#Valentina Eyres
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wayzata · 4 months ago
Debate Arises Over Reciting Pledge of Allegiance at Wayzata School Board Meetings
At a workshop on Monday, September 23rd, the Wayzata School Board discussed whether to follow or forgo the Pledge of Allegiance at meetings, echoing the 2019 controversy in St. Louis Park. In that case, the City Council initially removed the pledge, sparking public backlash and a debate about being American before ultimately reinstating it. Origins of the Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of…
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celebpantyhosefeet · 1 year ago
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Cameron Valentina Eyre
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whitesferrari · 3 months ago
eu sou a townes, ela/dela, +21 e estou aqui para procurar novos plots para jogos de 1x1! minha temática favorita é um bom e velho real life, mas também estou aberta para ideias e novidades. jogo exclusivamente no discord, e aceito tanto novos partners como as com quem já jogo (então se já jogamos juntas e você está procurando novos plots, aqui estou eu).
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deixo aqui minhas ideias de bunnies (apesar de que eu vou adorar olhar o seu), meu guide (que atualizei) e alguns pensamentos abaixo do read more. se você se interessar, curte que eu te chamo.
fc's que gostaria de usar ou ter de opp:
nicholas alexander chavez;
mika hashizume;
drew starkey;
archie renaux;
alisha boe;
mia healey;
fiona palomo;
alguns couples que eu adoraria interpretar (me perdoem, sou obcecada neles):
shawn mendes x sabrina carpenter;
olivia rodrigo x louis partridge;
drew starkey x madelyn cline;
dua lipa x callum turner;
cameron valentina eyre x nicholas galitzine;
renee rapp x billie eilish (esse foi voz da minha cabeça mesmo).
alisha boe x dylan minette.
não me prendo nisso e em couples já existentes (além de não ter preferência por dinâmica f/f ou m/f), são só algumas coisas que vieram na cabeça. vai que você se interessa também, né? ah, aqui tem uns plots de minha preferência também. e eu amo fazer plots com músicas ai meu coração
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northern-passage · 1 year ago
thank you @attollogame :-)
my words are: red, touch, weave, & slice
The Northern Passage
You grab the front of his jacket, pinning him beneath you, and he makes a sad attempt at swiping at you with the knife, but you just slap it away, your knuckles cracking against his wrist. You can feel the rain soaking through the back of your cloak, through your hood, rivulets down your hands as you curl them into fists. He's still trying to get away, his legs kicking at the ground behind you, but you hit him before he can get out from under you, hard enough that he slumps back into the muddy snow for a moment, his legs going still. You hit him again, and again, and he makes a strange sound, trying to turn away, blood trickling into his eyes, sticking to his eyelashes. Your next hit catches him in the mouth, and pain explodes in your hand, his teeth breaking over your knuckles, his lip splitting like ripe fruit - the skin peeled back, the pulp thick and red.
You glare at each other for the briefest moment, before Merry retaliates, lunging back and grabbing the front of your shirt and slamming you against the wall hard enough to knock the wind out of you - and remind you that you have a crossbow bolt in your back. Your boots nearly kick into the fire, the horses on the other side of you huffing and tossing their heads, and you grab at Merry's wrists, but she just slams you back again. "Don't you fucking touch me," she snarls, her hands rough enough that you hear the tearing of fabric as she shoves you one more time, white stars flashing across your vision as the bolt in your shoulder is jarred violently, making you gasp, and when she finally lets you go, you crumple to the floor, breathing hard.
Harper then finally manages to slice through the rope binding the door of the cage together, and he rips it off, nearly hitting you with it in his haste. You just watch as he rushes in, dropping to the ground in front of Rafe, reaching up to take eyr face in his hands. When they kiss, you quickly look away, feeling like an intruder. You turn to the other cage, but you close your eyes, the image of Lea bleeding out on the cobblestones flashing in your mind for a brief moment. Guilt - and something else - constricts in your chest, and you let out a long, shaky breath, opening your eyes and pulling at your hood, forcing yourself to focus on the collapsed cage in front of you.
Blood Choke
Closing your eyes, you let her wrap her arms around you, holding you against her chest, and you listen to the slow, steady beat of her heart. A familiar sound-- it reminds you of all those knotted threads in your chest, and you imagine the single red string tangled around you and Valentina, frayed and messy and bloody-- but binding. It tightens more and more with each passing beat shared between you.
You think she likes it this way-- more in control, her hand in your hair to pull you around as she pleases. You blink up at her, your hands resting on her hips, toying with the bottom of her shirt. "Can I touch your stomach?" you ask. She nods.
Bonus ???
You cut from sternum to navel, the rotting flesh easily pulling apart beneath your blade. The smell nearly makes you retch, and Billie coughs, waving her hand in front of her face and stepping back a bit. There's no satisfying spill of red blood, just chunks of flesh tearing and black bile leaking into the dirt, and you turn away for a moment, taking a deep breath, before plunging your hands into its open torso. You groan as you slather yourself in blood and gore, hot and thick as it sticks between your fingers. Billie watches you with a sour expression, her nose wrinkled in disgust.
"What the fuck, Billie!" you gasp. The lockbox is clutched against your chest again, held so tight that you can feel the sharp edge sinking into the open cut on your palm. Your blood mixes with the undead's, and you just stare down at yourself in disbelief. "No. No, no no no," you mutter, your hand tightening around the lockbox while your other reaches to touch your bloody calf. No. No, no, no.
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bibliotecasanvalentino · 5 months ago
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Ed eccoci di nuovo qui con la rubrica a cadenza mensile e precisamente l'ultimo giorno di ogni mese, curata dalla nostra utente e amica Valentina Pace
Questa rubrica nasce anche e soprattutto da una riflessione che ci accompagna da un po' di tempo: per una "piccola" biblioteca di un piccolo paese non è sempre facile stare al passo con le richieste, i suggerimenti, le necessità degli utenti e non. Per questo motivo, con l'aiuto di Valentina scopriremo nuovi autori e nuove letture, consigli e spunti di riflessione, insieme a curiosità e notizie sui nostri cari libri. E allora, diamo il benvenuto a questo nuovo spazio culturale dove si viaggerà alla scoperta delle case editrici indipendenti: ʟᴇᴛᴛᴜʀᴇɪɴᴅɪᴇ.
La casa editrice di questo mese è: marcos y marcos
Buona lettura a tutti!
«Pochi cuori mortali / soffrono in terra come il tuo.»
(Emily Brontë)
Quello delle sorelle Brontë è un caso forse unico nel panorama letterario mondiale. Charlotte, Emily e Anne, tre donne unite da un fortissimo legame di sangue, tutte e tre poetesse e scrittrici, vissute in simbiosi e morte giovanissime, autrici di alcuni tra i più famosi classici della letteratura ottocentesca, sono le protagoniste indiscusse di “Tutto questo fuoco”.
Si tratta di un romanzo in cui Angeles Caso, con amore, ammirazione ed estremo rispetto, racconta la vita familiare delle tre sorelle, ponendo l’accento sul fuoco divorante della creazione letteraria che le ha portate alla fama imperitura.
L’autrice inizia dalla loro infanzia sfortunata: rimaste orfane di madre in giovanissima età, sono state allevate dalla severa quanto amorevole zia Elizabeth e dal padre, il reverendo Patrick Brontë.  
Charlotte, la più ambiziosa e determinata, è quella che insegue la fama: vuole che il talento suo e delle sorelle sia noto a tutti.
Emily, la grande poetessa, è timida e riservata al punto da rasentare la maleducazione, ma ha uno spirito indomito e appassionato, e una pienezza emotiva che la spingono a comporre versi di una bellezza incommensurabile. Niente al mondo potrebbe portarla lontano da Haworth e dalla sua amata brughiera. Inoltre, non condivide assolutamente il desiderio di Charlotte di pubblicare i loro scritti.
Anne, la più giovane, dolce e remissiva, desidera soltanto restare a casa con le sorelle piuttosto che lavorare come istitutrice e farsi maltrattare da ragazzini ricchi, ignoranti e viziati.
La Caso racconta gli amori impossibili o sfortunati delle tre giovani donne, il rapporto difficilissimo con il fratello Branwell, ma, soprattutto, permette al lettore di entrare nella canonica di Haworth quando Charlotte, Emily ed Anne, dopo aver terminato tutte le faccende domestiche, possono finalmente riunirsi in salotto, tirare fuori i loro scrittoi, affilare le penne e comporre i loro capolavori.
Sono una grande appassionata dei romanzi delle sorelle Brontë e mi sono sempre chiesta come tre giovani donne, cresciute in una canonica in mezzo alla brughiera, in piena età vittoriana, potessero creare dei personaggi complessi e indimenticabili come Jane Eyre, Edward Rochester, Cathy e Heathcliff: finalmente ho trovato la risposta.
Come sempre quando un libro mi piace enormemente, mi trovo in difficoltà a evidenziarne gli aspetti negativi. Sinceramente, in questo caso, non ne ho trovato nessuno.
Angeles Caso nasce a Gijón nel 1959, figlia di un filologo che dava la buonanotte ai figli con le ballate del Cinquecento. Dopo aver studiato arte e storia moderna, per due anni è il volto di un telegiornale spagnolo, ma non si sente a casa. Torna a dedicarsi alla letteratura a tempo pieno. Alterna il romanzo storico alla fiction, e al centro della sua attenzione c’è sempre il coraggio delle donne. “Controvento”, che racconta la vera storia della sua baby-sitter di Capo Verde, le è valso il premio Planeta. “Tutto questo fuoco” è un omaggio amorevole alla passione inarrestabile delle sorelle Brontë.
Marcos y Marcos più che una casa editrice, in principio era una mansarda a Milano dove Marco Franza e Marco Zapparoli, poco più che ventenni, inventavano, assemblavano e spedivano nel mondo edizioni numerate dai caratteri splendidi e la carta fabbricata a mano. Spesso quei fascicoli esili erano accompagnati da stampe d’artista o riproduzioni di manoscritti originali. Gli autori? Da Mario Luzi a Novalis, da Leonardo da Vinci a Heinrich von Kleist. Il mestiere si imparava strada facendo. Ai tempi, si vendevano meno libri di oggi e la concorrenza era esigua. C’era più tempo per sperimentare e anche per sbagliare. I librini di trenta pagine in un decennio si sono trasformati in una collana “di culto”. Sempre con un occhio ai classici, certo, magari non più così indietro nel tempo.
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face-claims-central · 10 months ago
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Cameron Valentina Eyre - British Asian, 2000
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speci-society · 4 months ago
the people have spoken heres the list (alphabetically)
In use
42.35479, -101.48729
AloneSnail71 "Snail"
Another's Arms
Iteration: Antares (1)
Aria Celeste
Arvin Fenwick
Dr. Arthur Alice Addington
Austin Wallace
Azrael "Pixie" Castillo
Dr. Barnesi Carukia
Bill Dillard
Captain Callisto
Friend-Entity Ceres
Charlie "Charlie Circuit" "Charlie Warthruster" Howard
Cherry Smallhurt
Cici Caspian
Clementine Cooper
Colzos Ludasnath
The Crouste Family
Cyrus Reid
Dakota Sanguine
Damien Immel
Danman Omega
David Abernathy
Dean B. Crewe
Delta "Zip" Marshall
DJ Deathwish
Dynamite and Flashbang
Dr. Edward Crow Boccaccio
Eileen Rose
Elliott Way
Emily Lévêque
Erebid Astaret
Researcher Europa
The Extended Universe
Ezekiel Riorin
Voyager Ganymede
"Dr." Fink Stoma
Harmony Flores
Hell's Kitchen
Holy Vapor
Io the Undaunted
Iron Dynamo
Isaac Abernathy
Izzy Vazquez
Jenny "Cam Flash" Dunn Millard
Jude King
Jude's Dead Boyfriend
Jude's Missing Girlfriend
Junipere Zameia
Kaphon Lorciar Heskan
Kotone Doremi
Lelane Bonk Bighurt
Levimine Noell Tobias Way
Listening Thing
Lorelai Edie Howard
Lyra "Raven" Adgolor
Maid Knight
Maria Abernathy
Marina Neoma
Mattie Rose
Mike "Stereo Mike" Martin
Monica Tempest
Milo G.T. Midnight
Mystery The Horse
Nescoria Kruldrenaal
Nikolas Crouste
Orbital Strike
Order Lord
Paragons of Acceptance
Pepper Immel-Boccaccio
Piper Sterling
Plague Doctor
DJ Red
Ruby "Waveform" Chip
Spilo Astaret
Star and Eclipse
Sun Lord
Sylphine Wynra
Tam Hyatt
Terra Baylock
Ticking Timebombs
Trevor C.
Tutorial Subject
Unnamed June mother
Unnamed Levi mother
Valentina Sangria Crouste
Verthus Kruldrenaal
Vexx Valentine Rexxwood
Dr. Vineon Astaret
Viola Loretta
Vivian Angelivio
Wendell Lestat
Wyatt the Guide
Yorzire Kruldrenaal
Zach Simon
Zinnia Perthyra
Dr. Zylovar Elren
Not in use (not alphabetical)
Unsure if i wanna use them or not they're kind of in oc limbo
Guy Manderson
Society for Otherworldly Experimentation
Ms. Marybeth
Kennedy Lansky
Atticus Gardner
Ari Oyama
Other Jude
Vicky Karmino
Dante Karmino
Maurice Fletcher
Mark Barista Boy
Carlo Barista Boy
The girl Dylan met in the lab whose name escapes me but she had red hair
Other Sigma/Oliver
Other Atticus
Asenneth Lucia
Harendra Lucia
Kaela Lucia
Tarell Lucia
Maggie Dreemurr
Other guide whose name i dont rember who was scared of heights
Adam the Enderman
I'm about to list out each and every endercat. brace yourself
The snow one
Herobrine Again
Those 4 angel characters i dont remember the name of except Lydia
Other Susan
Carrie, Mary’s twin
Herobrine yet again
I literally almost forgot abt ATOTD. Fuck me
Queen Aquarius
King Taurus
Another Dylan. the more important Dylan
Alt. Dylan
I do NOT remember if it was me or a friend of mine who made Dr. Beatrice and Oni. Will take this entry off if i am incorrect
Chaos Kitty
Am I including Hairy and Claude and the robot from 3rd grade? Yes, yes i am
Pa'yme Alvalok
Iscienth Sarrus
Avarus Alvalok
Beth Grant
Kageleth Avalok
Town of Clover
Yea does anyone want my full unedited list of relevant ocs and possibly past ocs i dont use anymore but i have a record of their name somewhere. 217 of them roughly
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avoyagetoarcturus · 5 years ago
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Jane Eyre/Bertha Mason based on the 2011 movie
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summernightsdream · 5 years ago
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Cameron Eyre
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theboarsbride · 3 years ago
Do you have a Gothic work to recommend?
To start, there are the classics! Of course, there is Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, etc! Another classic I recomend is Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu! In relation to vampire literature, I read the book The Quick by Lauren Owen earlier this year, and it feels like both a super fresh and super familiar addition to vampire literary canon--highly reccomend if you like more lowkey gothic vibes and historical fiction!
There is also Shirley Jackson's work, especially The Haunting of Hill House, as well as Henry James's The Turn of the Screw! Both of these stories might seem familiar because of the Netflix shows The Haunting of Hill House and Haunting of Bly Manor. The both of these stories are more gothic ghosts stories, but the ghost aspects are SUPER ambiguous, and just AUUUUUGH super good!! Hill House especially delves into feminist, and even LGBTQ+ themes, that honestly still feels relevant!
Of course, can't talk about Gothic without mentioning Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier! There is also Jane Eyre, and Northanger Abbey which are decent reads in terms of classic gothic literature, I think!
If you want more contemporary Gothic recs I HIGHLY Recommend Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia!! It both harkens back to gothic roots and classical literature while also bringing something new to the table, and it's just SO GOOD!!!! Also recently read a book called The Rose Master by Valentina Cano, and it feels like Jane Eyre meets Howls Moving Castle!
I'm also currently reading Caitlin Starling's The Death of Jane Lawrence, and it's been a REALLY good spooky gothic read! Starling's pose is absolutely GORGEOUS, and her use of gothic themes is just AUUSHDHCJVJKVKAKAKLA I LOVE IT!!!
But I think my all-time favorite piece of gothic fiction I've consumed is Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber. It's an anthology of gothic and feminist fairytale retellings and its just so so fucking good!😩
I hope these are somewhat decent recs!!!
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years ago
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Lilac Allende-Ramsey | The Future
“Reader, I married him”  —Jane Eyre
for the Meet My MC event organized by @openheartfanfics. Thank you guys for this event! It was so much fun!
Full Name: Lilac Valentina Allende-Ramsey
Other Names: Rookie, Darling, Allende (All by Ethan), Lili/ Lilita (family), Mom/Mommy (by Jonah, Dolores, Violet, Jasmine)
Marital Status: Married
Family: Ethan Ramsey (Husband), Jonah Naveen Ramsey (son), Dolores Sienna Ramsey (daughter), Violet Catalina Ramsey (daughter), Jasmine Valentina Ramsey (daughter)
Occupation : Doctor, Internal Medicine | Head of Diagnostics Team at Edenbrook Hospital, Published Author
Publications: “The Deadliest Battlefield: Bacteriophage c2 vs. Acinetobacter Baumannii” (co written with Ethan Ramsey), The Stories They Tell: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis
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wayzata · 1 month ago
Wayzata School Board Approves Attendance Area Adjustments for 2025-26 School Year
On December 18, the Wayzata School Board approved attendance area changes to address capacity issues, with a 4-2 vote. Dan Ginestra, Sheila Prior, Heidi Nader, and Sarah Johansen supported the measure, while Paras Bhende and Valentina Eyres opposed it, seeking more time to study the issue. Chair Milind Sohoni was absent. The changes, based on the latest “Concept 9” proposal, will go into effect…
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lightblue-heart · 3 years ago
Lista de livros que quero ler:
Fangirl, por Rainbow Rowell
Carry on, por Rainbow Rowell
Wayward son, por Rainbow Rowell
Efeito borboleta, L. J. Rodrigues
Sobre a escrita, Stephen King
Água fresca para as flores, Valérie Perrin
Ágape, uma promessa de outras vidas, Francine Maia
Eros e Apolo, Dante Fernandes
A maldição do tigre, Collen Houck
Fantasmas, Raina Telgemeier
Pessoas normais, Sally Rooney
Amigo imaginario, Stephen Chbosky
Morte no internato, Lucinda Riley
A jornada do escritor, Christopher Vogler
Orgulho e preconceito, por Jane Austen
A cinco passos de você, Nikki Daughtry e Tobias Iaconis
A menina que roubava livros, Markus Zusak
Diário de Anne Frank
Contos da meia noite, Be Cortland
Devil Eyes, Brooke Mars
Cidade da Lua Crescente, Sarah J. Maas
A gente dá certo, Pedro Poeira
Duna, Frank Herbert
Carta de amor aos mortos, Ava Dellaira
Um mar sem estrelas, Erin Morgenstern
Flores para Algernon, Daniel Keyes
A bússola de ouro, Philip Pullman
O fantasma da biblioteca raveliana, Farrel Kautely
A rainha do nada, Holly Blcak
Dezesseis luas, Margareth and Kami
Os dois morrem no final, Adam Silvera
Daisy Jones and the Six, Taylor Jenkin Reid
Oceano entre nós, Tahereh Mafi
Senhor dos anéis, J. R. R. Tolkien
Tons de Magia, V.E. SCHWAB
Magisterium, Holly black e Cassandra Clare
Estilhaça-me, Tahereh Mafi
O povo do ar, Holly black
Princesa das Cinzas, Laura Sebastian
Percy jackson, John Rocco
Poeira Espacial, Lilian Alves
Eu e esse meu coração, C. C. Hunter
Sombra e ossos, Grisha
Onde está Daisy Maison, Cara Hunter
A paciente silenciosa, Alex Michaelides
Garota A, Abigail Dean
Orbita de inverno, Everina Maxwell
The end of the fucking World, Charles Forsman
O retrato de Dorian Grey, Oscar Wilde
Quando ninguém está olhando, Tessa cole
Árvore dos Desejos, Katherine Applegate
Amor gelato, Jenna Evans Welch
Contos Peculiares, Ransom Riggs
A casa de bonecas, M. J. Arlidge
Um de nós está mentindo, Karen M. McManus
As mil partes do meu coração, Colleen Hoover
Constelação, Malu Costacurta
Sob a noite sem estrelas, Gabi Guimarães
O segredo da livraria de paris, Lily Graham
Toda luz que não podemos ver, Anthony Doerr
A biblioteca de paris, Janet Skeslien Charles
A costureira de Dachau, Mary Chamberlain
Rua do medo, R. L. Stine
Metanoia, Cora Menestrelli
Até que a morte nos ampare, Marcos Martinz
Luzes do norte, Giulianna Domingues
Vida e morte, Stephanie Meyer
Sol da meia noite, Stephanie Meyer
O tatuador de Auschwitz, Heather morris
A bailarina de Auschwitz, Edith eva Eger
A biblioteca de Auschwitz, Antonio G. Iturbe
Any way the wind blows, Rainbow rowell
Conductors, Nicole Glover
Desesperança, Moody lua
Entre olhos azuis, Satine Cunha
Um de nós é o próximo, Karen M. McManus
As musas, Alex Michaelides
Ô promessa sem jeito, Eduarda Short
The first to die at the end, Adam Silvera
Hermes: Destinado ao Seu amor, Francine Maia
King e as libelulas, Kacen Callender
Gaia - Bruxas de Salém, Letícia Rosa
Um lugar bem longe daqui, Delia Owens
Silêncio das almas etéreas, Yasmin b. Pereira
A ciência de interestelar, Kip Thorne
Eu estou pensando em acabar com tudo, Iain Reid
If we were villains, M. L. Rio
Você ligou para o sam, Dusthin Tao
Vergonha, Brittainy c. Cherry
O Corvo e outras histórias, Edgar Allan Poe
Uma princesa em Tóquio, Emiko Jean
A Filha do Rei, Kalyla Iunes
A inquilina de wildfell hall, Anne Bronte
Jane eyre, Charlotte Bronte
O fantasma da ópera, Gaston Leroux
Crônicas lunares, Marissa Meyer
A saga dos corvos
P.S. Lembre-se de Paris, Valentina Ferreira
Ulysses, James Joyce
O escultor, Scott Mccoud (acho)
Filha da floresta, Juliet Marillier
Filho das sombras, Juliet Marillier
Filha da profecia, Juliet Marillier
O encanto dos corvos, Margaret Rogerson
O feitiço dos espinhos, Margaret Rogerson
Morte na mesopotâmia, Agatha Christie
Hora Zero, Agatha Christie
O assassinato de Roger Ackroyd, Agatha Christie
Um vento à porta, Madeline lengle
Um planeta em seu giro veloz, Madeline Lengle
O bosque das coisas perdidas, Shea Ernshaw
A maldição do mar, Shea Ernshaw
Spin of dawn, Elizabeth Lim
Os seis grous, Elizabeth Lim
O chamado do falcão, Maggie Stiefvater
Sonhador impossivel, Maggie Stiefvater
A bruxa não vai para a fogueira nesse livro, Amanda Lovelace
A princesa salva a si mesma neste livro, Amanda Lovelace
Dance of Thieves, Mary E. Pearson
The heart of betrayal, Mary E. Pearson
The kiss of deception, Mary E. Pearson
Sandman, Neil Gaiman
Coraline, Neil Gaiman
Deuses Americanos, Neil Gaiman
Lugar nenhum, Neil Gaiman
Os filhos de Anansi, Neil Gaiman
Trono de vidro, Sarah J. Maas
Hush Hush “Sussurro”, por Becca Fitzpatrick
Hush Hush “Crescendo“, por Becca Fitzpatrick
Hush Hush “Silêncio“, por Becca Fitzpatrick
Hush Hush “Finale“, por Becca Fitzpatrick
O nome do vento, por Patrick Rothfuss
O temor do sábio, por Patrick Rothfuss
As portas de pedra, por Patrick Rothfuss
A nuvem, por Neal Shusterman
A rainha vermelha, por Victoria Aveyard
Espada de vidro, por Victoria Aveyard
A prisão do rei, Victoria Aveyard
Tempestade de guerra, Victoria Aveyard
Carrie, a estranha, Stephen King
It a Coisa, Stephen King
Doutor sono, Stephen King
Escuridão total, sem estrelas, Stephen King
Misery, Stephen King
O iluminado, Stephen King
O cemitério, Stephen King
Salem, Stephen King
A zona morta, Stephen King
Malorie, Josh Malerman
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selenes-sun · 4 years ago
Hello! I run @/selenes-sun which was previously @/lxve-hermione and @/masterofthedarkness and I started this blog on May 24th, 2020
About Me:
Name: Valentina (Val or Tina is fine too) (You can call me whatever lol)
Pronouns: She/her
Big 3: Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon, Leo Rising
House: Ravenclaw
Movies: Pride and Prejudice (2005), Angels & Demons, Caroline, Ponyo, Stardust, Moonlight, Miracle in Cell No. 7
TV Shows: The Umbrella Academy, Wandavision, Jane Eyre (2006), The Queen’s Gambit, Demon Slayer
Books: Three Dark Crowns, Fat Chance Charlie Vega, Romanov, The Red Umbrella, Recipe for a Perfect Wife, Lovely War
Artists: Celeste, Arctic Monkeys, Sabrina Claudio, Sleeping At Last, Jorja Smith, Hozier, Pomme, La Oreja de Van Gogh
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Listening to Music, Hiking, Woodworking, Welding, Photography, Sleeping, Baking, Swimming, Thrifting, Going on Rides
Watching: What if...?
Reading: Nothing <3
Listening: Ma Chérie by Naïka
Loving: Reading, Sleeping
I love all of you and if you ever want to come and chat my asks and dms are always open (nonnies are always accepted!) (Anons that send hate are immediately on my hit list)
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psychodollyuniverse · 5 years ago
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Carolina Invernizio 1851-1916
Carolina Maria Margarita Invernizio (28 March 1851 - 27 November 1916), better known just as Carolina Invenizio, was an Italian novelist. She had a large popular success between late 1800s until her death.
Invenizio was born in Voghera, the daughter of an official of the Kingdom of Sardinia. She long credited her date of birth as 1858, but in 1983 after long researches in the municipal registers she eventually resulted to be born in 1851
In 1865 she moved with her family to Florence, where she studied at the Istituto Magistrale.
Invenizio made her writing debut in 1876, with the short story Un autore drammatico.In 1877 she published her first novel, Rina o L'angelo delle Alpi.
Invernizio wrote about 150 novels and 20 collections of novelle, as well as four books of fiction for children. Influenced by feuilleton literature, she had an enormous popular following with her novels characterized by sensationalist, melodramatic and often gothic themes. She was often badly received by critics.
In 1881, aged 30 years old, Invenizio married a Bersaglieri lieutenant, Marcello Quinterno, and at 35 years old she had her only daughter, Marcella. She followed her husband during his deployments, moving to Turin and Cuneo, among other cities.
She was my Grandmother's favourite writer. 
My grandmother, whose name was Valentina, was a dressmaker, and she worked for a famous Countess in the Tuscany countryside. She loved to read, and amongst the classics of the Italian Literature, and the European ones, she adored the Bronte Sisters, and Wuthering Heights in particular as well as Jane Eyre, she loved  Carolina Invernizio's fuilletons, with their intricate plots, made out of misteries, murders, forbidden loves and plot twists.
I owe everything to her, my passion for arts, literature, old movies, the darkness, gothic stories and misteries and for what I am now. 
Life, as she used to said, is itself a mistery. This is an homage to her, with all of my heart.
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greektrgcdy · 6 years ago
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Under the cut you’ll find 675 FEMININE NAMES all compiled by me !! I will most likely be updating this and my other lists at some point and would be more than willing to post more specific lists if anyone wants them !! Please like or reblog if this was helpful !!
Abilene, Acacia, Ada, Adalia, Adalind, Adelina, Adeline, Adela, Adele, Adriana, Agnes, Aimee, Aislinn, Aja, Alana, Alba, Alessia, Alexa, Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexandrine,  Aliyah, Allora,  Alma, Almira, Althea, Alva, Amber, Amabel, Amara, Amelie, Amethyst, Amina, Anastasia, Antoinette, Andromeda, Anika, Anissa, Annabel, Annabel-Lee, Anne, Annette, Annie, Anniston, Appoline, Apollinia, Apollonia, Ara, Arabella, Araminta, Ariadne, Ariana, Arianne, Ariella, Asena, Astra, Astrid, Athena, Audrey, Audrina, Autumn, Aurelia, Aurora, Austen, Ava, Avalee, Avalon, Averill, Aviana,  Ayla, Aylee, Azalea, Azaria.
Bambi, Bardot, Beatrice, Beatrix, Becky, Bee, Bellatrix, Belle, Benedette, Benilde, Bernadette, Bess, Beth, Betsey, Beverly, Bexley, Bijou, Bindie, Birdie, Blair, Blossom, Bluebell, Blythe, Bonnie, Brenna, Bria, Briar, Bridget, Briella, Brielle, Brinley, Bristol, Brooke, Bronwyn, Buffy.
Cadence, Calla, Callie, Callista, Camila, Camille, Cara, Cariad, Carmen, Carol, Carolina, Caroline, Carolyn, Carrie, Cassandra, Cassiopeia, Cecilia, Cecily, Celeste, Celestia, Celine, Chanel, Charity, Charlotte, Cher, Cherie, Cheryl, Cheyenne, Chloe, Claire, Clara, Clarity, Claudia, Claudine, Clea, Cleo, Clover, Colette, Colleen, Constance, Connie, Copeland, Cora, Coral, Coralia, Coraline, Cordelia, Coretta, Corinna, Corinne, Corisande, Corliss, Cornelia, Corvina, Cosette, Cressida, Cynthia, Cyra.
Dahlia, Dahliana, Daisy, Damara, Dara, Darcy, Darla, Darlene, Daphne, Davina, Dawn, Dee, Delia, Delilah, Delphi, Delphine, Denise, Desiree, Desdemona, Desi, Destiny, Diana, Diane, Dinah, Dixie, Dolly, Dorothea, Dorothy, Dot, Drusilla.
Eadlyn, Eartha, Eden, Edie, Edina, Edith, Effie, Eileen, Elara, Eleanor, Eleanora, Elena, Eliana, Elisabeth, Elise, Elizabeth, Ella, Elle, Elodie, Eloise, Elowen, Elora, Elsie, Emalyn, Embla, Emilia, Emma, Emmeline, Emmy, Enid, Eponine, Erica, Erin, Esme, Estelle, Esther, Ethel, Ettie, Everly, Eva, Evangeline, Evanora, Evelina, Evelyn, Everly, Evita, Eyre.
Fae, Faith, Fallon, Fancy, Fannie, Fantine, Farah, Fawn, Faye, Felicity, Fern, Francine, Fran, Finnea, Fleur, Flora, Florence, Francesca, Franny, Frankie, Frida, Freya, Fyodora.
Gabriella, Gaia, Gail, Garbo, Gardenia, Gemma, Geneva, Geneve, Genevieve, Gennifer, Georgeanne, Georgia, Gia, Giana, Gigi, Gillian, Gina, Ginevra, Ginger, Ginny, Giordana, Giovanna, Gisele, Guilieta, Guilia, Guiliana, Gladys, Glenda, Glinda, Gloriana, Glory, Goldie, Goldeheve, Grace, Gracelyn, Gracie, Greer, Greta, Gretchen, Griselda, Guinevere, Gwenora, Gwendolyn, Gwenny.
Hadley, Haddie, Hadiya, Halle, Hallie, Halston, Hanna, Hannah, Harmony, Harper, Harriet, Hattie, Hazel, Helen, Helena, Heloise, Henrietta, Henna, Hera, Hermia, Hermione, Hester, Hettie, Holly, Honey, Honora, Hope.
Ida, Ilana, Ilyana, Imogen, Indie, Inessa, Ingrid, Iphegenia, Iris, Irene, Isabeau, Isabella, Isabelle, Isla, Isobel, Isolde, Ivana, Ivory, Ivy.
Jacinta, Jackie, Jada, Jade, Jane, Janie, Jasey, Jasey-Rae, Jeana, Jeanie, Jedda, Jennifer, Jennie, Jenny, Jessa, Jessamine, Johanna, Jolene, Jolie, Joplin,  Josie, Josephine, Journey, Joy, Judith, Judy, Julia, Julie, Juliet, Juniper, Juno.
Kaia, Kalani, Kara, Karen, Karolina, Kate, Kathleen, Katherine, Kayla, Kaylee, Kedzie, Keely, Kelby, Kelsey, Kendra, Kenna, Kennedy, Kiara, Kimberly, Kinsley, Kitty, Kristina, Kyra.
Laela, Lara, Laura, Laurel, Lauren, Lavinia, Leah, Leia, Leila, Lena, Lenora, Leonora, Letitia, Liana, Liberty, Lila, Lilo, Lilia, Lilith, Lily, Lindsey, Livia, Lois, Lola, Loretta, Loral, Lorelei, Lorena, Lorraine, Lottie, Lovisa, Lucia, Lucille, Lucy, Ludovica, Luna, Lulu, Lumi, Lux, Lydia, Lynn, Lyra.
Macy, Madeleine, Maia, Mae, Maeve, Maggie, Magnolia, Malia, Marcella, Maren, Margaret, Margot, Martha, Maria, Marie, Marigold, Marilyn, Marina, Marissa, Marisol, Marlene, Marnie, Mary, Matilda, Maude, Maureen, Maxine, Meadow, Melody, Melinda, Mercy, Merritt, Mia, Michelle, Millicent, Minerva, Minnie, Mira, Miriam, Moira, Molly, Mona, Morrigan.
Nadia, Nadine, Nancy, Naomi, Narcissa, Naressa, Natalia, Natalie, Naya, Nellie, Nettie, Nia, Nicola, Nicole, Nicoletta, Nikita, Nina, Nikki, Noelle, Norah, Nova, Nyla.
Oara, Octavia, Odette, Odessa, Odyssesia, Odilia, Odina, Olita, Olive, Olivia, Olympia, Olwen, Opal, Ophelia, Oona, Orelia, Oriana, Orla, Orlena, Orpha, Ottoline, Ovalia.
Paige, Paisley, Pam, Pamela, Pandora, Patricia, Pearl, Peggy, Penelope, Petra, Persephone, Phoebe, Piper, Pippa, Pixie, Priscilla, Priya, Prudence, Polly, PollyAnna, Poppy, Posey.
Raina, Ravena, Regina, Rey, Rhea, Rhiannon, Romilly, Romy, Rosa, Rosalie, Rosemary, Rowena, Roxanne, Ruby, Ruth, Ruthie.
Sabrina, Sadie, Safiya, Sally, Samantha, Samara, Samira, Sara, Sarah, Savannah, Scarlett, Selene, Serafine, Seraphina, Serena, Sia, Sienna, Sierra, Siobhan, Skye, Sofia, Sophia, Sophie, Soleil, Solstice, Sonya, Sookie, Stella, Sylvia.
Talia, Tamara, Tana, Tamsin, Tatiana, Tessa, Thea, Theresa, Theodosia, Tiara, Tiffany, Tilda, Tina, Tinsley, Toria, Topanga, Trinity, Truly, Twyla.
Uma, Una, Ursula, Uta.
Vada, Vaia, Vara, Valentina, Valerie, Venus, Vera, Verity, Veronica, Victoria, Viola, Violet, Virginia, Vivette, Vivian.
Waverly, Weslyn, Wendy, Whitney, Winona, Winnie, Winnifred, Willa, Willow, Winter.
Xahlian, Xana, Xandra, Xelis, Xena, Ximena.
Yara, Yasmine, Yvette, Yvonne.
Zada, Zahara, Zara, Zariah, Zena, Zelda, Zelena, Zoe, Zola, Zophia, Zuri.
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