#Uterine cancer
troutpaws · 1 month
Hi everyone! thought I’d share a local gofundme from my area. Karen doesn’t know I’m sharing it, but she’s been standing outside our grocery store in the blazing sun for hours fundraising and I really hope you’ll consider helping her. She needs help with the pile of medical bills for her ongoing cancer treatment. Please reblog and share even if you can’t donate! Thank you <3
$12.100 / $25.000
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mermazeablaze · 5 months
I need to vent about my SIL especially after losing my MIL last week. This might be a lengthy post. Because I'm petty, angry & hurt. I need the catharsis of publicly shaming her sans her name.
My SIL grew up spoiled. She wanted for nothing. What she couldn't get from others, she learned to manipulate from them.
My hubs & his brothers had to beg, plead & steal for all they had.
SIL beat the shit out of my husband when he was around 5yrs old so badly with an extension cord - he still has nerve damage in his back.
Anytime she didn't get her way, she took it out on him because he was the youngest at the time.
SIL was a teen mom & there's no shame in that. But she has always been ashamed of being Hispanic.
She would bleach her son's head as a toddler & when he got older forced him to wear blue contacts until he stood up for himself in middle school.
SIL gloats & brags about ruining lives just because she's practiced enough to do it - careers, families, citizenship, etc
When our girls were smaller we gave SIL a chance hoping she had shed her skin. Nope, SIL was still SIL. She used her own nieces to make herself look good - new SOs, new friends & bosses. Once she seemed wholesome enough & secure, she wanted nothing to do with them.
SIL always lives outside of her means. When hubs Gpa was still alive she forced him to pay her mortgage, auto loan & so much more. Meanwhile vacays, cruises, designer clothes, motorcycles, bought her own cabin, etc
When Gpa cut her off, she bled everyone else within her reach, except us, dry & called it a day.
SIL tried buying our three daughters social security cards from us to get her bio father's family into the USA. When we told her no, she called CPS on us.
SIL treated MIL like shit. Which wasn't a surprise. SIL didn't like MIL was one of the few who didn't spoil her during her life. It was everyone else around her who did. & so SIL made it a point to ice out MIL, including keeping her son, MIL's grandson from her.
SIL tried to convince her son that his own son wasn't his just because she didn't like the girl. SIL made this girl's life a living hell. SIL forced him to terminate his parental rights, which he did. A paternity test proved he was his son, but by then the damage was done. The girl ran from that family & didn't look back.
SIL's son married a girl who had a child with someone else, nothing wrong with that. SIL had an issue with that because he was fresh out of HS. They now have a daughter together. SIL's son rarely interacts with her.
When MIL had her stroke that placed her in a long term nursing home - SIL got POA. SIL embezzled what money SSI gave her outside of paying for the home. We knew this would happen, but SIL was the only one capable of being her POA.
We found out one of my BILs was a child predator who preyed on one of our daughters. SIL who could care less about him before all of this - is suddenly his protector. & said despite what he did, he deserves love & his family. Girl, what? 👁️👄👁️
When Gpa died of Alzheimer's. We were not notified despite being very close with him. We had to find out through Google searching his name here & there. It was a few months after his death.
MIL, her stepsister & all of the grandkids were supposed to get an inheritance when Gpa died. Husband never received his. But he didn't want to take SIL to court. He just said, "She can choke on it."
The nursing home kept calling my husband about MIL because they hadn't heard from SIL in weeks, sometimes months. The only person visiting MIL was her husband she was separated from. We couldn't visit her because SIL told the home we couldn't without her permission.
We found out MIL had been diagnosed with uterine cancer while in the nursing home. We found out through one of the phone calls when they couldn't get a hold of SIL.
More phone calls from nursing home because they can't reach SIL to schedule cancer treatments.
Eventually the calls from nursing home said MILs cancer had progressed to the point of hospice because of the lack of consistent medical intervention.
SIL *finally* contacts us & said we can visit MIL before she's moved to hospice.
MIL was never moved to hospice we found this out because one of hubs paternal cousins got a job at the nursing home.
Last week when MIL died we found out because the nursing home contacted us because guess what? They couldn't get ahold of SIL.
SIL didn't even bother to contact us about her death. She posted about the funeral on her FB page. My aunt told me the details because I have SIL blocked, husband doesn't have her blocked.
I was confused about the funeral home being used because it wasn't the one that side of the family uses. So I called them. SIL went cheap - no embalming (not that I agree with it), no viewing, no open casket, just a graveside service.
I also found out MIL would not be buried next to her dad despite having a plot. She was so proud of that plot before being in the nursing home & comforted that she would be next to him. We still don't know if SIL sold the plot before MIL died because of her POA.
We visited MILs grave a few hours after the service (we didn't attend because predator BIL) & found out she was buried next to her mother, aunt & both maternal grandparents. Which made us glad she was at least next to some family.
There was no headstone at her grave. Which we know isn't placed right away. But knowing SILs behavior - we went in person & spoke to the funeral director. SIL did not purchase one, but said she would be back to place one on a payment plan. We told the funeral director that either SIL will ghost her or meetup & not buy one.
We told the funeral director we would purchase the headstone, but to tell SIL there was an 'anonymous donor'.
SIL did come in for the payment plan appointment, but once she heard there was an 'anonymous donor' - the funeral director said, "SIL had her checkbook out & immediately put it back in her purse when she heard there was a donor. She said she'll pay whatever they (us) don't pay."
We're paying for all of it tomorrow. Out of love for MIL, but also BDE & pettiness at this point.
One last thing. SIL used a free obit service, Echovita, which I'm not mad at. But it was a stock obit that ChatGPT wrote. Echovita has that as a feature. I got on Echovita & wrote one my damn self, that was actually personalized.
End Vent
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mindblowingscience · 2 years
Rare and aggressive uterine cancers are rapidly rising in the United States, especially among people of color, and a new study suggests chemical straighteners might be partly to blame.
For almost 11 years, researchers at the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) followed 33,947 adults who had a uterus upon enrollment in the study. During this time, 378 uterine cancer cases were identified.
Those who had used a chemical straightening product more than four times in the 12 months prior to being surveyed were 155 percent more likely to later be diagnosed with uterine cancer, compared with those who had never received a straightening treatment.
To put it in perspective, those who never used hair straightening products would have a 1.64 percent chance of being diagnosed with uterine cancer by their 70th birthday. That number creeps up to 4.05 percent among those who frequently straighten their hair chemically – a still small, but appreciably higher risk.
Continue Reading.
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honeycombhank · 8 months
I’m scared.. I got all my girls out to hold them, then I noticed a smell and saw blood on my hand, then I took each girl back out of the rat robe to look them over.. Noot was bleeding from her privates.
The only other time I’ve seen this in my rats is when they have had uterine cancer.
I don’t have much money left to my name but I want to try my best to help her, and call the vet..
maybe it’s an infection and not cancer.. I hope she has a chance of getting better. I don’t know what will happen.
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youdonotcompare · 18 days
I've not been able to figure out why I've just not felt well enough to do very much (except to binge-play Fallout 76 and now Once Human, but I swear to fuck it's because I get to build bases/houses, which is the most fun thing ever--and we can blame The Sims for getting me into that obsession, thank you very much!!).
But, now I have answers at last.
And that answer is.... endometrial carcinoma. Which is a fancy way of saying uterine cancer.
Fuck cancer.
But, BUT, despite the abnormal bleeding events lasting 3 years, and then becoming especially bad in the past few months, I am very, very, very fucking fortunate that it is 'low grade' and that the surgeons believe it's most likely limited to the uterine lining!
So what's next? First, an MRI to do official "staging" and plotting the best path for the hysterectomy to follow. I knew a hysterectomy would happen anyway based on what they found, but I only found out today the "what" is cancer (again, fuck you cancer).
If all goes as expected (currently), then it will be: MRI, hysterectomy, and finally no more cancer.
Obviously things could change when they get in there. But, I am being optimistic and hopeful that the surgery will be the whole of it, and then I can get on with recovery and feeling more human than I've felt in recent times.
Anyway, I'm going to busy myself with my slow-but-in-progress plans of tidying up some fanfics I want to repost, and doing the equally as slow work on figuring what the fuck I'm doing with my original stories because a lot are blending together and I continually get myself confused - which is no help whatsoever lol
Also I really, really want to get back into gif making as I've been thinking of so many that I want to redo, and others that I've never done and figured could be fun. Mostly it's Sanrion AU's, Rachel/Joey and Rumbelle. And I'm fine with that, as they're my happy space right now!
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obsessiveshayme · 2 years
I know this probably won't go anywhere but it's worth a try.
I'm Shay. I have multiple sclerosis and my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer in November. She is not terminal but she is very sick. She has had to have a hysterectomy at 65 years old and she is undergoing chemo.
Both of us being sick is very expensive and hard. I am not able to work because I have to take care of her and we don't have anyone else that can do it. We only have each other and now we are both very ill. Please help if you can! We are in desperate need of money as we need to buy hats/scarves as she is starting to lose her hair due to the chemo.
My PayPal, if you would like to donate, is https://www.paypal.me/SharayaJ87 Thank you!!!
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I don't know if this is your department but what would happen if a complete hysterectomy was medically necessary (cancer) in the middle of puberty?
Hi Anon,
This is technically not my department - a patient undergoing this would be under the care of a gynecologic oncologist, and a fertility specialist will also probably be a part of the team.
That said, I can discuss the physiology of what would happen:
Uterine cancer in an adolescent is exceedingly rare, and a total hysterectomy would be a treatment only of last resort. The result of a hysterectomy is that the person would become unable to become pregnant.
If the uterus is taken but the ovaries are spared, the person would still go through puberty as normal, developing female secondary sex characteristics, but they would just never menstruate. They would still ovulate, and could theoretically produce a biological child using in vitro fertilization (when eggs are retrieved surgically and fertilized outside the body) and a surrogate to carry the pregnancy.
If both ovaries also had to be removed in addition to the uterus (exceedingly, very very, super rare), the young person would become permanently sterile (no more eggs), and need to receive estrogen hormone replacement therapy to ensure proper growth and health. Estrogen isn't just responsible for the menstrual cycle or for feminizing features - it's also important for bone and cardiovascular health.
For those who are wondering how rare this is:
The annual incidence (how many people per year get a thing) of gynecologic cancers in adolescents (age <18) is 6.7 per MILLION. Of those, 87.5% are of the ovary and only 2.5% are of the uterus. So, out of a MILLION adolescent AFABs, 5.6 people will get ovarian cancer, and 0.2 will get uterine cancer.
That's 2 out of 10 MILLION!
The good news is the survival rates for these cancers is very high!
(Source: Wohlmuth, C., & Wohlmuth-Wieser, I. (2021). Gynecologic Malignancies in Children and Adolescents: How Common is the Uncommon?. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(4), 722. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10040722)
If this is your situation, Anon, I am very sorry to hear about it. I wish you good health and excellent care!
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accras · 2 years
The rate of uterine cancer was 4.05 per cent in women who used straightening product four or more times a year, compared to 1.64 per cent in those who did not.
Scientists believe the chemicals in the creams seep into the bloodstream through the scalp and travel to the womb.
Uterine cancer accounts for about 3% of all new cancer cases but is the most common cancer of the female reproductive system, with 65,950 estimated new cases in 2022. Studies show that incidence rates of uterine cancer have been rising in the United States, particularly among Black women.
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sup3rqu33n · 8 months
So I have an IUD for the past 2 years…
It’s been helpful. I’ve been in remission for a year now, and it’s amazingly unstressful… but it’s not all perfect… and things have been off.
I don’t have periods anymore, but I do get these monthly days where I have lots of mucusy stuff. I call it my ghost period, because cramps too. So like there ya go.
I have the iud because of endometrial neoplasia. My oncologist said the options were taking out the uterus or putting the iud in, and other such things.
So I was trying to explain it to ai but she didn’t get it. She did help me feel a little better though.
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krissy25 · 2 years
When you have dreams aren’t they supposed to be happy?
5 years ago I was diagnosed with uterine cancer and they had to give me a partial hysterectomy. So now I can’t have children. Talk about the biggest blow to a woman that just wanted a family. The only good thing that came out of it is I’ve been cancer free since.
Anyway I had two different dreams last night. I was standing in my grandparents old kitchen (mind you the house that I remember has since burned) with my grandma & mom (who are both gone), my older sis and my younger sis, a family friend of ours and my aunt. Also there were 4 babies. Two little boys, about 2 years old, one had curly blonde hair with the biggest blue eyes (I didn’t see what the other boy looked like) and then two little girls with brown hair and brown eyes.
It crushed me to even dream something like that which caused anxiety and sadness when I woke up.
Then the 2nd dream didn’t help matters. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was little. Things happened in life which have prevented that. But anyways in the dream I was given supplies to decorate my classroom and I saw this little boy who was just the cutest kid being happy go lucky type of kid. And then I saw this little girl couldn’t be any older than 6 months.
If you ask me what these mean I have no idea. I just had to get it out of my system and ramble about them. All I know is, is it has messed with me mentally today. Thanks for listening to me ramble on about stupid dreams.
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hafwen · 2 years
MIL hadn't had a period in 10 years and all of a sudden she was getting spotting
First doctor she said it was a UTI?
She went to another one and they checked and it was pre-cancerous growths
Now she's getting a full hysterectomy and not uterine cancer
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staticespace · 3 days
A Warning About Post-Menopausal Bleeding
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Text Transcription:
I am a Family Doctor and I want to keep a promise made to a patient.
Julie was a healthy, post-menopausal woman in my care who came in for a periodic health examination. One of my routine questions, in what is called the "Review of Systems", was to ask if she had experienced any vaginal bleeding.
She said "No" but then laughed and added, "Other than when my period came back for a few months last year".
All health care professionals are taught early on that 'vaginal bleeding in a post-menopausal woman is Cancer of the Uterus until proven otherwise'. This comment by Julie was, therefore, a red flag (no pun intended) prompting further questions, an examination and an ultrasound of her pelvis.
Julie was surprised to see me so concerned, especially since the symptoms had not recurred over many months.
Sure enough, a pelvic ultrasound and tissue sampling confirmed Cancer of the Uterus.
Julie underwent a hysterectomy and radiation therapy. She is now healthy, cancer-free and is expected to stay that way.
After all this was done, Julie sat ME down for a talk. She told me she'd had no idea a 'short return' of her period after menopause was a danger signal. Furthermore, she addressed the topic with friends over coffee and discovered that, out of 20 women, NONE of them knew this symptom was abnormal! She admonished me to "Tell women this! Don't assume we know it!"
From that day on, I have kept Julie's advice in mind when talking with post-menopausal patients. But recently my wife suggested that I should take this to a wider audience.
So, Julie, this is for you:
If you are a post-menopausal woman and your period 'comes back' or you have even one episode of vaginal bleeding, TELL A HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL and insist on having it investigated!
Wishing you all good health and long lives.
— Sheila Toll on Facebook, posted September 2nd of an unknown year.
End Transcription.
I think this may also apply to people whose periods stopped earlier on, pre-menopause. So yeah, if the bleeding stops for years or something, but then 'comes back', you gotta check that out.
Be safe out here.
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I am writing this as an update, to my wife's cancer situation. She only has a few more treatments left. The chemo is taking toll however. But according to her doctors, she may very well beat the 18% survival chance. She very well may conquer this beast. And to all of you that donated and helped, I am eternally grateful. It's been rough, i got a job, i work now as a plasma processing technician in a plasma donation center. I work in a processing lab.
At any rate, I apologize for the lack of updates and the silence. It's just been a hellish few months.
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irfacilities · 16 days
Uterine Fibroid Embolization at IRFACILITIES is the best option to treat your fibroids without Surgery
Uterine fibroids have been traditionally treated by multiple methods of surgeries. One of the most common and most destructive method is hysterectomy, where the whole uterus is removed. This is an ancient method by all means, especially because if the uterus is giving trouble, they remove the uterus through abdominal incision. Surgeries are getting refined, but the baseline concept of removing the uterus is being propagated or being followed in almost all of them. Uterus can be removed trans-abdominally, trans-vaginally, laparoscopically, or sometimes only the fibroids are removed by the method called myomectomy. So, if we enlist these methods, the methods would be abdominal hysterectomy, vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopic hysterectomy, myomectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy, or robotic myomectomy or robotic hysterectomy. All these methods remove part of uterus or the whole uterus. Uterine fibroid embolization, in contrast, does not remove the uterus or even the fibroid. It just kills the fibroid by blocking its blood supply. Once the blood supply is blocked through a tiny pinprick in the groin, through which a small catheter is inserted into both uterine arteries and small particles called BVA particles are instilled into the uterine arteries to block the supply of fibroids which shrink. This is in contrast to the surgical concept, but it preserves the uterus and thus the womanhood.
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oncologistseemasingh · 2 months
What are the most common Risk Factors for Developing Breast Cancer? Breast cancer risk increases with age, family history, and genetic mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2. Long-term hormone replacement therapy, early menstruation, late menopause, and lifestyle factors such as being overweight, alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise also contribute to the risk. For a thorough understanding and preventive measures, consult the best surgical cancer doctor in Ghaziabad, Dr. Seema Singh.
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sparklecookiez · 2 months
I made a list of some basic necessities I need to help with some of the symptoms I've been dealing with due to the cancer like vitamins my doctor wants me taking and pain patches. If anyone is able to help me out that would be so greatly appreciated. 💗 and if you could share this post that would be helpful too.
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