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cyrusmehdipour · 10 months ago
Controlling Plastic Injection Machine Nozzle Movement with a Digital Las...
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makerportal · 5 years ago
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•VL53L0X• . . . This tiny sensor located at the center of the board is an infrared time-of-flight sensor. It uses a 940nm laser to determine the range of an object based on the light reflected back to the sensor. This module can measure from about 50mm - 2200mm, at rates of up to ~20Hz. . . . #arduino #engineering #arduinouno #arduinoproject #tof #engineer #breadboard #microcontroller #maker #laser #electronics #educate #teacher #diy #apple #android #stem #makerspace #vl53l0x #science #design #researcher #innovate #company #timeofflight #application #physics #robot #diyelectronics #makerportal (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ciRJ6DjzU/?igshid=praajuvpqcd4
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draegerit · 5 years ago
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Laser Distanz Sensor VL53LXX-V2 #vl53l0x #vl53lxx #sensor #distance #arduino #arduinoproject #arduinouno #techy #tech #maker #electronic #components #diy #DraegerIT (hier: Stefan Draeger Software) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7vmBMUIiDG/?igshid=1bvrw8hv4x0li
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planetarduino · 4 years ago
The Baldcorder is James Lewis’ tricorder-like device for measuring light levels and temperature
As part of element14’s Build Inside the Box Challenge, James Lewis (AKA Bald Engineer) decided to make his own DIY tricoder from Star Trek. In the series, a tricoder is a ubiquitous scanning tool that can perform various scans of the environment through its onboard sensors, as well as record and analyze them later — all in a handheld format. Lewis’ design incorporates a MKR Zero as the microcontroller, a phototransistor to detect light levels, and an analog temperature sensor to sense ambient temperatures. 
The enclosure itself was based on a tricorder toy and recreated in Fusion 360. It features a hinge mechanism for easy opening and closing, as well as handling the wiring harness that connects both halves of the device. Once it was 3D-printed, Lewis moved onto the electronics.
A VL53L0X time of flight sensor was used to detect if the hinge was open, and thus if the OLED information screens should be turned on. Lewis utilized the SAM D21’s onboard capacitive touch controller to add four buttons onto his device for simple inputs. Finally, the DIY tricorder can play looped WAV files via its onboard SD card and DAC, along with an external op-amp and speaker circuit. 
To read more about how the Bald Engineer created this fun project and view its associated schematics, code, and design files, be sure to check out its write-up here on element14’s website. You can also see the build log and demonstration below! 
The post The Baldcorder is James Lewis’ tricorder-like device for measuring light levels and temperature appeared first on Arduino Blog.
The Baldcorder is James Lewis’ tricorder-like device for measuring light levels and temperature was originally published on PlanetArduino
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contactnavarra · 4 years ago
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I did some #soldering in the VL53L0X from #pololu to measure the distance of the object that the #objectdetection found. Its #communication works via i2c do it should be fairly simple to read the data. Except the #api seems to have some #problem . I will figure it but it's just so time consuming of #standard stuff don't work We are making huge progress right now. I think if we wouldn't get slowed down by #covid all the time we would be a huge step further. #3dprinting #diy #programmers #python3 #drinks #bartender #hmi #egirl #whynot #arduino #vote #Meme #technology #gin #whisky #coke #contactnavarra #informatik #freelance #fridaysforfuture stop #globalwarming #teen (hier: Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-OcfaA68Y/?igshid=fbnktyw41vcy
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kjunichi · 6 years ago
Raspberry Pi Zero で自律飛行ドローンを作るぞ(第1回:浮上まで) - Qiita [はてなブックマーク]
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Raspberry Pi Zero で自律飛行ドローンを作るぞ(第1回:浮上まで) - Qiita
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概要 Raspberry Pi で3つのi2cデバイスを同時に動かしてみた で使った 1.距離センサ(VL53L0X) 2.ジャイロ加速度センサ(MPU-6050) 3.PWMドライバ(PCA9685) を Raspberry Pi Zero で制御して自律飛行ドローン(クワッドコプター)を作ってみようと思いました。 これだけでは自律は難しいですが、改善しながらコツコ...
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from kjw_junichiのはてなブックマーク http://bit.ly/2vCcX9z
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ericvanderburg · 6 years ago
Driver for VL53L0X Time-Of-Flight (ToF) Sensor and NXP K20DX128
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hudsonhardwear · 7 years ago
xLIDAR Is A Merry-Go-Round Of Time-Of-Flight Sensors
xLIDAR Is A Merry-Go-Round Of Time-Of-Flight Sensors
[JRodrigo]’s xLIDAR project is one of those ideas that seemed so attractively workable that it went directly to a PCB prototype without doing much stopping along the way. The concept was to mount a trio of outward-facing VL53L0X distance sensors to a small PCB disk, and then turn that disk with a motor and belt while taking readings. As the sensors turn, their distance readings can be used to…
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cyrusmehdipour · 10 months ago
DIY Digital Laser Ruler Tutorial with VL53L0X GY-53, SSD1306, and Wemos ...
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Final Circuit, Schematics + Code
This is sort of a two-part schematic; the first image indicates the connections made to the Arduino itself, outside of the pins used by the shield. The second schematic shows the shield and the respective parts being driven by it. This is due to the nearly non-existent documentation for the Escudo in terms of parts file that could be added to Fritzing. The official schematic offered by Sparkfun seems to detail the individual parts of the board rather than the shield itself as a standalone object (it can be accessed via the link here: https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Components/EL/EL_Escudo_Dos/EL%20Escudo%20Dos%20v21.pdf). In light of not being able to implement the actual part, I edited the one photo they offer as guidance for hooking up the shield to fit my own circuit:
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I also could not manage to find parts for the screw terminal to DC power adapter and DC power supply anywhere. Essentially, the Neopixels are powered exactly as recommended in the Adafruit official guide, using the same parts:
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Circuit overview: 
The gesture and distance sensors are connected to the Arduino via SCL and SDA; this was an ideal setup as the El Escudo shield needs to make use of all the digital pins on the Arduino. They are externally powered with 5V via a 4xAA battery pack. The Neopixel strip is driven from pin A3 and connected to an external 5V supply. The shield itself drives 6 strands of El Wire and makes use of a 12V inverter 
PARTS: 6 x El Wire strands, 12V inverter, El Escudo Dos Shield, Side Light Neopixel Strip, DC Power Supply, Screw Terminal to DC adapter, 1000uF Capacitor, 470ohm resistor, Adafruit VL53L0X time of flight distance sensor, Adafruit APDS9960 gesture, proximity and RGB sensor, 12V power supply. 
Code overview:
The code makes use of switch cases - each case is a different animation effect or a different level of how lit the painting might be (dependent on the sensor, the values either trigger the painting to gradually light up or trigger more complex, dynamic visuals). The values received by the distance sensor make the wire strands light up one by one according to how close the distance recorded is to it through the use of if statements. The code also links the animation sequences to the gesture values recorded by the gesture sensor (up, down , left and right each trigger their own light effect).
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draegerit · 5 years ago
Arduino Lektion #103: Laser Distanz Sensor VL53LXX-V2
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In diesem Beitrag möchte ich den Laser Distanz Sensor VL53LXX-V2 vorstellen. Dieser Sensor kann eine Distanz von bis zu 4m messen und arbeitet dabei mit einer Abtastgeschwindigkeit von 50Hz.
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Laser Distanz Sensor - VL53LXX-V2
Den Laser Distanz Sensor kann man über ebay.de für ca. 8€ inkl. Versandkosten beziehen oder deutlich günstiger über aliexpress.com (4,19$ inkl. Versandkosten). Ich habe den Sensor über aliexpress.com bestellt und habe ca. 5 Wochen auf diesen Sensor warten dürfen. Dafür aber weniger als die hälfte bezahlt. Lieferumfang Der Sensor wird in einer kleinen Antistatik Tüte geliefert und enthält neben dem Sensor noch eine Stiftleiste.
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Lieferumfang - Laser Distanz Sensor VL53LXX-V2
Technische Daten des VL53LXX-V2
Betriebsspannung 3.3V bis 5.5V Messbereich Minimal 40mm Maximal 4m Messbereichsgenauigkeit ±5% Wellenlänge des Lasers 940nm Betriebsstemperatur -20°C bis 80°C Abmessungen ohne Löcher 15mm x 10mm mit Löcher 25mm x 10mm Druchmesser der Löcher 3mm
Aufbau & Schaltung
Bevor der Sensor verwendet werden kann muss dieser mit der Stiftleiste verbunden werden. Um die Stiftleiste korrekt (also im 90° Winkel) an den Sensor zu löten habe ich zusätzlich ein 170 Pin Breadboard und die überzähligen Stifte verwendet.
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anlöten der Stiftleiste an den Laser Distanz Sensor Aufbau Der Sensor verfügt über 6 Pins welche wie folgt an den Arduino UNO angeschlossen werden. VL53LXX-V2 Arduino UNO VIN 5V GND GND SCL analoger Pin A5 SDA analoger Pin A4 GPIO01   XSHUT   Die Pins GPIO01 & XSHUT werden in meinen Beispielen zunächst nicht verwendet. Schaltung
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Aufbau der Schaltung - Laser Distanz Sensor am Arduino UNO
Bibliothek Bibliotheken erleichtern einem Programmierer die arbeiten enorm, besonders wenn man wie wir mit Hardware arbeitet und so die einzelnen Adressen und Speicherbereiche be-/verarbeiten muss. Daher gibt es auch für diesen Sensor eine Bibliothek welche wir uns in die Entwicklungsumgebung (in meinem Fall wie immer die Arduino IDE) einbinden. Den Bibliotheksverwalter erreicht man über das Hauptmenü "Sketch" > "Bibliothek einbinden" > "Bibliotheken verwalten...". In diesem Dialog wird zunächst nach der Bibiothek mit dem Suchbegriff "vl53l" (1) gesucht. Ich verwende die Bibliothek von Sparkfun und wähle den zweiten Eintrag aus den Suchergebnissen (2) nach dem betätigen der Schaltfläche "Installieren" kann (nach Abschluss) der Dialog geschlossen werden (3).
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Installieren der Bibliothek für das verwenden des Laser Distanz Sensors Beispiel - Ausgabe der Daten auf dem seriellen Monitor Der Bibliothek liegt ein Beispiel bei wie man diesen Sensor in der Arduino IDE programmiert. Das werde ich hier nutzen und etwas umschreiben und kommentieren. #include "Adafruit_VL53L0X.h" Adafruit_VL53L0X lox = Adafruit_VL53L0X(); //Um die Debug Ausgaben zu aktivieren //muss dieser Wert auf "true" gesetzt werden. #define debugSensor false //Es werden 10 Messungen durchgeführt. const int MAX_DATA = 10; //der Index der aktuellen Messung int readDataIndex = -1; //das Array für die Daten int data = {}; //zählen der fehlerhaften Messungen int failureMeasures = 0; void setup() { //begin der seriellen Kommunikation mit 115200 baud Serial.begin(115200); //Warten auf den Seriellen Port while (! Serial) { delay(1); } //Wenn der Serielle Port bereit ist dann eine Ausgabe auf diesen tätigen //und prüfen ob der Sensor korrekt angeschlossen ist (ob dieser Ansprechbar ist) Serial.println("GY-VL53L0X test"); if (!lox.begin()) { Serial.println("Fehler beim lesen des Sensors!"); while(1); //eine Endlos Schleife } } void loop() { //instanziieren des Sensors zum empfangen von Daten VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t measure; lox.rangingTest(&measure, debugSensor); //lesen des Sensor Status //der Sensor kann verschiedene Status annehmen, //jedoch interessiert für uns nur der Wert "4" int sensorStatus = measure.RangeStatus; //Wenn Daten empfangen wurden dann... if (sensorStatus != VL53L0X_DEVICEERROR_MSRCNOTARGET) { //den Zähler für das Array um eins erhöhen readDataIndex++; //zuweisen des Wertes in das Array data = measure.RangeMilliMeter; //Wenn das Array "fertig" befüllt ist, dann... if(readDataIndex == MAX_DATA){ //eine Variable für die Berechnung des Durchschnittswertes int averageData = 0; //über das Array itereieren und die Daten zusammenzählen for(int i=0;i MAX_DATA){ Serial.println(""); } //eine Pause von 5ms einlegen delay(5); } Video
Vergleich mit einem Ultraschallsensor HC-SR04
Den Ultraschallsensor HC-SR04 habe ich bereits im Beitrag Arduino Lektion 9: Ultraschall Modul HC-SR04 vorgestellt. Da beide Sensoren (GY-VL53L0XV2 & HC-SR04) den Abstand von Objekten messen können, möchte ich kurz beide Sensoren testen. Man kann sehr gut erkennen das der Ultraschallsensor den Abstand nicht so genau misst wie der Laser Distanzsensor.
Der Laser Distanzsensor GY-VL53L0XV2 ist günstig in der Anschaffung und durch das einfache einbinden einer Bibliothek auch genauso einfach zu programmieren. Jedoch ist dieser nicht ganz so genau und hatte in meinem Test eine Abweichung von bis zu mehreren Zentimeter.   Read the full article
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planetarduino · 4 years ago
This MKR Zero system gives early warning of potential sump pump problems
As most homeowners with a basement will tell you, keeping track of the sump pump is an important part of maintenance, as neglecting it can lead to the basement turning into a swimming pool. This is the exact predicament that a recent element14 Build Inside the Box winner, Mike Moore, ran into with his house because freezing pipes and an unreliable pump often became problematic. He went with multiple approaches to solve this, including water level detection, temperature monitoring, and even checking if the pump has ceased working. 
The first component used was a TCST1103 photo interrupter, and its job is to send a signal if a bobbing piece of plastic gets between its emitter and receiver, which would indicate the water level has risen too high. For more granular and continuous measurements, Moore also implemented a VL53L0X time-of-flight sensor that sends a laser beam towards the water and waits for a reflection. Because water can distort this reading, a couple of readings get taken and then averaged together. Temperatures are read by a simple MCP9701 IC that was placed inside of a plastic tube and stuck to the side of the pit. Finally, detecting if the pump is running is handled by an MCP604 IC. 
All these sensors are controlled with an Arduino MKR Zero that can sound an alarm if something’s wrong, and power is provided via a portable high-capacity battery bank. In the future, Moore plans to add SD card logging so he can view long-term trends in the data readings.
To see more about his project, you can view the element14 Presents video below and check out Moore’s write-up here.
The post This MKR Zero system gives early warning of potential sump pump problems appeared first on Arduino Blog.
This MKR Zero system gives early warning of potential sump pump problems was originally published on PlanetArduino
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contactnavarra · 4 years ago
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I did some #soldering in the VL53L0X from #pololu to measure the distance of the object that the #objectdetection found. Its #communication works via i2c do it should be fairly simple to read the data. Except the #api seems to have some #problem . I will figure it but it's just so time consuming of #standard stuff don't work We are making huge progress right now. I think if we wouldn't get slowed down by #covid all the time we would be a huge step further. #3dprinting #diy #programmers #python3 #drinks #bartender #hmi #egirl #whynot #arduino #vote #Meme #technology #gin #whisky #coke #contactnavarra #informatik #freelance #fridaysforfuture stop #globalwarming #teen (hier: Würzburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG9lXFag7KI/?igshid=vzwx19cpp1ow
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pauljacobevans · 7 years ago
Find Your Way with Tiny Laser Beams
For their final project in embedded microcontroller class, [Aaheli, Jun, and Naomi] turned their focus toward assistive technology and created an Electronic Travel Aid (ETA) for the visually impaired that uses haptic feedback to report the presence of obstacles. We have seen a few of these types of devices in the past, and they almost always use ultrasonic sensors to gauge distance. Not so with this ETA; it uses six VL53L0X time-of-flight (ToF) sensors mounted at slightly different angles from each other, which provides a wide sensing map. It is capable of detecting objects in a one-meter-wide swath at a …read more http://pje.fyi/Q8KmbG
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thenashesizer-blog · 7 years ago
Lewis - Notes from meeting with James Medd + Mike Cook - 14-12-17
Mostly we caught James up with discussions to date…
Key agreed points that came out…
Ableton Live - Lewis to contact Ableton, alert them to the project and request support via user licences for The Nashesizer team and ongoing advice from the Ableton technical team who are likely most knowledgeable about what we’re attempting.
We’re agreed that two-way OSC over Serial via USB between Live and The Nashesizer is essential. We could do this via MIDI easily enough - but it’s protocol adds a layer of abstraction we’d like to avoid. We’re each going to look at various combinations of Live, found Max4Live devices (James), monome.org’s serialosc and the Arduinome firmware (Mike) and other OSC via Serial and Teensy 3.6 examples (Lewis), report back with findings and decide on best approach from there. We’ll likely develop a customised solution integrating various elements from this research and testing.
While we still have to test whether a touchscreen is actually that effective an input mechanism for Gemma - and Lewis still has to think more about what it could actually be used for and it’s various ‘modes’ - we agreed that using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Zero would be the best solution for actually driving it. Mike confirmed the Pi could control the touchscreen directly, via its Linux OS or via a Processing sketch and associated GUI libraries.
Now that we’ve received the first tranche of money from Sound and Music Lewis will get on with compiling a bill of materials (BOM) to distribute for feedback. He’ll then order some of the components we’ve agreed are likely to be included in a testing and development version of The Nashesizer - the joystick, motorised sliders and rotary encoders.  We’ll then start working up test versions of these modules - extending and adapting Mike’s schematics from the prototype as well as addressing particular design and layout issues we’ve already identified and prioritised - optimising the spacing of the motorised sliders for Gemma’s use and designing and fabricating the mechanism for an alternative rotary encoder set up where the encoder is turned through 90 degrees.
Gemma still has to try out Mike’s ‘gestural control’ module demos - though we liked the idea of a pixel matrix as visual display for the Skywriter Hat as a possible ‘hands-free’ X-Y pad. We agreed the Adafruit VL53L0X Time of Flight Distance Sensor or Sparkfun ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor requires an ‘on/off’ switch - ideally a foot switch - to be anyway useful as an input mechanism - but again this is something Gemma has to test.
We discussed the idea of developing a feedback questionnaire for Gemma - to encourage her to spend more time testing prototypes and not dismiss them too quickly.
Unfortunately Gemma’s not been well - and so we’ve not been able to meet up and discuss our planning and scoping with her nearly as much as we’d like - though this definitely has to happen before we start to firm up a clear outline for the next ‘development and testing’ phase. This will also likely have an impact on the proposed timeline - though we’re aware Gemma has a Metal residency opportunity in mid-Feb we’re keen to respond to.
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hudsonhardwear · 7 years ago
xLIDAR Is A Merry-Go-Round Of Time-Of-Flight Sensors
xLIDAR Is A Merry-Go-Round Of Time-Of-Flight Sensors
[JRodrigo]’s xLIDAR project is one of those ideas that seemed so attractively workable that it went directly to a PCB prototype without doing much stopping along the way. The concept was to mount a trio of outward-facing VL53L0X distance sensors to a small PCB disk, and then turn that disk with a motor and belt while taking readings. As the sensors turn, their distance readings can be used to…
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