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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on complete CD package design for "Upsidedown Cross," the self-titled debut album by American sludge/DOOM metal band UPSIDEDOWN CROSS. The album was released under the Taang! label in 1991.
"Sludge/DOOM/Psychedelic/punk, or something like that... You'll need some time to get used to the "voice.""
TRACKLIST: 1. "Upsidedown Cross" 2. "Kill for Satan" 3. "Redrum" 4. "Hanging Witches" 5. "Batallion of Rats" 6. "Bloodmobile" 7. "Mass in Blood" 8. "The Cup"
In memoriam, Rest in Noise, Larry Lifeless (1958-2021), vocalist for bands KILSLUG, UPSIDEDOWN CROSS, & ADOLF SATAN -- Another legend lost.
Sources: www.discogs.com/release/1743202-Upsidedown-Cross-Upsidedown-Cross & Nightmare be the Name (blog).
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What You Like
By some miracle Eddie, Steve, Robin - the entire Party - made it out of the whole Upsidedown ordeal alive. And with things ended for good, the creepy vine bastard dead, and the interdimensional doors closed for good, there's only one thing for them to do. Live. The kids, no longer kids, are able to hang out without an over looming apocalypse. Eddie and Steve are getting closer. Steve's excited to have another friend that he doesn't babysit and Eddie's glad that the Party didn't drop him after everything was over. And Robin, our favourite supportive lesbian, realises that she is best friends with not one but two dinguses.
Also on ao3
The Harrington house looked like it did every year when the festive season finally rolled around. Cold, empty, and perfectly rich. It, like the rest of the town (the parts not in shambles), seemed tired. Like the buildings themselves had had a rough night. Yet as the chilly breeze swept through the area, everything was the same.
The Harrington’s had finally decided to desert the hellhole town known as Hawkins, Indiana and never look back. They left the house, and with it, their only child. Though as far as anyone was concerned, Steve Harrington was only their son by DNA. Because Steve wasn’t some rich kid destined to takeover daddy’s company. No.
He was Steve Harrington, ex-king of Hawkins High, resident babysitter extraordinaire, and badass monster killer – who loved his little mismatched family more than his parents loved anyone.
Which was why he was standing outside on the front lawn. Scattered around him were boxes caked with dust and full of decorations that he hoped weren’t broken. He hadn’t opened most of them yet, having wanted to put the Christmas lights up before doing anything else. But when he found them, he sighed heavily at the mess of wires and tiny bulbs.
Meaning he had been standing with his arms crossed, frowning for the past few minutes as he watched the daylight start to hide behind dark clouds. It was going to rain.
Steve scuffed his shoe on the drive, scolding himself for trying to start decorating the whole house that late in the afternoon. He got the idea as soon as Dustin hung up the phone earlier after having successfully convinced Steve to host a Christmas party.
And with his parents gone, he could go all out for the kids.
There were only two good things that his parents had ever done for him: Make him work to pay for the car (that’s in his name) so that he met his favourite lady. And, legally giving him the house once they left.
Before he could feel bitter about his parents, music caught his attention.
Specifically loud music that was later joined by the rumbling of a car. Finally turning away from the house, Steve let a small smile pull at his lips as he watched a van pull into the drive next to his beamer.
Eddie was immediately in his personal space, an excited smile on his face. He was wearing his usual get-up – dark band tee, leather jacket, a billion and one silver accessories. And tight black jeans with rips all over them.
Steve wondered how the older boy wasn’t cold.
“Heya, big boy.”
Steve’s eyes snapped to meet Eddie’s, feeling like he was caught doing something. But he wasn’t. Definitely wasn’t. “Hey man,” was his eventual reply.
Eddie just smiled brighter at him, if that was even possible. The metalhead glanced around before his eyes settled back on the jock. Oh, if high school Eddie could see him now, friends with the Steve Harrington, the preppy jock.
“What are you doing here?” Steve asked.
Eddie’s eyes widened as he flopped himself onto Steve, all but hanging off him. “Have my castle visitations been abolished? Am I banished to only see you with the children present? You wound me Harrington.”
Steve was trying very hard to give an unimpressed look to the other boy but ultimately failed. They both grinned at each other, staying like that for a few moments. Then Steve lightly elbowed him, and Eddie yielded, putting some space between them.
Minimal, but still space.
“Well, I was going to annoy you or Robin at work, but now I’m here.”
Steve crossed his arms. “Is it your daily goal to annoy me?”
“Hmmm, something like that,” Eddie said.
Steve scoffed but there was no heat behind it. He actually liked hanging out with Eddie, given he only had five adult friends. Well, if he included Argyle, though they didn’t really speak all that much.
“Watcha doing out in the cold?”
Steve ran a hand through his hair before gesturing vaguely at the house.
Eddie was delighted to realize the younger’s hair had no product in it.
“I was going to decorate the house...”
Eddie whistled. “All by yourself?”
“Well, yeah, of course. But the lights are beyond tangled so I ended up just glaring at them.” Steve admitted. It was as if a child had played with the lights and then dumped invisible glue over everything.
“Want some help?”
“Sure, grab a box. Put everything inside.”
Eddie was moving instantly, bending down and picking up a box with ease. No matter what, Steve was always surprised by his strength. He knew the metalhead wasn’t just skin and bones, but there was just something that pinged around in his brain when he saw Eddie doing certain things.
Steve also noticed, without fail, how the long curls bounced when he walked and fell over his shoulders. Or how they would fall over his chest when he titled his head to the side.
“Coming, Stevie?” Eddie asked. It was a fair question since Steve hadn’t moved an inch. But there was something about his tone – knowing, teasing him. But once again, Steve knew he wasn’t doing anything.
Or maybe he was? He’d figure it out. Not today, and with luck (aka Robin) before the end of the year.
Steve took quick steps to get ahead of Eddie, opening the door before heading back for a box. They made quick work and made it inside just as rain started to fall.
Within minutes a heavy storm was raging on outside.
Eddie plopped himself down on the living room floor, surrounded by the dusty boxes. He idly searched through the ones closest to him. He clicked his tongue when he saw the state of the lights.
“You want to watch a movie or?” Steve asked.
“And here I thought we were going through all your Christmas goodies.”
Now, Eddie may not be the best when it came to socialising. He may miss some cues or scare people off with his tendency for the dramatics. But, give him enough time and he would be able to figure people out. He knew how to deal with the kid’s different attitudes. He had his suspicions about Robin while they were still in school. He knew how his bandmates ticked.
And after spending so much of his free time bugging Harrington, he knew the younger boy as well. He knew Steve loved the kids no matter how annoyed he acted. He knew he liked to cook and bake, trying to do better with each try. Eddie also knew that Steve didn’t ask for help often.
Which is why he wasn’t surprised when Steve tried to pass off his offer and tried to convince Eddie to just hang out.
“It’s fine, princess. Besides, it’ll take you years to undo these lights,” Eddie said, grin growing.
“Thanks,” Steve said softly. His brain got stuck on the word ‘princess’, an alarm going off before he rebooted. He pointed at a finger at the metalhead with an accusatory “Hey!”
Eddie just laughed and pulled the lights out of the box.
Within half an hour, they were both sitting on the floor. The coffee table and some boxes were pushed against the wall, leaving them with heaps of working space. Steve was organising ornaments so that it’d be easier for him to find things when he eventually put them up. Eddie was next to him, getting through the lights surprisingly fast.
“How are you so good at that?” Steve asked once he was done with his pile of ornaments.
Eddie hummed, nimble fingers still working away. “It’s my secret talent. I’m the next Houdini.”
Steve tilted his head, parted his lips and…hesitated. He remembered his teachers when he didn’t know something simple. He remembered all the girls that tried to help him with his homework (though that was their cover story for wanting to sleep with him). He remembered Nancy’s face when she got frustrated with him during their little study sessions.
For a scary second, his brain tried telling him that Eddie was like them all.
“You’re the next who?”
Eddie smiled at him. He thought Steve looked adorable like that; head titled, soft hair falling in all the right places. Eddie wanted to —
“Houdini,” he repeated. “Famous magician and escape artist. Always getting out of everything.”
Steve nodded, quiet, and then,
“Is that why you have the handcuffs? For escape things?”
Eddie barked out a laugh, dropping the lights in his hands. He sobered up when he noticed Steve frowning. “Sorry,” he said softly. “No, I have those for other reasons.”
Eddie watched the lines on Steve’s face soften before a different look of confusion captured them.
“Why do you have cuffs then?”
“Souvenir from Indy.”
Steve stared at him.
Eddie started playing with his hair under the attention.
Steve crossed his arms. “That is not the only reason,” he said, sounding confident.
“I don’t think you wanna know Stevie.”
“I do.”
“I’m curious.” Steve admitted. He didn’t mean to pry into all the little details of Eddie’s life, but he was curious. He was curious about all his friends. Besides, him and Eddie had had many late-night talks about some heavy, personal things after the shitshow they went through. He just wanted to know more.
It was just like with all his other friends.
“I don’t want the gremlins parents coming for me for corrupting their nice babysitter.”
Steve gaped at him before huffing. “I’m 20, I know about sex,” he said, guessing that was what it was about. What else could he possibly be talking about? “I am not innocent, you know.”
“Oh, but you are, big boy,” Eddie replied, leaning closer with a big, cheeky grin.
“Try me.”
Eddie’s eyes darted all over Steve’s face, then all over his body. He let out a breath before pushing himself off the ground. He needed chips, or pop, or a beer.
“Fine,” he conceded. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“So…” Steve said, trailing behind the older boy. He stopped at the kitchen entry, standing there awkwardly until he watched Eddie sit on the counter. He silently joined him, smiling when a can of soda was handed to him.
“What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in bed?” Eddie asked. There was no point beating around the bush.
Steve nearly choked on his drink. He swore as some bubbles went up his nose.
“So it is a sex thing?”
“Yep. And since you were so curious, I’ll explain it. Buuut, you can tell me to stop at any time,” Eddie said. He was fine giving Harrington some impromptu education, but he didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable.
Steve nodded.
Eddie nudged his arm.
“Oh, the question.” Steve fiddled with the tab of his can. “I don’t know, nothing?”
Eddie opened his mouth, but it snapped closed a millisecond later.
“I let a girl bite me once though. Does that count?”
“Yes it does, Stevie,” Eddie said, his usual bright smile pulling on his lips. “She probably liked it, and hoped you liked it too.”
“Liked it?”
“The feeling, the pain, or the marks it left behind,” Eddie listed off on his fingers. In a second, two of his fingers were pressed against a spot on Steve’s neck, applying the softest pressure but enough that it made Steve’s brain hold up a flag. “If she did it right here, where it’s sensitive, it’d feel real good. And, it would be a bitch to hide the mark without makeup.”
Steve felt himself swallow and before he knew it Eddie’s hand retreated.
Steve stared at nothing for a few seconds. Finally, he asked, “People like that?”
“There’s a whole world of kinky freaks out there. This isn’t even the tip of the iceberg.”
“Kinky…” Steve mumbled to himself. He swore he had heard that word before, but he couldn’t remember exactly what it meant. “Okay. But what do you do with the cuffs?”
“Well,” Eddie started and Steve saw something change. It wasn’t entirely noticeable, but there was a new glint to Eddie’s eyes and the slant of his smile seemed more, well, predatory.
Not that he knew the differences between all of Eddie’s facial expressions. No, Steve didn’t know that much about him.
“If the guy is willing, I put them on him. Behind his back, above his head, to the headboard of their bed. They let go of their control and give it to me.”
Before Steve could respond, the phone rang, making the younger boy abruptly slide off the counter.
Eddie watched from his seat as Steve talked with Dustin’s mom over the phone. He figured it was about the Christmas arrangements that Dustin said he was planning on getting together. And by all the talk about coordinating food and making sure all the kids would have a ride to Steve’s house, he figured the little bugger had gotten exactly what he wanted.
But hey, Eddie didn’t mind being part of a weird little family. He had his Uncle Wayne. He did have his band members, but they were all off to college although none of them were certain it was going to stick. But now he would always have his little family of trauma-bonded teenagers and a sprinkle of reasonable adults.
As soon as Steve put the phone down, Robin’s voice suddenly came from the depths of his pockets.
Eddie smiled, amused as Robin trashed their boss’s existence before telling Steve that they were now working the closing shift. No ifs, ands, or buts.
“Come pick me up. And don’t spend half an hour styling your hair! Literally none of our customers care about your hair.” She said then promptly disconnected their walkie-talkies.
Steve sighed, looking back at Eddie. He was pouting.
The Steve Harrington was pouting because he didn’t want to go to work, and his best friend told him to leave his hair un-styled. He looked like a sad puppy.
“You heard the lady,” Eddie said as he finally hopped off the counter. “Better hurry.” Eddie laughed when the other boy pouted harder. “See ya later, Stevie.”
Steve watched him go. As he looked out the windows, he was glad to see the storm had let up.
“That slimy bastard! How the hell does he even work here? How the hell is he our boss?!”
“He left his half-eaten sandwich in the breakroom. The backroom is now beyond a mess. And what the fuck did he do with the bucket? How are we supposed to catch the drip if we don’t have a bucket, Steve?”
“Robs.” Steve said softly. “I know he sucks but chill. I cannot listen to you rant about him all night.”
Robin threw an m&m at him. “You love my rants.”
The bell above the door rang and Robin was suddenly nowhere to be found. Steve sighed, bracing himself to deal with whatever annoying customer decided to come to Family Video that late in the pouring rain.
“Welcome to Family Video, what—”
“Hiya Harrington.” Eddie Munson was splaying himself over the counter in the time it took Steve to turn and face the door. His rings clinked against it, hair pooling around his head.
“What’re you doing here Munson?”
“I came to see you and the birdie,” Eddie said, grinning up at him.
Steve couldn’t help it, his own smile mimicking the other boy’s. “Miss me that much?”
“Always, baby.”
Steve felt his head swim, knowing his cheeks were a noticeable pink. There was no denying it. But he ignored it – it didn’t mean anything. “Weren’t you going home?”
“Aw, you thinking about me Stevie?”
“Get off it, Munson,” Steve said, lightly pushing the others face away.
Eddie rolled to the side before snapping up right. He leant his elbows on the counter then. His smile was cheeky and bright as he stared Steve directly in the eyes. There was an unnamed tension surrounding them, but it wasn’t strong enough to drown out the feeling of their usual banter. “Anything you want, princess,” Eddie said with a wink.
Steve’s face grew hotter.
He didn’t know if he was thankful or annoyed when Robin came out of the backroom and effectively took the attention off him. He didn’t know why he would be annoyed in the first place. Whatever was happening in his mind, he and Robin would decipher it later.
At that moment, he had a bucket to hunt for.
Part 2
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doktordismemberment · 2 years
Upsidedown Cross
So I just found out there was a third Upsidedown Cross album that was recorded in 1998 but never released? WTF? They were one of my favorite bands ever and I had no idea this was a thing.
Sounds about as zonked as anything else they ever did... Basically a more "metal" Kilslug.
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I think the newest one I’ve actually done anything with is probably Mia, my Stranger Things OC. She’s a theatre nerd and Steve’s best friend. Mia had no idea about the Upsidedown and anything like that until she was working in the makeup shop in Starcourt and got dragged into it all. She has had a crush on Robin since their paths crossed when band helped with a play.
I’m not really sure what tempted me to make her, other than the latest series of Stranger Things. And the fact I wanted Robin to find something special.
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uriel-is-best-girl · 2 years
I want to draw Jon hanging upsidedown (think The Hanged Man tarot card, think Jesus on a cross) his hair hanging loosly past his face and his limbs tangled in and suspended by tape recorder bands. And his eyes are open, always open, forced open and an eldritch green. And if you look closer at the tapes binding his limbs youll notice theyre lined with cobwebs
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gracev0609 · 2 years
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Nikki Sixx Stadium Tour One Shot
June 25 2022. Citizens Bank Park. Philadelphia
It was 12 noon on Saturday June 25, 2022 and you had just parked in lot C of the Citizens Bank Park. You pulled out your phone and immediately texted your friend since highschool, Brittany Furlan, that you had arrived.
You walked through the now empty stadium that in a few short hours will be packed with 60,000 fans, all the way to section 115. You immediately spotted Brittany standing under the 115 sign, she was wearing a Motley tank top this 90° afternoon.
" Oh my God, it's been too long!" Brittany shrieked.
"I've missed you so fucking much!" You shrieked back with equal enthusiasm.
She wrapped her arms around your waist and gave you a genuine hug. After all these years you could tell she still cared about you.
" I saved you a seat up front with me and my family." Brittany told you while grabbing your hand and leading you through double doors to the restricted access zone.
You felt the feeling of joy as you had purchased tickets in the nose bleed section.
"Oh I'm so pumped! Did you know this is my first Motley Crue concert?" You told your friend while she still held your hand leading you down the hallway passing the entrance from the dugout to the field. You saw a large group of men and women setting up the stage.
" Oh babe get ready! The boys are fucking wild!"
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as she opened the door to the common room where you were met by Brittany's dogs Neena and Teenie and the infamous drummer of Motley Crue, Tommy Lee.
"Hey baby, what's shakin? Brittany has not stopped talking about you. She said that you guys have been friends for years, that's tight yo."
"Yeah we met in what, 10th grade , when I moved to town." You said to Brittany.
" Holy shit, it has been that long." Brittany laughed. Turning her attention to her husband, " This is Tommy, and the other guys have been coming in and out of this room all morning so you're bound to meet the rest of the band soon enough."
And as if it was on cue, Nikki Sixx walked into the common room to grab another bottle of water. You've had a crush on him since 10th grade, and you knew that he was recently divorced.
"Ooh! Nikki, come here! I want you to meet my best friend." Brittany exclaimed pushing you towards him to close the gap between us. He wrapped one arm around you in a hug and pecked your cheek.
" Hey I'm Nikki, it's nice to meet one of Brittany's friends." You said hello and told him your name while being smushed up against his tattooed chest.
More of the members of the stadium tour came into the common room, as the commotion started you found your way over to the black leather couch next to Nikki.
As you watched Riki Rocket converse with Tommy, you felt fingers trace patterns on your thigh. You didn't even have to look down to know whose tattooed hands were touching your skin, it was Nikki.
Turning your head to meet his gaze, he gave you one of his signature smirks.
" How about I take you on a tour of my dressing room?"
"Oh I'd love to see it." You replied with butterflies forming in your stomach again.
As you followed him out of the room you texted Brittany to keep her in the loop, I'll be back soon, went somewhere with Nikki.
She immediately texted back, Went somewhere? 😂 Have fun! 😍🍆
You smiled to yourself before putting your phone into the clutch you brought with you.
Wordlessly you followed behind him to his dressing room, he opened up the door wide so you could go first. It was dark and moody, with candles and fur everywhere. Exactly the way you would imagine Nikki Sixxes dressing room to be.
Closing the door behind him, he turned to lock the deadbolt lock. You decided to make yourself at home on the plush couch amongst the pillows with upsidedown crosses and pentagrams on them.
A smile formed on his face, "How old are you sweetheart?"
"Oh, I'm 35." A smile appeared on your face matching his.
"Fuck, I'm old enough to be your father." He replied.
Your smile faded as you waited for him to continue speaking.
" But, you still want me to fuck you. Don't you?" He asked while undoing his belt.
"I'd love that Nikki." You answered motioning for him to come closer.
You sat on the sofa in between his long muscular legs, looking up at his face you noticed fine lines forming around his eyes, his smile lines getting deeper than they were in the magazines twenty years ago. His eyes still sparkled and were full of youth. You could tell something else was full of youth as well noticing the rather large bulge directly in front of your face.
You decided to reach up and rub his ever growing hard on through his jeans before unfastening the brass button.
"Go ahead babygirl, there's no need to be afraid." Nikki told you while helping you peel away the tight denim from his legs.
You were filled with excitement as all of your girlish fantasies were coming true. How many times did you touch yourself while looking at Nikki's picture in all the hard rock magazines. Far too many times to count. You imagined his cock, and it was even better in person.
You licked him from base to tip, hearing him audibly gasp and mutter fuck. He reached his calloused fingers into your hair lightly tugging on your scalp sending fire to your core.
As you bobbed your head up and down on his length you heard him moan out, " mmhmm... Just like that. Fuck, you're so good at that."
You felt a certain satisfaction knowing that you knew how to please him. Once your jaw was getting sore you pulled away from him, he took your lead and finished undressing himself. You couldn't help but marvel at his toned body, every inch of this man is covered in tattoos.
Laughing he stated, " If you take a picture it will last longer."
"I'd love to have pictures of you Nikki."
He grabbed at the hem of your skimpy crop top and pulled it up over your head, discarding it to the side.
"Why baby? So you can get off to them?"
Your cheeks flushed in response to his question.
Towering over you, he flashed you a smile before gently pushing you back against the couch, "Why don't you show me?"
You decided to go along with his suggestion, as you grabbed your breasts and played with your nipples, never taking your eyes off of the gorgeous man in front of you who was now stroking himself to the glorious sight that was in front of him, you.
Slowly you worked your manicured fingers down your stomach to the button of your cutoff shorts, slowly unzipping them and pulling them down off of your hips. Nikki was getting visibly excited.
"Come on honey, let Daddy see you play with your pussy." He growled, tugging on himself to provide temporary satisfaction.
That was all you needed to hear before dipping your fingers into your soaking wet heat. You were no better than the groupies, you would do anything he asked for.
Dropping to his knees in front of you he cooed," You're the sexiest woman I've ever seen, fuck."
He crawled closer to you, his flushed pink lips came in contact with your thighs, kissing up them, nipping at the skin, until he reached one of your most sensitive spots. Pulling your lips apart for him, he dove his tongue between your folds. He was driving you insane with need, you couldn't wait to feel his cock inside of you.
"Nikki, that feels so good," you groaned out while your hands knotted themselves into his wild mane.
He hummed his lips against your clit. Licking and circling your sensitive bud.
" Nikki please don't stop," you cried out gripping his hair harder.
Through his years of experience he knew the tell tale signs of a woman approaching her orgasm.
You let out a cry as you released against his tongue, wishing that you could do it again and again.
"Did that feel good sweetheart?" Nodding to him in response," I could eat your pussy every day, you taste like honey."
If only he could.
"Now for the main event." He chuckled. " Lay back and get comfortable, I'll go slow at first." Leaning down to whisper in your ear," I have a feeling you're going to be tight."
You were giddy as you awaited his hot flesh against your core. Slowly he teased your entrance, covering his tip with your wetness.
'Come on Nik, I gotta feel you." You begged him.
He steadily pushed his cock into you, both hissing at the pleasure.
You could have had an orgasm right then and there from the sheer amount of times you have imagined this moment. He feels so much better.
Once you adjusted to his size you let him know that he can start moving.
" You okay baby?" He asked through gritted teeth, " you're so goddamn tight."
" You feel amazing Nikki." You panted as he was edging you closer to the edge.
With one hand on the back of the couch and the other gripping your hip he moved in and out of you with more force.
" Oh fuck Nikki, that's it, fuck I'm gonna come."
He moved his hand from your hip to your clit, " That's right baby, you can let it go, cum on me."
Euphoria spread from the crown on your head down to the tips of your toes as you let yourself loose.
You sighed and murmured Nikki...
" Is it my turn sweetie?" Nikki asked you in between kisses on your chest.
Nikki told you to get up and bend your ass over the arm of the couch, " let me see that sexy ass of yours."
Leaning down and arching your back he sternly pushed your shoulders into the cushions. Resting his bodyweight on your hips, he pressed hot kisses down your spine.
You immediately shivered at the sensation of warmth against your cool sweat slicked skin.
Finding your entrance he pushed his way into you, faster and harder than before he pounded away. The only noise coming from the both of you was the sound of your ass meeting his hips.
" Ah fuck Nikki I'm getting close again," you moaned into the cushions.
" Me too baby, me too. Fuck, fuck, ahh-" Nikki grunted his thrusts slowing down.
Gently he pulled out of you, his seed dripping down your legs onto the carpet.
"Let me get you cleaned up honey." He said grabbing a hand towel.
As he ran the cotton towel up your legs collecting the mess, you made a mental note of how gentle he could be.
You both gathered your outfits and put them back on. The two of you fell into comfortable conversation, you could feel a friendship forming.
Some time later a knock came at his dressing room door, " Nikki time for hair and makeup!" And assistant called out.
" You're sitting with Brittany right? During the show?" Nikki asked fluffing his hair in the mirror.
" Oh yeah, I am, I'm so excited to see the show."
" Hey, give me your phone." Nikki said with his phone in the opposite hand.
" Yeah alright." You said replying to him while unzipping your clutch.
" I'm gonna add our numbers. I'll call you."
With a laugh you said," Yeah right rockstar."
" No really babe, I'm gonna call you." He told you flashing yet another smile.
"Okay... I'll talk to you soon then." You told him grabbing your phone heading towards the door.
" I'll see you out there." Nikki winked as you walked through the threshold.
You found Brittany in the front row. Taking your seat she asked you if you had fun with Nikki.
"We'll lets just say I'll never forget this show."
Find the rest of my work on Wattpad!
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chloelucia13 · 4 years
Chapter 8: Trick or Treat, Freak
Pairing: none for the moment (currently Jonathan Byers x Platonic!Henderson!reader)
Prompt:  You always thought Hawkins was the most boring town of all, stuck in a vacuum void of excitement and entertainment. Well, it seems that way until the world decided to flip upside down, literally.
Chapter Summary: You hated Jonathan for dragging you along to this stupid Halloween party, but you hated him even more for ditching you so he could help the girl of his dreams. But when one friendship falls apart, another one may just come together.
Warnings: angst, fluff, language, teenage drinking, idk just the usual
Word Count: 2324
A/N: Here’s the next part! I’m so sorry it took so long to come out, I’ve been so busy with work. I hope you guys like this chapter!
Taglist: @just-my-fandom​, @nightbu-g​
Catch up
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You hadn’t even realized school had ended until the last bell rang and people scrambled from their seats as fast as possible. With a sigh, you had pushed yourself out of your desk and shoved all of your things into your bag before exiting the classroom, trying to wake yourself up and be present in the moment.
The whole day, your mind was swamped with worried thoughts about the party, what you were going to dress up as, and, most importantly, how you were going to stomach seeing Jonathan dating Nancy. Those thoughts blanketed over the activities that took place that day, leaving a blank space where your memories would be.
Your mind stayed blank as you drove from the school to the drug store and the thrift store, picking up the items that you needed for your costume. Afterwards, you made your way home.
As soon as you got home, you laid down on the couch and cuddled up with Mews. Dustin had barged through the door moments later, tossing his backpack to the floor. “How was your da-” you began before he cut you off.
“Horrible!” He stomped over to the recliner and dramatically flopped down onto it, startling Mews away. “No one dressed up and Mad Max tried to kill me!”
You furrowed your brows, popping your head up slightly to look at him. “Who?”
“Mad Max? The girl who beat my score at Digdug?”
That just confused you more. “Someone beat you at Digdug?”
He groaned, rolling his eyes. “The new girl at school beat my score at Digdug and on my ride home her brother tried to hit me with his car.”
You sat silently for a moment, trying to piece together what he said. “Wait, is her brother the new douche bag that just started going to Hawkins High?”
“I don’t know! He’s just an asshole with a mullet!”
You sighed and laid your head back down against the couch. “Awesome. So no one dressed up at school then?”
“No, they did not. Try and catch up!”
You scoffed. “God, you get some front teeth and then you start acting like you own the place.”
“Hey, I earned these!” he tapped his finger against his top front teeth before scowling at you. “Are you and Jonathan still taking us trick-or-treating?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Jonathan is trying to convince me to go to this Halloween party-”
“Wait, you’re going to a party?”
You rolled your eyes. “Why is that so surprising?”
He shrugged, letting out a hum. “No reason, you’re just... You.”
With a sigh, you sat up and grabbed your bags. “Thank you for the kind words, Dustin.”
As you walked back into your room, Dustin shouted a “You’re welcome!” in response.
You had just finished applying a light layer of makeup and doing your hair when Dustin knocked on the bathroom door. “Come on, we’re gonna be late!” he shouted.
You rolled your eyes and let out a huff, grabbing the top hat off the counter and rushing out. “Okay, let’s go,” you instructed, slinging your bag over your shoulder and searching for your keys.
“Who are you supposed to be?”
You pulled your keys out and turned to arch an eyebrow at Dustin. “Stevie Nicks.” He just shook his head. “The White Witch?” Again, he shook his head. “God, that’s so disappointing.” 
With a sigh, you stepped out the door and got into your car, waiting for Dustin to get into the passenger seat before driving to Mike’s house where all the boys were planning to meet. 
As soon as you pulled up in the cul-de-sac, you saw Mike and Lucas impatiently waiting for the other two boys to arrive. You parked by the sidewalk and let Dustin out, watching as he ran over to the two boys. You hopped out of the car afterwards, leaning against your door as you waited for Jonathan and Will to show up.
“What are you supposed to be, Y/N?” Mike shouted over to you.
“Stevie Nicks,” you shouted back.
“Who’s that?”
You groaned in response, throwing your head back and staring up at the sky. A moment later, you heard a car engine near the house and stop right behind you. 
“Hey Y/N!” Will shouted to you as he got out of the car, hurrying over to his friends. “Are you Stevie Nicks?”
A wide smile spread across your face and you rushed over to give him a big hug. “Don’t tell the others but you’re my favorite,” you whispered to him before pulling away and heading over to Jonathan’s car. “You guys be safe tonight!” you shouted to the group before hopping in the car.
“You look nice,” Jonathan commented as you sat down in the passenger seat and got buckled.
You smiled and turned to look at him, a small frown settling on your face when you saw his lack of costume. “I thought we were gonna go to the party?”
“We are.”
“Then why aren’t you dressed up?”
He let out a sigh. “You know I don’t like-”
“I know, I know, you don’t like having fun.”
“No, I just don’t like being the center of attention.”
You pursed your lips, restraining yourself from quipping back. “Fine. Well if we’re gonna go, let’s go.”
As soon as you arrived, the feeling of hesitation and regret hit you instantly. Drunk teenagers were scattered along the lawn, and even more were flooding inside the house. “I don’t know, Jonathan,” you rushed out. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”
He shook his head. “Nope, we’re doing this. Come on,” he countered hesitantly, watching a guy in a toga throw up just feet from where the car was parked. 
You arched an eyebrow at him before huffing and getting out of the car. You waited for him to get out before the two of you walked side by side into the house. Your heart began to race as soon as you stepped inside, wiping your clammy palms off on the front of your dress before clutching onto the sleeve of Jonathan’s jacket. “There’s a lot of people here,” you whispered to him, only for him to respond with an uncomfortable nod. He took your hand in his as the two of you weaved through the crowd, Jonathan clearly on a mission to find Nancy.
“Nice costumes,” a girl voiced behind you, and the two of you turned your heads to see a girl dressed up in gothic attire and makeup.
“Huh?” Jonathan voiced, clearly taken aback from being spoken to.
“I said nice costumes, both of you.”
“Uh, yeah. She’s Stevie Nicks. I’m uh- I’m going as the guy who hates parties.”
She chuckled at his retort before holding her hand out. “I’m Samantha.”
“Jonathan, and this is Y/N.” You and Jonathan shook hands with her before standing there in an awkward silence. You watched him through your peripheral as he searched the crowd before his eyes landed on someone, his body immediately going stiff. Quickly, he turned his head back to Samantha. “Kiss?” You immediately furrowed your brows at him, and she flashed him a confused look. “The band,” he explained, gesturing to her outfit.
She chuckled, shaking her head. “Close, but no. Siouxsie.”
He nodded. “Right. Got it.”
Suddenly, an odd silence filled the house, and you both looked over to see Nancy with a red solo cup of punch spilled all over his top, Steve standing right next to her. She ran off and he immediately followed after her.
“Shit,” Jonathan sighed out, looking between you and Nancy for a moment before turning to Samantha. “It was really nice meeting you, but I gotta go,” he rushed out before going the same direction that Nancy and Steve went.
You let out a sigh, slouching slightly and crossing your arms over your chest. “Are you two dating?” Samantha asked.
You shook your head, pursing your lips. “No, no. We’re just... Friends.” You cast your gaze to the floor for a moment before turning on your heel and making your way through the crowd, heading out the back door and stepping out onto the back porch, which was almost completely void of any people. With a huff, you sat down on the porch steps and took off your top hat, setting it in your lap.
The buzz of people continued from inside the house, an odd muffled sound that settled deep in your bones as you stared at the line of trees at the end of the house’s backyard, the woods lying just beyond. You were trapped between the two things that scared you the most: people and the unknown.
The two things that plagued your nightmares: losing the boy you loved and getting lost in the endless abyss that was the upsidedown.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a hand on your shoulder, turning your head to see that it was Jonathan. “Hey, would you be able to find a ride home?” he rushed out, looking panicked.
You took a moment to process what he said. “I-I guess. How come?” you stuttered out, furrowing your brows.
“Nancy is really drunk and I need to give her a ride home. Is that okay?”
You heart ached in your chest, but you pushed a smile onto your face. “Yeah, of course.”
He flashed you a quick smile before hurrying back inside, leaving you all alone. 
Your shoulders and your smile fell as soon as he left, tears starting to well in your eyes. How the fuck were you going to get home? It’s not like you could call your mom to pick you up, and you didn’t trust a single person in that house enough to give you a ride. That Samantha girl crossed your mind, but you were too scared to be a burden to ask her.
After thinking it through, you had finally decided on walking three miles home. You pushed yourself to your feet and started on your trek, abandoning your top hat on the front porch.
As you walked, every single one of your senses was on high alert. You flinched at every noise, eyes following every movement along the treeline, heart racing every time the wind rushed against your skin. All your muscles were tensed, your hands so tightly curled into fists that your nails were cutting into your palms. 
You had only gotten about 100 feet into your trek when a car slowed to a stop next to you, their window rolling down. “Y/N?” a familiar voice shouted from inside the vehicle.
“Steve?” you replied, crouching down slightly to look into the car. 
“What are you doing?”
You wrapped your arms around yourself. “Walking home.”
He gave you a confused look. “Don’t you live a few miles away?” You nodded slowly. “Do you want a ride?”
You let out a small sigh of relief, immediately reaching for his passenger door handle and opening the door and getting in. 
He waited until you were buckled in before beginning the drive. “Thank you,” you whispered, staring at your folded hands in your lap.
He just nodded in response. “Why were you walking home?”
“Jonathan had to take Nancy home.”
He let out a sigh. “So we both got dumped then.”
You furrowed your brows, shaking your head slightly. “Jonathan and I are just friends.” You sat in silence for a moment. “Did... Did you and Nancy break up?”
He shrugged. “I guess so.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, in her words. our relationship is��‘bullshit.’ That everything is ‘bullshit.’”
You winced, looking up at him and frowning. “I’m really sorry.”
He shook his head. “It’s alright. At least I didn’t get ditched and had to walk home.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but closed it when you realized that he was right. “Can... Can we go to Nancy’s? My-my car is parked at her house. That’s where Jonathan picked me up from.”
Steve nodded and glanced over at you for a moment before looking back at the road. The two of you sat in silence, staring straight ahead as he drove you to Nancy’s house.
You noticed that the light in Nancy’s room was on as Steve pulled up to the Wheeler’s house. You gulped and waited until he stopped the car behind Jonathan’s car before you got out. “Thanks, Steve. It really means a lot,” you told him as you got out, bending down once you got out to give him a smile. “I’m really sorry about you and Nancy.”
He let out a sigh. “I’ll be alright. I’m sorry about you and Jonathan,” he replied.
You just nodded, too tired to correct him. “Goodnight, Steve.” With that, you closed the door and made your way over to your car. You pulled your key out from the pocket of your dress and stuck it in the lock, but didn’t turn it. Instead, you stared up at the window right above you, Nancy’s bedroom window. 
You could see Jonathan tucking Nancy into bed with such a gentleness that you had only seen him display with his mother, his brother, and you.
A harsh sob left your body and you immediately turned the key in the lock before yanking it out and tugging your car door open. You jammed the key into the ignition before you were fully in the car, collapsing into your seat and slamming the door shut.
You wanted so badly to just drive away, but you couldn’t force yourself to look away from that damned window.
You knew that he had heard you as he jumped at the sudden noise before a look of regret settled on his features. You watched him gulp before staring out the window.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you finally forced yourself to drive away, your whole body shaking with sobs as you drove home haphazardly.
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findasongblog · 5 years
Find A Song about a night that shakes the narrator’s sense of things
Souvenir Driver - Haze
Portland, OR indie/shoegaze/psychedelic mainstays Souvenir Driver's new album, A Dangerous Crossing, is available on Cassette & CD from IS/WAS ; and streaming on Bandcamp; as well as all major platforms. Influenced by a Nietzsche quote (“Mankind is a dangerous crossing”), their 4th full length album as a band is a thematic journey, with a sonic cohesion that furthers their psych/gaze sounds into darker and moodier territories. It draws from political trauma, transitions, and personal lives to form its arc.
"Haze introduces many of the themes of the album, both sonically and lyrically. The story suggests a narrator lost in confusion, who has a night that shakes his sense of things."
Souvenir Driver features Nate Wey (Happy Prescriptions) on vocals/guitars ; Travis Hendricks (Hawkeye) on synths/percussion/backing vox ; Josh Kalberg (Daydream Machine) on bass/backing vox; and Bob Mild (The Upsidedown) on drums. They formed in 2011. (press release)
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blueberrybamf · 5 years
Tagged lol
I was tagged by @smokeyloki​ ,thanks ^^ 
21 tag game
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
Nickname: Ror (as if my name wasn't short enough)
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Height: 5 foot
Hogwarts 🏠: Usually Gryffindor 
Last thing googled: Male profile full body for a drawing
Favorite musicians: Peter Hollens, Lindsey Stirling, Hans Zimmer, Howard Shore,  and a lot of 90s and oldies bands lol.
Song stuck in head: None today which is unusual
Following: 97
Followers: 1,387 (^-^)
Do I get asks: Not a lot. One every few months
Amount of 💤: Too much, feels like too little
Lucky numbers: 8
Wearing: violet shirt with typical rainbow unicorn but its got goth eyeshadow and upsidedown cross carved into its forhead as well as an inverted pentagram around its neck. text reading Go to Hell under it. NOT usual attire lol. Also shorts with some sparkles on it and a pink Batman logo hat.
Dream job: Illustrator or mural painter
Instruments: Piano, violin
Languages: English, very little German
Favorite songs: Currently: Church-Fallout boy , Shut Up and Dance- Walk the Moon, Last of the Wilds- Nightwish
Random fact: Left handed, constantly told it’s the cause of most of my problems.
Aesthetic: Cute and bright and demons  
I tag:  .................yea sorry gunna cheat and tag anyone who wants to share. *boop*
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skuunx · 6 years
what are some of your favorite bands?
Oh boy there’s so many good bands I honestly can’t say I have a favorite band really. But recently I’ve been listening a lot to
-Upsidedown Cross
-The Chameleons
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on the seemingly "unhinged" man shown on the front cover art to the self-titled 1991 debut album by UPSIDE DOWN CROSS, a man none other than infamous British occultist Aleister Crowley who is posing as the Bodhisattva Hotei.
PIC #2: An UPSIDEDOWN CROSS 1 inch button/badge pressed in a limited run by the Macedonian-based record label/distro, Fuck Yoga Records.
Rest in festering noise, Larry Lifeless (1958-2021), another legend lost.
Sources: http://nightmarebethyname.blogspot.com/2019/05/upsidedown-cross-upsidedown-cross-1991.html, eBay, & Fuck Yoga Records.
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De Algemene Verwarring #57 - 4 October 2021
 The fifty-seventh episode of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday October 4 2021, and you can listen to it by clicking on the Mixcloud widget below. And if that does not work, here’s the direct link to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is UK based industrial band Konstruktivists, formed in 1982 and apparently the band is still active. They are on the 1983 double compilation album “The Elephant Table Album (A Collection of Difficult Music)” along with other and probably better known acts such as Coil, Chris & Cosey, Attrition, Lustmord, SPK, Muslimgauze and many more. I was really happy to find this compilation at a reasonable price at a recent record fair. I’ve always been a big Coil fan and it’s nice to get to know a few of the lesser known names of that early UK industrial scene, and the track “Andropov ‘84″ of Konstruktivists is one of the tracks that immediately caught my attention. When I started my radio show, the idea was not to stick to one genre of music, but to show the listener the complete musical spectrum of bands that I like. That’s the reason why in this show there is a Upsidedown Cross track (RIP Larry Lifeless) as well as a Sarah Davachi track. That’s why I start with a punk rock song from Teenage Popeye, but also play a pure girl pop song by The Primitives. By listening to my show, you get to know me and that is the whole idea. And it’s a bonus if all of this causes general confusion in the head of my beloved listeners. Anyway, there’s also tracks from then new Frankie Traandruppel 7″, from Mitraille who stormed The Pit’s a few weeks ago, from Delta 5 (RIP Julz Sale), from Collate, and there’s also Spanish ambient, San Diego based post punk and The Velvet Underground! And beneath the photo you can find the playlist for this show. Enjoy!
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Teenage Popeye: Life Is Cheap (LP V/A “Electrocute Your Cock! Vol. 1” on MacDonalds Records, 2021, originally released on a 7” in 1981 on Alien Nation)
Mitraille: You Make Me Feel Sad (7” “Schroothoofd” on Ronnie Rex, 2020)
The Primitives: Way Behind Me (7” Way Behind Me” on RCA Records & Lazy Records, 1988)
Collate: Genesis Fatigue (7” “Medicine/Genesis Fatique” on Domestic Departure, 2021)
El Deux: Computermädchen (LP V/A “Sowas Von Egal. (German Synth Wave Underground 1980-1985)” on Bureau B Records, 2018, originally released on a 7” in 1982 on Gold Records)
Upsidedown Cross:  Kill For Satan (LP “Upsidedown Cross” on Taang! Records, 1991)
God Bullies: I Am Invisible (CD “Dog Show” on Amphetamine Reptile Records, 1990)
Gogogo Airheart: In Case Of Evidence (CD “Out Every Window The Snap Of Envy & Greed” on Golden Standard Laboratories, 2000)
Tristeza: Golden Hill (CD “Spine And Sensory” on Makoto Records, 1999)
Delta 5: Now That You’ve Gone (7” Mind Your Own Business” on Rough Trade, 1979)
Frankie Traandruppel: Tug-O-War (7” ‘Asbestos Eye Candy” on Ronnie Rex, 2021)
Ronnyridders: O.D. (exclusive track, not out yet)
The Velvet Underground: Lady Godiva’s Operation (LP “White Light/White Heat” on Polydor, 1973)
The Serfs: Debt World (7” “The Serfs” on Market Square Records, 2021)
Konstruktivists: Andropov ’84 (2LP V/A “The Elephant Table Album - A Collection of Difficult Music” on X Tract, 1983)
Javier Segura: Malagueñas 2 (2LP V/A “La Ola Interior (Spanish Ambient & Acid Exoticism 1983-1990)” on Les Disques Bongo, 2021)
Sarah Davachi: For Voice (LP “All My Circles Run”, reissue on Late Music, 2021, originally released on Students Of Decay, 2017)
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worshipmoment · 7 years
Is it a sin to wear an upsidedown cross? Personally I believe symbols only hold meanings we give to them, but I've noticed some Christsians wear upside down crosses, saying it's st Peter's cross, but Satanists use it as a symbol for blasphemy, what do you think?
The upside-down cross was considered a Christian symbol, based on the teachings that the apostle Peter was crucified upside down. However today it is common for the upside-down cross to be used as a symbol of atheism, humanism, and the occult. Several metal bands use an upside-down cross to say that they are devoted to Satan. Upside-down crosses appear in horror movies such as The Omen and The Conjuring as a signal of demonic activity. Turning the cross upside down becomes a means of denying the truth of Christ and mocking His sacrifice.  The world today takes the upside-down cross as a satanic symbol so therefore Christians should not risk wear it.  I don’t want to be quick to say it is a sin, the Bible does not say anything about wearing an upside-down cross so therefore I can not call it sin but I can say it is very unwise to wear one.
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new to tumblr, also to noise rock, i wanna find some more/newer stuff 'cuse big black gets old after awhile, any suggestions? thanks.
Oh I got you on this, here’s 5 (somewhat) lesser known bands from each decade (80s, 90s, 00s, 10s). I’m sure you know Flipper / Brainbombs / No Trend / DWG / Kilslug / Happy Flowers / etc so I’m gonna skip them
あぶらだこ (Aburadako)
Will To Live
Stragulated Beatoffs
Upsidedown Cross
Cosmonauts Hail Satan
Billy Bao
Twin Stumps
Rusted Shut (formed in the 90s but mostly released material later)
Pygmy Shrews
No Form
Drunk In Hell
Blank Veins
Rectal Hygeinics
Also I have a noise rock project called Bloated Subhumans if you wanna listen to that I guess. I’ve posted all of these, so you can search them on my blog and they’ll come right up. Hope this helps!
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fluvii · 7 years
hey guys check out this completely original menu for me and dee’s completely heterosexual cafe
The Predatory Wild Rice Of The Parsnip-Dates* Is Out To Get Us *farmed sustainably, no nuts
Should Have Known (Bread And) Butter* *optional 25 cent upcharge for a Honey Butter Band substitution
I Want To Be(ef) Well(ington)
All Of Meat Wants All Of Yam
From the mouth of. It goes into your mouth
The Eugene (literally just a cup of generic brand lemon yogurt)
Blue Bucket Of Golden Brown French Fries
No Shade In The Shadow Of The Hot Cross Buns
John My Bok Choy
Concerning The UPC (Upsidedown Pineapple Cake) Sighting
Enchanting Garlic
Carrots & Lasagnell (it’s a tiny lasagna)
For The Waffles In Paradise, For The Figless In Ypsilanti
Come On! Feel The Italian Ice!
Cashew Plain Iced Tea Day
One Last "Whoo-hoo!" For The Pulled Pork
The Man of Melted Provolone Steals Our (Artichoke) Hearts
Impossibl(y well made) Strudel, A Four Course Culinary Experience
The Tallest Mango, The Broadest Shank of Beef (Part I: The Great Fontina - Part II: Come To Me Only With Polenta Thins Now)
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desertislandcloud · 5 years
Portland, OR indie/shoegaze/psychedelic mainstays Souvenir Driver's new album, A Dangerous Crossing, os available on Cassette & CD from IS/WAS ; and streaming on Bandcamp; as well as all major platforms. Influenced by a Nietzsche quote (“Mankind is a dangerous crossing”), their 4th full length album as a band is a thematic journey, with a sonic cohesion that furthers their psych/gaze sounds into darker and moodier territories. It draws from political trauma, transitions, and personal lives to form its arc. Souvenir Driver features Nate Wey (Happy Prescriptions) on vocals/guitars ; Travis Hendricks (Hawkeye) on synths/percussion/backing vox ; Josh Kalberg (Daydream Machine) on bass/backing vox; and Bob Mild (The Upsidedown) on drums. They formed in 2011. This will be their fourth full length as a band. The album was engineered by Gregg Williams (The Dandy Warhols, Blitzen Trapper) and mastered by Timothy Stollenwerk (Wooden Shijps, Grouper, Dead Moon). It was mixed by singer Nate Wey (tv mixer for Grimm, Kardashians). The album was collectively written and produced by Souvenir Driver. IS/WAS is releasing this album in May 2019 on cassette & CD. Both formats feature full booklets of "ghost architecture"/Americana film photos taken on the road. Each format, including digital, contain different images and notes. The physical formats are intended to appear like artifacts.
Links soundcloud.com/souvenirdriver souvenirdriver.com twitter.com/souvenirdriver facebook.com/souvenirdriver instagram.com/souvenirdriver
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