#UP policem
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padude-99 · 1 month ago
Like how you pretend the Jan 6 files were destroyed? But how Trump pardoned all the jam 6ers. Like that?
Or the only scandal on the laptop was dick pics? And the fbi informant admitted to lying about Hunter? Like that?
Or prosecuting trump for hundreds of documents because he wouldn't return them after being asked multiple times unlike biden who did? Like that?
Trump never set aside any soldiers for jan 6. Nancy Pelosi isn't in charge of the national guard or the DC policem however trump is. He's the one to call them up and refused. Instead he wants for hours on tv while it happened then called them heros. Like that?
Yeah not one example? Next
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Rapists, felons, and frauds don't get to self-determine their crimes.
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foxmenbetter · 2 years ago
A crash, part 2
A/n So ... when i started writing this majority of the comments said artem ending so heres part 2 with artem, once again reader is not rosa
!Warnings!: Unrequited love, abuse of authority at a workplace, mentions of blood, mentions of reader getting sevearly hurt, mentions of murder
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After i suddenly woke up i looked around the what seemed like a hospital room with a massive headache, as my headache got more intense i started remembering what happanned and why i was there, surrounded by 'get well soon' ballons and cards along with my favorite flowers freshly placed on the table to my right and on the window board. When i registered all that happaned before i fell asleep and now that i woke up i tried to sit up properly but gave up on the idea when i felt that my neck was hurting too much and knew that was probably a sign for me to lay back dowm. So i didn't, and tried again only to hear the door opening and see a complete stranger with soft brown hair, an heir of pax, sir artem, doctor ritcher and rosa come through the door. Innitially, i was confused, and just stayed in my half sitting position before sir artem came to me, laid me back down and started scolding me on how reckless I was to be sitting up after such a violent crash how i should just lay down and keep resting.
Completly ignoring him i turned my head to the brown haired man and Marius Von Hagen, an heir of the Pax group, and tried to signal to rosa 'what are those two men that i never met in my life doing in my hospital room after my car crash???' while Rosa, as ussual was not able to decipher my messege i turned to vyn and gave him the same look while he just shrugged and started looking around the room, looking as if he hasn't yet visited, which i admit, hurt a litlle..
When i finnaly spoke up to first calm artem down and then greet the 'unexpected guests' in the room. "Sooo... What brings you here mr. Von Hagen and sir... uhm..?" I say while shifing my focus from sir Artem to mr. Von Hagen and to the mysterious stranger until someone else finnaly spoke up. "Ah! I apologise for being here, my name is Luke Pearce, no need to add sir to my name, Rosa's friends are my friends so you can just call me Luke-" "Rosa, why did you call so many people to 'visit' me?" I said sternly while looking at Rosa through a side eye showing her how annoyed i am at this whole situation.
While a certain someone started glaring at me (*cough* Luke *cough*) i kept waiting for a respons from now very figety Rosa. "Well- the the driver is involved with a case i am currently working on- and he had an accomplice in the police department- so if you maybe saw someone new among the policeme-" i cut her off whiee trying to keep my tone calm " Rosa, i went flying like 20 meters from the car and lost my vision, i could only hear some ringing voices up to the point when i was inside the ambulance vehicle. For future refferences, please do listen to the doctor about my condition before you ask me any questions." After i felt like i was clear enough with my intentions i saw a quivering rosa stand up, apologise and start heading out before i stopped her and started telling her about the bus cult like situation 'it may be related to something more sinister...' i thought while telling her the last of details.
After i was done a doctor came in to check on my physical well being while everyone in the room started leaving. "It seems like that brown haired sophisticated man really cares about you, he came to visit you here everyday, is he maybe your lover miss?" He said with an effort to distract me from the prick of a needle while he was taking my blood and the oressure in my arm while he measured my blood pressure. "Mr Wing? No we're not together, he is my boss and the last person i saw that day before i crashed so i am sure he visited solely out of guilt of not keeping me longer, as that would prevent the crash." After he finished with the check up he looked at me and said "Miss, if you aren't together i feel real bad for him, the first time he came looking for you here he was soaked from the sudden rain and looked like he wanted to kill someone! But when he got the the front desk he was so polite and had such a sinciere look in his eyes and made such an adorable face when the nurse asked if you two were together, you almost woudnt believe it was the same guy."
While i listened to him i remembered all the times artem went out of his way to be with me, to be closer to me. It was so obvious that i feel like an idiot thinking back at it! 'He liked me all this time?' I thought as the doctor left and artem came in again, but alone this time. He still looked so worried about me, it was quite adorable to see him frantically ask me so many questioms at the same time.. Yes adorable, adorable? I never thought of him that way- why am i-? oh, "i've finnaly come to terms with my fellings artem." I said while looking at him straight in the eyes while he tried to avoid me looking at him " Um what..? What feelings?". "Artem I- I'm in love with you! Will you please go out with me?" After saying that i didnt hear an answer from artem for some time, he was turned around so i couldnt see his face but he was sitting next to my bed so i sat up and went to anxciously face him.
"Artem! What wrong? Why are you crying??" I said when i finnally saw his face, he was crying but then he suddenly hugged me and whispered in my ear something that made me wanna cry too "I love you too, Y/n, im so glad you chose me to confess your feelings to out of everyone. I'm soo happy i'm crying tears of joy!"
That day, i finally came to tearms with my true feelings and realised it was never vyn, it was always artem. All the nights i stayed up to do others work i was doing it so that i could be considered as a partner for yet another case with Artem, and now that he's finally in my arms i couldn't be happier...
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illyrianwingspans · 5 years ago
Do Not Go Gentle: Me
Link to song : Me by the 1975
Synopsis: Time jump, pre-wedding jitters. 
TW: depictions of violence (flashbacks)
Ao3 Link
Chapter 9: Me
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“Please,” moaned the young man on his knees, “you can’t. Please.”
The metal rattled between my fingers. Sweat coated my palms, and I had to force a breath out through my mouth. To my ears, it sounded like a sob.
“Shut up you little shit,” barked the older man beside him. Both of their hands were bound. Beads of sweat poured down Isaac’s face, yet James was indifferent beside him. It was as though the older man could see right through me. “She won’t do it.”
Nonetheless, Isaac continued to murmur, “Please, please, please.”
Each uttering of the word pierced my heart. It only added to the blood already covering my chest. The storage room walls were closing in on me, and the smell of coffee grounds and blood met my nose, only adding to the pungent smell of death that lingered just around the corner.
“What are you waiting for, then?” James yelled. An animalistic, unearthly madness danced in the brown irises.
Butcher. Killer. Murderer of innocence.
Suddenly, James’s hands came unbound, and there was a gun staring me right in the face. I didn’t hesitate this time as I raised my hands and fire twice. James slumped over.
I shifted my grip to Isaac, who only let out a moaning scream as I fired twice more, right through his forehead. Isaac slumped forehead into the pool of James’s blood that was already collecting densely between the two of them. They were bleeding. Profusely.
“Help!” I shouted as I dove to my knees, applying pressure over James’s wound. I knew in my heart he was already dead, but I had to try something. “Help!” I screamed louder, but I knew nobody could hear me.
Blood began to fill the storage room. Hot, repulsive and noxious, it covered both men’s bodies and continued rising until it was up to my hips. I couldn’t move, lest I be splashed with it all over my torso.
“HELP!” I pleaded at the top of my lungs.“Please,” I whispered, my voice finally breaking. Only something had grabbed me by the leg: a hand. One, then another.
I did the only thing I thought of. I reached into the waistband of my pants within the sea of blood and brought the barrel of the gun to my head.
I didn’t hesitate this time when I pulled the trigger.
Over and over again, I puked what little dinner I’d eaten that night. Tamlin had come home late an so I only had left-over stew Alis had made yesterday. Each bite had been a struggle, but I’d managed to get a bowl down. All for nothing, though, as most of it found itself in the porcelain toilet.
I blinked, and three months had gone by.
It’s like reality is warped. Some days there was a film over my eyes. Some days it was clouds and fog, like dirty glasses.
I spent the first week laying in bed, unable to do anything but eat and sleep and try not to think. My chest had been killing me anyways, and Tamlin had taken time off to take care of me with Alis. There was no mention of what’d happened in the shop. No mention of the people I’d killed or the injuries I’d sustained because of it, only care and affection and attention. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed Tamlin and I being just… Tamlin and I, not fiancees, not CEO and barista. Just us.
Inevitably, Tamlin had to go back to work. And I was alone in the apartment, once again. I couldn’t go back to work. I just couldn’t.
Fall had quickly receded for winter to hit full force. My birthday had come and gone—with minimal celebration due to the suffocating apathy that’d swallowed me whole—and Christmas seemed like a joke at this point. There were a few office parties here and there I’d forced myself to attend for Tamlin’s sake, but they seemed to pass by in a haze of smoke. Ever since the incident, Tamlin had tried to keep work separate from our lives, as it was before. Yet it still ate away at me that I was no longer informed on the ins and outs of the operations going on under my nose.
Since Tamlin and Hybern had fired Rhysand, I hadn’t heard a word of the man since, and he was one of my sole informants. I hadn’t heard from either dark-haired men—Cassian had gone radio silent as well. At first, I understood: we’d fought. There were dangerous hanging precariously between us (matters that would get catch me in an utter shit storm if others were to find out) and I was too injured to touch my toes, never mind boxing together.
I’d find myself missing them. Too much. Because no matter what had surpassed between us, Rhys and Cassian were there for me when there was no one else. In some ways, I considered them friends. Cassian definitely.
Rhys…he was a creature of his own, with a force and darkness that constantly awed me. Friend was a loose term, but yes, I guess that’s what I’d call him. Well, not anymore, anyways.
After what I’d done, it was a relief to still have people in my life that cared. Now that I was a butcherer, no more than slaughterer of innocents…
The feeling of swimming in that pool of blood hit me, and I clutched the porcelain as I heaved once more.
Once the sleeplessness had receded, the nightmares kicked in again. Full force. Most nights I’d find myself racing to the washroom, hands shaking with the phantom blood that dripped from them. The first time it’d happened, Tamlin rushed in and held my hair back, then gently tried to coax me back to sleep. That stopped shortly after the third time. Now I wondered if it even disturbed him in sleep whenever I was stooped over the toilet sick to my stomach.
I laid there, slumped over against the shower door looking out the window. The moon was only a sliver in the sky, surrounded by the pockets of starlight illuminating the darkness beyond. Something about the image calmed me, and I closed my eyes, curled up on the cold bathroom tile. Rhys had said that the pain would fade eventually, but all I felt everyday was the constant, aching bite of the memories that’d tattooed themselves onto my mind.
In two days, I was to be married, bound to him for life.
How could I live the rest of my life, constantly falling apart? How could Tamlin continually put up with me once he realized that this wasn’t temporary, but events that’d poisoned my soul forevermore?
All the preparations we’d been trying to settle for months were finally coming into fruition, yet I still couldn’t even sleep through the night. Not when I had James and Isaac’s faces haunting me every day. Whenever I stepped out of the apartment, went to the grocery store—the only outings I could withstand, always accompanied by Alis or Lucien—I saw them and stopped dead in my tracks. Only it was just another man with pale skin and brown, sandy hair, and not the men in which my bullets buried themselves in.
No missing persons reports had been filed. No inquiry into their sudden disappearances, no cries of outrage from sorrowed family members. At least, not to my knowledge—Tamlin hadn’t spoken a word of what’d surpassed since it had all gone down. And for the life of me, I couldn’t voice the turmoil within me that I’d been facing since the incident. Not to him anyways.
Not to anyone. Besides…
As his name came to mind, I heard my phone buzz from back inside our room. Quietly, I closed the door to the bathroom behind me than crept back into bed, pulling my phone along with me. My breath caught in my throat as I read the name on the screen.
I told myself my fingers were shaking from the sickness, not the well of anxiety that’d bubbled within me upon seeing his name. I opened the message and held my breath.
We need to talk. 11 am at the gym tomorrow.
The one good thing to have happened to me since the incident was the fact that people left me alone.
There was nobody to question my whereabouts as I left the empty apartment the next morning. Alis was only coming two days out of five now, spending the rest of the time at the office to work reception. Which meant I was free to go wherever I pleased—mostly because Tamlin assumed I wouldn’t go anywhere at all, as I’d done for the last six months.
As I approached the gym, nervousness bubbled within me each passing step. I couldn’t stand the anticipation as I traipsed up to the front door and heaved it open. Rhys was already there, leaning over the front counter and speaking quietly with the receptionist, who let out an airy laugh. At the sound of the door hinges squeaking, Rhys turned around. I swallowed hard as I took in appearance.
He looked exactly as I’d last seen him—dark hair carefully combed to look perfectly messy, sharp jaw free of any facial hair to enhance his sharp features. His eyes, though…
They lacked their usual lustre. Like somebody had found the night sky’s options menu and dimmed the brightness of the stars.
As he looked me up and down, something changed in his expression. Like disappointment. Or sorrow. I couldn’t tell.
“Feyre, darling,” he said smoothly. He waltzed towards me, almost as though he were gliding. The air bent around hi, as he stood before me, his signature smirk replacing his down-turned lips. “It’s been too long.”
“I’ve been busy.” I had to be curt, keep this short. I knew Tamlin would be seething if he’d found out that the two of us had been in contact once again, and I honestly couldn’t blame him. Last time we’d been together was one of the darkest moments in both of our lives. I didn’t want a repeater.
“Yes, the wedding preparations. When is it now? Next week?”
Rhys took a sharp breath through his nose and slowly nodded his head. “So it’s your bachelorette party tonight.”
I wrinkled my nose. “Gods, no.”
“Don’t tell me you’re not celebrating your last night as a free woman.”
“Not enough party spirit within me, unfortunately.”
“Really? I pegged you as a tequila kind of girl.” He raised one plucked eyebrow. “If you needed my services, I could’ve been your nightly entertainment.”
“Nightly entertainment,” I scoffed skeptically.
“You know. Policeman who shows up to the party. Well, ex-policeman. Partially clothed. I make a great stripper, darling.”
“Gods, now I know why we haven’t spoken in months.”
“Yes, darling, the silence between us really has offended me.”
“And who’s fault is that?” I said, crossing my arms in front of me.
His brows lifted, pleasantly surprised. “You blame me?”
“Well, it’s not like I’m very hard to find.” He must’ve known that I wouldn’t have moved from that dreaded place.
He slid his hands into his pockets. “A phone works both ways, you know. And I didn’t know you were so aching to see me.”
“And I didn’t know that Hybern firing you meant radio silence on your behalf.”
Rhys swallowed hard. “I had to take a step back from the operation. He would’ve been very angered if I kept around, with the information I knew.”
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter anyways. Why did you want to see me?”
At that, Rhys’s eyes hardened, and he cocked his head towards the back of the building. “Let’s go talk in Cass’s office.”
“Is he here today?”
“No. Which is why I wanted to meet here. I couldn’t think of anywhere else that would’ve been safe.”
A bubble of nervousness arose in my stomach as we walked through the familiar hallways leading back to Cassian’s office. “What do you mean, safe?”
A sigh heaved from the man as we took a seat in the two chairs before Cassian’s desk. We turned them so we could face each other, and I kicked my boots off so I could curl myself into the plush chair. For a few silent moments, all we did was stare.
“Somebody’s targeting you.”
The words were enough to send a bolt of panic into my chest. I choked, “What? Who?”
“We’re not sure yet. All we know is that there’ve been multiple occurrences of hackers trying to break into both the security footage from the storage room and the override panel for the elevator in your building. One of my men has been trying to trace the IP address but so far they’ve been able to cover their tracks seamlessly.”
I closed my eyes. Here I was, thinking that everything had blown over so perfectly and I’d never have to face what I’d done again. But this time wasn’t a car accident. Lies couldn’t be twisted so easily when it came to guns and bodies. Cars and mangled metal, maybe. I’d gotten away with it. But this time…
“You said you were fired. That you had to stay away.”
“From the operation. Not from you.” He stared at me then, his mouth set in a firm, determined line. “After I left, Hybern and Tamlin never replaced me. Your fiancée has been trying to handle everything on his own, and it’s worked for him so far—but not anymore. Because somebody is deliberately seeking you out and trying to dig up what happened in the storage room. For revenge, to bring Tamlin or Hybern down, I don’t know. But that’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
“Why?” The word was defiant and quiet.
Rhys didn’t meet my eyes when he said, “Feyre, the second I stepped into that storage room and saw the pure fear you felt, the moment we sat in my house together and I saw the guilt eating away at you, I knew I couldn’t walk away. So this is me. Not walking away.”
Something about the way he said it or the expression in his face made my heart bleed. Here he was, a friend—possibly one of my only, true and good friends, who cared about me, cared about me safety—and yet all I could think about was Tamlin’s voice at the back of my head, warning me to stay away from him. That I couldn’t trust him.
Once again, caught between the person I loved, and my own safety.
“I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Rhys. I really do.” I pushed off the stool and pulled my boots back on, then quickly zipped my coat up. “But I can’t do this anymore.”
“Feyre,” he begged, rising himself, “don’t do this. Listen to me for once. This is your life at stake.”
I shrugged my shoulders and felt my lips tilt into a small, sad smile. “I know.”
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sonita0526 · 5 years ago
दिल्ली से सटे नोएडा में दूध का पैकेट चुराते सीसीटीवी कैमरे में कैद हुआ पुलिसवाला, देखें वीडियो
दिल्ली से सटे नोएडा में दूध का पैकेट चुराते सीसीटीवी कैमरे में कैद हुआ पुलिसवाला, देखें वीडियो
खास बातें
दूध की चोरी करते हुए नजर आए पुलिसवाले
राजधानी दिल्ली से सटे नोएडा की घटना है
चोरी की पूरी घटना सीसीटीवी में हुई कैद
नई दिल्ली:
पुलिस का काम अपराधों पर लगाम लगाकर थोंस सलाखों के पीछे डालना होता है, लेकिन जब पुलिस ही थनों की तरह काम करने लगी तो सवाल उठना लाजमी हो जाता है। दिल्ली से सटे नोएडा से एक ऐसा ही मामला सामने आया है। न्यूज एजेंसी एएनआई की तरफ से एक वीडियो जारी…
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wweassets · 6 years ago
charlotte beats up policem*n and trish beats up doctors with needles....i know who i’m rooting for 😌
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newsmatters · 4 years ago
Uttar Pradesh court orders registration of murder case against 12 policeme- The New Indian Express
Uttar Pradesh court orders registration of murder case against 12 policeme- The New Indian Express
By PTI PRATAPGARH: A local court has ordered lodging of a murder case against 12 policemen for allegedly beating to death an elderly man during a raid here last year. The order was passed by the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate Kamal Singh on Wednesday, prosecution sources said. Ramzan Khan of Lalganj Kotwali had moved court alleging that his father Maqbool was beaten up by policemen on the…
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ebachan · 8 years ago
Miraculous Magic – Chapter 2 - Two phantom thieves
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The night is upon us and two phantom thieves will cross time and space to meet in an adventure. Kaitou Kid and Kaitou Joker will clash in an attempt to gain Butterfly's Heart exhibited in Suzuki's Sky's Museum located on the 150th floor of his new Babylonian Skyscraper. Who will win the heart? Welcome to the shining night!
Cover by: @deepfaceglitter
Story by: @ebachan
Special thanks: @animemoonprincess
[Suzuki’s office]
The secretary poured Conan, Ai, and senior adviser Suzuki a tea, and left the room.
“I haven’t seen any policemen here,” noted Ai slurping the tea.
“Who needs them? They will only get in the way. Nevertheless, I have allowed inspector Nakamori guard the first ten floors as he was nagging. The helicopters will make sure that slippery thief can’t use his hang glider cape.” He loudly laughed.
Conan slightly laughed, knowing Suzuki, he had to spend a fortune on not just buy the gem but to make the traps as well.
“So this time it looks like famous Magician under the Moonlight will meet his end,” teased Ai.
“Naturally, there is no way he can steal the diamond.”
“And, what you have prepared for him?” queried Conan and he tasted his tea.
“Look at this.” He put a paper showing only the exhibition room on the table. All of them leaned forward.
Meanwhile, above their heads in the ventilation, Hachi appeared running out of the breath. “Finally…” he covered his mouth, surprised by his voice. Thankfully, it seemed no one noticed him. He carefully watched the room below him.
“The room will be empty, except for the case,” Suzuki started to explain “and it will be monitored by cameras with no blind spots.”
“But Kid can just hack the system, right?” pointed out Ai the weakness of such security.
“No worries, cameras are divided into independent groups. Each of them has an own central server. The central server then sends the information to the main security room.”
“Which means he would have to hack several systems at once to do anything with the transmitted image, right?” asked Conan in childishly manner and voice he uses to mislead his opponents.
“That’s right. The floor is covered with weight sensors as well which will close all the exits, trapping him like a rat.”
‘Didn’t he get around this system once?’ thought Conan, remembering one such anti-Kid mechanism.
“So once he will enter we will know he is there,” commented it Ai once more. “It sure sounds like an impenetrable castle that won’t let anyone steal its treasure.”
“During the tomorrow’s midnight, there will be no one inside.”
“And the only one who can enter is our little magician.”
“That’s right. There is one more trap awaiting him! There is no escape!”
“What trap?” asked Conan after some pondering.
“I can’t tell in the case Kid planted here or in my clothes a listening device. This trap is the only thing which wasn’t recorded in any material.” He casually searched his clothes. “But it will be his end!”
“That’s bad, su!” silently shouted Hachi. He was afraid secret trap will cause a setback in their plan. As he was hurriedly leaving, he bumped into the wall of the ventilation causing Conan to look up.
“What’s up, Conan?” Suzuki looked in the same direction.
“I just thought I heard something from the ventilation.”
“Do you think it’s Kid?” Ai stood up and came closer to the opening in the ceiling.
“That’s impossible. The ventilation is narrow only a small child could fit in.”
“I see.”
Suzuki stood up. “I still have some preparation to do, so feel free to look anywhere you want, but don’t catch that pesky thief before the reporters can make pictures with me apprehending him to the police!” he again loudly laughed.
[Exhibit room]
‘Oh, that old man,’ thought Kid. And it was just like Suzuki suspected, Kid did plant listening device in his sleeve. ‘Showing off just like usual.’ He walked away from the room, taking with him a bag with tools. ‘I should get going to prepare my magic.’ As he was at the corner, he glimpsed the silver-haired worker looking at the gem.
Looking at him always left him with an uncertain feeling. ‘Could he be…?’
[The rooftop – evening]
Kid was hiding in the shadows, adding something inside of a switchboard. He was about to leave when he noticed a movement on the other side of a building. He crouched, carefully observing the figure. The person looked everywhere like it was looking for someone or something.
‘Could he be?’ Kid looked more from his hideout to see the silver haired boy to run to the edge of the roof. It was enclosed by a wire fence to prevent any accidents. The boy stopped before it and quickly did something before loudly saying:
“Peeing is the best from the height! Maybe I’ll make a rainbow,” he chuckled.
Kid fell on his butt, unable to react. For him to witness something like that… ‘Are you an idiot?!’
“Yosh, back to work!” the boy ran inside.
[Conan and Ai]
“Thinking about something?” asked him Ai as he was silent for the past hour.
“Ah, even if the security system looks perfect, there is always a way how to disable it.”
“The cameras are arranged in the independent groups not to mention no blind spots,” Ai started to resume the info they got from senior adviser Suzuki. “The weight system can be switched off, but you need three people for it to press buttons at the three entrances to the room.”
“Yeah, even if Kid has an accomplice they can’t press three buttons at the same time.”
“And if he tries blackout, there is a whole backup generator for this floor running in less than 10 seconds. Old man Jirokichi sure has too much money at hand.”
“But Kid always managed to steal his target no matter what.”
“Despite there being Kid-killer,” teased him Ai. “But honestly, what is bothering you?”
“The thing is,” he took out Joker’s Advance Notice, “I don’t believe this is a joke neither a Kid’s work.”
“Right, he has nothing to gain from the fake note.” They stopped in front of the case, and Ai looked once more at the jewel.
The room had big rectangular shape. There were only three doors and no windows as it was in the middle of the floor. Each door was on the different side, making only one of them the closest to the pedestal. The ceiling was almost crawling with security cameras. The floor was covered by big red carpets hiding weight sensors. Conan looked at Suzuki, that was once again looking around to check how the work is progressing.
“So you believe the sender means… huh?” Ai didn’t finish her sentence as red tennis ball came rolling to the pedestal. Conan had only a second to tumble Ai on the ground before the ball exploded, leaving confetti everywhere.
“For the old geezer!” Sounded angry voice coming from a small speaker. It was attached to a small parachute that was shot from the ball. “Don’t you dare to ignore my Advance Notice! I’ll get the treasure before that Kaitou Brat! I’m Kaitou Joker!”
“What was that?!” shouted Suzuki and picked the small device from the ground. It was the prerecorded message. “So there is another pesky thief.”
Conan looked at the people around them. One of them had to send the ball here. But with the red carpet on the floor, it was impossible for them to notice such small same colored object with all the work here.
“Hey, Edogawa,” Ai whispered to him.
“What is it, Haibara?” He looked at her angry face. “Um, sorry, I thought it was dangerous.”
“Don’t worry. I’m used to it.”
“That’s good,” he awkwardly smiled.
“But you are going to pay for this,” she showed him her ripped skirt. “It was my favorite one.”
“Okay,” he looked away from her.
“So, did you notice anything?” she switched back to her calm self.
“It has the usual stuff, nothing extraordinary.”
“With this, we can conclude there is another Kaitou Kid-wannabe.”
Kid in disguise returned and noticed something is happening. He listened to the workers.
“Did you see it?”
“Ah, I even heard there is another thief after the diamond.”
“Seriously? Who it is?”
“I think… Poker or something.”
‘It seems Joker is a real person.’ Kid switched his attention from Conan to the silver haired boy. ‘Can he be?’
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sgtechs-in · 7 years ago
नोएडा: गरीब बच्चियों को निशाना बनाकर करते थे सौदा, पुलिस ने गैंग का किया भंडाफोड़
नोएडा: गरीब बच्चियों को निशाना बनाकर करते थे सौदा, पुलिस ने गैंग का किया भंडाफोड़
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