#UL Solutions
akwyz · 8 months
Siemens and UL Solutions Revolutionize Certification with Digital-Twin Technology.
Discover how Siemens and UL Solutions are transforming product certification with cutting-edge digital-twin tech! A leap in efficiency and safety. Learn more: #Innovation #DigitalTwin #Siemens #ULSolutions
In a groundbreaking development, Siemens and UL Solutions are redefining the future of product certification. By integrating digital-twin technology with traditional testing methods, this collaboration is set to revolutionize how products are brought to market. This innovative approach promises to reduce costs and significantly accelerate the time-to-market for new products. Digital-twin…
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savingcontent · 2 years
Speed Way is a new DirectX 12 Ultimate benchmark for 3DMark, available now
Speed Way is a new DirectX 12 Ultimate benchmark for 3DMark, available now
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shmothman · 1 year
Once again doing dna extractions while writing this fic in my head
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Nothing grinds my gears more than the knowledge that there is clear scientific evidence about the efficacy of specific legislative solutions to problems and we are just like hm what if we try even more police. Again. Killing you killing you killing you killing you
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queerholmcs · 2 years
graduate chemist asked to do unit conversions, 37 dead 19 injured
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jcfiredoor · 4 months
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havellsindia001 · 4 months
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Havells Futuro UL Ceiling Fan - Efficient Cooling Solutions | Havells India
Discover the sleek and energy-efficient Havells Futuro UL Ceiling Fan. Enjoy optimal airflow and style with this advanced ceiling fan. Explore more at Havells India.
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bonefall · 1 year
OOOOGH okay Skypelt related questions: Since their ancestors were Rats, did Spiderstar only take the -star suffix as tradition? No nine lives? Nowadays, do Skyclan leaders only get their lives from Skypelt or can they get a mix of Starclan and Skypelt? How's Cloudstar coping with his Rat Crimes now that he's been freed and in Skypelt?
She wasn't able to get the full 9, but she did receive at least 3. Their "Piece of Heaven" was crumbling, but hadn't yet completely fallen apart at the moment of Cloudstar's death.
They had no particular place where she could have gone to get those lives, so she climbed to the very top of the farm's silo where Cloudstar had just died. As the Clan mourned the hero who had kept them together for all this time, Spiderstar was pressing her entire body against the cold, silvery metal of the human structure.
Those bastards had taken their forest from them-- they least they could do for her was lend her their towering mockery of a Moonstone.
The first moment she knew something was about to go very, very wrong was the fact that Cloudstar was not one of the cats present to give her a life.
In Skypelt, she is the Patron of Adaptation. She has dominion over getting used to things, over not being too rigid that you overlook the correct solution, and of innovation especially through learning from others.
Because of her, baby spiders are sacred. SkyClan has immense reverence for the idea of "crafting wings" out of silk to fly away on the breeze.
Was horrified and shameful of what he had done as that horrible monster, but Skypelt is much more forgiving than Silverpelt.
He kept his promise. Even as he lost his mind, his body, and his Clan, he clung to that vow when there was nothing else to hold. He is a hero to them, even after what he'd done, they love him as they do all of their family.
In self-inflicted penance, Cloudstar is Skypelt's primary fetcher. He's akin to the Grim Reaper for SkyClan tradition, unlike the other Clans who almost always send a fetcher who was close to the recently deceased. He is a Patron of Oneness (Paokepba en Ul-Arra), giving him dominion over reunions, collaborative efforts, and even Gatherings.
It's not quite a Patron of Unity, though it would be a close translation. It's Ul-Arra. Wholeness. Togetherness. In SkyClan, it also has an association with "reformations."
Skypelt Giving Lives
Modern SkyClan highly values self-reliance, as a result of their past. It's why they maintain Skypelt instead of fully integrating into Silverpelt, they are adamant that they are not subservient to anyone else's ancestors but their own.
This doesn't mean the two are totally separate. Think of it sort of like a small bubble connected to StarClan-Prime. Spirits can go back and forth between the two, but Skypelt could leave again if it ever wanted to.
So to answer your question, SkyClan leaders could receive lives from Silverpelt warriors. In practice, this is VERY rare and considered a huge honor.
If you wanna check out the old draft of Leafstar's Leadership Ceremony, it's over here! I'm probably going to make a new draft sometime soon, since BB!Firestar didn't actually loose any lives so far. I want him to the "the fire that lights the new torch," kicking off the ceremony by transferring one of his lives to her, because that seems super cool and very fitting of him.
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Hello! May I request Nath, Cas, Lys, Armin and maybe Kentin if you feel like it with Candy who was forced to do some "important ambitious" job (like lawyer or doctor) by her parents with high expectations even so she always dreamed about being book autohor? Thank you in advance! Also sorry if there are any errors in my english
 The HSL Boys reaction to Candy’s parents pressuring her to get a prestigious job
N/A : Okay so this post really took a while to write because I really struggle with it yet I tried something and I hope that you'll like it still !
info : it takes place at the end of UL except for Kentin where it's during HSL
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𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
Castiel probably noticed that Candy wasn’t really enthusiastic about her degree but at the same time she was studying law/medicine so he thought this was normal 
(I mean from personal experiences and from what I’ve observed, at university it’s almost impossible to differentiate someone who doesn’t like their degree or someone that’s simply struggling with it. At some point everyone has their little burnout and mental breakdown era and it's almost part of the routine that it become ironically comical. And I don’t even want to imagine what it’s like when you’re studying medicine or law)
So when they all finally graduate from university (except if Candy’s studying medicine, then my girl still has a long way to go) he expected her to be happy about it because now she’ll be able to do her dream job 
At least he thought so but the he looks at her, she doesn't look happy at all 
It’s probably when Candy is a middle of a mental breakdown or an existential crisis (or both at the same time for more FUN) that she ends up telling him that this isn’t the job she wanted to do and it’s actually quite far from being her dream 
When she tells him she wants to be an author, he’s quite baffled because he really didn’t expect this 
I mean he knew Candy like to write and read, but she never really talked about making it her career 
He feels horrible because he wished he knew and it breaks his heart to see her so distressed 
He also angry at her parents because they’re the one that put her in this situation 
Afterwards he’ll try to find a solution at all cost 
Castiel is a very passionate person and it shows the best when it’s about his passion. Also, I think one of Castiel biggest fears is to live a life full of regret 
Therefore it really hurts him to see Candy so close to give up her dreams and he can see that it’s tormenting her
And he loves and cares about her a lot so he won’t let things get worse 
Giving up won’t be an option for Castiel (he’s a lot of things but certainly not a quitter) plus, since Crowstorm’s going pretty well, he has some ressources now
He’ll encourage her to take this year abroad with him to begin with and focus on her writing 
Since that he now knows that she wants to be an author and that he has some contacts, he might look up names in the book industry so he can share what he learned with Candy (and maybe give her some opportunities who knows ?) or he’ll tell her that he’d love to write what she reads if she allows him to (and that means a lot ‘cause as I said, he’s not much of a reader but for her, he can try to become a better one)
In the end, Castiel is very loyal and whatever’s her plans for the future, she can count on Castiel and is unfailing support
𝙻𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 :
Firstly, the long distance relationship makes it hard to communicate 
Also, when Candy comes to visit his at the farm or when he goes back in town occasionally, she seems to avoid talking about university 
He always thought it was because she didn’t want to think about stressful things
But one day, as graduation day was getting closer she couldn’t hold it in anymore and she ended up telling him about the situation 
Lysander listened to her diligently but he was very confused the whole time 
I think that if Candy’s a writer, it might have been one of the reason her and Lysander grew so close in the first place
Creative/Artistic interests really make people to connect with each other (and I think it’s beautiful) hence, I doubt that Candy and Lysander didn’t really talk about it together
Even before they started dating, Lysander probably asked her if he could read her works as he was curious and she let him 
And he liked it quite a lot (maybe a bit biased by love but that’s not gonna keep him from seeing talent)
But when she started university to study law/medicine, he thought that maybe it was because she didn’t see writing as something more than a hobby 
He’s can’t believe that her parents set her up like this 
Yes because for him, that’s clearly sabotage. How could they dismiss their daughter’s happiness like that ? 
However, Lysander can think of a few solutions already 
I mean what’s his is also Candy’s 
So he tell her that she’s more than welcome to come live on the farm as long as she wants to (even permanently) if she needs to get away from university 
He wouldn’t be the one to tell her « you should still finish that degree, it’ll open your doors for future jobs » because for him, there’s no point wasting time trying to « secure » a future for a job you have no interest in or no desire to pursue
To him, there’s no such thing as « prestigious » job and it’s nothing more than an superficial idea based on  traditional (and capitalistic) societal standards and that’s what he’ll tell Candy 
Overall, he’d encourage Candy to go after her dreams and with him by her side, he’ll certainly fill the lack of support from her parents because he’s determined to see her happy
𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 :
Armin doesn’t know much about being what it's like to be an author so when Candy tells him that’s the job she'd actually like to do he’d just be like « well do it then ? », not really making the connection between this dream and her actual studies 
Afterwards would have to tell her that she can’t because she’s studying to be a doctor or a lawyer and again he’d go « if you don’t want to do it, just don’t ? »
At this point Candy’s just « bitch be fucking for real »
However by saying that, he’s not trying to be a bitch or anything, I just think Armin has a very simple vision of things since he knows he’ll find support within in family for whatever he set his mind to (it may not included hacking governmental shit and then getting arrested in front of the whole high school, but I mean it’s not like Armin would do that, right ?)
Like he wants to be a game developper ? ‘Okay let’s do it’. He changed his mind and wants to do something else ? It’s still, ‘Okay, let’s do it’
He didn’t know Candy’s parents actually forced her to study law/medicine in order to become a lawyer/doctor and he’s honestly in disbelief 
He doesn’t get what her parents means by « prestigious job » and why they’re so pressed about her wanting to be an author. Like bro, they were certainly not the ones spending 5 years going through the ups and downs (and a lot of downs in these sectors so I’ve heard) of university and they also won’t  be the ones having to work for this « prestigious » work as they says for their whole life ???(WHY ARE THEY EVEN TALKING ABOUT IT FFS)
I feel like Armin would encourage her to do what she wants to do  without giving a shit about what her parents say
He has this philosophy that can basically be resumed as « doing whatever the hell occurs to him in the bloody moment » (it’s a little reference from the Haunting of Bly Manor but it’s accurate because if there’s one thing about this show, it’s that it teaches us that what really matters is to live in the moment and not for others. I am getting out of topic so I’ll just leave it here lol)
Like if she wants to finish her degree still, he’ll be like « okay sure » but know that he knows about your dream, he’ll try to find different way for you to achieve it
He’d make some researches to find ways to become an author and would find some platform for Candy to write on (yesss tech-boy)
He’d try to support her the best he can and would share her works on social medias and all (he’d also try to learn a bit more about the book industry ‘cause he doesn’t know anything about it. But that won’t stop him from basically being Candy’s manager even if she says he doesn’t need to do that much. He’s really invested lol)
He’s really supportive but he also view this as a kind of mission : she has to be an author ‘cause he won’t stand there watching her while the thought of giving up her dream is tormenting her 
𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
Oh dear, he’s completely disarmed when Candy tells him about not wanting to be a lawyer since he really thought that it was her dreams (she was studying this for almost the past 5 years so he assumed that she liked it you know)
He’s a bit relieved though because if his girlfriend wanted to be a lawyer, he’d be worried that his little slid-ups in life (is that an understatement ? I don’t think so. Everyone make mistakes right ?) would discredit or impact her
However when Candy tells him that it’s her parents that wanted her to become a lawyer (or a doctor), he starts to connect the dots
All these times when Candy told him that she felt like she was wasting her time and that uni was hellishly hard (relatable haha) in opposition to how her eyes lit up when she was talking about this idea she just had and that she wanted to write down
Yeah, if he hadn’t been caught up in this whole situation with the drug-deal/gang (whatever beemoov calls this), he would have noticed and perhaps he’d have been able to support her earlier
He feels guilty because he can only imagine how alone she must have felt for these 5 years and also, she kinda save him from such a fate 
I mean, guys, his father, before Nathaniel got emancipated, wanted him to go business school to be a CEO or whatever 
And Nathaniel did not wanted that nor did he wanted his life to be planned by his father 
and damn he succeed in that ‘cause I don’t think Francis (stinky bitch. Sorry I just feel the need to insult this man) really planned Nathaniel becoming a drug dealer so slay Nath (a win is a win y’all. Glad he didn’t actually make a career of it lol)
So, she doesn’t have to explain herself or anything, Nath just gets it 
Yet, he’s a bit confused about why she lets her parents decide her future when she basically did everything she could back in the days to prevent him from getting such a life 
So he’s a bit confused but don’t get me wrong, he’s grateful for Candy to have open his eyes on who he was and that he had the right to choose his own path (which apparently was drug-deal related. Sorry for that) so be sure that he’s more than glad to return the favour 
He’d have long conversations with Candy about it 
I feel like Nathaniel, at some point, might have want to become a detective novel writer (maybe in middle school or in the beginning of high school when he was still allowed to have dreams) so he knows one things or two about being an author since he already made some researches on the topic. Therefore, he’d share them with Candy 
Also, he’d propose her to read her works if she wants some feedback 
If Candy is scared to let everything down to do something completely different, Nathaniel will be here to tell her that at least she’s not alone in this situation and that they can go on this journey together (just to remind that he did a whole post-graduate degree in Literature to become a police officer, this will never not be funny to me)
In the end, no matter what, Nathaniel would encourage Candy to become an author just as she supported him so many times and he’d reassure by telling her that he’ll be her number 1 fan (this man god)
N/A : Okay so for Kentin it’s a bit different because I imagine the situation better in HSL’s settings (idk why but it doesn’t really matter anyway) so in this case Candy is not currently following a degree to be a lawyer or a doctor (and is not one either) but it’s the end of high school and her parents wants her to go to uni in that perspective :
𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗 :
Kentin can relate with Candy ‘cause his dad kinda wants him to join the army like he did 
Kentin’s dad basically wants his son to become another version of him and no, leave this boy alone pls (he’s too good to be like that)
So in this case, Candy and Kentin kinda share the same situation therefore I think they would both feel kinda stuck 
Its give them something to bond about (trauma-bond because of the fact they’re being controlled by the parents whose role should remain at being their kids support and not prosecutor. I feel like everyone in this game is traumatised one way or the other. Pls beemoov give them a break)
They would talk a lot about their dreams : Candy wants to be an author and share with the world her stories, Kentin wants to travel and be surrounded by animals (dogs more specifically. He’s a dog-person and I love that for him), both listening to the other with utter trust and attention as they’ve become each other confidant 
At some point, (I am not sure which one it would be but I would say it was Kentin since he really seemed to gain some maturity, especially after the whole Evan arc), but one of them just start to think « what if we actually go for it ? Like what if we just do it ?»
I mean they’ve been each other’s support for so long now (at least a few months), they know they can rely on each other. Therefore the idea of risking it all to pursue the life they’ve kept talking and dreaming about seem less scary than the though of waking up at 50 and wonder what could have been (my biggest fear really)
So when it comes to confront their parents about it, it would be this « I do it if you do it » vibe (out of topic but Kentin and Candy’s relationship is too sweet, even if I didn’t play it, it certainly has a special place in my heart)
They would end up telling their parents about their projects but it’s nothing like asking for approval. It’s more like their explaining them what they’re going to do and take it or leave it, no matter what we’re doing it
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And we're done !
*Also I just want to add that, obviously, I have nothing against people pursuing studies to become a lawyer or a doctor (and I knows how hard this is so if you're doing that you have all my love & support <3) but it has to be a personal choice. It's only problematic when it was pressed upon you by someone else (especially parents)
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aotopmha · 28 days
My biggest issue with Dawntrail is that the story is starting to repeat itself thematically, but my second-biggest one is that all of the concise, meaningful scenes are sandwiched between walls of text. So it's nice to see some acknowledgement regarding that issue.
(Spoilers for all of Dawntrail.)
What I'm worried about is them going to the complete opposite direction regarding writing because that's the vibe I get from most of their corrections.
I hope that the takeaway from the criticism isn't Wuk having flaws at all or there being world building at all in the MSQ.
Because Wuk is such a ballsy character to exist: unconventionally attractive, flawed main female lead; if the takeaway is that we just need a confident character that never screws up and doesn't need to grow, we just get a boring character.
And exploring new cultures and new perspectives is part of not only what makes a great adventure story, but is a great basis for character struggles.
The issue with Wuk aren't her flaws in themselves, just that there is too much of her and comparatively less of the other characters.
And the issue with exploring cultures in the MSQ isn't that they exist at all, just that they're presented in a wall of text and ultimately only matter "thematically" and for Wuk's growth, with other characters' stories being behind her's in priority.
A plot hook, connection to the past, a mystery and answers to it and having a specific focus point (for example, a character) immediately make a story more compelling. And a bunch of the areas did not really have that or repeated it with Wuk.
Shadowbringers did the character distribution the best because each zone was essentially about a character, so nobody of the central cast got left behind.
I really think Wuk should've been a throughline character like the Exarch and Krile, Erenville, Koana, Bakool Ja Ja and Zoraal Ja should've had a zone each to themselves as characters, with connective tissue between and it all coming together at the end.
We even kind of get it. The emphasis is just not always on character arcs, but instead very specifically the fictional cultures themselves, the world.
Which doesn't necessarily always create emotional attachment.
In Shadowbringers the Chais, Runar, Tesleen, the miners and Fae Ul are "new" anchor points in a new world, while the Scions are "old" anchor points in a new world.
Their cultures still exist, but their culture is mostly expressed and explained through them, as part of their clearly defined characters, rather than kind of next to them by comparatively generic faces.
In Tural Wuk Lamat is often the only anchor, with no outside or inside distinction.
I realised, out of any of the "local" characters in the first three zones, next to the claimants, Wuk Evu is the strongest actual individual personality.
I think this is why Mamook and everything after it is so much more positively viewed: the world building and character writing become much more balanced after that point.
Mamook was a clear focus point for Bakool Ja Ja and his family (father and mother) and how their culture effects and relates to them.
Gulool Ja Ja's death creates specific strong character motivations that drive the rest of the story.
Solution Nine is a clear focus point for Erenville and Cachiua (and Sphene and Otis – see you can share screentime between characters) and about its specific brand of culture shock and the tragedy that comes from everything to do with the moral aspects of the system.
And Living Memory brought everything in all of the zones together.
The scenes with Namikka and Krile's parents are in part such successful scenes to me because we finally not only got actual character substance, but also interesting world building next to it. And Otis and Cachiua are right behind.
Even some of the scattered scenes with Thancred and Urianger, Alisae and G'raha become highlights because instead of reading a wall of text, it's just characters talking to each other.
I hope they'll take away the right lessons from this.
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mblue-art · 2 years
Sometimes i don't undestand How the fandom can be so stupid sometimes. Like, a Lot of please still think that UnderLust is just about nsfw and that stuff... UnderLust can theach people about some stuff, like, who you are, etc. A Lot of people also thinks that our little bean Lust is a pervet, he is not like that. He is kind and cool.
So thank you Very much for show thought your art How Lust is kind and not that pervet
yeee ! 💜
i can understand why people mostly think of UL like that, because the 'massive perv' lust thing came from the og creator, and that became the canon/fanon for a big while,,
but!! im glad that people are making their own interpretations of the underlust au and its story; and with sans especially, more people are accepting him and seeing him in a better light !
he's not just the sans au variant who's reduced to being 'that pervert'.
he respects people and their boundaries. yes, he can be heavy on the flirting, but if you tell him that you're uncomfortable, he'll understandably back off. he cant make the heat thing go away, its always gonna be there, but surely, monsterkind has found ways to suppress it and deal with it other than the obvious solution.
lust can be kind, and caring, and soft, and sassy, and charismatic. patient and understanding. a good friend. a loving partner.
yes, he's a sans au variant. he can still be just as goofy and funny and gross (like, idk, gobblin up sausages so fast like some kinda gremlin because he thought it was a funny little trick he could do and because he thinks it can make you laugh?)
(...it worked.)
i'm honestly super happy about the gradual acceptance and appreciation the fandom has towards this lil guy. it's nice getting to see more soft content for him. it's nice to have that balance.
knowing that the (soff) lust content i contributed got some people thinking and reconsidering his character makes my heart happy :) 💜
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savingcontent · 2 years
Intel XeSS feature test added to 3DMark for benchmarking the new AI-enhanced upscaling technology
Intel XeSS feature test added to 3DMark for benchmarking the new AI-enhanced upscaling technology
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brineffxiv · 2 years
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Aye, I think you're the one person who can come the closest to understanding what I'm feeling. You've, after all, been in my place, if not for the same reasons; you too have looked upon the illuminated sky and known you're responsible.
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That was magnificent, wasn't it?
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lol, I don't know what a fist-bump is.
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I don't know precisely what the glowy thing when we touch means - or what you think it means - and I won't lie that I worry it bodes something ill for you. But, then, I have to remember, you're already dead. If something brings an end to your personal hell, is that a bad thing? I suppose I am being selfish, and that I have come to think of Ardbert as a friend.
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Uh-oh, it's my soul that's been cracking!? That's not good, that's the opposite of good!
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Tempting, but no. It would only be delaying the inevitable. If we are to forestall the Rejoining, we must find a solution to the problem of my becoming a Lightwarden, and deal with the Light I'm holding inside me.
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Feo Ul is always watching, even when you're watching someone else.
Game, you're really not dissuading me from the idea that the Exarch is in love with me. If you don't want me to run with that interpretation, this is your last chance.
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He saw me as a hero. His inspiration, he said.
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I had wondered about the relationship between Lyna and the Exarch; they'd seemed closer to me than simply a professional association. I wonder how much of the truth he has told her?
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Ah. And there's my answer: not much. The Exarch truly isn't one to give his trust easy, is he? He kept his secrets even from the closest person he appears to have had in his life. I imagine he thinks he's protecting her by not telling her. It's sad that he went to what he thought was his death, and didn't feel that he could bid Lyna a proper goodbye.
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corinneecrivaine · 7 months
A Wonderful Reunion... or Almost
Co-autrice : Elodie DragonMistic
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Dejected, Elora clung to Boorman's arms, her thoughts turned to her evil double. How could she protect those she loved, having been confronted by her darker side, far more powerful than she was ? A strong sense of anguish seized her.
Remaining behind the group, Kida approached Aniel, sharing her concerns about Willow in their Pnakotic language "Ana ekallu dannu ul uḫabbu ša kiṣiršu?" (How can such a powerful sorcerer lose his magic ?).
- La nādi lā ištaqqal šarru. Ana nakāšu miṯallim narkabtišu, ina mušakku inaššu tamītim (He hasn't lost his magic. Since the death of his wife, for which he feels responsible, he has lost all self-confidence). Aniel replied serenely.
As he gradually came to, the first face Airk saw when he opened his eyes was that of his sister. He smiled tenderly as he took her hand, gently recovering from his injury.
- Hi, little sister. he murmured
- How are you feeling ?
- I’m fine.
He tried to sit up, but a slight pain made him wince. Noticing the dark expression in his sister's eyes, he questioned her with his gaze, but she ignored him and asked.
- What's happened ?
The young prince lowered his bitter eyes and spoke sadly.
- We've lost Tir Asleen. King Hastur and his demons attacked us. He betrayed our mother, our father, our alliance.
Kit's fingers tightened violently around her brother's, as anger flared inside her.
- I never trusted him. She glanced at the armor, "What's that armor?"
- Oh, it was Father who conceived it for me, believing I would become the person he so hoped for. The memory of what his father had expected of him, and the person he had become, tore at his heart.
As he spoke, the terrible vision of his nightmares was superimposed on the image of his sister, creating intense anxiety within him.
- Airk, what's happening to you ? Kit asked in concern.
- I want you to know that I love you and will do anything to protect you. He replied, his voice trembling. Then, thinking of Sorsha, he added, "How's our mother ?
- Scorpia had her imprisoned.
Seeing his sister's worried look, the young prince tried to reassure her.
- Don't worry, Jade will find a solution. She's with us. Just trust her. We must avoid aggravating the existing conflict. Promise me you won't do anything stupid.
But Kit's silence proved otherwise. Intrigued, Airk insisted, "You won't do anything stupid ?"
The young woman didn't answer and left, despite her brother's insistent calls, "Kit! Kit!"
At the same time, Jade approached the pit where Sorsha was imprisoned.
- I'm sorry, my Queen, I'll get you out.
For the first time, the queen of Tir Asleen confided in the young knightess.
- I didn't want it to happen like this. I never wanted to separate you from your family. she declared regretfully.
She paused briefly before continuing.
- When Ballantine saw you in the middle of that dust, that field of corpses and those cries of suffering, holding your mother's body in your arms, he wanted to protect you, to save you. He told me you were the greatest gift life had ever given him, the reason he wanted to fight the darkness.
Jade, distraught, felt a few tears roll down her cheeks, the loss of her adoptive father still too present in her heart.
Sorsha looked at the young woman, her eyes filled with remorse.
- For all the love he felt for you, he was consumed by this secret. He wanted to reveal the truth about you so you could have a choice. All he did was obey my orders.
Although Jade was deeply touched by the Queen's words, her concern for Kit outweighed any other emotion.
- I've come for Kit. She tried to kill my sister. All that rage, that darkness in her eyes, was so frightening. said the young woman.
Sorsha remained silent, overwhelmed, before answering with gravity.
- I've been dreading this moment. If you only knew how much I wished her father were here.
She stared at Jade, deeply saddened.
- I feel my daughter is in danger, but I feel so helpless.
After a short pause, she continued.
- As she grew older, I could see her taking a greater interest in her father's adventures, sharing moments of combat, turning a simple piece of wood into a sword rather than bending to the obligations of her princess rank. I tried to take her away from all this, but soon realized it was impossible. When Madmartigan left the kingdom, I had to find someone to channel her battle lust, and that was you. All this training had but one goal.
- Whatever the danger, I'll protect her, Your Majesty.
Sorsha looked at the young woman with esteem.
- Not only are you on your way to becoming a great knightess, but also a great leader.
After her conversation with Sorsha, Jade hurried back to Kit. Worried that she couldn't find her in the tent, she set out to find her in the night-darkened Wildwoods. Restless thoughts raced through her mind, following her companion's recent actions. When she spotted her at the foot of a tree, sharpening her sword, a feeling of relief came over her. She sat down beside her. But the young princess ignored her.
Jade placed her hand tenderly on that of her lover, who was clutching her weapon.
- Kit, we need to talk. You can't run away from this discussion.
The young princess stood still, her gaze riveted on her sword, letting a short silence settle between the two of them, before speaking, her voice laden with sorrow.
- I couldn't control it.
- Control what ?
- That voice, my grandmother, hammering away in my head that Scorpia's death would free my mother and bring peace. Until…
Kit turned her tear-filled eyes to the one she loved and continued.
- I could never hurt you, Jade.
The young Bone Reaver took her beloved's face in her hands.
- I know. She murmured, before hugging her.
When Kit freed herself from her embrace, she looked into her lover's eyes and kissed her. She let herself be submerged by the soothing softness that only Jade could give her.
The first signs of fatigue were beginning to show. The cold night air was making everyone's limbs ache. Moving through the darkness in the heart of the Wildwoods was like going blind, knowing that danger could arise at any moment. The crackling of branches and twigs brought them to a halt, each on his guard.
"Don't take another step." Aniel ordered curtly, sensing an imminent threat. He addressed Kida, "Ana āluk tappānu." (Stand ready).
But despite the warnings, Boorman took one step too many. A strange sensation of pressure seized their feet. Nets materialized, lifting them up and trapping them several meters above the ground.
Kida, annoyed, snapped at Boorman, "You eccentric fool. What part of 'don't take another step' don't you understand ? I swear, as soon as we're free, I'll gut you and I'll do it very slowly with relish!!!" She reached for her sword to slice through the ropes of the net.
Everyone shouted, "Wait! Don't do anything!!!" Too late, the fall was brutal.
Lying on the ground, a furious Aniel berated Kida, "Šūtu inaššu wa āleku!" (You do it again and I'll kill you !).
- Anā ul ukallim. Ina qabluša rēmu mīšu. (I don't think so. You need me too much.) She ironized.
Just as they were about to rise to their feet, the Bone Reavers surrounded them, ready for battle. Fearless, Kida grabbed her two swords, defying their attackers. "Come on, I'm waiting for you. I'm going to let off some steam !"
However, Mims, trying to reason with her, murmured, "I don't think it's a good idea to provoke them."
Lori replied aggressively to the warrior, "With pleasure."
Just as everyone was preparing for the confrontation, Lori ordered his men to stop abruptly, having recognized the young Empress. Suddenly, the sound of his voice changed from aggressive to gentle, "Elora."
All eyes turned to him in astonishment. He approached her and wrapped his arms around her. The young woman was exhausted, both physically and mentally.
- What's happened to you? he asked in a sympathetic voice.
- It's a long story, Lori. she said, her voice breaking.
- The Empress must rest. interjected Aniel.
- Follow me.
He set them up in a tent, so they could spend the night warm and rested, had some food brought in and joined the leader of the Bone Reavers.
- Scorpia, I came across Elora in the woods, accompanied by Willow, Boorman, a Nelwyn, a being with a hidden face and a crazy ally. I put them up in a tent for the night.
- You did what! What were you thinking, Lori!
- It's Elora, and I couldn't leave her at the mercy of the dangers of the Wildwood.
- You know that the only danger to the Wildwood is us. Do they know about Sorsha?
- No, they don't.
- Post a guard in front of the tent entrance for the night. I'll take care of them tomorrow at dawn.
- Ok.
- Lori, it's not Elora, the sorcerer or Sorsha I'm worried about, but the princess. Keep an eye on her.
Inside the tent, the atmosphere was quite tense. Mims stood by Elora, watching over her, while Boorman kept a watchful eye on Kida and Aniel, communicating in Pnakotic. Willow approached him.
- Do you trust them? Boorman whispered.
- They know Madmartigan, so yes... a little.
But when Willow noticed the way Boorman was staring at Kida, his eyes wide with fear, he couldn't help but smile.
- Are you afraid of her?
- No, absolutely not. Nothing scares me. (He leaned towards his friend.) Don't you think she's a bit... psychopathic?
- She's a warrior. They're driven by a single goal: to protect Elora. They'll do anything, no matter what the circumstances or sacrifices.
Impatiently, Kida watched the guard at the entrance to the tent, ready to emerge despite the darkness. Aniel laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
- Pulû, Samāšu. Šumma libbišu ina šat iqbi. (Wait. It's better to wait until daybreak.) He murmured in order to hold her back.
- Mīn ša arhu innūnišma? Anāwum lā šumma ina hūrummūtī. Ina ša anāwum lā šumma napāḫuwa āru!!!! (What do you think they're going to do with us? We're not their guests. Otherwise they wouldn't have posted this guard!!!)
Willow, aware of the tension between the two individuals, tried to ease the situation to avoid any action that might arouse the hostility of the Bone Reavers' leader.
- We know Scorpia, she won't hurt us.
- I hope you're right, sorcerer. Kida replied curtly.
Before lying down, she glared at Boorman, who didn't sleep a wink.
Dawn was gradually breaking over the Wilwoods. Scorpia, accompanied by Lori, headed for the tent where the group had spent the night. She observed each of them, noting their fatigue and emotional state. However, her attention was focused on Aniel and Kida, whose eyes met, determined. Lori stood by her side, ready to act at the slightest sign of agitation from the warrior he never took his eyes off.
-What are you going to do with us? Kida asked in a loud, firm voice, breaking the heavy silence.
The two women clashed visually, each challenging the other. Until Scorpia, suspicious, called out to Kida in a stern voice, "Who are you?"
Seeing the tension escalate, Elora took the initiative of intervening to calm things down.
- We've been through some dramatic events, Scorpia. Tir Asleen has fallen into the hands of... (She didn't have the courage to pronounce Graydon's name or her own.). We don't know if Airk, Kit, Jade or Sorsha are still alive. Without them (she turned back to Kida and Aniel) and Boorman, we wouldn't have survived. You're our only refuge.
Memories of that terrible battle surfaced, bringing to mind the demonic faces of those who had attacked them.
Scorpia looked questioningly at Lori. The Bone Reaver's eyes left no doubt as to his answer.
- Bring them here. she ordered.
As he left, all eyes turned to Scorpia, concerned and questioning.
Moments later, Lori returned, accompanied by Jade, the princess and her brother, whose wound was still slightly sore. All remained briefly motionless and silent, before realizing that each of them had emerged alive from this terrible battle. However, the reunion was short-lived, abruptly interrupted when Airk caught sight of Elora's face. He rushed towards her, screaming, with the aim of killing her, before everyone's incomprehensible eyes. But before he could reach her, Kida intervened violently, throwing him to the ground, brandishing her sword to cut him down. Ready to pierce him with her blade before everyone had time to react, Kida was stopped dead in her tracks by Aniel.
- ša rēšu. ša māru Madmartigan. (He's the prince. Madmartigan's son)
She calmed down, sheathed her sword.
- Aššū lu ikkaru ana bānūtu šarri. (You know what I think of the royal family.)
- Ana aššū. Ina ša kī ana qātīšu. (I know. But don't forget our oath.)
Kit rushed toward her brother while verbally assaulting Kida, her gaze darkened, overwhelmed by anger.
- If you attack my brother again, I'll kill you!
- Oh how I fear !!!! It's with great pleasure that I'll plant my blade, lacerating every inch of your princess body, while savoring the pain in your eyes!!!!
The young woman was about to pounce on the warrior to fight her, but was stopped by Jade.
- Kit, take care of Airk.
- Wonderful family reunion. You can't find Lori. Ironized Scorpia.
- Wonderful, indeed.
As soon as the prince was up, he spoke in a panic.
- Elora has become a disciple of the Wyrm !!!!
- What? What are you talking about? Kit questioned.
He turned to his sister.
- She took everything from us!!! Our kingdom is nothing but a vast burnt field with destroyed homes, a chaotic place!!!! (He took her by the shoulders.) Please, listen to me, she and Graydon are acting for the Wyrm.
Kit could hardly believe her brother's words, when Elora intervened in a broken voice.
- Look at me, Airk. I'm not her. I'm certainly the cause of everything that's happened, but believe me, it's not me.
The tension had become too great, with everyone unsure of what to think and how to act. In an attempt to soothe the enraged spirits, Willow intervened.
- Let's calm down and discuss everything that's happened. We need to find an explanation.
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tishinada · 2 years
From @rainofaugustsith​ for the shipping game:
Ah thank you! You picked one that I’ve put a lot of thought into already, lol, because I’m leaning toward a OT3 of Zas/Merlwyb/Y’shtola. And I think this one would be really REALLY good for Zas (and the other two because at least one of them would almost always be with Zas, reducing their worry.) With the possible exception that Y’Shtola is sometimes very impatient, and Zas does a lot of things slowly and carefully.
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This was much slower to develop than her instant interest in Merlwyb. Shtola intimidated Zas in ways that Merlwyb didn't. At first Shtola seemed so serious, brilliant, and well-educated. In fact, Zas struggled to understand the Scions when talking about magic because Zas had very little education generally and none on magic (other than things she picked up herself). In fact, her borderline literacy when she meets the Scions makes her incredibly self-conscious around them, and is one reason she has so little to say for a long time and her inability to understand them just added to Zas’s belief that the Scions (and Hydaelyn herself) only saw her as an expendable weapon. Shtola and Urianger made her particularly self-conscious to the point of mostly avoiding them.
 Their relationship began to change after they rescued Shtola from the Lifestream. She was just so relieved that Shtola was alive that she forgot some of her self-consciousness, and her literacy had improved enough* that she was beginning to understand the books that Y’shtola used for research. Which she was surprised to discover when Shtola asked her to read to her while she was still working out how to compensate for her loss of eyesight. And that time spent together cemented them as friends.
Fast forward to Shadowbringers (if I decide to go there with them), and their relationship changed even further including rather overt flirting, though her feelings for Merlwyb hadn’t changed. She and Merlwyb are very open with each other, so she sent a letter by way of Feo Ul. I headcanon that the reason Shtola was so blunt with Merlwyb in post-ARR was that they had had a brief relationship, parting on friendly terms. Merlwyb is amused and teases Zas about it in an approving way. But she also knows Zas’s tendency to agonize over things and sends a letter to Shtola telling her to take care of Zas for her.
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I think it turns into a permanent OT3 late in post-Shadowbringers, when Merlwyb finally addresses her past mistakes, removing any doubts Shtola might have about her (being vague in case someone isn’t that far.) 
Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing all that up, lol.
*Eynzahr and Merlwyb had noticed subtle signs that Zas struggled with reading even simple things very early and found ways to help her without embarrassing her or making it obvious they knew. Zas may always read a little slowly, but that’s as much how she approaches things out of combat as anything else, slowly and thoughtfully. By Endwalker, she can mostly keep up with what the Scions are talking about even if she leaves the solutions to them. Though she's skipped past some basics that occasionally cause her problems.
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lightgriffinsect · 2 years
Ramadan is starting in a couple of days. Yayayayayay!!!!
This may also affect the schedule/current hiatus plan for FNF The Filler Episodes. I might be able to upload this Friday, might not. As for the few Fridays after that, who can say. I may even change the upload schedule temporarily if I feel that is the best course of action for this series.
Eid-ul-Fitr is immediately after Ramadan, on April 24th or so, and then on like the 2nd day of Eid I have my CAIEs. Thanks, Cambridge!
So. The hiatus may or may not be extended, depending on whether I can fit uploads in with upcoming real-life events.
Thanks to everyone for being so patient and considerate these past couple weeks, it means a lot. <3 All I ask is that you guys stay patient for just a little longer, as I try to get my life flowing steadily again. It's going to be a very busy few weeks for me, as I fast, pray, etc. as well as prepare for my exams.
I'll try my best to find a solution that works for me as well as continues to give you guys the quality(?) content you deserve. Again, thank you all so much!
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