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nofatclips · 1 month ago
Soap by Uzeda from the album Quocumque jeceris stabit - Video by Guido Celli
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rastronomicals · 1 month ago
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10:41 AM EST November 27, 2024:
Uzeda - "Right Seeds" From the EP 4 (September 19, 1995)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
"Uzeda get their name from a gateway leading into one of the oldest parts[s] of the [Sicilian] city, Catania, which is located on the slopes of the volcanic Mount Etna."
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schismusic · 6 months ago
On June 13th the Biografilm Festival in Bologna hosted the world preview of Uzeda: Do It Yourself by documentary director Maria Arena. Apart from the fact that calling it a "world preview" implies a level of attention to the movie that we could define as slightly oversold to the unwitting audiences, I was one of the expectant ones, having been following the project ever since it started its crowdfunding campaign. Much to my surprise, the campaign actually did grant enough money to proceed with the production. The reason why I'm so surprised has nothing to do with the actual quality of the output, including the short excerpts they were, at the time, already posting on social media — more on this later, but the gist of it is: it's great and we knew it. That is exactly why I was so worried at first: such a good project, with high production values for an independent documentary, about a band that just about no one gives a fuck about in Italy save for a very passionate ten or so people? I was afraid that, despite all my best hopes, the crowdfunding would barely scrape by at best.
I have never been happier to be proven wrong.
According to what Maria Arena herself said after the showing, the doc had been in the making (and I mean in the actual making, as in Arena was already going around Catania with the band shooting video of them and of PJ — a musicologist from UCLA who wrote a whole ass PhD dissertation about lo-fi and independent rock) as far back as 2016. Leonardo Sciascia would have probably argued that such an endeavour is "very Sicilian", which of course reflects very well on the approach taken by Uzeda themselves. For starters, the band name. The Duke of Uceda — Italianized into "Uzeda", of course, and take a deep breath before you go on — Juan Francisco Antonio Alonso María José Domingo Pacheco y Téllez-Girón was the one to reconstruct Val di Noto after the 1693 earthquake and subsequent Etna eruption which destroyed the city of Catania. Of course, the southern gateway into the city of Catania itself is also named Porta Uzeda. If that wasn't enough, on more than one occasion the band themselves, and especially drummer Davide Oliveri, the band noted how growing up where they did proved crucial to their music. It was pretty special (for me, but I assume for him as well) to see Davide be complimented, on the site of the showing, by a literal eightysix-year-old from Syracuse, Sicily.
That's what gets me: this isn't exactly music you would show your grandfather, per se. I know I wouldn't show it to mine, for example. And yet this dude waltzed into a projection room and still managed to pull some relevant insight out of the proverbial top hat. Call it genius loci, gut-feeling intuition, shared sensitivity informed by coexistence or, simply, good predisposition. This eightysix-year-old gets Uzeda, possibly much deeper than you or I ever will. Which I guess stands as a testament to what it means to do what you like, to stick to your guns and yet at the same time to find a way to stand within the grooves of consummate professionalism. Uzeda are all trained musicians, and this is a very important distinction to make in the context of punk and punk-adjacent music. Throughout the film the band insist on how studying with someone, learning to play music from someone else was a crucial experience that did not in any way, shape or form stop them or prevent them from playing exactly the music they wanted. Meeting a band like Bastro at a festival in Berlin was an opportunity to unlock a new style of music to play; churning scales over and over throughout the whole fretboard led Agostino Tilotta to start looking for what he himself calls "non-scales", if anything. And studying with other musicians certainly gave the rhythm section of this band an impulse to professionalism: Oliveri, at the very least, worked as a composer for an animated musical and as a songwriter on Gianna Nannini's Aria album; Raffaele Gulisano, bassist, also doubles as a high school teacher, while Tilotta and Cacciola choose not to make of this music their own profession.
Tilotta especially is often framed by Arena, or her director of photography whose name I don't remember off the top of my head, like a Sergio Leone character: a unique face capable of powerful expressions standing in stark contrast to and at the same time in perfect complementarity with the surrounding environment. This brings to mind how Leone himself would cast extras based solely on their faces, without really asking them to act. I can only imagine just how dazzling, for a director such as Arena, or for any director really, it must have been to have someone with a face like Tilotta's to work with. And with his endeavor: the man is a riot, a one-man show. The legendary Albini skit about Fake Italian makes a whole lot more sense when you hear Tilotta himself speak his ornate, calculated English.
But of course Uzeda is almost inseparable from their own Steve Albini connections. The single opening credit of the movie ("To Steve") hits incredibly harder than expected. According to Arena and her editor, the movie was left untouched even after May 8th, 2024: a testament to poignant editing and beautiful personalities. Oliveri spent a good five minutes constantly underlining just how profoundly good, kind, approachable, just how much of a friend Albini had been to them since the very earliest days working together — and just how much of a void he leaves behind in the wake of his passing. And of course I believe their friendship stems from a number of core values the band and their producer — rather, engineer, as he would have preferred — shared, chief amongst them the idea that one must persist. Like I said in my Joy Division post, and just like Coil and Israel Regardie. The capability to stay true to one's self implies understanding that there is no one-self to abide by except the one present at any given time.
As for the band themselves? Well, they were with Shellac on May 26, 2015. And that's not the sort of show you can ever complain about. Go watch this fucking movie when it's out.
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philoursmars · 2 months ago
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Avec Christine, on a fêté nos 40 ans d'amitié en faisant un voyage de 15 jours en Sicile.
3 jours à Catane (Catania).  La ville, le jour...
Du côté de la Pescheria, vers la Porta Uzeda (avec l'Etna en ligne de mire)et, sur la dernière, vers la Piazza dell'Indirizzo
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diceriadelluntore · 8 months ago
Due personalità completamente diverse, ma che mi hanno cresciuto:
Giovanna Marini, morta a 87 anni, che per quasi tutta la vita ha tramandato la musica popolare, quella contadina o quella di guerra o di lotta. Il suo lavoro, unico e irripetibile, continuerà nella scuola da lei fondata a Testaccio.
Steve Albini è morto molto più giovane, a 61 anni, dopo aver rivoluzionato la produzione musicale degli anni '80 e '90. Figlio di genitori di origine torinese, fu prima chitarrista e poi produttore geniale: tra i lavori da lui curati, Nirvana – In Utero, Pixies – Surfer Rosa, P J Harvey – Rid of Me, il primo album degli Slit e le produzioni per piccoli grandiosi gruppi italiani come gli Zu e gli Uzeda.
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aki1975 · 7 months ago
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Catania - Monastero dei Benedettini - XVIII sec.
Di Catania furono i due più importanti esponenti del verismo italiano: Luigi Capuana e Giovanni Verga.
Movimento letterario influenzato dal naturalismo francese, ha i suoi tratti essenziali:
- nella rappresentazione oggettiva della realtà con la regressione dell’autore diversamente dalle descrizioni del Manzoni;
- in una lingua che simula la sintassi del dialetto: Manzoni aveva “sciacquato i panni in Arno”;
- in una visione determinista e pessimista della società tratta dalle sofferenze delle classi popolari e dal ruolo identitario attribuito alla “roba” mentre Manzoni credeva nella Provvidenza.
Personaggi principali di Verga sono:
- Rosso Malpelo la cui malvagità era rappresentata proverbialmente dai capelli rossi;
- il neo-borghese Mastro-don Gesualdo;
- Padron ‘Ntoni, il capofamiglia dei Malavoglia che deve fronteggiare il naufragio della Provvidenza e del suo carico di lupini.
A Catania sono ambientati I Viceré di Federico De Roberto, cronaca della decadenza di una nobile famiglia siciliana, gli Uzeda di Francalanza, romanzo antesignano de Il Gattopardo di Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, storia del principe Fabrizio Salina e della sua famiglia durante il periodo del Risorgimento e dell'unificazione italiana.
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charlesreeza · 2 years ago
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The Porta Uzeda is a city gate built into the defensive wall that once surrounded Catania. It dates to 1695 and was named in honor of Viceroy Paceco Uzeda who oversaw the city’s reconstruction after the earthquake of 1693.  It forms one corner of the Piazza Duomo, the central public square of the city.
Photo by Charles Reeza
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iphisesque · 1 year ago
ximena is such a good name the uzeda family really cooked with that one
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nofatclips · 4 months ago
Speaker's Corner by Uzeda from the album Quocumque jeceris stabit
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rastronomicals · 4 months ago
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4:41 AM EDT September 2, 2024:
Uzeda - "Deep Blue Sea" From the album Quocumque jeceris stabit (July 12, 2019)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
The excellent Sicilian postrock band's seventh album, and first for Temporary Residence
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agendaculturaldelima · 2 days ago
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🎬 “NOSFERATU. UNA SINFONÍA DE TERROR” [Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens] 🧛‍♂️🦇⚰🧛‍♀️
🔎 Género: Terror / Vampiros / Siglo XIX / Expresionismo Alemán / Cine mudo / Película de Culto.
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⌛️ Duración: 91 minutos
✍️ Guión: Henrik Galeen
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📕 Novela: 'Drácula'  de Bram Stoker
📷 Fotografía: Fritz Arno Wagner (B&W)
🎼 Música: James Bernard, Hans Erdmann, Carlos U. Garza, Timothy Howard, Richard Marriott, Richard O'Meara, Hans Posegga, Peter Schirmann, Bernardo Uzeda y Bernd Wilden.
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🗯 Argumento: Año 1838 en la ciudad de Wisborg viven felices el joven Hutter y su mujer Ellen, hasta que el oscuro agente inmobiliario Knock decide enviar a Hutter a Transilvania para cerrar un negocio con el conde Orlok. Se trata de la venta de una finca de Wisborg, que linda con la casa de Hutter. Durante el largo viaje, Hutter pernocta en una posada, donde ojea un viejo tratado sobre vampiros que encuentra en su habitación. Una vez en el castillo, es recibido por el siniestro conde. Al día siguiente, Hutter amanece con dos pequeñas marcas en el cuello, que interpreta como picaduras de mosquito. Una vez firmado el contrato, descubre que el conde es, en realidad, un vampiro. Al verle partir hacia su nuevo hogar, Hutter teme por Ellen.
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👥 Reparto: Max Schreck (Conde Orlok), Greta Schröder (Ellen Hutter), John Gottowt (Abraham Van Helsing), Gustav von Wangenheim (Thomas Hutter), Alexander Granach (Renfield), Max Nemetz (Capitán del Empusa), Georg H. Schnell (Harding), Ruth Landshoff (Ruth)  y Wolfgang Heinz (Compañero del Empusa).
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📢 Dirección: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
© Productoras: Prana-Film GmbH.
🌎 País: Alemania
📅 Año: 1922
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Martes 07 de Enero
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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philoursmars · 2 months ago
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Avec Christine, on a fêté nos 40 ans d'amitié en faisant un voyage de 15 jours en Sicile.
3 jours à Catane (Catania). Ici la ville de nuit :
vers la Porta Uzeda
Piazza Currò, des thermes romains
la Pescheria, Piazza dell'Indirizzo
vers la Porta Uzeda
la Porta Uzeda
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saturdaynightmatinee · 13 days ago
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Título Original: Abraço de Mãe
Año: 2024
Duración: 90 min.
País: Brasil
Director: Cristian Jesús Ponce
Guion: Gabriela Capello, André Pereira, Cristian Jesús Ponce
Música: Bernardo Uzeda
Fotografía: Franco Cerana, Leandro Pagliaro
Reparto: Marjorie Estiano, Javier Drolas, Chandelly Braz, Rafael Canedo, etc
Productora: Coproducción Brasil-México; Grupo Mórbido, Lupa Filmes
Género: Horror
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impact24pr · 1 month ago
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fall24iksection · 3 months ago
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a flow of space with inserted cell spaces for special program.
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charlesreeza · 2 years ago
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View through the iron gate of the Pacini Garden and the Uzeda Gate to Piazza del Duomo - Catania, Sicily
Photo by Charles Reeza
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