#Ume Stardust
n0va-daamnn · 6 months
Japan woman :0
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//not such a new art, I just remembered this game and decided to post it
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ricky-olson · 15 days
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ღ get to know me: favorite films [2/?] » Stardust (2007) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ You want to know what the Captain really whispered to me that day? He told me that my true love was right in front of my eyes. And he was right.
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razables · 5 months
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better brothers
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sunset-crab · 3 months
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here he is, everyones favorite (?) little guy
attack for @locallygrowndaikon :D
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peachybunana · 2 years
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heptaether · 3 months
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attack on @sqrkyclean's malibu!!!!
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astragatwo · 4 months
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Starting my 8th year on Art Fight with a banger!
Attack on my buddy @meowstival of his OC Lancelot (He/Him)! It's been a while since I animated anything, so that sure was a trip trying to remember as I went along, lol...
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flovverworks · 2 months
i can finally sit down. finally akira voiced I LOOVVVVVVV HER VA SO MUCH (risette fan) PLEAAASEEEEE DO A A3! WHERE U ADD THE OPTION TO HEAR AKIRAS VA INGAME......u can take stage!akira too cant u.......i desperetely need 1.5 & owens affection story voiced words cannot express how desperate i am for that
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arent they the greatest ever AAUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH I LOVVV THIS...T___^
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so normal aboutt hese shots im so so normal about them I LOVE MASAKI AKIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T____________T THE WINDOW...LOOKING IN THROUGH THE WINDOW IM GONNA BEEEE IILLLLLLLLLLLLLL.....her lil shoes......the grabbing onto murr(who dragged them out the window to fly)....akira Fully realizing this isnt tokyo.................thje outfit is so silly i need them to draw manga/stage akiras outfit vs anime akiras.....my minion akiwa....
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is this the goblet,,,,the one they had to drink from,,,to summon new wizards,,,,,,,,,,,,truly no wonder the last sage & akira both cried,,,,,,,,,,
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wizards book...(laughed) BUT IM TRULY SO CHARMED
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gah,,,,,,te wo,,,,,,,,,,,,,faust,,,,the real thing goes meowww...........a father and his son..............................when they give me oz rustica figaro event its over for me
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thought about this while reading the new manga ch too but if i was told owens sage mark was on his tongue and id have to draw that everytime he opened his mouth id cry
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why is nero the bus driver,,,,,,,,GAAHHH AKIRAAAAAAAAAAAA
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1 who the hell is that 2) mithras so pretty,,,,,,,,, 3) the twins jumping on brad is so funny LOLT_T a criminal and the grandpas supervising him 4) (pretends im normal agbout lennox) 5) figaro.....i think this often but i think his eyes r so neat ??????
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scenes that makes me so upset @_@ rutiles expression vs mitile.....the lightning........mitile who wants to become stronger...........i lov them both so so so so so muccH!!!!! this is excellent i looovvvv rutiles expression, but showing mitiles right after truly made my heart hurt
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a father & his child pt2..............central wizard oz.................oz who learned about the world because arthur was curious like every other child.......
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LAST THING I PROMISEEEEEE LOOOOK AT THEEEEMMMMMMM laughing at the lack of details on the hem of the shirt. me too. id nvr draw that. my favorite loser tbh i hope they add extra scenes...T_^ i dont want a 100% faithful adaption...T_^ i want akira doing something silly for the sake of kitties.....T______^ THE CHARM....
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doppiopinkman · 2 years
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Due to budget cuts, Stardust Crusaders shall hence forth be animated in The New Batman Adventures art style
@mlimby inspired this post with all the Family Guy posting they're doing
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milevenstancyendgame · 3 months
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lanternlightss · 30 days
📓 for the ask game thing! i want to know!
(ask game)
slides into the room and smiles. my first favorite thing to do to characters is squish and fawn over them. my second favorite thing is to torment them /j
anyways: what if. we took. a hammer to loop and siffrin.
SO. loop cat au. somewhere in, hmm, act 3, where you’re repeatedly fighting against the king !! and trying to get information !!! unfortunately this siffrin is tired and also is not good at fighting the king so he keeps. dying. to him. this is important information for later—notably the part where siffrin is beginning to take the dive into exhausted apathy and annoyance.
loop here. accidentally. makes a wish (i cannot decide how to word it, but something to do withh someone being better suited to the whole “guiding” thing. they don’t want to do this. they shouldn’t do this. the universe is just like ?? aren’t you already. oh well. squints. folks like cats, right.) And Well !! oops !!! when the next loop starts, they are no longer human shaped, and stare horrified at their paws. cut to siffrin who is laying in the field coming up with a new way to insult the king before hearing ?? yowling ?? coming closer to him ??? and getting a handful of cat launching themself at him.
siffrin trying to make sure this cat doesn’t get flung off: hello ????? are you okay ???? (since when was there a cat out here.)
loop: [Something. Has Not. Gone To Plan.]
siffrin: LOOP ???????????????
and now siffrin has a new snag to iron out !!! and a new party member, because, for as complicated loop’s feelings are towards siffrin, i feel like. they. wouldn’t want to be alone, rn. the universe already fucked them over once and now they’re having to deal with an even LESSER lack of autonomy. plus, this way it’ll be even easier to make sure everything goes right !!! (<- is what they keep telling themself, trying not to bolt from the house.) (i also really really want to explore what would happen if loop just dragged siffrin out, alone, and was like. okay we’re doing this ourselves okay. loop hangout part 2. you ready. i am not. don’t look into that. you didn’t hear that. let’s go. And Then continuing to experiment like that, just the two of them.) (<- ALSO ALSO this would make an act 5 situation :] very interesting. because they !!! have the optiioonnn. of following. right after. and also i wonder if this would make both of them even more “throw shit at the wall” after learning wish craft because. if they can break the time loop wish. they can. break this wish, right?) i swear this would be a mostly fluffy fic. loop cuddles up to siffrin when they have to sleep and keeps denying it.
loop does interact with the rest of the party at one point too :] after siffrin accidentally blows up the secret that they’re stowing away a cat, which does not go well 🤍 they look like this for almost the entire duration of it:
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otisbeerdraws · 3 months
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And here's the last 4 of my #Artfight pieces!
Cosmo and Alu belong to Loopayz Slyzo belongs to Cryophase Lyn belongs to Sleepulses Sly belongs to Binturongboss
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toestalucia · 28 days
hello could i interest u in a tenpage essay about masaki akira- (dragged off the stage
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euclydya · 4 months
posted our second mass attack because I'm impatient and if one person complains that we got their character's hair a bit wrong,
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mpanighetti · 5 months
That moment when Um Actually dropped some Gundam Wing knowledge (we do in fact love to see it) but gets a fact wrong, you KNOW @meggie-stardust had to come in with an Um Actually on top
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lunarcry · 8 months
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