#Una Surana
jessicamarianasocs · 2 years
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. a family picnic .
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choccy-zefirka · 2 years
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jessicamariana · 4 years
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OC Kiss 2019
Una & Felix  |  Rida & David
Tiael & Ruby  |  Ammelie & Mir’annar
Feylen & Hazel  |  Kaiden & Kasaanda
Sirus & Sara  |  Marina & Willow
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“Despite the fact many of those in attendance disapproved or questioned the new King of Ferelden’s choice to not only marry a mage, but an Elvin one at that, there was not a single soul at the royal wedding that doubted their love or the beauty of the bride in all her magical glory. But no one remained dried eyed at the sheer joy radiating from the King and Queen during the elaborate ceremony, especially as they exchanged rings and pledged to love and support to one another. And when King Alistair kissed his beaming Queen Una most ardently, a few noble women were struck by dreamy sighs and fainting spells.”  
I had the chance to commission @pookyhuntress and she made a marvelous and breathtaking moment between Alistair and my Warden, Una Surana! This takes place during their wedding as King and Queen of Ferelden (because screw canon, I make my own rules XD). I love how soft and calming the colors are in this and the details in their outfits and those pattern designs look so intricate and make me swoon with delight. Thank you so much for making this art a reality, Pooky! <3 <3 :D
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dragonfartart · 4 years
Rating Verde | Accenni di Zevwarden | Italiano | Words:1275
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Athariel sapeva tante cose, ma ne conosceva davvero poche. Non aveva mai sperimentato, affondato le dita nel fango o i piedi sull'erba fresca. Aveva letto di mille e mille baci ma non ne aveva mai dato uno. Il suo sogno era diventare archivista poiché le mura del Circolo erano strette ed anche i sogni che si creavano al loro interno sembravano grandi ma erano compressi, proporzionali allo spazio disponibile. Tutto era cambiato quando era diventato un Custode Grigio. 
aka. piangissimo se penso che Athariel muore a 21 anni per salvare il Thedas.
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zevranstits · 5 years
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Shitskettching is never enough
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pookydraws · 6 years
If there are still some commission slots open, I would like to commission you for a two characters, colors, and half body artwork of Alistair and my Warden Una Surana. I'm on my phone at the moment so I can't switch back and forth to give you the screenshot references of Una just yet. If it helps, she's albino (white hair and pale skin) with blue eyes and her face claim is Emilia Clarke. I'm sending your the pose reference in the next ask because I'm running out of space. (1/2)
You can send me details of commission to my inbox or email.
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dalesbians · 2 years
headcanon – about the first time she saw a darkspawn featuring: nahris surana, alistair theirin, ser jory, daveth language: ita
Procedevano cautamente. Alistair arrestò il passo, sollevando una mano per spingerli a imitarlo. Osservava la palude con attenzione, in attesa, teso come una corda di violino. A dire il vero sembrava più che stesse 𝘢𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰, proteso verso lo stagno come un poeta ammaliato dalla sua musa. Poi un solo, allarmato sussurro: «Arrivano.»
La pelle fatiscente aveva scavato negli occhi della creatura, che la osservava con un ghigno compiaciuto. I denti appuntiti, pieni di bava, mordevano le sue stesse labbra nel gracchiare versi incomprensibili; e neanche questo bastava a sfamare la sua sete di sangue. L’hurlock, vestito della sua armatura grezza eppure incredibilmente affidabile, agitava la spada a destra e a manca, correndo a tutta velocità la distanza che lo separava dalla maga. Nahris deglutì. Una, due, 𝘵𝘳𝘦 volte. Aveva visto corpi deformati e abomini, uomini privati della loro umanità, e niente comunque era riuscito a terrorizzarla abbastanza da inchiodarle i piedi al terreno. 𝘓𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢. Era dappertutto. Quella morbosa e corrotta melodia che cantavano tutti insieme le trapanava il cervello, risuonava nella sua cassa toracica, infettava il poco di lei che ancora era rimasto limpido. Era uno spettacolo deprimente, disgustoso e ammaliante al tempo stesso. Abbastanza da sentire un conato di vomito fermarsi al centro della gola, prima di tornare giù. Calò le palpebre. Tre uomini e una ragazzina: 𝘈𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦, 𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘱𝘪𝘶̀ 𝘥𝘪 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪 𝘪𝘯 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘰... Sollevò il braccio. Quando riaprì gli occhi, l’Hurlock era a una manciata di centimetri da lei. «𝘉𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘢.» Il prole oscura spalancò la bocca scarnificata per urlare. Nahris invece rimase perlopiù impassibile mentre lo riduceva a un mucchio di cenere, una lieve smorfia a smorzarle le labbra. «Una 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘢?» Ser Jory indietreggiò di un paio di passi, la spada sporca del sangue violaceo dei prole oscura. «Nessuno mi aveva detto che ci sarebbe stata una 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘢 qui!» «Pare che ci siano tante cose che non ti hanno detto.» Commentò Daveth, un sopracciglio sollevato. «Hey, non va bene se li polverizzi così.» Intervenne Alistair, lo sguardo ancora fisso sul cumulo ai piedi della recluta. «Abbiamo bisogno del loro sangue, non di fare le pulizie di primavera. Anche se è 𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦 e questo è più sporcare che pulire... Beh, comunque.» Si lasciò sfuggire una risata nervosa. «Mi stava per ammazzare.» Si giustificò Nahris, con una scrollata di spalle, mentre ricominciava a camminare verso il cuore delle Selve Korcari. «Ricordami di non farti 𝘮𝘢𝘪 arrabbiare.» Borbottò Daveth. Ser Jory rinfoderò la spada, visibilmente preoccupato. «Già, non si sa mai coi maghi.» Nahris sbuffò, e cercò di nascondere la propria inquietudine distogliendo altrove lo sguardo. Almeno 𝘭𝘦𝘪 non era un mostro. (...)
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vonuberwald · 6 years
So far, my ‘canon’ playthroughs are:
Theron Mahariel (Dalish Elf Warrior ♥ Zevran)
Garret Hawke (Warrior, mostly Blue route ♥ Anders)
Maxwell Trevelyan (Noble Human Rogue ♥ Dorian)
Elissa Cousland (Noble Human Rogue ♥ Alistair)
Soren Hawke (Mage, mostly Purple ♥ Fenris)
Mahanon Lavellan (Dalish Elf Mage ♥ Cassandra)
Darrian Tabris 💀(City Elf Rogue ♥ No one) 
Braeden Hawke (Mage, Blue/Purple ♥ Anders)
Revas Lavellan (Dalish Elf Rogue ♥ Cullen)
I have my Cadash Inquisitor as well, with Una Hawke and a male Surana origin, but I haven’t played enough of that.
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leftpress · 7 years
¿Has visto a ICE o a la Patrulla Fronteriza en tu comunidad? Cuéntanos tu historia.
by Kavitha Surana, ProPublica, María Sánchez Díez, Univision, and Adriana Gallardo, ProPublica | Articles and Investigations - ProPublica | March 1st 2018
by Kavitha Surana, ProPublica, María Sánchez Díez, Univision, and Adriana Gallardo, ProPublica
Read in English.
Una mujer que fue a la corte en busca de una orden de protección que mantuviera alejado a su exnovio abusivo. Una niña de 10 años que viajaba en una ambulancia rumbo al hospital para ser operada de urgencia. Un grupo de hombres que salieron de una iglesia que serví...
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ao3feed-morristair · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alistair/Morrigan (Dragon Age), Morristair - Relationship Characters: Alistair (Dragon Age), Morrigan (Dragon Age), and other secondary characters like:, Wynne (Dragon Age), Leliana, Mabari - Character, Oghren, Sten, Zevran, Male Warden (Dragon Age), Athariel Surana Additional Tags: Alistair doll, and all the canon effects of the item in game, 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖, percio, Blushing Alistair (Dragon Age), Masturbation, Alistair has a secret crush on Morrigan, does she knows?, this is a mistery 👀, no beta we die like men Summary:
Alistair avrebbe dovuto imparare la lezione già dal loro primo giorno di viaggio assieme, quando le aveva detto "scommetto che non ti sai neanche trasformare davvero in un ragno..." Quella stessa sera, davanti al fuoco, aveva lanciato un urlo poco eroico e si era rovesciato addosso una ciotola di zuppa di pane bollente quando la lunga e pelosa zampa di un aracnide gigantesco gli aveva carezzato il collo. Era stata anche la prima volta che aveva sentito Morrigan ridere, ed aveva riso per ore. Gli stavano succedendo cose strane, inspiegabili, e puntare il dito contro Morrigan poteva voler dire avere ragione tanto quanto condannarsi da solo a ricevere una bella maledizione. ❤ Morristair
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jessicamarianasocs · 2 years
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. The Exalted Council .
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empresstress13 · 7 years
Hey! What are some songs you associate with Dragon Age in general? Do any of them apply to your OCs particularly?
Yay, music questions!!!
Ok - with the understanding that I’m not including Dragon Age OST music in this. I’m not sure if I have songs that I associate with the whole of the games as a series, but there’s plenty of songs that I associate with a specific character/ event/ romance/ etc… .  p>
I think I’ve mentioned to you before that I get lots of feels for Dragon Age from Nobody’s Side? In particular in connection with anything to do with politics in the game, and that goes doubly for Orlais and “The Game”.
As a Solasmancer I certainly get feelings from Burn (granted I suppose that makes Solas’ duty “the other woman” … ? It’s like things we’ve mentioned in your Sense… .).
Rise gives me Cassandra ( and Possibly Leliana) vibes depending on how the stories go in a game.
And… I’m not quite sure why but No Rest For The Wicked does in fact make me think of DA2 a whole lot… and Home of Hawke (with a happy ending please…or the happy ending I want for my Hawkes but … )?
I now completely associate parts of Ragtime with Anders because of you… . 
It’s instrumental but Kells Destroyed gives me Inquisition feels? Something to do with destruction to hope …Everybody Wants To Rule The World also gives me DAI vibes. And Turn Your Face Towards The Sun for Trespasser Inquisitor? 
Deliver Us with Shartan & Andraste? 
Born to Die for Grey Wardens? A HoF who dies?
Je Veux Le Monde makes me think of Briala? 
Also I have this strange connection between much of the soundtrack of Les Miserables and something to do with the Mage Rebellion AND the state of things in Orlais … . after Thedas-Brigadoon I’m obviously just going to move on to a different musical. 
I’ll be straight with you: I have too much love for music… and too many OCs. So I’ll put the rest under the cut. If you or anyone else has more questions on Dragon Age/ Music then please feel free to ask! I always love talking about Dragon Age and Music!  
I … I really do have too Many OCs… soooo 
-Nehnara Surana: Sol, Invincible, Breath of Life, Lokasenna 
-Beatrix Tabris: Au Palais Royal, Dancing in the Dark, Raise Your Glass, Dog Days
-Kyria Cousland: The King of the Golden Hall, The Man of La Mancha 
-Elraen Mahariel: Beyond the Forest, Try Everything 
-Syndis Brosca :Dream On, Glory and Gore, Centuries
-Mirabel: Stray Italian Greyhound, Mountain Sound
-Evangeline: Hoppipolla, Never Look Away 
-Kelda: Blue Caravan, I Want Love, One Day I’ll Fly Away
-Raelle: Sleeping Sun, Ri Ra, Sanctuary! 
-Dinah: Wunderkind, Harbor
-Lilith Trevelyan: Nemo, Starlight , Into the West , St. Jude
-Adhlea Lavellan: King and Lionheart, Lullaby for A Stormy Night, Safe and Sound, 
-Revasulahn Lavellan: The Dance, Various Storms and Saints 
-Eve Trevelyan: The Tower, J'étais là
-Esther Trevelyan: The Prayer, Una Voce Poco Fa, Flower Duet 
-Grace Trevelyan: In The 99, Je suis un Homme  
-Innanis Adaar: Hometown Glory, Take Me to the Riot
-Svetlana Cadash: Voulez Vous, Cabaret 
-Tarasylah Lavellan: Antebellum, Safe and Sound, Cosmic Love
… That’s not even all of my possible OCs… but let’s just leave it there for now? It’s already too long. :P 
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jessicamariana · 4 years
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[  family picnic  ]
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OCtober: Day 15
Day Fifteen: Different Hairstyle 
I wanted to do this one for Una because I imagined after the Blight and either the coronation of Alistair or Felix Cousland (both her lovers in different settings/AUs) and peace somewhat settles over Ferelden for a time, she grows out her hair and changes her hairdo every now and then. 
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(Art done by @jessicamarianadraws​/ @silvernugfoot​)
I have to admit, not only Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targeryen is my face claim for Una, but many of the outfits and hairstyles seen on her from the show I can totally envision suiting Una’s tastes. For instance, when she’s travelling in the midst of her Warden duties or is back in Denerim to attend some important meetings or give her reports:
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If she continues to keep her hair long, she’ll braid it for the battlefield usually in this hairstyle:
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But if she was simply being casual or had a moment of respite and liked to leave her hair mostly down or simple looking, here are two possibilities in what that hairdo would look like:
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irhen07 · 7 years
¿Pertences al círculo de hechiceros de Ferelden? ¿O provienes de Orzammar, quizás? ¿Es posible que me haya cruzado con el clan de tu gente, Dalishana? En serio, ¿Cual es tu origen?
MAGOS FTW PAR FAVAH. Llevo a una Surana preciosa, ¿tú?
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