#UF Grillby
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theskeletongames · 2 years ago
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How to Greet a New Pal 11
(Part 11)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9 
Part 10-1
Part 10-2
Part 12
The warden of the warden is calling...
Dubbing must ask permission, specifically if you monetize. Give this a like if you enjoyed it, and feel free to comment on what you think might happen next. That would really help me out!
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sansbydaily · 1 year ago
Day 292 - Happy 8 Years!
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AU - @underfell
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t-p-i-o · 1 year ago
underfell drawings
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the first ever ut au that i liked
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underfell by @underfell
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lover-of-skellies · 1 year ago
Red: I think I just figured something out. I gotta go
UF!Grillby: Aren't you forgetting something?
Red: Uhh...*hesitantly kisses Grillby's forehead before running out*
UF!Grillby: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?!
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roseworkshop · 10 months ago
they hate each other.
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Ok this isn't TF2 but I love this art so fuck it.
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umbrellamint · 1 month ago
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Fell grillby my love
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anneimaginesundertale · 1 year ago
Hey there, Jessa here! Can I please get Fellby with SO in the hospital, please?
You woke to a commotion in the hallway. Someone was shouting. "Sir, you can't go in there! Sir-sir! It's family only! You can't--"
"I am family, dumbass," a familiar voice growled. "Let me in!"
You heard a scuffle, the sound of a body hitting the floor, and the door flew open and Fellby burst into the room.
"What happened?" he demanded, his lightning eyes scanning you like an x-ray machine. "Why didn't anyone tell me you were here? Do you know how worried I was?"
You gave him a shaky smile. "Sorry," you said, reaching out a hand to him. "It all happened super fast and I kinda wasn't in a position to let you know."
"You have a phone," he grumbled, taking your hand in both of his.
"I was kind of busy not dying," you said. "My appendix almost burst."
"What the hell is an appendix?"
That got you laughing, even though it hurt a bit. You tried to explain. Fellby was not impressed. "They wouldn't let me in to see you," he grumbled, his flames flickering.
"I heard."
"I'm family."
"You are."
"They should have let me know you were here. I had to find out through your boss." He said the word "boss" the way other people would say "cockroach".
You put your other hand on top of his and squeezed. "I promise it won't happen again," you said. "Humans only have one appendix."
"Why do you even have one if it's useless?"
"I don't know." You laughed again.
Voices filled the hallway. "In there! That's him!"
Fellby put both hands on top of yours, squeezing, holding on tightly as the hospital security burst in. "I'm not leaving," he declared. "I'm family!"
"He is," you said before the red-faced guards could say anything. "I want him here with me."
"He didn't follow hospital protocols," one of the guards protested.
You rolled your eyes. "Fuck your protocols," you said simply. "You can't make him leave if I want him here. Now get out. You're disturbing my rest." You lay back on the pillows and deliberately closed your eyes.
You could sense tension in the room for a moment longer. You heard the words "fire hazard" and then a brief roar of flames and a skidding of boots on tile. You heard the door close and opened your eyes.
"If you push that button," you said, indicating the right one, "we can get the nurse in here instead of those idiots and we can find out when you can take me home."
Fellby gave you the soft smile he saved only for you and pushed the button.
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the-fandom-qu33n · 2 years ago
Chapter 10____To Strike A Match
(UF Sans/Reader)
Rated M...violence, profanity and much else soon to come
burnt out sick of the recurring timeline everything is starting to break him down little by little... day after day drink after drink he needed something different a smoke would be good... just needed a...light?
".....'s dat so?"
....those words echoed in Grillby's head as his gaze shook in pure panic....he was staring right at you...he knew...his face he HAD to know....Grillby shook and flickered in fear...his breathing quickened...this wasn't happening...his perfectly calculated plan in shambles...in a matter of minutes...this...bastard...
flash backs began to run through his mind taking over his vision as he froze stiff again...
the first time they had met....... ...when was it?...what had happened...?...how DID he meet red?...
the scene set before him in dark shadowy whisps ...each whisp of the memory fade morphed into monsters set in the...once bright throne room...a clean ...large throne room...this is one he didn't recognize...perhaps this was because he was freaking out a mistake in memory..a faulty misconception.....this place wasn't the throne room he knew......the castles walls lack the decay and rot ...no cracks...no dust...it seemed this place was...taken care of...well kempt.....that wasn't right...Asgore couldn't he wasn't in the right mind after the child had died...what was his name again...no matter...the son of the king and queen was no where in sight...why was his majesty ok all of a sudden..?
it was strange to see...the king standing in all his glory smiling...a broken smile...his eyes was minus a few eye bags and every scar he adorned now.. wearing his old robes colors his old kingdoms symbols ...before the prophesy.....horns no longer broken...and ...Queen Toriel stood beside him? ..stars how long into the past had he taken himself in this panic attack?...seemed right before the first human had fallen...but...why was he remembering this..
why did his mind reel this far back?...did he meet Red here and not notice?...surely that couldnt be it...Red wasnt in his life that long...was he?...who exactly were these skeleton brothers...what had he missed so long ago...how old was this damned memory??...where was red and papyrus...he didnt see them in the room...could he even move...?
shaking his head away from all his thoughts he growled moving to one room or the other...each room was different...bright shining rooms that held...monsters conversing in a hushed tone...none looked like how he remebered...there was armour here...perhaps it was the dogs...?... if so why didnt he hear barking...no tails wagging no burnt dog biscut smell...heck he didnt even see Undyne..infact...judging by the armor the guardsmen were wearing... brilliant black metal laced in a shining silver... these guards...werent the royal guard...no wait...his gaze landed back on the king and queen...their faces...shown distress..
...damaged royals...a broken hope...
he saw it in their eyes as his soul seemingly stopped beating even for a slight second....there was fear in them...
he shook more looking around...no no no this wasnt right..this place wasnt right...these monsters couldnt be...the bright rooms...strange monsters...the fear...the castle...the symbols and newly polished guardsmen armour....
he knew this time...he knew it all to well...he knew these monsters... he knew why the king and queen looked so distraught this wasn't after the kid had died...
no...this was before...
a guard looked over at where he was...tilting its snake like head as it hissed out..
"sssstatuss report on the northern boundariesss"
the snake monster slithered over asking again....but what could he do...he couldnt speak...he couldnt be back here... another guard rushed over a cat one this time as it came when the snake had slammed its tail on the ground for help....they were concerned...checking over him ..words muffled by the now ringing in his skull as his gaze shook....
more and more guards rushed over to check him...but he couldnt do anything but hyperventilate and watch as each and every monster in the guards hall rushed in to see if they could aid him...each one brandishing the symbol...wearing the armour of the king...he knew these monsters...he knew their families...he knew their names...
he had to leave...this was a nightmare and nothing more...he refused to be here he refused to remember!...rushing past a few of the guards he heard them call out in alarm as he ran...left...right...down the second hall to the right again...down the spiral stair case...everything was as it had been...every decorative piece the royals had filled the walls with...every sword wielding statue..every painting of the greats before Asgore and lady Toriel...
each hall way and room he glanced into was as bright as the last...flowers in vases...flowers of various colors and types...none blue and glowing...more guards tried to slow him down as he ran throughout the castle ..but none fast enough as he...no one ever was...gripping the cloak around his neck tightly as he ran ripping the hood over his face...the magic taking ahold of him as his body shook...the coolness of the fabric ...the smell of ash...the glowing of the bright lava gem shone brightly as he ran before dulling again to a dark red....
the cooks were in the kitchens...the service staff awaiting their next request...the décor even the furniture made his soul ache...every damn room was the same...quickly he ripped open the next door he saw tears began to cascade down his face as he scanned the room...a beautiful library...thousands of books lined each and every wall...no space was empty on the white pristine shelves... books he knew all to well...the singe marks on his favorite chair...next to the crackling fireplace...the shelves of fantasy practically calling out to him again...running his fingers along each books spine he felt colder and colder...345 pages...the next was 238 pages..used to be 239 but he had accidently burned it to ash......160 pages...stories of grandeur stories of romance..adventure...stories his mother used to read to him...stories he read to himself in the late hours of the night until early dawn...every single book in this place he had read at least twice... looking to his arm he sobbed....he was wearing the damned armor to...wearing that damned bracelet his mama had given him before...she dusted...looking out the window he sobbed even harder falling to his knees at the first glance of the blinding morning light as the guards rushed in surround his broken state with medicines...a physician...the royals....and a mage....
.....................this was....
...this was before the war...
on the SURFACE
hope this was ok...sorry ive not been in the right head space lately... im sorry its a bit short...
if you took the time to read this i appreciate it...
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banished-to-ebott · 2 years ago
Mafia Grillby headcanon
Characters ⸺ Ember, Firework, Bonfire, Ash, Wildfire Genre ⸺ Headcannons in fic format Synopsis ⸺ Small headcanons about the Grillby's, as well as some backstory Triggers ⸺ Should be none Word count ⸺ 406
Old writing. Has been updated, see ____
To begin with, how did they all meet? Well, like all other characters in their mafia-based aus, the timeline became unstable, Error picking them apart bit by bit, and to stabilize itself, it fused the missing pieces, fusing five similar universes. This caused the five of these elementals to meet and try to understand and figure out what happened.
They did not. Error isn't exactly a known character by anyone outside vanilla universe character's in a 'Sans' role, such as Swap Papyrus, Classic Sans, etc, as well as characters like Ink and Dream.
Of course, nicknames would need to be implemented so as to not confuse each other when called by their original name.
It was easy enough as the only similar-looking counterparts were HorrorTale and classic, though there were far enough differences.
Though they considered going to different bars, that started an argument. Bonfire refused to possibly lose his business due to some 'shitty imitation.' Instead, they chose to share the bar, splitting shifts and jobs, sharing an apartment.
To begin, the jobs are split as such--- * Ember and Bonfire are bartenders and order takers. * Fireworks and Ash run food and clean tables. * Finally, Wildfire cooks the food and heats drinks.
As for apartments, they have three rooms in the building they rent
Fireworks and Ember share one apartment, as they pair well together and get along.
Ash and Bonfire room, as Ash is relatively... avoidant of the others, used to his solitude in his universe, in his quiet nook of the Ruins. Bonfire is also avoidant, outwardly complaining about wanting his own bar in his own solitude in his own place.
They pair well with them not interacting with each other unless necessary.
Finally... Wildfire. He has a basement room, as he is somewhat... amalgamated. His form is unstable, he is almost seeming to be constantly melting, with one arm attached to his side and the other dripping embers, and he is constantly slouched over, and his heat is off the charts. He burns or sets things on fire, so he has to be around non-flammable surfaces, such as concrete, stone, cement, and the like.
I would like to comment that Wildfire is rendered completely mute due to his mouth being almost fused shut by his fire. He communicates through morse code with the crackle of his flame. However, under certain circumstances, he is able to talk.
They don't need to pay for heat.
Please remember to reblog if you enjoyed this. Likes are nice, but they do not help the algorithm like other sites. Thank you for your time reading, enjoy your time, please.
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teehee-cat-weeb · 2 years ago
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I wanted to draw uf Grillby (have both version of the drawing 'cause why not)
Uf Grillby belongs to @underfell
Don't repost, reblog please
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darkpetal16 · 2 years ago
Both routes (harem & grillby) are drafted & programmed into the game. I’ll take a break then circle back for editing / play testing. 
Working on the next Underfell update - going to be adding two routes to the game… and a little surprise. :)
Below snippets for little teases on the routes!
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theskeletongames · 2 years ago
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Fell Grillby looking HOT!
He's a fire man, and I like to make him more of the fire part than the man part. I also wanted to capture OG Grillby's little candle flicker flame head from the sprite.
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siwy-3 · 1 year ago
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hjey did u know he was my fav since middle school. yeag . still figuring out how to draw him i havent done undertale adjacent fanart in 2 million years.
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littlehappyrabbit · 4 months ago
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I was given a thumbnail to make for an UT rp game, took a while but here you all go!
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asstrapixxd · 2 months ago
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art and sketch dump
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capricioussun · 1 year ago
Some uf hc bc im sleepy <3
• Asgore did still mentor Undyne, but more so because he saw her fighting potential
• Undyne had a complicated relationship with Asgore. When she was younger, he was still a little softer, or at least could be at times, and he was really the only family she had aside from Gerson. She's aware of how bad he’s gotten, but she can't really convince herself to go against him
• Her and Papyrus have a very strange relationship, she really does care about him, but she tries hard to keep some distance because she doesn't want another vulnerability (she has enough already caring about Gerson and Alphys)
• Papyrus really does admire Undyne, but he worries about how far she'd be willing to go to maintain the status quo
• The dog guards actually like Sans and Papyrus. They used to be intimidated by Sans and not take Papyrus seriously, but over the years have come to trust them and are grateful for their leadership in Snowdin
• MK actually resents Undyne for a while. Generally she's pretty mean and doesn't tolerate kids loitering around (not realizing it's because she worries about them being in danger). Papyrus is the one who changes their spiteful view of the guards, but it still takes a while before they really start looking up to him
• Grillby was a young adult when he met Sans and Papyrus, a few years older than Sans, when they first came to Snowdin. He helped them out a few times, and was one of the first monsters Sans came to...almost trust
• Gerson is one of the few monsters who gets away with vocally disapproving of the king. Him and Asgore have a very tense relationship, but there are some lines Asgore still won't cross
• Gerson is also one of the few monsters who can tell Sans and Papyrus aren't what they seem to be...but he's never been able to figure out much else
• Sans thinks Toriel's fucking crazy but eh, she makes him laugh anyway, so why not keep visiting (he knows it'll bite him on the ass one day, just probably didn't expect it'd be in the way of protecting a human oof)
• Papyrus' vision in his left eye is pretty fucked but he can forcibly balance his vision a lot by focusing on redistributing his magic. Basically he can have good vision in one eye and absolute shit vision in the other or mediocre vision in both
• Undyne just straight up does not have a second eye anymore, but Alphys has offered to make a mechanical one (turned down, because she suspects Asgore would force Alphys to put a camera in it (he absolutely would))
• Papyrus and Undyne share clothes often, neither really remember who's is who's most of the time
• Mettaton hates his stupid baka life acting as a propagandist for Asgore but he does still willing agree to perform so he can have his body and whatnot
• Toriel isn't the best at baking because of the limited available ingredients underground, so she makes a lot of...questionable. Substitutions...
• Alphys and Sans have a very tense relationship, but in some ways, they're actually very loyal to each other, given that Alphys entirely hides things from Asgore for him, and Sans covers for Alphys all the time
• Undyne still loves anime and Papyrus still thinks they're weird cartoons
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