Software Design & Engineering Subject Orientation | 08.15.2024
August 15th, 2024, marked our first meeting for this subject. I felt a mix of excitement and nerves, not quite sure what to expect. Although I had some ideas about what this course might entail, the uncertainty made the experience even more thrilling. The first day was quite fun! We had an “introduce yourself”session, which gave me a chance to get to know my classmates a little better. I’m really hoping this will be a fulfilling school year.
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littlehan · 11 days
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September 6, 2024
Day 4
This night, our class proceed to the second topic in continuation for the day one’s topic, the Software Design. The discussion was packed with crucial concepts, including software design methodologies, implementation strategies, design principles, and refactoring techniques. It was an intense and somewhat overwhelming session, given the sheer volume of material we covered in a single sitting. However, despite the complexity, I walked away with a wealth of knowledge, particularly regarding techniques to become a better software engineer.
The practical part of our day involved a group activity where we were tasked with creating a pseudocode and designing a GUI for a problem given to us randomly with different scenario. I contributed by composing the necessary pseudocode and formulating the entire process flow. Our team successfully completed the task, and one of our members delivered a precise yet informative presentation. It was a proud moment, seeing our hard work come together so well.
As the class wrapped up and the room emptied, we seized the opportunity to consult with Sir Carl about the progress of our project. Seeing his satisfied reaction was incredibly rewarding, making all the sleepless nights and hard work worth it.
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sambaanlance · 4 months
Projecting Profitability: Smart Plant Monitoring with Solar Power
May 17, 2024- Week 4 (finals)
As we gear up to launch our cutting-edge "Smart Plant Monitoring with Built-in Solar Panel" product, it's essential to analyze the financial viability and potential profitability of this innovative offering. Through meticulous market research and financial modeling, our team has prepared a comprehensive forecast of the product's projected Profit & Loss (P&L) for the upcoming fiscal year.
On the cost side, we have carefully assessed the manufacturing expenses, including components, assembly, and quality control processes. Additionally, we have factored in research and development costs to continuously enhance our product's capabilities and stay ahead of the competition. Marketing and promotional activities will also play a crucial role in driving brand awareness and customer acquisition.
To account for potential market fluctuations and uncertainties, we have conducted a comprehensive sensitivity analysis. This exercise has enabled us to identify key variables, such as raw material costs, production efficiencies, and customer adoption rates, that could impact our profitability. We have developed contingency plans to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities as they arise.
Our "Smart Plant Monitoring with Built-in Solar Panel" product represents a unique convergence of sustainability, technology, and data-driven decision-making. With a well-defined pricing strategy, efficient cost management, and a strong focus on customer satisfaction, we are confident in our ability to generate substantial profits while contributing to a greener future. Stay tuned for regular updates as we embark on this exciting journey.
Lance Sambaan- BSME 3A
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kakarskyotiee · 1 year
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Swifties Night Random Pitik!🫶🏻
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abyssalcreator21 · 2 years
Pandemic Thoughts # 171
It has been a while since my last entry. There isn't much going on with my life but at least I am making progress with my current goals in the last six months of my college life. I had already passed my application letter to SupportZebra and I am waiting for their response. Also, I had been somehow busy in our organization and we are preparing for our second event for this semester. There are good days and bad days within the last 51 days but I just get through it as usual. My daily routine hasn't changed that much and it is fine for me since I don't push any major goals for the time being. I am just a guy that loves to always work depending on my mood and not with consistency, but still, I get the job done. While also at USTP, I get to meet the people that I know and am acquainted with. It is great that I managed to keep a consistent conversation with anyone around me, especially meeting new people along the way. It diminishes my feeling of being lonesome and feeling bored. Anyways, I entered the SupportZebra Recruitment Hub and what I can say is that BPO offices are tidy. I love the environment, silent and you can really work efficiently. I waited for a while for my requirements to be passed and thankfully, they accepted it even though the supposed pin point person who I referred to my endorsement and cover letter was not right. But, that is how life works after all. Sometimes mistakes are there to keep you reminded that you should always think two steps ahead and not be air-headed. Of course, I have the jitters and the thoughts of what will happen during my three months internship, but I'll use this as an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and act professionally even my nuances and I how present myself sometimes look like cartoonish. Also, earlier I had a fun talk with the other judge of the supposed spoken word poetry contest that should have happened but then there are issues with the event so it was canceled in the last hour. But I had fun talking with Ma'am Carmelita, she was very kind and calm in the way she talk and she has a polite aura around her. We get to know each other a bit and learned that we have also the same interests, but, life as it is, she also shared that she hasn't much time with maintaining her hobbies because of academic work. Yet, she finds time to always appreciate literary content if she has the leisure. In my case, I also hope that I could feel the dedication I have when it comes to reading books and appreciating literary content. I felt like because I adjusted to the norms of my age bracket, I haven't touched that side of me that is so deep in thought and has a lot of questions about existence. Lately and even with the previous years, I had just been this dull kind of person. Haven't embraced much of my side of appreciating my existence because of the situations we have as a family. I am pressured, overwhelmed, and scared of the future I am going to push through. Of course, I haven't experienced the hardships of life but I am aware of the future that I had to be responsible for as I get older. I am still enjoying my hobbies and maintaining my usual personality but at my age right now, I know that I have a lot of growing up to do. Honestly, I'm still bad at making wise decisions in my life and commit mistakes because of the habits that I had used to develop and continue on doing but I am learning how to let go of it little by little. I really hate myself somehow that I know it is not right but still I am highly being pushed by my temptation which is a dumb reason anyway. However, I just keep my cool about these things and continue to push through with my life. I just don't think about it that much. Well, that is all of the thoughts I had to collate within my mind for this day. More thoughts to come soon.
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4priing8 · 1 month
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“The Adventure of System Design and Engineering: A Delightful Beginning in CPE312 with Engr. Carl”
Our beginning class in the subject “CPE312: System Design and Engineering” Our first day was started with a little nervous but the feeling of being excited is a good feeling because I can meet a new faces and also excited also to be part of the student of Engr. Carl which is the instructor of this course. Engr. Carl is known for his excellent teaching style, and in our Project Management in 1st semester is really challenging at the same time enjoyable.
Our instructor Engr. Carl gave an overview of the course material at the outset. He emphasized that the “CPE312: System Design and Engineering” is the study of how various components of a system interact with one another.
The first day of class is more than just establishing the course’s direction—it's a moment to reflect on personal aspirations and set meaningful intentions. Whether you're striving to refine your communication skills, elevate your writing, or immerse yourself in a deeper comprehension of the language, each student enters with a distinct set of goals, enriching the collective learning experience. As the day unfolds, initial nervousness gradually transforms into a growing sense of confidence. The instructor’s expertise and guidance create a welcoming path, easing the transition into the course material with assurance.
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At the end of our first day of class, I just realize that this journey of the course is just about the growth as a student in USTP, not just in USTP but in the outside as well. It gives me a self-improvement as a student as a person. This semester may I experience challenges but it will help me or lead me to become a better and knowledgeable a future Computer Engineer's. With the help of our instructor Engr. Carl as he guiding as and lead us to a better place.
#PadayonEngineer #CPE312
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marian-claire-bacas · 1 month
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August 15, 2024 - Software Design and Engineering Orientation Day
Week 1 Starting in August, I am officially a third-year college student studying at USTP CDO, and classes start in the third week. And the day to return to reality was last Thursday, August 15. That day marks not just the start of class or the return to school but also the orientation for the Software Design and Engineering course I am taking. So I got up early and started getting for school, despite the fact that our class starts at 12 noon. You may be asking why so early given that I live near the university, but you may be familiar with the tense, thrilling feeling in the night before our trip the next day, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. Yes, I felt the same nervousness that day or night before I went to bed, but for the opposite reason. I did not think I was ready to go back to school, and based on the name of the subject, it sounds like a rather scary one, so that's why I was nervous. Nevertheless, I have to do it. So I arrived at school, entered our classroom, and before we began, we were asked to introduce ourselves by stating our name, age, address, and favorite music (I went with Castles Crumbling by Taylor Swift). Following that, we talked about the course's objectives and requirements, including the grading system, and then we recited the student pledge together. That's basically what happened during our orientation. And, I hope that we finish this subject as well as we started it.
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aesrexic · 3 months
𝓭𝓪𝔂 163 𝓸𝓯 2024: hopeful
I woke up today to USTP (my target med school) announcing that they are extending the med school applications until the 15th of July. I was happy. This definitely cleared out my mind from the uncertainties these past days. I've been in a slump. I had no energy to do night routines, been skipping working out for a while now, waking up in late hours again, and generally just not eating healthier. This was probably a sign to get my shit together.
Yesterday I went to my alma mater (char) to buy the requirements for med school in USTP. I'll be getting them on the first of July, and my NMAT results this 28th. I'm trying to distract myself from stressful stuff right now. What will be, will be.
Today I went on an hour-long walk with my sister. It was fun.
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There were nice kitties in the neighbor's lawn. They loved people and were comfortable enough to approach strangers so this means they were probably loved as hell. I like that.
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My sister took this photo of me from the back. God I'm so fat. I'm sad.
I hope I get to heal my issues with food.
I don't have things I could say. All I hear nowadays are white noise. No disruptive thoughts at all. No nice affirmations either. It's like I'm living a filler episode of my life– a filler where everything is finally peaceful..
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nikaribear · 7 months
Hi Everyone!
I’m Hazel A. Llenares, 22 years old. I’m currently studying computer engineering at USTP.
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andoymayann · 2 years
The significance of having a companion in attaining success.
- This blog was created in honor of two friends who attended at the University of Science and Technology of the Southern Philippines and shared a desire to become mechanical engineers. They are one of the 44 students from the top-performing school that passed the Mechanical Engineering Licensure Exam with an overall rating of 100%.
Throughout the years, many of us have acquired friends. There are those friendships we establish as kids with whom we later lose touch as we get older. We meet other friends as adults, we keep in contact with them for as long as we are nearby and it is convenient to do so. Nevertheless, as time goes on, one of our friends may move away or our schedules may get too hectic, and we begin to lose touch. 
Becoming friends with someone is pretty usual for us, especially in college. You can have random conversations with students at the cafeteria. And then you get smile at them when you cross paths while waiting for each of your classes. The next time you’ll know, you have become friends. 
However, picture having a buddy since the first grade. A buddy you can always count on, a buddy who was there for you during difficult times and who never failed to see the best in you. Every time you were down, they would always lift you up. When you felt alone, they stood by you with patience and understanding, Imagine having this “someone” during the initial years of entering school up until college. 
Engr. Jeff Hentzen Simene, and Engr. Jay-ar Lomonsod have been friends since the moment they entered the world of learning, and like other first graders, they used to play traditional Filipino games. as per Engineer Simene, from the moment they entered 1st grade they knew they will become future engineers. since they find enjoyment in dismantling and reassembling their toys. Out of that basic delight, they nurture and manifest the ambition of becoming an engineer. 
As their friendship grew and built a deeper bond, they experienced separation when Engineer Lomonsod changed their domicile and transferred to another school in the middle year of elementary school. They believed that was the end of their friendship. 
Destiny played its part in reconnecting them. As they began their senior high school years, they went at the same university, which is USTP. we all know that when we begin our senior high school years, we must pick what course we would pursue after completing these two years of senior high school. Mechanical engineering has always been their primary choice, but they have no clue which school they would go to support them accomplish their aspirations. The dream of being an engineer remained with them throughout their lives. Mechanical Engineering was popular at the time since the University of Science and Technology of the Southern Philippines ranked among the top two performing schools in the Mechanical Engineering Licensure Exam. As an outcome, they chose USTP as their partner in achieving their goals. 
As they started college, they experienced a variety of problems. Some of their topics are difficult for them and they almost fail, but they always encourage each other when one of them is struggling academically. They conduct after-class reviews on the areas that they find challenging and exchange thoughts and suggestions to help them identify where and what aspect of that subject they are struggling with. There are moments when one of them becomes physically and emotionally drained and considers giving up, but they are fortunate to have each other. when engineer Simene is going through this phase of his life, engineer Lomonsod is there to boost him up and motivate him, and vice versa. They had each other's back in every way.
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“We shared same goal, and we collaborated to accomplish it. Without you, my buddy, that dream will remain a dream. thank you very much pal!”
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these photo was taken when they were studying for their licensure examination. “These are the days of struggle and conflicted feelings. “The licensure examinations are fast approaching” feeling.
They have the "no one left behind mindset" in their friendship. They developed this mindset from the start of their friendship. From having the same desire in elementary school to assisting each other with papers in high school, having after-class recaps in college, and studying together while living their ambition of becoming engineers while prepping for their licensing board test.
The seed of their togetherness in achieving their objectives develops and bears fruit of accomplishment. They completed their bachelor's degree in Mechanical engineering last 2022 together. The hardship they faced and the helpful hand they exchanged throughout the board exams bore fruit of success. 
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The graduates of Mechanical engineering last 2022. 
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They passed their Mechanical engineering licensure exam as a pair.
Their childhood ambitions had already been attained. According to them, they cannot reach their goals without the assistance of one another, and when difficult times arise, we need someone to lean on. We don't really need a “romantic partner” to call our own, but we do need a companion to lean on from time to time.
The significance of having a companion when chasing your ambition is that we cannot escape experiencing difficulties when seeking to reach our objectives. there are issues that we cannot deal with alone, and when you have problems it may be a hindrance for you to achieve your ambition, that's why it is necessary to have a companion whilst pursuing your dream so that you have that someone you can seek aid from, it might be an explanation for studying or a piece of advise related to your personal or love life problem. 
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jobynstuff · 10 months
Unleashing Innovation: Harnessing the Strategic Potential of Intellectual Property for Transformative Growth
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In our rapidly evolving and dynamic world, where innovation and intellectual creativity are more vital than ever, Engineer Glady Cristie H. Kampana emerges as a beacon of transformation. A distinguished alumna of Xavier University, Glady possesses a stellar academic background in Electronics and Communications Engineering, holds a master's degree in Electrical Engineering, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at MSUIIT. Yet, her contributions extend beyond academia, as she is not merely an academic achiever but a trailblazer in the field of Intellectual Property (IP).
At the helm of the Intellectual Property Support Officer and Office Manager at the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP), Glady assumes a central role in shaping the landscape of innovation. Going beyond the confines of traditional academia, she leverages her expertise as an esteemed member of DOST Region and takes charge as the head of USTP's Intellectual Properties Asset. Her journey unfolds as a testament to the power of a multidisciplinary approach to IP, showcasing its profound impact on entrepreneurship, technological advancements, and overall economic growth.
As an influential force in the intellectual property domain, Glady Cristie H. Kampana's story is one of dynamic innovation and strategic thinking. Through her dedicated service and leadership, she not only contributes significantly to the academic sphere but also influences the broader landscape of intellectual property, emphasizing its pivotal role in fostering entrepreneurship and driving technological progress. Join us as we delve into Glady's remarkable journey, exploring the multifaceted dimensions of intellectual property and its far-reaching implications for our interconnected world.
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This narrative traces a path marked by academic distinction and a resolute dedication to cultivating innovation. Grounded in a comprehensive educational foundation, complemented by her pivotal position as the leader of USTP's Intellectual Properties Asset, she embodies a well-rounded perspective on intellectual property. Going beyond the traditional bounds of academia, she offers essential intellectual property consultation, deftly navigating the complex terrain of patents, trademarks, and copyrights. In her role as an IP agent for Bukidnon University, she stands as a representative, underscoring her unwavering commitment to the wider intellectual community
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Hierarchy of IP Value: From Foundation to Business Strategy
At the heart of this narrative lies the exploration of the Hierarchy of IP Value, elucidating the dynamic journey of intellectual property as it transcends from foundational protection to a pivotal component of overarching business strategy. Intellectual property, rather than a static legal concept, evolves through various tiers of value addition, becoming a dynamic force that shapes not only legal frameworks but also market positioning, revenue streams, and strategic alliances.
This hierarchy signifies the transformative path of intellectual property, progressing from a mere protective shield to assuming the role of a formidable business superpower. This evolution is not merely a legal requirement; it stands as a strategic imperative for businesses striving not just to survive but to thrive within the fiercely competitive marketplace.
One of the central themes in this narrative is the hierarchy of IP value. Intellectual property, far from being a static legal concept, evolves through different levels of value addition. From foundational protection to becoming an integral part of overall business strategy, IP becomes a dynamic force shaping market positioning, revenue generation, and strategic partnerships. The hierarchy reflects the journey of intellectual property from being a shield to transforming into a business superpower. This evolution is not just a legal necessity but a strategic imperative for businesses aiming not just to survive but to thrive in a competitive marketplace.
Promises of Intellectual Property: Fueling Business Growth
Unveiling the promises inherent in intellectual property reveals a diverse spectrum of advantages that extend well beyond legal safeguards. Exclusivity and strategic market positioning emerge as potent tools, enabling businesses to establish a robust foothold. The competitive edge, revenue generation, and financial support underline the multifaceted contributions of IP to the expansive realm of business growth.
Intellectual property ceases to be solely a legal safeguard; it transforms into a significant negotiating asset, empowering businesses to navigate partnerships and collaborations with a distinctive value proposition. Beyond tangible benefits, operational security and corporate trust surface as intangible yet invaluable advantages. Investors and stakeholders are more likely to place their trust in businesses that actively invest in intellectual property, recognizing its role as a cornerstone for long-term success and sustainability in the corporate landscape.
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Diving into the Realm of Patents: A Cornerstone for Fostering Innovation and Enriching Society
At the core of intellectual property rights lies the patent—an indispensable instrument granted by governments to inventors, conferring upon them exclusive control over their creations for a span of up to two decades. This exclusivity, however, is not a one-sided deal; it comes in exchange for the meticulous disclosure of intricate details about the newly devised technology to the public, ultimately reaping benefits for society at large.
Functioning as a formidable shield for innovation, a patent endows inventors with the exclusive right to reap the fruits of their inventive labor. Simultaneously, it acts as a catalyst, motivating them to share the inner workings of their inventions with the public. In this symbiotic exchange, society gains invaluable access to novel technologies, laying the groundwork for further progress and drawing from the collective pool of knowledge.
Appreciating the significance of patents is paramount in recognizing how these legal protections extend beyond safeguarding inventors' rights. They play an instrumental role in propelling technology forward, acting as a driving force for societal advancement. The intricate dance between exclusivity and disclosure within the realm of patents not only safeguards individual inventors but also contributes to the collective growth of technology and, by extension, society as a whole. Their pivotal role in incentivizing innovation underscores their profound importance in the intricate landscape of intellectual property.
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The foundation of the "Bargain" Theory rests on the fundamental notion that individuals are motivated to innovate and introduce novel products or services that benefit society when they are given the opportunity to reap financial rewards from their inventions. In a nutshell, this theory establishes a reciprocal agreement, as outlined in the Constitution: if an inventor develops something valuable—be it the groundbreaking cotton gin or a semiconductor that sparks a trillion-dollar industry—they are granted exclusive rights to their creation for a "limited time." Once this designated period concludes, the invention transitions into the public domain, becoming the collective property of society.
On the other hand, the "Natural Rights" Theory is rooted in the belief that the output of intellectual labor should be regarded as the property of its creator, akin to the ownership of a physical product resulting from manual labor. This theory asserts that inventors inherently possess property rights over their creations. In essence, it aligns with Daniel Webster's perspective, emphasizing that the Constitution doesn't bestow inventors or authors with rights; rather, it recognizes their pre-existing and inherent right to property concerning their inventions or creative works.
Expanding upon these theories reveals a nuanced landscape where incentives for innovation are intricately linked to notions of property rights. The "Bargain" Theory, by providing a temporal exclusivity, encourages inventors to contribute to societal progress by offering a chance for financial gain. On the contrary, the "Natural Rights" Theory underscores a more intrinsic entitlement, viewing the creations of the mind as an extension of the creator's property. Together, these perspectives shape the intricate balance between individual incentives and the collective benefit of society in the ever-evolving realm of intellectual property.
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In conclusion, this comprehensive exploration traverses the intricate and dynamic landscape of intellectual property, showcasing its transformative power in fostering innovation and driving societal progress. The narrative unfolds through the remarkable journey of Engineer Glady Cristie H. Kampana, a trailblazer in the field who exemplifies the multidimensional impact of intellectual property on academia, entrepreneurship, technological advancements, and economic growth.
The narrative introduces the concept of the Hierarchy of IP Value, highlighting the evolving role of intellectual property from foundational protection to a strategic cornerstone of overall business strategy. This evolution is not just a legal necessity but a strategic imperative for businesses aiming not only to survive but to thrive in a competitive marketplace.
Examining the promises of intellectual property reveals a spectrum of advantages that extend beyond legal safeguards, encompassing market positioning, revenue generation, and fostering invaluable partnerships. Intellectual property emerges not merely as a legal safeguard but as a negotiating asset, influencing collaborations with a distinctive value proposition. Operational security and corporate trust surface as intangible yet indispensable benefits, reinforcing the significance of intellectual property in building a robust and sustainable business foundation.
The exploration of patents further underscores their pivotal role in fostering innovation and benefiting society at large. Patents, acting as formidable shields for inventors, contribute to societal advancement by providing exclusive rights while simultaneously encouraging the sharing of knowledge. The intricate dance between exclusivity and disclosure within the realm of patents safeguards individual inventors and contributes to the collective growth of technology and society as a whole.
Delving into the theories of intellectual property, the "Bargain" Theory and the "Natural Rights" Theory, illuminates the nuanced landscape where incentives for innovation are intricately linked to notions of property rights. The "Bargain" Theory, providing temporal exclusivity, encourages inventors to contribute to societal progress by offering a chance for financial gain. Conversely, the "Natural Rights" Theory underscores a more intrinsic entitlement, viewing creations of the mind as an extension of the creator's property. Together, these theories shape the delicate balance between individual incentives and the collective benefit of society in the ever-evolving realm of intellectual property.
In essence, this narrative serves as a compelling testament to the multifaceted dimensions of intellectual property, emphasizing its role as a catalyst for innovation, a strategic asset in business growth, and a cornerstone for the collective advancement of technology and society. The journey outlined here inspires a deeper appreciation for the intricate interplay between intellectual property, innovation, and societal progress in our interconnected world.
Written by: Jovy Ranesis
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ajla-14 · 2 years
Blog #3
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You can do things with one, but with many, you can make the impossible possible. In my journey as an Entrepreneurial Mind student, that is what I learned. Another thing is that you first need to get inspiration; you cannot simply go out and be an entrepreneur without first attempting to learn from and listen to a co-entrepreneur. That is why I find the lecture series seminar which occurred last November 23, 2022, to be both interesting and intriguing.
In connection, there were really a lot of things that I learned, but I’m just going to point out those things that really struck me as things that are relevant to me as an aspiring entrepreneur. The first thing I learned was that, as an entrepreneur, what needs to be done is to look for a problem and then solve it. Don’t just make something that will add to the problems of your target market. Another thing to do is to reach out to others, especially if you are just starting out. Try to get partnerships with other start-up businesses too. Since you can’t just do things on your own. When you go out and ask for help from others, you can accomplish a lot more. To exemplify, the resource speaker gave an example of a service called "Dirt Bag." They don’t actually own a washing machine; what they do is just get the dirty clothes and deliver them to their partner laundry shops, then deliver them back washed and cleaned to the customer. So it is really a win-win situation when you work with others. Additionally, I also learned that, though we are still students, we can still put into action or realize our start-up business, like those students in USTP who were funded by an investor to fully realize their product. It really raises my hopes that, in the near future, we can actually realize these ideas.
  Moreover, on the second speaker, one word really struck me, and that was "mindset." As an entrepreneur, you need to really set your mindset. Set clear priorities, and focus on the goal, while also building connections with your teammates. As a team, you can’t just make a connection in one snap. There is a need to really converse and bond with each other. Try to actually build a good and healthy environment within the team. One example he gave was that he and his team go on dates together and just go drinking and talk about life. I know this seems insignificant, but remember that a team is doomed to fail when there is no connection and when members of that team do not respect one another. Surely, when a team is like this, it is bound to fail. That is why there is a need for a connection. Also, when a connection has already been established, unity enters the picture. This is where good communication with the team is seen and a good flow of ideas kicks in. On the second day of the lecture series, I wasn’t really able to fully listen since we were actually busy I was one of the students who was chosen to be part of the team to represent our class in the pitching of our products. That was really one fun experience, though I wasn’t really on the stage talking and explaining, my nervousness was really eminent, and somehow, I felt so agitated. But that all paid off when we got into the top 10.
All in all, entrepreneurship is not easy, but it is really relevant and fun. It is significant in that it provides equal opportunity to all, to those willing to commit and gamble their ideas in the market. I also learned a lot during the lecture series seminar, and I really do think that I will be able to apply it since we are still not yet finished with our pitching video. But still, we are now in the process of making it. To sum it all up, to be an entrepreneur, there is a need to reach out to others, since alone you can do things, but with many, the impossible becomes possible.
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littlehan · 11 days
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August 23, 2024
Day 2
Hi there! sorry to upload this late let me just share this day to you August 23, 2024, day 2 of class we were informed that there would be no online classes, which presented a perfect opportunity for our project team to hold a brief yet productive meeting. We gathered to align on our tasks and objectives, and I took the lead in delegating responsibilities to each team member, ensuring everyone had a clear understanding of their role in our project. My primary focus for the day was on the essential paperwork, particularly the platforms and applications we’ll rely on throughout our project. This required careful consideration, as these tools will be crucial for the successful launch and long-term management of our youth data profiling system. Once I had drafted the documentation, I consulted with the team, paying special attention to feedback from our developers to ensure the software development tools and strategies were up to par.
The day was dedicated to individual tasks, and by the end, I felt a sense of accomplishment. We made tangible progress, moving one step closer to realizing our project destination. Despite the challenges, the collaborative effort of the team was evident, and it gave me confidence that we are on the right path.
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sambaanlance · 4 months
Unveiling Our Innovative Plant Health Monitoring Solution
May 10 2024- Week 3 blog (finals)
During our recent milestone 2 presentation, we unveiled the details of this groundbreaking product, and we're excited to give you a glimpse into our journey. Our product design team has meticulously crafted a sleek and compact device that seamlessly integrates advanced sensing technology with renewable energy. The smart plant health monitoring stick features a cylindrical body with a solar panel at the top, allowing it to harness the power of sunlight for self-sufficient operation.
To ensure our product aligns with market demands and customer needs, we conducted extensive research and analysis, culminating in the development of a comprehensive lean canvas. This strategic tool helped us identify our unique value proposition, target customer segments, and key differentiators in the market.
While there are several plant monitoring solutions available, our product stands out with its innovative solar-powered design and comprehensive data tracking capabilities. We've thoroughly analyzed the existing competition, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and leveraged this knowledge to create a superior offering
As we move forward with our product development and launch plans, we remain committed to delivering an exceptional user experience and fostering a more eco-conscious approach to gardening and plant care. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting announcements as we bring this game-changing solution to market.
Lance Sambaan ME-3A
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enginapping · 1 day
【𝔚𝔢𝔢𝔨 𝔖𝔦𝔵】
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Date: 09/20/24 Location: USTP, CEA Building Mood: Chill
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Class started five minutes after six, and when our instructor entered, understandably so, he was hungry. It was six in early evening and frankly, I doubt anyone has had dinner due to our classes starting since 4:30.
After a few minutes of recuperation, our class promptly started with our lesson, which for the night was about software testing, testing techniques and strategies, test automation, quality assurance practices, and user acceptance.
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Our instructor explained each segment of information in detail, ensuring our understanding by providing examples that would be able to comprehend with ease. He walked across the room to better communicate with the students, regarding everyone in his class whenever the opportunity arrived.
It took a little less than an hour and a half before the lecture ended, and as usual, an activity commenced, this time with our own groups from our projects.
Our first task was quite easy, five pictures was presented on display on the screen of the monitors and we all had to determine what the mistakes or errors were in each photo. He often gifted us with hints on how many mistakes were in one photo, which helped greatly. After identifying each mistake, we had to write or illustrate the solution for each one, something one of my team members (more specifically our programmer) excelled in.
Our project manager a.k.a leader, volunteered to write all the answers down on paper. While transcribing our first activity, me and my other teammates started with the second one.
The second task included us creating a google form where we would create an SUS (System Usability Scale) Form. Our instructor gave us three sample answers on display that we have to recreate and also solve on paper. With the formula and sufficient examples provided, we didn't waste any time and proceeded.
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With me writing down on each question on the google form and the other two (our designer and project manager) teaming up to solve the problems, we took no time at all to finish the google form. However, the progress of the creation of our google sheets was delayed due to the weak internet connection. Once we solved it, both me and our programmer joined forces to finish answering the forms three times with the sample answers our instructor gave.
The solution on paper took a little while but was eventually solved using some guidance, something that we then used to finish the google sheets together before submitting both the paper and the links to the google form and sheet.
The night ended with quite the adrenaline, but I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy it. The stimuli and thrill of completing the task was exhilarating, and I can't wait for the class next week.
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Nightnight! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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abyssalcreator21 · 2 years
Pandemic Thoughts # 169
Vernalyn and I are growing with our relationship as a couple during these last weeks. We had matured in our daily conversations, and also we became much more open with each other. I am grateful that in my experiences of longing and waiting for someone with whom I can be honest and have a meaningful relationship, I have seen myself getting fonder of my girlfriend. I find myself caring for her more, fulfilling her need for words of affirmation, and constantly reminding her how much I genuinely enjoy our bond as a couple. As per my struggles in controlling my lust, I am in the phase where I can handle it well. I don't find myself being cornered anymore to enjoy temporary pleasures because I am happy with my quality time with my girlfriend. Even though there are times when I feel guilty about whatever I have done in the past, knowing that she accepts me and sees the better in me is enough reason why I should outgrow my carnal desires. Every day, as I get to know my girlfriend better, I can quickly tell if she has experienced also struggles within herself; it is like even though I am not there physically, I know right away that she is not okay, and I respect her space even though I want to know what she has gone through. But although I am his partner, there are also these private matters in her life that I shouldn't pry on too much; what I can do is be with her and offer emotional support. I adore her so much because she is just damn cute when she is on her softer and childlike side. I'm glad I could make her laugh and feel I am not that far away from her. On my side, I don't want to lose her either. I can't imagine myself breaking up with her because I had felt this unbreakable bond we developed over the years of our relationship. If we tend to evolve our relationship to a much more mature one, I hope we can adjust to these changes. But I know in myself and her side that we both don't want to lose each other.
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