#UGGHHHH I can't do this anymore
pbear · 10 months
Gotta talk about Nanami to cope. I thought he already died when Jogo burned him and was stunned when it was so short. This made it so much worse but there’s so much to this scene that I want to breakdown. I will never recover.
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First, there’s the sharp contrast between the beach and Nanami half dead fighting Mahito’s transformed souls. It’s this contrast of ideal versus reality. It’d be nice to be somewhere else relaxing, but something about Nanami’s character is that he feels this duty to do what is right. He has to go help Megumi because that’s the right thing to do. Even if he's not in the state to do it. He can’t be daydreaming about beaches in Malaysia. And he’s so so tired. He’s already done so much but he continues to want to help others.
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And Mahito, DAMN MAHITO, comes up behind him and reveals he was there the whole time. There’s so much futility in this moment. Mahito could have just killed Nanami instantly once he saw him, but he let him keep fighting. Fighting for what? Mahito was just going to kill him. This also enforces Mahito's character and how he's always seen humans as playthings.
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Nanami feels this futility too. He doesn’t know why he even stayed in the jujutsu world. Then he sees his old friend. His friend who died too early to help anyone and who didn’t have the chance to do the work that Nanami did. And Nanami takes back what he said. He can’t regret what he did with his life when Haibara didn’t even have a chance at a life. Haibara embodies this sense of duty Nanami feels to do what is right.
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"I shouldn't." Again, Nanami doesn't want to be here. He doesn't want to die, but even in his final moments he tries to do what is right. Ideally, you would die peacefully, but Haibara points Yuji out. There's something Nanami still needs to do. He gives Yuji encouragement to keep going and stand up against Mahito.
And then Itadori has to watch Nanami die. He’s just had a breakdown after having Sukuna use his body to form a crater in Shibuya and feels lost. In his stupor, he comes across Nanami, who had guided him when he was still new to the jujutsu world. This is the last thing he needed. Gojo, the renowned strongest sorcerer and his teacher, is sealed and now Nanami, who acted as Yuji's mentor, is dead. And Yuji screams at Mahito. The music change from silence to intensity is wild as they begin to fight.
Since Nanami is my favorite character from JJK, this hurt a lot. There's something reassuring knowing he can rest now but painful that he couldn't do that in life. I loved him because his desire to help people stood out compared to other characters. He didn't enjoy being a jujutsu sorcerer, but it at least helped people. That's why he stayed. And it hurts so much when someone just wants to help people and meets their end because of it.
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k0yaz · 4 months
UGGHHHH hear me out on toxic Yuri with acheron or Topaz like for Topaz it might be a little hard to see but basically she entered the IPC for her own survival. in a voiceline she said "my survival mattered more than my freedom" and as sad as that sounds, imagine her sweetheart (non binary idk preferably female) is back on her planet and her family was killed by the IPC and she can't stand the sight of Topaz anymore because in their eyes Topaz is a traitor for joining the IPC and they're this sad gay couple anyone would cry and throw up at the sight of like this big sloppy mess.
For acheron, I think we can have like acheron travelling and reader crashing into her no matter whag planet who are at each other's throats all the time (one-sided because Ion think acheron would gaf) but reader hates acheron and acheron doesn't go slicey slicey on reader because she wants to keep them around. idk maybe she gets amusement seeing their hateful eyes.
This isn't even toxic Yuri but I BEG YOU WHAHHWHWHHA
ignore this if your uncomfortable lol
I can’t.
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Pairing(s): acheron x fem!reader
CW: mostly js hating and stuff, potential hate love relationship idk im just bullshitting warnings to fill this space, oh and Acheron lowkey scares reader by almost going slicey slicey but she doesn’t even notice it lol
A/N: someone get her google maps anyway I love acheron sm swawswwjsjsjs
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Your muscles tensed up as a familiar face entered your view, her deadpan eyes locking onto you the moment she saw you. Using your free hand, you drew your hand to your eyes, attempting to shield the side of your head and avert your gaze from the Galaxy Ranger.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
The woman you despise deeply, the one you couldn’t escape no matter where you went.
Who else would it be? None other than Acheron herself.
Without hesitation, you found yourself furiously making your way to her, and your face scrunched up at the sight of her. Acheron stared back at you, her gaze hollow and emotionless as if she was waiting for you to say something. God. That stupid, unfeeling look ticked you off so damn much.
“What the hell are you doing here? Did you get lost looking for your hotel room again?”
You snapped at her, face flushed from how irritated you were upon seeing her again.
Acheron only let out a sigh in response, closing her eyes briefly before resting a hand on her hip.
“I was just minding my own business. I don’t understand what got you so irritated. Do you seriously hate me so much that you have to yell at me when you see me?”
Her tone was nonchalant and insouciant, which pissed you off even more. Why wasn’t she bothered at all? Why wasn’t she matching your energy and at your throat too? The fact that she didn’t exactly care about how much you hated her just made your blood boil, it made you feel so small and petty every damn time. Without thinking, you spat at her again, this time your words more harsh as if they had been laced with poison.
“Well why do you have to be everywhere, huh?! Every time I hope to get away from you I can’t! So why? Are you following me or some shit?!” you almost near yelled, brows furrowing and your eyelids lowering slightly.
You slam a fist onto Acheron’s shoulder, jabbing it slightly as you stare down.
You shouldn’t haves done that.
Your eyes widened, and you felt your stomach tighten as your breath caught in your throat. Your eyes trailed down to the end of her hair, heart pounding in your chest from fear as you saw a small fade of white at the tips.
It was barely there, almost not at all, yet you saw it. No doubt.
That alone made you remember, no matter how much you hated her, she was still an emanator of nihility. She could slice you apart and turn you into nothing but a memory if she wanted to.
However when you looked up, you ended up jumping back and away a good 4 feet from her stunned at what you saw.
Was Acheron- smiling a bit?
Your scornful gaze was still glued to your face as you stared her down, confused as to why she smiled for a moment and why she didn’t just kill you on the spot.
“I don’t hate you, hope you know that. But it’s…slightly entertaining to see your expression.”
She paused, taking a moment to think up of something else she wanted to say.
“And I’d prefer to keep you around, honestly.”
Acheron remarked, turning her back to you as she walked away and out of your sight. You still stared off into the distance with a puzzled expression, before running your hand through your hair and closing your eyes.
What- just happened?
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Pairing(s): topaz x fem!reader
CW: tragic lovers obviously, reader losing her shit, topaz gets fucking slapped lol idk what else to put here I hope yall know on sfw works there’s usually no warnings, um screaming crying throwing up idk gay ppl wowowow
A/N: meowmoew
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“I’m sorry I-“
“stop. Just…stop. Okay..?”
You snapped, bringing your hand to crease your forehead and lowering your fingers down to the bridge of your nose near the corners of your eyes. Topaz could only stare back at you with a dejected expression while averting her gaze shamefully.
“It was for my survival…my love, please. I didn’t mean-“
You cut her off again, fighting back the tears that pricked at the corner of your eyes. You choked back a sob as you spoke in a pained voice.
“And yet you still joined the IPC? Did you even think to consider how I would feel?”
A quiet sob escaped your lips as your breath hitched and got in your throat. Within moments tears were flowing down your face, crying uncontrollably with your teeth pressed together and small hiccups spilling out as you buried your face into your hands.
“…you didn’t have to see the bodies of your family, knowing that your lover is the reason for it.”
Topaz could only watch, heartbroken by your sorrow—and it was all because of her. She reached out, attempting to place a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t touch me! You fucking traitor!”
You yelled, breathing heavily from your sobbing, along with your nose being tinted red and the dried tear cracks down your face being run over by new tears.
Your hands balled up into fists as Topaz stared down at the ground shamefully, dragging her bottom lip between her teeth as to not cry herself.
“(Name). Please. Let me explain.”
She breathed out, trying to keep her own composure. She stepped forward, placing her hands on either side of your head, her thumb brushing along your cheek.
“You have to understand…my survival mattered more than my freedom-“
A slap echoed throughout the vicinity all of a sudden. Topaz stumbled back, the hand that was placed on your cheek now shifted over to her own, grasping her reddening skin. Her eyes widened for several seconds as she processed what happened, breathing quickening slightly. Her own beloved just slapped her.
It was obvious now. You didn’t want anything to do with her anymore.
Topaz quickly recovered from the slap and sighed, her cheek still a blistering red. She stepped forward, cupping your face again and placing her forehead against yours. She grasped your head firmly, fingers tightening as she tried fighting back her own tears.
“I get it. I’m a traitor. But I’m not a traitor when it comes to us, just know that before you go. I still love you.”
She sighed, pressing herself against you more until your noses were touching, and closing her eyes. You could only gasp from the sobs clawing at your throat in response, barely able to form a coherent sentence until Topaz walked away.
You fell to your knees when she was gone, being able to do nothing but cry. And just like that. The love of your life was gone. You wanted nothing to do with her. The pangs of regret ate away at you as you wanted nothing more than to just forgive her and lay in her arms as you mourned your family.
You still loved her. So much.
But you just couldn’t.
You couldn’t be with a traitor.
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anyway I have my final tomorrow goodbye yall I’m going back to the dead
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softsky-daily · 9 months
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The first sky of the new year is a nice pale one.
Positive thing: I finished my 逃げ恥 rewatch and got to turn my brain off for the day.
Today really was a bit of a blur after finishing the last episode. I guess I was mostly trying to forget that I have work tomorrow which is extremely evil, and I have classes again next week which is even more evil, but there's no avoiding it so I'll just try and face it best I can. The nice thing is now I'm on my new work hours, so I only have to work until 2pm tomorrow.
I was a bit restless all day. Maybe it's hitting that I'm 26 and it's 2024 and time is passing at a rate I can't keep track of anymore. But at the same time, there's a kind of security that comes with that too - I get a lot less caught up in upsetting thoughts than I used to, and I have a better sense of direction in my life nowadays.
I think I just really don't want to go back to work tomorrow. Ugh. I hope my coworkers aren't there. I will definitely not be in a socializing mood. (They will probably be there.)
I'm thinking after work I'll go grab a matcha boba from the usual place I go to since it's been a while.
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I was working on the Japan itinerary and since Google Docs was getting me frustrated I thought writing it out on paper would make it easier, but so far all it did was make me realize just how many things my friends and I listed out. I don't think we'll be doing all of them of course (some were just suggestions we didn't feel that strongly about), so it's just a matter of figuring out which places would group well together. It's a bit of work but honestly I find it kind of fun. Like I wrote there, it's like figuring out a puzzle.
Ugghhhh I don't wanna go to work. Let me just sleep in every day forever.
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idealisticrealism · 2 years
TCL 2x02 recap
Guess who’s back with even more thoughts?? 2x02 time let’s gooo
Ugghhhh the location of this ‘prison’ is gonna haunt me I stg. These damn hills are so familiar to me and yet I cannot pinpoint where the bloody thing is. Looks like this will be on my list to hunt down next year ugh 
Okay all of these security checks seem excessive when there is literally going to be a glass barrier between them anyway?? Also last ep Nadia got to bring in her bag but it seems like Thony didn’t? C'mon show I need consistency here lol. Tbh I’m sad that they don’t get to use the visitation room from 1x10 anymore, bc lbr we all know how much I wanted them to be able to touch their feet together under the table bc they can't hold hands lol
Anyway the important thing is that my boy is back on his feet, which makes me want to know how long has passed since his attack? Like a week? Seems like an appropriate amount of time to recover from multiple stab wounds and to be back in GenPop… tbh it can’t really be longer than a week given the state of his facial swelling. Also I’m gonna assume that he and Thony haven’t spoken since the call last ep, but he’s probably been able to speak to Nadia, and she has passed on updates to both sides?? So Thony knows about the attack, and he knows about Marco, even if neither of them have details?
But oh man the utter dismay on Thony’s face when she sees him, this is what I live forrrr. Did he know that his visitor was her? Or did he assume it was Nadia, and that’s why he looked like he was steeling himself to deal with her drama (lbr, she’s highly-strung lol) when he walked in?? But ugh instead he seems to slump a little and gives a sigh when he sits down across from her; he looks so tired and I love that he doesn’t have to hide that in front of her the way he would for Nadia 
“Look what they did to you”-- omg. This is literally the closest to wearing her heart on her sleeve that Thony has ever gotten and I'm dying?? The emotion in it?? The very not-platonic intensity??? Ngl I also love that her first words are such an inane statement, like she is literally so overwhelmed rn that she can barely even do words. (especially since the words that were probably screaming in her head from the moment she saw him were some very intense ones in Khmer, and I would have died to have heard her speak those aloud lol) 
But wait wtf excuse me how dare the scene cut there??? That better not be all we get or I will riot???
Also ugh Garrett. I don’t caaaare about you. Although it is handy that our baes are still able to go ahead and bribe the judge lol. Wait, Russo is leaving to go to Miami? I wonder if this is a plot thing or a ‘the actor wants out’ thing?? I will actually miss her ugh
Oh thank god we’re back at the prison. (words that people other than me probably never say lol). And okay I love that she literally came to visit Arman the moment he was out of the infirmary, even before Nadia it seems?? And ugh he asks about Luca (again, I’m assuming he already knew about Marco through Nadia, and lbr I’m probably going to do a fill-in fic for the rest of the conversation at some point lol) but anyway oh lord “how are you holding up?” and THEN “I feel like I’ve failed everyone” followed by DIRECT EYE CONTACT and ugghhhhh he knows she’s not just talking about Marco and Luca anymore and god he looks like he wants to hug her so badly (that little head tilt as he leans in?? help??) and he immediately makes it clear that he doesn’t blame her and she shouldn’t blame herself either ughhh. Also I love the choice the writers made here by having him be so soft when reassuring Thony and then only getting sharp/frustrated when talking about Nadia hahaha
“Be careful in here”/“That’s not how you survive”-- Wow, what a great character study in only a handful of words?? Also this feels like it’s going to be one of the themes this season, like the S2 version of “not the right way or the wrong way, but any way you can”. But oh man poor Thony is going to be extra worried about him now… as she watched him walk away, was she suddenly afraid that this might be the last time she'd ever see him alive??
Garrett has a very impressive habit of showing up where he’s not wanted. (Although to be fair, he’s not wanted anywhere, so…). Ngl though it does look kinda bad for her to be visiting Arman at this point in time given that she’s meant to be the grieving widow. Also “I know you had nothing to do with your husband’s death” sure sounds a lot like “I suspect that you had something to do with your husband’s death” lol. But he actually genuinely does seem to want to help her still, which he chooses to do by not shutting up about her staying away from Arman. Good luck with that one, buddy. God I love how pissed she looks when he brushes off Arman’s attack as ‘bad guys taking each other out’ omg. Honestly how was I ever afraid that this show would try to pull a Garrett/Thony/Arman love triangle, she literally cannot stand him like 90% of the time and it’s glorious hahahahaaaaaaa
“I’m here because Arman saved Luca’s life, and he deserves to know that he’s safe”. omg. Thony. That is… that is so incredibly weak?? like at least come up with a better explanation?? She literally basically went with “oh yeah my boss helped get surgery for my son like a two and a half weeks ago so now I am visiting him in prison to tell him that my son is now safe and sound after being abducted by his now-dead father, which was an event that by all accounts he should have had no idea about in the first place.” WHY WOULD THIS CONCERN YOUR TOTALLY PLATONIC ‘BOSS’, THONY? Like god you are doing an amazing job of announcing to Garrett that yours and Arman’s relationship is far more than just professional (though lbr, they all already know this lol.)
Oh hi again, ABQ airport!  I remember you well haha. Also omg Fi’s dad is so little? And her mum is beautiful, wow– though she really doesn’t look much older than Fi herself haha. This is going to irk me a tiny bit but I guess I can roll with the idea she had kids very young?? And damn Thony really is persona non grata with these guys huh? So much for “my mother always loved you more than me” like Fi said in early S1… 
Oh wow it feels weird to get subtitles for the Tagalog?? I’m so used to the show making us just figure it out ourselves. But I guess they were a bit more necessary to follow the plot this time. Also the cheerfulness/excitement of the greeting at home feels a bit weird considering they’re there because of a death in the family, but I guess it is a pretty special reunion/first meeting all the same? Man bereavement is weird.
Okay I am going to need to go back and look at kitchen scenes from S1 bc I stg there wasn’t a door there before. And who has a front door that opens directly into the kitchen anyway?? But I do like the look of this Detective Flores, she seems badass (and that accent is hot), even if her presence is immediately stressful lol. I'll ignore the fact that there's no way it would have taken a detective this long to come and question Thony about Marco though, it's been like a week!! Anyway I love that after the extremely uncomfortable response to her questioning/accidentally starting a family fight she’s like ‘ok yeah I’mma go’ and Thony is immediately like ‘oh god thank you’ lolll 
Okay potentially unpopular opinion here, but I just can’t see Nadia and Robert as being a thing?? I mean I could believe that they were previously together (he’s handsome and rich, and Nadia is very attracted to power, after all), but they don’t have the chemistry of two people who were once in love. He has more the vibe of someone who is looking at something he once possessed and wants to add back to his collection, not someone who actually genuinely cared about her. And tbh I think Naveen is amazing but I just don’t think he was the right casting for this role at all. But idk who knows, maybe he’ll change my mind.  I guess I was just hoping for someone amazing who would really sweep Nadia off her feet and out of the way of Armony lol
I enjoy this guy’s comment about Arman ‘taking the crown’-- feels like a nod to 1x10 (“The Crown” lol). Also lbr I would want to have Arman on my prison crew too lol. But oh shit he’s really gonna go after Hayak??
I don’t even have kids and I’m annoyed on Thony’s behalf at Lolo trying to parent her child for her lol. Shut your face, buddy, you can’t exactly give parenting advice when your son turned out to be an asshole and your daughter moved to another country to be away from you. Also, telling her she spoils Luca? Pot calling the kettle black much??
“Everything I did, I did for my son” man those words are starting to sound almost worn out now, like she’s repeated them so many times by this point– but lbr we all know that that’s not the whole truth Thony. But awww at Fi defending her, I love these sisters-by-choice <3
“You made my son feel like he was not enough” excuse me that sounds like a Marco problem, not a Thony problem??? God why don’t people just go to goddamn therapy and stop blaming everyone else for their own shit?? Also HELL NO you are not taking Luca back to the philippines lol, I legit dare you to try get him away from Thony the Mama Bear without losing a limb lol
Huh Thony’s bed is gone?? Did they move it while the guests are there or has she been sleeping in with Luca now that he doesn’t need the infection control anymore??
Oooh I found this location (where Chris sits on the curb after riding his bike) too! Literally recognised the building from a distance while driving on the interstate haha. Though it's a shame I didn't realise that it was the curb itself that was the important part lol. I also love that there are literally crew in the background of the shot while he was riding the bike lol, I haven’t seen the show have an ‘error’ like that before
Super cool shot with the train going past in the background! Still pissed I can’t figure out where the prison is haha. Also goddamn Arman is badass, casually sitting there bleeding through his shirt while staring Hayak down. We stan a sexy ruthless king lol
Aw, looks like Thony got her buddha necklace back from Garrett in the end! I kind of also love that she’s wearing it too bc I’m certain that Marco and his parents are catholic lol. What a power move/symbol that she follows her own path rather than theirs. Also it’s interesting to learn that Marco was a few years older than Fi– he was such a brat that I assumed he was the younger brother until she referred to him by ‘Kuya” (a term for an older brother/relative) in the last ep...
Nadia’s voice sounds deeper and older on this phone call?? Maybe alll this stress with Arman has aged her lol.  I really do feel for her… but not enough to not be cheering for Armony haha
Damn Thony really is desperate to keep Arman safe if she is risking missing her own husband’s funeral to help get him out?? That’s what you call endgaaaaame lol
I cannot stress enough how much I do not care about Garrett and Maya lol  *mentally fast forwards through scene*
Robert: *brusquely gestures at Thony with a pool cue*  Me: oh I think I hate him? Robert: *makes Thony strip off right in front of him, and even makes her let him help undress her*  Me: oh I definitely 100% hate him IMMEDIATELY AND FOREVER. Honestly, what an absolute bastard. Nadia is way too good for him, how could she ever even consider being with him again?? I’m so incredibly pissed about this moment for many reasons, mostly from the act of emotional violence that it is, and oh man I hope Arman finds out about it and tears Robert apart with his bare hands for disrespecting Thony like that…
Ngl though, I kind of do love that she clearly only went through with it bc it was for Arman. Our girl really is ride or die for him ugh. Also, “No one pays attention to the cleaning lady”-- except Arman did, from the moment he saw you. Ugghh help me. And ugh Robert talking about making her clean stressed me out so much. I hate this creep SO MUCH. 
“You remind me of [Marco]”-- not the compliment you think it is, Lola. Poor Chris is having a Bad Time lol
Feeling super annoyed that this incredibly unrealistic prison infirmary setup is preventing me from enjoying shirtless Arman undisturbed lol (because holy hell, Thony needs to burn all of this man’s shirts so we get treated to this view all the time haha). But yeah, as someone who has worked (admittedly, only briefly) in a prison infirmary in the past, this setup is legit ridiculous lol. But then again, it is the US, so maybe that's just how things are done over there haha
“No one can pin me down” / “Unfortunately, neither could your wife” okay dude I don’t want Russo to leave, the only good part of Garrett’s scenes are when she (or Thony) is absolutely dragging him lol
Nadia speaks French?? That’s hot. (As is everything she does, lbr.)
Wait, is Garrett at the funeral bc he suspects Thony has something to do with the money? Or with Marco’s death? Or did he come intending to pay his respects but then got a weird vibe? Like dude why do you keep showing up everywhere, I’m sick of your face
That’s one very expensive orchid.
Okay I cannot believe that this show not only gave us shirtless Arman being patched up (ps dear prison doctor, I will trade places with you any time), but it also gave us an entire shirtless fight scene in the showers??? The TCL writers are benevolent gods and I am their most grateful subject lol. Ngl I may have paused this scene quite a bit… for, uh, science. Also bless you wonderful gifmakers for already taking care of this lol. Tbh I'm slightly upset about the fact that this ep gave us the gloriousness that is both Thony and Arman half-naked, and yet it was in totally separate (and somewhat unfortunate) scenes lol. A goddamn tragedy tbh. And ok ngl I now have a sudden desperate need for Thony to see Arman shirtless.... c'mon writers you know you wanna do it
Anyway, respect to Hayak for actually taking on Arman himself, though we all know he wouldn’t have dared if Arman wasn’t already significantly wounded lol. He knows he’s outmatched otherwise. Also daaamn, the knot on this freaking towel is the strongest thing in the universe apparently?? lol. Another tragedy haha. And okay I know I’m going on and on about this, but literally HOW was he so unsupervised in the infirmary that he could possibly get hold of something like that??  (What is it supposed to be, anyway?? Bc I know what medications are likely to be stored in a cupboard like that and I know what medications could conceivably kill that fast and there is not a whole lot of crossover there lol) 
But anyway yeah the whole syringe thing is ridiculous but I will roll with it lol. Just as i will ignore the even more ridiculous “I always loved you more than my own son” hahahaha. (Tbh there’s been a little bit of cliched dialogue in this ep but I will overlook it out of love).  But damn, “It won’t be long now. Your heart will seize and it’ll be done” actually does sound pretty badass?? Moral of the story, DO NOT FUCK WITH ARMAN MORALES lol 
(although ok I gotta question how he’s not going to get caught for this murder? Any death in custody gets an automatic autopsy, and they’ll find the injection site, and surely there’s cameras around the infirmary that show he was just there earlier, soooo? But nvm it’s fiction so *shrug*)
Man the dynamic between Chris and Luca is going to be so fascinating now. And imagine like an 18 year old Luca finding out that his cousin-brother killed his father? Tho lbr by that point Arman will be the only father he remembers :P
 I like Fi’s mum and I love that Fi finally got to hear that she’s proud of her, but tbh I still can’t excuse the terrible parenting for Fi’s whole life. “We thought that you were stronger” BRO SHE WAS A CHILD??? Good lord.  
The dad though??? Like I know all too well the impact that grief and loss can have, but damn the entitlement of him wanting to basically steal Luca to use him as a do-over of Marco? Gross. And acting like Luca’s connection to him through Marco gives him more of a right to have Luca than Luca’s own mother???? C’mon now. So glad Thony called him out on it and put her foot down, even if the issue didn’t actually get clearly resolved….   
Okay EXCUSE ME WHAT. Are the writers kidding me with this imagery of Arman leaving his prison and walking free out into the light, overlaid with Thony reciting a sacrament so fitting that it could have been written solely for him???? I feel like I fucking ascended to a higher plane during this scene, bc jesus christ I have been to some of the most famous places of worship in the world and yet none of them felt as holy as my couch did while I experienced this moment. Not only did it have that sense of connected-even-at-a-distance that the ‘Someone To Watch Over Me’ scene in 1x07 evoked, but it took it even further, because even though this scene very clearly involved them engaging with their respective spouses (indirectly in Thony’s case of course), it was undeniably an Armony scene, and I’m sorry but I am going to be an utter mess about this forever?? And the fact that the writers chose to have Nadia remove his sunglasses– symbolically removing a ‘mask’ and letting him see the light– rather than showing the two of them kissing (even though I’m sure they probably did kiss, only moments later, though I’m grateful we didn’t have to see it lol) was legit incredible and have I mentioned I’m in love with this entire writers’ room or??????
Ugh okay that's all for now, but I guess I'll see you all next week for more of this show sending me literally insane. Help.
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x688plsloveme · 3 years
Time to do a very tough exam that I will most definitely fail
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mythfunction · 6 years
ok so. the documents we image at work are very very large. we take photographs of them, and because they're so large we just take a bunch of photos of them and then "stitch" them all together to make a panorama and make it look like there is one continuous image of the whole thing. this is not my beef it's just context.
so! naturally this introduces Computers to the process. a big source of tension in digital preservation is how do you keep your images as accurate as possible if you're digitally altering them, and we definitely alter our stuff cause we have to. this is a valid and interesting professional question, i think about it all the time! nobody really has the answer at this point as far as i can tell?
but as we know my coworkers love to accuse each other of being wrong so naturally they are doing that. coworker A (hates coworker B) prefers to make manual edits in photoshop after the panorama is done, to fix up little problems. coworker B (hates coworker A) prefers to run things through the panorama algorithm until they finally look good, and then touch it as little as possible.
these two people barely speak to each other anymore and this is not the only reason but it's definitely some and the thing i HATE is that the approaches are almost the same!! just because you plug your ears and go "la la la" until the computer stops whirring and spits out something you deem okay does not remove error from the process. like moving the layers around in photoshop with your own mouse introduces error but the computer also makes errors! sometimes really bad ones! you can't blindly trust a computer just because you don't know exactly what it's doing ugghhhh
like if ANYBODY could please see the big picture around here that would be so nice
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cheeriosandwine · 2 years
Ugghhhh garbage brain and garbage hormones
I'm just so fucking sad and exhausted and I KNOW it's mostly because I'm PMSing on top of dealing with annual triggers in June but jfc can I please just acknowledge those things and not have to slog through the existential despair??
It's just, ughhhhhh, because work has been okayish, and I've been making time for friends and hobbies, and I'm doing all these things to help myself, but I'm so fucking sad
Anyway I've been debating for months about whether to get my ovaries taken out along with my uterus later this year and this week is making me heavily lean towards yanking those too. I can't fucking handle these hormone swings anymore 🙃
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cheeriosandwine · 2 years
Ugghhhh garbage brain and garbage hormones
I'm just so fucking sad and exhausted and I KNOW it's mostly because I'm PMSing on top of dealing with annual triggers in June but jfc can I please just acknowledge those things and not have to slog through the existential despair??
It's just, ughhhhhh, because work has been okayish, and I've been making time for friends and hobbies, and I'm doing all these things to help myself, but I'm so fucking sad
Anyway I've been debating for months about whether to get my ovaries taken out along with my uterus later this year and this week is making me heavily lean towards yanking those too. I can't fucking handle these hormone swings anymore 🙃
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