liljeconvallaria · 1 hour
what so people like me just dont have a right to read good wholesome unproblematic fiction it all has to be gross incest and pedo shit
I mean, you absolutely have the right to engage with whatever type of fiction you want.
What you don't have the right to is demanding other people, typically complete strangers, cater their creative output to you.
People who create the wholesome fiction you so crave do, in fact, exist, you just happen to be spending all your time looking for stuff you don't like so you can have an excuse to complain.
And even if no other creators who write the type of fiction you're talking about existed, you do. Chop chop, better get creative, because you still don't have the right to demand free labour from anyone, let alone complete strangers, just because what you're looking for doesn't happen to exist yet.
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liljeconvallaria · 2 hours
One of my favorite things about tumblr is old posts going around and resurfacing like old art masterpieces getting shared between museums so that everyone can see them.
Other social media culture isn't like that, and I am sad for them.
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liljeconvallaria · 3 hours
once when I was at my dad’s workplace, he and I were speaking to his coworker who had a butterfly tattoo. and as soon as she was out of earshot, he said “whenever I see people with tattoos, I feel that their parents have failed them.” and me, being the child of this person, who already had multiple tattoos hidden under clothing, was like 😬
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liljeconvallaria · 3 hours
Hi, hey there, did you know that the whole "Jedi can deflect blasters so Mandalorians used solid-shot weapons to kill them because blocking a bullet with a lightsaber just results in molten metal spraying the Jedi" meme is actually bullshit?
Like, first thing you have to know about that lore is that it was written by Karen Traviss. Traviss is fairly infamous for writing a shitton of military wank and really hating the Jedi, portraying them as cruel, cold, fascist idiots, who are much, much lamer than the cool Mandalorians, who are badass military types and definitely haven't carried out multiple genocides in the past (they have). She was also known for not exactly playing ball with other writers, and ultimately ragequit the franchise when TCW started to include Mandalorians and portrayed them differently. This was not a detail that basically any other writer in anything Star Wars ever actually backs up.
And like, here's the thing... this exists.
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That's a Jedi using the Force to deflect bullets with her bare hand.
This is Tutaminis. And/or Force Deflection, it's not really clear whether they're the same thing or not. It's a pretty standard Force ability that a bunch of characters have demonstrated. Obi-Wan blocks both bullets and a flamethrower with it in the 03 Clone Wars microseries. It's how Yoda catches and redirects Force Lightning during his duels with Dooku in Attack of the Clones and Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith. It's how Vader absorbs Han's shots with his hand in The Empire Strikes Back.
It's also evident from the amount of times that the Mandalorians fight the Jedi with normal blasters instead of breaking out their "anti-Jedi" weapons for their ancient enemies. And the fact that the Mandalorians lost their wars against the Jedi.
If solid-shot guns/slugthrowers were the amazing anti-Jedi weapons that totally always worked against Jedi, then we'd see a lot more slugthrowers and a lot fewer Jedi. We see the CIS' Droid armies fight against the Jedi for three years, we see the Clones being designed from the get-go to kill the Jedi at the end of the war and being highly successful at it, we see the Empire hunting Jedi for the next 19 years and the rest of the Galactic Civil War after that, and y'know what they have in common? None of them use slugthrowers. They all just keep using blasters.
The answer to "How to kill a Jedi" equation has traditionally been depicted as "Use more blasters than they can actually physically deflect."
There's also the detail that Jedi are precognitive space wizards who can move with superhuman speed. If you're actually in range to shoot one with a gun, they'll sense you, evade or block with the Force, close the gap before you can chamber the next round, and revoke your Hand Privileges.
Even the "You'll kill them with a spray of molten metal from the melted bullet!" thing doesn't actually track with what we see on-screen. At the climax of Revenge of the Sith, we see Obi-Wan and Vader fight in the middle of an active volcano. They get splashed with showers of lava a couple of times, and at the end of the fight, both of their clothes are scorched and burned from the embers. Obi-Wan continues to wear his charred robes throughout the rest of the movie. And he's fine. No lava burns. Neither of them actually gets hurt by the lava until Obi-Wan cuts Vader's limbs off and he can no longer move or protect himself, and even then, Vader survives getting burned to a crisp by being really fucking mad about it.
So yeah, it's nonsense. A dumb "Hurr, Jedi are so lame and my unproblematic genocidal warrior race could totally kill them super-easy" take written by Star Wars' own version of Ken Penders.
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liljeconvallaria · 4 hours
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liljeconvallaria · 5 hours
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Cauldron Mugs // Mistceramics
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liljeconvallaria · 6 hours
by threadhandedjill
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liljeconvallaria · 9 hours
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I just think they‘re neat
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liljeconvallaria · 9 hours
every time I draw Cody his scar just becomes more and more interesting. goes from a curling thing framing his face to something creeping and gilded. idk. vibes.
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liljeconvallaria · 9 hours
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just a normal day at the normal office where everything is normal always
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liljeconvallaria · 12 hours
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Boil and Numa, papa and daughter day out, they bringing Waxer some flowers
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liljeconvallaria · 12 hours
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They're trying to bake a cake. "Trying" being the key word
This is for @cacodaemonia who loves these three more than anyone else I know and it's so wonderful ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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liljeconvallaria · 13 hours
Masterlist update
Many apologies for the delay! My brain was kicking my ass over starting an internship. (I started last Tuesday and it's going well now :))
All fics and art posted on AO3 in the collection are now added to the Big Masterlist: here.
Some of the tumblr were added during codywanweek, but I'll add the other entries ASAP!
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liljeconvallaria · 19 hours
I don’t think Mace Windu was the jerk people make him out to be but I think he should’ve been. I think when Anakin got mad about not being made a master he should’ve called him a whiny little bitch and asked him if a sippy cup would make him feel better. I think when Boba said you started it when you murdered my father Mace should’ve been like that sucks what happened to your dad but I simply came out…AHEAD and then the camera pans to a clone with a set of drums doing a rimshot. I think when Dooku indirectly accused him of only ratting him out to get a seat on the council he should’ve called Dooku a paranoid dumb thotticus. I would still support him.
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liljeconvallaria · 19 hours
Shatterpoint Shuffle
I decided to have a bit of fun with @bitter-chocolate-stars's cracky idea about time traveling clones and tiny Obi-Wan, as aided and abetted by @krazykupidspoems.
Padawan Mace Windu entered the Kybuck Clan crèche. scanning the tiny initiates currently engaged in free play. He stopped dead in his tracks as he caught sight of one initiate, who was offering their sippy cup to the air.
His Master bumped into him, resting a hand on his shoulder.
"Is something wrong, Padawan?" Master Myr asked.
Mace pressed his back against her, wanting to get out of the room.
"That initiate," he said, swallowing a wave of nausea. "They... The shatterpoints. They're made of shatterpoints!"
The initiate in question was talking to an imaginary friend, oblivious to Mace's discomfort. They pulsed in the Force, surrounded by fracture lines and shards of barely-glimpsed potential. Shifting, twisting, changing; Mace pressed his thumb into the base of his wrist, trying to suppress the dizziness.
"Is that so?" Master Myr leaned over his shoulder, looking at the initiate. "How interesting."
The initiate's head whipped around, locking eyes with Mace, who tried once again to back away. They scrambled to their feet and ran over, beaming up at him.
"Gen'ral Windu! Ponds says he misses you!" They held their arms out. "Up!"
For a heartbeat one of the shards grew bigger, giving Mace the impression of... eyes, maybe. Or blood.
"Ponds?" He echoed, stooping to pick them up. He didn't want this walking nest of shatterpoints anywhere near him, but some imperatives were too big to override.
"General," his Master murmured behind him.
"Uh huh!" The initiate flopped against his chest, thumb inserted in their mouth, talking around it. "He says s'not your fault, it was that b-" They broke off, glancing aside. "Huh? A bad word? Oh, okay! It was the bad lady's fault."
Guileless grey-blue eyes stared up at him. A flicker, and they were older and filled with grief. Another flicker and they were younger, dancing with humor. Another flicker.
Mace blinked to clear it away, swallowing his queasiness.
"Thank you for telling me, initiate," he said, trying to sound sincere.
"You seem very knowledgeable, little one," Master Myr said. "Do you know my Padawan well?"
"Uh huh!" They paused mid-nod, glancing aside. "Uh uh!" They shook their head. "I will someday? That's what Cody says!"
"And who is Cody?"
He could feel Cyslin rubbing small circles against his back, but while he tried to take comfort from it he still felt as if he was cuddling a bomb.
"He's- oh right! I need to int'duce myself!" Removing their thumb from their mouth, they held their hand out over Mace's shoulder. "I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi! And some day I'm gonna be a Master!"
The named echoed in the Force, a susurration.
The crèchemaster saved him at that point, coming over to whisk Obi-Wan away for a nap.
"I hope Obi-Wan didn't trouble you too much," Master Tlah said, once everyone had been settled. "He has a very active imagination, even for a human toddler."
"That's quite alright, isn't it, Mace?" Cyslin elbowed him.
Mace bowed. "Yes, of course. It was fine, Master Tlah," he lied.
The two Masters chatted for a bit before he and Cyslin finally left the crèche.
"So," she said, in a tone Mace had come to dread. "Young Obi-Wan seems very interesting."
"That's one way of putting it," he muttered.
"Perhaps this is the Force's way of giving you a hint."
He side-eyed her, wariness prickling between his shoulders. She caught the look, grinning as she ruffled his braids.
"My poor, suspicious Padawan," she teased. "All I'm saying is that if he's still 'made of shatterpoints' by the time he comes of age, he might benefit from having a Master who understands what that means."
He turned to stare at her in open-mouthed horror, making her laugh.
"Absolutely not," he said. "I'm still a Padawan! I'll probably still be a Padawan by then!"
"We'll see, my little General, we'll see."
She continued down the hall, leaving Mace to wallow in a sense of impending doom. A flicker of possibility off to one side, carrying the suggestion of laughter.
"Absolutely not," he repeated, hoping the Force believed him.
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liljeconvallaria · 21 hours
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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liljeconvallaria · 22 hours
I couldn’t let another Pride month go by without doing an art to celebrate!
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Waxer and Boil repping the flag I hold near and dear 💗💜💙
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