#Under Investigation
whats-in-a-sentence · 6 months
One family of shellfish toxins under investigation is a family called the spirolides (see figure 21.6), which were isolated from the digestive glands of certain mussels and scallops during algal blooms in Canada.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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sideprofilehunter · 24 days
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abovetopsecretxxl · 10 months
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southarkansas · 2 years
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radiant-cowgirl · 4 months
perhaps a silly question but are angel and baabe’s unempowered familes invited to the wedding? that’s gotta be a huge covert breach
but imagine the silly hijinks that would ensue
“hey why’s the best man (gender neutral)’s boyfriend sitting under an umbrella? it’s supposed to be clear skies all day”
“oh um he’s just super goth”
“he’s wearing a cowboy hat”
“wtf angel”
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samipekoe · 2 months
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thank you god
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hyunpic · 6 months
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SKZ CODE: suspicious lab 2024.4.11 / 2024.4.18
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 252
“Sir, we’ve… There’s been an encounter with a Reaper class entity.” 
There were several classifications for ecto-entities. Several ways the Ghost Investigation Ward classified each. Several common ones that they could easily destroy, easily study. Others however… others were dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. 
There’d only been two other Reaper-class entities confirmed before- both contained but barely. RP-1, a large knight-like entity seemingly made from shadows, and RP-2, a child-like creature that could near perfectly mimic a human. 
And now, there was a third. A third entity that could- and judging from the reports coming in had- killed. Had done so several times even. Which meant it needed to be contained yesterday. 
“Send out the teams- I want this thing in Site X Now!” 
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strawberri-draws · 2 months
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shuichi posting
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rockturbot · 1 year
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(von) karmic retribution
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
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please help the UK is stuck in a groundhog day loop
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kittykatninja321 · 4 months
The Gotham Knights social worker arc is a perfect example of what I mean when I say that I enjoy poc Jason headcanons but adding a racial dynamic to his and Bruce’s relationship makes me want to scream and cry and throw up
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nevesmose · 6 months
Not sure if this has already been pointed out, but the "Defrosting Helldiver" scene with the revolving carousel of other cryo pods, coupled with the rocket carrying a bunch of them we got on at the end of training, would seem to imply that a Helldiver's individual Destroyer is only "theirs" for the brief period of time between waking up, selecting a destination from the pre-approved list, and then diving. Then the next diver gets defrosted...
But there's no way Super Earth would give people the illusion of individuality and freedom while in fact keeping strict control over every aspect of their existence.
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whenanafallsinlove · 2 months
UNDER INVESTIGATION; SHOTO TODOROKI X FEM READER CH. 1: STARTING LINE || series m.list Summary: As a forensic medical examiner, you are used to working alongside the police, but a concerning case calls for the aid of a pro-hero. When Shoto shows up, the time you spend together makes you realise that the case is not the only thing you would like to solve. Maybe what you start to feel needs to go under investigation too. Warnings: crime, violence, discrimination Tags:  prohero au, fem reader, aged up characters, romance + crime, multichapter WC: 4k
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It has been a few minutes since the small meeting took place. It concluded with you agreeing to send the autopsies’ reports as soon as you had them. You also agreed to examine each body’s lab results to see if you could find any additional indicators that the three people had died under equal circumstances.
The intention of the meeting was barely a precaution—to advise the police with your opinion as a forensic. As of now, you have no clue how they are handling the investigation or if they have even considered the possibility of these being victims of a murder.
Your supervisor waited for the other two men to leave the room before speaking.
“(Y/L/N), do you really think there is someone behind all this?” His arms cross his chest questioningly.
“I know it is early to assume anything-”
“You know there is no space for assuming in our field.” He interrupts you, and you need to breathe deeply to avoid snapping.
“Yes, I know,” you sigh. “But there is something very wrong about this. Like I said, the three corpses were all at an early stage of postmortem when I examined them. None of them had a reason to decay so rapidly.”
He nodded and stared at his feet thoughtfully.
“Look, the police are currently packed with other minor cases. They are asking Hero Agencies to fill in with the investigations to catch bigger criminals.” He paused to make sure you were following. “During the call, you seemed convinced that this was critical, so they decided to send Shoto. But I need you to be positive that these deaths are related somehow; we cannot make neither the police nor Shoto waste their time.”
You felt almost offended. It was natural for your supervisor to question your work and encourage you to grow. But this felt like he was doubting your years of study and hard work. As if he hadn’t taught you most of the things you currently know.
You mentally scoff before answering.
“I can show you the pictures; I can show you the lab results that show that the bodies have the same mold type; and we can wait for the third lab to prove this too! I’m telling you, this is no coincidence! I took the toxicology tests!” You breathe to calm yourself. “Besides, you know the police think something is wrong too; you heard the detective. Why would they choose the number three hero if they didn’t? Just because I asked? I’m flattered!”
He raises an eyebrow at your tone, making you embarrassed for losing your temper.
“I trust you. I just wanted to confirm that you’re positive about this. As I said, the police are packed and no detectives are available, so I will have to assign you to work on the investigation with Shoto.”
“Me and Shoto? What about the detective that was just here?”
“He’s just a representative; if anything, he’s the busiest at the moment.”
“And who would lead the case?”
“You, of course. It’s time to put to use your criminology degree too.”
“I just got it, and it was merely to give better analysis on the autopsies…”
“(Y/L/N), are you taking the opportunity, or should I find someone else?” He sighs and pinches his nose with two fingers. He looks exasperated.
“Yeah, of course I am!” You say it with an indignant tone.
“Good. You can contact Shoto directly to discuss anything related to the investigation. I trust you’ll do good work?” You nod.
“You know I’ll do my best. Make sure you send me his contact.” You sound defeated, but in reality, you are thrilling with the situation in hand.
Your supervisor grins and walks to the door. Before closing it behind him, he speaks once again.
“And (Y/L/N)?”
“Stop smiling so much at Shoto; it’s creepy.”
You blush at his comment and thank that no one is around to notice how embarrassed you feel.
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It is almost nighttime by the time you make your way home. You take the train with a satisfied grin on your face; the conversation you had with your supervisor is still lingering in your mind. You flush in embarrassment at the memory, but the emotion is switched once again to excitement when you remember the case.
This is a huge opportunity for you. You have been working with your supervisor since your days as a medical intern. After getting to help with some cases, you decided to get a degree in criminology as well; you figured it would help you be better in your field. And even though this was not your first solo investigation, you had always treated minor affairs; the most common deaths were provoked by ‘incidental quirk usage’. A little tragic and funny, in your opinion.
But if your suspicions are correct, this is a major league case.
So now, you find yourself at home with a cup of coffee in hand and roaming once again through some of the lab results.
You read each parameter with detail, your eyes darting between the pages. Nothing catches your eye; everything seems normal outside the organs’ results, which present the same type of fungi in the three bodies.
Then, your phone buzzes, interrupting your analysis. You automatically check to see the notification, and your heart sinks a little when you read it.
An unknown number sent you a message.
[10:48 PM]
Unknown: Hey, this is Shoto. Your supervisor sent me your phone number, but I just want to check if it’s correct. Is this Dr. (Y/L/N)?
You stare at it for a few seconds before saving his number and typing back.
You: Yes! It is me!
You would like to respond to his messages with double the enthusiasm, but you remind yourself to be professional.
Shoto: Ok. Please contact me as soon as you have an update.
You: I already have some of the lab results. I’m currently going through them, so whenever you have time, we can schedule to meet. We need to discuss the investigation in general.
Shoto: I am free tomorrow around lunch. Is it alright for you?
You: Sure!
Shoto: Ok. See you tomorrow. Goodnight.
Just then, the tiredness and sleep deprivation that have been building in the past few days finally hit you. So, you decide it’s time to go to bed.
You wake up the next morning around 7 a.m. and start your daily routine. This is the most you have slept in the last week. As a forensic, you must be accustomed to irregular shifts. There are some things that cannot wait, and analyzing a body is one of them. A few hours can make the difference while searching for proof.
While you are having breakfast, you get a text from Shoto.
[9:03 AM]
Shoto: Good morning, Dr. (Y/L/N). I was wondering where you would want to meet for lunch.
“He texts like my grandpa.” You think and laugh to yourself.
You: Good morning, Shoto! I think somewhere private would be proper, since the information is supposed to be classified. Or somewhere not too busy!
Shoto: Ok. I’ll send you the location. Let’s meet at 12:00.
Shoto: [Attached Location]
You: Good, see you in a few hours! :)
It is still early, so you go through the paperwork once again, just to make sure all the reports are coherent with the lab results. There is a minor unease in the back of your mind; you feel a little anxious at the thought of messing up in your first important work. Besides, working closely with a top hero is not cooperating with your growing stress.
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A few hours later, you arrive at his agency. You walk into the building and notice how big it is. There is a young man and an older woman seated at the reception. In the middle of the construction, there is a transparent elevator that connects all the floors. You start to walk towards the workplace cafeteria, where Shoto had asked you to meet. He had given you some indications to avoid that you got lost, and you cannot be more grateful. As you enter the small food place, you find a free table and sit there, shuffling in your bag and grabbing your phone in case he texts.
“Hey, did you get here alright?” You hear Shoto’s voice and see him approaching you.
“Yes, thank you! I had never been here; it’s very nice!” you say, and he grins politely at your compliment.
“Do you want something to eat before we get to work? It’s on me.”
“Uh, sure! I’ll have whatever you have!” He nods and walks towards the cafeteria counter.
A couple of minutes later, he comes back with two plates of soba. It looks and smells amazing, and your stomach growls.
“Thanks, it looks really good!”
“I wasn’t sure if you liked soba, so I brought a couple of pork buns too.” He seems indifferent when he says this, but you still feel grateful.
“I appreciate it.” You smile and decide to go straight to the work talk. “So, have they given you all the investigation paperwork?” You ask as you start to eat.
“Yes, but it doesn’t have a lot of information since it is all recent.” He says and you nod in understanding.
“Do you have it with you?” you ask.
“All the files are on my computer. After we have lunch, we can go to my office and check all the information we have together.”
“Sounds good.” You nod and give him a slight smile.
After that, none of you speak for a few minutes. You feel awkward as you hear some room chatter and cutlery sounds echoing in the background.
You search in your mind for topics you can talk about with Shoto, but your confidence in starting a conversation lessens every time you see his uninterested face. You know from the media that he is not very talkative, but he still has a great reputation for treating his fans and other civilians with respect. You look at him in an attempt to find the key to making him speak.
He suddenly looks up from his plate of soba and meets your gaze, quirking his brow in curiosity. You blush, feeling a wave of embarrassment for being caught, and then focus your eyes again on your own food.
Shoto is very interested in your personality. Yesterday, while you were in the morgue, you seemed very confident and eager to be heard, but right now, you are as quiet as a mouse. He doesn’t know if something is bothering you, so he decides to clear his throat and break the silence.
“What you were explaining yesterday was interesting.”
He sees how your face lights up, and he thinks you resemble a little kid that is given candy.
“Really? I thought you were going to pass out right there.” You chuckle at the memory.
“I was not. I don’t usually see corpses, so I was just taking it all in.” He shrugs while sinking back to his plate.
“Right.” You understand how impactful it is to see a scene like that for the first time. “You said it was your first time in a morgue; did you like it?” You offer an expectant smile, as if what you just asked was common.
Shoto thinks for a couple of seconds for the right words and then answers.
“Uhm- I mean, as a job it is intriguing, but I really expect it to be the only reason I’m ever there.” He scratches the back of his neck, with a thoughtful look.
“Yeah, I get it!” You say, while laughing at his unintended joke. You see how the corners of his lips shift to a small smile.
“Do you like it? Your job?” he asks.
“Yes! I always liked science as a kid, and when I got older, I started reading and watching a lot of crime stories. So, I chose a job where I can do both!”
“How are you capable of facing death so easily?”
You’re not taken aback by the question. People commonly ask you that when they learn what your job is, but it surprises you that he is engaging in the talk. Not that you’re complaining; you are a very talkative person.
“I mean, it’s not that it doesn’t affect me. I have seen terrible and heart-wrenching things, but I would rather think of the people that may be saved if I helped even the slightest from my lab. You’re a hero; you must know what I mean.”
He hums and nods in response, seemingly satisfied with your answer. After that, you fall back in silence for a while as you both finish your food. Then, you decide to ask him if he’s ready to chime into work.
"Well, do you-”
“Are you-”
You and Shoto speak at the same time, making the both of you blush at the awkwardness.
“Sorry, what were you saying?” You ask first.
“I was going to ask if you were finished with your food so we could get to work.”
“Oh! Yeah, I’m finished. I was about to ask you the same thing.” You chuckle.
“Let’s go, then.” He gives a small smile.
You follow Shoto through the agency; he enters the elevator and presses the last button, apparently for the highest floor in the building. The elevator is made of glass, allowing you to admire the agency as you go up.
It takes a few seconds for the elevator to arrive, and when the door opens, you catch sight of the entire city through the big windows. It is an awesome view, but you get chills when you realize how far from the floor you are.
Before you can think any further, Shoto taps on your shoulder and tells you, “My office is over here.” Gesturing to a door at the end of the hall.
He starts to walk, and you go behind him. He shuffles in the bags of his pants, looking for his keys, and opens the door, moving to the side so you can enter first.
“Thanks.” You say, and he closes the door after getting in.
You turn to see the office; it is very neat and organized; it is very ordinary as well. There are some wooden shelves in the back, stuck up with decorations; there is a simple desk made of a similar wood; and three black leather chairs, one behind the desk and two in front.
“Let me move one of the chairs next to mine, so you can see the computer.” Shoto says, and soon enough he is carrying one of the chairs and placing it beside his.
You walk around the desk and take a seat, thanking Shoto once again. He nods and sits next to you; then, he turns the computer on and types a password that you swear is longer than a whole book chapter, so you start laughing.
He turns to look at you and asks, “Why are you laughing? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just that your password is very long! Sorry for prying, but I noticed you tapped like a whole sentence.” You keep laughing, and he just stares, confused. “How do you even remember that?”
“I just changed it today. I used to have just a pin, but you said that the files are supposed to be confidential, so I thought I was supposed to be more cautious. That’s why I locked my office too.” Shoto explained, still unamused and disconcerted.
“Oh.” Now you feel bad for laughing, but you find it a little adorable how serious Shoto is taking everything you say. “I guess it’s fine then; better safe than sorry,” and you smile at him.
He nods and smiles as well, then turns around and clicks around his files to find the one with all the information the police had collected. When it opens, you see that it’s just three pages of information, one for each person that was found.
You read through it and see that it’s just details of the victims and where and how they were found.
“Is it really just that?” You ask, a little disappointed and stressed about how you really are going to have to start from zero.
“And some photos, but I was waiting for you so we could see them.”
“Okay.” You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. “Where do you want to start? Should we read the files, the labs, or see the photos?”
Shoto notices how you tense up a little, so he figures you should start with the topic that you like the most.
“Let’s read the labs first.”
“Nice choice.” You grab the documents that you had in your bag and place them on the desk. “So… Did you understand everything I explained yesterday, or should we go over it again?”
“I got it after you explained it in a more universal language.” He says with a slight apologetic tone. You laugh slightly.
“Good! But, I guess I’ll have to give you a ‘Forensics Medicine 101’ as we go through the labs!” 
“Okay.” Shoto says, and shrugs.
“Wait, really? I was joking.”
“Only if you want. I think it is important for me to understand the case better.”
“Oh, okay. Take one of the labs; we’ll go through it together as I explain, then!”
Shoto nods and takes the document that is on top.
“Okay, so first things first. As a medical examiner, my job is to collect the proof that the body presents. I am in charge of the autopsies to determine the cause of death and other conditions that people may have been exposed to before and after dying.”
“And you do that only by watching the body?”
“Mostly, yes. There’s so much a body can say: the facial expressions, the placement of the body, the condition of the organs… But when there are signs of exposure to unnatural circumstances, we take samples of the body fluids for analysis.”
“And what made you think there was something unnatural about this?”
“Honestly, I was just taking the labs to confirm the time that the body had been deceased. At first, I thought the person had had some kind of terrible infection, but then the lab results did not check with the decomposition.”
“It’s what you were saying yesterday, right?”
“Yeah. And after that, a second and third bodies arrived with similar signs. So, I just got suspicious that something was wrong.” You shrug.
“I get it; I would have thought so too.” He says, and you feel glad that someone is on your side.
“Well, back to the labs. I took samples of everything, so we can go through each section.”
“Each section?”
“Yeah, you know; blood, hormones, organs, toxicology, DNA…”
“Oh, okay.” He nods.
You read each result with Shoto, explaining if anything was in or out of the parameters. This is like the hundredth time you have read these labs, so you almost know them by memory. As you explain, Shoto just nods or frowns, but he seems to understand most of it.
Then, you get to the last section, which was DNA. You are reading when Shoto interrupts you.
“You can see a person’s quirk in a DNA test?”
“Yes, of course! There are DNA tests that specialize in genealogical quirk trees!”
“And what does it mean if it says ‘n/e’?”
“What? Where did you see that?” Shoto extends the paper and points to the words he just read.
You seem suddenly agitated and grab the other two labs. You turn the pages straight to the DNA sections and gasp.
“I knew something was slipping from me!”
“What is happening?” Shoto asks.
“The three labs say ‘n/e’ in this section; ‘n/e’ means ‘non-existent’.” You take your hand to cover your mouth in a very pensive manner.
“I still don’t get it.”
“Shoto, none of these people had quirks. If a person is really behind this, they may be targeting quirkless people!”
You can physically see how the information dawns on Shoto. His lips part, and his eyes open in surprise. As you both process the new knowledge, the room goes silent for a while.
“Now what? What do we do with this information?” You ask with a nervous laugh.
“We should write it down, I guess.”
“I mean, obviously. But what I’m saying is that we should alert the population, right? We cannot let quirkless people roam around like everything is just fine!”
“But we cannot tell them either, at least not yet. We will only cause a mass panic.” Shoto's expression is stoic, in comparison to yours.
“And we let innocent people die while we figure it out?” Your tone is low, but accusative.
“For all we know, this person is not yet aware that we are investigating these murders. We already have a lead; we are on advantage.”
“I understand that, but I really think we should at least tell the police.”
“(Y/L/N), we are technically the police. But don’t worry; it is very uncommon nowadays to find people without a quirk. I’ll make the agency double the security in secluded areas; that should avoid that there’s another victim soon.”
“Okay.” You take a deep breath. “Sorry for panicking; this is my first case involving a possible serial killer; I don’t want to mess up!”
“It’s okay. You seem… passionate about your job.” Shoto says, and it makes you cackle.
“Let’s go back to the topic. I was thinking we could speak with someone who is specialized in fungi and quirks that involve mushrooms, like Shemage.”
“I know her; she was in my school. I can try to contact her.” Shoto says, with a thoughtful tone.
“Good!” You feel relieved to hear that someone might help you. You think that Shemage will be a great guide at understanding the killer’s quirk, which reduces the stress you were building.
After that, the two of you decide to continue reading the few information that was on the files, exchanging some commentary in between. As you go through the information, you write down the points you find the most important.
Start searching in the government’s quirk registration
Start an investigation for quirk extremists
Speak with Shemage
Speak with the victims’ families
The list of tasks seems simple; you and Shoto can do this. How difficult can it be?
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a/n: eng is not my first language, excuse any mistakes! I hope you liked it, comment your thoughts! <3
TAGS: @miyamoratsumuu, @serxndipity-ipity-blog, @lauffey, @pretty-sparkle-bomb, @atashiboba, @the-hangry-otter
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soppsop · 1 year
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do you guys think future sebastian gets super embarrased about his 17 yo self
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weirdohasleft · 5 months
DPxDC Writing prompt: A new circus is in town appeared seemingly overnight, a circus of meta humans with red eyes and equally terrifying and wondrous acts. It’s suspicious as all hell and even more suspicious when Jason suddenly feels overwhelmingly compelled to join it when he sees the commercial for it on the TV. Seriously, where the hell did this ‘Circus Gothica’ even come from?
Ok hear me out; y’know in that one episode where we’re introduced to Freakshow and he brainwashes Danny but then it’s ok because he’s saved by his friends?
What if Sam and Tucker and been too late? If Danny had been successful taken?
What if no one believed Sam and Tucker when they said Danny had been kidnapped and he’s not a runaway?
And what if he’s been brainwashed for over 3 years while travelling in the Circus, the only people caring enough to find him being unable to do anything about it?
And what if Freakshow made the mistake of preforming in Gotham where the Bats dwelled? And where they’ll take a deeper look into the circus’s suspicious behaviour…
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