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cheolhub · 2 years ago
ohmygod someone get him and his gigantic ass hands away from me
do u think he knows his fans have hand kinks
what does he want from us
also sar (ur name is so pretty btw like everyone gives u the cutest nicknames wtf 🤧)!!!!!! i hope ur having a good day today :D like it's been productive and ur irls have been nothing but nice to u :] 💕 IDK IVE J BEEN KIND OF LURKING FOR A WHILE NOW BUT i wanted to drop into ur inbox and just say that ur my favorite writer on here (might even be the best writer on tumblr but u didnt hear that from me) ! i think ur works are all really neat like u inspire me a lot a lot and i hope to better my stuff so one day it can be just as good as urs 😁 um and i got introduced to txt bc of u so like thank u for putting me on some good ass music and v pretty boys (do u have a bias btw? or are u an ot5??) 😭😭⭐
this message got way too long IM SORRY ill end it here 😦😦😦😦
-first time inboxer 😁
i was on twt basically saying i wanted him to slap me bc oh my god …. OH MY GOD. i was so disoriented when the pic dropped too, it was like 4 am and i was literallyyyyy dry heaving bc OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD?:$/):?/ um anyway ☠️ im in love with soobins hands, the rumors are true
and i personally think he does know. HES NOT AS INNOCENT AS HE SEEMS.
ALSORHWHDBS I SAW THIS YESTERDAY AND I WANTED YO LET U KNOW THAT IT ACTUALLY MADE MY DAY. i was literally crying over life and then i saw ur ask and literally could not stop smiling 🥹IM ur favorite?!?!!? 😭 dont lie to me omfg im literally in love w u now. but seriously, this really means so so so so much to me bc im really insecure about my writing and knowing that someone enjoys it literally makes me the happiest person alive >< im so eternally happy that i inspire you and your work is probably amazing!! don’t doubt yourself (this is so hypocritical bc i doubt myself sm dhshdh)
ONTO MORE IMPORTANT THINGS— I PUT U ON TO TXT?/!. nonnie… omfg… im so glad ur into them now. their discography is literally unmatched, like no bad songs and they’re all unproblematic and the prettiest boys to walk the earth. literally not a single flaw. FLAWLESS, TALENTED AND UNBOTHERED. i am v ot5 but if i HAD to choose a bias, it’s def soobin ^^ what abt u! do u have one 🙈
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npookie0 · 3 months ago
If you’re into it, maybe Misaki x reader right? And Misaki gets a request to assassinate reader, and the person who requested the assassination is Reader’s rich ™️ ex boyfriend ?? 🤔 I haven’t done misaki’s route yet so unsure if this can be done DBDJJSJS if it’s not, dw about it hehe
I’ll do a signature this one time bc u know who I am anyway -lostboi
Headless lover.
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Misaki was in their room, looking at their computer screen with a widespread smile. They just hang up from a call with you. Somehow that simple call with their friend who chose to stay anonymous brought them a lot of ease, even with all the new "job offers" piling up for them.
Being an assassin wasn't easy, they would be lying if they said that they like the job.They hate it. It stresses them out, gives them nightmares sometimes. But it's the easiest work to get a good enough pay in. They need to help their parents, they need to support them, or what child would they be?
Luckily you were there, never expecting anything from them, showing kindness, sharing some silly moments. Your company was truly relaxing, even more than the other server's members. You never expected anything from them, didn't talk about killing as much as Ronin did, didn't talk about not having enough time because of your work. You were just there with them, laughing like an idiot at Misaki's jokes, never asking about anything they'd not want to talk about. She really appreciated you for that, being able to behave like a stupid teenager was something Misaki needed, and you were a friend ready to let her act however she liked.
'Time to look at these offers." They sighed, opening the messages they received. Cheating husbands, politicians, wives, people endangering someone's shady business. The list was never ending, the deeper they looked the more risky the gigs were. Risk means more money, but they didn't want to take on a president or another person who would end up as big numbers in their bank account, no matter how good the pay. So they looked for a while longer until one of the requests looked easy enough.
'Kill my ex. They're a total loner, no friends, no family, easy kill. Just fucking get rid of them. Here's the info you would need [link], send proof and I'll give you a lot of money. XYZ' Short and simple. very different from their regular clients. With a long sigh and hope that it wasn't the police who tries to get their ass put into jail, they clicked the link. A wall of text with a lot of pictures attached to it was in front of them now.
"F/N L/N huh? Really a loner, sits in front of their computer and tries writing. Seems easy enough." They murmured to themselves as they looked through the pictures. "it's such a shame, they do have a pretty face." Misaki never felt bad for their targets, well most of them deserved to die, or Misaki just stopped giving a damn. But with this kill, something felt different. It's like their brain was telling them not to take it, there was no reason for the kill, just an order and a promise for payment worth the task at hand.
They sighed, maybe it was just their guilt playing tricks on them? They shouldn't get emotionally connected with the targets, it was dangerous for them, and only made the work harder. They just needed to suck it all up and do what they do the best, kill them.
A sound came from the Slaughter House server, they clicked on the main channel and noticed that Ronin was dropping his emo act again.
goreboy: hey Losers how're y'alls sad little Existences going? hitmeuppp: good before i saw my new job T_T user: How bad is it? :o Angelic: Don't worry Misaki, I'm sure you'll do great ♥ hitmeuppp: awww i love how you cheer me into murder hitmeuppp: but to answer you @user hitmeuppp: it's just someone trying to get their ex killed ugh user: Ew poor you </3 goreboy: damn And i thought That i was the psycho Angelic: Because you are ^^
They chuckled as they watched to topic change into Ronin being a total psycho, yeah maybe they all were murderers, but they still felt like family. A family full of psychopaths for sure.
user: Hey, you okay in there Misaki?
They perked up when they saw your dm, finally they could chat with you again! Of course they're not picking favourites!!!
hitmeuppp: y'know just the usual anxietyyyy haha user: man :/ well if you want we can hop on vc!
And Misaki took that offer very eagerly, they loved talking to you, your voice and way of speaking was just making them forget about the blood staining their hands, the blood they will never be able to wash off.
A few days passed, Misaki was slowly getting ready for their job… Jesus how fucked up it sounds, killing someone as a job… Well it was too late for them to regret it.
They were on top of a building, their gun held firmly in their hands.
"Deep breath Misaki, just like Y/N told you to." They whispered to themselves as they looked at their target.
They were seated by a desk, writing mindlessly on their computer, completely unaware of the danger they were in. Misaki had to do it quickly so she wouldn't let the guilt eat her from inside. Normally they wouldn't feel so bad, but this person was innocent, they looked them up so many times, nothing. No murder under their name, no crime or shitty behaviour, just a regular person with a pretty boring life. Something Misaki could be jealous of, they'd dream of a life like theirs, maybe minus the part of their ex wanting them dead.
With their breath held back, they bulled the trigger. The shot breaking through the window, then hitting their head. Blood splashed everywhere, probably dirtying their computer screen. Misaki watched them fall from the chair, their head damaged severely. Now they just had to collect their stuff and quickly go back to their place, dm user and forget about this kill… Like that was fucking possible.
The next few days felt so weird. Misaki texted user everyday but there was no reply, they were offline, no one in the server knew what it was about. Some thought that they ended up in jail and some thought that they were a police agent who will send the cops at them. Misaki was unsettled, they didn't buy you being someone sent by the police, it wouldn't make sense, you were too open about yourself. Yeah maybe you didn't share your face or legal name, but Angel didn't either!
hitmeuppp: hey… i just killed them… [01.12 1:22 AM] hitmeuppp: you won't believe what crazy dream i had! [02.12. 3:33 AM] hitmeuppp: maybe you're asleep? [02.12 4:55 AM] hitmeupp: no you're usually awake at this hour. [02.12. 05:05 AM] hitmeuppp: they really paid me a lot for that ex [03.12 3:57 PM] hitmeuppp: they really had to hate the [03.12 3:58 PM] hitmeuppp: are you… okay? [05.12 12:12 AM] hitmeuppp: user??? [11.12. 4:44 PM]
They were going crazy, texting you everyday, but there was no answer from you. They began to believe that maybe you really did work with the cops… Oh how they wished that was the case.
goreboy: [https://writer_found_assassinated_in_their_home] goreboy: well Now we know Why the newest killer Is so silent goreboy: they're Dead
No. No.
They clicked on the url, it had to be someone else, you were someone else…
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no…." Misaki started to shake their head when they saw the pictures.
It was the same person. The same person they killed, but something was different… Their head, it was… it wasn't connected to their body. Someone went there after Misaki killed th… after they killed you. And that's when they remembered, that ex, they had no way of knowing that you were dead until the news posted about it. They did it.
Misaki's felt so dizzy, the world was blurry in front of their eyes. They killed you. It's their fault that you're gone now.
It's their fault that you ended up like this.
If only they didn't take that fucking job…
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into-deepspace · 6 months ago
Hello! Hope you're having a great day!
May I request for Rafayel's reaction when MC comes out as non-binary? It's something that's never left my head since I started playing lnds. I can't help but worry if it'd change things for him even though I know it won't (insecurity did a number on me🥹). What if MC wanted to present themes as masc/femme? How would he react?
Sorry if this is too long and complicated and I understand if you don't want to write for this but if you do write it it'd mean the world to me. Thank you for reading this ask🌸🌸
aaa of course!!! dw it wasn't long or complicated at all! i had a lot of fun writing this, and i rlly hope i did rafayel justice here <33 i feel like it ended awkwardly but ah what can u do. anywayyyy:
as you are
rafayel/mc • nonbinary mc • 1.6k • ao3 link requests open, reblogs appreciated! mild hurt/comfort || coming out || tooth-rotting fluff || established relationship
MC stares at themselves in the mirror fixing their hair nervously. In twenty minutes, they’re meeting Rafayel at a cafe, one of their favourites. They’d made the plans several days ago, and have been nervously thinking through every possibility ever since. After all, coming out, no matter who it’s to, is nerve wracking.
“I need to talk to you,” they’d sent him, late in the evening when both of them really should have been asleep. Despite the late hour, typing bubbles immediately popped up from Rafayel’s end. He sends a sticker of a distressed yellow bird, then a message.
Rafayel, 11:48 PM are u breaking up with me :(
A bit frantic, MC typed back a quick response. Of course Rafayel, ever dramatic, would assume the worst.
MC, 11:48 PM No omg?
Rafayel, 11:48 PM DUN SCARE ME LIKE THAT THEN???? Those are FIGHTING WORDS. fighting words i tell u!!
MC sighed, but couldn't help but laugh a bit. It was never a dull moment with him around, one of the things they have always loved about him. They explained that no, they're not breaking up with him, but they did have something a little more serious they needed to talk with him about.
Rafayel, 12:03 AM okayyyy spill the beans cutie wait no serious I Am Prepared To Listen To Your Words. Please Begin.
MC, 12:04 AM Actually, i wanted to talk in person Can we meet @ our usual cafe on saturday
They waited nervously for Rafayel's response, picking at a stray thread in their blanket. But as usual, they had nothing to worry about
Rafayel, 12:05 AM ofc ofc ill buy u a tea and a cake and we can talk <3
They couldn't help but smile at their phone. He was always so sweet, so ready to adjust and accommodate. They just hope he’ll be the same way about this new revelation.
Now, MC has been going by their chosen name for a long while, so long that most people don’t even know the name they were given at birth. They’ve always presented a little more [femme/masc] than their peers, and Rafayel didn’t seem to mind any of that. If anything, he encouraged it, saying that the way they expressed themselves was art in it of itself. But would this, their coming out, be a piece of the puzzle that he wasn’t okay with?
MC sighs, smoothing their clothes one last time and telling themselves that they really do need to get going. Sitting here and stewing in their anxieties isn’t going to make anything better. They grab their bike helmet and make their way down to the street, setting off.
An uneventful drive later, they arrive at the cafe and park, fixing their hair in their phone camera after they take their helmet off. It seems Rafayel hasn’t arrived yet, which means they can go in and order for themselves. Usually, they’re fine with Rafayel paying for their treats, but what if he’s upset this time? What if he realizes he’s spent money on someone he can’t accept.
Just as they’re pulling their card from their wallet to pay for their drink and pastry, an arm wraps around their waist and lips press against their cheek, startling them.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Rafayel says, tone light and joking as he slips their wallet from their hands, tucking it back into their pocket. Ignoring their protests, he turns to the person at the register. “Add a vanilla iced coffee to that please, with… hm, six sugars.” MC can only watch as his drink is added to the total and he slots his card into the reader, looking pleased with himself.
Rafayel takes their hand and walks them over to a table by the window, pulling out their chair for them with a dramatic flourish. Normally, MC would laugh at his antics, but they’re too nervous right now to manage anything more than a tight smile. Rafayel, of course, notices right away.
“What’s wrong, cutie?” he asks, taking their hands as he kneels in front of their chair. MC takes a shaky breath, trying to school their expression into something at least neutral.
“I’m okay,” they say. “I promise.” For a moment, Rafayel tilts his head and searches their face. Then, with a sigh, he stands, pressing a kiss to their knuckles as he does.
“Okay,” he smiles. “We’ll talk once you’ve got something tasty to keep you company, okay?” This prompts a smile, a little more real this time, from MC.
“Okay,” they whisper.
Ever the gentleman, Rafayel goes to retrieve their order, tasting his own drink before adding two more pumps of sugary syrup to it and sprinkling cinnamon across the top. He comes back to their table, setting MC’s portion in front of them. They taste their own drink and nod in satisfaction, cutting a piece of their pastry to place into their mouth.
“Do you want some?” they ask, offering a forkful to Rafayel. With an easy smile, he waves away their question.
“Nah,” he says. “This here is sweet enough.” He shakes his drink, the ice in it rattling as specks of cinnamon swirl around. MC nods, taking the bite for themselves.
They let themselves savor the moment for a bit before speaking. After all, they don’t know if this is something they’ll ever have again. They make their way about halfway through the pastry before they take another long sip of their drink and fold their hands in their lap.
“I have something I need to tell you,” they say, before they can lose their resolve. “...Please don’t be upset with me.” Rafayel smiles, reaching across the table with his palm up, gesturing for their hand. MC obliges, tangling their fingers together, and Rafayel squeezes reassuringly.
“I won’t be,” he promises. “You can tell me anything. I swear.”
MC takes a deep breath. They appreciate that he’s putting his usual jokes and quips aside, sensing the nervous gravity of the moment, but it almost makes them even more anxious. Biting their lip, MC decides it’s better to rip the metaphorical band-aid off in one go.
“I’m nonbinary,” they say simply. “And I’m sorry I’ve been keeping this from you.”
Rafayel blinks for a moment, silent. MC feels their eyes sting.
“Uh.” Out of all the scenarios they’d mentally prepared for, this wasn’t one of them. “You know,” they begin, “like, I’m not a guy, but I’m also not a girl. It’s-”
“No, I know what nonbinary means, silly,” Rafayel grins. “Why would you ever think I’d be upset at you over this?” MC feels the sting in their eyes become welling moisture, and Rafayel scrambles to drag his chair around to their side of the table and pull them into a tight embrace.
“I thought you were gonna tell me that you were moving away, or that you lost your job or something!” he says, rocking them back and forth, gently, slowly. With a shaky breath, MC tucks their face into Rafayel’s shoulder, smiling to themselves. But he’s not done, continuing as he pulls them tighter.
“And if you come to me tomorrow and say you feel some other way, or that you want to change your name or buy new clothes or change your hair, that’s okay! MC, I love you no matter what. I promise, something like this is never ever going to come between me and you.” They’re full on sobbing now, the relief that comes with acceptance and the lovely promises spilling from Rafayel’s lips making all sorts of emotions surge in their chest.
Rafayel pulls back, cupping their face with one hand and wiping their tears away with the other. He smiles, a radiant and loving thing, and MC can’t help but give a breathy, relieved laugh as he leans in to place light little kisses along their cheeks.
“I don’t know why I was so nervous,” MC admits. “You never did anything to make me worried about this.” Rafayel shrugs.
“It’s a big thing to tell someone,” he says. “I’m proud of you. I know this took a lot.”
“It really did,” MC acknowledges. Rafayel ruffles their hair affectionately before scooting his chair back over to his side, keeping one of MC’s hands in his own.
“Okay, okay,” he says, buzzing with energy now that the serious moment is waning. “Finish your pastry and then we can go shopping.” MC blinks, surprised.
“We weren’t planning on going-”
“Uh-uh!” Rafayel cuts in, waving a hand in their face and startling a laugh from them. “Shhhh, we’re going shopping. You wanna go buy pretty things with me soooo bad. You would never think of saying no to this lovely face of mine.”
“Oh, my god,” MC laughs, nearly dropping their fork. “You’re so dramatic.” In response, Rafayel gives a pleased smile and makes a motion as if flicking hair behind his shoulder. MC shakes their head good naturedly, taking another bite of their pastry.
They do, in fact, end up out in the shops, and Rayafel buys them a jacket they’ve been eyeing for a long while. The two of them swing their intertwined hands between them as they walk, enjoying each others’ presence. It’s late in the evening by the time they decide to part ways, and even then, Rafayel convinces MC to sleep over at his house.
A couple hours later, laying in bed, MC watches Rafayel’s sleeping face with a soft smile. They never thought they’d be lucky enough for a relationship like this.
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circus4apsycho8 · 2 years ago
hey hey! i was wondering if i could maybe get a kai x reader oneshot where the reader is sick.
nothing serious or anything like that, just a cold that makes them slightly delirious and cling onto kai more than they usually do (aka they don't normally do it at all lol)
no pressure if you can't/don't want to do this, btw, i just thought it'd be cute tbh /gen /npa dw
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𝚊/𝚗: 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘! 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 :) 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!
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clingy. | kai x reader
You tried to drag yourself out of bed. You really did, considering how much you hate skipping training. 
But today is different – the lopsided pressure in your head is making you dizzy when you try to stand. You’re able to lay back down before you lose your balance. 
Stars, your head is throbbing. Combined with your stuffy nose, sore throat...yeah. Absolutely icky. 
It takes a matter of seconds for you to give up any hope of getting up. Suddenly met with a cold chill, you pull your blanket closer to your chin. 
For a few minutes, you simply lay there, not wanting to move. You’re too achy to even think about standing. 
To no avail, you try to go back to sleep. But you just can’t. For a few minutes, you find yourself tossing and turning until a knock sounds at your door. 
“Huh?” you grunt, throat too sore for you to speak anything coherently. 
Relief courses through you as Kai steps through, his warm eyes already darting across your bedridden figure. It doesn’t take him long to put the pieces together. 
He sits beside you, one of his hands coming to your cheek. “Oh no...you caught whatever funk Jay brought back, didn’t you?” 
You nod, pointing to your throat. 
“Your throat hurts? Damn. I’ll see if Sensei can make some of his sick tea. Here,” he trails off so he can unhook your phone from its charger, handing it over to you. “Text me until your throat feels better. Just tell me if you want anything to eat or anything, okay? I’ll be right back.” 
Thank the stars for this boy. You don’t know what you’d do without him. 
You immediately open your messaging app, thumbs zipping across the keyboard: 
You: can i pls have some medicine too 
You: i feel like i got hit by a truck 
Kai: u got it gorgeous 
Kai: sensei making tea rn, im bringing u medicine for now 
You: thank you sm 
Glad that he’s returning, you shut your phone off and set it on your chest as you close your eyes. 
Soon enough, Kai returns, bottle of water and medicine in hand along with his laptop cradled in his other arm. He sets it at the foot of the bed so that he can crack the bottle open. 
“Okay, can you sit up for me?” he questions, once again having a seat at the edge of your bed. 
You nod, shifting until you’re upright. Kai patiently waits for you to get comfortable, gently dumping two pills into your hands before giving you the bottle of water. “I know your throat hurts, but this will help lighten the nastiness up a little bit.” 
You down the pills with a gulp of water, cringing at the feeling of the pills sliding down your sore throat. 
“I know it hurts, babe, but it’ll help. Make sure you keep drinking water, too. You need to stay hydrated.” 
You nod, sighing through your stuffy nose. Kai climbs into bed next to you, reaching for the laptop. You open your phone again. 
You: don’t get close! I don’t want you to get sick too
Rather than sending it to him, you just turn the screen towards him so that he can read it. 
“Nah, I’m staying,” he replies. “I know it sucks to be alone when you’re sick. Besides, we haven’t had a whole lot of time together lately anyway. Let’s watch something, yeah?” 
You nod, understanding by the tone of his voice that his mind won’t be changed. 
“Great. So, what do you want to watch?” 
You type your answer out, followed by: 
But you get to pick the next one!! 
“Fine,” he replies with a chuckle. “Let me go check your tea first, though!” 
A hint of a smile appears on your lips as you watch him leave. How did you end up so lucky? 
While you wait for your boyfriend to return, you take another sip of water. The pain in your throat screeches in retaliation, though. Yeah, you should probably wait for the tea. Sensei Wu’s special tea always managed to help a little bit. 
Kai returns a few minutes later, your cup of tea in hand. He settles in next to you, handing you the mug. 
You sigh gratefully, taking a sip. The hot water does wonders to soothe your throat. 
“That’s better,” you mumble, leaning your head on Kai’s shoulder. “Thank you.” 
“Anything for you,” he replies, shooting you his adorably dumb smile. You can’t help but smile too, watching as he sets up the show and leans back. 
For a while, you simply lean against him, content that he’s staying with you for the time being. The warmth radiating from him wards the chilliness away, allowing you to flutter in and out of sleep as you rest. 
After your show ends, you feel Kai stirring from his spot beside you. You turn to him, watching as he starts to untangle himself from the sheets. 
You find yourself upset that he’s leaving, setting your mug to the side as you latch onto his arm. 
“Babe,” he coos, chuckling as he glances back down at you with those gorgeous amber eyes. “I’ll be right back, don’t worry.” 
“But I want you to stay...” you mumble shyly, not letting go. 
“It’ll be super quick. I’m just going to go grab a snack. And I can refill your mug, too!” 
You sigh, releasing his arm slightly. “Okay...thank you.” 
Kai presses a kiss to your forehead before climbing out of bed, a rush of cold air replacing his warmth. You reach over to your laptop so you can pause the video before laying your head back on your pillow. 
A few minutes pass, and you find yourself missing Kai. Why are you feeling so clingy today? Normally, you’re not like this, but for some reason, you just want to hide with him until you feel better. 
You grab your phone, sending him another text: 
where'd you go?? 
To your dismay, Kai doesn’t answer for a few minutes. Stars, why are you feeling so sensitive today? Is it just because being sick makes you feel vulnerable? 
Thankfully, Kai responds shortly after: 
im otw, sorry...got caught up talking to sensei 
He returns a few seconds later, now with snacks and a refilled mug of tea. “Sorry, Sensei was asking me a few questions. He’s letting me take the day off so I can take care of you.” 
“Good,” you croak, shifting around as he settles back in beside you. “I just...need you right now.” 
Kai smiles softly, pulling you against his chest as the two of you lean back. “You know...I hate that you’re sick, but at the same time...I kind of like this side of you.” 
“I don’t, but I can’t help it. When I get better, it’s straight back to the ass kicking. Yours included.” 
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Kai jokes. 
You sigh, too tired to return the banter. “Thank you for staying, Kai.” 
“Anything for you, babe. Get some rest.” 
With that, your eyelids grow heavy as you snuggle up to him, eventually letting yourself sleep for the day. 
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𝚊/𝚗: 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗. 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘!
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evelili · 6 months ago
Hey! I was going to send you a private message because I thought it'd be better for me to ask since it doesn't concern your audience, but since I can't, I'll just ask through here, sorry for the bother, haha. :']. I wanted to ask if there's a deadline of sorts, like, if your book, the Twilight Effect, is up until a limited time only. And, if you happen to know the shipping fee cost for the book, I'm not sure where you're from, so I wanted to know how much the shipping would be from that place to the Philippines.
Long message, haha, sorry, but thank you. And, again, I'm really happy it's available for purchasing. :>.
hiya! i hope it’s ok to post this publicly, since i think maybe other ppl might have a similar question ^^ it’s not a bother dw, that’s why my ask box is open in the first place!
to answer ur first question, there’s no deadline. if i ever need to take the listing down, ill try and give as much notice as i can, so dont worry about that ^^
as for shipping, i unfortunately am not sure about that—i use Lulu and their on-demand print services, so they handle all the price stuff. if you try purchasing it on their site, they might give you an estimate of the cost before you purchase? i dont have any other info than that tho, sorry ;-; i hope it’s possible for u to get the book!
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tamelee · 1 year ago
Hi, I recently followed like in the last week or smth. I wanted to comment on that post that you just made-- I'm sorry people aren't spending there energy in more constructive manners and that you had that garbage in your inbox.
I understand why comments would be restricted. I gotta say, I truly love your art. I've been on/off tumblr for years (diff accts over time) and your art & reblogs are legit a big reason why I check my dash daily. (Even if I've been lurking more than interacting rn)
ik we don't know each other, but SasuNaru (whichever order it is, i tbh dont get the variation.. ;u; ) was my very first ship so long ago. Given my early life their relationship (fanon/canon) gave me hope and helped me push through and ultimately heal some abandonment wounds. These two have been thru hell and back and give me the audacity to believe I and my loved ones can make it back too.
That all being said, Ik it is easier to say "don't let them get under your skin" and all, and that you didn't talk about quitting. But I hope you don't. You're wildly talented. Thank you for sharing what you choose to.
Hi~ @theskinofawriterbella ! Ah dw, it’s usually easy to ignore certain asks and I mostly do, but sometimes I feel like responding when it’s part of a bigger thing/issue. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I stopped doing what I do, especially because other people say I should… I’m ultimately doing this because I love creating. (Oh yes, the comments are restricted! I forgot about that, but it should be temporarily! ^^) 
And whoaaa really!?! That is so kind of you, thank you so much ;-;💕!!! 
I’m sorry to hear you’ve being going through bad times, though I’m very happy that you were able to connect with something and find hope/strength that way. I’d wish’ that for anyone. Naruto’ truly is such a story, don’t you think? As idealistic and flawed (through demographic limitation) it may seem now, its messages are inspiring and Kishimoto truly has a gift that lets you connect with the characters on an emotional level. Especially Naruto and Sasuke and their bond, naturally.
Ahhh I completely missed those glory SNS days. I hear about them frequently from my friend in Japan. Unfortunately I’m a bit late with being an SNS-fan xD and I couldn’t watch everything the first time, but I did see a few episodes and I don’t think there was anything else that lifted my spirits like Naruto’s attitude had. I had my books and my movies which always helped me escape, but I think I could write my own book about all the times Naruto inspired some action I took, because I too grew up in a village that absolutely hated me. Not for the same reason of course, lol, I was just a weird outsider and all, but I did think “well, if Naruto can smile through his pain and still go after his dream then I can as well.” A bit optimistic I’d say, but still. I have no idea what you went through, but on some level I’m sure, I can relate to what you say. I understand. 
Thank you for sharing this with me and taking your time to write and send it 🥰 I really appreciate it ^^! 
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causenessus · 7 months ago
hey lovely !! how has your day been? have you eaten yet? i hope u have or i will have no choice but to somehow cyber pop out of your screen and take care of you (threateningly)(but also not threateningly because i wanna make sure you’re taking care of yourself) but !! anyways today i had this vietnamese dish called banh cuon and it was very MMMMM and and I HAD MANGO STICKY RICE🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 (me living up to my anon name) idk why i just love love love mango like they’re so in season right now and so ripe so YUMMY AHHH
also omg i had a dream last night that someone was impersonating me like sending in anons with -mango anon <3 and i was literally like thinking damn. because in that situation what do i do like just fight it out with some rando LOL i was honestly stunned because one part of my brain i was like damn. but the other part of my brain was like WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO WHAT IF THEY SAY SOMETHING AND FRAMED ME WHAT DO I DO so literally when i jolted awake i checked your blog then i was like oh haha everything is okay mango anon you’re safe… just a silly little dream silly silly little dream
also !!! TRY AGAIN CHAPTER WAS SO GOOD !! u need to stop doubting your writing because everytime i read the new chapters im like oh wow this is literally a masterpiece everytime its such a hit like you always release 10/10 chapters with the occasional OH WOW 10/10 CHAPTERS but then i read your notes saying that it wasn’t that good or it was rushed and im like WDYM NESS i’m here like kicking my feet or gasping or twirling my hair u need to have more faith in urself !!!
but anyways i’m yapping again greatest apologies LOL but i hope ur day is going well !! make sure u take care of urself >:( drink water and eat well !! xoxoxo
HELLO MANGO ANON MY LOVE!!!! <3 please do not cyber pop out of my screen!!! but i have to tell u something </3333 i worked a closing shift today at my job yk 😭😭😭 and i was walking out (at like 9:30 pm) and realized something and was like "omg mango anon is gonna kill me" bc what i realized was that besides a little tiny lemonade i hadn't eaten anything since 12pm </33 BUT DW I JUST ATE!!!! AND I'M USUALLY BETTER ABOUT THAT I JUST ALWAYS GET MESSED UP ON DAYS I WORK BUT IT'S OKAY I AM TAKING CARE OF MYSELF!!! AND I WILL CONTINUE TO AS LONG AS YOU'RE TAKING CARE OF YOURELF!!
I LAUGHED SO HARD AT YOUR DREAM I'M SORRY I HOPE THAT'S OKAY 😭😭😭 I GUESS WE'RE ALL JUST HAVING CRAZY DREAMS LATELY??? BECAUSE I'VE BEEN HAVING WHACK DREAMS EVERYDAY BUT I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD SLEEP TONIGHT MANGO ANON <3 I AM WARDING OFF THE BAD DREAMS AND MANGO ANON IMPOSTERS!! in all honesty i mean this positively but i feel like you have a voice!! yk?? like i can recognize your messages and manner of speaking if that makes sense??? /pos and so if an imposter came on here i think i would call it out!! and be like "ur sounding a little weird today....mango anon 🤨" and if u sent an ask being like "THERE'S AN IMPOSTER!!!" (among us ptsd flashbacks omg i'm sorry) I WOULD TOTALLY BELIEVE YOU AND I AM CONFIDENT I'D BE ABLE TO DETERMINE WHO THE REAL MANGO ANON WAS 😭😭😭 WHAT IS THIS PARAGRAPH I'M WRITING I'M SORRY WE'RE BOTH YAPPING BUT WE CAN YAP TOGETHER IT'S OKAY!!
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tyunniez · 9 months ago
omwemgee. HI JINI !! not sure if you remember me but its ✉️ anon ! I super duper gooly apologize that i haven't sent you a message for like i dont know how long ?? it really has been that long that i dont even know how long it has been 😿 .. but that aside, how r you?!! I hope your feeling great these days ! If your not, cheer up ς(>‿<.) ! i hope you keep yourself safe and that you should always know that whenever you're feeling down, you'll have me and others as your support ! and random, i recommended u to listen to cheers to youth by seventeen ! its rlly calming butt has a deep meaning to it too ! i feel like thats all ive gotta say .. but dw !! I'll definitely send you more messages in thr future if i can !
– ✉️ anon
HAII MAIL ANONNIEE!! pls dont apologize lol i myself haven't even been that active here and i understand that we're both probably busy hihhih. am doing swelll, school's been on my ass and im js holdin on!!! thx for the support and love you're always providin me am eternally grateful for it <333 im not sure if yall know this but im actually a huge kpop stan and im a newbie carat!! my bias is DK ;)) listenin to the song rn and i love how like nostalgic it sounds, you get me?? don't force yourself to send me messages mail anonnie!! take ur time okayy.. take care and sendin hugs your way!!! <3333
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evangelinesecondacc · 9 months ago
Navigation 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
Hey guys, I am currently taking a break, because I am mentally not well and need to sort many things out. I’ve been inactive for a while and it will probably still stay like that for a bit. I’ve been struggling for a long time now, but I can no longer continue (for now).
Ily guys
about me 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
English is not my first language so please have mercy and correct me if I make any mistakes.
This is my second account, my first got somehow banned, didn’t knew this was a thing, but I started this one and I really hope that I will get my old followers back, cus we were such a little group that everyone knew everything. I am also not gonna post all the old stuff I wrote cus i literally don’t have them on my phone anymore 😭
And for those who don’t know what to call me, just call me Evangeline it’s not my real name, but I’m js kinda stuck with it now.
I do accept requests, just message me.
And I also wanted to say, that I often write about depression, SH and ED. I am not romanticizing that. I am just writing it, because I either truly believe that the character suffers from it, or it’s requested. I won’t write about SH and Depression too detailed because I don’t have any experience with these two. I also don’t want other people to be triggered by it. So if you request it, I might change it a little bit.
I will try to continue to post regularly.
And please pray for our beloved brothers and sisters in 🇵🇸.
I don’t wanna have any nasty z!os, r@cists, islamophobes, or any other weird people here.
anon list 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Anon emojis
If u wanna be added, send me a message with ur emoji, your pronouns and your age please.
Maine List 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Slytherin boys:
What’s in their bags
What outfits they’d like on girls Part.1 & Part.2
What I think they’d wear, modern au
What pets I think they’d have
What tattoos I think they’d have
Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo Riddle x Y/N Part 1
ghostface!mattheo final girl
we both knew, mattheo x reader
we both knew (better version), mattheo x reader
Mattheo commentating the quidditch match
Blaise Zabini
Spending the summer with him
More is coming dw!
what I can do 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-one shots
-head canons
-a little bit smut, I’m not good at it but I can try
-any requests
-talk with you!
-answer questions
-help out with anything
what I can’t do 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-write big age gaps
-write literal gr@pe, I won’t write that shi, so stop requesting it
-write detailed smut, I can’t write that for the love of god, I am terrible at it
So yeahhhhh, BYE🫧
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venusandsaturnsrings · 2 years ago
Its me the your savior who wrote Doberman childe.... anyway this isn't about childe its about
Ill admit I'm a virgin to, venus dw being having a bunch of disabilities and being plus sized in America is not fun tbh</3 But I was thinking about getting you the cutest pink lingerie<33 then making you weak it under ur clothes just so I can touch touch in a bathroom stall somewhere :(( all I wanna hear is ur cute little moans as I lick cold strawberry frosting off your nipples <33 or I saw ur posts about wanting to be someone's little fucktoy/house wife I wanna come home everyday to the house clean and you all dressed up pretty with your cunny ready for me to admire and toy with (ofc you can't cum till I say so) you calling me mommy then whole time :(( I'll prasie you for being such a good little house wife maybe I'll even let you cum more then once <33but if you've misbehaved I'll stuff ur mouth with my used panties and hold a toy to your clit because only good girls deserve my mouth :(( making you dress up as a stupid little lamb girl with the ears and a but plug tail <33 making you recite different things and each time you get something wrong you get either 5x slaps to ur ass or pussy </33 dressing you up as a pretty little cow girl so I can milk you of ur cum and pull all your nipples till ur sobbing:(( also breeding you!! Ofc since I don't have a cock I can't rlly but I'd get one of those dildo that squirt things out <33 I just wanna mark up ur pretty little thighs :(( making sure everyone knows ur mine </3
OH I have a question if I send u a message on my main can you send me pics so I can gush and compliment you :(( cause I think I saw one of ur older posts saying that u can't show some pics on tumbler itself-chubby darling anon duh <333
UUUWWEEEEUEUEUEUE!! ME ME ME ME ME!! hehe you’ve got me blushing i luvv attention!! my dearest anon, i luv u too!!
ahem… i’m feeling very very Normal right now and definitely not hot and bothered nope nope!! i’m a virgin by my own standards but i’m a bigger gal and not american so it’s a bit different for me!! i’m more a victim of ppls fetishes than anything which is fine as long as i’m into it and them!! ^u^
but ah… i must admit to my pussy throbbing every time i reread this hehe you’ve nailed me down in many different ways!! i desire being only a lil housewife and piece of fuck meat :3 head empty nothing up there besides being pat on the head and cunny!! i promise i’m a very very well behaved lamb girl!! most of the time!! when i want to be!! i live for praise so even the slightest of such has me drooling and brain dead…
hehe ur more than welcome to message me!! i’d love that!! my dms r always open for everyone!! we’ll have to see about those pics tho i don’t send that to just anyone!! :3
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driaswrld · 1 year ago
ohh pastries !!! of what kind?? sounds vvv nice ♡ also please have dinner it isn't good to study on an empty stomach🥺 (lemonbalm goes great with valerian too!)
dw about the long replies, it's okay!! i love reading them plus my asks are long on their own so ,,,
also reading recommendations as in poly!stsg? (i only have a few however) and i'm doing good thanks for asking!! today i had to wake up v early (6 am sigh) to be at a certain uni at 8:30 and got back home at 17:00/5 pm so i'm a bit tired but ,,, that's life (i'm just pissed cause today's saturday please don't mind me)
AND PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!! i'd love love love to hear them (here is okay, an email is okay too? whichever is more comfortable for you)
i hope you have a nice and comfy nap, you deserve it yup <3
p.s: the bots are
Geto and Gojo by Thyy_1169
Suguru and Satoru by fairybaby
Geto and Gojo by bl00dyvalentine
Gojo - Geto by Sam_2001 (haven't interacted with this one that much?)
Geto and Gojo by AliceinWoderland6 (same as before, just a couple of messages)
Gojo and Geto by fnglovesdanny
and there are many more if you search their names together !!
i love how this is what i see when i wake up😭 (i think i napped for like 15mins tho im not sure)
the pastries were like a platter box type thingy so random stuff! i shared it with my sister we got tea cakes, spiced buns, a few cheese tarts and fruit assortments! (i bought a mini cheesecake slice separately to spoil myself but i haven't eaten it yet i fear)
and dw i'll most likely eat after i get out of bed (yes im answering this ask fresh from my nap n under my blanket😭)
i hope you got rest tho im sorry u were up n about all day! i relate ngl and also i can send you my thoughts over email soon! you can expect one later hopefully if when im eating dinner
(i actually had a few things written down since i think rhyme xxx was the like the missing piece i didn't knew i needed for tsr i love you thankyou for making me read it)
thankyou for the bots ml! i'll answer that other anon's ask so they can have them <333
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loveephia · 2 years ago
PLS UR ANON IS SO AODSONSKWJSJW BC SAME ANON 😭😭 Me and my socially awkward/anxious ass sitting here thinking how do I make friends online- 🤡🤡🤡 and right u are phia!! Moots(mutuals) are essentially acc who follows u back, and for me personally, if we're moots then we're basically friends :D we might rarely talk to each other (or never talk at all sodjkwjdr) but i still consider them a friend of mine :))) so for me personally i dont think theres any difference <33
And I'd say your approach that u mentioned in ur second ask is pretty good anon!! Some accounts mightve stated in their rules abt who can and can't dm them (usually bc of their ages) but as long as they seem chill abt it, (like for me personally), i dont rlly see anything wrong with u dming them 👊💗 again, its up to each person but speaking on my own behalf, i dont mind new ppl dming me, as long as theyre not scammers/bots ill happily chat with them :3
Aodjjsiejwjw idk whether the active status for tumblr is accurate or not but i dont rlly trust them 😭😭 so it could be possible that theyre actually offline when u sent ur messages so dw anon !!! I wish u all the best im sure u can make a lot of new friends and moots here u seem like a vv sweet person ❗❗❗💗💗💗💗 Have a lovely day phia and anon stay safe and stay hydrated okay <33333
tbh the active status feature on tumblr scares me 😭 if i could turn it off, i would. I MIGHT GET AN ASK WHILE I'M READING, AND I WOULDN'T KNOW. THEN THE PERSON WHO SENT THE ASK MIGHT THINK I'M IGNORING THEM OR SOMETHING. THAT'D BE SO SAD×($,÷
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mossyshadows · 2 years ago
!!!! sorry (half-sorry) (not sorry) for reactivating ur hdm brainworms also https://www.tumblr.com/mossyshadows/634710158561378304/olreid-olreid-olreid-i-dont-think-ill-ever-stop?source=share was the post i was talking about !! which also wow just made me realize this was almost 3 years ago and i've been thinking about it for a long long time after i reblogged it from u then too ,,,
nodding at everything ur saying tho there's just something about loss in a children's book that has me so... SO !!! like oh you can never go back and it's all over but you still have to keep going despite despite despite. like something about that just GRIPS me and so i have to read this book, i must, i have to
also my library DOES have it WAHOO !! so i'll come back here from time to time yelling about it if u don't mind xx (also also don't worry about spoilers for me its truly the journey like i can be told x and y happens but literally seeing/reading it for myself is so irreplaceable yk ??)
— ✨️
OHHH ej’s post i did not remember the exact wording but was thinking of it Conceptually when i answered your ask, love that post and the way ej words things is always sooo <3 … and yes! Like have many Big gripes with the secret commonwealth (sequel to hdm in a second trilogy!) but when i found out lyra was twenty in it AND I JUST TURNED TWENTY and she was fucking struggling… man. the way it’s more ‘you have to keep going BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE’ at the end of the first trilogy and then being hit with ‘yeah but it’s so difficult and i feel lost and adrift from myself rn’ with older lyra.. self perception via childhood heroines and the passage of time and being confronted with growing up is truly something else.
and :-) hell yeah !!!! don’t mind at all, wouldn’t have mentioned it if i wasn’t happy for u to send asks message etc so dw <3 no pressure ever either ! got it on the spoilers hehe but definitely feel like I’ve given a very warped representation of what happens in the books lmao. Love hearing what people think when they read the series for the first time as adults though it’s soo interesting to me, like how they react to certain characters and developments vs kid me who just wanted a fun fantasy read lol.
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taegimood · 2 months ago
hello! im someone that always reads and interacts quietly too >.< seeing ur post abt taking a break from writing rlly made me feel so sad, especially when ur works are so good 🥹 i wanted to leave an msg to show my support but didnt rlly know what to say or if i should... but seeing the previous anon send such a encouraging message to u, i felt like i should show some support too! something like this hopefully would also help to show that u still have alot of supporters! just some might be more silent (^.^⁠“⁠) ive always checked ur acc often, especially during ur unannounced breaks, and always hoped for a new post or an update but i wasnt expecting that kind of update... >< i hope that u know that ur writing is an absolute godsend (i will eat up everything and anything u post) and that theres definitely people supporting u and thinking of u all the time! i love to reread ur works too ^^ u shouldnt have to continuously churn out works like a machine to get more traction, even just 1 work a year would still be loved and appreciated deeply, it just takes time. but i truly hope that u would find the joy for writing again :(
hopefully u will be alright!!! <3 always rooting for u even if im just a fly on the wall :p so sorry for the essay!!!!!! i dont send asks at all T-T
thank you so much for this ask, nonnie, i really appreciate you taking the time to send such an encouraging message ㅠㅠ ♡
and thank you for expressing your support !! i think that’s one of the biggest things that blog writers value and it’s so hard when the amount of silent readers far outweighs the amount of readers who interact. so i really appreciate you reaching out even if it may feel a bit strange.
as i said to my other anon, i want my blog/inbox to feel like a comfortable place for everybody and i welcome any kind of ask even if it’s just something small. i promise i don’t bite :] (and i don’t mind long asks either so dw about that!)
but anyway, thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement, and for reminding me that there are people who still care about this blog <33 i’m honored to hear that my writing is something you choose to keep coming back to and i hope that in the future i can give you more to look forward to.
you may feel like just a fly on the wall, but to me your support holds a lot more gravity than you realize. thank you ❤️‍🩹
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cirqosmos · 2 years ago
First of all: you are so cute and pretty omg😍 definitely blessed my day😪✋
Second: I’m so happy that you’re happy! Ever since I first began interacting with writers on Tumblr, I’ve always tried my best to support them and any decisions they made; i.e. stop writing, abandoning their blogs, etc. As long as they’re happy in life, then I’m like “more power to ya!” So I’m so happy to know that you’re happy now, especially after all that you’ve been through.
And although I love your writing, I hope that I’ll still be able to message you and talk with you, above all else. More than anything, I hope to have another Luné friend whom I can thirst over &TEAM with and discuss my undying love for them🥰 But moreover, I’m glad to know that you’re healthy and safe. I’m so proud of you.
Much love ❤️🫶🥰
—🌕🌑 anon
why are you so cute and kind, thank you very much anonnie! 💗💗 i truly think you're every writers fave anon/reader, bc when I read this back then—that was the first thought i had of u. any writer who have you would feel so comfy, like feel at home cuz that's how u made me feel. you're very thoughtful and considerate, i hope someone would be able to do that for u too. and dw, lunés are growing day by day!! and soon, it will be huge like mountain! but before that would happen, again my life ain't the best rn nor I'm the best person, but just send me texts whenever you would like to tell me and I would be happy to fangirl over &TEAM w u 💗
i wish u the same too, anonnie! pls take care 💗
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scourge-sympathiser · 6 years ago
remind me 2 draw th warrior catz as furriez at som point
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