#United States Steel
goshyesvintageads · 1 year
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U.S. Steel, 1946
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iww-gnv · 1 year
A bidding war for U.S. Steel is heating up and one player in particular holds enormous sway: the steelworkers union. The big picture: Strong provisions in the union's contract give it a surprising amount of power to influence who buys the iconic American company. Catch up fast: Last week, U.S. Steel rejected a $7.25 billion cash-and-stock takeover offer from competitor Cleveland-Cliffs, a producer that, like U.S. Steel, has been around for more than 100 years. U.S. Steel instead kicked off a review of "strategic alternatives" — that's deal-speak for a formal auction process — saying it had received multiple unsolicited proposals. Esmark, a privately held company involved in the steel and oil and gas industries, said it too had made an offer, at $7.8 billion all-cash. Esmark is a nonunion shop. ArcelorMittal, the second-largest steelmaker in the world, is also reportedly considering a bid. State of play: Under its contract with U.S. Steel, the United Steelworkers union has a right to bid for the company if it's in play, which it now is. But instead of the union making an offer to buy U.S. Steel, it transferred its rights to Cleveland-Cliffs, a company whose employees are also represented by the USW.
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stone-cold-groove · 2 years
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The softest thing you can sleep on is steel!
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militarymenrbomb · 3 months
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I'd love to run my old hands over that washboard!
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dingostrash · 8 months
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Jojo part 7 save me.....
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dc3south27 · 1 month
Why Funny Valentine would make the best US president a post.
⚠️ This post contains spoilers for part 7 of JoJos bizzare adventure ⚠️
Funny Valentine would make the best US president if he was real. I will prove my claim using irrefutable evidence I have carefully collected and coagulated into this very text.
Part 1: Love for his country
Funny Valentine throughout steel ball run is shown to be a lover of the United States. He only wants the best for his republic and is willing to go to extreme measures for what he sees as vital to the success of his nation no matter the risk.
Funny Valentine goes through the trouble of setting up an expensive race costing millions of dollars of which 1.5 million USD is given as a prise to the victors (which is 1.5 million USD in 1890 adjusted for inflation)
However many forget that the Steel Ball Run Race expenses were not only it's prise money but also the extensive amount of resources needed to carry out the six month long journey across an entire continent. This is an unfathomable amount of money far exceeding the prise money by an amount I don't even think I have the time to calculate.
But do you know who did have time to calculate the race funds? That's right, the Valentine administration. Yes other parties were involved however the race was also funded by the US government. This task requires hours upon hours of time effort and dedication to prepare. Something most if not all other politicians would never think of doing.
The race brought tourism to the growing US economy. It was a monumental success not just on a national level but also an international level.
Valentine is very vocal about his love for his nation and he will do anything to see his nation flourish.
"As President, it is my sworn duty! In this world, to guarantee the safety of the people of my country. That is what it all comes down to!"
Valentine says this quote as he is in the middle of a fight to the death with a gay Italian cowboy. I highly doubt that any other US president would ever consider fighting a gay Italian cowboy to the death in order to guarantee the safety of his nation. His dedication truly is something we should all admire.
Part 2: Outlook on the world
Funny Valentine is a man of consistency. He is always wearing the same outfit. His coat, pants, shirt and gloves are formal and stylish. His image is unforgettable. His iconic pink coat matched with his lush curled hair gives him the fruity look we need from a president.
Funny Valentine will always take the napkin first. He acts first and has others follow suit. This is an admirable trait. Can you name any other president that is or has taken swift action to benefit their country. No, only president Valentine has the guts to act first. He isn't slow and he isn't a fool. He is a man of action.
Valentine is often seen overlooking situations silently observing. He is planning and cunning. All of his moves are calculated and carried out with pin point precision. He takes the time he needs to ponder and think. Yet he is never indecisive. His philosophy can guide his nation to the prosperous society it deserves.
Part 3: A man of the people
Funny Valentine is a charismatic and charming leader. His ability to stir up a crowd and influence those around him in a positive way are unmatched by all other political leaders past and present.
He is excellent at violinist. He enjoys parties and drinks. He understands the layman. He himself suffered through war and torture at a young age. Yet he never regretted any of it. He understands everyone and their needs. And that's why he would do anything to serve his nation.
"I have feelings of patriotism. Every action I have performed was because I judged it to be absolutely necessary for this country's sake."
He would do anything for his nation. Even going out of his way to fight a gay cowboy from Kentucky and his gay Italian boyfriend.
Thank you for reading! Just to clarify this entire post is a joke I don't actually believe this I just thought it would be a funny idea for a post.
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schlock-luster-video · 2 months
On August 13, 2002, Ed Wood was released on DVD in the United States.
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speedbird1987 · 4 days
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So far so good. I added some details to all characters with their Uniforms prior to their appearance in the series. The latest one that I did was earlier prior to my summer holiday break. I also fixed up the Fire Axe, Flashlight (Torch), and Fire Hose. In case anyone forgot, The list of each character with their Respective Uniform is here.
Station Officer Norris Steele: Pontypandy Fire Service (1987-1994)
Firefighter Elvis Cridlington: Pontypandy Fire Service (2003-2007)
Fireman Sam: Pontypandy Fire Service (2008-2015)
Firefighter Penny Morris: Pontypandy Fire Service (2015-2022)
Pilot Officer Tom Thomas: Royal Australian Air Force (Flight Suit)
Petty Officer 1st Class Ben Hooper: United States Coast Guard (Rescue Swimmer Dry Suit)
Firefighter Arnold McKinley: Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (Ballyclare EN469 Turnout)
Firefighter Ellie Phillips: London Fire Brigade (Ergotech Action) (2010-2018)
Police Constable Malcolm Williams: Metropolitan Police (Motorbike Patrol)
Sergeant Rose Ravani: South Wales Police/Heddlu de Cymru (Mounted Police Unit)
Pilot Krystyna Kaminski: Pontypandy Fire Service (Air Rescue/Air Support) (2022-present)
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harriswalz4usabybr · 1 month
Speech Vice President Harris gave in Buffalo, NY!
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superbmaterials · 3 months
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China Alloy Steel, Alloy Steel, wholesale Alloy Steel, Alloy Steel manufacturers stainless steel manufacturers, stainless steel suppliers, stainless steel factory, China stainless steel price, Chinese suppliers https://superbmaterials.com/
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iww-gnv · 1 year
United States Steel said any potential purchaser of the company or its assets would need to recognize the United Steelworkers as the representative of the company's employees. In a letter to employees that was disclosed in a securities filing, Chief Executive David Burritt said any potential purchaser would also need to assume the terms of the existing labor agreement with the union. A potential buyer would need to agree to any other agreements at the acquired plants.
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im going to keep it real with you. out of context tlt lore is nothing when you've been a JoJo's bizarre adventure fan
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selenestarmoon · 2 years
Emperor Belos and Funny Valentine: The Lie and Toxicity of White Savior Complex
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It may seem strange what I'm going to comment but Belos shares some similarities with Funny Valentine from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run in the sense that both are a satire of radicalized white supremacists, genocidal colonizers.
Even if we look at it from a historical point of view, Valentine's ideal (Americans superior to other cultures) is clearly the evolution of Belos's ideals for modern times (pure humans superior to native savages and heretics).
Both were heavily influenced by their upbringing, young Phillip being in an environment of anti-witch frenzy, while young Valentine was told from early on that above all else stands patriotism, that the only pure righteous action one can take is born from the love of one's country and they follow these ideals because a loved one inspired them (Caleb and Valentine's father) to the point that Belos and Valentine see it as a way to bond with said loved one as well as that they both feel that they should live by the ideals or values of their respective loved ones but as time goes by they genuinely believe in these values regardless of what Caleb or Valentine's father genuinely believed in those values so Belos and Valentine never question these values to the point of wanting and seeing themselves as heroes or marthyrs for what they think is a noble cause.
Beneath what appears to be a feeling of wanting to do good for their people lies a distorted feeling of love that they both have and firmly believe is normal and/or good:
Valentine sees his patriotism as an extension of love for family and friends and he becomes a soldier and later the president to protect the United States.
Belos became a witch hunter to fit in in Gravesfield and protect his family and town from witches and aspires to be Witch Hunter General.
This is because Belos and Valentine don't love Caleb and Valentine's father but love the idealized versions of them that they both had in their heads. Belos saw that Caleb left with Evelyn and believed that she manipulated him into abandoning him when clearly Caleb left of his own free will and was happy with her and Valentine never got to know his father, he only knew what others had said about him.
What I'm getting at with this is that at first they both followed their ideals because they believed they were doing something good, but as time went by those ideals were flawed (and most likely Caleb and Valentine's father knew it or at least they suspected it) but Belos and Valentine continued to cling to those ideals to a toxic degree because it gave them power, control, benefits and justification of their nefarious actions to the point of developing a desire for personal satisfaction of being remembered as heroes by showing that they are better than others for being the chosen ones (Valentine wanting to become the best and greatest president of the United States of America and Belos by wanting to become the best and greatest Witch Hunter General). This can be seen by the simple fact that they saw themselves as the chosen ones because they believe that they are the only ones that can save their people (Valentine sees himself as the only one who can take the corpse and bring prosperity and security to his country and Belos is seen as the only one who can protect humans from witches).
Later they both become politicians in order to achieve their goals:
Valentine wanted to use the saint corpse to bring good fortune to the United States at the cost of ruining other countries and total chaos and killing innocents and Belos wanted to protect humanity by committing genocide to the inhabitants of the Boiling Islands, except that Valentine became the president of the country he loved the most and Belos became the Emperor of the place he hated the most.
Belos and Valentine hurt their own citizens or fellow (fellow humans for Belos, fellow americans for Valentine) they claimed to protect and they manipulated everyone in the process thanks to their charisma, everyone admired and respected them to such an extent that they manipulated the protagonist at one point in the story and even manipulated the audience into believing that they are selfless heroes.
Valentine and Belos say they want to make things better for their respective nations but they follow an ideology that hurts the marginalized and don't seek to improve their situation (in Valentine's system black people are still treated as slaves and the natives continue to be massacred and their lands are stolen. The system Belos supports excludes all those who don't fit his impossible standards of virtue like Luz or Caleb).
An important aspect that Belos and Valentine have is that they both support colonialism:
At the time Valentine is president the native american population was being exterminated and Valentine does nothing to stop that. That it's so true that there are some natives like Sandman, who learns the culture of the Americans and signs up for the Steel Ball Run in hopes of winning the prize money to buy his people's land for the white men to leave them in peace.
Before Belos came, the people of the Boiling Islands were more connected with nature, they could use magic freely and they were kinder but when Belos comes and establishes his system, those who did things before Belos came are branded as wild witches and are imprisoned at best or petrified at worst, in addition to the fact that the inhabitants are more discriminatory and unsympathetic than before.
All of the above regarding the idealization of their flawed ideals is that Belos and Valentine refuse to change or at least have a reflection on these ideals because as I said before that gives them power and they justify it by saying that they are doing something good for their people and being the choosen ones to do that. The Owl House and Steel Ball Run waste no time in showing that all this makes Belos and Valentine had a feeling of colonialist white supremacist superiority.
It is most likely that Belos was taught as a young man that the Native Americans are savages and that the only ones who could "fix" said natives were colonists like him. At the time of Steel Ball Run, the Native American population is still being eradicated and their lands stolen, and it is most likely that Valentine has been taught the same thing as Belos regarding the "savage" natives. And even their plans consist of expanding this genocide with other cultures that don't adhere to their ideals of what a human/American should be like.
The aspect of colonialism reaches the point that Belos and Valentine use the corpse of a long-dead person praised by the land they rule (Jesus Christ and the Titan respectively) as part of their plans regarding their nation. They claim that they're chose them to carry out their actions.
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When actually that's not true:
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Luz and Johnny are selfish, immature and have a lot of traumas, contrary to how Belos and Valentine paint themselves but even so Jesus Christ and the Titan choose to help Luz and Johnny throughout their stories for the simple fact that Luz and Johnny choose to mature and improve as people which makes Luz and Johnny choose to accept the help while Belos and Valentine appropriate the bodies of the Titan and Jesus Christ as if they were their possessions and take the choosen one role by force and at the end of their stories they take literal possession of the Titan and Jesus Christ's bodies.
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Also, Valentine and Belos have a disturbing fixation on two 14-year-old girls with similar names who ended up helping them without wanting it (Lucy Steel and Luz Noceda) and the fact that both girls have helped them makes Belos and Valentine see this as a sign that their actions are just and right. The way Belos and Valentine see Luz and Lucy is almost, if not completely, misogynistic as they relegate both girls to roles and treat them as objects that only serve to help Belos and Valentine and feed their delusions of white saviors,even both girls have powers from the aforementioned deities (Ticket to Ride/Love Train and the glyphs) that Valentine and Belos waste no time in appropriating and using them for their nefarious goals (again seeing the factor of forced appropriation by white colonialism).
Another thing that Valentine and Belos share is tha both use clones to achieve their goals (Valentine brings copies of himself and other people from other universes thanks to his stand D4C and Belos creates grimwalkers to help him) but they also use their knowledge/powers in an attempt to find a loved one who inspired them and who they miss dearly (Valentine tried to find an alternate version of his father from another universes but failed and Belos created grimwalkers because he misses Caleb and longs for human contact).
Although Belos and Valentine had presumptions of superiority, in the end they are defeated by Luz and Johnny who obtain greater power (Johnny gaining Tusk Act 4 after Gyro's death, and Luz gaining the Titan's power after her own death) and what they do is beg them to don't kill them.
Belos tries to appeal to the fact that he and Luz are human but she ignores him and let Eda, King and Raine from trampling on him.
Valentine tells his story to Johnny and he wants to believe in Valentine but still suspects the president and when his suspicions turned out to be correct, Johnny kills Valentine.
The failure to accept their deaths with dignity to the point of trying to manipulate the protagonists only shows how hypocritical and cowardly Belos and Valentine are because both believe that sacrifices are necessary and sacrifice others but are unable to admit that their ideals reached toxicity or that their plans are nefarious and that beyond doing it for their people, they did it for the pure personal satisfaction of being the heroes of their stories. Belos could at least try to understand the witches like Caleb and Luz did and could even accept Collector's kindness but he refused, Valentine could make America prosperous in other ways and improve the situation or quality of life of minorities who did need his help such as women, afroamericans or native americans, but Valentine refused.
All this shows that they don't want to help anyone and they just want to be the heroes of their story regardless of who they have to harm to do so. Just as the Titan said:
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tombofgod · 2 years
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"5,000 STEEL WORKERS AT SOO VOTE STRIKE; 5,000 OUT AT SYDNEY," Toronto Star. January 13, 1943. Page 1. ---- Large Part of Canada's Steel Comes From Two Plants Involved - Soo Workers to Walk Out Tomorrow, Meeting Votes - Conciliations on Way ----- REJECT REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS, ADVISING AGAINST RAISE IN WAGES ---- By H. R. ARMSTRONG Ottawa, Jan. 13 - Faced with probable tle-up of half of Canada's vital war steel production, federal authorities today are striving to end the strike of 5,000 steel workers at Sydney, N.S., and prevent 5,000 more walking out at Sault Ste. Marie, tomorrow.
The federal government must either stand pat and fight the issue out with the United Steel Workers of America, a C.I.O. affiliate, or permit increases in wages which might threaten the whole fabric of Canada's anti-inflation policy, largely based on wages and prices ceilings.
There is no sign that any immediate concessions will be made by the government for part abandonment of the wage control law, though some compromise may develop from negotiations now being pressed with all possible speed.
The strike situation was discussed in cabinet yesterday and may go before the war committee of the government again today. Dominion government authorities make no secret of the fact that any prolonged steel strike will seriously curtail many of Canada's war industrial output. Shipbuilding. munition manufacturing and other departments of war production are largely dependent on Canadian-made steel.
Vote to Strike Tomorrow at Soo Work at two of Canada's three primary steel producing plants to-day appeared likely to stop as 5.000 employees at the Algoma Steel Corporation at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., prepared to join 5,000 Sydney, N.S., steel workers in a strike. The object is to enforce demands for wage increases.
Members of the Sault local of the United Steel Workers of America (C.I.O.) voted almost unanimously. to call a strike at 7 a.m. E.D.T Thursday, with 24 hours' notice to management when their picket lines would form.
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
For example, if the QWERTY keyboard of the United States had not been adopted elsewhere in the world as well – say, if Japan or Europe had adopted the much more efficient Dvorak keyboard – that trivial decision in the 19th century might have had big consequences for the competitive position of 20th-century American technology.
"Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years" - Jared Diamond
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