#Uhm yes
sebastians-stan · 2 years
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Okay, how much for the arm? 
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ishipthis · 1 year
iDidn't see this coming - Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I wasn't going to put this on tumblr because of its contents. 😳 But you voted so here it is. ❤️ Please be aware, if you did not like chapter one there is no way you are going to like chapter two. Like really, I mean it, you will not like it. Abort Mission. This is literally 30% Creddie smut. I can't say it anymore plainly. If you're not up for that, do not click past the read more section. It will hurt your eyes.
“It’s going to be totally fine, you’re going to be totally fine. So you kind of crossed a line with Freddie last night, it’s not like you had phone sex, your clothes stayed on, Carly, your clothes stayed on” It’s not the positive affirmation repetition she’s become accustomed to, but if positive affirmations are going to save their friendship, she’s going to positive affirmation the crap out of this morning. 
“I am loved and worthy….. And it’s going to be fine.”
“I am complete as I am, others simply support me…. Especially Freddie who is not going anywhere because he’s my best friend and any decisions we made last night will be forgotten this morning because that was the deal and we will be totally fine.”
“Today I align myself with freedom, growth and joy….. And the assurance that Freddie and I are going to be fine” She’s not spiraling, she’s not.
“My body is a vessel of wellness and… Ugh who am I kidding?! You’re a body of Lies! What did you do to me, urges? How dare you, libedo? Good going, hormones, I hope you’re happy with what you’ve done.” Carly groans, the colour draining out of her face as she takes in the sight of herself again, flushed cheeks, wide eyes, messed up hair. It was one of the best sleeps of her life. But not the point. It was a one time thing, a terrible miscalculation, a monumental slip…. A drunken mistake…. That she can’t stop rereading again, and again, and again.
(Seriously, final warning, do not read down if you are not ready for 🌶🌶🌶. You have been warned.)
“I’d walk you to your room with your legs still wrapped around my waist and I’d drop you on to the bed, kissing you deeply before moving my attention lower.”
“Lower? How low? You’re making my heart race”
“Just a little lower. I’d kiss down your neck but then I’d pull away so I could remove some of those clothes. I’d start with your shoes… and then your socks, and then I’d shimmy those pants down your legs and let them join the pile…… And you should see mine, feel like it’s beating through my ears”
“You know why, Carly”
“I’d ask you to take your pants off too, and I’d lift my shirt over my head and hand it to you, so you could add it our pile”
“Why?” he mimics
“You know why, Freddie”
Ugh. Just the thought of what they did next starts getting her all hot and bothered again. But, she thinks, Still technically not phone sex. All physical items of clothing stayed on. At least that’s something?
She panics, dropping her phone into the empty sink before grabbing it out again. Harper. She’s not disappointed, she’s not. It’s totally fine. Fine. 
‘Hey Bestie, Vinet turned out to be vin-no, he wouldn’t even make me eggs. Who does that, after I put all MY eggs in his basket last night. Anywayyyy it’s okay, Spencer’s insta shows he’s got a chef making him waffles, so I’ll meet you there, kay?’
Waffles. She could do waffles. Maybe waffles is exactly what she needs to stop looking at her stupid phone. Yes, waffles will be great. 
She looks to the mirror one final time, steeling herself. “I am cool, calm and collected….. And I am not going to look at my phone again because Freddie is my best friend and I don’t have feelings for him. ” Hearing the words fall from her lips, even she knows it sounds like a lie.  
“I said to him, it's my sacred space. Rules are made to be broken, I'll fill it with waffles and eggs if I want to. And he laughed, so I did what anyone would do, I hired his wife to do it. And that’s why you can’t trust an artist, or a republican.” He smirks, wiggling his eyebrows before turning toward the front door that’s swung open. And seriously, do they ever lock the door? For a multimillionaire it seems like it’s probably a security risk. 
She’s zoning out again, staring at the maple syrup dripping off the waffle on her fork when she hears his name.
“Freddie! You made it! This is Susan, Waffle extraordinaire. Also known as Byron’s wife, but we don't like Byron so let's not waste another breath talking about him.” 
“Hey Susan, mind if I grab one of those?” Freddie says with a grin as he drops down into the seat across from Carly. “I had to drop Millicent off at school this morning because her teacher wanted to have a chat about ‘Inappropriate use of school resources’, my little hellraiser.”
“She both excites and terrifies me” Harper responds, as she hands Freddie the syrup. “Susan knows how to make a mouth watering syrup, just wet enough, you got to try it” Carly chokes on her waffle. Wet enough? 
“I’d kiss down your stomach taking my time to savor the taste of your skin against my lips”
“I’d run my hands through your hair, tugging gently to lift your head so I could look at you and see the look in your eyes.”
“I’d look hungry”
“I’d be wet”
“You right, Carls?” Freddie asks, a curious look etched on his face as Harper smacks her on the back, shooting her a concerned smile. 
“Guess some things are too wet for you, huh?” 
She kicks Harper under the table. 
Freddie’s not even paying attention, she realises, as she looks over to him for the 100th time since he walked through the door 30 minutes ago. For the most part everything has been normal, he’s been happy, dorky, Freddie, and everything Carly was worried about prior? Not needed. Apparently Oprah was right, and affirmations do work, because Freddie? He’s thriving. She hates it.
“These are great, Susan. And you’re really not a chef?” No, Susan’s a 30 something year old blonde housewife with an affinity for making syrup that you keep licking off your full pouty kissable lips, Ya jerk. “I mean I never would have known, these could be restaurant quality!” he licks his lips again, Carly swallows heavily. “Don’t you think, Carly?”
Two can play at this game, she thinks, wanting to give him a taste of his own medicine, even if it is on his part non intentional medicine. “Oh yes” she says with a smile of her own, picking up her unused spoon to dip it right into the pot of syrup in front of them before bringing it toward her her mouth. “It’s such good syrup, I just loveeee it. Great job, Susan'' She lets the spoon hit her lips finally, purposely letting them get messy in the meantime before licking them clean. Take that, she thinks. 
He does. He takes it and does nothing with it. Nothing but smile at her and hand her a napkin, looking at her in the way you look at a dog chasing its tail, with mild amusement and nothing more. “Can’t take you anywhere can we?” Freddie says with a laugh, reaching over to rustle her hair, before turning back to the others to continue the conversation. Like What?! She’s not a labrador.
They’ve been back in their apartment for all of three seconds when Harper turns on her. “Are we going to talk about why the heck you almost deep throated your spoon back there, or….?” Was she that obvious? Shit.
“Deep throated a spoon? What are you even talking about, I didn’t almost deep throat anything?” 
“But you wanted too?” Harper raises an eyebrow as she puts her hands on her hips, a ‘this is an interrogation and I’m going to get this out of you whether you like it or not’ look if ever there was one.”From the way you were looking at Freddie and licking your lips you wanted to real bad, Bestie”
Carly groans, making her way towards the couch before flopping her body onto it face first. “I don’t want to have this conversation” she mumbles into the couch cushions. 
“And I didn’t want Jennifer Lopez to miss my sweet 16th, but we don’t always get what we want, Carly. Now what in the love of Beyonce happened to make you get all….” She scrunches her nose up. “Messy.”
“It’s your fault”
“Most things are” Harper reasons, before physically pulling Carly up into a sitting position as she takes the seat next to her. “But 50% of the time I’m around when they happened. So what’s got you exuding all of this energy, did yall finally hook up?!” She looks over to Carly. “Oh my god! You did! You hooked up with Freddie!”
Carly covers her face groaning. “We did not hook up! Well not really anyway… I don’t think?"
“Did he get it in the wrong hole or something, because that’s okay, a bad sense of direction can have some good outcomes”
“What?! No! God No, What does that even-” she trails off, groaning again. “He doesn’t have a bad sense of direction, whatever that means. I…. I did something stupid last night and one thing led to another and…”
“And…..? Spit it out!”
“I can’t, I’m too ashamed, leave me here on the couch to wallow”
“Carly, if you don’t tell me, I’m going to have to go ask him myself and I know you don't want that”. She’s lying, Carly knows that, but even so the threat of bringing any of this up with Freddie is a no go. 
“You can’t tell anyone okay, sworn to secrecy. You have to promise… On Beyonce.”
“Beyonce?” Harper asks. 
“What did you do?! Okay, I promise, but what in the world is so bad that you made me promise on the queen?! We’ve already lost one, Carly”
Carly cracks a smile, hitting Harper with the pillow next to her before taking a deep breath and saying the next words so fast they all stick together. “Wehdirtahtextd”
“You what now?”
“We…” she huffs out a breath, closing her eyes before finishing the sentence. “Dirty texted..”
“You dirty texted?”
“Yes. Last night, I dirty texted Freddie” 
“So you sexted? That’s not bad Carly, I can’t tell you how many people I’ve had a textual cohabitation with, I thought you guys banged or something”
“We didn’t sext” Carly corrects, putting her face in her hands again. “At least I don’t think we did. We just talked… about what we would do.. If we were….together….in an intimate way..”
“Uh huh. So you were sexting. I need to see the evidence” Harper smirks, attempting to reach for the phone. A direct reversal of their situation fifteen hours earlier. “Well did you like it?! By the waffle thing this morning I feel like you did.”
“NO!” Carly groans again. “I can’t do that to Freddie, and anyway, it doesn’t matter if I liked it, because it’s not going to happen again.”
At this Harper finally quits trying to steal the phone, turning instead to face her best friend. “What do you mean it’s not going to happen again, and also not that I’m not flattered I was involved in you two finally losing your shit, but how, can I ask, was this my fault? I’d like to know so I can take credit on your wedding day.”
Carly stands up from the couch and walks to the fridge pulling out a bottle of orange juice before reaching for the wine and two flasks. “It’s not going to happen again, because we said it was a one night thing, and in any case as you could see today, Freddie didn’t seem to even care.” She puts the glasses on the table and starts pouring. “And, it’s your fault because this whole stupid thing happened because I sent him that fanfiction you had open on my phone last night!”
“Girl, you sent him the deep throat cake fic?! You saucy minx! I didn’t know you had it in you!”
“I didn’t have it in me! I thought it was about baking a cake!” Carly protests, before downing her whole mimosa in one go. 
“That seems more in character for you” Harper nods, a smile still evident on her face. “So let me get this straight, you’re throwing down cocktails at 11 am-” 
Carly interrupts. “11:27am”
Harper rolls her eyes. “11:27 am because you texted Freddie a fic about licking frosting off his body and then you guys sorta maybe had phone sex, but you told him that it was a one night thing and now you’re upset because this morning, after the one night, he did what you wanted and acted like your best friend again without making it weird?”
“Yes!” Carly bursts out, pouring more orange juice into her cup for round two. “Like who does that?!”
“Uh… Someone who can read an instruction manual? You did kind of give him one didn’t you?”
“Who’s side are you on here?” Carly whines, giving Harper a look.
“Yours, of course. All I’m saying is, I would look at this like the perfect situation, Bestie.”
“You guys got to have ‘dirty texting’” she air quotes the dirty texting. “And get your innocent little rocks off and then the next day go back to being best friends again with no weirdness, aside from you know, the spoon incident.” She’s not wrong. “So why stop? If you enjoyed it, and I assume he enjoyed it?” Carly Nods. “Then you’ve proven things don’t have to be weird, and you can keep doing your thing. It’ll give you something to do besides knitting, which believe me, you need.” 
“I..” Carly begins, scrunching her nose up as she thinks through what Harper said. “I don’t want to complicate things further. What if it leads to… physical touching?” 
“You mean like hand holding?” Harper smirks. “Most touching is physical, Carly. But okay so it leads to touching, at least you can stop lying to yourself about being crazy about him”
“I’m NOT crazy about him.”
“Uhuh, need I mention the spoon again, Carly?”
“No mention needed.” She huffs falling face first into the side of the lounge Harper isn’t sitting on. “Why did I let you get inside my head!”
It's 11pm when she finally caves. She's been reading through his texts over and over all evening wondering why he is happily texting in the group chat like nothing is bothering him when she's sitting here having an existential crisis of the highest order. When she mentioned it being a dream last night, this is not what she meant. Or maybe it is, maybe it's exactly what she meant, only she still feels like she's asleep and for some reason he's wide awake. On some level it feels disjointed because with their dynamic over the years the scales should be tipped the other way. He's supposed to chase her. She's mad at herself for even thinking that. 
Last night he had been so open, he'd literally talked about going down on her, he'd said she drove him crazy, he’d said her name, or well, typed her name, but he typed it like it meant something, like he was feeling the same thing. And then this morning happened and it was like he forgot. Like he completely wiped the fact that eight hours earlier she’d been telling him she wanted to.. 
“I’d want to return the favour”
“You wouldn't have to”
“I know that, but I'd WANT to’
‘Yes, I've thought about it before”
“Carly you're killing me”
And she had liked it. Last night he'd been so responsive, so In tune with her, it was like they were two spies hiding out from the rest of the world and their messages, this dirty little secret that only they would ever share. Well I suppose it was something only they were meant to share. But it felt like something. It felt like the start and yet… For him it wasn't?
And okay, so she'd been the one to say it was a dream, but that's because it had to be. She hadn't wanted to risk their friendship on something she hadn't even had the chance to think through. Last night was an accident, she hadn't known what the fic was about, it all sort of just happened. So it made sense that they had some ground rules, that they kept it hypothetical, because she wasn't ready for any of it to be real anyway. Right? 
But why wasn't he affected? Why was he treating her like some kid sister? Why didn't he care that she almost deep throated a waffle for him. And why is she the only one that's obsessing over them? Him? All of it. That can't be right. 
She thinks back on what Harper said, ‘So why stop? If you enjoyed it, and I assume he enjoyed it then you’ve proven things don’t have to be weird, and you can keep doing your thing.’ 
Had they proved it? I mean they technically had. They'd been fine today, normal even. So maybe Harper was right? Why stop? Besides, she thinks, why should she be the only one thinking about it. One more time can't hurt?
She pulls out her phone navigating back to the site she was on last night scrolling through the stories looking for something that will leave a mark. 
Freddie and Carly adopt a.. No. Freddie gives Carly a new.. Nope. Carly and Freddie get trapped in the Icarly studio when a power outage caused by a freak snow storm causes them to cross a line they never have before. Rated Mature. Yes. 
She starts reading, eyes rapidly sliding from one side of the page to the next as she devours the words on the screen. Fic Freddie has Carly up against the wall, much like they talked about last night. Fic Carly is dropping to her knees, somewhat like they spoke about last night. It's perfect, she thinks, copying the link before pasting it into their text chain. She doesn't bother to say anything this time, she just presses send.
His reply comes in Instantly, and there's no way he's finished reading, no way. She panics, thinking maybe he's going to turn her down, after all, he hasn't even bothered to read the story, that can’t be good.  
Maybe she should have left it. They’d made it out alive, what was she thinking tempting fate again? She looks down to the phone reluctantly ready to see his rejection when she spots the four words. 
“What are you wearing?” 
There is no pretense, no mucking around, no scene to set up, he's just straight to the point and It makes her body heat up and tingle all over. This does sound like the prelude to actual sexting. This was the boundary that she set for herself. This is the line they were not meant to cross. Last night it was hypothetical, pretend, this is…. not. 
ding. Another message pops up. 
“I’m going to be honest, I've been thinking about it all night.”
Thank God, she thinks, taking a deep breath as she types back into the phone. 
“Really? You didn't forget?”
“Forget?” He replies quickly before sending another one straight after. “You've been running through my mind all day”
Her whole body visibly relaxes, a breath coming out she didn't know she was holding. He thought of her all day? It shouldn't make her so happy, but it does. It just does. 
She types back. 
“I'm wearing my pink Pyjama shorts, you know the ones with the peaches, and the shirt that says “you've got a peach of my heart” she presses send, then panics. 
Was she meant to lie? Say something about wearing sexy lingerie? Does one actually stay honest about what they're wearing during a sext? She groans, grabbing the phone again to write another message. 
“Pretend I didn't say peaches, pretend I said something sexier, something lacier.”
He writes back immediately. “The sexiest thing to me is you being you. I’ll take the peaches, thanks.”
She whimpers, cheeks going hot as her hand goes to rest over her chest eager to feel if her heart is beating as fast as she feels it is. It is. 
“What are you wearing?” she responds, biting her lip as she pictures him laying on his bed, shirt off, thinking about her. 
“Just some pajama pants and some boxers” he responds, and okay now she's really thinking about it. She's thinking about throwing her rules aside and walking the 300 meters to his apartment so that she doesn't have to imagine anymore. In this moment, she wants it. 
She flushes and types back. “Take the pants off?”
“They're off, what about you?”
“What do you want?” she replies.
“I want the peaches to hit the floor”
“God, I want to see you. What are you doing, baby?”
Baby. Baby? The minute she reads it she feels the ache. He called her baby. He's never called her that before. Actually, she can count the number of people who have said that to her on one hand. And even from the list of ex boyfriends on that hand, not one persons ‘baby’ has ever hit her the way that reading Freddie's does. She’s so hot and bothered now it's not even funny.  They've already broken one rule tonight, what's another, she thinks. 
She grabs her phone, pressing his number before bringing the phone up to her ear. 
He picks up on the second ring. 
“Carly..” he says, breathing heavily. “I.. is-”
She cuts him off. “I needed to hear your voice, I needed to hear you say it..”
He lets out another breath, a contented sigh making its way into her ear as she waits. 
“What did you need to hear?” He whispers, as everything else around her goes silent. 
“Call me baby” she pleads. She's breathless herself, her hand still resting against her rapidly beating heart. “Please?”
He grunts, and it's the sexiest thing she's ever heard, or at least it is until the next word slips from his mouth. “Baby”
She moans and he curses under his breath which only makes her want him more. Freddie cursing in frustration and pent up need? um yes please. 
“Are we still dreaming?” He asks. 
She sighs, slipping her fingers underneath the hem of her shirt fiddling with it. “I think so… But Freddie, I don't want to stop”
He grunts again. “Are you on your bed, baby?” His voice is choked and smoky in a way that makes him sound like he's just smoked a whole box of cigarettes, all deep and throaty and enough to drive her wild. 
“Yes..” she manages to whisper. 
“Okay” he whispers back. “I want you to lay back and pretend your hand is mine”
She does. 
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agoldenlily-archive · 8 months
The Forceful Kiss
You are getting increasingly frustrated. Your Love Interest is ignoring your affections for them, even though you're making it oh so blatantly obvious. And you love them so much, so much that you can't stand it, that you wish they would stop ignoring you, and stop being so oblivious to your love for them. What do you gotta do? Why, grab them, pull them close to you and plant one right on those lips that you've been dying to kiss for so long! And of course, you may not think about what possible consequences your actions could bring you, since you are swept away in the emotions that drive you.
tagged by: @luckhissoul & @enidrhena tagging: @everythingheard @ssolessurvivor @honorhearted @ofteaandmagic
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My confession is that I want you to fucking my wife with a strap on while she worships my dick.
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lazydayslivin · 25 days
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sidekick? little bro!
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death-ism · 1 year
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@ermiis   ​  ​     /       *   𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬 💛 childhood friends 💌 one muse has a crush on the other muse
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I   would   be   lying   if   I   said   I   didn't   love   both   of   these   two   dynamics,   especially   if   they're   together.   sdlfkjsdkrj   I   imagine   Than   is   no   stranger   to   longing   ,   but   that   it   wouldn't   be   often   anyone   would   be   amorous   for   him.   come   to   my   office,   lets   talk.   let's   talk   right   now.
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cryptcoop · 5 months
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Am I allowed to say something
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stoneqoldcrazy · 6 months
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the gang's all here,,,,,,
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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"this is regrettably the best kiss of your life, you understand?"
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prec1ousboy · 1 month
Knight who fucks you while fully covered in armor aside from their cock. You're coming apart under them, completely naked and vulnerable, unable to see even their face. Left with practically no way of telling whether they're nearly as affected as you are. Your body is desperate for theirs, longing to feel skin against skin, you're begging to be touched more. No wonder then that you start moaning like a whore when they take off one of their gloves and shove their fingers in your mouth. It's so little but you'll take it, savoring their taste, the softness of their hand among cold steel and leather.
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dootznbootz · 12 days
People really act as though Penelope wasn't happy that the suitors were dead. As though she wasn't constantly praying that they died.
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bumblecow · 12 days
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My poor baby
*says this while taking screenshots*
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milksetters · 15 days
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Twin alien space rangers
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hierba-picante · 1 month
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Imagine having an animatronic bf who cradles your whole cranium while you guys kiss-
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miss-conner3 · 4 months
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En Español: Aquí
The Immortality Necklace, better known in the cult as a gift only for siblings.
"...currently in the cult there are few people who have this type of necklace, and luckily for the lamb, they are not kind enough to reveal something so obvious to our clueless Ando. Well, at least for now."
Fragment of the answer I gave to a question I received on Tumblr.
And I couldn't stand it anymore (owo)
I had to draw it.
¡I hope you like it!
Extra: I realized something, so I made a gif for it (ouo)/
I want to say video, because adding audio changed that idea XD
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