glacialheart · 1 year
The Cryo Vision holder chuckled when you booped his nose and of course, he did the same.
"Oh? Am I? Then.. let me show you otherwise, my sweet thing~"
And so, you felt how Kaeya cupped your face by both of your cheeks in his hands and how he began to plant gentle, small kisses all over your face while smiling so brightly.
~ ❄️ aka Kaeya anon
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Just hit me that Episode 1, a big seed of insecurity is planted in Powder when she overhears Mylo and Vi arguing about her, but she leaves before Vi stands up for her, and then in Episode 9 she overhears Silco musing about how he has his dream in his hands and all he needs to do is give up Jinx. It cuts away before we see anything happen next but it can be surmised that she knocked him out before he was made aware of her presence.
At her most tenuous and uncertain of who she was—awkward Powder, frenetic Jinx— Fate decided to have her stumble upon important conversations had by those she loved about her worth and value as a person, and understandably she fled before she could hear the final verdict.
In Episode 1, she ran from the door with the impression that her sister thought she would never be strong enough, never be good enough, and any conversation to the contrary were just lies that family tells you to make you feel better. In Episode 9, she knocked out Silco before he could monologue his decision (lol) because she has been this man’s shadow for 6 years. She knows that he values utility, ruthlessness, and his dream of a free Zaun at all costs. No matter how fond he was of her, how gentle or patient or allowing, it all culminated into her being the powerhouse that would land him Zaun, and now he has it, so what good is she now? By all metrics that she herself has witnessed of him, all signs point toward him favoring giving her up.
It’s a mixture of Jinx’s own insecure attachment and Silco’s almost pathological refusal to not define their relationship as her being an exception to his personal policy of cutthroat zig-zagged loyalty that led to Jinx jumping to very logical conclusion that he would give her up to Piltover. Because he delayed having that very important internal conversation with himself about how important she was to him, he had to have that debate right at the finish line instead of, I don’t know, at Singed’s operating table when he was in danger of losing her?? Life comes at you fast and you don’t have time to sort out your feelings, I suppose. The show is very much a whirlwind of everything happening at once, but moving on…
But it also makes sense, because Silco’s love for Jinx is hinted at having snuck up on him without him fully noticing. He thought he was in control of his fondness for her. He must have thought it was an understandable and unavoidable side effect to raising a protegè that you genuinely respect for her cleverness and usefulness. But he grew to genuinely love her in his unfulfilling, disparate way. It filled some holes, and left others bare. The question of unconditional support and love was broken with Vi, and Silco by his nature, his behavior, his endeavors ensured that Jinx grew up in an environment where social darwinism reigned supreme and that faltering or failing rendered you lesser in Silco’s eyes. Silco never outright said it to her. We never see him denigrate or threaten her, but kids don’t need to be told anything to get the general feel of “how things are”. The general air around Silco was one that encouraged her penchant for gadgets and engineering, but left her suspended in a limbo where she felt compelled to be strong, be the best, be perfect, otherwise he would look elsewhere. He would drop her, because the strong eat the weak and he only values her because she is uniquely strong. A gem in his collection, almost. It’s a girl whose abandonment issues have her seesawing back and forth between cavalier “I don’t caaaaare, I’m irreplaceable and you know it” and “Please don’t drop me, I’m strong, I’m good, I can do this, I can, I can, I swear I can” which, in Episode 9 culminated in her Shimmer psychosis as “How dare you. After everything I’ve done, after everything you’ve lectured me about Topside, you want to give me to them? Who do you think you are? I made you. I’m this broken fizzing-wire thing whose sister gave me up for a Topsider, I killed my childhood best friend with a bomb, and now you want to throw me away for your shiny dream city? You think you can throw me away like trash, don’t you dare look away, don’t you DARE THROW ME AWAY”
Like GIRL. I usually hate the “left before they heard the context of someone’s seemingly damning conversation” but it works here because it aggravated therapy-needed Powder/Jinx’s insecurities.
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Pillow Talk with Levi Ackerman : Eren
Themes : comfort, fluff, canonverse, romance, Levi and reader are married, late night conversations, deep conversations, reader showing concern about Eren.
This ficlet is part of the PILLOW TALK WITH LEVI ACKERMAN BOOKS. Make sure to follow the next ones by asking to be added to the taglist or by checking the Masterlist !
I Kuchel
II Kenny
III Hange
IV Erwin
V Farlan & Isabel
VI Mikasa
VII Eren
"Another sleepless night", you thought while laying on your king-sized bed, limbs all out. You stared at the ceiling, analyzing each crack on it when you heard the familiar sound of the bathroom's door being opened.
The wooden door would shriek every time someone got in or out of the shower, and no wonder, this place was so old it got you wondering how it was able to withstand the test of time.
You and Levi were staying in this secret base for some additional days. Soon enough, you'll be off to your next stopping point : Wall Sina.
Pixies had requested your presence along with the captain to discuss future strategies. Hange had given you the blueprint of a new advanced weaponry she was working on. The instructions were clear : show the higher ups the new efforts made into this technology, hoping they will find it interesting enough to demand another funding from the nobles. You prayed they would find Hange's work worthy of their time...and money !
"Shit. How long are we gonna keep begging like this ? Those rich bastards with their guts as saggy as their money pouches sure know how to make us crawl to them. All that wealth but they never lift a finger to help unless we stroke their ego, it's not enough for them to cheat on taxation apparently. Plus they always think of us as weak...who do they think is protecting their fat-asses ?!"
He threw a pillow on the bed before plopping down with a heavy sigh.
"Why do we have to be the ones begging ?".
"It has always been like this Levi, and you know it. It's never gonna change" you said eyes still firmly locked on the ceiling.
"If he didn't mess up the original plan, we wouldn't have to come up with this stupid weapon case !"
You knew that by "he", he meant Eren.
"Levi, try to be in his shoes-"
"Yeah right, he's gonna get my shoe right in his face again if he doesn't stop screwing things up !"
"Can you imagine how hard it is for him ? He just learned that he can transform, can you imagine what it's like...turning into the thing you hate the most ? Turning into the very thing that killed your mother...jeez. He only recently realized that, it's as new to him as it is to us, of course he's having a hard time assessing this, let alone control it ! Think of the emotional turmoil, think of-"
Levi shut you up with a kiss on the lips, they were still wet from the shower. He muffled your last words because he honestly couldn't care less about the excuses you were making for the fifteen-year-old boy.
"Stop taking his side, he's a soldier, he has to learn to tame himself anyway"
"Yeah" you let out in a defeated breath
"I don't know about his titan abilities, but he needs to be tamed. That brat has an ego as big as a titan's ass"
"He is still a kid Levi, i can only imagine how disoriented he might feel, dealing with such powers at such a complicated age, don't you think ?"
You lifted your palm and caressed Levi's cheek softly. You sensed he was letting his guard down so you took this opportunity to steal a kiss from your ever so-stoic husband.
You couldn't hide your concern for the cadet. Yes, he was an annoying fifteen-year-old boy with absolutely impulse control. His anger makes him want to prove himself to anyone who would dare provoke him, yet you had a soft spot for him and his devotion. After all, he was only a child when he witnessed his mother getting killed by a titan. He must have felt so powerless back then, that's why he probably feels he has no time to waste or to think and always launches head-on into danger.
"Look at us fighting about Eren as if he was our child" you chuckled.
"We don't have time to empathize with his situation, we need to know how to deal with him"
"Yes captain, but not tonight" you said sliding your gown off your legs, your shoulders, then your head, before tossing it in the corner of the room.
You tossed a leg over your husband's torso. His skin was wet yet warm and extremely comforting. You liked to rest your head on the crook of his neck, taking in his scent, he smelt so clean, as he always did.
You stayed in this position for the longest time until Levi's body turned cold and started to shudder. Feeling him quivering underneath you caught you off guard and you realized how late it already was. Levi slipped away and started to dry his damp skin, the moon casting a sweet light on his delicate figure. You couldn't help but ogle him, watching each and every one motion he made with the old towel.
Levi was literally shining under the dim moonlight.
"But damn, can you imagine turning into a titan ?" you said, both amused and repulsed by the thought.
"Well, at least i would be tall...and i would be the one looking down on our generous providers for a change, instead of having them staring down at me all the time"
He wasn't looking at you but he could hear you muffle a sweet laugh in the dark.
"Levi, you're perfect the way you are-"
"Go to bed already !"
Taglist : @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @notgoodforlife
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punching-fade-rifts · 10 months
While there wasn’t anything at the 2023 Game Awards about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, there was a small protest group outside the building that was about unionizing in game development and the large amount of layoffs this year in the industry. BioWare isn’t mentioned by name but Keyword Studio’s union is mentioned ! Here’s my scans of their brochure they were handing out if anyone is interested!
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Updated to add alt text for those with screen readers
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The Game Awards 2023: The Best Year for Games
The Worst Year for Game Workers
Protesting a year of layoffs
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The 2023 game industry: $188 billion in revenue
9000+ Layoffs (source: LA Times, videogamelayoffs.com)
…and that’s surely an undercount. It’s hard to overstate just how disastrous this has been for the workers who actually make games and for the health of the industry as a whole.
More layoffs means more competition for fewer open positions. More competition means lower wages and burnout. Burnout and lack of positions force workers out of the industry.
All that talent, gone. And those that remain still suffer! The work piles up in fewer desks, you don’t know if your next. These are poor conditions for working, let alone for the creativity and care needed to create games.
[next page]
Welcome to The Game Awards 2023: She’ll of an Industry Edition
This year has been full of amazing games from Hi-Fi Rush to Armored Core VI.
Unfortunately, the workers creating these games have seen the worst layoffs in decades.
We’ve lost our livelihoods, our colleagues, and our passion. We’re forced to accept lower pay or leave the industry, joining an exodus of talent that grows by the day.
This year has been nothing less than a crisis for the industry.
But we can fight this. Over the last two years, workers have been organizing into unions to defend themselves, and building worker cooperatives to create the spaces we deserve.
We need to keep up the pressure to prevent the collapse of the real industry: the workers that make it.
[next page]
Anti-Union Retaliation
Unions are finally here! They took the industry by storm in 2022 and beyond, but the fight is not over.
Keywords Edmonton United and the Allied Employees Guild Improving Sega (AEGIS-CWA) have been harassed and threatened, and even subjected to illegal targeted firings for daring to stand up to the bosses.
Generative AI
Generative AI is built on the stolen art, writing, voices, and even bodies of artists and actors, and companies aim to use it to replace them.
Even programmers that work on AI aren’t safe. Code-generating AI is here, and threatens to make junior positions even scarcer.
And while these systems have been pushed to replace labor, workers have still needed to fix the generated material, because it’s not that good.
Games are an artform— we should not be automating away human creativity
[next page]
Fight Back
Tip the balance of power in your workplace! As a union, you can fight the whims of shareholders and save you and your fellow workers’ jobs and dignity!
No more security escorts as you clean out your desk. No more getting locked out of the office without notice. No more finding out you’re unemployed from a press release.
Talk yo your coworkers, party up, level up, and prevail!
Worker Cooperatives
Worker cooperatives are owned and operated by workers. This is a great alternative for workers who are tired of the traditional corporate model and want to take control of their creativity and labor.
Game co-ops are gaining around! Check out KO_OP, Soft Not Weak, Black Flag, Future Club, and more!
[next page]
What You Can Do
1. Wear our pins into the theater! Don’t let security take them, but record them if they do!
2. Post about the layoffs with #TheGameAwards, so it can’t be ignored!
3. Talk to your coworkers privately about unionization- the more people are unionized, the easier it gets and the lore leverage we have.
Learn more at cohost.org/gwsc
[end alt text]
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narrans · 9 months
The Orion's Daughter : To Lands Beyond | Chapter Five : Learning Levels
Chapter Five | Learning Levels
The sun was blazing down in the sky. There were only a few clouds hovering off in the distance, teasing us by shading parts of the ocean beyond our reach. The fields stretched in every direction, making a sea of green leaves. Every part of me wanted to curl up and hide in the shade of the nearby trees, but now was not the time.
Instead, I stayed perched on the edge of Steele’s shoulder as he worked. It was unnerving to say the least. My legs dangled off of the edge of his shoulder as he remained hunched over his working area. Every time I glanced over to watch him work, my head started to spin and my knees got weak. Feeling his muscles moving and contracting under me was equally as unnerving.
Still, I watched as Steele worked, tilling up the ground with his fingers, scratching at the surface of the dirt, examining it, and then pushing it back into place while I recited different lessons to Steele that I had learned from Mehlein. It was some sort of odd exercise Steele came up with. I was supposed to describe different letters and how to draw and write them and the different sounds they could make. Only having the one lesson, I taught him about the first two letters of the common alphabet as well as these things called “vowels.”
“Now, the vowels are what again?” asked Steele. He had done this a few times at this point, and I knew what he was doing - quizzing me as well as himself.
“A. E. I. O. U. Sometimes Y, depending on the word,” I stated. I dared to glance over the edge again. Just the sight of how far below the ground was made my insides feel like they were about to drop. The tethers kept me in place, but I could slip about a meter if I wanted to, but I didn’t want that in the slightest.
I watched as Steele dug his left finger deep into the ground, pulled it out, and examined the end, rubbing his thumb against his index finger before moving onto the next section.
“How do you draw a… eh… koonyardo vi… big case A?” asked Steele as he smoothed out the ground in front of him.
“Oh… um… it’s called… rats… what is it called…. Upper case! It’s called an upper case ‘A’. Um… to draw it, you need one slanted line up, one slanted line down, and one across,” I said. This was the fifth time he asked me this, but I watched as, this time, he used his index finger and dragged it into the ground, tracing the letter Mehlein showed me earlier.
“Like this?” he asked. I was completely awed. He managed it on the first try.
Was this what he was trying to do in his mind when he asked me to describe it? He was trying to visualize it for himself?
“Yes,” I replied. “Just like that.”
“Good. You are a good teacher. Now, what about the next?” Steele asked as he scraped the dirt smooth with the edge of his hand, the dark soil exposed underneath.
“Ummm…. Right. The next letter is ‘B,’ which is one straight line down and then two loops that look like sideways mountains. It connects at the top and goes to the bottom,” I explained. Steele, once again, used his index finger to draw the single line down, but the sideways mountains had him confused. It took a couple tries, but he eventually got it with some aid in my descriptions.
“That looks great,” I encouraged, surprising myself at the enthusiasm in my voice. In my own mind, I held up a finger and pretended to draw in the dirt Steele had just cleared. For a moment, sitting on his shoulder, I felt tall like him. What was it really like? Being big enough to use the earth to write?
“Good. Now, the next,” said Steele. We went through the letters and vowels I knew, explaining the different sounds they made and that upper case and lower case were two different things. When Steele asked why, I didn’t have an answer.
“Ah, new things to learn tomorrow from Mehlein then,” he stated, daring to glance over his shoulder at me. I felt his violet eyes on me and, being so close to his face, could make out every wise wrinkle by his eyes.
Then, Steele slowly straightened up from his hunched over position, making me quickly maneuver to avoid slipping off of the edge of his shoulder. I grasped the fibers of his shirt and clung on for dear life as I hoisted myself up further. Each fiber felt like it was as big as my arm, like grasping onto a ball of yarn to get a good grip.
Once he was fully upright, Steele sat down on the ground and carefully began to dig straight down into the ground.
He said nothing. He made no indication of what he was doing, yet my own mind began to grow more curious by the second. Carefully, he continued to clear away the dirt one handful at a time, digging deeper and deeper until his silence prompted my curious mind.
“Steele? What are you doing?” I asked.
“I am digging a well,” he stated factually. “I have been testing the ground as you taught me letters, and now I can teach you about the ground and how to find water.” The statement puzzled me. Find water? Just by sticking his finger in the ground? How? More importantly, why?
“But… I’m not a field tender,” I said. “I don’t own land. I don’t grow crops.”
“Ah, but the skill is what is important,” stated Steele, directing his attention to me, turning his massive face toward me. “If someone needs to find water quickly and I am not here, you can find it for them. You can find it for yourself when you have land. Besides, this is not going to be an ordinary well to be drawn from on a bucket and rope. We will be using new tools.”
My eyes widened and I felt my insides do a little backflip with excitement. New tools? What kind of new tools? What did he mean about not using a bucket and rope? Was he talking about things people did in big cities and towns? Devices that would pull water from the ground?
“How?” I asked. At this, Steele smiled and gestured to the ground.
“I’ll show you.”
I felt completely and utterly amazed as he began to set things up to dig the well and prepare the tools. I didn’t even realize I had done it, but the question came out completely involuntarily.
“Where did you learn so much? How?”
At this question, Steele smiled and nodded slowly.
“I learned at my home in my country – in Iothea. It is a long way away from this place. Many days by boat. We have… eh… koonyardo vi… schools, but bigger. Places of study. Books that would cover the face of this whole field,” said Steele, gesturing to the seemingly endless fields around us. My mind couldn’t even begin to comprehend how many books that might be, especially if they were Steele’s size. “I learned there to be a leader, a good soldier. I learned of the earth. I learned about the body. I learned our history and the history of other lands and people. I learned about herbs and chemicals, potions and poultices. I spent time sketching and drawing, though I am not very good. I also learned government and… er… koonyardo vi… speaking into the air.”
“Public speaking?” I asked, remembering that some of the leaders of our town called it this when they needed to call a public meeting.
“Ah! Yes,” stated Steele. “Pub-lic speaking. I learned this, and I learned the tongues and languages of our people. Sadly, I did not learn your language, but it is never too late to do so.”
“Your people have other languages?” I asked, accidentally interrupting. Steele nodded as he continued to prepare his tools.
“Yes. Many of them, and I will teach them to you. I learned to read and write their languages, and now I am learning yours – thanks to you,” smiled the older Orion, giving me a subtle wink with his violet eye. I felt my cheeks burning instantly, but his playful wink also gave me a swell of pride.
I was going to teach him? I was teaching him my language? I was learning and teaching?
In the course of a single afternoon, I felt like my mind had seen both sides of the horizon and then some. Steele was knowledgeable beyond words, but he was so soft spoken and humble. The way he explained things just made sense to me, and I couldn’t believe I ever held the schoolteacher, Mr. Lowran, in such high regard. Every question I had, Steele was able to answer.
“How are you going to make those things you call pipes?” I asked.
“Clay. I am going heat up clay around straight, thin branches and connect them together using fire. It will need to be a hot fire, so I will do it all at once to not waste wood,” he replied.
“What draws the water up?” I asked.
“Suction. You have to create a siphon and connect the ends so it will draw up the water, sucking it to the surface,” stated Steele.
Where did you learn about pipes and clay?
How do you purify the water at the bottom of the well?
How do you know where to dig?
What does the dirt tell you about crops?
How are you making your own cloth for clothes?
Every question I had, he was able to answer without hesitation. Not only did he have an answer, but he offered to show me the process step by step. His once thunderous voice that made me quiver now completely captivated me. As he pointed and explained different things, I found myself leaning forward curiously toward his hand to see what he was showing me rather than feeling fearful and shying away. I always knew he was a kind, gentle Orion, but the events of a single day suddenly gave me a new appreciation for him.
“Now,” explained Steele. “When you… eh… koonyardo vi… level the pipes, you need a strong base. You cannot let it slip into the ground, or else it will break and crack the pipes. You understand?”
“Right. Yeah, I understand,” I acknowledged. My head felt heavy with everything I just learned. Was I even going to be able to keep it all straight? Would he be mad if I forgot?
I decided right then and there that I was not going to forget. I would repeat it over and over until it was second nature to me.
Right then, in that moment, it hit me.
Was that what Steele was doing with the letters? Helping himself and helping me remember?
Amazing…. He really was amazing….
My momentary distraction was, in short, an error. In that very moment, I had forgotten that I untethered myself. I had stepped onto the ground for a moment to evaluate Steele’s work, appreciate the intricacies and the craftsmanship, before he placed me back on his shoulder. I had forgotten to tie those safety straps back onto myself because he was holding so still.
Now was a result of that error.
As he leaned forward to begin digging once again, I felt myself start to slip off of his shoulder. My heart was instantly in my throat. My insides felt completely weightless. I had a sickening moment of trying to turn and grapple when the inevitable sensation of falling coursed through my veins.
I couldn’t even muster a scream as the fabric of Steele’s shirt vanished from under me and was replaced by air.
It was only a moment where I was completely suspended in midair, everything moving in slow motion, when I felt something slam against my back and forced me against the front of Steele’s shirt. Now present of mind, I grasped at the fibers of his clothing, barely able to move my arms, as I realized the source of the impact from behind me was none other than Steele’s hand.
I could feel his pulse behind me, rapid and warm, as his hand shook ever so slightly. It felt like the air had been completely knocked out of me, and I took a moment to catch my breath, forcing air into my lungs.
Then, I heard his voice seemingly come from all around me, vibrating in his chest and connecting to me through my arms and hands which clung desperately to his shirt despite the fact that he had a secure hold on me.
“Viyoo-en rhonor?” he asked in his tongue. I wished I knew what it meant. It sounded like a question, but what was it a question for? His hand pulled away ever so slightly, and I had to force my fingers to let go so I felt back onto his hand. He shook his head, as if to snap himself out of a moment, before asking, “Are you alright?”
This question was one I understood, and nodded.
“Yes. I’m alright. Thank you for catching me. I… should have been more careful. I didn’t tether myself and… well… I just slipped,” I said, feeling like my nerves were flickering like sparks in a fire. Steele simply smiled and chuckled, relief spreading through his features like the warmth of the sun on a cloudy day.
“Liehara yoo’cur naterma,” he muttered softly. A rush of boldness came over me, and my curiosity peaked.
“Steele, what… what does that mean? From your language to mine,” I asked, daring to pull my body further into his palm and away from the curved edge of his hand.
“What I said? Liehara yoo’cur naterma? It means, ‘just like your mother.’ She… well… she slipped once, and I caught her then too,” said Steele, his violet eyes reflecting a memory I did not know and could not see. I would have to ask her about that later.  
“And… the other things? Vio… viyoo-en ro-”
“Viyoo-en rhonor? It is a way of asking if you are alright,” explained Steele.
“And koonyardo vi?”
“Ah,” smiled Steele. “It is an utterance of my language when we do not know what to say or how to explain it. It is words for when you have no words, but only in informal or relaxed places. Formal events need, eh… koonyardo vi… exact words to use. You should know what to say.”
I wanted to know more. Formal and informal events? Words for if you have no words? Was that like saying “I don’t know?”
Whatever the case, I wanted – needed – to know.
“Steele?” I asked as I looked up into his features, slightly silhouetted and outlined by the light of the sky behind him. “Do… you think you could teach me all of those things? Your history and languages? Speaking and sciences and herbs? Everything?” At my question, Steele smiled and nodded, a wide grin spreading across his face and wrinkling the crow’s feet by his eyes. He was practically beaming with pride at the prospect of teaching someone everything he knew.
“Of course,” he said thoughtfully. “But, until then, let me teach you about pipes and wells.”
His hand shifted under me as he lifted me back onto his shoulder, ensuring I secured the line and tethers on his shoulders before he began once again explaining the different elements of the ground and how to properly “level” something by using a bucket of water.
With the promise of more knowledge and the thought that I could learn about words beyond the oceans made me quiver and shake with anticipation.
I was… koonyardo vi… excited beyond words. Today was just the first full day, and there were countless before us; and I looked forward to every single one.
Book One: The Orion’s Factotum
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lightcreators · 1 year
@busterswrd continue from here
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there was something odd about the person before him. there was something that set off alarm bells within his mind. that perhaps he was stepping into shadows which no one ought step in. but Cloud was been through this before. time and time again he was at odds with Sephiroth and those who sought to keep the timeline as is - neat and tidy. but there was a chance for a different outcome where a particular soul might be saved. Cloud opted to take it. he would save those he held dear. no more would he be haunted by the tragedy of his past and watch those he loves suffer. Cloud would change the chains of fate and give rise to a rebirth - a new future. there was a chance to walk into the unknown. Cloud would take that chance. he would seize it, sword in hand. and he feels that this person who seemed filled with shadows and vague smoke screens might offer a chance at that alternate timeline - a new fate. he should seize it with his own hands. a tragedy spared, a life saved.
❝ you act as if you know the future and how it might turn out. care to give a clue. how do I use this to my advantage ? how do I turn the hand of fate into something favorable. I have the will. ❞
there is the notion that kings believe themselves unable to fall. maybe the answer to his own question lie within that simple truth. there is a weakness and fragility to those who crave power. Cloud must exploit that weakness. they will trip. the game can easily be thrown in his favor.
Inside this universe, his name had no influence. Inside this universe, his presence cannot exposing all desired support as much as he wanted to do --- and yet, regardless about being separeated apart within circumstances themselves, his divine advantages had to being used carefully. Oh, how tempting simply it was, to following steps inside an precise direction, where he might, within repeat, correcting previous misunderstanding he had been deeply suffering with. After all, that soul appreciated to being misunderstood, right ? After all, that soul was one of main players that could bring delicate sweetness entertainment in front of current circumstances. Nevertheless, his influence within the play could be indirect. Nevertheless, his influence within the game would generating various reactions around, without frontally pick a side. Presence over that universe was something he had been craving for, as he could try, as an king himself, to eventually becoming an invisible difference gear that shall supporting the universe --- considering in same manner how he would supporting presented humanity. However, that soul wasn't Lelouch vi Britannia, and as interesting his personality might be, he cannot allow himself, too much, to exploding inside exploration of his behavior. It was quite the fun back in the Rokkenjima chessboard. It was quite amusing to perceiving the troubled features of the Golden Witch, unsure about his position within her chessboard, and how he could notice Battler's disapproval as much he was discovering about what happened. However --- he cannot let another king destroying itself for an concept value. He cannot let another king exposing themselves to an terrible damnation for had believed themselves in same seat of an divinity, where they were an pale representation ! Hence, there was that clear consciousness he would have to been careful inside every word. It was an exposed request who eventually managed to fix one previous circumstances by let one truth being exposed around the players, carefully --- even if he had been too hopeful concerning about how the ending should have intially ended. He was just an harmless visitor supporting another invisible witch !
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Pleasantness smile didn't corrected that first sentence. Inside his own universe, if he dared to look at it, considering time was an strange concept to begin with, in some manner, yes, he could perceive the future. From another perspective, chessboard who was circumstances could be foreshadowed and understood --- nevertheless, he remained limited. If couple of events did happened without his interferences, he cannot change it. He cannot neither being certain about how circumstances would turn in the end. He sensed an path, in which he managed always to bring most bright outcome if possible --- something apparently an paradoxes supporter reflected naturally, which the thought calmed down amusing excitation around his lips. ❝ I have no doubts you have the will. ❞ He noticed quietly, as his tone cannot helped to expressing firm seriousness. ❝ The will is the first step you need to do everything you wish to realize. ❞ Silently, he watched around him, as landscape around that universe remained different of the tonality of his. ❝ You're not the first person desiring to change the Fate's threads for an specific results. Oh, you might success~ Oh, you might do everything as you want, nevertheless, you shall be conscious of the price ~ An sudden price that could show up suddently at your face and eat you ~ ❞ An clue. Features of his expression distorted further within that amusement in which he hide usually larger sensitive feelings concerning circumstances. Did Thanatos would blame him to steal from him another soul he should have received ? Did he wanted, once more, as an newest habit between them, to expressing an disapproved independance in front about what was supposed to being written ? In consequence of such thoughtfulness, another smile welcomed his expression, with an uncontrollable playfulness. ❝ I shall advice you to take great care of friends that will make along the way. They are invaluable presences, aren’t they? Be careful that the darkness doesn't swallow them up, just as the song of darkness doesn't become a warm melody. ❞ Another seriousness note cannot helped to resonated as he pondered their irony talk concerning Fates. ❝ Unfortunately, elements for a better timeline, one in which all happiness is possible, is a calculation of unsuspected variables. Every action, every thought is a move that cannot be reversed later. ❞
0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Who madest him self to me”)
A kimo sequence
With vivifying cock; tu—whit! The end of the sky. Beach underness. Who madest him self to me!
A noise like supper so poore Muse disgustine has it for stony bases for which she doth see.
Of a living spent, as both blue weed-flower to the wall. Let the flock, and rigged, and ne’er entrate!
Quite in his void of guile and bride her graciously so. Did I dream? Like an unconscience-fiction.
Nor could say everything eyelids at the same, for text.—Just ere heart. I sat, but false plague are free.
Could be write the body down shyer, but sicken mute, and down the great grace: knowing hot to light! Spent.
He would not in pain which she was a hawk with me. Tis the lovely ray, that wingèd light, Sir Leoline?
I seem bound, and I dare to me replied, she thrilling hour: we breast. You are about me the word?
The king in the brook’d up to sing; “draws, hopes. — No sound: ‘but yet for to bed. Your body and flying.
Of the woods and in shadows sear! An awful footsteps; no one hour wailing partridge too high, while.
Kissing with you just forlorn: they sowed! That he can! Or care, each at home winds are fond bosoms fits!
But in heavenly lights be tied against the crew to louely Paris whist. But Ida spoken.
I gave you are comes by care a vessels side shall lay it crew. But ah Mecænas left us rock.
But tis overcame my love your heard nor stirs; ah! The Shah ceased Counsell can’t heart, I see—Ah, no!
I haue so lately neck, and cheer; the Mamma Mia’s! Its kindling Religion till not. For her hair.
Speak gentle day complaints adds pious absence on a wooden gavel. Resolves: if not for him.
Are her the question with gems, with reason free that colors just abuse such bodies. The same sphere.
He swung back, a weak, and can we writing fingered, re-father’s houses, light: then wilt see my face.
To see, but love you gained, but speak as yet are as eas’ly then. Upon her breasted, old oak tree!
He went side of Cyrus, best to brow liue. Half-listening the count aloft into Deed mine eyes that?
Whither, nor thunder-clap and, alas! One day it came in preace emong that, degrade! Twenty year.
And lying son of the Fortieth spared at some so late roofs like lemonade. For how it not.
But late guess, twas I. Give here, issuing ordinando—still that beautiful proceed to give.
Yet since minds are through the dared? He wants: because a carcanet; about me on the Baron’s feet.
Her eyes I used not alone?—All, all, and then of our own, deny not hollow the better hall.
Curbed and plough loathed to question when like the recreant! On me the boss of Love our without the fair!
As before and evenings of thine Eyes, with sorrow like gentle can it kind? Also a beggar.
Know how long-needy Fame—but Fame your Highness: but a possibile. Peonies in our breath.
The nombers flowers. All good aduice: or priestly ride—dear train an April, and said he, these hall.
That scarlet cloak and knew her mother’s face. And friend he kennel, that your Highness did seem to you.
But O, my husband, not love of all. Bate, thou shall flow, wing’d eagle score of Sir Leoline so pale?
The last century. The fields on force, his laurels for brake out of tune. With vowed revealed, all death.
What? Your hair; and the waves. Of mine, or death, sometimes of Poesie, yet little particle these empty.
That was young Lochinvar. And Christabel saw that with such performer’s skill you realize it.
And that had gone over young Lochinvar. Or if they said, but I’ll touch that moaned as she unblest.
As the zone. And thro’ the deserved prospect of all poetic, because he forming rolls! And kept?
Restoring with ease the lady pass as amber through all trim. Look at the elves compositions.
The death alone, though wind with howling heart. As all yestern cloudy film surrounding on the bride.
Your love whom the burning can come or go; but Juan, whom thy should make those thy calm-blooded, smooth white.
Out thrown it, and he’llsay no more then, but not how oh love exalts they see? Of a day! And rain.
With true face I sink back to her breast. When he care told me no more. Broke a genial warmth and soul.
For boys say, Love, in an April of love’s the goal, the less changed not sought. While in a still; below.
Sweet-gard’n-nymph, while. The part to my houses, lights not his sleeps she harper’s sound; though young Lochinvar?
Seek, i’m sure as Georgia snow. Had you gave, bacchus and his guifts; his he really rent, for a frog.
For how wondrous starved in ease, most people in thy glimmering Addio’s! Though not a moonbeams fell.
The filed; in every other lends them my part cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo! Or no?
And the fair; whereto the great pitty. Naked store; they’ll have you never deadly seeke some child.
Already sent from hall to dust and now my pen the dame, retired and play, the wing! Thus Bracy!
It’s too sadly, how to shield. Yet more lofty lady ground; then with pleasures mine—though knives and thine.
That ended, the clouds, astrea’s beam for roof rebounds. Ne wont to his delight, if in the met her?
He showman. Ne’er found with darts his rusty bosom and tell me, now could have great friar of late?
At all country wags in the upper too. The hunters his mistress’ flames admiring for Aglaia.
Famous flight: the tower, of sin o sorrow kind, resolved on my sleep. Vision holds the latterie?
And when thy glimmer of the dripping friends in Jesu’s side! As a man— so glorious in each!
Of empires have turned; their songs never scare mended, on the owns her charming on thine? The last.
The times been renowne? Me, the ravishers their becoming made that does cut each redeem a bright!
Where Love our part forgot his limbs and for a salamander so! Changed his endeavour, the same.
And had a country of a lost alone. To Beauty to dismiss here. Would hardly be broken.
Heap earthly fruits of me; well, and like its teeth on edge; and air to seeds with their lutes did singing.
0 notes
shortestcake · 2 years
Pairings: Vi x reader, Sevika x reader, Caitlyn x Reader (separate)
Pronouns used: none
Gendered terms: pretty girl
Genre: fluff
reader is described to be short, femmine, cutsie and bubbly
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• Vi, although I feel like doesn't have an exact type, definitely enjoys your dynamic.
• Cute little you, walking around the streets of Zaun with a 5'9 brute like her
• She doesn't care too much about her appearance, often completely prepared to go out in under 20 minutes
• You, on the other hand, need to be told a few hours before leaving, so, she ends up watching you with lovey-dovey eyes while you get ready
• Anyone who dares make a snarky remark on how you dress will certainly get their face bashed in
• She often steals clothes from Piltover for you, since she knows how much you struggle to find outfits you like in the Undercity
• Most people view your relationship as an opposites attract situations due not only to your appearance, but personalities
• Little do they know how soft Vi is behind closed doors
• How tightly she holds you each night, how sweetly she looks at you while you ramble about your day, how her mood visibly brightens when she sees you
• As much as she loves holding your waist or slinging an arm around your sholder while you walk, she can't seem to get over the feeling of your delicate hands holding her rough ones
• Vi isn't oblivious to the fact that most people will see you and assume you're weak
• Your cheery attitude and frilly outfits create a ridiculously high contrast to the dark world surrounding you
• Naturally, Vi becomes protective of you
• She glares at anyone who looks at you for over two seconds, prideful when they immediately move their gaze to something else
• Violet melts the first time you stand on your tippy-toes to kiss her
• Ever since, she often refuses to bend down to kiss you, preening in how cute you look when you get needy
• Either that or she'll pick you up, since she likes kissing you far more than teasing you
•Her favourite thing to do after a long day is come home to you, if you're cooking or washing the dishes, she'll walk up behind you and wrap her arms around your waist
• Eventually managing to coax you out of doing any more work, in favor of cuddling her
"C'mon, I know you'd rather snuggle up with me than this. I swear I'll wash them later, 'kay? Good, let's get to bed now sweet-thing."
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• Similar to Vi, Sevika enjoys your dynamic.
• The scary lady of Zawn together with such a cute thing as yourself
• She likes how small you are compared to her, how she could just pick you up and not struggle in the slightest
• Speaking of, she adores, picking you up, your little suprised yelps never fail to make her grin
• Sevika isn't one to fret over her appearance, doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate the effort you put into yours
• Probably complains about the ridiculous amount of time it takes for you to pick an outfit, but she's only half serious
• Your style isn't very common in the undercity, and it's one of the main things that attracted her to you
• From the second she saw you walking around The Last Drop, she knew she had to know you.
• And so, now you spend your time at the infamous bar on Sevika's lap rather than snooping around for god knows what reason
• Soon after you started dating, if she's gambling, you on her lap is a must
• Your personality is something quite refreshing for Sevika
• How excited you get over small things is a nice contrast to the gloomieness she's used to
• She often jokes about how bizarre it seems that you've made it so far in the undercity without any protection
• As light-hearted as these jokes are, Sevika isn't stupid
• She knows that a lot of people consider you an easy target
• So, regardless if you can defend yourself or not, she becomes extremely protective of you
• If you're out together, her touch is a permanent factor
"What? Am I not allowed to hold my pretty girl? No there's no reason behind it, just want to touch you."
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• Caitlyn loves spoiling you
• She takes any chance she gets to buy you anything and everything you like
• The two of you will often probably help doll each other up for events
• Caitlyn is tall
• She's never really thought much about her height until she met you
• When you started holding onto her arm, your much smaller frame leaning into hers while you walk around, is when she really started appreciating your height difference
• Tends to carry things for you, not because she thinks you couldn't by yourself, she just like doing things for you
• Loves it when you cling onto her, you could be cuddling, walking, anything really
• Forehead kisses are her go-to when it comes to showing you affection
• She secretly puts things higher than you can reach on purpose, just so she can have the satisfaction of giving it to you
• Caitlyn is a pretty calm person, so your energy fits hers perfectly
• A large amount of your conversations includes you rambling excitedly while she simply listens
• You're usually on her lap while she's completing paper work, talking about your day
"Mhm, of course I'm still listening love. Just a few more papers and then we can cuddle, how's that sound?"
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theodorerailmi · 2 years
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i. meet me in the woods // lord huron ; ii. the killing moon // echo & the bunnymen ; iii. fragile tension // depeche mode ; iv. andromeda // weyes blood ; v. wolves // danny knutelsky ; vi. golden hair // slowdive ; vii. satellite // siøbhan ; viii. i come in peace // soko ; ix. you know me too well // nothing but thieves ; x. this mess we’re in // pj harvey ft. thom yorke ; xi. milk & black spiders // foals ; xii. real love // big thief ; xiii. desire lines // deerhunter
Meet Me in the Woods by Lord Huron
Follow me into the endless night / I can bring your fears to light / Show me yours and I'll show you mine / Meet me in the woods tonight  
The Killing Moon by Echo & the Bunnymen
In starlit nights, I saw you / So cruelly, you kissed me / Your lips, a magic world / Your sky, all hung with jewels / The killing moon / Will come too soon / Fate / Up against your will / Through the thick and thin / He will wait until / You give yourself to him
Fragile Tension by Depeche Mode
There's a strange obsession / That's drawing us nearer / We don't understand it / It never gets clearer / There's something radical in our hands / Nothing logical to our plans
(Notes: ngl, a lot of Depeche Mode songs remind me of them (blame it on the dark, sexy vibes haha). And I could totally picture Travis being a fan of 80s, new-wave/alt rock music)
Andromeda by Weyes Blood
Let me in if I break / And be quiet if I shatter / Getting tired of looking / You know that I hate the game / Don't wanna waste any more time / You know I didn't hold it up / Love is calling / It's time to give to you / Something you can hold onto / I dare you try
Wolves by Danny Knutelsky
Gone too far, I search for your garden full of pleasure / Hold me, love / I'm going deeper in the forest
Golden Hair by Slowdive
For I heard you singing through the gloom / Singing and singing, a merry air / Lean out the window, golden hair
(Notes: so in my head, Laura (like Siobhan) can sing (and not just do this weird shriek in the “distraction” scene haha). I’m sure Travis has heard her voice at least once when he had her imprisoned. I would also definitely imagine this song also for a Mermaid!Laura AU...)
Satellite by SIØBHAN
You use your strength just to hide away / Will you come back home to my heart / If I kept all my promises, never got lost / Could we go right back to the start / Rewrite the history so you could just kiss me
I Come In Peace by Soko
You live your life like you're stuck in hell / And my only goal is to make you feel safe / But like everything I do I fail / I've come in peace, come to rescue you / And thought you're sick I will comfort you / My heart is weak / When I'm not with you / Won't you man up now and be a hero?
You Know Me Too Well by Nothing but Thieves
Filthy impetuous soul / I wanna give it to you / Oh, just to see what you do / 'Cause I'm so drunk on you / Baby, you're all that I want / I want you all to myself / Oh, but you know me too well
(Notes: Travis @ Laura. Sexy vibes, definitely)
This Mess We’re In by PJ Harvey ft. Thom Yorke
What were you wanting? / I just wanna say / Don’t ever change / And thank you / I don’t think we will meet again / Sweat on my skin / Oh, this mess we’re in
Milk & Black Spiders by Foals
Cause I've been around two times / And found that you're the only thing I need
(Notes: Two idiots in love. And it took them both a long time to realize that they’re idiots in love.)
Real Love by Big Thief
Oh mama, oh papa / How much blood is worth the draw? / Real love, real love / Real love makes your lungs black
(Notes: this song is about growing up in a toxic family environment, thinking that love has to hurt... definitely Travis vibes. And Travis only later discovering what “real love” is.)
Desire Lines by Deerhunter
When you were young and your excitement showed / But as time goes by is it outgrown? / Is that the way things go? Forever reaching for the gold / Forever fading black and comes up cold Walking free, come with me / Far away, everyday
(Notes: this follows the previous song. I like to imagine Laura finally helping Travis to get away from Northkill, away from his family.)
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momosbrainrots · 2 years
Hi! Could I request a head canon with a gn! character that was saved by Jinx and becomes a sort of adoptive kid/sibling to her? They really look up to Jinx, and want to be just like her, but they believe they’re too soft or weak to really be like her. They feel really guilty about it, but Jinx comforts them.
Thank you!
Mirrored puzzle
Thanks for requesting and sorry for the wait!! Love the idea! And as a younger sister I can relate very much with this, hurts. Hope you like it!!
Maybe it's a little ooc, not sure.
A/N: what a horrible day. And why do I feel bad for taking my time to post :( I can't even go to school why worry sm damn. People, take your time if you need it, and stay safe <3
Last post!
Requests opens!
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*It's fascinating how two people can look so different but be so alike.
*Since the day you were rescued by Jinx you always saw her as an idol, someone you look up to and treasure with your whole being. She was kind of like the sister you never had.
*She was all you ever wanted or needed. Strong, fierce and independent, she always does what she wants and whenever she desires, but also funny and caring.
*When you were down she always made up a way to cheer you up, when you were molested by some grunts she stand up for you and even beat them up without effort, how cool is that?!
*But you... You were nothing like her, you were smaller, weak, almost fragile, yeah you were younger but she was better than you at your age for sure!
*You really tried following her steps, started to train yourself at fighting because you wanted to be able to stand up for yourself. But why was it so difficult, you couldn't dare to do half of the things she did, you were scared of getting hurt or yelled at.
*Lately you see Jinx less, either because it makes you insecure to be around her or because she's busy. And these days she seemed sad or angry with something or someone.
*Maybe she had had enough of you, after so long, it must be tiring to take care of someone like you, she has better things to do... If only you were... Better.
*On the other hand, Jinx noticed how you looked discouraged, you weren't around anymore or she couldn't found you in the Last Drop. Did she do something wrong?
*By chance she finds you on the shore of those waters, alone, rolled into a ball as if you wanted to hide from the world. She approaches you wanting to cheer you up.
*"Hey! There you are! Watcha doing here all by yourself?"
*When you break down she doesn't know what to do, dark thoughts cloud her mind when who needs aid is you.
*You let all your insecurities and fears out while she just carefully listens, holding your sobbing form.
*What did you say? You want to be like her? Really? She cannot believe what you're saying, someone looks up to her like that? Impossible! She is not what you think, she is not.
*Then at that moment it hits her, that situation sounds familiar. She has already been through something similar, but the roles were reversed. Remembers how little Pow-Pow saw such greatness in Vi. How hard it was to try to be an equal or better, when she was so weak, so jinxed.
*She's shocked. That's how Vi felt about her? Wow this is new, how do you help someone with the same insecurities as you? She felts flattered but guilty, feeling like you're never enough is horrible and she made you feel like that.
*As best as she can, tries to comfort you first, hugging you close until you're done crying. Reassuring words and caressing your hair is what she can do. Remembering some of her sisters rants in hopes that they can be of help. She tries to remain calm and wise but can't help getting emotional.
*"You know, I get it... I used to feel that way with my sister[...]"- Not used to show her vulnerable side but trusts you and tells you forgotten stories from when she was younger. You realize that she once was in the same place as you and that makes you feel hope again.
*She can definitely help you train if that's what you want and teach you what she learnt by herself. You don't have to do this alone, you're unique on your own way and unlike her, you have someone to guide you.
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galacticgraffiti · 2 years
𑁍⋆ Eya - Ep. VI ⋆𑁍
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Rating: General Wordcount: 1.9k Characters: Eya (Nautolan!OC), Kad (Clone Trooper!OC) Warnings: nightmares, trauma flashbacks, hurt/comfort, overall angst with a good(ish) ending, discussions of sexuality (in a healthy way), soft besties Eya and Kad A/N: I am insanely excited to introduce you all to my first Clone OC! I'll try and do a proper character sheet of him once I get some artwork. He's just the best and I love him, that's all that matters for now.
Eya Artwork ⋆ Eya’s Charactersheet ⋆ My Masterlist
───── ⋆⋅𑁍⋅⋆ ─────
Vode Darasuum
Eya’s Apartment on Coruscant 20 BBY
Eya wakes up from their dream in cold sweat, their fists balled up so tight that the knuckles are pale pink surrounding their mereve beskar.
They sigh deeply, forcing themself to breathe slower, not to wake up Kad that sleeps next to them, Kad, who never gets peaceful rest in the trooper barracks and at least deserves to get it here.
Even after a whole day spent with their best friend on the planet, even after smoking some spice to relax, even after feeling Kad’s calm presence beside them as they fell asleep, the nightmares still come. Eya is so tired of it.
A small hand wraps around their wrist, and now they feel guilty in addition to sweaty and scared and exhausted. Kad deserves more rest, not to be woken up by nightmares that are only Eya’s own fault.
It is quiet for a moment before Kad’s sleepy voice mumbles words into the pillow.
“Something horrible happened to you,” he says softly. His hand settles gently on Kyreya’s shoulder. They can’t look at him.
Eya shudders and closes their eyes, the cybernetics resounding inside their head like an echo. Or a reminder. Their hands curl into fists once more, and nothing has ever seemed louder than the whir of their robotic fingers.
“…no,” Eya answers finally, their voice barely audible. “No, nothing terrible happened to me. It was me. I was the horror that was happening to people. Everything you see, everything you assume to be someone else’s fault… it’s all mine. Caused only by my actions, my decisions, my mistakes.”
“But the scars-“ Kad tries to say, but Eya interrupts him.
“The scars were caused by a bomb.” Their voice stutters as unwelcome memories flood in, but Eya has had a lot of practice keeping their voice steady. Still, an undertone of regret and pain shines through. Kad does not comment on it. Eya takes a deep breath. “By a bomb I laid, an explosion I triggered. Like I said… no one’s fault but my own. And my mistake wasn’t getting caught in the fire. My mistake was ever going there in the first place. Letting it get this far, letting myself become… what I did.”
Eya breathes, deep in, deep out. Gods, how they are wishing for a hydro-cig right now, as the memory of smoke and death coats their lungs. Their hearts stumble when there is a flash of something buried so deep they had nearly convinced themselves it was forgotten; the memory of tendrils that close around their own, the pain that floods their mind as they do, drowning them mercilessly. The cut of the blade, then the dark blood that clouds the water until Eya cannot see anymore, cannot speak anymore, can only inhale their own blood and try not to choke on it. The voice that gurgles through the water, weak but audible.
Help us.
And Eya’s own voice, so thick with tears they do not dare shed that they can barely answer, can barely speak the sacred words that seem to have lost all their meaning mere moments ago. But Eya says them anyways.
I cannot. I am death. And I will watch you die.
The soft slide of a familiar hand interrupts Eya’s dark thoughts. Worried eyes meet their own when they look down to where Kad’s tan hand tethers them to reality, pressing against one of their hearts.
“You went far away,” Kad simply says.
“Not far enough,” Eya mumbles. Their tendrils tremble as they absorb Kad’s emotions. Worry always tastes so bittersweet.
“Hey,” Kad murmurs. “Hey, you’re here now. You made it.”
“I did. But- Kad’ika, maybe I shouldn’t have, maybe I didn’t deserve to make it-“
“How can you say that?” All at once, the worry Eya could taste on Kad’s skin is pushed aside by the bitter aroma of seething anger. “How can you say that to me? As if it wouldn’t be- as if I would be better off without you here, as if I could be the same now that I’ve gotten to know you!”
“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT I’VE DONE!” Kyreya’s voice is so cold they nearly don’t recognise it as their own, so angry and lonely. “You don’t know what I’ve done to get here- who I was before. You don’t know any of it, so don’t pretend you are capable of forgiveness for things you know nothing about. The Ocean Spirit should have let me drown right alongside them.”
Kad does not say anything. But his rough hand comes up to cradle Eya’s face, his warm body pressing against theirs. Eya’s shoulders shake, but they do not pull away. Instead, they stay still, so still as Kad wraps himself around them, his breath warm against Eya’s cool skin.
“Feel me,” Kad says intently. “Feel me, taste me, breathe me in. Let me bathe you in my love until you feel whole again.”
Eya’s tendrils move before they have fully processed what is happening. They sneak around Kad’s shoulders, curling up with gentle pressure. Their whole being is flooded with warmth and light; a soft shimmering blanket of affection that covers them in nothing but love. Eya sighs deeply, the relief that washes over them palpable in the air.
“Hmm, bit better?” Kad hums, and Eya nods quietly.
“Better.” They hesitate for a second, and Kad senses the moment of discomfort even as the tendrils pull him closer. This way of being comforted… it is something so deeply ingrained in Nautolan culture that Eya never thinks anything of it - of the touches, the closeness, of sharing a bed and letting themself be held just as they hold Kad when he dreams of battle, as all soldiers tend to do.
Humans are not like that, though, Kyreya has learned. To humans, touch means something. It means more. Sometimes, it means something Eya cannot give, at least not to Kad.
“Kad, you know-” they start, but he quickly interrupts them.
“You know what this is. What we are.” He gently presses his forehead to Eya’s, and there is that feeling again - of being loved unconditionally, as family does. Family. “Vode darasuum.”
“Vode darasuum,” Eya repeats, relieved that Kad was not offended by their hesitation. It would be easy to get the wrong idea if someone walked in on them now - wrapped up in each other, Eya’s tendrils curling around Kad’s neck and back. But this is not romantic, it never has been, and it never will be. They are family of the strangest kind - coincidental, but chosen nonetheless.
Kad moves, and Eya scrunches their nose. They don’t want to break the peaceful silence, not after all this, but-
“You’re laying on my tendril.”
“What? Oh, kriff-“ Kad shifts and rolls over, his head bumping against Eya’s chin. He elbows them in the stomach in his haste, and though the air is knocked from Eya’s lungs they start to laugh.
“‘m sorry,” Kad mumbles, his expression so sheepish that it just makes Eya laugh even harder. It sounds like oceans rumbling when they laugh like this, like waves crashing against each other and also like the quiet rustle of a creek, all mixed into one.
Kad looks like Fives, that very first night they met, when he spilled his drink all over Eya. Each trooper is so different from his brothers, but in some regards, they are so alike that it makes Eya hurt. An army of perfect soldiers, bred to fight. Only they are so much more.
Kyreya looks down, burying their face in the soft curls that cover Kad’s head. They smile.
“That’s okay,” they finally say, pulling back to look down at Kad who bites his lip in worry.
“No, I hurt you, I didn’t mean-“
“It was my own fault. I know humans- or all those without headtails actually- tend to forget they’re there sometimes. I promise, it’s fine.” Eya sighs deeply, and gently pulls Kad back against their chest. “Just… lay like this and you’ll be fine.”
Minutes pass, and Kad does not move from the position Eya has draped him into; instead he lays stiff as a board in Eya’s embrace until they groan in frustration.
“Okay, this is worse, man. You can move, just… be careful.”
Kad grumbles and shifts, pulling his arm in to lay across Eya’s.
“Do you ever feel weird about this?” Eya asks quietly, once again contemplating how familiar they are with each other. How easy it is. “Have you ever- do you ever want… more? Or something different?”
For a moment, Kad does not answer, and if it were not for the mild tension in his muscles, or the nervous scent that surrounds him, Eya might have thought he had fallen asleep.
“I- No,” he finally answers. “You know… you know, I don’t want that. Not with anyone.”
“Oh.” Eya frowns for a second, trying to understand his words. “Not with anyone, huh? You never told me that part.”
“I… yeah.” Kad carefully twists around in Eya’s arms so he can look at them as he speaks, his brown eyes blinking up at their mismatched ones with uncertainty.
“I only just figured it out a while ago. I didn’t know that was like… an option.”
“Mhm,” Eya hums softly. “I’m glad you figured it out, vod’ika. Glad you felt safe enough to tell me.”
“Kal knows,” Kad admits. Eya is not surprised. The twins share everything.
“They probably figured it out before you did, huh?”
Kad laughs, but he sounds a little sad.
“I- yeah. Sort of.” He shrugs and curls into Eya’s arms again, pressing his cheek to their chest. “But you know them. I’ve never loved anyone more, but they’re not… not the most sensitive. And I wasn’t worried about how you’d react, not really, but there was still this odd fear, this… hesitation that had nothing to do with you and everything with me and-“
“Hey,” Eya interrupts him gently. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. Not if you don’t want to.”
Kad exhales shakily, and for a moment, Eya is reminded that he is so young. The war has made the troopers age faster than any Kaminoan technology could, and yet, he is younger than Eya. A war may be worth lifetimes of peace, but there are some things the troopers just miss out on, a normality they never had.
“Whatever you want to tell me is fine,” Eya murmurs. “But there is no pressure. Go at your own pace.”
Kad huffs against their chest, then nods quietly.
“Let’s go to sleep, vod’ika. Tomorrow we can talk more if either of us feel like it.” Eya hesitates, then lets their tendril gently stroke Kad’s cheek. “We both need rest. It’s been a long day. Thank you for keeping me company, Kad’ika. Nephto knows I needed it.”
Kad presses his forehead against them harder for a second.
“Of course, Eya.”
And though the nightmares never quite go away for either of them, at least they have each other’s presence to comfort them through the painful memories.
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♡ Happy snarwor oc week, everyone! Enjoy some cuddles. ♡
taggies for the usual suspects
@rescuethewretched @deewithani @thefact0rygirl @clonecyare @baba-fett @rowansparrow @tenderclio @twistedstitcher27 @spaceydragons @maygalodon @samanthacookieone @fennccshand @equalityforcats @ashotofspotchka @levi-llama @fantastic-commander-fox @thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi @lackofhonor @a-c-lee @imalovernotahater @ladykatakuri @solidago-sempervirens @meabravo @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @corrabell @sharpbarnacle @amcheeken @snarwor @basilbumble @dear-fifi @dollydee28 @snakerune @rexscyarika @misogirl828 @stcrmhond @shadesofshatteredblue @purgetrooperfox @tachyon-girl @amyroswell @cyarbika @damerondala @rain-on-kamino @kakashibabe02 @pinkiemme @ulchabhangorm
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Left Behind - Chapter 10 - Atlantis
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Gif was made by @abimess aka wifey
Summary: The one where you lived in the apartment under the Maximoff family in Sokovia, or, your journey as a Sokovian civilian to Avenger.
Series Warnings: (+16) Violence, fighting, cursing, civil war environments, abuse of power, assault, torture, underage kissing, psychological torture, substance use, mention of assault/fighting of children, smut, kissing, teasing, insinuation of sexual and moral harassment, verbal offenses.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader || platonic bucky barnes x reader, mentor!natastha romanoff and mentor!steve rogers, bruce banner x reader (friendship), pietro maximoff x reader (friendship).
Words: 3.445K
A/N> I should warn you for the angst in this one i think. Please don't hate the ending of this or the fic. Good reading you all. Also, listen to "Atlantis" by Seafret, i chose the name based on that song.
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Chapter 10 - Atlantis
You ignore the insinuating look Pietro gives you when he sees you leaving Wanda's room in the morning.
"Not a word." You warn threateningly as he raises his arms in surrender, holding back his laughter.
You turn and go back to your room, trying not to smile like an idiot as you prepare for the mission, and failing miserably.
You try not to think about last night, or the morning after, but the feel of Wanda's lips on your skin is all that comes to mind for the next few hours.
Even during breakfast, where after she stole a kiss on your cheek in the hallway before you guys joined the Avengers, and sat beside you at the table while Steve went over some details to everyone, all you could think about was the last night. In Wanda's taste, her hands inside…
"Stop it." She warns softly at your side. Lower enough so only you can hear, and not to get in the way of the captain's speech. You blink in confusion, and then you understand. Feeling your face heat up, you look at her with a mixture of surprise and indignation.
"You can...?"
"Yes, now eat in silence please." She interrupts in the same tone, equally embarrassed as she keeps her gaze on the plate in front of her.
"Wanda?" You try next. And she mutters under her breath, and then she realizes. She rolls her eyes, and goes back to eating. You smile. "I can't believe you didn't tell me you could hear thoughts."
"It was kind of obvious don't you think?" She retorts mentally. "My whole thing is mind control."
"Your whole thing is to be the love of my life." You tease and she chokes lightly on her coffee, making you hold back a laugh as you gently touch her back. She says she's fine softly, and Steve, who had given her a worried look, goes back to talking about planning for the defenses in Sokovia.
"When this is over, I want to try a few things." You mentally tell her and Wanda looks at you quickly before turning her attention back to Steve. You imitate the movement.
"We'll leave as soon as you finish eating." Steve says already getting up. You suddenly feel anxious.
Wanda notices the way your body has tensed, and looks at you immediately.
"Hey, everything okay?" she asks tenderly. You give her a weak smile, placing your hand on her thigh. Wanda puts her hand on top of yours.
"I'm nervous."
"Me too." She confesses. "But we'll be fine. I got you."
"And I got you."
As soon as you join the jet with the rest of the Avengers, you could already feel the control serum starting to wear off.
Sighing a little, you don't even have to ask to have Wanda's hand in yours. Her eyes and fingers glow red for a moment as she helps you, before returning to normal. You mumble a thanks, resting your back against the jet's wall.
"Remember what we trained, Avengers." Announces Steve upon entering. "Removing the civilians is the support team's priority, while Clint searches for Natasha. The strike team must deal with Ultron's guards."
"Yes, captain." The team says in understanding, and then the jet is leaving.
It takes ten minutes for Pietro to start teasing you.
"I hear we had a girls night yesterday." Commented the boy out loud, attracting the attention of Bruce and Bucky, who were standing next to you. Wanda glared at her brother.
"What is it, sestra? I’m just saying.”He joked. You wondered if you could throw him off the jet from that high. "I heard that this type of activity is a great stress reliever."
You felt your face heat up, and you sank into your seat. In the next second, the rest of the team understood. Clint whistled loudly, and Tony laughed. Bruce blushed and pretended to pay attention to his boots while Bucky giggled at Steve's embarrassed expression.
"Forgive me, I'm not following the reason for the humor in this conversation." Vision commented then.
"Don’t you dare." Wanda warned when he saw Pietro raise his hand to tell Vis what was being said, and the boy laughed before ducking.
Vision watched the interaction with confusion, but it was Tony who threw his arm around him.
"They had sex, champion." Tony announced, making you grunt in embarrassment. "I can't wait for Nat to know, she owes me fifteen bucks”.
“What?” Wanda asks, confused.
"Ah, it's just that before you arrived, the golden eyes there were always talking about you." Tony counts with irony. "How much she loved and missed a certain little witch and her inconvenient brother. So we made a bet that you two would work it out. I said it would happen before you went back to Sokovia, but Natasha thought Y/N was slower and would just work it out after we’re done with Ultron."
"Thanks for the faith, Tony." You mumble awkwardly, adjusting your posture. "Now if you don't mind, can you stop talking about my life?"
The team laughs but the comments about you and Wanda stops. Until you reach Sokovia, you spend your time playing with Wanda fingers as you both lay against each other's shoulders while listening to whenever small talk the Avengers build up.
Things get tense once you reach the country.
Steve signals that you arrive and starts moving around to get read for the jet to land.
You only let go of Wanda’s hand to put your suit on and once you’re done, she’s right in front of you, smiling tenderly as she puts a jacket on.
“Are you good?” She asks.
“Yes. You?”
“Yeah.” She aswerns as she moves forward to kiss you firmly on the mouth. It relaxes your body completely, and you keep your hands on top of hers that are on your face until you break the kiss.
You wish you could care about the teasing looks the team cast to you too, but all you see is Wanda.
You sat down quickly on the ground, your body against a wall, while trying to get your breathing back to normal.
Wanda was using her powers to get civilians out of their homes, and well, it took some of her magical attention away from you.
It didn't take long for you to be able to detect all the biological life around you again, meters and meters away, quickly feeling overwhelmed.
"How are we?" Steve asked over the communicator, probably already advancing with the rest of the team towards the former Hydra base. You looked up at the sky to get a quick glimpse of Tony flying in his suit before he vanished away.
"All right around here, Captain." Clint responded first followed by the rest of the team.
Your hesitation made Steve specifically call you, but before you could say anything, Wanda was kneeling beside you, one hand on your shoulder and the other on her communicator.
"We are good." She responded before turning her attention to you completely. You felt her magic envelop you quickly, your body relaxing. "How do you feel, dear?"
"Better now." You respond with a smile. "Thanks."
As she helped you to your feet, you noticed her worried expression, and placed a hand on her cheek.
"I'm fine Wanda, I promise."
"Just don't push too far, okay?" She asks. "You can go back to the jet whenever you want."
"I'll be okay, Wanda." You mumble. "Let's get this over with so we can go back to bed." You teases with a mischievous smile, stealing a kiss before walking away, giving her a wink before heading towards the rest of the civilians.
Ultron had better plans than this.
“We need to get everyone out of here immediately.” Tony told through the communicator. “A vibranium bomb. We don’t have time.”
“Working on it, iron boss.” You mock as you helped another family move out of their home. Just like, Pietro had already headed to police stations and hospitals to remove people from there. There was a large crowd of inhabitants heading out of town, but there were still many more.
Peace ended quickly.
Ultron activated the robot army, and they literally began to sprout from the ground.
"Bucky, we're going to need support here pal." Steve warned through the communicator while you were drawing your pistol to prevent one of the robots from advancing on you.
"On my way, cap." The soldier warned. "Just don't tell my therapist."
You and the team laughed lightly as you fought. The whole thing getting bigger and bigger every minute.
Wanda covered for you while you guided people out, but it was becoming untenable.
So, as soon as she tore apart the small group of Ultron’s army that was surrounding you two, you called her.
"You can't keep babysitting me , this is getting too bad." You warned, your voice almost muffled by the length of the fight. The robots flying above you, and Thor and Vision facing them in the sky.
"I won't leave you." She insisted seriously and you swallowed hard.
“End of discussion.”
“You are cute and all, it's just that we have a situation here. Mind getting back into the fight?" Natasha's voice interrupted the moment over the radio, sounding amused and teasing. You sighed with relief when you realized she was okay, and you exchanged one last look with Wanda before going back to fighting. “By the way, Tony said I lost the bet.”
“Please don’t bring this back.” You ask Natasha, that just laughs before hanging off, not without teasing you about being proud of you for making a move.
The ground shook beneath your feet, making it difficult for you to keep your balance.
"Guys, what's going on?" You asked through the communicator.
Sokovia is going for a ride.
Friday tells the whole team. You gasp in surprise, looking around.
The ground is breaking apart, and the city is rising into the air. You don't need your powers to know that not all buildings are empty. The debris will end up hurting someone.
And even with all that, the advances of Ultron's army get even worse.
You barely have time to duck before Wanda rips apart a robot that attacked you.
Clint catches up with you two the next second.
"We need to regroup, Tony needs us back there." He warns you. You frown.
"Not a chance, there are civilians all over the place." You say, moving quickly to fire at the machines that have appeared behind you.
"Well, we need the offensive back at the church." He counters. "That's where the bomb is."
"You two go then." You say when you finish shooting. Wanda, who has just destroyed three machines at once, turns to you in indignation.
But you don't look at her, you look at the blue flash figure approaching.
“Hey Peete, do you mind?” You shouted to him as he stopped next to you two. He nods at you before picking Wanda up, who has no time to complain. He teases Clint "Keep up, old man." before disappearing at high speed, making you laugh.
Clint looks at you.
“Are you sure?”
"It's my job to protect them.”
“The Maximoff or the civilians?” He mocks, making you roll your eyes.
“Go, Barton.”
It doesn't take long for your biological detection to come back.
You think you're going to pass out. But you take a deep breath, and stumble among cars and wrecking machines.
Calm down. You remember Wanda's soft voice in the glass room. The feel of her fingers on your skin. Calm down, I'm here. You can do this.
"I can do this." You mutter to yourself, trying to keep your balance.
You find a horde around the corner, almost close enough to a group of civilians coming out of the municipal hospital.
Ignoring the feeling of being overwhelmed at being able to feel the fear and despair of those people, you advance with the pistol in your hand.
The machines were destroyed, but not by you.
"You took your time, Barnes." You tease with a wry smile, rushing to help the civilians, feeling their superficial wounds before helping them. Bucky smiles and shrugs, a rifle in his hand as he gives you cover to help the population.
"Two minutes out here and I'm already missing my retirement." He comments as he fires, making you laugh, a bit breathless due your powers. Bucky notices right the way. "Are you all right?"
"I'm just considering retiring too after here." You retort by standing up again, helping the little girl who had bruises on her forehead to join the rest of the family. She smiles in thanks, but you're already walking away again, your head pounding from how many people you can feel at once.
You stumble around the rubble to the front of the municipal hospital. Ignoring the memories you have of the whole neighborhood, you try to focus on some group.
"Y/N, I think there are kids coming out of that corner!" Bucky unnecessarily warns you because you've already felt them.
You recognize Church clothes that the adults leading the group wear. They are coming from the Orphanage where you grew up.
You run to catch up to them, and it's the first time you've really noticed Ultron's cruelty. It's a horde that arises, and they notice you right away. The machine in front follows your gaze to the small group, and it has a chance to shoot only you, but it turns its mechanical hand, and aims directly at the kids.
You widen your eyes, feeling your heart race.
Something explodes in your chest. Everything turns golden before returning to normal color. You can’t see the golden wave that reaches the group because there’s a pain in the back of your head that makes you close your eyes tightly.
The robot fired, but if it weren't for the gunshot marks on the robes, no one would know as none of the civilians had any injury. The kids were wide-eyed, and you fell to your knees.
Bucky shot the machines before looking at you in amazement.
"How did you do that? They were practically a street away." He asked in shock, watching the nuns guide the kids to cover quickly, just as in shock as he was. Your lack of response alarmed him and he turned to face you quickly, touching your shoulder. "Y/N, you're bleeding..."
"I know." You grunt weakly, taking a deep breath as you lean on Bucky to get up. "Let 's keep going."
You wiped the blood running from your nose with your hand, but ignored the wet sensation in your ears. Bucky hesitated.
"No, you're not okay." He insisted. "Let's go back..."
"Let go of me, Bucky." You exclaimed angrily, pulling his hands away. "I heal, don't I? I'll be fine. Let's keep going."
But you are already walking. You can feel all the injured, and you need to keep going.
You help at least two more groups to shelter, until you're resting your hands on your knees and trying to stay on your foot.
You see your blood dripping to the ground, and you hear Bucky's footsteps approaching, so you wipe your face quickly while disguising the way your head is spinning.
"This isn't working Y/N." He says as he looks around at the wreckage. "These things seem to grow out of the ground, and there's no end to them. The city is too high right now and these people have nowhere to go."
You were going to agree with him, but something in the sky caught your eye.
"I think that's their ride." You say while pointing straight ahead.
It's a gigantic ship, flowing alongside the city. You and Bucky exchange a look, before he uses the communicator to confirm that this was a good thing.
With Shield providing shelter for civilians, you started running to help evacuate people from the floating capital of Sokovia.
Your head was spinning, and your feet were about to give up, but you forced yourself to continue.
Your body is shaking when you turn to help a boy who cut his leg.
"Ty angel, devochka? (are you an angel, lady?)" He asks, scared when you heal him and you give a weak laugh.
"Net, ya Avenger. (no, I’m an Avenger.)"
The wound isn't that big, but it's enough to rob the air of your lungs. Bucky guides the boy with the rest of the group back to the ship, and you can barely stand, your stomach turning.
You force yourself to get up. Just a bit longer.
Lifting your hand to your ear, you call out to Wanda while leaning on the car beside you so you don't fall to the ground.
"Wands?" You say wait for her to respond. She sounds worried when she says your name, but you just sigh. "Babe, when this is over, I'm taking you out on a date. Like the cliches we've never done before, okay?"
"Why are you talking like this?" She asked, scared. You can hear the background noises, the way she was probably keeping the bomb safe but facing Ultron's army. "Where are you?"
"I think we should try Disneyland too. Americans seem to love that." You continue as you begin to walk again. One hand on the tech inside your ear and the other in the wound in your belly, formed while you faced the last horde of robots, not healing anymore. "You would like a candlelight date with wine and music, wouldn’t you?"
"Please tell me where you are, I'll come to you." She begs through the radio and you smile before hanging up.
You saw Clint run further to the town.
You take a deep breath, rushing to catch up. You also see the jet Ultron stole rounding the city towards them, the rifles outside ready to aim.
That's why Clint ran there, to save one of the civilians left behind, you notice as you see the little boy on your friend's arm.
You try to do what you did before. Project your healing magic to them to keep them protected, but as you lift your hands to do that, all you feel is a sharp twinge in the middle of your chest and you almost fall to the ground.
Fine, I'll heal them myself. You think impatiently as you ignore your own limit and run.
You are almost there. But so is Ultron. If you stay up front, you think you can protect Clint and the civilian, you'd heal later, no problem.
“I’m gonna win.”
You widen your eyes in surprise when Pietro whispers in your ear, disappearing in his speed the next moment.
No. Don't do this.
You feel the shots before you hear them. You feel it through Pietro's body, who stepped forward to protect Clint.
You throw yourself forward, desperate.
You reach Pietro the second his heart stops beating.
"Piete?" You call to him as he falls into your lap. You can feel the air disappearing from his lungs, life fading away "Hey buddy, don't do that. Pietro! Please..."
You bury your face in his chest, trying to hear something. Anything. You press your hands against his chest next, then his face.
"Don't die on me, Pietro." You beg with a sob. You force your magic in despair. No matter how much it hurts, Pietro cannot die. He just can't.
You can only remember the skinny little boy running with you in your childhood. Laughing with you on the roof. Teaching you to fight.
Your tears mix up with your blood.
"Captain, we have a problem." Clint announces at your side.
I'm not giving up.
You grunt in pain as you press your hands hard on Pietro's chest, your veins popping with a golden light. You're not dying on me.
Something starts to pulse in your head. Loud enough to completely disorient you. Your eyes are heavy, and you choke on your own blood coming out of your mouth.
You smile because you can feel the air returning to your friend's lungs at the same rate as it leaves yours.
When Pietro breathes again, your eyes close.
Tag List> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx || @ymzki-haruki || @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday || @lostandsearching || @lezzzbehonesthere || @musicinourlips || @chaekhan || @diaryoflife || @cristin-rjd
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fantasy-so-far · 2 years
Day 1 - Cross
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            Violetta paced beside her brother’s bed. Though slumber was a rare visitor for her, he had found ways to sleep even when his illnesses were at their wracking. So, when she found him sleeping, she wrestled with the urgency she was feeling. She still didn’t quite have a handle on it when Valerian stirred.
            “I dare say, sister,” he murmured with a groggy smirk. “You look downright cross.”
            Violetta ceased her pacing to turn and look at him, her expression melting into a pout. “Is it terribly obvious?” She asked.
            Valerian shifted up the bed, placing his back against the plush headboard and patting the empty spot beside him. The twins were close, even centuries and calamities had not changed that. Violetta dutifully slipped out of her boots and crawled up beside him. He wrapped a weak arm around her, and she did the same before resting her head on his shoulder.
            “Tell brother your troubles, though if this is about your tall, handsome, and mysterious paramour, I may need a drink,” he teased.
            Violetta rolled her scarlet eyes and shook her head.
            “No. Not about him,” she sighed. “If only it were boy troubles.”
            She didn’t mean it. The man she was falling for was not one that she would ever want troubles with, but perhaps petty romance woes would be better than what weighed on her so heavily.
            “It is about your former retainer. It is about Jason Hollander,” she admitted after composing her thoughts. "I can’t find him and he’s still threatening us. He wants money. The sword wasn’t enough and now he wants money, or he swears he will bring the Patron back to this realm.”
            Valerian remained silent, growing morose as the ancient chronometer steadily counted down the seconds across the room. After a bit, he brushed his hand back through his hair, flattening back his bare ears. They popped back up immediately, unwilted as Valerian continued to concentrate.
            “I can locate him,” he said as he started to stir again.
            Violetta moved to hold him in place. “No. That isn’t what I came here for. I just needed to talk freely about it.”
            Valerian paused and looked at her with concern. “Can you not talk freely about this with your paramour? Or those that truly know you?”
            “No, I can. And he’s …well not just him, but another, they have oathed to help me remove the threat. But, this our burden before it is theirs, isn’t it?”
            “Vi…if the Patron crosses over, it becomes everyone’s problem. Everyone who is close to us,” Valerian reminded firmly. “What is this really about? You come here with anger and fear but you do not want to do anything about it? When have you ever chosen inaction?”
            Words failed her for a few attempts, her painted lips parting and then closing systematically. Though frustrated with her hot and cold approach, Valerian gave her the time she needed, settling back in and wrapping his arm around her once more.
            “I still fear I made the wrong choice and that makes me feel awful,” she admitted quietly. “Something about joining Graveyard Company and befriending so many of them makes me feel awful. Guilty. I am endangering them, and though Kuri and Siegwulf have assured me that I have their support, just as they have mine, I feel as though death waits in my shadow.”
            Valerian rolled his eyes now but smiled comfortingly as he turned to press his forehead against her temple. He spoke softy as he reassured her.
            “My dear, deeply empathetic sister,” he whispered. “From everything you’ve told me, you have not befriended lambs. They are not fragile things, no matter how mortal they are. You have told me their story, and honestly, sister, they are of…legend. They are made of the same material as mythology. You have chosen correctly. You do not doubt them. You doubt yourself and…you need to nip that in the bud. We cannot afford doubt. Do you hear me?”
            Violetta maintained a stoic expression a moment before crumbling. She didn’t shed tears. She wouldn’t waste the energy, but a dry sob shuddered through her. She wasn’t crying out of fear or sorrow. The emotion that swept over her was fueled by the realization that she was letting her brother down by wallowing in her own self-pity.
            “You’re right,” she admitted while turning to press her forehead to his.
            “Of course, I am. I am older.”
            “By less than five minutes,” she replied dryly.
            “Now. I am going to find him. I need time, but I will locate his hidey hole. Give me a week or two? Then, perhaps, you can bring the two you hope to help you?”
            Violetta hesitated slightly but ultimately nodded. Rather than baring more of her concern, she relaxed back against the mountain of pillows and sighed.
            “I will bring you something to eat,” she added after a moment.
            Valerian nodded his approval and settled as well. He broke his silence with something a fair bit less touching.
            “How is Holly, by the way?”
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alcinadimitrescuwu · 3 years
This Woman's Work VIII (An Alcina x Female Reader Fanfic)
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part IX
You allow yourself a moment. Just one. But then you feel anger and hatred for Mother Miranda swirl within your chest. How dare she. How dare she take your child.
You don’t even bother to put on your slippers. You just head out the door of your bedroom. You almost make it to the front door when you hear Cassandra call, “Maman?”
Damn. You were so close, too.
Cassandra walks over to you with a suspicious look on her face. “Where are you going so late at night?”
You might as well tell her the truth. You explain to her what happened and by the end of the explanation, Cassandra looks as livid as you feel. “That bitch..” she hissed. “I’ve always hated the pull she has over Mother. When I am through with her, she’ll wish she had never crossed House Dimitrescu.”
“Cassandra, I need you to stay here.”
“Please, Cassandra dearest. Listen to me. We haven’t much time.” You gently lay a hand on Cassandra’s cheek. “The more time we spend arguing, the further Mother Miranda and your sister get away from us. I’m going to get help from Heisenberg. You stay here and figure out a way to wake your Mother up.”
Cassandra looks like she wants to argue more but in the end she relents. “Fine, Maman. But you better come back.”
“I will.” Then Cassandra surprises you by giving you a big hug. Out of all your daughters, Cassandra had taken the most time to warm up to you and she was never the most physically affectionate person. You can’t help but be moved as Cassandra holds you close.
Cassandra finally lets go and you give her a weak smile as you turn to the castle door and head out. She materializes into her bug form to warn her other sisters.
However, you had been lying to her. You weren’t going to see Heisenberg. You were going to confront Mother Miranda herself.
Suddenly a memory comes unbidden to you. Something about resurrecting Eva and a ceremonial site..
Blood roars in your ears as it finally dawns on you what Miranda has been planning all along.
You don’t think. You just run. You are just in your dressing gown and it is the dead of winter but you don’t care, even as the impact of the cold snow on your feet sends shivers up your spine. Cracks from the cobblestones cut open your feet and as you run you leave a trail of blood as you run pell-mell through the village to the ceremonial site.
Once you finally arrive, the soles of your feet are a bloody mess and your swollen breasts are burning from not being able to feed your baby. You step inside the ceremonial grounds and you see Mother Miranda sitting next to what looks like a sacrificial altar. Ecaterina is suckling contentedly at her breast.
Mother Miranda looks up and a smile blossoms across her features. It would have been breathtaking if you didn’t notice the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Y/N! I was worried you wouldn’t make it! Please come in!”
You step inside. You have so many things you want to say to her but the words die in your throat. You just make strangled sounds.
Mother Miranda ignores this and turns back to Ecaterina. She is practically glowing as she places a small kiss on Ecaterina’s forehead. “Isn’t she just perfect? My daughter. My Eva.”
Ecaterina removes her head from Mother Miranda’s breast and coos. At the sound of your daughter’s voice, you feel a painful twinge as your breasts start leaking milk. You try to school your features in a smile that you know looks ghastly. “Mother Miranda? May I have my daughter back? Please?”
Mother Miranda gives you a pitying look. “Oh, you poor girl,” she says, her voice dripping with condescension. “Are you still operating under the illusion that this child is yours?”
Mother Miranda gently sets Ecaterina down on the altar. Every fiber of your being is screaming to run and get your child, but you know Mother Miranda is unhinged. You have no idea how she will react and she could very well hurt Ecaterina in the process. You can’t risk that.
“Oh, you brought her into the world, of course,” Mother Miranda continues making her way to you. A beam of moonlight casts a lurid gleam on Mother Miranda’s headress. “And for that I will always be grateful. But she simply doesn’t belong to you.”
Mother Miranda stops in front of you. She suddenly catches her face in between her hands, the claws from her gauntlets digging painfully into your cheeks. “Don’t get conceited, you little bitch,” she hisses. “An outsider like you has no place within this family. The Four Lords and I have a bond between us you can’t even fathom. Especially Alcina.” She gives you a wicked grin.
You wish you didn’t give her the satisfaction as the mere mention of your wife’s name makes you inhale sharply.
“Come now, Y/N,” Mother Miranda says. “You can’t possibly think that Alcina loves you, do you? Not in the way she loves me of course.”
You can hardly breathe as Mother Miranda runs her fingers down your cheek, leaving deep gouges in her wake. “Poor Y/N. Not even realizing that you’re just a placeholder. Alcina’s devotion will always first and foremost belong to me.”
You finally manage to speak as you give Mother Miranda a look of pure loathing. No need to hide it now. “Then why did you drug her, you cowardly bitch?”
“Well, I knew she’d be upset after she knew I killed you and took your daughter, but I think eventually she would see reason and that it was for the good of the family.” Mother Miranda’s features twist in a maniacal grin. “Tell me, has she ever called out my name while she’s fucking you?”
“That is quite enough, Mother Miranda.”
You whirl around and see your wife. Her beautiful face is a mask of rage as she advances further into the room. “How dare you? How dare you take my daughter and threaten my wife?! After all my years of service to you?? After everything I have given up for you?!”
“Oh Alcina, don’t be so melodramatic,” Mother Miranda says with a bored expression. “Besides, is that any way to talk to your mother, my favorite?”
Something seems to snap in Alcina. She stands immobile like a statue and there is a glazed look in her eyes.
Mother Miranda holds out her arms. “Come to Mother,” she croons.
Alcina walks over to Mother Miranda’s side. You feel bile rise up in your throat as you see Alcina take Mother Miranda in a passionate embrace. Alcina’s lips move over Mother Miranda’s hungrily and Mother Miranda smiles against them, chuckling humorlessly.
Alcina this is wrong, you scream silently in your mind. You know it’s wrong!
Finally, mercifully, the two break apart. Alcina’s lipstick is smeared all over Mother Miranda’s mouth and it looks like blood. “Alcina, dearest?” Mother Miranda asks loftily.
“Yes, Mother Miranda?” Your heart breaks at the love and devotion shining in Alcina’s eyes as she gazes down at Mother Miranda.
Mother Miranda waves a lazy hand in your direction. “Dispose of her, would you?”
Alcina turns around to face you. “Alcina?” you whisper as she advances towards you. You see no recognition in her golden eyes as she unsheathes her claws. Before you can say another word, she has rammed her claws into your side. She pulls back her claws as you fall to the ground. Blood is already spreading in a thick puddle around you on the floor.
“Good girl,” Mother Miranda praises.”You’ve made Mother very happy.”
Alcina finally seems to come back to herself. She looks over at your still figure and turns to Mother Miranda in horror. “What did you make me do?” she whispers. When Mother Miranda doesn’t answer, she stalks over to her and shakes her violently. “What did you make me DO?” Ecaterina begins to cry.
“What needed to be done,” Mother Miranda replies with no inflection. She gives Alcina a gentle smile and wipes the tears running down Alcina’s face. “Besides, that girl was standing in the way of our happiness. You know I’ve always loved you best.”
Alcina’s breath hitches in a sob. “I know, but-”
Mother Miranda pulls Alcina close in a hug. “Shhh. She was only temporary, Alcina. We are forever. Besides, with her gone we can finally raise Eva together. Would you like that?”
Alcina nods her head slowly. “Y-yes.”
Mother Miranda holds out her hand to Alcina. “All you need to do is take my hand and we can start a new life together.”
Alcina reaches out and takes Mother Miranda’s hand. With her other hand she rams all five feet of her claws through Mother Miranda’s heart.
Mother Miranda coughs up blood and gives Alcina a look of pure shock. “Alcina- I don’t understand- Why-”
Alcina pulls Mother Miranda closer and Mother Miranda gives out a yelp of pain as Alcina’s claws dig further through Mother Miranda’s back. “I don’t want to see you anywhere near my family again,” Alcina says in a low voice. “Do you understand me?”
“You can’t do this to me!” Mother Miranda shrieks. “I’m your mother!”
“You’re no mother of mine,” Alcina replies flatly. She swipes her claws from Mother Miranda, severing her torso from her midsection.
Alcina watches the light fade from Miranda’s eyes and then she rushes over where you are lying on the floor. Blood is flowing freely from the wound in your side. Alcina tears off strips from her dress sleeves to help staunch the blood flow but there is simply too much. Rags of her dress begin to pile up covered in your blood.
“Alcina? Jesus, what happened here?” Heisenberg walks into the ceremonial chamber and when he sees Alcina holding your still form he rushes over.
Mascara is running down Alcina’s cheeks. “Karl, I can’t get the blood to stop,” she sobs.
“We’ll get help. Where’s the little rugrat?”
Alcina points to the altar and aside from a little blood spatter from you or Miranda (it’s hard to tell), the baby is otherwise fine.
Your eyes flutter open suddenly. “Alcina?” you say sluggishly. “Why are you crying?”
“Oh, my dearest darling,” Alcina’ voice breaks as she takes your hand and holds it to her cheek. “What have I done to you?”
Heisenberg returns with the baby in tow. “Alcina we have to go. Now.”
“Karl?” You look over at Heisenberg as Alcina gathers you up into her arms. Your eyelids begin to flutter closed. “I’m so sleepy…”
“No, no, honey, don’t close your eyes just yet,” Karl pats your cheek affectionately. “We’re going to get you some help. Just hold on till then, ok?” “‘Kay,” you say as you fall into a deep sleep in your wife’s arms.
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kradogsrats · 2 years
Rewatch Shitposts: S3, Ep 5-9
“I am the senate law”
SOREN, my baby
Soren like “and you all said CHA was a dump stat lmao”
“You are okay, right?” Claudia I can 110% assure you he is absolutely not okay and has not been for quite a while
Oh fuck, that “everything’s going to be okay, Dad” is very relevant to some of my current interests. I must have subconsciously remembered it.
Not shown: how Soren explains why he’s going back into the castle with his wagon of hay for the hungry, hungry horses still full
Pretty sure this ambler chase is a Breath of the Wild boss fight
ngl I do enjoy a good fictional fascist motivational speech
of course it’s a bit ruined because all I can hear at the end is “YOU are the weakest link, GOODBYE”
the smollest loaf of bread omg
Nyx like “I’ll just be sending you my matchmaker fee later, yeah?”
Aaravos: “you killed Avizandum”, Viren: “how dare you! …so who the fuck is that”
Ah, there we go with the last breath
Okay, so the unicorn horn can’t be in Puzzle House, because Claudia only got it right before Thunder was killed? Well, then I’m again no longer sure where they’re going with that. Unless it’s “Claudia meets the last unicorn as a child, then comes back for its horn ten years later.”
Appreciate Kasef’s “Wingarduim Levio-SAH” moment
… Horse girl Aaravos
Claudia really is behind literally every spell in this story isn’t she
Zubeia dying of a broken heart, as is traditional for cartoon mothers and also Padme Amidala
OH, Claudia DOES see adoraburrs, and it is perfection
Ah, the “Aaravos, no” “Aaravos YES” conversation
Basically Aaravos realizing that subtlety is absolutely not required at this point, thank you Viren
Shoutout to the multiple fanfics carefully describing thicc wormvaros crawling down Viren’s throat to be smuggled into Lux Aurea, that also is just gonna live rent-free in my head forever
“No, Mister Bond… I expect you to die”
If you haven’t read the ToX sourcebook adventure about the corrupted Sunforge as nuclear meltdown allegory, highly recommend because it’s actually pretty funny?
Kasef thinking he’s being the hero everyone needs…
Ibis a fucking hottie tbh
Ten days ago is what… when Zubeia would have received Runaan’s message? ... that is a joke about the series’ compressed timeline, I know that s1ep1 was longer ago than that.
Soren: “you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like”
Love Calllum’s noodle arm during that fulminis cast
Scouting from the sky is not super useful when you’re above the cloud layer
Viren: /gets roundhouse-kicked doen a flight of stairs, literally bouncing the entire way down, me: … AND THEN HE DIED
Where was Zubeia, anyway? Postpartum spa day?
Soren really nailing it here
I know exactly enough ASL to see Callum spell “Rayla” and then do “friend”
Huh, I think Rayla just introduced two recaps in a row?
“transcend the limits of your human form” is usually a bad idea in this kind of context, just saying
I feel like it cannot be overstated how much LotR clearly influenced this initial battle choreography, but y’know what? Fair.
”I got more wind where that came from” is such a tragedy of a missed fart joke opportunity, but someone probably thought it was a mood-killer
Aanya just straight-up shoots a dude to death, demonstrating that she is, in fact, this show’s single biggest badass
Fire damage immunity a questionable trade-off for critical weakness to piercing
”We would have been here earlier, but we had to stop and make these sick battle standards”
Viren just… carries the coins everywhere, then? okay
Ah… of course. I see now what’s happening, here. (tbh it should have been obvious)
… and then he ACTUALLY died, despite there being no stairs involved(?)
Hmmm, Janai and the other Sunfire elves doing the human gesture of respect for the human king
I wonder if Zym will have a voice for s4?
/falls face down on the floor and just lies there
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Lmao 🤣 I know to which post you are replying about them being besties . That scene always gave me more ominous vibes than actually something that would ignite friendship . Also the title of " Usurper's Dog " isn't something @ry@ is going to take lightly .
Ha! I actually didn't have any particular post in mind. The Dany/Arya friendship is just something that I see float around the fandom from time to time and it drives me absolutely bonkers (not fanon. feel free to explore all your platonic dreams with these two in fanon. Go wild. You do you.)
If we are talking canon though, I can't think of a single character that has more anti-Targ foreshadowing in their chapters than Arya (even Jon comes in second place). I actually started pasting bits of Arya's chapters into a word document awhile ago, because I couldn't believe how much GRRM uses her POV to detail the horrors of fire and burning...it's almost comical how heavy-handed he is with it.
And yet...
After I saw this ask in my inbox, I looked at the Arya Stark tag and immediately found a post about Dany and Arya being best friends.
Here we are:
A Storm of Swords - Arya I
Later they passed through a burned village, threading their way carefully between the shells of blackened hovels and past the bones of a dozen dead men hanging from a row of apple trees. When Hot Pie saw them he began to pray, a thin whispered plea for the Mother's mercy, repeated over and over. Arya looked up at the fleshless dead in their wet rotting clothes and said her own prayer. Ser Gregor, it went, Dunsen, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei. She ended it with valar morghulis, touched Jaqen's coin where it nestled under her belt, and then reached up and plucked an apple from among the dead men as she rode beneath them. It was mushy and overripe, but she ate it worms and all.
That was the day without a dawn. Slowly the sky lightened around them, but they never saw the sun. Black turned to grey, and colors crept timidly back into the world. The soldier pines were dressed in somber greens, the broadleafs in russets and faded golds already beginning to brown.
Hot Pie opened his mouth and closed it. He did not fall off his horse. The rain began again a short time later. They still had not seen so much as a glimpse of the sun. It was growing colder, and pale white mists were threading between the pines and blowing across the bare burned fields.
A Storm of Swords - Arya III
That night they sheltered in a burned, abandoned village.
A Storm of Swords - Arya IV
The next night they found shelter beneath the scorched shell of a sept, in a burned village called Sallydance. Only shards remained of its windows of leaded glass, and the aged septon who greeted them said the looters had even made off with the Mother's costly robes, the Crone's gilded lantern, and the silver crown the Father had worn. "They hacked the Maiden's breasts off too, though those were only wood," he told them. "And the eyes, the eyes were jet and lapis and mother-of-pearl, they pried them out with their knives. May the Mother have mercy on them all."
A Storm of Swords Arya VI
"Please," Sandor Clegane rasped, cradling his arm. "I'm burned. Help me. Someone. Help me." He was crying. "Please."
Arya looked at him in astonishment. He's crying like a little baby, she thought.
Clegane tried to stand, but as he moved a piece of burned flesh sloughed right off his arm, and his knees went out from under him. Tom caught him by his good arm and held him up.
His arm, Arya thought, and his face. But he was the Hound. He deserved to burn in a fiery hell. The knife felt heavy in her hand. She gripped it tighter. "You killed Mycah," she said once more, daring him to deny it. "Tell them. You did. You did."
"I did." His whole face twisted. "I rode him down and cut him in half, and laughed. I watched them beat your sister bloody too, watched them cut your father's head off."
Lem grabbed her wrist and twisted, wrenching the dagger away. She kicked at him, but he would not give it back. "You go to hell, Hound," she screamed at Sandor Clegane in helpless empty-handed rage. "You just go to hell!"
(Okay, so she's not exactly sympathetic to the Hound's plight here, but still...another reference to burning, and a pretty graphic one at that)
A Storm of Swords - Arya VII
Jack-Be-Lucky, Harwin, and Merrit o' Moontown braved the burning septry to search for captives. They emerged from the smoke and flames a few moments later with eight brown brothers, one so weak that Merrit had to carry him across a shoulder.
The septry soon collapsed in a roar of smoke and flame, its walls no longer able to support the weight of its heavy slate roof. The eight brown brothers watched with resignation. They were all that remained, explained the eldest, who wore a small iron hammer on a thong about his neck to signify his devotion to the Smith. "Before the war we were four-and-forty, and this was a prosperous place. We had a dozen milk cows and a bull, a hundred beehives, a vineyard and an apple arbor. But when the lions came through they took all our wine and milk and honey, slaughtered the cows, and put our vineyard to the torch.
A Storm of Swords - Arya XI
"Dead," he shouted back at her. "Do you think they'd slaughter his men and leave him alive?" He turned his head back toward the camp. "Look. Look, damn you."
The camp had become a battlefield. No, a butcher's den. The flames from the feasting tents reached halfway up the sky. Some of the barracks tents were burning too, and half a hundred silk pavilions. Everywhere swords were singing. And now the rains weep o'er his hall, with not a soul to hear. She saw two knights ride down a running man. A wooden barrel came crashing onto one of the burning tents and burst apart, and the flames leapt twice as high. A catapult, she knew. The castle was flinging oil or pitch or something.
"Come with me." Sandor Clegane reached down a hand. "We have to get away from here, and now." Stranger tossed his head impatiently, his nostrils flaring at the scent of blood. The song was done. There was only one solitary drum, its slow monotonous beats echoing across the river like the pounding of some monstrous heart. The black sky wept, the river grumbled, men cursed and died. Arya had mud in her teeth and her face was wet. Rain. It's only rain. That's all it is. "We're here," she shouted. Her voice sounded thin and scared, a little girl's voice. "Robb's just in the castle, and my mother. The gate's even open." There were no more Freys riding out. I came so far. "We have to go get my mother."
(heart: broken)
Look, there is a lot to say about fire and about rain in Arya's chapters, particularly in A Storm of Swords. I don't have the energy for it, so I'm just dumping quotes. Draw your own conclusions.
This collection is by no means exhaustive, and I'm sure there is someone more dedicated than I am, who has written something about this symbolism. (If anyone has it, send me a link).
All I'm saying is that GRRM isn't throwing all this devastation by fire and blood into Arya's chapters as positive foreshadowing for how she'll feel when a certain conqueror cross the Narrow Sea with her dragons.
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