Sounds a lot like a bird's approach to singing. It just turns out
Write about your approach to budgeting. Neither am I good at managing my finances, nor do I have any money. I sincerely hope I soon develop some shame in admitting that, because it could soon end up making a joke on me. I was a kid who dreamed of becoming a software engineer and earn 30 k a month – 1k for each day. Now I’m a man in my late 20s who has quit his well paying job where both the…
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Past, mostly. Luckily, not anymore!
What do you complain about the most? I am a classic example of living in the future. I lived dreaming about a better life for the most part. As years went by I kept dreaming, all the way despising the past. Luck for me, I grew to realize the play of life I had diced out for myself which were filled with imaginary obstacles that were never there. What made me change, you ask? I don’t have an…
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Watching FIFA World cup final when one of the legends of the game is playing for the last time
What are your favorite sports to watch and play? Just like most of any other Indians, I love cricket. I played a fair bit growing and still play it at the age of 27 on my terrace with my brother whenever we both feel like. But I’m a vivid watcher. I follow all matches pertaining to the top teams, not just India, and keep a close tap on selection, injury, controversy and all other kinds of…
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Not video games for sure.
List five things you do for fun. My ambitions might be bigger but the things I turn to for fun are simple. Just like me. 1. Watching movies/ shows and immediately turning to Google to read about it 2. I am always fantacising about creating stories. Whenever I get to write it down, I have the most fun 3. I love watching cricket and following news about it 4. I prefer to hang around at a…
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Reading the time
If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be? Life is happy and fun just with the presence of a dog. If my dog can learn to read the clock, then we could just become the perfect duo. My ears have grown insensitive to the alarm sound in the morning. Now I understand what the science people say about developing immunity to a virus after having suffered through it first. If my…
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Vir Das Landing: Comedy Special That Leaves You In Tears
Recommendation if you're looking to have your funny bone tickled before having your hearts warmed.
Vir Das wrote and performed a poem at Kennedy Center titled, ‘Two Indias’. In the poem, he spoke his mind about the nation, calling about two completely distinct nature of it. He praised one India he is proud of, and condemned the other. This happened in 2021 and soon many jumped in to accuse him of defaming the nation on foreign soil. His shows got cancelled all of a sudden and was left with…

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5 Underrated Original Movies Of 2022 You Shouldn't Miss
A look back at the old year that once was new.
The landscape of cinema has been changing with the emergence of OTT platforms. With the audience and the filmmakers both still adjusting to the new ways, several of the gems are going underappreciated for one or the other reasons. Below are the five original films that stood out for their novel storytelling, but went unnoticed by many in the huge line-up of films. (In the order of their…
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