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dustedmagazine · 8 days ago
Liam Grant — Prodigal Son (VHF Records)
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How does one go about making music not usually understood as “punk” sound like punk? How best to apply the DIY ethos, the construction by destruction, of punk art to other genres? How can the guide-fires that have been lit by past iconoclasts of the underground illuminate explorations in different styles? Maine-based fingerstyle guitarist Liam Grant provides his answers to these questions in the form of his sophomore LP, Prodigal Son (out 2/21/2025 on VHF Records), a collection of anti-tradition-traditional-style music — American Primitive with a capital A and P through a dirtied lens — kindly and perhaps counter-intuitively dedicated to his parents.
The opening track, “Palmyra,” starts with a gong-like bang on the open strings of a Weissenborn lap dobro prior to dipping into a sunny, up-tempo Fahey-style postmodern country blues jam. A typical start for a post-Jack-Rose guitar soli record, except that it sounds like it was run through the same amp and pedals Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein used while recording “Where Eagles Dare”, with the gain on the tape machine dimed à la Bowie recording Raw Power. The disconnect between the refinement of the playing and the fidelity of the recording is striking. It isn’t circumstantially lo-fi, nor is it an attempt to sound vintage like a dusty 78 rpm disc, going back to the source — it’s an intentional push into distortion, taking something pretty and covering it in mud.
This distressed audio technique works well with the blues style music, you can situate the gritty sound of the slide in some kind of smoky Roadhouse scenario — trade out the casual violence for folks talking over each other about obscure records from Western Massachusetts while the guitar wails. It takes on another dimension of abstraction when Grant switches out the slide for the twelve-string and gets in raga mode. The lightning-like knots of fingerpicking on the moody, roughly thirteen-minute eastern-infected journey “Salmon Tails Up The River” dissolve into flattened fields of blown-out tape fuzz, blending with the textured booms of the low end strings to create a speaker-straining mass of sound. Another lengthy twelve-string piece, “Insult to Injury,” opens the B-side with a meditative counterpoint to the sturm und drang of “Salmon Tails”,twinkling riffs cutting through the sonic haze like a gentle ship passing through ocean fog.
The last two songs on Prodigal Son show different ways of approaching folk, in a broad sense, in a punk way, first by paying tribute to an originator, second by an invocation of the DIY lifestyle. “A Moment at the Door” is a take on a composition by a master of boundary-clearing, broke-down blues guitar playing, Loren Mazzacane Connors. The overdriven recording here finds a comfortable middle ground where Grant ably recreates Connor’s minimalist electric guitar style on his six-string acoustic, magnetic hiss filling the stretches between notes. The album closer “Old Country Rock” is a loose and joyous live cut from the Grant/McGuire/Flaherty old-time trio. This is where the DIY lifestyle aspect of Grant’s project comes in. Last year this trio embarked on an extensive Southeastern US tour, booking it and conducting business in a way that would��ve been familiar to Black Flag in 1981, if you substituted phone calls for Instagram DMs. Twenty years ago, the original incarnation of Old Crow Medicine Show were constantly touring road-dogs bringing Beale Street jug band songs from the twenties and thirties to places no one had ever played them before. The *music* wasn’t punk, but they were – not because of how they sounded but because of how they did things. Patti Smith, asked likely for the millionth time what punk was, said “To me, punk rock is the freedom to create, freedom to be successful, freedom to not be successful, freedom to be who you are.” Punk has never been an aesthetic genre. It’s a way of being, and Liam Grant literally slides into it on the first track of Prodigal Son.
Joshua Moss
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kf4rws-actual · 2 months ago
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The Yaesu FTM-150 is a 55w VHF (2 meter) / 50w UHF (70 cm) dual band, mobile radio that features a Super DX function that increases the rig's receiver sensitivity and improves weak signal (sounds like a built-in pre-amp). It has a data port in the back and an MicroSD card slot. Price? $380 +/- Run over to X and follow this guy if you haven't already.
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icom-uk · 2 years ago
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An overview schematic of the IC-M510BB Black Box Marine VHF Radio, which, when using the HM-195GB CommandMic, can provide up to three independent stations. In addition, the IC-M510BB features an AIS Receiver function with the display on the CommandMic, a voice recording function and a dedicated DSC Remote Control function allowing connection to PC console software or an external device.
For more details about this model, visit our product pages: https://icomuk.co.uk/IC-M510BB_Black_Box_VHF-DSC_Transceiver_with_AIS_Receive_Facility/Mounted-VHF-DSC-Marine-Radio
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bisexual-engineer-guy · 5 months ago
How it feels trying to jump into a VHF/UHF repeater conversation with like a half a month of experience and a bit of autism:
waiting for my turn to speak in a conversation and trying not to interrupt literally feels like I'm trying to jump into a game of double dutch
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s3znl-gr3znl · 2 days ago
just learned abt GMRS radios, im a radio gal now. boutta get my freq on uhf style
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productworldusa · 26 days ago
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Icom M510 EVO 41 VHF w/NMEA 2000 & FREE M25 Floating Handheld VHF Marine Radio - 5W - Blue http://dlvr.it/THHZ2Y
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coastalhamradio · 5 months ago
Some More New Radios From Fleetwood Products On The Horizon
Coming Soon. Full details at: https://www.fleetwooddp.com/products/retevis-ra25-dual-band-mini-mobile-amateur-ham-radio-with-cigarette-lighter-plug?se_activity_id=182121136407&syclid=cr95llql71pc739f11u0&utm_campaign=emailmarketing_182121136407&utm_medium=email&utm_source=shopify_email Full Details at:…
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genexxer · 6 months ago
90s? In it to the end where the flood brings it home at 2am. Meditation. Stop trying to figure it out. Just be ready to dig in at the end. Good suit. Should've had a radio. Should've been better looking shark bait.
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cbplus-radiocom · 9 months ago
 Le Alinco DJ-MD5-XEG est un émetteur-récepteur portable destiné aux professionnels et aux radioamateurs (selon fréquence utilisée).
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Le Alinco DJ-MD5XEG est un bibande VHF/UHF pouvant fonctionner à la fois en mode analogique et en mode numérique suivant la norme DMR.
Nouvelle version X-TREME XEG améliorée avec récepteur GPS intégré, support APRS, roaming relais automatique, cryptage AES 256 bits, etc…
Grand afficheur couleur, puissance d'émission réglable 4 positions de 0.2 jusque 5 watts, enregistreur intégré, CTCSS, DCS, DTMF, 2 tons, 5 tons, touches programmables, envoi de messages texte, sélection automatique des canaux et relais en fonction de la position géographique, 4000 canaux, 250 zones, 250 listes de balayage, etc…
Le talkie-walkie Alinco DJ-MD5XEG est livré avec une batterie Lithium-ion, un socle chargeur avec adaptateur secteur 220V, une antenne et un clip ceinture. Différents accessoires sont disponibles en option : housse, adaptateur allume-cigare, batterie supplémentaire, microphone, micro/oreillette, etc…
Plus d'informations à propos du Alinco DJ-MD5 XEG :
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schibborasso · 9 months ago
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Rembrandt (1953-1956)
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broadcastarchive-umd · 10 months ago
Originally posted April 5, 2014.
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When TV sets had two channel knobs and you were the remote control.
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dustedmagazine · 5 months ago
Elkhorn — The Red Valley (VHF)
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Photo by Sam Erickson
The two guitarists of Elkhorn meet up again for a bout of mesmeric drone, the sound this time more electric than pastoral but as open-ended as ever. As always, Jesse Sheppard mans the 12-string, whether acoustic or electrified, while Drew Gardner plays the six, as well as a few other instruments notably zither and vibraphone. Gardner is responsible, as well, for the pounding, grounding percussion in The Red Valley, nothing complicated but a key component of making this duo sound like a band. And finally, Jesse Sparhawk contributes lever harp and pedal steel. It’s a lush, enveloping sound, nothing minimal about it.
“Black Wind of Kayenta” runs dark and more turbulent, building ominous, western-tinged expanses in distortion blasted low-end runs. An acoustic dances atop these shadowy foundations, bending and flowering in high blues licks. I hear a sunset here, the air darkening, the clouds lit up with brilliance, a few stray rays of sunlight still on hand but not for long.
“Inside Spider Rock,” by contrast, is a prickly blossom, all pizzicato runs and trebly flourishes, aided by Sparhawk’s lever harp. This is an instrument favored by Celtic musicians for its quick, hand-manipulated tunings (as opposed to the classical harp which works with pedals), and Sparhawk makes the most of its sparkling, note-flurrying radiance, an excellent match for the ethereal overtones of 12-string.
Elkhorns roots are in blues, folk and country, though you won’t hear much of the latter until “Jackrabbit Hops” with its eerie masses of pedal steel (Sparhawk, evidently) and bent notes melting like Dali’s clocks. A jangle of bells, a slash of cymbals works as atmosphere, but not really as timekeeping. This track moves on its own schedule, stretching minutes out like taffy and snapping back in quick rhythmic bursts.
“Gray Salt Trail” is the long one, quiet reverie that sits at the intersection of blues, folk and raga, very much the neighborhood Jack Rose inhabited when not in Dr. Ragtime mode. There’s a bit of rock churn in the way that the guitars roar up, a bit more distortion and dissonance than on, say, “Cathedral et Chartres,” but the vibe is similar. The song goes on for more than nine minutes, but who’s in any hurry when the shimmer hits the shadow like this?
Jennifer Kelly
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icom-uk · 2 months ago
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We are always looking for Icom stories to share with the world and we have written and published a few recently.  We had a response from one of our friends in Europe, Lukasz Berejowski, who is a Polish ham operator, with a callsign SP1B who has been a devoted enthusiast for 25 years and his passion extends far beyond the airwaves. He's a vocal advocate for Icom radios using them exclusively across his impressive collection and even incorporating them into his maritime communication training courses.
To read about Lukasz use of Icom radios, click here: https://icomuk.co.uk/Lukasz-Berejowski-A-Passionate-Icom-Advocate-from-Poland/4007/4884/
If you have an Icom-related story that you would like us to feature please get in touch with us at [email protected]
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kidsontheair-official · 1 year ago
Calling CQ..
Ever heard of Ham Radio? The name conjuring up imagery of old guys sitting at dimly lit desks with archaic equipment and discussing what went in and out of their body last Thursday? Yeah that one!
There is a growing community of youth operators dedicated to the hobby, and at a time where technology has made it easier than ever to get involved, you can too!
If you've ever had an interest in electrical engineering, analog systems, audio/broadcast tech, IT, astronomy or anything STEM related, you could broaden your skills by teaching yourself (and getting some very real qualifications) electrical and radiocommunications theory.
Our program KOTA, is designed to both teach you the skills you need to get licensed, as well as showcasing just how awesome the hobby really is (Quick chat with an astronaut anybody?)
It you're interested drop us a line at [email protected] and I'll get you in touch with the right people to get you started.
73s for now!
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ronlanham · 2 years ago
It remains dark, gloomy, and cool. Rain is falling. There is refuge inside with work. And a bit of radio today. Using DMR and my VHF/UHF radio to chat on the repeaters. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the day
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productworldusa · 2 months ago
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Shakespeare AIS 4ft Phase III Antenna http://dlvr.it/TGvZwk
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