#the hellmare
wanderer-w00lf · 1 year
I'm kinda working on something with these guys, so I drew them just to practise a bit; and also because I like the Fallout Equestria story.
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demon-blood-youths · 4 months
Hey Hellmare? Is it true that Hiroshi got you a personal custom made tea set for you? I think it's sweet though...Is it also true you become ummm violent if someone interrupts your tea time?
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Hellmare smiles as she sets the cup of tea down. The tea she is drinking is jasmine tea as she hums.
"Hello there, anon." Hellmare smiles, "I will answer the question in the following. Yes, Hiroshi got me a personal custom-made tea set. He managed to find a maker who is good at making tea sets. I must admit the designs that he told the maker are extraordinary. It's very sweet of him and I make sure to cherish" She looks at the tea seat as it has purple lavender prints on it. It looks painterly and flowery like an artistic abstract.
Hellmare smiles widely but this time, her eyes slowly opens emitting an ominous aura. "That said, I would be very unhappy if someone interrupted my tea time with unnecessary violence. If someone were to break my cups, well...I would use the right amount of force to deal with the situation." She pats on her weapon, Ares Foundation. "After all...ADA and everyone knows what happens. Especially...that man who broke into our house and stole our undergarments." She recalls Bradely and Mineta. "That's how I do things." Then she frowns.
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"Don't you think so?"
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||An Officer's Corruption part Nineteen||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but once more, I'm adding another chapter to this mini series me and my friend Demon mun has written. This series is getting good but I hope you like friend. That and their could be a season 2. :3
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
((Your reading part Nineteen))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Nothing bad right at the moment
~A conversation will happen in this part
||Drabble Summary||
Officer Star was checking up on the inmate Ashley but he saw that she was doing alright so far. However, later on, he wonders what he can find out about her. Meanwhile, Oblivion went to check on Yuuka again but finds something disturbing what could it be? Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
Joshua Star and other members from his fraction mentioned, Rave"Oblivion" Daitengu Arion"Hellmare" Iderum, and Fira"Maggie" Fireleo belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Ashley Butterfly, Yuuka Nakano, and Jinx Violet are my oc’s that belong to me. Yuji Itadori is from Jujutsu Kaisen but is also a muse I rp as.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Later that afternoon, Joshua was seeing his team checking on the inmates that everyone was back in their cells for the day. However, they were all relaxed now even so. However, this made the others curious. Even if Ashley was the one that caused this, it really was something. She was able to sooth or keep them under her control.
It was scary to say the least.
"You know. I never get what she does and yet, the inmates are relaxed even so." Vanessa said to the others and yet, they were curious.
"I don't know. When she got here, they were under her control but she didn't use anyway to get out or cause a riot. That still freaks me out even so. Maybe we can just keep this common and still keep our guard up." Light said thinking about it. He sighed just looking at him then at the others.
"Well, maybe that's a good thing?" everyone looks to officer Shee to hear that.
"What makes you say that, Sydeia?" Robert asked confused.
"Well, lets just say it's a feeling. She has never tried to break out or tried to make the inmates cause any riots. That is scary giving the fact she's that dangerous." she said seeing the others thinking about it. Though, she could have but didn't. "I bet even Hellmare and Maggie feel the same." Angel said but looks silent.
"You know? I'm scared to ask what she is thinking about but maybe we shouldn't worry about it too much..." they said but thinking about it. "Hold on, where is Joshua?" Vanessa asked to see the others look at her.
"He's visiting Ashley right now to see if she is good.."
"You really sure this is safe?" Maggie asked Hellmare but she said nothing to look seeing Joshua quiet but arrived at Ashley's cell. She was indeed sitting in there looking at the floor but she had some vines inside that coated the wall and the floor. Seems it was true about her having plant like demonic power but she was focused on something else.
"I'm sure as Joshua said it's fine.Besides, she don't seem violent." Hellmare said as the two remain quiet. However, Joshua sighed but looks to her.
"Ummmm Ash? I'm here for your daily check up." He said loud enough for her to hear him. She slowly looks to turn her head showing her golden honey yellow eyes to him. He didn't say anything seeing the expression on her face but she then looks ahead again as he held his breath to take out the cell key and goes to unlock it to open it.
"Be careful Joshua.." Maggie said.
"I..I'll be safe. Trust me. She won't hurt me but I'll be safe." He said but turns to head inside but looks to Ashley who was looking at her lap again. However, she remains still.
"Have you eaten at lunch today?" he asked but she only slowly nods to him.
".....I see. Good. I'm glad you did. Though...did you...need the other thing you have to eat." He asked but she didn't respond to slowly shake her head no while having the blanket over her shoulders. He wonders if she was saying that but knowing her, she did seem to be.
"Ashley? Are you sure?" he asked.
"........I'm a bit hungry but..I will eat later tomorrow if it's alright? I don't feel..c..comfortable e..eating if others were st..staring.." she speaks in a quiet tone but Joshua sighed.
"..I understand. I'll come later to check on you in case you do. I don't want you to be nervous about it." he said but he sees her look to the side and understand. However, he turns to start walking out till she grabs his wrist.
Maggie notice about to do something but Hellmare stops her, assuring it's fine. She said nothing but looks seeing Ashley look at Joshua with a quiet expression.
"Is something w..wrong?" He asked.
"....T..thank you but I'll s..see you later on tomorrow..I should be fine to wait till later to eat." she said softly before letting his wrist go as the vine pulls back. He nods but turns to walk out while shutting the cell door to look at the other two.
"She didn't hurt me. She tends to do that sometimes but..she's not evil as many think. Or at least her sweet side. Her other side is..pretty violent.." he mutters but sighed being quiet.
"Anyway, we can give her some time to relax before I come back." he said turning leave with the other two follow him. Now they were curious towards it.
"I'm really curious if she really is what she says.." Maggie walks but Hellmare sighed.
"I'm sure she is. I'm already speaking with Hiroshi and he seems pretty calm for a inmate. I'm sure you can do the same with T-bone.." she said but Maggie rolls her eyes but understood. This was going to be something.
"I hope the others are having better luck.." she grumbled.
~~~~~Meanwhile with Oblivion~~~~~
"Are you sure this is all you found out Ophelia? It can't be like that can it?" she asked on the phone but heard a sigh from the other.
'I'm afraid so. I know it's hard to hear Oblivion but it's true. I can do what I said but given her history it's scary. I never seen anyone taking in so much toxins and having it blended into her own. To say at least, with that much, she would have been ill but she's absorbing it like it's nothing.' she explains while checking the notes.
'I can still try to make something that's not as painful for her and maybe where it's not a shot? I don't know if she's alright with medicine or something else..' she thinks but Oblivion said nothing to think.
"Then, can you tell me anything involving her history?" she asked.
'All I know from her records, she used to be someone that helped others in the past. Always risking her life to help others. However, she ran into some people that 'used' her and hopes to try and control her due to her gift. It didn't work as they hope leading to her self poisoning them. She became dangerous and unstable given the fact some even tricked her with giving drugs to her.'
'Yes. I had Hex check the types and theirs a lot. Way too much for one to consume she would have been killed but...she wasn't? Maybe it's due to the poison in her body eating at it to keep her safe.' Ophelia explains but Oblivion looks quiet.
".....How bad are we talking here?" Oblivion asked but Ophelia didn't say.
'*Sighs* Bad to where if more of this was given, it could seriously hurt or damage her. She might not be able to do much or worse.' she said.
Before she asked, Oblivion heard some shouting or commotion in the other area but stood up.
'Oblivion, you still there?' Ophelia asked.
"Yeah, I gotta call you back for a moment.." she said quickly rushing to check it out. She gets out from the other room but saw Luna and Swan worried as some was speaking.
"Hey, what is going on?" Oblivion asked.
"It's Yuuka. Something's wrong.." Swan said but right away Oblivon goes to check. She opens the door to look inside but as she did, she tenses seeing what was in front of her.
The holding cell was now melting, given the fact that two officers backed up shaking to see the purple goo. They had another shot to give but she was sitting in the corner crying. She even noticed her scratching her arm a little bit but not the specks of blood.
"...S...stay away...stay away...stay away..." she heard her speak softly while holding her head. The goo was bubbling around the floor of her cell but she had her back facing them.
"What did you two do!?" Oblivion asked.
"W..w...we were just trying to give her the shot for the night! We were told by the other to do that!" he said scared but the other was nervous that they saw the goo now spreading out more.
"Yeah. We had orders to give her the shot before she goes to sleep but when we tired she did this!" the other said.
"Tch...I need to get to her or at least calm her down! Do you have something to put her to sleep?!" Oblivion asked.
"We do but we can't get close to her!" the officer said but that's when they saw the goo rising up and spreading. It seems to be dripping but when some falls on one of the officer's pants it begins eating it away as he shouts trying to get it off with a cloth. It hisses as he tried to clean it off but when he did, he saw a hole where the goo eats away the clothing a bit showing a burned hole. He was lucky it didn't get to his skin.
"We need to leave!" Swan said worried. "The poison is starting to come from here again. It's not safe to be in here right now!" she said as everyone backs up to the door.
"Yuuka Nakano, you need to stop! Please, can you hear me!?" Oblivion shouted but Yuuka covers her ears shutting her eyes. She just wanted them to stop. Stop shouting, stop talking. She just wanted them to leave her alone!
"Yuu it's me! Please, you need to calm down-"
"Leave me alone.....leave me alone...." she whispered still crying.
"Yuuka, you need to stop! Please, I can help you. I can-"
"LEAVE!!!" She screams for the goo to get more dangerous that it started growing more. That told Luna to get everyone out of the cell area pulling them out even Oblivion.
"EVERYONE OUT!!" Luna shouted getting everyone out of this cell room.
"Yuuka!!" Oblivion shouted as she was pulled out, Swan quickly shuts the door before the whole room was coated in Yuuka's goo. Yuuka was alone again but she was clawing at her arm where another shot was given but she digs her nails into her skin drawing blood.
"H..Hurts...*shaking* i..it..It hurts...It hurts..It hurts...." she sobs scratching her skin more shaking. Her tears were running down her cheeks while sobbing even louder through out the bubbling of the goo all around her.
In the hallway, the officers and inmates saw this but Luna was worried seeing a sign showing 'Quarantine; do not enter' near the door.
"Damn it.." Oblivion hissed but she saw Luna sigh.
"Great, now we have to wait for her to calm down before going back in that room. That's the second time she's lost it.." she mutters.
"How long will it take?" Oblivion said.
"A few hours....maybe tomorrow I don't know. But rest assure, when it does we can let you know Oblivion. Right now, the room is covered in her goo so no one can get in or out now...we'll have to wait till she calms down.." she hated to say that but it was true. Hearing this, Oblivion looks to the door but looks quiet.
She had to figure this out before it gets worse. But it leaves the question; what the fuck happened back then to make her be this violent? It worried her to give the thought.
'She really is like me..different but the same. Yuuka, what the hell happened to you?'
~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile with Itadori and Jinx~~~~~~~~~
"You really won't tell me anything will you?" she asked him and yet, he said nothing to sigh.
"Trust me, Kitten. I'm not in the mood to say. I just want this night to pass so I can leave." Yuji was looking at the wall of this cell but Jinx only frowns a bit.
"I understand but still..you can tell me if you want-"
"I said I don't. I really don't." he said being stubborn and yet, she remains quiet to look at the floor while standing guard. Yuji had to be hiding something but she didn't want to anger him or push it. For now, she will just wait and maybe hope for the best. His two inmates should be alright till tomorrow but she hopes that he will at least talk to her.
"Again, I'm not saying anything. I'm fine. Now...please lets not talk about it...hmm?" he said.
"Your being stubborn tonight." she said.
"And you are being nosy too..." he said.
"I just want to help but fine..I'll be quiet.." she mutters with the two now being in silence. Jinx wanted to know but she didn't want to anger him. What was on his mind though? Yuji said nothing but his arms were crossed but he was thinking about her but she didn't know that...yet.
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whirlwindflux · 8 months
You ever hear about a "Lightbringer" or "Hellmare" or hear about anyone coming out of a Stable 2?
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Vert: That toaster repair pony is a mare of legend. I think every pony has heard of her!
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little-pondhead · 9 months
My favorite art pieces I did for 2023! :)
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⬆️This was a commission for @honeydustbee
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⬆️This was a Christmas present for @vala-dreams
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⬆️My most recent profile picture
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⬆️Profile picture I made for my sister @cactusblossom09
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⬆️October 1st Halloween special
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⬆️October 31st Halloween comic
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⬆️Fright Knight’s hellmare as a skeleton
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⬆️Mo the ghost creature from Core Of A Brother
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⬆️Pyro Regisvine human design from Genshin
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⬆️OC mermaids Marina and her mother
Danny v Hotdogs animation
Birthday present animation for @vala-dreams
Danny’s star suit animation
Danny with a flower crown animation
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hussyknee · 7 months
It would be easier to believe that depression lies if the world wasn't objectively an unending hellmare.
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sketchfanda · 2 days
A Little Moxxie Love Lore: Hellmares
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Among the denizens of Hell’s native demon population, there are often found to be enough breeds to warrant being classed as their own species much like with succubi & incubi, hellhounds and imps. Such is the case with Hellborn Equines, who are plenty distinct and different enough from the more feral, primal demonic hellhorses seen in locations like Wrath. Aside from obvious qualities like the fact they ca walk on two legs and speak of course, to say nothing of the obvious differential comparisons with centaurs of course. In particular with this demon breed, the Hellmares are often considered highly valued and popular for their natural good looks, which make them very popular for beauty pageants and contests, often thriving as fashion models and of course porn stars.
But many Hellmares are considered quite a commodity in the 7 circles of course for their gifted set of legs, which posses not only great strength (making them very effective in heavy manual labour and farm work, but are also said to have kicks so intense that they can cause severe brain damage or death to anyone foolish to provoke these gals) but especially their speed. Indeed much like ho in the living world, horse racing is considered the sport of kings, Hellmares have found themselves thriving in the infernal depths as professional race track stars. Stadiums are often filled to capacity in locations such as Wrath and Lust with betting booths seeing money change hands as crowds roar and cheer on their favoured racer to glory and victory. Compared to those in hell, demon and sinner alike, Hellmares live a very lucrative lifestyle that can afford them luxury and comfor which they can enjoy thanks to their effort and hard work.
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Naturally such racing and pageant queens have owners and handlers to oversee and tend to their needs to ensure and maintain their quality and wellbeing, ranging from well off enough blue collars like Wrath farmers and some of Hell’s blue blood class such as the Ars Goetia. But of course even with the age rate in Hell and the lifespan of the average demon and sinner, no mare can ever manage to outrun Father Time so this has often lead to their managers arranging for their gals to open sure a future generation of champions by passing on their genes. Mainly by arranging them to bred by a high quality stallion but there has been found to be an issue in that regard….Hellmares hate the male of their species. Like they can’t stand them at all.
This is mainly due to several notable factors, chief among them being evolution and genetics as over time, Hell Stallions have all been prone into being all alike in terms of personality. That is to say arrogant douche bag frat boy jock dude bros that would make Johnny Bravo think they got a problem, wanna be Casanova quagmires who think they’re God’s gift to women just because they have big dicks. This obnoxious behaviour as well as the fact that population size ratio of mares to stallions is 6 to 4 at the least, 7 to 3 at the most, makes it an issue when arranging breeding sessions.
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This is what has lead to hellmare owners arranging matters to ensure the studs can be enabled for breeding with a practice plenty common in the living world when it comes to horse owners. Utilising a teaser to coax the mares into estrus as its found that certain types of demon males that are visually easy in the eyes in terms of attractiveness and overall personality prove to be very effective in arousing the mares to such a state that in theory, the stallions will be better able to mount snd do the deed. In practice however, it’s said to be that Hellmares in recent times have been more prone and partial to hooking up with their teasers instead, opting to knockout the stallions and trick them into thinking they did a job well done, thus sparing their fragile egos.
Now when it comes to teasers of course, as mentioned Hellmares seem to like partners who are visually appealing and pleasant in personality, the rare sort of diamonds in the rough in a place like Hell, where being a chaotically evil and overall generally shitty person tends to be a default personality setting. But not too far and between as many think, ranging rom easy candidates like incubi and the odd succubi for mares who often swing that way, both if the mare is really looking to teased, hellhounds and of course Imps. For being the bottom rung of society in Hell, some imps are found to meet and tick off all the checkbox requirements in what Hellmare looks for in a teaser. The sweeter and cuter the imp, the more likely a Hellmare will go into heat, most rumours sound and credit the recent trend in Hellmare/Teaser relation especially with imps to one by the name of Moxxie, who’s been found to be quite in demand for his services as a teaser and with good reason mind you.
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Naturally thanks to the more superior lovemaking skills of their teasers, the imps in particular, Hellmares have a high success rate of becoming impregnated with any particular traits or qualities their hybrid babies may have being often overlooked or ignored. Though it often especially helps when the babies take after their mother as they produce more daughters than sons thanks to the aforementioned ratio. Not that the owners and trainers will ever notice anyway, especially when the expected results of those kids growing up to become pageant and racing champions is made a reality. Ignorance is bliss particularly when wealth and money are involved.
For those wondering of course, the mares’ Zebra cousins, who often live and reside in the more wilder portions of Wrath are said to pretty much thrive on teasers in their sexual culture in the same manner. Being more open and outright displaying their affection and relationships with their teasers, often marrying them and seeing more pride and no shame in especially being with an imp or preferring them to be their baby daddies over the stallions of their own kind. Yes as you might gather this is because HellZebra stallions are insufferable and pretentious bores who assume their having big dicks automatically makes them absolute ladies men. In fact stallions among Either Hell equine breeds have terrible stamina and staying power in contrast to their quite frankly overrated length and girth of their endowments.
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And that’s the basic 101 on Hellmares, their culture and mating habits and for those wondering, expect it to be a common habit tat many other demon breeds and species are especially partial to imps. Particularly and especially imps with very sweet, chivalrous personalities and it should be mentioned that Hellmares and Zebras also thrive quite well in careers in porn where interspecies relations and the chances of getting knocked up are very likely. Skullfuck Prod. is notable for its very high roster membership of these gals and they’ve become quite eager to work with his new rookie sensation, Mysterious M. So business is looking pretty good.
Expect more 101 rundowns on certain demon breeds in Hell down the line but can’t be left out that the heaven equivalent to thse gals tend to radiate a more sensual regal vibe. If pageant Hellmares are sexy pin ups, holy mares are more tasteful gravure models but it’s found that they also share a partial fondness for imps. Seems the stallion issue is plenty common and the taboo nature and aspect in regards to the cultural differences in heaven and hell make it rather spicy and fun. Always the quiet ones eh?
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toudens · 2 years
Late night oc Info cause no one’s up and I can be less self conscious but um a lot of my ocs have themes of multiple consciousnesses or souls in a single body etc and one of them being Hellmare (still iffy abt name might change) it’s technically a fusion of three other ocs and a forced man-made (aka immortal made) god. He’s a combination of three different powerful beings and was orchestrated by Kain. A greedy rich power hungry human whose been making deals with the other worldly guides since he was 10. Kain, Sen and Hade all represent Greed, wrath and pride on different levels
Kain: 1.greed 2.pride 3. wrath
Sen: 1.wrath 2.greed 3.pride
Hade: 1.pride 2.wrath 3.greed
Gods in the world are essentially just really powerful beings who previously died with something that was unfair unjust or unsolved in their life while the astrological events were in certain balances. They’re basically a counsel lead by Rei (a god of rulers) and it’s essentially just a giant chess game to them but what they don’t realize is Kain has gotten too much information on how to become one of them and artificially stitches himself together with other people across different planes of existence and it creates a god of pain and chaos which essential takes over the court and disrupts previous balance
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vischys · 1 year
What type of symphony are you?
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You are the silence in the theatre as the soloist readies his bow, and the chill one feels at the strike of the first note. You are the undeniable gravity that brings everything together, and you hold captive the fool and the genius alike. You make no promises with life for which path you are to take, and that is why your life can be nothing but extraordinary-- you know no other way. Though the mirror may be your greatest enemy, you know there is no absolution but that in the reflection. Through light and dark, you feel no discomfort in being alone though at times you crave affection. No matter. You persist. And that is your greatest strength. Your song: Partita in E Major by Bach
⠀⠀⠀“ To be a soloist is to naturally bear the onus of the performance solely upon your fingers and instrument. Beyond thus, it provides a musician with the unparalleled opportunity to recognize a leitmotif distinct to their aptitude without deferring to another's play. It is thereby a demonstration of one's musical essence, unadulterated and undistrait. ”
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Tagged by: chanced upon
Tagging: @demon-blood-youths (Shdwykz, Oblivion, Hellmare), @lovelyxhorrors (Matt), @sorrowshared , @hohuios , as well as anyone inclined to the fun!
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from American, French and German forenames, including the letter sequence "Ll"
Adoll Alilley Alillmutte Allay Alleangeona Alleene Alleona Alley Allia Allie Allied Allievaleen Allin Alline Allmard Allmunie Allory Allri Allrie Allyne Allynniquel Amelle Amelliste Amill Angerylle Angillie Annellie Aphillene Arryllion Aulillia Aumell Aurellie Aurollin Aximmellen...
Bearlella Belgellen Bellestind Bellia Bellian Belliecla Bellm Bertomelle Betallie Betchellaf Bielillas Billena Billis Boniffaelly Callenzel Callich Cariedwayll Carrelle Charicilla Cheill Chell Chellanne Chellew Chellexan Chellyd Chellynn Chermadelle Chille Chrille Cillachel Cillendyl Cistella Claudrolles Cliedilhell Cobelly Colla Collangene Colle Collend Collessimin Colliquelo Collis Collyn Couille Curedgell Cécillyd Daille Dallane Dalle Dalley Dallina Dallinee Dallyndix Dardolle Davichille Deanmillian Delille Delle Dellermail Delley Dellill Dessille Dille Dilly Dusiellio Dwill Dwilley Dwillyd Dylley Ebhandyllex Edellie Edennellex Edristelly Edwally Edwille Elille Ellach Ellasha Ellaurt Ellaves Elleah Elleen Elleene Ellence Elleody Ellesus Ellex Ellia Elliant Ellie Elliencly Ellierryann Ellin Elline Elling Ellipp Ellis Ellixie Ellory Ellrisabeat Ellyd Ellyn Ellyne Emarall Erollyditte Ershella Esephillrie Estiangelle Evallyne Evièvellar Faella Fella Fellikay Flouilley Fraltell Frichella Frégillan Gannellen Gaëllee Gaëllys Gelistelly Gellan Gellangren Gelle Gelleore Gellie Gericellen Ghiellendy Gillevine Giselle Gorgainelle Guella Guellaulipp Guisall Guisallodys Halle Halleitz Haëll Haëlley Haëllie Heillainale Heillaurik Heillexin Heillyd Heillyden Heilouillyn Heiltelle Hella Hellan Hellaud Helle Hellen Hellenée Helleon Heller Hellexan Helline Hellis Hellmar Hellourt Hellra Hellyn Herrettelle Herwill Heryanuelly Hilla Hillex Holgaill Holle Hollyntond Holphillis Huguillmard Illeanmic Illee Illystaber Ircillyd Jachell Janiquella Javellien Jaymoll Jilley Jillia Jillis Jimmillarla Joantalley Jodylla Joellenjanz Johaëlleid Johaëlli Johaëllyd Joscoraille Josella Josellie Joëllanster Joëllydie Judell Jupethilley Juthillrie Jürgilleild Karcecill Kathell Kaëlla Kehancellar Kellanley Kellar Kelle Kelleath Kellenny Kellestanny Kelliellen Krillmari Laellano Lancellet Lellannique Lillip Lilly Liscolle Llaig Lleandy Llistriano Lolla Lorgaëll Lorgellen Lorill Lorthelles Lottell Lucill Lucillah Lucillanner Lucilles Lucillinz Lucillivide Luisbelleo Lukarcille Maeliell Maellew Maelley Magmuelly Mally Mannelliann Mannelly Marievellin Maryll Maxellie Meilly Mella Melle Mellia Mellie Mellinadord Mellindy Melline Melly Mellynet Mildelle Millane Millar Millashenny Millaud Millaur Mille Milleacody Millen Millene Millenn Milleorie Milleta Millexim Millia Milliney Milly Millynne Miracellann Mollae Moraquelle Nellaud Nicillesse Nitabell Nollen Olfralleene Olillastita Olleanne Olleene Ollentz Ollia Ophillie Ossabillin Othelleenny Pallia Pallie Pamaelle Phill Phillah Phille Phillyn Prillyn Quellea Quellie Raille Ranuelleon Reillyn Rethelle Rewinelle Richellaf Robillie Rolle Rollianditz Rollied Rollin Rolly Romelle Ronifell Rookell Rookellanie Roselle Rucilly Rudell Rudoll Rudoreillen Rélisabilly Sabilline Samellex Selilley Sella Selle Selleene Sellew Sellia Sellie Sellydien Sephillilly Shazelly Shaëlliane Shaëllouisy Shaëlly Sheilla Shell Shellia Shellianny Shellmie Shillaul Shilly Sillane Simella Sollyn Sonathelle Stinevelle Suell Suelle Suliell Sylla Tachellyne Tallene Tallynne Telmilly Telsell Terwillied Theighilly Thell Thelle Thill Tinzelle Todillette Tolla Tylaelly Urémelhelle Vallaudia Valles Vallio Vallyne Viollria Virlellyn Vivally Wallaurtin Walle Wallis Wenthellma Whillier Whillipp Wigill Wiguellelan Willa Willar Willaureil Wille Willencella Willenet Willenne Willeon Williandy Willin Willorgaril Willrice Willy Wolismiller Wollauran Wollicharla Wollie Wollyd Wollyndrich Xannelley Xellerwina Xellianda Xelosellen Yolle Yolliany Yvellie Yvellyntorg Élieldelley Élilleene
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symbioteburnout · 5 months
“No, I don’t have a “Satanic Healing Factor”!” Loona winced, holding the bleeding wound in her side “That’s not a thing! Now can you get a damn first aid kit?”
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"Huh? But I used to do that with my hellmar--never mind." She looks at the gash, the Dork Agent got her good, so Andi had repayed the Agent in kind by putting him into an intimate relationship with the pavement.
She raises her hand to the wound. "In this case, I'm the first aid kit... just gonna warn you that this is going to feel fucking weird, but please don't freak out."
Tips of her fingers extend into long white tendrils that begin to coat and seep into the wound, mending the cut and accelerating the healing process to allow the wound to close faster and stop any bleeding.
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
Cursed Predator || Closed RP
Smoke fills the house after the monster that emerged from Taz comes out. Glowing orange eyes before the black mass engulfs her body before the room was swallowed up in darkness. After Yukio’s chanting, Taz’s demonical laughter, and house shaking. The monster rips through the building with ease.
“Rust?! Maggie? Hellmare?! Taz!”
“Cough! I’m fine!” Rust pushes off a wall, using the wall by saving Yuki and Yuji from the rubble. 
“Where’s the others?! Atsushi? Dazai? Ranpo?”
“We’re fine!” Maggie said as she is with them. She covers them as well. Okay, okay. Ink breathes, trying to calm down. “Hellmare?”
“I’m fine! Where is Taz?” Hellmare asked. 
“Up there!” Rust pointed to see a monster standing on top of a connivence store. It had black fur, it looks to be gasly thing but it is a monster alright.
“T-taz?” Hellmare speaks. The monster in name had glowing yellow eyes as it razor sharp teeth, it had red markings around its small glowing orange eyes. Markings are glowing on and off, it had pearly sharp fangs and claws. It’s like came out of a painting to real-life.
This can’t be Taz. Right? Right?!
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“Grrrr....” The creature growled before it howls to the night sky before it jumps to one rooftop to the next.
“We gotta chase after this thing!” Ink said. “Ophelia! Heal everyone in the house and Jaron makes sure everyone is okay! Someone needs to tell Rin and the others about what happened.
Shdwkyz curses and so did Hellmare who follows after Ink who is chasing after demon Taz.
Little did everyone knew, this mere beast wasn’t on the rampage. It’s looking for something.
“Damn you!” The curse user Takumi Nori “You’re not getting in the way of my ultimate masterpiece! You guys ruined my work!” When Takumi Nori was founded out. Takumi explained his history to the trio. Heis a fellow co-worker of Jido Kidou that work at the funeral parlor. Both are in occult and done the things to the bodies back at the house. He summoned his cursed spirits and commands them to attack. 
“You lousy fucks ruined EVERYTHING! We’re about to summon a demon and it give us power” Takumi yelled.
Nobara growls. “Damn you! You’re going to pay for ruining my beauty sleep!”
“The hell ya talking about?! The hell with your beauty sleep!” Takumi commands of cursed spirit monsters to attack her, Rin and Megumi as he laughs. 
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||An Officer's Corruption part Eighteen||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but once more, I'm adding another chapter to this mini series me and my friend Demon mun has written. This series is getting good but I hope you like friend.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
((Your reading part Eighteen))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Nothing bad right at the moment
~A conversation will happen in this part
||Drabble Summary||
Officer FireleoIt and Officer Iderum was helping out Joshua's prison where they just saw a fight being broken up. However it was due to the gang leader Inmate Ashley Butterfly. However, how did this come to be? Also, it seems a slight argument has happened between Officer Jaron and Officer Melinda so they are given space for a while. However, later on, he did go and check on her again but hopes to speak and say sorry. How will she react. Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
"Angel"Fallen, Joshua Star, and other members from his fraction mentioned and Jaron Jackal, Arion"Hellmare" Iderum, and Fira"Maggie" Fireleo belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
T-bone, Hiroshi Kai, Melinda brooks, and Ashley Butterfly are my oc’s that belong to me.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
In the main lunch hall, Warden Joshua Star was shocked seeing this but he was nervous seeing no one moved. Given the information from officer Vanessa that Officer Maggie was trying to calm inmate T-bone down but almost ended up burning everyone else. Right now, he was tense seeing the head gang member of T-bone calming him down.
Her name was Ashley Butterfly, gang leader of the Shallow butterflies. And baby sister to Rex oxford mIlls. A dark skinned woman with honey yellow eyes. She hand long black hair down her back while having a black choker around her neck. She was still wearing the prison jumpsuit but she was seeing T-bone relax while she pets his head. The other inmate, her second in command Hiroshi kai was beside her but seeing that he was fine.
"Goodness, you just had to go crazy again didn't you? I thought Ash told you to take it easy." He said to his teammate with T-bone grumbling.
"I was taking it easy! Not my fault some jerk tried to grope officer Maggie."
"But she thought you were trying to start something resulting in this." He said but he rolls his eyes to look away before he looks to Ashley before she stops.
"..A..Are you okay now?" she asked but T-bone nods to slowly stand up but bows his head.
"Sorry Ash...I didn't mean to lose it." he said grumbling but she only looks at him then down.
"I..It's fine..at least your calm now." she mutters quietly while holding some blanket around her that was kept with her at all times. The other officers, even officer Maggie and Officer Hellmare was silent not expecting to see this.
'Well, this is new. Seems it was true when the files spoke about Ashley being in this prison. I figure it was something of a older file...' Hellmare thought but she was seeing the inmate she was keeping an eye on Hiroshi standing by Ashley to insure she was safe.
As Ashley saw he was fine, she looks around seeing the other inmates tense but looks away before she looks down herself. "I..If everything is c..calm now, should we go back to eating l..lunch?" she asked her two teammates before they go and do that.
"H..Hey! You three can't just-"
"Let them go, Maggie. It's fi..fine." she stops hearing Joshua speak but looks to him. It was fine!? A fight just happened and he was alright with that!?
"I know what your thinking and honestly, it's still strange. At times, that inmate tends to help with calming things down. That or using her pants in herb medicine to do it-"
"Hold on, isn't she a demon?"
"Y...Yes, she is but she and warden Joshua have some agreement. That involves calming down the most violent inmates here in his prison." Eli said to the two.
"I see.." Hellmare hums to herself thinking about it but Maggie was still shocked.
"So you let her just go about in the prison?!" Maggie said to Joshua shocked.
"Well, no and even if I did, she stays in her cell. Out of all the inmates I've had, she's the less violent. Unless one don't anger her. She can be very dangerous when she is but most times, she's well...l..like that." Joshua saw Ashley sitting down now but slowly was eating her food now with the other two.
"It's a lot to take in we know. We were at first too when Joshua told us about her. Honestly, I see why most are afraid of her. Sweet and caring on the outside but hidden behind that is a dangerous person ready to lash out at anyone."
"Though, it leaves a question." Hellmare got the knights attention. "You said she was well known for her plants? Does this mean she also helps with medicine here?"
"Yes. We also heard from her file she was really good with plants, medicine, toxins, poisons, etc. She knows a few of them. I know because when we had a recent break out riot, Angel got heavily sick with something. Somehow, she knew what it was and made a medicine thanks to her doctor Hex. He's at Kinie's prison right now helping with the recent event that happened there." she explains.
Both Maggie and Hellmare didn't know that! Just how dangerous was this woman!? The two looks to Ashley again who was eating but her honey yellow eyes looked so empty but gentle at the same time.
"And I take it Joshua is the one assigned to keep a eye on her?" Hellmare said seeing him nod.
"Hon...Honestly, it's been alright. Even when she first came here, she didn't start any trouble or anything. I didn't know much about her till I got her file and the teams own. I heard they had another but their other member is in junior police headquarters. Given the fact she is the most calm here..it's..well..something." he said rubbing the back of his head.
"So even if a riot happens, I don't worry since she either tries to remain away or stop it." He said.
"..I.....geez." As Maggie thinks, it was time for the inmates to return to their cells. "Though, it also explains most of the men being scared of her?"
"Well, yes but theirs another reason.." the group looks seeing some male inmates admiring her but they were under some trance while behaving. "Because of her demonic nature, It was said she's a succubus too."
"A what!?" Maggie shouted.
"How could a succubus be here!? And around guys! You do know what they do to males if given the chance right!?" Maggie said. "What if one of them tries to hurt her given the fact that others or some of the officers are females too!?"
"Theirs another reason for that." Vanessa said but with arms crossed looking to Joshua.
"It's because Joshua made a pack with her to insure she don't eat anyone nor harm anyone. In return, she keeps him safe and the prison if needed be."
~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile with Jaron~~~~~~~~~~~
He was sitting outside taking time to clear his head. The jackals were around him worried. He has never yelled at her like that before but it was because of Bradley. He was the reason this happened and to his anger. Now he gone and made her upset. Right now, he was petting one silver lung dragon's head while it was curled up.
"..........." He looks about thinking again but that's when some inmates were still inside so it was just him out here. Clearing his head helps so it was something.
'*Sighs* I didn't mean to yell at you like that, Melinda. I hope your alright..' he thought to himself but one Jackal named Sid lays their head on his lap poking his hand. He blinks to look down but gently pets their head.
"I'm alright. I guess it's just not a good week for me is it?" he asked even if the other jackals were wagging their tails being giant puppies right now. They always want to ensure their leader was alright but happy too. Seeing him like this was unlike him.
However, he looks ahead again while seeing cars passing by the prison but his thoughts were still on Melinda. When he left he heard crying in her room but he didn't mean to upset her. He just was caught in the moment even feeling a bit down when going somewhere else before coming out.
"Wait, so that's true?" Jaron asked to look at the window speaking with a doctor who had some medic results from the females under the aphrodisiac what was tested from one of the spiked cakes was positive.
"Though, it was one that had no smell to it. Even if another demon would sniff it out, you wouldn't be able to." he said showing the paper results to Jaron.
He reads them for a moment but looked worried. Even if he had his jackals sniff it out, they wouldn't find it?
"It's said this type has a effect on demons that it's harder to trace showing it is most used for demons in the case. So whoever eaten the cake wouldn't know." he explains. "It's been said this traces back from the black market but other troublemakers have copied the recipie."
Hearing this, he even calls Ophelia and she tells him the same even the other doctor Hex explains to.
"Yes, given that fact I'm shocked they measured it carefully. This type of plant is very very strong and very unstable even when it's put into food like that. They could have seriously made someone sick." Hex said on the phone while checking a sample of the plant they had there at Kinie's prison.
"So this plant was that deadly?"
"In short words yes. I already seen this sort of plant in action and the results were.....disturbing to explain. Even so, this plant should always be avoided because it heavily effects demons without them knowing, Mr. Jackal."
"I..I see.."
"Though, I can't believe that sort of plant was there in the first place but Dr. Hex said it was from the black market indeed before that business was taken down. This drug should have been destroyed way back." she said.
"I think I got ya." Jaron said looking at the ground still on the phone.
"Though, was their anything else Jaron?" Ophelia asked.
"No that was it. Thanks you guys." he said.
"Of course Jaron.." she said before the she hung up. Jaron lowers the phone but looks down to sigh.
So even if he could have gotten it checked, he wouldn't know about the cakes being spiked. Even worse, Melinda didn't know. She nor the other female officers knew about this till it was too late. Looking down, he felt even more bad now and wanted to find a way to say sorry to Melinda. He looks quiet only to feel his jackals close around him with one licking his face that he chuckled to pet their head.
"Easy now. Like I said, I'm alright. I'm sorry that I am worrying you all now.." he said as they look to him even seeing the lung dragon floating up a little to boop his nose.
"And sorry for worrying you too. It's just I wanna be sure she's safe..even from the thought it worries me. I can't believe I yelled like that and I've always been known to keep my cool. That's so unlike me." he sighed shaking his head but he sees the others now around him but tilts their heads.
"Well....at least I got that jerk to learn I wasn't joking and will leave her and the other female officers alone." he mutters. "Though...seems they had to update security because of that and it only might get worse later down the road." he said and yet, he only remains focused with Melinda in mind. How was she doing? Was she alright? Right now, they needed time to clear their heads but looking down, he hopes to talk to her and hope to see if she was alright. Later this afternoon, he'll indeed check on her.
~~~~~~Timeskip: Later that afternoon around 3:45pm~~~~~~~
Jaron was back inside the prison seeing the inmates must have already eaten lunch since they were back in their cells. The guards were standing watch but insuring things were calm right now. However, he was heading back to Melinda's room to see if she was there or wished to speak. As he gets to the door, he knocks and waits.
No answer? He wonders if she was there but when he was about to knock again...
".....Ummmm, Melinda? It's me, Jaron...."
He heard nothing from the other side but he hears a click, knowing the door was unlocked to show her. Melinda was standing there and it seems she was quiet while looking to him. Her arms were folded.
"I......*Sighs* M...may I come in?" he asked gently but she looks to the side but sighed to move so he can come inside. Jaron walks in but he saw her close the door. Everything seems the same except the tea stain on the rug from before. Before long, she turns to walk over and offers a seat for him on the couch while he walks over to sit down after removing his shoes but she was quiet while he was too.
The only noise heard was the ticking of the clock. They just sat in silence right now with one another that it leaves them unsure on how to talk. So, Jaron starts first.
"Melinda, I'm......Listen, I'm so sorry about what happened this morning. I didn't mean to shout or yell at you. I was just concerned about what happened that night. After what happened I just...felt really angry given the fact Bradley could have done something horrible to the women...and you." he looks down but she was listening to him.
"I know I shouldn't have yelled at you and I'm never like that. It was wrong of me to do that. I didn't mean the hurtful things I've said to you. I shouldn't have....." He shook his head with eyes closed to sigh but Melinda looks ahead but she was resting her hands on her lap.
"....I'm sorry too." he heard her speak but looks seeing her just looking to the wall. "I didn't mean to get mad at you either. In that way, you were right. I should have done better in picking up the drug in those cakes but I didn't know about it honestly. It was like it was masked so I couldn't detect it. Even now, I don't know even if I feel better with no side effects..it still upsets me that it happened."
"......." She was touching her shoulder where Bradley bit her but then sighed closing her eyes then opening them half way looking down. "I know the dangers and risks of being a officer as you do too. Their are things that will happen but even now we have to stay focused on it....." she said after that Jaron looks to see her grip her pants.
"But still....I got you worried over me because of that slip up. It makes me feel like I'm still keeping things from you huh? Even when we are older adults now...it still keeps happening." she said only to laugh at herself bitterly. It was like she was stupid for not noticing that but it wasn't her fault. Jaron knew that thanks to the doctors but she didn't know that.
"Melinda.." he reaches to almost touch her cheek to explain but stops to look. He saw tears running down her cheeks again that she was looking upset again.
"Even after I became I demon, I still act like I'm just as before when I was human. Heh, I bet it's so embarrassing to you huh? Having a partner that still tends to act like her old self." she laughed but she reaches up to clear some tears off but he sees her look in his direction. She was crying and yet, her eyes were closed with a small smile seen.
"I bet even now I look like some cry baby because of this. Even if I'm a demon I should have done better right? I should be smarter than this right? If that's the case then none of this would have happened...." She said but hicups now that Jaron said nothing but he only looks down hating to see her cry like this. Now he wishes that argument never happened. Even hearing the shouting in his thoughts, he wishes they would go away but he knew it would remain with him knowing that.
"Melinda....." Looks at her again frowning slightly.
"I'm s..sorry for being such a idiot Jaron...I'm so sorry.." she mutters but he had heard enough.
"Shhhhhh...shhhhh......" he was hushing her softly but gently, resting his hands on her own. Jaron then carefully pulls her to him so their foreheads were pressed against one another, their noses touching as well.
"It's not true. Your not a cry baby because of this. I know this job is dangerous for everyone and us. We know that dealing with dangerous criminals would do. What it might endanger us to." he said but his eyes were closed.
"I never meant to hurt you like this. I never wanted to be the one to make you cry like this." he said but she was shaking now only to him pulling back but kissing her forehead.
"B..but after all the things I shouted back at you. I don't deserve you. You..it's like I'm the reason you get angry. I'm the reason your a bit more violent now a days....was it because of me?" she asked.
"No no no no..it's never you. You never did anything wrong."
"Melinda Brooks, the reason I got mad was because someone else tried to hurt you. I don't want another sick person harming you. True, I said I don't resort to violence but for my friends I can let it slide. For you, I would do that too. I'm how I am because I Just want you to be safe....and alive with me." he said looking to her.
"Even after our fight, that won't stop me from being at your side. You mean everything to me Melinda. Even with a argument that won't change anything...." he said now upset himself.
"I never wanted to say such horrible words to you and yet I did. I never wanted to show violence towards you. I never wanted to make you cry. I never wanted to cause anything that would make you not wish to be with me.." he said that he slowly looks down but as Melinda looks her own silver eyes widen. A few tears shows from his own eyes too?
"I know your a strong woman you showed me that. You care and loving to everyone you hold dear even me. Your not stubborn at all only if it involves helping and protecting others and me. You...your one of a kind to me Melinda and I don't want to lose that!" he said.
"I don't want to be the reason I lose the only woman that's been by my side for so long. I won't let that happen! I'm sorry I've said all those hurtful things to you but I do care about you. I want to stay by your side and I want you by my side too! I..I just......" Before continuing his words were stopped as he was pulled into a hug as Jaron was quiet while laying against her on the couch. She said nothing holding him close not wanting to let go of him. He knew tears were running down her cheeks.
"........Please j..just....don't talk." she said now crying more. "L..Lets just be like this for a while...p..please......" she held him gently but he only remains quiet before wrapping his arms around her body not wanting to let go as he was crying too. He felt her hand stroking the top of his head since he didn't have the officer hat on.
"..I'm still so sorry Melinda..." He said.
".......I know..*sniffles* I'm sorry too. I'm so sorry Jaron for worrying you..." she said back.
"...It's fine. I forgive you...I hope you forgive me." he said softly but Melinda only closed her eyes.
"..I do..I forgive you." she said back softly. "And...I'll try harder to open up to you more, d..deal?" she said before Jaron looks to close his eyes.
For now, he believes staying here with her is better for now till she calms down. And honestly, Melinda didn't mind that. The officers from before hopes things worked out but they informed warden Fin that officer Jaron is on break for a while till he is ready to come back.
They needed this for right now.
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borzoifeet · 5 years
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The horseless carriage could not be invented fast enough for Crowley
Day 6: Trip for @ineffablehusbandsweek
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scythe-rps · 4 years
☀️ Erza for Hellmare?
Send ☀️ for a first thing in the morning starter!
Hellmare was awoken before five in the morning hit. There was a loud war cry. It was Erza from above, going to slam a warhammer right on Hellmare's stomach.
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croo-chan · 6 years
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I had this character on the right for over a year. It was a rather fast-paced roleplay and... now she's a young adult... and there are almost no players.
Since rendition in other media and games often helped me, I recreated her into a fitting form.
She got a name leitmotif, vital bits of character and actually grew up and separated from another character I had. Woohoo~
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