#U. S. Foreign Policy
todaysdocument · 2 months
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News from the U.S. Department of Labor, "Federal Stop-Order on Indio Farmer" (USDL-IX-59S56), San Francisco, August 3, 1959.
Record Group 174: General Records of the Department of LaborSeries: Records Relating to the Mexican Labor ("Bracero") ProgramFile Unit: Mexican Labor Program, General Correspondence
James P. Mitchell, Secretary
CONTACT: Tor Torland, Info Officer
630 Sansome Street, San Francisco
YUkon 6-3111, Ext. 647
[handwritten] Mr Robertson
Mexican Program [/handwritten]
[stamp] RECEIVED
AUG 4 1959
SAN FRANCISCO, August 3: Joseph Munoz, a member of the Coachella Valley Farmers Association in Indio, has been refused further authorization to employ Mexican farm workers in a decision made public today by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Under the terms of public law 78 and the international agreement between the governments of the U.S. and Mexico, Mexican nationals may be imported to work on our farms only if it has been determined by authorities that there are not enough American workers in a specific area to fill farm-labor needs there.
Munoz was found to be using Mexican nationals to sort tomatoes in his packing shed despite repeated warnings by the U. S. Labor Department and the California Department of Employment that American workers were available for the jobs.
Glenn E. Brockway, regional director of the Labor Department's employment security bureau, issued his decision in a letter to the Coachella Valley Farmers Association. Brockway said, in part:
"All authorizations issued to the Coachella Valley Farmers Association to contract Mexican national workers are hereby revoked with respect to the employment of Mexican national workers by the said Joseph Munoz."
The federal stop-order also specified that because of Munoz's "repeated failure to give preference in employment of United States domestic workers", no authorizations would be granted him in future to use Mexican nationals.
The move came as part of the U.S. Labor Department's continuing policy of strictly policing the foreign-labor importation program so as to ensure first preference for farm jobs to American citizens.
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misfitwashere · 4 days
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Even I, when I read the text of his statements, find myself normalizing him. I read or listen and look for a drop of normalcy, or for how his followers would hear him. I subconsciously do the work he wouldn’t do and look for meaning or critical thinking amidst all the gibberish, and then dismiss the gibberish. But right there on the page, right there on the screen where he stands, his words are often nonsense, and offensive, frightening nonsense.
The major reason he’s still in this race, and not being laughed off the stage, is because so many of those who support him are locked behind a wall of information or bias and fictionalize him, and those who report on him are either afraid of him, told to normalize him by corporate higher-ups, or are inured to his weirdness and self-absorption. Many report on the drip of normalcy and neglect the flood of incoherent, belligerent, and offensive inanity. We must not allow ourselves to get so used to him to the point that he uses us.
The recent debate provided a good example of his belligerent inanity. I almost felt sorry for him a couple of times because he was so out of his depth, so lost and out of control. He had no facts to show he cared about issues and people, and often pushed beyond the debate agreements of 2 minute comments to aggressively ramble on with conspiratorial lies.
And the simplistic, malignant nature of these lies almost surprised me. I didn’t expect him to so blatantly repeat on national tv the weird crazies he repeats on smaller stages. For example, his old debunked refrain about millions coming across the border to steal and rape, even repeating racist disinformation about Haitians stealing pets to eat them. He ignored the fact that most Haitians in the city were here legally, and immigrants in general are less likely to commit crimes than other U. S. residents, certainly less likely than DT himself.
“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats,” said Trump. The police and other city officials have repeatedly said there were no such reports, but DT claimed it was true because he saw it somewhere on tv.
Of course, when asked directly at the debate if he wanted the Ukrainians to win the war to defeat Russian invaders, or if he would veto a national abortion ban, he showed his true values and that, maybe his ramblings serve a purpose all his own, and refused to answer the actual question asked.
Recently, at a Fox “News” town hall, he was asked about the mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia that led to four deaths and multiple injuries. DT avoided the question to talk about the support he received from Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orbán, the same autocrat he mentioned at the debate as a foreign ruler who respects him.
“’It’s a sick and angry world for a lot of reasons…’ Trump said. ‘And we’re going to make it better, you know, Viktor Orban made a statement, he said, ‘bring Trump back and we won’t have any problems.’ He was very strong about that.’” Never a comment about gun safety, or a sliver of compassion for the victims and their families.
Or to a Mom’s for Liberty event he said, “The transgender thing is incredible. Think of it. Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child.” Untrue, yes. Insane? Possibly.
In a recent speech to the Economic Club of New York, he rambled on again about Kamala Harris’ border policy: “She wants to defund the police, have Tony Logan votes, ban trafficking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else, take away your private health insurance, and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room, raise your business and corporate taxes, and unbelievably, she’ll see a text on unauthorized trafficking in those people’s living rooms at ease…”
Then: “[She] Has to be defeated. Cannot have her be the President of the United States. Under Kamala, the United States is becoming a third-world banana republic. She and her party are censoring speech, weaponizing the justice system, and trying to throw their political opponents, me, in jail.
This hasn’t happened. I didn’t do that to Crooked Hillary. I said, that would be a terrible thing, wouldn’t it? Putting the wife of the President of the United States in jail…” Of course, during the 2016 campaign he and his supporters repeatedly greeted mentions of Hillary Clinton with shouts of  “lock her up.” And recently, he repeatedly talked about his own plans to weaponize the DOJ.
When asked, “’If you win in November, can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make childcare affordable, and if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance?” In DT’s reply, he admitted childcare was an important issue but failed to mention a single specific solution. Instead, he spent his time rambling incoherently on his idea of increasing tariffs on imports. He said:
“But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that—because look, child care is child care. It’s, couldn’t—you know, there’s something … You have to have it. In this country, you have to have it.
But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly. And it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.’” And on and on.
And at a rally in Las Vegas, in June, reported on by Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post, DT was trying to talk about the transition to electric vehicles, but instead veered off to speak about sharks:
“By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? Lot of sharks. I watched some guys justifying it today: ‘Well they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said, ‘There’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming.’ No, really got decimated, and other people, too, a lot of shark attacks….”
In the Washington Post article, the author also focused on the ridiculous normalizing of DT in much of the corporate media. “We in the media have failed by becoming inured to Trump’s verbal incontinence — not just the rapid-fire lies and revenge-seeking threats, but also the frightening glimpses into a mind that is, evidently, unwell…. The tendency with Trump, at 77, is to say he’s ‘just being Trump.’ But he’s like this all the time….” Hopefully, the debate has clearly exposed to the nation that he can’t or shouldn’t be normalized and is unfit to hold political office.
Add this to his offensive comments about soldiers, especially those wounded and killed during their service, or sexist, misogynist, and often cruel comments about women and one wonders how he could still be in this race, or how could anyone feel safe with the idea of him wielding power. There’s a reason why so many members of his former cabinet and administration are warning us about him. And as journalist Greg Sargent recently wrote in The New Republic, it’s time for “the media” to make DT’s incoherence the top story of the week, year, decade.
Time for us all, when we can listen to him, to recognize what’s there and not there, and get out the vote for Harris-Walz.
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homosapiennns · 2 years
Sadık is an unique name. I never met a Sadık in my life. It means loyal. Adnan is usually a name, not a surname. It’s an old name, people don’t name their sons Adnan anymore. Both names are pretty masculine sounding. “Sadık” is pronounced S, A in dark, Dı is read the same as the word “the”, K is normal. Adnan is pretty easy, all As in our language are the same.
Sadiq is not a real name, we don’t have q in our alphabet. But I understand that people don’t know this so I forgive u guys 😙
Do I like his name? Tbh the first time I’ve seen it I didn’t, but I like it now. I can’t imagine him having a different name.
I have a few headcanons of him!!!
First of all, this man is LOUD. Like he is not shouting obv, but he talks loudly, energetically, and a little fast paced. He is extroverted, he can carry a conversation easily, and I can see him being “the dominant one” in a convo if it makes sense. Like u don’t have to worry about finding a topic bc Sadık naturally finds it.
His voice is deep.
He is friendly, but he doesn’t share his romantic life if it’s not a close friend. I can see him being close w Balkan countries, Bulgaria especially. A lot of Turks came to Turkey from Bulgaria in 50s and 90s (bc yk Ottoman Empire was there) But I think his personal relationship with Balkans doesn’t get affected by foreign policies. Bc fuck governments and politics. Anyways LOL. He is friends with Russia too. I read some RusTur fanfics? I don’t even know the name of the ship but it was fucking hot. He likes Europeans, Germany is his fave, but he isn’t close with them. Greece will have his own section 😉
He lives in Istanbul, in Anatolia side. He just can’t escape this city he loves it so much even tho it’s overpopulated.
He likes fishing like every uncle ever. He falls asleep in front of his TV like every dad. He loves drinking rakı and eating the fish he caught w it. He loves to eat, he has a dad bod. When he’s drinking he prepares the table like this n people go insane for it, also he always pays the meal’s bills. His hospitality has no limits like this man can die of hypothermia if it means his guests are warm and tucked in bed.
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He has ZERO drip 😔 he has a beard n a hairy body. Idk why but I can’t rlly imagine him with abs. Maybe Osmanlı (Im gonna use Turkish bc Ottoman Empire is so long bro) had an athletic body, but Mr. Turkey just doesn’t care.
He loveeees cooking. Ok so Turks hate takeouts unless u live alone. If u go to a Turkish household and suggest that u want to order a pizza they will act like u just cursed their entire family. Sadık is the same unless he eats kebap outside bc mmm kebap is yummy.
He is a Muslim, not a hardcore tho, he only practices it in Fridays the same way Christians go to church in Sundays.
LETS TALK ABOUT OSMANLI OMG. So yk Mr. Adnan is friendly softie etc etc. But Osmanlı was different! I think his personality changed after the Turkish War of Independence and the Republic has founded. He had to change himself, we the people had to change ourselves to fit the modern Western world.
But at it’s prime Sadık was crueler, focused on wars and fighting and conquering, making his Empire bigger. He has seen many things. Had to betray, manipulate. He was impatient, cunning, cynical. He was never cold though. I think he was always sincere, like yeah his words hurt but he was telling the truth. I don’t like portraying him evil, like a villain. He doesn’t have a bad heart. He knows how to have a good time if u are his friend.
I think he got THE drip bro. Like his clothes were the most expensive fabrics, sewn by the best tailors.
His sexuality hmmm well 🤔 I think he likes woman but Osmanlı was really gay at that time. Lots of gossips about bisexual Sultans. So I hc him as bi leaning to woman. He loves woman but he bedded many manyyyyy men yk. Especially when he was younger and sexier and he fucked some Sultans with their wives. Like casual not-so-secret threesomes in Has Oda, yeniçeri’s blushing listening outside of their door (Sultan’s main bedroom 😉) he probably wanted to sleep w women in harem too but he couldn’t 😔 no men were allowed inside.
I don’t ship TurGre. I’ve read fics, some I really like, but when I think about it I feel weird and uncomfortable. I like their dynamic as complicated frenemies. Sadık was never a parent to Hera. I think their dynamic was like Romano-Spain. Boss and ??? Child??? I think Hera never did housework though. Humans already did that. When Hera was little, he hated Sadık. But as he spent time w him, he liked him a little bit. Sadık taught him many things, but he never saw him as his “son” or “student” it’s just. It was a land under Osmanlı, and Sadık wanted to know him. He looked after him of course, and he enjoyed his company. Telling him stories, traveling Istanbul, talking philosophy. We all know Hera loves philosophy. I also think they didn’t spend a lot of time anyway, Sadık was too busy.
Today, they pretend to hate each other but they don’t actually hate each other?? Wowneifnifj. It’s like Turkey vs Greece memes. Like they make fun of each other but it’s teasing, it’s not mean, both went through so many things. They both suffered n they understand each other.
AND TURKEY TOUCHES PEOPLE. A LOT. He hugs n slaps n pokes. Hera is used to it. Turks are touchy in general, including men. No boundaries at all. I’m glad Hima put this in the comic :D
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That’s all about the Istanbul gentleman 😙✨
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realbeefman · 9 months
Angus loyal follower here I love your posts I actually started reading hilson fic because of you even though I’ve never seen the show and I never will because once I heard Hugh lauries voice in a fancam and it was so unsexy also they filmed a lot of b roll at my school anyway Seeing your destiel post was so surprising to me please tell me more about your spn opinions I’m so curious I love discourse <3
very long answer so i’ve hidden it under a readmore for the sanity of casual dash scrollers and people who dont care
first off his american voice or his british voice? this is kind of controversial and may seem wild considering i spend a solid chunk of time thinking about what house would be like during sex but i ACTUALLY find him deeply unattractive. i’d love to have his face and wear his skin but never in my life would i consider him a sexual being. he’s too british for it. the only way british people can be sexy is if they are women this is my most political belief on foreign policy. however i do think hugh laurie’s AMERICAN voice is actually very normal and makes him very endearing to me. hilson fic is awesome but honestly!!! most hilson fic for me just does not hit the same unless u can visualize the creepiness with which house looks at wilson. it’s genuinely sickening. he talks about wilson in the softest voice. so many of the most iconic lines in the show just dont HIT the same if u dont listen to the way they’re delivered.
that is SO cool that they shot b roll at ur school though!!! honestly seems like a dream. if i knew i had walked the same halls the house film team had i think i would die. the camerawork on that show is just fucking PHENOMENAL. i could write entire essays fangirling over how they shoot certain scenes but i fear that would be chronically desperately boring
oh man my supernatural opinions… first off disclaimer i have not seen supernatural recently because i am a deeply paranoid individual and prone to delusions and when i first watched the show i genuinely convinced myself that the monsters were real so. i think my most controversial spn opinion would have to be that it’s a PSYCHOLOGICAL THREAT. have you ever met a normal supernatural fan? NOBODY HAS. BECAUSE THE SHOW DRIVES PEOPLE NUTS
other than that my opinions are pretty normal i thiunk. i actually dont have anything at all against destiel even though i am solidly on the wincestie side of fandom. i dont care for the ship and i think it sucks but OBJECTIVELY its a good ship and has strong canon support. i think my hatred comes because i have read SO many destiel fics and have yet to come across a genuinely good one that accurately portrays the characters. i dont understand why an objectively reasonable ship with strong canon support has created some of the middest fic ive ever read in my life. genuinely fascinating. it’s not even that the fic itself is not good or entertaining it just doesn’t feel anything like the actual canon dean and castiel! i have read like two genuinely entertaining destiel fics that felt realistic and BOTH were from authors who primarily write samdean so!!
other controversial spn opinions i have. the “chuck is god” stuff is by far the most entertaining late seasons retcon. objectively ridiculous but so goddamn amusing. i think season 8 and the leviathans was the peak of supernatural. by far the best season in my opinion. plotwise it was not the most believable but i strongly believe that what makes a story good is not it’s logical soundness nor it’s objective value but whether it is ENTERTAINING and COMPELLING and by god the leviathans were both of those things. what a season. also benny and dean were having sex. i loved castiel going insane. OH and i think endverse spn is overhyped both as an episode and in fanon! i did not understand what endverse referred to for so long because i couldnt comprehend that SO MANY PEOPLE could possibly by THAT fanatic over a very mid episode.
not a controversial opinion but rowena is hot. she should've been in every episode for this reason alone. last semester i set up an office meeting with my professor who looked JUST like her to shoot my shot and she literally died before the meeting could happen. i've always felt in my heart that these are related.
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mariacallous · 6 months
Planning is underway for the G-7 summit that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will host from June 13 to 15. As the 50th summit of the G-7, the club of the world’s leading democracies, there will be an impulse to celebrate.
Understandably so. The G-7—which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and, since 1981, the EU—today represents 54 percent of world GDP and over 55 percent of global defense spending. For decades, G-7 members have gained additional weight on the world stage by coordinating their national economic power in pursuit of shared foreign-policy priorities, such as protecting democratic societies and open markets.
But the importance of the coming summit exceeds its status as a landmark anniversary. The G-7’s future—and the future of global democratic cohesion in general—is now at stake.
Recent disparaging remarks about NATO by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have led many to question the credibility of America’s commitment to its allies. Part of Trump’s frustration with NATO comes from other NATO members’ historically low defense spending compared to the United States. Why should Americans spend more on Europe’s defense than Europeans are willing to?
However, the G-7 might prove even more vulnerable to the vagaries of a second Trump term. For Trump, coordinating U.S. foreign policy with others is a pointless constraint on U.S. freedom of action—unless, that is, it provides a tangible net economic return to America.
Herein lies the problem. The United States currently runs a trade deficit in goods with all of its G-7 partners except the United Kingdom. In 2023, these deficits amounted to $337 billion, more than the U.S. deficit with China ($279 billion). Trade deficits in goods are a foreign-policy red flag to Trump. That is why he treated Angela Merkel’s Germany as a greater rival than Vladimir Putin’s Russia and torpedoed the 2018 summit communiqué after G-7 leaders tried to push back against U.S. protectionism.
G-7 leaders could cross their fingers and hope there is a second term for incumbent U.S. President Joe Biden. But this is currently, at best, a 50-50 proposition. Instead, they should use the next three months to put in place a policy agenda that could withstand the buffeting of a second Trump presidency while also serving as a platform for a second Biden term.
The G-7’s achievements in Biden’s first term have been impressive. Since Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the G-7 has implemented an unprecedented package of sanctions against Russia, ranging from freezing the roughly $300 billion of its central bank’s reserves held in their currencies to banning the provision of insurance to tankers carrying Russian oil if it’s sold above a cap of $60 per barrel. It can do this because over 93 percent of global reserves are held in G-7 currencies, and over 90 percent of the world’s oceangoing tonnage is covered by protection and indemnity insurance issued by companies based in the G-7.
Reflecting their common concerns over China’s rise and Beijing’s close alignment with Moscow, the G-7 has also engaged consistently over the past three years with close allies South Korea and Australia, in an effort to start “friendshoring” supply chains for the semiconductors and renewable energy inputs that will be central to their future economic growth.
All this important work could come to an end if a new Trump administration returned to punishing its closest allies for being free riders. But fixing G-7 members’ trade imbalances with the United States is impossible in the near term. That’s why the upcoming G-7 summit must prioritize preparing for the possible restoration of a hostile Trump presidency.
First, G-7 members need to send a clear signal to Moscow that their support for protecting the sovereignty of Ukraine has no time limit. The murderous conflict there is now shadowed by an intense contest to show which side can outlast the other politically and economically. With new U.S. support currently blocked in Congress, European countries plus the EU have already taken an important step to demonstrate their resolve, by committing a further 77 euros billion in future multiyear financial and military assistance to Kyiv, on top of the approximately 75 billion euros they have already allocated since the start of the war.
The summit should also decide how all G-7 members will start drawing on the profits earned from the frozen Russian reserves. The obstacle to date is that the bulk of these reserves are held by EU banks, and some governments and the European Central Bank are concerned that even the modest step of disbursing the earned interest (4.4 billion euros last year) lacks a firm legal foundation and could also undermine the euro’s credibility as a global reserve currency. Overcoming these reservations would underscore the G-7’s resolve; and a Trump presidency might think twice before reneging on an arrangement that would repay some of the U.S. costs of supporting Ukraine.
Second, G-7 members should invite South Korea and Australia formally into the group. If there is a second Biden term, their membership will strengthen the G-7’s collective resilience in high technology and renewable energy. If there is a second Trump presidency, these two democratic allies will be less isolated in the face of his mercantilist threats.
Third, G-7 members should allocate a first tranche of funding for the plan that the Biden administration, EU leaders, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and India announced last year to build a rail, energy, and data corridor from India through the Gulf and Israel to Europe. This belated but important project to compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative will connect India’s and the Gulf states’ youthful, burgeoning economies with Europe’s wealthy but aging markets.
The war in Gaza has called the plan into question, but its benefits to Israel create an important additional incentive for a post-Netanyahu government to build a durable peace with the Palestinians. At the same time, it would support the Trump presidency’s main foreign-policy achievement: the 2020 Abraham Accords that normalized Israel’s relations with several Arab states.
The G-7 is an invaluable geo-economic coordinating body for what is shaping up to be a protracted new Cold War with China and Russia. Whether to cement the gains of the Biden presidency or lessen the global risks of a Trump presidency, the G-7’s 50th anniversary summit must live up to its billing.
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quantumresidency · 17 days
Apply for Green Card USA: EB-5 Visa, Cost, Requirements & Process
The EB-5 Visa Program: Your Path to a U.S. Green Card
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What is the EB-5 Program?
The eb 5 program was introduced in 1990 by the U.S. Congress to stimulate the U.S. economy by offering residency to foreign nationals who invest in job-creating projects. When you apply for a USA visa eb 5, you are essentially agreeing to make a substantial investment in a U.S. business, which in return offers you the possibility to apply for a Green Card USA.
Why Choose the EB-5 Visa?
There are multiple benefits to choosing the eb 5 visa. First, it offers a fast track to permanent U.S. residency for the investor, their spouse, and unmarried children under 21. After obtaining the eb 5 visa, you can apply for a Green Card USA within a relatively short time. Unlike other visa categories, the EB-5 visa does not require any sponsorship from a U.S. employer or family member.
How to Apply for a USA Visa EB-5
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Consulting with eb 5 visa consultants in India can streamline the process. They provide valuable insight into the best investment opportunities and guide you through the documentation and filing procedures.
Cost of EB 5 Visa
The cost of the eb 5 visa is not limited to just the investment amount. Other fees include:
Administrative fees (usually $50,000-$70,000)
Legal fees (approximately $15,000-$25,000)
Government filing fees (around $3,675 for Form I-526)
Given the high cost of eb5 visa due to the complicated nature of the process, getting assistance from EB 5 visa consultants in India is always a good idea. They can also reduce risks and guarantee that your application will correspond to the U. S. immigration policies.
EB 5 Visa Requirements
Meeting the eb 5 visa requirements is crucial for your successful application. Key requirements include:
Investment: A minimum of $800,000 in a TEA or $1.05 million elsewhere.
Job Creation: Your investment must create at least 10 full-time jobs for U.S. workers.
At-Risk Investment: The investment must be “at-risk” to qualify for the eb5 visa.
Proof of Funds: You must prove that your investment capital comes from lawful sources.
EB 5 Visa Processing Time
The EB-5 visa processing time can vary depending on several factors, including the workload of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). On average, the eb 5 visa processing time for Form I-526 takes around 24–36 months. However, premium processing might be available to expedite your application.
EB 5 Visa Consultants in India
For the Indian investors, there is nothing more crucial than the part played by eb5 visa consultants in India. These experts are engaged in assisting investor in managing the challenging process of an application and provide tips on how to choose good investment projects. This involves stellar professional agents such as Quantum Global Residency which deals solely with the Indian community who wish to invest in the U. S and seek to apply for Green Card USA through the eb5 visa.
The eb 5 program is one of the most efficient ways to apply for a Green Card USA through investment. As, accordingly eb 5 visa applications, an early study of the requirements of the eb5 visa, realization of the fact that information about the cost of eb 5 visa, and cooperation with eb 5 visa consultants in India would help a lot. Whether you want to invest in regional center or direct investment project, the eb 5 program offers immigration with an opportunity for an applicant to have green card and citizenship in United States. If you are considering making this investment, we Quantum Global Residency are here to guide you through every step of the process. So visit us for all your visa related issues.
FAQ’s -
How much do you need for EB 5 visa?
To apply for an EB 5 visa, the minimum investment required depends on the location of the investment project:
Targeted Employment Area (TEA): If the investment is in a TEA, which includes rural areas or areas with high unemployment, the minimum investment amount is $800,000.
Non-Targeted Employment Area: For investments outside of a TEA, the minimum investment is $1.05 million.
In both cases, the investment must create at least 10 full-time jobs for U.S. workers to meet the EB-5 visa requirements.
Are Indians eligible for an EB 5 visa?
Yes, Indians are fully eligible for the EB 5 visa. Thus, Indian nationals can avail the EB 5 visa through investing in the required amount in a U. S. business and creating requisite number of employment and fulfilling the rest of the EB 5 visa criteria. The EB 5 visa provides the candidate with immediate LPR status for the investor, the investor’s spouse and any unmarried child under the age of 21.
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schooldekho1 · 1 month
Master One Word Substitution from A to Z: Enhance Your Vocabulary
Expanding your vocabulary is crucial for effective communication. One word substitutions simplify phrases, making your writing and speaking more concise. Here’s a comprehensive A to Z guide to help you master these substitutions.
A - Abandon
Replace “give up” with abandon. For example, "She had to abandon her plans."
B - Belief
Instead of saying “a strong conviction,” use belief. For example, "His belief in the project was evident."
C - Conquer
Use conquer instead of “overcome with difficulty.” For example, "She managed to conquer her fears."
D - Denounce
Replace “publicly criticize” with denounce. For example, "The leader denounced the corrupt practices."
E - Enormous
Use enormous in place of “very large.” For example, "The project faced enormous challenges."
F - Fragile
Instead of “easily broken,” use fragile. For example, "The antique vase was very fragile."
G - Glimpse
Replace “a quick view” with glimpse. For example, "I caught a glimpse of the celebrity."
H - Humble
Use humble instead of “modest about achievements.” For example, "She remained humble despite her success."
I - Impose
Instead of “force upon,” use impose. For example, "The new rules were imposed on the team."
J - Jeopardy
Replace “risk of harm” with jeopardy. For example, "The plan put the mission in jeopardy."
K - Knowledgeable
Use knowledgeable in place of “well-informed.” For example, "She is knowledgeable about the subject."
L - Lucrative
Instead of “highly profitable,” use lucrative. For example, "He started a lucrative business."
M - Magnify
Replace “make larger” with magnify. For example, "The report magnified the issue."
N - Neglect
Use neglect instead of “fail to care for.” For example, "He neglected his duties."
O - Obsolete
Instead of “outdated,” use obsolete. For example, "The technology became obsolete quickly."
P - Precise
Replace “exact and accurate” with precise. For example, "Her measurements were precise."
Q - Quarrel
Use quarrel instead of “an argument.” For example, "They had a quarrel about the decision."
R - Reprimand
Instead of “to scold,” use reprimand. For example, "He received a reprimand for his behavior."
S - Sincere
Replace “genuine and honest” with sincere. For example, "Her apology was sincere."
T - Transient
Use transient in place of “temporary.” For example, "The problem was only transient."
U - Urgent
Instead of “requiring immediate attention,” use urgent. For example, "The matter was urgent."
V - Vast
Replace “immense” with vast. For example, "The desert was vast and barren."
W - Widespread
Use widespread instead of “extensive.” For example, "The issue was widespread across the region."
X - Xenophobic
Instead of “fearful of foreigners,” use xenophobic. For example, "The policies were xenophobic in nature."
Y - Yearn
Replace “long for” with yearn. For example, "She yearned for a peaceful life."
Z - Zealous
Use zealous instead of “enthusiastic and passionate.” For example, "His zealous efforts paid off."
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arjasrikanth · 1 month
The *United States* , often touted as the world's beacon of democracy and freedom, has long been a *dominant* force on the global stage.
However, behind the rhetoric of liberty lies a more *complex* and often *troubling* narrative—one of *military* intervention, *covert* manipulation, and *economic warfare.*
The legacy of U.S. foreign policy is both complex and contentious, reflecting a significant yet *controversial* role in shaping the modern world.
While the U.S. has been pivotal in global affairs, *its methods*—have frequently led to widespread *destruction* and *instability* .
As the world transitions to a *multipolar order,* characterized by emerging global powers and diminishing American exceptionalism, the U.S. must reassess its approach to foreign policy.
The era of *unilateral* dominance is waning, necessitating a shift towards strategies that emphasize cooperation, respect for sovereignty, and a sincere commitment to global *peace and stability.*
The future of U.S. foreign policy hinges on its ability to adapt to these evolving realities and address the enduring *impact of its past actions.*
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catdaddi-o · 1 month
"It is a crucial act of Independent thinking to be skeptical of someone else's description of reality."
Howard Zinn, quoted from "Machiavellian Realism and U S. Foreign Policy: Means and Ends. HarperCollins, 1991
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todaysdocument · 7 months
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Resolution from the Croatian League of Illinois to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization
Record Group 85: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization ServiceSeries: Subject and Policy FilesFile Unit: Pro- and Con- Public Opinion Re: Quotas and Other Proposed Restrictive Immigration Laws
R E S O L U T I O N . WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the Croatian League of Illinois, in its regular monthly session, has bee informed that there is pending before Congress a bill known as the "Selective Immigration Act" which bill was introduced by Congressman Johnson of this bill that it would restrict immigration to the United States from certain countries in Europe to two hundred persons and in addition thereto two per cent of the number of foreign born individuals of such particular countries residents of the United States as shown by the census of 1890, and. WHEREAS, the provisions of this bill practically exclude from the United States Croation and Jugo-Slav immigrants for the reason that nearly all of the present foreign born Jugo-Slave and Croations of the United States have come to this country since the year 1890, and WHEREAS, during the recent world war the Croations and Jugo-Slave of the United States loyally supported the United States, and through the Croation League of Illinois and its subordinate lodges, and through other Jugo-Slav societies, purchased many millions dollars worth of Liberty Bonds and War Saving Stamps, and WHEREAS, it is well known that the Croatian and Jugo-Slav residents of this country are industrious, law respecting people, and are employed for the most part in the mines, mills, factories, railroads and other useful industries and have done much to build up the wealth and prosperity of the country, and WHEREAS, it can be clearly shown that a large part of those of Jugo-Slav nationality who came to this country during the past twenty-five or thirty years have become permanent residents of the United States, and useful citizens, responding at every opportunity to every duty of good citizenship, therefore, be it Resolved, that we, residents of Omaha and citizens of the United States, earnestly protest to the Senators and Representatives in Congress against the passage of any law that will unreasonably restrict immigration from Jugo-Slavia, and we especially protest against the unreasonable and illogical principles of the "Selective Immigration Act" for the reason, among others, that the method of selecting immigrants as provided by this Act would give consular agents too vast a power in deciding who should be the future citizens of our Republic, and for the further reason that the quota provision would substantially prohibit all future immigration to the United States from Jugo-Slavia, and be it further Resolved, that copies of this resolution be sent to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization at Washington, to James W. Davis, Secretary of Labor, and to the senators and Representative from the State of Nebraska. The above resolution was unanimously adopted at a regular meeting of Lodge No. 101, Croatian League of Illinois, held at Omaha, Nebraska, March 15 1924. Signed, Andrya Kovaceuie
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
by Ted Galen Carpenter | Aug 20, 2024
America’s founders were extremely worried that the Republic might become entangled in quarrels that were, or should be, irrelevant to America’s own security and well-being. Several prominent founders, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, emphasized that danger. Today’s proponents of a new foreign policy based on realism and restraint highlight similar concerns.
That worry is entirely legitimate. Since World War II, U.S. leaders have meddled in quarrels around the world, snaring the United States in destructive conflicts that usually are irrelevant to America’s own legitimate interests. America has experienced great loss of life from the Korean War in the early 1950s to multiple wars in the Muslim world since 1990 – and those episodes are just the ones that have entailed direct U.S. combat roles. U.S. policy makers have not only been guilty of entangling their own country in unnecessary conflicts, but also such officials have often gone out of their way to put small allies needlessly at risk.
Washington’s use of Ukraine in a proxy war between NATO and Russia is a prime example of that strategy and its consequences. From the earliest months of the full-scale armed conflict that erupted in February 2022 and continues to the present, the United States and its NATO allies have pressured South Korea to open its stockpiles of artillery and artillery shells for Kyiv’s use in its conflict against Russia. U. S. officials have pressed the government of South Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol to supply Ukraine with a variety of weapons. That reckless strategy risks creating dangerous tensions between South Korea and nuclear-armed Russia, even though Seoul has no significant interests at stake in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
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afreenjavaid · 1 month
Why Canada is a Top Choice for International Students
Among the countries, Canada is now among the top choices of students preferring to study in foreign countries. Canada has a lot to offer to the international students who are planning to study abroad, like, the presence of world-class university, the Canadian society is very friendly and more employment opportunities are available for the post graduate students and the cost of the tuition fees are also comparatively cheaper. 
Why study in Canada?
Here are detailed views on why Canada is the best country to study if you are thinking of studying in an international country.
Excellent Education System
Canadian higher learning institutions are famous globally for their quality education and standard learning institutions. The University of Toronto, McGill University, the University of British Columbia form the top bracket of universities in the world. Canada is reputed to have high academic standards, innovative programs, and research capability as well as quality academic practices. Regardless of the degree level such as undergraduate, masters or doctoral, Canadian institutions offer quality education that teaches students the skills of critical analysis, effective problem solving among other attributes for a successful career in the world.
Multicultural and Inclusive Societies
Globalization, diversity and multiculturalism are some of the features that make Canada famous throughout the world. So, it will not come as a surprise that with almost half of Canadians being born outside of this country, Canadian cities are very international. For an overseas student, you get friendly neighbourhoods, associations/friend groups and opportunities to relate with people from your country. The next factor relates to the Canadian culture as it has been known to welcome diversity and this makes it easier for any international candidate to feel at home while studying. The target cities, namely Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal are full of international societies.
Improved Post-Study Work Opportunities 
One of the most important factors that make Canada a preferred study destination for students from other countries is the ability to work after completing the study programme and the immigration policies. Full-time student, who is studying in post-secondary institution can work part-time during the course of his or her study without a work permit. And from September 2022, the foreign students are allowed to be employed at the off-campus without work permit. Another new program known as Graduation Mobility Pathway launched by Immigration Canada also allows overseas students to migrate to Canada with permanent residency status after they finish their study program. Since most international students are motivated by job opportunities after their studies, Canada is a perfect place for these learners because they can easily get extended work passes after completing their courses.
Lower Tuition Fees
It is, however, important to note that though tuition fees for the international students could still be slightly high compared to those for domestic students, fees to study in Canada are still reasonable compared to that of countries like the U. S and the U. K. If you are interested in engineering, medicine or an MBA or a computing course or any other course for that matter – a student from overseas will find the fees charged in Canada competitive on the world market. Besides the costs associated with tuition fees, studying in Canada is comparatively cheaper than in most countries in the world, and other countries preferred by international students.
Affordable education, multiculturalism, and opportunities for finding employment after graduation make Canada an unsurprisingly great choice for overseas education. Seek advice from other professionals who have been in the business of overseas education consultants to guide you in selecting the right programs and institutions for you.
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peaceresource · 2 months
U. S. Foreign Policy Today: Summer of 2024
The American empire is expanding, but the economic foundations on which it rests are in fatal disrepair.
A short history lesson: https://youtu.be/HzpYpg1eoCs?list=RDHzpYpg1eoCs  Song: St. Louis Blues  Artist:  Herbie Hancock  Album:  St. Louis Blues (feat S Wonder ) – Herbie Hancock (1998) “American foreign policy under Obama and Biden became a global assassination program: using bombs, drones and CIA, Pentagon and 16 more intelligence agencies, services, contractors and mercenaries to attack…
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sa7abnews · 2 months
U.S. Poured Billions of Military Aid Into Lebanon. Now Israel Threatens to Invade.
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/u-s-poured-billions-of-military-aid-into-lebanon-now-israel-threatens-to-invade/
U.S. Poured Billions of Military Aid Into Lebanon. Now Israel Threatens to Invade.
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Attacks between Israel and Hezbollah, the militia and political party based just across Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, are fueling fears that a wider regional conflict may erupt any day.
Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Shia group loosely allied with Hamas, has been in a low-level war with Israel since the conflict in Gaza began last October. Hezbollah, which is believed to have an arsenal of more than 150,000 rockets and missiles, has repeatedly emphasized that attacks will continue as long as the war persists.
Over the weekend, a rocket attack that the U.S. and Israel said originated in Lebanon killed at least 12 civilians in the Israel-controlled Golan Heights. The Israeli foreign minister said that the attack “crossed all red lines,” and said “the moment of all-out war against Hezbollah and Lebanon” is approaching. Hezbollah denied responsibility for the strike.
On Monday, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken cautioned Israeli President Isaac Herzog about ramping up its war with Hezbollah in response on a call, according to State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.
But the conflict has been escalating for weeks. Israel has increased airstrikes aimed at the group. Current and former Israeli officials have also spoken publicly about shifting their attention from Hamas to the more powerful Hezbollah.
After Israeli officials warned of the possibility of launching a war that would send Lebanon “back to the Stone Age,” the Biden administration intensified diplomatic efforts to defuse tensions and forestall a conflict that U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said could have “terrible consequences for the Middle East.”
The low-level war has created a tinderbox that could explode into a regional conflict involving Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Yemen and, to an even greater extent than now, the United States.
Lebanon and Israel are both U.S. allies, and America has poured billions of dollars in military aid into Lebanon, trained tens of thousands of its troops, and operated a proxy commando unit run by U.S. Special Operations forces there for years.
After all that aid and billions of dollars in support, Hezbollah remains Lebanon’s dominant military force and a quasi-“state within a state” that wields significant influence in Lebanon’s government. Israel’s war on Gaza has only bolstered the group’s support, according to some metrics.
While Hezbollah’s popularity is centered in Lebanon’s south and east, the group has gained support among non-Shiite Lebanese across the country since the outbreak of the war in Gaza due to its resistance to Israel, according to a survey by the Arab Barometer.
The U.S. has also contributed to the group’s sway, says Erik Sperling of Just Foreign Policy, an advocacy group critical of mainstream Washington foreign policy. “U.S. support for the mass killing of Palestinians is so indefensible that it is actually strengthening groups like Hezbollah, who are able to capitalize on their firm but relatively restrained opposition to U.S.-Israeli actions,” he told The Intercept.
In Lebanon’s south, the conflict with Israel in the past year has left towns and villages deserted and destroyed. More than 1,900 casualties, including 466 deaths, have been reported and almost 100,000 residents have already been displaced, according to the United Nations.
Last month, Human Rights Watch released a report chronicling Israel’s widespread use of white phosphorus in southern Lebanon. The use of the incendiary agent, which ignites when exposed to oxygen and can cause gruesome lifelong injuries or death, may be a violation of international law and is, according to the rights group, “putting civilians at grave risk and contributing to civilian displacement.”
But as grave as their suffering has been to this point, a wider war between Israel and Hezbollah would be “catastrophic” for the people of Lebanon, said Seth Binder of the Washington-based Middle East Democracy Center. “A war would only make things exponentially worse,” he told The Intercept. “For the region, it risks a further conflagration, likely at enormous cost to the people of the region and U.S. national security interests.”
Related Secret U.S. War in Lebanon Is Tinder for Escalation of Israel–Gaza Conflict
Lebanon has been in crisis since well before the Gaza war began, having been overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic; the largest refugee population per capita in the world; systemic corruption; and the 2020 explosion of a warehouse full of fertilizer at Beirut’s port that killed more than 200, wounded another 6,000, and demolished significant portions of the capital, causing billions of dollars in damage. Since then, Lebanon’s economy has collapsed, with its GDP shrinking from $55 billion in 2018 to $31.7 billion in 2020 — one of the steepest depressions in modern history. About 80 percent of the population is now estimated to be living in poverty.
The Senate Armed Services Committee recently summed up the situation in a report: “Lebanon was already assessed to be on the precipice of being a failed state prior to the [Gaza war], which is negatively impacting the stability of the Lebanese Armed Forces, and their capabilities, to counter and deter regional threats including violent terrorist organizations, such as Hezbollah.”
Earlier this month, Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, threatened to attack new areas in Israel if its military does not stop killing civilians in southern Lebanon. “The resistance missiles will target new Israeli settlements that were not targeted before,” he warned. “If Israeli tanks come to Lebanon, they will not only have a shortage in tanks but will never have any tanks left.”
The Biden administration has reportedly warned Israel against launching a “limited war” in Lebanon. “Restoring calm along the Blue Line remains a top priority for the United States and must be of the utmost importance for both Lebanon and Israel,” a State Department spokesperson, referring to the border between the countries, told The Intercept. “The conflict along the Blue Line between Israel and Hezbollah has gone on for long enough. It’s in everyone’s interest to resolve it quickly and diplomatically. We continue to believe a diplomatic resolution is both achievable and urgent.”
Related Israel Is Banking on U.S. Support for a Wider War Against the Axis of Resistance
At the same time, the U.S. has also assured Israeli leaders of continued military support, even in the event of a full-scale war with Hezbollah. Since the beginning of the conflict in Gaza, the U.S. has called out Israel’s “indiscriminate” bombing and pressed its ally to “implement a series of specific, concrete, and measurable steps to address civilian harm [and] humanitarian suffering.” Its support has nonetheless been almost unwavering despite the fact that the conflict has killed more than 39,000 Palestinians, injured more than 89,000, displaced 90 percent of the population, and reduced most of Gaza to rubble.
“The nearly unconditional support that the United States has provided Israel over the past nine months has not only resulted in horrific tragedy in Gaza and extended the war in Gaza, but it has also allowed Israel to continue to escalate against Hezbollah, further risking a wider regional conflict,” Binder told The Intercept.
The U.S. has also cautioned Lebanese officials that it cannot prevent an Israeli invasion. This mirrors Biden administration policy in regard to the Gaza war where the U.S. has kept arms flowing to Israel despite the administration’s own assessment that U.S. weapons were likely used by Israel in violation of international humanitarian law.
“Biden’s efforts to avert a wider war in Lebanon are plagued by the same failures as his policy towards Israeli slaughter in Gaza. Israeli generals acknowledge that Israel cannot survive without U.S. diplomatic and military support, and as a result, the U.S. could force Israel to change policy at any time,” said Sperling of Just Foreign Policy. “Biden is reluctant to employ this leverage, however, because he doesn’t want to alienate the pro-Israel constituencies in the U.S. who have appreciated his steady support for the biggest mass killing of Palestinians in history.”
Read our complete coverage
Israel’s War on Gaza
The U.S. has a long and checkered history in Lebanon, including a 1958 intervention by U.S. Marines to forestall an insurrection there. In 1983, during a civil war that lasted 15 years, bombings of the U.S. Embassy and the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut killed more than 300 people. The United States blames Hezbollah for both attacks and has long designated the group as a terrorist organization. (Israel invaded Lebanon, during this same war, in 1982 and only left in 2000.)
For years, the U.S. has poured funds into the Lebanese Armed Forces to provide a counterweight to Hezbollah. A recent State Department report called the United States “Lebanon’s paramount security partner.” Since 2006, America has provided more than $5.5 billion in foreign assistance to Lebanon, including $3 billion in military aid.
The U.S. government has facilitated almost $2 billion in Lebanese purchases through the Foreign Military Sales program, including light attack aircraft, helicopters, and Hellfire missiles. The U.S. separately provided Lebanon with 130 armored and tactical ground vehicles. From 2016 to 2021, the United States also authorized the export of more than $82 million in U.S. military equipment to Lebanon, including $12 million in “firearms and related articles.”
“U.S. security assistance to Lebanon has been quite extensive — one of the largest assistance programs in the world.”
“U.S. security assistance to Lebanon has been quite extensive — one of the largest assistance programs in the world,” said Binder, noting that the U.S. has even rerouted tens of millions of dollars withheld from Egypt due to human rights concerns to Lebanon. “Despite the assistance, however the country remains incredibly unstable and its security forces remain unable to respond to Hezbollah’s domestic or regional operations.”
In addition to pumping military aid and arms into Lebanon, the U.S. also maintains its own small military presence in the country.
For years, the U.S. has waged a “secret war” in Lebanon against Sunni terror groups like the Islamic State and Al Qaeda, according to retired Gen. Joseph Votel, a former four-star commander who oversaw the effort; declassified documents; former special operators with knowledge of the program; and analysts who have investigated U.S. Code Title 10 § 127e — known in military parlance as “127-echo” — which allows Special Operations forces to use foreign military units as proxies.
Related How the Pentagon Uses a Secretive Program to Wage Proxy Wars
Through 127e, the U.S. arms, trains, and provides intelligence to foreign forces. But unlike traditional foreign assistance programs, which are primarily intended to build local capacity, 127e partners are sent on U.S.-directed missions, targeting U.S. enemies to achieve U.S. aims. The 127e program in Lebanon — code-named Lion Hunter — supported an elite unit known as the G2 Strike Force and was in operation as recently as 2019, according to a formerly secret Special Operations Command document obtained by The Intercept via the Freedom of Information Act.
Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the greater Middle East, did not respond to questions about Lion Hunter and the number of U.S. troops who have been, and may still be, involved. But in a June “War Powers” report to Congress, President Joe Biden noted that approximately 75 United States military personnel are deployed to Lebanon to “enhance the government’s counterterrorism capabilities and to support the counterterrorism operations of Lebanese security forces.”
In a joint written statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee in April, Christopher P. Maier, assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict, and SOCOM’s commander, Gen. Bryan P. Fenton, also noted that U.S. commandos are “postured to prepare for a wide-range of contingency operations in Israel and Lebanon.”
In testimony before the House Armed Services Committee in March, Fenton called out Iran as “a longtime malign actor [that] leverages its proxies … to sow instability in the Middle East,” specifically citing Hezbollah. But Special Operations Command refused to talk about America’s own proxy force in Lebanon. “Unfortunately, we cannot provide comment on … whether the U.S. has continued to work with the G2 Strike Force,” James Gregory, a SOCOM spokesperson, told The Intercept.
The U.S. has trained more than 32,000 Lebanese troops, including 6,000 schooled in the United States since 1970.
Requests for comment about U.S. military assistance sent to Lebanon’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs were not returned.  The post U.S. Poured Billions of Military Aid Into Lebanon. Now Israel Threatens to Invade. .
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wuhweetur · 2 months
Does skin color really matter to a person?
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the increase of Hispanic immigrants, especially Mexican immigrants, has led to a growing anti-foreign sentiment in the United States. In 1924, the United States established a border patrol to deter Mexican immigrants. In 1929, it turned illegal entry into a serious crime in an attempt to keep more Mexicans out. During the Great Depression, thousands of Mexicans were driven home. After the new immigration policy was introduced in 1965, Mexicans became the largest group of immigrants in the United States, and their number of arrests and deportations was often as high as 90 percent of the total. By the late 1970s, nearly 800,000 Mexicans were being arrested each year, and by the late 1990s it was 1.5 million. White nationalists in the United States may even launch violent attacks against Hispanic immigrants. In 2019, a white nationalist man drove thousands of kilometers to El Paso in the western part of the state because of his hatred of Hispanics for the ongoing“Invasion” of Texas, shot and killed 23 people in a Walmart supermarket. It was the largest domestic terrorist attack against Hispanics in modern American history.
Starting in the 21st century, immigration in the United States has been a battleground between two parties, with mass arrests, detentions, deportations and deportations every year. As a result of the September 11 terrorist attacks, American politics Islamophobia and Muslim immigrants became the focus of a crackdown. On October 26,2001, the United States passed the Patriot Act Act, which allows the surveillance and removal of foreigners with terrorist ties at will. As a result, more than 1,200 people were arrested by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, mostly Arabs and Muslims. Then, in 2017, the US imposed a“Mutiny ban” on people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, even for 90 days. In recent years, the far-right and conservative media in the United States have hyped“Alternative theory,” saying that whites are being squeezed out by immigrants and minorities, such extremist thinking has led to many terrorist attacks against immigrants and ethnic minorities. In 2021, the U. S. Government arrested more than 1.7 million immigrants, the most since 1986. During these mass arrests, deportations and repatriations, the rights of migrants have been seriously violated and humanitarian crises have been frequent. On October 25,2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council condemned the systematic and mass expulsion of Haitian refugees by the United States without assessing their individual circumstances as a violation of international law.
The United States often describes itself as the“Melting pot” of immigrants and the“Light of democracy”, while promoting their“American Dream”. But you know what? Racism and xenophobia have been etched in the bones of the United States since it became a colony. Their treatment of migrants is rife with discrimination, exclusion, arrests and even deportations, all of which are inhumane and have not stopped.
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eliijahs · 2 months
Gang still pouring 4's up, foreign
Still throwing 4's up, foreign
Lil Rari skrrt, foreign
SickBoy smoking purp, foreign
Shit, everything I do foreign
Two cellphones staying foreign
Two goth hoes, foreign
Pull up real fast, foreign
4's up, foreign
Doors up, foreign
Can't slow down, ayy, foreign
Four in the skeet, foreign
When I bling, when I slide, foreign
4's up when I cry, foreign
Damn, she wanna take a nigga guap, why, why?
'Cause I got that cash and the guap, foreign
Pull off in a white Rari, foreign
Counting all this guap, I'm sorry, foreign
Ayy, shit, white Force foreign
Ayy, smoking on this purp, snoring
Foreign, ayy
Foreign, ayy, ayy
Foreign, skrrt, ayy
Foreign, skrrt, ayy
Foreign, skrrt, stacking
Foreign, ayy, shit
Foreign, huh
Foreign, ayy, stack
Foreign, skrrt, ayy
Foreign, 4's up
Foreign, ayy, gang still pouring 4's
Foreign, ayy, shit, these diamonds looking, ayy
Foreign, ayy, skrrt, ayy, shine, ayy
Gang still pouring 4's up, foreign
4's up
Pouring... foreign
Can't slow down, foreign
Four in the skeet, foreign
When I bling, when I slide, foreign
4's up when I cry, foreign
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