banavalope · 1 year
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after drawing this, i took long enough trying to draw the second half of it i ended up just taking an entire three steps back to consider a lot of larger details. I now have more details than I know what to do with, so I’m just going to call it Starlore and say its a worldbuilding project at this point.
Worldbuilding is more enjoyable for me than writing a plot with some good legs, and I’m embracing that.
Text in image under the following cut for those who would prefer that.
Starlore: a worldbuilding exercise on the existential horros of creativity by me, Banavalope :) Amadeus, Betty, Ace, and Luz are a species of cosmic star beings best described as anthropomorphic personifications. Their home is called Astropa, which is not so much a planet as it is a cumulative of their nearly-endless realm, the Upside.
Despite the name, there is no way to quantify where in non-euclidean space Upside sits relative to Otherside and the Blanket*. Stars - known for having an exaggerated sense of self-importance - feel confident they’ve got it right.
Inherently, stars have an infinite amount of potential, but some facts can be held as true of the whole species: 1.) They are all sexless.** 2.) All stars have wings.*** 3.) “Unexplainable encounters” could be explained if stars admitted to making mistakes. * Three parts to a complete universe completely unrelated to our own - with the exception of a few copied answers, as to be expected. ** Unless they really want to make the effort, of which many do for any reason at all. *** Having wings is the leading cause of common misconceptions for any species. Often assumed to be an indication of the ability to fly, when they are just as easily an identification of the tendency to fall.
Astropa - the birthplace of ideas Anyone native to the Blanket would find the culture of stars incredibly stressful and incomprehensibly complex, were they to learn about it. This would be a correct observation, as stars seem to think they work well under pressure and go about scheduling it into their day.
An eternity spent in this kind of environment have made stars the only species known to effectively harness the most renewable source of energy across the universe: Validation.
In the ancient times of the Starmakers, validation was manufactured by fulfilling miracles blanketside. This was soon found by Timekeepers to be toxic on the environment, necessitating the regulation of wish granting* through the glory duty system**.
Modern day stars now mass produce validation locally and by natural means to meet high demand.
* Giving stars a whole lot less to feel superior over their peers about, ** and at the expense of longer lines at the Department of Miraculous Verisimilitude.
Elemental Anomalies Lucy’s hair reflects their current state of emotion. It maintains a sunny baseline, but has the widest range of expression compared to their siblings.
Ace breathes fire, losing control over it only when he’s incredibly frustrated. Holding it in makes him smoke.
Betty effects the air around her in a reliably straightforward way, under usual circumstances. In circumstances subjectively unusual, any adjective of air is possible.
Amadeus changes color to reflect the intense moods of others, rather than himself. Unfortunately, as everyone has unique colors they feel in, its not particularly helpful.
A variety of advanced technology can be found on Astropa. Holo’s are a versatile piece, commonly used to translate language when stars are blanketside.
Side Facts Some stars find them useful to have on all the time; Amadeus will use his to display closed captions for anyone not versed in sign language if his hearing aid* is out.
It isn’t necessary for stars to eat - or sleep, for that matter - but they do out of enjoyment.
* Which is not often.
Timekeepers A separate classification of anthropomorphic personification to stars are Timekeepers. They reside on a plane outside of spacetime, unimpressively called Timekeeping Affairs HQ.
The main office is reachable by taking the Timeline out of Astropa; there’s only one, and you can’t miss it.
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star-millenium · 6 months
🌘 Shimmering lights in the darkest of all nights. 🌒
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The voice said in a peaceful tone. They're vocals angelic - quiet and distant as the moonlight, yet emotional.
It conveyed all the positive in this world, yet it was... cautious
"Welcome to the Crystal Palace..
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princesslunaofmoons · 15 days
🎶My little Pony, my little pony~🎶
Decided on a whim that i wanted to create my own MLP Generation, completely separate from any other version of mlp but still taking influence.
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These are my 4 main characters so far, Alexandrine Starlore, Mish mash, Guava Lava, and Violet Skies.
They’re based off of characters from other generations, like how each gen takes characters from the last. They’re based on Mimic, Mish Mash Mee, Guava Lava (obviously), and Forget-me-not.
I don’t have too much story yet, i was excited to share my designs!
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Two of Pentacles. Art by ​Nitasia Roland, from ​STARLORE Astronomical Tarot.
(Also used in The Alleyway Tarot.)
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elitebuster2012 · 2 years
Penetrating the Double Zero: Part 3
(Here's the third part, and as far as I've written so far, as usual Characters and setting belong to @constellor, and feel free to follow to catch further chapters! TW: Suggestive)
    As the ship eased away from the hanger, doors closing behind it, Karo joined Orion in the cockpit, clipping the last of a couple earrings onto his ears. “By the way, you forgot this in the bathroom.” He dropped a crumpled up piece of paper onto the pirate’s lap. 
    “Wha?” He blushed after unfolding the centerfold of Karo lounging seductively on a bearskin rug. “Oh…Whoops? He chuckled as the ranger rolled his eyes, guiding the ship on its journey.
    “So then, Mr. Pirate, what’s your plan? You know that Don Vorban is gonna skin you alive if he catches you…like, literally. Nicolas Cage would be jealous.”
    Orion sighed, an unusually serious look on his face. “Yeah, I know. Look, you know I’m not a fan of “Laws” or “order”, but I’m not a murderer. Vorban is. I tricked some guards to get into his place, was wearing a mask and disguise and all that. The guy fed them to his pets, even after what they told him everything, then he burned down the building of the company I stole the uniform from, and then the owner’s house.” His hands tightened around the ship’s controls. “They had nothing to do with what happened, and he didn’t care. I don’t care about the money for the rest of the stuff, I just want Vorban taken down.”
    Karo looked at the other man, and part of him wanted to reach out to him, but he didn’t know how Orion would react. “So that stuff about “being free to sell the rest of the haul” was just a front?” 
    He shrugged. “Not entirely, but I can’t exactly tell the Rangers that I’m a big ol’ softie, can I? It would ruin my reputation.”
    “Oh, but you can tell me?” 
    Orion blushed slightly, not willing to lock eyes with the bunny. “Well you’re…you’re….you’re different, you know?”
    “Mhm…..” Karo sat back in his chair as the cockpit fell silent, that same part of him that earlier wanted to comfort his partner now strangely pleased that he thought so much of him. They stayed quiet as the ship approached their docking hanger in the shadow of the massive casino cruiser docked nearby, and packed up without much conversation before disembarking with their luggage. Once they had entered the terminal, it wasn’t hard to find their way, what with the advertisements for the maiden voyage of the Double Zero plastered on every wall and holoscreen they passed. Before too long, they were at the gate, which was specially built and three times as large as the other gates, and had a small stage set up in front of it.
    On said stage was their target, Don Alexander Vorban; at almost 7 feet tall, with handsome reptilian features and greenish skin with patches of scales, the man definitely stood out, and if the muscles under his suit were any indication, he could easily handle himself in any sort of fight. He was smiling, showing sharp carnivorous teeth, and joking around confidently with the other people on the stage as they approached, the newcomers melding into the crowd of people waiting around the gate area.
    After a couple of minutes Vorban approached the microphone on the stage, motioning for the crowd to quiet down. When he finally spoke his voice was deep, husky, and powerful, barely needing the minor amplification of the PA speakers. “Hello everyone, thank you all for coming! For those of you who may not know me, I am Alexander Vorban, head of the Vorban Group, CEO of Vorban Shiplaying, and now Owner and Operator of the newly completed casino cruiser, the Double Zero!” With a flourish he motioned to the windows of the docking gate, which had been up until that point covered up with velvet curtains. The shades dropped, revealing the sight of the truly massive vessel docked outside while the crowd clapped.
    After a bit, he motioned for them to stop clapping. “Alright, alright. Now, as you may have seen around the station, the ship’s official maiden voyage starts isn’t for a couple months, but this is a special treat: it’s my nephew’s birthday this week, so I decided to give a sneak preview of what we will have on offer to you wonderful people before me. Everyone here is either family, a friend of the family, or has been personally selected among critics, influencers, and travel bloggers to be one of the first in the galaxy to experience the luxury and hospitality of the Double Zero and share that with the world and your audience! And while what we have this week will be only a fraction of the final variety on offer when we are fully operational, the quality is guaranteed to satisfy! On behalf of everyone who has worked so hard to bring this project together, I just want to say thank you, and I hope you enjoy the trip!” He stood back from the mic as the couple hundred or so people in the gate applauded.
    “Hmph, I wonder how many of these people would be clapping for him if they knew what he’s done.” Karo whispered to Orion under his breath.
    Orion shrugged. “Half these people are “influencers”, they’d give a wet paper bag a standing ovation if it’ll get them a free trip and enough likes.” Karo sighed, knowing it was true. Before their conversation could continue, they were approached by a functionary carrying a tablet, and flanked by a pair of masked and helmeted guards.
    “Excuse me, we’re just doing a ticket check, would you mind showing us your boarding pass?” The attendant gave them a smile as she held up the tablet, wating for them to hold up their passes. 
    Karo and Orion looked at each other then back to the worker. Orion cleared his throat. “Well, we don’t exactly have tickets, but I was hoping I could have a word with Mr. Vorban. I’ve got something that I think he’d be rather eager to receive.” 
    The clerk’s smile didn’t falter, but it did seem a bit less genuine. “One moment!” She stepped away, tapping her earpiece and whispering for a moment. After a couple seconds, she turned back to the pair. “And what would that object be?”
    Orion gave a smile and a wink. “Unfortunately, that’s a bit above your price range dear. Just tell him, and I quote, “I won’t let the cat out of the bag, it’s for his eyes only, and he wouldn’t want to misss out and bust”, Ok?”
    She nodded, that same professional smile on her face even though she was wondering wtf his deal was as she turned away and went back to muttering. What she heard back clearly surprised her enough to break through her customer service persona, because confusion was evident on her face as she turned back to the pair. “Well, umm…If I could please see your wrists?” Orion and Karo held their wrists out, and she snapped a band around them before scanning them with her tablet. They beeped, a small screen lighting up on them and displaying the time. 
    “Please keep the bands on you at all times when outside of your rooms, as they’ll function as both your room key and your payment for goods and services on-board. There will be someone waiting to escort you to Mr. Vorban once you are on board the ship.” She motioned towards the gate entrance, which was currently blocked by a velvet rope with a line forming. She lead the two over to it, where another attendant scanned their bands and opened the rope, allowing them to enter and skip the line. “Enjoy your trip!”
    “Oh we will!” Orion waved back to her as the two walked down the long airlock tunnel that connected the cruise ship and the station. “See? Not a problem!” Karo rolled his eyes, still not convinced something else wasn’t gonna implode.
    When they arrived at the ship, an attendant gave them a bow and a smile, welcoming them aboard. They were fairly certain that this wasn’t the escort they were informed about however, since there was also a quartet of guards standing there looking rather menacing. “Come with us.” It wasn’t a question, but an order, and the bird & bunny men had no real choice but to comply. The halls and passages that they walked down were very sumptuous, with wide viewpanels along the outer wall looking back at the station they had just left. Soon enough though, they turned and headed deeper into the ship, into the heart of the cruiser.
    After a couple minutes, they arrived at a pair of wide double doors with attendants standing outside that opened silently at their approach. Within was a room that was better appointed than any room aboard any ship that either man had been on before. At the far end, wide windows looked out into the ship itself, revealing what looked like a shopping district in any resort town, complete with sunny blue skies overhead, walkable paths and greenery down below, shops lining the sides, and even a couple fountains. Over the shops on the sides were balconies, leading to the most expensive rooms on board. Both men were rather speechless at the sight. 
    “So I take it you like it?” The deep voice broke them out of their stupor, and they turned to see Don Vorban sitting at his desk on one side of the room. “I do hope so, after all…” the crimelord stood, removing his suit jacket and starting to roll up his sleeves as he slowly walked around his desk to circle Karo and Orion. “You’ve done so much to get in uninvited. You said you had something for me?” 
    Karo kept the fact that the giant handsome lizardman was more than a little intimidating down, and nudged Orion. “Show him what you got.”
    Orion nodded, throwing Karo a reassuring wink. “Why of course! May I?” He motioned to a small cart at the side of the room, and with a nod from Vorban, who had completed his circle to lean against the front of his desk, he pulled the cart over and placed the case on top. “I believe this is yours?” With a flourish, he popped open the case, revealing the opal bust.
    Vorban stood slowly, a wide and dangerous smile spreading over his face. “Well well well, I see that message wasn’t bluffing after all. You dinguses, bring it over here.” One of the guards pushed the cart over, and Vorban inspected the bust up close, lifting it and testing its heft. 
“I must say, when you said you had something I would be eager to have, you weren’t lying.” He placed the bust back into the case. “Now, I would be remiss in not asking why and where you acquired such a piece.”
    Orion gave his most charming smile as he replied. “Well, I’m in the business of…well lets say the “Import and Export of objects of great value and secrecy”, if you know what I mean. On a certain trip to acquire some of these objects, I heard a couple locals talking about a ship that had crashed nearby, and that the wreckage was in the process of being scavenged when some local wildlife decided that the people doing the scavenging looked tasty, and chased them off. I figured there might be something worth looking into, so I outsmarted the fauna, and recovered the bust from a hidden compartment in the hull that the earlier scavengers must have overlooked in their haste.”
    “Mhm…that certainly is an interesting story, Mr….?”
    “Starlor, Orion Starlor, at your service.” He gave an overdramatic bow and a smirk.
    “And your…friend? Do they have a name as well?” Vorban raised an eyebrow as he looked Karo up and down slowly.
    “I’m Kevo Blackwater, nice to meet you. Orion here promised that he’d show me a good time that nobody else ever could.” 
    “Oh did he now? Quite presumptuous of him.” Vorban chuckled, looking between the two. “Well Mr. Starlor, what is is that you came here for then? A finder’s fee perhaps?”
    Orion waved that away. “Nah, that would be asking too much.” Vorban’s smile as he said it showed that the Don very much agreed. “However, if you graciously allowed us to join you on this little cruise, it would be more than enough for me.”
    Vorban locked eyes with him, and was silent for a few moments before letting off a loud laugh. “Oh is that all? I suppose it would keep you around long enough to confirm your story, so I’ll agree to your terms.” He stood up and reached out to shake first Orion’s hand, then Karo’s. 
“You enjoy your stay, Mr. Starlor. And as for you, Mr. Blackwater, I hope you find your time here as good as he promised you.” This last line was punctuated by a gentle squeeze of the bunny man’s hand and a smile, and for a brief instant Karo imagined the feel of the lizardman’s large, strong hands on his waist before the handshake was broken. 
“Guards, put them in 713, that should be open. Gentlemen, welcome to the Double Zero.” The pair followed the guards out, and Karo could feel Vorban’s eyes on him all the way until the doors closed behind them.
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jaculvaserinelozor · 1 year
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Look who just arrived 🥰 @constellor
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the-one-that-weeps · 2 months
Little details about the leolink cards: Honami edition
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1) Unidentified bush (cherry tomatoes maybe?) and a water can
3) White onigiri
4) A book on starlore and constellations, right next to the tickets to the first l/N concert (Never Lose Faith! Event)
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5) She has Shibao as her phone case!
6) Her headband from last year!
7) Even though the poster for the leoneed Shibuya performance appears in all the leolink cards, Honami has pencils next to it, probably due to the fact she drew for it!
8) Obligatory Honami Apple Pie Mention
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9) And a happy Shibao plushie :3
Ichika | Saki | Honami | Shiho
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rumeysawrites · 11 days
I recently learned that English purists call "Astronomy" "Starlore". And I can't help but feel like it'd be a term or something the people in my fantasy world would use.
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working on the pirates smp tv tropes pages is kinda rough rn bc idk what counts as spoilers and what shouldn't
posting this as an edit consultation bc i would like advice pls
things that are STAYING spoilers
all pov character deaths other than p!aimsey and p!guqqie
the ajax suarez twist in the "final wishes" event
the finale/ending revelations
all character fates in the finale
p!acho's starlore + lore finale
p!apo's character development choices near the end
p!krow's finale lore (the tyrannicide and backstory)
p!martyn's lore finale (sunset stone return + loot shard destruction + volcano + sun god's fate)
p!owen returning for the finale + reasons for returning (yt-exclusive)
how p!saus got out of the sword possession whispers in the finale
p!will full name
things i am CONSIDERING REMOVING spoilers for
marnie + hook dying
the cruppy torture incident (specifically the torture part)
the sunset stone gets stolen
p!acho kishi lore (pre-finale)
p!apo's lore for "the duel" (e.g. what happened during the lore)
p!cleo backstory
p!el's identity crisis post-"final wishes"
naya being a dictatorship + p!krow's pre-finale lore (e.g. cultist yoinking, full name, the whole child spldier thing, etc.)
p!martyn blondbeard villain arc (mainly bc it ties into p!apo's character arc heavily via "the duel")
p!owen's navy storyline (yt-exclusive) + leaving the isles post-"final wishes"
p!saus Getting possessed by the sword whispers
p!water's wedding getting crashed (the details, incl. jeffery dying)
things that are NO LONGER spoilers
the halloween event/subplot because it has no large impact on greater server lore
the volcano as execution discussion
p!saus backstory + stone arm incident
p!water's wedding getting crashed (the fact there is a bounty on her specifically for the wedding day has been known since october BUT i haven't unspoilered how exactly that happened yet)
things that are NOT SPOILERED due to late-arrival spoilers
p!aimsey + p!guqqie ded
the whirlpool + p!michela releasing the corruption
the og round of kidnappings + the rescue mission + revenge raid (minus the deaths)
p!ros + sabertooth clan plotline
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gigglylover1 · 11 months
Last update: September 20th 1:46 PM
The link to mah DeviantArt account :>
Requests: 🟩 since school started now requests are still open but if I couldn't handle so much then I will close the ask button :<
QnA: ✅ you can ask anything (except for anything nsfw-) it's fine (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
Current hyperfixation: inanimate insanity (it is happening again (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠))
Time zone: GMT +5
Ocs: analog /
Ok just start with the basics-:
- Name: H (nickname: Starfade)
- Age: this is an ageless minor blog!!
- birthday/birth date: September 30th 20##
- Nationality: Malaysia 🇲🇾<3
- Religion: Islam 🏳️🏴💖
- Sexuality: Straight / Acesexual (I haven't figure out yet but keep it halal)
- ambivert (leaning introvert)
I am a minor here so any no-no things popping up here or anywhere, I get ✨traumatized✨.
Usually all my art is in DeviantArt, crazy but seriously everything in it is sfw.
Also- I am born as a Malaysian but English is my first language- so Malay basically is not even my main language- atleast I barely passed my Malay classes-
Here are the things I luv <3 :
- Tickling (sfw)
- Art
- drawing manga/comics
- Memes
- Islam (Muslim)
- School (slowly turning into hate but whatever-)
I really hate >:(
- Lore / horror games (I eat lore :>)
- Islamaphobic
- Racism
- Kink
- transphobic
- Haters
- copyrighters
DNI LIST!!: (this should be easy to follow, it is not that hard)
- Israel supporters
- back biters / gossipers ( especially if it is onto me)
- NSFW blogs (even if there is mostly sfw, it still contains NSFW)
- fetish / kink blogs (or blogs that makes/thinks/tags tickling a / as fetish)
ALL the fandoms I am in/have been-:
- weird / disgusting blogs ( I don't mind anybody that talks to me because I do like getting noticed, just don't be weird around or onto me)
- blogs with DNI ageless blogs (this is an ageless minor blog, if you have that and you interact with me, what are your boundaries?)
- solarballs
- mrspherical
- human buddy
- fundamental paper education
- hazbin hotel
- Mr men show/ Mr men and little miss
- The Mandela Catalogue
- baldi's basics (send help please- I keep on going back to this fandom- no matter how many times NULL warns me-)
- countryballs/countryhumans
- scp foundation
- man in the suit
- happy child (how do I freaking love it-)
- the BEST mom
- the boiled one phenomenon
- the Oddity Compendium
- doctor nowhere (all of his work impresses me the most-)
- omori
- wonderend
- bad parenting
- backrooms
- inanimate insanity (current hyperfixation) (it is happening again ;-;)
- battle for dream island / battle for BFDI / BFDIA / TPOT (object show)
Things that I am willing to take as a tickle request (SFW ONLY!): (note on all the fandoms I have been before!)
- Your ocs
- fandom personas
- fandom tickle headcannons (no proship or whatever similar)
Tags meanings:
#starfaderambling = me yapping (common)
#starfade's reblogii ★ = reblogs (uncommon)
#starfade poll = my poll (rare)
#starfade's vent??? = might be a vent but also not
#starfade's vent... = ... a vent (when I make a vent post, I am going to let it be there for a few days before deleting it for the sake of making the blog positive)
#starlee?? = might be in a lee mood
#starlee = LEE MOOD BRRRRR-
#starler? = might be in a ler mood
#starler = Ler mood OFC-
#starfade pos vent <3★ = positive vent <3
#starlore★ = in the second syllable (keep in the lookout for this >:])
#stanaloglore★ = not the official name of the lore for my analog horror children- :<
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general-illyrin · 1 year
@curiouselleth, thank you for tagging me!
Last song:
Last movie: The Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2
Currently watching: Phineas & Ferb
Currently reading: Just off the top of my head, I am currently reading The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, The Prince, Les Miserables, For a New Liberty, The Starlore Legacy, The Magician's Nephew, The Scarlet Pimpernel, How to Read a Book, The Faerie Queen, a collection of short stories about fantastical lands, and a collection of short detective and thriller stories
Currently craving: Time, though I'd settle for a time-turner. If we're talking about food, anything chocolate!
Last thing I searched: how to break a headlock
No-pressure tagging @sweetmaggie, @windmilltothestars, @noldorinpainter, @quixoticanarchy, @violecov, and @maellor!
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star-millenium · 6 months
Where am I?
Not where...when.
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princesslunaofmoons · 14 days
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Alexandrine’s parents, Jasper Dancer and Ruby Red Dancer.
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elitebuster2012 · 2 years
Penetrating the Double Zero: Part 2
(Back again with Part 2 of this fic! As before, characters and universe belong to @constellor, and TW: Suggestive!)
    It was a few days later when they gathered again, in a nondescript hanger on a space station that was just about half an orbit away from their target. Orion was in his ship, making some last minute efforts to stow away anything that was more than just a bit illegal. He was debating whether or not to hide the picture of Karo from behind with “Fuck the Police” written on it when Poro, his endlessly put upon companion in piracy, joined him with a concerned look. 
    “Are you quite sure about this?” The avian adjusted his glasses with a frown. “If this goes badly, not only will you possibly lose your life, but you’ll definitely lose the bust!” Said bust, shaped from a massive single cat’s eye opal, was sitting in a hard case packed with foam on the table nearby. “That thing is worth enough to keep the ship fueled for months!”
    “Aww, I didn’t know you cared Poro! And besides, it doesn’t matter how much any of the pieces from that heist are worth if selling them gets a knife between our ribs.” The pirate decided to put away the poster before turning back to the bespectacled bird. “Besides, this is the first time I’ve ever heard you worry about my health. Are you feeling ok?”
    Poro fluffed up indignantly, adjusting his glasses with disdain. “Hardly. But if you die out there, I’m stuck here, with them.” He motioned to a screen showing the Rangers approaching. “And thanks to you and your…proclivities, I’m technically an accomplice to more crimes than I will dignify by counting up. I may be a bird, but I am not a Jailbird.”
    “Well that’s more like it! And relax, you know I always manage to make it through somehow.” Orion gave the bird a rakish smile as he sat down in his favorite chair, leaning back as the Rangers entered the ship. “Welcome to my Grand Aria!” He spread his hands wide, indicating the whole of the ship.
    The three bunnies looked around briefly, and responded much as expected; Erias’ eyes lingered on the structural components, seemingly finding them satisfactory enough that they weren’t likely to kill his team before they arrived at their destination, while Alistar seemed excited to be on board a real life space pirate’s ship. Karo was dismissive, having been on board due to various circumstances once or twice before. Erias didn’t waste time, placing two cases on the table and opening one to reveal another holoprojector. 
    “Alright, do you have the package?” he asked, looking to Orion, who pointed to the other case in the room. “Excellent, and you’ve got a suitable cover story for it?”
    Orion nodded, seemingly unworried. “Don’t worry about it, if there’s one thing I’m good at it’s playing a part. What about our bunny boy over here?” He nodded towards Karo. “If you haven’t noticed, he tends to stand out in a crowd.” The ranger didn’t know if this was a compliment or not, but he decided to take it as one.
    Erias activated the holoprojector, and an image of another moonbunny appeared in the air. “That’s why he’s going to have a disguise. This is Kevo Blackwater, a small-time thief, con man, and smuggler with a rap sheet as long as I am tall. Enough for a reputation, but not enough to be instantly recognizable, which is good for us.” The bun on the screen was about the same size as Karo, but had red and black hair as opposed to Karo’s shining white.
    “How do we know that he won’t just show up and ruin the plan?” Poro asked from his perch on a side table. “They’ll be suspicious if there’s two of the same guy on board.”
    “Well that’s where I came in!” Alistar smiled smugly. “Turns out, I know his cousin’s hairdresser, and she says that he’s gonna be halfway across the sector for the next month taking care of his grandmother. He won’t be in any position to interfere.”
    “Exactly. Karo will take on Kevo’s identity until the mission is over, and they’ll never even know the difference. Karo, you looked over the background info, right?”
    He nodded impatiently. “What do you take me for, a rookie? Of course I read over it. Problems with authority and public decency laws, but loves his Gam Gam. Can we hurry this up? We don’t want to be late.”
    Erias let out another sigh, handing the other case off to Karo. “Here. A small container of nano-dye that’ll keep your hair colored until you use the deactivating agent, and your clothing for the trip.” Karo took the case and beelined down a hall towards the bathroom.
    Alistar raised an eyebrow. “How did he know where that is…?”
    A panicked cough filled the room as Orion gave himself a fit for a couple seconds, before recovering. “I don’t know, maybe he’s been on the same class of ship before? Anyways, how do we signal you that the deal is going down?”
    “Here, you’ll use this. It’s a single use, burst transmitter, and you activate it by twisting and pushing in the center ring. Once you activate it, you’ll have about 5 minutes to get clear and another 10 before we’ll be there to retrieve and extract you. This is a one time use device, and they’ll know when it goes off.” He handed an amulet to Orion, who toyed with it a bit before fastening it around his neck.
    “5 minutes should be plenty of time to get away once it’s set.” He looked at his reflection in a mirror nearby, giving himself a smirk. “I’d be fine with three….” He fell silent as he turned around and saw Karo in his new look.
    The newly applied red streaks stood out against the black dyed hair and ears Karo now sported, and matched the similarly colored sheer bodysuit that he was now wearing. The tight leather pants he wore weren’t too out of character, but the studded and patched leather jacket and combat boots definitely were, though they did fit him perfectly. Neither Orion or Erias could say anything, though Orion did give a thumbs up. It was silent for a second, until Alistar broke it up.
    “You look like you serve drinks at a biker bar.” 
    Karo scoffed. “Like you would know. Anyways, are we ready to go?” 
    Orion nodded, closing the case with the bust. “I think so. Got the bust, got the transmitter, I think that’s it!”
    Erias sighed, having second thoughts about this scheme already. “Alright, good luck.�� He offered a hand to Orion, then Karo, before grabbing the projector and Alistar and heading towards the exit. 
    Poro followed, looking even more stressed than the Commander. “I sure hope they know what they’re doing,” he said as they watched the ramp retract into the ship and the vehicle power on. 
    “You and me both.” Erias sighed, pulling out and swallowing an antacid.
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I hope that this post further more experimentation in term of practice, further beyond the whole idea of invoking clockwise and banishing counterclockwise. I would usually put the recommended reading/source of my inspiration in the end but I advise you to read them before you read what I write here:
https://pentamegistus.blogspot.com/2022/05/exoteric-and-esoteric-defined.html https://web.archive.org/web/20171014205033/http://voces-magicae.com/2014/11/28/countermovement-in-hermetic-magic
Going forth with all the previous link read, I would talk more about it in term of practical terms. What happen when you circle an empty spot while reading an invocation? what happen when there's a symbol or a statue? what about a person turning around themselves counterclockwise while the other is circling them clockwise? what about an entity in this case? What if you circled around yourself counterclockwise and around a circle clockwise? You can see how this can become a rather long-winded and you would get more than just the usual "invoke/banish", you will get more of alignment, raising of energy, getting closer, and a lot of other factors going in the middle, around, and outside the circle. That's something to keep in mind, What you're doing isn't gonna stay localized in your circle completely and that doesn't mean what you're doing is strictly a circular movement.
I would speak anecdotally here, when I start circling or walking around in a small circle the recitation have more physical effect on the body. An invocation feels more "activated" if that's the word for it, clockwise or anticlockwise you can notice the effect. It is of course different from dizziness, because I don't feel the dizziness in that sense I am felt with another feeling of "otherworldliness", my partner describe it as feeling pulled into a portal. It definitely transform the area around you. One thing I noticed, if you're the kind of person who isn't particularly moving in rituals is the movement allows you to appreciate stillness/standing more, on a deeper experiential level.
Practical: I would hate to end a post without a practical part to it, but this is just a simple start for you to try and practice. you can think of different ways to do this and incorporate in your practice in different ways, here goes: the line: ARBATHIAO ARBATHIAO ARBATHIAO you shook the world, you who have swallowed the ever-living serpent, I invoke you the holy bear. BRIMO BRIMO BRIMO. You can now try the line in levels/steps, you can stop at one or you can keep going. Step 1: Facing North, being by emptying a space for a small circling around. and start going clockwise, see how you feel while saying the line. Go counterclockwise and see how feel, which clicks better? to know the correct direction, you can look up a video of how circumpolar star moves. Step 2: Do it at night, under the starry sky. Step 3: Do it in a circle and spiral inward, once you reach the center reverse the movement.(Clockwise -> Counter) or (Counter -> Clockwise) Step 4: Stand Still Step 5: Put frankincense and myrrh in the middle while carefully avoiding knocking it over, if not print an image of Ursa Major and put it in the middle.
Try it and tell me :) Image by dominique from Pixabay
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seeddreaming · 3 months
Solstice 2024 Rebirth
Beginning Of The Eternal The First and most essential art or service of mythology is of opening the mind and heart to the utter wonder of all being….And the second service is cosmological of representing the universe and whole spectacle of nature, both known to the mind and beheld by the eye – Stella Starlore Head Start The life of humanity is shackled to uncouth thieves and murderers in our…
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