#V: make a man out of you - mulan
dewdrop-krp · 2 years
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BTS' Kim Taehyung (V)
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leeknow-thoughts · 3 months
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𝝑𝝔 son of Eros!Changbin x mortal!fem!reader
𝝑𝝔 cw : unserious!reader (she is .... interesting for sure!), crude humor, Changbin is a sweetheart :c, fluffy smut, mild angst, Switch(mostly sub)!Changbin, Switch(mostly Dom)!reader, LOTS OF KISSING, mutual masterbation, clit play, no p in v, tit sucking, mommy kink !??!, love spells!!!, lmk if I missed anything!
𝝑𝝔 hyung line m.list | maknae line m.list
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Something was off, you didn't know how to describe it.
You sat up in your bed, looking around for a moment. That's when you spot a man in the corner of your dark room and you scream.
You grab the knife you kept in your nightstand, "who are you!?" you scream at him.
"Shhh!" the man tries to hush you.
"Why are you telling me to shh, you broke into my home!" you exclaim.
"Listen, I'm here on business," he starts before you interrupt him.
"What business do you have being in my house? Is the C.I.A trying to take me out because of my theory on the money smuggling because if so I deeply regret questioning my government and I swear I'm a good brainwashed citizen!" you yelp.
"C.I.A? Government? Brainwashing? I swear to Zeus, you mortals get more crazy by the minute!" the man exclaims, "but no, luckily for you, I am not from the government, well not your government."
"So like the United Nations!? That's even fucking worse! I swear I'm a good law abiding citizen who never questions the old hags that we call politicians!"
The man stares at you with a look of mixed shock and terror on his face, "the godly government," he explains.
"That's somehow even worse?! I don't even believe in God! Wait which religion is right? I swear to God, if it's Scientology I'll find the nearest cliff and jump off, I swear you will not take me alive Mr.Secret Scientology Agent Man Thing."
The man's mouth is agape and you can tell he's trying to put the pieces together, "What's Scientology?" he questions.
"They believe in aliens and shit, but they're lowkey a cult, and they're trying to reach Nirvana or whatever, trying to get their brainwaves to vibrate at the same frequency as an alien's or some stupid shit like that," you explain.
"Ok, well aliens aren't real," Changbin starts before you interrupt him.
"Ok science denier, you're telling me you're a- whatever you are- and aliens aren't real. Maybe you're in a cult. What frequency do your brainwaves vibrate at?"
"I'm not in a cult, I'm one of the sons of Eros," he explains.
You burst out into a fit of laughter while the man slaps himself on his forehead, "okay buddy, time to put you back in whatever insane asylum you escaped from," you say as you sit up.
The man turns around and you see the wings poking out from his back. "Maybe evolution did hit the ancient Greeks, you're like Icarus but like evolved and not as crispy and fried as I'd imagine him being," you figure as you admire the man's wings.
"Why are you bringing up Icarus?"
"Well he had wings," you remind him.
"Yeah and you're about to fly too close to the sun," he sighs, "I was assigned to your case. I'm going to help you find your soulmate."
"Ok sure you are buddy," you chuckle.
"Can you at least put down the knife, I feel like you're gonna stab me," he requests.
You sigh and put the knife back in your nightstand. "So how does this whole thing work?" you ask the man.
"I'm going to ask you a few questions, and I'll find a list of potential soulmates for you," he explains.
"So you're like the match maker from Mulan?"
"I'll make sure to look for someone who appreciates your fantastic sense of humor," he retorts sarcastically.
"Boo, you're no fun! Live a little!" you exclaim and sit criss crossed on your bed.
The man pulls up a chair and pulls out a clip board and a pen. "Male or female?" he asks.
"I'm a woman," you say it like it's obvious.
"I mean for a partner, do you want a man or a woman?"
"Either," you shrug.
He scribbles that down in your chart. "What's your name by the way, you know like everything about me and all I know is that you're a Scientologist and mentally impaired and a bird or whatever."
"Changbin," he says while rolling his eyes, "do you have a height preference?"
"Nope," you pop the p.
"Weight preference?"
"Another no."
"Age preference?"
"What do you mean by that because I am not-"
"-I'm going to stop you right there," he glares at you, "you need to take this seriously."
"I am being serious!? I'm not a-"
"Ok! I get it, I'll j-just mark down older."
"Make sure it's not like super old though."
He looks up at you, "excuse me?"
"Like a person who is like- older than my grandma. Unless they're like absolutely loaded."
He rolls his eyes and moves on, "do you have a preference regarding lifestyle?"
"Yeah, I don't want them to be a politician or a Scientologist or mentally insane."
"Ok," he scribbles on the paper, "done, I need you to sign here."
He passes the clipboard to you and hands you the pen.
"Why?" you question.
"Because this is a legally binding contract," he says it like it's obvious.
"So like in Cat in the Hat where two underage kids sign their life away to a six foot tall man in a fur suit? Am I signing my life away?"
"Just sign the fucking paper," he requests.
You sign the paper and hand it back to the winged man.
He flips through more pages in the clipboard before his face falls. "What is it? Don't tell me my soulmate is a politician!" you whine.
"It's worse," he hums, "you need to come to HQ with me."
"Wait so who is it? Is it like a serial killer? I didn't even think of that!"
"Will you shut up and take my hand," he offers his hand out to you.
You hesitantly take it. You're instantly transported to a place you've never seen before. An office building with pink walls and pink tainted glass that over looks above the clouds. Changbin pulls you with him to a desk.
"Eros, I need to speak with him," Changbin says to the person, who also has wings, that is working at the desk.
"I'll tell him you need to see him," the person says.
"Thanks," Changbin mutters.
Changbin lets go of your hand and begins pacing around the waiting room. "So like is it bad?"
"It is me," he mumbles.
"Your soulmate, it's me."
Your mouth falls agape as you stare at he man. "What?" you question.
"Yeah, tell me about it," he grumbles as he continues his pacing.
"But you're like-" you pause.
"-a matchmaker. And you're a mortal."
"Eros will see you now," the woman at the reception desk announces.
Changbin pulls you by the wrist through the hallway and into a room. The room is large, huge floor to ceiling windows on two of the walls, a huge desk right in the center, and an extremely tall man with strawberry blonde hair sitting at the desk. Changbin lets go of your wrist when he makes eye contact with the man. "Changbin!" the man at the desk says, he stands up and walks over to where Changbin and you were standing, "it's so good to see you, son!"
You look up at the man towering over yourself and Changbin. Easily 8 feet tall with a pair of feathery wings on his back.
The man lifts up Changbin, pulling him into a tight hug. "Dad, it's good to see you too, but listen we have a situation," Changbin says sternly.
"A situation?" the man asks, putting Changbin back on the ground.
"This is Y/n Y/l/n," he introduces you.
"I know of her," he smiles.
He leans down to shake your hand, holding his out for you to take. You hesitate before you do, but you gently shake the tall man's hand, "you know me?" you ask the man.
"Well of course I do! I am a God after all!" he cheerfully booms, "you can just call me Eros!"
"Nice to meet you," you give the man a tight lipped smile.
He lets go of your hand and it falls to your side.
"Listen- Dad," Changbin interrupts, "I think that there was a mistake with y/n's soulmate generator."
"How so?" Eros questions.
"Well, it said that well-" he stammers.
"Does she have a soulmate?" Eros asks.
"Well yes b-but-" Changbin continues to stutter.
"-it's him, sir, Changbin is my soulmate," you explain.
"What?" the man gasps.
"Listen, I'm just as surprised as you are, I specifically said no politicians, Scientologists, or mentally insane people."
"He is, none of those things?" Eros states.
"Yeah well when you wake up in the middle of the night to someone standing in the corner of your bedroom talking about how they're from the 'godly government' and it reminds you of Scientology, and then he tells you he's the son of Eros so obviously you start thinking to yourself that this guy is either seeing something we can't or he's strung out on something, and then he makes you sign your life away like those kids did in the cat in the hat movie, then you can call me picky," you ramble.
Eros glances at Changbin then at you and then back to Changbin, "well were you the only option?"
"Yes," Changbin confirms.
"Well then it is destined to be, she did sign the contract," he points out.
"So wait? Did I sign my life away?" you ask.
"Well not your life," Eros begins before he cuts himself off.
"Dad," Changbin says, "what do we do?"
"I suppose we follow the rules," Eros figures, "you two are soulmates."
Changbin's jaw practically falls to the floor, "there is no way."
So now you find yourself at Changbin's house, well apartment, on Mt.Olympus. The apartment itself is more than just nice. It is beautiful. Floor to ceiling windows with a scenic view, a full kitchen with a separate wine closet, even a balcony overlooking the streets of Olympus which were full of nymphs and muses and Gods and Goddesses alike. Ornate furniture with gold accents, a chandelier that looked like it costed more than a yacht, and 4 luxurious bedrooms. "Make yourself at home," Changbin sighs as he takes off his coat.
"Woah, this is your house?" you exclaim as you ogle at the ornate house.
"Yeah," he blushes, "it's ours now I suppose," he runs a hand on the back of his neck.
"Oh my God, this is straight up like a fairytale," you say as you look through the kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" he asks, opening the fridge.
"Yeah, is there anything I can eat?"
"What do you mean anything you can eat?"
"Well like I don't think I can drink nectar, because I'm like a mortal or whatever," you chuckle as you look at his puzzled expression.
"Well technically you can drink it, but you would like probably pass out from what you mortals call 'alcohol poisoning'," he chuckles as he grabs a soda from the fridge.
"Wait do you have some?" you ask excitedly.
"I mean yeah but like, why?"
"Well I wanna try it!"
"No," he shuts down before you can continue.
"Please! Just once Changbin!" you beg.
"I said no," he says, more firmly this time.
"Ugh fine you're no fun," you cross your arms and take a seat on his kitchen island.
"What do you want for dinner?" he asks, changing the topic.
You hum while you think for a moment, "spaghetti," you decide.
"Okay," he agrees.
He begins pulling ingredients out of the fridge and pantry and you just sit there on the counter and watch as the man prepares dinner. "Soooooo," you speak as Changbin puts a pot of water on the stove, "what's it like being the son of Eros?"
"Well, I think it gives people the wrong impression of me sometimes," he reveals.
"How so?"
"Imagine that your father is known for orgies and sex, prayed to by mortals for him to grant them fertility and true love, doesn't always leave the best impression with people," he explains crossing his arms.
"Why not? Are you not like him?"
"Not at all," he mumbles softly, "I do this job because I like making people happy, to be honest I didn't know it was possible as a matchmaker to match with anyone," he explains, "especially a mortal, like yourself."
"Doesn't Zeus have lots of kids though? Is he matched with someone?" you ask.
"Don't even get me started on how many kids he has, y'know we have a whole department that keeps track of his children," he whispers the last part.
You stifle a laugh and get a good look at the man who is your soulmate. His sharp nose and round face paired with gentle eyes and buff arms have you feeling tingly inside and out. "Zeus does have a soulmate, or well he says she's his soulmate, Hera," he explains.
"Isn't that his sister?"
"I wish you mortals would stop spreading lies like that," Changbin sighs and rubs his eyes.
You giggle and swing your feet back and forth. "So wait, not all of you are like related?" you ask.
"No," he chuckles.
"So like how does the whole soulmates thing work?"
"Well, once you're matched, you're matched, you fall in love with the person, they fall in love with you, some couples get married, some don't," he explains.
"Can we get married? If we get married can we please get married by and Elvis impersonator in Vegas, ooh and I want a pink wedding dress!" you proclaim.
"Yeah, sure," he hums as he adds the noodles to the boiling water, "anything else you want for our wedding?"
"Hmm, maybe a chocolate fountain at the reception and for the reception to be held in a strip club," you half joke.
"That would make our wedding, interesting," he giggles, turning back to face you now.
"Well yeah, you only get married once! May as well enjoy it! Also honeymoon in Paris, or like somewhere in Europe!"
"Yeah," he smirks, "we can do all of that."
God, he looked good. Did he always look this good? Maybe you were too blind to it before, because fuck he was good looking.
"Really?" you ask enthusiastically.
"Really," he smiles softly.
"What about our wedding night?" you ask before you fully think through what you're saying.
"Our wedding night? Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?" he teases.
"Well- I-I j-just wanna k-know what you like? I mean I-" you stutter as you try to speak.
You freeze when Changbin moves over to where you sit and pulls you in for a kiss, stopping right before his lips touch yours, you feel your heart thumping in your chest and heat rising to your cheeks as you slowly relax into his gentle grasp.
"Kiss me-" you hoarsely whisper.
He licks his lips before he finally puts his lips on your own, his lips molding against yours in a tantalizing rhythm. You are the one to break away from the hypnotic kisses he is placing on your lips. "Changbin- why I feel so-" you mumble, searching his eyes for an answer for the certain wanting in the bottom of your stomach.
"The love spell, it- well- it makes you," he flushes.
"Horny?" you ask.
"Yeah," he laughs, "makes both parties-y-y'know horny."
"Holy shit," you giggle as you bring him back in for another kiss.
This kiss is passionate and rough, in perfect contrast with the way Changbin holds you close. His hands resting on your waist, gently rubbing feather-light touches on your sides, each one leaving you more breathless than the last. Your arms loop around the back of his neck, reveling in the comfort of his lips on yours.
It's not enough though, you need him inside you, you need him to fuck you. "Changbin-" you moan against his lips.
"Darling," he coos, "tell me what you want-you c-can have it-w-whatever you want."
"Bin- I-I," you whine.
"P-please ma'am wan-wanna be inside," he squeaks.
"Ma'am?" you smirk, pulling apart from the kiss to search Changbin's eyes.
"Ma'am, mommy, mistress, master, whatever you want- I-I d'care, just pl-please, wanna be inside," he searches your face for any apprehension.
"Changbin I-I, get on your knees," you whimper as you notice the way he looks at you.
His hair is messy, his eyes lust blown and lips plump from kissing. You watch the heavenly sight in front of you as Changbin sinks down to his knees in front of you. He gently holds your leg as he kisses your knee, "please," he speaks a confession, "wanna worship you."
His fingers trail up and down your clothed legs, and at this time you curse yourself for wearing plaid pajama pants instead of flimsy sleep shorts.
You quickly stand on two feet and begin walking away, scaring the man on the floor. "Y/n- w-we d'have to!" he yelps.
"Take me to the bedroom, please," you huff.
Changbin leaps onto his feet and shows you to the bedroom, his hand in yours. Like two horny teenagers left unsupervised for more than 30 seconds.
You found yourself making out with him on his soft bed, it was a little awkward with Changbin's wings on his back, but you couldn't seem to mind, especially not when his fingers are cupping your breasts under your shirt and his fingers are tweaking your nipples in his fingers. A soft tune is playing from what you presume is your phone, or it could be the record player in the corner of Changbin's room, but honestly you don't care when Changbin's head moves down your chest, kissing above your waistband. "Honey," he calls out to you.
"Y-yeah," you look at him.
"Wanna watch you get off," he requests, "wanna watch you, please."
You're stripping off your clothes before you can even think of what you're doing, throwing your clothes somewhere in Changbin's room. You watch as his mouth falls open as he stares at your tits. "Like what you see, honey?" you ask as you lay your head back on the pillows.
He nods and you watch the faint blush creep up onto his cheeks. "Wanna see you too, please, please Bin," you hum.
He follows after you, removing his clothes and you ogle at his body. Fuck, he was muscular, and your mouth started watering when you saw his cock.
"It's n-not," he begins before you are spitting in your hand and wrapping it around the base of his cock.
Not very long, but fat in girth, with a pretty flushed tip and nicely trimmed bush surrounding it. Changbin's mouth falls open as you begin jerking his cock, "it's more than okay, baby," you reassure the man whose eyes are rolling to the back of his head from pleasure.
"Y-your," he whimpers, trying to speak.
"Don't worry about anything other than feeling good, just relax my love, let me make you feel good," you hum.
You can see the internal struggle on Changbin's face before he shoves his own hand in between your legs, spreading your wetness around your folds. "Changb-" you begin, going to chastise the boy but his fingers move up to your clit, rubbing in soft circles.
"P-please," he whimpers.
"Hm?" you hum searching his face while his fingers continue playing with your pussy.
"Can I suck on your tits?" he asks with a timid voice.
You can't help but smile as the fingers on your spare hand wrap in the boy's curly black hair and bring his mouth to your chest. You speed up your hand that is playing with his cock, trying to repay how well Changbin is making your pussy gush just with his calloused fingers.
Changbin is sucking on your nipple and his fingers are playing with your clit and it all is becoming too much and just enough at the same time. "Mommy," Changbin moans against your chest.
"Yeah, I know it feels good doesn't it?" you coo to the man who is clearly losing himself in the pleasure of you stroking his chubby cock.
He nods his head into your chest and you watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head before his hips start bucking his cock into your hand. "G-gonna-ngh," Changbin whimpers.
"It's okay my love, let go, there you go honey," you instruct.
Changbin cums with a low groan as his hips keep bucking into your hand, his fingers that were playing with your clit stopping and resting there as you watch his pearly white cum shoot out of his cock and onto his soft stomach.
His legs slightly twitch as he comes down from his orgasm before he looks up at you before remembering he is also supposed to make you cum, you don't let him feel bad about cumming first though. Instead opting to praise him for being good while his fingers resume their movements on your swollen clit while his mouth continues playing with your nipples.
"Ch-changbin," you choke out a whine.
A particular hard swipe to your clit has you tumbling over the edge of your orgasm, clenching Changbin's shoulders as you ride through the high. "Perfect," Changbin praises and presses a kiss between your breasts, "and all mine."
"All yours," you reassure, "all yours Changbin."
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The Little Mermaid (1989) v Mulan (1998)
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The Little Mermaid: With "witty songs" and "catchy musical pieces" this film brought Disney into their new age of animated domination: the Renaissance! It has also been said this movie brought Broadway music to the animated silver screen.
Mulan: At the time of the film's release, the music wasn't the most impressive but clearly that was wrong. Sure, we get that it can be hard to put a soundtrack together when the first choice collaborators leave, but this one endures. After all, "I'll Make A Man Out of You" gets all kinds of people excited and motivated to this day.
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liljeconvallaria · 5 months
Username Song Game
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
Tagged by @cacodaemonia 😘
L -Lions Inside by Valley of Wolves
I- Insane by Gabriel Black Gryph0n
L- Lift Me Up by Moby
J- Joke's on you by Charlotte Lawrence
E- Everybody Knows by Sigrid
C- Castle Down by Emilie Autumn
O- Over the Hills and Far Away - Gary Moore version
N- Nemo by Nightwish
V- Voulez-Vous by ABBA
A- ah-ah by Bertine Zetelitz
L- Live Like Legends by Ruelle
L- Lovegame by Lady Gaga
A- All The Love by Maria Mena
R- Running by Ruben
I- I’ll make a Man out of you from Mulan
A- Another one bites the dust by Queen
Aaah! So. Many. Songs. Starting. With. L !! 🙈 (also why did I pic such a long url)
Honestly these songs are so random! Some I’ve been listening to lately others I haven’t heard in years 😅
Not tagging anyone but if you want to do this please tag me so I can find new (to me) music!
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hotofwar · 2 years
Another one of my stupid ideas but- imagine an au where reader meets KRatos before the deal he made with Ares- he was this great warrior general dude who everyone respected (and maybe feared?)
But its is like... A mulan-eske AU (I was listening to “I’ll make a man out of you” and coudnt resist the idea of Kratos being the one singing LOL)
If im correct, in Spartan society women did not fight in the military (I know they had more freedon than other cultures BUT i think they where not really allowed to?), so like... a story where reader tries to appear as a male soldier?? And Kratos is their general??? Just saying... It might have potential for being at least a fun story :V
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simgerale · 2 years
i was tagged by @moonaive, thank you sweets ♥️♥️♥️
✨ When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 of your favourite followers cool ppl✨
1. mamma mia (STILL ALWAYS IN MY HEAD! i need to watch it soon)
2. L-O-V-E by nat king cole (always ALWAYS in my head)
3. girlfriend by Avril Lavigne (come on.. a classic)
4. that’s how you know from Enchanted (also been in my head lately. I gotta watch the new one. It’s probably not as good but still)
5. I’ll make a man out of you from Mulan (the ORIGINAL)
I TAG: @morrigan-sims @retro-plasma @sublimesims @samssims @bratsims @moonsyrups @mousysims @ohhiplumbob @warmsol @briteboy and YOU!! <3
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thezoraprince · 2 years
Also “I’ll make a man out of you” sung by Samuel Kim
All I hear is Bazz training his guards
“Did they send me daughters? When I asked, for sons??”
Gaddison: bitch excuse me??
i'm gonna have to watch mulan and visualize all the characters as the zora guards now
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
I'll Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan, by Google Translate: watch?v=mRLreV7uVy0
Oooh and it also has Caleb Hyles singing. I love him!!
Google translate never fails to deliver XD Thank you, this made me laugh a lot.
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toastywindow · 2 years
TOP 100 MOVIES IN 100 SECONDS (window's recommendations)
All thanks to Elvis the Alien for making this possible! It helped out with the stress that's going on with my life right now
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d60zSwswoAU
Gonna post the list of the movies down below the pinned comment so it's easily read by all.
These aren't objectively good movies. These movies are deemed top 100 for me based on how many times I've watched it, and the good and happy memories that are attached thereto. So while to some of you there are bad movies in the list, for me, they're the best things in life that makes me look forward to another day. Cheers to the new movies to come!!!
See you guys later!
P.S. putting these clips on beat is highkey hard asf
Press read more to see the full list of the movies I've placed in the video
Top 100 Movies as seen in the video
The Prince of Egypt (1998)
Design for Living (1933)
Professor Marston & the Wonder Women (2017)
Marrowbone (2017)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Shallow Grave (1994)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Bandits (2001) 
 The Man in the Iron Mask (1998)
Ophelia (2018)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)
Blue Ruin (2013)
The Adventures Of Tintin (2011)
What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
Amadeus (1984)
Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper (2004)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Odd Thomas (2013)
The Three Musketeers (2011)
 Star Trek IV: Voyage Home (1986)
 Ratatouille (2007)
 The Green Knight (2021)
 Rocketman (2019)
 Loving Vincent (2017)
 Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
 The Road to El Dorado (2000)
 The Addams Family (1991)
 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (2013)
 Pride & Prejudice (2011)
 Jennifer’s Body (2009)
 Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2013)
 Sleepy Hollow (1999)
 Pride (2014)
 Pearl (2022)
 Citadel (2012)
次元大介の墓標/ Lupin the III: Daisuke Jigen's Gravestone (2014)
 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009) 
 Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
 The World’s End (2013)
 Treasure Planet (2002)
 Star Trek Beyond (2016)
 John Wick (2014)
 Grave Encounters (2009)
Bridget Jones’ Diary
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2012)
 High School Musical 2
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 
Now You See Me (2013)
Knives Out (2019)
 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Rurouni Kenshin (2012)
 Doctor Sleep (2019)
 Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
 Toy Story 2 (1999)
 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
 Cabin in the Woods (2012)
 Hot Fuzz (2007)
 Klaus (2019)
 Emma (2020)
 The Man from U.N.C.L.E (2015)
 The Producers (2005)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
Hotel Artemis (2018) 
The Mummy (1999)
Pacific Rim (2013)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Captain Fantastic (2016)
The Lego Movie (2014)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
Mulan (1998)
 1917 (2019)
It (2017)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Pitch Perfect (2013)
The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)
Men In Black 3 (2013)
The Sea Beast (2022)
Constantine (2005)
Alice In Wonderland (1951)
Rocky III (1982)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (2005)
Booksmart (2019)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
Rise of the Guardians (2014)
Children of Men (2006)
 Beauty and the Beast (1991)
 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)
Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988)
The Batman (2022)
Anastasia (1997)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Nope (2022)
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kaceyloola · 2 years
I couldn’t sleep until I made this possible please watchhhhh
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kirishwima · 4 years
im feeling. a dozen emotions and idk what i feel most rn
((ignore the tags im literally using this post like its a diary entry and im on a bit of a nicotine rush lmao))
#one thing i watched the new mulan even tho i vouched not to#we went to the movies w my friends and it was. the only film playing. like???#the cinema got reopened a few weeks ago so i get it but fam cmon#anyway im donating the same amount of money i gave for that ticket to a charity to make the disgust of watching it go away#second thing is i just realized my sister. thinks im a lesbian#shes v supportive which is wonderful but i should probs come out to her again and explain im bi lmao#she told me to be proud of who i am and today at lunch we were speaking and she said#'if i were you id proudly yell 'yeah im a weeb i got tattoos and im a lesbian'' no i wont give context lmao#and im like...im touched but sis id never admit to being a weeb djakdjdj#and third ive decided to go back to uni after all even if classes will be online#cuz i dont trust my uni and their decisions but like...damn i dont want to man#even now im wishing something will happen and i wont have to go#i wanna stay here and ennoy my time w my baby nephew and study w my friends in cyprus#things w my friends abroad are. mm tense and more than that#ive been staying at a house w 8 people in it for 3 months and its always loud and hectic#going back to my aprtment being just me and my cat. might be peaceful but its also lobely and a little scary at first#i preach to the first year students and tell them living alone isnt bad or scary but it is in the begining for sure and im a liar orz#anyway ignore me i just gotta vent cuz i dont talk about stuff w friends cuz im an idiot that doesnt share anything unless i have to :))#i wonder how my friends tolerate me lmao#delete later#one friend gave me snus and another rolled cigarettes for me and now im a jittery mess#havent had that much nicotine in a while lol
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captain-kinda-trash · 3 years
Karaoke (Bayverse! Boys headcanons) 200 follower celebration!! <3
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you decide to surprise the boys with a karaoke machine for their mutation day <3
and what better way to spend a night away from patrolling than tipsy karaoke with your family and friends?
Leo ~
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sure, it'll take a couple of drinks to loosen him up
leo doesn't want to screw up his "eldest-and-therefore-most-mature" reputation
actually has a very pleasant singing voice 🥰💙
though he's a bit on the shy and quiet side at first
let him get a little more loosened up, he'll be more confident then <33
and elton john (3
AND frank sinatra
leo CARRIES that shit hard
His go-to karaoke songs are without argument,
Feeling Good (Michael bublé)
Hello Hello (Elton John)
L-O-V-E (Nat King Cole)
Everything (Michael Bublé)
he will make eye contact with you EVERY
The beat drops on either songs
and he fucking winks
All of the boys (including vern and casey) rolling their eyes when he does so 🙄
leo tries to be serenading
which totally works btw
will do the little hip sway thingy when he sings, just for the hell of it
so sappy 🥴
I also strongly believe that each boy holds a Disney song close to their heart
Leo's fav is probably "Go the Distance" from Hercules, OR "Make a Man Out of You" (Mulan)
will not hesitate to hold a hand out and pull you up on the stage just to spin and dip you 🥰💙
April loves it so much omg--
soooo cute 😫💙
Raph ~
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We love raphie
he doesn't need a lot of drinks to get up and sing, you've just gotta hype him up <33
"Aw Nah, you guys don' wanna hear me sing, I suck, heh,"
Raph's voice, at least what I would think, isn't necessarily considered "made for singing"
nevertheless it's pretty good
DEFINITELY a rap man, endless rap songs w/ mikey ❤🧡
Also deep down he is a real sucker for high school musical duets 🥰
(only for you, bby <33)
gets really into it with the right amount of motivation
he'll do the little stage hop, it's the BEST
raphie gets so excited!!
You wanna hype him up even more??
Sit on his shoulders or the top of his shell while he sings
Start clapping for him from the audience please 😫
Go-to songs are
"Till I Collapse" (Eminem) and you can BET YOUR ASS HE WILL RAP EVERY WORD
Teenage Dirtbag (Cavetown, chloe moriondo) which he will duet with YOU ONLY
I'm too sexy (Right Said Fred)
^^ Raph WILL point at you, wiggle his eyebrows, ROLL HIS HOT BOD, AND WINK THE WHOLE TIME HE SINGS THIS
Disney song has to be After Today from The Goofy Movie
He can relate to that song ALOT
and he even does the little voices for each character 😂❤
he'll do the goofy hunchover, having to lean way down when you kiss him
there are visible cartoon hearts dancing around his head 🥰
Raph is so fun to be around when karaoke is happening~
Donnie ~
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Donnie is definitely on the shy side when it comes to singing
Definitely gonna need a few drinks before mikey can shove him onto the stage
he's just standing there like: "🕴"
finally, after some encouragement, our adorable nerd, although flustered, will participate
starts off very soft, shy, but will get INTO IT
this boy loves 80's rock, don't even get me started 💜💜
Mikey trying to hop up next to him and join
Donnie just hip checks him out of the scene--
favorite songs to sing ~
People Watching (Conan Grey)
Somebody's Watching Me (Rockwell)
She Blinded Me with Science (Thomas Dolby) thanks Turtle-babe 😉
Scotty Doesn't Know (Lustra)
Also just might take his glasses off for an intense head thrashing sesh
*air guitar solo, like 4 times*
He EATS up all the attention given to him
even though he won't admit it
Disney song???
Lost in The Woods (Frozen)
passes tf out right after
he's so exhausted from being too amazing 😫💅
Mikey ~
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Sorry have you MET this boy?? 🤨
MADE for karaoke
Has arguably the "worst" singing voice out of everyone
which honestly isn't even bad, just lots of voice cracks and some off key yelling
raph gives him so much shit for it, but he could care less
poor baby 😂🧡
sucker for duets, LITERALLY WITH ANYONE
LIVES for Bruno Mars and every Disney song to ever exist
Karaoke songs ~
Never Ever Getting Rid of Me (Christopher Fitzgerald)
Leave the Door Open (Bruno Mars) Similar to the Raph thing, ROLLING THE BODY, WINKING, POINTING DIRECTLY AT YOU
Dear Maria, Count Me in (All Time Low)
Fantasy (Mariah Carey)
Any Disney song, LITERALLY
can't convince me that he won't do a duet with Vern
Put those two on stage, they are unstoppable
A whole new world (From Aladdin), but it's Mikey and Vern dramatically batting their eyelashes at each other 😂🧡🧡
*lifts vern in the air and spins him around*
He dances the most on stage, and this boy is incredible at it
Poor Mikey's back hurts from absolutely CARRYING karaoke night
Bonus// Extras because y'all deserve it <3
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*cue mikey sliding on his knees and pointing at you*
April singing Material Girl and Build a Bitch because she is a GIRLBOSS 💅🥰
Innocent reader?!!
*reader going HARD with the lyrics*
Leo can't tell if he's surprised or low-key turned on?? 😳
Mikey and Raph are your hype men!!! 🧡❤
Casey getting in on the action too 🖤
The boys pretending to be your band
playing air instruments while you sing Still Into You (Paramore) because they just love you so much 💙❤💜🧡
Supportive boys 🥰
Reader also singing Enchanted (Taylor Swift) while looking at Leo 👀
If Leo, Vern and/or Raph get enough applause (or alcohol in their system) THEY WILL THROW IT BACK
You and raph are just iconic with your duos
Overall, it's incredibly hilarious and fun on karaoke nights with everyone,
[@turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @raphsgrl @donniesdove @thelaundrybitch @thegr8faery @ladyofparchments]
Thanks everyone!! Hope you all enjoyed reading!!! 🥰🥰🍓
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pookacangetit · 3 years
I l o v e the Disney Song post
if it's ok with you might I request what their reaction would be to Yuu singing I'll make a man out of you (by Payton Parrish) with the intention to motivate whoever they're singing it to, but instead end up adding another follower to the cult?
So there's a popular scene where Shang does the baton thingy twirl with yk what (yeah THAT scene 😏)
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Yuu was trying to motivate Grimm when they remembered the song from Mulan about motivation, and so they improvised. They grabbed a random broom and shuck off their shirt because it's to show their sincerity, Ace!
Ace was simply panicking alongside Deuce and Grimm because Yuu had unknowingly revealed themselves as a godly simp material.
Yuu's body is similar to that of Yuuken from the manga but they hide it with oversized clothing because they're poor but now...
Those bulging muscles and gorgeous six pack are out in the open for everyone to see rippling and dripping with sweat as Yuu displayed a strange performance of wielding the broom like a baton.
Leona almost falls from standing on his broom.
Floyd is willing to fall just to get a closer look at the prefect's perefect chest, broken bones who?
There was suddenly a scream in the middle of the field, "T- THE GREAT ONE'S HOLY BEING-"
The cult was nearly revealed that day, but they gained an increasing amount of followers added to the other, other list.
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Pomefiore student: I can't help but notice that your name was added to the other, other list?
Scarabia student: the great one's beauty is unimagineable, but I suppose you know too since your name was amongst the top fifty?
Pomefiore student: ... we should have an extra protection squad for the great one
Scarabia student: absolutely
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Personality Analysis of: Mushu (Disney’s Mulan)
Sorting Hat Chats: BADGER-SNAKE (POWER BEHIND THRONE) I do think Mushu is clearly a loyalist in the sorting hat chats system (not 100% sure if he’s Snake or Badger though). After reading a great post about “badger snakes and the red-stained ledger” by @air-in-words, I like the idea of sorting Mushu from Disney’s Mulan as a Badger-Snake. He definitely has Harold Hill/Dewey Finn vibes. Mushu is group-oriented (trying to get reinstated as a family guardian), but he weirdly supports/protects the group through deception/finesse.   His “red-stained ledger” would probably be getting one of the family members he was protecting decapitated (which got him demoted to gong-ringer), and then impersonates someone he’s not (the Great Dragon Spirit) to regain his status/role within the group (this behaviour is sort of a self-serving expression of the Hufflepuff Primary). However he clearly bonds with his little group (Crikee, Mulan, Khan), and ends up doing a lot of good for his family and China, in the end. MBTI: ENTP Ne is very obvious in his quick-thinking, hyper-verbal style. Ti before Fe because he’s definitely more strategic and led by self-interest (Ti), before connecting it to his group (Fe). You don’t get the sense Mushu has grandiose values, he has “people” (which is why he is a loyalist house). ENTP’s Inferior Sensation in my experience tends to be represented in media as some sort of physical/sensory limitation/helplessness compensated for by a outsized persona/intellect (Tyrion Lannister, Iron Man, Varrick, Edward Elric). In Mushu’s case, he’s constantly being ridiculed for being little, and powerless, and a snake, so he always finds clever ways to appear large/powerful/authoritative (a very small man can cast a very large shadow, as Varys once told Tyrion). Enneagram Analysis Despite being commonly typed as a 7, Mushu from Mulan (1998) is a 6w7 sp. He isn't a free spirited 7 looking for fun and adventure--he wants to be reinstated as a guardian of the family (WAY more of 6 motivation) by proving he can watch over Mulan and keep her safe. I'll tell you this--you're not going to see a lot of enneagram 7's depicted as the jittery, protective character who is trying to talk the hero out of doing things, moaning "We're doomed!". Watch Mushu's major 6 energy in this bathing scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXSX84eVUCs Grumbling to yourself that no one is taking your fears seriously, while still acting as lookout to protect the idiots who are ignoring you, is a fat 6 mood. He is so 6 in how he is constantly anticipating threats and predicting what they need to worry about next, to keep Mulan safe. He wakes her up each morning and runs her through all the things she needs to focus on and think about to face the day ahead. He's always trying to protect his people by staying ahead of things (classic 6 strategy). Think of how on top of danger he is when Shan Yu's falcon tries to raise alarm, and Mushu immediately breathes fire and turns him into Mongolian barbecue--6's are amazing at detecting threats, because they're constantly scanning their environments. I know 7's are usually comic relief, but self pres 6's are sneakily the funniest enneagram subtype, IMO. They make for great comical sidekicks!
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QTVW Chapter 18
Showbiz* Sexy Queen (V)
When Mei Mu Lan finished her rendition of the scene, the 'audience' on the other side of the room still hadn't recovered from the scene that had just happened.
Mei Mu Lan smiled slightly shyly and said,
“It's my first time acting, I hope you won't be offended by my bad performance.”
The words pulled everyone back from the previous scene and the director slowed down to say,
“……Cut …… You truly portrayed the ruthlessness and fickleness of the character. No one knows if the agent is really in love with the man in uniform, but each and every one of us, can feel the realness and complexity of this cheongsam-clad woman.”
So saying, he suddenly sat down in his chair and asked with a broad grin,
“How about that, now that you've seen the results, are you satisfied? There is no one in the world who can perform better than her, so if you don't have any objections, then the role is finalized?”
The crowd immediately nodded vigorously and, having witnessed the facts with their own eyes, all unanimously agreed with the director's proposal.
Mei Mu Lan smiled lightly and retreated from the other side of the room, she returned to the waiting room, still sitting on the previous sofa, opposite Bai Jieying who was now picking up the letter paper and looking at it carefully.
Mei Mu Lan looked at her and suddenly remembered this incident in the plot.
As mentioned in the novel, Bai Jieying, with the help of the male lead, managed to get the supporting female role in 《The Burial Man》, and this role is the Republican agent that Mei Mu Lan is performing today, but now, according to Bai Jieying's costume, she should be running for the role of an undercover agent of another tomb raiding family.
It seems that after the failure of the character Mei Mu Lan to die in the novel's plot, the virtual time order automatically fixed the bug, and the first meeting between the male and female leads, which was scheduled for the funeral, was delayed a lot.
Another woman returned from her interview and the director's assistant outside shouted to those in the room,
“Bai Jieying, you're up next.”
Bai Jieying smiled and stomped on the toes of her shoes and said softly,
“Here we go.”
As she walked outside, she stuffed the letterhead into the envelope.
Mei Mu Lan propped her chin on her hand, her fingers playing with her long, curly hair.
She thought to herself: Since she had now been cast in the role, it was time to perform well. From the clips she had performed earlier, the supporting female character was a person with a demonic spirit on the surface and a cold heart, and she did not feel overwhelmed to perform such a role.
She recalls the plot of the novel: After Bai Jieying's performance, she didn't get the role of the supporting female character, but in the end the cast chose to have her perform it, the reason being that she took the initiative to go to the male lead in the novel and agreed to become his mistress. And on the third day, after they had slept together for one night, the character who was originally set to play the role, had an accident and fell ill, and Bai Jieying replaced her as the supporting female character.
Now with the whole plot being disrupted, I wonder what Bai Jieying will choose to do afterwards?
But the matter was not her concern for the moment, so she did not pay much attention to it.
Now that she has been selected as the supporting female character, she will be working on the set for about three months or so, and during that time she will find the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Ling Yi Yao. But that alone is not enough.
The villains are ruthless and the most important thing is sincerity and time.
But when the film is finished, they won't be able to see each other for a few months.
They won't continue to work together until another play starts shooting and she gets the lead role in 《Love in a Fallen City》.
Mei Mu Lan frowned and tapped her cheek with a long, slender finger.
Maybe she needs to move. She thought of it this way, the original owner had just graduated from university and retired from the school dormitory, if she didn't buy a house, she would have to live in Aunt Wen's villa for a long time, this way, she would disturb Aunt Wen's daily life, and Mei Mu Lan would feel embarrassed; most importantly, although she had plenty of time, she also had to plan every step and calculate carefully.
Taking various factors into consideration, Mei Mu Lan decided to move to the vicinity of Ling Yi Yao's house.
As mentioned in the plot, Ling Yi Yao will buy a flat in the newly built Jiangnan district in the suburbs in half a month's time, where she will live most of her free time afterwards.
With this in mind, Mei Mu Lan thought about the money for the house.
She recalled the memories of the original owner, who had performed in national and international folk performances when she was very young, and her mother had kept all the money from these performances in a passbook account, which she could collect when Mei Mu Lan became an adult. And the savings of these ten years are tallied up to be a considerable amount of money, which is expected to be able to buy the whole Jiangnan district.
Now that she had the location and the money, the next step was to buy and renovate the house when she had the time to do so.
Mei Mu Lan secretly thought about it, time passed quickly and in a short while, all the women present had finished their interviews.
And after everyone had waited for about half an hour, the director himself came over and told everyone the result of the casting, which was that Mei Mu Lan and another woman were chosen, while Bai Jieying was not chosen because her performance was too raw and dull.
After the director had finished speaking, the women in the room were all smiling and saying goodbye one after another.
The director said,
“You two are very good actors, so take your scripts today, go back and rest for the day, get your affairs in order, and meet me on set tomorrow morning at 7am, I'll arrange for two crew members to come and teach you about the set. Do you have any questions? If not, then let's call it a day.”
Both of them shook their heads, thanked him and left.
After bidding farewell to the director, Mei Mu Lan went to the set to see Ling Yi Yao, and after saying goodbye to Ling Yi Yao, who was wearing a gentle mask, she drove back to Aunt Wen's house.
Aunt Wen was sitting on the sofa in the living room, her head slightly raised, her long, warm eyes overflowing with despondency and pain.
She was covered in smoke and the ashtray on the coffee table was full of cigarette butts, so it was obvious that she had smoked a lot.
At this moment, when she saw that Mei Mu Lan had returned, she immediately extinguished the long cigarette between her fingers, she went to the floor-to-ceiling window, pulled back the curtain and opened the window.
Before coming over and standing a little further away from Mei Mu Lan, she said,
“Well? What are your next plans?”
Mei Mu Lan bent down to undo the lacing of her high heels, and when she heard this, she tilted her head slightly to look over.
Her figure was reflected in the bright sunlight outside, the curves of her pretty body on full display, the high-waisted, open cheongsam in motion, partly spread out to reveal the long, straight thighs inside.
With a big smile on her face, like a child begging for sweets, she said,
“I was selected and the director said to take a day off today and wait until tomorrow to learn more.”
Aunt Wen twisted the fingers holding the cigarette and she said in a hoarse voice,
“Well, you've been out all day, are you hungry? Auntie Wen has cooked for you, now go and warm up.”
With that, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.
Mei Mu Lan changed out of her high heels and closed the door, she went back to her room first, washed the make-up off her face, took off her tight and provocative cheongsam and changed into her everyday casual clothes.
When she had changed, she sat down on the living room chair and in a few moments, three dishes and a soup were brought up and placed in front of her.
Mei Mu Lan finished her meal with graceful movements, wiped the corners of her mouth, and then said,
“Auntie Wen, do you have the bankbook my mother left me? I want to buy a house and move out.”
“clatter”, Auntie Wen's hands shattered the dishes by accident.
Mei Mu Lan frowned as she got up and walked over, picking up a broom dustpan and sweeping up the fragments, then she cocked her head and asked,
“Auntie Wen, are you hurt?”
Aunt Wen shook her head expressionlessly, her face much paler than usual, and with a trembling hand, she said,
“I've smoked too much and my hands are not steady. Sorry, sit down for a while, I'll look for your bankbook.”
Mei Mu Lan smiled and said,
“Next time smoke less, it's not good for your health.”
“Hmm, I know.”
When Mei Mu Lan got the bankbook, she immediately drove and went to Jiangnan District to reserve the house. After some formalities to buy the house, she went to the decorator's office and settled on a room to renovate the home and decorate in the style of the original owner's character, and she listed down the general renovation requirements.
The next thing to do is to discuss the details of the renovation, which can only be discussed in detail with the decorators when the renovation is official.
After all this, Mei Mu Lan was already a bit tired and after a quick wash and shower, she fell asleep.
The next day, she went to Ling Yi Yao and saw that she was busy acting in a scene from the script, so she sat and waited. On the way, she politely declined the director's offer to replace her with someone else to teach her, patiently and intently watching Ling Yi Yao's figure.
After waiting for more than an hour, Ling Yi Yao returned and Mei Mulan immediately picked up the thermos with green bean soup and handed it over.
Ling Yi Yao looked at her face without glancing at her, gave a gentle smile and said,
“How was it? What have you learnt?”
Mei Mu Lan shyly pursed her lips and said,
“You're a great actor! I didn't notice anything else but you.”
Ling Yi Yao's brow twitched: “……”
Mei Mu Lan handed over the thermos again, making its presence known, and said,
“Here's the green bean soup I made with love. You must be tired after acting for so long.”
Ling Yi Yao's expression stiffens: “……”
Mei Mu Lan forcefully put the thermos bottle in Ling Yi Yao's hand, then took out an unopened towel from the satchel on the recliner, tore open the bag and handed it.
Slowly and silently, Ling Yi Yao took the towel and then wiped the sweat stains on her face and the dust on her hands.
When Mei Mu Lan saw her finish wiping, she immediately took the towel back and put it in the bag she had just put it in, muttering under her breath,
“This is the towel with Ling Yi Yao's fragrant sweat on it, my 1024th collection, which I must keep until the sky and the earth fall apart and the sea dries up.”
Ling Yi Yao's hair stood on end: “……”
Ling Yi Yao's heart bursts into tears: “Help, there's a perverted fan here!”
Mei Mu Lan's heart is spilling over: “Help, Ling Yi Yao's sweat smells so good!”
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pocket-void · 4 years
Your top 10 Disney songs + on a scale of 1-10 how likely would you be down for a duet?
Disney songs... Disney songs... Hmmmm. I don’t tend to pick favorites for that but I like these?:
Almost There (Princess and the Frog) (I like most songs in this movie actually)
Everybody Wants to Be a Cat (The Aristocats) (I have never watched the movie and I know there’s technically something bad in the song, but I really like this 1 guy’s acapella version and it doesn’t have that in it so-)
I’ll Make a Man Out of You (Mulan) (Because who doesn’t)
I’m Wishing (Snow White) (I keep thinking about this 1 Caddicarus video lmao)
Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians) (childhood nostalgia baybee~)
A Spoon Full of Sugar (Mary Poppins)
Poor Unfortunate Souls (The Little Mermaid)
One Jump Ahead (Aladdin) (Friend like me is also v good)
Where You Are (Moana)
Be Prepared (Lion King) (I didn’t really know what else to pick)
I’m not...a big Disney movie buff. I just, kind of vibe to stuff once in a while. (Ghibli is what makes up most of my childhood movie roster pffft)
I’m not sure how a duet would work because I kind of just go hhhhh when I sing hahaha. >\\\<
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