Just One Reason: A Walk in the Park
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Lloyd Hansen
masterlist - to be added
Summary: A chance encounter at the sandwich shop doesn’t end how you expect.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You push through the door of the lobby and hold it open for the elder woman hunched over her walker. You patiently let her through but she doesn’t even acknowledge your deed. It’s too bad that most times you help people, you don’t even seem to notice. That’s fine. You’d feel worse to see her struggle. 
She heads for the outer door but before you can rush over to get that too, someone else does. You blanch as you recognise the man with the bristly mustache. It’s Lloyd. You haven’t seen or heard from him in the week since the sandwich shop encounter. You just assumed it was another random crossing of wires. 
The woman mutters as she passes through the door and his cheek twitches as he waits until he’s through to let go. He shakes his head and turns to you, “there ya are. Didn’t know your unit so kinda just been hanging around.” 
You blink, “you’ve been waiting on me?” 
“That lady was a grouch, huh? Not even a thanks. Telling ya, tootsie roll, you’re too sweet,” he says. That pet name is cute but a bit much. 
“Um, yeah, but she’s probably in a lot of pain. Maybe one day I’ll be in the same way and someone will hold the door for me,” you shrug. “But uh, why exactly are you waiting in my lobby?” 
“Friends stop by to say hello, don’t they?” He grins.  
“Sure, but uh...” 
“You said we’re friends so... did I misread this? Were you just being nice? The way you do, huh? Because lying isn’t very nice, tootsie.” 
You shake your head, “no, I just... I don’t know. I’m surprised. That’s all.” 
“Good surprise?” He lifts a brow. 
“Yeah, of course,” you squeak. 
“Mm, and where are you off too, besides helping little old ladies?” He challenges. 
“Just going for a walk. I like to walk through Garnet.” 
“Garnet? You mean the sh—the path down there?” He points to the wall and you nod. 
“They have pretty flowers.” 
“It’s... almost winter,” he sniffs. 
“Yeah, I know. I like it though. There’s still ducks around.” 
He nods, his eyes narrowed discerningly, “you always see the silver linings, don’t ya?” 
“I try,” you shrug. 
“Well, can I crash your walk? Could stand to stretch my legs.” 
You nod and hum, “that’s fine.” 
“Just fine?” 
“Lloyd,” you give him a look, “you’re more than welcome to walk with me.” 
You tuck your earbud case away. The left one is broken anyhow. He pulls the door open again and waves you out. 
He follows and catches up to you on the sidewalk. You walk down the pavement and breathe in the brisk air. You fix your beanie over your ears and slip your hands up your sleeves as you cross your arms. 
“Damn cold, isn’t it?” He puffs a cloud of steam into the air. 
“I can’t wait for the snow,” you say.  
Your father always loved the wintertime. You would watch the flakes drift down and build a snowman, even a tiny one if there wasn’t very much, and you’d have hot chocolate on the porch in your mittens and pajamas. And Christmas... 
You push away that thought. 
“You’re quiet? You alright?” He nudges you with his elbow. You flinch. You forgot he was there for a second. 
“I’m wonderful. How are you? How’s your ear?” 
“My ear...” he echoes. “You remember?” 
“Did you get it looked at? Does it still hurt?” 
“Yeah, it’s alright. Still a bit fuzzy on that side,” he shrugs. “It’s whatever. I’m a big boy.” 
“Right, but did a doctor say so or--” 
“You worry about me that much, tootsie?” He scoffs. 
“It’s important. You never know, could be worse than you think. And if it’s nothing at all, at least you know,” you say. You don’t want to nag him, even if you should have nagged your dad. Maybe... 
“No, I didn’t. Really, it’s not the first time I got a good blast to the ear,” he says. 
“Right,” you accept as you turn through the gate to the park. The arch is missing letters but it’s still beautiful. 
He sighs again and rubs his hands together. “God, I hate the cold.” 
“You should get gloves,” you uncross your arms and reach into your pocket, “I don’t know, mine might be too small.” 
You offer him the woolly mittens. He clicks his tongue, “that’s cute, definitely too small.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and chatters. You look at his jacket. You try to see the inside above the collar. “What are you doing?” He glances at you from the corner of his eye. 
“Is that lined?” You ask. 
“Your coat. Is there a lining in it? It looks thin.” 
“I’m just fine, mom, thanks,” he snips sharply. 
“Gosh, sorry, I just... I could sew a lining into it. I replaced the inserts in my boots too. It’s not that hard.” 
He furrows his brow, “it’s whatever. I spend most of the winter south. Right by the equator where it’s nice and sunny.” 
“Ooo, that sounds cool,” you say. “By the ocean?” 
“Surrounded by it,” he says nonchalantly. 
“Wow. I’ve never seen the ocean.” 
“You haven’t... tootsie, what’re ya doin’ to me? You’re lying.” 
“Nope,” you shake your head. “I’m sure one day I will. Is it pretty?” 
He looks at you and his nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath, “yeah, it’s... beautiful,” he looks ahead thoughtfully. “Guess I should pay more attention, but yeah, real blue and big and sh—stuff.” 
You bounce on your feet and stop suddenly. You hit his arm and point, “don’t scare him.” 
He nearly trips as you gesture to the little chipmunk on the broken bench. You can’t help a squee as it skitters onto the seat and glances around nervously. You squeeze Lloyd’s sleeve without thinking. 
“He’s so c-y-ute!” You say, “isn’t he?” 
He doesn’t answer right away but you’re too enamoured with the tiny critter to care. 
“Yea, super cute,” he agrees at last. 
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maikhiwi00 · 1 year
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junicult · 5 months
contains ; suggestive conversation (pillow talk typa stuff). sappy sappy cheesy & corny fluff! just the way i like it! established relationship — dating. two ppl in love blah blah blah. gender non specified reader. he is all i ever think about.
note ; hello! didn’t wanna look at this in my drafts anymore. boo!
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“what’s the wildest thing you’ve done in bed?” you ask, smiling over the rim of your near-empty glass of wine.
your lips are well past stained at this point, dazed eyes holding a curiously eager gaze with the man sitting similarly before you.
“the wildest thing?” harvey repeats, eyebrows raised, looking around as if to search for his answer.
“yeah, like, the craziest thing you’ve done while having sex.”
you’ve been playing this little question game for hours now, concept of time nothing but a distant thought after you both downed even more glasses of wine a single bottle could fill. it’s been a while since you’ve been able to relax like this, which is well in agreeance with your boyfriend.
you’re quite tipsy at this point. facing him on your living room couch, legs crossed and arm propping your head that’s perched against the back of the couch.
he purses his lips, shaking his head in deep thought. “i dunno…i guess um,” he presses a knuckle to the upper rim of his glasses, adjusting them, “i guess the kitchen—having sex in the kitchen, probably.”
you furrow your brows, giving him a long look. “in the kitchen?” it’s your turn to repeat, this time confused.
he shrugs and nods.
“with me?” you ask, more clarification than uncertainty in your tone.
“of course with you.”
“no, i’m speaking in general, like out of everyone you’ve ever had sex with—what was the craziest thing you did?”
“i know the question. i said have sex in the kitchen.”
you stare, unwavering eye contact glued to his. you know him, you know he’s definitely telling the truth, yet somehow you were shocked. “that was your craziest sexual experience?”
“i take it wasn’t yours, huh?” he snorts, giving the contents in his glass one small swirl before he leans over and places it on the coffee table.
you laugh airily, “i mean i…told you about the ferris wheel—“
“—ah,” he cuts you off, shivering, “yes, not my thing.”
“so let me get this straight,” you mimic his previous gesture—placing the glass on the table—, using both of your now-free hands to hold out in front of you. “your craziest, absolutely wildest sexual experience was on that kitchen table?”
he flicks his gaze past your head to where you’re pointing your thumb behind you. he suppresses a quirked up lip from the recollection.
“well, i didn’t say it was absolutely wild. but if i had to pick, that would be my answer.” he murmurs, and despite the topic, he’s managing his typical flushed cheeks and nervous lip-nibble well.
“wow,” you lean back with a light laugh. “i’m honored.”
“i’m glad.” he smiles.
he reaches back for the last sip of his wine, taking a short whiff of the glass before savoring the last drop. maybe he’s biased, but your wine will always be his favorite. he never allows it to go to waste.
it’s late. his eyelids rest heavily over his pupils, contrasting your wide-awake gaze. you’re eager to move around, emphasizing most of your words with hand gestures while he’s remained put for the last couple hours. despite his tiredness, he soaks every minute he has with you just as he does with your wine.
you clear your throat. “okay, so now i have a new question.”
“alright.” he nods, leaning into his hand.
“what was the best sex you’ve ever had? it’s okay if it wasn’t with me.”
he exhales from his nose at that, smile to accompany his cheeks.
“well, it was,” he confirms, once again looking off to the side. although, he doesn’t pause long, seemingly prepared with his answer. “i would say, after you told me you loved me.”
you beam immediately. “i knew it. you’re such a sentimentalist.” you tease, reaching over to pinch his thigh. but you soften, laying your hand flat and gently soothing your thumb over his pants. “that’s mine too.”
“really? even more than the ferris wheel?”
you scoff. “oh, absolutely. a million times better.” you wave a hand dismissively, and he tries not to let the comment go to his head. “that was purely just to say i’ve done it. at least you can make me finish.”
of course his cheeks set aflame, due to the ego boost and vulgarity. you smile as he purses his lips after murmuring an awkward thank you. it’s always so amusing to make him flustered, given such an easy task.
you sigh, rolling your head back against the couch. your fingers lightly tap at your t-shirt clad stomach, eyes wandering each crease and ridge in your ceiling during a moment of peaceful silence you’ll always relax into when you’re with harvey.
it’s only then do your eyes feel heavy, and it finally dawns on you just what time it is, and how early you have to wake up tomorrow.
“it’s late,” you conquer, staying put, “do you wanna stay—“
“i’ve got a question.” he hums. you turn your head, remaining relaxed against the cushions, to find him looking off towards the dimming fireplace in front of you.
“who was the…if you had to rank everyone, uhm,” he presses his knuckles into the cushion beside his thighs, readjusting himself but not without a clear of his throat. “who’s the best sex you’ve ever had?”
you allow a smile to creep onto your face. it seems purposeful he’s avoiding your eyes, the golden hue of the crackling fire causing his warm skin to glow. his lips look a little pinker due to the light—or maybe the wine—and from your angle you can see his dark brown eyelashes clearly from the space between his glasses.
you let out a faux sigh, almost taunting.
“hm, that’s a toughie.” you snicker, now readjusting to sit sideways on the cushion with one leg crossed and the other dangling over the couch. “out of the whopping four?”
he gives you a peek, subconsciously wiping his palms across his pants wordlessly.
you almost want to tease him a little longer—the shy purse of his lips making it just so easy. yet you give up quick, leaning in to snake your arm around his neck and press a hand to his cheek.
“without a doubt, it’s you. don’t even have to think about it.” you giggle, pressing a soft kiss to his warm lips.
“really?” there he goes, yet again doubting himself.
“harvey, i’ve never been in love like i am with you. i’ve never been with someone and started picturing marriage after the second date.” you croon, so close you can nearly press your forehead against his. you look down at his lips. “it’s not just because of the sex—but believe me, that plays a good part. no one has known how to love me like you can.”
he swallows, mimicking your gaze and fixates on your lips as you continue, “you make me feel so comfortable, and so appreciated. you’re so sweet, and caring, and reliable. i can tell you anything.”
his fingers are warm from the fire, and he delicately uses them to push pieces of your hair that have fallen in front of your face, blocking his view of you.
just as you’re about to go on, he stops you. both of his hands finding purchase at the crevice of your neck, while his lips meet yours. not just a peck, a deep and meaningful kiss that forms all of your praises into the action. the same kind of kiss that takes your breath away, even before it started when you quietly gasp as he tugged you close. he ignores the way his nose bumps into yours, instead tilting his head to the side once you melt into him, pressing a flat hand against his chest for balance.
it’s deep and needy. the wine somehow tastes even better off your lips, his tongue selfishly stealing some of the sweetness. in some ways you think you could genuinely go stupid just from the way he kisses you.
he takes a moment to pull away, the exact way that has him sucking all of the air out of your lungs and leaves you chasing the feeling and making your brain grow fuzzy.
letting you go, he licks his lips and drops his quick gaze down to yours before looking back in your lidded eyes. he’s so impossibly skilled at taking your breath away, literally and figuratively.
“like a starved man,” you tease, masking your faint whimper with a chuckle.
“i know,” he swallows. “i love you.”
“i love you more.”
he shakes his head, padded thumb softly pressing against your bottom lip where his gaze sits.
“not possible.”
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justanofficeworker · 2 months
Man's best friend
TW: This Fic contains kidnapping, dub con, NSFW scenes, Stockholm syndrome among other things. Please do not read if these themes upset or disturb you. That being said welcome and enjoy the ride.
Chapter 1- The meeting
The harsh fluorescent lights of my local grocery store shone into my eyes as I struggled to reach the top shelf for the last item on my list. I groan as I fall back from the tips of my toes. ‘God whoever put the brown sugar on the top shelf is a fucking whore’ I think to myself rolling my eyes. ‘Ok, round two’ I reach up to the shelf again, my hand just barely grazing the bag before a large scared hand plucks the bag down and offers it to me. My eyes follow the hand, up a thick arm to an attractive scared face, it's bottom half covered by a black surgical mask with a white skull decal on the front. 
“Need a’lil help love?” the man's voice was warm like hot chocolate and just as smooth. “ holy, blond babe” involuntarily slips through my lips, I need to start thinking before I speak. “ well that's a new one” he chuckles, a sound I would pay a premium just to have in a bottle. "Geez, I'm sorry, that was creepy. Thanks for grabbing that for me" I rush out, taking the bag of brown sweetness in my hand. " Don't worry about it, I've been told my appearance is a bit shocking to most civilians, I'm Simon" he holds his hand out for a handshake. 'civilians, maybe he's ex-military?' I think as I shake his hand. It's as warm as his voice sounds and he grasps my hand gently, not like how most men squeeze your hand to intimidate you when you're a woman. "I'm Y/n, but most people just call me Beanie" The sentence all but falls out of my mouth, god I'm awkward.
Simon steps closer to me as another shopper passes through the aisle. "Beanie? A cute name fitted for a cute girl" his eyebrows quirk like he was smiling or maybe laughing at his own joke. 'holy shit this guy is huge' runs through my mind as he gets closer. Simon has a least a foot on me and is nearly twice as wide, hes like a brick house covered in a fluffy green cardigan. "hello? Earth to ms. Beanie. You still in there? or do you just like staring?" He waves a hand in front of my face and i let out a startled squeak.
"I'm so sorry, I just um ,have a lot on my mind" a good enough excuse if I've ever made one. Simon looks pensive " well, I've got to get home before my , dog, gets antsy. But how bout we talk more over coffee. maybe you can tell me a little of whats on your mind" he pulls out a pen and receipt from his pocket and jots his number on it. "text me some time" he winks as he turns to walk out the aisle. " Oh um yeah ok" i call out to him , dumb founded, a hot english guy just gave me his number after calling me cute. The world must be ending. I finish my shopping quickly and begin my walk home, unable to shake the sudden feeling of being watched.
“Toothpaste,sorbet, lemons….” Simon’s thoughts trailed off as he looked catching a glimpse of what had to be the most pathetic looking woman he had ever seen. She was small and curvy and struggling. Muttering under her breath , probably about the sugar she couldn’t reach. Her braids bounced with his movements as she tried to reach the top shelf again. Simon had know her, before he could stop himself he was walking over and reaching for the sugar, brown like her glossy skin, and handing it to her. He had asked if she needed help and in her surprise called him a ‘blond babe’. She was shy , like a mouse , in their short interaction she seemed to just loose focus and float off. A girl like her shouldn’t be by herself, she should be at home being coddled and cozy. At least according to Simon.
He had to know more, so he gave her his number, he knew she eventually reach out and then they’d have their girl. He excused himself and then waited. Soon enough she was exiting the store and walking , presumably, to her home. As he watched he called Johnny. “Soap, i’ve found a bird for us” he said into his earbud as he took a picture to sent to his partner. As the photo was received johnny groaned. “She’s a pretty one, looks sweet” came johnny’s voice.
“When?” Johnny barked impatiently
“Soon” Simon scolded as he got into his car and drove off
The sound of the car door alerted Johnny to Simon’s return. Soon enough heavy footsteps sounded up the porch. Johnny opened the door for his partner, eager to know more about their new girl. Crowding Simon in the entryway and throwing questions left and right. Whats her name, when will she be ours , what does she smell like? The inquires dying in his throat as Simon curls a warm hand around it. “ patience johnny shes a skittish one. Quiet and easily distracted too. We don’t want to scare her , do we?” Johnny gave a whine and nodded “I’m going to take her out , wine and dine her and when the time comes bring her home. You will not interfere. Copy?” Simon pulled Johnny in close by the throat, towering over him. “ yes sir” johnny whined, his hips twitching against Simon’s leg. Johnny had always been impatient and impulsive, but now with the prospect of you all training went right out the window.
"Good lad, now kneel for me love" Johnny easily slides to the floor, his head bowed and lent against Simon thigh. Johnny was docile when he wanted something and in this case it was information. Slowly, johnny unzips Simon's fly, " tell me a bout our bird Simon, whats she like?" Johnny, voice sultry and sweet, is allowed to pull Simon from his pants.
" Eager are we puppy?" Simon hisses as Johnny kisses his leaking tip. "shes a golden goddess of a women, small and demure, she was shy when i approached her but" he pauses as Johnny's warm mouth engulfs his member. "i can see it , shes got a mean streak, was cursin' up a storm before she noticed me." Simon sighs as johnny takes him to the base. "Easy pet, wouldn't want to" Simon is interrupted by a high pitched *ping*.
" I'm home" you yelled into your empty apartment. You lived alone but had read somewhere that announcing your arrival and departures could help stave off the effects of depression. And god did you need a break from those effects. You'd been alone since you had kicked out your then boyfriend of 3 years after finding him in bed with your now ex best friend. "it's not what it looks like' he had said as you started grabbing all traces of him and throwing them out the nearest window, you friend's clothes included. You'd kicked them both out with nothing but the sheet off your bed and said good riddance. 'maybe i should get a cat" You mused as you unloaded your groceries. Your thoughts suddenly swerving to the huge blond you'd met, the number he had slipped you now burning a hole in your pocket.
Maybe you'd text him , be real suave and ask him out or something.
Beanie: Hey it's Beanie from the grocery store you helped me wit the sugar :)
' He must be typing a letter or something, you think as you lean against your cabinet. Setting your phone down you leave the kitchen take a well deserved bath. As you turn the tap you hear a distant *ping*. You may or may not have run out of the bathroom and tripped trying to get to your phone faster.
Simon: Yeah Beanie
Simon: I remember you , the pretty bird buying sugar
You can feel your face heating at the compliment, already imagining his smooth as warm butter voice. You were having some inappropriate feelings about a stranger and you needed to *ping*. Another text.
Simon: so about that coffee love?
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rabbitsrams · 1 year
ted having a little get together and mutual friend!schlatt is there.. you just got through a rough break up, and through word of mouth jay knows how shitty your ex was so he spends the night being so so so sweet to you.
making you laugh until it hurts, telling you you look nice unprovoked multiple times through the night. ted picks up on it, having been on the other end of schlatt’s shy confessions about you after your first introduction!! he ultimately becomes wingman and decides to host even more little hangouts, in hopes of ultimately (but naturally) pushing you two together.
schlatt giving you a ride home from one of them and you drunkenly kissing his cheek in gratitude,, tell me he wouldn’t go home call ted and kick his feet like a little school girl!! - scout 🦷
OHHH SCOUT THIS IS SO GREAT!!!! also it got a little long my bad lol
you had met schlatt at a little get-together that your college friend, ted, was having. schlatt was a bit of a flirt, but backed off when you told him you were taken.
he was still very kind to you, and you even found yourself slightly falling for him. he was sweet, handsome and very tall. (all things your current partner wasn't. at least that's what ted thought.)
a few months have passed. you were newly single and also invited to another get-together hosted by ted. you secretly hoped that schlatt would be there, even though you knew he lived in texas. who knows? maybe he was in la for another trip.
and right you were, because as soon as you entered your friend's apartment, there he was.
"hey! j, right?" you say.
"yeah! nice to see you again!" schlatt holds his hand out for you to shake. at the same time, you lean in for a hug.
"oh, sorry." you giggle, sheepishly taking his hand into yours and shaking.
"you're good, don't worry," schlatt says. "so, um, d'ya want a drink?"
"PLEASE. i really need it." schlatt leads you to the drink area in the kitchen, handing you a hard lemonade while he snags a beer.
schlatt is aware of the breakup, having been told by ted. you mentioned in the past how your ex treated you, passing it off as normal when it was the complete opposite. however tonight wasn't about them, tonight was about you.
"so, uh, how's what's their name?" schlatt asks, pretending that he didn't know of the breakup.
"your, uh-"
"oh, my significant other? we actually, um, broke up." you look away, downing half the lemonade.
"oh. i'm sorry 'bout that."
"it's okay. honestly, they were kind of an asshole. in a way i'm glad it's all over." schlatt nods, placing a hand on your shoulder. you look up at him, giving him a sad smile.
"let's forget about that dick, we're here to party." schlatt says, putting an arm around you. you nod, smiling as you down the rest of your drink.
you say your hellos to ted and his other friends as you go around the apartment with schlatt. you two decide to hang out on the couch slightly away from everyone else. and you like it better that way because you're able to talk to schlatt with minimal interruptions.
you don't remember the last time you laughed this hard. he's naturally witty, even the smallest things he says make you giggle. he has such a way with words that even makes you swoon a bit.
"did i tell you how good you look right now?"
"you did, a few times. and thank you, you look good too."
you and schlatt slowly and unconsciously move closer together as the night goes on, with him throwing his arm around you while you lean on him as you're laughing.
all while you're spending time with schlatt, ted is watching you guys. he is very aware of how schlatt feels about you. he would always ask ted how you were doing whenever they would get on call to record the podcast. if ted ever posted a story with you he'd stare at it a little too long because you were so pretty. hell, even on the night you met, he kept ted up for an extra hour purely gushing over you.
he sees that you're smiling a lot more than you have been ever since the breakup. he knew that you liked schlatt and noticed how you looked at him when you met. there was definitely something there between you two.
"i'm gonna get another beer, want anything?" schlatt asks.
"just some water, thanks."
schlatt nods, standing from his spot and moving to the drink area. as he searches for a water bottle, ted comes up behind him.
"jesus christ, man, you scared the shit out of me!" schlatt grumbles, smacking ted on the arm.
"you know, this is the happiest i've seen y/n since the breakup." ted says, handing schlatt a can of beer.
"yeah. they really like you. and i know how much you like them." ted wiggles his eyebrows, earning an eye roll and another smack from schlatt.
"shut up dude, i'm just tryin' to make 'em smile. they deserve it."
"i know, i know."
and from that point on, ted was going to try and get you two together. schlatt was in la for another week and ted knew he had a limited time to work his magic.
you were over ted's place every night since the party. what started out as a smaller gathering with you, schlatt and a few of your shared la friends turned into just the three of you.
and you loved hanging out with them. you were happy to have more time to hang out with schlatt and get to know him better. there was something about him that drew you to him, ever since you met for the first time months ago. and now that you were able to finally sit down and talk to him properly, you could properly assess your feelings for him.
and of course schlatt's feelings for you increased the more he hung out with you. you were just so amazing and fascinating and beautiful, how could he not catch feelings?
on the last night and last gathering before schlatt's flight back to texas, you went out to eat with the boys. you drank one too many margaritas which had you giggly and clingy, particularly toward schlatt.
he offered to drive you home after dinner, mostly to make sure nothing bad happened while you were drunk. ted happily obliged, letting schlatt use his truck while he ubered back to his place.
"johnnyyy... you're so kind. so sweet for taking me homeeee..." you slur, lightly tapping him on the shoulder.
"of course. need to make sure you're okay."
you giggle, thanking him. there was something about your drunken laughter that had schlatt absolutely swooning. you were so cute.
he helped you out of the car and up the stairs to your apartment. you try to take your keys out of your purse but drop them, the loud clang of the metal shocking you. "oh fuck."
"here, i gotcha." schlatt bends down to pick the keys up. you gasp loudly when the keys land in your hands.
"thank you! thank you so much! you got my keys! you got my keys!" you lean in to kiss him on the cheek.
he's absolutely star-struck at that, not even realizing that the door to your apartment opened and one of your roommates was standing there.
"thanks for bringing them home, i'll take it from here." they say. they help walk you inside the apartment before shutting the door.
"yeah, no problem..." schlatt goes down the stairs with an extra pep in his step, and once he's safe inside the car, he lets out an actual squeal.
"ted. they kissed me. they KISSED ME!"
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aestheticpearl · 2 years
Mountain x GN angel reader? Maybe where like the reader was sent to earth to do a task but they completely forgot about it and idk
i love how vague this request was lmao
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— 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫
[𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬] mountain ghoul, angel!reader
this was very out of character for you, you were always laser focused on your missions. that’s why you were chosen for this mission because you’re very reliable, but let’s just say that the landing was not in your favor this time. the snow made the landing softer but the tree branches scraped you up on the way down. you were freezing to say the least and for the life of you, you could not remember what you were sent down on earth to do.
“are you hurt?” a tall figure asks you turn your head and you feel your cheeks heat up instantly, you place your now cold hands over them in an attempt to cool them down. the forest you’ve landed in seems to be located behind a large looking cathedral. you feel distracted it’s so unlike you to be so unsure of what to do.
“uhhh…” you’re dumbstruck at this very tall ghoul, he wears a mask but your abilities allow you to see through it and he is just too gorgeous for his own good. his masked head tilts to the side and you easily read his body language, he is very confused.
“hello..?” you shake your head to snap out of the trance the ghoul as unintentionally put you in.
“h-hi, i’m sorry i’m just a bit discombobulated.” you say standing up and brushing yourself off.
“you have wings and are hurt.” he states and points to the large scrape on your arm.
“oh um yeah, i was sent here but i-i uh i can’t remember w-why”
“i’m mountain” he extends a hand to you and you shake it and introduce yourself. “you can come inside and i can patch you up”
“oh thank you but i don’t think i’m welcomed in there”
“i can sneak you in, you don’t seem to mind that i’m a ghoul so what could be the problem with you going inside?” you nod and realize you’re still holding his hand, but before you can take it back he pulls you toward the building.
right now going into this large building seems like your only option since you still cannot remember the reason you were sent down here for. you stare at the strange art work decorating the walls before you accidentally bump into mountain’s back.
“this is the bathroom, wait here and i’ll get the first aid kit.” you nod and stand in front of the sink to examine yourself in the mirror, you check out the wound on your arm and see how it is taking it’s time to heal itself.
you startle when mountain opens the door with a first-aid kit in his hands and his large goggle covered eye’s staring at you intently. you both stay silence for a moment or two before mountain places the kit down and grabs you to place you on the counter. you sit in shock, dumbfounded that he just lifted you with such little effort.
“let me see your arm” you hold out your arm to him while still staring in shock. “thank you” he says before he starts disinfecting the wound. you wince when he applies a small amount of pressure.
“i’m sorry” he apologizes and you quickly shake your head.
“no no i’m okay, uh thank you for doing this” mountain continues cleaning the wound while still listening to you. “for helping me and uh” he looks up at you and you freeze.
“you’re welcome, it’s not everyday i see an angel fall from the heavens” your face grows hot and you pray he won’t be able to tell; he can. he holds up the back of his hand to your forehead.
“are you getting a fever? you feel warm”
“you’re very handsome” you blurt out.
mountain is taken aback by your very bold statement and suddenly it’s his turn for his cheeks to grow warm. he’s a little confused considering he is wearing a mask and you’re unable to see his face.
“b-but i’m wearing a mask?”
“i see you, you are very kind”
“t-thank you”
your wings twitch, the small movement snaps mountain back to reality and he fumbles for the bandages to wrap your now clean gash.
“mountain..” a shiver runs up his spine at the way you say his name.
“there are more coming”
“there’s people down the hallway and they’re walking towards where we are”
“o-oh! okay, come with me” he says as he takes your hand to lead you out of the bathroom and then down the hall quickly before you’re outside again.
“okay you have to go now”
“please you have to go, i don’t know what they would do to you if they found you”
“i don’t want to leave you, i can’t remember why i was put on this earth but i want to stay with you” mountain lets out a distressed noise while checking over his shoulder before taking both your hands in his.
“you’re really sweet and i really like you but you cannot stay here, it’s too dangerous” you pause before looking down at your connected hands.
mountains hands fit perfectly in yours and you know you can’t stay here with him but the thought of leaving him breaks your heart. your eyes drift over to the bandages that cover your now healed arm, you smile at them and look up at mountains masked face; it’s clear that he’s very distressed.
“i’ll find you again” you can’t tell if you’re reassuring him or yourself at that point. “i promise” mountain nods before you turn and fly off.
“goodbye little dove”
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please reblog to show support ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
maybe i’ll make a part two 👀
.love always <3 pearl
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
22 - Thong Song please and thank you 🙏 😂
Here you all go! I did my best to make it funny yet a bit scandalous lol
Based on the song Thong Song By Sisqo
Warnings: 18+ ONLY.MDNI! Sexual themes. Might or might not count as smut. Joe X Reader.
Word Count:1,829
"What do you think? These or these?" You ask your best friend as you hold up two different thongs. "Um...those aren't that cute." She says looking at your weird. "They're not for me." You say looking at the yellow thong. "Did I miss something and you dumped Joe for a girl?" She asks and you laugh. "These are for him." You say and she freezes. "Come again?" She asks. "He lost a bet." You say and she starts laughing. "On what!?" She asks. "We bet on some basketball game and his team lost." You say grabbing the yellow thong and leaving the red one you had also grabbed. "And what exactly is the punishment other than him having to wear that." she chuckles as you two head to the cashier in this lingerie store. "He has to wear it to a work party we're going to tomorrow night." Your smirk. "Oof, sucks to be him." She laughs. You two leave the mall and go your separate ways. You head over to your home that you shared with Joe, tired from the long shopping day you had with your best friend. 
Getting out of the car and grabbing all the shopping bags you make your way inside where you're instantly met with Joe fighting with someone. He was definitely playing one of his video games again. Deciding to leave him alone you make your way upstairs. You drop the bags on the bench that you had at the end of the bed and started putting stuff away. You bought way more than you had thought. "So you're just gonna come home and not say hello?" You hear Joe say as you hang up a new dress in the closet. "You seemed busy cussing someone out." You chuckle as he wraps his arms around you and gives you a kiss on your shoulder. "Ja'Marr made us lose the game again." He says making you laugh. "Nothing new I see." You say turning around and giving him a kiss. "Did you eat?" He asks. "We had lunch but I'm sure I'll get hungry again later." You say as Joe let's go of you and you walk back to the bags. "I'm surprised to see these many bags, I didn't get any notifications on my account the whole day." Joe says and you sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you that I can pay for things myself." You say grabbing another bag. "and that's cool but you do a lot of things for me, it'd make me feel better if you would treat yourself on my dime." Joe says. "You already pay for everything in this house Joseph, I can buy my own clothing and accessories." You chuckle shaking your head. 
"What's in here?" Joe smirks grabbing the bag from the lingerie boutique you had went earlier. "For you." You smirk. "Oh?" Joe smirks back but little did he know they were actually for him. He pulls out the yellow thong and he looks at them. "Not really your style but I'm sure they're going to look great on you." Joe says and you snort. "Someone I guess forgot about our bet the other day." You cross your arms smirking. Joe looks at you weird and then he freezes. "You were serious about that?" He asks. "Uh, yeah! Tomorrow is the perfect night to wear them too." You wink. "At your work party?! No way, nope." Absolutely not Joe says putting them back in the bag. "Hm... then I guess I can invite Sebastian instead." You shrug walking to put the skincare you had bought away in the bathroom. "Woah, Woah...Who said anything about taking your stupid coworker. Stop talking nonsense." Joe scoffs following you into the bathroom. "Then, keep your side of the bet!" You say and he sighs. "You're not going to let this go are you?" He asks. "Nope!" You smile at him through the mirror. 
"Are you ready? We have to go in 5 minutes to get there on time" You say slipping your heels on. It was the evening of the party and you were about ready to go. "I'm actually not feeling too well, kind of have a headache maybe you should go without me." Joe says from the bathroom and you chuckle. "Nice try Burrow, let's go." You say grabbing your clutch. The bathroom door slowly opens and Joe comes out with an uncomfortable face making you smile. "You look nice...turn around." You say and he sighs in defeat turning around and you feast your eyes on his perfect ass in his slacks. "You should of done this a long time ago, you're has has never looked better." You smirk giving his plump cheeks a nice smack. "Do not do that!" Joe say turning around immediately. "Why not? You do it to me all the time. Hope you have an icepack in the freezer because that ass is going to be sore tonight." You wink at him before making your way out the bed room. "What does that even mean? I don't like the sound of that at all." Joe says following you. 
You two make your way to the car and you decide to drive. As you drove Joe kept moving around in his seat and adjusting himself. "Babe, you're kind of distracting me here." You say stopping at a red light. "Well sorry! But my balls are quite literally hanging out and this shit is riding up a little too much in the back." He says making you laugh. "Welcome to my world." You smile. "Can't believe I'm doing this." He says clearly irritated at the situation. "You lost fair and square, you'll be alright." You smirk and you could feel him giving you a dirty look beside you.
It was later in the night now and you were mingling around talking to some coworkers at this party. It was retirement party for one of our supervisor and you were actually having a good time. Joe on the other hand...not so much. He kept leaving to the bathroom to readjust himself and he now believes that my coworkers assume he has the runs. "I'll be back." You tell your coworkers heading over to Joe who was getting a drink at the bar. "Hey there sweet cheeks."  You say to Joe grabbing a butt cheek which made him jump. "Don't do that, you work with these people." Joe mutters giving you a look. "Chill out grandpa, no one is even around or paying attention." You laugh. "Are you ready to leave yet? Between this bet and your co-workers thinking I have to poop every 10 minutes because of it. I think I did my time" He says as the bartender comes over with a water bottle for him. "Hmm...I think you've suffered enough." You say. You say your goodbyes to everyone and make your way home. This time Joe drove home and as he was driving an idea pops into your head. You had music playing from your phone and decided to queue a certain song. As you two drove in silence and the song you chose started playing, a smile played on your face. Joe quickly looks over to you hearing the familiar violin playing. "Here we go." He rolls his eyes making you laugh.
"He had dumps like a truck, truck, truck. Thighs like, what, what, what. Baby move your butt, butt, butt." You sang. "Can you please not!" Joe says trying not to laugh but you continue to sing anyway. "Let me see that thong, baby! That Th-thong, thong, thong! I like when that beat go, I like when that booty go!" You sing as if your life depended on it. "That's enough!" A very red Joe says turning off the radio. "You're such a party pooper! Boooo!" You say rolling your eyes. "I'm never ever doing this again." Joe shakes his head as he pulls into your neighborhood. "Never say never Joseph." You chuckle. He pulls up to the house and parks in the garage and he makes a straight bee line the bedroom and you follow him. Joe makes an abrupt stop right before entering the room which causes you to bump into his hard back. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks and you laugh. "You think you're going to wear a thong and I'm not going to at least see it on you?" You scoff. "That wasn't part of the bet, so...that's exactly what's going to happen" He says turning around and going into the room. "Okay, that's fine." You say and he eyes you suspiciously as you start to take your jewelry off and change. "What's your game here?" Joe asks not convinced that you would just let it go like that. "No game but now that I think of it it's been how long since we've had sex due to our schedules?" You ask Joe and he looks at you with an unamused face. "3 weeks." He mutters. "I was reading that for athletes it does them pretty good to refrain from sex when partaking in their sport...the season is coming up maybe it will do some good if you just only focused on football until February." You shrug. 
"You're threatening no sex because I won't let you see me in this stupid thing?" Joe asks. "I'm doing no such thing, I'm just thinking of you and ways to help you this season." You say grabbing your pajamas and going to the bathroom to wash your face and change. As you changed the bathroom door opens and Joe enters. "Some privacy please?" You say but he ignores you and walks on over to you. "If...I let you see me in this stupid thing. Promise me you won't go to your friends about it." Joe says and you smile. "Promise." You bite your lip. Joe gives you a nervous look before he undoes his pants an drops them. He couldn't even look you in the eye. You smile seeing the yellow thin piece of fabric fail miserably at covering his bits. "Now turn..." You smirk and he sighs before turning around and seeing just how his two perfect round cheeks just swallow the thong. "This is the best day of my life." You giggle and Joe turns his head gives you an annoyed look. "Okay, that's eno- woah woah...the night is just getting started. Give me a minute and I'll meet you on the bed." You smirk inching closer to him. "There's no way this is turning you on right now." Joe says and your hand slowly makes its way to one of his cheeks making him turn red. "Just do what I say Burrow." You say giving him a sweet kiss before snapping the thong on his ass cheek like he's done to you plenty of times, which made him flinch and whimper. This was going to be so fun, you thought to yourself.
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elliesbiatch · 2 years
hello! could you write ellie x reader? something like ellie and her girlfriend are at dina's party and ellie hits a guy who tried to kiss her girlfriend. could this end with rough sex in dina's bathroom? (Like, I like to imagine Ellie being very rigid when she's jealous or something hehe) top ellie, please. (sorry, english is not my mother tongue)
All mine?
Ellie x fem reader
Warnings: smut, nsfw, jealous Ellie, possessive Ellie, oral, fingering, pet names, violence, mentions of blood/bruises. Lmk of I forgot any <3
Notes: proofread ? Kinda
Word count: 2.6k
Enjoy 🤍
Ellie snaked her arm around my waist as I kept talking to one of our friends. She hated parties and the only reason she was here was because Dina and I had to beg her to come. The conversation is slightly awkward because anytime he asks Ellie a question she just hums or nods her head in response. I elbow her a little as she stares into space, ignoring his question. “Ellie-“ I say agitated. I snap my head to look at her and notion my head towards the friend.
“What was your question?” She asks and looks him up and down making me shudder with embarrassment. “Um- nothing it’s fine” he begins and starts to back up. “I’ll see you around y/n” he says with a small smile, directed only to me. “Ellie” I almost shout. She huffs out and begins to draw circles on my waist using her index finger. “You were so rude to him” I tell her, rolling my eyes. “Don’t roll your eyes at me-“ she snaps, holding my waist now. “Only like you doing it while I’m inside you” she says with a smirk.
I giver her a quick slap on the arm, hoping no one around us heard her words. I look at her again and raise an eyebrow- I really need to know why she doesn’t like him. “He likes you” she says quickly, like she had just read my mind. I tut and shake my head at her. “There’s literally no way- he knows I have a girlfriend” I tell her. “Don’t think that’ll stop him” she mutters and looks down at her feet.
I furrow my eyebrows and look at her cute freckled face, lifting my hand up to cup her warm cheek. She slowly looks up- her green eyes meeting mine. “Doesn’t matter- because I only want you” I reassure, rubbing my thumb against her soft skin. A small smile begins to creep up onto my face before she suddenly moves her head away from my hand. “Whatever” she mumbles. I hate when she gets into her little jealous moods.
I pull my hand away and let it rest back down at my side. When this happens I always get a sick feeling in my stomach- I wish she knew I’d never want anyone but her. “Gonna go find Dina” I say quietly and walk away before she can say anything. I walk around the packed room and finally see Dina from afar, by the kitchen. As I approach, she notices me and begins waving over obnoxiously, making my cheeks burn.
“Y/N” she shouts- clearly drunk. “Dinaaa” I say and lean in for a hug. “It’s a great party” I tell her while looking around the room. “Glad you’re enjoying it- where’s el” she asks- looking behind me. Ellie and I are inseparable so usually she’s found wherever I am. I turn my head and lift my hand to point at her across the room. I can see she’s not paying attention and is fiddling with her fingers- looking like a sad puppy. I roll my eyes and turn back to Dina. “She in a mood ?” Dina laughs and I smile. “Maybe a little” I chuckle and begin to say something else but I’m cut off by that guy.
“Hey Elijah” Dina screams again and links onto his arm. “Have you see the beautiful y/n tonight?” She asks him in a weird accent. I huff and turn my head quickly again to see Ellie, but I can’t see her anymore. “Yeah- we were talking earlier” he says, smirking, while looking me up and down. Maybe he does have weird intentions. Dina momentarily leaves to get another drink. That she definitely doesn’t need. Leaving me and Elijah by the kitchen counter.
“Dina was right- you do look beautiful tonight” he says- biting his lip. I cringe internally so bad. It’s only hot when Ellie does it. “T-thanks” I manage to get out. “Well- you don’t look too bad yourself my friend” I say jokingly in a weird accent. I hate myself. I shake my head and look at the floor. I see his feet shuffle closer to me and when I look up he’s inches away from me. “So?” He says with a cheesy smile. “Uhhhh” I say awkwardly, trying to side eye someone, but no one is there to catch it.
Without any further hesitation he closes his eyes and leans in. I panic and move back with a shocked look on my face- that only gets worse when I see a fist make contact with his face and him hitting the counter. “Ellie” I screech as she grabs him by the collar and lifts her bloody hand up again to hit. “Pl-please” he mutters, blood spilling from his mouth and nose. “Don’t you ever fucking go near her again” she snaps, pulling him tighter by the collar.
His face begins to turn purple as she waits for his response- that he can’t give- because she’s choking him. “El- stop” I scream and grab her toned arm. “You’re choking him”. She breathes out and lets go of the fabric. He falls to his knees and the room is now silent. “Sorry everyone- go back to partying” Dina shouts- fake smile plastered on her face. “I’ll deal with this” she says and gives Ellie a stern look.
The music begins back up- I hadn’t even noticed it turn off. I follow behind Ellie and Dina and follow them into one of the back rooms of the downstairs of the house. I sit on one of the couches as they speak in a corner of the room. I’m in shock and don’t hear most of it. After what feels like hours, they finally finish talking and Dina leaves the room. Ellie holds her bloodied hand and sits on the sofa beside me.
“Sorry” she finally mutters. “Ellie what the fuck was that” I screech- startled by how loud I said it. “I shouldn’t have- he was just over stepping” she says, shaking her hand and looking down at her already bruised knuckles. “I wasn’t gonna let him” I said reassuringly and let my arm snake around her. “Yeah I know - just pissed me off” she says. “Makes me really jealous- because you’re mine” she tells me. For some reason her words go straight to my core and I get immediately horny- which embarrasses me. “Should’ve done worse” she mutters and I roll my eyes for the millionth time. “You shouldn’t have hit him at all” I snap.
“He would’ve just tried it again” she says- finally looking at me. “I’m a big girl Ellie- I can handle myself” I snap back. “You’re only mine okay?” She says after a minute of silence. I don’t respond because my cheeks are burning. She brings her bloodied hand over and rests it on my thigh. “Only mine” she mutters, sliding her hand up and down. I don’t say anything, she quickly brings that hand up to my jaw and turns my head to look at her. “Say it” she snaps, her eyes dark now with lust. I gulp hard and try not to squirm away.
“Do I have to remind you who you belong to?” She asks and leans in closer. I shake my head quickly. “I think I do” she says and closer the gap between our lips. The kiss is desperate and sloppy- making me let out little needy moans. She moves her hand to the back of my neck and sits up so she can push me back against the couch. She’s on top of me now and lets her free hand rest on my thigh. Grabbing at it every couple of seconds.
I groan as her hand gets closer to my clothed cunt. “You want me to show you that you’re mine?” She asks out of breath from the kissing. “Ellie- we can’t” I groan and look around the empty room. “Someone could walk in” I mutter, looking over at the door. “Come here” she says quietly, grabbing my hand to help me up. We leave the room and begin to walk down the hall to the bathroom. She opens the door and looks around to make sure no one is here. “Go on” she says nodding her head towards the empty bathroom. “We can’t” I say with wide eyes. “Want me to make you?” She says in a low voice making me weak at the knees.
I let out a shaky breath and walk in and watch as she locks the door behind us. “I don’t want you to ever speak to him again” she says, coming over and pushing me gently against the vanity. “You hear me?” She asks and begins to lean her head down to suck on my neck. “Fuck-Ellie” I groan and tilt my head back. “Tell me you won’t” she whispers against me- making me shiver with need for her. “I won’t” I croak out and grab the back of her hair as she sucks harshly.
“Ellie- stop you’re gonna leave a mark” I say, but she just sucks harder. “Good- need to let everyone know that I own you baby” she groans and pulls her head away to look at the mark. “Mmm fuck yeah” she smirks and bites down on her lip a little. I brush a piece of my hair being my ear and watch as she undresses me with her eyes. She steps forward and begins to tug on my top. “Wanna see your tits okay?” She says and lifts it over my head. She brings her hands around to my back and un clips my bra-letting it hit the floor- leaving my tits bare. “So perfect” she groans and leans in to kiss them. “And all mine” she says before sucking on them. “Oh my god Ellie” I moan as she swirls her tongue around them.
“Feels so good” I groan and meet her eyes as she continues sucking. “All mine?” She asks out of breath in between licks. I groan instead of answering- too focused on how good she’s making me feel. “Fucking answer me” she snaps and slaps my left tit harshly to get me focused. I let my head hang back a little as the sting turns into pleasure. “A-all yours” I moan and she grins. “Good girl” she says and begins to leave sloppy kisses all the way down to the hem of my trousers. My chest rises and falls quickly as she kisses closer and closer.
“You want me to show you who owns this pussy?” She smirks and has both her hands gripping the hem. “Show me you own me Ellie” I moan and she lets out a low chuckle. “I will baby”. She begins to un button my jeans before pulling them all the way down. Leaving me just in my panties. “Aw look at you” she coos and kisses the wet spot on my panties. “So wet for me angel” she groans and my cheeks burn with embarrassment of how needy I get for her. “So cute” she adds and lets her fingers curl around the waistband before pulling them off slowly.
“Fuck” she mutters under her breath as she sees how wet I am for her. “So messy- I need to taste you”. I flutter my eyes shut as her warm breath fans over my pussy. I let out a high pitch groan as her tongue swipes up to my clit a couple of times making my hips move. “Come here” she says and lifts me up onto the vanity and spreads my legs. She begins to suck on my clit harshly and lets spit drool out from her mouth, making it even messier. “Ellieeee” I moan out and she smiles into me. Her hands come up to wrap around and grab the fat of my hips. She pulls me in closer, eating me out desperately. “Ellie- that feels so- so good” I whine out.
“Good girl- enjoy it” she says. I grip the edge of the vanity and my knuckles begin to turn white. Her eyes stay on my face as it changes with pleasure. Her tongue goes down to swirl around my hole. “Please Ellie” I plead and she hums. “What do you need” she asks, bringing her hand up to tease my wet hole. “I need ur fingers” I whine and she chuckles. “Want me to fill your tight hole is it?” She smirks and I bite my lip a little and nod my head.
She doesn’t hesitate to bring her veiny hand up and lines two fingers up to my pussy. “Aw you’re dripping” she groans- eyes so focused on my cunt. Her two fingers slide in with ease and she lets out a low moan as she does it. My hips jerk a little at the feeling of being filled and I try scoot away. “Don’t move” she almost growls and her other hand grips my hips tighter, letting her fingernails dig in a little. Her fingers pump in and out faster and I can’t control my moans anymore. “Good girl - taking me so well aren’t you” she groans and my ears fill with the wet sounds of her fucking me.
Her fingers curl a little and hit my sweet spot just right, making my eyes water. “Shit- Ellie” I moan loudly and a knock on the door startles us both. “Shhhh” she hushes. “Someone in there” a voice calls out, her fingers still fucking into me. “Bathroom is in use dude” she yells and winks at me. “Ellie-stop” I say and grab her hand to try and stop her movement. “It’s okay - relax” she reassures and we hear the footsteps walking away. “See?” She mutters and begins pumping them in and out even faster this time. “Let me make you cum” she groans and I nod my head.
She slides in another finger and I gasp as she stretches me out. “Good girl- you can take it” she mumbles and looks up at me through her eye lashes. The feeling gets too much and I instinctively close my legs. “Keep them open” she snaps and takes her hand away from my thigh to pry them open. “I wanna see ur pretty pussy when you cum” she says. “Please” I whine out as I feel it coming. “Please what Hm?” She groans and goes faster, making tears fall out of my eyes.
“Make m-me c-cum” I get out and she nods her head as I clench around her. “Whose girl are you?” She asks as I roll my eyes back with pleasure. “Y-your girl” I shriek out as I cum all over her fingers. She continues sliding them in and out as I ride out my orgasm. “That’s right” she smiles and takes her fingers out and stands up. She inches closer to me and leans her forehead against mine- looking me in the eyes as she puts her fingers up to my mouth. “Clean them” is all she says and I quickly open my mouth. I suck lightly on them and she groans while watching.
She takes them out and places a small kiss on my forehead. “Let’s get you dressed” she says and helps me pick up my clothes from the floor. I begin putting them on when another voice calls out. “Someone using the bathroom?”. I freeze as I finish putting the clothes on. It’s Elijah’s voice. Ellie huffs out and she grabs the handle of the door. We go out into the hall and we’re met with a familiar face- a bruised one. He scoots back a little when he sees Ellie. “All yours” she mutters and he shuffles in quickly, making Ellie chuckle. “Let’s go home?” She asks and I nod. “Okay- I love you Ellie” I say to try and help reassure her after earlier. “I know- I love you too”.
Gimme some requests bitches🤍
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orions-tears · 2 years
The Cure - Sebastian Sallow [Part 1]
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x fem!reader
A/N: Hey guys! This was a request that I actually got two of! Anyways, part one is mostly a setup for the angsty plot (I haven't mentally completed it yet I'm sorry I'm getting there) but I hope you enjoy!
Part 2 is linked :)
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Ever since the end of your fifth year, you’ve been visiting Feldcroft to see how Anne is. Sebastian usually stands outside kicking rocks since she’s still upset with him. Recently she’s been getting worse so you’ve been going over more often to help take care of her. Unfortunately, today is no different. When you walk into the cottage you see her sitting at the table. “Hello, Anne,” you say softly, sitting next to her. “How are you today?”
She smiles at you, holding her side. You can tell she’s trying to hide it, but she’s in pain. You put your hand on hers, and stand to make her some food. That’s when you notice a couple of wisps moving toward her. You freeze for a moment, watching them. She turns slightly to look up at you. “Are you alright?” she asks quietly.
You smile down at her. “Sorry, just um…give me a moment.”
She nods and you walk outside to Sebastian. He’s leaning against the house, arms folded, looking down at the ground. He looks up at you, a worried expression on his face. “How is she?”
You grab his sleeve and pull him towards the door. “You need to see this.” You open the door and drag him inside. The twins look at each other in silence as you point to Anne at the table. “I know you can’t exactly see it but there’s magic.”
Anne sighs and pushes herself into a standing position, moving toward her bed. Sebastian frowns and looks at the floor.
“No, listen, please! I- I thought before it wasn’t ancient magic. I couldn’t see it, but now… When I see hot spots of the magic, I see these…whisps of it guiding me. It’s possible, maybe, I wasn’t strong enough to see it then, but I see it now.”
Anne sits down and grimaces. “(Y/N), please, I can’t do this again.” You look at Sebastian and he shakes his head, walking out. 
“Anne…I won’t press it because I’m not completely sure what it means, but I ask that you consider my ability to help.” Silently, you make her some food and walk out to Sebastian as she’s eating. 
“(Y/N), please. She’s still upset with me over what I did.” He starts walking towards the bridge and you jog after him.
“Sebastian, I think I know what happened. If I’m right, I know how to help her.”
He stops and looks back at you. “If you’re so sure, what was it?”
You walk up and take his hand. “The repository. Ranrok and his loyalists were using its magic. That had to have been what she was cursed with. You’ve seen what I can do, I can save her.”
He stares at you for a moment and closes his eyes. When he looks at you again, he nods. You grin and drag him up to the plateau, standing by the well. He folds his arms and watches you as you look around. “If it was ancient magic, wouldn’t she end up more powerful? I mean, it doesn’t hurt you.”
“I’m meant to wield it, she isn’t. If she takes in the magic, it’s unlikely she can handle it, that’s why it’s hurting her. If I can just find a way…”
He watches you as you poke around. “This better not be dangerous.”
You laugh and look over at him. “That’s actually hilarious coming from you, my love.”
He sneers at you and turns away. “I just don’t want you getting hurt, you know that.”
You walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek. He blushes a little and looks down at you. You both know you’re powerful enough to help her, he just needs to trust you and somehow, you need to convince Anne. That’s going to be the hard part.
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [20]
chapter twenty, act three: so far (it's alright)
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May 30th 2014
“Is this Catholic enough?”
“We’re Chrsitian.”
“What's the difference?”
He raises a brow and she nervously tugs on the long skirt of the dress while apologising under her breath.
She shifts uncomfortably in the outfit, she has on a pair of heels (a mistake with her two left feet), and a dress that makes her feel like she’s in an old movie about the sixties, not in 2014 meeting her boyfriend's family.
The door finally opens, “Oh, my baby.”
His mother’s hands are pushing his cheeks together, swaying them from side to side, “Hi, momma.”
He grins hugging her tightly as she rubs his back through his shirt, Tommie practises her smile in the reflection of the window a few times as the mother-son duo reunite. When she’s finally happy with one, a little lift of her lips, showing little to no teeth, her eyes just crinkling a little, she turns to get their attention without rudely interrupting.
“Momma, this is my girlfriend, Caroline.”
“Caroline,” He interrupts quickly, side stepping the hand that reaches for his waist and taking her hand gently instead, “This is my momma.”
“Hello, dear, the table is set already, why don’t you two come on in?” She asks, stepping inside to hold the door open.
Tommie squeezes Caleb’s hand tightly and watches her step inside his childhood home, she looks around, smiling softly at pictures of him and his siblings.
“Evelyn! Evelyn, your brothers here!”
She can hear a pair of rushed footsteps come tumbling down the stairs before a small blonde girl is throwing herself into Caleb’s arms, “Caleb!”
“Hey there, stranger.” He grins ruffling her hair and kissing her forehead, “How’s school?”
“Well, my science fair was last week but my magic milk project didn't do that good, but, remember that boy,” She lowers her voice looking back to see their mother walking in and out of the kitchen, “The one from Choir?” Caleb nods, “Well he’s asked me to the face we have at the end of the year.”
Caleb stands a little taller, “Do I need to have a word-”
“Caleb.” The teenager giggles, shaking her head, then her eyes widen when she catches sight of Tommie standing behind him.
“Eve, this is my girlfriend Caroline.”
“Tommie is fine-”
Her eyes widen, “You’re Tommie McDuff,” Tommie smiles and she bounces excitedly on her feet, “Holy-”
“Evelyn Rose Kidwall.” Their mother gasps, “Do not use those kinds of words as vulgar language.”
“Sorry, mom.” She turns back to Tommie quickly, “I love your music, it’s just amazing…” She trails off blushing suddenly, “Do you uh… do you know a lot of celebrities?”
Tommie shrugs a little, “Um, a few I guess.”
“Do you know five seconds of summer?”
Tommie trails off as she thinks, “They the one from X Factor?”
“No, that's One Direction, 5sos are the Australian one.”
Tommie shrugs, “Um, then maybe?”
Eve nods, muttering a quite ‘interesting’ before leaving to help carry the dishes out of the kitchen.
The four settle around the table and when Tommie goes to sit Caleb quickly shakes his head and gestures for her to stay standing.
Miriam, his mother, apologises for Andrew not being there, something about being a pastor or something, Tommie doesn't listen, she’s silently conversing with Caleb as he tells her to wait for his mother to let them sit.
She says a prayer, making them all hold hands and Tommie awkwardly smiles when the woman's eyes fall upon her.
Then after three uncomfortable minutes they’re sitting, Caleb and Tommie on one side, Eve and Miriam the other.
“So, Caroline, what is it that you do?”
“I’m uh…” She hesitates and takes a sip of the wine in front of her, “In the music industry.”
Miriam pauses slowly, “What is it that you do?” She laughs gesturing to Caleb, “I hope you’re better off then Caleb and his whole band idea-”
“Actually I’m in a band,” She tells her, “I play guitar.” It’s silent for too long, so she fills it with some extra information, “There’s uh, five of us, my cousin Adam- that’s kind of how I’m in the band, he plays guitar too, he’s lead and I’m rhythm. Then there’s our lead singer Matty, he plays guitar sometimes, depending if we need three or not. Then Ross, he plays bass and George is on drums. I’m the backup bassist and drummer, like, if anything was to go wrong I’d fill in, then Matty would play guitar to cover for me… I sing sometimes too…”
“What else do you do?” She questions.
“That’s it.”
“But, just being in a band isn't going to pay the bills, set you up for a future-”
“They’re on the radio, mom.” Eve tells her, “You know that one song from the other day? The City, that's her band.”
“You’re on the radio?”
Tommie nods quickly, sending a smile to the fourteen year old who grins back. Miriam hums, then moves onto her new topic, “What about your family? What do they think of it?”
“Uh…” She adjusts her posture, sitting with her shoulders rolled back a little more, “My mother died a few years ago, so that’s when I joined the band, I moved up to Manchester where the rest of the band are from to live with my cousin. So, I don’t know, I mean I hoped she’d be proud of me but… we didn’t exactly see eye to eye everyday. My grandparents though, they’re a whole different story, they couldn’t be more proud.”
“And your father?”
“Oh, I’m not sure, we don’t speak.”
“Why not?”
“Momma.” Caleb says quietly.
Miriam leans back, “Sorry,” She smiles at Tommie, “I tend to be a little too nosy for my own darn good some times.”
Tommie smiles politely, “It’s alright, I mean, I don’t exactly ignore loud voices in the street, you know what I mean?”
Miriam smiles again, picking at the food on her plate, “What about this band of yours? It’s all men?”
“It’s my cousin and his school mates, yeah, they’re all guys. But they’re like my big brothers, they're my family, my real one.”
She smiles, her cheeks hurting and she purses her lips to try and control it. “Caleb tells me you used to study English Literature?”
“I did it for my A Levels- College,” She quickly corrects, “I could’ve gone to university, but then joined the band instead.”
“You blew off school?”
“Not necessarily, I mean, I already completed my A Levels, and if I want I can always go back to uni, age doesn't stop me.”
She hums, then asks, “How old are you, Caroline? You look young.”
“Nineteen,” Miriam pauses, “I turn twenty on Tuesday.”
Eve grins, “Are you going to spend your birthday here?”
Caleb sits up straighter too now, “Uh, no she’s performing, so, we’re leaving tomorrow.”
“Already?” Caleb shrugs at his mother, “You just got here.”
“I know, momma, but, we have jobs.”
His mother scoffs, “I’d hardly call them jobs Caleb, you stand on stage and make noise. It’s pathetic, quite frankly. It’s time you grow up and get a real job, before it’s too late and you end up like your father.”
Caleb’s head ducks down and Tommie turns slowly, her brows furrowed as she stares at the blonde woman across the table.
“What do you do, Miriam?” Tommie raises an eyebrow, pushing the food on her plate around with her fork, “If you don't mind me asking.”
“Well… nothing. I was a housewife.”
“Was? What are you now?”
“Tommie.” Caleb says quietly.
“Tommie?” His mother says slowly.
“That's my real name.”
“It’s a nickname.” Miriam says.
“No, I go by Tommie, it’s my preferred name.”
She scoffs, “You sound like one of those… those-”
“Mom.” Eve warns under her breath.
Tommie raises an eyebrow, “One of those what?”
“One of those confused gender people on the TV. Your name is your name, Caroline. That’s how God intended it to be. He gave women wombs and men hard working hands.”
“Yeah, he also gave men the most dangerous weapon on the planet.”
“And what’s that?”
“Well, it’s a tough toss up between their audacity and their dick-”
Miriam’s hand slaps the table, “Enough with the language. Enough with the insults, my God created this planet. I shall not listen to you insult him.”
“And I won’t stand here as you insult and belittle your son.” Tommie stares right back, eyes squinted, “Caleb is an amazing man, I came here hoping to meet the reason he is that way. Seems to me he’s become the person he is despite you, not because of you.”
“He is my son-”
“Then act like it.” She snaps back, “Compliment him, tell him he’s doing good, tell him you like his music, his band, say one goddamn nice thing about him. Smile at him, look at him.”
“Tommie.” Caleb says quietly again.
“No, Caleb, I’m not going to let this bitch speak to you like that.”
Miriam scoffs, “Please, Caroline, you can say what you want to me. You’re just another lonely common whore who is insecure enough to sleep with my lousy unemployed son who can;t get over the one girl who was worth something.” She turns to Caleb, “You never should’ve left Emmie go.”
Tommie sighs slowly, eyes moving over to Caleb who’s eyes remain fixated on his untouched food.
She moves the napkin he’d laid out over her lap, tossing it onto the table and clears her throat, “I think I-” She looks at him again, still, no movement, “I think it’s best if I leave now. Thank you for dinner.”
Miriam says nothing, eyes focused on her son too, “I would say it was lovely to meet you, but my mother didn't raise a liar like you did,” She says bitterly, she looks to Eve, smiling softly, “Good luck with your Choir, Eve.”
“Thank you, Tommie.”
“Evelyn.” She sits up straight quickly, eyes moving to her mother across the table, “Go upstairs.”
Tommie watches the young girl move across the room, then her eyes fall to Caleb once more.
“Cal?” She wiggles her jaw, watches him contemplate, close his eyes, then finally meet the eye of his mother. 
“Yes, mom.”
“See her out.”
Claeb nods quickly, rising from his chair, its scrapes loudly causing all three of them to flinch, “I can see myself out.” She says harshly, he reaches for her hand but she hits it away.
He jumps back, hitting the table causing the glass of red wine to fall and spill, staining the horrid dress she’s wearing.
She steps back but his mother screeches, “Look what you’ve done-”
“I want her out, Caleb, she disrespects us-”
“You’ve brought that upon yourself,” He says, turning harshly to her, “God, nothing I do is good enough for you, mom. You hate that I’m in LA, that I’m in a band, that I’m- that I am fuckign happy, you can’t stand that, because it’s not you. It’s not you that’s making me feel this way. Tommie, she is a wonderful, amazing gorgeous woman, who may not fit your standard of the American Christin woman, but fits my standards. Hell, goes above my standards, because she’s better than I could’ve ever dreamed of a woman to be.”
He grabs her hand shakily moving it to rest behind their backs, hoping his mother doesn't notice his anxieties as Tommie squeezes.
“Is that how you feel?”
“No it’s not, she’s-”
“Doing nothing. I feel this way because I do, I can’t help it.”
He watches her carefully, “Mom, please, I’m your son, and I just want you to accept one thing in my life, if not the band then my girlfriend.”
Miriam turns her head away, “You stopped being my son when you chose your father’s side over mine.”
Caleb sucks in a deep breath, it’s always the father's comment, always. That’s her go to in arguments with him. The fact he moved to live in the shitty caravan park with his dad so he wouldn’t be alone.
He sighs, “Let’s go, Babe.”
“That’s right walk out and leave us again,” His mother comments from across the dining room table, “This time, when you finally come crawling back, I won’t be welcoming you with open arms. You chose another person over me, Caleb, and you’re never back here, you understand me?”
Caleb pauses, swallows the rising lump of anxiety and then mutters a quiet, “Goodbye, momma.”
Once the door is slammed closed he drops Tommie’s hand and walks on ahead at a pace too fast for even Tommie ‘McSpeeder’, a nickname George gave her in her younger years as she always seemed to speed walk everywhere.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise.”
She bows her head, straightened hair covering her face, “I shouldn't have said anything.”
“You stood up for me.”
“I’ll apologise, I’ll beg for forgiveness. You can’t walk away, Cal, what about Ev-”
“Don’t apologise.” He says again, harsher, his tone leaving no room for her to jump back in.
He picks up his speed and she finds herself jogging to catch up with him, “Wait, wait, Cal, please-”
He finally stops his march down the street, letting go of her hand and furiously unbuttoning his shirt before running his hands through his freshly styled hair.
“Please, don’t- don’t abandon your sister, you’ll regret it.”
“What like you-?”
He turns away quickly, regretting it the moment he had said it but she nods, “I- every day, every single day I regret what I did. Leaving my little brother behind, I haven't talked to him in years, two years, I have no idea where he is, what he’s doing. That little girl, she idolises you, Caleb, thinks you’ve hung the stars in the goddamn fucking sky, please… please. Don’t abandon her.”
He shakes his head, gesturing back up the street with one hand behind him, his breath stuck in his throat, “She- mom, I just-”
He turns away and she gently steps forward. Hand on his back, he turns quickly falling into her arms, head in her neck as he sobs.
“I know-”
“I just want her to be proud of me.”
“Doesn’t matter,” She tells him softly, “Eve’s proud of you. I’m proud of you.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
It’s late, three am, Caleb’s asleep beside her and she doesn't want to wake him to talk over her anxieties. Last time she did he was annoyed and it ended in an argument.
So instead she pulls on her hoodie resting on the chair, slips on her crocs and walks out from the front of their tour bus to the back where the second living room/studio is.
She knows Matty will be awake, so she creeps from where she and Caleb have been staying out the front on the pull out sofa, past the other band members who all snore away as if in some kind of competition.
Then she finds Matty, wide awake, glasses on, hair a mess with music playing from his laptop quietly.
He pauses it the moment she steps in, closing the door behind her, “Sorry,” He winces, shoulders pulling towards his ears, “Did I wake you up?”
She shakes her head, “Can’t sleep.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Thinkin’ about Caleb’s sister.” She admits, “He hasn't spoken to any of them, and I… guess I feel responsible or something.”
Matty’s brows furrow and he sets his laptop on the table, tapping the sofa beside him with a quiet ‘sit’.
“It’s not your fault, Tom.”
She nods, “I know… I guess, I just- the guilt of leaving JJ behind is getting to me.”
He wraps one arm around her, pulling her down to rest on his shoulder, “Junior understands, I know he does-”
“I miss him.”
She sniffles, turning to hide her face in his hoodie and he sighs kissing the top of her head, “And now I’m putting Caleb through the same pain, and I can’t help him and-”
“Hey, hey-” Matty shushes her as she hiccups, “Wait, actually, let me go grab something. To distract you, make you feel better.”
He gets up, wrapping a soft blanket around her in replacement of his warmth. She sighs as she waits for him and notices her book again, now sitting with even more book markings.
Glancing to the closed door she sighs and reaches for it, flicking through until a piece of paper falls into her lap. She catches the page by putting her thumb there before she can lose it and picks up the little napkin.
‘You look so cool x’
She smiles to herself then flicks open the page to the very last poem of her book, she pauses, it’s a poem she wrote about her feelings towards him. The one she entered into the competition, the one that got her first place.
There’s load of little annotations of the poem, most of them his little comments of admiration, a few with funny comments.
Emotional affair Overly sincere Smokin' in the car, windows up Crocodile tears, run the tap 'til it's clear Drift off on the floor I drag you to the shore Sweating through the heat You're gonna drown in your sleep For sure
Wake up and start a big fire In our one room apartment But I'm too tired To have a living contest All the bad dreams that you hide Show me yours, I'll show you mine
                         -Tommie McDuff
What catches her eye is the little paragraph he’s written on the next page, the one with only four little words reading ‘the end, thank you’.
Call me when you landI'll drive around againOne hand on the wheel, one in your mouthTurn me on and turn me downBaby, you're a vampireYou want blood and I promisedI'm a bad liarWith a saviour complexAll the skeletons you hideShow me yours, and I'll show you mine
                      -Matty Healy
He’s added his own part to the poem, giving his response to the poem, she giggles at the fact he even wrote his name beneath it just like how her name is beneath all of her poems in the book too.
The door opens, she throws the napkin back in and tosses it back over to the side of the table she grabbed it from as she looks to the laptop instead.
“Here, the song, I finished it.”
He places the laptop between them, handing her the tea he’d gone to make for her as he places some headphones over her ears. Grinning as the large ear muffs swallowed her whole.
“What’s this song called again?”
“Hasn’t got a name, was thinking something twatish… like love me.”
“Very you.” She agrees.
He smiles, watching her facial expressions as she reacts to the song.
“Is it good?” He asks, “I was thinking in the second verse I co-”
“It’s perfect, I like it.”
“Yeah.” She nods, “Love it.”
“Love me.” He grins again and he nudges him, leaning against him to support her tired body.
She sighs, staring at the door, hoping Caleb will realise she’s not there and come looking for her. He doesn’t.
“I’ve been writing again.” She tells him.
He closes the laptop and leans back, taking her with him, “Anything I can look at?”
“Not yet, got one I think could work for the band, a few I’ve decided to shove up my sleeve for myself for a while.”
“What’s it called?”
“Haven’t decided,” She says, “Something religious.”
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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miss-andromeda · 6 months
i want your dreary mondays- for the taylor swift prompts!!
Another from Paper Rings! Let's do it - and thank you so much for the ask 💜🩷 Once again, non-canon, but considering they're dating, this is post-season 1 🩷
Another day, yet somehow this one was worse than usual.
Maybe it was the fact that she woke up late and kept April and Casey waiting for her. Maybe it was the utter fool she made of herself in physics, during the demonstration. Maybe it was the fact that she forgot her lunch because of the aforementioned running late. Maybe it was when she was walking home, she stepped in mud and ruined her shoes - and then accidentally tracked mud into the apartment building, earning her a scolding from an elderly lady walking in behind her.
No, it was everything, just piling on top of each other - and culminating in an overall rotten day. 
When Andi was finally inside her apartment (and tossed her sneakers into the washing machine,) she slumped into her room and face-planted onto her bed, before groaning into her bubblegum comforter. 
She would’ve stayed there for the rest of the evening, were it not for the chorus of “Hurricane” (his favorite song from Salem’s Witches) blaring from her measly phone speaker. 
“Damn you and your charm, never causing me-”
“Hi, enchantress. Did you just get home from school?”
Andi nearly teared up at hearing how warm and relaxed he sounded. “Yeah…do you want to come over?”
Donnie, however, ignored her question. “Are you okay? You sound…melancholy.”
She never knew how he could pick up on things like this so easily. “Um…not really. I just-” She interrupted herself with a deep sigh. “-it’s easier if you just come over.”
“I’ll be there in two shakes of a turtle’s tail.”
Her lips quirked up in a lopsided smile as he hung up. 
“Thanks, Don.”
And sure enough, she heard soft tapping at her window less than 10 minutes later. 
She slowly rose out of bed, ignoring how her hair looked like a mutated bird’s nest, and managed a little smile as she saw him patiently waiting at her windowsill. She walked over slowly, before lifting the window with a little grunt, before leaning against the windowsill. “Hi.”
“How are you doing?”
Andi was about to say ‘fine,’ but Donnie read her like an open book. So she knew if she tried to downplay it, he would know she was lying. 
So…she told him the truth.
“Is drained a good word to use?”
“Depends. What’s the context?”
“90% of what happened today was terrible, and it was just…one after another.” Andi heaved a sigh as she moved aside, letting him step into her room. “So, my question stands; is drained a good word?”
“Definitely.” Donnie gently pulled her into a hug, letting out a sigh of his own as he felt her slump against him. “I’m sorry, enchantress.” He mumbled to her, a hand going to rub her back. 
“Not your fault…” Andi mumbled back, her face buried in his plastron at this point. “I’m sorry I even have to bug you with this.”
Donnie gently pulled her away, tilting her chin up to make her look at him. “You’re not bugging me. If you’re bothered about something, even something as simple as you just had a bad day, a dreary Monday if you will. I want to be able to help with that. Even if it means just holding you for a little while.” 
Rather than respond, Andi just put her arms around his neck and stood on her toes. “I love you…” She murmured, smiling weakly when she felt him kiss her head.
“I love you too.” Donnie softly replied, then pulled away to meet her eyes again. “How about I stay with you for a little while? You can tell me everything that happened today - and then I can help you forget about everything.”
“That…” Andi heaved one more sigh as she stood back on her feet, untying the ribbon from her hair, allowing her hair to fall down her back. “...that sounds wonderful.”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Hmmmm, how about something from breath of the sky?
He looked so incredibly vulnerable. So normal. He didn’t look like a mythical hero, or the progenitor of the royal line, or the champion who triumphed over the original Calamity.
He was just a person, like Link. Like her.
Grabbing a hold of her resolve with this thought in mind, Zelda placed both hands on his arm and gave him a hard shake.
The Hero inhaled sharply through his nose, and his body froze. His breath, initially rising to a level of gasping, was now evening out in careful, measured inhales and exhales. Though the princess couldn’t see his eyes, she could tell he was now awake.
She cleared her throat, trying not to startle him. The mild jump that shook his entire body indicated she didn’t quite succeed.
Quickly turning onto his back, the Hero’s eyes pierced into her, his face a little pale. Zelda swallowed, her nerves returning under his deep blue gaze. She had grown used to long, silent glances from Link, but his eyes somehow seemed… she didn’t know, the lighter blue made them less mysterious maybe. This Hero’s eyes were dark, like oceans that held so much in their depths that she couldn’t see. He seemed to be analyzing her for a moment, making her skin crawl, and then his eyes softened, his body easing into a more comfortable posture.
“Hi,” he said hoarsely, and his face relaxed.
Zelda blinked, not quite expecting such a simple greeting. “Um… hello. A-are you alright?”
The Hero gave a small smile, his head tilting somewhat into the pillow, and Zelda felt her heart melt as her muscles stopped clenching quite so hard. “I’m okay. Are you?”
Zelda bit her lip. “You were having a nightmare.”
His smile faded a little, and he looked away. “It happens.”
Zelda didn’t know what to say to that. She hugged herself, unsure what to do next. The Hero sighed and glanced back at her, asking, “Is this your bed?”
Her exasperation from earlier resurfaced, and she folded her arms. “Yes, actually.”
He hummed a moment and then said, “Is this your side of the bed? Do you have a side?”
Zelda blinked. What?
“There’s plenty of room.”
Zelda blinked again, horrified. What?!
The Hero smiled and stretched, closing his eyes, and then beginning to fall back asleep.
Wait a bloody second— “Um, excuse me.”
The Hero opened his eyes.
“This is my bed.”
The Hero stared at her. “Yes?”
Clearly, there was a miscommunication going on here. Zelda felt her cheeks blush as she grew flustered. “So I sleep in it.”
The Hero twisted, looking at the other side of the bed, glanced back at her, and pat the empty space beside him, bemused.
Was he—?! “I can’t sleep with you!”
The princess didn’t quite mean for her voice to sound like a near squeak when she said that.
The Hero looked even more confused. “Why not?”
“Why not?!” Zelda spluttered, feeling her ears redden as well. “Because—because it isn’t proper!”
“Proper for what?”
Zelda stared at him, mouth agape like a fish out of water.
The Hero furrowed his brow. “A bed’s for sleeping, after all. And there’s plenty of room for you to sleep here too.”
Zelda shut her mouth with a click on her teeth. She opened it again to protest and came up with nothing.
This was… this was ridiculous. But she was running out of both nerve and energy trying to explain how this was not okay, thank you very much.
But… he looked… so confused.
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robinrites · 2 years
Family Isn't Always Blood
Whumptober Day 11!
Prompts: "911 what's your emergency?", Makeshift splint, sloppy bandages, self-done first aid
Summary: Jason has been brought back from the dead, but unfortunately can't remember his life before his resurrection, or even the fact that he died. When he gets into trouble and vigilantes come to save him, can he trust them? How do they know his name?
“911 what’s your emergency?” 
“Hello? It’s-It’s my brother, he’s hurt. He’s really badly hurt.” Jason curses under his breath as he tries his best to tie a scrap of fabric around the gash on Tim’s arm. 
“Okay, can you tell me your name?” 
“Jason.” He holds the phone up to his ear with his shoulder as he takes off his shirt to try to staunch the bleeding coming from Tim’s abdomen. 
“Okay Jason, and what’s your brother’s name?” 
“Tim, we’re, shit, I don’t know where we are. Can you track this call or something? Please!” 
“Can you take a deep breath for me Jason?” Jason growls, but does it anyway, feeling slightly better after he does so. “Okay, I’m tracking your location, can you stand on the line with me? Maybe you can tell me about what happened.” 
Jason grimaces as he looks back down at his brother who is lying unconscious on the floor. “It was another one of Joker’s attacks, or Riddler’s or one of the other fucking maniacs in this city. We were just trying to get home, and some goons jumped out at us and started attacking us for no reason.” Jason bites his lip as he tries to hold it together. “We tried to fight back but we’re not fighters. One of them had a crowbar and I- I froze.” 
Jason’s brows furrow as memories flood into his brain. He sees himself standing at an amusement park, wearing a costume. Where did I get that? A man stepped out at him, holding a crowbar, and hit him before he could even do anything. An image of himself waking up in a warehouse, tied up by a man who looks like a clown flashes into his mind next. The other version of Jason calls out for Batman, and he realizes this is the Joker he’s seeing in this memory. What did the Joker want with me? 
The voice of the 911 operator draws him back to the present, “Jason, honey are you still there?” 
“Yes ma’am.” Jason shakes his head to try to recenter himself in reality. “They um had a crowbar and I froze. Next thing I know, I’m running as fast as I can, carrying Tim. I looked back to see if they were still following us, but then I slipped on something and we ended up falling down a hill. I can’t see the way back up, all I can see is metal.” 
“Are you hurt at all or just your brother?” 
In spite of how dark it is where he and Tim are, Jason does his best to examine his body for any injuries. His eyes land on his ankle, which he instantly notices is purple and swollen. When did that happen? “I think I sprained my ankle or something…” 
“Can you describe what your ankle looks like?” 
“It’s a little dark here, but it’s purple and really swollen.” He touches his ankle experimentally and seethes, “And it hurts to touch.” 
“Okay, do you have any spare fabric you could use to wrap it? Maybe a t-shirt?” Jason’s eyes wander towards where his shirt is resting on Tim’s chest, soaked in his blood. 
“No ma’am, I uh, I’m using my shirt to try to stop the bleeding coming from my brother.” Jason forces himself to look away from Tim, but only makes it a moment before turning to look at him again, worried that if he takes his eyes off him he’ll disappear. 
“Can you tear off some of the fabric from your pants?” Jason nods, and begins to tear at the fabric of his jeans up to his knee. “Did you do it?” 
“Okay, now I want you to tightly wrap that around your ankle, preferably so it covers at least part of your ankle and part of your foot.” Jason dutifully follows orders, wincing at the pain touching his ankle causes. 
“Done.” Jason lets out the breath he had been holding in. 
“Perfect, we’ve almost found you okay, let’s just keep talking for a bit-” 
The line goes dead, Jason yanks his phone away from his ear and sees his phone battery is dead. He tosses his phone away with him with a groan of frustration. He glances over at Tim who is thankfully still breathing, even if it is shaky breaths. 
“Fuck!” He buries his face in his hands as he begins to cry. “Fuck, Tim I’m so sorry!” Jason hears a slight plink of water hitting water and his head darts up, “Water? Are we in the sewers?” Jason glances upward to see the cement roof slightly curved, in a way one would expect sewer tunnels to be. “Shit.” He scoops Tim off the ground and onto his lap, ignoring the whimpering noises coming from Tim as he does so. “Sorry Timmy, but you’ll get a nasty infection if we’re sitting in sewage until rescue comes.” He holds Tim to his chest, doing his best not to jump at every creak and groan from the metal pipes around them. 
Another memory flashes in Jason’s head, this time he’s the one chasing someone. He sees himself racing towards a large figure wearing all black. The man wears a mask over his face, similar to a cowl, with large pointy spikes coming out of the top. 
“B! Wait up!” He hears himself call, Do I know him? The man in black stops and turns, but where his face should be is only blank. Jason shakes his head, then looks again, only for the man’s face to still be devoid of any personal features. 
“What is it Jason?” The man in black asks. Who are you?
“I just wanted to say, the last one to the cave is a rotten egg!” Jason watches the other version of him stick out his tongue and then race ahead of the man in black. The man groans, but then smiles and races after Jason. 
The memory shifts to him waking up in the hospital. Nurses and doctors circle him anxiously, checking his vitals and his pupils and everything they can to make sure he’s okay. After the medical staff is satisfied, they let a boy come into the room, Tim. 
“Do you remember who I am, Jason?” Tim asks, pulling one of the chairs over so he can sit next to Jason’s bed. 
Jason furrows his brows as he tries to remember, “You’re my brother?” Tim smiles widely.
“Yes!” He nods, “What else do you remember?” 
Jason’s face drops, “Our parents-they’re, they’re dead aren’t they?” Jason looks at Tim, hoping for an answer, “They left us alone didn’t they?” 
“We’re not alone we have-” Tim pauses, as if someone told him to stop, “We have each other. You and me, partners in crime.” 
“What happened to me? Why can’t I remember anything?” 
“We were racing down the street on our bikes, you hit a turn way too quickly and flew off your bike and hit your head.” Tim says, as if reciting off a paper. “But the doctors said that aside from some memory loss you’ll be okay.” 
“I’ll be okay?” 
Tim grabs his hand and squeezes it tightly, “Plus you’ve got me, what more could you need?” 
A groan from Tim draws Jason back to the present, followed by Tim slightly shifting in Jason’s grasp. “Shhh, I’ve got you Tim.” Jason whispers in his ear as he brushes Tim’s hair. “You’re gonna be okay. The dispatcher said they almost had our location, which means they should be able to find us pretty easily. And then we’re gonna get you to the hospital.” 
Footsteps splash in the puddles of water as people race towards Jason and Tim. Jason squints and makes out four distinct shapes. He tightens his grip on Tim, hoping these people are rescuers, but preparing for them if they're not. A light flashes down the tunnel, allowing Jason to make out silhouettes. He sees pointed ears and immediately tries to stand up, tries to get away. He falls back to the ground, his hurt ankle unable to support his weight, let alone Tim’s. Jason’s heart begins to race as the people get closer, he does his best to scoot back but he can only go so fast. 
“Jason?! Tim?! Is that you?” The man in black calls at him, causing Jason to panic. His eyes dart around the tunnel, he wishes he had anything near him he could use for protection. The people stop a few feet away from where Jason and Tim are laying. Jason does his best to put on a brave face as he takes in his attackers. 
Leading the group is the man from his memory, or dream, or whatever the hell it was. Right behind him is a man in a blue costume, holding two blue sticks, with a giant logo on his chest that seems like it’s meant to be bird adjacent. Standing behind those two are two girls, one wearing all black, with a cowl matching the man in black’s, except it covers her whole face. The other wears a purple cloak and a mask over the lower half of her face. The purple girl shifts slightly, revealing a yellow version of the logo adorning the man in black and the girl in black’s uniforms. 
“I don’t know who the hell you are but the cops are on their way here right now!” Jason shouts at them, bluffing with all he’s got. “They’re gonna be here any minute, so I’d suggest you start running before they show up.” 
“Jason,” The man in black starts, reaching out cautiously. “I know you don’t remember me, but we’re the good guys. We just want to help you and Tim.” 
Jason pulls Tim closer to his chest, “How do you know our names?” 
“We were sent by GCPD to come find you guys.” He explains slowly, “We’re not here to hurt you.” 
“Then what’s with the masks?” 
The man in blue laughs, “Well he’s got us there B.” 
“Only bad guys hide behind masks.” Jason glares daggers. 
The man in black steps closer, reaching slowly towards what looks to be a utility belt, “Jason, we can get you guys medical care but you have to come with us okay.” 
“No!” Jason spits out, “Don’t come any closer.” 
Faster than Jason can blink, the man reaches into the utility belt and pulls out a vial. He throws the vial to the ground, releasing some kind of smoke. By the time Jason looks back up, all four of the strangers are wearing masks. 
“What, what wazzat.” Jason’s words begin to mix together as his eyelids begin to feel heavier and heavier. The man steps closer again, but before Jason can say anything to protest, he finds himself falling fast asleep. 
When Jason wakes up, he finds himself in a hospital bed again. A quick glance around and he can tell it’s not the same hospital as before. No nurses, or doctors, just a ginger in a wheelchair at his bedside. 
“Who are you?! Where is my brother?!” Jason demands the second he lays eyes on her. 
“Woah!” She throws her hands up in shock and to show that she’s harmless, “Tim’s okay, he’s just a couple rooms over. He hasn’t woken up yet, but he should be waking up within a couple hours.” She sticks her hand out, “Now, where are my manners, I’m Barbara, but everyone just calls me Babs.” Jason glares at her hand, as if he can psychically get her hand to go away. She nods, pulling her hand back so she can grab her phone. “I know you don’t remember me, and that’s okay, Leslie said it’s normal, especially after all the trauma you’ve been through-” She cuts herself off from saying anything more, instead holding up her phone to show Jason a picture of the two of them together. 
“Were we friends?” 
Barbara smiles and nods, “Yes! We were before the accident. I wanted to come check on you, but we all thought it’d be best to give you time to readjust first.” 
“I’m sorry I don’t remember.” 
“Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it,” Barbara forces a laugh, “Not the first time it’s happened and it probably won’t be the last.” Upon noticing Jason’s confused face she quickly elaborates, “Last time it wasn’t you who lost your memory, it was your brother, Dick.” 
“I have a second brother?” 
“You actually have 4, counting Tim of course. And several close friends who have all been very worried about you.” She glances at the door, where several faces are crammed into the tiny glass window. “If you’d like you can meet them now, or I can tell them to go away and come back later-” 
“Let them in, please. It’d be nice to connect the dots a little bit more about what I don’t remember.” 
Barbara laughs, “Okay, but if they get to be too much, just cough twice and I’ll kick them out okay?” She winks then rolls over to the door and opens it, “All right, try not to crowd him.” 
Even though Jason can’t remember anyone who enters the room, he can’t help but feel calm and safe as they crowd around his bed. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.
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dlea203 · 2 years
Hello. I just saw your post about the WIP tag game, and I have an ask, if I may. Uh… und wenn ich mir die Liste so ansehe, dann muss ich einfach nach einer der Geschichten mit deutschem Titel fragen. Übrigens ganz liebe Grüße aus Österreich. 😉😅
But back to English, in case you’ll decide to post this: I don’t know if, and to what extent, you have a translation ready. So, maybe just tell a little bit about your story “You and I - what do you think?”.
Of course you may!
Und wieso erfahre ich bitte jetzt erst, dass du auch Deutsch sprichst😳?! Ganz liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz nach Österreich!
Here's a snippet of "You and I - what do you think?", which is an UNTRANSLATED story🫣😫. So, you know the deal, both versions will be added underneath. Enjoy!
Outside, the four guys took Leo to the parking lot to wait for the police in front of the Hard Deck. As they walked past Hangman's car, Leo moved so suddenly that Payback lost his footing and fell down. Rooster, Coyote and Fanboy tightened their grip and just managed to prevent Leo from getting free and going after Phoenix.
"Don't do that, man! Hey, get a grip!" Coyote exclaimed.
"Let go of me! This is between me and her!"
Leo yelled, lashing out. In the process, he hit Fanboy and Coyote so hard that they let him go. Then it was easy to shake Rooster off. Leo ran straight at Phoenix, dragged her off the hood, gave her a resounding slap and then a fist right in the face. Phoenix cried out and tried to fight back, punching back, but she didn't stand a chance. Leo pinned her between himself and the car and was about to strike again, when the boys finally came to her rescue. Rooster grabbed him by one arm, Coyote by the other, and they dragged him back into their headlock.
"Stop it now!" Rooster roared.
Hangman was just coming out of the bar when Leo charged at her and punched her in the face. That was the last straw. He ran straight at Leo and gave him a solid punch with his fist. Leo's nose made an ugly cracking sound and started bleeding.
"Woah Hangman, stop that," Fanboy admonished and together with Payback tried to hold him back by the shoulder.
"Give me five minutes with that bastard!" Hangman hissed instead, and was about to strike again when he heard Phoenix whisper his name: "Jake…"
Quick as a flash, he wheeled around and just managed to stop her from hitting her head on the hood of the car.
Original version:
Draussen brachten die vier Jungs Leo auf den Parkplatz, um vor dem Hard Deck auf die Polizei zu warten. Als sie an Hangmans Auto vorbeiliefen, bewegte Leo sich so ruckartig, dass Payback den Halt verlor und hinfiel. Rooster, Coyote und Fanboy verstärkten ihren Griff und konnten gerade so verhindern, dass Leo freikam und auf Phoenix losgehen konnte.
«Lass das, Mann! Hey, krieg’ dich wieder ein!», rief Coyote aus.
«Lasst mich los! Das ist eine Sache zwischen mir und ihr!»
Leo brüllte und schlug um sich. Dabei traf er Fanboy und Coyote so hart, dass sie ihn losliessen. Dann war es ein Kinderspiel, Rooster abzuschütteln. Leo rannte geradewegs auf Phoenix zu, zerrte sie von der Motorhaube runter, verpasste ihr eine schallende Ohrfeige und dann eine Faust mitten ins Gesicht. Phoenix schrie auf und versuchte sich zu wehren, indem sie zurückschlug, aber sie hatte keine Chance. Leo klemmte sie zwischen sich und dem Auto ein und wollte erneut zuschlagen, da kamen die Jungs ihr endlich wieder zu Hilfe. Rooster packte ihn an einem Arm, Coyote am anderen und sie zerrten ihn in ihren Schwitzkasten zurück.
«Hör jetzt auf!», brüllte Rooster.
Hangman kam gerade aus der Bar, als Leo auf sie losging und ihr ins Gesicht schlug. Das brachte das Fass zum Überlaufen. Er lief geradewegs auf Leo zu und verpasste ihm einen kräftigen Schlag mit der Faust. Leos Nase gab ein hässlich knackendes Geräusch von sich und fing an zu bluten.
«Woah Hangman, lass das», mahnte Fanboy und versuchte gemeinsam mit Payback, ihn an der Schulter zurückzuhalten.
«Gebt mir fünf Minuten mit dem Schwein!», rief Hangman stattdessen aus und wollte wieder zuschlagen, da hörte er, wie Phoenix seinen Namen flüsterte: «Jake…»
Blitzschnell fuhr er herum und konnte gerade noch verhindern, dass sie mit dem Kopf auf der Motorhaube aufschlug. 
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violetarks · 3 years
pretending to be their girlfriend
anime: tokyo revengers
characters: sano 'mikey' manjiro, baji keisuke, matsuno chifuyu, mitsuya takashi
summary: in some certain situation, y/n is put in the position to help him out by acting as if she was his girlfriend.
warnings: afab! reader, use of she/her pronouns, third person pov
a/n: part one | part two
↣ sano 'mikey' manjiro:
"Ugh, I hear so much about Emma from you..." Mikey groans, waving his hand at his best friend, who squints at him.
"Maybe you'd understand if you got yourself a girlfriend." Draken claims, crossing his arms over his chest as he sat back in his seat. He watches as Mikey rolls his eyes at that. "And maybe you'd have a girlfriend if you weren't so overbearing."
The other blonde makes a face at the insult before shaking his head at his friend. "Wow, I am not overbearing! I'm a fucking catch!" He exclaims, facing away from Draken, "You just always wanna' see my sister, kinda' hurts when you ignore me."
Draken glares at the pout on his Commander's lips. He rolls his eyes at it and tilts his head. "You're such an attention-seeker, Mikey." He groans out, "I bet all the girls are either scared of you or annoyed by you."
Before Mikey can refute that statement, he gets interrupted by the call of his name. He looks over to see the barista holding his hot chocolate. He turns to Draken expectantly, who drinks his own coffee with a raised brow.
"I'm not gettin' that for you, Mikey, you fucking catch." Draken calls out, rolling his eyes once more.
Mikey glares back at Draken before standing up and walking to the counter. He makes eye contact with the barista, who seems to be around the same age as him. She's really pretty, and is looking about cluelessly, trying to figure out who this 'Mikey' is.
He smiles gently, standing at the counter. "That would be me." He says, taking the cup from her, "Um... I have a little situation."
He's nervous, trying hard just to prove Draken wrong. Because Mikey is fucking great. He's cool and he's attractive. What's not to love?
Maybe the fact he's Toman's leader. Hm.
"Is something wrong with your order, sir?" She asks, tilting her head.
Mikey shakes his head. "Ah, no, no." He chuckles out, looking over his shoulder to Draken. His friend is raising a brow, seeming to be suspicious of the blonde. He reads the barista's name tag. "Actually, Y/N, my friend is trashing me for being single, and I don't believe I'm that bad, really."
Y/N blinks at him. She rubs the side of her neck with an awkward smile. "I'm guessing you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?" She questions, getting a nod of his head. She looks to her coworker, who has been eavesdropping. He just shrugs his shoulders and prepares the next order.
"Go ahead. Tell me what happens later." He laughs back, taking her spot as she rounds the counter, giving her friend a smile.
Mikey sips his hot chocolate and whispers to her, walking slowly to Draken. "Okay, we've been dating for a month, we met the convenience store, I was getting dorayaki." He informs her, making Y/N blink and memorise it all, "I never introduced you because I'm a part of Toman, which is actually true—"
"What?" Y/N murmurs, feeling Mikey slip his hand into hers.
"And you have to pretend not to know me because of that. Call me 'Manjiro', if you want. Maybe." Mikey says, dismissing her adlib, "Got it, beautiful?"
She gulps at that before humming out, "Uh, yeah... h—handsome."
He chuckles at that, squeezing her hand tightly, "Speak like that, beautiful, and I might actually ask you out."
Draken leans back and raises his brows. He clears his throat, "Oh, hello. Who's this friend you brought back with you, Mikey?"
"Y/N." He responds, tilting his head up with pride as Draken squints, "My girlfriend, so be nice, Kenny."
But instead, Draken laughs, tears nearly pouring out of his eyes at the implication, "Oh, shut up! That's just some girl you convinced to play 'family' with you." He looks back to Y/N, who looks down at her shoes, face burning up. "Sorry about his idiocy, miss. You can go back to your job."
Mikey feels his plan go to Hell as he sits down, letting go of Y/N's hand and holding his chin in his palm.
"Um, excuse me...!" Y/N says abruptly, lifting her shoulders at Draken, "But Manjiro is telling the truth. I'm really dating him, albeit only for a few weeks. He just didn't want to tell people to keep me safe."
Draken raises a brow, scanning Y/N as she stands with her hands at her side. He wants to ask on about it, but she then wraps her arms around Mikey's neck, setting herself down beside him.
She huffs, "I'm sorry for not saying 'hello' when you came to the counter, I really wanted to. Which is why I asked Mikey to introduce me now." She sees how Draken switches his gaze from Mikey to her. He looks to be buying it, maybe only a little. She gives a small grin. "But it is really nice to meet you!"
He decides not to say anything, only nodding his head at this situation. "Well, whatever this shit is, it's good to meet you too, Y/N." He says, seeing Y/N loosen her grip on Mikey and just sitting down beside him politely. She has a wide smile on her face. "Name's Draken."
She blinks. "'Draken'?" She mumbles, furrowing her brows, "Shit—We went to the same Middle School! How could I forget that tattoo?"
Mikey feels his hope drop at that. No, no, not someone else who will not pay attention to him.
"What's your last name?" Draken questions.
"L/N." She responds.
"We were in the same class!" Draken laughs out, leaning forward with a surprised look, "Shit, I can't believe that... Mikey, your girl and I were friends until we split in high school. I got a lot of stories for you, Y/N, about your dear baby boy."
Mikey is now pouting, just as he was before. He watches as Draken and Y/N begin to talk about old memories and such. He then lays his head on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around Y/N's and tugging tightly.
"You're supposed to be my girlfriend..." He grumbles out, making her furrow her brows.
She chuckles, "We can figure that out after my shift, Mikey."
Draken only sips from his cup, a knowing smirk on his lips. "Fucking knew it."
↣ baji keisuke:
"Kei, do you really not understand this or are you just wanting to hang out with me?" Y/N huffs, furrowing her brows at her best friend beside her.
Baji pouts at that, looking away from Y/N as she sips her drink. He scoffs, "Excuse me, Y/N, I can hang out with you whenever I want!"
She laughs at that, bumping her hip with his as they near to his street, "That's a whole ass lie and you know it, Keisuke! Your mother won't let you out of the house unless it's school-related, all the other times, you sneak out." She rolls her eyes as Baji crosses his arms over his chest. "But don't worry, we'll be able to go out places after you get your grades up."
He gives her a hopeful glance as he opens his door for her.
Y/N was a great tutor, having been at the top of her class for ages and always being friendly towards her 'students'. Baji was an exception; they were best friends and he purposely put her off task whenever he could. She had to keep him in place whenever they studied together. Next month, there would be a test worth about 40% of their final grade.
She takes off her shoes at the front, taking the slippers from Baji as he slid on his own. He calls, "I'm home, Y/N is over too."
Before Y/N can greet her, Baji's mother comes to the entrance, smiling sweetly at the girl. "Y/N, it's great to see you again, it's been a while." She speaks, then turning to her son, "Honey, do you two have something planned?"
He can feel his cheeks burn at that. Of course he loved his mother, so he told her everything. Well, most. Y/N was one of those things that she knew about.
Y/N blinks and then begins to speak, "Oh, me and Keisuke are going to study—"
"We're going upstairs!" Baji interrupts, speaking over her. He waves his arms in front of Y/N, covering her from his mother's view, "Gonna', um, go to my... my room."
He couldn't tell his mother that he was getting tutored. He said he was doing so good in class and that he was caught up on everything. If she knew what Y/N was really here to do, then he'd be so embarrassed and afraid.
The two girls in the room widen their eyes. Y/N's face begins to heat up at that, looking over Baji's shoulder. "Actually, that sounds really—" She says, voice in a higher tone in anxiousness.
"Oh? Did you finally ask her out, Keisuke?" His mother gasps, placing hands on Baji's shoulders. He nervously nods his head. "Oh, that's great! I'll let you two go now, please stay for dinner, Y/N."
She blinks, clearly about to space out. She then nods at his mother. "Uh... right, thank you for having me over." She says, smiling as much as she could, "Your son is a really good person."
"Only because you help him to be, Y/N." The parent retorts, tilting her head, "You're both adorable together."
Baji feels Y/N hold onto the back of his shirt, making him shiver. She giggles out, "I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner, we wanted to wait a few weeks before speaking out about it."
This is the point where he knows she's caught on. Thank goodness, that could've gone so bad.
His mother is already holding onto Y/N's hands, swaying them a little as they spoke. "So how did he do it? Keisuke said he had tons of ideas!" She informs Y/N.
Baji's best friend widens her eyes a little before explaining, holding his mother's hands just as tightly, "Well, he was super romantic about it, all cheesy and all!" Baji gasps, reaching forward to stop the fake memory. "He asked me out on the rooftop at school, gave me these chocolates and flowers, oh Keisuke even cried!"
"Okay! That's enough!" Baji exclaims, pulling Y/N away from his parents and wrapping arms around her shoulders. He covers her mouth, making Y/N grab his wrists and laugh silently. "We should get going!"
"Right, right! Don't worry about me, I'm staying downstairs." His mother says, nodding her head.
"And thank you for raising him so well." Y/N says, wrapping an arm around his after getting free from his hold. Baji freezes. "He's really amazing. We're both very lucky people to have him in our lives."
He can see the way his mother's eyes light up. She's so proud of Baji. "Ah, you're wonderful, Y/N." She sighs out with a wide smile, "You treat her right, Keisuke."
Baji nods his head at that and begins to drag her upstairs, trying to get to his room as quickly as possible. He can feel the sweat drip down from his neck, only stopping when he closes the door behind them. A sigh leaves his lips, looking more relaxed now.
Y/N sits on his bed, tilting her head with a large smirk. "So, what was that about?" She questions.
"Mm... don't wanna' tell her about tutoring..." Baji explains, twiddling his thumbs as he stands in front of her, "Sorry about that, Y/N."
"Not that, Kei." She chuckles out, standing up and lifting her chin up, "I mean about you 'finally asking me out'? Hm...?"
Baji is blushing profusely, looking away. He really does not know what to do. "Do... you want to go out with me?" He questions, knitting his brows at her.
"I suppose, if it means we can hang out more." She jokes, shrugging her shoulders at Baji. He pouts, leaning down towards her. He looks disappointed. "I'm kidding, Keisuke! Yes, I'll go out with you."
He smiles widely at that before gaining his composure, giving a sharp exhale. He holds her hands tightly in hers, looking as determined as always. "That's... good! I promise I'll take good care of you!" He states, bringing her closer into his chest. She blinks before closing her eyes. "So... we should probably pretend until I take you on a real date."
She can't help but laugh, wrapping her arms around his mid-section, "I suppose so. But I guess I won't mind playing along."
↣ matsuno chifuyu:
"You've got really pretty eyes, you know that?" The girl in front of Chifuyu claims, looking dreamily at him.
He shifts in his spot, placing the cat food on the counter. "Uh... thank you, I guess." He murmurs out, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "Just this, thank you."
The girl then grins, winking at him as she slowly takes the food from the counter in front of her. She sighs out, "I wish someone as cute as you went to my school." Chifuyu already wants to leave. "It's sucks having these dudes ask you out, and they don't even like you that much, just how you look."
'The same could be said for you', Chifuyu says in his head.
Originally, he was supposed to be back by dinner. Peke J had run out of food from lunch and Chifuyu made it his mission to get some more for his friend. This was the nearest store, and usually Baji picked up the food along with his own for that stray that comes in and out of his room.
But at this point, he'd be late to Peke J. This girl needed to pick up the pace or else Chifuyu would start getting antsy.
He huffs out, "I'm in quite a hurry, actually..." She blinks at him, tilting her head with a small smile. He looks away, uninterested. "Do you mind speeding it up a little? Sorry, I just—"
Her giggle interrupts Chifuyu. And he can't help but wonder why this random cashier won't leave him alone. Is it her job to speak to every customer like that?
"You're just adorable! Do you hear that often? Or am I the only one confident enough to tell it to you straight?" She calls out, voice filling the store at that point. Chifuyu ducks his head, looking around just in case he'd be embarrassed. But he was anyway, this girl was making such a big deal out of literally nothing. "Hey, my shift ends in 10 minutes. We can go to that cafe around the corner and get to know each other."
She puts the cat food down before scanning it, making Chifuyu close his eyes and give a loud sigh. She only winks at him again, leaning her chin in her palm over the counter. She looks up to him suggestively.
"I'll let you know everything about me, hot stuff." She says lowly, watching Chifuyu with lidded eye.
Damn, was she not taking the hint?
He opens his mouth, his temper getting the best of him, to say something to the girl who should be doing her job. But he feels someone bump into his side, arms wrapping around his.
She has a cute little frog hat and a bell collar in her hands, presenting it to the boy. "You think that Berry will like these? He loved wearing the last hat we bought for him, wore it around the house the whole time." She hums out, leaning her head slightly against Chifuyu's shoulder, "I wanna' take some more pictures with you and Berry in his new accessories. You looked so cute in the last ones!"
The smiles she gives him make Chifuyu not argue with the idea. Or the implication that they were a couple. He only looks away with a blush forming on his cheeks and nose. "I thought you deleted those." He clears his throat, playing along.
She giggles at that, thanking him that he wasn't stupid enough to ask who she was, "I may have kept some. I won't tell your sister, I promise." She holds her finger to her lips, as if it wasn't that secret that wouldn't be told.
Chifuyu is sure that if he did have a sister that this girl would be showing these photos to, that would be the least of his worries at the moment.
He blinks, not knowing what to say. When she hears the silence, the mystery girl glances at the cashier — who looks ultimately pissed by her presence — and at the cat food on the counter. She then smiles widely, placing her items on top of them.
"Ah, thanks, I needed to get those for Berry. How sweet of you to remember, I'm always the forgetful one out of the couple of us." She claims, pulling out her wallet. She looks at the cashier expectantly. "Oh? Is this someone you know, babe?"
Chifuyu only shrugs his shoulders, feeling his cheeks heat up at the nicknames. He's never had anyone call him those things before. It was very... cute, coming from someone who sounded and acted like her. So casual.
She holds out a hand to the worker. "I'm L/N Y/N, his girlfriend. It's so good to meet you." She says, getting a lame shake of her hand in return, "And you are?"
The cashier glares slightly at her before scanning the items. Instead of answering, she tells them the price and the mystery girl hands the money before Chifuyu can react. The things are placed in a bag before the worker waves them off.
Chifuyu exits the store, holding the bag in one hand and having his other being held by the saviour beside him. When they round the block, she lets go, making Chifuyu raise his brows.
"Sorry about being abrupt and making you uncomfortable." She says, stepping away, hands behind her back, "That girl just seemed to be too pushy and you weren't having it, so I had to step in."
Chifuyu grins at her voice. The same as before. So she wasn't just playing pretend in another way. He retorts, tilting his head down a little, "No, I wasn't uncomfortable. Thank you by the way, L/N. I'm Matsuno Chifuyu, but you can just call me 'Chifuyu'."
Y/N can't stop the smile taking over her face. She nods her head and continues to walk with him. "Well, you can call me 'Y/N'. It's good to meet you, Chifuyu." She states, noticing the bag in his hands, "Ah, you can keep those. I was in there to apply for a job, but I don't really want to work with someone like her anymore."
Chifuyu chuckles at that, nudging her side, "That's good. And, uh, if you're a fan of cats, I could take you to see the one this food is for." She raises her brows, really wondering if that was okay. They had just met. "My cat's been needing a new collar, actually, the other is getting too tight. And the hat is really cute, I'm sure Peke J will look cute in it."
He watches as Y/N brightens up. "That'd be cool!" She claims, bumping arms against Chifuyu's. He smiles at the contact.
Maybe he could get to know her better. At least pretending to be dating her didn't sound half bad.
↣ mitsuya takashi:
"I'm sorry...?" Mitsuya says, finding himself puzzled by what the manager just said to him. He stands in front of a rack of fabrics, the particular ones he required for the newest project of the Home Economics Club. "I don't understand..."
The manager doesn't let up, crossing her arms over her chest with her heels clicking the floor as she stepped towards the rack. She puts her hand against the materials.
"You see, kid, these are reserved for my regular, high-paying customers." She claims, raising a brow at Mitsuya's school attire. He had come here straight from last period. "I don't believe you could handle the prices I have these situated at."
His classmate had suggested this shop since it was always on magazines and had really good quality fabric. All kinds, you could find there. Mitsuya was excited, until he talked to the manager about which fabrics he wanted to buy. Of course, he knew it wouldn't be cheap so he had the money saved for months.
But this woman just didn't want to give it to him. No matter what money Mitsuya had.
"Tell me the price, I'm sure I can manage." Mitsuya challenges, tilting his head up with a confident smile. His headphones lay on his shoulders, hands in his pockets as he puffed out his chests.
The woman raises a brow at him. She glances to the price tag and retorts, "It comes to ¥62616.950." She watches as Mitsuya's widen ever so slightly, making her smile a little. "That is the lowest price we have, for this fabric."
The manager lifts her chin as if she's won. "Well, if that is all, I will have to greet my other customers." She claims, beginning to walk off. Mitsuya stands there in silence, looking at the fabric. He could've done so well with them...
He's about to turn around to the exit when he hears a call.
"Oh! You're already here!" Someone says, catching Mitsuya's attention.
He turns his head to see a girl walking towards him in a slight skip, all smiley and such. It seems that she emerged from the back room. He goes to step out of the way for her, wanting to be polite in his sour mood, but she stops in front of him. Mitsuya raised a brow before she jumped into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck tightly.
"Um, miss, I don—" He begins to say, but she only hugs him closer, making him lean down so she could talk to her silently.
"What's your name?" She whispers, making him get shivers up his spine.
"M—Mitsuya Takashi, miss." He responds, awkwardly placing his hands to ghost over her hips. He felt his cheeks heat up.
"I'm going to call you 'Takashi' and some cheesy nicknames, okay?" She says, earning a confused nod from him, "Call me 'Y/N'."
He doesn't get time to respond before they're interrupted. "Excuse me." The manager of the shop interrupts, standing in front of them with her hand on her hips. She raises a brow at them. "Do you know this boy, Miss L/N?"
Y/N pulls away from Mitsuya, hands hovering ever so slightly over his chest as she turns to the owner. A reassuring smile on her face tells the owner that there's nothing to worry about. "Hm? Of course!" Y/N calls out, lifting her shoulders a little, "This is my boyfriend, Takashi, I've been waiting for him to show up to your shop all afternoon."
The manager seems taken aback by this revelation. She tilts her head to the side with furrowed brows, watching the two 'lovebirds'. Y/N slides her hand into Mitsuya, squeezing a bit to tell him it was okay. She claims, "He said he needed something for a new dress he's making, so I told him to come over so we could sort things out. Is that alright? I only want him to use the best in town!"
Mitsuya can't help but chuckle at the way the owner is suddenly regretting her decision. He leans against Y/N a little more, only adding more salt to the wound. He claims, "Sorry, sweetheart, I didn't know you were already here."
His eyes trace Y/N's expression as she holds her breath for a moment, looking a little affected by the nickname. He would almost regret it, if it weren't for that cute reaction.
"My apologies, I didn't know you were... an acquaintance of the L/N's." The manager says, bowing her head in shame. She turns to the fabrics. "I'll be happy to give him the discount your family has, Miss L/N."
Y/N grins, nodding her head. "Yep, that'll be fine!" She states, looking over to Mitsuya. He looks a little confused. She then tugs his shirt shoulder and points to the material. "You'll only have to pay a third of the original amount on the ones you want. Is that alright?"
He widens his eyes at the statement before wordlessly nodding his head. He quickly takes the ones he wants and goes to pay for them, the manager doing the transactions. She again apologises for her behaviour before allowing the two to leave.
Outside the store, Mitsuya grins widely at Y/N. "Thank you so much, Y/N. You've helped me so much today, I'm sorry for all the trouble." He says, bowing down a little at her. She stands there, hands in front of her with a grin. "And if you don't mind me asking, what was that all about? That woman changed her whole demeanour as soon as your swooped in and helped me."
Y/N waves her hands, buying a drink from a nearby vending machine and handing him a soda. "Oh, uh, my parents actually own that franchise." She claims, making Mitsuya's jaw drop, but she acts cool. As if she wasn't the daughter of a well-known clothing materials shop. "I stop by to help sort out sales and shit. Got bored and saw the store manager treating you how she did. You seemed really nice, so I decided to help you out the only way I knew I could."
Mitsuya drinks from his can and raises his brow. "By pretending I was your boyfriend?" He hums, making Y/N roll her eyes.
"Oh trust me, it was either that or saying that you were my cousin or something. I doubt she'd believe that." She explains, shrugging her shoulders as they sit down on a park bench, "Plus, if she tells my parents, I'll just say it's something new. No biggie."
She's very kind. Mitsuya really liked that, how she was genuine. Not looking for anything in return. She just wanted to help.
He clears his throat, placing the bag beside him, "Well I want to repay you. Do you mind if I take out on a real date?"
"Oh? You want to go somewhere with me?" She says in a slight chuckle, glancing over to the boy, "So you can get more discounts?"
Mitsuya shakes his head at that. Of course not, the both of you knew that it was anything but that. He hums out, beaming at her, "Just want to do something nice. And maybe get to know you better."
She nods her head at that. "Sure, I'd love to get to know you better too, Takashi."
He squints at that before bringing the can to his lips. "Alright. Meet here tomorrow at 3, sweetheart." He tells her. And he can't help but laugh at the way she looks from him and says that it was unfair.
'Thank God for overpriced clothing materials', he tells himself.
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elysianslove · 3 years
please use this ask to elaborate on mattsun’s dick <33
AH YES THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING gotta do this before i start fasting lmfao.  this ended up being sadder than i thought, but it just ends up being kinda sweet and sorta hot. also this was way longer than i intended. post in reference.  
warnings; big dick mattsun, throwing up, pain kink (?), painful sex, insecurities, consensual taping  
okay remember when i mentioned the insecurity thing? let’s dive deeper into that; third years and mattsun are at some sleepover thing. it’s a little before graduation, and they don’t when they’ll see each other next, so they’re trying to make most of the time that’s left. the conversation progresses to sex, as it naturally does, and each of them admits some horrifying or embarrassing sex story. 
iwaizumi had sex with a girl who was extremely kinky and asked him to slap her, but— they don’t call him ace for no reason. 
oikawa lost his virginity to this girl and she started her period halfway through, but he was really young and didn’t realize that was something that could just happen? it wasn’t that he was immature about it. it was more that he fainted. 
hanamaki found out he was allergic to flavored condoms when he lost his virginity, and it was not fun. 
but then it was mattsun’s turn, and they’re all waiting for his embarrassing sex story, till he hits them with, “i’ve never had sex though,” and each and every one of their eyes bulge out of their heads. it’s the last thing they’d been expecting from him, from cool, suave, charming mattsun, but he continues to swear by it. and when they demand the reason — surely you’ve gotten the chance to before? — he admits it to them: “apparently my dick is too big.” and it’s comical to say out loud, because he’s only gotten with a handful of girls, barely any for it to be firm hypothesis. he thinks he’ll one day meet someone that doesn’t think it’s too big, it won’t fit, um i can give you a handjob, if that’s okay? 
all that evidently leads to a dick comparison, because how big can it really be? and once mattsun sees his best friends’ eyes widen at his hardened dick, it sinks in. shit, he really is big, isn’t he? 
“holy shit, mattsun,” makki says, and he’s bashful as he stares at his best friend’s dick. “how would that fit inside anyone?” and mattsun’s already growing soft, tucking his dick back in his pants and moving to wash his hands after kicking makki rightfully in the chest. 
college comes around, and he passes by a thousand girls crying about how the boy from last night’s dick was so small, ugh i wish i had an 8 inch, and the things i’d do to have my guts rearranged. he sees a little light in this tunnel of endless blue balling, and meets a girl, takes her back to his dorm with his lips biting at her neck and her hands fumbling with his belt. as soon as he falls onto the bed, as soon as she straddles him, naked, and moves to slip off his trousers, anxiety meets him halfway again, and he holds in a breath as she pulls at the hem of his pants and takes his boxers with her.
the gasp his half hardening cock pulls out of her is confusing. he can’t tell what to make out of it, but she spits on her palm and grips his hefty cock in her small palm, unable to have her fingertips meet. her eyes are wide, but she seems determined, even tilts her hips forward, but she resorts to, “can i just suck you off?” 
and mattsun thinks alright, that’s an upgrade. 
when she ends up throwing up because she underestimates his size and overestimates herself, mattsun offers her his bathroom to clean up, and grabs her a bottle of water as she leaves. 
he ends up losing his virginity to some masochist, and it’s not very memorable or anything he’d ever imagined it be. it sits high on his list of regrets: he cums way too early, and hurts the masochist too much for it to be enjoyable in any way. but he texts the old third year groupchat and types in “i lost my virginity 😎” and receives the praise he had expected. 
for months to come, he fucks his fist every other night to amateur porn and watches as some camgirls’ cunts swallow inches and inches of plastic cock. he hooks up with some girls only to have them sit on his face and kitten lick at the head of his cock. some swallow a little bit of his cock, some fondle at his balls, but none ever let him fuck them. oikawa sends him links for sex toys, and mattsun feels as pathetic as ever, but he buys a fleshlight anyways and finds purchase in how tight it feels around his cock, how wet and slippery it is, how it properly milks him dry. makki meets him during a break and offers to suck his dick for him, but mattsun flips him off and kicks at his stomach again. 
it’s during his third year that he meets you. 
you’re sweet and charming, , and you have pretty hair, and he likes your style, and you laugh at his stupid jokes. you call him handsome, and you call him pretty, and you compliment his hair when it’s at its curliest. you send him the weirdest memes and tell him it reminds you of him, and you pick him up at obscure times because you’re craving nuggets or ice cream or ramen or licorice. he asks you to be his girlfriend and when you say yes, he blushes so forcefully that he has to scrunch up his face to try and hide it. he lets you meet his friends through a screen, and he buys you matching rings because he enjoys the subtlety of it all, and he orders donuts to be sent to your place  during your exam week. 
being with you is a dream, so much that when he hovers above you, kissing at your lips like he always does and sucking at your neck the way you love, and you murmur that you want him, want all of him, his hands fumble and shake. he tries to hide it, but his breath is shakier and his chest is flushed, his eyes a little hazy. you’re so gentle with him, and he hadn’t known he needed it until you’re straddling him and slowly smoothing your hands down his chest, palming him through his too tight briefs, squeezing softly. 
when your hands reach for his briefs, his own snap to your wrist, and he dares to beg, “please stay,” and you kiss him in response. your breath hitches at the sight of him, and your hand shakes when you spit on it and grip at his cock, but despite your initial hesitance you don’t falter. 
you stroke tentatively at his cock, squeezing him tightly, and fall closer to him, hovering your lips by his as you ask of him, “stretch me— stretch me for you.” 
there’s only one word to describe everything mattsun had been feeling in that moment, and it’s overwhelmed, but it’s somehow in the most positive way. he sits up straight, keeping you on his lap. his fingers find your dripping cunt and he pushes one, two, three, four fingers inside of you. he makes you cum twice, fingers curled and rapidly thrusting into you, other hand occupied with your sloppy clit and mouth latched onto your nipple. you praise him and thank him and cry for him and writhe in his hold as he pleasures you, and when you’re breathless and limp in his arms, he waits for the ball to drop, for you to give into your anxiety and hesitance. 
except you don’t. 
you lift yourself up on trembling knees, hands settled on and gripping his shoulders, and with teary eyes, you say, no, you beg, “make it fit.” 
he has stars in his eyes as he grips his cock tightly with one hand, the other holding you to him by your waist. it’s slow, it’s painfully slow, but mattsun has never treasured time as much as in that moment. he takes in everything, from the way your body tenses at the first intrusion when his tip presses against your hole, to the small gasps and moans as you take more and more of him in, at the sweat that beads at your temple and that rolls between your breasts. he marvels at the heave of your chest and the roll of your tummy as you curve in yourself, and he revels in the press of your lips to his, in the pull your arms looping around his neck and pressing his chest flush to yours. 
he does cum too early, but you don’t chastise him. you only continue to ride his soft cock, his cum messily dribbling out, and he ignores the sting from his sensitivity in favor of rubbing at your clit, sending you over the edge eventually. 
he texts the old third years groupchat that night again, with you sleeping soundly by his side, comfortable beneath his blankets, “why didn’t you guys tell me sex was this good? fake friends,” and sends a picture of him shirtless, sweaty, and with a post-sex flush to his cheeks and messy curls, with the middle finger. 
maybe you shouldn’t have let him have a taste of you, because he fucks you in bed the next morning, sleep still settled deep in your bones, and then he fucks you in the shower, and then he eats you out splayed out on his dinner table. he videotapes you sucking him off, with your permission, and watches it when you’re too far out of reach. he sends you pictures after a shower, gripping his cock through the briefs he’d quickly slipped in, hair wet and curly and matted to his forehead, skin damp and glistening. and when you react so positively, he blushes, to his dismay. you meet his friends and they joke about how you’re still alive, but you brush them off and tell them you’ve never felt more satisfied. 
with every single time he watches his cock sink into your warm, tight, sloppy cunt, and every time he watches you swallow around him, and every time he makes you cry and leaves you braindead, leaves you mindless and begging for more, his confidence grows. so much until he learns to be cocky about it, so much that when he barely preps you and pushes into you, he shivers at the way you whine and tense up, at the way you flinch and lightly thrash. because you’re a good girl, aren’t you? always take my cock so well, don’t you? nobody but you, nobody like you. 
and it’s true; it’s nobody but you for him. in every single way.
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hello what the fuck am i doing. i did not think this was gonna escalate like this hfskjfns but anyways, big dick mattsun for the win <3 
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