#Tyto reads Conan
kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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Sonoko: You ever yearn for excitement?? Need something to fill the void in your soul that calls for adventure?? Looking for that special someone that makes you feel ALIVE???
Shinichi, without hesitation:
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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Is... is Shinichi just Disney Princess-ing the squirrels of Central Park in this flashback??
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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I live for this
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
First off, Fist of Blue Sapphire is fucking BANANAS in every way, from the way Shinichi gets to Singapore to the rooftop martial arts death matches
There is no heterosexual explanation for this
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
Reading so much of the Funimation dub version of the manga has irreparably damaged my actual brain. I got so used to mentally auto-correcting the characters' names to their non-Anglicized versions that now when I DO see those English names in everyday life, I read them as the Japanese counterparts instead and have to mentally trip backwards a step to correct the correction.
Watching Fist of Blue Sapphire was ROUGH because I kept reading the name of the Rachel character as "Ran" in the subtitles despite the audio clearly saying "Rachel".
And now today there's a dog at work named George and I keep reading his name as "Genta" and basically I'm pretty sure this is my villain origin story
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
Detective Conan: [blood and gore, violence, drugs, serial killers, organized crime, spies and espionage, tragedy, paranoia, grief]
Also Detective Conan:
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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I’m seriously convinced this man is a genius, at this point
You know that phenomenon with cop/forensics shows where all the jargon and technobabble sounds plausible enough until it veers into a subject you actually know something about, and then it becomes clear that the writers are just spouting bullshit and hoping no one will notice?
I just experienced the exact OPPOSITE with Detective Conan, because, well. Half the time with this series I read the big deduction at the end of a case and have to just kind of nod along and accept what they’re saying because I know shit-all about cars or banks or famous Japanese historical figures.
But this case with the three people claiming to own the cat?? I had every detail figured out instantaneously because I know cats.
Oh, Taii-chan is a boy, you say? Then the overly eager guy is definitely just trying to sell him because he’s rare. Taii-chan ran to grumpy Kogoro instead of the kind old woman? Well yeah, she was staring right at him and making noise, which means she’s not used to caring for cats. But even if she was, she clearly described a cat that had been spayed, not neutered, and thus could be dismissed outright. (And this detail I noticed from the dialogue alone, though the visuals of the post-surgery cat went ahead and confirmed it!) And the guy who had every other detail right, but was clearly allergic to cats? Do you know how many animal-lovers (and veterinary staff) I’ve known who own multiple cats despite terrible allergies? That’s a meaningless detail.
And so on. 
I gushed about this same thing briefly when Eri was seen talking to a veterinarian several volumes ago, and Shinichi identified his profession just from to the scars on his arms. Another detail from that case that leapt out at me as screamingly accurate was Eri consulting a vet about her cat twitching in his sleep, only to be told, “Ma’am, he’s just dreaming, he’s fine.” I’ve been in the room with concerned pet parents asking that exact silly question!
I’m just! Wow! If everything else in this series is half as well-researched as the details I DO understand, then it really is an impressive feat on Aoyama-sensei’s part. My mind is constantly boggled by this manga, I swear
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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In a series with this many wacky characters, the fact that Makoto of all people manages to be the funniest is incredible
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
In other news we watched the first half of the MK1412 anime, and I also just now reached the part of the DC manga that introduces Sera, so things are Pretty Fucking Queer up in here
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
Ai: All right, Kudou-kun. You've used the temporary antidote twice now (well, three times, really), and your body is clearly developing a resistance to it, so until we figure out a permanent solution we've got to be careful and reserve it only for the most dire of-
Shinichi: Eh?? I can't hear you over the sound of an all-expenses-paid trip to London's biggest Sherlock Holmes-related locations! I'm taking some antidote with me to get through customs, cool, see you in a week!!
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
Throwback to Dec 31, 2020 and the start of my descent
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Anyway I’m caught up now
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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Ran continues to get all blushy over every pretty girl she encounters
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
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Don’t mind me, just starting a collection of panels showing everyone’s absolute faith in KID
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