#VY Canis Majoris
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elmushterri · 2 months ago
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I thought I posted this? 😭 it’s just gone or I didn’t post it at all.
Just a little bit of the thing I’m writing for the video script for the Solar System Musical. The Council of Stars wouldn’t look like that it’s just shorthand for whatever they’re meant to look like.
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starchaserdreams · 1 year ago
I finally got to see Sirius again!
I was up before dawn Saturday, and looked up to find Canis Major in the southern sky. What a delightful surprise!
Canis Major really is the best constellation.
Well, there's Sirius, for one, which speaks for itself. It's one of the closest stars to our solar system at only 8.6 light years away, and is the brightest star in the whole night sky. Plus, y'know, a badass Harry Potter character.
But then there's VY Canis Majoris, which is so cool that if I think about it too long there's a very real risk I'll have a panic attack over it. That star is so big that if it were centered where the sun is in our solar system, we would be inside of it...and so would Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus for part of its orbit. The scale of it is so big I struggle to comprehend it.
Plus, the constellation is a dog.
Like I said, the coolest constellation.
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wnewsroom365 · 3 hours ago
মহাবিশ্বের দানব ১০ নক্ষত্র, যেগুলোর আকার সূর্যের চেয়ে হাজার গুণ বড়।
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grandes-historias · 2 years ago
Las estrellas más grandes del universo hasta ahora conocidas
Revelando los Titanes del Cosmos  En nuestra realidad, nuestro mundo, existen cosas enormes y pequeñas, animales grandes y pequeños y si hablamos poéticamente existen seres humanos con gran corazón (sentimientos) y personas con poco corazón. Así sucede en el cosmos, existen cúmulos de galaxias enormes y pequeños, galaxias enormes y pequeñas, sistemas solares enormes y pequeños, planetas enormes y…
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pngblog · 2 months ago
Lost 1 follower who I fully expect was my wife for speaking about VY Canis Majoris
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tanadrin · 1 year ago
🔥black holes
i don't have any controversial opinions about black holes, so here's a fun fact: when clouds of hydrogen have very low metallicity (i.e., non-hydrogen content) they can do things that are pretty uncommon in the present universe, what with all the supernova gunk lying around and stuff.
in the very early universe, when all stars were massive population III stars, some proto-stars might have been large enough to collapse into black holes as they formed; the outer layers of these ultramassive protostars could have been heavy enough to resist being blown off by the resulting release of energy, so that you had a shell of hydrogen surrounding a black hole, being heated by the energy being released from that black hole's accretion disk--enough to resist the gravitational pressure to collapse further.
the result would have been a massive black-hole powered star called a quasi-star, in the neighborhood of 10 million solar masses, with radii of nearly 200 AU. for comparison, one of the largest stars known, VY Canis Majoris, has a radius of about six AU, and a mass of about 17 solar masses.
quasi-stars would have had short lifespans--only about 7 million years. but they are candidates for intermediate mass black holes which later go on to form the supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies.
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visiblenostalgia · 8 months ago
I’ve realized I got three jobs.
1. My actual new job as a pizza maker at Marcos
2. Part time astrologer on here
3. Not to mention working hard for me and my buddy’s extensive rp. I’ve got storyboard deadlines to fill
What so happens to be going on in my transitoral energy?
☑️ Ceres currently in Capricorn conjunct my natal Chiron, yet sextile my midheaven in Pisces and opposing my natal Ceres in Cancer.
> obviously nurturing my sense of career in many forms.
☑️ Saturn conjunct my Midheaven (about to dip back into my ninth house but damn this is a good start, not to mention Ceres is helping to back me up when Saturn “falls” out for a minute) and yet opposing my natal Jupiter (but Ceres too is applying graciously to my Jupiter via a nice trine. Happiness, manifesting the future and hard work being the keys to success)
☑️ North Node on natal Mars in Aries…… self explanatory but I’ll dumb it down. VY CANIS MAJORIS TYPE HEATED AMBITIONS. Caffeine starting to not hit the same way it used to. But I’m not gonna move onto drinking red bull)
And then there’s my favorite:
☑️ JUPITER CONJUNCT (12H) LILITH!!! EEEEE Zeus helping to tap into my unconscious fears and dark femininity. I had to admit that when Jupiter went into Gemini, my “Lilith” deck had to be put in isolation in one of my home office drawers. I gotta use that deck carefully but this invitation to start manifesting like crazy, with the help of all these ambitious transits, YESSIR!!!
A vibe to run with this god tier ambitious energy:
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I’m bringing back continuous classics with these!! 👇
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Be safe yall. Jupiter in Gemini will leave you breathless hehe
~ visiblenostalgia 💚
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neptunedestiny · 12 days ago
UY Scuti
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UY Scuti is a friendly star but gets nervous a lot, and it is easy to make him uncomfortable with many things. VY Canis Majoris hates him so much. He wants to be friends with her but it works out terribly wrong. He also recently joined Mu Cephei and her heroic team, and is still barging on VY Canis Majoris to join in as well.
Gender : Male Species : Red Hypergiant Star Age : 49 Birthday : December 21 Heights : 220 cm Weights : 75 kg Body : Red Eyes : Blue Attire : Orange hibiscus aloha shirt, Orange comfy sandals Alignment : Good Favorite food : Expensive sandwich Likes : Education, Novel, Books, His friends, Money, History, Studying, Helping people see the good and positive in things Dislikes : Dr. Eggman, Eggman Empire, Feeling unappreciated, His friends doing anything foolish, Leaving his friends behind Ability-Type : All-Around
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ito-alphonse · 3 months ago
SolarCards Design Competition !!!
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SolarBalls Au: An au where instead of following the solar system, we follow the 5 biggest stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Let's follow the stories of Sagittarius A, VY Canis Majoris, UY Scuti, Pistol Star, Betelgeuse & Betelbuddy and VV Cephei A & VV Cephei B and learn more about them.
Click on SolarCards Kickstarter to support them.
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star-tourney · 2 years ago
my personal favourite big as shit star is vy canis majoris. because I like a dog
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jameswebb-discoveries · 2 years ago
What the Webb Telescope May Reveal Observing UY Scuti, the Stellar Giant
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Relative sizes of the planets in the Solar System and several stars, including UY Scuti: 1. Mercury < Mars < Venus < Earth 2. Earth < Neptune < Uranus < Saturn < Jupiter 3. Jupiter < Proxima Centauri < Sun < Sirius 4. Sirius < Pollux < Arcturus < Aldebaran 5. Aldebaran < Rigel < Antares < Betelgeuse 6. Betelgeuse < NML Cygni < VV Cephei A < VY Canis Majoris (Wittkowski et al. 2012 estimate) < UY Scuti. Credit: Wikipedia
UY Scuti is a supergiant star located in the constellation Scutum, approximately 9,500 light-years away from Earth. It holds the title of being one of the largest known stars, with a size estimated to be around 1,700 times the diameter of our Sun. Despite its immense size, UY Scuti's nature and characteristics remain largely enigmatic. The JWST's high-resolution imaging and spectroscopic capabilities offer a unique opportunity to study this stellar behemoth in unprecedented detail. Read full article here
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defensivelee · 2 years ago
hi anon i have a confession to make i had already voted spicy quaker bc i hate the intimate intercourse quote with the passion of VY Canis Majoris do you still love me
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manuscripting · 4 months ago
♾️ - 2012: VY Canis Majoris
2012 - 2024: UY Scuti
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pngblog · 28 days ago
This is s very ridiculous ask but it's for fun! Pngs of your favorite stars! My favs are Deneb and Sirius B ily Sirius B I'm a space lesbian through and through
In this house we love VY Canis Majoris
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global-education · 1 year ago
🌟 The Nearest Known Stars to the Sun 🌟
Our universe is a vast expanse filled with countless stars, each with its unique characteristics and mysteries. Among them, the stars closest to our own Sun hold a special fascination. In this cosmic journey, we will introduce you to some of the nearest known stars to the Sun, unveiling the celestial neighbors that dot our night sky. 🌌✨
Proxima Centauri: Let's start with the closest known star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri. It's a red dwarf, located a mere 4.24 light-years away. Proxima Centauri is often linked to the Alpha Centauri system.
Alpha Centauri A and B: These are the two other stars in the Alpha Centauri system. Alpha Centauri A is similar to our Sun, while Alpha Centauri B is slightly smaller and cooler.
Barnard's Star: At just 5.96 light-years away, Barnard's Star is another neighbor worth noting. It's a red dwarf known for its high proper motion across the sky.
Luhman 16: This binary star system consists of two brown dwarfs, making it the third-closest known stellar system to the Sun.
Sirius: Known as the "Dog Star," Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. It's only 8.6 light-years away and part of the Canis Major constellation.
Epsilon Eridani: About 10.5 light-years away, Epsilon Eridani is a star that's somewhat similar to the Sun and known for its debris disk.
Tau Ceti: Located 11.9 light-years away, Tau Ceti is a Sun-like star with a rich history in science fiction.
Ross 154: This red dwarf star is about 9.7 light-years away and can be found in the Sagittarius constellation.
Wolf 359: At just 7.8 light-years away, Wolf 359 is a red dwarf and one of the smallest known stars.
61 Cygni: This binary star system is about 11.4 light-years away and consists of two K-type dwarf stars.
Lalande 21185: A nearby red dwarf, Lalande 21185, is approximately 8.3 light-years from Earth.
Gliese 581: This star system, located 20.3 light-years away, gained attention due to its potentially habitable exoplanets.
Altair: Found in the Aquila constellation, Altair is only 16.7 light-years away and is one of the vertices of the Summer Triangle.
Vega: Part of the same Summer Triangle, Vega is about 25.3 light-years away and is one of the brightest stars in the sky.
Fomalhaut: At 25 light-years away, Fomalhaut is a young star with a prominent debris disk.
Pollux: One of the twins in the Gemini constellation, Pollux is a giant star situated 34.8 light-years away.
Deneb: Deneb is a luminous supergiant, part of the Summer Triangle, and lies about 2,600 light-years away.
Arcturus: A bright star in the Bootes constellation, Arcturus is approximately 37 light-years away.
Aldebaran: Located in Taurus, Aldebaran is an orange giant star about 65 light-years distant.
Antares: This red supergiant is the heart of Scorpius and resides roughly 550 light-years away.
Betelgeuse: In the Orion constellation, Betelgeuse is a massive, reddish star located around 724 light-years away.
Rigel: Another prominent star in Orion, Rigel is a blue supergiant approximately 860 light-years from Earth.
VY Canis Majoris: Among the largest known stars, VY Canis Majoris is an estimated 3,900 light-years away.
Polaris: The North Star, Polaris, guides travelers and sits around 433 light-years from us.
Spica: Found in Virgo, Spica is a binary star system about 260 light-years away.
These celestial neighbors remind us of the vastness of our universe and the beauty of the night sky. 🌌✨
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