#Ughh.. actually this is so embarrassing can we all forget I posted this? Please?!
rurihana · 9 months
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...No one look at me. Alright?
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musette22 · 4 years
Burning For You
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Title: Burning For You Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan (Evanstan) Rating: Teen and up Word count: 3.1k A/N: Written for Evanstan Week day 6, a late fill for the Alternate Universe prompt. This silly piece of fluff is entirely inspired by the wonder that is the Mountain Lodge candle from the Yankee Candle Company. Yes, the one that inspired this iconic Tumblr post. The one that smells like Chris Evans. 
I was lucky enough to receive one as a gift from the wonderful @howdoyousleep3 and my life hasn't been the same since I smelled it for the first time. Thank you for introducing me to such delights baby K, ilyyy 💖 Also BIG thank you to the @evanstanweek​ team and to my beautiful beta @rainbowsandcoconut who came up with the outline for this fic when I told her my idea! Love you, boo 😘
Summary: Evanstan AU. Sebastian gets a little carried away when raving about the Mountain Lodge candle to a friend. It leads to an unexpected, fragrant encounter.
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“Listen, D. You’ve gotta smell this candle.” Sebastian leans in closer, nearly knocking over his - third - glass of red. “You know I’m not usually a scented candle kinda guy, but this one…” He closes his eyes and tips back his head, an expression of pure bliss on his face. “Incredible. Glorious. Magnificent.”
“You look like you’re about to pull a Meg Ryan in When Harry met Sally over there, Seb.”
Sebastian straightens, giving Deirdre a meaningful look across the table at the low-key SoHo bar they’re having drinks at. “You kid, but I’m this close. It’s that good, not even exaggerating.”
“Sure you’re not,” Deirdre huffs, lifting her glass and taking a sizeable gulp of her Cosmopolitan.
“Fine, don’t believe me,” Sebastian shrugs. “You know, I pity you for not having experienced the delights of the Mountain Lodge candle, really. If you knew what it smelled like, you’d be singing its praises too, believe me.”
Deirdre rolls her eyes good-naturedly. “Fine, I’ll bite. What does it smell like, Sebastian, pray tell.”
Sebastian sits up eagerly. “It smells…” he starts, “like an evening in that lodge in the Green Mountains we rented with the others a couple of years ago. Remember that? How it felt to relax by the fire after a long day of hiking, the scent of cedarwood and toasted marshmallows in the air?”
“Hmmm,” Deirdre agrees. “That was nice, yeah. But hardly worth busting a nut over, I’d say.”
Sebastian holds up a single finger. “I'm not done. Because this candle doesn’t just smell like the lodge, it also smells like the lumberjack living at the lodge.”
Deirdre frowns. “There was no lumberjack living at the –”
“The metaphorical lumberjack, D, god. Work with me here a little.”
“Oh right, okay. Gotcha.”
“It smells,” Sebastian continues, undeterred, “like soft, worn flannel. Like beard oil and a hint of clean sweat. It smells like a big, strong, gorgeous man who just got done hewing a ginormous tree with his massive axe and cutting it down into firewood, which he’s now using to light the very fireplace in front of which he’ll make sweet, sweet love to you, on the rug that’s actually the skin of a bear that attacked his rescue dog and which this man fought off and killed with his own bare hands.”
“Whooofffff,” Deirdre says, fanning herself with a napkin. “Fine, I’m starting to see the attraction.”
“It smells…” Sebastian goes on, pausing for dramatic effect before delivering his clincher, “like Chris Evans.”
There’s a beat of silence, and then Deirdre groans loudly, sagging back in her chair. “Ughh, shoulda known this was coming. For chrissake, Sebastian, you literally cannot go even one night without bringing up Chris Evans, can you?”
“I totally can,” Sebastian protests, like the mature, professional, Times-employed literary critic he is. “But you don’t understand, D. This candle, it’s actually like they bottled the very essence of Chris Evans and then infused a candle with it. It’s life-changing.”
“Yeah, yeah, you have a permanent boner for Chris Evans, you wanna marry him and have his little bearded babies, tell me something I don’t know,” Deirdre sighs, draining the last of her drink and immediately starting to look around for the waiter to order a new one. Distantly, Sebastian notices the song playing in the background changing to The Smith’s ‘Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want'. Ah, if only.
“Listen to me,” Sebastian insists, unconsciously starting to speak louder, like he’s some small-town preacher trying to make his ignorant clergy see the light. “Deirdre, darling, you’re one of my oldest friends. I wouldn’t lie to you. I swear, when you smell this candle, you too will feel like you’re being engulfed in the embrace of the brilliant, spectacular, totally unique smokeshow that goes by the name of Chris Evans. It’s as if the man himself is wrapping those huge, muscled arms of his around you, crushing you to his wide chest as you tuck your face into the crook of his neck while his beard brushes your temple and you inhale his masculine scent of cologne, sex and clean, honest sweat, I swear to god – D, are you even listening?”
At some point during the last part of Sebastian’s homily, Deirdre’s eyes drifted to a point over his right shoulder and got stuck there.
“Did you just- zone out?” Sebastian asks indignantly, waving a hand in front of her face. She doesn’t even blink. “Hello? Earth to Deirdre.”
“Seb,” Deirdre says, still not looking at Sebastian.
“Oh, I see,” Sebastian barrels on. “Here I am, pouring my heart out, telling you I found a candle that smells exactly like the man of my dreams and you’re just… What are you doing, actually? Are you okay?”
At this point, Deirdre’s eyes have gone comically round, mouth hanging open just a little. “Sebastian,” she repeats, more urgently now – and just as he’s turning his head to find out what put that dumbfounded look on her face, someone nearby clears their throat.
Sebastian startles, looking up at the man who’s appeared next to their table.
“Hi,” the man says in a deep, rich voice.
A deep, rich voice that Sebastian knows all too well. A deep, rich voice that belongs to none other than Chris Evans, Hollywood heartthrob and actual smokeshow, himself.
Sebastian gapes while Chris, dressed in dark wash jeans, a red flannel shirt and a brown shearling jacket, smiles at him patiently. He’s all soft-looking beard and strong nose and bulging biceps and long, lean legs, and Sebastian has died and gone to heaven.
“I’m sorry for interrupting,” Chris says, “but was just sitting a table over and I couldn’t help but overhear.”
And from one moment to the next, Sebastian crashes forcefully back to earth. His whole body goes cold, the blood draining from his face so quickly he feels dizzy with it.
Fuck. No. No, no, no. This can’t be happening. There is no way this is actually happening.
Except it is.
Sebastian had just been extremely, loudly and publicly horny about the very guy that’s standing next to him right now. The guy who is no doubt about to give Sebastian a piece of his mind at best, and a right hook to the jaw at worst. And honestly, he’d deserve it.
Since Sebastian wouldn’t even know where to begin apologizing, he says nothing. Just keeps staring at Chris in ever-growing horror, his pulse pounding in his ears so loudly it almost drowns out the miserable sound of Morrissey still pleading in the background.
Chris clears his throat. “So,” he says, bringing up a hand to rub the back of his neck. “This candle smells like me, huh?”
Sebastian groans, hiding his face in his hands. “Shit. Fuck. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean- Oh my god, please, please, please just forget you heard any of that.”
“Why would I want to do that?”
Puzzled, Sebastian chances a glance at Chris from between his fingers. He’s partly still covering his face out of embarrassment, and partly because Chris is so gorgeous in real life that Sebastian isn’t sure he could look at him directly without spontaneously combusting. It’s like staring at the fucking sun. He doesn’t seem too angry, though, thank god. In fact, there’s an amused twinkle in his blue eyes that makes Sebastian’s shoulders relax infinitesimally.
“Because it was incredibly inappropriate?” Sebastian suggests, honestly a bit confused about having to explain this to him.
“I don’t know,” Chris shrugs. “It sounded pretty great. Kinda want to smell it for myself now.”
For some unfathomable reason – probably because unexpectedly seeing his long-time celebrity crush in the flesh broke his brain, Sebastian blurts out, “Oh, I don’t have it with me. It’s back at my apartment.”
Slowly, Chris raises a single eyebrow. The look sends a shiver straight down Sebastian’s spine, from the crown of his head right down to his toes. “Is it now?”
“Yeah,” Sebastian replies breathlessly.
Chris’s gaze drops down to Sebastian’s brown leather boots before slowly travelling back up to his face. “I gotta say, normally someone would at least have to buy me dinner first, but…” He trails off, looking Sebastian straight in the eye before finishing, “I am really curious about this candle.”
“You are?” Sebastian says dumbly, and then “Ow!” when Deirdre delivers an impressively precise kick to his shin under the table. He turns to give her a betrayed look, but when he meets her eyes, with which she’s clearly trying very hard to communicate something to him, he finally catches on. “Oh!” Sebastian whips back around to Chris, staring at him with wide, disbelieving eyes. “I- you- you mean like…” He swallows hard. “You wanna come back to my place to, uh, smell the candle?”
Although Chris’s expression remains amused, there’s a hint of trepidation there as well. “Sure,” he says, smiling crookedly. “If… that’s something you’re up for?”
Sebastian’s mind races. The way he sees it, there are two possibilities. Either Chris Evans is actually standing here in the flesh, propositioning him, or Sebastian hit his head in the bathroom earlier and is actually just lying on the dirty tile floor, hallucinating as a result of severe head trauma. The second option seems by far the most likely, but then, his shin does hurt like a sonuvabitch.
Well, fuck.
Sebastian clears his throat and sits up straighter, running a hand through his longish hair. “I mean, yeah, that’s- wow. That. That would be okay with me, uh huh. You mean like, now?”
“If that works for you?”
Without thinking, Sebastian says, “Well, I’m here with Deirdre –” before letting out another sharp yelp as said Deirdre crushes his toes under her heel. “Jesus, D!”
Deirdre ignores him. “Ohhh, would you look at the time,” she exclaims, holding up her wrist which very much doesn’t have a watch on it. “Boy, it’s much later than I thought. I really oughta get going, early start tomorrow.” She yawns theatrically, then grabs her purse and throws down two twenties on the table. “It was lovely seeing you, Sebastian, Chris… Evans,” she adds, with a wooden nod in Chris’s direction. “Hope you two have a lovely evening, bye now!”
And she’s gone.
They both stare after her for a second, and then Chris chuckles – a low sound that reverberates pleasantly in Sebastian’s chest. “Well,” Chris says, turning back towards him. “It’s nice to meet you, Sebastian.” He holds out his hand. “I’m Chris.”
Sebastian stands, taking Chris’s hand, which is warm and big and ever so slightly calloused, and exactly like Sebastian always imagined. “Yeah, I know,” he says, because he’s cool like that. And then, in a show of bravura that surprises even himself, Sebastian holds Chris’s gaze, tilts his head a fraction, and says, “So uh, my place?”
Chris smiles, casually dropping a few bills on the table, more than enough to cover their drinks, before taking a step to the side to let Sebastian pass. “Lead the way,” he says, lightly resting his hand on the small of Sebastian’s back as they make their way towards the exit.
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
It’s only once they’re outside and the cold February night air manages to cool down Sebastian’s overheated brain somewhat that it occurs to him to ask if Chris wasn’t at the bar with anyone.
“I met a friend for drinks but he just left,” Chris explains. “I was just waiting for the bill when I overheard you guys.”
“And you’re sure you don’t have any other plans?” Sebastian asks, because he’s nothing if not a self-sabotaging idiot.
They’re still standing outside the bar, the golden light radiating from a nearby lamppost decorated with a cluster of luminous orbs making Chris look softer, somehow. Still a Hollywood heartthrob, but also charmingly human. Unfortunately, it does absolutely nothing to make Sebastian any less infatuated. If anything, it only endears Chris to him more, which he really didn’t think was possible.
“Not really, no,” Chris replies, amusement in his tone. “I was just gonna go back to my hotel and read for a bit.”
Sebastian perks up at the mention of his area of expertise. “Oh, yeah? What’re you reading?”
“I haven’t started it yet, but it’s this history of space travel? I read a great review of it in the Times the other day, so I thought I’d give it a go.” With a self-deprecating smile, Chris adds, “I’m kind of a space nerd.”
Sebastian blinks. “Not ‘To Infinity and Beyond’, by any chance?”
“That’s the one,” Chris confirms. “You know it?”
“I wrote the review.”
Chris’s eyes go round. “You did not.”
In lieu of replying, Sebastian digs up his wallet from his pocket, takes out his Times-employee card and holds it up for Chris’s inspection.
“Huh,” Chris says, studying the card. “What are the odds.” When his eyes turn back to Sebastian’s, he suddenly breaks out into a grin, wide and boyish. “Well, I guess that explains a thing or two.”
“How do you mean?” Sebastian frowns.
“I mean, that review was brilliantly written so you clearly have a way with words.” With a sly look, Chris goes on, “which explains your colorful descriptions of that candle earlier. The masculine scent of cologne, sex and clean, honest sweat was especially vivid.”
Sebastian groans, dragging a hand down over his face. “Jesus Christ, this is so embarrassing.”
Chris eyes shine with genuine mirth as he laughs, “Hey, come on, don’t worry about it.” He takes a step closer, ducking his head to try and catch Sebastian’s eyes, which are now firmly fixed on the pavement in an attempt to conjure up a hole to swallow him. “Call me a narcissist, but I didn’t exactly hate overhearing a gorgeous guy describing me as the man of his dreams.”
“Oh god,” Sebastian mutters, feeling himself turn a fetching shade of crimson. Trying to hide his blush, he turns around abruptly and nearly walks into the lamppost.
Chris, his savior, his knight in shining armor, manages to grab him by the back of his coat just in time to avoid the imminent collision. Sebastian still stumbles, but strong, capable arms wrapping securely around his waist keep him upright.
Carefully, Sebastian turns in Chris’s embrace so they’re facing each other, though he can’t quite make himself look Chris in the eye yet. “I’m guessing you caught on to this by now,” Sebastian tells the St Christopher pendant resting on Chris’s sternum, “but I’m kind of a disaster.”
Chris just hums, lifting a hand to tilt up Sebastian’s chin with his index finger, a small smile playing on his lips. “A beautiful one, though,” he whispers into the negligible space between them, before he closes that space and presses soft, full lips to Sebastian’s own.
Sebastian can’t suppress the small sound that escapes him when their lips meet, eyes closing on instinct as he lets himself sink into the kiss. Lets Chris take charge and coax open Sebastian’s mouth by running the tip of his tongue along the seam of his lips. Sebastian doesn’t think twice about letting him in. When their tongues touch, sweet and soft and languid, he trembles, pressing closer. Chris tastes a little like beer, and while Sebastian’s never been overly fond of beer, it takes approximately two seconds of being kissed by the hottest man on the planet for it to magically turn into Sebastian’s new favorite taste. Ever.
The kiss starts off slow; a little cautious maybe, as if Chris still isn’t entirely sure it’s welcomed. But then Sebastian’s hands find their way to Chris’s waist, fingers gripping tightly, and Chris slides a hand into Sebastian’s hair, angling his head gently to the left to deepen the kiss – and suddenly, Sebastian’s entire body feels like it’s on fire. He moans, relishing the feel of Chris's soft beard scratching at his clean-shaven cheeks, and way Chris takes control of the kiss, like something right out of every embarrassing fantasy he's ever had.
When Chris hums against his lips, as if he’s enjoying this just as much as Sebastian is, Sebastian’s knees go all weak and useless. It’s a good thing that Chris is there, tightening his left arm around his waist and pulling him more securely against the hard lines of his own body – which actually doesn’t do a thing to help Sebastian’s current knee situation. He whimpers, curling his hands into the fabric of Chris’s coat to anchor himself.
When Chris finally breaks the kiss, he doesn’t go far. His breathing has deepened, warm puffs of air caressing Sebastian’s tingling, wet lips. Sebastian exhales shakily. The way his head is spinning might be partially due to the wine, but it's definitely mostly because of Chris sweeping him off his feet with his smooth, movie star ways.
Needing a moment to gain his composure before he speaks, Sebastian buries his face in the crook of Chris’s neck, taking a deep, steadying breath –
“I fucking knew it,” he groans.
Sebastian feels rather than hears Chris’s quiet laugh; feels the vibrations of it shake his broad chest under Sebastian’s palms. “Yeah? Do I really smell like your candle?”
“Better,” Sebastian mutters. On instinct, he presses his lips against Chris’s exposed neck, eliciting a shiver from him.
“You know,” Chris rumbles into Sebastian’s ear. “I still think I need to smell this magical thing for myself. Make sure you’re not just flattering me to get into my pants, y'know?”
“Yeah,” Sebastian nods. “Definitely, good thinking. Empirical evidence is paramount. In fact, it’s totally possible I’m just mixing things up right now because my brain’s all” – he makes a poof motion with his hands, trusting Chris will get his drift – “so I think maybe I’ll need to do some comparative research.”
Chris tilts his head in though. “Hands-on research?”
“I think that’s best, yes,” Sebastian concurs.
“Right. Well, out of the two of us, you’re definitely the higher educated one, so I’m just gonna take your word for that.” After a beat, Chris adds, “as long as I get to test a theory or two of my own.”
“Oh?” Sebastian licks his lips. “Such as?”
The wicked glint in Chris’s eyes is the only warning he gets before Chris is sliding his hand back into Sebastian’s hair and giving it a firm, experimental tug.
“Ah,” Sebastian breathes, his eyelids fluttering, the blood rushing south so fast he feels dizzy – again.
Chris grins smugly. “Such as that.”
“Okay,” Sebastian croaks. “Yeah, that seems fair.” Wasting no more time, he reaches out to grab Chris’s free hand and starts to pull him along the pavement in the direction of his apartment.
Chris, laughing as he squeezes Sebastian’s hand, follows closely behind.  
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
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taichoushadow · 8 years
Bts reaction to you thinking you were talking to your friend
A/N: Sorry for not posting for a very long time and really  I don’t have excuses. Sooo yeaah... I blame my laziness. Thank you all for waiting for me though. I really like you all. You’re so cute. I hope you enjoy this one.
Scene: here is the thing. When you’re talkikg to a friend and suddenly your friends stops walking because he or she sees something but you don’t notice and keep talking. We all had this once right? :p
Seokjin: “No thats not it. Yeah the strawberry one was good but I really think we should take the carrot cake. So please let’s get the carrot cake” you begged and laid your head on her shoulder for extra persuading. But once your head didn’t reach her shoulder and you were sure she didn’t wear men perfume, you jumped away and lifted your eyes. You’ve got to be kidding me! You mentally facepalmed yourself. Kim Seokjin? Really? Of all the people, him? “I’m so sorry! I thought you were my friend. This looks so weird. I’m sorry.” You apologized over and over. “ It’s okay. I Figured.” Jin laughed and patted you on your shoulder. “I think you’re right though” you looked at him weirdly. “Right about what?” You responded. “The cake ofcourse. Carrot is the best. Please enjoy it! And eat a piece for me too.” You both laughed at this and you stuck your thump up. “Seokjin Fighting!” Was the last thing you said and ran over to your friend.
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“Uhm. What are you doing?” You heard a deep voice next to you. “Woaaa f/n! How do you do that??” “I’m not f/n?” You heard it again. Okay maybe you should see what is going on? “Oh my. You’re not my friend!” You said and held your hands infront of your mouth, shock written all over your face “well this is embarassing” you laughed and bowed in apology. “I’m sorry” “aaah it’s okay. You made waiting a little less boring'' he smiled. You blushed at the sight. “’Didn’t you mistake a person once for your friend?’’ you asked him, hoping your cheeks would regain their color. ‘’No I have not’’ he immediatly answered, looking at you with a straight face. Taken aback with his quick answer, you clasped your hands together and stood up. ''I.. I think.. I should go look for my friend. Stay healthy!'' ‘’I was just joking. Who did not mistake a stranger for their friend? People who tell you that are lying.’’ He laughed. ‘’I know exactly how you feel so don’t be embarrased and as I said earlier, you made waiting less boring.’’ You couldn’t help but blush again and smiled at the ground. ‘’Well I really think I should look for my friend. I will cheer you guys on and stay happy and healthy yeah? Bye bye!’’ you waved at him and before you turned around you caught a glimpse of his heartmelting smile. 
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‘’You know I hate that. I mean if people are looking at you I automatically say hi, but what pisses me off is that they turn their heads without a smile or something. Come on! you were looking at me first, just a slight smile is enough. You don’t have to greet me back if you don’t feel comfortable but a smile can, right?’’ You were ranting towards your friend about the frustration you felt at the subway this morning. ‘’Yeah I know I am not Korean but why stare? If you don’t want me to notice you staring, you actually should greet me first to make it seem like you weren’t staring.’’ You sighed. ‘’I totally, 100 % agree with you.’’ A man’s voice answered you back. Whippig your head to your side in confusing you made the discovery you have been ranting to a total stranger. You were already horrified, but once you recognized his features your eyes widened and a groan left your mouth. You faced the ceiling and literally facepalmed yourself. ‘’Aahaaa haha I am so sorry. I’m sorry you had to hear me rant about, you know. ‘’ You awkwardly laughed and apologized as you kept bowing in apology. ‘’No it’s okay. It was actually fun.’’ you looked at him confused. ‘’Fun?’’ you questioned. ‘’Aah I mean, it was refreshing, Most of the time the conversations are about me If I meet people but it was nice to hear a stranger rant.’’ He laughed while he had grabbed your hand and motioned for you to sit down. ‘’Well keep on going. I have to wait another fifteen minutes, so you can rant all you want until then.’’
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‘’When you think about it, it is actually weird. In english you call a mandarin a mandarin and I mean the fruit. But Mandarin is also a language in China. Also here in Korea you have a lot of people with the last name Kim right. But where I come from Kim is not a last name but someone is actually called Kim. So I have been thinking what if a Kim is going to marry a Korean with the last name Kim? Would her full name be Kim Kim?’ That would be pretty funny.’’ you laughed, slapping your friend on her arm several times but you instantly stopped once you heard her laughing. well her would not be the right term. It would be a him. Looking up towards the source where the laugh was coming from, the wheels in your head started working when you realized you slapped Kim Namjoon’s arm. Several times might you add. Now since he seems strong you were sure it did not hurt him, heck you weren’t even hitting hard but still. If people had been filming this, this will be on the internet and people will assume you were hitting Namjoon for the wrong reasons. ‘’Well shit’’ you spoke loudly. Before you could apologize, he was already talking. ‘’Don’t you dare to apologize. I already figured it out you thought you were talking to someone else.’’ He chuckled  ‘’Why didn’t you say anything when you heard me talking.’’ You whined. He could have saved you the  embarrassment. ‘’At first I was going to tell you but once you started on the mandarin story I actually was thinking about it too and when you started with ‘Kim’ I couldn’t help but laugh to. I think it would be better if people first call her ladiesname and then her husbands.’’ He smiled. ‘’Yeah, thats a solution. eventhough it’s a bit funny, if you really love him you wouldn’t really care right?’’ You smiled aswell. Namjoon made you feel at ease and he laughed your embarrassment away.  ‘’It was nice meeting you. But I really think I should go. you know looking for my friend before she is going to report me as a missing person. Keep up the good work but don’t forget to take breaks. Army’s rather see you healty and happy and a bit less than seeing you guys everyday on tv, tired and injured.’’
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You really really really wanted this book and since your friend needed a book for her essay she tacked along but once you stepped inside the store, you wanted to turn around and leave but unfortanutely for you, your friend stopped you and dragged you further inside. ‘’Can you let go please I’m bumping into a lot of people and they’re shooting me really really dark looks.’’ You complained as you once again winced when the girl you bumped into shot you a dirty look. ‘’I’m sorry but I really need this book for my essay and if we leave right now and come back in a couple of hours who knows if that book is still there. I am really sorry, I know you hate crowds, but I won’t leave your side, I will grab the book, pay for it and we will leave immediately after okay?’’She explained. ‘’’Fine but please hurry, I am already not feeling well.’’ you closed your eyes to try to calm down but when you felt your friends her hand leave yours, your eyes shot open, desperately looking for her again. ‘’Okay I am outta here.’’ turning around you tried to get to the entrance in the sea of people. Well a sea of women. ‘’I’m sorry can I get through?’’ you asked the girl who did not move an inch when you tried to get past her. ‘’No! You will have to wait till its your turn.’’ she snapped. ‘’My turn? No no no, I just want to get out of here. Get out of this freaking store?’’ You were already panicked and felt suffocated, but once this girl was just right out refusing to let you get past, plus that she was cursing at you under her breath, ticked you off. You really really wanted to get out of this store, because you already felt how your breathing became harder and people seemed to get closer and closer to you. Before you could scream, a hand circled your wrist and led you through the crowd. ‘’Seriously f/n.. You told me you wouldn’t let go of my hand.’’ you angrily spoke, letting your friend drag you out of the store since your vision was blurry from the tears. ‘’Sometimes I really don’t like you.’’ you confessed when the fresh air of outside hit your face. ‘’You don’t?’’ An unfamiliar voice asked. Your eyes traveled upwards and when they landed on his face everything seemed to click. Pointing a finger at him in understanding you said ‘’No shit this store was filled with people. Because you were there. Aaaah now I get it.’’ ‘’I’m sorry.’’ Jimin spoke softly. ‘’Sorry? No need to be sorry it’s not like you want people to follow you everywhere. it’s not your fault. Besides it’s my friends fault’’ you laughed. ‘’I just get like this in busy crowds. I just need a lot of space around me to feel comfortable.’’ You smiled at him and he gave you one in return. ‘’It’s okay, thank you for saving me.’’ you grinned while giving him a playful shove on his shoulder. 
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‘’Aah love? You know I never have been in love right so I really can’t describe it to you but I think that if you look at that person and you can feel your heart melting, I think it feels like nice warm water sliding down your heart. I think thats when you know you’re in love. I mean I feel like this when I look at my dog. He is so cute I just... ughh!’’ You giggled. ‘’Yeah I know I know what you’re going to say loving your dog is different than loving a person but is it really? You would want your dog to be happy right? All you want to do is cuddle the fluffball and kiss it on the nose.  You would want your dog to be happy and comfortable eventhough you’re not comfortable as long as he is comfortable. You just can’t imagine leaving your dog behind without breaking your heart. Love is love.’’ Once you were done talking about love or well your dog, you did not expect this kind of reaction. Why was your friend clapping? Did she agree? That was not possible, she is always telling you that love for your pet is different than love for a man. So you looked at your friend to see your friend turned into a male. A cute male though. You kept looking at him, you could not look away for two reasons. reason 1: you told a stranger about your love for your dog. Fine maybe just a slight obession for your dog and reason number two was that he was very handsome and that you figured it out why he seemed familiar. ‘’Hi?’’ You greeted him hesitantly. ‘’Hello!’’ He greeted you back cheerfully, shaking your hand fast. ‘’I am Taehyung.’’ He smiled and let go of your hand. ‘’I think you are right. You want your dog to be happy and comfortable around you, you want to cuddle him allday long if you could. Shouldn’t that be with your favorite person too? Wanting her to be happy and comfortable around you. To kiss and cuddle her every chance you get? It makes sense. Totally makes sense.’’  
‘’Right? Right? That’s what I am telling her but she just doesn’t believe me. But I am happy I found someone who also thinks like that.’’ you smiled and laughed out of joy. ‘’Thank you Taehyung-shi. Thank you. You made my day.’’ This time he gave you his famous smile and patted your shoulder. ‘’ I should thank you. Now I know when I’m in love and thank you for keeping me company while I am waiting for my friend.’’ ‘’ I am waiting too. Do you want to see my cute dog?’’ You asked him, fishing your phone out of your pocket. ‘’Really? Can I? wait. you should see my cutie too.’’
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‘’No I tell you oversized shirts are the best. Skinny jeans and a oversized shirt on top are the best. And you can finish it very cooly with a leather jacket. You know I love to eat and If I were a tigh shirt and I know I am going to eat lots there is a chance that your tummy will stick out a bit if you ate to much. That’s not comfortable at all. So oversized shirts are the best. If I am wearin a tight shirt I really don’t feel comfortable and you know that. The first thing I do when I get home is get out of that shirt and slip on those comfortable loose fitting shirts. It feels nice and trendy at the same time so please stop convincing me. I know what I like. And know let’s go home we have been for over 2 hours already. I am getting tired and hungry. I know it’s weird that I don’t like shopping but I am more of a person who grabs what she needs, pays for it and leaves.’’ Just when you were about to link your arms together you felt her flinch and you hears a gasp. ‘’You don’t have to be angry just because I like oversized shirts.’’ 
‘’I agree with the oversized shirts but I don’t think I know you well enough to eat with you.’’  A soft male voice left her mouth. You raised one eyebrow in confusion so you turned your head to meet eyes with Jeon Jeongguk. ‘’I’m pretty sure I was walking next to my friend couple of minutes ago.’’ You told him, actually you told yourself that. He just smiled at you. ‘’I’m sorry I bored you with my story.’’ you laughed when the situation sunk in. ‘’And I’m sorry for disturbing your shopping. I really thought I was talking to my friend.’’ ‘’It’s fine. It happened to all of us once.’’ this time he chuckled and grinned at you. ‘’I should go back to my friend. Once again I am sorry. Enjoy your free time.’’ bowing at him, you turned around and made your way towards the store you passed by while talking to your ‘friend’. She must have been distracted by the pink shirt she saw in the window of the shop. ‘’Keep wearing oversized shirts!’’ Jungkook’s voice made you stop in your steps, turning around you saw him holding his thump up. you could not help but laugh as you held yours up too.
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