#Vampire survivors stages
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stat-strikes-back · 2 months ago
is holocure actually harder than other games like it or am i just really godawful at it for some reason
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knight-of-heart-and-art · 10 months ago
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two separate Sammy runs because I had to abort the first one due to framerate issues but like...they're definitely optimizing the game! last time I did a Sammy run it lasted about a minute and a half before the game straight up crashed. this time I got to 3.5 minutes and I was able to quit the run without a crash!
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aamitmorthos · 1 year ago
i love how vampire survivors is a game where all you do is move and the players were like
but what if we don't tho?
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adamnablelittledevil · 4 months ago
"There is Lestat, first and foremost, the author of four books of his life and his adventures comprising everything you could ever possibly want to know about him and some of us. Lestat, ever the maverick and the laughing trickster. Six feet tall, a young man of twenty when made, with huge warm blue eyes and thick flashy blond hair, square of jaw, with a generous beautifully shaped mouth and skin darkened by a sojourn in the sun which would have killed a weaker vampire, a ladies' man, an Oscar Wildean fantasy, the glass of fashion, the most bold and disregarding dusty vagabond on occasion, loner, wanderer, heart-breaker and wise guy, dubbed the "Brat Prince" by my old Master - yes, imagine it, my Marius, yes, my Marius, who did indeed survive the torches of the Roman Coven-dubbed by Marius the 'Brat Prince,' though in whose Court and by whose Divine Right and whose Royal Blood I should like to know. Lestat, stuffed with the blood of the most ancient of our kind, indeed the very blood of the Eve of our species, some five to seven thousand years the survivor of her Eden, a perfect horror who, emerging from the deceptive poetical title of Queen Akasha of Those Who Must Be Kept, almost destroyed the world. Lestat, not a bad friend to have, and one for whom I would lay down my immortal life, one for whose love and companionship I have ofttimes begged, one whom I find maddening and fascinating and intolerably annoying, one without whom I cannot exist.
But Lestat was calling. Lestat was, or so he claimed, afraid. I had to go. The last time he'd been in trouble, I hadn't been free to rush to his rescue. There is a story to that, but nothing as important as this one which I tell now. Now I knew that my hard-won peace of mind might be shattered by the mere contact with him, but he wanted me to come, so I went.
Of course I knew the very moment that he left this world. I felt it. I was in New York already, very near to him and aware that you were there as well. Neither of us meant to let him out of our sight if at all possible. Then came the moment when he vanished in the blizzard, when he was sucked out of the earthly atmosphere as if he'd never been there. Being his fledgling you couldn't hear the perfect silence that descended when he vanished. You couldn't know how completely he'd been withdrawn from all things minuscule yet material which had once echoed with the beating of his heart. I knew.
I didn't fear for Lestat, not really. I had no hopes for his adventure, except that he would appear sooner or later and tell us some fantastical yarn. It would be regular Lestat talk, for nobody aggrandizes as he does his preposterous adventures. This is not to say that he hasn't switched bodies with a human. I know that he has. This is not to say that he didn't wake our fearsome goddess Mother, Akasha; I know that he did. This is not to say that he didn't smash my old superstitious Coven to bits and pieces in the garish years before the French Revolution. I've already told you so. But it's the way he describes things that happen to him that maddens me, the way that he connects one incident to another as though all these random and grisly occurrences were in fact links in some significant chain. They are not. They are capers. And he knows it. But he must make a gutter theatrical out of stubbing his toe. The James Bond of the Vampires, the Sam Spade of his own pages! A rock singer wailing on a mortal stage for all of two hours and, on the strength of that, retiring with a slew of recordings that feed him filthy lucre still from human agencies to this very night. He has a knack for making tragedy of tribulation, and forgiving himself for anything and everything in every confessional paragraph he pens. I can't fault him, really. I cannot help but hate it that he lies now in a coma on the floor of his chapel here, staring into a self-contained silence, despite the fledglings that circle him for precisely the same reason as I did, to see for themselves if the blood of Christ has transformed him somehow and he does not represent some magnificent manifestation of the miracle of the Transubstantiation. But I'll come to that soon enough. I've ranted myself into a little corner. I know why I resent him so, and find it so soothing to hammer at his reputation, to beat upon his immensity with both my fists. He has taught me too much. He has brought me to this very moment, here, where I stand dictating to you my past with a coherence and calm that would have been impossible before I came to his assistance with his precious Memnoch the Devil and his vulnerable little Dora. Two hundred years ago he stripped me of illusions, lies, excuses, and thrust me on the Paris pavements naked to find my way back to a glory in the starlight that I had once known and too painfully lost. But as we waited finally in the handsome high-rise apartment above St. Patrick's Cathedral, I had no idea how much more he could strip from me, and I hate him only because I cannot imagine my soul without him now, and, owing him all that I am and know, I can do nothing to make him wake from his frigid sleep. But let me take things one at a time. What good is it to go back down now to the chapel here and lay my hands on him again and beg him to listen to me, when he lies as though all sense has truly left him and will never return. I can't accept this. I won't. I've lost all patience; I've lost the numbness that was my consolation. I find this moment intolerable."
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apuff · 3 months ago
my predictions for wwwyf:
the whole band does the family guy death pose on the ground for the entire time slot instead of playing music. the crowd immediately gets lost trying to sing along without them and at some point it devolves into people shouting random parts of songs they like (this is especially funny for the songs that are definitively not in the black parade)
the previous thing but an event coordinator peeks on stage, pokes a few people with their shoe, and starts frantically making phone calls in a hushed but distinctly panicky voice
the concert starts like normal, but quickly devolves into a slapstick comedy performance of looney-tunes-esque injuries to reference the many injuries mcr sustained while doing the original black parade tours and music videos
mcr isn't on stage at all and the only thing you can see is vocaloid-style hologram skeletons doing the skeleton dance
i am in a completely different city at goodwill shopping for pieces of my halloween costume right at the time they start playing the breakdown in mama. as this is my favorite part of the whole black parade, i abruptly keel over from a heart attack in the middle of the store because of the transcendent power of band autism. in the decades that follow, no one will ever be able to understand the cause of my death, but let it be known that if you strain your ears to listen in the graveyard at night, the black parade can be heard quietly, almost inaudibly so, echoing from my headstone.
there isn't any comment about mcr5 the entire time. because we are conspiracy theorists, we take this as a tacit confirmation that mcr5 will infact be happening imminently
at certain points throughout the tracklist, random, or rather seemingly random, lyrics are changed by a letter or a word. this is enough to draw people's attention, and as it turns out, if you type all the changes made into a search engine, the singular result aside from people theorizing about it on reddit is an unknown, sketchy website that looks like it would instantly give you 500 malware and die. the website displays only a single picture of realistic human skull. when you inspect it, hidden amongst the code is a very different type of code, a cryptic string of letters and numbers. as it turns out, this text is actually instructions that have been put through WWII-era war encryptions. when translated, this text gives driving directions. if you follow its commands starting from the wwwyf grounds, you'll be taken on a downright frightening drive through some of the most backend streets & drug dealer houses & decrepit graveyards in the entire southwest. once you're thoroughly lost, then and only then will you be able to find the warehouse. this warehouse is a laburinthine mess of ancient relics, long-lost props from music videos, several very authentic looking vampire corpses, a few questionably stained revolvers, killjoy masks, rubble from the world trade centers, vintage marching band uniforms, a shocking variety of weapons, and finally a single edison tin foil cylinder. survivors from the warehouse later state they felt an overwhelming presence and could have sworn they saw a shadow in the corner of their eyes. after several months in the intensive care unit and several more months in both physical and mental therapy, these brave souls will place the cylinder, with shaking, scarred, and weak hands, into the phonograph, from which, after a torturous second of silence, will echo the first sweet notes of mcr5.
they accidentally point the pyrotechnics at the audience. oops!
some gay shit happens idk
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 1 year ago
The Grand A-Z List of Whump 3/3
This list contains 194 items listed R to Z
As always, I heavily encourage people to research topics thoroughly when writing as it is important to avoid stereotypes/misinformation. This list's intention is to not glorify/romanticise sensitive topics in any way.
This is a comprehensive list of injuries, Illnesses and tropes - including those from the Whumptober 2023 trope vote!
All submissions are listed in italics, and those who wanted to be tagged will be included at the end. If you have any more submissions: please send them via DM/my ask box.
[A-H] [I-Q] [NSFW List]
List below the cut:
Radiation Poisoning/Exposure
Radio Silence
Ransom Note/Video
Reducing breaks or dislocations (bonus: out in the field with no painkillers available)
Reluctant Caretaker
Reluctant Whumpee
Reminded of trauma
Reopened Wound
Repressed Emotions
Repressed trauma resurfacing
Rescued by the enemy
Rescues gone wrong
Respiratory Distress
Ringing Ears
Ritual sacrifice
Role Reversal
Rope Burns
Running fingers through hair (maliciously or comfortingly)
Running Out of Air
Ruptured eardrum
Sadistic Choice
Sartorial constraints
Scraped Knees
Scratched corneas
Second impact syndrome
Seeing double
Self esteem issues
Self induced injury to escape
Self sacrifice
Self-inflicted injury (to escape)
Sensory Deprivation/Overload
Sentimental Items
Setbacks in recovery
Severed Artery
Shaking Hands
Shock collar
Shot (gun, arrow, dart, etc...)
Shrapnel (blast/wounds)
Sick/injured at a party
Skull fracture
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Paralysis
Sleeping in the cold
Smashing their head into a wall
Smoke Inhalation
Snake Bites
So sick they can barely even stand or stay awake
Significant other taking care of wounds
So weak they have to hold on to something or someone to walk
Solitary Confinement
Special object being ruined/torn apart
Spinal Cord Injury
Split lip
Stab Wounds
Stabbed (sword, spear, knife, TRIDENT!, etc...)
Stabbed through the back by the only person the whumpee trusted
Stage fright
Status epilepticus
Stings (insect, creature, plants)
Stoic/Defiant Whumpee
Stoic/Rude/Harsh Reluctant Caregiver!Mentor & Ball of Sunshine Hurt!Mentee (platonic)
Stomach ache
Stomach Ulcers (a cause for vomiting up blood)
Stomach virus
Straight Jacket
Strangulation resulting in bruised or swollen vocal chords and loss of voice + the process of regaining your voice and everything that comes with that trauma.
Stress (this could induce headaches/general illness)
Stress Position
Sucking chest wound
Super glued to toilet
Surgery gone wrong
Survivor's Guilt
Swollen Lymph Nodes
Taking the bullet
TBI (traumatic brain injury)
Team as a family
Team has a certain amount of time to get to their Whumpee before they’re killed
Team teaming up to take care of sick teammate
Temporary Loss of Sense(s)
The Final Straw
Thrown from an explosion
Time Loop
Tiny whump
Tooth knocked out
Torn Ligaments - Achilles, Meniscus etc.
Torn Muscles
Touch Aversion/Touch Starved
Tranquilizer Dart
Trapped (whether this is after an explosion, car accident, natural disaster…)
Trapped Limbs
Trapped underwater
Trauma reveal
Trust Issues
Truth spell/serum
Twisted ankle
Undead (vampires and ghosts and zombies, oh my!)
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
Upper respiratory infection
Used as bait
Usually big, strong and boisterous whumpee becomes quiet and weaker as the whumper conditions them.
UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
Vampire whump
Vampires Thrall
Vehicular Accident
Very badly hurt and on life support - with slow recovery
Vocal chord paralysis
Vomiting/Vomiting blood
West Nile virus
Whip scars
Whumpee being psychologically tortured via fake escape scenarios so when they are actually getting rescued they don't believe it. bonus point if they still don't think anything is real.
Whumpee dreams of a loved one happily inviting them “home” (They're actually dying IRL)
Whumpee getting the upper hand over whumper.
Whumpee stabbing whumper or beating their head into the ground over and over while sobbing, even when they’re clearly dead because they NEED to take their emotions out.
Whumpee turned Whumper
Whumpee watches caretaker take a bullet/hit/poison for them.
Whumper turned Caretaker
Whumper turned whumpee
Whumper with a crush
Wing whump
Wisdom Tooth Removal
Withholding Medical Treatment
Witnessing. (Whumpee sees someone die in a brutal way. Whumpee sees someone get possessed/turned into a zombie/some other horrifying thing and they just stare horrified.)
Working for the enemy
Working through injury/illness
Working to Exhaustion
Wrists rubbed raw
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Wrongfully Accused/Arrested
Wrongfully fired
Xeroderma. (Extreme sun sensitivity)
XMRV is a newly identified human retrovirus that is similar to a group of mouse retroviruses (called murine leukaemia viruses, or MLVs)
Yellow Fever
Zombie virus, etc.
Zoonotic Hookworm
Zoonotic illness (It’s a disease carried or transmitted by animals to humans like tularemia or psittacosis)
Zosler (Shingles)
Zygomycosis (Fungal infection)
TAG LIST: Thank you very much to the following people for submitting ideas! (I apologise if some tags did not work, I'm not sure why tumblrs not letting me tag you!)
@I-eat-worlds | @greygullhaven | @letsgowhump | @cyberwhumper @firapolemos05 | @originaldeerhottub | @whumpilicious | @drawing-dinos82 | @carenrose | @stellarinuscronicles | @gottheseasonalblues | @marvelflame2010 | @sowhumpful | @avamcu | @courtneygacha | @lordofthewhumps | @autismmydearwatson | @kuddelmuddell | @the-most-handsome-ginger | @whirls-and-swirls | @painsandconfusion
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optimalmongoose4 · 11 months ago
The year is 3122 Vampire Survivors has grown to include every known media property in existence, there is a full-scale 1-1 recreation of Earth in the game as a map, technology far beyond our comprehension has been developed to run the later stages of the game, there are still no vampires.
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the-cypress-grove · 1 year ago
I saw your "So, you want to write vampires..." post, and I was wondering if you can do something like that for zombies? Completely okay if you cant though !!
So, You Want To Write Zombies....
I had intended to turn the "So you want to write BLANK..." into a series so feel free to make requests of different creatures or things to so I can prioritise what you will find useful. I haven't written about zombies in a while so this will be a little rusty. Tell me if I need to change or add anything. With that said, ONWARDS!
This is more important than with my vampire episode. Most zombie stories are usually set in or around the initial outbreak so it is vital that YOU know how it started even if your characters don't.
Potential Origins you might want to consider:
Experiment Gone Wrong: It was believed to be a cure until patient zero died and rose again.
Experiment Gone Right: It was a biological weapon deliberately created and released.
A Result Of Climate Change: Some sort of virus, bacteria, or fungus was trapped in the ice and, as the icecaps melted, it was released.
Magic: An option for if you're going for a more fantastical setting.
Virus / Fungal Infection: A classic, but a good one.
Aliens: It's a result of alien interference.
2. Build Your Zombies
There are many things to consider when your deciding what traits your zombies will have and a lot of that will stem from your origins. Do they just shuffle or can they run? Can they evolve or change? Can they speak? How is the infection spread e.g. is it by touch, by biting, is it airborne? Are they affected by the cold (with no body heat it might freeze them solid or at the very least slow them down)? Are they affected by the heat (this will speed up the rotting process maybe causing them to fall apart)? Do they congregate in groups? Is there a cure? Can it even be cured? How quickly will an infected person turn? Can they swim / move through water? Can animals be infected or can they carry diseases? What are the zombies senses like e.g. can they sniff people out? How do they hunt e.g. are attracted by noise, or smell?
All these will factor will determine how likely it is for your human character to survive.
Most importantly, what are you going to call them? In most media, zombies are never called zombies.
3. Themes
The zombie genre explores some of the most interesting themes (at least to me), as often the true monsters of zombie stories tends to be what humanity becomes when law and order is overturned. How far will people go to survive? Who are the true monsters; the zombies, or the people left behind?
4. Characters
Whether you have one human character or, more likely, you end up having a group, it's interesting to explore the pack bonding that occurs when these people trauma bond with each other. They go from strangers to a family unit willing to kill to protect each other.
Some things to consider:
Who is more likely to survive the initial outbreak? First responders will probably die first as they will be on the front lines during the initial outbreak. Most people in cities will die. Rural communities / those who live in isolation will be more likely to survive the initial stages.
Humanity WILL change: in order to survive people will become increasingly ruthless and selfish. This is an arc you may wish to explore through a character.
Who will be valued: doctors, vets, anyone with combat experience, will be highly valued by survivor groups. What skills will your groups need/look for? If your story takes place years/decades after the first outbreak are these skills taught and handed down or were they hoarded. What professions are more likely to survive your zombies?
Trauma: ALL your characters when exposed to your setting WILL be affected. They will all handle this in their own way. It is up to you to decide how they do it and how it manifests. Are they paranoid? Are they mistrusting? Do they try to drink to forget? Do they push others away because they lost people? Or are they clingy?
5. Setting
Your setting will have a great impact on your characters. Cities are likely to become overrun, rural communities are likely to last longer. In the cold, zombies might be slow or stop all together until they thaw. In the heat, they might rot quicker and fall apart.
If your story takes places years after the first outbreak it is likely most stores will have been stripped of their supplies by various groups.
Places where communities might form:
A bunker: is this the beginning where people are afraid? Is this later on when they need to leave when they are running out of supplies? Have generations lived down there?
A boat or a series of boats: it's mobile and zombies are not likely to be able to swim. How do they get their food? How do they get clean drinking water?
A prison: It's defendable, but how did they clear it out?
An old castle or fort: they're built for defence but how do they get supplies?
Hills / Mountain: the terrain makes it difficult for a hoard of zombies to navigate.
6. First Response / First Days
This will be where most stories begin. The response will depend on your selected origins. Who are the first to die? Who is more likely to survive? How desperate is your character to survive? How smart is your character? What is the government's response (do they want to help, will they send in the armies, or will they burn cities in an attempt to contain the zombies)?
Where does the outbreak begin?
How quickly does it spread?
7. Decay of Modern Society
All rule and law WILL breakdown, but how long does it take? This will happen quicker in some groups / people than it will in others. What rules will groups enact amongst themselves?
Have buildings become rundown and overgrown? Is tinned food still good? How have people adapted to their situation? Do cars still work?
8. Supplies
What are people eating? How are they getting it? What about clean water? Medicine?
All this will impact how long your characters will supplies and can add conflicts and dangers for your group. A zombie in a well will taint the water. A store that's been cleaned out will leave your character hungry, desperate, and irritable. If your character is diabetic, how are they getting insulin or NOT getting insulin. What about asthma? Can they find inhalers?
9. Dangers
Obviously, you have the zombies but there are other dangers out there.
Other people within their group, other groups, or lone survivors.
The weather
Unstable buildings
Injuries and illnesses
Their own mental health
Eating the wrong plant
Animal e.g. roaming packs of starving dogs
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demonfox38 · 1 month ago
Completed - Vampire Survivors (Base + Ode to Castlevania DLC)
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This game makes my brain scream at me.
Like, okay. I'm an average office worker. If I'm not in a meeting, I've got something from YouTube running in the background. Music playlists, video essays, whatever. So, in agreement, in disagreement, whatever—the terms "hauntology" and "dopamine addiction" are consistently in my short-term memory thanks to the video essay portions. The rot of culture by failure to let new ideas bloom, clinging to nostalgia and old symbols. Taxing and abusing neurotransmitters in search of instant happiness. Fun, happy things to ponder while I try to burn these hours of my life away.
Do I think either are threats? Well, unchecked nostalgia, definitely—especially when it's faux 1950s Americana influencing law to restrict the rights of others. Dopamine addiction is a bit more of a mixed bag. Like, you've got to create habits of maintenance, absolutely. Cooking, cleaning, exercise, grooming, so on. But, if you're clever, you can figure out how to use your reward system to help support these habits. Starving it or trying to obliterate it won't help, especially if it causes rebound issues. It's just…ya know. Gaining an appreciation for slower processes over instant gratification and deriving lessons from the struggles of life over bodily abuse and obliteration.
I bring these topics up because I got both "Vampire Survivors" and its "Ode to Castlevania" DLC for the cost of a goddamn cheeseburger. This pixel-exploding throwback of a game lasted me for over 100 hours. Drug dealers and fast-food restaurants would wither and die at such a nexus of cost and effectivity.
Some killjoy could do real numbers discussing hauntology and dopamine addition as the subjects apply to this game.
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Should I have gotten into "Vampire Survivors" sooner? Possibly? The communal vibes I absorbed on it were nothing but praise. I don't know if I would have felt brave about trying a Rogue-like prior to playing "Baroque," but I do enjoy a good ol' fashioned bullet hell / shooter, from time to time. It might be lame that it literally took the announcement of a "Castlevania" DLC for me to give this game a try, but hey. This DLC did better about pulling me in than "Dead by Daylight" or "Dead Cells" did under similar circumstances.
What's "Vampire Survivors" about? When I figure that out, I'll get back to you. Most of the narrative I'm picking up is derived from a mix of stage names, enemy bestiary entries, and the surnames of the characters I unlock. Generally speaking, it's about Belpaese and Ladonna kin coming together to endure waves of monsters until the cold, clammy fingers of death come for them. And then, finding a way to break past their power. The powers behind them. The limitations of space and time. Research gone horribly wrong, time and time again. Creepy things hidden at the bottom of towers. Fallen civilizations. Corrupted religious sects. Milk-based magic. Ya know. Wholesome stuff!
In another world—with another particular video game company and their infamously litigious team of lawyers—"Vampire Survivors" may not have made it past its first year. It's not hard to see what game series may have inspired the creation of its lead whip-wielding fighter of the undead. Arca Ladonna may be even more egregious in the video game celebrity look-alike competition. (Don't even get me started on those Blue Venus creatures!) But, the aesthetic inspiration certainly doesn't stop at Konami properties! "Bayonetta", "Batman", "Okami", "Sonic the Hedgehog", "Mortal Kombat"—there's gonna be at least one situation you'll have where you end up snorting with laughter with how close to the copyright line this game rides.
Also, "Vampire Survivors" is the most Italian video game I've ever played. Like, yes, tee-hee on "La Borra" and "Testa di Mano" enemies. Nothing is as fucking authentically Italian as naming a character after Cristina D'Avena. Like, goddamn. How do you top that? Make a stage based on the set design for Dario Argento's "Suspiria" and "Inferno" films? Have playable knockoffs of "Lupin the Third" characters? How about an entire race of sentient ducks running parallel to human society? Call their main hero Duckabolik or something. Goddamn.
Although, there were those ducks in space…
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So, I put an RPG's worth of hours into the game without getting much in the way of plot. Obviously, something else is keeping me around. How about that core gameplay loop? It starts simple enough. Move your dude up, down, left, and/or right as needed. Hit enemies with attacks. Pick up gems. Level up. Repeat until you die or you hit 30:00, at which point the game sends a Reaper after you to finish you off for good. Run the game again, continue grinding up weapons, unlock more people and levels, etcetera. So goes this song in a round.
You determine your own progress with this game through the Achievements screen. Look at what items remain, make your next goal, and finish off what you can in your next game. Progress will remove some tasks from this list, but it may add others as more opportunities unfold. Empty out your Achievements? Well, guess what? You'll get an extra round of tasks in a brand-new Secrets screen as well! Clearing that may not get you bonus trophies in Steam, but it may get you some additional levels and characters, too. Ditto the Adventures mode too, while you are at it!
Actually, the Adventures mode is pretty strange, if you don't have other DLC for this game. It's really only two stories? Weird. Seems underutilized. Kind of strange that Konami didn't pitch something for this mode, too…
If you're looking for a general overview of tasks to complete, this may help:
Get through the first five game maps, performing well enough to unlock their Hyper Mode options.
Trigger and kill the special boss in Moongolow.
Pick up the Yellow Sign and use that to start killing Reapers.
Kill the special boss that now spawns in Capella Magna.
Gather all base relics (including defeating the damned Sketamari.)
Harass the final boss for two more relics.
Fight the final boss.
It helps to experiment with different weapons and passive items. Leveling up different weapons unlock different characters, so that makes it an easy sell. Using the correct combination of passive items with weapons may also augment the weapon, giving it different (usually better) properties. Getting proficient with different characters may also unlock Arcana cards, which can grant your character with random bonuses while in a battle. Long story short—don't go stale, and neither will the game.
Also, "Castlevania" fans: go look at the names for those Arcana cards. Come back when you've face-palmed.
Most of the game's complexity comes from making your randomly-assigned resources count. The enemies are simplistic, just ambling towards you. The pressure comes more from managing distance from them and your own powers as the enemy's strength grows over time. (Honestly, the biggest difficulty spike may just come from not getting a Garlic weapon, of all things.) Sketamari is the most complicated creature I had to deal with, and that was more building a viable weapon stack in a short amount of time and preventing any interlopers from building it up than anything else. Everything else is…well. Dodge the shit and don't get touched. Video Game Rules 101.
While aesthetically simple, the game is a glory when it comes to CPU resource management. Lesser machines could not handle the glut of objects and particles being rendered on screen, particularly in later parts of a level. I suppose a creature doesn't need more than three frames of animation when a hundred or so of them are being rendered on screen at once. It's amazing this game is as stable as it is, for all of what it is doing. I've had it chug once, sure. Even had it lock up my computer, one time (although one of my poodles was a contributor to that mess.) But, man. Whatever is going on with managing the location, health, and appearance of all on-screen objects is nothing short of technomancy.
The music is also pretty solid, too. Loops well; doesn't get distracting. Honestly, it sometimes gets crushed by the sound effects, but you can adjust the audio and music tracks to balance it out. I appreciate the soundtrack not being above having a joke or too, as well. (Remember: this is an exceedingly Italian game.)
With this game, you need to pace yourself. If you get every run perfect, you'll be spending somewhere between 15-30 minutes in intense play. (Assume you'll be more on the longer end than shorter.) The circular motions you'll be making can be taxing on your thumbs. Make sure to get up, stretch, and rest your eyes and hands every hour. Your body will appreciate it.
Also, seriously. Take the game's flashing warning to heart. You can adjust some settings to ease up on what is being rendered, but the game is designed to burn like a comet. There's gonna be tons of debris shearing off it, and you do not want that scalding your eyeballs.
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For those of you hopping in via House Dracula, the DLC "Ode to Castlevania" provides an additional map, as well as…well, the marketing says 40+ weapons and 20+ new characters, but let me tell you. That plus sign is hiding a lot. Like, 90+ pieces of music, 25 bosses, and several dozen new enemies. Damn.
Much like the base game, you're not gonna get much more in the way of plot. It's mostly pushing as far as you can in a single go, punishing bosses as you gather the strength to tackle them and unlocking your Belmont, Belnades, or buddy of choice. However, there is a fun little treat at the map's end regarding the English opening cutscene of "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" and Death being a goddamn nightmare. Like, damn, dude. I know the breakup of a bromance that lasted a millennium was rough on you, but this is not the best way to react.
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Because of the map's ungodly size and number of tasks to tackle, you'd be better off making good headway into the main game before tackling this. At the very least, it will help you to get that time limit lifted with an Endless mode unlock. (You can also eventually invert the castle, if you're into that.)
The loop here is more like:
Unlock Belmonts (generally, in order of timeline, with a few exceptions.)
Use Belmonts to unlock ally characters, beat bosses, and unlock parts of the map.
Push forward until you finally get Richter.
Use Richter to fight Death.
Max out your new wave of characters.
Fight new bosses.
Find the Pile of Secrets and Wood Carving Score.
Continue until all secrets are exhausted.
That should hold you out…Oh, I don't know. A good 50 hours or more?
I can't get over how deep this DLC digs into "Castlevania" characters and songs. Finally, in 2024—after getting booted from two other games!—we have a playable Hammer. And a playable Mina Hakuba. LMAO. I know people didn't have her on their bingo card, but damn. There are all kinds of playable characters here that I never expected to see, whether in terms of capabilities, story fates, or just coming out of the wrong division of Konami Computer Entertainment. I don't know who wanted a playable Vincent, but uh…there you go. Congrats to you.
I mean, what? Am I supposed to be a shithead and ask for the merchant from "Harmony of Dissonance" or someone from Wygol Village? Fucking 80 goddamn characters, and two are the final Sorrow cast members that I was missing. And fucking Quincy Morris of all goddamn people, now that the copyright for Stoker's "Dracula" has gone to hell. Screw it. I'm take the W and leaving on this one.
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With the way Quincy looks in this game, doesn't he look a bit like the North American cover of "Castlevania Bloodlines"? It's making me question some things about that box art…
The DLC takes a fair amount of flexibility when it comes to cast powers. Like, you're not gonna get soul or power absorption with Shanoa or Soma, but you are going to get unique boosts for each cast member. Every Belmont gets a unique way to use their whip, so that's neat! A great way to prevent stagnation, for sure. And, hey. Don't like the default weapon your character starts with? You can switch that out eventually, too. Just gotta prove your competence. Meet some achievements. Do the "Vampire Survivors" grind.
Most of the "Castlevania" remixes are pretty solid as well. Just take a YouTube playlist already. Enjoy. (I was particularly tickled by "Wood Carving Partita" and "The Sinking Old Sanctuary," for what that is worth.)
Now, the songs aren't exactly paired with the characters you may expect. Like, Christopher Belmont gets "Beginning", which then throws "Trevor" into "Aquarius", throwing Sypha and Yoko off, and so on. If you get the Magic Banger relic, it's no big deal to correct. It's just funny how preconceptions can make cool music otherwise seem off.
There was one major part that actively pissed me off with this DLC, and it was unlocking Camilla. The flavor text on her unlock secret implies that a Belmont needs to kill her off (either Leon, Simon, or Sonia, whomever you consider the "first" Belmont to be.) The actual method of unlocking her is hitting her with a Nightmare spell. Like…okay? I'm hoping that'll be patched out later, but man. Wasting hours on that only to find out I was being misled was annoying.
I can't say the sweat needed to unlock Brauner was worth it as well. He isn't as immediately frustrating, but he takes way more time than seems necessary. Just go toss the Blood Astronomia and some compatible weapons on Dracula, get him up to the gallery, level him to a stable point, and park him for a couple of hours.
As shit tier as 2024 has been personally, I can't help but be comforted with the "Castlevania" game releases this year. The "Dominus Collection", the "Dead by Daylight" DLC, and the cherry on top, this. I shouldn't have needed such an incentive to play "Vampire Survivors," but I was more than happy to go hog-wild on this game and its DLC. God bless the development team for this game. They may have developed the digital version of a stimulant drug that makes my hands and brain scream, but I can only hope the best for them.
Good people put their fan translators in their credits, man. And poncle's staff…them's good people, that's what.
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The base "Vampire Survivors" is currently available for $4.99 USD on Steam, although that price tends to frequently dip down a dollar for seasonal sales. "Ode to Castlevania" tacks on another $3.99 USD. There are additional levels of DLC and expansions past that point, if you want more. I'm not certain if you'll find more vampires to survive, necessarily, but at least you've got, like, actual vampires to survive now. Which, apparently, is a whole ass meme I didn't know about before!
What's the official count on that now, anyway? You don't fight Dracula, so I don't think you can count him. But, there's Walter, Joachim, Carmilla, Orlox, a Jiang Chi, Stella & Loretta…actually, do you count them? I mean, I know the Sanctuary spell works on them, so I'd say yes, but…Or, wait. Shit. Does "Vampire Survivors" mean the vampires you survive, or the vampires that are also surviving alongside you? Maybe I didn't think this through…
Man, counting vampires shouldn't be as hard as surviving them. Ah ah ah!
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ask-dbd-wh-au · 1 year ago
When Y/n dies, do they come back to life somehow in order to help Wally? I noticed that Y/n seems to remember hugging Wally and then dying. Is it possible that they just keep coming back because they're needed for something? Or is it just how that universe works until they "reach the end"? (the end being saving Wally) Or is just by sheer force of will that they keep coming back?
I apologize if this question is strange, I love this AU, despite not knowing anything about Dead By Daylight and I'd love to learn more!
*cracks knuckles*
Alrighty, so let me explain a few things ‘cause many questions like these are easily answerable if you know or have played DBD before! It's understandable if you aren't familiar with the game that this au is based on to be confused or lost about these aspects of its world. So! Let me do a rough summary of how the world of Dead by Daylight (the game) works and its lore!
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So, the world that our darling Y/N and Wally find themselves in is neither earth nor the neighborhood that Wally comes from, it's a realm entirely created by the Entity. The Entity is an eldritch, world/reality destroying, horror that captures survivors and killers from various universes and realities to play into its twisted games to feed off their emotions, in a sense.
Many consider it like an Emotion Vampire, it feeds on fear, desperation, rage, hope, anger, and other intense emotions.(Which is why it never allows Wally any comfort or happiness, he’s supposed to be a killer invoking terror on the survivors, not the sad lil meow meow he actually is) When a killer or a survivor becomes numb and hollow of all emotions their soul is all consumed by the Entity and it replaces them with a new victim that its captured.
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With that in mind, the way the Entity has these games (or also known as trials) is incredibly integral to how the Entity feeds. These hunts and deaths you see Y/N get chased and killed in are all a part of Trials the Entity creates using worlds it has consumed before as the stage.
Each trial has 4 survivors trying to fix 5 generators so they can power up an exit gate to “escape”. This is how the Entity feeds off hope, survivors think they are escaping the nightmare that is the Entity but in actuality they are just brought back to the campfire just to go into yet another trial all over again, an endless cycle. Opposing the survivors are the killers that the Entity has captured and brought to its realm to bring out these intense emotions from survivors, some killers are more willing than others… and some… well, they learn to obey the Entity one way or another.
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The killers hunt and murder the survivors and the survivors try their damndest to try and escape and that cycle repeats over and over and over again until they are emotionless husks, the Entity constantly consuming from them the whole way through. In reality, no survivors remember what happens between trials and campfires, the Entity typically wipes clean their memory so they come in like fresh juiceboxes most of the time.
However, Y/N has always had a habit of writing things down to remember small things. Now that they are in the Entitys realm, they utilized their notebooks to help retain their memories through entries of their past experiences, its the only reason why they remember past trials at all.
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So TLDR: Y/N keeps coming back from death because the entity is not done feeding off them.
(on another note as well: Y/N doesnt always face Wally, it's random who you get put with each time in a Trial which is why Y/N struggled to find Wally again so much. Just as Y/N doesn’t always face against Wally, Wally doesnt always wind up in trials with Y/N and is left to his struggles with the entity alone)
Also campfires are basically a respawn point all damage you got from Trials will go away and you basically reset and your memories wiped. Y/N's notebook is incredibly essential to helping retain their memories.
I will say I'm not exactly the best at explaining things but things like google and lore videos on youtube can go even more in-depth about the lore of DBD and how the world works!
Hope this helps and thank you greatly for the ask! I love talking about DBD since its a game I love to play and its lore has always been interesting to me!
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felixcloud6288 · 25 days ago
Dungeon Meshi Chapter 44
Izutsumi acts like a total brat and this chapter actually addresses something I mentioned previously.
Farewell braided hair band. We hardly knew ye.
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It's not just Izutsumi. The whole party has a new winter attire now.
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Laios is wearing a coat under his armor that stretches down to his knees and he has gloves on. Marcille is wearing a dress with fur trimmings and proper boots now. Senshi has pants and a coat on, but he's still using the makeshift boots from earlier. Chilchuck is wearing a jacket over his normal attire.
Is that a candy-coated mandrake?
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This is an accurate depiction of how a cat scratch bleeds.
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Marcille is saying what I brought up in chapter 27. People think of monsters as "unclean" and don't want to eat them for fear of catching some horrible disease. I mean that's fair, but properly cooking food takes care of most of it. The only time anyone got sick was when Laios decided to eat a raw parasite.
The biggest instance where you should be hyper wary of a wild animal is when it is behaving very different from normal. If a deer is really docile and casually approaches you, you should stay away from it because it may be in the early stages of rabies.
And I should point out that the water in the dungeon is probably the most likely thing to give you a disease. I don't know if the water is conjured from nothing or recycled, but the various fountains of standing water could be potential disease vectors, especially if they are used by the monsters as well. There's a reason why survival and camping guides emphasize boiling water before drinking it.
Izutsumi looks cute with longer hair.
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Tade knows Izutsumi's real name, implying a special level of trust between them.
Another food-related outburst from Izutsumi that lets me glean a bit of her past. She's accusing Laios of hoarding the good food for himself, so she likely had caretakers who did exactly that. Maybe she thinks eating monsters is a sign of desperation. Like, the logic in her head is "Monsters are gross" -> "No one would eat monsters if they didn't have to" -> "Only desperate people would eat monsters" -> "If I eat monsters, that means I'm desperate" -> "I'm not desperate" -> "I won't eat monsters".
The barometz had the worst timing, almost on par with when Senshi tried to explain that kissing doesn't make babies only for Laios to mention that dryads pollinate by kissing.
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This reminds me of my favorite bestiary entry in Vampire Survivors, the Lammuga. It's description implies it's a descendant of the barometz. And when the loremaster, James Stephanie Sterling, described what the barometz is, they ended the description by saying they are not making this up and concluded with "Go home, folklore, you're drunk."
Marcille has always been the least physcially capable of the group by a long-shot and she doesn't fail to disappoint.
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I think this direwolf got spooked when Chilchuck shot one of them.
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Laios is using both his sword and scabbard to fight the direwolves.
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I still don't know what the point of a staff is. Marcille has demonstrated she can cast explosions without one. Is it just a better focal point?
I can't find when anyone told Izutsumi about companions compensating for each other, but Izutsumi really misunderstood what that meant. She thinks it means they do what you don't want to do rather than what you cannot do.
Last chapter, she was forced to fight the ice golem solo because Laios got badly injured, Marcille had to heal him, and Senshi was stuck under the snow. Izutsumi seems to think they were making her do things they didn't want to.
Again, going back to what her upbringing seems to be like, it sounds like she's been the bottom of the hierarchy and forced to do anything others don't like. The flashback with Hien gives the implication that they will only allow her to be with them if she does what they tell her to. So with this new group, Izutsumi is trying to be the big tough one that gets to bully and boss everyone around.
Literal example to the whole "If you avoid everything you don't like, you'll end up further from your goal" lesson Marcille gave. Izutsumi knowingly chose the wrong path because it looked easier and is literally getting further from her objective.
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That bow on Izutsumi is totally Marcille's handiwork.
Izutsumi taking out the direwolf is extra impressive since all her actions imply she's right-handed. She's also holding that dagger the same way she holds her utensils.
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Laios scaring off the direwolves with his dog impression probably had less to do with the wolves being intimidated and more to do with them being weirded out.
It was at this moment, Izutsumi realized that she was not going to enjoy getting her arm fixed.
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Like a cat back from the vet.
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Kui took the joke a bit too far.
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I think Izutsumi is still kind of missing the point here. She remembered how Tade does chores for the others because she wants Maizuru to think she's useful and because she sometimes gets treats. So it's still a bit of "help because you're afraid of being punished or you might get a reward" rather than "help because you want to". Whatever, baby steps.
With these last two Izutsumi-focused chapters, I've gotten a general idea of where she fits in the group dynamic, and she does add something new that shows the party's growth. Earlier, the party was discovering monster cuisine for themselves and learning how to cook, having a conservation mindset, etc. This primarily revolved around Laios being enthusiastic to learn, Marcille having to unlearn her prejudices, Senshi getting to experiment with new discoveries, and Chilchuck reigning in their more extreme antics.
With Izutsumi mixed in now, she gives the others the chance to show what they've learned and how they've grown by being able to pass along their knowledge, approaches, and opinions. Of course, they're still learning and growing as we can see with Marcille once again trying to get around eating a monster.
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pynkhues · 1 month ago
Yeah, i think there's a tendency within the fandom to overlook the fact that Lestat wasn't chosen just because of his looks but also because of his strenght and capacity to endure. The basement was full of pretty men and magnus didn't consider them worthy enough to pass the dark gift. Lestat was different because of the wolves and the fact that he was resisting magnus till the end.
I think about that heartbreaking passage from totbt when Lestat consider killing the wolves to be his downfall and blames himself for being picked by magnus because it shouldn't be humanly possible for him to kill so many of them.
I do wonder if it is even actually possible for one man to kill eight wolves, it almost sounds like something out of the fairytale lol. He definitely had to be very strong and tenacious. It also makes me curious how they'll approach the wolf killing scene. They may have budget for one real wolf, but definitely not eight haha. The animals from s1, especially the fox, looked kinda fake and silly. I worry that the fake cgi wolves will take away from the seriousness of the scene.
I totally agree, anon. I do think Lestat's looks played a significant role in why he was chosen - Anne makes it pretty clear that Magnus had a type after all - but as you said, it was his capacity for resistance and endurance, I think at least, that made Magnus pick him. He could see that Lestat was a survivor, which is the only way a vampire can really make it through an eternal life, and we've already seen what happens to the ones who can't with Dasha and soon will with Nicki.
You're right that the wolfkilling scene in the books feels like something out of a dark fairytale. It's got that sort of heightened fantasy to it, and I'm curious as to how the show plays it. The show does try to steep the vampires in reality where they can - like I love the production designer talking about how seriously they take the period setting, because the period setting feeling very real allows for the more fantastical elements of the show to work - but it's pretty hard to get around how fantastical the wolves are in TVL. In a lot of ways, I think it'll probably be influenced by how they decide to approach Lestat's own unreliability as a narrator.
Like it could be played as fact, or it could be played as Lestat's ego taking centre-stage and his capacity for exaggeration, but also it kind of makes sense to me that they might play around with it as a trauma response? It's really common for people to add new details to traumatic memories over time that aren't necessarily true. This isn't an intentional thing, people aren't lying to make what happened seem worse than it was, rather it's generally thought to be a result of the different ways traumatic memories can recur (you might make the effort to remember when talking to someone about it for instance, but at the same time intrusive memories can just suddenly occur when you're unprepared for them) (there's a fascinating paper on that here if you're interested). I feel like there's a lot of room to explore that with Lestat if the show wants to given the sheer volume of trauma he's experienced, and that thing of it being eight wolves instead of say, maybe three, could potentially be depicted as a traumatised response to a pretty harrowing memory.
Who knows at this stage though! Either way, the wolfkiling sequence is a pretty vital one for all the reasons you said, I love that little section of Body Thief too. I mentioned it in the tags on my post yesterday, but there's something very resonant to the victim-survivor experience, I think, of trying to figure out why you were the one a perpetrator picked, and the fact that Lestat will never really have an answer as to why Magnus plucked him from his bed that night and made him is genuinely pretty haunting.
(And totally agree re the CGI too. I find the rats in 2.08 pretty bad too, haha, I'm glad the show tends to rely more on practical effects than animated ones).
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months ago
the more I think about it, the more I think fuck it, survival arc for half the Théâtre des Vampires characters!!!! Honestly AR, you can't create the EPIC concept of a troupe of immortal theatre kids and then.... just..... sacrifice them all!? I know it's horror, some death count, sure, but not all. PLEASE, moderation. The later Vampire Chronicles feel a bit like the disturbing last episodes of Llamas with Hats where Charlie has killed the entire world and nobody is left except Charlie(/Lestat*.) *but where's the relation to Lestat? I'll tell you how I see it, and you're free to disagree but even so, I'm still going to want my survival arcs for the vampire thespians (in fanfiction, not the series. I don't make unrealistic demands of series.). :3 How I see it is that Anne Rice wrote all the Chronicles with essentially only Lestat in mind. Even when she wrote whole books for the other characters, it was very often with the ultimate goal of showing how their existence affected Lestat. She deviated a bit with Pandora and Marius, but Lestat was her utimate hyperfocus. This caused her to neglect some of her -in my opinion- more interesting concepts, such as Devil's Minion -imagine a whole BOOK!?- and the Théâtre des Vampires. In the book, Louis and Claudia spend like a week at the theatre before they kill Claudia and in turn Louis kills them all. That's certainly an author's choice. Come ON, a century old undead theatre troupe and you just ....kill them? Don't even explore them (like the series did, at least) instead of taking them on the hero's journey into the modern age? The story potential! THE WASTE! Yes, to be FAIR, when she wrote IWTV she maybe wasn't planning on a sequel. But it's not like she never retconned a death, either. It seems that she liked the idea of Lestat being the lone star of the show, the showpony of the 80s, while Armand losing his community in a roundabout way serves as karma for being mean to Lestat. On top of that, the author has Akasha come along and kill even more vampires, until it ultimately feels like Lestat and Louis are living in an Ark with a few survivors because the story left barely any other vampires alive. Lestat's an actor, he needs not only an audience but also an ensemble to lift him! So, yeah. Fanfiction authors are powerful. That's all <3
:) They are.
And I wished that she had made more of certain aspects of the tale, like you said, DM, or the theater. I have a feeling the show might ... keep some threads alive. I mean, in the books Eleni and Allessandra survive, too!! So I have hopes that the show will fill in the gaps the book left, tbh. I mean, they obviously do fill in so many gaps already... and they had someone survive... :)
BUT :))))
Anne actually recognized that Lestat needed that and wanted that recognition, and the ensemble!! It is literally how the last book ends, the full arc of him being pulled off and being alienated... and then coming to be with his "tribe" (as Benji calls them iirc).
Here is the end of "Blood Communion" - and every time I read the books/parts of the books I am grateful that Anne gave them (and thereby us) a certain closure through it. That certainly wasn't something I expected after ... Memnoch back then.
Under the cut, in case someone does not want to read the actual ending :)
Blood Communion
I sat back and closed my eyes, and the realization I’d been avoiding since that night, that night that I’d brought Rhoshamandes’s remains back, the realization that I’d avoided as impossible, that realization fully took hold of me. Visibility, significance, recognition! All that I’d ever wanted when I took to the rock music stage, all that I’d ever wanted as a boy heading to Paris with a head full of dreams, all I’d ever wanted I now had right here with my brothers and sisters! I had all that I had ever hoped for, and I had it here and now in this place and amongst my own people. The old human story simply did not matter. I had this, I had this moment, I had this recognition, and this visibility and this significance. And how could I ask for anything more? How could I look from right to left, at immortals who had witnessed all the epochs of recorded history, and want more than this? How could I gaze at immortals who’d been drawn to this very spot by something more immense than they’d ever witnessed, and long for more than the recognition they were now giving me? The victory of our own tribe to embrace one another, and let go of the hatred that had divided us for centuries, was my victory. “To the Blood Communion,” I said in my heart. And I felt the cold numbing shell of alienation and despair which had imprisoned me all of my life among the Undead—I felt that shell cracked, broken, and dissolved utterly into infinitesimal fragments. What had been taken from me by Magnus had been repaid a thousandfold. And what had been snatched away that night in San Francisco when Akasha visited death and horror on our rock music spectacle had been given back a thousandfold. And I knew now that I could be the monarch that my people wanted. Because they were indeed my people, my tribe, my family. And whatever happened hereafter wouldn’t be just my story. No, it would be the story of us all.
So yes - go fanfiction writers! There is so much left to be done :)) But thankfully she closed that arc - at least.
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e17omm · 3 months ago
shooting my shot because I'm not really familiar with what your fav game genres are buuuuuut I remember you posting about what seemed like a card game? so what would you say about Wingspan?
I'll get it out of the way now before I go ranting about my favorite games and their genres because its all over the place.
I havent played Wingspan, so I just quickly googled what it was.
I think I would be interested in it if it was a digital game and probably if it was more complex. Its something I'd be willing to try, but I dont think its something that I would play a lot, even if it was on PC. (This is without ever trying it or seeing how its played, just reading about it)
Balatro is the card game you're talking about. Its a rouge-like deckbuilding poker game.
Now, for my favorite games and their genres:
The games I like and their genres dont match at all.
Factorio: top-down, automation base building game.
Helldivers 2: 3rd-person PvE coop extraction horde shooter.
Subnautica: open world survival 1st-person game.
Outer Wilds: mystery space exploration puzzle knowledge-based-progression game.
Haydee: hardcore metroidvania puzzle game.
Honkai Impact 3rd: stage-based action hack'n'slash game.
NieR Automata: open-world action hack'n'slash game.
Frostpunk 2: morality citybuilder survival game.
Neon White: 1st person parkour shooting speedrunning game.
Slay the Spire: action rougelike deckbuilder game.
Vampire Survivors and HoloCure: reverse-bullet hell games.
Now, if I just pick the games I would consider my favorites, rather than the ones I like and play, we get:
Subnautica, Factorio, Helldivers 2, Outer Wilds, Frostpunk 2, Hollow Knight, and NieR Automata.
Survival open world, automation basebuilder, action horde shooter, exploration puzzle, survival citybuilder, puzzle/action metroidvania, and action open world hack'n'slash.
Its all over the place. I dont have a specific genre that I like: I just like games.
And my favorite games, I've played them A LOT.
I "only" have 835 hours in Factorio (which is going to skyrocket once the Space Age DLC comes out in 14 days.) (800 hours is also considered not that much for this crack addiction of a game)
I have 640 hours in Subnautica. Subnautica. Its a 2km X 2km map! A normal playthrough takes like 10 to 20 hours! I know this game so well that I have to mod it to be extremely grindy just so I can enjoy it for longer!
I have 340 hours in NieR Automata. That's a story-driven game! There's 60 hours of content with the DLC!
I have 536 hours in Helldivers 2. That game came out on February 8 this year and I bought it on the 11th of March!
Oh my god I forgot about Persona 5 Royal. Just add turn-based action dungeon-crawler life-sim to the list of genres I like. Oh yeah I also got 467 hours in P5R.
I already have 290 hours in Slay the Spire and I got that game on the 10th of July!
I love these games so much and I can likely go pretty in-depth about why I like them, but I already feel like Im ranting for way too long on this ask that is more or less just asking if I've tried Wingspan.
Again, No, I haven't played Wingspan - but it looks like a game I'd be willing to try if I stayed the night and you pulled it out.
But if you want to know more about any specific one of my favorite games, please send in asks about it and I'd be happy to explain why I like them.
Edit: I forgot about Signalis.
Hey you wanna know about eldrich space lesbians living in a dystopian regime?
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digital-dhampirs · 2 years ago
VnC 58: the case study of astolfo
After a whole year of suspense, the Case Study of Vanitas is back with a bang and so is this tumblr blog. Time isn’t real, so let’s pretend that this analysis came out when I wrote it after reading chapter 58 rather than the day before chapter 59. Let’s go!
As always, although it’s been a while, this post will contain massive spoilers for VnC 58 and is intended for those who have read up to this point in the manga!
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intergalactic tea party
Chapter 58 begins with (an absolutely stunning shot of Vanitas’s tarte tatin) a quick recap of the plot so far and where the main cast is at the moment— Domi and Jeanne tragically finish their conversation offscreen; Domi and Noé have an adorable reunion; and Jeanne leaves the hotel alone, likely to report on her successful mission to a worried Luca. Jeanne looks adorably carefree as she heads out and I pray for a flashback to her conversation with Domi in the near future.
Moving rapidly along, we cut to the Archiviste Noé caught a glimpse of last chapter, traveling through the border between worlds. We learn that she’s familiar with Comte and likely Luna as well, and she and Comte sit down to have a very Pandora Hearts flavored tea break. Comte says that mystery Archiviste hasn’t travelled to the human world in ages, making it very unlikely that she was there explicitly to see Noé, although it’s possible she was (like Comte) waiting in the shadows to intervene if the fair fight reached a certain point.
Mystarchiviste in turn reveals that Comte’s existence is “unstable”. The only context we really have for that term is Vani and Misha, artificial followers of the blue moon lying somewhere between human and vampire… Comte certainly acts like a vampire, but maybe he’s actually something much more in between? My half-theory half-headcanon is that his obsession with Luna stems partially from feeling commonality with another being who doesn’t understand their own existence…
Speaking of Luna, Comte taking their form has interesting lore implications (can he take the form of anyone he’s met, or is there another requirement that has to be met first?) and also interesting fanfic implications but let’s move rapidly onwards to the real meat of chapter 58.
the chasseurs are insane
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A majority of VnC 58 takes place in an extended flashback, as Astolfo reflects on his past. This flashback confirms a lot of what past chapters have implied about Astolfo— he was consumed by self hatred and guilt following the vampire attack, to the point of attempting suicide. The whole flashback could easily read as yet another parallel to Vanitas, who, after finding himself as the sole survivor a second time in a row, turned to a path he knew would culminate in his own death.
We meet two fun new characters during this section of the chapter— a guy wearing an earring (I was half-wondering if this was a younger version of Olivier’s assistant, but their eyebrows and earrings are different, so he’s probably one of Gano’s homeboys) and Charles.
Earring guy is suspicious. He might have some sort of plot relevant past (cough cough, No. 7- [i am escorted off the stage]), he might be an average chasseur with a vampire related incident in his history, or he might just be your standard issue psychopath. My favorite Mochijun Flavored Detail this chapter is the panel where, under the guise of breaking up Mira and Gano’s brawl, he moves to block Olivier’s line of sight and path to Astolfo. It’s just so Mochijun and i missed her so much—-
Charles is neato, but he sort of has this vibe where he’s not meant to be the star of the panels he’s in. It’s like Astolfo isn’t fully looking at him. Even though Charles is trying to inspire faith in Astolfo here, the only light Astolfo sees is Roland. In his double-page introductory panel Charles is exclusively lit by light coming in through the door as Roland opens it. Roland, meanwhile, looks like a savior, the light behind him blinding, and Astolfo bursts into tears when he sees him. I’m so excited to watch their relationship collapse as this flashback continues..!
Through Charles’s conversation with Astolfo, we learn a very interesting piece of lore: when a vampire bites someone they aren’t injecting an aphrodisiac or poison with their fangs— they’re actively rewriting their world formula, and sometimes these effects are permanent. I feel like I should’ve been able to riddle this out, given the whole mark of the blue moon thing, but the fact that this happens so frequently throughout the series, and that Jeanne has rewritten Vanitas, is feckin shocking and feels like it has some very interesting implications for the series. Perhaps Archivistes are unique in that, rather than rewriting with their bite, they read what’s already there.
I honestly don’t have many other thoughts on Charles. He gets carried around and nobody’s allowed see him, possibly implying that he’s become sicker/ his existence has gotten more unstable ;) since he originally became a paladin. Maybe he’s the head honcho Roland and Olivier are working against, maybe he’s actually dead by the time we hit the main plotline. At this point, it feels like he could move in any direction.
interpretation, extrapolation, being wrong, that’s the mochijuncycle
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Vampires rewrite the world formula when they bite others, often leading to devastating and permanent consequences for those they’ve bitten. Misha and Vanitas aren’t the only two unstable beings in existence— while we’ve never heard of VnC vampires turning humans with their bite, maybe once a human has been rewritten enough times they too become unstable. Maybe Comte, in constantly changing his name and shape, has been rewriting himself to the point of instability. Maybe Noé struggles to rewrite because, as an Archiviste, he was born to simply read and record.
But you probably shouldn’t trust me on any of this because, as always, this is 100% my biased initial interpretation of Chapter 58! I hope you’re all as hyped to see this flashback play out as I am, and I’ll see you (hopefully somewhat) soon for VnC 59!
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nessietessie · 28 days ago
This is going to be a ramble about Vampire Survivors, so if you don’t care, go ahead and scroll on lol
So I’m playing on the space stage that you unlock after finding five gold fingers. I’m playing as Maria from the Castlevania DLC, whose weapon is the Guardian Targe. I also managed to get the Alucard Shield, which lets you get even more weapons. Refilled me weapon slots and fully evolved those, too. Got the fireworks weapon.
This stage is only supposed to last 20 minutes. I am currently on minute 84.
I am surrounded by SO MANY red deaths. I thought that at some point I would kill one and the stage would be over. But because of my build I am taking literally ZERO damage. So that my only hope to end the stage without simply quitting out from the menu.
I got curious to see why I hadn’t killed death in the extra hour I’ve been playing, so I looked it up, and it turns out deaths hp scales directly with your level. It’s something like 655,000hp times your level.
My level? 148. Deaths hp? Almost 97million. Suffice to say, it’s taking a while, lol
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