#Ultraman episode 32
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I fully believe that every member of the SSSP has independently figured out that Shin is Ultraman but they all think they're the only one who knows.
#I'm like 32 episodes in so idk if my opinion will change#tokusastu#kaiju#gojiposting#toku#goji#godzilla#ultraman#tsuburaya#toho#shin hayata#sssp
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Image accessed from the Ultraman Wiki here
[Terochilus is a monster that makes a big impression in Return of Ultraman (being the star of a two-part episode), but with very little impact on the franchise outside of it. Which is a shame. It feels like Ultraman's Rodan the way that Arstron feels like its Godzilla. It has a weirder power set than Rodan, though, with its toxic webbing and shooting lasers from its nose. It kind of reminds me of The Giant Claw, in the sense of being a superficially simple flying kaiju that is totally bizarre on closer inspection, and I designed its stats intentionally to be a counterpart to my cacagnea.
In the show, its webs emit toxic gas on exposure to automobile exhaust, making Terochilus another pollution-themed kaiju. Since cars don't exist in Pathfinder, I changed the trigger to the webs getting extra dangerous to fire, which is the typical adventurer solution to webbing. That, and it makes the Terochilus' lairing in volcanoes synergistic, and very dangerous.
Also, I can't prove it, but I suspect that Terochilus' pterosaur with feathers look inspired the winged fakeosaur that came in the same set as the ones that inspired the rust monster and bulette]
CR 19 LN Magical Beast
This creature resembles a strange cross between bird and pterosaur. It walks on two elephantine legs, and has membranous wings growing like a cape from its human-like arms. It has a head and neck covered with feathers, and a long straight bill.
A terochilus is a bestial, vaguely avian predator, something like a roc writ even larger. They are found lairing on volcanic islands and are extremely territorial—a terochilus patrols the water near the island for whales, large fish and the occasional sea monster to eat, and drives away anything else entering its hunting grounds. This territoriality extends to their volcanic lairs as well. A terochilus usually lives near the caldera and lines its nest with thick ashy webbing. This webbing is flammable, but burning it produces a highly potent toxic gas that causes immediate unconsciousness followed by systematic organ failure. The terochiluses are immune to these noxious fumes, and encourage periodic fires to burn the webbing and fumigate their lairs.
Terochiluses usually do not see creatures of human size and shape as prey. The danger comes from their territorial instinct—they attack boats that steer too close to their hunting grounds. If forced from their lairs by a stronger monster, they may settle closer to inhabited areas and wreak havoc enforcing their new territorial boundaries. In combat, a terochilus usually opens by spraying opponents with webbing, and then closing to melee with entangled enemies. A terochilus possesses a powerful breath weapon, which manifests as beams of deadly force fired from its nostrils. This breath weapon does not recharge quickly, and most terochiluses use it as a weapon of last resort only.
Terochilus CR 19
XP 204,800
LN Colossal magical beast
Init +9; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, Perception +22, tremorsense 30 ft.
AC 34, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (-8 size, +9 Dex, +1 dodge, +22 natural)
hp 346 (21d10+231)
Fort +23, Ref +21, Will +12
DR 20/magic; Immune poison; Resist fire 30, force 30; SR 30
Speed 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (average)
Melee bite +27 (4d6+14/19-20 plus grab), 2 claws +27 (2d8+14), 2 wings +22 (2d8+7)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (150 ft. line, 1 minute, 19d10 force damage),hurricane hover,swallow whole(AC 21, 34 hp, 4d8+21 bludgeoning),toxic webbing, webs (+22 ranged, range increment 30 ft., 150 ft. range, DR 10/-, 21 hp, DC 31)
Str 39, Dex 28, Con 32, Int 4, Wis 21, Cha 15
Base Atk +21; CMB +43 (+47 grapple); CMD 63
Feats Acrobatic,Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes,Dodge, Flyby Attack, Greater Vital Strike, Hover (B), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +21 (+25 when jumping), Climb +26, Fly +13, Perception +22; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Ignan (cannot speak)
Environment warm land
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure incidental
Special Abilities
Hurricane Hover (Ex) A terochilus gains Hover as a bonus feat. When it uses the Hover feat, it creates hurricane force winds in a 60-foot radius, regardless of its distance from the surface.
Toxic Webbing (Ex) A terochilus’ webs release toxic gas when they take fire damage. This gas fills a 30 foot radius from the webbing, and lingers for 1d4+1 rounds before dissipating. This toxin has the following properties
Web fumes—inhaled; duration 1/round for 4 rounds; save Fort DC 31; initial effect unconsciousness 1 minute; secondary effect 1d6 Con damage and unconsciousness 10 minutes; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution based.
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Alien Babilar and Megasaura from The Ultraman episode 32.
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6, 11, 19 !!!
6: Favorite secondary character?
AUUHH....... HEAD IN MY HANDS.......... actually no i thought about it and the answer is aizaki moa. she is the most special ever.
11: Favorite henshin gimmick?
Fourze takes the cake I love that he flips some switches and pulls a lever and it goes 3... 2... 1...! like hes launching like a rocket and then he turns into an astronaut. it fucking rules
19: If you could go back and change one show, what would you change?
toku ask game here!
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Let’s say you know someone who’s a WEAKLING who struggles to accept &/or appreciate the very showa-y idiosyncrasies of showa toku, how would one go about remedying this?
Amazon. Amazon is a really really good way to 'ease' people into Showa because it's a lot shorter and because of that also has tighter storytelling and clearer developments. If nothing else it's a good test to see if someone will like Showa Toku going forward; if they don't like Amazon then that's it dead in the water
I'd recommend Kikaider for similar storytelling reasons but unfortunately that doesn't have the same short length advantage (granted, 43 looks short in the context of a fandom that watches 50-episode shows 90% of the time...)
FURTHER than that, one last thing is Ultraman and Ultraseven. Ultra in general is a very different beast from most other toku in how it leans much more into sci-fi than superhero conventions and that applies to Showa as much as it does Heisei and New Gen, and so still might appeal to people who aren't into the V3s and Biomans and Gavans.
alternatively tie them to a chair and have their eyed pried open and make them watch all 32 episodes of zubat in a row
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when you start ultraman gaia for takano hassei and he's the majority of it (32 out of 51 eps) but you'd rather he was in like 48 out of 51 episodes
also he is like actually kinda tall
#in ryuki he was like slightly taller than shinji#here he's a full 3 inches taller than mr main guy#he's very pretty with fluffy hair tho
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Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @stellaralignment How could you assume I wouldn't love to respond to things I'm tagged in? Don't you know I'm a slut for attention?
Last song: The Only Exception by Paramore. It was that kind of night.
Favorite color: Black. Goth bitch to the day I die 💀🖤
Last movie/TV show: Ultraman Mebius! I am episode 32 of, 50? But there's also specials and the like in between... >.>
Sweet/spicy/savory?: I'd like to say spicy if my poor intestines could handle it 😭 So savory. Give me steaaaaaaak 🤤 The rarer the better...
Relationship status: Gettin' there. If you know, you know, sweets~ 😘
Last thing I googled: PDF combiner. >.> (...I ain't payin for no Adobe Acrobat)
Current obsession: MAGNAGOTHICA: MALEGHAST by Tom Bloom, writer and artist of Kill 6 Billion Demons 👏🫶🙌🤘🤘🤘🖤❤️🔥🖤❤️🔥🖤❤️🔥🖤
Tag Nine People: @irlactualhuman @empress-belosbeck @cynthjam @hooid @drowsy-siren @sylver-syl @trans-lykanthropie @smallgronk & @black-eyed-seas
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @meghawhopp <33
Last song: Down by the River by Borislav Slavov from the Baldur’s Gate 3 Soundtrack (or more specifically the cover of Down by the River by Nerissa Ravencroft)
Favorite color: Blue and purple!
Last movie/TV show: Seinfeld, I’m currently on season four!
Sweet/spicy/savory?: I have a huge sweet tooth, so sweet things
Relationship status: Single
Last thing I googled: I searched up the show “Arthur” because I was trying to find that one meme where Buster was like “You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and spread lies?”
Current obsession: Fragaria memories and tears of themis mostly^^
Tag Nine People: @kyaruun @xinieeee @deadmansbistro @florapot @hunita812 @scuffle-with-spirals @rexonalapis @maxellera @manicpixiedoomedgirl
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Tsuburaya... Of all things... Why did you have to create a monster that attacks by farting...
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Kirara from Ultraman Leo episode 32
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Image © Tsuburaya Studios, accessed at the Ultraman Wiki here
[The last of my Ultraseven monsters, and the last monster Ultraseven fought. Personally, I think Ultraseven is somewhat overrated, but its last two-part episode is genuinely excellent. Seven is dying, his body falling apart due to over-exertion, and he finds himself torn between self-preservation and protecting the people he cares about when the Alien Ghose invade. The Ghose’s secret weapon, of course, is Pandon here.
Pandon has appeared in many different series, with many different appearances and suites of abilities. This variety of different Pandons is why I decided to make this a species and not a unique individual for my version. I’m sticking to the more original appearance, with the two heads fused together, but a truly two-headed appearance wouldn’t change anything mechanically if you prefer. If you want to use abilities based on other versions of Pandon, consider borrowing the sphere form of Bemular and/or the inferno aura of Geweih Metzelei.]
Pandon CR 23 N Aberration This strange giant has orange-red skin, covered in spikes and crags and fading to a rocky texture along the legs. Its arms end in crab-like claws. Its head appears to be two heads, each with beady yellow eyes and a bird like beak, fused together into a column, the beaks facing forward at an oblique angle.
Pandons are strange, two-headed colossi that have been found under the command of a variety of forces, from different planets and planes. No two look quite the same, with some having heads fully separated whereas others have them conjoined, some having more hook like versus pincer like claws, or even constructed components replacing one or more limbs. The explanation for this variety is that pandons are artificial creations, formed from fleshwarping creatures with fiery bodies into a living artillery platform. Different creators put their own spins on the pandon template, but all are lethal adversaries.
A pandon is not necessarily evil, but is typically under command of some manner of conqueror, and they react to most disturbances with violence. Their initial reaction is to burn attackers, breathing gouts of flame and spitting fiery bullets. If enemies prove to be immune to fire, the pandon closes to melee, grabbing enemies in their claws and pressing them against the spikes that cover their upper bodies. Pandons are capable burrowers, and will retreat underground to heal if badly injured.
Pandon CR 23 XP 820,000 N Colossal aberration (fire) Init +8; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 120 ft., Perception +25, tremorsense 120 ft. Defense AC 40, touch 7, flat-footed 35 (-8 size, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +33 natural) hp 495 (30d8+360); fast healing 20 Fort +21, Ref +16, Will +23 DR 20/epic; Immune fire, flanking; Resist acid 20, electricity 20, sonic 20; SR 34 Defensive Abilities return volley, spikes, unstoppable; Weakness vulnerable to cold Offense Speed 60 ft., burrow 40 ft. Melee 2 claws +33 (3d8+19/19-20 plus grab), 2 bites +33 (3d6+19) Ranged 4 flame bullets +19 touch (6d6+11 fire) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks breath weapon (2 140-foot lines or 1 70-foot cone, 1d4 rounds, 30d6 fire damage, Ref DC 36 half), rend (2 claws, 3d8+28) Statistics Str 49, Dex 19, Con 32, Int 6, Wis 23, Cha 16 Base Atk +22; CMB +49 (+53 grapple and sunder); CMD 64 (66 vs. sunder) Feats Blind-fight, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows (B), Dodge, Greater Sunder, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Snatch Arrows (B), Stand Still, Toughness, Weapon Focus (flame bullet) Skills Acrobatics +19 (+31 jumping), Climb +34, Perception +21, Stealth +7, Swim +34; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception Languages Aklo, Ignan (cannot speak) SQ no breath Ecology Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none Special Abilities Flame Bullets (Su) A pandon can launch a fiery projectile from each of its beaks as a standard action, and two from each beak as a full attack action. Treat each bullet as a ranged touch attack with a range of 240 feet and no range increment. A creature struck takes 6d6 damage plus the pandon’s Constitution modifier per bullet. If multiple bullets strike the same target in a round, they are treated as a single effect for the purposes of overcoming fire resistance. Return Volley (Ex/Su) A pandon gains Deflect Arrows and Snatch Arrows as bonus feats. It may catch and return any ranged attack or ranged touch attack, including rays, bullets or siege weapons, using these feats. Spikes (Ex) A creature that strikes a pandon with a natural weapon, touch attack, unarmed strike or melee weapon takes 2d6+9 points of piercing damage. A creature grappled by a pandon takes double this amount of damage each round. Weapons with the reach property do not endanger their wielder in this way. Unstoppable (Ex) If a pandon starts its turn suffering from any or all of the following conditions, it recovers from them at the end of its turn: blind, confused, dazed, deafened, dazzled, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, slowed, staggered, and stunned.
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i unfortunately spend too much time on my drama list, so here are some guest stars i found:
matsuda satoshi (ren from ryuki) was magure juro from episode 7 of lovepatrina
yano yuuka (fuuka from ninninger) was miyuki, also in episode 7 of lovepatrina
yamazaki hikaru (most know for young hikari from toqger) was “seria’s rival” in episode 27 of kirameki powers
shiramata atsushi (hase from gaim) was “musical performer” in episode 32 of kirameki powers
yamazaki shigenori (chirami from geats) was nanairo riku in episode 25 of lovepatrina (also fun fact: he’s married to yoshi reii who was rinna in drive)
hirata yuya (katsumi minato from ultraman r/b) was iru john in episodes 26-29 of lovepatrina
so kaku (kaguragi from kingohger) was a guest on phantomirage
other sentai/rider series that had actors/actresses in girls x heroine are kyoryuger, gotchard, revice, zi-o, ghost and donbrothers
Girls x Heroine known toku actors
these are just the ones I know of at the moment if I find more I'll add them IF you know more please add them
I'll start with the big on Ukyo Matsumoto as Mr.Shiny from Kirameki Powers
Nao Nagasawa as Maiko Asumi in episode 2 of Phantomirage
Suzuka Morita as Izumi in Episode 4 of phantomirage
Noboru Kaneko as Morohayer in Episode 35 of Phantomirage
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The Kaiju battle: the Kaiju city attack
Ultraman Geed: well look like it's monster fighting again! He's still nothing she fight that all of the Giant, well that's started to beginning on Saturday monster battle! But unfortunately... It's nothing..... But he's okay... Good luck enjoy your show! Good night everyone!! The whole enjoy!!!
Licorice cookie: of course I do! And who going to win
Poison mushroom cookie: I just say... Look pure vanilla fighting with
Pomegranate Cookie: uh. Apparently.. this is bad
Licorice cookie and Ultraman Geed: POMEGRANATE!!!
Dark cacao cookie: you're and chaos! a monster! you only bring destruction i will show you some discipline!
Pure vanilla cookie: um.... Did you see....d-do not.. JUST LISTEN!!!!!
Eclair Cookie: oh dear..... Here go again..... There's two monsters....
Caramel arrow cookie: we could do that!! Master! Go ahead!
Dark cacao cookie: fine caramel arrow.. I will fight, and you lose, I will win!!
26 hours later..
Ultraman Trigger: uh, here is miss Geed...
Ultraman zero: trigger!
Ultraman Geed: good good... Now it's showtime!!!
Pomegranate cookie: it's starting now!!
Ultraman Geed: hello everyone!! I'm a hoe Ultraman Geed!! And welcome to the monsters batt-
Dark Choco cookie: I don't know...
Ultraman Geed: dark Choco... Can you tell what the heck is this thing!? You're chill about him??
Dark Choco cookie: okay... Let's start the show beginning
Ultraman Geed: welcome to the monsters BATTLE!!!!
Dark Choco cookie: yay!
Ultraman Geed: in the last year, I just saw it to the episode go check it out! Let's start a round 1 to the live stream!! DO THE CHALLENGE ON ROUTE 2!! IT'S STARTING TO THE MONSTER BATTLE ROYALE!!!
Poison mushroom cookie: yeah! Happy mushroom day!!
Latte cookie: oh my goodness! Uh cream puff, I have a weird news..
Cream puff cookie: yes? What is this?
Latte cookie: there's this strange creature destroyed the city!
Cream puff cookie: oh no...
32 second later..
*crack on car*
Eclair Cookie: oops... Be sorry little car..
Pure vanilla cookie: you broke the car!? What are you done!!!
Dark cacao cookie: hey!! you guys!!! You look like a stupid monster!!! I do like that!!! I think Hollyberry cookie, why is so bad...
Hollyberry cookie: go!! Go buddy!!! We could do that!!! With camera arrow!!!
Dark cacao cookie: you won't pass through don't me! even bother! unless i put you where you're supposed to be!
Pure vanilla cookie: what!? But dark cacao? What are you doing here??
Dark cacao cookie: you're a monster! you only bring destruction and chaos! i will show you some discipline!
Eclair Cookie: I will fight
Pure vanilla cookie: that's really all i needed right now!
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[Personal] 2019 stages watched this year
only 2 days are left in 2019... so I thought it’s time for this year’s watched list
like last year... I was curious how many stages I’ve watched over the year (performances 2019 only + older stages) and I was shocked O_O (again)… YOU CAN OFFICIALLY CALL ME AN ADDICT!!!!! (good thing I don’t really watch tv anymore... less than 10 dramas/variety shows this year!!!)
you find the whole list of 2019 stages and a list of older stages I have watched this year under the cut~♡
ps: aspecial thanks goes to @mandilo who is responsible for my addiction to rare stages, @ryota-kunstranslations who adds to my tsukipro addiction, @annikamuffyn who is my German backup system and moral support and the rest of my beautiful little group here on tumblr and twitter!! without you guys, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy so many stages throughout the year!!!!
2019 Stages:
01. あんさんぶるスターズ!エクストラ・ステージ ~Memory of Marionette~ (ensemble stars! extra stage ~memory of marionette~) [December 28th – February 15th]
02. 銀岩塩 Vol.3 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT「『神ノ牙-JINGA-転生』~消えるのは俺じゃない、世界だ。~」(ginganen vol.3 live entertainment kami no kiba -jinga- tensei ~kieru no wa ore janai, sekai da.~) [January 5th - January 14th]
03. Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE -絶対魔獣戦線バビロニア- Enuma Dingir (fate/grand order the stage zettai majuusensen babylonia enuma dingir) [January 11th - January 27th]
04. 舞台 アニドルカラーズ! キュアステージ (butai anidol colors! cure stage) [January 11th - January 27th]
05. ミュージカル 封神演義-目覚めの刻- (musical houshin engi -mezame no toki-) [January 13th - January 20th]
06. 舞台 忍び、恋うつつ (butai shinobi, koi utsutsu) [January 18th - January 27th]
07. ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~三百年の子守唄~ musical touken ranbu ~mihotose no komoriuta~) [January 20th - March 24th]
08. ミュージカル スタミュ スピンオフ SHUFFLE REVUE (musical starmyu spin off shuffle revue) [January 23rd - February 3rd]
09. 舞台「BASARA外伝~KATANA 虹の話ー銀杏ー」(butai basara gaiden ~katana niji no hanashi -ichou-) [January 25th - January 28th]
10. MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~AUTUMN & WINTER 2018~ [January 31st - March 24th]
11. 舞台『メサイア トワイライト -黄昏の荒野-』(butai messiah twilight -koukon no arano-) [February 7th - March 2nd]
12. Bunkamura 30 周年記念 シアターコクーン・オンレパートリー2019「唐版 風の又三郎」(bunkamura 30 shuunen kinen theater cocoon on repertoire 2019: karaban kaze no matasaburou) [February 7th - March 2nd]
13. 舞台『機動戦士ガンダム 00 -破壊による再生- Re:Build』(butai kidou senshi gundam 00 ~hakai ni yoru saisei~ re:build) [February 15th - February 24th]
14. 怜々蒐集譚 (reirei shuushuu tan) [February 16th - February 27th]
15. 舞台 漫画みたいにいかない。第2巻 (butai manga mitai ni ikanai. dai 2 maku) [February 19th - March 9th]
16. 舞台「文豪とアルケミスト 余計者ノ挽歌」(butai bungou to alchemist ~ yokeimon no elegy) [February 21st - March 10th]
17. 舞台「レイルウェイ」(butai railway) [February 22nd - March 2nd]
18. ミュージカル「ロミオ&ジュリエット」(musical romeo & juliette) [x2] [February 23rd - April 14th]
19. 舞台「プロジェクト東京ドールズ」(butai project tokyo dolls) [February 27th - March 10th]
20. 舞台『K -RETURN OF KINGS-』(butai k -return of kings-) [March 1st - March 17th]
21. 舞台 どろろ (butai dororo) [March 2nd - March 23rd]
22. 2.5次元ダンスライブ S.Q.S BLAZING & FREEZING (2.5 jigen dance live s.q.s: blazing & freezing) [March 3rd]
23. 舞台『仮面ライダー斬月』-鎧武外伝- (butai kamen rider zangetsu -gaim gaiden-) [March 9th - March 31st]
24. 朗読劇 ぼくは明日、昨日のきみとデートする (roudokugeki boku wa ashita, kinou no kimi to date suru) x8 [March 12th - March 17th]
25. 舞台 劇団シャイニング from うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪『Pirates of the Frontier』 (butai gekidan shining from uta no☆princesama♪ pirates of the frontier) [March 15th - April 7th]
26. 舞台「俺たちマジ校デストロイ」(butai oretachi majikou destroy) [March 21st - March 30th]
27.「 ツキステ。」 第8幕 「TSUKINO EMPIRE -Unleash your mind.-」(tsukisute. stage 8 ~ tsukino empire -unleash your mind.- ) [March 27th - March 31st]
28. つかこうへい復活祭 2019 VOL.1『熱海殺人事件』LAST GENERATION 46 (tsuka kouhei fukkatsusai 2019 vol.1 atami satsujin jiken last generation 46) [March 28th - March 31st]
29. 舞台「桃源郷ラビリンス」(butai tougenkyou labyrinth) [April 4th - April 14th]
30. ハイパープロジェクション演劇『ハイキュー!!』“東京の陣” (hyper projection engeki ‘haikyuu!!’ “tokyo no jin”) [April 5th, 2019 ~ May 6th, 2019]
31. ミュージカル『薄桜鬼 志譚』 風間千景篇 (musical hakuouki shitan kazama chikage hen) [April 5th - April 21st]
33. 王室教師ハイネ-THE MUSICAL II- (oushitsu kyoushi haine -the musical II-) [April 11th - April 28th]
34.『僕のヒーローアカデミア』The “Ultra” Stage (boku no hero academia ~ the “ultre” stage) [April 12th - April 29th]
35. 舞台『黒子のバスケ』ULTIMATE-BLAZE ~帝光編~リーディング (butai kuroko no basuke - ultimate-blaze ~teikou hen~ reading) [April 15th]
36. 舞台「幕末太陽傳 外伝」(butai bakumatsu taiyouden gaiden) [April 18th - April 28th]
37. 舞台「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Virtue and Vice」(butai psycho-pass virtue and vice) [April 18th - May 6th]
38. 舞台『銀河鉄道999』さよならメーテル~僕の永遠 (butai ginga tetsudou 999 ~ sayonara maetel ~ boku no eien) [April 20th - May 12th]
39. ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 加州清光 単騎出陣 アジアツアー (musical touken ranbu ~ kashuu kiyomitsu tanki asia tour) [April 20th - May 7th]
40. 浪漫活劇譚『艶漢』第三夜 (roman katsugeki banashi: adekan hosakayo) [April 20th - April 29th]
41. アイ★チュウ ザ・ステージ~Rose Ecarlate~ (i★chuu the stage ~rose ecarlate~) [April 21st - May 12th]
42. S.Q.S ~ SOLIDS & QUELL on STAGE Episode 3 ROMEO - in the darkness [April 25th - May 6th]
43. MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~SPRING 2019~ [April 27th ~ June 2nd]
44. 舞台『黒子のバスケ』ULTIMATE-BLAZE (butai kuroko no basuke ~ ultimate-blaze) [April 30th - May 19th]
45. 舞台「やがて君になる」(butai yagate kimi ni naru) [May 3rd - May 12th]
46. 舞台「+GOLD FISH 」(butai +gold fish) [May 10th - May 19th]
47. 舞台『弱虫ペダル』新インターハイ篇 ~制・限・解・除 (リミットブレイカー)~ (butai yowamushi pedal fin interhigh hen ~limit breaker~) [May 10th - May 16th]
48. ミュージカル「憂国のモリアーティ」(musical yuukoku no moriarty) [May 10th - June 26th]
49. DYNAMIC CHORD the STAGE [May 11th - May15th]
50. 2.5次元ダンスライブ『ALIVE』ステージEpisode 1 (2.5jigen dancelive ~alive stage~ episode 1) [May 15th - May 19th]
51. ミュージカル「スタミュ」スピンオフ team柊 単独レビュー公演「Caribbean Groove」(musical starmyu spin off team hiiragi tandoku revue kouen ~ caribbean groove) [May 30th - June 2nd]
52. 最遊記歌劇伝-Darkness- (saiyuuki kagekiden -darkness-) [June 6th - June 14th]
53. LOOSER~失い続けてしまうアルバム~ (looser ~ushinai tsuzuketeshimau album~) [June 6th - June 16th]
54. 錆色のアーマ -繋ぐ- (sabiiro no armor -tsunagu-) [June 6th - June 30th]
55. 舞台『刀剣乱舞』慈伝 日日の葉よ散るらむ (butai touken ranbu jiden hibi no ha yo chiruramu) [June 14th - August 4th]
56. 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN! the STAGE -vs VARIA part I- (katekyou hitman reborn ~ the stage -vs varia part I-) [June 14th - June 30th]
57. Rock Opera「R&J」 [June 14th - July 7th]
58. 高橋悠也×東映 シアタープロジェクト TXT vol.1「SLANG」(takahashi yuuya × touei theater project txt vol.1 ~slang~) [June 20th - June 30th]
59. 舞台「魍魎の匣」(butai mouryou no hako) [June 21st - July 7th]
60. 舞台「紅葉鬼」(butai kouyouki) [June 28th - July 7th]
61. ミュージカル 少女革命ウテナ ~深く綻ぶ黒薔薇の~ (musical shoujo kakumei utena ~fukaku hokorobu kurobara no~) [June 29th - July 7th]
62. ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』髭切膝丸 双騎出陣2019 ~SOGA~ (musical touken ranbu higekiri hizamaru souki shutsujin 2019 ~soga~) [July 4th - July 14th]
63. Starry☆Sky on STAGE [July 10th - July 15th]
64. GEKIIKE 本公演 第10回「月光仮面」(gekiike honkouen dai 10 kai gekkou kamen) [July 25th - August 12th]
65. Live!!! アイ★チュウ ザ・ステージ~Planete et Fleurs~ (live!! i★chuu the stage ~planete et fleurs~) [July 27th]
66. 舞台『pet』─虹のある場所─ (butai pet -niji no aru bashou-) [July 29th - August 4th]
67. THE STAGE ラッキードッグ1 Break Through (the stage lucky dog 1 break through) [July 31st - August 4th]
68. ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 ~葵咲本紀~ (musical touken ranbu ~kishouhongi~) [August 3rd ~ October 27th]
69. MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~SUMMER 2019~ [August 8th ~ September 29th]
70. ミュージカル「スタミュ」3 (musical starmyu 3) [August 12th ~ September 1st]
71. 舞台 Stray Sheep Paradise (butai stray sheep paradise) [August 15th ~ August 18th]
72. 舞台「7ORDER」 (butai 7order) [August 22nd ~ September 8th]
73. あんさんぶるスターズ!エクストラ・ステージ ~Destruction × Road~ (ensemble stars! extra stage ~destruction × road~) [August 22nd ~ September 29th]
74. 舞台「幽☆遊☆白書」(butai yuu☆yuu☆hakusho) [August 28th ~ September 22nd]
75. ミュージカル「アルスラーン戦記」(musical arslan senki) [September 5th ~ September 16th]
76. 舞台「メサイア ―黎明乃刻―」(butai messiah -reimei no toki) [September 5th ~ September 23rd]
77. 舞台「GOZEN -狂乱の剣-」(butai gozen -kyouran no ken-) [September 12th ~ September 29th]
78. 舞台「ULTRAMAN DARKNESS HEELS~THE LIVE~」(butai ultraman darkness heels ~the live~) [September 13th ~ September 23rd]
79. 私に会いに来て (watashi ni ai ni kite) [September 13th ~ September 20th]
80. S.Q.S Episode 4「TSUKINO EMPIRE2 -Beginning of the World-」[x2] [September 26th ~ September 29th]
81. 舞台 けものフレンズ 「JAPARI STAGE!」 ~おおきなみみとちいさなきせき~ (butai kemono friends japari stage! ~ookina mimi to chiisana kiseki~) [September 27th ~ October 6th]
82. 体内活劇「はたらく細胞 II」(tainai katsugeki hataraku saibou II) [September 27th ~ October 6th]
83. 舞台版『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Chapter1―犯罪係数―』 (butaiban psycho-pass chapter 1 -hanzai keisuu-) [October 25th ~ November 10th]
84. ライブ・スペクタクル NARUTO -ナルト- ~暁の調べ~ (live spectacle naruto ~ akatsuki no shirabe) [October 25th ~ December 10th]
85. 「 ツキステ。」 第9幕 「しあわせあわせ」(tsukisute. stage 9 ~ shiawase awase) [October 30th ~ November 4th]
86. LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』(live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken!) [x10] [October 31st ~ November 6th]
87. ハイパープロジェクション演劇『ハイキュー!!』“飛翔” (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! “hishou”) [November 1st ~ December 15th]
88. 舞台「血界戦線」(butai kekkai sensen) [November 2nd ~ November 17th]
89. 2.5次元ダンスライブ『ALIVE』ステージ Episode 2 (2.5jigen dancelive ~alive stage~ episode 2) [x4] [November 8th ~ November 17th]
90.『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -track.1- (hypnosis mic -division rap battle- rule the stage -track.1-) [November 15th ~ December 1st]
91. 舞台「暁のヨナ~烽火の祈り編~」(butai akatsuki no yona ~houka no inori hen~) [November 16th ~ November 23rd]
92. 舞台『刀剣乱舞』 維伝 朧の志士たち (butai touken ranbu ~ iden oboro no shishitachi) [November 22nd ~ January 18th, 2020]
93. さらに『さらざんまい』~愛と欲望のステージ~ (sarani sarazanmai ~ai to yokubou no stage~) [November 28th ~ December 8th]
94. テイルズ オブ ザ ステージ -光と影の正義- (tales of the stage -hikari to kage no seigi-) [December 5th ~ December 15th]
95. 脳内クラッシュ演劇『DRAMAtical Murder』(nounai crash engeki ~ dramatical murder) [December 20th ~ December 29th]
96. イケメン戦国 THE STAGE 番外編~はじまりの物語~ (ikemen sengoku the stage bangai hen ~hajimari no monogatari~) [December 26th ~ December 30th] (waiting patiently for a message from my partner in crime^^)
97. STAGE FES 2019-2020 [December 31st] (nice way to wait for the countdown^^)
other stages watched this year:
01. 夜想曲... GOLD (nocturne... gold) [November 3rd, 2010 - November 7th, 2010]
02. 舞台『レシピエント』 (butai recipient) [February 29th, 2012 - March 11th, 2012]
03. ミュージカル コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ 魔人に捧げるプレリュード (musical code geass: hangyaku no lelouch ~ majin ni sasageru prelude) [June 28th, 2012 - July 8th, 2012]
04. ニコニコミュージカル 千本桜 (niconico musical senbonzakura) [March 13th, 2013 - March 24th, 2013]
05. 俺たちの明日 (oretachi no ashita) [January 10th, 2014 - January 19th, 2014]
06. REVELATION GARDEN -スパルタクスの反乱- (revelation garden -spartacus no hanran-) [February 22nd, 2014 - March 2nd, 2014]
07. 舞台 STORM LOVER ~波打ち際の王子SUMMER!~ (butai storm lover ~namiuchigiwa no ouji summer!~) [May 3rd, 2014 - May 11th, 2014]
08. Patch stage vol.6 ~SPECTER~ [March 18th, 2015 - March 22nd, 2015]
09. 舞台 STORM LOVER ~波打ち際の王子SUMMER 改!~ (butai storm lover ~namiuchigiwa no ouji summer kai!~) [May 23rd, 2015 - May 31st, 2015]
10. Flying Pirates ネバーランド漂流記 featuring GUY'S (flying pirates neverland hyouryuuki featuring guy's) [September 18th, 2015 - September 23rd, 2015]
11. 極上文學 高瀬舟・山椒大夫 (gokujou bungaku ~ takasebune sanshou dayuu) [October 9th, 2015 - October 25th, 2015]
12. ペルソナ4 ジ・アルティマックス ウルトラスープレックスホールド (persona 4 the ultimax ~ ultra suplex hold) [July 6th, 2016 - July 10th, 2016 ]
13. bpm EXTRA STAGE ESORA [September 8th, 2016 - September 15th, 2016]
14. 劇団番町ボーイズ☆ 第5回本公演 スイーツボーイズ1st「甘くはないぜ!」 (gekidan banchou boys☆ dai 5 kai honkouen ~ sweets boys 1st amaku wa nai ze!) [December 2nd, 2016 - December 4th, 2016]
15. ミュージカル 忍たま乱太郎 第8弾 ~がんばれ五年生! 技あり、術あり、初忍務!!~ (musical nintama rantarou dai 8 dan ~ganbare gonensei! waza ari, jutsu ari, hatsu ninmu!!~) [January 7th, 2017 - January 22nd, 2017]
16. ミュージカル イケメン王宮◆真夜中のシンデレラ (musical ikemen oukyuu ◆ mayonaka no cinderella) [January 14th, 2017 - January 22nd, 2017]
17. ミュージカル 手紙 2017 (musical tegami 2017) [January 20th, 2017 - February 5th, 2017]
18. 舞台 弱虫ペダル 新インターハイ篇 ~スタートライン~ (butai yowamushi pedal shin inter high hen ~startline~) [February 25th, 2017 - March 12th, 2017]
19. 厨病激発ボーイ (chuubyou gekihatsu boy) [June 8th, 2017 - June 18th, 2017]
20. 劇団番町ボーイズ☆ 第7回本公演 オフィスクレッシェンドプロデュース「マネキンライフ」 (gekidan banchou boys☆dai 7 kai honkouen office crescendo produce mannequin life) [June 9th, 2017 - June 11th, 2017]
21. 舞台 イムリ (butai imuri) [July 26th, 2017 - July 31st, 2017]
22. The Stage 神々の悪戯 太陽と冥府の希望 (the stage kamigami no asobi: taiyou to meifu no kibou) [August 16th, 2017 - August 20th, 2017]
23. 舞台 OZMAFIA!! (butai ozmafia!!) [September 6th, 2017 - September 10th, 2017]
24. 死にかけ男が転生目指して芸能界で頑張ります! ~しにてん~ (shinikake otoko ga tensei mezashite geinoukai de ganbarimasu! ~shiniten~) [September 13th, 2017 - September 17th, 2017]
25. 勇者セイヤンの物語 (仮) (yuusha seiyan no monogatari (kari)) [November 8th, 2017 - November 12th, 2017]
26. 劇団☆新感線 髑髏城の七人 season月 '上弦の月' (gekidan shinkansen: dokurojou no shichinin season tsuki ~ 'jougen no tsuki') [November 23rd, 2017 - February, 21st, 2018]
27. 劇団☆新感線 髑髏城の七人 season月 '下弦の月' (gekidan shinkansen: dokurojou no shichinin season tsuki ~ 'kagen no tsuki') [November 23rd, 2017 - February 21st, 2018]
28. 銀岩塩vol.2 「牙狼<GARO> -神ノ牙 覚醒-」(ginganen vol.2 garo -kami no kiba mezame-) [November 29th, 2017 - December 3rd, 2017]
29. バリスタと恋の黒魔術 クローバー班 (barista to koi no kuromajutsu clover han) [December 20th, 2017 - December 26th, 2017]
30. 舞台 ONLY SILVER FISH (butai only silver fish) [January 6th, 2018 - January 17th, 2018]
31. ミュージカル 忍たま乱太郎 第9弾 ~忍術学園陥落! 夢のまた夢!?~ (musical nintama rantarou dai 9 dan ~ninjutsu gakuen kanraku! yume no mata yume!?~) [January 6th, 2018 - February 4th, 2018]
32. イケメン革命 アリスと恋の魔法 Episode 黒のエース フェンリル=ゴッドスピード (ikemen kakumei alice to koi no mahou the stage episode kuro no ace fenrir godspeed) [January 10th, 2018 - January 14th, 2018 ]
33. もののふシリーズ最終章 駆けはやぶさ ひと大和 (mononofu series saishuushou ~ kake hayabusa hito yamato) [February 2nd, 2018 - February 18th, 2018]
34. 舞台 アンフェアな月 (butai unfair na tsuki) [February 22nd, 2018 - March 4th, 2018]
35. ミュージカル ヘタリア FINAL LIVE ~A World in the Universe~ (musical hetalia final live ~a world in the universe) [March 17th, 2018 - March 18th, 2018]
36. 舞台 バグバスターズ ―Stage BLUE― (butai bugbusters -stage blue-) [March 21st, 2018 - March 25th, 2018]
37. わが家の最終的解決 (wagaya no saishuuteki kaiketsu) [March 28th, 2018 - April 1st, 2018]
38. イケメン戦国 THE STAGE ~織田信長編~ 幸福ルート (ikemen sengoku the stage ~oda nobunaga hen~ koufuku route) [April 5th, 2018 - April 9th, 2018]
39. イケメン戦国 THE STAGE ~織田信長編~ 情熱ルート (ikemen sengoku the stage ~oda nobunaga hen~ jounetsu route) [April 5th, 2018 - April 9th, 2018]
40. 1789 -バスティーユの恋人たち- ♪Version de courage (1789 -bastille no koibitotachi- ♪version de courage) [April 9th, 2018 - May 12th, 2018]
41. 劇団シャイニング from うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪「JOKER TRAP」(gekidan shining from uta no☆princesama♪ ~ joker trap) [April 19th, 2018 - May 13th, 2018]
42. ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」"はじまりの巨人" (hyper projection engeki ‘haikyuu!!’ “hajimari no kyojin”) [April 28th, 2018 - June 17th, 2018]
43. ミュージカル 青春 - AOHARU - 鉄道 3 (musical aoharu tetsudou 3) [May 4th, 2019 - May 26th, 2019]
44. 劇団シャイニング from うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ 『SHINING REVUE』レビューソングコレクション (gekidan shining from uta no☆princesama♪ ~shining revue~ revue song collection) [May 26th, 2018 - June 2nd, 2018]
45. BOYS★TALK 第3弾 (boys★talk dai 3dan) [June 6th, 2018 - June 8th, 2018]
46. 舞台 アニドルカラーズ! キュアステージ ~シリウス学園編~ (butai anidol colors! cure stage ~sirius gakuen hen~) [June 30th, 2018 - July 17th, 2018]
47. ミュージカル 『 テニスの王子様 』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学vs氷帝 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkoku taikai seigaku vs hyoutei) [July 12th, 2018 - September 24th, 2018]
48. ダンガンロンパ3 THE STAGE 2018 ~The End of 希望ヶ峰学園~ (danganronpa 3 the stage 2018 ~the end of kibougamine gakuen~) [July 20th, 2018 - August 13th, 2018]
49. 勇者セイヤンの物語 ~ノストラダム男の大予言~ (yuusha seiyan no monogatari ~nostradam otoko no daiyogen~) [July 25th, 2018 - July 29th, 2018]
50. 舞台『宇宙戦艦ティラミス』(butai uchuu senkan tiramisu) [July 25th, 2018 - July 31st, 2018]
51. 舞台 炎の蜃気楼昭和編 散華行ブルース (butai honoo no mirage shouwa hen ~ sangekou blues) [August 11th, 2018 - August 19th, 2018]
52. ミュージカル マリーゴールド (musical marigold) [August 25th, 2018 - September 9th, 2018]
53. 最遊記歌劇伝-異聞- (saiyuuki kagekiden -ibun-) [September 4th, 2018 - September 9th, 2018]
54. 舞台『かくりよの宿飯』(butai kakuriyo no yadomeshi) [September 5th, 2018 - September 16th, 2018]
55. イケメン革命 アリスと恋の魔法 Episode 黒のキング レイ=ブラックウェル (ikemen kakumei alice to koi no mahou the stage episode kuro no king ray blackwell) [September 6th, 2018 - September 11th, 2018]
56. 舞台 モブサイコ100 ~裏対裏~ (butai mob psycho 100 ~ura tai ura~) [September 13th, 2018 - September 23rd, 2018]
57. 舞台 劇団シャイニング from うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪『ポラリス』 (butai gekidan shining from uta no☆princesama♪ polaris) [September 13th, 2018 - October 8th, 2018]
58. 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN! the STAGE (katekyou hitman reborn! the stage) [September 21st, 2018 - October 14th, 2018]
59. 舞台「文豪ストレイドッグス 黒の時代」(butai bungou stray dogs kuro no jidai) [September 22nd, 2018 - October 6th, 2018]
60. Théâtre de Candy Boy 第一回公演 BON BON (théâtre de candy boy dai ikkai kouen ~bon bon~) [September 27th, 2018 - September 30th, 2018]
61. ハイパープロジェクション演劇『ハイキュー!!』“最強の場所” (hyper projection engeki ‘haikyuu!!’ “saikyou no team”) [October 10th, 2018 - December 16th, 2018]
62. 2.5次元ダンスライブ ツキウタ。ステージ CYBER -DIVE- CONNECTION (2.5 jigen dance live tsukiuta. stage cyber -dive- connection) [October 18th, 2018 - November 4th, 2018]
63. 舞台 銀河英雄伝説 DIE NEUE THESE THE STAGE (butai ginga eiyuu densetsu ~ die neue these the stage) [October 25th, 2018 - October 28th, 2018]
64. ミュージカル 深夜食堂 (musical shinya shokudou) [October 26th, 2018 - November 11th, 2018]
65. 舞台 けものフレンズ ~ゆきふるよるのけものたち~ (butai kemono friends ~yuki furu yoru no kemonotachi~) [November 8th, 2018 - November 18th, 2018]
66. 舞台 信長の野望大志 春の陣 天下布武 ~金泥の首編~ SIDE織田 (butai nobunaga no yabou taishi haru no jin: tenkafubu - kindei no atama hen - side oda) [November 8th, 2018 - November 12th, 2018]
67. 舞台 暁のヨナ ~緋色の宿命編~ (butai akatsuki no yeon hwa ~hiiro no shukumei hen~) [November 15th, 2018 - November 25th, 2018]
68. 舞台『君死ニタマフ事ナカレ 零_改』(butai kimi shi ni tamau koto nakare zero kai) [November 29th, 2018 - December 9th, 2018]
69. 舞台 遙かなる時空の中で3 (butai haruka naru toki no naka de 3) [December 6th, 2018 & December 16th, 2018]
70. ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 青学 vs 四天宝寺 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season seigaku vs shitenhouji) [December 20th, 2018 - February 17th, 2019]
71. LUNATIC LIVE 2018 ver BLUE & RED [December 26th, 2018 & December 27th, 2018]
#personal#jstages#stages#watched list#2019#call me an addict#good thing I don't really watch tv anymore...#O_O
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Ultraman Mebius: Episode 32 - The Monster Tamer’s Legacy
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Patty’s right. That’s what I go looking for when I visit Japan.
#Ultraman#Ultraman episode 32#SSSP#Science Patrol#Science Special Search Party#Captain Toshio Muramatsu#Akiko Fuji#Patty#Shin Hayata#Mitsuhiro Ide#Daisuke Arashi#tokusatsu#Tsuburaya Productions
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Toku Subs Updates Aug. 2018
Kamen Rider
Hibiki full series batch uploaded by Shushutto
Blade 29-32 released by Excite
Decade Live Show & Musical uploaded by Bereke (subbed by KIT)
X episode 28 released by TMS
Super Sentai
Go-onger 10 Years Grand Prix released by Over Time
Goranger 76-84 released by Rampage
Lupat Girlfriends Army HBDVD released by TVN
Hurricanger full series batch uploaded by Shushutto
Kyuranger High School Wars & Episode of Stinger released by Pocket Universe
Dairanger & Zyuranger full series batches uploaded by RWR (Shout Factory rips)
Geed movie released by /m/Subs
Jikuu Senshi Spielvan 12-33 released by Metallic Fansubs
Mechanical Violator Hakaider released by Bereke
Caster Chronicles Ryukendo 15&16 released by Bereke
Azteckaiser ep 6 released by Skaro Hunting Society
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