kicktwine · 5 months
Can we get a toad trio drawing....
They're so cute....
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for toads? Anything for toads
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orinthered · 11 months
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you know gortash if you wanted the team to work together you'd just let orin murder whoever she wants :/
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sparring-spirals · 2 months
I feel inclined to share that for the "imogen laudna well tethered centrifugal disc of doom" post, the image preview for the post in my notes looks uncannily like a concerned face. just a spot on 🫤. or :-/
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So every time the post starts making the rounds again, i just get a flood of this in my activity page. he's so worried about those sorceror sapphics
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graegrape · 1 year
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i'll save you
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pixxyofice · 4 months
Draw siffrin eating ramen noodles
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Some good food!
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strawglicks · 10 months
Flint, Misty, and their bad puns
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susiehunsecker-remade · 6 months
(jfj voice) the HMS erebus wasn't the ONLY chunky european wood mommy rode on this year! Welcome to the world baby Anne Sophia Crozier-Fitzjames ♥️
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tsururoach · 19 days
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Danmaca... let me overthink you until i am disowned by the i7 fandom.
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more under cut
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sojutrait · 1 year
dai lu’s boobs🫣(i’m sawry, i am what i am😫)
yes i agree but also. abbys boobs
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kimberlyannharts · 4 months
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now wait just a goddamn second
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lesbianalicent · 21 days
lesbian bridgerton season reveal will have you literally skipping into work like a cartoon character
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kicktwine · 11 months
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Ysayle call me (thru the aethereal sea) call me any time I am free (available) to hang. bring the dragons
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oceanlandworld · 2 months
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I forgot about this bit until rereading today and i was like. Ohhhhh i see [understands now]
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enderwoah · 11 months
gonna watch martyn's 3rd life pov now i think it's about time
been on a life series rewatching spree (rewatched grian pov 3rd life and last life and then half of 3rd life again <- demented) and i've never actually managed to get thru any dogwarts pov...why not. let's see what the hype is about. surely it can't be THAT bad
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shigayokagayama · 2 years
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what if i cried? then what?
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the-river-of-light · 9 months
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I had an idea
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