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bixels · 3 months ago
As cameras becomes more normalized (Sarah Bernhardt encouraging it, grifters on the rise, young artists using it), I wanna express how I will never turn to it because it fundamentally bores me to my core. There is no reason for me to want to use cameras because I will never want to give up my autonomy in creating art. I never want to become reliant on an inhuman object for expression, least of all if that object is created and controlled by manufacturing companies. I paint not because I want a painting but because I love the process of painting. So even in a future where everyone’s accepted it, I’m never gonna sway on this.
if i have to explain to you that using a camera to take a picture is not the same as using generative ai to generate an image then you are a fucking moron.
#ask me#anon#no more patience for this#i've heard this for the past 2 years#“an object created and controlled by companies” anon the company cannot barge into your home and take your camera away#or randomly change how it works on a whim. you OWN the camera that's the whole POINT#the entire point of a camera is that i can control it and my body to produce art. photography is one of the most PHYSICAL forms of artmakin#you have to communicate with your space and subjects and be conscious of your position in a physical world.#that's what makes a camera a tool. generative ai (if used wholesale) is not a tool because it's not an implement that helps you#do a task. it just does the task for you. you wouldn't call a microwave a “tool”#but most importantly a camera captures a REPRESENTATION of reality. it captures a specific irreproducible moment and all its data#read Roland Barthes: Studium & Punctum#generative ai creates an algorithmic IMITATION of reality. it isn't truth. it's the average of truths.#while conceptually that's interesting (if we wanna get into media theory) but that alone should tell you why a camera and ai aren't the sam#ai is incomparable to all previous mediums of art because no medium has ever solely relied on generative automation for its creation#no medium of art has also been so thoroughly constructed to be merged into online digital surveillance capitalism#so reliant on the collection and commodification of personal information for production#if you think using a camera is “automation” you have worms in your brain and you need to see a doctor#if you continue to deny that ai is an apparatus of tech capitalism and is being weaponized against you the consumer you're delusional#the fact that SO many tumblr lefists are ready to defend ai while talking about smashing the surveillance state is baffling to me#and their defense is always “well i don't engage in systems that would make me vulnerable to ai so if you own an apple phone that's on you”#you aren't a communist you're just self-centered
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bitchfitch · 2 months ago
Ok, so there's this entire economy that's built on returned/overstock goods that were on shelves in America eventually ending up in Mexico right?
Random companies like Target or whatever pay X dollars to put some crap on their shelves until it's clear it's just not selling, so instead of eating the loss they sell it at basically 0 profit to some asshole with a truck and the ability to tolerate the god awful amount of paperwork moving goods across that border entail.
Ok and then that some asshole gets to the border and they go through everything they've got and decide what's worth Actually paying the import taxes on and what's basically just land filler. And they take their trash pile and they go to the trash store in whichever border town their in, and say "hey you want this crap?" and the trash store owner says "Nope! but I know some poor schmucks who'll buy it because they can't afford anything better." And they put the trash on the shelves.
These are all the returns, the opened boxes and damaged but Technically probably still functional, things it was just too expensive to try to import into Mexico bc they were worth less then it would cost in fees to get them on shelves there.
Ok, and as a child of one of these towns, you go in to these stores and you buy a basically new Video Game™ for like 2 dollars. And it's crap. Its not shovelware for a show you think you've never heard of or anything but it was still something made to put Product™ on Shelf™ and it'll be lost media in a few years because every single copy ended up in un marked cardboard boxes in towns like yours.
but it's what you had the money for and so it's what you think all games are like until you move somewhere with an actual game store and find out that wait no, theres games that don't crash constantly and have more depth than a dry river. You see the same crap games that were all over your town but no one buys them because they have better options. which is how they end up on the trash store shelves eventually.
And then a decade or some odd later you have to deal with people who've always had access to the good stuff and the word of mouth knowledge or TV commercials or magazines to tell them What was good before they bought it claiming the crap they bought and returned or never gave time in the first place just didn't exist and that shovelware is an artifact of modern game dev instead of something that was always there since the beginning.
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ilkkawhat · 2 days ago
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The Dark Presence...Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
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political-us · 1 month ago
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frogeyedape · 6 months ago
I am so unbelievably pissed off. FUCK HOAs
Oh, my trash/recycling bin can't be visible except on pickup day? Ok whatever fine I hate you but I can deal with this
Weekly inspections?????? FU FU FU FU FU
SECOND NOTICE ALSO WE'RE CHARGING YOU MONEY TO SEND YOU CERTIFIED MAIL OF THIS TOTALLY LEGIT TOTALLY SECOND NOTICE OF WHAT IS ACTUALLY A VIOLATION cue me: checks notes. Hmm. My recycling bin was. on the curb. on recycling pickup day. You know. The day it has to be out. The day it is motherfucking ALLOWED TO BE FUCKING OUT AND VISIBLE.
so. 1) not a violation
I have sent them the trash AND recycling pickup schedules, which are DIFFERENT, btw
I have disputed the fact of the violation
I have disputed the linking of this "violation" to a previous violation MONTHS AGO--their "first notice" in this case was a "Courtesy Notice" LITERALLY 5 MONTHS AGO and they've done so many inspections since then and my bin CLEARLY WASN'T OUT IN THOSE INTERVENING MONTHS so WTMFH
So I am posting like a crazy person here instead of sending the absolutely deranged email I almost sent (I did send a slightly less deranged version with the disputes, and requesting a hearing)
OMG. It has been. Less than one hour since I learned this fun fun news. My bin was out YESTERDAY, y'all. YESTERDAY. I am going to blow a gasket
#it's a relatively privileged problem to have (omg i have a home truly i am grateful) but it's still a goddamned problem and i'm allowed#to fucking complain about it#in case it needs to be said#*rolling my eyes*#i advocate for free/actually affordable housing for everyone who needs it because we ALL deserve a safe secure stable home#whatever type of home that may be#it is absolutely goddamned ridiculous that megacorps can buy all the housing#rent it out at extortionate rates and evict people willy nilly#and we're talking about a “housing crisis” and not a “STOP LETTING CORPORATIONS AND BILLIONAIRES HOARD ALL THE HOUSING” crisis#goddamn.#ha elect me president (ahaha don't do this i am not a good public speaker) and I'll push congress to pass some really neat legislation#hey be more direct: elect me to congress (ahaha don't do this) and i'll WRITE some goddamn nifty legislation and yell about it as long and#as loud as i can until people start to just fucking say yes to make me shut the fuck up#(i know that's not how it works. again. don't actually elect me to a government position)#exemplia gratis:#No individual person shall own more than 6 homes UNLESS they pay a Housing Market Shrinkage Fee for removing viable housing from the market#why 6 and not 2? 2 is a lot! it's excessive! but having A vacation home shouldn't be a crime. Having 5 vacation homes is ridiculous and#awful and whatever but it's not likely to be the source of all our greatest “housing shortage” problems. no. I'm aiming for the absolutely#monstrously greedy and egregious motherfuckers who---ok#hang on. how many homes does the average min and max homeowner own? I would like to see data on that. but anyway#the next part of the legislation:#Homes owned >6 shall be charged X% Housing Market Shrinkage Fee UNLESS they are rented for affordable (15% or less than renter net income)#housing and are actively occupied by said renters. Rented out and charging more than 15% of renter's net? still gotta pay up.#EMPTY housing >6 shall be subject to an additional Y% Housing Market Shrinkage Fee (tax? should I call it a tax?) which increases with ever#month that the housing goes unoccupied. no one living in it? sell it rent it or pay the fuck up. and still pay the fuck up if you rent it#for way too goddamn much money#but like. less. we only REALLY hate you if you sit on empty houses that you don't even let anyone use#ok that's individuals. now onto BUSINESSES#ok so immediately it gets a little complicated cuz like presumably there's rental management businesses that don't own the rental propertie#that they manage BUT there are also companies that just outright own a shitfuckton of housing and THIS is the truly egregious monstrous sid
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robo-dino-puppy · 9 months ago
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horizon forbidden west | sheerside mountains 15/?
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siph-by-induction · 13 days ago
wanted to learn some r so i started doing the cs50 r course. i was on a godawful school chromebook, and they've made it so you can't install linux, so i can't use vs code. rstudio cloud to the rescue, i sign up to rstudio cloud with my school email, write my first little program and save it in rstudio cloud.
i go back today. i want to carry on with my thing. i try to sign in to rstudio cloud.
"Your administrator has not approved access for this app."
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the-sunshine-dragon · 2 months ago
Realized this week that I use youtube like I use tumblr and that is specifically creating my own experience and specifying exactly what videos I want to see versus having an algorithm tell me (outside of the little pane of recommended or similar videos next to a video you're currently watching) and that realization has made me very happy.
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year ago
I dont think most of the islands would have internet connection, or at least not widely available or easily accessible. 4 year old tails not knowing much about the internet or caring about it until he and sonic end up on the mainlands and in a public library and he discovers the Joy of Internet. whole new world has opened up baby and he is tapping away at that keyboard
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fatehbaz · 1 year ago
[T]he Dutch Republic, like its successor the Kingdom of the Netherlands, [...] throughout the early modern period had an advanced maritime [trading, exports] and (financial) service [banking, insurance] sector. Moreover, Dutch involvement in Atlantic slavery stretched over two and a half centuries. [...] Carefully estimating the scope of all the activities involved in moving, processing and retailing the goods derived from the forced labour performed by the enslaved in the Atlantic world [...] [shows] more clearly in what ways the gains from slavery percolated through the Dutch economy. [...] [This web] connected them [...] to the enslaved in Suriname and other Dutch colonies, as well as in non-Dutch colonies such as Saint Domingue [Haiti], which was one of the main suppliers of slave-produced goods to the Dutch economy until the enslaved revolted in 1791 and brought an end to the trade. [...] A significant part of the eighteenth-century Dutch elite was actively engaged in financing, insuring, organising and enabling the slave system, and drew much wealth from it. [...] [A] staggering 19% (expressed in value) of the Dutch Republic's trade in 1770 consisted of Atlantic slave-produced goods such as sugar, coffee, or indigo [...].
One point that deserves considerable emphasis is that [this slave-based Dutch wealth] [...] did not just depend on the increasing output of the Dutch Atlantic slave colonies. By 1770, the Dutch imported over fl.8 million worth of sugar and coffee from French ports. [...] [T]hese [...] routes successfully linked the Dutch trade sector to the massive expansion of slavery in Saint Domingue [the French colony of Haiti], which continued until the early 1790s when the revolution of the enslaved on the French part of that island ended slavery.
Before that time, Dutch sugar mills processed tens of millions of pounds of sugar from the French Caribbean, which were then exported over the Rhine and through the Sound to the German and Eastern European ‘slavery hinterlands’.
Coffee and indigo flowed through the Dutch Republic via the same trans-imperial routes, while the Dutch also imported tobacco produced by slaves in the British colonies, [and] gold and tobacco produced [by slaves] in Brazil [...]. The value of all the different components of slave-based trade combined amounted to a sum of fl.57.3 million, more than 23% of all the Dutch trade in 1770. [...] However, trade statistics alone cannot answer the question about the weight of this sector within the economy. [...] 1770 was a peak year for the issuing of new plantation loans [...] [T]he main processing industry that was fully based on slave-produced goods was the Holland-based sugar industry [...]. It has been estimated that in 1770 Amsterdam alone housed 110 refineries, out of a total of 150 refineries in the province of Holland. These processed approximately 50 million pounds of raw sugar per year, employing over 4,000 workers. [...] [I]n the four decades from 1738 to 1779, the slave-based contribution to GDP alone grew by fl.20.5 million, thus contributing almost 40% of all growth generated in the economy of Holland in this period. [...]
These [slave-based Dutch commodity] chains ran from [the plantation itself, through maritime trade, through commodity processing sites like sugar refineries, through export of these goods] [...] and from there to European metropoles and hinterlands that in the eighteenth century became mass consumers of slave-produced goods such as sugar and coffee. These chains tied the Dutch economy to slave-based production in Suriname and other Dutch colonies, but also to the plantation complexes of other European powers, most crucially the French in Saint Domingue [Haiti], as the Dutch became major importers and processers of French coffee and sugar that they then redistributed to Northern and Central Europe. [...]
The explosive growth of production on slave plantations in the Dutch Guianas, combined with the international boom in coffee and sugar consumption, ensured that consistently high proportions (19% in 1770) of commodities entering and exiting Dutch harbors were produced on Atlantic slave plantations. [...] The Dutch economy profited from this Atlantic boom both as direct supplier of slave-produced goods [from slave plantations in the Dutch Guianas, from Dutch processing of sugar from slave plantations in French Haiti] and as intermediary [physically exporting sugar and coffee] between the Atlantic slave complexes of other European powers and the Northern and Central European hinterland.
Text above by: Pepijn Brandon and Ulbe Bosma. "Slavery and the Dutch economy, 1750-1800". Slavery & Abolition Volume 42, Issue 1. 2021. [Text within brackets added by me for clarity. Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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skylarkblue · 5 days ago
I am at @mystidpurple's apartment to watch F1 while she's at work.
sweet, sweet wifi, how i've missed you.
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moonilit · 8 months ago
I like to think Bruce have a journal, not as batman just as Bruce Wayne and you can see where he wrote all the headaches he gets from his kids
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wildchives4 · 8 months ago
My mom was definitely the "more abusive parent" but understanding what I now understand about women & family dynamics, I can say beyond a doubt that that's because she was the week parent & my dad was the weekend parent. My mom was very mean to me and much more concerned with making sure she had enough wine to drink than ensuring I was healthy, and as a kid, going to my dad's house was the only peace I got, so he and I had a much better relationship.. but especially now as a parent, I look back and see that he put absolutely no effort into helping my brother or I with academics or development in general—that was left entirely up to my mom (and she flubbed it bad and I would never treat my own child that way, but I understand the way that things were against her). If things had been reversed, I would have seen a lot more of "drunk angry dad" than "carefree weekend dad." And even tho the incidents when my dad said/did fucked up things were fewer & farther between, they were much more intense when they did happen—yelling at the top of his lungs, in detail, about the ways he was going to beat me, for example. My mom was mean, but usually didn't make me feel that unsafe. I think it's so dishonest and immature of people to use their own experiences as the victims of maternal abuse to paint a picture of women as generally unstable and/or violent, at least more so than men.
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goldenpinof · 1 year ago
you dont come off patronizing! i get what you mean. do you have any like top 3 dnp moments ?
ohhh, that's a tough question because there are too many good moment and also i have a chicken memory. i'm gonna name from the top of my head in no particular order: kissing shoes, nose boop, That Week in 2009.
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dreamertrilogys · 9 months ago
every time i piss off my parents (happens all the time my existence pisses them off) they make me listen to religious speeches against transgenderism LOL
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youhavethesun · 16 days ago
I actually really miss ryan atwood and seeing him smile but nothing on earth could make me watch all four seasons of the oc for a third time I don’t have the mental strength it’s like being forced to go through all seven stages of grief every other episode
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