that is infinite—both visually and metaphorically. My acute sense of this fascinating and haunting place provided fertile ground for germination of The Silent Road.”
according to Leis, “In today’s noisy world it is easy to become distracted, numb to our deepest natures. The road to authenticity is by its very nature traveled in solitude. It is an internal road that, with patience, can lead deep into the core of our being. As we each embark on the journey to this rich and fertile place, we can discover a common thread of the shared humanity that binds us.”
Marietta Patricia Leis is an internationally exhibiting multidisciplinary artist and poet. She has lived and worked in New York City as well as Los Angeles, and is currently based in Santa Fe after living in Albuquerque for many years. Leis’s reductive, expressive works are shaped out of experiments in material process and she takes inspiration from forms found in nature, a sense of place, and the internal landscape. The Silent Road was originally created for an exhibition at the Palazzo Mora as part of the 2019 Venice Biennale
Archived from the original
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kestrelvylbrand · 1 year
I am soooo late, but here we go!
Tagged by: @luck-and-larceny, thank you for the tag! Sorry I'm being so slow on Tumblr at the moment!
Tagging: @vetinarivisuals
Favorite OC: It honestly varies from day to day. But anyone who has stuck around enough to actually have some work put into them, I generally love.
But I love them for super different reasons.
Oldest OC: Ok, I did goth-y forum RP back as a teenager, so it's probably some vampire girl I can't quite remember. But my first serious RP character in a game was Eia, a Blood Elf Warlock (World of Warcraft) who had grown up super sheltered and was trying really hard (and mostly failing) at being dramatic and ruthless. She was a total cupcake though.
Newest OC: Teeechnically Rook, my Necromancer in Diablo 4. But I haven't really roleplayed her much and it's not the *best* game for RP in general, so... The newest OC I'm actively roleplaying would be Diaphanous Veil, my Eclipse Caste Solar Exalted. She's a courtesan and social climber, very ambitious and socially savvy so... Basically the opposite if me, but man, I love her a lot.
Meanest OC: Estrith no doubt. She's a mean old goat. When I played her in an MMO, I would constantly be whispering people to assure them that I am not actually as mean as she could be lol. She did have a huge soft heart though, which I think is what made her enjoyable to me.
Softest OC: Probably Eden, my character from Aion. Another very sheltered young lady who often struggled with understanding the world. And perhaps Fawn Cassidy, my Wildstar character. She was a storyteller, or trying to be, and just... Very optimistic and fun.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Estrith again. Also Venice, my Aeon character. I try not to make my characters too aloof cause I find it harder to get into RP with, but it can be a lot of fun if you have people to help pull them out of their shelves!
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Kestrel? Kestrel. I think Kestrel is a bit of a dumbass but I love her.
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: Yiria. She was my OC in Age of Conan ages ago and I played her at a time in my life (late teens) where I was pretty insecure and dealing with a bunch of stupid relationship stuff and just... She kind of reflects that.
Smartest OC: Oh man, tough one. It really depends. Ley is very booksmart, but I'm not sure I'd consider her the smartest. Venice is probably the one with the highest "Intellect". She's very well educated and a scientist who really values learning all the mysteries of the universe. Dia is probably the most clever though.
Horniest OC: Dia is a courtesan, so you may think it's her, but she's not actually all that horny herself. Faust took a lot of inspiration from Kierkegaard's Aesthetic Phase, plugged with a bunch of hedonism and self-indulgence, so.. She's pretty horny. Even if she actually doesn't hook up as often as youd think lol
Kes definitely deserves an honorable mention too, realistically speaking, she's probably the horniest.
OC you'd bang: Listen, if the point isn't to make OCs you'd want to bang, what is it really? Kes, Faust... I have always had a major weakness for villains, so Vilje, even though it would probably be a really terrible idea.
OC you'd be best friends with IRL: I feel like I'd get along pretty well with Ley. Even though she's not "like" me, she's probably the character I feel most strongly represents me as a person, she's kind of nerdy and socially awkward and I think we could have some great conversations about storytelling. Same with Fawn. She was just a happy, joyful character and I think we could have been really great friends.
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mymistymornings · 2 years
Side Blog Master List
Because I'm a masochist with zero self-control. This is just the beginning, I'll update it with hopefully most of my side-blogs eventually.
FFXIV Ley & Quill (Miqo'te Arcanist and Bookstore Owner) [Acive] Faust (Elezen Red Mage Duelist) [Active] Kestrel (Hyur Burglar) [Semi-Active] Vilje (Viera Professional Villain) [Upon Request] Fyrilbryda Vris
World of Warcraft Ranva (Dark Iron Shaman) Gislaine (Blood Elf Paladin) Kilian (Void Elf Mage) Bea (Worgen Rogue) Irwen (Kul Tiran Druid) Malakin (Night Elf Hunter) Kamomilla (Human Rogue) Ileila Zeradel (Blood Elf Rogue) Zen'tali (Zandalari Priest) Diwa (Zandalari Rogue) Lauralyn
GW2 Corina (Human Necromancer) Ioanna (Human Guardian) Cadlin (Norn Thief) Sireen (Human Elementalist) Islin (Norn Ranger) Belakane (Sylvari Necromancer)
Tabletop Rozali (Pathfinder) Estrith (D&D) Venice (Trinity) Ames (Trinity) Diaphanous Veil (Exalted) Persimmon (Changeling the Dreaming)
Other Games Saskia (V Rising) Luciana (Elder Scrolls Online) Saskia (Elden Ring) Varya (Wildstar) Fawn (Wildstar) Safanad (Black Desert) Phew....
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apparentlyobscure · 4 months
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Venice Lei
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Media consumed during 2023
The Secret to Superhuman Strength (2021). Alison Bechdel. 7/10
Salomé (1891). Oscar Wilde. 10/10
The Vampire Lestat (1985). Anne Rice. 8/10
Time is a Mother (2022). Ocean Vuong. 3/10 (I feel like an asshole, but I didn't like it)
The Queen of the Damned (1988). Anne Rice. 9/10
Infinity (2017). Hannah Moscovitch. 8/10
Bomarzo (1962). Manuel Mujica Lainez. 10/10
Stone Fruit (2021). Lee Lai. 9/10
The Vampire Armand (1998). Anne Rice. 7/10 (I hate Marius)
Mémoires d'Hadrien (1951). Marguerite Yourcenar. 2/10 (How do you make a bisexual emperor sound like a boring old man, Marguerite, how?)
The Tale Of The Body Thief (1992). Anne Rice. 5/10
Poems (1931). Wilfred Owen. 7/10
La Sed (2020). Marina Yuszczuk. 8/10
Spinning (2017). Tillie Walden. 9/10
Emma (2020). Autumn de Wilde. 8/10
Minari (2020). Lee Isaac Chung. 10/10
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920). Robert Wiene. 7/10
Bones and All (2022). Luca Guadagnino. 7/10
Maurice (1987). James Ivory. 7/10 (the book's better)
Fucking Åmål (1998). Lukas Moodysson. 6/10
Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant (1972). Rainer Werner Fassbinder. 6/10
Le Fil (2009). Mehdi Ben Attia. 10/10 (I would marry this movie if I could)
37°2 le Matin (Betty Blue) (1986). Jean-Jacques Beineix. 7/10
Salomé (1922). Charles Bryant, Alla Nazimova. 4/10
Interview with the Vampire (1994). Neil Jordan. 8/10
The Addams Family (1991). Barry Sonnenfeld. 9/10
Addams Family Values (1993). Barry Sonnenfeld. 7/10
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022). Guillermo del Toro. 8/10
渺渺 (Miao Miao) (2008). Hsiao-tse Cheng. 5/40
La ley del deseo (1987). Pedro Almodóvar. 7/10
და ჩვენ ვიცეკვეთ (And Then We Danced) (2019). Levan Akin. 10/10 (so, so, so sweet)
Morte a Venezia (Death in Venice) (1971). Luchino Visconti. 7/10
Disobedience (2017). Sebastián Lelio. 8/10
Shiva Baby (2020). Emma Seligman. 7/10
X (2022). Ti West. 5/10 (maybe I just don't like slashers; the music was 10/10 tho)
Back to the Future Part II (1989). Robert Zemeckis. 5/10
Ammonite (2020). Francis Lee. 7/10
Colette (2018). Wash Westmoreland. 6/10
The Duke of Burgundy (2014). Peter Strickland. 8/10 (unnerving and visually stunning)
Summerland (2020). Jessica Swale. 7/10 (Studio Ghibli vibes in a live action movie; a bit saccharine-y at times)
The Handmaiden (2016). Park Chan-wook. 9/10
The Favourite (2018). Yorgos Lanthimos. 10/10
Nope (2022). Jordan Peele. 8/10
Renfield (2023). Chris McKay. 6/10 (I liked the Nicholas Cage scenes, everything else was kinda meh).
Professor Marston & The Wonder Women (2017). Angela Robinson. 7/10 (sweet, romantic, entertaining, but at times it felt fake and manufactured, the way "based on a true story" movies usually are).
The Terminator (1984). James Cameron. 4/10 (it could have been 45mins instead of 1h45mins...)
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991). James Cameron. 6/10 ("If you didn't like the first why did you watch the second?" Because I love my sibling)
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989). Steven Spielberg. 6/10
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992). Francis Ford Coppola. 9/10
The Silence of the Lambs (1991). Jonathan Demme. 10/10
Sycorax (2021). Matías Piñeiro. 8/10
Black Narcissus (Passion of the Swamp) (2022). Peter Strickland. 8/10
Carta a Mi Madre Para Mi Hijo (Letter To My Mother For My Son) (2022). Carla Simón. 7/10
Is It Too Much To Ask (2019). Leena Manimekalai. 6/10
The Actress (2021). Andrew Ondrejcak. 9/10
Shakti (2019). Martín Rejtman. 6/10
El Silencio es un Cuerpo Que Cae (Silence Is A Falling Body) (2017). Agustina Comedi. 10/10 (so sad, so tender, so loving)
Meeting The Man: James Baldwin in Paris (1970). Terrence Dixon. 9/10 (Something tells me this is an excellent documentary; but there's a lot about "talk about certain things in a certain way" and "you know what I mean?" and no, I don't know what he meant or what things and ways were those).
Aftersun (2022). Charlotte Wells. 10/10 (who will lift this elephant off my chest now?)
Vers La Tendresse (Towards Tenderness) (2016). Alice Diop. 6/10
Silvia Prieto (1999). Martín Rehtman. 9/10
Camarera de Piso (Maid) (2022). Lucrecia Martel. 1/10 (the audio was unintelligible)
Contes Immoraux (Immoral Tales) (1973). Walerian Borowczyk. 4/10
Ojo Dos Veces Boca (Eye Two Times Mouth) (2023). Lila Avilés. 8/10
Az prijde kocour (The Cassandra Cat) (1963). Vojtech Jasný. 8/10
O Ornitólogo (The Ornithologist) (2015). João Pedro Rodrigues. 8/10
Uma Paciência Selvagem Me Trouxe Até Aqui (A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here) (2021). Érica Sarmet. 6/10
Squish! (2021). Tulapop Saenjaroen. 3/10
Fugue (2023). John Gianvito. 6/10
Η δουλειά της (Her job) (2018). Nikos Labôt. 8/10
Playback (2019). Agustina Comedi. 10/10
Maine Diil Nahin Dekha (I Am Yet to See Delhi) (2014). Humaira Bilkis. 1/10 (I have seen instagram reels with more argument and better structure)
Proyecto Fantasma (Phantom Project) (2022). Roberto Doveris. 7/10
El Vuelco del Cangrejo (Crab Trap) (2009). Oscar Ruíz Navia. 6/10
Ema (2019). Pablo Larraín. 9/10
Los Fuertes (The Strong Ones) (2019). Omar Zúñiga Hidalgo. 7/10
Phörpa (The Cup) (1999). Khyentse Norbu. 7/10
Նռան գույնը | Nran Guyne | Sayat Nova (The Color of Pomegranates). Sergei Parajanov. 10/10 (The weirdest movie I've ever seen, and one of the most visually stunning ones)
Voyage of Time: An IMAX Documentary (2016). Terrence Malick. 10/10
إن شئت كما في السماء (It Must Be Heaven) (2019). Elia Suleiman. 9/10
Potemkiniştii (The Potemkinists) (2022). Radu Jude. 2/10 (yes, I know the Russian government is evil, but please tell me something else)
Nr. 1 - Aus Berichten der Wach- und Patrouillendienste (From The Reports Of Security Guards and Patrol Services) (1985). Helke Sander. 8/10
Liborio (2021). Nino Martínez Sosa. 6/10
Sendiri Diana Sendiri (Following Diana) (2015). Kamila Andini. 6/10
Valkoinen Peura (The White Reindeer) (1952). Erik Blomberg. 4/10
Wadja (2012). Haifaa Al-Mansour. 10/10
La Femme Au Couteau (The Woman With A Knife) (1969). Timité Basori. 4/10
Tornar-se um Homem na Idade Média (Becoming Male In The Middle Ages) (2022). Pedro Neves Marques. 6/10
Un Garibaldino al Convento (A Garibaldian In The Convent) (1942). Vittorio de Sica. 6/10
Théo et Hugo dans le même bateau (Paris 05:59 Théo & Hugo) (2016). 7/10 (20 mins of porn followed by an hour and 10 mins about post-exposure prophylaxis and the importance of public health and transport systems)
Suplement (The Supplement) (2002). Krzysztof Zanussi. 7/10
天下乌鸦 (All The Crows In The World) (2021). Tang Yi. 6/10
L'Échapée (Escape) (2009). Katell Quillévéré. 8/10
An Exercise In Discipline - Peel (1982). Jane Campion. 1/10
La Amiga De Mi Amiga (Girlfriends And Girlfriends) (2022). Zaida Carmona. 2/10
Matka Joanna od aniołów (Mother Joan Of Angels) (1961). Jerzy Kawalerowicz. 8/10
Please, Baby, Please (2022). Amanda Kramer. 8/10
Magari (If Only) (2019). Ginevra Elkan. 7/10
Amansa tiafi (Public Toilet Africa) (2021). Kofi Ofosu-Yeboah. 5/10
Holy Spider (عنکبوت مقدس) (2022). Ali Abbasi. 10/10
Movies (II, 'cause I reached the character limit in a section)
Les Cinq Diables (The Five Devils) (2022). Léa Mysius. 8/10
Close (2022). Lukas Dhont. 10/10 (so, so, so sad)
Rien à Foutre (Zero Fucks Given) (2021). Emmanuel Marre, Julie Lecoustre. 7/10
Un Affaire De Femmes (Story Of Women) (1988). Claude Chabrol. 10/10
Serpentine (2022). Eva Doležalová. 2/10 (good photography, but the story is trite an shallow)
Strange Way of Life (2023). Pedro Almodóvar. 7/10
Belle (2013). Amma Asante. 6/10 (not terrible, but cardboard-y like it was written to teach middle schoolers history)
Severance (2022-). Season 1. Dan Erickson. 7/10 (entertaining but i wanted more answers)
Atlanta (2016-2022). Season 1. Donald Glover. 9/10
Atlanta (2016-2022). Season 2. Donald Glover. 9/10
Atlanta (2016-2022). Season 3. Donald Glover. 8/10 (very uneven)
Atlanta (2016-2022). Season 4. Donald Glover. 8/10 (Mr. Glover, why was the last episode dedicated to product placement?)
The White Lotus (2021-2023) Season 1. Mike White. 6/10
The White Lotus (2021-2023) Season 2. Mike White. 7/10
The Last Of Us (2023-). Season 1. Craig Mazin. 9/10
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown (2013-2018). Season 1. Anthony Bourdain. 8/10
Six Feet Under (2001-2005). Season 1. Alan Ball. 9/10
Six Feet Under (2001-2005). Season 2. Alan Ball. 8/10
Six Feet Under (2001-2005). Season 3. Alan Ball. 8/10 (Nobody Sleeps is my favorite episode so far; so close to my own understanding of what love is)
Six Feet Under (2001-2005). Season 4. Alan Ball. 9/10
Gravity Falls (2012-2016). Season 1. Alex Hirsch. 8/10
Six Feet Under (2001-2005). Season 5. Alan Ball. 8/10
Good Omens (2019-). Season 1. Douglas Mackinnon. 8/10
Good Omens (2019-). Season 2. Douglas Mackinnon. 9/10
Gravity Falls (2012-2016). Season 2. Alex Hirsch. 9/10
The Bear (2022-). Season 2. Christopher Storer. 10/10
Dictaduras Latinoamericanas (2016). Pablo Gregui and Marcel Cluzet. 3/10 (the episodes were way to short to teach me anything beyond common knowledge)
What We Do in the Shadows (2019-). Season 5. Jemaine Clement (?). 7/10
The Newsreader (2021-). Season 2. Michael Lucas. 10/10
Our Flag Means Death (2022-). Season 2. David Jenkins.4/10
Over the Garden Wall (2014). Patrick McHale. 10/10
The Fall of the House of Usher (2023). Mike Flanagan. 9/10
Pokemon Leaf Green (2004) 3/10 (beating the pokemon league was a debt from childhood but it was so boring)
Escape From Monkey Island (2000) 6/10
HBO's The Last Of Us Podcast (2023). Season 1. 10/10
The Procession to Calvary (2020). 10/10 (I expected a fun, silly little game and got exactly that)
Stardew Valley (2016). 10/10
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theneverendingshow · 3 months
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Venice Lei via Metart
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junkychaos · 17 days
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V.A. - REST IN NOISE in memory of Zev Asher(life is absurd/play rec/china cd 2024)
in memory of Zev Asher
Zev Asher
Torturing Nurse
Xu Cheng
Huang Lei
This is a Zev Asher (1963~2013) memorial album.
Zev had been involved in Shanghai's underground noise and social scene since the late 2000s and had made documentary film about them.
He was an friend and inspiration to us beyond words. Eleven years ago he sadly left us due to his illness.
The album contains several recordings from Zev's memorial “Revolutions in Memories - In Memory of Zev Asher” as well as a live recording of his 2008 collaboration with TN.
XC 2024
DRAINAGE: Electronics
2 Life of Z*
Xu Cheng: Electronics
3 Mourning*
Torturing Nurse: Electronics
Torturing Nurse: Electronics & Voice
DRAINAGE: Electronics
Xu Cheng: Voice
Huang Lei: Voice
5 Smile Like Teenage Springtree
Torturing Nurse with Zev Asher
Junky: Guitar
Youki (Xu Cheng): Guitars
ZK: Drums
Jiadie: Voice
Zev Asher: Voice
1~4 * Live recordings from “Revolutions in Memories -
In Memory of Zev Asher” at Trigger Shanghai 10th Aug 2024.
Mixed and mastered by
Xu Cheng 2024.
5 The recording of Torturing Nurse Live at YuYinTang Shanghai 23rd Dec 2007.
Original mastering by Junky, remastered by Xu Cheng 2024.
Original recording released on Lona Records 2008 (locd51).
Revolutions in Memories
— in memory of Zev Asher
Zev Asher was a Canadian experimental musician and documentary film maker. He made documentaries about fringe individuals, musics and subcultures, he lived surrounded by those fringe individuals, he made the music his documentaries were about, and was a paragon of the subcultures he portrayed. He was a man who embodied his art and lived it, for it, and through his cinematic eye gave us three mementos of that life on the outskirts of music, society, art. His work was controversial, he received death threats because of his movie about a cat killer. He played awful sounds. He also recorded those awful sounds with Merzbow, Masonna, half of the Incapacitants, Monde Bruite, Solmania, all of the japanese harsh noise legends of yore. Very few can boast such a record as his.
He was, before and beyond all that, a good friend, one of the few I have been able to truthfully call so, in a sea of parasitical relationships of acquaintance and even worse petty enmity, someone who for years I would constantly reach out for feedback. He taught me a lot, and I forgot a lot of what I learnt, but what remains is the image of a man that I crossed physical paths throughout the years, from the first day I landed in Shanghai to a wintry day in Venice, a man who was increasingly ill, but never stopped documenting, even that very illness that kept him in a hospital in his final days, of which exists a movie we unfortunately won't see tonight.
He was here before everyone even knew about Chinese noise. He made a documentary on it, on Torturing Nurse, that we will screen tonight. He's been gone eleven years now, and there's times I still weep at the loss. I can't write much more. Let the movies we'll see and the ugly sounds we'll play today be the tribute to someone who witnessed the birth of Shanghai's subcultural revolution.
by LxVxT
Life is absurd 2024
released September 1, 2024
cover images from the Zev Asher movie "Subcultural Revolution: Shanghai"
designed by Xu Cheng
factory press cd, 200 copies
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 5.9
Alphabet Magnet Day
American Cartoon Day
Aso ote Tala Lei (Gospel Day; Tuvalu)
Battle of Heligoland Day (Denmark)
Birth Control Pill Day
Cameltoe Day
Canadian Viral Hepatitis Elimination Day (CanHepDay; Canada)
Damita Jo Day (Auton, Texas)
Dianetics Anniversary Day (Scientology)
Earls Court Day (IA, KS, MN, VA, WY)
Europe Day (Schuman Declaration; EU)
Father’s Day (Germany)
509 Day
Free the Pill Day
Garden Hoe Day (French Republic)
Give STL Day (Missouri)
Goku Day (Japan)
Hanswijk Procession (Mechelen, Belgium) [Sunday before Ascension Thursday]
Hurray for Buttons Day
International Ukraine Day
John Brown Day
Join-or-Die Day
Lawn Mower Day
Liberation Day (Channel Islands, Guernsey, Jersey)
Lost Sock Memorial Day
Make Believe Day
Marukh’s Day (Elder Scrolls)
Muppets Day
National Booty Pic Day
National Childhood Depression Awareness Day
National Christina Day
National Day (Alderney)
National Home Front Heroes Day
National Sleepover Day
National Teacher Appreciation Day
Ode to Joy Day
Peter Pan Day
Piccolo Day (Dragon Ball Z)
Rapture Party Day
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Fairies Foundation Day
Schuman Day
Sophie Scholl Day
State Flag and Emblem Day (Belarus)
Tear the Tags Off the Mattress Day
Vast Wasteland Day
Victory and Peace Day (Armenia)
Victory Day (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan)
Victory Day Over Nazism in World War II (Ukraine)
Webcomic Day
World Catholic Education Day
Xotira va Qadirlash Kuni (Day of Remembrance and Honors; Uzbekistan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Butterscotch Brownie Day
Lawn Mower Beer Day
Moscato Day
National Bake Sale Day
National Cookie Dough Day
National Foodies Day
Punch's Birthday (London, England) [Sunday closest to May 9]
World Moscato Day
Independence & Related Days
Abyssinia (Annexed by Italy; 1936)
Romania (from Ottoman Empire, 1877)
2nd Thursday in May
Dress in Purple Day (Texas) [2nd Thursday]
Keller Williams RED Day [2nd Thursday]
Lanimer Day (fka Landimere’s Day; Lanarkshire & Aberdeen, UK) [1st Thursday after 6th]
Make-a-Book Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Mom's Night Out [Thursday before Mother's Day]
National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
National Student Nurse Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
One Day Without Shoes [2nd Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Festivals Beginning May 9, 2024
Adelaide Food Fringe (Adelaide, Australia) [thru 5.16]
American Independence Film Festival (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 5.15]
Gator By the Bay (San Diego, California) [thru 5.12]
International Pub Week (Adelaide, Australia) [thru 5.16]
Rayne Frog Festival (Rayne, Louisiana) [thru 5.10]
RHS Malvern Spring Festival (Malvern, UK) [thuu 5.12]
San Antonio Flavor (San Antonio, Texas)
Seattle International Film Festival (Seattle, Washington) [thru 5.19]
South Carolina Poultry Festival (Leesville, South Carolina) [thru 5.11]
Taste of Alpharetta Festival (Alpharetta, Georgia)
Taste of Ocean Springs Food & Wine Festival (Ocean Springs, Mississippi)
Turin International Book Fair (Turin, Italy) [thru 5.13]
Feast Days
Ascension Day [39 Days after Easter, 40th Day of Easter] (a.k.a. …
Father's Day (Germany)
Feast of the Ascension
Festa della Sensa (Venice)
Global Day of Prayer (Western Christianity)
Heroes' Day (Romania)
Holy Thursday
Sheep Festival (Cameroon)
Beatus of Lungern (Christian; Saint)
Beatus of Vendome (Christian; Saint)
Bedtime Protection Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Brynoth I, Bishop of Scara, Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Christopher (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Fabricius (Positivist; Saint)
Gerontius of Cervia (Christian; Saint)
George Barker (Artology)
George Preca (Christian; Saint)
Gina’s Blot (Pagan)
Gregory of Nazianzen (The Episcopal Church (US) and traditional Roman Catholic calendar)
Hermas (Christian; Saint)
James Collinson (Artology)
J.M. Barrie (Writerism)
Joan (Christian; Saint)
Kermit the Frog (Muppetism)
Lemuralia, Day 1 (Ancient Rome; Dedicated to Eradicating Malevolent Spirits of the Dead)
Lost Sock Memorial Day (Pastafarian)
Medea Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nicholas Albergati (Christian; Saint)
Nicolaus Zinzendorf (Lutheran)
Oedipus Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Olympieia (Zeus Festival; Ancient Greece)
Pachomius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Ralph Goings (Artology)
Remembrance for Gudrod of Gudbrandsdal (Slavic Pagan/Asatru)
Richard Adams (Writerism)
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Fairies Foundation Day (Shamanism)
Tudy of Landevennec (Christian; Saint)
Wear Odd Socks Day Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lemuria (Day 1of 3; Ancient Rome) [Unlucky to Marry.]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Ant Pasted (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
A Burnt-Out Case, by Graham Greene (Novel; 1961)
Down with Love (Film; 2003)
The Draft Horse (WB MM Cartoon; 1942)
The Enchanted Square (Noveltoons; 1947)
The Fall (Film; 2008)
The Fifth Element (Film; 1997)
For Whom the Bulls Toil (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Friday the 13th (Film; 1980)
A Good Time for a Dime (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Hey There Delilah, by Plain White T’s (Song; 2006)
Hot Rod and Reel! (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
In the Jungle of Cities, by Bertolt Brecht (Play; 1923)
The Intruders (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1947)
Kojak Variety, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1995)
Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return (Animated Film; 2014)
A Mighty Wind (Film; 2003)
Neighbors (Film; 2014)
Popeye Meets Rip Van Winkle (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1941)
Private Eye Pooch (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1955)
River Boat Shuffle, recorded by Big Beiderbecke (Song; 1927)
The Saint vs. Scotland Yard (a.k.a. The Holy Terror), by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1932) [Saint #9]
Short Circuit (Film; 1986)
Sleepy Time Donald (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Speed Racer (Film; 2008)
Swords and Deviltry, by Fritz Leiber (Novel; 1970) [Fafhrd and Gray Mouser #1]
Tales from Earthsea, by Ursula Le Guin (Short Stories; 2001) [Earthsea #5.5]
Triple Trouble (Animated Antics; 1941)
The Trouble With Gumballs, by James Nelson (Novel; 1956)
Vertigo (Film; 1958)
The Winged Horse (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1932)
The Winthrop Woman, by Anya Seton (Novel; 1958)
Today’s Name Days
Beatus, Caroline, Volkmar (Austria)
Beata, Dionizije, Izaija, Mirna (Croatia)
Ctibor (Czech Republic)
Caspar (Denmark)
Kahru, Ott, Otto (Estonia)
Timi, Timo (Finland)
Pacôme (France)
Beat, Caroline, Theresia, Volkmar (Germany)
Christoforos, Essaias, Isaias (Greece)
Gergely (Hungary)
Beato, Duillio, Gregorio, Luminosa (Italy)
Einārs, Ervīns, Klāvs, Rebeka (Latvia)
Austėja, Edita, Grigalius, Mingailas (Lithuania)
Jesper, Kasper (Norway)
Beatus, Bożydar, Grzegorz, Job, Karolina, Mikołaj (Poland)
Isaia, Nicolae (România)
Roland (Slovakia)
Gregorio, Isaías (Spain)
Reidar, Reidun (Sweden)
Christopher (Ukraine)
Casandra, Cassandra, Grizelda, Kasandra, Kassandra, Zelda (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 130 of 2024; 236 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 19 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 2 (Gui-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 1 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 1 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 10 Magenta; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 26 April 2024
Moon: 3%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 18 Caesar (5th Month) [Hannibal]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 52 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Ḏū al-Qaʿdah [ذُو ٱلْقَعْدَة] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 11 of 12] (The One of Truce/Sitting)
ʼIyyār (a.k.a. Iyar) [אִיָּר / אִייָר‎] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 2 of 12]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.9
Alphabet Magnet Day
American Cartoon Day
Aso ote Tala Lei (Gospel Day; Tuvalu)
Battle of Heligoland Day (Denmark)
Birth Control Pill Day
Cameltoe Day
Canadian Viral Hepatitis Elimination Day (CanHepDay; Canada)
Damita Jo Day (Auton, Texas)
Dianetics Anniversary Day (Scientology)
Earls Court Day (IA, KS, MN, VA, WY)
Europe Day (Schuman Declaration; EU)
Father’s Day (Germany)
509 Day
Free the Pill Day
Garden Hoe Day (French Republic)
Give STL Day (Missouri)
Goku Day (Japan)
Hanswijk Procession (Mechelen, Belgium) [Sunday before Ascension Thursday]
Hurray for Buttons Day
International Ukraine Day
John Brown Day
Join-or-Die Day
Lawn Mower Day
Liberation Day (Channel Islands, Guernsey, Jersey)
Lost Sock Memorial Day
Make Believe Day
Marukh’s Day (Elder Scrolls)
Muppets Day
National Booty Pic Day
National Childhood Depression Awareness Day
National Christina Day
National Day (Alderney)
National Home Front Heroes Day
National Sleepover Day
National Teacher Appreciation Day
Ode to Joy Day
Peter Pan Day
Piccolo Day (Dragon Ball Z)
Rapture Party Day
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Fairies Foundation Day
Schuman Day
Sophie Scholl Day
State Flag and Emblem Day (Belarus)
Tear the Tags Off the Mattress Day
Vast Wasteland Day
Victory and Peace Day (Armenia)
Victory Day (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan)
Victory Day Over Nazism in World War II (Ukraine)
Webcomic Day
World Catholic Education Day
Xotira va Qadirlash Kuni (Day of Remembrance and Honors; Uzbekistan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Butterscotch Brownie Day
Lawn Mower Beer Day
Moscato Day
National Bake Sale Day
National Cookie Dough Day
National Foodies Day
Punch's Birthday (London, England) [Sunday closest to May 9]
World Moscato Day
Independence & Related Days
Abyssinia (Annexed by Italy; 1936)
Romania (from Ottoman Empire, 1877)
2nd Thursday in May
Dress in Purple Day (Texas) [2nd Thursday]
Keller Williams RED Day [2nd Thursday]
Lanimer Day (fka Landimere’s Day; Lanarkshire & Aberdeen, UK) [1st Thursday after 6th]
Make-a-Book Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Mom's Night Out [Thursday before Mother's Day]
National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
National Student Nurse Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
One Day Without Shoes [2nd Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Festivals Beginning May 9, 2024
Adelaide Food Fringe (Adelaide, Australia) [thru 5.16]
American Independence Film Festival (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 5.15]
Gator By the Bay (San Diego, California) [thru 5.12]
International Pub Week (Adelaide, Australia) [thru 5.16]
Rayne Frog Festival (Rayne, Louisiana) [thru 5.10]
RHS Malvern Spring Festival (Malvern, UK) [thuu 5.12]
San Antonio Flavor (San Antonio, Texas)
Seattle International Film Festival (Seattle, Washington) [thru 5.19]
South Carolina Poultry Festival (Leesville, South Carolina) [thru 5.11]
Taste of Alpharetta Festival (Alpharetta, Georgia)
Taste of Ocean Springs Food & Wine Festival (Ocean Springs, Mississippi)
Turin International Book Fair (Turin, Italy) [thru 5.13]
Feast Days
Ascension Day [39 Days after Easter, 40th Day of Easter] (a.k.a. …
Father's Day (Germany)
Feast of the Ascension
Festa della Sensa (Venice)
Global Day of Prayer (Western Christianity)
Heroes' Day (Romania)
Holy Thursday
Sheep Festival (Cameroon)
Beatus of Lungern (Christian; Saint)
Beatus of Vendome (Christian; Saint)
Bedtime Protection Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Brynoth I, Bishop of Scara, Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Christopher (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Fabricius (Positivist; Saint)
Gerontius of Cervia (Christian; Saint)
George Barker (Artology)
George Preca (Christian; Saint)
Gina’s Blot (Pagan)
Gregory of Nazianzen (The Episcopal Church (US) and traditional Roman Catholic calendar)
Hermas (Christian; Saint)
James Collinson (Artology)
J.M. Barrie (Writerism)
Joan (Christian; Saint)
Kermit the Frog (Muppetism)
Lemuralia, Day 1 (Ancient Rome; Dedicated to Eradicating Malevolent Spirits of the Dead)
Lost Sock Memorial Day (Pastafarian)
Medea Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nicholas Albergati (Christian; Saint)
Nicolaus Zinzendorf (Lutheran)
Oedipus Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Olympieia (Zeus Festival; Ancient Greece)
Pachomius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Ralph Goings (Artology)
Remembrance for Gudrod of Gudbrandsdal (Slavic Pagan/Asatru)
Richard Adams (Writerism)
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Fairies Foundation Day (Shamanism)
Tudy of Landevennec (Christian; Saint)
Wear Odd Socks Day Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lemuria (Day 1of 3; Ancient Rome) [Unlucky to Marry.]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Ant Pasted (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
A Burnt-Out Case, by Graham Greene (Novel; 1961)
Down with Love (Film; 2003)
The Draft Horse (WB MM Cartoon; 1942)
The Enchanted Square (Noveltoons; 1947)
The Fall (Film; 2008)
The Fifth Element (Film; 1997)
For Whom the Bulls Toil (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Friday the 13th (Film; 1980)
A Good Time for a Dime (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Hey There Delilah, by Plain White T’s (Song; 2006)
Hot Rod and Reel! (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
In the Jungle of Cities, by Bertolt Brecht (Play; 1923)
The Intruders (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1947)
Kojak Variety, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1995)
Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return (Animated Film; 2014)
A Mighty Wind (Film; 2003)
Neighbors (Film; 2014)
Popeye Meets Rip Van Winkle (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1941)
Private Eye Pooch (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1955)
River Boat Shuffle, recorded by Big Beiderbecke (Song; 1927)
The Saint vs. Scotland Yard (a.k.a. The Holy Terror), by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1932) [Saint #9]
Short Circuit (Film; 1986)
Sleepy Time Donald (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Speed Racer (Film; 2008)
Swords and Deviltry, by Fritz Leiber (Novel; 1970) [Fafhrd and Gray Mouser #1]
Tales from Earthsea, by Ursula Le Guin (Short Stories; 2001) [Earthsea #5.5]
Triple Trouble (Animated Antics; 1941)
The Trouble With Gumballs, by James Nelson (Novel; 1956)
Vertigo (Film; 1958)
The Winged Horse (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1932)
The Winthrop Woman, by Anya Seton (Novel; 1958)
Today’s Name Days
Beatus, Caroline, Volkmar (Austria)
Beata, Dionizije, Izaija, Mirna (Croatia)
Ctibor (Czech Republic)
Caspar (Denmark)
Kahru, Ott, Otto (Estonia)
Timi, Timo (Finland)
Pacôme (France)
Beat, Caroline, Theresia, Volkmar (Germany)
Christoforos, Essaias, Isaias (Greece)
Gergely (Hungary)
Beato, Duillio, Gregorio, Luminosa (Italy)
Einārs, Ervīns, Klāvs, Rebeka (Latvia)
Austėja, Edita, Grigalius, Mingailas (Lithuania)
Jesper, Kasper (Norway)
Beatus, Bożydar, Grzegorz, Job, Karolina, Mikołaj (Poland)
Isaia, Nicolae (România)
Roland (Slovakia)
Gregorio, Isaías (Spain)
Reidar, Reidun (Sweden)
Christopher (Ukraine)
Casandra, Cassandra, Grizelda, Kasandra, Kassandra, Zelda (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 130 of 2024; 236 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 19 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 2 (Gui-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 1 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 1 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 10 Magenta; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 26 April 2024
Moon: 3%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 18 Caesar (5th Month) [Hannibal]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 52 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Ḏū al-Qaʿdah [ذُو ٱلْقَعْدَة] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 11 of 12] (The One of Truce/Sitting)
ʼIyyār (a.k.a. Iyar) [אִיָּר / אִייָר‎] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 2 of 12]
0 notes
jandercover · 1 year
june - free yourself
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ce que j'ai fait
c’était un très chouette mois, plein de tribulations et de petits événements qui m’ont apporté beaucoup de joie. vu qu’on avait la visite de thomas et lei, on est allés à venice, puis on a refait une (longue) hike au hollywood sign pour finir à dan sung sa ou la nourriture était aussi bonne que l’ambiance.
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je suis aussi allée a disney california adventures, où j’ai cru que j’allais m’envoler pendant le incredicoaster, mais en dehors de cet « incident » l’ambiance était magique, et j’étais super impressionnée par la taille du parc. ça m’a aussi donné envie de revoir les grands classiques de disney, et pixar, c’est cool de voir chaque personne absorbée par l’univers.
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on a aussi passé une belle semaine avec la brioche nationale, qui était trop mignonne
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autre événement, la douce november ultra est venue se produire au troubadour. c’était beau, et magique de voir la communauté qu’elle a rassemblé autour d’elle. j’ai toujours les larmes aux yeux en l’entendant, c’est comme si sa voix transperçait la salle. le lendemain, on est allées boire unet limonade a la lavande à alcôve et je lui ai offert une de mes lectures récentes favorites, in limbo (que je mentionnerait plus tard dans cet article
ce dernier week-end, je suis allée à un festival de short film à sherman oaks pour voir le film d’un des amis de géo. c’était cool de voir des courts métrages aussi différents, j’ai tellement d’admiration pour les gens qui…font des films? les histoires étaient soient intimes soient très bien réalisées, et je trouve ça courageux de pouvoir partager ce travail sur un grand écran.
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l’après midi, on a enchaîné avec verdugo mountain, où le soleil a pu accompagner mon podcast
ce que j'ai vu
afin de me remettre de succession, j’ai regardé silo. l’univers post apocalyptique est super intéressant, et les acteur.rices sont aussi très bon.nes
malheureusement, je trouve certains passages un peu compliqué à comprendre mais ça n’enlève pas la qualité de la série. c’est toujours mieux que foundation, dont je ne comprends toujours pas l’histoire
j’ai regardé reality, un film huis clos avec sydney sweeney qui incarne reality winner, une traductrice lanceuse d’alerte sur la position de la russie dans les élections américaines de 2016. l’article a été publié par the intercept, et le film raconte l’entrevue qu’elle a eu avec le fbi. c’était prenant et bien fait, j’ai vraiment apprécié sydney dans ce rôle. ça me rappelle qu’elle a un range beaucoup plus étendu que dans euphoria
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en parlant de huis clos, j’ai tellement aimé jury duty. c’est un mélange de truman show, the rehearsal et de télé réalité, par les writers de the office. je pensais pas que ce serait aussi prenant, mais j’ai surtout été convaincue par tout l’aspect wholesome de l’histoire. ça faisait très longtemps que je n’avais pas autant ri devant une série.
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enfin, c’était la reprise de the bear, avec une saison 2 éclatante. j’aime beaucoup l’évolution des personnages de sydney, marcus et surtout richie, qui est devenu un de mes personnages favoris alors que j’ai passé les épisodes précédents a ne pas le considérer. mention spéciale à l’épisode qui se passe à copenhague, super touchant et j’ai aimé qu’ils parlent de la passion du craft dans ces métiers la (et aussi le cast incroyable!)
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mon dernier film du mois de juin, et sans doute un de mes documentaires préférés c'est, fire of love. ca parle de maurice et katia krafft, un couple de volcanologues francais et c'est truffé d'images d'archives magnifiques et impressionnantes. sans doute le couple le plus badass qu'il m'ai été donné de voir
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You fall hard for what you know. Harder for what you don’t. 
ce que j'ai écouté
j’ai beaucoup aimé cette playlist de suki waterhouse envoyée par vicky
et j'ai redécouvert jessie ware - free yourself pendant mon cours de spin class et c'était la chanson de mon mois!
ce que j'ai lu
j’ai acheté in limbo de deb jj lee dans une petite librairie qui s’appelle secret headquarters, à atwater village. c’est un très beau roman graphique sur le generational trauma, d’un point de vue coréen-américain. l’artiste est exceptionnelle et chaque page pourrait être un print. l’histoire est tres triste, mais l’interprétation est touchante. je suis toujours tres impressionnée par les gens qui savent aussi bien dessiner et transmettre leurs idées.
j’ai fini the creative act, de rick rubin, dont j’avais parlé dans mes anciens posts. ce livre m’a beaucoup aidée à comprendre où je pouvais trouver de la créativité, et que je n’avais pas besoin de produire en permanence pour être un creative being. no notes!
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enfin, je suis allée a skylight books, ou j’ai trouvé un livre intitulé on BTS, qui regroupe les essais d’une journaliste de the atlantic et de sa passion grandissante pour le groupe. j’ai trouvé que c’était de beaux essais sur le fandom et sur le fait d’adorer un sujet, sans se soucier de ce que peuvent penser les autres - comme si les injonctions du quotidien disparaissaient une fois qu’on devenait vraiment enthousiaste sur un sujet (aka moi et mes obsessions)
trouvailles graphiques
en parlant d’obsession, je voulais conclure avec une nouvelle rubrique qui parle des contenus de graphisme et consort - souvent des inspirations et la raison pour laquelle j’aime toujours mon métier
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le rebrand de mullenlowe avec ces élégantes shapes 3D
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ces pubs pour airbnb
ce site de usps sur les différentes générations, que je trouve très réussi et intemporel
that's all folks! passez un beau mois de juillet
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