69 posts
salvē! it's mods Lupus of Simi and Flavia Gemina, and this is our fandump! fāmur in linguā latinā, so be warned. sumus magnī nerds! (profile photo credit to @genadoesart)
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detectrix-fandump · 3 years ago
Salvete, Gaius Iuli'us Caesar sum et pilorum album quam nivem habeo et aureos, sed interdum virides lauros et imperium Romanum construxi et eius eram quasi primus Caesar (sic merui nomen meum) et multi indicant mihi me Marcus Crassus similem esse (si non scitis Marcus Crassus, vobis opus est pecunia). Brutus non est filius meus quod est bonum nam ET TU, BRUTE???!?. Iamia sum sed dentes rectos et albos habeo. Pallidam cutem habeo. Etiam, maga sum magicum ludum, nomine Pigverruca, visitans quod desinam (ego sum MMCXIV), veni, vidi, vici. Classicus sum (si vos id non suspexistis) et multas togas emptas in Basilica Iulia habeo. Ratio amo et bellum Gallicum gero. Veluti, hodie omnia Gallia occupata. Omnia Gallia? Certe! Non est vicus parvus inter Aquarium, Babaorum, Laudanum et Brevisbonum. Ambulabam foris Pigverruca. Ninxit et pluvit et Gallia divisa erat in partes tres, quod me fecit felix. Marcus Porcius Cato me observavit. Digitum medium illo monstravi.
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detectrix-fandump · 3 years ago
The SSI Restoration Act of 2021 is currently proposed to congress. SSI is a type of disability payment for disabled Americans. The bill will increase the SSI payment to the poverty level (right now the maximum payment is 9528$ a year). It will allow disabled people on SSI to marry and not lose their income. It will increase the asset and income caps for SSI among other improvements.
Friends and I made a website that has all of this info plus a REALLY easy way to send an email to your state reps. If you click the link below and click send email, you can send a letter of support for the SSI Restoration Act to your state reps. It's already written and takes only a few minutes. Seriously it is ridiculously easy. These emails have more pull to reps than resistbot so please fill out if you can!
We also have a Facebook page called "Campaign to Fix SSI" that has this information and regular updates. Here's the link for that.
Please do this and boost! It could change the lives of millions of disabled Americans.
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detectrix-fandump · 3 years ago
concept: a translation of herodotus done in the style of one of those shouty tumblr posts full of historical misinformation
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detectrix-fandump · 4 years ago
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detectrix-fandump · 4 years ago
Why is it that when Cicero writes a sentence that goes on for two full pages with a main verb that doesn’t come until the penultimate section, he’s praised as ‘one of Rome’s greatest orators and prose stylists’ but when I do the same thing it’s called ‘a run on sentence’ and I ‘need to use fewer dependent clauses’??
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detectrix-fandump · 5 years ago
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Alright, latin grammar can be a bitch and we all know it, but to get the real tough parts, soemtimes we’ll have to revise the basic stuff, or actually just learn it to begin with, so here it comes:
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This is the first overview over what each form even means. Let’s dive in a little deeper
That’s the simplest part, it is always simply the person or object, that does something
e.g. “Cicero held a speech in the forum.” In this sentence, to figure out the Nom. u just look at the verb and ask: “Who or what held the speech?” The answer is Cicero, which is a word in the nominative form.
e.g. “Tiro brought Cicero’s script to the forum.” For this one u ask: “Whose script did Tiro bring?” to figure out, which word is the genitive.
Same thing as the others, except the question word is “whom”, like “whom did the jacket belong to” or something similar.
e.g. “Plinius saw the vesuvius erupt.” The question would be “Who or what did Plinius see?”
e.g. “Cicero walked to the forum with Tiro.” and for that:” With whom did Cicero walk?”
Let’s get this bread
There’s generally six forms of declinations for the different kinds of latin words, so here comes the flash card collection:
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This one applies to words ending on -a, like “domina” or “amica” or “cura”
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Example words: “dominus” or “puer” or “ager”
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The neutral version of this declination is for words ending on “-um” like “verbum” or “templum”
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“senator” or “civitas” or “mercator”
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“turris” or “mare” or “vis”
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“navis” or “pars”
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“exercitus” or “cornu”
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“res” or “dies”
To declinate a word, like one of the example words, in its declination, you have to know the word’s root, that’s usually given when u learn the word, like:
“dominus, -i, m” is a way you’ll see it written and then you know, to declinate it you take the “us”, which is part of the declinated form already, away and add any other ending instead. Like, for the accusative form you take “-um” and stick it on there, and you’ll get “dominum”, the correct form! Esay peasy once you have some practice!
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detectrix-fandump · 5 years ago
what does vergil have that i don’t
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detectrix-fandump · 6 years ago
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1,800-year-old Roman penis carvings discovered near Hadrian’s Wall — some things never change
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detectrix-fandump · 6 years ago
i’m sorry you’re telling me that… virtually the only archaeological evidence of virgil’s existence was a votive offering from “a woman called virgilia” and one 19th century classicist was like, “ah yes this must have been a kinswoman of virgil” and we all just. bought that. and also virgil was nicknamed “parthenias” by contemporaries, which means “maiden” or “virgin” and another classicist from the 1900s was like, “yes this must have been because virgil was an extremely shy and sexually restrained man” and we all just bought that too. was virgil actually literally a woman.
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detectrix-fandump · 6 years ago
I’ve been trying to leave Rome for a few weeks now, but all their roads have this weird design flaw
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detectrix-fandump · 6 years ago
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detectrix-fandump · 6 years ago
Nova Derivativa Verba Latina / New Latin Derivatives
enonare -o -avi -atum “to nope out”   [e “out” + non “nope” + -are 1st-conjugation ending]   [e + non + -a-] preposition, adverb, and stem   [e + nona-] preposition and new stem   [enona-] new stem   [enonare] present infinitive
(Fons Imaginis.)
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detectrix-fandump · 7 years ago
throwback to the time my classics professor asked “does anyone know who sappho is?” and i immediately replied “she’s the OG lesbian” and my professor yelled “EXACTLY” and wrote the OG lesbian on the whiteboard
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detectrix-fandump · 7 years ago
if you were wondering about ancient greek for ‘then perish’, iliad book 21 line 106 θάνε καὶ σύ (lit. die you also). achilles says it.
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detectrix-fandump · 7 years ago
Ille vs. iste
Ille: that
Iste: thot
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detectrix-fandump · 7 years ago
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everything about this is fucking hilarious. i’m sorry, random pompeii man, but your death was some looney tunes bullshit and the framing of this photograph isn’t helping.
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detectrix-fandump · 8 years ago
the 😂 and 😩 emojis are basically those ancient greek theater masks
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