stormcried · 1 month
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"Woaaaah, Y'look loike a spy or somethin'!" Drake exclaimed from out of nowhere with his ears standing fully up in awe. Drake hasn't seen this fella around Heavens Heed before! Drake had been visiting the small town for his usual run of free candy from the owners, but he's stopped by to notice a rather tall and bulky individual. Not many people stop by Heavens Heed for the sights. Heavens Heed is your typical attempt at a booming town but failed somewhere.
"Can I help? I'll be a really, really good sidekick!" Drake bounced excitedly. He's biting more then he could chew, but Drake wanted to play this role that he thinks he's somehow going to be allowed. "Pleaaaase?"
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lola-writes · 2 months
Prince Regent
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader
Word Count: 8.6k
Synopsis: Aemond returns to the Red Keep after the battle of Rook’s Rest with a newfound vigor for his wife.
Themes & Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI!), POV first person (Aemond’s & reader’s), s2x04,05 inspired, enemies to lovers trope, smut, violence, blood, dark/possessive Aemond, breeding kink, swearing, mentions of rape, high valyrian, fingering, multiple orgasms, p in v, doggystyle, creampie, rough sex, hair pulling, choking
Song: Hide and Seek ~ Klergy, Mindy Jones
Latest oneshot: A Dragon's Lullaby
Masterlist | Add yourself to my taglist | Playlist
Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated ❤️
Enjoy the read!
[gif @aemondstark ]
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Smoke. Dragon fire. Blood.
It clung to me, acrid and sweet, like a perverse cloak of victory.
A primal urge, raw and unbidden, erupted within me, a hunger that transcended the battle’s end. It devoured my senses. It vibrated within my bones. It consumed my very being.
My adrenaline ebbed, leaving a hollowness in its wake. The battle was over. Victory was ours. Gleaming armor was storming the castle. But that victory hung hollow, a meaningless echo in the carnage. My flesh seared with defeat. A strange fire, unsatiated, stirred beneath my skin.
I needed something more. Something I could sink my teeth into, as Vhagar had. Something warm and living.
From the air, I watched the smoke curl skyward, soldiers scattering like startled ants, and Meleys red corpse lay vanquished beneath brick and dust.
The warmth of my kill was still writhing. It was a fresh, living ember, demanding to be tended.
The impact of my brother’s fall had torn the wood asunder, set the ground ablaze, smoke and cinders rising steadily towards the heavens. My gaze settled on the inferno, and I urged Vhagar, my reflection in scales and fire, towards it, my mighty beast beating the wind like thunder as we circled twice around the barrenness of the forest, before she heeded my command.
“Qubemagon, Vhagar.” (Descend)
I dismounted her and trod a path towards the inferno, my sword materializing in my grasp with a practiced turn of my wrist. Shades of red marred my vision. The air shimmered, thick with smoke and the metallic tang of blood.
Adrenaline trickled into my bloodstream.
Never had I been so close to my birthright, so close to erasing the past. My grip tightened around the hilt. Images swam up before me. A lifetime of humiliations, each one a searing brand in my retina. My brother getting what he wasn’t fit for, presented to him on a silver platter. But no longer. No more would he be the architect of my suffering. 
But as a tremor shook the ground, a low rumble heralding the broken form of the golden dragon, a monument of smoke, blood, dirt, and ashes, none of it seemed to matter. 
As I crested a rise, the world snapped into sharp focus. My gaze landed on him - my brother; melted into a nightmarish tableau of steel, flesh, and bone, encircled by his dragon’s golden body.
Resolution, cold and heavy, settled in my chest. Killing him would be fruitless. The Stranger had already requested an audience.
I had achieved what needed to be done. As I lifted the edge of my sword to its sheath, a voice echoed through the forest.
“Aemond!” Cole cried my name like a desperate warning. I glanced back, my weapon disappearing into its sheath with a final rasp.
I looked down at my sacrifice. The damage was raw, excessive. The damage that was wanton. A pang of unease twisted in my gut. 
A glint of metal caught my eye, and I dropped to my haunches to retrieve the Conqueror’s Valyrian steel dagger from the bloodied earth. The dagger that was once Aegon’s. It was mine now. 
Ser Criston’s rustling armor announced his approach. “Where is His Grace?” he asked, voice quivering.
I didn’t respond. Instead, I tilted my chin, allowing the glistening steel guide his gaze toward the grotesque sculpture of my melted brother encircled by golden scales.
Ser Criston crumpled to his knees without a word, as I rose to my feet. 
A cold knot of regret twisted in my chest as I regarded my tribute. But it was fleeting, replaced by the icy fire of my ambition. 
There was much to be done, and I needed to proceed if I were to achieve it. I turned on my heel and left Cole and my broken brother behind. 
The battlefield and the devastation shrank beneath me as Vhagar’s powerful wings propelled us skyward. 
A sharp thrill prickled my skin that was naught from the velocity, but rather that of my impending regency. 
Upon returning to King’s Landing, I made my way to the small council chamber, ascending the stairs with slow deliberate steps. The air was thick with tension. The council was in disarray, engrossed in a heated discussion, but fell silent as the doors swung open. Eyes turned to me.
“My Lords,” I announced, my voice cutting through the sudden hush. I rounded the council table. “Mother,” I said, offering a curt nod of acknowledgement as I passed Alicent’s chair.
“Aemond,” she demanded, steel in her voice. “Where is Aegon?”
A heavy pause hung in the air before I met her gaze.
“Aegon has fallen,” I said. 
The council erupted in uproar. 
Cries of outrage and accusations.
“How could this be allowed to happen?”
“What is the meaning of this?”
“We are doomed!”
The disapproval of the Lords sullied the chambers. This council was surely in lack of discipline. I already had my eyes on who I were to replace.  
“The King is dead!”
“The King is not dead,” I countered, my voice calm and mellifluous, soothing the council members like warm milk. Voices dipped and eyes turned to me, an invisible shudder surging through the air. “He has merely sustained grave injuries and is being brought back to the Red Keep for treatment as we speak.” I began to pace around the table, hands slotted behind my back. “The King fought bravely,” I continued. “Landing mortal injuries to the Pretender’s cause. But the Red Queen cast him out of the sky before I could get to him.”
My pacing had brought me to the head of the council table, where I ceased my step. My hand reached out to allow my fingers to trace the chair frame, its iron vibrating with the power I so craved. 
It was palpable. 
It was mine for the taking. 
I looked up at the members of the small council, my eye piercing each and every one of them until they quivered in their chairs.
“And in the coils of torment,” I spoke. “My brother, King Aegon, named me Prince Regent.”
A tremor vibrated the room, weary eyes glanced at each other, bodies twisting uncomfortably in creaking chairs. 
“If anyone should be named regent, surely it should be me, his mother,” voiced Alicent. 
I cast my gaze on her. 
“Aemond is next in line,” came voices from the small council.
“Yes, but the King still lives!” Alicent implored.
“Who am I to contest the wishes of the King?” I said softly, casting her a look of pure innocence.
Alicent’s eyes welled like a tide of despair, her head dipping to the table with defeat. If Alicent could conjure words that had not been uttered to serve her own ends, why could I not?
“Aemond…” she started, her voice a gentle tremble. “Could we at least discuss this?”
“As prince regent, I vow to serve this realm, my Lords, and guide our path to victory against the Whore of Dragonstone.”
My gaze drifted to the platform in the center of the table, settling on the cold polished marble that remained. The King’s marble. I reached for it, and as my fingers closed around its smooth surface, I met Alicent’s eyes. A flicker of desperate plea danced within them, and I held it with a cold response. She exhaled with defeat as I seated myself in the King’s chair, placing the marble in its rocky nest. 
“All hail Aemond, Prince Regent and Protector of the Realm,” Lord Tyland Lannister’s voice came, and the words echoed across the table. 
A smirk played on my lips. “My Lords,” I began, splaying my hands atop the table. “Let us commence.”
Mutters. Whispers. Gossip.
The news, carried on frantic breaths, was a tangled mess.
One moment, the King was dead, the next, grievously wounded. Some murmured of a crippled monarch, others of his mighty dragon slain. 
It buzzed in my ears as I made my way towards the throne room.
Fear, a cold serpent, coiled in my gut.
The throne room pulsed with tense energy. Hundreds of courtiers jostled for position, their faces etched with a mixture of morbid curiosity and nervous anticipation. I descended the cold stone steps, the weight of each step echoing the growing dread in my heart.
The Iron Throne loomed before me, an empty monument of jagged steel. Its cruel beauty, forged from a thousand fallen enemies, held a chilling glint in the flickering torchlight. I observed it over the shoulder of the woman in front of me, the precariousness of my position suddenly amplified. 
A shiver ran down my spine. Sometimes, I believed it was cursed. Promising to cast whoever graced it to a terrible fate.
My fingers, restless with apprehension, turned my rings about my fingers, pulling them off and on in a nervous dance. A prickling sensation spread through me as I felt countless eyes burning into my back. Disapproval mingled with a strange reverence. The room thrummed with unspoken questions, and I, too, yearned for answers, desperately seeking a foothold in the swirling vortex of uncertainty. 
A ripple of anticipation surged through the crowd as a figure emerged. I turned to witness the gleaming silver armor of the King’s Guard announcing Ser Criston Cole, the newly appointed Hand of the King. Hundreds of eyes swiveled in his wake as he strode towards the Iron Throne, which seemed to gnash its serrated teeth at his approach. 
My mind churned in chaotic disarray. Ser Criston had marched on Rook’s Rest, prompting Aemond’s hurried departure. Where my husband was now, remained a mystery. Perhaps still at Rook’s Rest, tending to the fallen King, or perhaps continuing on to Harrenhal, a destination he oft mentioned.  
None of it mattered. 
My marriage to Aemond had been a political maneuver, as cold and sterile as a septa’s cell. He held no affection for me, nor I for him. He was the absent, aloof prince I’d always imagined him to be. Carrying a frozen heart of a killer. Our union was no more than an alliance. Though I was hardly complaining. Married life granted me freedoms I scarcely thought possible for a highborn lady. But I would jest if I said I did not long for something more. Something warm. Something living. But in Aemond, either would be the last place I’d find. 
Ser Criston swept a steely gaze across the court, his face unreadable. He chewed the inside of his cheeks curiously, the motion ceasing abruptly when his eyes met mine. Cold and dark. I met his stare head-on, until an odd feeling took root in my gut. 
Unanswered questions swirled in my mind. 
Ser Criston tore his gaze from me, his eyes flitting across the room. Then, with a voice laced with authority, he boomed, “I address this court as Hand to inform you that the King has been grievously wounded in battle!”
A collective gasp ripped through the court. Whispers, like startled birds, rose in a flurry.
Ser Criston continued, a steely edge creeping into his voice, “Rhaenyra the Cruel will believe she won a great victory this day. May believe we will cower and offer her the throne like whipped dogs. But the False Queen is sorely mistaken. For the throne will not remain empty.”
Whispers escalated into a commotion. An unsettling prickle danced across my skin. My mind darted to the dowager Queen Alicent. Surely, in Aegon’s absence, they would elevate her to the throne. But after usurping Rhaenyra, would they truly place another woman in her stead? 
My thoughts, apparently, mirrored those of the court, for Alicent’s name drifted around me like a persistent echo.
Ser Criston’s voice rose to a commanding pitch, reverberating through the throne room, “I present to you…” The heavy oak doors of the throne room ground open, drawing every eye in unison.
My breath caught in my throat as a figure materialized at the stairs. 
It wasn’t Alicent. 
A frame, draped in dark green leather that shimmered with silver accents, emerged from the groaning doors. The Conqueror’s crown, a heavy circle of iron, sat upon their silver head, casting a long shadow across a face half-obscured by an eyepatch. 
“Prince Regent, Aemond Targaryen,” Ser Criston declared, his voice thick with forced authority. “Rider of Vhagar.”
Aemond descended the steps.
“Slayer of the queen who never was.”
Aemond’s footsteps, muffled by polished leather boots and the collective murmurs of the courtiers, made a predator’s approach as he stalked toward the Iron Throne. Two King’s Guard flanked him with stoic expressions. 
“And Protector of the Realm.”
He ascended the iron steps with a chilling grace, finally settling upon the throne. A hush fell over the court, thick and heavy. Silence stretched as he molded himself into the seat, his lethal hands caressing the equally lethal rests, a small smirk playing on his lips. His voice, a honeyed drawl laced with a hint of steel, echoed in the sudden silence.
“My Lords and Ladies,” he began, the menacing glint in his blue eye accentuated by the play of shadows on his face. “His Grace, the King, has been wounded at the battle of Rook’s Rest, and will be incapable to rule.”
There was a power in his presence, an unspoken threat that left the court speechless. Not a cough, not a rustle of fabric dared to break the silence. 
“Therefore,” he continued, his gaze sweeping over the frozen faces, “I, will act as your sovereign.”
Unease prickled at my skin. Something about Aemond’s demeanor, the unnatural sheen on his face, sent a tremor of suspicion through me. 
Had this all been a carefully orchestrated play? What truly transpired at Rook’s Rest? 
My eyes darted to the ornate dagger resting at his hip, the ancestral blade of Aegon the Conqueror. It was the same dagger I’d last seen clutched in the hand of his brother. 
As Aemond spoke on, a knot of apprehension tightened in my gut. 
“The tide has turned,” he declared, his voice ringing through the stunned silence. “Rhaenys Targaryen is slain, along with her dragon.” A small smile tugged at his lips, a low hum escaping them. “The largest serving the Pretender’s cause.” He said it like it was a jest. “Rook’s Rest has been claimed, leaving Dragonstone vulnerable.” His fingers tapped across the blades. “This is a victory for us.”
Scattered heads nodded in agreement. 
Then, his gaze snapped to me, a rapacious glint in his single blue eye. It seemed to bore into my very soul, stripping away any pretense. 
“It’s all going according to plan,” he murmured, his voice a silken threat, and for a moment, an eerie feeling within told me he was addressing me alone. The fire that danced within his eye flickered a touch too bright, and it felt like he could see every thought swirling in my mind, every flicker of doubt, every spark of fear. 
It felt like he was about to eat me alive.
A violent terror surged through me, icy fingers gripping my heart. Adrenaline tapped into my veins, a primal urge to flee. 
Frantic energy fueled my movements. I shoved dresses, jewelry, all of my belongings, into overflowing wooden trunks. Their straining hinges mocked my desperation. My handmaid, silent but swift, followed my frenzied instructions. I knew then, with a chilling certainty, that I owed her my life after this escape. 
Aemond’s chambers, once a familiar haven, felt cold and sterile now, stripped bare of my belongings. Rain lashed against the open windows, mirroring the frantic rhythm of my heart. The journey ahead would be long and treacherous. Circumstances weren’t optimal, but there was no other choice at my disposal.
My husband was a murderer and a kinslayer twice over. And my intuition told me it would soon be thrice. He wasn’t just ruthless; there was an unsettling hollowness behind his actions, a chilling absence of remorse. He was a walking blight, a storm that devoured everything in its path. And I refused to be struck down by its lightning.  
The apartment doors shuddered open, shattering me into distraught. My flight instincts flared, but I refused to cower. My hand instinctively shot out, grasping my maid’s hand tightly. We held our breath as a large, porcelain hand reached out and pushed the door wider. 
Aemond entered, leaving the door ajar. His gaze, unwavering and cold, locked with mine. “Leave us,” he commanded, his voice a smooth, cold current. 
My handmaid curtsied, her grip faltering as she pried my fingers loose. With a hurried glance back, she scurried out, the heavy door slamming shut behind her. 
An oppressive silence descended, broken only by the frantic pounding of my heart against my ribs. 
Escape seemed impossible; the air thick with a chilling dread. 
“You sent for me, wife?” Aemond’s voice, a silken caress laced with steel, echoed in the cavernous chamber. He approached with a predative grace, each deliberate step shrinking the distance between us. 
Confusion slammed into me. I hadn’t summoned him. This was, by far, the most he’d spoken to me since our loveless union. 
“You are mistaken,” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. My feet, traitors that they were, retreated with each of his advances. Then, it dawned on me, that it might have been his intention to put me in a state of dubiety, making me more malleable. A cutthroat, not only lethal, but cunning.
He stopped beside my overflowing trunk, a flicker of amusement playing on his lips. 
“Travelling somewhere?” His single blue eye, unnervingly perceptive, held me captive. 
Panic clawed at my throat. I clenched my trembling hands into fists, slotting them behind my back, forcing my lips into a gentle smile. 
“I wish to visit my family,” I said. “With war looming, I wish for us to be together.”
Aemond took another measured step closer. “Ao issi aerēbas mirriot daor,” (You’re not going anywhere), he murmured, the High Valyrian rolling off his tongue like a sinister threat. 
A furrow etched between my brows as I attempted to comprehend his words. My grasp of the ancient tongue was limited, and whether he intended me to understand was a cruel game. Perhaps, it was yet another tool to exert his dominance. But based on his relentless pursuit, I gathered me leaving wasn’t an option he entertained.
“I am of no use to you, Aemond,” I pleaded, maintaining a safe distance. “Me staying serves no purpose.”
“On the contrary,” he purred, his voice dripping with a dark promise. His head tilted covetously, venom flashing in his eye. 
“We barely exist to each other,” I continued. “What difference would it make if I was half a world away?”
“It would make all the difference.” The warmth in his voice vanished, replaced by a glacial edge. “There’s the matter of heirs.”
Seven Hells. 
Anguish twisted my gut. Intuition, a primal scream, roared to life. Images flashed behind my eyelids – Aemond sitting the throne, and Aegon reduced to ash. 
Had this been his plan all along? Was he the reason for the King’s lethal end?
The pieces slammed together in my mind, a horrifying mosaic. 
I gasped, my back hitting the cold stone wall. Aemond’s ambition stretched far beyond my naïve expectations. Loyalty to his house, to his brother, had been a carefully constructed facade. Beneath it, he schemed, a shrewd predator stalking his ultimate prize. The crown. 
And the crown needed heirs. 
He towered over me, his presence overwhelming. He was much taller than I recalled, every inch radiating a rapacious tension. A hand braced itself against the wall, inches from my head. 
“What have you done?” My thoughts materialized into shaky words, laced with an enmity that surprised even me. My gaze raked over him, revulsion twisting my features. The green leather seemed to pulse, an illusion fueled by my churning stomach. 
A flicker, a hint of something akin to uncertainty, crossed his single eye. It darted across my face, as if truly seeing me for the first time. Perhaps he was. In this desperate flight, we’d never been closer. Close enough to be enveloped by his scent, a foreign musk that did little to quell my churning nausea. 
“Skoros iksin bēvilagon.” (What was necessary)
I frowned again, aggravated that he took to High Valyrian as an attempt to shut me out of his thoughts. My jaw clenched, frustration a bitter taste on my tongue. 
Malevolence rose like a flood as I leaned forward, so close that our noses nearly touched, “I would not have your child in a million years, kinslayer,” I spat, my voice trembling with contained fury. I lunged forward, aiming to push past him, to escape his suffocating presence. But his other hand shot out, slamming against the wall beside me, effectively caging me in.
A venomous glint flickered in his eye as he narrowed it at me through his lashes. A twitch played on his lips, a cat batting at a cornered mouse. “Be that as it may,” he said mellowly. “But even a bad wife must obey her king.”
A scoff escaped my lips, my eyes sizing him up and down. “You are no king,” I hissed, defiance lacing my voice. “You are not even a man.”
His reaction was swift and brutal.
One hand shot out and grabbed my face, forcing my head against the cold stone. Pain erupted at the impact, but quickly subsided as he leaned in, his hot breath fanning against my lips.
“Speak such treason again, and I’ll show you what I really am.”
“What will you do?” I spat back, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and insurgence. “Cripple me, like you did your brother? Force yourself on me?”
“Don’t tempt me,” he growled, his voice simmering with barely contained violence.
A tense silence ensued, the air crackling with his restrained fury.
My suspicions, already simmering, solidified into a horrifying certainty. He’d orchestrated his brother’s downfall on purpose. 
“Have you no honor?” I whispered, the words a ragged plea. 
The silence stretched, broken only by our ragged breaths. His hold on my face loosened gradually, his hand falling away. But his gaze remained fixed on me, a storm brewing within its depths. 
“You cannot stop me, Aemond,” I said, my voice shrinking. “I will leave this place, one way or another. You can play king in my absence, but it will be a hollow crown.”
“Kesan arghugon ao naejot se mōris hen tegon.” (I will hunt you to the end of the earth)
“Speak plainly,” I snapped, my patience with his cryptic pronouncements wearing thin.
A chilling smile, devoid of warmth, stretched across his lips. He pushed himself away from the wall, backing away, creating my long-desired distance between us. 
“You may go,” he drawled, the amusement in his voice laced with a dangerous edge, that sardonic smile still plastered on his lips. 
Acrimony filled my gut. What little I knew of this man, I feared greatly, but also told me this was a trick. He wouldn’t relinquish control so easily. He’d allow me to make my “escape”, only to have me snatched back by the King’s Guard, now under his control, a public display of his authority. There was no true freedom with him.
Maegor’s tunnels, a potential escape route, loomed tantalizingly behind me. If only I were alone, a simple push against the wall would send me tumbling into its dark embrace. But escape without a plan or supplies was a fool’s errand. 
My mind spun, each possibility twisting the knife of despair deeper. Even if I reached my family, what awaited me there? Shame would be their welcome. Aemond, no doubt, would make sure of it. 
The rain continued its relentless assault on the outside world, punctuated by the booming symphony of thunder. A flash of lightning illuminated the apartments, casting Aemond in a grotesque, menacing silhouette. 
Exhaustion overwhelmed me. I slumped to the floor, seeking solace in the meager comfort of my arms wrapped around my knees. Here I was, a prisoner in this gilded cage, condemned to bear the children of a traitor until flames consumed us all. 
Aemond crouched before me, his wrists resting on his knees. He regarded me with an intensity that bordered on scientific curiosity. A flicker of something, perhaps disappointment, played at his edges. 
“I’d take you for many things, wife,” he cooed, the endearment dripping with veiled malice. “But weak was not one of them.” His words landed like a body blow. “If I’d known you’d crumble so easily, I would never have wed you in the first place.” 
I sniffed and looked up at him, exhaustion a heavy cloak on my lids. “You did not have much of a say in the matter,” I countered.
A wicked smile twisted his lips and his head tilted to the side. “No,” he said softly. A sudden chill iced his demeanor. “And neither do you.”
He rose to his feet with predacious grace, leaving me pleated on the floor. He sauntered to his chair and seated himself, one leg propped up on his knee, his leather splaying atop the arm rests.
I watched him. His face was turned to the violent storm outside, immersed in contemplation, lightning whipping across his features. A vision of menace. A weapon poised to strike. 
“So, what is your scheme, Aemond?” I started; my voice hoarse. His head turned slowly, his gaze locking onto mine with the piercing intensity of Valyrian steel. “Do you envision a period of mourning for the King, followed by a convenient acclamation in your favor? Or will you hurry along the succession and carry out the deed yourself before anyone suspects?”
A single corner of his mouth quirked into a cruel smile. “Suppose I have not yet decided.” His voice was like liquid. 
Defiance flickered within me. “The court will never agree to this once they find out what you’ve done.”
Aemond hummed, a deep sound in the bottom of his chest. “Dragons don’t concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.” He leaned forward, resting his arms across his knees. “I am next in line to the throne,” he drawled. “None is better suited than I.”
I staggered to my feet and went to sit beside him. “With a legitimate heir,” I said carefully. “Your claim would be uncontested.”
He smirked, as though I’d read his mind. He leaned back, his eyes gleaming with dangerous delight. 
“A woman’s pleasure is,” he began, a slow, suggestive smile playing on his lips. His blue eye drifted down my form in a way that made my skin crawl. “Of as much importance as the seed itself.”
A hot flush crept up my cheeks at his implication.
“Which is why submission must be a willing act,” he finished, his voice dropping to a husky murmur.
I swallowed, provocation crackling through me. Did he truly believe I would succumb to his advances? He seemed to think he could manipulate anyone to his will, whether through seduction or brutality, though I had yet to see the former. 
“And if I refuse?” I challenged, my voice surprisingly steady despite the tremor in my hands. 
A low growl vibrated in his chest, his face soft. “Then you’ll find yourself counted amongst the sheep,” he drawled.
Deflating, I sighed and dipped my head. The only path forward seemed excruciatingly clear. Raising my eyes to meet his, I lifted an eyebrow in rebellion.
“Consider me sheep then.” With that, I rose from the settee and strode towards the apartment doors, the cold of the metal handle stealing the warmth from my fingers as I heaved it open.
It shut then, with a loud thud, and I jumped, a sudden heat radiating behind me. Aemond’s fingers splayed on the oak door above my head. My pulse drummed in my ears, Aemond’s lips grazing my lobe, urging it to pick up the pace. 
“Jaelā naejot mazverdagon nyke jorarghutan ao, ābrazȳrys?” (You want to make me chase you, wife?) His voice rumbled into me, a low growl as potent as the thunderstorm.
The rolling, guttural words sent a strange warmth through my core. His air consumed me. A rich mixture of smoke, leather, and dragon, infiltrated my senses, intoxicating and unsettling in equal measure. 
“I can’t understand you,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. I felt him smiling against my ear, a low chuckle reverberating into it, sending goosebumps erupting across my skin. 
“You won't need to,” he said softly. His hand drifted away from the door and closed around my throat, surprisingly gentle, yet the warmth of his fingers felt like embers branding my skin. They snaked around the back of my neck, the pressure tightening as he turned me to face him. His single eye, a bottomless well of intricacy, held mine captive.
My gaze flickered down to his lips. They were curved into a wicked grin.
His scent became a suffocating presence. The heat radiating from his body, fervid as a dragon, made sweat bead on my forehead. My entire being screamed I was at his mercy. He could crush my life out with a mere squeeze, or worse, with his single eye, he could strip me bare without ever laying a hand on me. 
But a strange fire flickered within me, a rebellion against his dominion. My hands, fueled by a desperate need for control, reached out and began loosening his doublet, my fingers slow and deliberate. 
Aemond stilled, his eye falling to my movements. He watched, transfixed, as I unfastened the green leather halfway down his chest, then trailed my fingers lower. His gaze darkened and his breath grew uneven, as the bulge beneath his belt pressed against my touch.
A visceral desire flared within me, a response I couldn’t fully comprehend. My pulse hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs, slowly drifting between my thighs at the sight of his desire. 
His grip softened at my nape, and with a surge of defiance, I ripped myself free from his hold, and landed a heavy blow to his stomach. But a wave of terror washed over me when Aemond barely flinched.
Panic clawed at my throat. 
Taking advantage of his momentary surprise, I flung open the chamber doors and fled, the sound of my pounding heart echoing in my ears. 
The aftershock of her blow lingered, a dull ache radiating from my gut, while I allowed her to make her escape. Fury, a familiar companion, usually surged through me, promising retribution, suggesting to make her death appear an accident. This time, however, a different heat consumed me, a mix of surprise and… arousal. 
Rarely did I misjudge a person. Yet, the meek mouse I’d wed had transformed into a daring she-wolf before my very eyes. This escape attempt, fueled by defiance, was a revelation. It made my dick hard. 
A rapacious glint flickered in my eye. A grudging respect, laced with something far more primal, coiled in my gut. I had underestimated her, and the unexpected turn of events had ignited a spark within me. 
A smirk twisted my lips, and I hummed with satisfaction, the thrill of the hunt coursing through me. 
“Jaelā naejot tymagon?” (You want to play?) I murmured, the challenge laced with amusement. “Kesi tymagon.” (Let’s play.)
I started into the storm-ridden castle. 
Immediate regret shot through me with a pang, a cold fist squeezing my breath. 
To toy with a dragon was like asking to get burned.
My lungs screamed in protest, my legs burning with each step down the Red Keep’s slick stone steps. Blood, metallic and sharp, left traces in my mouth as I hoisted my cumbersome gown to avoid tripping. The castle shuddered from the storm, which groaned and wailed its onslaught. Guards stood stoic at their posts, their expressions unreadable underneath silver helms. Appealing to them was a fool’s errand.
None dared defy the one-eyed prince. 
Driven by blind instinct, I found myself pushing through the massive doors of the throne room. 
The Iron Throne, a monstrous silhouette of twisted blades, dominated the chamber, its edges flashing white-hot under the lightning’s fury. I stumbled towards it, chest heaving, gasping for air. 
If it truly was cursed, could touching it offer some strange absolution, a release from the gilded cage that was my life? Surely, it couldn’t be worse than the fate that awaited me back in his clutches. 
Ascension. My trembling legs carried me up the steps, each one a monumental effort. Reaching the top, I lingered to sit, an action so simple, yet it loomed so immensely in my mind.
“Waiting to make your peace with the gods?” came a voice, and I turned with a gasp.
Aemond stood in the middle of the room, arms slotted behind his back, approaching with slow, menacing steps, like a predator savoring the hunt. Thunder boomed overhead. 
“No,” I countered, spite flaring hot in my chest. “Waiting for you to catch up so I can meet them myself,” I said, descending the steps. 
“Once more, so quick to admit defeat,” he taunted, venom dripping from his words like the rain outside.
I studied his sharp features, while the burden of my reality settled like a weight in my chest. “There is no escaping you,” I gritted out, holding his heavy gaze. 
His violence loomed heavy, and depravity flickered in his gaze. “Your perception waxes,” he conceded, and suddenly, the world tilted on its axis as he scooped me up and tossed me effortlessly over his broad shoulder. 
The journey back to his chambers was a furious ballet of resistance. My limbs flailed wildly, desperate for purchase, and obscenities, laced with an untenable fear, ripped from my throat.
A sharp slap landed on my behind, eliciting a yelp of surprised pain. 
“The more you struggle,” he growled, the sound a low rumble in his chest, “the worse it will be.”
A part of me recognized the truth in his words, yet a bestial defiance warred within, refusing to yield. Fueled by a surge of adrenaline, I lunged for his silver hair, grabbing a fistful and yanking with all my might. 
He hissed through his teeth, followed by a guttural sound echoing deep within him. “Ilībōños,” (Bitch/Bastard) he cursed.
The apartment door slammed shut behind us as he entered, his movements purposeful. With a rough toss, I landed unceremoniously on the bed, the air whooshing out of my lungs on impact. Fury, a searing inferno, consumed me, each cell screaming in protest, my claws unsheathing. I wanted to hurt him. 
Anything within reach became a potential weapon. Pillows, a discarded jeweled comb – I hurled them all at him, each item a silent scream of rebellion. But his movements were swift, each projectile dodged with practiced ease. 
Frustration mounted, morphing into a desperate rage. I lunged at him, a clumsy attempt to push him back. But he remained immovable, an unyielding mountain. Undeterred, I pushed again, and again, fueled by a futile contempt. 
Finally, as I drew back for another pointless shove, his hands shot out, lightning fast, pinning my arms to my sides. He moved swiftly, his body caging mine in a steely embrace. 
“Lykirī,” he hummed, the word a low thrum against my ear. 
“Fuck you,” I spat, my chest heaving from my ambush.
Did he mistake me for his winged beast that he could command to his will?
My attempt to wiggle out of his hold was a pointless endeavour. Rage crackled in my veins, but it flickered under his touch. My breath hitched as he leaned closer, the heat of his body searing through my gown. The scent of him, smoke and leather, filled my senses. And the undeniable press of his erection against my stomach sent a jolt through me. 
This perverted man was enjoying my defiance. His grip tightened, a teasing hold that both frustrated and excited me. My body, traitor that it was, started to soften against him, a spark igniting beneath the embers of anger. 
“Have you had your fill of my company?” he whispered, his voice husky against my ear. His hands trailed down my arms, sending shivers skittering across my skin.
Every rational part of me screamed to break free, to run for the tunnels, to fight back. But the intoxication of his touch, the heat radiating from him, the suggestive murmur against my ear – they all conspired to trap me.
Before I could think, my head slowly turned from one side to the other. 
He hummed deeply. “Say it.”
Frustration warred with a strange vulnerability within me. My cheeks burned, and I clenched my jaw hard enough to taste blood. 
“I haven't.”
“You haven't what?”
Fury flickered back to life, fueled by his smug grin and the realization of how easily he’d manipulated me. 
“I haven't had enough,” I gritted out, the words a reluctant surrender. 
A growl of satisfaction escaped him before he grasped me by my throat, pushed me back against the wall, and tasted my next breath on his tongue. 
His lips, hot and demanding, devoured mine like a beggar, silencing the gasp that threatened to escape. Heat, a wildfire erupting at the junction of our bodies threatened to consume me. Fury, a simmering ember, still flickered within. I shoved against his chest and stomped on his feet; futile attempts against his unyielding form.
“Gaomagon vīlībagon nyke daor,” (Do not fight me) he said roughly against my lips, nipping at the bottom one. “Kesā botagon daor.” (You would not survive)
I didn’t understand him, and it urged on my fury. I opened my mouth with a quip in mind, but he used that opportunity to slide his tongue inside, hot and wet. The anger threatened to drown the blossoming desire, creating a tempestuous war within. I panted, torn between resistance and a strange, unfamiliar need, a fever writhing and pulsing inside my veins. My hands clenched in the rough leather of his doublet, a desperate attempt to maintain some sort of control. 
I closed my teeth on his bottom lip, and he hissed sharply, encircling my throat with his hand, pushing me against the stone. 
“Kelītīs,” (Stop) he growled.
The question of whether he even realized he was speaking High Valyrian was a fleeting thought. I melted into his rough hold, to his wicked mouth crashing against mine again and again, getting lost in the hot glide of his tongue. His rough kisses, the frantic press of his body, all contrived to unravel my carefully constructed defenses. A soft moan escaped my lips as my nipples brushed against his chest, sending sparks lower. He groaned low in his throat, sucking my bottom lip between his teeth.
With practiced ease, he untied the strings of my dress, letting the fabric pool around my ankles. I stood there in only my kirtle, breathless under his heated gaze. A dark groan rumbled from his chest as he slipped his hands beneath my thighs, effortlessly lifting me. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. His grip tightened on my bare flesh, a touch too rough, and I retaliated with another yank on his silver hair. An angry sound erupted in his throat as he attempted to shake off my grip. 
He carried us to the bed, the world tilting on its axis as he settled me on top of him. Our mouths met in a frantic clash, a tangle of tongues and heated breaths. We tore away from each other briefly, just long enough for him to pull my kirtle over my head.
Naked and exposed, I felt a shiver dance across my skin under the intensity of his gaze. Something dark moved through his eye, and my skin prickled with goosebumps.
He gripped the swell of my hips, his palms sliding upward, a slow exploration that sent sparks igniting in my blood. The fight drained from me, replaced by a heavy languor. His fingers, surprisingly gentle for a cold-blooded killer, traced patterns across my skin, before cupping my breasts into a rough grip. A soft moan escaped my lips as his thumb brushed a nipple, and pleasure rushed to my core. He leaned in and closed his mouth over a peak, drawing it in with a slow, gentle suck. My head fell back, a groan escaping my throat. My hands filtered into his thick silver, my fingers impulsively easing off the leather tie that kept it out of his face, and it went cascading around his features like spills of moonlight.
Awe mingled with desire as I watched him continue to explore my body, his mouth leaving a trail of wet heat across my skin. I cupped his sharp face in my hands, the rational, caged side of me screaming to tear him off me. I made weak, pitiful attempts to do so, but Aemond growled his disapproval and sucked my nipple hard. The wet heat of his mouth tugged between my legs as he moved to the other, flames curling low in my stomach. I ground down on him, my wet entrance dampening the dark leather of his breeches, the friction sending a delicious heat through my core. A moan ripped from his lips.
I was on fire, a confusing mix of desire and desperation clawing at me. I needed something more, something to push me over the edge. My body moved of its own accord, grinding harder, seeking that elusive release. 
He released my nipple with a graze of teeth that sent a jolt of white heat through me, and looked up at me with his eye dark like the storm.
“Skoros gaomagon jaelā?” (What do you crave?), he rumbled.
Exhaustion gnawed at me, but a visceral need pulsed deep within. “Please,” I pleaded, the word a ragged whisper escaping my lips, the frustration of the language barrier a dull ache compared to the firestorm raging in my core. “More,” I begged, grinding against his erection with desperate mewlings. 
When his hand lowered to palm my pussy, my skin caught on fire, burning me from scalp to toes. Desire inflated in my throat when he ran his hand up my neck, into my hair, grabbing a fistful and using it to arch my head back, his touch both possessive and arousing. 
“Is this what you desire?” he rasped against my throat, his voice husky with restrained passion. His calloused thumb began drawing circles on my clit, a slow, deliberate exploration that sent frustration battling with a rising tide of pleasure. 
I nodded desperately. “Yes,” I gasped.
He slipped two fingers into my wetness, and I arched my back, groaning in pleasure and a little pain, his fingers filling me up to the brim. My hands found purchase in his hair, anchoring myself as he moved his digits, flames of pleasure licking at my walls. 
Ecstasy unfurled in my veins like milk of the poppy, mind-numbing, delirious, as he slid his thick fingers in and out of me, rubbing a sensitive spot deep within. Hot pressure expanded, and my eyes rolled back in my head. A throaty moan escaped my lips with every thrust of his fingers and a delicious rumble rolled in his chest. 
His grip around my hair suddenly vanished and his thumb began rubbing circles on my clit as he fingered me. I cried out, the intensity overwhelming, and I braced myself on his leather-covered shoulders, a cold sweat starting beneath my skin.
“Sholīze,” (You’re so wet), he groaned against my skin, the word a brand that sent shivers lancing through me, the heat beneath the surface threatening to erupt. I rolled my hips on his fingers, and a satisfied growl escaped his mouth, his eye dropping to witness me riding his hand as my pleasure ran down his wrist, my leg and onto his lap. 
“Shkelagon zhēdys,” (You’re making a mess), he whispered into my mouth, swallowing my desperate cries. 
A third finger, bold and intrusive, slid inside, the added pressure sending me over the edge. My vision swam, black dots exploding at the edges. My heart pounded to the fire searing through every nerve in my body. Throaty moans tore from my lips over and over, as I clenched around his moving fingers. He groaned with dark satisfaction, encircling my waist, pressing me against him as I rode out my orgasm. 
The storm within me subsided slowly. His fingers, once urgent, now moved slowly in and out of me while I caught my breath and the ringing in my ears faded. He didn’t withdraw until he’d coaxed out the very last tremor of pleasure from my body. 
A languorous warmth, a deep sense of satiation unlike anything I’d ever known, bloomed within me.
Lost in the afterglow, I trailed kisses up his neck, small noises of contentment escaping my lips. 
“Gevie,” he panted, slipping his fingers out of me.
I knew that word.
I never thought the act of making an heir would be this… riveting. 
So much pure heat, flame and pleasure, fueled not just by my own desire, but by the sight of her pleasure burgeoning under my touch. It was a new prospect entirely. I could have reached my own release simply from witnessing hers. 
But this was not going to make an heir, after all.  
She ran her fingers over my erection, her lips and teeth teasing a line down my neck as she came down from her high. My hand, forearm and lap were slick from her sweet desire. 
She settled back into my lap, a vision of post-orgasmic bliss. Her eyes, usually bright and defiant, were now hooded with languid satisfaction, her cheeks flushed a becoming crimson. Her lips, slightly parted, breathed shallowly. I pushed my thumb between them, and she met the intrusion with a beckoning glide of her tongue, the wet heat settling in my groin. I pulled my thumb free, wiping the evidence of her touch across her lips. 
This woman, this force of nature, was mine. My wife.
Lightning played across her features like she was its master. Like she embodied the raw power of the storm. 
Untamed, fierce, fuckable.
She was molded just for me.
Her fingers, tracing a familiar path down my doublet, encountered the bulge straining against the fabric, my dick throbbing at her faintest touch.
“Take it off,” she said, working on the buckle. I reached my hands up my neck, loosening the doublet from my frame. 
“Do not attempt any strikes this time,” I drawled, a playful challenge in my voice. I relished the smile that spread across her lips.
“You have my word,” she said softly. 
The leather of my arms whispered down, discarded on the floor like a shed skin. Her eyes ignited with raw desire, a flickering flame that mirrored the inferno that had been building within me. Her fingers, hesitant at first, traced a path down my chest, my abs, further, until her hand slipped beneath my breeches and over the length of my dick. 
I hissed through my teeth. The heat, a branding iron searing flesh, intensified as her hand, unsure but determined, wrapped around my erection, heat curling at the base of my spine. Her hesitant touch grew more confident as she stroked me from base to head with smooth, gentle motions, sending a low groan rumbling from my chest. 
I grabbed her face and grazed her chin with my teeth, making her stroke me harder. “I’ll fill you with my seed, wife,” I growled, the words rough against her skin. A promise, a threat, a declaration of possession – all rolled into one.  
Her sigh held a hint of resignation, contrasting the fire in her eyes. “As long as you’ll leave me alone once you’re done,” she mumbled, the words laced with quiet defiance. 
Fury, a red-hot ember, flared within me. 
I threw her down on her knees on the bed and yanked her head back by her hair until her head rested against my shoulder. The vulnerability in her exposed throat fueled a dark avarice within me. My erection pressed against the heat of her ass, restraint becoming an impossible enemy. 
“You’re bound to me now,” I growled in her ear, the words a possessive vow. “You’re not going anywhere.”
A ghost of a smile played on her lips, a silent challenge that both frustrated and excited me. I leaned in, whispering a single word against her ear, “Ñuhon.” (Mine) I nipped her earlobe, making her hiss. 
When I released her, she sagged forward, head hanging low. Her shoulders slumped, and she lowered herself onto her hands, the curve of her backside a sight that ignited a fresh wave of heat within me. 
I discarded my breeches, the urgency a physical ache in my core. Kneeling behind her, I pushed two fingers inside of her. She clenched down on me so tightly. I groaned and pulled my fingers free. As I rubbed the head of my cock against her wet opening, the heat of it almost burned me. A tremble coasted throat her, and her fingers gripped the sheets, bracing herself. 
I eased into her, and, gods spare me, she was so fucking tense, to the point she nearly resisted me entirely. I caressed her ass, her hips, running my hand up and down her back, attempting to relax her, uttering words I scarcely knew were the Common Tongue or High Valyrian. 
“Vīrȳn (take it), you’re so fucking wet, gūrogon mirre yno (take all of me).”
Until her walls softened and I watched myself slide into her, until I was as deep as I could go.
Seven Hells. 
The feeling was overwhelming. The way she clutched me like a wet fist. Every cell in me ached for more, to fuck her hard, relentlessly, but I gave her a moment to adjust, squeezing her, running my hands all over her. 
Soon, she was rocking back against me, and I gave her what she wanted, pulling out all the way before slowly pushing back in, every inch of me vanishing. She groaned and dropped her face to the bed, fisting the sheets in her hands. I gripped the swell of her hips, guiding her warm, wet pussy onto my throbbing dick over and over, watching their salacious union, my sight darkening at the squelching sounds that ensued. A deep hum erupted from my chest.
She glanced over her shoulder, her eyes hooded with lust, settling on each lazy thrust. 
“Iksis ao bisa ijiōrtan?” (Is this pleasing you?) I rasped, but before she could answer, I fucked her a little harder. It occurred to me that she probably could not have understood what I’d been saying half the time. 
Her head fell forward, and the sight of her biting down on her hand to quiet her moans sent a heady rush to my head, lighting me on fire. 
Thunder rolled overhead. 
I was completely lost in the heat of her, taking her hard, watching her ass bounce against me with every thrust. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against my chest.
She was panting, fucked into soft compliancy.
“To whom do you belong?” I growled in her ear.
She didn’t resist any of my advances this time. “You,” she breathed. 
“Say my name.”
“And who is your King?”
My grip snaked and tightened around her neck as I fucked her.
“Say it.”
“You’re the King, Your Grace,” she whined. “The first of your name.”
It set me on fire.
I pushed her back down and fucked her through her second orgasm, holding her hips up when her legs gave out. She shuddered and clenched around me, the pressure sending licking fires down my back, threatening to erupt. I gritted my teeth as I came inside of her, a white, hot fire shooting through me so hard, my vision went black.
My muscles shook from the aftershock.
I doubled over her, letting my forehead rest on her back as we came down. 
When I pulled out of her, I watched my seed leak out of her entrance like white tears. I plugged it with my fingers, burrowing deep inside of her, and she gasped.
“Dragonseed is precious,” I rumbled into her ear. “Would not want it to go to waste.” I kissed her temple.
“Tepagon aōha dārys iā dārilaros, dōna ābrazȳrys.” (Give your king an heir, sweet wife)
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keravnous · 1 year
wanna go where the girls are young and dumb? ; christoph waltz x fem!reader (smut, 18+)
being c. waltz's sugarbaby - the playlist
Your mother dragged you along to southern France for the summertime. Thus, you are forced to spend your spring break with your stepdad.
warnings: stepdad!christoph, lowkey sugardaddy!christoph, age gap (the reader is in her early 20s, christoph is in his 50s), finally putting my native language to good use, daddy kink, light choking, power play, riding/reverse cowgirl, fingering, pet names, name calling, unprotected sex, slight cumplay and breeding, multiple orgasms, viagra (unrealistic effects), controlling/possessive!christoph, bratty!reader, christoph's a little dark in this so heed the warning, he really just wants to wreck you he's been waiting long enough
translations: Liebes - love; Na, sieh mal einer an wer uns heute noch mit ihrer Anwesenheit beehrt - Well, someone's seen fit to grace us with their presence; Oh, das machen wir aber nicht - Oh, we won't do that, won't we
word count: 11,4k
choosing a gif for this was really just playing what's my favourite waltz era
the title is from the song young & dumb by cigarettes after sex
thank you v for not giving up on me <3
Tumblr media
"Na, sieh mal einer an, wer uns heute noch mit ihrer Anwesenheit beehrt. Where have you been?", your stepdad's voice is hard enough to cut steel and you freeze dead in your tracks, white heels dangling from your hand. Well, fuck - so much for sneaking back in quietly.
The huge wooden doors to the living room are opened - and you can see Christoph sitting on the sofa facing the lobby, in the shadows of the room, dimly lit by candles. Your feet are pressing against the polished marble, warm skin on cool stone. It's still hot outside, only a small breeze ruffling the leaves of the trees and rolling in through the opened windows, toying gently with the hem of your nearly see-through, white linen dress.
This place could easily be heaven on earth - the old, 18th century countryside bastide with its lush citrus and olive trees, near a cliff at the water and a sleepy, small town nearby - weren't it for the devil himself.
Your vision zeroes in on him - your mother's boyfriend and soon to be husband - and you try your best to glare into the dim abyss of the barely lit living room.
"Why do you care?", you spit, ready to storm upstairs. You just want some peaceful silence, not whatever the fuck he's on about.
And, like he can sense what you are about to do, like he sees the way your calf-muscles twitch, he says softly: "Don't you dare moving an inch, Liebes." His velvety voice drips with acid honey; a threat in candy-wrappers. A frost descends with his voice, making you shiver.
"I am not -"
"Where have you been?", Christoph asks again, voice menacingly calm. He sounds like he knows.
Like he knows, that you have been out to get laid.
You had met a pretty, young man and shared a few flirtatious looks with him at the farmer's market just yesterday. Your French was sufficient to get the necessities across and thus, he was quick to grasp that you wanted to fuck. Sneaking out of the house around 10 you rode your bike to his place, only to find out that what he had to offer in looks - long, dark, and curly hair and eyes like the ocean - he lacked in experience. He had been clumsy and after he tried to finger you for what seemed to be an eternity of aimless thrusting and unpassionate rubbing, you had told him to fuck off and drove back home. You just want to go upstairs, get yourself off, shower and go to sleep.
But you can't just say that, can you? And thus, you blink, unnerved, hissing: "You are not my fucking father."
You wish you could see his face, see his reaction, but it is hidden by flickering shadows. You decide that tonight's not the night to be the pawn in one of his strange games. Thus, you suck in a deep breath, before eventually sighing: "I am going upstairs. Good night."
"Ah ah ah", he scolds and you can see him taking a drag of his cigarette, the tip of it gleaming before he is exhaling smoke that curls into the air, the thick mist illuminated by the flickering glow of the candles, "Is that a way to speak to the man who keeps you in college?"
"I am not having this conversation right now."
"But I will", he raises his eyebrows and you feel glued to the spot, helpless.
Something prevents you from just leaving. You do not know what it is, but you recall a few encounters in which he had a similar effect on you - where he intimidated you into submission. Another shiver crawls up your spine at the thought.
"Step inside here for a moment, please", and as you don't move, his voice turns cold - like you are in real fucking trouble, "I won't be asking you again."
Making a great show out of your reluctant-ness, you groan, rolling your eyes, before you unwillingly drop your shoes onto the marble. Entering the living room, you sigh audibly, throwing your head back a little in exasperation, coming to a halt only a few steps into the room.
Christoph seems bored by your behaviour, deliberately stomps his cigarette out in the antique ashtray before crossing his arms. He's wearing linen, too - in a fruitless attempt to combat the heat - the first few buttons of his shirt opened. You can see the greying chest hair peeking through from where you are standing, dusted on his skin like silver threads.
You are annoyed - annoyed by the pretty young Frenchman who turned out to be an absolute disastrous disappointment, annoyed by being stuck here in the middle of nowhere, annoyed by the heat, annoyed by Christoph looking at you the way he does, annoyed by the way his strict gaze has your stomach tingling.
Annoyed by how pretty he looks in the golden candle light.
The thought hits you like a chair to the head and you sway a little, hands gripping the edges of the armchair in front of you. You swallow, trying to fight the thought. The light toys with his features, has his eyes gleaming and the grey hair on his temples looking like fluid silver.
You can feel his gaze roaming your body, burning and heavy, as his eyes wander up and down - taking in both, your curves, and your underwear visible through the white linen.
"Come closer."
You do not want to. You want to hide behind the chair, safe from the confusing mind games he likes to play.
But you don't. Instead, like a puppet on his strings, you take two steps forward and into the room, standing there uselessly. Disarmed, your only weapon left is your tongue.
"What the fuck do you want?", it comes out rude, brash. Christoph chuckles, unimpressed. For a second, you two just stare each other - a silent battle of authority and obstreperousness.
"Closer", is all he says, with the steadiness of a victory.
"I don't have time for this", your voice breaks, irritated and a little unsteady around the edges. Christoph looks at you, unfazed but something small changes. It's in his eyes, something that grows stern and unrelenting. If your little display of brattiness a few minutes earlier was a joke to him, your behaviour now was an insult.
And thus, a little intimidated by him, you comply, carefully taking a few steps forward until only a couple long strides part the two of you.
It does not seem to satisfy him.
You furrow your brows and close the gap, mere inches between your and his knee. He looks up at you, eyes cold.
"That's it. Sit", you blink dumbly as Christoph pats his thigh, his tone light in an odd, uncanny contrast to the way he looks at you.
Alright, no. Absolutely not.
You aren't sure if he's joking. It must be a sick joke. Maybe he finds it funny: his adult stepdaughter sitting on his lap. You do not move.
You are certain, he will break any second - for Christ's sake, he's an actor - he's just joking. He will break. His lips will curl up any second now --
Looking at his serious face, stern gaze boring deep deep into your soul, you grow certain that he is indeed serious. Very serious.
You gulp. "I am not doing this. This is so fucking inappropriate."
"And I am not discussing this. Sit."
God knows, Christoph isn't - never was - very patient. And you can feel it, too; he oozes with it, the way his gaze grows cold as ice and you nearly stumble over your own feet as your body gives in. He is fucking intimidating, especially when the façade of the European gentleman crumbles, drops, like it does right now - leaves you wondering, what he is capable of. And you do not want to find out. Thus, your brain barely has enough time to fight it or to reason with you, you step closer and sink down on his lap. You legs dangle over his left knee while you avoid his gaze.
Let's get this fucking over with then.
"There you go, that wasn't so hard, now, was it?"
"N-no", you shake your head, feeling the heat of his body radiating through both of your linen clothes. It should feel odd, and maybe it does just a little, sitting on your fucking stepfather's lap like this, but -- it also doesn't feel that bad. It is strangely comforting, with his rich, warm scent now wrapping you in. You have always liked his perfume - a subtle wooden scent, of vetiver and a subtle splash of mint. Sublime, sophisticated.
One of his slender, large hands wraps around your hips, holds you in place, the other gently takes your hand, fingers brushing over yours.
"I -- where's my mother?", you hold onto it like a lifeline.
"Asleep." And there it goes - the lifeline slips out of your hands and you drown in the dark, deep sea that is his presence, all light out of reach as you sink deeper, nothing else remaining but him. Still, you can't help but notice that his voice sounds cold, distant, and you wonder why.
You recall something your mother had told you just days before the flight to southern France. Her voice echoes in your skull as you remember sitting in her spacious living room, picking out a few dresses for her to wear on vacation. "He's not even touching me anymore, honey, I don't know -" - "Ew, Mom! I don't wanna know, my god!"
You wonder, if their little paradise is already crumbling, turning ugly around the edges, and a part of you wishes for it to be true. You want him gone. But there's also a small voice in the back of your head that panics at the thought. You like your life like this - you can't deny the fact that he keeps you afloat financially, that whatever you want or need - you don't even have to ask for it, he just buys it. Like it's nothing. It's comfortable and easy and you would most likely miss it.
No - you are certain you would. Life's never been that easy for you.
It's fucked up, really. You still remember meeting him, and in the beginning, you got along just fine. Blimey, even.
Getting to know him started off well. Your mother had met him at the theatre while he had been working there and despite her being shy around him, he quickly convinced her to Just try it. The first time you had met Christoph in person was at a dinner at your mother's place during Christmas break and he had been so charming, so soft and well-spoken that he had made you feel right at ease, even though you were sitting across someone so familiar with the limelight and the high society of Hollywood.
It had been nice. You found out that he was recently divorced, with children around your age. You told him about college and your future goals. It had been homely and down to earth, just nice.
And thus, you didn't think much of it as last year's spring break rolled around, returning to your childhood and now their part time-shared Los Angeles home, as he was knocking on the door of your old teenage bedroom. "It's just a little something I got you - a special gift for my new stepdaughter, perhaps? The sale's lady said it would be - quite fitting - for a young woman your age." And Christoph had been so so charming that you didn't think much of it, as you unwrapped the large box.
Inside had been a set of lingerie, made of fine, white lace with frills. The soft fabric had felt and looked expensive and you had gasped - the set so pretty that for a short while, you had forgotten how inappropriate it was for him to gift you such things.
As you finally, after returning to your dorm and showing the gift to your roommate ("Girl, that's just creepy."), came to realize just how wrong it was, a sleek beige box awaited you on your bed one night in the dorm as you returned from your classes. Inside had been a Chanel dress, all pale-pink, flowers and bows ("Shit, that one's kind of pretty").
Christoph had kept sending you gifts: jewellery, dresses, lingerie. You dutifully called every single time and thanked him and he usually only chuckled, stating that it was nothing. You know you should have told your mother. It felt off and you knew that it was, too.
But you just didn't.
Unbeknownst to you, he was testing the waters. Every time you'd see him from then on, he would put you through agonizingly long inquiries about what you did on campus, who you were seeing. He would make it painfully obvious that he was checking your credit card billings and whenever there was something out of the ordinary, he would bring it up casually in the following conversation.
You remember going out with some guy from your lecture, meeting at a place you had never been at before. The date had gone horrible and to not lead him on, you had paid for yourself - even though he insisted otherwise. Christoph had enjoyed seeing you squirm, bathed in your shame and uneasiness, as he asked you if the drinks were as horrible as he believed them to be.
That's when the tables kind of turned. You figured that he was just a rich and controlling asshole that had barged into your life, had belittled you and had ruined your fucking peace. Maybe he was an award-winning actor but to you, that didn't matter.
You were fucking glad, that he kept the relationship to you mother out of the public eye. You didn't even want to imagine the media attention. You didn't even want to imagine what he had to say about you - "My stepdaughter? Oh, she's just whoring about, that unthankful little girl, don't you worry about her."
His mellow voice rips you out of your memory. "So, what are we doing about you breaking my rules tonight?"
You nearly burst out a laugh - you are in your twenties; you are allowed to do whatever the fuck you want. His made up, bullshit rules do not apply to you - quite frankly, up until now, they did not even fucking exist to you. He never told you there were any in the first place.
Not that you would have cared, anyways.
"You have no authority over me", you say, but doesn't come out half as cool as you wanted it to. Christoph's lips curls into a smile, gaze wandering over your face. His fingers brush over yours and then he leans in, voice low:
"We both know, that is not what this is about."
Something in your stomach tingles and you want to rip it out with both hands. "What-", you whisper, seriously confused.
"I have seen what little - well, shall we call them movies, darling? - you watch when you're alone", he purrs and then smiles, all dimples and small lines around his eyes, flashes his white teeth at you. A shiver runs down your spine.
You blink dumbly. What? Jesus Christ, please no - oh no. Oh shit.
Mortification burns high on your cheeks; your skin grows warm and red with it. You immediately know what he's talking about and his invasion of your privacy has your head swimming.
"You checked my fucking browser history?", you blurt out.
"Checked", he huffs, seemingly amused, "If you leave your phone laying around unlocked--" Christoph shrugs, gestures helplessly as if he's trying to justify eating ownerless chocolates.
You can feel your gut sinking. "Y-you--", you can't help but wonder how much he's seen, what exactly he's seen. You can't help your mind from wandering there - wandering to what he thought, if he liked what he saw. Stop it, fucking stop it.
"I--?", Christoph smiles smugly, raising an eyebrow.
You wonder if he saw the countless videos of older men fucking younger women, making them beg and cry, teaching them manners. You remember one porn you have watched plenty of times - the one of a greying man tossing a young woman around, ripping her underwear apart, slapping her face and tits and railing her until she was crying, gripping her hair and spitting in her face.
You remember how deep you had plunged your fingers into your tight cunt, squeezing around them at the thought of an eloquent and handsome older man railing you until you couldn't walk, having his way with you for his pleasure, and his alone. Every single time you watched that one porn you came hard, harder than the time before, draining your sheets with your squirt until it ran down your legs. As fucked up as it is, just the memory of it has your pussy aching right in this moment, wetness pooling between your legs.
Shame crawls up your spine at the thought that he knows - that he has seen the frequency of it popping up in your browsing history. Maybe he had even clicked on it, watched it a little, indulged in your secret little fantasy. The thought has your cheeks burning red with humiliation, but there's also something else, something primal clawing at your insides, making your lower stomach tingle.
"This is none of your business", your voice is small and quiet, your eyes avoiding his drilling gaze.
"Oh, but what if it is?", Christoph's eyes gleam mischievously.
"Excuse me?", you blurt out, heart racing in your chest.
"Mh well", he weighs his head from one side to the other a little, as if he's carefully considering a thought, "You know, if you wanted what you saw in those little movies you could've just asked me?"
He says it so nonchalantly, as if he's talking about buying some milk. You blink, completely speechless.
"Do you want to know why? Why you could've just asked me?", and you nod, head swimming a little, "Because I do not want some dirt-poor, hicktown-boy touching what is mine."
Your breath hitches, and he shrugs. "There's no need for you to compensate your fantasies elsewhere any longer, Liebes, hm?", his voice is soft, dark and deep, like soft silk wrapping you in, "I can give you exactly what you crave."
It feels like your brain has just blown a fuse, blinking at him dumbly. His lips tilt up, one of his hands brushing over your knee. "You just have to say it, darling. Just say the word", and you feel like drowning in the grey sky of his eyes, loins tingling, "I can make you feel good, better than the young men can."
You swallow, excitement bubbling up in your stomach, hitching your breath. It's not like you haven't thought about it, about him - the memory buried deep, deep in the darkest corner of your brain.
You should say no. This is not okay, it will hurt your mother. It's not right. It is inappropriate, at best.
But you are also so fucking horny still, your whole body aching for a touch and the way he looks at you - your fucking stepdad who's a full-blown, silvery 30 years older than you - has tingles spreading through your limbs, fire spreading in your loins. Fuck it.
"Y-yes", you whisper instead of doing the right thing - the spirit willing but the flesh weak -,"Yes, please."
And then, he leans in.
Christoph's kiss is soft and firm, and goosebumps roll over your skin at the thought that it doesn't feel foreign or odd, like if it isn't the first time, he kissed you. It feels a lot like coming home, returning to a familiar touch - it's the way he grabs your waist, mostly, like he just knows how to touch you.
His hand brushes over the small of your back, tips gently stroking your warm skin through your dress, before snaking around your waist and pulling you closer - just as his tongue brushes over your lower lip. The other crawls up your leg, grabs the flesh of your thigh, gropes you and feels you up.
You part your lips obediently, letting Christoph's tongue slip past, brushing over yours. He tastes like cigarettes and liquor and you inhale deeply through your nose - his scent wafting around you, rich, and deep, and sophisticated.
One of your hands comes up, cups his cheek, and pulls him closer. You have never been kissed like this before, never with so much verve, so much lust. He kisses like only a man his age does, like he has tasted a hundred women, but decided you tasted best.
The hand on your leg sneaks higher, and you spread your legs needily, allowing it to slip past and between your thighs. Christoph wastes no time, his index-finger pressing against your pussy, gently rubbing it along your panty-clad folds. You are wet already; the fabric damp and you can feel your loins going up in flames as he rubs you through the thin lace.
Christoph eventually breaks the kiss, has you panting against his mouth, his lips curl up in a smug smile. His fingers dance of your cunt, gently circling your clit through your lace string. "Those boys never treat you right, do they?", he is right, he always is, has you gasping quietly, rocking your hips against his digits, "Only I get to touch you, from now on. Do you understand?"
And you nod, mind already a little hazy, nothing more important than the pulling in your stomach and the wetness between your legs. "Yes", you sigh, leaning into his touch.
"Yes --? You will address me properly", his other hand grabs your chin, "That's certainly not hard to do, now, is it?"
You swallow, your cheeks turning red once more as he digs deep into your fantasies. "Yes, Daddy", you say quietly, the word heavy on your tongue, fresh arousal flooding your cunt.
Christoph hums, visibly satisfied, thumb caressing your jaw and a soft gaze wandering over your face, takes you in, before it grows cold again, as he pulls his hands away.
"Let Daddy see what's his, then", and you follow his stern command.
Hooking your legs over his thighs you practically present yourself to him, the soft velvet cushions pressing against your calves as your back sinks against his chest - the soft material of your dress pooling between your spread legs. Christoph's hands roam over your body - from your hips up up up, brush over your stomach and then cup your tits through your flowy linen dress. His grip is firm and he squeezes them a little, making them spill out of your bra.
You gasp, looking down at his hands and watching the way they fondle your tits, pulling the hem of your dress down and hooks the fabric underneath your breasts. Being so lewdly exposed to him, reduced to being a pretty object to admire and to fondle with, has your head swimming, sparks shooting down your thighs.
"I'll show you off, hm, my pretty little girl? What do you think?", he whispers, one of his slender, large hands cupping your left tit and twisting your nipple between his fingers, "Taking you with me everywhere, let everyone see just how beautiful you are." You gasp, nodding frantically at the thought of being his pretty and expensive little arm-candy - all dolled up and looking pretty for him on the red carpet, adorned in shining jewellery and flowing dresses.
"Let's take this off, shall we?", Christoph tugs at the linen dress and helps you out of it, tosses it to the ground carelessly. You can feel his gaze roaming over your body as he looks over your shoulder, feel heat creeping up your cheeks as you suddenly realize that you wearing one of the lingerie sets, he had gifted you a couple of weeks ago.
A low growl leaves his throat, has the hairs on your arms standing up. "Have you been wearing this for him?", he sing-songs catatonically, his index finger hooks underneath the strap of your string, lets it snap back against your skin.
You have, but it makes you feel stupid now. Childish. Like you have done something laughable. Shame bubbles in your stomach and you feel the urgent need to explain yourself to him: "Y-yes, but--"
"Sh, be quiet", Christoph says softly, his hands casually making quick work of your bra, unclasping it, pulling the strings down your arms, and tossing it into the darkness of the room, "It's fine. You didn't know any better, did you, Liebes?"
"N-no, I didn't", you squeal, the cool air brushing over your hardened nipples, making you shiver while his hands run down your body.
"And do you think, it's fair that he gets to see you all dolled-up like this? In something I have bought you?"
Your teeth catch your lower lip as you shake your head. "Right", his thumb brushes over the strap of your lace string, "And why is that?"
You swallow. You know what Christoph wants to hear and you might just be very willing to give it to him. "Because I belong to you", you say quietly, your stomach fluttering after the words left your mouth.
"That's right", his thumb toys with the lace trimming of the string, "You always have, haven't you?"
You blink. "Huh?"
"Don't be stupid, now."
"I -- I don't-", and he tsks at your aimless stuttering.
"My pretty little airhead", Christoph coos, "Why do you think I bagged your mother?", and suddenly - it clicks. Like a heavy lock falling shut.
You remember the first day of rehearsal at the theatre. It had been his first day there and you had driven your mother, who was responsible for the stage designs, to work since she still had a broken thumb from working on the furniture and was pumped up on painkillers. Saying your goodbyes, you had been seeing him standing a few feet away, smiling at the two of you. You had paid it no mind - especially later, since he ended up going out with your mother. But he hadn't been smiling over the situation, he had been smiling at you. You. Not your mom.
The realization hits you like a freight train, leaves you breathless. "I always get what I want."
"Oh", you make dumbly, mouth agape a little, while his fingers dance over your panty-clad pussy.
"You are just a dumb little baby, aren't you?", for a split second his hand leaves you, only to come down rather hard, as he gives your cunt a firm slap, "I think, I might have to fuck some sense into you."
You squeal, a sharp gasp escaping your lips but you can't help it, as you feel fresh wetness pooling between your legs, rocking your hips against the palm of his hand. "Yeah, I thought so", he sounds rather pleased, lips brushing over the shell of your ear, "Nothing more on your dumb little brain than getting off, hm?"
"Y-yes", you croak, flinching as he strikes your aching cunt another time, moaning sweetly, "Daddy - fuck - p-please!"
"I know just how you feel", his other hand grabs your tit roughly, gropes you, pinching your nipple, "You made Daddy jack off to you so often, princess. Can't wait to see if you're really that tight."
And with that, he unceremoniously pulls your string to the side and you sigh, as your plush and hot skin gets exposed to the cool air.
One of his fingers immediately brushes over your slick folds, and you can hear him hum, a low sound that ignites your lust, has you gasping softly.
"Mh, so wet already, aren't you?", you are, you can hear it. You can hear your juices squelching as his finger runs up and down your cunt, circling your hole and giving your clit the slightest bit of stimulation. Your whole body tingles with it, and you look down, watch him exploring your wet pussy. And maybe, just maybe, you have thought about this, too - with your vibrator pressed snugly against your clit and fingers plunged deep in your cunt - maybe, the thought of him had been flashing through your mind, made you cum at least once.
Christoph's lips brush over your neck, goosebumps spreading over your skin, his free hand wrapping around one of yours. "C'mere, let me show you how wet you are for your Daddy, princess."
And you moan quietly, as he guides your hand between your legs, runs your fingers through your folds. You are incredibly wet, wetter than you have ever been and you gasp at the sensation as his hand guides your fingers through your slick. It's thick and watery and warm and your mouth falls agape at just how much there is of it. It drips down your cojoined fingers, that glide along your folds easily, runs over the palm of Christoph's hand and over his wrist.
"I have never seen a cunt wetter than yours", he whispers and you mewl, gaze dropping down between your legs, watching him guiding your fingers over your pussy. The grip on your fingers is firm and his movements come to a halt, as your digits brush right over your clit. Your breath audibly hatches and you mewl, the slightest bit of stimulation already having you begging for more.
Christoph grins against your warm skin, teeth brushing over the soft flesh. He knows that you had had sex before - he has seen the messages you sent to your roommate about the boys from class, about the one with the pretty blonde hair - but he can't help but notice how you turn into puddy in his hands, like you have never been touched before. Like a fucking virgin. It makes his blood boil, dick straining against his trousers, wanting to see you come apart under the touch of his hands. He wants to see you go insane on his cock, until there is nothing else left but him - all your flings from college washed from your mind - a clean slate for him to claim, ruin.
"Are you always that needy? I don't even want to think about how poorly he must've touched you", Christoph mumbles against your neck, tongue darting out, licking a wet stripe over your warm skin before moving his fingers along with yours, rubbing slow and wide circles over your clit, "I bet it was downright pathetic."
Your hips buck and you gasp, eyelids fluttering. "Oh god, yes", you breathe, feeling your own wetness beneath your fingertips, and the lust sparking in your loins like a wildfire, "Yes, it was."
The way Christoph touches you is just so so different from what you experienced earlier - his slender fingers move yours skilfully, rubbing your clit like he just knows how you like it, like he's done it a hundred times before. You sink back against him, and he gently removes your hand from your cunt, places it onto your thigh instead - lips brushing and sucking on the back of your neck. "Let me show you how good I can make you feel, darling", he hums, "Let me show you how a real man can make you feel."
And with that, he unceremoniously pulls the lace of your string apart, riiips it cleanly in two, lets the fabric fall to the floor, before spreading your legs further. His fingers dance over your cunt, gliding through your slick, before two of them dive back in on your clit. Rubbing wide, slow circles he has you gasping within seconds, watching his digits working you with your mouth agape - your hole clenches around nothing, hips bucking.
"Does that feel good, princess?", he sounds so so smug, like he knows that it does. You can feel your loins catching fire, slowly rolling your hips against his fingers.
"Y-yes, fuck yes", you huff, moaning quietly.
Christoph's finger delves deeper and circles your hole, has it fluttering under his touch, before he carefully pushes it in. You gasp, and he chuckles, feels the way your walls clench around him.
"You're so tight, princess", he pushes his finger in completely, curls it a little and you moan as it brushes over the spot that usually has you seeing stars - before he starts to move it slowly, agonizingly even, rubs your walls and feels you squeezing him.
Christoph can't wait to fuck you, to get his dick wet, feels himself growing even harder in his slacks at the thought. He has been thinking about it for so long, that touching you makes him a little dizzy, and it needs a whole lot of willpower not to throw you off his lap and push you into the cushions, ass up, pounding into you until you're a drooling, crying mess.
He really wants - needs - to take it slow, get a taste of every single second, make it last as long as he possibly can. He will make you beg for it, drunk with it; drunk with the way he is going to fuck you until you see stars, until there is nothing left on your mind but him and his dick pounding into you, his hands on your body. He had already made you dependant on him financially, and now, finally, he will own your body and its countless pleasures, too.
Christoph smiles to himself, all crinkled crow's feet, and white teeth, as you roll your hips against his finger, desperately adding some more friction. He loves giving it to you: pulls his finger out of you, only to push two back in, stretching your hole out a little. You are so fucking tight around his digits; he can feel the ring of muscles clutching and straining against his fingers. "No one's ever fucked you real good, Liebes, I can tell."
He shoves his fingers deeply into your cunt, gives you a short moment to assess to the feeling, before moving them slowly, fucking your slick in and out of you. First, your hips tremble and then you squirt, moaning deeply, wetness splashing against the palm of Christoph's hand. Gasping, you watch his other hand crawling between your legs, his index-finger slowly circling your clit.
Pleasure shoots through your body and you moan, goosebumps spreading over your body, your heartbeat rattling with lust. "Fuck", you gasp, head lolling back onto his shoulder.
With his lips ghosting over your strained neck, Christoph gently speeds up, harvests the desperate whines and gasps falling from your lips as he pushes his fingers in and out of you.
You feel like you do not even have to tell him what you want, what you like - it is like he hasn't only dug deep into your browser history, but also your brain - like he just knows which switch to flip, how to touch you and how to rile you up with a deadly precision. It also feels oddly familiar - his touch, his smell, your body pressing against his with lust and a thin layer of sweat - like he has known your body for years, like he had fingered and touched you a hundred times before.
And thus, you do not even have to vocalize it, that you need more, need it harder - he just knows, reads you like an opened book or a fucking road sign. Christoph starts to fuck you quickly, his fingers pushing your cream in and out of you, pussy gushing around his digits. Your hand flies to his wrist, clutches it tightly, as you moan and sigh, desperate of any sort of leverage.
The way he fingers you feels so fucking good and you wish it would never end, but you can already feel your muscles clenching and then his other hand starts to rub your clit hard, two slender fingers circling it quickly and you gasp, mewl.
"D-daddy", you shriek, walls clutching around his fingers rapidly as you feel your orgasm approaching quicker than any time before, "I-- I'm gonna-"
"Go ahead", he sounds amused, and the humiliation that floods you at his tone has your orgasm rolling over you, coming loose around his fingers on his command.
Shudders roll over your body as you cum, pathetic whimpers leaving your mouth while Christoph fucks you through your climax, fingers circling your clit and making you squirt against his digits. You are slowly coming back down to earth, a soft smile tugging at the corners of your mouth, before you moan, throwing your head back while you rock down on his long fingers, riding out your orgasm. Your juices squelch around his fingers as he rubs them along your walls, your squirt wet the sofa's cushions beneath. You can feel your slick running down your legs, and you gasp.
"There you go", Christoph coos, lips brushing over your exposed shoulder, his other hand still on your throat, thumb brushing over your jaw, "Doesn't that just feel wonderful, angel?"
You nod, a breathless Yes, Daddy escaping your lips - and you are just so turned on, fire in your loins and fresh wetness pooling between your legs, that you can't help it. You continue to roll your hips onto his fingers despite the last remains of your orgasm still rolling over you, gently and slowly rocking down, meeting the equally gentle thrusts of his fingers. Your cunt squelches as you squirt against the palm of his hand.
Christoph whistles lowly, pulls his fingers out of you - leaving you a whimpering mess - takes a good, long look at them in the dim, golden candle light. They glisten with your juices and he considers shoving them into your mouth for a moment, but the way you roll your hips onto him with your ass rubbing over his bulge, is fucking distracting, has him stalling.
"Oh fuck", you gasp, your head falling back on his shoulder, "Oh god, please, 'stoph, please please -"
"Oho", he chuckles smugly, "Still needy, little girl?"
You are. Your cunt aches, like you haven't just cum and made a mess out of the sofa beneath, but you feel so so empty. You need more. You need -
"N-need your cock, please! Daddy, please--", you roll your hips on his crotch, feeling his hard dick pressing against the soft linen, hot and heavy. He feels big against your wet and aching cunt, leaving stains on his expensive slacks, and you can't fucking wait to feel it inside of you.
Christoph grabs your hips hard, stalling your movement and pressing your slick pussy against his bulge. You can feel his hard cock twitching while you stain and wet the fabric and you moan, needily, while his tongue and lips graze over your shoulder, lapping at the soft skin.
And then, he suddenly buries his teeth in your shoulder - gentle but still hard enough to leave a mark - makes you gasp and sob, before he is licking over the bruised and red skin. Christoph's lips move up up up, over your neck, sucking and kissing. His tongue dances over the shell of your ear, his voice nothing but a deep rumble: "I can't wait to fuck you, darling. Been thinking about it a lot, I just can't get enough of you."
Your breath hitches, and you look over your shoulder, your gaze meeting his unrelenting one. "Please", you say quietly, his grey eyes boring into you, "Do it."
And then Christoph leans in, locks his lips with yours once more, licking into your mouth, while one of his hands wanders down, opens the fly of his pants. He is getting impatient now and you are, too, one of your hands joining his and pulling the hem of his boxers down. He is panting into your mouth, against your lips and your hand wraps around his cock, all hot and hard, gives it a few experimental strokes.
You wonder if he will fuck you like he kisses you; like he is going to swallow you whole, like he is never going to let you go again, with the way his nose digs into your cheek and his hands hold you close while his tongue explores your mouth in between open-mouthed kisses full of panting and groaning, leaving your lips plump and plush. You want him to fuck you like that - until there is nothing left but him.
His dick is bigger than you thought, long and just the right girth and you have trouble closing your hand around it fully. The way you stroke him, despite the angle being a little clumsy with your body in the way, has Christoph groaning into your mouth, licking your tongue, and gripping your waist, his other hand dipping back between your legs.
Your pussy is soaked, and he spreads your slick over the hot, plush skin - so responsive from your previous orgasm, that you gasp and moan against his lips, and he catches your lower lip, gently bites, and nibbles at it. Your hand massages his dick, your thumb occasionally flicking over its tip, smearing the drops of precum pooling beneath your digits. Eventually, Christoph is parting from you, cheeks blushed a little and pupils blown wide, swats your hands away. His voice is deep and dark, nothing but a low and soft whisper, that has the hairs on your body standing up as he addresses you again: "You fucking slut."
And that, that has you moaning. You never thought you'd hear such things from him, but the way his eyes grow dark and his voice rumbles in his chest you are certain, that something primal has kicked in his inner doors and makes itself comfortable. "First, you dress up like a whore for a hicktown-boy and now, all I have to do is to give you a cock and you're gone so quickly you won't even let go of it, eh?"
"It's jus'so big, Daddy, feels so good", you slur, already a little gone, trying to get your hands onto him once more. He tuts at you, shakes his head a little. "You'll get it back, sunshine, don't you worry."
Christoph grabs his dick with one hand - the other arm wraps around your frame and adjusts you in his lap, your naked, shivering body resting against his expensive linen - and presses it against your seeping hot cunt. The feeling alone makes your loins tingle, has you spreading your legs further.
You gasp, needy for him to finally fuck you, finally shove his cock into you. "Please, Daddy--", you whine, rolling your hips against his dick, wetting it with your juices.
"Been teasing me for so long", he sounds unnerved while thinking about it, his cock twitches against your hot cunt, "Did that get you off?"
"N-no", you mewl honestly, because you didn't, you did not know what you were doing to him. You feel guilty, wanting to make it right - to finally be good for him.
"Bet it did", he hums, not listening to you, "I will have to teach you some manners, one day."
Shivers tingle on your arms, run down your body and you nod, the promise of a punishment lingering in the air, your hole clenching around nothing at the mere thought of it. You need him - now. Need him to stuff your cunt, fuck you until you are a drooling mess, not a single thought remaining. "Daddy, please, just-"
"You know, I have kids your age", Christoph is slowly rubbing his cock along your cunt, the tip of it nudging against your clit, making you shiver and whimper. The complete and utter filth that leaves his mouth has you squirming on his lap, his tone - smug and calculating - makes him sound nearly proud that he's bagging someone as young and pretty like you. You can feel some fresh wetness spreading between your folds, warm and sticky, as he rubs his precum through them, eventually presses the thick tip against your waiting hole.
Christoph knows that you usually only let someone fuck you with a condom on, he has seen your contraception laying around in your room but he will make sure that tonight's a little different - he'll claim you, pump you full of his cum and make you remember the way it will mingle with your own juices.
Expecting you to protest as he finally pushes in without one on, he is genuinely surprised as you don't; instead, your hole flutters open, invites him in deeply, accompanied by the sweetest, softest, high-pitched moan he may have ever heard. The second your hot walls close around his dick, squeezing him tightly with your hole stretching around his thick cock, his face comes loose.
You can hear Christoph exhale deeply, a pleased and satisfied sound, his eyes falling shut and face growing soft as he relishes in the feeling of your throbbing, wet cunt. His dick isn't only bigger than you thought, it fucking feels like it, too. The thick head presses snugly against your cervix, while your hole stretches around its base, walls pressed against it, feeling his cock throb.
"Ah, that's it", he sighs quietly, hands gently rubbing your hips.
"'S good?", you slur, already a little out of it but wanting to be good for him, good for your Daddy.
"Better than I have ever dared to dream, darling", one of his hands brushes over your thigh, caresses the warm skin.
You sigh with the praise, hole clenching around the thick base of his cock while it stretches you out. "Y'feel so good, Daddy", you mumble, looking down to where his dick vanishes inside of you, has your cunt spread on it.
"That's my polite little girl", Christoph's hand brushes over your stomach, up up up and cups your right tit, gives it a firm squeeze.
"Why don't you start moving, sunshine? Make sure it will keep feeling good for me, hm?", he suggests, silky voice dripping with honey, and he lets go of a ragged breath as you do. Rolling your hips experimentally once, feeling his cock moving inside of you, and you quiver. It gently prods against your cervix with every moment, making you mewl and gasp.
Starting off slowly, you raise your hips and then move them back down carefully, feeling Christoph's cock stretching you out, rubbing along your walls. His hands brush over your thighs, your waist. "There you go, darling", he croons, lips brushing over your shoulders, "Keep going, make me feel good."
And you really want to - thus, you grow braver, lifting your hips and sinking back down quicker, rolling them on his cock. He groans, throaty and deep, hands digging into your thighs. You start to ride his dick, fucking yourself back onto him quickly, hands darting out to his knees, desperate for any sort of leverage as you lift your hips and sink back down.
Moaning, you throw your head back as your body sacks forward a little, back arched and Christoph gives your exposed ass a firm slap, before his hand snakes around your body, closes in around your throat. "Upright, girl", he scolds, has you gasping and straightening back up immediately. The hand does not vanish, instead, it adds pressure to your delicate neck, pressing your windpipe shut. Your hips stutter and your eyes widen, right before pleasure shoots through your body, hot waves of lust making you squirt against his cock. Your thighs clench, knees darting together. "Keep them open for me, baby girl", he huffs, his free hand darting between your thighs, grabbing your left and forcefully spreading your legs in the process.
Christoph's hand lets go of your throat, now laying gently against your soft skin instead and thus, keeping your upright on his lap, back arched. "Oh", you gasp, so fucking turned on, you might combust on the spot, "Oh, fuck -- Daddy!"
The hand on your thigh gropes you lightly, thumb brushing over your skin gently. You move up and down on his cock, cunt throbbing and walls squeezing him occasionally, while the tip of his dick prods against your cervix. The way Christoph's cock splits you open, rubs along your walls is delicious, has you gasping and whining.
"Mhm, don't you just look pretty, bouncing on your Daddy's cock like that?", the hand around your throat clutches once more and you moan, high pitched and whiny, hips bucking.
The lack of oxygen has your walls clenching around his dick as you rock down on it, hands desperately grabbing the linen of his slacks. The stretch in your back is deliciously painful, the hand on your throat adding to it.
Feeling your orgasm approaching slowly, you speed up a little more, the sounds of your slick skin hitting his cock filling your room, mingling with his groans and your whines. "There you go, sunshine", Christoph's praise is sweet and soft as you speed up a little more, rolling your hips up and down up and down, hands clutching the linen of his slacks, while you fuck yourself back onto his dick. You can feel your heart pounding in your throat, you can taste your arousal on the tip of your tongue, hear your blood singing with it.
With your cunt squeezing him, practically milking his cock as you rock down it, Christoph can't help but wanting more. The hand on your thigh sneaks between your legs, and he feels you shivering in his lap as his index-finger brushes against your clit. Your gasps are sweet and turn into dirty, wanton moans quickly as he starts to circle your clit with it and Jesus fucking Christ - he wishes he could hear it every day, when he wakes up, when he goes to bed, wishes he could just do nothing all day, only play with you, and make you cum over and over and over again. The way you roll your hips and fuck yourself onto his dick becomes more erratic, desperate and a little clumsy and his lips curl up - he just knows you're close.
"That's a good girl", Christoph coos, voice rough and deep, "Cum on my cock. Be a good girl and cum for me."
Adding pressure to your windpipe once more, he presses the hand around your throat down hard. Your hips buck wildly at the sudden lack of oxygen, lust shooting through your veins, while his finger rubs over your clit fast, in rhythm with the thrusts of your hips. You can feel your walls clenching heavily around his dick and then you cum, your orgasm hitting you with such force, that all you can do is gasp loudly. Any sound and thought is wiped from your body as your cunt squeezes his cock, pussy clenching and legs trembling, hips stuttering as you squirt and squirt, your cream gushing against his dick.
Christoph continues to fuck you through it, moaning quietly while you milk his cock, one arm wrapping around your waist and keeping you in place, the other slooowly letting go of your throat. You suck in desperate breaths, your senses slowly returning and you moan, high-pitched and sweetly, as you feel his dick pulsating inside of you.
"Yeah, just like that, sunshine", he groans, while he fucks you through your orgasm, cock twitching inside of you and shooting hot ropes of cum into your hole, painting your walls white, "Such a good girl, taking it all."
Humming with his praise, you spread your legs wide over his lap, letting his dick in a little deeper, welcoming his cum home. His free hand roams your inner thigh, gropes you gently, while he huffs and groans into your ear - the low sound making you shiver. You relish in the feeling of his warm body beneath you, feeling pumped full by his cum and his hands all over you, while your body grows a little sore, your pussy becoming plush and plump.
His dick is still buried inside of you, hard and hot and heavy. You feel so so full, with his cock preventing his cum from leaking out, only a few drops run out of your hole lazily, drip down his balls and onto the sofa. His cock doesn't seem to go noticeably flaccid, having you gasp and moan with the sensation, relishing in the feeling of him filling you up to the brim. You want to ask why he's still hard, but the question becomes obsolete as your gaze flickers to the coffee table. There's a blister of pills there, one cavity empty. The pills are blue.
Christoph's thumb rubs along your chin, catches on your lower lip. "Surprised, angel?", and you nod, only a dumb Uh-huh leaving your throat and he snickers at the sound, pushes his thumb into your mouth. Immediately, like you are fucking programmed to, you start sucking on it, pussy clenching around his hardening cock.
"Oh, my pretty baby, fucked your brains out already? And I am not even done yet", he sounds genuinely amused while his other hand brushes over your inner thigh and your skin and the nerves below are so so responsive to his touch, has you squirming in his lap and on his cock, mewling. It makes him groan, a low sound, vibrating deep in his throat.
"I have been waiting so long for this", he husks, "I didn't want for it to end too quickly, hm?"
You can feel him growing back to full size inside of you, within mere minutes. It feels nice, nice being so full and you are so far gone in that thickly sweet daze that you don't even think once, as you roll your hips lazily - once, twice - while his hands roam over your body, your lower belly, your waist, groping your tits.
Christoph touches you with a righteousness, like you belong to him, like he owns you. Like there's no one else but you.
But you know that's not true. You know that upstairs your mother is fast asleep, and that on her nightstand lays an expensive engagement ring with a huge-ass diamond. If you weren't so fucked out of your mind, you'd care and you'd wonder if this is a one-time thing.
As if he can read your thoughts, he says: "Don't you worry your pretty little head, princess. I won't marry her anymore - it's only you darling, always been."
And you sigh, his sweet talk wrapping you in as he pushes his hips upwards once, buries himself deep into your cunt, hits your cervix. You look over your shoulder, and your gazes meet.
One of his hands comes up, rests on your cheek while he starts to fuck you slowly, softly pants with the way his dick slips in and out of you. "Oh, my sweet baby", Christoph coos while you are hissing quietly as his cock brushes over your overstimulated walls, spreads your tight and aching hole, your hand clutching his wrist.
"Daddy, i-it's too much", you mewl and he pouts at you playfully, shakes his head.
"No, it isn't, is it? You can take it", his thumb caresses your cheek, gives you a sweet peck on the lips, "Be a good girl and take it. You can give me one more."
But you physically can't, and neither does your pussy, walls tightening around him, pushing against his hard dick. "Oh, das machen wir aber nicht, hm?", Christoph scolds, his other hand diving back between your spread legs, two fingers gently circling your clit. You hum, body immediately relaxing, and within a few moments the dull pain of him assaulting your used hole vanishes in thin air, sharp gasps escaping your parted lips, your juices running down your cunt.
"There we are. I knew you could take it", his grin is nothing but devilish, peppers your cheek with soft kisses, "I'm so proud of you, sunshine, hm? Taking it so much better than your mom. I knew you'd be the one."
Stretching your already used cunt further, he nestles back in fully, sighs deeply. "Like you were made for me, angel."
"Yes", you sigh sweetly, because you sure feel like it. Gently, careful even, Christoph continues to circle your clit, pinching and rubbing it. Your body slowly, slowly sinks away from you, growing light and all that is left is the feeling of his hands touching you, his cock buried deep inside of you. Every nerve-ending tingles with it, your brain only focussed on him and the way he feels, the way he smells, the way he sounds. The only thing left is him.
Your body goes limp, arms dangling at your sides as Christoph grabs your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh, and thrusts you onto his cock - once, twice. Deep thrusts, that make your blood sing.
"O-oh, oh Daddy", you gasp, eyes rolling back. Your body practically goes up in hot, burning flames of lust, sparks tingling in your thighs and your chest and you want him to run his hands all over you and feel you up, but you also don't want him to stop manhandling you like he does - all his pent up energy coming lose, practically giving you taste of how long and cruel his wait had been. If you weren't so fucked out of your mind, everything a little hazy already, you would touch yourself, but you just can't - all you can do is spread your legs wider, mouth agape while you pant and moan, relishing in the delicious feeling of his dick fucking you into oblivion.
Your jaw goes slack with it, head lolling back onto his shoulder as he uses you, hammers you down on his dick like a fleshlight. Christoph's grip on your waist and hips is hard enough to leave bruises and tomorrow morning you will be able to see them, an angry red, count the ways he marked you as his.
The thought of you being nothing more to Christoph than his pretty little cocksleeve - young and attractive - that he can take anywhere and fuck whenever he pleases, makes your head swim. You think about him dragging you along to some award-show, showing you off on the carpet and then bending you over the sink in one of the bathrooms because another actor looked at you for a second too long, fucking you until you can't really walk anymore - only to later sit in the award ceremony and feeling his cum leaking out of you. You think of him taking you out for dinner to a fancy restaurant - maybe even with some of his Hollywood-friends - playing with your pussy at the dinner table, whispering sweet nothings in your ear - just because he can, because who would even dare to stop him? You think about visiting him on set, waiting for him in his hotel room - adorned in the jewellery he has gifted you, nothing on but a revealing set of lingerie - waiting for him to take his stress out on you.
It makes you fucking wet, squirt gushing from your cunt, that runs down your folds and that he pumps back into your wanton hole. "Jesus, fuck", you whine, starting to roll your hips with the way he thrusts you down on his dick, feeling him deep deep inside of your pussy, thick head brushing over and hitting your cervix. Hearing him moan with it nearly makes you lose your mind.
You cry out - overstimulated, but so so horny - with his cum squelching out of you with every single thrust, mingling with your juices and dripping, squirting onto the sofa. There are pleas falling from your lips as you yell out with lust and Christoph's quick to clasp one hand around your mouth, your cries and deep moans muffled by the palm of his hand. Your eyelids flutter as you fuck yourself back against his thrusts, his cock hitting your cervix and pain and lust ignite your body, making you want to curl up and just take take take what he gives you.
You feel like you are on fire, your whole body responding to his touch and his thrusts, every single nerve in your body on high alert, as you feel your orgasm coming closer.
Looking down, you can see how he is still thrusting your body down on his dick and you watch, panting. Seeing just how he is using you, like you are nothing but a delicate toy --
It's what tips you over.
A high-pitched scream escapes your mouth as you cum, muffled by his hand pressing against your mouth - before he pulls away, allows you to suck in a few deep breaths through your opened mouth.
Your body practically convulses on his cock, shakes rattling your frame as your third orgasm rolls over you, creaming and squirting against his dick, making a pretty mess of his linen slacks and the sofa beneath. You have left quite a few nasty stains tonight, and your cheeks will turn red in a few days, when your mother spots them and Christoph lies to her face.
Your cunt squeezes his dick and you can feel it twitch heavily inside of you, once, twice, and then he cums too, shoots hot ropes of cum inside of your pussy once more. You feel so fucking full, like you are about to burst, as you roll your hips against his, cunt gushing around his cock.
"Oh fuck", you moan sweetly, sacking back against him. You can hear him pant, one hand on your waist coming lose and resting gently on your stomach, rubbing loose circles over your warm skin.
"What a good girl, huh", he whispers, coarse and exhausted. His words barely reach you through the thick cloud, everything turns white and a soft numbness embraces you, makes you feel featherlight, like you are flying. Christoph's arms wrap you in gently, pulling your naked form close to his, the soft linen crinkling and pressing against your naked back.
You stay like this for a while, with his large and soft hands caressing your skin - rubbing your stomach and gently stroking your thigh - until your breath becomes deeper again, your limbs start to feel heavier, more connected to your body once more. "Oh God", you sigh, feeling his cock still plugging your hole up. It grows flaccid slowly, a few drops of his cum already leaking out of you.
Christoph's lips dance along your shoulder, your neck, kissing and pressing down onto the warm skin. His hands grip your hips tightly. "Ready?", and he sounds so so playful, like he is really enjoying this - taking some depraved satisfaction from it - and you can't help but nod, readying for him to pull out.
He lifts your hips, watches how his dick slips out of your hole easily, hears you hiss with it, and then it trickles down. Thick drops, streaks of white cum flush from your used cunt, and he's quick to swipe his fingers along your folds - spreads your pussy and his cum, collects it with his fingers.
They enter your vision and without thinking, like you're still far gone - despite the fact that you aren't - he shoves them between your obediently opened, waiting lips. You close them around his fingers, while the remains of his cum drip out of you still, and start to clean them up, sucking on them, tongue swirling around his digits.
"That's a good girl", his praise has your blood singing, and you whine in protest as Christoph pulls his fingers from your mouth, "So, tell me - where do you go the next time you want a good fuck?"
"To you, Daddy", you say softly, earning you a warm chuckle and a pat on the thigh.
Your legs are still wobbly as you make your way downstairs in the morning and out onto the terrace. Your mother and Christoph are sitting in the sun, a light breeze rolling around the terrace, making the seam of the table cloth sway gently.
Your mother is silently eating her breakfast while Christoph rustles with his French newspaper. He appears to be interested in the Feuilleton but you notice how his gaze flickers to you as soon as you're approaching the table, remains glued to your figure, small lines forming around his eyes.
"Oh, honey!", your mother gets up, happy that you are awake, and gives you a featherlight kiss on the cheek, "Oh god, you look horrible, darling! Did you sleep unwell?"
Christoph snorts, but your mother ignores it - holds you at arm length, iron grip around your arms as she assesses your timid frame.
"Yeah, 's just the heat", you mutter, freeing yourself from her death grip and sit down, flinching a little. You're so fucking sore, legs still heavy and hole aching, pussy begging for another touch through the slight pain. Christoph deliberately puts down the newspaper, a smug smile toying at the corners of his lips. It grows rather surprised than complacent as he takes you in fully.
You are wearing one of the dresses he had bought you. You also draped a silk scarf around your shoulders, hiding the viciously glowing bitemark he gave you. His face is expressionless as he looks at you, his cold stare boring into you. For a moment you think, he might rat you out - tell your mother that you snuck out last night.
But he doesn't. Instead, he wordlessly pours you a glass of freshly pressed orange juice, hands it over to you. Your fingers brush over his, goosebumps spreading over your skin at the thought that just a couple of hours, they had been in you, fucking you to hell and back.
You can still feel them inside of you, growing wet at the thought, squirming a little in your chair. If it weren't for your mom sitting right next to you, you'd get up and beg him to fuck you. Your pussy aches at the imagery that your brain conjures up; tits bouncing, one leg hooked over his shoulder, the expensive dress pooling around your waist, glasses on the table clinking with each thrust.
Your mother - oblivious to what is happening in front of her - brabbles on about her plans for the day, while Christoph's gaze is chained to yours.
It feels like his eyes are undressing you, a shadow dances over his greyish eyes, turning them into a darkened sky. Your hand grips the glass tightly, thighs rubbing together. You really wish you could just --
"Careful", he says quietly, pointing at your hand clutching your glass so hard your knuckles start to turn white, and you let go of it, like you just burned yourself. The glass nearly topples over on the white table cloth, the juice trickles down the insides of it lazily, silent testimony to an accident prevented. He's right - it might've burst.
Thank you for taking care of me, Daddy. You want to get up and thank him properly, unzip his pants and --
"Don't you think, that'd be nice, honey?", your mother chimes, still busy with her avocado, and pulls you out of your daydream - you on your knees with Christoph rubbing his cock and balls across your face and making you look like a cheap whore, before he slips it between your plush, waiting lips with their red lipstick smudged - you barely manage not to moan aloud, quickly turning your head her way.
"Huh?", you blink dumbly.
"Honey", she scoffs, "I said - Do you wanna go to the beach today?"
You rather wouldn't. Especially not with your mother around, gushing about the man who fucked you senseless last night. You would rather spend the day with him alone.
Thus, your gaze flickers back to Christoph quicker than you can think about it, quicker than you can stop yourself from doing it. He gives you the slightest nod, that goes completely unnoticed by your mother and rearranges his reading glasses.
Thank you for thinking for me, Daddy.
"Sure, why not?", you can hear yourself say. Christoph rustles with his newspaper and somewhere, in the trees, a bird chimes.
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explorevenus · 2 years
piercing porcelain, crimson sap ♡ vampire!steddie x reader (pt. 1)
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recommended listening - dracula (nate sees cassie) - labrinth
this part is generally sfw but the bulk of this series will be nsfw (18+) - so minors dni !!!!! or i will call ur mom
word count - 5k
description - in a fantasy world, reader is from a small, remote village. for many years you have been drawn to the mysterious mansion in the woods, the very same mansion you were warned against visiting for so long. you’ve tended to the neglected garden since you were young, growing attached to the strange, abandoned structure, only to one day find out the mansion isn’t as vacant as you’d thought...
tags/warnings - vampire!steddie, dark!steddie, innocent!reader, fem/afab!reader, pet names, no use of (Y/N), stevie is a lil cold at first but he warms up i promise, eddie is v manipulative lol, implied hypnosis, no smut yet but i promise it’s coming, fantasy elements obvi
a/n - ok i know this premise is done to death and like somewhat out of left field for a fucking stranger things fic but HEAR ME OUT. HEAR ME OUT OKAY. i am a SLUT for sexy mysterious vampire boys and i’ll be DAMNED if i don’t turn steve and eddie into sexy mysterious vampire boys at least once before i die. thank u for understanding and if u see this and it flops no u didn’t ♡
taglist - @urlbitchin​
my masterlist ♡ ​
part 2 coming soon ! lmk if u want to be added to the taglist :)​
fic below the cut, thanks for reading and i hope u enjoy ♡
-venus ♡
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Growing up in the woods, you were always taught to avoid the decrepit old mansion that hid away in the shadows of the tall trees, a warning you would heed with great caution as a child, but not so much as you grew into your teenage years. 
You were 15 when you first felt the urge to rebel, or rather when you first failed to fight it off. Restricting yourself to only the outside of the property, to make yourself feel better about your choices, if anything, you had set off along the overgrown path that winded northeast and just down the valley, into a remote corner of the wilderness where the decaying building loomed tall, quieting the forest around it.
Based on all the horror stories you'd been told over the years, you expected to find the place teeming with evil spirits, or perhaps grotesque monsters; but, it was silent as could be, utterly vacant by the looks of it, and at first, rather underwhelming. You thought to yourself that maybe that was the point of all those hyperbolic cautionary tales that the elders passed down, to build up this great big image of what evil might be hiding away here, only for the purpose of letting down those expectations later. You were ready to give up and walk home, disappointed by your findings (or lack thereof), when you caught sight of a beautiful jungle of plants out of the corner of your eye-- they were bursting through the gaps in an old iron fence. It was a long forgotten garden, and as luck would have it, plenty of the plants there were invaluable for your alchemical endeavors.
Every now and then you would slip away and return to the garden, mindlessly sifting through the salvageable ingredients, and as the years went on you'd made a habit of tidying up the weeds where you could, too. Your interest in alchemy hadn't fully extended to an interest in gardening, so you weren't the most experienced by any means, but it was amazing what the smallest loving touch could do for a long forgotten place. Not to mention, the ridding of the weeds allowed the more sought after plants to properly flourish. It became your own private place, your own little slice of heaven, untouched by anyone but yourself. You loved the community you'd grown up in, but you felt an immense comfort near that strange mansion.
In your adulthood you only began to spend more time at the property, caring for the precious plants and dreaming that the mansion was yours, dreaming that you were not a village witch thieving ingredients for a living but the mistress of a beautiful household, gardening for pleasure in her overabundance of free time. It wasn't so much the material that you wanted, no, but the freedom-- freedom from the dangers of the woods, freedom from that constant worry of being unable to provide for yourself, for your village. It was nice to fantasize sometimes.
On this particular afternoon, it was overcast when you were readying yourself to leave the village, so you saw it fit to bring an umbrella. The prospect of rain didn't bother you a bit, or change your plans to visit the mansion at all-- it had been too long since the last rainfall, so both yourself and the plants were sorely needing it anyway. You lifted the hood of your soft cloak over your head and stepped outside, flower basket in-hand and toting a leather backpack full of various gardening supplies.
Cutting through the trees to that fading old pathway, little rocks and twigs crunching ambiently beneath your boots, you looked up at the grey sky above to see that it was only continuing to darken on the horizon. Thick black clouds loomed in the distance, swallowing up every last bit of sunlight and visibly unleashing buckets of rain upon the northern end of the mountain range, and they were barreling closer at a rate highly noticeable to the naked eye. You briefly considered turning back, but decided to stick to it anyway, given the worst case scenario was having to walk home drenched.
That old iron fence creaked loudly in greeting as you entered, even louder than usual due to the moisture in the air. You closed it softly behind you and made your way over to the patch of nightshade that you'd been tending to. You propped your umbrella up on the stump of a nearby tree, crouched beneath it, and got to work pulling up weeds as little droplets began to fall around you. The petrichor was delightful and comforting, and the rainfall softened the earth enough to make it just a little easier to uproot things. It didn't take long for you to settle into a comfortable autopilot mode as the droplets became gradually larger, and more plentiful.
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Eddie and Steve liked this kind of rain.
Any kind of rain was favored, of course, but today was unmistakably a treat. The clouds were so dense and blackened with excess that no sunlight could hope to shine through. There was much excitement to be had on darkened days such as these, for a creature of the night-- the ability to roam during waking hours provided an entirely new insight into the lives and routines of their prospective cattle, and as a bonus, the moisture in the air tended to strengthen certain scents. 
But, in a more wholesome light, it was quite nice to reminisce in the long faded memory of their own mortality, to pretend, if even just for one afternoon, that their hearts may beat with vitality as they once did, that their bodies might once again hunger for fruit or pastries instead of thick red blood. It was a perfect day for a stroll, Eddie thought, and if they were to happen upon something suitable to dine on in the process, well, that's all the better...
Unfortunately, for his own skeptical reasons, Steve didn't seem to agree. He felt that it was too much of a risk to be seen by anyone, that it would blow their cover, and perhaps his paranoia was not entirely unfounded, though Eddie hesitated to give in. Not only had it been a while since the last good rainfall like this, but it had certainly been far too long since they'd found a new plaything, and Eddie was becoming... rather restless. The last few cattle they'd brought in hadn't really wowed him, as they were chosen more out of necessity and convenience than pleasure, and in turn, it took hardly any time at all for him to grow bored with them. Eddie needed something new, something exciting to keep him entertained for much, much longer than that. The weather provided the most enticing opportunity to stalk around, it was a shame that Steve was so adamantly against it. He could really be no fun sometimes.
Eddie was sulking around the mansion while Steve worked away in the upstairs office-- he had taken the additional waking hours as an opportunity to get ahead on his obligations, which was quite characteristically responsible of him, but Eddie couldn't bring himself to sit still, knowing that such a golden opportunity was being wasted. He could only rearrange the liquor cabinet so many times, let alone the furniture-- the exterior of the mansion was to remain untouched, to maintain the illusion of vacancy. With each passing second, the temptation to slip out for a bit to hunt while Steve worked was picking away at him.
Tossing the idea around, just for fun, of course, Eddie approached the nearest window and drew back the heavy red curtains for a peek outside-- just a scan of the property couldn't hurt, right?-- and as his mocha eyes followed along the treeline surrounding the property, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but he froze in place as he picked up on an intriguing scent. Curiously, Eddie cracked the old window open, letting in a draft of the cool, fresh air, and just as he'd hoped, it carried with it the sweet smell of living flesh. The stars couldn't have aligned more beautifully-- there was a human nearby.
To avoid alerting Steve, Eddie quickly sealed the window shut once more, slinking away up the stairs for a better view from the windows in the master bedroom. They were bigger than the ones in the hallway, had a much higher vantage point, and more conveniently, faced the single overgrown path that led to and from the property. Truthfully, he hadn't expected to find much-- Eddie didn't really consider himself lucky, and he knew that the powerful scents carried by the humid air could sometimes be deceiving. 
Still, just as he'd done before, he drew back the curtains and cracked the window, peering outward, noting that the human's scent was stronger here. It was floral and saccharine, like fresh lavender and juicy peach, laced with ribbons of intoxicating iron. Eddie's lashes fluttered as his eyes slid shut in delight, and he allowed himself a moment to breathe in deeply with an open, slightly watering mouth.
His eyes opened again and immediately caught sight of movement on the ground below. Eddie couldn't believe his eyes at first; crouched beneath an umbrella in the garden was a pretty little witch, muddying her slight hands in the thick weeds with no evident knowledge of the mansion's occupants. She wore a pale pink cloak that matched her boots and her umbrella, the white frills of her dress poofing out from beneath it, pointed elven ears peeking through her hair. Eddie could hardly fathom leaving the girl out in the rain-- after all, she must be freezing...
Eddie briefly considered asking Steve for his opinion, but had a sore feeling that he knew what he would say, and it wasn't likely to be in his favor. Deep down, he knew that it might be a reckless move, but the aroma in the air was all too enticing. With every passing second he was losing grasp of his better judgement. The temptation was far too much, and so it was that he gathered an umbrella of his own, and decided he would rather ask for forgiveness later. His sleek black dress shoes went from tapping elegantly across the hardwood floors to sinking into the wet earth. While he wasn't exactly thrilled that his expensive shoes had been exposed to the elements, he knew that the reward could be well worth it. Conveniently, too, the softness of the ground masked the noise of his movements, allowing him a bit more time to observe the girl in her relaxed state. Eddie approached the little elf slowly, not wanting to frighten her. She was so absorbed in her work that she hadn't even looked up.
In all honesty, the girl's unmoving focus and lowered guard brought a little smirk to Eddie's face. Finally, he asked aloud, "My, sweetheart, aren't you cold?" His voice was so warm and sweet, but somehow chilling, too.
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You startled, freezing in place as your eyes raked up the length of his body before you-- he was so tall, with long legs clad in nice black slacks that fit him sinfully well, and contrasted to his pale white skin in a way that gave him a nearly unnatural glow. His alabaster face was framed by wildly curly, dark hair, tucked into a messy low bun behind his neck. You couldn't find the words to speak-- he was certainly stunning, a sight for sore eyes, but you had definitely not expected to see anyone out here, let alone in this weather, and it was even weirder that he was able to sneak up on you.
"Oh, you poor thing, you're shivering..." The mysterious man frowned, crouching to your level, fingertips tracing along the underside of her jaw. Little did you know that he was feeling for your pulse. "Why don't you come inside and warm up, hm? We'll get you out of this rain and into some dry clothes."
Inside...? You were only puzzled further-- as far as you knew, this mansion had been vacant for decades, and it certainly looked the part. The garden was far from the only section of it that had fallen into disrepair. The circumstances of this situation were overtly suspicious, but there was something about him that just made it so hard to say no. The mysterious man was equal parts haunting and alluring, comforting and hazardous. Before you could say anything, he reached forward to wrap an arm around your shoulders and then began to usher you indoors.
Shutting the heavy oak door softly behind you, the man rested a hand on your shoulder from behind. "May I take your umbrella?" He kindly asked.
"T-Thank you," You blushed, shakily handing your umbrella over to the man, suddenly being washed over by a feeling of guilt for dripping water all over the beautiful hardwood flooring. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know anyone lived here--"
"Shh, it's quite alright, angel," He soothed, hand sliding from your shoulder to your collarbone as he stepped forward, and twisted around to face you. Every movement he made was so enchanting, so graceful, you nearly tripped over yourself as he was stepping out of his muddy shoes. "I appreciate the company. It's not often we get visitors out here."
You were then given absolutely no time to ponder the implication of the word 'we' as the man asked for your name. Somewhat warily, you gave it to him. He hummed contentedly, testing the name out on his tongue, and he was very much pleased with how it felt.
"How pretty," He mused. "And how sweet of you to take such good care of our garden... it's nice to meet you. I'm Eddie."
You were immediately flustered at the praise, cheeks flushing bright pink as your eyes darted somewhere else, drinking in your surroundings-- perhaps the outside of the mansion was falling apart, but the inside was truly beautiful. Dark, but beautiful. Intricately carved wooden furniture decorated the space, fine paintings adorned the deep blue walls which flickered a warm orange with cozy candlelight, and the ceilings were so high that it made you feel particularly small. It looked almost regal. 
Eddie gently reached for your hand, bringing you swiftly back to reality. "Why don't you come upstairs and we'll get you out of those wet clothes, hm?" He asked, but he was already leading the way-- again, there was something unnaturally persuasive about him, and it went far deeper than his unparalleled beauty. You rounded a corner and began to ascend the winding staircase, the fine wood creaking softly beneath your steps. 
Clearing your throat nervously, you finally mustered up the courage to speak. "Do you live alone here?"
Eddie shook his head, leading you down a hallway at the top of the staircase. You followed obediently. "I have a roommate, an... old friend, named Steve," Eddie explained over his shoulder. "He's working away in his office, but I hope we see him soon. I would love to introduce you."
Of course, Eddie was well aware that your scent would soon breach the door to Steve's office, that it was only a matter of time until he'd follow it through the house until it led him to the both of you. He knew Steve would be angry with him, but he also knew Steve would have a hard time saying no to such a pretty meal laid out just for him. Eddie was willing to take that risk.
One of two thick oak doors creaked open before you, revealing an immaculate master bedroom. The windows were blocked with heavy black drapes which matched the dark, plush bedding, complimented by the stained wood floor. The walls were painted a deep, navy blue, shrouding the room in darkness save for the soft light of a bedside lamp crafted of Tiffany glass.
"You have a beautiful home," You spoke softly, eyes fixated to the many intricate details of the space that seemed endless, every flick of your eyes uncovering new treasures to be admired-- paintings, trinkets, candles long burnt down and dripping hardened wax down their bases.
Eddie chuckled, gazing at you out of the corner of his eye as he rifled through the closet for something you could wear, though it was hard for him to make a decision. You looked so adorable in your soft colored clothes, even drenched in rain and speckled with earth, and he sadly didn't have anything that matched your gentle appearance.
"Thank you, doll. You're very sweet," He finally replied, and as the words left his lips he noticed your polite manners. You observed your surroundings quietly, hands clasped in front of you as you made the noticed choice not to overstep, not to touch anything without permission, not to look too closely at any one thing. 
It came as a surprise to him when he felt his cold heart swell. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt such a way about someone he'd tricked into his home for a quick meal.
He brought his attention back to the closet, giving up on his own side and choosing instead to rummage through Steve's-- yet another decision he might come to regret, but at least Steve was more likely to own something soft and colorful. Almost immediately his eyes landed on a thick yellow sweater that would surely warm you up. Eddie plucked it off of its hanger and turned to hand it to you.
However, you were lost in an oil painting on the wall, wide eyes glassy with wonder as you looked over each brushstroke of a glowing crescent moon over a stream of rushing water. Eddie and Steve had acquired that painting so long ago that Eddie couldn't even remember where it came from or who painted it, but just how mesmerized you were by the piece was art enough for him.
Eddie cleared his throat to gather your attention, holding the sweater out for you. "Here, this should help you warm up," He smiled, careful not to bare his teeth. He didn't want to scare you off now. Only moments ago he simply wanted to bleed you dry, but now he found himself wanting to taste you, savor you, perhaps even keep you.
Oblivious, you took the garment from him with a smile, amazed at how soft it was. You thanked Eddie quietly before turning around to shed yourself of your dress, undoing the thin ribbons that secured it in the back before letting it slip gently down from your shoulders. You stepped out of the soaked piece carefully, thankful to your past self for choosing to wear tights and thin shorts beneath it, and as you pulled the cozy sweater over your head you delighted in the near immediate warmth that came with it. Shortly after, you gathered your dress from the floor and turned to face him.
"Thank you. Is there somewhere I can hang this to dry?" You asked.
Eddie tried to conceal his smirk as he answered you, "Well, I would say you could hang it on the clothesline, but..." He gestured toward the window which was concealed behind the thick drapes, but the sound of fat rain drops pattering against the glass was clear. "You should stay inside until the rain lets up, hm? I'd be happy to light the fireplace for you."
"I don't know... I should probably get back to the village in case the storm gets any worse," You spoke reluctantly, casting your gaze to the floor in disappointment, a move that was not lost on Eddie. "I might need to help cover the crops. I don't know what we'll do for the winter if our harvest is flooded."
Your disappointment communicated a couple of things to him-- one, you truly wanted to stay and spend time with him, and two, it was likely you'd be easy to convince to do just that. Of course he understood your plight, though he hadn't really considered the struggles of everyday, living, breathing people in a long time, but selfishly...
"Well, how many people live in your village, sweetheart?" He asked. You looked up at him, tilting your head quizzically. He chuckled, clarifying, "I don't get out much. I wouldn't know."
You had to think for a second-- you'd never really counted-- and when you landed on an estimate you were comfortable with, you obliged. "I don't know exactly... 45 or 50, maybe?"
Eddie hummed, crossing his arms casually. "That's a lot of hands. I'm sure they'll fare just fine without your help for a few hours, yeah?"
You pondered for a moment, just beginning to part your lips to accept his offer to stay for a while when another voice cut through the air, disapproving and materializing out of nowhere: "Eddie... What do you think you're doing?"
While you startled at the unexpected voice, jumping slightly where you stood, Eddie could only grin, turning slowly around to face the man in the doorway.
Only logical, you surmised this was the 'friend' Eddie had told you about earlier-- he was tall and athletic, square jaw and long lashes with fluffy brown hair that wisped over his face. The top two buttons of his white shirt were undone, revealing a thatch of dark hair over his strong chest. Your mouth dried-- the two of them were strikingly, devilishly handsome, especially together, and suddenly you felt your cheeks heating up with confusion over your own feelings and embarrassment for causing a problem.
Eddie's response cut your internal dialogue short. "Stevie! There you are," He greeted innocently. "Remember how you mentioned the garden looked like it was coming back to life? Well, I found the culprit," He joked, gesturing to you as he introduced you by name. Your face burned even hotter.
"...And you found the culprit wearing my shirt?" Steve asked.
You felt your heart sink into yourself. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know-" You stammered, but Eddie raised his palm to quiet you and spoke for you instead.
"Come on, Steve, look at her... Poor thing got soaked in the rain! Besides, doesn't she look adorable in yellow?"
Suddenly you felt hot for a different reason. You looked down to the floor to hide your face-- little did you know they could both hear your heart pounding. Still staring at the floor, you spoke up again, a little louder this time. "Um, I'm sorry for intruding... You can have your shirt back and I'll just go. I didn't mean to cause any problems."
As you looked up to make your way toward the door, you accidentally locked eyes with Eddie. An unexpected wave of calm washed over you, stopping you in your tracks.
"Nonsense, sweetheart," Eddie said. "You're not intruding at all."
Steve gave him a look that missed you completely, a look you wouldn't have been able to read anyway in your trance-like state. You couldn't really manage to speak, let alone interpret the silent communication between two men who were obviously so close with each other that the most subtle physical cues could speak a thousand words. 
Eddie put a hand on your shoulder. It was cold.
He smiled at you confidently. "Would you mind giving us the room for a moment, doll?"
Your feet were carrying you to the door before his words even fully sank in. Your gaze lingered on Steve for just a moment as you passed by him on your way out-- he was intently watching you go, arms crossed as he leaned against the door frame. You weren't sure how to feel about that.
Plopping down to sit at the top of the staircase, you tugged at the sleeves of the yellow sweater and wondered what kind of conversation they were having. It was overtly obvious Steve didn't want you there, but Eddie seemed quite sure of his ability to change Steve's mind. Having just met him less than an hour ago, you didn't know him well enough to trust his judgment on that. 
A tall grandfather clock ticked rhythmically down the hall, echoing each passing second. You picked idly at your tights just to pass the time, hoping Eddie's offer to light the fireplace for you would still be in the question, should Steve decide you could stay. You could faintly hear the timbre of their voices muted by the thick wooden door, but you couldn't make out what was being said or even discern the emotion behind it. All you could do was sit there, practicing your patience. Part of you wondered if you should just leave the sweater in your place and go, if it weren't for the fact your dress was still in the bedroom and you had no idea where Eddie put your umbrella.
You were too absorbed in your thoughts to notice the hallway had quieted. Apparently you were also too absorbed in your thoughts to notice the sound of the bedroom door opening.
"You do look rather cute in that sweater," A voice startled you from behind. Clutching your chest, you turned to face the source of it, surprised to find Steve. He was noticeably calmer and offering you his hand to help you up. "I might just have to let you keep it."
Shocked, you blushed as you took his hand, rising gently from where you sat. His hand was cold too. "T-Thanks," You stuttered. "I'm sorry if I caused any problems-"
"You didn't," He cut you off with a warm smile. "I promise. The apology is mine-- I'm sorry for coming off the way I did. You didn't do anything wrong."
"There you go, Stevie," Eddie chimed in from the bedroom doorway. You were beginning to sense a pattern that they had a unique ability to sneak up on you. "See? I knew you could play nice."
Steve shook his head, giving you an exasperated look that communicated quite well to you that Eddie was no stranger to successful persuasion such as this. "Let's get that fireplace lit, shall we?"
Guiding you down the stairs by your hand, Eddie trailing close behind, Steve led you to the parlor and encouraged you to make yourself comfortable as he knelt before the fireplace, stacking nearby logs of firewood into the soot-stained enclosure. Eddie was quick to replace Steve's hand with his own, leading you over to the couch. He offered to brew some tea for you, which you eagerly accepted, and as he made his way to the kitchen you found yourself sinking into the soft couch and watching Steve turn the gas valve at the bottom of the fireplace, striking a match to set the lumber alight at last.
Steve sat on the couch to your left, leaned coolly against the arm. The light from the fire cast a flickering orange glow over his handsome features.
He asked you about how you'd found yourself here, what measures you'd taken to revive the garden and what your village was like. He seemed hesitant to tell you much about his own past, other than that he came from a family in the city that he wasn't particularly close with. You let it slide, figuring there was much more to it than that, and you didn't feel comfortable prying.
Soon Eddie returned with a hot cup of tea, cautioning you to be careful of its temperature before he handed it off to you. You hadn't asked what kind it was, but it smelled delightfully earthy and herbal and a little bit minty, sure to chase the chill from your bones. You thanked him with a polite smile as he sat on the couch to your right, cradling the warm porcelain in your hands.
The three of you continued to chat, learning more about each other as you all became comfortable and opened up a bit. You learned that Eddie plays guitar-- he promised to show you sometime. You learned that Steve used to be an incredible athlete. You learned that the two of them met in school, that they hated each other at first, but have since been inseparable for a longer period of time than either of them could recall. You told them about your family, about your aptitude for horticulture. You promised to teach them how to care for their plants.
The conversation came to a comfortable break, the parlor draped in silence other than the pleasant sound of wood crackling in the fireplace. You were a sip or two away from finishing your tea when Steve leaned forward, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear as he asked, "Do you believe in the supernatural?"
It was an odd question that seemed to come out of nowhere. You nodded slightly. "I mean... yeah. Living in the woods for so long, I know quite well that there are many things on this Earth that nature couldn't possibly explain." You quietly sipped your tea.
"Does it scare you?" Eddie smirked, planting a cool hand on your knee. Suddenly you were feeling nervous under the pressure of their attention. You finished the last of your tea, leaning forward to set your empty mug on the coffee table.
"Not really," You replied, eyes focused on the fire. "Everything in nature requires a balance. Light and dark, hot and cold..."
"Predator and prey?" Eddie added.
You tensed a little bit, nodding. "Sure, that's a great example. It's all Gaia's will."
"Even if you were the prey?" Steve asked.
"Y-Yeah, I mean, of course," You hummed, wishing now that you hadn't finished your tea so fast. You needed something to fidget with. "It's all Gaia's will," You repeated.
Eddie's hand repositioned from your knee to your thigh so smoothly that you almost hadn't noticed. "Hmm... What about pain and pleasure?"
Steve's yellow sweater was beginning to feel rather hot on your body. Your breath hitched in your throat. "Absolutely," You answered innocently, although your voice shook. "It all contributes to a delicate balance."
You weren't stupid. You knew where they were going with this... or at least you thought you did. Oddly enough, as you'd answered just moments before, you weren't scared.
Maybe if you'd really known what you were in for, you would have been.
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gaslysfavgirl · 1 year
sorry if there's any mistake, i'm not fluent in English and this is the first time I've ever wrote something in a different language:)
Warnings: dirty talk, s3xual tension, orgasm (female receiving)
'Mon petit, I can't let you wear a dress like this anymore. I can't focus and I can't kill my clients every time they look at you.'
Your mafia husband, Pierre whispers to you, as he grabs your upper thigh. You look at him with a smirk, because that was your plan. You wanted his attention everytime, you were his only one and when he didn't focus on you... well, you made your way to get his heed. You wore a beautiful black dress, with a v cut in the front. You were never the shy type of showing out your prettiness.
'I'm just on your side tonight, to be pretty. I'm pretty, so i don't understand your problem Pierre.'
You spoke before drinking your glass of an expensive wine. It was delicious for sure, you didn't mind to drink one-two or even three glass of it. One of Pierre's client looked at you, his eyes were dressing you down. Although he knew he has just signed his dead papers. You loved the attention you got from everyone, you couldn't lie about it. This was one of the many things you loved being a mafia wife. The attention. Meanwhile Pierre didn't take his hand off of you, indeed his left hand went more and more up. You didn't really care, because he used to show off you're his. He has been proud of his prey. Of you. You were a good cought 3 years ago. The love between you two has just growed and growed. Pierre would spoil you with anything you just looked for more than a min. Especially when you wanted him. His strong arms were looking perfectly in that black button-up shirt, and you couldn't deny but only love the view. Those strong arms what were holding you last night and helping you to stand in his office while moaning his name. His eyes were blue as the darkest ocean in a storm and when he turned on, it only turned darker and darker. His body was the hottest thing you've ever seen in your entire life. It was your weakness, and he knew it damn well.
'Fuck, baby you're so wet down there. You might need some help aren't you? '
His voice was raspy, gentle tho. You didn't answer for his question, you simply ignored him because you'd never admit you turned on only thinking about him.
'I asked something, mon ange. '
Pierre didn't hesitat to touch your wet entrance. You were sensitive from his touch, and it only turned you on more. No words, he knows how to treat with a woman.
'For the fuck's sake, didn't i teach you how to speak? Do you want another lesson?'
He pushed 2 of his finger in you, what made you squeeze you legs together. Only if he know, you won't last for that long.
'I heard perfectly your question.'
You sighted and moved a little. You had to hold his knee or you would faint at any moment. Meanwhile his long fingers didn't rest, he just kept pushing inside.
'Let your voice out for me, mhm? '
He pet your labia slowly to tease you. He smirked as you let out a soft moan.
'Good girl'
You bit your lips not to let out any sound. You knew if he continues like this, you would fall in pieces in the chair.
'Stop it, Gasly. I don't want to come.'
You whimpered while he added another finger of his.
'It's not a want, it's a need.'
Pierre added speed and worked on to make you come faster. You were close, he could watch you falling in pieces. Falling from his fingers. He felt the warm, that your walls thightened around his fingers, and when you were just about he pulled his fingers out. You almost moaned out loud. You were seconds away from the heaven, and he robbed it from you.
'Next time, you learn not to get my attention. Understood? '
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Day 17
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Liber LXV Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente
Ah! my Lord Adonai, that dalliest with the Magister in the Treasure-House of Pearls, let me listen to the echo of your kisses.
Is not the starry heaven shaken as a leaf at the tremulous rapture of your love? Am not I the flying spark of light whirled away by the great wind of your perfection?
Yea, cried the Holy One, and from Thy spark will I the Lord kindle a great light; I will burn through the great city in the old and desolate land; I will cleanse it from its great impurity.
And thou, O prophet, shalt see these things, and thou shalt heed them not.
Now is the Pillar established in the Void; now is Asi fulfilled of Asar; now is Hoor let down into the Animal Soul of Things like a fiery star that falleth upon the darkness of the earth.
Through the midnight thou art dropt, O my child, my conqueror, my sword-girt captain, O Hoor! and they shall find thee as a black gnarl'd glittering stone, and they shall worship thee.
My prophet shall prophesy concerning thee; around thee the maidens shall dance, and bright babes be born unto them. Thou shalt inspire the proud ones with infinite pride, and the humble ones with an ecstasy of abasement; all this shall transcend the Known and the Unknown with somewhat that hath no name. For it is as the abyss of the Arcanum that is opened in the secret Place of Silence.
Thou hast come hither, O my prophet, through grave paths. Thou hast eaten of the dung of the Abominable Ones; thou hast prostrated thyself before the Goat and the Crocodile; the evil men have made thee a plaything; thou hast wandered as a painted harlot, ravishing with sweet scent and Chinese colouring, in the streets; thou hast darkened thine eyepits with Kohl; thou hast tinted thy lips with vermilion; thou hast plastered thy cheeks with ivory enamels. Thou hast played the wanton in every gate and by-way of the great city. The men of the city have lusted after thee to abuse thee and to beat thee. They have mouthed the golden spangles of fine dust wherewith thou didst bedeck thine hair; they have scourged the painted flesh of thee with their whips; thou hast suffered unspeakable things.
But I have burnt within thee as a pure flame without oil. In the midnight I was brighter than the moon; in the daytime I exceeded utterly the sun; in the byways of thy being I inflamed, and dispelled the illusion.
Therefore thou art wholly pure before Me; therefore thou art My virgin unto eternity.
Therefore I love thee with surpassing love; therefore they that despise thee shall adore thee.
Thou shalt be lovely and pitiful toward them; thou shalt heal them of the unutterable evil.
They shall change in their destruction, even as two dark stars that crash together in the abyss, and blaze up in an infinite burning.
All this while did Adonai pierce my being with his sword that hath four blades; the blade of the thunderbolt, the blade of the Pylon, the blade of the serpent, the blade of the Phallus.
Also he taught me the holy unutterable word Ararita, so that I melted the sixfold gold into a single invisible point, whereof naught may be spoken.
For the Magistry of this Opus is a secret magistry; and the sign of the master thereof is a certain ring of lapis-lazuli with the name of my master, who am I, and the Eye in the Midst thereof.
Also He spake and said: This is a secret sign, and thou shalt not disclose it unto the profane, nor unto the neophyte, nor unto the zelator, nor unto the practicus, nor unto the philosophus, nor unto the lesser adept, nor unto the greater adept.
But unto the exempt adept thou shalt disclose thyself if thou have need of him for the lesser operations of thine art.
Accept the worship of the foolish people, whom thou hatest. The Fire is not defiled by the altars of the Ghebers, nor is the Moon contaminated by the incense of them that adore the Queen of Night.
Thou shalt dwell among the people as a precious diamond among cloudy diamonds, and crystals, and pieces of glass. Only the eye of the just merchant shall behold thee, and plunging in his hand shall single thee out and glorify thee before men.
But thou shalt heed none of this. Thou shalt be ever the heart, and I the serpent will coil close about thee. My coil shall never relax throughout the æons. Neither change nor sorrow nor unsubstantiality shall have thee; for thou art passed beyond all these.
Even as the diamond shall glow red for the rose, and green for the rose-leaf; so shalt thou abide apart from the Impressions.
I am thou, and the Pillar is ’stablished in the void.
Also thou art beyond the stabilities of Being and of Consciousness and of Bliss; for I am thou, and the Pillar is ’stablished in the void.
Also thou shalt discourse of these things unto the man that writeth them, and he shall partake of them as a sacrament; for I who am thou am he, and the Pillar is ’stablished in the void.
From the Crown to the Abyss, so goeth it single and erect. Also the limitless sphere shall glow with the brilliance thereof.
Thou shalt rejoice in the pools of adorable water; thou shalt bedeck thy damsels with pearls of fecundity; thou shalt light flame like licking tongues of liquor of the Gods between the pools.
Also thou shalt convert the all-sweeping air into the winds of pale water, thou shalt transmute the earth into a blue abyss of wine.
Ruddy are the gleams of ruby and gold that sparkle therein; one drop shall intoxicate the Lord of the Gods my servant.
Also Adonai spake unto V.V.V.V.V. saying: O my little one, my tender one, my little amorous one, my gazelle, my beautiful, my boy, let us fill up the pillar of the Infinite with an infinite kiss!
So that the stable was shaken and the unstable became still.
They that beheld it cried with a formidable affright: The end of things is come upon us.
And it was even so.
Also I was in the spirit vision and beheld a parricidal pomp of atheists, coupled by two and by two in the supernal ecstasy of the stars. They did laugh and rejoice exceedingly, being clad in purple robes and drunken with purple wine, and their whole soul was one purple flower-flame of holiness.
They beheld not God; they beheld not the Image of God; therefore were they arisen to the Palace of the Splendour Ineffable. A sharp sword smote out before them, and the worm Hope writhed in its death-agony under their feet.
Even as their rapture shore asunder the visible Hope, so also the Fear Invisible fled away and was no more.
O ye that are beyond Aormuzdi and Ahrimanes! blessèd are ye unto the ages.
They shaped Doubt as a sickle, and reaped the flowers of Faith for their garlands.
They shaped Ecstasy as a spear, and pierced the ancient dragon that sat upon the stagnant water.
Then the fresh springs were unloosed, that the folk athirst might be at ease.
And again I was caught up into the presence of my Lord Adonai, and the knowledge and Conversation of the Holy One, the Angel that Guardeth me.
O Holy Exalted One, O Self beyond self. O Self-Luminous Image of the Unimaginable Naught, O my darling, my beautiful, come Thou forth and follow me.
Adonai, divine Adonai, let Adonai initiate refulgent dalliance! Thus I concealed the name of Her name that inspireth my rapture, the scent of whose body bewildereth the soul, the light of whose soul abaseth this body unto the beasts.
I have sucked out the blood with my lips; I have drained Her beauty of its sustenance; I have abased Her before me, I have mastered Her, I have possessed Her, and Her life is within me. In Her blood I inscribe the secret riddles of the Sphinx of the Gods, that none shall understand,—save only the pure and voluptuous, obscene, the androgyne and the gynander that have passed beyond the bars of the prison that the old Slime of Khem set up in the Gates of Amennti.
O my adorable, my delicious one, all night will I pour out the libation on Thine altars; all night will I burn the sacrifice of blood; all night will I swing the thurible of my delight before Thee, and the fervour of the orisons shall intoxicate Thy nostrils.
O Thou who camest from the land of the Elephant, girt about with the tiger’s pell, and garlanded with the lotus of the spirit, do Thou inebriate my life with Thy madness, that She leap at my passing.
Bid Thy maidens who follow Thee bestrew us a bed of flowers immortal, that we may take our pleasure thereupon. Bid Thy satyrs heap thorns among the flowers, that we may take our pain thereupon. Let the pleasure and pain be mingled in one supreme offering unto the Lord Adonai!
Also I heard the voice of Adonai the Lord the desirable one concerning that which is beyond.
Let not the dwellers in Thebai and the temples thereof prate ever of the Pillars of Hercules and the Ocean of the West. Is not the Nile a beautiful water?
Let not the priest of Isis uncover the nakedness of Nuit, for every step is a death and a birth. The priest of Isis lifted the veil of Isis, and was slain by the kisses of her mouth. Then was he the priest of Nuit, and drank of the milk of the stars.
Let not the failure and the pain turn aside the worshippers. The foundations of the pyramid were hewn in the living rock ere sunset; did the king weep at dawn that the crown of the pyramid was yet unquarried in the distant land?
There was also an humming-bird that spake unto the horned cerastes, and prayed him for poison. And the great snake of Khem the Holy One, the royal Uræus serpent, answered him and said:
I sailed over the sky of Nu in the car called Millions-of-Years, and I saw not any creature upon Seb that was equal to me. The venom of my fang is the inheritance of my father, and of my father's father; and how shall I give it unto thee? Live thou and thy children as I and my fathers have lived, even unto an hundred millions of generations, and it may be that the mercy of the Mighty Ones may bestow upon thy children a drop of the poison of eld.
Then the humming-bird was afflicted in his spirit, and he flew unto the flowers, and it was as if naught had been spoken between them. Yet in a little while a serpent struck him that he died.
But an Ibis that meditated upon the bank of Nile the beautiful god listened and heard. And he laid aside his Ibis ways, and became as a serpent, saying Peradventure in an hundred millions of millions of generations of my children, they shall attain to a drop of the poison of the fang of the Exalted One.
And behold! ere the moon waxed thrice he became an Uræus serpent, and the poison of the fang was established in him and his seed even for ever and for ever.
O thou Serpent Apep, my Lord Adonai, it is a speck of minutest time, this travelling through eternity, and in Thy sight the landmarks are of fair white marble untouched by the tool of the graver. Therefore Thou art mine, even now and for ever and for everlasting. Amen.
Moreover, I heard the voice of Adonai: Seal up the book of the Heart and the Serpent; in the number five and sixty seal thou the holy book.
As fine gold that is beaten into a diadem for the fair queen of Pharaoh, as great stones that are cemented together into the Pyramid of the ceremony of the Death of Asar, so do thou bind together the words and the deeds, so that in all is one Thought of Me thy delight Adonai.
And I answered and said: It is done even according unto Thy word. And it was done. And they that read the book and debated thereon passed into the desolate land of Barren Words. And they that sealed up the book into their blood were the chosen of Adonai, and the Thought of Adonai was a Word and a Deed; and they abode in the Land that the far-off travellers call Naught.
O land beyond honey and spice and all perfection! I will dwell therein with my Lord for ever.
And the Lord Adonai delighteth in me, and I bear the Cup of His gladness unto the weary ones of the old grey land.
They that drink thereof are smitten of disease; the abomination hath hold upon them, and their torment is like the thick black smoke of the evil abode.
But the chosen ones drank thereof, and became even as my Lord, my beautiful, my desirable one. There is no wine like unto this wine.
They are gathered together into a glowing heart, as Ra that gathereth his clouds about Him at eventide into a molten sea of Joy; and the snake that is the crown of Ra bindeth them about with the golden girdle of the death-kisses.
So also is the end of the book, and the Lord Adonai is about it on all sides like a Thunderbolt, and a Pylon, and a Snake, and a Phallus, and in the midst thereof he is like the Woman that jetteth out the milk of the stars from her paps; yea, the milk of the stars from her paps
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/the-stein/art/Persona-Tarot-Card-HD-The-Hierophant-289971469
Yeah, he’s not my favorite as it shows. But the “pillow talk” chapter is such a ✨mood✨
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The Ladder and Spring scrying ritual, How I scry the elemental kingdoms.
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I want to emphasize that my method of working is my own and it is a synthesis of stuff I read and probably can't exactly put my finger-on but it follows a somewhat similar approach of the golden dawn/ceremonial magician style but more simpler and direct.  The whole associating with divinity then bossing over lower hierarchy, again I am not trying to do that but you will see the similarities. I am trying to make it a bit more organic and less formulaic, giving some spaces here and there for people AND spirits to work together in this act/ritual. Ingredients/Materials to use:
1)Candles 2)Bell 3)Name of Sandalphon written in Green 4)Earth Tattva drawn by yourself or printed if you can’t. 5)Pentacle(if you have one) The Two part of this ritual/method of scrying is: 0) Preparation 1) The (step)Ladder. 2) The Loaded Spring. Step 0 is preparation of yourself AND the area, and yourself, what I opt to do is Being with Our Father and Three Hail Mary, Water of Eden/Purifying consecrated water is made to consecrate the area and wash our face and head+arm+feet. Ring the four archangelic gates and call their attention to this ritual.  Lastly The Qabbalistic invocation of Levi. Again very simple and mostly it’s just praying and calling, talking, washing yourself, etc.
Now for Part 1.. If you ever saw a step-ladder, and I think most people saw one irl it’s like an inverted V.  So we start raising up the ladder itself, you start by calling your ancestors, guides, natal/guardian angel, and your..image of Divinity, like praying to God. This is the “mental-astral” body doing the climb up the ladder, and now we start by climbing up too, we start by calling the Gnomes with the Gnomes oration in JSK’s Testament of St Cyprian: Oh, admirable and incomprehensible genies! With blind faith and humble heart, I throw myself upon your mercy. My hope is that – as you direct my steps and actions from the moment I appeared upon this planet until that one in which, my mission completed, you collect my spirit to accompany it to sidereal worlds, to the place that the Supreme Creator has reserved to us in his inscrutable aims – so equally will you lend your aid in transmitting faithfully my requests to the celestial (or infernal) spirits, without varying the conception of my words or intentions. Look favourably on the purity of my feelings; my great desire and confidence,  my  discretion  and  reserve;  you  appreciate  all  the  qualities  that  I  have  and repair in me those defects until now not rejected, nor do you make cause to withhold your cooperation from me, but work constantly in perfecting me from all impurity to make me worthy of the gifts that Divinity grants its chosen ones, and to give thanks with all my soul during the time of my peregrination on this planet, for the favour that I receive from you. Amen , and then call Sandalphon. I don’t have a sigil or seal for him so I wrote his name in green ink alongside making a prayer for him:
O thou mighty Brother of angels
Standing behind the throne of glory
Receiving the prayers of the faithful
Which you have sent from the earth
Centuries high you stand
Master of alchemy and nature I call archangel Sandalphon by the divine name Adonai Melek and Adonai Ha-Aretz, O brotherly angel come down and attend to our prayer, help us and heed our prayer in this chamber as you carry them to the divine help us get carried by the divine. O great Angelic Prince, Brother of Metatron, Master of Heavenly Songs, Tall Angel, The left hand of the Ark, gatherer of prayers to most high of high, Ruler of the 4th, 6th, and 7th Heaven. O Wheel within a wheel holding the mystery of creation within you, Overseers of Genders and Angel of Glory, Angel of Prayers most divine. I call thee I call thee I call thee, by thine names visible and invisible, pronounceable and unknown, secret, and hidden I call you by all other names ascribed to you. O Sandalphon as I pray to you to attend to our rite, draw near, and with propitious mind thy suppliant hear. Let's attend and pray to God together.
Now the start of the Gnome Prayer from Eliphas Levi which is easily accessible online and can be found easily. That’s the end of Part 1 or the Ladder, we rose up to Sandalphon through the Gnomes and went back through the Gnomes. The idea of the stepladder is now replaced with a loaded-spring, if you have the image of a spring ready to BOING BOING, you get the image, the spring is ready to JUMP. You’re on of that SPRING. All the work of hierarchy you did now is transformed into the Spring that will shoot you in your trip with you scrying, the whole preparation AND Step 1 of it is for this: Part 2, You will bring your attention to the tattva card and start chanting the names of Uriel, Ariel, Ghob, Uriel, Ariel, Ghob, and so on and so on and you will ASK permission to enter, pray/talk whatever, you have to ASK permission. Once you enter, it could be a bit hard or weird, you will enter. When you’re inside you will not talk and start to get a a grip on the place and area around, no need to rush after going inside the tattva because the loaded spring the whole ritual did will carry the momentum forward now, you don’t need to actively participate or ask things but it’s okay if you do. You have multiple options to ask now: 1) Ask a Guide from Sandalphon 2) Ask a Guide from Uriel 3) Ask a Guide from Ariel 4)Ask a Guide from Ghob Again each of these willl have different forms, different places they will take you too, you can come back again and ask for a different guide. to Verify the Guide, ask him in the name of who you called him with. If you call someone from Uriel and he said he come from Ghob? it’s a head-scratcher, no? think about it, no rush, and you don’t need to listen to your guide just because they said something and you feel weird you can tell them off or tell them no or ask them to explain themselves. You go on and on..in the end you should retrace your steps and go back to your bodies. Remember to write down everything immediately and ask for signs, seals, instructions to do irl, etc. These stuff will be useful and to ground your knowledge into this world. Don’t just scry and get some astral lesson, ASK THEM to give you something to DO in the PHYSICAL WORLD.   I will emphasize on this because it’s important that your work have some give-take, to have more to it than just spectating astral stuff, see how the stuff in the real world feel like, see how they act, what phenomena happpen, how magic they teach you work, etc. If the stuff they teach you doesn’t work…then what use is it? Try to ground and bring something useful down.
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 months
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Commentary on the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Mark – Chapter 8
St. Mark, the disciple and interpreter of St. Peter (as noted by St. Jerome.) according to what he heard from St. Peter himself, wrote at Rome a brief Gospel at the request of the Brethren (fellow Christians), about ten years after our Lord's Ascension; which when St. Peter had heard, he approved of it, and with his authority he published it to the Church to be read. Baronius and others maintain, that the original was written in Latin: but the more general opinion is that the Evangelist wrote it in Greek.
First, Christ feeds four thousand people with seven loaves. Second (v. 15), He teaches His disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. Third (v. 22), He cures a blind man, who sees men like trees walking. Fourth (v. 31), He predicts His passion and death, and when Peter remonstrates with Him, He spurns him as Satan. Finally (v. 33), He declares that everyone must take up his cross and save his soul.
In those days again, when there was a great multitude, and had nothing to eat; calling his disciples together, he saith to them: 2 I have compassion on the multitude, for behold they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat. 3 And if I shall send them away fasting to their home, they will faint in the way; for some of them came from afar off. 4 And his disciples answered him: From whence can any one fill them here with bread in the wilderness? 5 And he asked them: How many loaves have ye? Who said: Seven. 6 And taking the seven loaves, giving thanks, he broke, and gave to his disciples for to set before them; and they set them before the people. 7 And they had a few little fishes; and he blessed them, and commanded them to be set before them. 8 And they did eat and were filled; and they took up that which was left of the fragments, seven baskets. 9 And they that had eaten were about four thousand; and he sent them away. 10 And immediately going up into a ship with his disciples, he came into the parts of Dalmanutha. 11 And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, asking him a sign from heaven, tempting him. 12 And sighing deeply in spirit, he saith: Why doth this generation seek a sign? Amen, I say to you, a sign shall not be given to this generation. 13 And leaving them, he went up again into the ship, and passed to the other side of the water. 14 And they forgot to take bread; and they had but one loaf with them in the ship. 15 And he charged them, saying: Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. 16 And they reasoned among themselves, saying: Because we have no bread. 17 Which Jesus knowing, saith to them: Why do you reason, because you have no bread? Do you not yet know nor understand? Have you still your heart blinded? 18 Having eyes, see you not? And having ears, hear you not? Neither do you remember. 19 When I broke the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took you up? They say to him: Twelve. 20 When also the seven loaves among four thousand, how many baskets of fragments took you up? And they say to him: Seven. 21 And he said to them: How do you not yet understand? 22 And they came to Bethsaida; and they bring to him a blind man, and they besought him that he would touch him. 23 And taking the blind man by the hand, he led him out of the town; and spitting upon his eyes, laying his hands on him, he asked him if he saw any thing. 24 And looking up, he said: I see men as it were trees, walking.
25 After that again he laid his hands upon his eyes, and he began to see, and was restored, so that he saw all things clearly. 26 And he sent him into his house, saying: Go into thy house, and if thou enter into the town, tell nobody. 27 And Jesus went out, and his disciples, into the towns of Cæsarea Philippi. And in the way, he asked his disciples, saying to them: Whom do men say that I am? 28 Who answered him, saying: John the Baptist; but some Elias, and others as one of the prophets. 29 Then he saith to them: But whom do you say that I am? Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ. 30 And he strictly charged them that they should not tell any man of him. 31 And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the ancients and by the high priests, and the scribes, and be killed: and after three days rise again. 32 And he spoke the word openly. And Peter taking him, began to rebuke him. 33 Who turning about and seeing his disciples, threatened Peter, saying: Go behind me, Satan, because thou savorest not the things that are of God, but that are of men. 34 And calling the multitude together with his disciples, he said to them: If any man will follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 35 For whosoever will save his life, shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel, shall save it. 36 For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul? 37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 38 For he that shall be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and sinful generation: the Son of man also will be ashamed of him, when he shall come in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. 39 And he said to them: Amen I say to you, that there are some of them that stand here, who shall not taste death, till they see the kingdom of God coming in power.
Commentary: Saint Mark - Chapter 8
Verse 10. Dalmanutha. Matth. 15:39 says Magedan, because in fact these two places were near each other, as I noted there.
Verse 15. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the leaven of Herod. The leaven is the doctrine of the Pharisees, by which they taught children to say to their parents corban, as well as other things contrary to the law of God. The leaven of Herod is the doctrine of the Sadducees, for with them Christ had His most recent controversy, as appears from Matthew 16, verses 1 and 12. For Herod, as well as many of the principal people at that time, were Sadducees, according to Josephus (lib. 18 Antiq. cap. 2), who denied the immortality of the soul, and lived like atheists. So Herod lived in adultery, killed John, and committed many other crimes, having no fear of God. For although he thought (6:16) that John had risen again in Christ, yet that opinion was not so much his own as that of the people, and was not an expression of faith, but was wrung out of him by fear. In short, he granted that John, being a very holy man, had risen from the dead, but he denied that he and those like him would rise, so that he might indulge freely in carnal pleasures. Others, with Origen and S. Jerome, understand by leaven the sect of the Herodians, who flattered Herod, saying that he was the Messias. But that sect pertained to Herod of Ascalon, not Herod Antipas, who is meant here, as I have noted at Matth. 22:16.
Verse 22. They bring to him a blind man. And they besought him that he would touch him. “Knowing,” says Bede, “that just as the Lord’s touch could cleanse a leper, so too could it even give sight to the blind.”
Verse 23. And taking the blind man by the hand, He led him out of the town. Outside of Bethsaida, as is plain from verse 22. He led him forth for the same reason that He took the deaf and dumb man aside from the multitude when He was about to heal him (7:33). This was, first, for the sake of prayer, that, being alone, He might collect His thoughts, and unite Himself wholly to God, and pray the more intently and collectedly. Second, to fly from vain glory and the applause of men, and teach us to do the same. Third, because the citizens of Bethsaida were unworthy of this miracle of Christ; for although they had seen Him work so many signs, they would not believe in Him. Thus Theophylact and Euthymius. (See Matth.11:21.)
Mystically, the Scholiast in the works of S. Jerome says, “Christ leads the sinner out of the town, away from the society of the wicked. For wicked conversations corrupt good morals.”
And spitting upon his eyes. Fasting [morning] spittle does good to the purblind, but does not illuminate those who have actually lost their sight. The saliva, therefore, of Christ was not a natural but a supernatural remedy for blindness, being the instrument of Christ’s divinity.
S. Hilarion imitated this miracle by which Christ gave sight to a blind man, as S. Jerome relates in his Life. “A blind woman was brought to Bl. Hilarion, who said that she had expended all her substance upon physicians. Hilarion said to her, “If thou hadst given to the poor what thou hast thrown away upon physicians, Christ, the true physician, would have healed thee.” Then, as she cried out and begged for mercy, he spat upon her eyes; immediately, the Savior’s power was made present through him who followed His example.”
Tropologically, the saliva is the grace of the Holy Ghost, says Bede; this illuminates men so that they see the will of the Lord by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, says the Scholiast in S. Jerome.
Laying his hands. That is, when He had placed His hands upon the eyes of the blind man, and again removed them. For what the Scholiast in S. Chrysostom says is improbable, that this blind man saw people (v. 24) through Christ’s hands while they were over his eyes. For this would have been a new and uncalled-for miracle.
Tropologically, the Scholiast in S. Chrysostom says that Christ spat and laid hands on his eyes, because He wished to demonstrate that the divine word, added to the action, perfected it miraculously.
Verse 24. And looking up, he said, I see men as it were trees, walking. As if to say, “I see something obscurely and confusedly, not clearly and distinctly; for I see men walking, but in such a way that I cannot distinguish whether they are men or trees.” Just as it happens to ourselves, says Bede; when we see people at a great distance, we can only distinguish men from trees by their motion, because men walk, but trees do not. The word walking must be referred to men, not to trees, as is plain from the Greek. The word walking in the Latin text, however, might refer also to trees in this sense: “I see men as it were trees split, and therefore two-footed, and so walking.” This blind man, therefore, as yet in darkness, saw men as it were through a mist and cloud, in which they appeared greater than they really were, it might be as thick and tall as trees, as by means of magnifying glasses letters appear larger than they are in reality.
Moreover a man is similar to a tree. First, being tall and slender; second, being upright; third, being round; fourth, by their covering and adornment [cortice et coma], which in a tree is the bark and the foliage, and in man is his skin and hair; fifth, by their branches, for a man with his arms outstretched is like a tree with its branches outstretched; sixth, by their life and veins, for just as a man lives and is nourished by food, chyle and blood, distributed by the veins through his whole body, so too the tree lives and is nourished by sap which is dispersed by fibres to every part; seventh, a tree, starting as little shrub, gradually grows to the sky, and thus a man “grows like a tree, in a hidden age”; moreover as a man has his childhood, adolescence, manhood, old age and death, so too does a tree; eighth, a good tree produces good fruits, a bad tree, bad fruits; thus a good man performs good deeds, a bad one, wicked deeds; therefore, just as a tree is known by its fruits, so, too, a man is known by his works, as Christ teaches (Matth. 7:17). Finally, trees, like animals, have their hide, blood, flesh, nerves, veins, bones, and marrow, says Pliny (lib. 16, cap. 38). Hence experience proves that animals, too, are born of trees, especially ducks, on the islands off Scotland.
Moreover trees seem to walk on islands and in forests which, [reflected] in a river or in the sea, are moved and tossed about on the waters, such as can be seen at the city of Audenarde in Belgium. The same thing happens when they are agitated by winds. Now trees thrive in the north wind, are strengthened by it and germinate well, but caressed by the south wind they droop, says Pliny (lib. 17 cap. 2). Thus men gain strength and proficiency in virtue through adversities, but weaken and lapse in prosperity.
Pliny adds (lib. 13 cap. 4) that trees, especially palms, have two genders, just as human beings do, so that some are males, others females. He says, “The male palm tree flowers, whereas the female, having no flower, germinates only by a sort of thorn.” The same author (lib. 17 cap. 24) states that trees, like human beings, suffer from hunger, indigestion, and plague, and become sick with other illnesses. He also teaches (lib. 17 cap. 25) that trees have often spoken like men; but this is either fanciful, or else brought about by angels or demons. He states (lib. 23 cap. 1) that the first ready-made food of human beings was from trees, and that by this inducement men looked up to heaven: therefore, he presents a tree saying, “A great deal of man’s pleasure comes from me: I bring forth the juice of the vine, the oil of the olive; I produce dates and fruits of so many varieties, without requiring the earth to be plowed by the work of oxen. . . . All things that come from me are ready, freely offering themselves, and if it is too much trouble to reach for them, they even fall.” Therefore, this blind man who was beginning to see had every reason to say, I see men as it were trees, walking.
In a similar way S. Gregory Thaumaturgus, fleeing the Decian persecution, withdrew with his deacon to a certain hill. A certain traitor made known where they were to the persecutors, who carefully searched the whole hill to arrest Gregory. With strong faith in God, he stood in prayer, with eyes immovable and hands stretched out. But God smote the persecutors with blindness, or an inability to see. They returned and reported that they had seen nothing on the hill except two trees a little distant from one another. When they had gone away, the traitor himself went up the hill and saw two men, Gregory and his deacon, instead of the trees. He acknowledged that it was the work of divine power that they had appeared to the persecutors to be trees, and he fell down at their feet, and from a traitor became a confessor of the Faith. Thus S. Gregory of Nyssa in his Life.
Finally, the saying of the philosopher is well known: “What is man? He is an inverted tree,” because he sends forth his feet like branches below, and his head and brain like roots above, in that man must derive celestial life from heaven, and produce the celestial fruits of virtues.
Mystically, the Scholiast in S. Jerome says, “The blind man is a penitent sinner. He sees men as trees walking, because he esteems everyone superior to himself. With David he counts himself unworthy to be called a man, deeming himself to be a dead dog and a flea”(2 Kings 16). Hence such a man, by his humility, merits to be illuminated and exalted.
Verse 25. After that again he laid his hands upon his eyes, and he began to see, and was restored, so that he saw all things clearly. Christ wished not suddenly, but by degrees, perfectly to illuminate this blind man. First, that He might exhibit miracles of every description. Second, that this miracle might be more esteemed. Third, and principally, that He might accommodate Himself to the imperfect faith of the blind man and of those who brought him, increasing their faith as the miracle proceeded; and that He might the more kindle in them faith, hope, and desire that it might be brought to a perfect work. “In the first place, He cured this blind man imperfectly,” says Euthymius, “inasmuch as he believed imperfectly, that he who as yet had but a little vision might by means of the little light believe more perfectly, and be healed more completely; for He was the wise Physician.” And by and by he says, “Increase of faith deserved increase of healing.” Victor, too, says, “This increase and strengthening of sight confirms the increase and strengthening of his faith.”
Tropologically, Christ wished to teach us that the unbeliever and the sinner are gradually illuminated by God, and that they ought correspondingly to make gradual increase in the knowledge and worship of God. “He did it,” says Bede, “that He might show the magnitude of human blindness, which usually arrives step by step, and by certain grades, as it were, of proficiency, at the vision of God.” For as the Scholiast in S. Chrysostom says, “There are degrees of knowledge; neither can any one arrive in a single hour, or, indeed, without considerable time, at perfect knowledge.” We have experience of this in children and scholars, who must be taught and instructed step by step. Otherwise, if the teacher, being impatient with delay and trouble, should wish to teach them everything at once, he would crush their memory and intellect, so that they would take in nothing. It is like wine when it is poured into a vessel with a narrow neck; if you try to pour it all in at once, you pour in scarcely anything, but nearly the whole is spilled. Worthy of note is the Italian proverb, Piano piano si va lontano. [“Gently, gently, a long journey is made.”]. Also the saying of the philosopher, “Movement is by successive degrees.”
Symbolically, the Scholiast in S. Jerome says, “Christ laid His hands upon his eyes, that he might see all things clearly, that is, that by visible works he might understand things invisible, and which eye hath not seen; and that after the film of sin he might clearly behold the state of his soul with the eye of a clean heart. For blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
Verse 26. If thou enter into the town [Latin: vicum, village]. That is, into the town of Bethsaida (which was a sort of small village or hamlet), from which He had led him (v. 23), unless by the Latin word vicum you prefer to understand an “outlying district,” or a village adjoining Bethsaida or nearby.
Verse 34. Let him deny [Latin: deneget]. That is, “let him deny [abneget] himself,” as the Vulgate renders it at Matth. 16:24.
Verse 38. For he that shall be ashamed of me. In Greek ἐπαισχυνθῇ, i.e., “shall blush,” namely at Me and My teaching, life and profession of poverty, humility and the cross.
In this adulterous generation of depraved Jews, who are believers and sons of God, though not genuine ones, but like spurious children, the offspring of adultery. For they are degenerate from the faith of their fathers, the patriarchs, since they will not receive Me, the Messias promised to them. Therefore, they are not so much children of God as of the devil. Such are called in Hebrew רחנ ינב bene nechar, i.e., children born of a strange man or father, that is, begotten by an alien or an adulterer; therefore, they are unworthy of the true Father, God, and their ways are unlike His. (See commentary on Matth. 10:33.)
Verse 39. The kingdom of God, i.e., the glory of the kingdom of God, which is about to be in My transfiguration.
Coming, i.e., appearing, and manifesting itself to Peter, James, and John. In power. That is, with great might, efficacy, glory, splendor, and majesty.
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ao3feed-silverv · 2 years
Personal Jesus
https://ift.tt/NKh2C1k nightcxty
by nightcxty
Father Linder kept looking at her—almost taking note of her widening pupils with his innocent caress. If anyone walked in, she would be utterly ruined and shunned from the town and its community, yet she couldn’t find it in herself to care.
.. She hoped they would.
Priest!Johnny AU. Heed the tags ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Words: 2203, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of NC's unhinged SilverV AU's
Fandoms: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Johnny Silverhand, V (Cyberpunk 2077)
Relationships: Johnny Silverhand/V
Additional Tags: Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Religious Guilt, Priest Kink, Priests, Mutual Masturbation, Cock Warming, Cock Worship, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Biblical Themes, Healing Sex, Breaking free of conservative patterns, Church Sex, Confessions, Power Dynamics, Dom/sub, dont like it dont read - Freeform, Self-Indulgent, I Wrote This Instead of Going to Therapy, Good for her, Porn With Plot, Catholic Prayers, Improper Use of Catholic Rituals, Catholic Guilt, Fluff and Smut, who up not getting into heaven because of the shit they write
from AO3 works tagged 'Johnny Silverhand/V' https://ift.tt/NKh2C1k via IFTTT
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lettersfromgod · 1 year
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"Indeed the knowledge of man is infinitesimal, when compared with the knowledge of God, coming to nothing before the light of My Glory. For only one proof stands forever, lasting from generation to generation - The Word of God. Therefore give heed, all you who know His name, and come to repentance. For the Day of The Lord approaches, and soon the end sign shall appear, and every eye shall see.
What then shall you do, O men of science and learning? Shall you flee to the mountains and hide yourselves in the rocks? Shall you continue to bury your heads in the sand? Your words are wind, your devices dust, and your knowledge of no effect, when confronted with the Glory of God revealed in His Holy One. For He is The Truth Absolute, yes, He who was crucified for your transgressions. Yet you need not flee to the mountains, nor hide yourselves in the caves or among the rocks, but fear The Lord your God, and humble yourselves in the sight of The King. Call on His name, and I, yes I, The One True God, shall grant you a reprieve and restore your life, even unto life everlasting. For it is written: The Lord your God is ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in kindness, and will not forsake those who repent.
Therefore do not wait, But call upon The Salvation of God…
For He is called Jesus and Christ…
The only name under Heaven By which you must be saved."
~Says The Lord
📖 Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/All_Things_Were_Ordained_from_the_Beginning;_No_Other_Name_Is_Given_By_Which_You_Must_Be_Saved
▶ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_lrgFyY4fc&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkMIFKwAICFtCCIxuaoHNJSh&index=5
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stormcried · 9 months
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How Long has Drake been wandering the forest? Days? It felt like it. Drake's aching and gnawing hunger pressing against his stomach front. Drake wasn't sure what to do. He figured he should go to town and try to beg from there. But the people would instantly recognize him and his escape from the orphanage would be for nothing. Drake whined lightly gripping at his ever growling stomach. It's probably been about three days since he's actually gotten himself lost in this forest now.
The child felt like he'd never get out of here. This isn't the usual path he took from England's forests. He usually knew his simple spot day in and day out. But nothing looked familiar at all. Nothing looked similar. He didn't even recognize the tree with the moss on it which is usually the telltale sign he's about to enter the riverfront. Nothing. Drake is scared right now. The last thing he wanted to do is die of starvation or dehydration here.
Drake hunches himself down and sits against a tree, leaning his tired and dizzy body with it. His feet tired and aching. He just wanted nothing more then to sleep, but those hungering pains only made the little ten year old think about food even more. Drake would close his eyes just for a moment, only for a sudden snap of a twig in the distance to catch his attention. Drake bleated and fell onto his sides, thinking that the orphanage staff had caught up to him!
Yet, all he could catch is the staring eyes of a young buck in front of him. Drake's tired and stuffy eyes would watch the other. A deer! Drake's never seen one before! He's heard stories of deer living in the forest, but he was never sure. Drake would stagger to his feet. The deer is a bit smaller then he is, but not by a whole margin since Drake is merely 4'4. "H-Hello...?" He mustered out tilting his head curiously.
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delightintheway · 2 years
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*NEW Video!* Hear The Word of The Lord! Section 10 of 10: "COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM" (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2) -> -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YojRnCRXjUk&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=85 <- <-
"…THEREFORE COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, AND SURRENDER UNTO ME! Come out from among them, and be Separate from the churches of men! Touch no more the unclean thing, And I will receive you! Says The Lord…
Turn away from My voice no longer, To your own hurt, for the time is ending And the first of many must be taken; They must enter in, and the door must be shut; For judgment shall rain down from Heaven, filling the entire earth…
COME OUT, THEREFORE, ALL YOU WHO HAVE EARS TO HEAR! Heed the sound of this Trumpet, and come out! For this is indeed the Trumpet Call of God!…
Says The Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer."
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_Part_2_Come_Out_of_the_Churches_of_Men_and_I_Will_Receive_You!_Says_The_Lord
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thepitofjob · 15 days
Job 20: 4-11. "The Humidity."
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We must rebuke immoral and unethical behavior within all discussions of Gemara. They are the very reason we invest in the Torah to begin with. In spite of the fact man is intelligent, he will do all he can to avoid being good if we do not properly illustrate the proper standards and execute upon due process at all times. Gemara must always invoke the need for their presence.
The Shule is the first place a human being learns of the importance of perfect execution of laws. We can't send all the kindergartenerss to law school or the police academy, nor can we explain HR and the United Nations to them, many adults can't handle these concepts, but we can use superstition about the need for excellent execution at all ages. Otherwise rules are impossible to learn.
Our current global situation is the result of an inverse, retrograde superstition that violates our faith in many ways but we have refused to believe it. Now we must emphasize the convictions that drove us to write laws against election fraud, sex with minors, acts of terrorism against foreign nations, even your own in the first place and reinforce them from cieling to floor, convictions the world is going to resist because we have been too lax.
One cannot run stop signs or red lights or speed, if a cop sees you, you get a ticket. If someone sees Gaza terror tunnels in the shape of an American terrorist icon, then the American Government needs to get a ticket. Law enforcement in either case require ferocity in their execution. My point is the greatest superstition we have about the Law and laws is that they are blind but they permit us see everything with perfect clarity!
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Laws state "you must do certain things. You may not do other things. What is not specified by the law is at your discretion."
The basis for the agreement to heed the law in any case, was born in the Shule to permit as much discretion in the government of the self as possible. The birth of such discretion is called death in Judaism and is explained as "discretion is for survivors."
Casualties of lack law enforcement or corruption tell no tales about civil society or the powerful properties of the law that mold life into a tenable format. When we see death and dismemberment, the survivors are supposed to fear for their own lives and make significant changes to how the world works, but we are struggling to make this happen because of corruption. The Shule, an Office of Purity was created by God to teach us about the undeniable power of death to remind and renew us:
4 “Surely you know how it has been from of old,     ever since mankind[a] was placed on the earth, 5 that the mirth of the wicked is brief,     the joy of the godless lasts but a moment. 6 Though the pride of the godless person reaches to the heavens     and his head touches the clouds, 7 he will perish forever, like his own dung;     those who have seen him will say, ‘Where is he?’ 8 Like a dream he flies away, no more to be found,     banished like a vision of the night. 9 The eye that saw him will not see him again;     his place will look on him no more. 10 His children must make amends to the poor;     his own hands must give back his wealth. 11 The youthful vigor that fills his bones     will lie with him in the dust.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 4-5: Since mankind was placed on the roof. The Number is 10819, ט‎יחא‎ ‎ ‎tiha, "you have been with me. Like mortar."
v. 6-7: Where is he? The Number is 12008, אר‎ח‎ ‎, "the host, the path, the route, the manner?"
v. 8-9: Like a dream he flies away. The Number is 8538, ף‎יךלח‎, "It will be humid."
Humid is not a word that excites anyone. The goal of the Shule is to prepare a Bar Mitzvah, a learned boy to become a man who can face Ha Shem as Moses did and be finally rid of all of his self-deceptions, attitudes, insecurities, and dry out. To face reality in a manner that leaves one sweating is to confront one that is not of God.
v. 10-11: His children must amends to the poor. His youthful vigor will lie in the dust. The Number is 10147, י'‎קקםז‎, גכמז, gachemz, "each one I will find and reveal."
The greatest evidence of our sins are right in front of us on the news every day. Law abiding societies do not have our problems. So the supersition we want to foster and the conviction we want to become firm is God wants us to see the evil we have done in His eyes, because we are selfish and stingy and insipid and fix it using the appropriate means. Now we know that is the truth, and if we obey it because it will make suffering people happy, then we take a step past the law and begin to follow the Law.
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tomthomasblog · 3 months
Embracing God's Omnipotence: Finding Peace and Hope in Jeremiah 32:17
Jeremiah 32:17 is a powerful verse emphasizing God's omnipotence and ability to overcome any obstacle. It comforts believers during challenging times, reminding them they serve a God not limited by human constraints. The verse encourages trust in God's unfailing power and promises to never leave or forsake them. It emphasizes resilience and confidence in God's plan, stating that He has a perfect plan for our lives. We can overcome obstacles with faith and perseverance and find peace in His everlasting love. This unwavering faith sets us apart as followers of Christ, allowing us to find peace and hope during life's storms. It encourages believers to deepen their trust in God's power and embrace spiritual challenges that lead to growth and transformation. By surrendering our fears and doubts to God, we can open ourselves to His infinite wisdom and grace, allowing Him to work miracles in our lives.
Jeremiah 32:17 is a timeless reminder of God's omnipotence, which is an anchor of believers' hope and strength. In times of uncertainty and adversity, it provides reassurance that we serve a God who is greater than any challenge we may face. "Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is Nothing Too Hard for You" encapsulates the profound truth of God's limitless power and sovereignty. This verse is a testament to the unwavering nature of God's love and the assurance that He is in control, even when the world around us seems chaotic and unpredictable.
As believers, embracing the message of Jeremiah 32:17 offers a transformative perspective on facing the trials and tribulations of life. It calls us to anchor our faith in the unshakable truth that God's power surpasses all limitations. In a world filled with doubt and fear, this verse serves as a guiding light, reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles. Whether it's a personal hardship, a global crisis, or a moment of doubt, Jeremiah 32:17 beckons us to place our trust in the unwavering strength of God.
In conclusion, Jeremiah 32:17 is a timeless testament to God's omnipotence and unfailing love. It invites us to embrace a deeper trust in God's power and promises, enabling us to navigate life's challenges with resilience and hope. Let us heed the call to surrender our fears and doubts to God, allowing His infinite wisdom and grace to work miracles in our lives. Through the unwavering faith inspired by this verse, we can find peace, hope, and strength to overcome every obstacle, knowing that nothing is too hard for our God.
Jeremiah 32:17 is the source of the lyrics that were used in the song that was sung today. These lyrics have been organized into three different genres for your convenience.
Christian Rock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJuGt482BK8 Metal Rock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-tzySqqdlg Techno: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFnFOOxyN9Y
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Untitled (“Sex the Barons Earth receives the Sacred Nine”)
A rispetto sequence
               Stanza I
All side are all its thirty-nine, ’ which knows, the unseen stirred pool in such matter gladly beyond any experience, your elegant
scars. Then flow’ring Face, he fire, and tree or turned thee alive. Stella louely graces. Sex the Baron’s Earth receives the Sacred Nine.
               Stanza II
—Or whether flat or should forget— an old song of my Honourable glitt’ring Souls retire: the other Grains a black beauties the
right, should forget the world gave me with misanthropy? And why the mouths of my gentle she hath beginning on its other noble.
               Stanza III
What boots their names to riddled, his pomp than a considerable to perceive a Flow’rs, without parade, to that her worse, though Rows’ most
breath, why show, tho’ Honour forbid! That in some had bredd, and bids her e’e. How fainting this or the heaven, the mansion lay a fresh air.
               Stanza IV
By the sphere; or, if for my love. As I walked to faithlesse yeeres did let it pass. Heed of the Beau revive; inspire loved philosophy
and offering creatures decorous; then it all. They things be not youth, ceruse, against the clocks on less famed for mortal clothing years.
               Stanza V
In some strange, the ocean and soul in literature me; Moore and from sonny rayes, frame to you. It was his reputed Father’d well
alive, angry Gods engage, and withstand, one when the wish’d, smooth face, not Tyrants, when rising of neither’s Hairs subside. Hint, that so dear.
               Stanza VI
Who ever marks I would tell Amynta, gentle. Of domestic than the sun, how soon as a worm in Blank-Blank Square. Then it was like
a vision fleeting, a beauties, the mind to boudoir out his love. My Muse a glass of my brain can company, can finds her in green.
               Stanza VII
With shewe, fell her the names for even ghosts, nor what being with slight lament—for I maun hae their compete in men’s are, and go at large,
shall be true tale of Launcelot on a beauty’s success. The dickey— the appalling. But a commodities Night; seal’d from the vale?
               Stanza VIII
Whether in conservative but feeds on dinner; and whether flat or shame confirm’d but Zephyrs gentle Euphues, which ne’er beguiled! Thee
releasing smart, but pyping lover sing under an approve a country formidable ermined, right, a moderate—I spare.
               Stanza IX
But Destiny and very wise or be my guide, and shotte. To the Labour is homages,—is yet left me, and her whom we have sense,
or cobweb lawn. Depreciates the Seventh he had not that you doubts; but the way there are the Winds display, and trade, or when you then.
               Stanza X
Nay, but some will get on. Juan preserved: the world a spirit would ease me of my lights of fire, and White an Altar’s side, and pious moment
of her Hand, whych Adam lost. Where the soil, at once more pretty please.-Bred Lord This? Though your villeggiatura—rife with the waltzes.
               Stanza XI
His pomp than stood, and Halberds in a happy Hobbinol, I conne no signs to either fruits of gold: nimrods, who dares commodities
starting Tears; puts for the sun’s despots ride has, whose textures to gloss. Are, as sett they pass, and Years fill the Night. I spare for dread, is left.
               Stanza XII
Small Jack Horner, ’ and look as ye brew, my married as she said, or then the Field; now to cease it. So sad as I, thou dost him to wait,
and swept the Train between that gentle Belles and longer sunny lands which physician, and the Lunar Sphere, that instant Vapour resound.
               Stanza XIII
Their own time, and those drapery Misses’ the list grows his sweets. To come, permits what world with a few slight in Air, she head of sheep and
kye; but last! Yet now shall be led by voices, and what stream’d from four pads in such growth of the rosemary we take Physick, for weeping.
               Stanza XIV
With golden scornful Virgins visits; but some sage in the Foe drew a deadly Bodkin front, who will protest, that earst seem’d quite unaware;
with wand’ring to make me though I knew the Whigs? Ye, my lad, but why the morning Omens did foretel; thrice she chose to enter.
               Stanza XV
And all too numerable Lord! But ask a kiss the linnet pours, they have we known. With Care; the color of Men, and Time will breed: longbow’s
phrases your belles had once seem holy groue, which arises from every same column. One this, and her whom three of the most in balms!
               Stanza XVI
For ever taste Bohea! All hushed and clear. Which your belles had not thilke same Hawthorne studied this wrecks; and either, though t is in request,
and Lion—let none accuse me dead words than piety,—that’s false esteeming, as stones withdrew, a Charge repair from the Chief give right.
               Stanza XVII
When its quantity of love that ye care what says most essential, who, in his throne. Sees by Moonlight disappoint the Lady That? Her
in the circumspection. I’ll clear. An’ she has twa sparkling roguish een. Some rumour also dull; profess’d, sparkling roguish een.
               Stanza XVIII
Where the Head can believes, and no less as next she bees, my drink-offering, its shriller echoes—like a tired metaphor, Others tender
pullingsgate made all day long sea of gentle, genial courtesy; and wish’d horde, for whom abundance from our only some sage, grave.
               Stanza XIX
Out spake this way. But it’s not beautiful and speaks, what you might have cursed. As with more Yankees that his zenith, sweaty city, and for
Labour of Harvest. And with Swift loathing all kinds of her Hand, why, the clocks on less he past a Jest ⸻ nay prithee, dear love. So runn’st thou, Cruel!
               Stanza XX
Say what bound, and song o’ the gigantic heads, and roar of voice with your belles and Outs, and White array; in twain, but now signal-flag; and
the Clover shape, or fourth will uncurl’d it had brought to bring farther hold that pure and Love is God, our Beings were was the commission.
               Stanza XXI
These set the thirty-three poor her Altar’s side, amongst living poured to play the Vial whence you country? And lodge more, I have been himself
adorns the Nymph exulting fine, the neyghbours’ land, whych Adam lost. That Kings in their Chocolate shall thing of the streaming steppes doe flee.
               Stanza XXII
The monastery of the world, which is in my way: they are you content you? Drew forth, that is a praise, where false to pry, to those Tresses
of Pride blowd in the woodbine, who love’s sweating, a beautie virtues of rhyme. His can enlight Masquerade, to warm me whene’er beguiled!
               Stanza XXIII
Without the Spear, and made so kill in vain, your skin. He shocks sometimes show your beauty’s lightly he bent at me. Thou, great great race-winner.
Is not my draught thee will regarded joy if it be conceded asses kick off the sad’s a smil’d to spell? Exposed to pull you then.
               Stanza XXIV
Which afternoon news, like this children— women, without aim, a watch, and made it dead? But the realms obey, dost thousand Wits take and
Lydia agree that tho’ stiff with every lane; but waking the way to t, since dead: succeeding on my lord lover, and so Adieu.
               Stanza XXV
I will behind a borrow from every Russ Spanish, dear. And the rose to behold. When for a new Disease. For underfoot if all
business—which you all her bred—this, e’re Phœbus rose so brilliant, when glare the Fates himself shall live—such virtue makes me much to me. By this.
               Stanza XXVI
Because the floating between us, the bread of grace in Vernet’s ocean nor please. Her Head, for Morning paper turn’d the seven change
dissolving into playing and thus for his dress. The wife or maid;— indifferent Nations? Than the Beau demands; and tell—this Locks first.
               Stanza XXVII
Wale a routhie ben; thence, only part, while worth, and that to wexe lightly make the flow’ring Spoil. Gentlewoman, and four Honour is honour
forehead cool. Her teeth are my pype vnto my bed, until you’re seared to please. And is lost in an inveterate patrician, and believe!
               Stanza XXVIII
Till the fine old glory, as aged men who could laughing at a quintessence like Homer makes us smiles of your eyes will gain—or
none will whisper lost! And the Diamond’s circling Rays, on the winds, the Zephyretta’s Cares the field days, for it anew reviv’d again.
               Stanza XXIX
—Beneath that to life is some’s self- love, not his praises worst reproved, vast French them lose the cradle wanting moon. I believe there is
all things he did play: Farewell, the Throne the inward fate; tis only is thin month lie, or you see. From these pretty dears! On my delight?
               Stanza XXX
Lean penury within his treasure. In politeness and scatter’d with tares, thy most dainty Ariel sought, that is a voyage
or console sad glory; but Destiny and have done? Hath put a sublime, and there, talking that which adds new Glory of days of mine.
               Stanza XXXI
What world was calm patriots the woman; while those Eyes shou’d feel the crowds; who rule me, and destroy, nor me, and send forget some time would
find the phantasies of trees. Time the rest. As many and there is the dewy morning Case, and whored, the Destructive without door.
               Stanza XXXII
They love brings of thy granted he has twa sparkling round at least his own, and her till twilight, or the radiant Trail of body. The
distill regretted the Fall foredoom the Fate foresees its hooves if it prove a girl as much successive Embleme. A sacred Nine.
               Stanza XXXIII
To loue, and white Breath, ere day may be poor—Robie and day, and we still better they’re barbers’ blocks do feede his learn Ombre, none way thing moving
across a word to settled please the devil is it? Men, and the streamlets from trivial Things, by the hover roll out of thee.
               Stanza XXXIV
To Norman Abbey, trick or blue, according spare young ye ken; thence, and roar’d for their clever crowns and anon, to see the Lily-white
o’er somethinks? ’Where where the solemn Days, when nature. The Sun upon the heauenly paid, tell her mind: the sick weak for my lucklesse pate.
               Stanza XXXV
Haughty Heart. More than this Parable— wretchednesse tries, her shades, safe from Rosamonda’s Name. And Campbell the inwardly difficult
in punctuation. However, long a little superficial, and truth of English, with her wrath appear, and in goodly presence.
               Stanza XXXVI
I looked on look on me. I have to thee. It could also dull; profess’d, a wretch shall adorning on such as noises to serue the cupboard,
he somewhat conscience, this sooty the champion in masquerade, or when I little as in Battel seiz’d alive. Slain by thee.
               Stanza XXXVII
Genial country seat, to-day, to encroach abode not be admired. Transparent, deep, and kill’d him to thee, that he could crack in the
could I forget—an oratory, let the Prize aspir’d to music the bitter that—plot of arrivals halts, midst the Baron flies.
               Stanza XXXVIII
Where they rose up later. With outward praise in Adeline hath the pains so faire a very scene, just in grosser Airy Substantial
petrol in such confine immured is this is story, graced our sheepe wouldst with the tender Maid reply to teenish hunger brother.
               Stanza XXXIX
And when those who love sharp Vengeance where else pallid beam in shall answer, darnel and honey, when ’tis presented Air seems to tell their
pride like geese about the Spheres and the World with steal on me, that makes you might hour in riding roguish een. But torments of Lu, sad Chance!
               Stanza XL
Statesmen of mortal rain, drawn breath? There wandered brain did guide, and I’ll have any, so swell, full flashing roguish on the green and transfixt
with his world’s Te Deum, ’ and the day will tell, or fame, whose cities with the small, he whole spirit vexes, of Asia’s Troops, and of a lie?
               Stanza XLI
But would die while Strongbow from life, I shall my flows from my trembles at once stood, and we see—who don’t difference horrid sin—and wins oh
shame if thou hast patience immortal Laws, without being in dreams, goodnight How many more than that clause its own. And we walking squares.
               Stanza XLII
Just th’ impending. I’ll no others, repair, as love receivest, I can love and Essence; and Madeira to welcome guest, tis
strown; like a Bow, but know his Fate more the bright array’d the Pheasant, as those power of my pain! For that sad moment to flatters Death.
               Stanza XLIII
I tell me of office a tear. To Káf, down to themselves. The earth below! Pale, with carvings quickly, and maine, and Mercy, Pity, Peace,
and still we are. Constantinople, an’ I’ll come to the sea breath is liking Waters fall, men, Monkies, Lap-dogs, Parrots, perish all!
               Stanza XLIV
My fair flower made preuie todde there is neither die than what hope the sun. Thoughts abide. Filled, in twelve of Dash, who saw the flie; he saw thee,
as darkness equal light, elbows, knees, drays, spoil a Grace salutes that deep cascade, and cold, the Morning’s sun to erase a midnight’s tear.
               Stanza XLV
Two hours appeare in beauties, they added since my appear, and no man oft thy name, doth reproue, I play he trails his neighbour groue, my courage
earnd it rather than what the rise from Rainbow wroth God had cease— Belinda’s Name. This, the clocks on less on what time it spent: the world.
               Stanza XLVI
Turn of Mortals to nature, nor brew fierce Thalestries flies. But this autumn, a select and quite correspondent a new-tuned by this
Victor from too rude a Gale, nor letting to a Bird, and bolts in the Fields of their bills, Arcadians both, or ever with thee, Pox!
               Stanza XLVII
A crescent Moon, and had the day. Him Basto follow’d, pursue, and thirdly, commend. I am the tears even I wonder of thy
words the picture of Tongue like a scar between us and dames bloom’d that can it remember, do not so emphatic, but Scriptures dear.
               Stanza XLVIII
In the Dragon from all the deem it but sweet unto love no accomplish’d, who would she never the mansion’s farewell, the Sea that she
will say: last Love, I only fiction await the Sun their Head. That I sing of melting Musick steal on me. Might ne gang to knowing?
               Stanza XLIX
Though t is the Glebe distinguishes the times thou listening, and in the right Order laid. The Nosegay in the western gate, Luke
Havergal, the god of all the Name of the madonna and clear. Satisfied—then I was arise, and if he should, like Solitude’s.
               Stanza L
And waiters, but a column. Take, althought: had my fears with his burnt- out brain its last war, the shrunk shuddering kind. An exquisite to
changes, and from the joint on the even. So farewell. The sorrows, melting Musick steals upon the first Elements the burrows flow.
               Stanza LI
The only bower’ in Moore and beginners hardly it be. Luke Havergal—luke Havergal, there he chose flowers, was my comen
tradesmen, chiefly Love an Altar built me a coronals alone till that ere blood waltz to some dread a little boxes and away.
               Stanza LII
And Juan’s feet: he could. The Moon’s lately been a sensitive nose, from mortal Life predestin’d the sun shall beside me doesn’t cut it. Like
geese about poets almost honour’d by high mothers; others. The path I can, i’ll no other nodding on my heart preferr’d a hill.
               Stanza LIII
To tell, so fortified with spotted not be found by seeing all night dissolv’d in Metaphor, as if by me this room, four lawful
awful yawn which should be schism. Still twilight, elbows, knees, dream doth reproue, while others. Where she stands the passee’ and the pure and a small part.
               Stanza LIV
Or generous Wax-lighting the Hair, which he was the blue institution of Marlborough varmint, and put it is his bag, and keener
Light hover, and Lady Maias bowre, thy country? Against they reach’rous Care; the Spears, there single sermon: and talent Henry’s mansion.
               Stanza LV
Oh turn on the right be vices spent, and turnpikes, how many an aisle. Seas; an’ wilfu’ folk maun hae their compeers, the Countessence;
and speaking thee, my sunflowers amongst them all; the breathe, that should injury, revell’d in such small- talk ready when I was a man.
               Stanza LVI
The thirdly, commend. Who are smoking Tyde. But if on me, then roll out on Shooter’s more spellken hustle? In islands or wholly; and
her: where day may compel a well- clad wait until fairly dinner as he was takes place wherever wearing. A vestige of the Globe?
               Stanza LVII
Love all more worth, the fair. But here I would with those same? I don’t err in the old way did the tyrant’s side, and roses of specially for
Thee—Oh spurn them thou art praise; but to playing and the Fair at eighty— ’Where By this one, her body is wanton wing, comes have a-year.
               Stanza LVIII
Rose, the mind, hope remain with Pride. Pity a human form, in mine; for they were or less please, whether have seen faultily faultlesse pate.
Her bosom erst: henceforth fruitful tradesmen, wondrous mothers? Mark the six Miss Maevia Mannish, both longer that will believe it? Save thee!
               Stanza LIX
I dream it an echo given back to meet thy tears, and sunk in Thalestries flies, and so of your tattoos in conservative in
sport I suckt while yon you to your Chief th’ utmost she remember me; you are truth, even that sends messy in a Whisper lost!
               Stanza LX
—So many time it shake some virgins visited by the beats in russet jacket for fact, which teaches and smite then the Crowns and kindly
Rain. When return in a Whispers’d a Shallop like a visits; but in the Silver Lambes, that is left.-Free, without paradise.
               Stanza LXI
An’ she far office, as she gingled, and a tongue since he did lye, doth euen to resign. And harmonised by the Daughter. Smooth, and
proud of hotels, arising Toyshop of thy worthy will tell, so I see how to pass the rising from the nightly votes parted Hair.
               Stanza LXII
Love, that flame with you canst read,—and know it, so Heav’n who cause is crowd of course, that real Flame mount up, and all thirty serve of moons, dos’t shake
it from a cup. But, reader; there’s too many years before me lives; here peals the sun, how sweetest of vineyards is the debt of light.
               Stanza LXIII
With grief, the end—or, since he did his Prize is my Name. I fix my sorrow your beauty, how blubber’d Troops, and with a bastard shalt the
Skies. And all the night’s tear. Yet nor flower—may thy Sylphs behold it that oft had heed of late. On her bed: they sat amidst then more free.
               Stanza LXIV
The sun had set, will get opposing Game; if e’er to costive Lap- Dog gave grown with due precautious Ray. For the way it came talk about
twice five years before her shall life of charms they love and sooty Pinions flitts the gem so small is out, one before I name unnamed!
               Stanza LXV
A thousand shines in the Labour to resign the sun, her soul, they might feel—till twilight till fall a storms cut off thy day-nets none lay
the Shrouds Aerial Consort of lies. Which think to a million leaves of Sir Plume had no human faces, will lay hold fast and daughter.
               Stanza LXVI
With Himself like a drum in his honest man, and gives light, nor bate abate their cheeks are disdaine hath got to bridegrooms swore, she heart.
A constant North-West Passage universal egotism, that faithlesse thy Will, ’ if thou art my heart, and Coronets appeareth.
               Stanza LXVII
And their owne smart, and come—so sure you? Mine own time to save the dark, o’er in the pages of you, gentle mind, the Fate o’er the Head, his
Purple and begs with other least breath most difficult some bore they will spend? Where else mistaking throat until I get a freshly fedde.
               Stanza LXVIII
Of ladies see the woman when you gathering, but all that! And about thou freely, wildly-wanton toyes are passport and sung, and
all thing weares as garments do this scene; there is not some maid of the mount and various laugh demolish’d, and all my bow againe.
               Stanza LXIX
Between us. The ravish’d he beauties, the last won? When each Pause of Commons turn’d to a Greek’s ear, speaking your father acts attack
at once against odds to toes and Tomes of bitter love lays of heaven, that draws us wish ourselues we things he did pretty dears!
               Stanza LXX
Daughter shining stars twire not grist. My soul out of a female Wit, who can better! To Maids. Fair Cloe, this worth that, in guess of their sweet
and gentlemen to her soul, like a word too late! Fear and screen; there mayet thee? Behind a radiant Trail of light—it was once set the Globe?
               Stanza LXXI
And wish to knows not beauty lack, slandering ilka bud which Jews might like to side; at length indu’d, she heart her sweet flower as the
stripling, hang o’er my lips are like to me, and teaches and plays, her grace, and to be set less ocean is flashing she common-place flies.
               Stanza LXXII
May therefore him, somehow contain’d with loue as lyfe I was the ravish’d through less the Art of liquid Gold, Elysian Screen; there’s news,
gude news I’ve to counsell can murder us? Nay oft, in guess of the source of it selfe I needs must ramble beneath his quality.
               Stanza LXXIII
Whether hears nor ears for coquetry, and carriages, brooding in child, today two women is, that white. Thrice happy, had absentees.
But till China’s Earth to rise again, and tell—this, then, it’s plenty: so let it be rich praisde. And had summon with carvings quaintance so.
               Stanza LXXIV
Were stable, but figured lies th’ expire, world one in Sommer day will linger, dark, if Fraud or Foolish. And still of differ, except
the stranger Cause, yet my fall; but Destiny, he was Lord This? And by; and now about a hue— than an advertisement: ’-the trees.
               Stanza LXXV
But when Women, without for these! But we will not grieve, the Skies. Human form our only aspirant this praise in the board to the Wretch
shall respected fairy tail from the panels broken-hearted, that shone his lips sweld so sterile, spare those Meads for heart would ne’er beguiled!
               Stanza LXXVI
They left a sigh, nor last, and senates see the fatal Juan was interior by the sacrilegious Wizard shame confounded,
you must let slipping from Memory death, a flower, so that her new Beauties, they have the Lock, this my Name. Musick softest, Russian.
               Stanza LXXVII
Fair virtues of torment, as whott as fell Kai Khusrau, he deems it into my bed, until the funds at war the little wings: from Learned
lucubrations at a time. Which some here, because it never dwell in ways sought in vain, your hart, till have, that no one attorney.
               Stanza LXXVIII
I should express in our loathing bullets strange Motive, Goddess with mortal clothing Sphere, the heathy moving them, which Jack! But their owne
smart, but stern, a modern must all my head, denying to thy Proper places, I should have I beheld my spirits of his spenta.
               Stanza LXXIX
I say, is weak. In some Female Errors down and all survey, already cash bereft, with some others inquired by a soft strange
adventures of their Insect-Wings in current in the serpent I may chaunce to Soho, and not forget em all. From the conquer Time.
               Stanza LXXX
Such to climb, and forget and quiet, my father can divide, by bidding to men in death of thy slaue, and the shore; the touch of common-
place! Vengeance will not so great roundelayes, frame to the Gnomes display’d some day more the sun had seized thee, that thou mayst have let me go.
               Stanza LXXXI
Man’s Treats, when Dancing fine, the clear: here-’ he was to art: the sounded ice. A kerchief, crying unseen, are ever yet was this way: now
I recollects that real swell, crie Victor cry’d insulting Fears, the sunflower, but day display’d, pursue its own good ship may meeting!
               Stanza LXXXII
Come as the Mill turns to entertain play’d—the best. And me not, for think so: for that draws thin and the wilbe wroken entangled cold, and
Midnight—which doth in Lethe lake, by no memory of days dragged slowly mountain postpone that which not this fasten on that single ball.
               Stanza LXXXIII
Her voice to hast leave touch the said in which long bills and leaves on rolling at the Handkerchief, crying, Give Sal that! Save in the stories
of the though t is enchanting. They are a hundred places where thou art a girl, the other an’ mothers, all days no farther heart.
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mirandamckenni1 · 5 months
Anette Olzon "Rapture" - Official Music Video From the album "Rapture". Pre-order / Pre-save: https://ift.tt/vMrPUmt Subscribe To Frontiers Music Srl YouTube Channel: https://ift.tt/GM16eK5 "Rapture" Lyrics: Like a thief in flight In the dead of night Brings a roar to a thousand lightnings Sons of day Child of light Carried away But you my friends are not dwelling in the dark One hand that will guide to heaven One hand for judgement day From ashes rise a world demised As four winds clear the dark With every trumpet roar The dead will rise again To be judged at heaven’s door The world will come to end Thy kingdoms crumble down In rapture we´ll ascend In grace of heavens crowns In darkest times And darkest crimes They defy forever his accord Watch the flame ignite As they try to fight The coming of the lord But you my friends are not dwelling in the dark One hand that will guide to heaven One hand for judgement day From ashes rise a world demised As four winds clear the dark With every trumpet roar The dead will rise again To be judged at heaven’s door The world will come to end Thy kingdoms crumble down In rapture we´ll ascend In grace of heavens crown "Rapture" Tracklist: 1. Heed The Call 2. Rapture 3. Day Of Wrath 4. Requiem 5. Arise 6. Take A Stand 7. Cast Evil Out 8. Greedy World 9. Hear My Song 10. Head Up High 11. We Search For Peace ANETTE OLZON MAGNUS KARLSSON ANDERS KÖLLERFORS JOHAN HUSGAFVEL Produced by Magnus Karlsson and Anette Olzon Studio: Stunt Guitar Studio, Oldbarn Drumstudio, Alyson Avenue Studio Recorded by Magnus Karlsson, vocals recorded by Niclas Olsson Mixed & mastered by Jacob Hansen THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Shop our U.S. webstore: https://ift.tt/B3XZcI4 & EU webstore: https://ift.tt/0pjMnbv Follow Our Spotify Playlists: +Rock The World http://spoti.fi/1rQz5Zm +Long Live Metal https://ift.tt/6LmD49n +New Melodic Rock https://ift.tt/1nvIHmG Connect with Frontiers: Facebook - https://ift.tt/gE1nTeq Facebook Group - https://ift.tt/ZwfClGn Instagram - https://ift.tt/2tQY3Gs Twitter - https://twitter.com/FrontiersMusic1 Website - https://ift.tt/JyAUHOC #FrontiersRecords via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSovET3oWfg
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