candyredmusings · 11 months
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hopefuldoubts · 12 days
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brielle mitchell. 27. the ice queen. works at the clothing boutique. gemini. dependent muse blog for hollowcreekfm.
brielle mitchell moved into hollow creek about five years ago. and because of that she is still currently learning all of the history of the town. though, she does have a secret of her own that she has been keeping to herself and refuses to tell anyone about it because she didn't know what to do with the entire situation at first. fashion was something she had gotten into when she was younger and dreams of opening up her own clothing boutique one day. while not much of an artist she's not on the fashion designing side of thing, but she still adores fashion either way. once her parents had divorced it brought her siblings and her together and pulled them closer. they only had each other to lean on in the harder times of things. and watching the way things play out int he way they did just showed how things would be okay if they had each other around them. underneath the surface of it all, brielle does have apart of her that truly does care about people. but for her own self and the way that she ends up coping with things is to pretend that she doesn't. to put on that cold 'ice queen' exterior and pretend that nothing else matters and that she's got it all figured out on her own. she's learned the hard way that the only other person she could ever count on is herself. and that alone is the biggest reason as to why brielle is the way she is known to be by people within hollow creek.
( SAMANTHA LOGAN. TWENTY SEVEN. FEMALE. SHE / HER. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s ( BRIELLE MITCHELL ) wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for ( 5 YEARS ) i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a ( CLOTHING BOUTIQUE WORKER ) in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: ( MAKEUP SCATTERED AROUND THE VANITY, CLOTHES EVERYWHERE, MESSY ROOM, CHAMPAGNE AND MARTINI’S, RED LIPSTICK. ) If anything, i feel like they could be ( HARDWORKING, VAIN, RELIABLE AND VENGEFUL. ) it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is ( CLOSED FILE… REDACTED. ) wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be ( THE ICE QUEEN. ) just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade! ( N. 27. EST. SHE / HER. ) 
a lot of the times she has a closed off kind of attitude.
ever since her parents divorce she kind of just felt as though her life was all over the place.
brielle did take a liking to fashion and eventually would like to end up opening up her own shop either with a friend who shares the same passion as her or on her own.
due to her secret, she remains quiet. but it was one of the harder things that she's had to experience. conflicting with what exactly to do and how the situation should've properly been handled.
if she doesn't know you at all, then she may be cold and rude.
underneath the cold exterior there's someone who feels deeply and does care.
but she just figures that showing that she doesn't care about anything at first can sometimes be easier than feeling anything at all.
she's close with her siblings due to their family dynamic.
she's dreamed of being in fashion since she was quite young.
since she has only been living within hollow creek for such a short amount of time, she is still learning about all of the history that comes from the town.
she feels as though she has bad luck with certain things sometimes.
she copes by going to the beach and relaxing. it's the only way that she could get herself to clear her head.
full name: brielle 'bri' mitchell.
age: 27.
star sign: gemini.
birthday: june 16th 1997.
nickname: bri.
favorite light pink and dark blue.
job: works at the clothing boutique.
marital status: single.
sexuality: bisexual.
family members: lynn mitchell ( mother ), jonathan mitchell ( father ), caleb mitchell ( brother ), and isabella mitchell. ( sister ).
pronouns: she / her.
pets: 1 dog.
positive traits: reliable and hardworking.
negative traits: van and vengful.
label: the ice queen.
faceclaim: samantha logan.
family who don't speak.
best friends since they were born.
close friends.
friends with benefits.
used to date but it didn't work out.
blind date.
stood her up.
enemies to friends.
exes on good terms.
exes on bad terms.
have mutual friends.
friends to enemies.
family friends.
currently dating.
had a falling out.
got ghosted / was ghosted.
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fcrox · 1 month
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As long as she could soar around on her broom, touching clouds and flying alongside the birds that were as free as they could be, she was happy. It was in those moments that she glowed the brightest. But to every bright side there is a darkness that can be equally as strong.
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FULL NAME: Clara Ivanova
ALIAS/NICKNAME: Little Birdie, Spitfire
AGE: Twenty Eight
BIRTH DATE: May 2nd, 1951
AFFILIATION: Neutral (officially), Death Eater siding (truthfully)
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Woman. She/her
OTHER LIVING CONDITIONS: Estate in the countryside, Bulgaria
OCCUPATION: Professional Quidditch player for the Bulgarian National Team, Chaser for the Falmouth Falcons, Former Chaser of the Vratsa Vultures
PETS: Valinor (barn owl), Orban (ragdoll cat)
WAND: Reed, Dragon Heartstring, 13 3/4 inch, unbending
PATRONUS: Erumpent
BOGGART: A house on fire, her stuck inside
SCENT: Broom Polish, Rain, and roses
SONG: One woman army by Porcelain Black, Wouldn't you like by EPIC: the musical, Dance the Night by Dua Lipa, Princesses don't cry by CARYS, Killer Queen by Mad Tsai, Made you look by Meghan Trainor
PINTEREST: here !! (in the making)
AESTHETIC: brooms and bottles of polish, tall shelves in a library filled with countless books, clouds drifting by, leaves blowing in the wind, a quaffle being thrown, players rushing by, the colors blue and yellow, a smile against the sun, long brown locks rustling in the wind, swan lake in a dark room, a bird in a cage
PARENTS: Raya Ivanova née Todorova-Rookwood & Boyan Ivanov
SIBLINGS: Nikolay Ivanov (older brother).
OTHER FAMILY: Cephus Rookwood (grandfather). Iliyan Todorova (cousin).
SCHOOL: Durmstrang
EXTRACURRICULAR: Chaser of the Quidditch team, Astronomy Club, Dueling Club
CLASSES INVESTED IN: Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Magical Theory, Potions
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Bulgarian, English, Russian, French
EYE COLOR: Dark Brown
HAIR COLOR: Brunette
SCARS: None.
INTELLIGENCE: High. Adaptive.
SKILLS: wandless magic (practicing), dueling (decent), flying (expert), quidditch (knowledge, adept), transfiguration (excellent)
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, determined, intuitive, feisty, fierce
NEGATIVE TRAITS: vengeful, stubborn, bossy, manipulative towards enemies, comes across as arrogant at times, can be equally arrogant
Clara was born as the child of Raya Ivanova and Boyan Ivanov, sister to Nikolay. Due to being a second born as well as a girl she wasn't considered as heir and truly, it was a blessing that she came to appreciate as she grew up. Her childhood was spent with the usual things; dance lessons, manner classes and all other things her parents expected her to eventually come to live up to. Her father, a supporter of the Dark Lord from the earliest rumors on and her mother in favor of purity made things rather clear.
It was around age six that she first sat on a broom and immediately fell in love with the feeling. It wasn't until years later that she realized that the feeling was something akin to freedom. Clara grew up, for the better part of her childhood and early teenage years as a bird in a gilded cage. Despite her future having been made rather clear to her from the beginning, the young witch did not let it deter her from a path of breaking out of her own shackles. If it came down to it, she would do whatever she would have to but until then she would keep fighting.
And fight she did. From the moment she sat foot into Durmstrange the young girl made sure to study hard, show her peers and those around her that there was more to her than simply a pretty head. The moment the chance offer itself she did join the quidditch team and from there on out it was like the doors and windows around her had opened. Not only was she skilled on a broom, the witch was incredibly talented when it came to the sport. Through it she received her ticket to a form of freedom, limited but very much of her own.
Upon graduation she joined the Vrasta Vultures. So long as her parents hadn't found a candidate and the career was booming Clara was off the hook of her parents' plans. Freedom, for now. And she truly thrived in the sport, eventually landing herself a nomination as player of the Bulgarian National team. Through the sport she thrived, made friends. One of which she followed all the way to England after he'd left; all in support after having been offered to play on two of the teams located within the area. Loyalty was a big thing. It came as a rather nice benefit then that the move became a form of freedom.
Recently her brother's arrived as well, pledged to the cause but also very much the one to watch over her in her parents' place. Luckily they do get along splendidly well.
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hamliet · 2 years
Rereading A Dance With Dragons
Behold, the last ASOIAF book as of... the past eleven years. Eleven years ago I was only just beginning to escape my upbringing. Woof. But I will reread the TWOW chapters that have been released thus far after this.
In case you missed it, in light of my recent Fire & Blood reread, I decided to reread the whole ASOIAF series because, well, why not. Below are some general observations/musings on the themes, character arcs, alchemy, and foreshadowing. I’ll do this for the others as well. It’s not really a meta proper, so much as observations and thoughts.
Thoughts on A Game of Thrones here, A Clash of Kings here, A Storm of Swords, and A Feast for Crows.
Death and Rebirth and Identity
There's a major motif of fakeout deaths and real deaths this book. Aegon appears to be back from the dead. Wyman Manderly fakes Davos' death. Theon claims to have died back in Winterfell.
Tyrion himself thinks of himself:
And if truth be told, he had perished long ago, back in King’s Landing. It was only his revenant who remained, the small vengeful ghost...
Jon literally dies. And Daenerys undergoes a miscarriage and is feared dead after flying away on Drogon.
Then we have all the minor deaths in the story. I particularly want to talk about Janos Slynt, because his death seemed particularly cruel even for a terrible man. He begs for mercy. Death is something people in this series are happy to sling about, but when it comes for them, they are scared. There is nothing scarier than death.
To see what Martin is doing with this, let's look at the way Theon is portrayed. He slowly starts to reclaim his identity, his name. Because of this, he takes heroic actions he never would have previously.
To be a hero, you must confront death in an intimately personal way in ASOIAF. Why? Because the final villain is death embodied in the Others. And yet death itself is a paradox, because there's nothing so universally human as death, not even birth. Realizing that is a way of defeating death as well.
People vs Ideas
Martin continues this theme through Tyrion pointing out to Aegon that he's assuming Daenerys is an idea:
“She will. She must.” “Must?” Tyrion made a tsking sound. “That is not a word queens like to hear. You are her perfect prince, agreed, bright and bold and comely as any maid could wish. Daenerys Targaryen is no maid, however. She is the widow of a Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons and sacker of cities, Aegon the Conqueror with teats. She may not prove as willing as you wish.” “She’ll be willing.” Prince Aegon sounded shocked. It was plain that he had never before considered the possibility that his bride-to-be might refuse him. “You don’t know her.”
What is ironic about this is that Aegon is himself an idea, a concept. Varys says as much:
Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk.
He's not the real Aegon (more on that below), but does it matter? It won't in King's Landing, nor to the Faith when they crown Aegon (and I do think they will). I've talked before about Aegon as an idea here and here.
Aegon isn't the only one interested in an idea, though. Dany's suitors all just want her for an idea this book.
Hizdahr marries Dany to be king, not because of her as a person.
Victarion just wants to spite Euron.
Euron just wants power.
Dany herself acknowledges Daario would leave her if she wasn't a queen.
Quentyn is a sweetheart but thinks only in terms of obedience rather than romance. He does not know Dany.
That's why I think Jon's romance with Dany is necessary: she has never had someone who loves her for her, for who she is. To quote TGCF, to be loved in a way where "what matters is you, not the state of you."
The Value of Children
Again, Martin hammers us with this question: "What good is peace if it must be purchased with the blood of little children?"
But it isn't asked with an idealistic end. Yes, a child is everything. But which child?
Martin suggests every child matters, as shown in Princess Daenerys of Dorne's story:
It was Daenerys who filled the gardens with laughing children... She could not tell the high-born from the low. Naked, they were only children. All innocent, all vulnerable, all deserving of long life, love, protection... It is an easy thing for a prince to call the spears, but in the end the children pay the price. 
But in practice, it's hard, and doing the right thing doesn't mean it'll all be okay.
Jon and Dany both take child hostages. Dany insists on protecting them, but in her absence, Shavepate isn't likely to maintain that same kindness. Jon's wildling boys are more protected because Tormund is there, but Gilly's baby, the first hostage whom he didn't even need to keep, is very much not protected.
The Inner Child
Both Jon and Dany's arcs start with dead children.
Kill the boy, thought Jon.
Safe. The word made Dany’s eyes fill up with tears. “I want to keep you safe.” Missandei was only a child. With her, she felt as if she could be a child too. “No one ever kept me safe when I was little. Well, Ser Willem did, but then he died, and Viserys … I want to protect you but … it is so hard. To be strong. I don’t always know what I should do.
Jon is aware of his inner child and determined to kill it, because if he allows it to live, he won't be able to be the Lord Commander. Dany clings to her inner child (how many times this book does she say "I am only a young girl innocent in the ways of war"), but in the end it leads both Jon and Daenerys to the same place.
The message isn't nihilistic, however. It's honest. No one can live purely idealistically in a world that will not move the way you want it to. People are people. They are not ideas.
Tyrion also finds his inner child, and ends up caring for it in the person of Penny. Like, yes, Tyrion is on a downward spiral, but Penny is vital to remind him of his humanity.
Idealism, and Adventure Stinks
"Adventure stank"<--so go the first words of Quentyn Martell's POV chapters. Adventure is a ship here, but it's also like, a symbol for how the actual journey for Jon, Daenerys, and Tyrion goes. Is it worth it to save the world? Yes. Does it suck? Also yes.
When ADWD opens, Jon's already hardcore into pragmatism. He starts the book by bullying Gilly into abandoning her kid only to find out he didn't need to do that because Melisandre literally helped save Mance instead of burning him. I mean, he literally threatens to murder the kid: "You will. Else I promise you, the day that they burn Dalla’s boy, yours will die as well.”"
But that can't save him, because the reality is that being all mind and pragmatics and no heart isn't realistic at all. He can try to deny his family for the sake of his vows all he wants. There is no way to erase your identity completely, and no way to completely erase the emotions, the heart.
Daenerys's arc is parallel, which fits since she's Jon's alchemical partner, red to his white. She insists on idealism, but idealism doesn't work in this world (nor, sadly, in the real world). So she compromises, but still resists fire and blood until the end of the book. (I find it odd when people assume Dany's last chapter is somehow unique and not a parallel with Jon's.)
Jon locks Ghost up, and dies because of it, and will warg into Ghost for a bit. Dany locks her dragons up, to the detriment of ending the slave trade, and can only escape through her animals. Both Jon and Dany need to face their Jungian shadows, best represented in the animals that are literally a part of them, to accept them (probably at the end of TWOW or even in ADOS).
Come TWOW, Jon's going to ditch the duty he tried to protect this book by leaving the Wall. Dany's going to ditch peace and go into dracarysing the slave trade all the way to the ground so that there's no choice but to start from scratch in Essos.
Jon's Resurrection
Gee, the prologue is about a warg thinking about Jon Snow as another warg and planning how to survive his coming demise in the form of his wolf. Wonder what that could foreshadow.
Also, Melisandre sees Jon in her flames as "a man, now a wolf, now a man again."
Volantis is Doomed
Also, this:
He has been preaching that Volantis will surely burn if the triarchs take up arms against the silver queen.
Byebye Volantis.
Bran is Gonna Make Hodor Hodor and It's Bad
Bran thinks to himself:
No one wants to hurt you, Hodor, he said silently, to the child-man whose flesh he’d taken. I just want to be strong again for a while. I’ll give it back, the way I always do.
Clearly, we know that the show's take on how Hodor became Hodor is more or less accurate. The main difference I think is that the books will deal with the psychological and moral compunction in Bran, rather than him just becoming an emotionless wonder.
Euron x Daenerys
While with Daario, Daenerys has this dream: "that Hizdahr was kissing her … but his lips were blue and bruised, and when he thrust himself inside her, his manhood was cold as ice."
Clearly, this is Euron. However, as I've said previously, I don't think Dany will really get together with Euron in any lasting way. I think their story is likely to mirror that of the Night King and his Other bride, except Daenerys will refuse Euron and choose life (Jon). Dany also wakes from this dream disturbed.
Surviving the End
Not too likely for our heroes, because again, death is human, and an enemy all the same. We are always fighting ourselves.
The hero sets out with his friends and companions, faces dangers, comes home triumphant. Only some of his companions don’t return at all. The hero never dies, though. I must be the hero.
Tyrion as a Dragonrider
I see no need to focus on Tyrion's obsession with dragons so much unless Martin intended to do something with it.
Once, when his uncles asked him what gift he wanted for his name-day, he begged them for a dragon. “It wouldn’t need to be a big one. It could be little, like I am.” His uncle Gerion thought that was the funniest thing he had ever heard, but his uncle Tygett said, “The last dragon died a century ago, lad.” That had seemed so monstrously unfair that the boy had cried himself to sleep that night.
I do think Tyrion will ride a dragon despite not being a Targaryen. If that is indeed the case, I wonder if Bran warging the dragon might also be, like, a thing. Especially if the dragonriders don't all survive the journey to defeat the Others, it'll be helpful to have someone who knows what happened.
Dany Having a Kid
I know that the prophecy Mirri Maz Duur gives Dany is often assumed to be about kids, when it's really about when Khal Drogo will return... except it's not. When Daenerys considers Mirri's words, she never associates them with Drogo. She associates them with her not having kids. So, regardless of Mirri's intent or the semantics, that's what it means in-universe.
He shall be the stallion that mounts the world. Dany knew how it went with prophecies. They were made of words, and words were wind. There would be no son for Loraq, no heir to unite dragon and harpy. When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. Only then would her womb quicken once again
What Dany doesn't seem to be connecting is that if her prophecy about her son didn't come to pass in her understanding of it (Dany herself will be something akin to the Stallion, I believe), then this prophecy is also wind.
Plus, aspects of the prophecy have been fulfilled. Quentyn Martell, the son of the house which has a sun as its sigil, dies/set in the east. The Greyjoys (sea) are fighting on land, and the Dothraki seem poised to follow Daenerys to Westeros in TWOW. The Mountain is dead and the Meereenese pyramids are likely to crumble like dust, too.
Again, I really don't know if Dany having a kid works without the five-year gap. I just don't know if there is time by the time she meets Jon in ADOS. But... her having a miscarriage is also clearly meant to make readers wonder if she is truly barren like she believes.
Aegon is a Fake
I think this is pretty well understood by the fandom, but just in case I was paying extra attention this time. It's pretty clear that Aegon is actually the son of Illyrio and Serra. Illyrio notes how he loved Serra, who is from Lys. His love for her appears to be genuine as well, as his story mirrors Tyrion's and Tysha's but without the interference of Tywin:
Serra. I found her in a Lysene pillow house and brought her home to warm my bed, but in the end I wed her. Me, whose first wife had been a cousin of the Prince of Pentos. The palace gates were closed to me thereafter, but I did not care. The price was small enough, for Serra. 
The Lysene are noted to have Valyrian features several times in this book. And when Tyrion asks Illyrio what he gets out of it and Illyrio gives a lame answer, Tyrion thinks:
Liar, thought Tyrion. There is something in this venture worth more to you than coin or castles.
It's also not a coincidence that both Tyrion and Jon Connington's chapters mention Bittersteel multiple times, since Bittersteel was one of the founders of the Blackfyres. Like, when Jon Connington meets the Golden Company, this happens:
All the skulls were grinning, even Bittersteel’s on the tall pike in the center. What does he have to grin about? He died defeated and alone, a broken man in an alien land. On his deathbed, Ser Aegor Rivers had famously commanded his men to boil the flesh from his skull, dip it in gold, and carry it before them when they crossed the sea to retake Westeros.
Well gee it's almost like Bittersteel's plan is about to be fulfilled through Aegon Blackfyre. As if we didn't get the point, the same chapter also has Jon Connington meeting people who "claimed names that had once loomed large in the histories of the Seven Kingdoms... two Strongs, three Peakes, a Mudd, a Mandrake, a Lothston, a pair of Coles," and then JonCon notes that not all of the names are real (in other words, people are impersonating them). Almost like we should wonder if Aegon is an impersonator.
Jon Connington and the Bells
The Show That Ruined Everything had Daenerys snap at the sound of bells during the surrender of King's Landing. It's not quite accurate to say bells have no significance for Dany, but they're certainly not a huge trigger (they're just associated with the Dothraki for her). Bells are, however, strongly associated with Jon Connington's trauma at the... Battle of the Bells.
... his ears rang to the sound of distant bells. Deep bronze booms and silver chiming pounded through his skull, a maddening cacophony of noise that grew ever louder until it seemed as if his head would explode. Seventeen years had come and gone since the Battle of the Bells, yet the sound of bells ringing still tied a knot in his guts.... That was Griff’s task. He had failed Prince Rhaegar once. He would not fail his son, not whilst life remained in his body.
I'm not the first to make this prediction, but this seems clear as day that when. Dany shows up at King's Landing after Aegon and Arianne are crowned, Arianne will probably order a surrender because she's got brains. Jon Connington is dying anyways of greyscale, and he's likely to refuse to surrender... which means Dany will resort to dragonfire, hit Chekov's wildfyre, and up King's Landing will go.
I mean, look at this:
There is where you’re wrong,” Myles Toyne had replied. “Lord Tywin would not have bothered with a search. He would have burned that town and every living creature in it. Men and boys, babes at the breast, noble knights and holy septons, pigs and whores, rats and rebels, he would have burned them all. When the fires guttered out and only ash and cinders remained...
Bells and regrets associated with not burning them all? (An Aerys phrase?) It's hard not to see the foreshadowing.
Aegon's Ending, and Arianne
Tyrion notes that Aegon plays with "a young man’s formation, as bold as it is foolish. He risks all for the quick kill."
Aegon is also clearly set up to marry Arianne. JonCon is advised that:
Prince Aegon’s hand. A marriage alliance, to bring some great House to our banners.... I would think that many an ambitious lord might be eager to wed his daughter to such a man. Even, perhaps, the prince of Dorne.
Plus, the import of having Dorne s strongly emphasized in the same conversation as speaking of marriage:
"And Dorne.” That was the crucial step. Lesser lords might join their cause for fear of harm or hope of gain, but only the Prince of Dorne had the power to defy House Lannister and its allies. “Above all else, we must have Doran Martell.”
Now, I don't think Doran will buy that Aegon is really Aegon, but I do think he will have to if Arianne--another headstrong character who rushes into things without thinking--marries Aegon.
Bran and Meera
Bran clearly has feelings for Meera, but it also seems to be a plausible childhood crush. He won't be old enough by the time the series ends. Presumably. But Meera is marked as earth and water, and like I speculated before, although Bran's marked the same way, he is told that he will fly in the future. So, he's marked as air, and I wonder if he'll switch over into being more red-marked, like Daenerys did.
Daenerys as Heart
Daario calls Dany "bright heart."
Quentyn as Earth
Quentyn is said to be "mud" multiple times. Barristan Selmy even remarks that Dany needs fire, and Quentyn is just mud. However, he's wrong (and he's shown to be very uneven in his perceptions): Dany needs earth, and water. But what would be even better is if that partner has fire in him, too. Basically: Jon. It has to be Jon.
Jon as White
Melisandre tells him: "You should look behind you, Lord Snow. The moon has kissed you and etched your shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall." (The look back idea also parallels Dany's refusal to look back despite Quaithe telling her to go back to go forward.)
Arya as White
Even when blind, this is said about Arya: "Her nights were lit by distant stars and the shimmer of moonlight on snow...
She also continues to compare herself to a water dancer. And there's this: "Her face was still water, hiding all, revealing nothing."
Val as White
Martin explicitly marks Val as mind (wise), white, mind, silver, earth, and water. She can't have a lasting relationship with Jon, because they aren't complimentary.
Val’s sister, Mance Rayder’s wife. She said that sorcery was a sword without a hilt. There is no safe way to grasp it.” “A wise woman.”
Val glanced at the sky. The moon was but half-full. “Look for me on the first day of the full moon.” The light of the half-moon turned Val’s honey-blond hair a pale silver and left her cheeks as white as snow.
Arianne as Fire, Aegon as Water
If only Arianne and Aegon weren't destined for tragedy, they'd genuinely be a good match. Arianne is marked as fire and the sun, and red. She always wears copper suns, though... and copper is the highest of base metals. She's not destined to be gold. She could be. It'll just... sigh.
Aegon, of course, is a sailor with blue hair and eyes. He's supposed to be fire as a Targaryen... but he's not.
Quaithe and Melisandre: Alchemists
Quaithe seems to be Daenerys's alchemist like Melisandre is Jon's. Well, also Stannis's. But also Jon's.
Melisandre notes: The Lord of Light in his wisdom made us male and female, two parts of a greater whole. In our joining there is power. Power to make life. Power to make light. Power to cast shadows. The reconciliation of opposites is, of course, a central tenet of alchemy.
Other Notes
Satin. If anything happens to Satin I'm going to take it up personally with George RR Martin. He can meet me at dawn. (I'm very, very worried about him post Jon's assassination.)
Shireen's greyscale. There's pretty much no way to read Val's warning about Shireen's greyscale as not intending to foreshadow anything, but it almost certainly can't since we know Martin's said Stannis will sacrifice Shireen. Making her actually a spreader of greyscale makes it far less of a desperate sacrifice. So... okay.
Kevan. I don't like Kevan Lannister per se, mostly because what Cersei's walk of shame is his doing and it's grotesque. But he's probably the only man in this entire series who acknowledges that men can be sexually abused. He directly calls Cersei out for what she did to Lancel.
“You think I care about a cup of wine? Lancel is my son, Cersei. Your own nephew. If I am angry with you, that is the cause. You should have looked after him, guided him, found him a likely girl of good family. Instead you—”
Loras. My suspicions about Loras's injuries remain. The fact that the mention of his fate is cut off implies that he's alive, and/or something matters about him that we've yet to hear. I'm just not certain what exactly he's up to.
“Soon,” said Septa Scolera, “but her brother—” “Hush.” Septa Unella turned to glare back over her shoulder at Scolera. “You chatter too much, you foolish old woman. It is not for us to speak of such things.”
Asha. Is she pregnant? I don't think so, and her arc is absolutely ending with her taking over the Iron Islands, but Martin did write about her worrying about making moon tea for herself after sleeping with Qarl and then they're captured by Stannis like five seconds later soooo. Of course pregnancy isn't exclusive to Asha taking over the Iron Islands, but not sure what it'd offer her arc.
Victarion. Oof. The oaf. He may use the dragonbinder horn... but a dragon is not a slave. I don't doubt it's not gonna last and he's going to go the way of Quentyn, who was a much better man.
Theon. Theon's chapters continue to be some of my favorite "redemption arc" chapters in existence. They're genuinely moving, realistic, and when he jumps off that battlement with Jeyne, I get chills. I honestly think it's better than That Show that it's Jeyne and not Sansa, because it shows Theon's decision to be a better person, not just make things up to those he's hurt. Jeyne is exactly the type of person no one cares about, like Gilly's child, and Theon even comments as much. But he saves her anyways because she's a person.
Bran. In contrast to That Show showing Bran as some emotionless prick who doesn't care about anyone or anything after becoming the Three Eyed Crow, Bran is incredibly compassionate. It's strongly implied that he's talking to Theon through the weirwoods, even though Theon doesn't realize it. He just has to say Theon's name. Identity is another important theme, and Theon's desire to be Theon again, along with Bran not remotely giving up his love for his loved ones in exchange for power, stands in contrast to Arya, who is determined to deny her humanity. Clearly, Arya needs to ditch the Faceless Men.
Septa Lemore. She may or may not be someone in disguise, but she's definitely not Ashara Dayne. Still, the only other people we know who've had kids are like... she could be Tyene's mother, which might well help cement the Arianne/Aegon match, but Arianne mentions visiting her, so I doubt it. Wylla maybe?
Ashara and Ned. They clearly had a thing at Harrenhal, and her stillborn daughter was Ned's and probably explains a bit of his reluctance to talk about Ashara with Catelyn. It wasn't cheating because Catelyn was engaged to Ned's brother at the time. They probably genuinely loved each other, but then a war split them apart, Ned had to marry someone else, and then Ashara not only had a stillborn kid, but she's almost certainly the one who sent Ned Lyanna's location at the Tower of Joy... which means that she's part of the reason why Arthur Dayne, her brother, is dead. Their story is a true tragedy.
Joanna and Aerys. As I said in my post on ASOS, I don't think Tywin's "you are no son of mine" indicates Tyrion is actually not his son. The opposite, in fact. The only piece of potential evidence for this theory in this book, with the story of Aerys taking liberties during the bedding of Joanna. Still, that's years before Tyrion's birth, and there's little to suggest he actually had sex with her. I don't quite get the point of bringing this up, though, unless there's something to be done with it, which again the most obvious thing to be done here is Tyrion Targaryen, but it doesn't work thematically, soo.
The Dragon's Mercy. Dany's final chapter in this book is one of the best chapters in the entire series, filled with symbolism that other writers have done excellent jobs dissecting. Particularly, obviously, the famed "Dragon's Mercy" meta. While I think that meta does wonderfully in its symbolism analysis and in explaining some of the foreshadowing, I think the analysis neglects key context for the chapter, and blurs "pivotal" with "final." In other words, yes, it's a pivotal chapter for Dany. It's also not a final chapter for Dany, and with two lengthy books to go, it's hardly likely to be the end of her arc.
The genre of ASOIAF--Romantic literature--is also ignored in the analysis, and the context most of all. The context is survival, which is never mentioned in the meta. The chapter returns us to the start of Dany's story, in the Dothraki sea, where she makes a decision in AGOT to survive. Here, she does likewise. Rather than assimilate this time, the Dothraki will follow her. Her end goals remain the same: home and peace and happy children. The problem is that her methods for achieving this have shifted, and it's foolish to think that she won't have to wrestle with the question of "what good is peace built on the blood of children" far more in the coming books.
Lastly, the Others are never in this meta, and most people misunderstand the idea of the Others. There's this idea that the Others are somehow either not real villains and need protecting (they accept sacrificed children I think it's pretty clear what George has framed them as), or that they can't be final villains because they aren't human citing this quote from Martin:
“You don’t just have people who wake up in the morning and say, “What evil things can I do today, because I’m Mr. Evil?” People do things for what they think are justified reasons. Everybody is the hero of their own story, and you have to keep that in mind. If you read a lot of history, as I do, even the worst and most monstrous people thought they were the good guys. We’re all very tangled knots.”
Incorrect. The Others are not human, nor evil, yet they are still villains.
Why? They represent the only universal human experience: death. Not every person will be born or get to breathe, but every person will die. The struggle against them is so very, very human in meta form. The entire series--everyone's arc--is about the struggle against death against the inevitable reality that valar morghulis--all men must die. But if we are lucky, we live on in songs--like the Song of Ice and Fire.
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Would you consider writing a modern au after d&s? Maybe with switch Lucemond 👀 lol or do you have other things lined up
'Things lined up' is waaaay too organized for me, anon 😂
Do I have a doc just filled with HOTD plot bunnies, though?? Yes, yes I do. Weirdly the only modern au on there right now is a rhaenicent religious trauma/'summer before college' slowburn, but I'm happy to get inspired at any point toward a modern lucemond story, just haven't yet. (prompts welcome!)
Switch lucemond though?? Anything that's not a one-shot would involve switching at some point, ngl. And though I've loved being stuck in Aemond's unreliable narrator head for D&S, I think I'd want to switch POVs in most of them too, lol. So yeah, here's a couple of my current long-form lucemond plot bunnies:
Luke gets poisoned: a bit of a whump!Luke fic at the start. Rhaenyra stays in KL and is Regent. When Corlys recovers from the wounds they thought might kill him, she holds a feast to celebrate. At the feast, Luke gets weirdly sick really fast, thinks it was the seafood he ate, and tries to go to his chambers but collapses in some small corner of the castle in pain. Enter Aemond, who followed thinking Luke was crazy drunk and that this is a perfect opportunity to remove his eye--right up until he realizes Luke is coughing up blood. Suddenly he is Not CoolTM with someone else hurting his nephew (he's the only one allowed), and gets him to a maester fast. He stays at Luke's bedside the whole time he's nearly dying, no one can make him leave, does a lot of the caring/nursing him back to health stuff. And then, after the two talk it out of course, they embark on a vengeful murder-spree together killing everyone who was involved in poisoning Luke. It gets a bit kinky.
Storm’s End Time Loop: When Lucerys dies, he’s brought back with a clang of a knife falling between him and Aemond, back to that moment he demanded his eye. Thinking the gods gave him a do-over, this time Luke does not wait for his uncle’s words, just runs. He and Arrax hide amidst the rock pillars until the storm passes, safely making it home…but the moment he falls asleep, Lucerys returns to that moment at Storm’s End. 
He tries different things as time continues to loop—once convincing Lord Borros to let him stay the night, another throwing the knife at Aemond’s face, even attempting to put his sword through him from the start—but the moment he dies or falls asleep, it starts again. Lucerys begins to wonder if the gods have a sick sense of humor and won’t let him rest until he fulfills Aemond’s request.
So the next time, he does put out his eye...and it still reloops. But this time Aemond remembers too. (Cue the two of them doing the day over again and again till they get it right, aka fall in love lol.)
Diplomatic mission to Essos: Rhaenyra is queen but Corlys did die of his injuries, so Luke became Lord of the Tides quite young. Years later the queen asks him to go on his first diplomatic mission to Essos. Since he has little experience, however, she sends Aemond to accompany him, as her brother has had great diplomatic success in Dorne for the last few years. Cue the two of them begrudgingly trying to get along in the tight quarters of a ship and work together on their approach with the trade deal (a lot of Aemond impatiently coaching Luke, lol). But they're both mature men--mostly--now, and actually find a lot in common, becoming friends. Eventually they share quarters because Aemond's keeps flooding, UST builds...until Aemond comes onto him one night, justifying that it's a common thing for sailors to do when they go a long time between ports. (Cue family-with-benefits situationship angst)
What will I work on next?? Maybe none of these, who knows 😂 the muse is a fickle thing. After I finish D&S I'll probably want a break with some one-shots, we'll see. Thanks for the ask!
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deputyash · 1 year
Which Greek Gods are your OC’s parents?
Tagged by @strafethesesinners​ and @blissfulalchemist​​ to do this quiz! Thank you! :3
Tagging: @harmonyowl​ @derelictheretic​ @teamhawkeye​ @purplehairsecretlair​ @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose​ @redreart​ @statichvm​ @shellibisshe​ @glowwormsmith​ @fuckin-nancy​ @wrathfl​ @cobb-vanthss​ @jacobsneed​ @adelaidedrubman​ @direwombat​ @statichvm​ @jacobseed​ @v0idbuggy​ @wrathfulrook​​
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Dionysus & Persephone - 
Oh, sweet child of wine and flowers! Your father stands of pleasure and madness, and your mother the Queen of the Underworld. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by revelry, happiness, and compassion. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of honey and art as you grow into your power.
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Poseidon & Nemesis - 
Oh, sweet child of the sea and revenge! Your father guards the borders of the sea, and your mother the punisher of mortal sin. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by emotion, heartbreak, and retribution. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of sunken ships and tidal waves as you grow into your power.
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Dionysus & Persephone -
Oh, sweet child of wine and flowers! Your father stands of pleasure and madness, and your mother the Queen of the Underworld. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by revelry, happiness, and compassion. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of honey and art as you grow into your power.
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Ares & Eris -
Oh, sweet child of battle and strife! Your father is the untamed idol of war, and your mother the vengeful sewer of discord. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by power, bellicosity, and chaos. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of wrath, destruction, and revenge as you grow into your power.
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Zeus & Mnemosyne - 
Oh, sweet forgotten Muse! Your father was crowned king of the gods, and your mother a Titaness sworn to Olympus. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by strength, self-assurance, and intuition. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of your sister Muses, study, and the arts as you grow into your power.
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Atlas & Eris - 
Oh, sweet child of penance and strife! Your father eternally holds up the skies, and your mother is the vengeful sewer of discord. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by endurance, rising, and chaos. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of vengeance and earthquakes as you grow into your power.
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Apollo & Athena -
Oh, sweet child of the sun and law! Your father is the radiant oracle of truth, and your mother crowned of wisdom and war. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by honor, bravery, and logic. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of tournaments and oaths as you grow into your power.
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Zephyrus & Persephone - 
Oh, sweet child of the wind and flowers! Your father ushers in the soft western winds, and your mother the Queen of the Underworld. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by warmth, gentleness, and compassion. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of spring and dandelions as you grow into your power.
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Hypnos & Athena -
Oh, sweet child of sleep and law! Your father dwells in the Underworld among the poppies, and your mother crowned of wisdom and war. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by calmness, decision, and logic. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of unconsciousness and justice as you grow into your power.
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Dionysus & Eris - 
Oh, sweet child of wine and strife! Your father stands of pleasure and madness, and your mother the vengeful sewer of discord. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by revelry, self-indulgence, and chaos. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of hunger and intoxicants as you grow into your power.
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asc-rp · 11 months
Planned tags for muses:
#Striped Sweater | Sweater
#Hooded Flirt | Hoodie
#Heavenly Ego | Alice
#Shocking Scientist | Chisk
#Street fighter | Orange
#Chilled Streamer | Frost
#Fearless Gunslinger | Mika
#Friendly giant | Malach
#Graceful Dancer | Azuli
#Geeky Technomancer | Vio
#Seductive Assassin | Katherine
#Honed Hitman | Ashton
#Slimey Samaritan | Chloe
#Vengeful Vampire | Kristopher
#Chaos-Loving Goblin | Katlyn
#Witty Witch | Abigail
#Knightly Kitsune | Aether
#Mischievous Vigilante | Sky
#Festive Elf | Holly
#Dual Persona Queen | Julie
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
Please Read Before Interacting! (RULES)
I’m a multimuse account. I play mostly OCs, plus a few canons.
This is a blog for people who are 18+. I write NSFW (smut, violence, alcohol) content on occasion. I’m 24.
Triggers: AI/robots or horror/eldritch themes!
All of my muses have multiple character forms, usually one per verse. Look in their headcanon tag (linked on the muses page).
I no longer tag smut.
Please trim your posts. If not, I might still write with you, just not follow. Long, uncut posts can give me anxiety.
If you get to the point where you want to block me for some reason, please tell me. I'd like to try & talk it out. Otherwise, just LMK so I'm not thinking something bad happened to you.
I can't interact with any other Rogue/Anna Marie's OR Eraserhead/Shota Aizawa's. I have 1 of each who I interact with & I can't imagine getting used to another. Sorry.
I frequently use "hon", "bruh", and/or "guy" to refer to people (singular or plural) in a gender-neutral way. LMK if those bother you at all.
If you don’t respond for 2+ months (including updates), I will unfollow. This doesn’t mean I won’t be open to interacting again. If we've been writing for a while & you need a break, just LMK & we can do something else when you're ready.
Here's a list of FCs I love to see!
Here's a link that leads to all of my D&D muses specifically!
assorted tags: memes // wishlist // muses // ooc content
mobile muse list under the cut:
Jayn: heir to a vast fortune, fighter. Verses: DC Comics, Royal/Regency, Queen of the South, Grishaverse, Western, Suits. generous, creative, faithful, loving, bossy, nosy. FC: Tessa Thompson.
Naela: she just wants adventure and love. Verses: canon GoT/ASoiAF, Rhaegar Lives AU, D&D. optimistic, honest, philosophical, careless, restless. FC: Tristin Mays.
Achilles: the Hellenic/Greek hero from The Iliad (canon). Verses: Mythology, Modern, Call of Duty, D&D, X-Men/Marvel. courageous, confident, quick-tempered, protective, moody. FC: Taylor Kitsch.
Jasmine: a young woman on her own. Verses: Marvel, Shadowhunters/TSC, The Covenant, John Wick/Assassins, D&D, Suits. practical, disciplined, overcritical, perfectionist, grudging. FC: Kat Graham.
Skadi: half-Jotun, half-Asgardian. Verses: Marvel, Call of Duty, D&D. compassionate, inventive, independent, blunt, distrusting. FC: Olga Kurylenko.
Oraia: daughter of Poseidon and Nebet-Het, goddess. Verses: Marvel, SPN, Urban Fantasy, The Old Guard, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shadowhunters/TSC, D&D. flirtatious, easygoing, sociable, impulsive. FC: Hannah John-Kamen.
Hestia: sweet, badass martial artist. Verses: X-Men/Marvel, Hunger Games. witty, lively, inquisitive, anxious, accepting. FC: Kristin Kreuk.
Rose: John Constantine’s space-time magician of a daughter (canon). Verses: DC Comics, The Mummy/historical, D&D. loyal, intelligent, protective, intuitive, hardworking, manipulative. FC: Antonia Thomas.
Aurelia: a Gryffindor who chose Slytherin. Verse: Harry Potter (Marauders or Golden Trio era). persuasive, amusing, loyal, protective, bossy, jealous. FC: Precious Lee.
Rela: Twi’lek Jedi. Verses: Star Wars, D&D. modest, curious, compassionate, eloquent, indecisive, responsible. FC: Rachi Sitra (or Gugu Mbatha-Raw depending on verse).
Zehara: the daughter of a Water Tribe father and a Fire Nation Colony mother. persuasive, adventurous, adaptable, compulsive, patronizing. Verses: Avatar: TLA, D&D. FC: Jhené Aiko.
Eugenia: Bonnie Bennett’s second cousin. Verses: Vampire Diaries. loyal, determined, practical, vengeful, secretive. FC: Kylie Bunbury.
Shayera: she's got wings & a mace. Verses: DC Comics, Historical. brave, loyal, adventurous, determined, compassionate, self-critical. FCs: Juliana Harkavy & Freema Agyeman.
Mu Lan [穆岚]: "my duty is to my heart." Verses: Regency/Bridgerton. restless, loyal, intelligent, outspoken, kind. FC: Thaddea Graham (& Ming-Na Wen when she's older).
on request, I can play:
Fantomex (X-Men canon; FC: Warren Christie)
Renée Michele LeBeau (OC daughter of Gambit from X-Men; FC: Janel Parrish)
Rhea Livia Agresta (OC shifter niece of Alan Deaton from Teen Wolf; FC: Jessica Sula)
Lady Gotham (personification of Gotham City; DC Comics; FC: Death - Marvel v Capcom)
Caleb Danvers (The Covenant canon; FC: Steven Strait)
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candyredmusings · 2 years
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Class Fight - Melanie Martinez
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libcrtine · 1 year
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montero lamar hill.     he/him.     cis man.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   dontaz moore   ,   most   likely   listening   to   conceited   by   flo milli   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty - five  year old gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -materialistic   yet   +charming   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   sarcastic smiles , razor sharp retorts and wit , hoards of fabric and clothing sketches   ,   followed   by   bleu de chanel   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   the upcoming fashion designer and stylist slept with higher ups in the fashion world to push his career through faster   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   muse   d   &   subplot   2  .   )
𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆,  dontaz 'taz' alexander moore 𝒂𝒈𝒆 / 𝒅𝒐𝒃,  25 years old / july 31st, 1997. 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆,  manhattan, new york. 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 / 𝒑𝒓𝒏𝒔,  cisgender man, he / him. 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏,  unlabeled.
𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕,  6 ft 1 in. 𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓 & 𝒆𝒚𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒓,  dark brown & brown. 𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆,  natural color, long enough to braid and cornrow. 𝒇𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒆,  upper class, high end, creative, unique. 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎,  montero lamar hill ( lil nas x ).
𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆,  strong willed, charming, creative, & honest. 𝒏𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆,  materialistic, vindictive, vengeful, & petty. 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔,  sketching designs, shopping, fashion shows, runway events, & photography. 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔,  loud people, cheap clothing, being told what to do & shopping secondhand.
𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, being born with a silver spoon in his mouth is quite the understatement for dontaz. his maternal great grandfather struck oil in the deep south back in the late thirties, and ever since then, his mother's side of his family have been wealthy. his father's side, however, are newer money. his father's mother passed when dontaz's father was quite young. his paternal grandfather was an avid lottery player, and even though people told him all the time that playing it was useless and that he would never win, he kept up with his hobby. jokes on those people, because his paternal grandfather ended up hitting the jackpot during taz's father's teenage years. he ended up bringing home two hundred million dollars after taxes were taken out - and he used that money to start a lucrative business that he passed down to his son when he became too old to handle it on his own. now dontaz' father owns one of the top tech companies in the country. being the baby of his family, dontaz was spoiled by everyone around him. he always got everything he wanted, whenever he wanted, which did turn him into quite the spoiled brat. he became snobby, bratty and materialistic. he has a shitty brain to mouth filter, and tends to run off at the mouth without a second thought. he's very opinionated, and doesn't like being told what he can and cannot do. fashion has been apart of taz's life for as long as he can remember. his mother was a famous, high fashion supermodel that made her mark on the fashion industry in the nineties and early two thousands, and went on to become a mentor and businesswoman in her own right. taz admired, and still does, his mother a great deal. he would spend hours going through her clothes, watching her strut on runways and listening in on her business meetings, eager to take in everything he could learn about the industry. his love of fashion started to manifest in the way that he dressed; he was always finding fashions and outfits that were outside of the box and eccentric, but still tasteful and eye catching. he became known as the go-to fashion person amongst all of his peers during his schooling years; although people rarely approached him because of his status in the school. he was, more or less, one of the 'queen bees' of his school. an asshole, or bitch, that everyone loved to hate and hated to love. after graduating high school, he was accepted into fashion institute of technology, AKA FIT, where he excelled in his classes and graduated with his masters in fashion design. after graduating, he began his career as a high end celebrity stylist, before slowly breaking his way into the fashion design world. he actually had his debut fashion show a few months ago in november of 2022, and he's been highly sought after and requested ever since. he doesn't like to label himself or his sexuality. most people tend to write him off as gay, which he doesn't mind, even though he has slept with women and non gender conforming people before in the past. the most that he'll say is that he's 'open minded'.
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kissofthemuses · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Mary Sibley (nee Walcott)
SPECIES: human
OCCUPATION: Councilor on behalf of George Sibley, Samhain (leader) of the Essex Witches; part of the city council
FACECLAIM: Janet Montgomery
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 30
BIRTHDATE: january 24
HAIR: long, wavy black
EYES: black
HEIGHT: 5'6''
MOTHER: Abby Walcott (deceased)
FATHER: Rufus Walcott(deceased)
HUSBAND: George Sibley (deceased) 
MBTI: ENJT / "Commander"
ALIGNMENT: lawful evil
POSITIVES: persuasive, loyal, passionate, protective, dignified
NEGATIVES: ruthless, calculating, cunning, vengeful, cruel
Born and raised in Salem, Massachusetts, Mary is one of the first born in the new world. She is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walcott, but it is unknown if they died before or after the events of 1685. At some point in her childhood, her parents bought the slave girl Tituba, who Mary quickly developed a close relationship with, often treating her more like a sister than one of ownership. Before the events of 1685, Mary embarked on a relationship with the young John Alden and the pair quickly fell in love. However, he was later sent to join the militia to fight in the nine years war. The night before he left Salem, he made a vow to Mary that he would return for her within a year.
Some time later, Mary had discovered that she had become pregnant with John's baby. Believing John to be dead, she was manipulated by Tituba, who is revealed to be one of the witches, into sacrificing her unborn child to the Devil, thus becoming a witch herself. Some time afterwards, she wound up marrying George Sibley after the witches poisoned his previous wife. Within two years of their marriage, she placed George under a spell that rendered him immobile and unable to speak, finally extracting revenge on the man that cost her everyone she loved and leaving her in control of Salem.
Mary is the married to George Sibley and subtly helps rule Salem as his 'mouthpiece'. She is the samhain of the Essex witches and is helping to bring about the Grand Rite- to destroy the Puritans and bring the Devil to earth.
Mary is a witch no more, stripped of her powers by the Devil himself. Free of Salem, free of the reach of the Essex witches, she seeks to start her life over elsewhere. But is she really free? Can the mother of the Devil's human host ever really be free?
Modern verse
Mary is an American witch who grew up in Salem’s wizarding community. Unbeknownst to the No-Maj population that the witches they tried to kill so long ago still lived beneath their very noses. Mary is a direct descendant of one of those very witches, and the weight of that legacy is not lost on her.Her feelings toward the No-Majes are complex at best.
She fell for one and he for her, but war and their respective families pulled him away from her, leaving her with a bitter taste in her mouth. So, she struck out on her own, leaving her family home behind to find a place to call her own.
Mary went to Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into the house Wampus.
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mournersrp · 1 year
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name.  inej  ghafa.
age.  25.
pronouns.   she / her.
face.   rasika  navare.
KINGS  AND  QUEENS,  he  said.  but  the  fairytale  did  not  suit  you.  little  suli  lynx  of  an  innocent  past,  your  days  cowled  within  cologned  chambers  of  the  menagerie  are  no  more.  the  wraith  took  to  the  seas,  erecting  a  reputation  which  caused  even  your  saints  to  shake.  she - captain  at  vengeful  helm,  you  banish  slavers  and  their  shivering  bones  to  hydrous  depths.  not  once  have  you  rigged  your  sails  south,  where  ketterdam  and  her  listless  dreams  reside.  throughout  the  lone  years,  you  used  to  muse  whilst  scaling  the  masts,  that  the  barrel  boss  just  might  call  you  back.  but  prayers  could  never  uncross  a  heart  designed  for  the  devil,  and  it  was  best  to  leave  death  at  the  executioner’s  block.  commanding  a  crew  of  your  own,  the  crows  survival  was  no  longer  concern  for  a  pensioned  spider.  it  wasn’t  until  the  fjerdan  fleet  peering  through  your  scope  that  you  glanced  rearward,  where  rumours  of  kerch  up  in  smoke  and  dirtyhands’  sure  demise  spun  your  ship’s  splintered  wheel.  you  don’t  sail  home  as  the  dregs’  spy,  but  as  inej  ghafa,  siren  of  the  damning  deep.
                                                                                 this  skeleton  is  currently  taken.
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dangerous-realms · 1 year
Send 😮 and I'll introduce an NPC in My Muse's life!
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//Ya get two
//though technically everyone's a muse if I decide to play em
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This guy's name is Wivon, he's 4283 years old, he stands at 6'6, and is from the race of Luret from the Uremos Realm. He is a one of the Captians in Vinupra's branch of the army and has been for quite a few centuries. He came from a line of headstrong craftsman and joined the Vinupra army after the small town he was born in was ransacked by the Pirate King and his crew. His father was killed by Pirate King after he refused to yield and submit which would have led to his life being spared.
This led to Wivon seeking vengeance for his father's death as afterwards his mother fell into depression like state an would kill herself as she was unable to cope with the death of her husband. Wivon was about 282 years old at that time. These events led to him becoming a rather stern and harsh man, expecting absolute perfection from his crew as he rose through the ranks.
About 550 years ago he came across the Eoclivar Realm during a rather long mission that was taking a few years to complete. Landing on Tevotera to give his crew a rest, the would encounter the beastly Evolinaa who is now known as Azura. Managing to convince the strange teen to join him and his crew they would take off.
Over time, Wivon would give the Evolinaa a name, Romine. Of course he made her earn her keep, after all he was teaching her how to read and write as well as many other things like how to fight with an energy blade and shoot a gun.
A few years would pass and a fight would happen. They had caught the eye of the Pirate King and he wanted their ship and whatever was on it. The rules were simple, those who submit get to live and join his crew while those who didn't got killed. Wivon chose the hard route, and the fight was bloody.
As the fight went on things were taking a turn for the worst, and in an act of desperation he would sacrifice the girl he had taken in to create an opening for his crew to flee. Slashing Romine once, once across the her abdomen and throwing her overboard was just what he needed to get the ship and crew out. Unkown to him that she had started looking up to him as a father only to be betrayed once more just like Ragnar did centuries prior.
Unknown to him, Romine/Azura would become the pirate queen. A vengeful women who's holding a deadly grudge towards the man who betrayed her and left her for dead slowly picking off those of the old crew and those Wivon loves.
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This guy's name is Vavengra, also know as the Pirate King. He's a fallen angelic from a race of angelics that belonged in a realm that has long since been poofed from existence. He was 53 920 years old at the time of his death and he stood at 7'4. He's the biological father of Azura's first born daughter Kira and her first lover as well. The sin that made him fall was that of greed.
Vavengra was a fair man who could be cruel at times. Running a criminal empire that spaned several universe's and being the on top of the most wanted list in all of them ment he had many contacts he could go through and sell black market items for a high prices.
He had a rule when commandeering ships that he desired to have and add to his fleet. A simple rule, those who submit and join him got to live, those who didn't died. Though while it was rare for those caught in the trap to flee, it did happen. And one day it would happen in the most unexpected way, an army captain slashing and throwing overboard one of his own crew to make an opening to escape. That was something that royal pissed Vavengra off.
After collecting what he would discover to be a young teen, Vavengra would nurse the girl back to health. Noticing that she didn't like being called the name one if his crew told me that Captain called her he gave her a new name, Zaishvaer. She was rather standoffish around the other's of his crew, not trusting them or him in the slightest.
But thanks to the fact that he treated them all like family and since they treated them like family as well, he would eventually break through the cold glare Zaishvaer gave everyone. To his delight, she would start socializing with the crew and bonding with them, becoming part of the family.
Over the next good while he and Zaishvaer grew closer and eventually became lover's, she rose to the rank of first mate. Soon she would fall pregnant after a passionate night and birth their daughter, Venniinkah. A little girl with his honey blond hair and Zaishvaer's golden eye's, a cute little thing with her draconic appearance and little flaming halo.
Sadly he would never get to see his adorable little girl grow up into the proud Evolinaa she is today. Having died a few days after a battle due to major injuries. He would pass the mantle to Zaishvaer, making her the Pirate Queen. And to this day she still holds strong to Vavengra's way of doing things.
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theladymuses · 2 years
Esmé Edition.
whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood — pick 10 songs you find that give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write your muse!!
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tw: manipulation
001.   TO BE HUMAN - MARINA // 
I like to think about how we all look from afar // People driving fancy cars look like beetles to the stars // The missiles and the bombs sound like symphonies gone wrong // And if there is a God, they'll know why it's so hard // To be human  (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh) // To be human
Still, I don't know, don't know what it means // To be human, a real human being // To be human, I want direction // I wanna feel human again // To be human, lost my direction // I wanna feel human again // To be human, to be human // To be human, to be human
002.   THE DEVIL WITHIN - Digital Daggers // 
I'll keep quiet // You won't even know I'm here // You won't suspect a thing // You won't see me in the mirror // But I crept into your heart // You can't make me disappear // 'Til I make you
I made myself at home // In the cobwebs and the lies // I'm learning all your tricks // I can hurt you from inside // I made myself a promise // You would never see me cry // 'Til I make you // You'll never know what hit you // Won't see me closing in // I’m gonna make you suffer // This hell you put me in // I’m underneath your skin // The devil within
003.   IN MY ARMS - Plumb // 
Story books full of fairy tales // Kings and queens and the bluest skies // My heart is torn just in knowing // You'll someday see the truth from lies // Knowing clouds will raise up // Storms will race in // But you will be safe in my arms // Rains will pour down // Waves will crash all around // But you will be safe in my arms
Castles they might crumble // Dreams may not come true // But you are never all alone // Because I will always, always love you
004.   JUDGEMENT DAY - Stealth // 
Of all the love I have taken, all the hearts I've turned to hate // Hearts are easily broken when you've been made in the shade I've crossed every line, broken every boundary // Now it's retribution time, 'cause the church that I went to // It ain't that holy Strike me down, take me away // Debts are due, it's time to pay // Face what I deserve // Here comes judgment day // I won't run, the guilt is mine // Too long denying all my crimes // Face what I deserve // Here comes judgment day
005.   A GRAVE MISTAKE - Ice Nine Kills // 
But I heard that you reap what you sow // So around and around we go // And when you see my face you'll know // You can't save yourself or save your soul // When you meet the man whose life you stole // With withered wings and broken bones // A flight for the fallen, flies the crow // Can't save yourself
These vengeful thoughts trapped underneath // Rage, scorn, misery // Payback for what you took from me // Hope, love, sanity
No forgiveness, just farewell
006.   MY NAME (WEARING ME OUT) - Shinedown // 
My name is worthless like you told me I once was // My name is empty 'cause you drained away the love // My name is searching since you stole my only soul // My name is hatred and the reasons we both know // Worthless, empty, searching, hatred // Well, who am I right now?
You're fucking wearing me out // You're always dragging me down // You're the fake, fallen force of nature's sick mind // I don't need a gun to take back what's mine // It's over, it's over now // You're done wearing me out
007.    DARKSIDE - Oshins, Hael // 
Who can you trust? // Tell me who can you trust? // Choking on the fear
Do what it takes // You must do what it takes // The devil is not polite // One little lie // Or ten little lies // Won't keep you up at night // Will you cross over? // Will you cross over? // Will you cross over to the dark side?
If they call you // Backstabber // Betrayer // Black magic // That traitor // Backstabber // Betrayer // Black magic // That traitor // You made it to the dark side now
008.    MANNEQUIN - Yuna // 
Are you here to waste time with me? // Cause time is all I have
I don't know what it means to feel whole // You're next to me, but I feel so cold with you // I will be your mannequin, love // Moving my lips the way that you want // Remain the same whenever you walk away
I am the deepest shade of jaded // Drowning from the past, love // Can you breathe, breathe love into me? // So I'll know what it's like
009.    NOTHING ELSE MATTERS - Apocalyptica // 
[ I N S T R U M E N T A L ]
010.    NUMB - Linkin Park // 
Every step that I take is another mistake to you (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow) // And every second I waste is more than I can take 
I've become so numb // I can't feel you there // Become so tired // So much more aware // I'm becoming this // All I want to do // Is be more like me // And be less like you
And I know // I may end up failing too // But I know // You were just like me with someone disappointed in you
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tagged by: astra-stellaris! (i’m not re-tagging cause i did in the other version)
tagging: // did in my other post hehe :) Feel free to do it!!!
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myhappyxending · 21 days
Favorite part of your muse’s backstory? 
Mun talks about the Muse - Send one of the following to ask the mun… (please specify muse for multis) - @swan-tastic
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📑 Favorite part of your muse’s backstory? 
Regina didn't become the evil queen because she wanted power. She became the evil queen because those that loved and supposedly cared about her (Cora and Rumpelstiltskin) constantly used and abused her trust. That whittled away at her sense of self and made her angry and vengeful.
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echoclan-starwalkers · 2 months
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Welcome to EchoClan, home of the star walkers. This is a ClanGen blog done for fun in my spare time, so don't expect consistent or frequent updates. EchoClan uses special rules, which can be found under the cut.
I hope that doing this will help train me to draw cats, because I'm annoying myself with how inept I am at drawing and stylizing them, and also let me try doing a long-term art project that isn't too demanding. Pieces may vary from fully rendered to scribbles, depending on my inspiration/energy.
My main blog is @mister-muse, though artwise I'm most active on my toyhouse.
Divider credit
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Season: Newleaf
Moon: 0
Leader: Echostar [Charismatic] Former Leaders: None Founder: Echostar [Charismatic]
Deputy: Amberspeckle [Ambitious]
Medicine Cats: Bleakstem Medicine Apprentices: None
Mediators: None
Bordering Clans: (Click on any of the links to see all posts involving that Clan) Unknown
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EchoClan related: #ecsw
EchoClan moons: #ecsw moon
EchoClan cat references: #ecsw ref
Asks: #ask ecsw
Submissions: #submit ecsw
OOC/non-EchoClan related: #non ecsw
Specific characters: Look for #ecsw name to find all posts containing that character, for example #ecsw echostar
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Mode: Expanded
Mass extinctions: ON
Unmated cats can breed: ON
Ignore biology: OFF (just to increase difficulty/prevent population booms, may be turned on later depending on how the population goes)
Increase same-sex adoption: ON
Kits with unknown second parents: ON
Warriors can romance former mentors: OFF
First cousins can be mates: OFF
Allow mediators: ON
Doe's Genetic Cats
Zeke's "Doe's Genetic Cats" addons
Drawing Notes
Cats that are 100+ moons old will have gray hairs and white whiskers.
I'm too stupid and easily frustrated to use poetry to have the physical traits mod, so instead every cat after the founders will have a random physical trait generated for them from here.
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You are welcome to use any rules here for your own purposes, ClanGen or otherwise!
Faithful - Inspired by the Faithful Challenge The warrior code must be respected.
★ Defend your Clan, even with your life. ALWAYS proceed on patrols, no matter the risk. Exceptions may apply.
★ Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory. If a cat is tempted by trespassing, flip a coin or roll 1-2, where heads/1 means they proceed. If they proceed and are caught in any way, they will be exiled.
★ Elders, queens, sick or injured cats and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. If a cat is tempted by eating prey on a hunt, flip a coin or roll 1-2, where heads/1 means they proceed. If they proceed and are caught in any way, they will be exiled.
★ Medicine cats may not have a mate or kits. If a medicine cat has a mate or kits, roll a number between 1-15.
[1-5] The medicine cat, their mate, and their kits may stay.
[6-10] The medicine cat and their mate must be exiled, but the kits may stay.
[11-15] The medicine cat must be exiled alongside their mate and kits.
★ Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats. At every loner patrol encounter, roll a number between 1-10.
[1-5] Proceed with the loner.
[6-10] Chase away the loner (don't proceed).
★ A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet. Chase off (don't proceed) all kittypets.
★ The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code. The leader's traits can create additional rules or exceptions for as long as they're in power. Occasionally, these may have effects while they're deputy as well.
✦ Ambitious/Bloodthirsty/Vengeful While this cat is deputy, whenever the current leader cannot patrol for any reason, roll a number between 1-9 on every moon that they're incapacitated.
[1-5] Nothing happens.
[6-9] The ambitious cat takes a life from the leader (kill the leader without taking all lives). How they do this is up to you (poisoning, deliberately worsening an infection, etc.)
✦ Compassionate/Loving/Lonesome/Oblivious Loners can always be proceeded, kittypets are subject to the 1-10 roll instead of always being chased off. Medicine cat punishments are changed:
[1-5] They are forgiven.
[6-11] The medicine cat will be stripped of their rank, but may stay with their kits and mate.
[12-14] The medicine cat and their mate will be exiled, but their kits may stay.
[15] The medicine cat must be exiled alongside their mate and kits.
✦ Bloodthirsty/Vengeful When the leader comes into power, roll a number between 1-4 to determine the rule that will be in play:
[1] On every moon ending in 5 or 0 where the star walker doesn't die, roll a number between 1-20. [1-5] Everyone is fine. [6-16] The cat who the leader dislikes most is killed. If the leader doesn't dislike anyone, everyone is fine. [17-20] A cat of your choosing must be killed. The reason/cause/method is up to you.
[2] Outsiders will be taken into the clan whenever possible and immediately killed. Any cats within the Clan who were originally outsiders (any backstory other than "Clanborn" or "Clan founder") will be killed if the leader dislikes them, exiled if the leader is neutral to them, and can stay if the leader likes them.
[3] Half-Clan and ex-Clan ("originally from another Clan") cats within the Clan will be killed if the leader dislikes them, exiled if the leader is neutral to them, and can stay if the leader likes them. Future half/ex-Clan cats will be killed.
[4] Any violations of the warrior code are punished by death, never by exile.
✦ Faithful/Righteous/Strict All loners and kittypets must be chased off. Medicine cats who bear kits must be exiled alongside their kits and mate. Abandoned or endangered kits must always be taken in, no matter their origin.
✦ Nervous/Responsible/Patient/Careful/Wise You are allowed to not proceed on risky patrols. Star walkers who back out if their patrol is risky must be exiled, though.
✦ Sneaky/Daring/Shameless/Arrogant/Ambitious/Cunning Trespassing will not be punished. Eating prey during hunts will not be punished.
✦ Bold/Competitive/Fierce/Insecure/Troublesome Outsiders and other Clans must be antagonized whenever possible. Half-Clan cats and those who mate outside the Clan must be exiled. If there are half-Clan cats already in the Clan that the leader dislikes, they will be retroactively exiled.
✦ Charismatic/Sincere/Playful/Childish/Thoughtful Other Clans must be treated kindly whenever possible. Patrols will not trespass (do not proceed)
✦ Grumpy/Gloomy/Cold Roll odds are changed. Medicine cat punishment odds (roll 1-30): [1-5] The medicine cat, their mate, and their kits may stay. [6-15] The medicine cat and their mate must be exiled, but the kits may stay. [16-30] The medicine cat must be exiled alongside their mate and kits. Loner patrol odds (roll 1-20): [1-5] Proceed with the loner. [6-20] Chase away the loner (don't proceed).
✦ Strange/Rebellious An additional rule or exception of your choosing is at play. Can be a rule from another trait, or a completely new rule.
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Star Walk - Loosely inspired by Not Alone "Star walks" are lone border patrols consisting of a single cat. These patrols must be proceeded no matter what*, including if the leader's trait would normally forbid it. For example if a cat finds a loner while on a star walk, and they have a Faithful/Righteous/Strict leader that would normally require them to not proceed, they will proceed nonetheless.
Star walks are done to atone for the Clan's transgressions and hopefully regain the favor of StarClan, and must be done on every moon ending with 5 or 0 (excluding the very first moon.)
If any cats conflict with the current leader's traits (for example, a loner who was taken in during a Compassionate leader's rule when you now have a Faithful leader), they will be the first ones chosen for star walks. If there are multiple, which one is up to you. If no cats conflict with the current leader, the chosen cat is entirely up to you.
Instead of a vigil, a newly-appointed warrior is sent on a star walk. If this lines up with the scheduled star walk, then no other cat has to go on it that time.
If the stars see fit to guide and protect a star walker, their patrol will be a peaceful one. If they perish, they will be seen as either martyrs helping to appease StarClan through their sacrifice, or as having been judged as dark-hearted and suitably punished by StarClan.
*Star walks that turn out to be risky may be backed out of if a Nervous/Responsible/Patient/Careful/Wise leader is in power. But the cat will be exiled instead.
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