#V Dabbling in the Crafts
familyabolisher · 9 months
Elaborate on poor things? Haven’t seen it, just curious
i think caden does a great job at getting at the heart of a lot of its problems here. some of my own thoughts on top:
for a piece which clearly wants to work with the materials of frankenstein and dabbles in broader gothic tropes especially in its final plot beats, it really just -- it wasn't very fucked up at all! i think probably the worst thing we saw happen was bella killing a frog in the first half hour. the gore was unspectacular and the plot was profoundly low-stakes -- the film utterly fails in crafting any kind of a sense of tension, such that you're never really afraid for (or of!) bella, never seriously concerned that something bad is actually going to happen. it was all just a fun little romp through europe.
the humour was either just straight-up asking the audience to laugh at how a character telegraphed as disabled moves and communicates, or, like, marvel-type jokes that felt unnatural and forced. i don't think a single joke landed for me. it's not a black comedy because it's not black enough and it's not a straightforward comedy either because it is simply not funny. a better version of this film would've been a) more fucked up and b) funnier, with those two elements complementing one another very well, but -- well. Sad!
lanthimos thinks that making big, unwieldy gestures towards every discourse of the nineteenth century he can think of is the same as interfacing with them at the narrative level. we've got: science and religion! class struggle! sex work! humanism! enlightenment idealism giving way to socialist thought! misogyny! we've got class inequality and a very faint outline of imperialism, helpfully telegraphed by showing some starving brown people on-screen in a yellow filter for all of about five seconds. but none of these are actually engaged with -- they're thrown in as empty signifiers, as if to say, very vaguely, It's The Late Nineteenth Century, Big Ideas, We All Know About Those. nothing changes in bella's material conditions at the end of the film, save for like, the presence of her Black lesbian socialist lover. that's not engaging with what Blackness, lesbianism, socialism ought to problematise about bella's life and worldview; it's tacking the fact of those things on as a footnote and calling it development.
speaking of enlightenment-style idealism, the film makes very little effort to problematise bella's desire for self-improvement, and how that self-improvement comes about specifically through becoming articulate and acquiring greater motoric skills. as i said, the film takes a turn towards (very shallow depictions of) socialist thought once the action shifts to paris, but the underlying suggestion that bella's 'self-improvement' to the ends of making herself, essentially, less disabled was to her benefit is never challenged. this combined with the extent to which the film's aforementioned shit humour rested heavily on expecting the audience to laugh at bella speaking and moving oddly or saying something out of place &c. left a v nasty taste in my mouth.
the premise is stupid sorry. like it's just utterly inane. frankenstein for the most unimaginative people alive. for that matter, most of the plot beats are ridiculous and lazy -- the final arc, with the arrival of her old husband and the return to her old house, was very much giving "the deadline is at midnight and we still need to fill this last half hour and we've got nothing to put here so let's just whack out the first plot we can think of." like, it was incredibly rushed, ridiculously heavyhanded and patronising, and unable to add anything of substance to the piece (which, to be fair, nothing in that film was at all substantial, So Like).
it's misogynistic slop with a lazy plot and no real interest in engaging with the ideas it vaguely raises for five seconds. it's aesthetically decent, i guess, but like ... anything can be aesthetically decent. it's v easy for a film to look pretty and apparently v difficult for it to actually do anything substantial.
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
the akoya you made looks like a classic beanie baby collab and i cant get it out of my head...
Beanie Babies were a big part of my growing up and a big inspiration, so I'll take that as a compliment~
I can't remember for sure what material she's made out of. I think it's fleece of some kind. I would've liked something more like minky, but the store didn't have it. Her eyes and foot pads are needle felted. (Another form of 3D craft I dabble in sometimes.)
Her left foot is a little wonky, as you can probably see in the following pictures, but she's a good girl and I love her~<3
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Sadly I don't have any little bells to put on her. ;v;
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elvenbeard · 7 months
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⯈ Elven (he/him), 31, from Germany, queer 🏳️‍🌈 ⯈ Artist, Writer, Virtual Photographer, available for commissions! ⯈ Current Obsession(s): Cyberpunk 2077 ⯈ Technically a multi-fandom / personal blog, most things are tagged accordingly ⯈ 18+ content tagged with #nsft
Currently 90% I'm posting / reblogging about is Cyberpunk stuff! But also expect a dash of Dragon Age, Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls, Gaming in General (video games and tabletop gaming), German Memes, Lord of the Rings, Mental Health, and History and Language things!
Main OC / V: Vincent Ezaki (#vincent ezaki) Main Ship: To Bad Decisions (Kerry Eurodyne / V) (#otp: to bad decisions)
Current Long-Term Project(s): Fanfiction "Love is Stored in the Olive Jar" Other Current Interests: ⯈ I'd like to get into / learn more about Cyberpunk RED ⯈ On-and-off working on Cosplays and other crafting projects ⯈ Dabbling in Modding Cyberpunk (focused on content for Masc!V, but mostly personal projects) ⯈ Drawing drawing drawing too many ideas all at once! ⯈ I always have some VP projects on the backburner too
My activity on Tumblr: ⯈ Anon is off, but asks and DMs are always open, don't hesitate to reach out! ⯈ I don't automatically follow back and am selective with who I follow in general to keep my dash a place I enjoy - I generally don't venture into tags either ⯈ I'm always okay to be tagged in stuff, be it posts, tag games, etc. so feel free to! I'm also tracking #elvenbeard ⯈ I heavily utilize xkit and tumblr's own blacklisting function, so I might not see everything if there's a word somewhere in a reblog-chain that I have muted - when in doubt, reach out to me! ⯈ I work in a marketing agency as a dayjob and am not always super active on tumblr - occasionally I use a queue (#queue on the hill) but I'm not very consistent with it xD ⯈ I use "XD" unironincally. You have been warned!
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⯈ Art Tag: #art by me ⯈ Writing Tag: #my writing ⯈ VP Tag: #my vp ⯈ 2024 Commissions Listing ⯈ Ko-Fi
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woltourney · 1 year
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Axel Kristallwesfv (@axelofthekey) v. Ki'to Vashai (@humblemooncat)
Axel Kristallwesfv:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Axel Kristallwesfv (he/him)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Viera (Veena)
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. PLD/SMN main, but is omni
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Primal->Excalibur
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Felt the calling of Hydaelyn while serving as a forest guardian, renamed himself to Kristallwesfv (Guardian of the Crystal) and left for Limsa. Then pretty much follows the story of FFXIV. He enjoys being a hero, but likes his time off taking care of his island sanctuary or crafting things in his FC room.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I have mastered every form of combat available, drawing upon talents martial and magic. As a Paladin, I weave spells into my swordplay and block any attack. I will not be stopped until I remind everyone why I am the protector of all.
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. I like to act serious but I'm also a cute bnuuy so thanks for the attention! <3
Ki'to Vashai:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Ki'to Vashai, He/Him
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Moon Keeper Miqo'te
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. His main class is Dark Knight, but he also dabbles in AST & MCH
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Zalera, Crystal DC!
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Ki'to is just a humble moon cat who happened to stumble into working with the Scions. Here he was trying to make a name for himself and now there's not a person who /hasn't/ heard of him. It's a tiring job, with a lot of traumatic moments, but being able to save the world from literally everything going wrong is worth the therapy. Now that he actually /has/ free time, he spends it either bothering his husbands while they try to work or developing his island out in the Cieldalaes. <3
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Because it's a contest and I'm competitive? Also I'm Hydaelyn's favorite son. I know because she told me in a dream once. She did, I swear! Don't you laugh at me, Thancred. I'll leave you in the next shared tankbuster. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A PRIVATE INTER-" linkpearl disconnected
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. Sending /dotes to anyone who reads this. <3
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kris-mage-fics · 1 year
2, 7, and 33 for the writing asks! -em
Weird Questions for Writers post
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
Nope, I couldn't! This is purely an accessibility issue for me. I can't write by hand for very long before my hand really starts to hurt. Also my spelling is sooo much worse. When I'm typing I rely a lot on muscle memory to spell words correctly, but when I'm doing it by hand the dyslexia is really a problem. Like m/w get switched, or b/d, b/p, d/a, d/q, p/q, f/t, i/j, even u/v. Sure I know I want to write an 'm', but I might end up writing a 'w' because it's the same letter just mirrored. Or I'm trying to write 'a' but my hand keeps going so now it's a 'd'.
The thing is, I didn't even realize I was dyslexic until a few years ago! So until my late 30’s I struggled so much with any kind of writing and didn’t know why it was so hard. If I mentioned to anyone that spelling was really hard for me they’d always say stuff like “But you’re so good at reading!” So I thought I was stupid or not trying hard enough, even though deep down I knew there was something going on that wasn’t my fault. Writing by hand actually gives me a lot of anxiety because of all those years being judged for something I didn’t have control over. And honestly, I don’t think I would’ve ever trying writing if I didn’t know I was dyslexic. Because I still would’ve been blaming myself for being neurodivergent.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Answered here.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
Yes I do! I’ve done a ton of different arts and crafts over the years. My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 8, and that’s something I’ve done on and off ever since. Generally I crochet lace because the feeling of most yarn as it passes over my fingers gets really irritating, and fine cotton doesn’t. Also I like to challenge myself to make tiny, tedious things! I used to draw, but gave that up in my late teens because of how quickly my hand would start to hurt. Though I really miss it. I’ve dabbled in quite a few different types of embroidery: cross stitch, needlepoint, and drawn thread work. But my favorite is black work/double running stitch/Holbein stitch which I always make completely reversible with no visible knots because I’m nuts like that. I know how to sew, both by machine and hand. I’m not an expert at it, but I can do basic fitting and make clothing that isn’t very complicated. Quilting is something I’ve dabbled in, and would like to do more of, it’s so different than sewing clothing! Another thing I want to do more of is making chain maille jewelry, I’ve done a bit of it and it was really fun! (I’m purposefully leaving out quite a few things I’ve done because it’s already a long list, lol!)
My favorite art form besides writing is bead work! There is something so satisfying to me about working with beads. For one I love jewelry, which I think is a large part my grandpa’s fault (he was a rock hound/amateur lapidary artist, and he used to make jewelry for me). And I love both the technical/mechanical side of bead work, and the artistic/design side of it! It doesn’t matter if it’s bead weaving, if it’s stringing beads, or combining beads with wirework! I love all of it! Working with beads just clicks on a deeper level for me than most art forms I’ve tried.
As to whether it ties in to my writing, I guess that depends on how you interpret that question. I use a lot of lessons I’ve learned about creativity and my own creative process when I write. The way I approach writing is heavy informed by how I work in other mediums. And if it makes sense in the story, I will absolutely use knowledge about other types of art in my writing. Though I haven’t had much opportunity to do so yet. That’s only a matter of time, I usually give my own characters a hobby I’m at least a little knowledgeable about, so it will come up at some point or another.
Thanks for the ask, Em! Also I turned this into more essays, lol!
Oh, man I was looking for examples of some of my work, but I have hardly any photos of things I've made! Well, I did find a couple I can show.
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This was done for a drawing class I took when I was 18. While I have regrets about adding color to it, I still think it turned out pretty well. I used a photograph of some rhododendrons from an old National Geographic as reference.
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I made these earrings for my mom back in 2015. They're sterling silver and apatite with silk thread woven through the fine chain to add more color. The silver beads next to the drops are 2mm, and the total length is only 1.5 inches/3.8 cm, so you can see I tend to work small.
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inloveforevr · 1 year
how did you find the things you/your heart love doing? (your art and writing are amazing)
aw thank you. Good question.
I’ve naturally gravitated towards art and writing for most of my life.
When I was in primary school, i went to a summer school. There was an arts and crafts session which I really loved. I felt my heart become alive creating things. I loved my art classes and textile classes at school. I had so much fun! I loved using diff mediums. In lockdown I started taking painting more seriously. I just feel my brain revels in art.
Writing - it’s the same story. I loved writing stories in primary school. I loved my English teacher at secondary school. I love the language and I love literature. I studied English language at college. Then I studied journalism at university. My job now involves some writing. Again i naturally gravitate towards writing. It makes me feel empowered. I am also a v emotional person and writing is a way to explore this and figure out life. I’ve kept diaries most of my teenage life, so again, i never really stopped writing :) I also read a lot. I liked greek mythology as a young girl. Read a lot of Murakami as a young adult. Now i’m exploring more women and ethnic minority writers like Bernardine Evaristo. I recently bought an Angela Davis book. So this just encourages me to write more & widen my vocabulary.
I’d say it’s a natural fascination and also years of dabbling in art and writing . That’s why i keep doing it now :)! And also if i don’t write or create art I feel like i could spontaneously combust ! (No joke)
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atlantahammy · 1 year
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Didn’t think i’d get this done before my days off ended, but hey, I did it! even if it is ass late at night! Whoop! aanyway: Nice lil Ref-sheet I did of Astra, yeah her full name is Astraea, Yes, those are open toe boots, for those interested there is Infor for her under the cut!
I’m also not really gonna list her age since I draw her on the older scale with my own design for her partner... If that makes sense?
———————————– My Commissions | .Carrd
Full Name: Astraea V. Orenda Nicknames: Astra, Nicknames Given by Donnie: Dusk, Starlight, Stars, Princess, Octavia,  Species: Dragon Yokai. Height: 4′10″. Sex: Female (She/her, doesn’t care for gender roles) Sexuality: Unlabeled. Significant Other: Donatello Hamato (FIGHT ME, I AM CRINGE BUT FREEEEE!) Family: Devi, Kadem, Rune. Disabilities: PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Nearly Blind without glasses, Deaf in left ear.  Star Sign: Leo. M.B.T: INFJ-T. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Character Class: Witch (Wizard in D&D terms?) / Mage (Same thing??) Occupation: Enchanter / Potion Crafter / Fortune Teller / Scroll Scriber Weapons: Magic / Quarterstaff (The PoleStar) / Shorts words / Long Swords / Daggers / Darts
Art /Song /Dance
Crafting  / Enchanting
Potion Craft / Cooking
Scroll scribing / Alchemy
Divination / Astronomy / Lucid Dreaming
Gardening / Herbalism
Language & Rune Comprehension
First Aid / Magical Medical Knowledge
Note: Being a mage, Astra has had to dabble in a number of things, such as song and dance for rituals that require chants and movement, drawing for a steady hand for drawing magic circles and rune carving and magical studies, not to mention all the reading, so keep that in mind with her long skill list, even if some are also hobbies, being a mage is tiring.
Multiple Forms: Dragon / Yokai / Human (Cloaking Necklace)
Size Shift: Dragon form can change size mainly.
Elemental Breath Weapon: Its Plasma, purple plasma. #SpaceDragon
Scaled Armor: Her scales makes it harder for her to be hurt, but also uhh some people would love to use her scales for armor #Yikes
Magical Blood: Dragons blood is pretty potent for spells and potions, so getting cut isn’t always a bad thing, now when other people want to use it... #MajorYikes
Natural Weaponry: Claws & Sharp Teeth
Flight / Wing Manifestation: In Yokai form, she can retract / hide her wings as constellation tattoos on her shoulder blades, when she needs them she can bring them out to use for flight.
Spell Book / Magic: Astra has a spellbook with a number of spells she uses frequently, such as a spell she uses to levitate and manipulate objects too heavy to lift or out of range due to her short height.Healing spells of varying degrees, Shielding spells, shadow blade, and a number of crystal based attacking spells.
Polestar: Her Signature Quarterstaff, a gift from her sister that she treasures like no other, in its first form she can use the crystal to channel her magical energy into that of a scythe, or ningata, second form allows her to hold AOE type spells and summons to a greater degree, but also aid in teleportation spells.
Cloaking Broach: It's the large star pendant on her choker, not really a broach but still.
Bag of Holding: Yep, she has one, carries a lot of stuff in it, like medical supplies, potion supplies, electronics, snacks, potions, etc.
Divination Magic: Her major magical study, She ends up seeing the past, present, future, near future, what could of been, what was avoided, finding what was lost, finding what is hidden, speaking with the dead, etc.
Note: Astra’s Divination is a double edged sword, The bad visions stick with her more then the good, and often making her mental state worse, causing her to be a bit paranoid, as if she talks about them, it could force them to happen or force them to not happen at all, cause seeing the future is a pain in the ass like that with self fulfilling prophecies and the like. 
Short: And Hates it!
Weak: No arm or lifting strength at all, hurts herself opening soda bottles, all the strength went to her brain.
Anti-Magic: Girl is pretty much a sitting duck without her magic, no better than a civilian. 
Lack of Energy: Depressions a bitch, she’s always tired.
Walking Target: She’s a mage, so high on the list of likely to be mugged due to how they look rich (even if they just look it and really just a struggling collages kid), an likely carry a lot of highly priced magical goodies, and being a dragon with magical blood and scales that make amazing armor? not to mention who knows what else dragon organs can be used for? Yeaaah. #BigFuckingNope
Inferiority complex / Anxiety: Never thinks she good enough, thinks everyone hates her, thinks she’s always messing up, her achievements never really feel like achievements, struggles with expressing herself, Self Hatred etc.
Left Handed
Notch in Left ear
Short Summary: Astra is a dragon Yokai, living with her adoptive fathers, and sister she works in Devi’s (one of her fathers) magic shop as a clerk and aiding him in creating potions, magical items, and scrolls for sale, while also using her divination magic on the side for those who need a bit of help. 
When she comes to the hidden city under new york with her father on a business trip, things... get out of hand and turtles happen.
Which is weird because she knows a lot about them from her visions (And her sisters weird streaming obsessions) so, things are waay beyond awkward, specially with the purple one, cause, ya know, nothing like knowing who your partner is before either of you do and all these complicated feelings that come with it. 
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thetristoneera · 6 months
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Last Thirty Year Olds: This generation of humans have wayyyyyy too many double power genetic super beings.&nbsp; All of them on this list happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.&nbsp; Living out their over poweredness, at the wrong time.&nbsp; Their amounts of pride are the reason why they are known internationally.&nbsp; Publicly to secretly, these eighteen are known internationally.
Thirteen (Black Ops, Interpol) Reputation precedes him always; especially since his birth name begins with Thlathtshr, that’s 13. He will be in Loudsend for a vacation.  He hails from Mozambique… Slugmeister (Super Hero) He’s the mightiest super hero on the planet; identity is somehow still kept.  Super power is Titanus Slug; sometimes comes off as a terraform.  He will be in Loudsend for vacation.  He hails from Ethiopia… Mo Mandel (Comedian) He’s a dangerous comedian.  Known for killing people with laughter, not known for killing people in underground fight rings.  He will be in Loudsend per his schedule & general celebrating.  He hails from Nation of Sakes… Major Fifth (Police Officer) He’s a kind but dangerous police officer.  Loves his patrol duties & making sure citizens are living good.  Usually has the skills to talk down a perp but is prime with having no casualties.  He is a police officer of Loudsend, Vermont; Nation of Sakes… Johnny V (Celebrity Plastic Surgeon) Prominently polluting the world with it too.  He be making works of art out of people that I would deem, perfect.  He is based in Loudsend & is also a professor at the Hexagon University of Prosperity… Virgil Marx (Sculptor & Swordsman) He is a household name because of how much of an artist he is.  Has even dabbled in architecture but his glory is being an artist & a sword fighter.  Mighty at all times with it.  He will be in Loudsend for vacation…  Hails from Italy… Lielmo (Logistics Manager) He is the logistics manager of the HUP.  Been in this major position for three years.  He comes from a rocky history that makes him perfect for keeping a school like atmosphere safe.  Hails from the Caribbeans though… Navassa (A Ninja Clan Recruiter) She represents a ninja clan of light, the Vogleri Clan.  She is a serpent type because her super power is Shadow of Anacondas.  Her danger & might is reminiscent to the vibe of Killer Instinct.  She’s there on vacation.  She hails from India… Llallina (Bounty Huntress) She triumphs over a troubled pass to become one of today’s, leading ladies of vengeance.  Somebody out there doing dirt will have targets on their back but when she catches wind of it; she’ll even go international to help a hoe out.  In vicinity to right a wrong & get paid.  She hails from France… Joslyn Pennywell (Celebrity Life Enthusiast) Becoming beautiful, something every girl can achieve.  The embodiment of deliciousness, served to you by manners, grace & fire.  We love her.  She hails from Nation of Sakes, a transplant from Louisiana.  There to celebrate… Bizarra (Celebrity Tattoo Artist) She makes art of all kinds but Tattoo Land; is her land.  Steadily improving her craft & booking world wide clients.  Lovely with it always, makes her a household name.  She hails from China, she’ll be in Loudsend on business & to celebrate cause that’s some of the business… Noyosa Thanos (Late Night Host) Per her duties of tending to the late nighters, she was televising her life away when the ball dropped this new year.  She keeps things light, keeps things dark; never short on the laughs.  Has a round table thing featuring three guests & they joke about pop culture until there’s nothing left.  She’s there on business & to celebrate.  Hails from Colombia… Amber Bloodstone (Navy Seal) Proudly serves, that’s all you get.  World class with it & sometimes in outer space.  She’ll be there on vacation.  She hails from the Nation of Sakes… Sivlura (They Run A Rollercoaster Theme Park, Called Starz & As Well As Being Recording/Performing Artists, Called Starz)  This is an example of the double power gene at work.  They have five different super powers & features.  Main base of powers is Astronomy.  They hail from Armenia… Til Vex Andralae Reikoz Zavana
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mirandamckenni1 · 6 months
I tried making an entire set out of cardboard & paper! Hi friends!! 👒🔍 Download June’s Journey for free now using my link: https://woo.ga/m2r8vi4d Thank you so much June's Journey for sponsoring this video! OKAY SO: In a collaboration with the ever-amazing @friedalepold, I wanted to make something a little different for this week. She made me this STUNNING ice-queen gown and I thought the best way to highlight her efforts were with a photoshoot set. I dabbled with cardboard sets during Maksoween, so why not now?? Gathering extra cardboard boxes from the dank basement, I got to work building an enchanted winter forest scene! ENJOY!!! Frieda's info: Her video of the dress - Youtube - @friedalepold Insta - https://ift.tt/Ti5WP73 My info: Patreon: https://ift.tt/VizHR3g Insta: https://ift.tt/35YNgrs TikTok: @rachelmaksy The Trevor Project - https://ift.tt/jyn6HkU What I'm Wearing: Floor Troll Shirt - https://ift.tt/5hyw8rs Trousers - Emmy Design Sweden Secret Pants - Victorian Choice Chapters: 00:00 Intro 02:00 The Design! 02:43 Le Advertisement 03:48 Let's Make Some TREES 06:36 Adventures in Craft Paper 09:40 PAINTING TIME 14:45 Super Sappy Sap Talk 16:20 The Hobbit Feet Incident 17:50 The "Snowy" Floor 19:13 Unboxing the Dress! 20:55 The Reveal 21:53 Wrap-Up & Bloops via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGLl7OJIS44
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Are you prepared to take advantage of Amazon’s enormous marketplace and enter the world of affiliate marketing? Learning Amazon affiliate marketing is a path that offers big benefits, whether you’re a beginner wishing to dabble in online earning or an experienced professional aiming to increase your affiliate earnings.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
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Affiliate marketing has revolutionized the way people monetize their online presence, particularly with Amazon Associates. This in-depth manual will walk you through all the nuances of affiliate marketing, from comprehending its core ideas to putting cutting-edge tactics into practice that may transform your affiliate endeavor into a successful online company. So buckle up, because we are about to take you on a journey that will change you from a novice to an expert in Amazon affiliate marketing.
I. Understanding the Basics of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral. It operates on a symbiotic principle where affiliates, merchants, and customers all benefit. As a beginner, understanding these roles and the significance of niche selection lays the foundation for a successful affiliate marketing journey.
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Signing up for the Amazon Associates program is your first step. The process is straightforward, but gaining approval requires adherence to certain guidelines. Once accepted, you’ll gain access to the Associates dashboard, a hub of tools, reports, and affiliate links. Ensuring your application’s approval involves setting up a basic website or blog, providing valuable content, and demonstrating your intent to drive genuine traffic.
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Effective product selection is pivotal. Researching popular and high-demand products within your chosen niche is essential. A product with positive reviews and high ratings is more likely to convert. Leveraging Amazon’s product advertising API can aid in data-driven decisions, allowing you to gauge the product’s potential profitability.
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Content creation lies at the core of affiliate marketing success. Your content should inform, educate, and address your audience’s pain points. Crafting engaging product reviews, detailed comparisons, and informative guides can establish your authority in the niche. Seamlessly integrating affiliate links within your content ensures a natural flow.
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Promotion is key to expanding your affiliate reach. Utilize social media platforms, optimize for search engines, and explore email marketing to promote your affiliate content. Authenticity is vital; only promote products you genuinely believe in, and always disclose your affiliate relationships.
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Regularly monitor the performance of your affiliate efforts. Track clicks, conversions, and commissions earned. Use this data to refine your strategies, focusing on what works best for your audience. A/B testing different approaches allows you to fine-tune your tactics for optimal results.
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As you gain experience, consider scaling your efforts. Outsourcing tasks like content creation or SEO can free up your time for strategic planning. Managing multiple affiliate websites targeting different niches can diversify your income streams. Exploring advanced strategies such as collaborating with influencers can propel your business even further.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Understanding the Basics of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is the cornerstone of online revenue generation, and comprehending its fundamental principles is essential for your journey from a beginner to an accomplished Amazon affiliate marketer. Here are seven crucial tips to get you started:
Know the Players: Familiarize yourself with the roles in affiliate marketing — affiliates (you), merchants (sellers), and customers. Understand how these roles interact to create a symbiotic relationship.
Niche Selection: Choose a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise. A focused niche helps you connect with a specific audience, enhancing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
Promotion Strategies: Learn the various promotion methods — content marketing, social media, SEO, email marketing, and more. Each strategy has its strengths; understanding when and how to apply them is vital.
Transparent Recommendations: Honesty is key. Provide genuine recommendations and disclose your affiliate relationships. Building trust with your audience ensures long-term success.
Content Quality: Craft high-quality, valuable content that addresses your audience’s needs. Informative content establishes you as an authority in your niche.
Keyword Research: Understand the significance of keyword research for SEO optimization. Targeting the right keywords enhances your content’s visibility on search engines.
Patience and Persistence: Success doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient, persistent, and adaptive. Analyze your efforts, learn from mistakes, and continuously refine your strategies.
Mastering these basics will lay a solid foundation for your Amazon affiliate marketing journey, equipping you with the knowledge to confidently progress and achieve your income goals.
Getting Started with Amazon Affiliate Program
Embarking on your Amazon affiliate marketing journey requires a strong start, and understanding the essentials of the Amazon Associates program is crucial. Here are seven tips to guide you through the initial steps:
Sign-Up Process: Head to the Amazon Associates website and create an account. Fill in accurate information and provide details about your website or app, as it affects your approval.
Website Preparation: Ensure your website is ready for review. It should have a clear structure, relevant content, and comply with Amazon’s guidelines.
Niche Selection: Choose a niche that aligns with your passion and has market demand. A well-defined niche helps target a specific audience effectively.
Dashboard Exploration: Once approved, delve into your Amazon Associates dashboard. Familiarize yourself with the available tools, reports, and affiliate links.
Generating Links: Learn how to generate affiliate links for products. Amazon provides multiple formats, such as text and image links, and even entire product carousels.
Creating Compelling Content: Craft engaging content that incorporates your affiliate links naturally. Valuable content builds trust and encourages clicks.
Compliance and Policies: Understand Amazon’s affiliate policies. Abide by the rules regarding disclosure, product images, and use of trademarks to avoid account suspension.
By mastering these starting steps, you’ll be well-prepared to kickstart your Amazon affiliate marketing journey with confidence, setting the stage for your success in the competitive world of online marketing.
Selecting Profitable Amazon Products
Choosing the right products to promote as an Amazon affiliate can make or break your earning potential. To maximize your success, consider these seven essential tips for selecting profitable products:
Market Research: Conduct thorough research to identify trending products in your niche. Use tools like Google Trends and Amazon Best Sellers to gauge demand.
Product Relevance: Opt for products that resonate with your target audience’s interests and needs. A strong connection increases the likelihood of conversions.
High Ratings and Reviews: Prioritize products with positive customer feedback and high ratings. Quality and customer satisfaction are key indicators of a product’s potential.
Commission Rates: Analyze the commission structure for different product categories. Balance higher commission rates with the product’s demand and relevance.
Seasonal Considerations: Factor in seasonality when selecting products. Some niches experience fluctuations in demand throughout the year.
Competitive Analysis: Evaluate your competitors’ strategies and the products they promote. Identify gaps and opportunities to differentiate your offerings.
Future Potential: Anticipate the long-term viability of the product. Sustainable products with room for growth can provide consistent income over time.
By applying these tips, you’ll be equipped to curate a portfolio of products that not only align with your niche but also have the potential to drive substantial affiliate income, setting you on the path to becoming a successful Amazon affiliate marketer.
Creating Content that Converts
Crafting content that effectively converts readers into buyers is at the heart of successful Amazon affiliate marketing. Here are seven invaluable tips to help you create compelling content that drives conversions:
Understand Your Audience: Know your audience’s pain points, preferences, and interests. Tailor your content to address their needs and provide solutions.
Thorough Product Research: Dive deep into the products you’re promoting. Understand their features, benefits, and potential drawbacks to provide accurate and informative insights.
Engaging Headlines: Craft attention-grabbing headlines that pique curiosity and promise value. A compelling headline entices readers to explore further.
In-Depth Reviews: Write detailed product reviews that highlight both the pros and cons. Honesty builds trust, and comprehensive reviews assist readers in making informed decisions.
Visual Appeal: Incorporate high-quality images and visuals that showcase the product. Visual representation enhances the reader’s understanding and interest.
Clear Call-to-Action: Guide readers towards action with clear and strategic calls-to-action. Encourage them to click on affiliate links and explore products further.
Storytelling Elements: Weave engaging stories around the products. Share personal experiences, user testimonials, or real-life scenarios that demonstrate the product’s value.
By integrating these tips into your content creation process, you’ll not only captivate your audience but also drive them towards making informed purchasing decisions, ensuring a higher conversion rate and boosting your Amazon affiliate marketing success.
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Implementing Effective Promotion Strategies
Promotion is the bridge that connects your valuable content to your target audience. To excel as an Amazon affiliate marketer, adopt these seven strategic tips for effective promotion:
Social Media Synergy: Leverage social platforms aligned with your niche. Share engaging content, interact with followers, and use targeted ads to expand your reach.
SEO Mastery: Optimize your content for search engines. Target relevant keywords, create meta descriptions, and focus on both on-page and off-page SEO techniques.
Email Marketing Expertise: Build an email list to engage directly with your audience. Send out regular newsletters, exclusive offers, and personalized recommendations.
Influencer Collaboration: Partner with influencers within your niche. Their credibility can introduce your content to a wider, engaged audience.
Compelling Visuals: Use eye-catching visuals like infographics and videos. Visual content often garners higher engagement and encourages sharing.
Guest Posting: Write guest posts for reputable blogs in your niche. It establishes your authority, drives traffic, and can lead readers to your affiliate content.
Community Engagement: Participate in online forums, groups, and communities related to your niche. Offer valuable insights, and strategically share your affiliate content when relevant.
Implementing these strategies ensures your content reaches the right people at the right time, amplifying your Amazon affiliate marketing efforts and ultimately boosting your earning potential.
Analyzing Performance and Optimizing Strategies
Analyzing your efforts and adapting your strategies based on data-driven insights is essential for sustained success in Amazon affiliate marketing. Here are seven invaluable tips to help you analyze and optimize your performance:
Performance Metrics: Track key metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and commissions earned. Analyzing these metrics provides insights into what’s working and what needs improvement.
Conversion Path Analysis: Understand the user journey from the first interaction to conversion. Identify potential bottlenecks and refine the path for smoother conversions.
A/B Testing: Experiment with different approaches using A/B testing. Test variations of your content, headlines, and calls-to-action to determine which yield better results.
Seasonal Trends: Identify seasonal trends in your niche. Adjust your content and promotional strategies to capitalize on peak periods of demand.
Segmentation: Segment your audience based on demographics, behavior, or preferences. Tailor your content and promotions to specific segments for better engagement.
Competitor Analysis: Study your competitors’ strategies. Identify what’s working for them and adapt those insights to your own approach.
Continuous Learning: Stay updated on industry trends and digital marketing techniques. Attend webinars, read blogs, and invest in your education to stay ahead.
By consistently analyzing your performance, adapting to trends, and optimizing your strategies, you’ll fine-tune your approach over time, resulting in increased efficiency, higher conversions, and ultimately, greater success in Amazon affiliate marketing.
Scaling Up Your Affiliate Marketing Business
As your Amazon affiliate marketing efforts gain momentum, scaling up becomes a logical step to amplify your success. Here are seven valuable tips to guide you in expanding your affiliate business:
Outsourcing and Delegation: Delegate tasks that can be handled by others, such as content creation or SEO optimization. This frees up your time for strategic planning and growth.
Diversify Your Niche: Explore related niches within your expertise. Expanding into complementary areas widens your audience reach and revenue potential.
Multiple Affiliate Websites: Consider managing multiple websites targeting different niches. Each website caters to a distinct audience, diversifying your income streams.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers or bloggers who align with your niche. Their reach can introduce your content to a wider, engaged audience.
Leverage Paid Advertising: Invest in paid advertising on platforms like Google Ads or social media. Targeted ads can increase your visibility and drive more traffic to your content.
Data-Driven Decisions: Rely on analytics to make informed decisions. Analyze which strategies and niches are yielding the best results and adjust your approach accordingly.
Continuous Learning: Stay updated on industry trends, new tools, and emerging strategies. Continued learning keeps your strategies fresh and adaptable.
By implementing these scaling strategies, you’ll position yourself to manage a more extensive affiliate marketing operation, capitalize on new opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth in your Amazon affiliate marketing business.
Congratulations on your journey from a novice to a proficient Amazon affiliate marketer! You’ve learned the art of curating valuable content, promoting it effectively, and optimizing your strategies for maximum impact. Remember, success in this field is a continuous process that thrives on adaptation and innovation. As you continue to refine your techniques, explore new niches, and forge partnerships, your passive income potential will only grow. Stay committed, stay curious, and keep evolving. The realm of Amazon affiliate marketing offers boundless opportunities for those willing to put in the effort. Embrace the challenges, relish the victories, and enjoy the rewards of mastering this dynamic art. Your success story has only just begun.
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Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : From Beginner to Pro: Mastering the Art of Amazon Affiliate Marketing
Thanks for reading my article on “From Beginner to Pro: Mastering the Art of Amazon Affiliate Marketing“, hope it will help!
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mimelord1 · 2 years
Alan Moore Says Fascination with Superheroes is Precursor to Fascism
Alan Moore Says Fascination with Superheroes is Precursor to Fascism https://ift.tt/nHKzlU5 Comic nerds won’t like this … one of the greatest writers to dabble in the caped crusade industry says our fascination with superheroes is teetering on Nazi Germany territory. Indeed … we’re talking about Alan Moore, who’s written some of the most well-known comic books/series of the 20th century — including “Watchmen,” “V for Vendetta,” “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” a VERY famous Batman installment … and lots more. Watchmen author Alan Moore: ‘I’m definitely done with comics’ https://t.co/zTB50pZ5FG — Guardian Books (@GuardianBooks) October 7, 2022 @GuardianBooks The dude’s an absolute legend in the biz … but as he’s gotten older — and stepped further away from writing comics — he’s gotten more and more cynical about the craft he helped shape … and these latest remarks are doubling down on what he views as a problem. Namely, he’s talking about fascism … and how he feels like the superhero genre, at large, lends itself to the extreme political ideology — and not just that, but how our utter obsession with them in Hollywood is a sign for the worst … at least according to him anyway. For starters, AM kinda craps on adults who love this stuff … saying, “Hundreds of thousands of adults [are] lining up to see characters and situations that had been created to entertain the 12-year-old boys — and it was always boys — of 50 years ago.” He goes on to say there were a lot of headlines coming out in the late 20th century that said comics had “grown up,” but he refutes that with this … “It wasn’t comics growing up. I think it was more comics meeting the emotional age of the audience coming the other way.” Alan hits his point home with this comment … “I said round about 2011 that I thought that it had serious and worrying implications for the future if millions of adults were queueing up to see Batman movies. Because that kind of infantilization — that urge towards simpler times, simpler realities — that can very often be a precursor to fascism.” He points to Donald Trump‘s presidency and the sheer number of superhero movies that were being pumped out at the time (and since). It’s because of this, in part, that he says he’s done with comics … apparently because they do more harm than good, subconsciously. As for what he’s getting at with the whole superheroes-are-fascist thing — it’s an age-old argument that’s been debated ad nauseam … which you can read about here. Basically, some argue that superheroes — by their very nature and story arcs — prop up the idea of one person wielding ultimate power over society … but doing it for the common good. It’s very in the weeds on a sociological level, but this POV’s been around for a while. And, obviously, Alan very much sees it that way too. Although … he seems to still be proud of his Guy Fawkes creation, ’cause of what it stands for in the zeitgeist. Chew on that! The post Alan Moore Says Fascination with Superheroes is Precursor to Fascism first appeared on Suave Media. Tags and categories: Uncategorized via WordPress https://ift.tt/CObHFPV October 08, 2022 at 10:47PM
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exosalt · 4 years
attack on titan characters as youtubers
gaming channel
claims his favourite game is LOL
(it’s actually animal crossing)
also loves cooking mama, it’s his deepest shame
has been an internet meme at some point
doesn’t censor his swearing so his videos constantly get demonetised
book / literature reviews and commentaries 
talks a lot about the philosophy and historical aspects of the literature
gives detailed, unbiased analyses
students LOVE him
no one ever dislikes his videos 🥰
not very active but sometimes uploads study asmrs featuring armin 🥺
she loves embroidery and cute crafts so she’ll upload those too
subscribers are always asking for her hair and makeup routine
uploads are very sporadic
still has tons of subscribers
can’t really see him with a channel tbh but if he did i reckon he’d review cleaning products and stuff
all of his videos are max 3 minutes long
subscribers ask him to do challenges like “1 hour bathroom speed clean
he’s like “you ignorant sluts, cleaning your bathroom should take at least half a day”
gaming channel
very public beef with eren
they’re secretly very good friends irl but still beef each other in private 
unlike eren, he actually censors the swearing in his videos
cooking / eating asmr
chaotic as fuck - regularly almost burns down her kitchen
does ALL the food challenges and comes up with her own
connie is a regular guest on her channel
life hacks 
shit like “charge your phone with a POTATO?! #LIFEHACK”
loses subscribers every time he uploads 
doesn’t let it stop him
has dabbled in every field
gaming, fitness, skincare, life hacks, makeup, travel - he’s done it all
is always happy to collab with any of his friends
beauty / fashion channel
does lots of tutorials and product reviews
is on the PR list for loads of popular brands 
is definitely getting a brand deal soon
fitness / workout channel
also does hiit and zumba
(zumba is his favourite)
wants to collab with historia but is too shy to ask
doesn’t have his own channel but frequently appears in reiner’s videos
he’s been in like 20 videos but to this day no one knows his name
cried that one time reiner got hate
made a youtube channel but never uploads
regularly appears on historia’s channel to do her makeup in ‘girlfriend does my makeup’ challenges
political commentary channel
has a wide range of viewers - young and old people
hella woke
regularly criticises high-ranking government officials 
low-key v shady 😎
does crazy science experiments
moblit is the cameraman and you can always hear him losing his shit in the background
posts shit like this:
Tumblr media
bullshit clickbait videos
more dislikes than likes on every video
calls out other youtubers for attention and clout
has merch for some reason
no one buys it
s/o to @sehun-cakes for helping me with this 😂🌸
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prettybard · 2 years
Black Pete for gay ass headcanon!
my personal headcanons for black pete
definitely gay, polyam and trans!!
uses he/him pronouns but is dabbling in they/them pronouns bc gender is confusing sometimes
hes really taken an interest in sewing after the whole crafts thing in the first ep,, like lucius would teach him how to write his name and pete would try and sew that as a little nametag/patch,, he would do this for the whole crew as a little project
his love language is v much gift giving,, like he whittled lucius a bunch of other things,, he whittled fang a little dog,, and yk in a world where ed didn't throw the love of his life off the ship, he would make mini sword earrings for ed
he and fang are really close bc yk they're both lucius' boyfriends so they've ended up bonding alot!
if he's had a bad day he would go to lucius and just cuddle with him while lucius reads to him,,, mostly bc he really likes listening to his voice
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loveislattes · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet - Wilford Warfstache
THIS IS A REPOST DUE TO THE ORIGINAL GETTING LOST! This was originally written 2-3 years ago! 
These are all personal opinions of mine. Of course, others might see it differently, but I hope you all enjoy the read no matter what!
(Re-post! The original got removed because I had an actual sex gif in here, so now there’s just a link!)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Wilford will always cuddle his lover after sex, and do everything in his power to make sure they are comfortable and happy. Whether it be playing with their hair, rubbing their back, or whispering sweet compliments in their ear, he will never leave them wanting. He quite often falls asleep with them after.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part of his own would have to be a tie between his fabulous mustache and his hands. The first comes from a place of pride, knowing how unique it is and how well it suits him. The second comes from the strength and dexterity behind the fine sinews of his fingers and how well they play your body.
His favorite part of his lover’s body is their eyes. He loves seeing the depth of emotions swirling in the beautiful colors. No matter what he first thought his favorite color was, it instantly became your eye color the first time he made love to you and stared into your hooded orbs.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
100% Wilford loves to cum deep inside you, just to pull out and watch it drip down your thighs. He might even scoop it up and offer it to you, watching with a patient gaze for you to take the offer.
Anytime he goes down on you, which is like every time you’re intimate, he pushes and pushes until you make a mess all over his face and he gets to drink you up.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Maybe not so secret, but he has a major daddy kink. He loves to spoil his lover with both material goods and physical affection, and loves to be in the position of the protector that they rely on.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Wilford is rather experienced. His charming and bubbly personality mixed with his good looks get him many fans, and while he’s now settled down with you, he took his fair share of romps with the women and men that fawned over him before. He knows his way well around the human body and knows just how to use hands to bring their lover to their knees.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Favorite Position Gif!
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Wilford goes back and forth depending on the mood. Sometimes he’s very intense and focused on the moment, other times he’s laid back and there’s a lot of tickling and giggling joining the pleasure.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
While at one point he dyed his pubic hair pink, it’s now back to it’s natural dark shade. He doesn’t groom often but if his lover preferred it, he would.
He doesn’t particularly care about his lover’s grooming style either. As long as he gets to go down on them and make them cum, he couldn’t care less about appearance.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) Wilford is extremely romantic, from sweet talking his partner to showing with kisses and touches, he always conveys his love for them thoroughly.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He has a super high sex drive. As such, if you are busy or don’t feel up to it, he has no problem taking care of himself, and is still willing to go at it with you later. He takes his time as he would with you, all while picturing your hand or mouth on his cock, until he cums with your name on his lips.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Super huge daddy kink. (Not necessarily DDLG!) He loves having a protective position in his lover’s life, being able to provide for them and take care of them without them having a worry of their own. This translates heavily into the bedroom as well, giving every last bit he has to make sure his partner is pleased beyond their wildest dreams and taking his own selfish pleasure in going down on them for an unbelievable amount of time.
Oral kink like no other. While he enjoys receiving, he gets the most enjoyment out of giving. He likes getting to drive his lover insane with over stimulation, using his tongue and hands as blissful torture instruments. He’s not done until his mouth and jaw are covered in their cum, and they’re shaking from exhaustion.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
As long as the lighting is good, he doesn’t have a strong preference to where it takes place. He just wants to be sure he can see every inch of his partner so he can remember it later.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Wilford gets turned on easy, thanks to his high sex drive, but the surest way to get him going is to dress up. Whether it be a cute outfit he picked out for them, or them wearing one of his shirts or suspenders, he loves to see his partner in something that screams him. Short skirts/shorts and thigh highs on his lover would be the next best thing. Not to mention if you were to come straight out and tell him how badly you wanted him, it’d be like flicking on a switch and you’d find yourself on your back with his mouth between your legs faster than you could think.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He absolutely refuses to hurt his lover. A light spanking, a love bite here or there, those are safe, but anything that would leave bruises or harm them, he is adamantly against.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He craves to be between your thighs, tasting how aroused you are for him as he makes you shake and quiver. He is more skilled than the best, having spent so much time crafting his practice and is willing to learn even more by testing out different techniques on you. While he won’t say no to receiving, he definitely prefers giving.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Wilford likes to take his time with his lover, going slow and easy as to appreciate every second he’s gifted with them. On the rare occasion he’s fast and rough, it’s usually if he’s been apart from his lover for a decent amount of time and he can’t wait to be in them.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
As stated above, Wil takes his time. He makes sure his lover is thoroughly pleased and sated before focusing on himself, and that can’t be accomplished in a quickie.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Wilford is up for some experimentation, such as a food in bed or a new position, but he’s not much of a risk taker. He’s more concerned with the safety of his partner.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Wilford usually keeps it to one round at a time because of how long he takes, but given the opportunity, he would spend the entire day worshiping his lover’s body.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He owns some toys that he picked out for his lover, such as a vibrator, a small dildo, and fluffy handcuffs, that he delights in using on them. He will occasionally let his lover use something like a vibrator on him when he’s receiving oral or letting them work him up, but it’s more so for them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Wilford can be quite the tease. From a slap to the butt passing in the hall, to pulling you in a closet and grinding his thigh against your sex during a heated make out, he is insatiable but knows the big show has to wait. He just has to let out some of his frustration in little increments some how.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Wilford is veerry vocal. He doesn’t hold back on his noises of ravenous hunger when he’s going down on his lover, and when he’s buried deep in them, their name comes out just as loud from him as his does from them. He wants his partner to know how good they make him feel, because he knows he loves hearing it as well.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When drunk, he can get a little more promiscuous than normal, dabbling in dressing up some himself for his lover. He keeps it simple, but he’s been known to strut around in pink short shorts with one of his lover’s pink garters or their thigh highs on, teasing them with how good his legs look in them. He seems to be more exhibitionist when drinking.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Slightly over average in length and much thicker than average, he is hung to please the most picky of lovers but not harm them with his size.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Insanely high, and he struggles to control it. He just craves his lover at every moment of the day, but keep just enough hold on his actions to make it
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Snuggled up to his partner, he falls asleep fast once he’s assured they’re comfortable and safe.
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daisychvins · 4 years
。・゚゚・ — introduction.
Tumblr media
introducing ... violet’s demise ! aka grayson aka her big brother she’s been wiring money to stay away in europe <33333
name: grayson swag money jeon  age: 22 turning 23 (don’t ask me about his sign that’s for liza to figure out someday <3) gender: cis male; he/him hometown: baltimore, maryland sexuality: bisexual & biromantic
listen i was feeling rlly committed to completing his stats but i’m already over it so don’t ask dont tell xx anYWAYS let’s get on to the juicy stuff hehe
i tend to ramble a lot so this intro is gonna be probably a mixture of paragraphs and bullet points and everything in between but let’s start simple. also i rlly wanna emphasize a massive DRUGS TW bc his character largely revolves around his interest in and addiction to drugs
grayson is claiming that he's been in a rehab program for the last year and is now completely sober and reformed when he really was just using the money to party and travel throughout europe.
without his parents paying to support him now, he's had to start dealing to make ends meet and keep up appearances. it’s mostly coke, but he dabbles in harder substances depending on what his connections can get him. 
grayson dabbles with calligraphy and was notorious for forging excuse notes and parent signatures all throughout high school and even now sells forgeries for a quick buck. the most notable of these was xavi’s letter of recommendation that helped him get into yale. 
grayson is violet’s older brother!!1 yes, that’s right, THE big brother who’s been out of the country getting LIT (and by lit i mean he’s been traveling europe on a series of solo trips w his parents’ money and doin lots of recreational drugs)
i haven’t fully fleshed out the dynamic he has w his parents but just know it’s ,, bad ASDHFJNK basically the jeons treated their children like accessories and expected them to be their little trophies and grayson just was not having that as a kid!!! so he acted out a lot and obviously got himself into a pretty bad scene (thank u goosie) and is basically the bane of his parents existence at this point <3 yet they still try to appease him to keep him under control but that’s for the family task to work out hehehehe
despite hating his parents, he adores both of his siblings. before the drug use started, he was always a big nurturer and would have done anything for either of them......now he wouldn’t be caught dead praising violet but he loves her in secret from afar HSJDFKG
yeah basically he met goose when he was around 15 i think????? and got introduced to drugs around 16 or 17 i wanna say and by the time he graduated high school he was just....a much different person than the soft big brother he used to be. his parents sent him off to europe pretty much as soon as he turned 18 under the guise of going to school internationally, but grayson obviously knew the truth and understood that he was being sent away so he wouldn’t be his parents problem anymore. 
he basically spent the last four years galavanting europe and just....trying to enjoy it???? but it’s hard to enjoy an extended vacation when u have no family or friends on ur side anymore </3 he basically used the money to stay in hostels and worked odd jobs here and there to stay afloat and keep supplied w the...special goods....but yeah lots of drugs, alcohol, sex, and recklessness but he DID learn a couple languages??? or at least enough to get through some pretty basic conversations in most european countries so <3 guess it’s all okay then!!!! 
anyways idk what else to put here that u won’t just find out in the family task so uhhhhhh idk lmk if u need anything else i guess
so now grayson is just vibing at yale obviously ummm he actually got super into writing after high school, especially poetry. he used to carry journals full of just random prose about his addiction and his deepest thoughts, as well as probably some lighter stuff about his love escapades or maybe goose idk...basically he used poetry as an outlet and it allowed him to really ground himself and find his place in the world even if it didnt include who he thought it would SO with that being said, grayson got into yale due to a poetry competition he was a part of. he saw some big fancy competition being advertised and on a whim decided to submit some poem about his struggles with addiction and losing his family (a v raw piece that he didn’t expect to ever see the light of day) and he actually ended up winning! it caught yale’s attention and they invited him to apply and, knowing how much it would probably disturb his little sister, grayson very smugly applied and was pretty stoked to see he got in 
because that poem gained such publicity, it was assumed that he was a survivor of addiction and was writing from a sober perspective. he didn’t want to correct anyone, so he just went with it and has basically crafted this story about his massive success and has become an advocate for addiction treatment and rehabilitation. of course, none of the companies that sponsor him or the events that host him as a motivational speaker know that he’s snorting lines in the bathroom beforehand or dealing to half the elites, but that’s between grayson, god, and the blackmailer !
basically grayson showed back up because of violet’s blackmail being exposed. he was off in europe, unable to defend himself, and with a massive vendetta against his family so he decided what better way to reenter society than by publicly outing himself as a martyr <3333 his plan is basically to bash the family name to fulfill whatever angsty coming of age arc he has in store for him to make up for the pain of being sent away .... really angsty yeah </3 rip grayson 
anyways yeah he’s a total fake. he’s been using his status as a martyr to his advantage a lot, the best example being his recruitment into the elites. he guilted them into accepting him by discussing the PR benefits of recruiting a member that struggles with addiction and how supporting addiction treatment and second chances would be such a good look for them. like he basically threatened to publicly expose them for denying him due to his troubled past and accuse them of being exclusionary so they said boop ! ur in. now the elites are proud advocates for second chances <3333
i would describe grayson as fearless, overconfident, infamous due to his condition being exposed recently, a little gloomy, he’s kind of just got this chip on his shoulder and feels like he has something to prove....he’s gotta be better than his parents, gotta stick it to them and to violet and to everyone who doubts him. he’s a grumpy guy with a massive vendetta and a need for some kind of justice. he just doesn’t know what that is yet. despite all of the bad, however, he’s genuinely a pretty good guy. he’s really goofy and a genuine person, pretty friendly with literally everyone until they give him a reason not to be. basically, unless you are a member of the jeon family he probably likes you or is at least cordial to you (unless we plot differently ofc but u know). he’s just a big lovable dummy with some sweet drug connects and a knack for poetry. he also knows calligraphy but that’s beside the point . 
idk if this is enough to describe him but yeah if u have any questions just let me know hehe
this is probably gonna make things hard but considering violet was just exposed i think that he’s pretty new to yale ???? like probably just transferred in/started this spring semester rather than being here for the entire year/a prolonged amount of time so most of our plots will likely have to be newer/center on him first showing up OR we can establish their connections from pre-europe which is also fine w me....idk i didnt rlly think this timeline through so let’s just plot and see what happens aghbfjnd anyways i included some connection ideas to help us all just in case
wanted connections
i’d say he’s the honorary dealer of the elites aghbdfjn so literally anyone who needs a plug could be a potential connection. we can obviously tweak this and customize it to each character <3
maybe someone who met grayson in europe. they could have travelled together for an extended period of time or even just a brief encounter. he was over there for four years, so the possibilities are endless. 
building off the last one, this same connection could work with a romantic interest. maybe they were romantically involved for a time in europe and fell out of touch or maybe grayson/your muse just left in the middle of the night and they never saw each other again until now and maybe there’s some unresolved feelings/one-sided longing or need for closure. it could also be that they just hooked up whenever this person was in the area and that was that, no strings attached. 
maybe someone who genuinely believes that grayson is actually sober and really admires his strength and idk maybe they’re struggling w their own issues and seek advice from him or maybe they just make it harder for him to actually do his thing bc they’re constantly around and it’s not like they can catch him strung out and acting up 
someone in the literature department or with a background in english or writing. someone he could read poetry to, or share his favorite lines with. someone who’s taken the same professors and can tell him who to watch out for or what to expect. idk i just want him to have someone to share his passions with. maybe a little crush is forming? maybe they’re just friends who share a love of fiction? idk i’m open to literally anything 
he’s sort of a motivational speaker now bc he advocates for rehabilitation resources and stuff so like maybe ur muse saw him give a presentation or participate in some kind of seminar and they called bullshit on him after the show bc they were like,,, bro i literally saw u partying w max and avery last weekend what the fuck are u on about and now they could potentially hold that blackmail over his head hehe......
exes plots are always fun we love angst in this house 
fuck it let’s bring another family member BHJFNGKM no but grayson rlly is a nurturing guy and like....definitely develops unhealthy attachments to cope w his loss of family so he’d love all the sibling-like bonds he can get to kinda numb the pain of “””””losing””””” violet 
if none of these interest you i’m literally so down for anything pls just let me know and i’m happy to brainstorm always <333333 
thank u for reading this....smooch . 
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spiderling-space · 4 years
Yoo 😘😘 congrats on 500 followers!!🎉🎊 can I request to have a dorm sorting? I'm an infp taurus that's also a hufflepuff (yes I AM THAT BISH) I'm really friendly though a bit awkward, I'm fine approaching other people but carrying a convo isn't my strong suit, but nevertheless I still do try to do it.
I would describe my personality as being a mixed bag as I usually try to stay optimistic on everything but I also take into account as to what is realistically going to happen. My friends would usually call me out going, since I love to try new things, but I like to also stay out of the spotlight so anything that puts eyes on me is usually a no go. I'm pretty empathetic too and I try to give my best advice whenever I can. I also try to help my friends as best I can, often putting myself before others.
My hobbies are pretty diverse since I like dabbling in stuff I find interesting, for the most part I like to draw, sew, and craft (weaving, book binding, origami, ect.). Same with my interests they're also pretty diverse, I like to read about flower language, I know cryptography, been into researching about true crime, reading about psychology (dream job is to be a psychologist), ect.
Sorry if the ask is pretty long and messy ;v; - °•♡•°
Just wondering, how did you surpass the 500 letter limit and separate the paragraphs? I can’t do it on mobile (iOS) and PC.
Prior Info
As an introvert, Scarabia doesn’t fit you.
As Hufflepuff, fair player, Octavinelle doesn’t fit you.
Your interests don’t include sports so no Savanaclaw.
Ignihydians can’t approach people. Even though you can’t carry the conversation, you approaching people would be out of place in Ignihyde. Additionally, as INFP you overlook details and prefer to have big picture view which go against engineering values.
Your Dorm Is
You try to help your friends as much as you can. Heartslabyul students are united and can work together very well.
You wouldn’t be in the spotlight unless you break the rules. Though, you might be tasked to do certain things such as serving tea to the winner of the cricket match should you be the second one.
There is nothing in Heartslabyul stopping you from practicing your interest, that is as long as you obey the rules.
As INFP, you are loyal and devoted. Use this side of yours to follow the rules and your prefect. Moreover, as a Taurus, you love consistency.
Just don’t be too Taurus and challenge/oppose the authority of Riddle in every turn.
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