#Velvet remedy
skorpionegrass · 8 months
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fallout equestria in 2024?!?!
also more velvet remedy below
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im ngl i reallyy don't like the popular fanon idea of her having hair styled more spiky/straight so i tried doing smth different in the human version 👍
anyway i love both fallout and mlp so these designs are rly fun!! i might do more of those when i get further into the story (im only on chapter 15 rn lol).
also. sorry for any inaccuracies i drew these over pencil sketches i made in 5 mins n photographed with my phone 😬 i will look up how a gun looks like next time i draw it
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yokonette · 4 months
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Velvet Remedy! 🎵
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🎶🕊"We can't expect Celesta and Luna to do all the work."🎶🕊 --Velvet Remedy--
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syckubota · 5 months
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My friend got me to read Fallout Equestria and it's a good read with impressive world building (I'm surprised I hadn't come across it sooner). These are my design interpretations of Velvet Remedy, LittlePip, and Calamity.
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hannyatiger · 1 month
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Heres some Fallout x MLP / Fo:E art!!!! And some artstyle study for a cancelled Fo:E fancomic!
The oc in the first two drawings belongs to @/goat-paste on twitter!
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paintbucket-pony · 9 months
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i love these three idiots
Buy me a coffee ☕️
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sofibeth-arts · 4 months
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Spring Blooming
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suiginmigasuto87 · 1 year
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The Fallout Series Every character that I worked on from Fallout Equestria and Project Horizons. This is the series that kicked off my Youtube channel. Which, of course, is currently dead, for the moment. :P There is a final peice in the works that will feature all of them. But life had me put that on hold. It will get finished. I just don't quite know when yet.
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A couple of them got some updates. Like Black Jack and Glory.
You can view the time-lapse videos of each one here: https://www.youtube.com/@suiginmigasuto3356/videos
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eggoatt · 1 year
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littlepip from when i reread fallout equestria last year
artist notes and more sketches under the cut
i designed this mostly cuz i'm not super into the fanon littlepip- her colors don't harmonize at all they are Uggy. i set out to make a unique one so i did a bunch of research on descriptions of her (there aren't any, aside from implying her colors are comparatively plain) and other fan interpretations of her. my favorite old design i found is this white one, but i decided her having apple family white freckles was important to me so uhh. i landed pretty close to where i started. oops
i opted to draw her in the canterlot police barding from later in the story because all the fanart has the stable barding. she also has the pipbuck melded to her leg to match.
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lots more research and wrestling with mechanical objects because i wanted to get them right (there are still mistakes ppl pointed out to me </3 i am a wee character artist not an engineer)
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quick velvet and calamity ideas
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Page 2 of my Fallout Equestria Fancomic!!!
This comic panel contains: Gore
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wanderer-w00lf · 1 year
I'm kinda working on something with these guys, so I drew them just to practise a bit; and also because I like the Fallout Equestria story.
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gotyx · 11 months
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Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy Velvet Remedy
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velvetjune · 17 days
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“Under the conceptual reality behind this reality you must want these waves to drag you away.” — Hiss incantation (Control)
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imperialpetco · 5 months
Blogger: User Profile:  Imperial Pet Co.
Marvelled by natural and holistic vets around the world, Imperial Pet Co. leads the pet market with the most natural canine health supplements. Taking their cue from nature, Imperial Pet Co. is giving dogs and dog owners hope for a natural solution to canine health.
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
think there’s been more than one occasion that Emily’s cosplayed a Dr Who at a formal occasion
not always intentionally, at the “yay the hiss is gone” party, everyone was wearing red, and her Third Doctor suit is the only red formal outfit she owns
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mydadleft471 · 2 months
A Brief Respite
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Summary: Something is bothering Messmer. Even if you can't fix what's wrong, you can show him how much you care for him.
Spoilers for both Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree. No warnings, just tooth-rotting fluff for my favorite boi.
Sorry for the radio silence! I was on vacation (which was so nice btw) and I got back and hammered this baby out! I missed writing for Messmer sm. Anywho, thank you to the genius @manitscold for the idea for this fic! If there's any other ideas for fics, please let me know!
Please enjoy and realize that ye olde English is a pain in the ass.
You awake early in the morning to sunlight streaming in through your window.
You rub your eyes and clumsily push the plush red comforter embroidered with Messmer’s insignia back and ease out of your bed. Per usual, the servants at the Shadow Keep had catered to your every need, and your breakfast was already sitting on the table in your quarters. You truly believe you get better service than Messmer himself.
He had always treated you well even before he began courting you, but now, he showers you with the finest gifts he can find. Beautiful embroidered dresses, specifically tailored for you, flawless gemstones, rich wines, and sturdy armor sets were all left for you in your private quarters. You live quite comfortably here.
He has also ensured your protection. His most trusted guards stand watch outside your quarters, day and night, and you are allowed to carry your weapon freely around the castle. You don’t really need your weapon much, as Messmer prefers to personally guard you whenever possible. You have never felt more safe. His presence is comforting and warm.
Lately, though, you haven’t seen him as much. Perhaps a battle went horribly wrong, or he’s sick. You don’t know, but whenever he is around, he seems like something is troubling him. He doesn’t speak as often and he remains closed-off, even from you.
You were, hopefully, going to remedy that today. You requested various flowers, bath salts, and oils from Castle Ensis, and they had finally arrived. You were going to make him relax, no matter what. 
Dressed in a fine dress made of red velvet with glimmering gold accents and with a satchel filled to the brim with salts, petals, and soaps, you begin to make your way to Messmer’s chamber. Servants bow their heads in reverence to you as you pass, and you greet two Fire Knights as you approach Messmer’s door. Not unusual, but today they’re standing directly in front of the door rather than off to the sides.
“Good morning. I wish to see Lord Messmer.” 
The right guard bows his head and replies solemnly. “My Lady, Sir Messmer has requested to not be bothered.”
“Even if it’s me?” You quirk your brow upwards and place a hand on your hip.
“Well… I suppose he wouldn’t bar you from entering. Apologies, My Lady.” You hear a wavering fear in his voice. Perhaps he realizes that keeping his Lord from you would be a terrible idea.
Stepping aside, they push open the solid metal doors and bow their heads as you pass. Being the Lady of the castle certainly had its perks.
The heavy doors shut with a heavy thump behind you and you proceed into the darkened room. There are a few candles lit around the chamber. You hear thundering footsteps from behind the throne at the front of the room. You wonder if you should’ve left him alone.
“I requested to be left well alone. Secluded from all.” His low, authoritative voice echoes across the stone walls. You see one of his snakes poke its head out from the darkness and you straighten your posture.
Messmer comes out from behind the large throne and hurries towards you, steps light yet graceful, befitting a demigod. He grabs your hand and inspects you for injuries.
“My darling, whatever is the matter? Has something happened?” His features soften and butterflies erupt in your stomach from his gentle touch.
“Nothing has happened. Everything is alright, love.” You reach your hand up towards his cheek to cradle it and he lowers himself to allow you to. You notice that the dark circles underneath his eyes have grown heavier and he looks weary. “Are you alright, Messmer?”
The question takes him aback. He shoots you a weak smile and gently kisses your palm. “Yes, my darling. It has been a rather vexing week, nothing more. Thou must not worry about such matters; I will attend to them.”
You know he is lying. Something has happened, but why would he be worried to open up to you? He has been forthcoming about his mother and his crusade in her name, so what could possibly make him think he can’t talk to you?
“Love, I’m here for you. I know something is bothering you.” He looks away from you, head bowed down. You make him look at you, and he meets your soft gaze with hesitation. “You do not have to bear everything by yourself, you know. Please let me help you.”
He sighs and grabs your hands with his much larger ones. “A sweeter companion I could never hope to have. But some burdens are mine to bear as they are mine own sins.”
“Are you thinking about the war?”
“Yes. The blood I have spilled would paint this castle ruby, inside and out. And yet, it is Mother’s will. Her vengeance has become mine own flesh.” He sounds conflicted, like he knows what is right and wrong, and yet, he can’t bring himself to stray from the path his Mother set him on. He pulls his hands away from yours, scared he will taint your innocence with his touch.
“I’m not scared of you.” His eye gleams bright gold at your words.
“Perhaps not now. But, should we have met before, my visage would haunt thy very nightmares.” His snakes gently coil around him more, as if comforting him. You long to do the same. To take all his pain and make it vanish into thin air.
But you cannot do that.
“I have a surprise for you.” You break the haunting silence and interrupt his spiraling train of thought.
“What is it?” He sounds exhausted.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?” You shoot him a playful smile, and he returns it with a much weaker one. You take his hand and begin to lead him back to his chambers behind his towering throne. Slowly, you make your way to the back of his room where a large marble tub sits vacant. 
“So… there’s really no better way to say this, but I need you to strip and get in the bath for me.” Heat rushes to your cheeks. You dare to look up at him. His gaze shifts between the tub and you rapidly, and his face matches his hair.
“Only if you want to! If this makes you uncomfortable, we can forget this ever happened. I got fancy bath salts and soaps from Castle Ensis to help you relax.” You open your satchel and show him the various bottles and wrapped packages you brought with you.
“Thou hast done this… to offer me a respite?”
“You’ve seemed preoccupied lately. A nice bath always helps me clear my mind and rest.” You give him a bashful smile. His eye is wide and his face is twisted in confusion.
“Thou does not wish for me to disrobe for thy own pleasure?” 
You think you’re going to die before this conversation is over.
“No! I just want you to get in the bath and relax!” You take a second to breathe and quiet your voice. You don’t want him to think that you want him just for sex. “I can wash your hair if you’d like.” 
“I’d like that.” You barely hear his response over your rapid heartbeat.
You begin to run the water, making sure it’s warm, but not hot. You sprinkle in some lavender and rose petals and throw in some sweet-smelling salts for good measure. Messmer watches you with a curious eye. His snakes do the same. They flick their tongues and turn their heads side-to-side.
Once the tub is filled, the room smells fantastic. You set your satchel to the side and fetch him a soft towel and his favorite red silk robe. You set everything within arms reach.
“Okay, I’ve got everything set up. So I’ll, uh, step out for a few minutes. Just call me back when you’re ready.”
He nods at you and you make your way out of his chambers. Shutting the heavy door behind you, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Hopefully, this will help him relax and take his mind off of fighting a war he wasn’t meant to wage. You know you aren’t able to take away the horrible memories of hundreds of years of war, but you can help him forget, even if for a moment.
“I am ready.” His voice interrupts your thoughts. You take a deep breath and step back inside. Peeking around the corner, you see him sitting perfectly straight in the tub with his back to you, his snakes curiously peering over his shoulder for your return.
You sit on the edge of the bath and gently place a hand on his back, careful of where his snakes have torn through his skin. “How do you feel? Is the water okay?”
“I am… nervous. But the water is quite nice.”
“Why are you nervous, my love?” You rub soothing circles into his back.
“No one has ever seen me like this. Exposed.”
“I can leave if I’m making you uncomfortable.” You begin to stand up, but he grabs your wrist.
“Thy presence is never unwelcome. I am just not used to this. Thy touch. Thy care.” He lets go of your wrist.
“You deserve love and care, Messmer.” 
“You do.” You lean down to wrap your arms around him, but he stops you.
“Thy dress. I do not wish for you to ruin it because of me.”
“Oh hush. Have you seen the amount of dresses in my wardrobe? Now lean your head back.”
He does as you ask and you see the worry in his eye. As gently as you can, you pour water over his head and smooth his hair down. You reach over and grab some shampoo and begin to massage it into his scalp. His eye flutters closed at the sensation of your nails scratching against his scalp and he shudders.
“Are you alright? Do you need me to stop?”
“No. This is wonderful.” You laugh and keep going. Your hands are comically small compared to his head, so it takes you quite some time to make sure all of his hair is covered. Not that you mind, however, when the slightest touch leaves him in such a state of relaxation.
Once again, you pour water over his hair and wash away the sweet shampoo. You ensure no suds get into his eye.
He has allowed you to move him how you please and you’re touched by how much he trusts you. Grabbing some conditioner, you run it through his hair and rub it into his scalp. Once again, he shudders and his breathing slows. He’s enjoying this.
“You’re very pretty, my love.” You see his cheeks redden and he opens his mouth to protest, but you scratch his scalp with both hands and he falls silent immediately. The next time he goes to rebuke something you say, you’ll just do this. You’ll never be wrong again.
Washing the conditioner out of his hair, you also notice that his snakes seem to be enjoying this. They watch you with content looks on their faces, tongues flicking out happily. You rinse your hands off and reach out to pet them. They nuzzle approvingly into your palm.
“They adore you, darling.” He gives you a loving smile.
“More than you do?” 
“An impossible feat.” The snakes hiss out in disagreement and you laugh. 
“Would you like me to let you get out?” You feel the water and frown as it’s beginning to get a little cold.
“Perhaps. I do rather enjoy this.”
“I’ll brush your hair when you’re dressed. How does that sound?”
“Marvelous. Thy surprise continues to enchant me.”
“Good.” You kiss him on the cheek and rise from where you were sitting. You move the towel and his robe closer to him at the edge of the tub, and leave his chambers again. You make a mental note to add the salts, soaps, and flowers to the supply list from Castle Ensis permanently. Perhaps this could be a weekly thing for him. You’d do it as often as it took for him to look so relaxed again.
The large door opens and Messmer greets you with a smile. He looks decades younger. His red hair dangles around his face, droplets of water kissing his skin and rolling down his neck. His red robe hugs his frame nicely. 
He holds out his hand and you take it wordlessly. He shuts the doors with a flick of his wrist and guides you over to his large bed. You notice that his hairbrush is already on the comforter. He sits down on the edge of the bed and you shuffle your way behind him.
“Ready?” You don’t need to ask, but you do.
“Yes. I do not know how this will go. Mine hair is… unruly.”
“Then I’ll just have to brush it everyday.”
“You spoil me, darling.”
“As do you. Now hold still, and tell me if anything hurts.”
You test the waters by running your fingers through his hair, and he wasn’t lying. His hair is rather tangled and will take some work to get straight. You silently curse your lover for not taking better care of himself, and get to work. You start with the ends of his hair and brush out the small knots at the bottom as carefully as you can. Eventually, with some work, the hair obeys and flows down his back as it’s supposed to. 
You take a second to check on Messmer. He’s been silent the whole time and you want to make sure he’s enjoying this. Your worries are short lived, however, when you see his eye closed and his face relaxed. His mouth is slightly open and his breathing is even.
“Is something the matter?” He asks you, still with his eye closed.
“Just making sure you’re alright, love.”
“With thee, I am blissfully content.”
“Please keep that in mind as I work through these tangles.” He laughs and shakes his head at your antics.
“I shall. I will repeat it as a mantra for thine efforts.” 
You give him a small peck on the cheek and return to your work. You begin to move up to the hair beneath his neck and slowly brush at any tangles you find. With some persistence, his hair is soft and silky once again. You notice one of his snakes out of the corner of your eye watching your gentle movements. The other is happily splayed on the comforter.
Slowly, you make your way to his scalp, and within a half hour, you have his fiery hair running in gentle waves down his shoulders. Putting the brush down, you use your fingers to sweep through his hair for any stubborn tangles, but you don’t find any. Satisfied, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and lay your head against his neck.
“I’m tired now.” Your remark makes him chuckle and wrap his hand around one of yours.
“I have no doubt.” He leans his head against yours and sighs. “This was a most pleasant surprise, my darling. I thank thee for this.”
“Of course. It’s the least I can do for you.”
He untangles himself from you and gently pulls you down onto the soft bed beside him. You tuck yourself into his side and yawn.
“There are days I find myself believing that I do not deserve thee. This is yet another one of those days.”
You kiss the back of his hand and shake your head. “You deserve all of this and more.”
“Perhaps.” He pulls you closer to him. His skin is smooth and smells like lavender. “Sleep, my beloved.”
“It’s not even time for dinner.”
“You would disobey your Lord?” He taunts you playfully.
“No, I would not.” You snort.
“I shall wake thee for dinner.” 
“You’re going to fall asleep with me.”
He relaxes into the cushions and pillows beneath him and kisses your forehead. “I do not hear thee complaining.”
“I’m not. I want to stay here forever with you.”
You’re beginning to slip into slumber. You let your eyes flutter closed and snuggle into Messmer’s side. He gently pulls a blanket over you and tucks you in as best he can.
“As do I, my beloved.”
“I love you, Messmer.”
Before you completely succumb to sleep, you hear his quiet reply.
“And I thee, my sweet consort.”
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