#User Management with Audit Report
seozelenka · 5 months
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Windows User Management Application
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ourjobagency · 11 months
5 Essential Tips for Maintaining Top-Notch Salesforce Org Health
Introduction: Salesforce has become an indispensable tool for businesses to manage customer relationships, streamline operations, and drive growth. However, just like any other complex system, your Salesforce organization requires regular attention and care to ensure it remains efficient, effective, and aligned with your business objectives. 
In this blog, we'll explore five essential suggestions to maintain a top-notch Salesforce Org health, helping you get the most out of your investment.
Best Tips for Managing  Salesforce Org Health 
Regular Data Cleanup and Maintenance: A cluttered and disorganized Salesforce Org can lead to decreased user productivity, slower system performance, and inaccurate reporting. Regularly conduct data cleanup exercises to eliminate duplicate records, outdated information, and irrelevant data. Implement validation rules, workflows, and data governance processes to ensure that data entered into the system is accurate and consistent. Consider archiving or purging old records that are no longer needed, which can significantly improve system responsiveness.
Optimize User Training and Adoption: Even the most powerful tools are only as effective as the users who operate them. Invest in comprehensive user training programs to ensure that your team fully understands the features and functionalities of Salesforce. Regularly assess user adoption rates and address any issues or challenges they might face. Encourage the use of best practices and provide ongoing training as Salesforce releases updates and new features
Govern Customization and Configuration: Salesforce offers an array of customization options to tailor the platform to your specific business needs. While customization is valuable, an excessive amount can lead to complexity, slow performance, and difficulties during upgrades. Establish a clear governance framework for customization and configuration. This includes guidelines for when to use declarative tools (like Process Builder) versus custom code, as well as regular reviews of custom objects, fields, and processes to ensure they remain relevant and effective
Implement Robust Security Practices: Data security and privacy are paramount in today's business landscape. Regularly review and update your Salesforce security settings to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information. Implement strong password policies, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and role-based access controls to minimize the risk of data breaches. Regularly audit user permissions and deactivate accounts for employees who no longer require access to the system
Stay Informed About Salesforce Updates: Salesforce continuously releases updates, enhancements, and new features to improve the platform's functionality and security. It's crucial to stay informed about these updates and assess their potential impact on your organization. Create a process for reviewing and testing new releases in a sandbox environment before rolling them out to your production Org. This practice helps identify any potential compatibility issues with your existing customizations and allows for adjustments before affecting users.
Maintaining a top-notch Salesforce Org health requires a proactive approach that involves regular cleanup, user engagement, customization governance, security measures, and staying updated on platform developments. By following these five essential tips, your organization can ensure that Salesforce remains a powerful tool that contributes to your business success, helping you drive growth, streamline processes, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
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ashleywool · 7 months
For the last few days, I’ve been getting really into How To Dance In Ohio and, my goodness, I adore the cast EP and have watched and re-watched every YouTube video about it I can! But, from what I could find, there isn’t a Wiki page or anything like that with information about the characters! If you can, I would love to know some fun facts (maybe pronouns, likes, dislikes, whatever else!) about the seven lovely autistic people we follow in the show!
I’m hoping to see it sometime next year! 💛
Hey there!
The Wikipedia page does exist, although it's still pretty sparse as the show is still in previews and there are rules about what the updates are allowed to be. Everything has to be substantiated by a published article on an established platform or a first-person interview.
Here's the character breakdown from the Equity Principal Audition, with some of my own notes added for context. I've included some of the nicknames we've come up with for the characters also, some of which are canon.
Johanna: 40s-50s, she/her, powerful mezzo-soprano. Caroline’s mother, perky and positive, keeps a watchful eye over her daughter, artsy mom vibes. (Note: it's pronounced "yo-HAH-na.") Also known as: Jo-Jo (pronounced "yo-yo;" not canon) Currently: played by Darlesia Cearcy, and understudied by Marina Pires. (Note also: Darlesia's name is pronounced Dar-LEE-see-ah.) Fun fact: Darlesia isn't much of a public social media user, but when I looked her up on Twitter, this is the first thing that popped up, from her time in Shuffle Along. If I were her, I wouldn't even bother with a headshot and resume anymore, I'd just hand casting directors a copy of that tweet. It pretty much says it all.
Terry: 40s-50s, she/her, powerful mezzo-soprano. Jessica’s mother, patient, loves leopard print, gives her daughter lots of space, cool mom vibes. Also known as: Ter-Bear. (not canon) Currently: played by Haven Burton, and understudied by Marina Pires. Fun fact: Haven plays my mom but she's only seven years older than me in real life. Marina P is four years younger than me. Best of all: when we were premiering in Syracuse, this role was also covered by an SU junior (Elana Babbit). She didn't get to go on, but if she had, I would've had a mother who was almost half my age!
Michael: 40s-50s, he/him, mid to high tenor. Marideth’s father, blue-collar, doing his best, is anxious in new social settings. Also plays: "Derrick," a pharmacy technician employee at Columbus Community College, who has a brief interaction with Caroline (and may or may not be a murderer). Currently: played by Nick Gaswirth, and understudied by Martín Solá.
Amy: 40s-50s, she/her, soprano. Drew’s mother, cultured, a housewife with a master’s degree, adept at managing her husband and son’s needs. Also plays: Shauna Parks, a super hawtt reporter from the Columbus Gazette. Currently: played by Melina Kalomas and understudied by Marina Pires.
Kurt: 40s-50s, he/him, mid to high baritone. Drew’s father, white-collar, conservative, a bit formal, has high expectations for Drew. Also plays: Hawkins, Mel's manager at Paws and Claws Pet Shop, who's kind of a douchebag, and Rick Jenkins, a blogger (not a reporter) who has no idea how to write about disability with any shred of respect. Currently: played by Carlos L. Encinias--who calls his collection of roles "The Villain Track" though I assure you is an exquisitely kind and funny anti-villain in real life--and understudied by Martín Solá.
Dr. Emilio Amigo: to play 50s, he/him, high baritone, Cuban-American. A clinical psychologist, founder and director of Amigo Family Counseling, great at his job, charismatic, full of empathy, recently divorced, at a crossroads. Currently: played by Caesar Samayoa, and understudied by Martín Solá and Carlos L. Encinias.
Ashley Amigo: to play 22, she/her, mezzo-soprano with a strong mix, of Cuban-American. Amigo’s daughter, a dancer recovering from an injury, is at a crossroads. Currently: played by Cristina Sastre, and understudied by Marina Pires and Marina Jansen.
Drew: 18, he/him, mid to high tenor, autistic. He needs structure, a bit formal, knows a lot about electricity and electrical grids, is looking for deeper connections in life, possibly romantic, on track to go to his dream college. Also known as: Drewby (by his mom; canon) Currently: played by Liam Pearce and understudied by Collin Hancock, Jean Christian Barry, and Hunter Hollingsworth.
Marideth: 18, she/her, alto with a strong mix, autistic. Raised by a single dad, loves to research facts, hates shoelaces, doesn’t like to be touched, is anxious in new social settings. Also known as: Wolf (not canon) Currently: played by Madison Kopec, and understudied by Marina Jansen and Ayanna Nicole Thomas. Fun fact: Marideth isn't the first canonically autistic character originated by Madison Kopec. I first heard of them back in 2019 when they were cast as Emma in a reading of a new musical called Indigo, which eventually had its world premiere last summer in (funnily enough) Ohio.
Caroline: 19, she/her, soprano with a strong mix, autistic. Perky and positive, goes to community college, is best friends with Jessica but is obsessed with her boyfriend. Also known as: Menace (not canon) Currently: played by Amelia Fei, and understudied by Ayanna Nicole Thomas and Marina Jansen.
Jessica: 20, she/her, full-voiced mezzo-soprano, autistic. Wants to live on her own, loves fantasy but is surprisingly practical, has a flair for drama. Also known as: Rachel Berry (obviously not canon as that's copyright infringement) Currently: played by Ashley Wool (yours truly) and understudied by Ayanna Nicole Thomas and Marina Jansen. Fun fact: Lol. 20. That's adorable. I'm absolutely not 20.
Mel: 24, she/he/they, earthy alto, autistic. The oldest member of the group, a seeker into self-help and mindfulness, a natural leader, works at a pet shop. Also known as: Head of Reptiles (technically canon, but we also just like to imagine Mel as a mythical creature with a reptilian head) Currently: played by Imani Russell and understudied by Marina Jansen and Ayanna Nicole Thomas. Fun fact: way back in 2021, when they were casting the first reading of the show, my agent at the time submitted me for Mel--the character was initially conceived as a cis woman on the breakdown--but I had already gotten a callback for Jessica from my self-submission, and I had a gut feeling that there was somebody better out there for Mel. I couldn't have been more right--after Imani was cast, it was largely thanks to their creativity, insight and influence that Mel evolved into the distinctive non-binary icon (non-bicon?) we know and love today.
Remy: 18+ to play 16, he/she/they, mid to high tenor, autistic. Into cosplay, makes a How-To costume and makeup tutorial videos online. Currently: played by Desmond Luis Edwards, and understudied by Jean Christian Barry, Ayanna Nicole Thomas, and Hunter Hollingsworth. Fun fact: Dez's involvement in HTDIO is the ultimate "Cinderella story." In 2021, Jacob Yandura was running a summer camp in Florida, and Dez was a student there; upon finding out Dez was autistic, Jacob said, "hey, I think you'd be a good fit for this musical I'm writing." The first time I heard Dez sing at the rehearsals for the reading, I was like, "you're SEVENTEEN?! I quit." How many actors out there go from their third high school musical DIRECTLY to Broadway? Another fun fact: Dez created all the cosplay designs we used onstage in the Syracuse production. Check out his art account here!
Tommy: 22, he/him, mid to high baritone, autistic. Funny, self-conscious, studying to get his driver’s license. Currently: played by Conor Tague, and understudied by Hunter Hollingsworth, Collin Hancock, and Jean Christian Barry. Fun fact: In real life, Conor does not drive and is staunchly anti-driving.
Ok, I gotta shower and head to the theater for work notes, but I'll happily add more later!
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seepunkrun · 8 months
Notes from the Nov 12 OTW Public Board Meeting
Today's Agenda:
Decisions made since the last public board meeting
Welcome new Board members
Announce officer roles
Diversity update
Any other business
Decisions taken since last meeting:
Approved Finance requests
Approved new chairs for Fanlore, Support, and Strategic Planning
Granted preliminary approval for complaint management system
Created Twitter report for impersonation account
Approved new committee formation - Board Assistants Team
Approved new chairs for Board Assistants Team
Signed onto a letter opposing the Stop CSAM Act introduced in the US Senate
This meeting ran much more smoothly than the last due to the new rules and the way questions were handled. The first roll call showed 91 guests, and the last showed 88. Anh, as president, ran the meeting and got through the cut and paste business quickly, leaving 40 minutes for questions.
The diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) update was very brief but contained long awaited news:
We're delighted to announce that we've signed a contract with a consulting firm, who will be working with us on an organizational culture audit. (If you were wondering about the unlabeled $96,000 line item in the budget, this was it!) The consulting firm has already completed an initial survey and begun interviewing volunteers, and will continue this process over the next few weeks. DEI subject matter experts will be involved and consulted throughout the process. We are incredibly excited to work with them and make the OTW a better, more inclusive place!
Later, in response to my question asking for more details, Zixin said they would not be sharing information about the firm in order to protect them from possible harassment and that they don't have a sense of how many people at the firm will be working on this or for how long. They expect a preliminary report by the end of January 2024 and will give updates at the next public meeting.
Considering how long we've been waiting for progress on the DEI consultant, getting a report from them by January feels lightning fast, but history suggests the next Board meeting won't be until March, so it'll probably be a while before that information reaches us.
Also of note was the question of paid staff: Has the board been looking into hiring a volunteer to look into hiring paid staff? Is there a timeline for hiring paid staff?
Kathryn S responded:
We do have a timeline for Paid Staff Transition in our Strategic Planning 2023-2026: The Volunteers & Recruiting Committee has been working on finding an external HR firm for the organization for several months. There are two main goals behind for the OTW behind this initiative: • To help the OTW create a better environment for its volunteers by reviewing our current org-wide policies and procedures and creating new ones when needed; • To help the OTW transition from a fully volunteer-based organization to hiring our first employee. The committee has interviewed several firms, but the size and global scope of the OTW's volunteer and user bases make it a complicated project. They are still meeting with candidate firms and exploring potential alternatives.
I asked a follow up to this, a request for an update on the search for a Paid Staff Transition Officer, but it did not make it before the Board during the relevant conversation, or in the meeting at all. I used the double arm (o//) to indicate it was a follow up question, but it still depended on votes to get in front of them, which feels like a flaw in the system, but I'll get an answer eventually, see below.
People asked a lot of good questions, and we got answers for the promised ten, even though it made the meeting run about twenty minutes longer than its scheduled hour. Some of the topics covered: confidentiality policy for Board and the emergency procedures promised to volunteers; Finance investing OTW's money to avoid being solely dependent on donors; evaluation and improvement of the Constructive Corrective Action Procedure (CCAP procedure); progress on the ToS review; proposed subcommittee to handle complaints and conflicts within the OTW; complaint management system for volunteers.
If you'd like to learn more, I recommend joining the OTW Discord and reading back through the #public-board-meetings channel, which is pretty straightforward now that Board members are the only ones allowed to post there. If you've already joined, you can use this link to jump to the top of the Nov 12 meeting.
The meeting closed with the news that the Board is planning to release a high-level overview of their timeline that includes their goals for the 2023-2024 Board Year at the next public meeting.
The questions that didn't get answered during this meeting will be answered in the #questions-answers channel starting in two weeks. So expect those around November 26, when the Board will begin posting weekly Q&A threads.
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happigreens · 3 months
Fair Trade
By going beyond accreditation practices, consumers and companies can reach those at the bottom of the global social production ladder. Nonetheless, these efforts require purchasers to take personal responsibility for their impact, rather than relying solely on certifications. Simply by being more thoughtful and ethical in our sourcing practices, we have a huge opportunity to create brighter futures for all people and their families throughout the supply chain.
Despite many well-intentioned consumer attitudes, fair trade product markets frequently feature marketing strategies that conjure up imperialistic images [...]
[...] In products marked as fair trade, the certification might only apply to the product’s raw materials, rather than the full process of production. [...] A 2014 study theorizes that these practices are somewhat effective, “although on a comparatively modest scale relative to the size of national economies"
Social Media conversations about Fair Trade Practices:
[From user seriousxdelirium] - Like almost all other labels for coffee, it's absolutely useless. It only applies to growers large enough to afford the fees, and is not regulated well enough to make meaningful impact on the industry. If you really care about this sort of thing, do some research and develop an understanding of what you think a fair price is for farmers, and ask roasters what they paid for that coffee. Most good roasters are willing to be transparent about that sort of thing, and even publish transparency reports where you get a breakdown of the entire transaction.
From user Ramakrishna Surathu:
[...] Here are some reasons why fair trade may not always be as fair as it seems [...]
1. Market Access and Power Imbalances: Fair trade initiatives often focus on small-scale producers in developing countries, who may face challenges in accessing global markets and negotiating fair prices. Power imbalances within supply chains, influenced by factors such as geography, politics, and market dynamics, can limit the ability of producers to fully benefit from fair trade practices.
2. Certification Costs and Barriers: Obtaining fair trade certification can be costly and time-consuming for producers, particularly small-scale farmers and artisans with limited resources. Certification fees, auditing expenses, and compliance with standards may pose financial barriers and administrative burdens, leading some producers to forego certification altogether.
3. Limited Impact on Poverty Alleviation: While fair trade aims to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods, its impact may be limited by systemic barriers and structural inequalities. Addressing poverty requires broader social, economic, and political interventions beyond the scope of fair trade alone, such as access to education, healthcare, land rights, and infrastructure.
4. Market Volatility and Price Instability: Fair trade prices are often based on predetermined minimums, which may not fully reflect fluctuations in global market prices. Producers may be exposed to market volatility and fluctuations in demand, which can impact their income and livelihoods, particularly in commodity markets subject to price instability.
5. Complexity of Supply Chains: Fair trade supply chains can be complex and challenging to navigate, especially in regions with limited infrastructure and logistical challenges. Ensuring compliance with fair trade standards, maintaining transparency, and traceability throughout the supply chain can require significant investment in monitoring and management systems.
[...] Some manufacturers also use tricks. For example, some products do not explain exactly which part of a product was produced fairly. Another trick is to increase the percentage of "fair" ingredients by subtracting out the water content. The credibility is of course "fair watered".
[...] The statement here should not be that fair trade is useless, but one should always question things or understand them better and not just be blindly guided by seals in the purchase decision. Since this works so well, manufacturers like to use such seals or make one up themselves.
[...] rather than cutting out the middle man, and offering farmers a more direct compensation for their work, Fair Trade still facilitates a level of bureaucracy that supports an uneven distribution of revenue.
[...] The price point that separates Fair Trade produce from the rest of the market is often significant enough that lower-income households cannot afford to budget for it. This means that Fair Trade cannot reach mass markets in a way that would really effect wide-scale change, and instead serves as a token gesture to alleviate the guilt of middle-class consumers.
[...] [premium pricing coffee] is a worthy move if the coffee is of a high quality, but if it is not of sufficient quality to merit this price tag, then it risks turning consumers away from Fair Trade produce, and further impeding its reach to mass markets [...]
Fair Trade is a concept worth embracing, but first it must prioritize effective and transparent processes of production and distribution. What Fair Trade aims to achieve is admirable, but what it could potentially achieve is far greater [...]
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mbharatoff · 3 months
Top 5 Digital Marketing in 2024
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Some powerful tools are widely used in digital marketing. These are the most important tools in digital marketing and if you know or want to learn more check out this.
Google Analytics: A web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It provides valuable insights into website performance, user behaviour, and audience demographics.
Google Search Console: Formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, it's a free service provided by Google that helps webmasters monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot their site's presence in Google Search results. It provides data about search performance, index coverage, and more.
Mailchimp: An email marketing platform that allows users to design, send, and analyse email campaigns. It offers features such as email templates, audience segmentation, automation, and detailed analytics.
SEMrush: A comprehensive SEO tool that offers features for keyword research, backlink analysis, rank tracking, site auditing, and more. It helps businesses improve their online visibility and outrank competitors in search engine results.
Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords): Google's advertising platform that allows businesses to create and manage pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns. It enables advertisers to display ads on Google's search engine results pages (SERPs), YouTube, and partner websites within the Google Display Network.
These tools collectively cover a wide range of digital marketing needs, from website analytics and SEO to email marketing and online advertising. However, it's worth noting that the effectiveness of these tools can vary depending on factors such as your specific goals, target audience, and industry. Additionally, there are many other digital marketing tools available that cater to different aspects of online marketing, so it's essential to explore and experiment to find the ones that best suit your requirements and learn more.
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ingeniousscribblers · 6 months
The Essential Toolkit for Mastering SEO: A Guide to the Best SEO Tools
In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) stands as a cornerstone technique, essential for any business aiming to increase its online visibility. The right SEO strategy can drive traffic, boost rankings, and enhance the overall user experience. Central to implementing this strategy effectively are SEO tools, which come in various forms, each offering unique functionalities to cater to different aspects of SEO.
The Importance of SEO
SEO is no longer just an option for digital marketing; it's a necessity. It's about understanding what people are searching for online, the answers they seek, the words they use, and the type of content they wish to consume. Knowing the answers to these questions will allow you to connect to the people who are searching online for the solutions you offer.
Types of SEO Tools
Keyword Analysis Tools: These are foundational for any SEO strategy. They help identify the keywords and phrases most relevant to your business and most likely to attract the right kind of traffic.
Content Optimization Tools: These tools assist in making your content more effective by analyzing keyword density, suggesting relevant synonyms, and ensuring that content is optimized for search engines.
Technical SEO Tools: They delve into the more technical aspects of your website, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and site structure, which are crucial for improving search rankings.
Link Building Tools: These tools aid in identifying link-building opportunities and managing backlinks, which are vital for enhancing site authority and search rankings.
Local SEO Tools: Particularly important for local businesses, these tools help optimize your website for local search results, making it easier for nearby customers to find you.
SEO Analytics and Reporting Tools: These provide insights into your SEO campaigns' effectiveness, track search rankings, and understand user behavior on your site.
How SEO Tools Help Businesses
Improved Search Rankings: By identifying the right keywords and optimizing website content, SEO tools can significantly improve your search engine rankings.
Enhanced User Experience: Technical SEO tools help in optimizing website speed and mobile-friendliness, leading to a better user experience.
Data-Driven Decisions: Analytics tools offer detailed insights into user behavior, enabling businesses to make informed decisions.
Time and Cost Efficiency: Automated tools save time and resources, allowing businesses to focus on other critical aspects of their operations.
Examples of Free SEO Tools
Google Analytics: A comprehensive tool for monitoring website traffic and user behavior.
SEMrush: Offers a suite of tools for keyword research, site audits, and competitor analysis.
Ahrefs: Known for its advanced link analysis and keyword research capabilities.
Moz Pro: Offers tools for site audits, keyword research, and link building.
Yoast SEO: A popular WordPress plugin that helps optimize website content.
Embracing the right SEO tools is not just about improving your website’s search engine ranking; it’s about connecting with your target audience, understanding their needs, and delivering a solution that resonates. In a world where online visibility is synonymous with success, SEO tools are not just tools; they are vital cogs in the machinery of digital marketing.
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teamarcstechnologies · 7 months
Are you facing security challenges in Online Survey?
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Online surveys can face several security challenges, including:
Data Privacy: Ensuring the confidentiality of respondents' data is crucial. Unauthorized access to personal information collected in surveys can lead to privacy breaches.
Data Integrity: Maintaining the accuracy and consistency of survey data is essential. Malicious actors might attempt to manipulate or corrupt data, impacting the reliability of survey results.
Survey Fraud: Individuals may attempt to manipulate survey results by providing false information or submitting multiple responses (known as ballot stuffing), compromising the survey's integrity.
Phishing Attacks: Fraudulent emails or survey links may be used to trick respondents into providing sensitive information or downloading malware.
DDoS Attacks: Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks can disrupt survey platforms by overwhelming servers with excessive traffic, causing downtime and hindering survey completion.
To address these challenges, survey administrators often implement various security measures:
Encryption: Utilizing encryption techniques to protect data transmission and storage.
Authentication: Requiring user authentication to prevent unauthorized access to surveys and data.
Firewalls and Anti-Malware: Employing security software and firewalls to mitigate the risk of cyber threats.
Captchas and IP Blocking: Implementing measures to prevent automated responses and restrict multiple submissions from the same IP address.
Anonymity and Confidentiality: Ensuring respondents' anonymity and safeguarding their sensitive information.
Regular Security Audits: Conducting periodic security audits to identify vulnerabilities and enhance overall security.
While these measures can mitigate risks, no system is entirely immune to security threats. Survey administrators must stay vigilant, update security protocols regularly, and adhere to best practices to protect the integrity and privacy of survey data.
To know more:
online market research platform
fraud prevention solution
fraud detection and reporting tool
Online Project Management Platform
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nikolasperrault · 1 year
Xavors Agile Multi-Factor Authentication Solution
Xavor’s Agile Multi-Factor Authentication Solution https://www.xavor.com/blog/xavors-agile-multi-factor-authentication-solution/ Multi-factor authentication (MFA) software is a simple and effective way to ensure the users accessing your systems are who they say they are. Xavor’s Agile Multi-Factor Authentication solution allows you to introduce another layer of security when accessing Agile. When users attempt to log into Agile PLM, they are asked for an access code. The access code is then sent to the email address registered with their Agile account. Seamless integration with existing and future Agile users removes the burden on IT for managing user accounts. Integration with existing third-party MFA providers can be done seamlessly with Xavor’s Agile Multi-Factor Authentication solution. Here are some of the benefits and features of our MFA solution. Benefits and Features Agile doesn’t provide MFA out of the box. Xavor’s Agile Multi-Factor Authentication solution fulfills the need of enterprises to secure their access to Agile PLM with an additional security layer. Already registered email addresses in Agile are used to enable MFA—no need for setting up a new user profile. You have the option to skip the MFA for certain users or user groups. Advanced filtering based on some pre-existing information in Agile allows more granular control over prompts for MFA. Customizable duration of the access code expiry. Customizable text and error messages for login and MFA prompts. Integration with third-party MFA providers like DUO allows you to use existing solutions with Agile. Auditing and reporting functionality makes it easy to meet stringent compliance requirements. Administrators can report on authentication attempts and user activity. The Admin Panel allows administrators to exclude or include specific users. It also allows you to finetune the messages and timeouts for MFA. Supported for Agile9.3.4+ System Requirements Tomcat Version: 8.5 or above Agile Version: 9.3.4 or above Database Version: All versions compatible with Agile 9.3.4 – 9.3.6 Are you looking to enhance your Agile PLM with an incredible Agile Multi-Factor Authentication Solution? Drop us a line today at [email protected] to learn more about how Xavor’s Agile MFA solution meets your business needs. via Xavor Corporation https://www.xavor.com/ April 04, 2023 at 03:07AM
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seozelenka · 5 months
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Zelenka BTR - Backup-Truncate-Restore india
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m2iconsulting · 10 months
 Importance of Internal Audits
Internal audits are essential for assessing an organization's operations, identifying risks, ensuring compliance with regulations, and improving overall efficiency. They provide insights into financial, operational, and compliance-related aspects of your business.
Why Use Software for Internal Audits?
Efficiency: Software automates many audit processes, reducing the time and effort required to conduct audits.
Accuracy: Manual audits can be error-prone. Audit software helps ensure accuracy in data collection and analysis.
Consistency: Software enforces consistent audit procedures and documentation across your organization.
Real-time Reporting: With audit software, you can generate real-time reports, making it easier to track progress and address issues promptly.
Data Security: Audit software enhances data security, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.
Top Software Solutions for Internal Audits
ACL GRC: ACL GRC offers a comprehensive solution for internal audits, including risk assessment, data analysis, and reporting. It's known for its user-friendly interface and robust analytics.
TeamMate+: TeamMate+ is a widely used audit management software that streamlines the entire audit process, from planning to reporting. It offers customizable templates and powerful reporting tools.
AuditBoard: AuditBoard is a cloud-based platform that provides tools for risk assessment, audit management, and compliance. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible to auditors at all levels.
Wolters Kluwer TeamMate Analytics: This software focuses on data analytics, helping auditors identify trends and anomalies in data. It integrates seamlessly with other audit management systems.
SAP Audit Management: If your organization uses SAP, their Audit Management software is a natural choice. It offers a unified platform for audit planning, execution, and reporting.
In today's fast-paced business environment, efficient and accurate internal audits are crucial for staying competitive and compliant. Investing in audit software can streamline your audit processes, improve accuracy, and provide valuable insights for decision-making. Evaluate your organization's needs and explore the options mentioned above to find the best software for doing internal audits that align with your goals and objectives.
For more details - https://m2iconsulting.com/blog-detail.php?name=Software%20for%20Doing%20Internal%20Audit&id=64
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shantitechnology · 10 months
Top 10 ERP Software for Engineering Industry
In the contemporary and dynamic commercial environment, the engineering sector in India is confronted with a diverse range of obstacles, including intense competition, increasing client expectations, intricate project administration, and resource allocation optimisation.  In the contemporary era of technology, the utilisation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has become an essential and irreplaceable instrument for engineering firms aiming to optimise their operational processes, improve productivity, and foster long-term and sustainable expansion.  Boost your engineering company's efficiency with cutting-edge ERP software – STERP software offered by STERP (Shanti Technology) – one of the most trusted firms offering ERP software for engineering companies in Mumbai.  Take the first step towards success today with STERP!
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This blog article offers a comprehensive examination of the ten leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software packages specifically designed to cater to the distinct requirements of the engineering sector in India.  The aim is to assist organisations in making well-informed choices that will contribute to their future success.
·         STERP Software:
STERP Software is a cutting-edge ERP solution offering an array of features to streamline business operations.  It excels in location tracking, task management, and mobile user visit reports.  Additionally, it enables seamless tracking of finished goods progress and efficient document management.  ISO audit reports and vendor ratings ensure compliance and supplier assessment.  The dynamic dashboard provides real-time insights, while multi-currency support facilitates global transactions. 
The export documents feature simplifies international trade, and auto-email & SMS integration enhances communication.  Quotation lost analysis ratio aids in optimizing sales strategies.  Depreciation calculation and auto JV streamline accounting.  Moreover, it's Android & iOS mobile app enables easy on-the-go access, including component process tracking.
·         Tally.ERP 9:
Tally.ERP 9 is a highly renowned and extensively utilised enterprise resource planning (ERP) software in India, serving a diverse range of businesses, including engineering enterprises, irrespective of their scale or magnitude.  Tally.ERP 9 offers comprehensive financial management, inventory control, and taxation modules that enable engineering organisations to adhere to Indian accounting rules and effectively handle financial data management.
·         Oracle NetSuite:
Oracle NetSuite is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that offers a cohesive platform, encompassing ERP, customer relationship management (CRM), and electronic commerce (eCommerce) capabilities.  The software's adaptability and capacity to accommodate the needs of engineering businesses of varying sizes in India allow for the optimisation of operations and the acquisition of significant knowledge regarding their business procedures.
·         Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP:
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a multifaceted enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that encompasses several functionalities like financial management, supply chain operations, and project accounting.  By incorporating localization capabilities specifically designed for India, the software enables engineering organisations to effectively streamline their processes, adhere to regulatory standards, and improve overall client satisfaction.
·         Ramco ERP:
The Ramco ERP system has been specifically developed to cater to the distinct needs and demands of the engineering sector within the Indian market.  The inclusion of modules pertaining to project management, asset management, and production planning facilitates the attainment of operational excellence and the stimulation of growth within engineering enterprises. 
Empower your engineering firm with advanced ERP tools offered by STERP – one of the renowned ERP solution providers in Mumbai.  Get a free consultation to discover how!
·         EPPS ERP:
The EPPS ERP is a software solution originating from India that has been specifically designed to cater to the needs of the engineering industry.  The EPPS ERP system offers a comprehensive range of modules that encompass several aspects of project management, including project planning, procurement, and quality control.  By leveraging these modules, firms can effectively streamline their project management processes while upholding stringent quality standards.
·         Marg ERP 9+:
Marg ERP 9+ is widely favoured among small and medium-sized engineering enterprises in India.  The programme provides a wide range of capabilities, encompassing inventory management, order processing, and adherence to GST legislation, so facilitating operational efficiency and ensuring compliance with local legal requirements for enterprises.
·         Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine):
Infor CloudSuite Industrial, previously recognised as SyteLine, is a comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that specifically caters to the needs of process manufacturing and job shop industries.  Its suitability for engineering firms in India lies in its ability to effectively manage different production requirements.
·         Focus i:
Focus i is an ERP software that has been designed in India specifically to address the distinct requirements of the engineering industry in the country.  Focus i is a software solution that offers several functionalities, including project management, production planning, and HR management.  This comprehensive suite of tools enables engineering organisations to enhance their operational efficiency and financial performance.
Optimize your engineering projects and increase profitability.  Get ERP solutions offered by top ERP for manufacturing company in Mumbai – STERP (Shanti Technology).
·         Reach ERP:
Reach ERP is a nascent participant in the Indian enterprise resource planning (ERP) industry, specifically tailored to cater to the needs of small and medium-sized engineering enterprises.  The cloud-based design of this system, in conjunction with its various capabilities such as inventory control, order management, and financial accounting, facilitates efficient operational administration for organisations.
Final Thoughts:
The pursuit of efficiency, innovation, and sustainable growth holds significant importance in India's engineering business.  The adoption of digital transformation within the industry has led to the recognition of ERP software as a crucial facilitator.  This software plays a significant role in assisting engineering companies in optimising their operations, enhancing the efficient allocation of resources, and ultimately improving customer satisfaction.  The aforementioned list comprises the top 10 enterprise resource planning (ERP) software systems that are tailored to address the unique requirements of the engineering sector in India.  These software solutions offer a wide range of comprehensive features and functionalities, specifically designed to effectively address the many difficulties and opportunities prevalent in the market.
When making a decision on the choice of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, engineering businesses should take into account many variables like scalability, localization capabilities, simplicity of integration, and vendor support.  Gain a competitive edge in Mumbai's engineering sector - Implement effective ERP solution offered by STERP (Shanti Technology) – one of the distinct ERP software providers in Mumbai!  The use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology represents a strategic decision that holds the potential to bring about dramatic changes within the engineering industry in India.
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gmtasoftware · 1 year
Securing Your Mobile App: Best Practices for Data Protection
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In today’s digitally connected world, mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. From social media to online banking, we rely on mobile apps to access various services and manage sensitive information. However, with the increasing reliance on mobile apps, the need for robust data protection measures has become paramount. This blog will explore best practices for securing your mobile app and ensuring the protection of user data.
One of the fundamental steps in securing your mobile app is implementing encryption techniques. Encryption ensures that data transmitted between the app and the server is transformed into a coded form, making it unreadable to unauthorized parties. Utilize strong encryption algorithms, such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), to protect sensitive user information like passwords, financial details, and personal data. Additionally, consider implementing end-to-end encryption to safeguard data even if it’s intercepted during transmission.
2. Secure Authentication:
Implementing strong authentication mechanisms is vital to protect user accounts from unauthorized access. Encourage the use of complex passwords and provide guidance on creating strong passwords during the registration process. Consider implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) or biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, to add an extra layer of security. Regularly validate and update authentication protocols to address emerging security vulnerabilities.
3. Secure Data Storage:
Properly managing and securing data storage within your mobile app is crucial. Avoid storing sensitive information on the device unless necessary, and when required, utilize secure storage mechanisms provided by the operating system or utilize encryption techniques to protect the data. Ensure that the app’s data storage is adequately protected against unauthorized access or tampering, both locally on the device and on the server.
4. Secure Network Communication:
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Mobile apps rely on network communication to exchange data with servers or APIs. It’s essential to ensure that this communication is secure. Use secure communication protocols such as HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) to encrypt data transmitted over the network. Avoid transmitting sensitive information through insecure channels, such as unsecured Wi-Fi networks, and implement certificate pinning to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
5. Regular Updates and Security Patches:
Keeping your mobile app up to date with the latest security patches and fixes is crucial for maintaining a secure environment. Regularly release updates to address any identified security vulnerabilities or weaknesses. Promptly address security-related issues reported by users or security researchers and provide timely patches to mitigate potential risks. Establish a process for monitoring and staying informed about the latest security practices and threats.
6. Secure Code Development:
Developing secure code is essential for building a robust mobile app. Adhere to secure coding practices and guidelines provided by the platform and framework you are using. Regularly conduct code reviews and security audits to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities. Utilize automated tools for vulnerability scanning and penetration testing to detect security flaws in your app’s codebase.
7. User Privacy and Consent:
Respect user privacy and adhere to data protection regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). Clearly communicate your app’s data collection and usage practices to users through a comprehensive privacy policy. Obtain explicit consent from users before accessing and storing their personal information. Allow users to manage their privacy settings within the app, giving them control over their data.
Securing your mobile app is not just a legal requirement but also a responsibility to protect your users’ sensitive data. By implementing strong encryption, secure authentication mechanisms, and following best practices in code development, you can create a safer environment for your users. Regular updates and a privacy-centric approach will help instill trust and confidence in your app. By prioritizing data protection, you contribute to a safer mobile app ecosystem and foster long-term user satisfaction.
Remember, data protection is an ongoing process, and staying vigilant against emerging threats and security practices is vital in this ever-evolving digital landscape.
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aggrandizeven · 1 year
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Freight Forwarding Software vs. Transportation Management Systems: What's the Difference
Transporting goods across the supply chain can be a complex process that requires careful planning and coordination. To help businesses manage their freight operations, there are two primary software solutions available: transportation management systems (TMS) and freight forwarding software. While these two solutions may seem similar, there are key differences between them that businesses should understand when selecting the right tool for their needs.
Transportation Management Systems (TMS)
A TMS is a software category that focuses on optimizing the physical movement of goods by road, rail, air, or sea. It helps businesses manage their transportation networks by automating tasks like route planning, shipment tracking, carrier selection, and freight audit and payment. TMS software can provide real-time visibility into shipment status, which helps businesses make better decisions and improve their supply chain efficiency.
TMS software is used by two primary user groups: shippers, manufacturers, and distributors, and third-party logistics providers (3PLs). Shippers and manufacturers typically use TMS to manage their inbound and outbound transportation needs, while 3PLs use TMS to provide transportation management services to their customers.
One of the main benefits of TMS software is that it provides shippers and 3PLs with a centralized platform to manage their transportation operations. This allows them to streamline their processes and optimize their transportation networks for maximum efficiency. By automating tasks like route planning and carrier selection, TMS software can also help businesses reduce costs and improve delivery times.
Freight Forwarding Software
Freight forwarding software is a comprehensive solution that enables businesses to manage all aspects of their freight operations in one digital platform. It helps businesses organize and store data, process orders, track shipments, optimize delivery routes, and generate custom reports. With the right freight management system, businesses can reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction levels, and maximize profitability.
Freight forwarding software typically includes features like quote management, carrier selection, shipment tracking, and invoicing. It can also help businesses stay compliant with regulations and industry standards, such as Customs regulations and Incoterms.
Freight forwarding software is particularly useful for businesses that rely on 3PLs to manage their shipping needs. By using a single platform, businesses can ensure that all their freight operations are centralized, which can improve communication and collaboration between different parties in the supply chain. It can also help businesses reduce errors and improve data accuracy by eliminating the need for manual data entry.
Differences Between TMS and Freight Forwarding Software
While both TMS and freight forwarding software are designed to help businesses manage their freight operations, there are key differences between them. The primary difference is their scope: TMS software is focused on optimizing transportation operations, while freight forwarding software is designed to manage all aspects of freight operations, including transportation, warehousing, and inventory management.
Another key difference is their user base. TMS software is used by both shippers and 3PLs, while freight forwarding software is primarily used by 3PLs. This is because freight forwarding software is designed to help 3PLs manage multiple customers and their freight operations, while TMS software is more focused on helping businesses manage their own transportation networks.
In conclusion, businesses that need to move goods across the supply chain have two primary software solutions available: transportation management systems and freight forwarding software. While both solutions are designed to help businesses manage their freight operations, they have different scopes and user bases. Understanding these differences can help businesses select the right tool for their unique needs, whether they need to optimize their transportation operations or manage all aspects of their freight operations.
When selecting a software solution, businesses should consider factors like their current processes, their specific needs, and their budget. They should also look for a solution that is user-friendly and easy to integrate with their existing systems. By choosing the right software solution
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What is a Sitecore Audit?
A Sitecore audit is a comprehensive analysis of a website that is built using the Sitecore content management system (CMS). The purpose of a Sitecore audit is to identify any technical or functional issues with the website and to make recommendations for improvements and optimizations. During a Sitecore audit, a team of experts will review the website's code, architecture, and configuration. They will also evaluate the website's performance, security, and user experience. They will examine the website's analytics and tracking, and assess the effectiveness of the website's search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. The Sitecore audit team will also review the website's content, including the organization and structure of the content, as well as the quality and relevance of the content. They will evaluate the website's use of Sitecore's built-in features and functionalities, such as personalization and multilingual support. Based on their findings, the Sitecore audit team will provide a detailed report that includes recommendations for improvements and optimizations. These recommendations may include updates to the website's code, architecture, and configuration, as well as suggestions for improving the website's performance, security, user experience, and SEO. Additionally, the report will also include recommendations for improving the website's content, and suggestions for taking advantage of Sitecore's built-in features and functionalities. Overall, a Sitecore audit is a valuable tool for identifying and addressing issues with a Sitecore-based website, and for maximizing the website's potential to achieve its business goals. Sourceved Technologies Pvt Ltd is a leading Sitecore Development Company with extensive experience in CMS-based Solution Development Services. Hire Sitecore Developers highly skilled and experienced through Sourceved.
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seozelenka · 5 months
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Windows User Management Application india
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