#yes despite how much i complained about it i did continue to read the dub version of the manga for quite a while
kingdomoftyto · 3 years
Reading so much of the Funimation dub version of the manga has irreparably damaged my actual brain. I got so used to mentally auto-correcting the characters' names to their non-Anglicized versions that now when I DO see those English names in everyday life, I read them as the Japanese counterparts instead and have to mentally trip backwards a step to correct the correction.
Watching Fist of Blue Sapphire was ROUGH because I kept reading the name of the Rachel character as "Ran" in the subtitles despite the audio clearly saying "Rachel".
And now today there's a dog at work named George and I keep reading his name as "Genta" and basically I'm pretty sure this is my villain origin story
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watevermelon · 4 years
Patience is a Virtue | Shinsuke Kita x Reader
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✧ Summary: You lost track of the days that you were in love with Kita. He was so much more than just the team mom that many outsiders dubbed him as. He was the wielder of cold-logic and held the bluntest of words at times, but he showed his own special brand of care for each member of the team. What you hadn’t expected was for him to especially care about you.  ➳ Warnings: Language because twins lmao ➳ Tags: Childhood friends to lovers; mostly fluff and humor; Atsumu being a little shit; friends trying to be match-makers; mild jealousy on Kita’s part; introspection and some character development
✧  Masterlist
As the manager of the Inarizaki volleyball club, you were no stranger to the antics of your generally loud team. And while this was usually elicited by the twins, with most of the team ahem especially Suna being no help (since many would rather film then break-up the fight), you were almost a pro at keeping them calm to the public eye.
You grew up alongside most of the members of the team, a strange connection between all of the players. From advanced classes in junior high to being literal neighbors to some of them, you were long-term classmates with many of the members - including the captain himself.
Kita was much more than the doting team mom than people gave him credit for. Yes, he was often the face of the team, the voice of reason that handled the interviews and other press coverage, but this all came from a place of stone-cold reason. He had strict routines and never cared about doing things without practical rationale. Kita had a mature way of thinking, often compartmentalizing both people and emotions, to the point that it made people his own age not relate to him.
Even the quiet Suna, the analytical little shit who loved to poke fun at said captain, had honestly admitted that he thought Kita to be on the robot-side of the emotional spectrum. 
And, despite all this, Kita was the long-term object of your affections.
It was all the little things that made your crush on him grow. From his proper speech, the blunt words no matter to whom he was speaking to, or his unusual brand of care he extended toward his teammates, Kita was the foundation of Inarizaki that you fell for. And when he was named captain of the volleyball team? You almost cried alongside him, reveling in the rare fit of pure happiness that he was gracing your eyes with.
You remembered the last time you walked home together, for once not being called away on separate duties as captain and leading manager. He treated you to ice-cream and walked along you side-by-side.
“Mint chocolate-chip with two cherries.” He told the street-cart vendor confidently, knowing your favorite flavors by heart at this point.
You ordered for him in kind, receiving the treat from the vendor as Kita paid for both of your orders. Anyone else would be contesting it, but you knew that Kita would not take no for an answer. He did stuff like this all the time with you, you were better off not fighting it. This was not the hill you wanted to die on.
But you were surprised when Kita licked at your ice cream, smiling as he tasted it and maintaining your gaze head-on. The shock on your face must have been evident since the smirk on his widened. You reached for the cone in his hand, only for him to lightly slap it away.
“Should I be asking with a pretty please or something?” You asked with a playful pout.
“No.” Kita replied, before lowering it to your eye-level.
Did he want you to lick it? While he was holding it????
Wordlessly, you followed his silent command and felt the minty taste of your afternoon snack on your tongue. Kita watched the action, eyes following your tongue as he shot you a friendly smile. He pulled away before you could get that much more, before licking your ice cream again.
Was that an indirect kiss???
“My, you two make quite the couple.” The vendor commented, clasping her hands together as she watched your interaction.
“We’re not dating.” Kita answered, squashing any hope you had from that interaction.
He was just?? So confusing??
You had so many little moments like this over the years. So many that had you often questioning deep into the night what truly was your relationship with the blunt captain of Inarizaki. You fell for him so many years ago, it made you wonder when was the last time you really thought of him as just a friend. Did he truly not know about your feelings?
But Kita was smart and on just as many occasions, you wondered if he knew the truth but simply did nothing about them. If he could read the twins with little effort, there was no doubt he understood your feelings long-ago, but decided not to act.
At least, that was your reason behind not openly admitting it to him:
That Kita knew you had a crush on him. And since he did not feel the same, it was better off if he did not address them.
And so you never brought it up, stewing in silence for years. 
Eight years was a long time to be in love alone.
“You should just give up on him.” Jisoo, your fellow Inarizaki manager commented one day. She was in the same class as the twins, a year your junior.
The both of you were lounging outside in the courtyard for lunch, a humidly hot day that made the two of you especially lazy this particular school-day. Only a few more hours more and you would be free of classes, liberated of any schoolwork and finally enjoying the weekend.
You were mindlessly scrolling through your phone, looking at the different posts on social media from your various friends. Atsumu had posted of his serve practice the day before, his comment section flooded with various hearts by his fan-club of all things. Osamu’s private Instabook was of food while Aran’s had posted one of the day’s blue skies.
“Why would I do that?” You asked with a sigh, already used to her trying to guide you away from him. You understood why, it was hardly a smart decision to hold onto your feelings, not that you really cared.
“Aren’t you tired of it by now?”
But was that a good enough reason at this point? You were a third-year and about to graduate. If there was one thing that was constant throughout your entire life in the farming prefecture you called a home, it was that you had feelings for the captain.
The sky was blue. Summer was hot. You liked Kita.
It was that simple sometimes. And while there were moments that hurt your heart, it was not like you had any head-space to even try to stop.
“Maybe.” You answered candidly, “Honestly, I wouldn’t even know how to. But I don’t want to either.”
“I worry about you, senpai.”
“What can I say?” You tried to joke, even with your sad smile. “Kita has my heart on lock-down.”
“We’re all going to the twins’ party this weekend, why don’t you try talking to some of the guys there?”
“Not this again.” You complained as you put your phone down on the table.
“Come on!” Jisoo pushed, “I’m sure there’ll be someone there that peaks your interest.”
You raised a brow in response, doubt evident on your face.
She teased, “It could also be on a purely physical level.”
Laughing at her statement, you said. “Like that’s any better.”
“A little smooches here and there never hurt anyone.”
“Now I’m worrying about you.”
She giggled, before continuing. “Just think about it. First guy tonight who hits on you, give him a chance.”
While you would have dismissed the thought immediately, there was something rather playful happening in the pit of your stomach. As if, for once in a long-time, you wanted to feel the puppy love of just casually flirting. Of grinning and laughing along with someone's advances and actually enjoying one these parties; rather than just sitting on the couch playing Mario Kart waiting for Kita to hopefully show.
“I don’t know, maybe.”
She sighed loudly, happy to have cracked you a little. Jisoo continued with a teasing grin on her face. “Oh right, I forgot. You’re a masochist.”
“I could’ve told ya that.” Another voice broke out, the familiar setter of two-tone hair taking the seat next to you. He picked at one of your french-fries, eating it with no preamble as Suna took the seat diagonal from you, next to Jisoo at the picnic table outside. 
For someone who spoke a lot of game about not being caught up with the twins, Suna tended to hang around Atsumu quite a bit.
“I am not a masochist.” You defended from Atsumu’s words, earning an eye-roll from the other female manager.
“Why else would you agree to manage a team with the twins?” Suna quipped before taking out his phone, probably scrolling through social media as well. Atsumu shrugged in agreement, a smirk on his face.
“Also, tell that to your love life.” Jisoo countered, playfully moving her lunch out of Atsumu’s reach before the setter could commandeer some of hers.
You quietly pushed the rest of your fries in his direction, appetite long gone on this overly humid day. Doing this sort of thing was actually quite natural with the twin, sharing food and hugs were a normal thing with your friend.
“It’s not that bad.” You argued.
“Wait, have ya ever dated before?” Atsumu asked.
“Have you?” You countered back, the setter was infamous for his many… romantic encounters. But the young man had yet to ever put a serious label on any of those instances, at least not to your knowledge.
He rolled his eyes in response, turning to Jisoo instead to continue.
“Come on senpai, not even a smooch?” She pushed.
You felt your face flush at having been called out, “Well....”
Atsumu turned his body toward you in his seat, his insufferably confident smirk back on, “I could help ya with that.”
You pushed away at his shoulder, “You say it like it’s a problem.”
“Ya savin’ it till ya get married or somethin’?” He asked, genuinely curious. Even Suna turned to you, looking up from his phone in interest.
You turned to Jisoo, the conversation taking a dangerous turn. If you said yes, their curiosity would definitely be spiked. And it was not like you could lie to them and say it was some random person in your class - you knew these boys for years, but they also knew you in kind. 
Yes or no?
The other manager did not even try to bail you out and your silence was already tantamount to an answer.
“Aww. How cute of ya, (L/N).” Atsumu chuckled, reaching to pat your head. You slapped it away before he got too close. For someone younger than you, he was quite the brat. Years of being friends long stripped away any formalities apparently.
“Looks like our heart-breaker manager is actually very sentimental.” Suna commented, a brow raised in your direction.
“Heart-breaker?” You questioned in genuine confusion.
“Come on, (L/N)-san.” Jisoo answered this time, “She’s had her heart set for so long, she hasn’t even seen the other boys she’s curved.”
“How is that possible when no one’s confessed to me?”
Jisoo laughed while Atsumu absently tapped his finger on the table, “Even I know that ain’t true, (L/N).”
“Whatever.” There was no reasoning with your underclassmen when they were this dead-set. No one had confessed to you before, right? At least none to your memory, they were just being instigators as usual?
“That doesn’t answer the question why ya sittin’ here single.” Atsumu stated.
“He obviously has feelings for you, but she’s too much of a wuss to confess.” Jisoo stated it plainly for you, then turned to look at Atsumu with an expectant face. “So it’s either because he hasn’t noticed, which I doubt, or he’s not looking for commitment.”
“Ah. And it’s someone we’ve known for years, huh?” Suna deduced, words come out slowly.
You straightened your back in surprise and shot warning looks toward both boys. This was getting too close, they were starting to put together pieces of a puzzle you hadn’t even willingly handed to them. And knowing these little shits, they were not going to let this go until they found out.
Atsumu inclined his head for you to continue while Suna’s eyes never left your own. Suna was smart all the time, but with being associated with the twins constantly, it was easy to forget that fact. And since the trio acted like idiots so often, you tended to forgo how truly analytical even the Atsumu was. 
This was not good - so not good. It probably would not take them long to deduce the person at this rate.
“I swear to the highest volleyball gods out there,” You spit out as your turned to the other manager, “I will fucking smite you off this planet if you say another word.”
Jisoo burst out laughing immediately, almost choking on her lunch as Atsumu grinned at your warning, the exact opposite response you wanted.
“Strong words ya got there.” He commented, body still angled toward yours in interest. “Looks like we hittin’ a lil too close to home?”
“Don’t even try it.” You responded back, turning away from his inquisitive eyes and back to your phone.
Needless to say, they didn’t listen.
Suna backed up in his seat, eyes glancing between you and the setter. “No commitment, huh?”
Meanwhile, Atsumu was rapid-firing questions. “Is it a second-year? Third-year? Is he on the volleyball team? Do we know ‘em personally?”
You smiled at his now peaked curiosity, the setter almost looking like a small puppy waiting for a treat. But you refused to answer, no doubt sure that they would tell the captain the moment they found out the truth. You turned to Jisoo, who was smiling away at Atsumu, but otherwise sat thankfully quiet.
Atsumu was firing off specific names now, hoping to get any response from you.
“The bastard’s gotta be on the team.”
“Bastard?” Jisoo laughed at the nickname.
“Shut up, Atsumu.” You countered, attempting to poke harshly at his forehead to stop. But he just grabbed the hand in one of his own, holding it in his lap as he continued to spit out names.
“Is it Aran?”
“Will you stop?”
“I will murder you in cold blood.”
“... Is it me?”
You tried your best to pull your hand away, now realizing his tightening hold on against the skin of your hand. How long had you been sitting there holding hands? You felt a natural rosiness rise to your cheeks, not really because of the recipient, but because you were doing so in public with some guy.
Instead, you poked the setter’s side roughly, earning a deep groan, but freeing your hand in the process. Packing up your belongings, you stepped out of the picnic table and stated, “Lunch is almost over, we should get to class.”
You walked away with a small wave, the boys turning to the now only female occupant of the lunch-table.
“Nu-uh.” Jisoo cut off Atsumu, moving to leave the table before she accidentally said anything.
“Throw a man a bone here! Or at least help him bone.” Atsumu murmured that last part under his breath, “Ya don’t even have to verbally confirm it - is it me?”
Jisoo paused as she stood, books in hand already. The look she threw him was mischievous, but otherwise she left in silence.
Unfortunately for you, all you were thinking about during class was that conversation you just had. Kita sat on your right in your next few classes, the mild Ōmimi behind the both of you. The last thing you needed was to linger on their teasing words of smooches and marriage. You couldn’t confess your feelings, imagining anything else?? You could only imagine the bright blush at the simple thought of it.
And apparently, you hadn’t hidden it well.
“Something wrong?”
There were still a couple more minutes until the teacher would return. And so you were sitting in the classroom with Kita alongside you, other students milling around the room. He was so damn good at reading people and you cursed that he was using it against you now.
“Just thinking about some stuff Jisoo said at lunch.” You tried to wave off.
“You’re blushing.” Kita stated bluntly, putting his book down as he spoke to you. 
He was never one to sugar-coat his words.
“Am I?” You put your palms to your cheeks, as if to feel the heat. There was no point in trying to lie to him. “She was teasing me about boys.”
“Oh. Are you dating anyone?” Kita asked.
God, this was awful. 
There was nothing worse than your crush asking about your crush.
“No, not yet.” You shook your head negatively, turning towards the window on your left, at least trying to hide your expression.
“Yet? Are you looking to date soon?”
You wanted to scream.
“Um, not in the near future.” You tried to deflect, “But it could happen!”
“Of course.” He smiled, “I packed extra onigiri for lunch, but I couldn’t find you. I’m not sure if you still want it.”
“Ah, I would love to! If I’m not imposing, then yes.”
Kita shook his head, “I packed it for you.”
“You’re so sweet sometimes.” You said honestly, taking it and munching down.
“You usually either forget your lunch or eat junk.” He stated plainly, making you suddenly blanch at his cold-words. I mean, he wasn’t exactly wrong either. You thought back to the lunch you had today, literally just water and french fries that you ended up giving to Atsumu.
“Ha, well.” You trailed off before settling on, “Thanks for always taking care of me.”
Kita’s small grin widened as he looked you in the eyes, “It’s my pleasure.”
When he said things like that, it easily set your heart aflame. It was so simple, such small interactions that you would have to squint hard to find anything underlying in his words. But you wanted to. You wanted to feel needed and also give to the captain as well.
The blush you had earlier was probably nothing in comparison to how you looked now, you were sure. And, with Kita being the ever smart cookie he was, there was no doubt that he spied your inflamed reaction.
Was that conversation over? Was he expecting a response?
Maybe the volleyball god’s did have mercy on your poor soul, since your teacher walked in then and thankfully brought your conversation to a halt. You tried not to outwardly seem relieved, turning to the front and taking out your notebooks.
Your mind wandered in and out of the lecture. There were moments that your gaze just happened to meander over to the captain to your right. It was one thing to suddenly notice you were staring at him, but another thing entirely to be caught in the action. Kita would usually just smile at you kindly, before nudging his chin toward the front of the room toward the teacher.
Even later during volleyball practice, your eyes would casually dawdle over to where the captain was standing. Whether he was watching the team with careful eyes or participating himself in practicing spikes, your eyes usually just found him.
But today was not the day to let down your guard.
Atsumu and Suna were paying careful attention to you. And now it was no secret where your gaze was pointed to. Suna smirked when he realized, but Atsumu clicked his tongue and mentally filed it away for later. Jisoo once snapped playful fingers in front of your face, grabbing your attention to flip the scoreboard.
When it was finally time to clean, Kita helped you collect the left-over volleyballs and roll the hammock into the proper storage room. You did so carefully, making sure not to accidentally touch his skin lest he back off from the motion. But the kind, neutral expression he shot you went straight to your heart.
“Let’s get the scoreboard next.” He instructed, the both of you moving to opposite sides of the wheeled board.
And you would have, if Atsumu had not thrown a casual arm across the captain’s shoulders.
“Hey, do ya mind helpin’ ‘Samu over there?” He motioned with his thumb over his shoulder, pointing to his twin who was not looking at all.
Slightly suspicious, Kita did as asked anyway and went with the grey-headed twin to mop the floors.
“What was that about?” You asked as Atsumu pushed the scoreboard along with you.
It was only when you entered the storage room alone that he replied, “So Mister No Gaps Kita Shinsuke, huh?”
“What?!” You fought the inward need to slap yourself, high voice and exclamation enough to show that he was right on the money. “You asshole, how do you know that?”
“I didn’t need anyone to tell me that.” He emphasized, gesturing at your eyes with two fingers. “Ya kept starin’ at ‘em the entire practice.”
You huffed frowning, “That obvious, huh?”
“Yea, he probably knows too - especially if Suna and I figured this shit out.”
That didn’t help at all.
“Great.” You leaned against the nearby wall and put a palm to your forehead.
Atsumu crossed his arms, “So why haven’t ya confessed to ‘em yet?”
You scoffed and shot him a flat-expression, “Because he doesn’t like me back?”
“What? He said that to ya?”
“Well, no.” You hesitated, but explained. “I mean, he definitely knows I have feelings. And Shinsuke has never been one to beat around the bush. If he hasn’t addressed it, it’s probably because he doesn’t want to make it awkward…  since he doesn't feel the same.”
“I think you’re a dumbass.” Atsumu stated back, sighing heavily. “Kita don’t think like that and we both know it.”
“Why else would he be waiting it out?” You asked, “This is the same Kita that told us he doesn’t understand how people feel nervous.”
“Jesus, (F/N). He was talkin’ about volleyball.” Atsumu groaned, raking one of his hands through his piss-blonde hair. “Kita’s human too. Maybe he’s not sure how ya would respond for the same reasons.”
“I don’t know if love advice from the school’s resident fuck-boy is a good idea.” You jabbed instead, a playful smile on your face.
Atsumu put a mock-offended hand on his chest, a smirk finding a way on his face before he squashed it down seriously. He took a step toward you until you were less than an arms’ length-apart, “Fine, have it your way. Stew in silence until he finds someone else.”
That struck a silent chord in you.
“Honestly, that was kind of the plan these past few years.” You admitted, turning your head toward the ground. “If he could find his true happiness with someone else, then I would be happy for him.”
Atsumu must have detected your seriousness, since he hesitated to say his next few words. “Don’ be like that. Stop bein’ an idiot - he likes you.”
“Shut up.”
“Come on, (L/N).” Atsumu levelled with you, “Ya standin’ here like ya ain’t the only girl he’s ever withstood.”
“Wow, what a feat.” You muttered as you sighed.
“Fine, if ya don’t believe that. Aren’t ya’ll best friends anyway?” Atsumu asked, “I’m sure he’d do anythin’ to keep you close.”
You hesitated, but agreed. Your relationship, no matter if he reciprocated your feelings or not, you were best friends. But if he didn’t feel the same and you said something? Would there ever be recovering from something like that?
Atsumu drew you out of your thoughts before he lost you further to your over-thinking, “You’re a real catch. Anybody would be lucky to have ya.”
“Oh?” You shot a withered smile at him.
“And I’m not just sayin’ that to put the moves on ya.” Atsumu joked, earning a light punch to his shoulder as you walked past him to leave.
“Yeah, yeah.” You said before turning back towards him, remembering to say. “None of this leaves this room. You hear that?”
“Yes ma’am.” He mock-saluted, a second later a loud ahem ringing through the room.
You tensed up and turned toward the door, seeing a blank-faced Shinsuke standing in the open doorway. Atsumu was always surprised, albeit much less worried than you were. Was your secret finally out?
“Am I interrupting something?” He asked, before you pushed shouted a loud No! and brushed past him back into the gymnasium.
Atsumu tried to casually exit the room as well, before his captain’s voice rang-out again, “Care to explain what that was about?” 
The setter had two options here: either brush it off or fan the flames that he knew for a fact was there. You were the obvious party, openly staring at the captain like your eyes belonged on him. But Atsumu knew that those feelings were not as unrequited as you thought. 
He remembered some club-room talk not that long ago. It was normal for the guys to discuss their preferences, something that Atsumu was rather vocal about on multiple occasions. Aran was just looking for someone he could cook while Ōmimi stated he liked girls who were generally very kind. Osamu preferred someone who was a bit meeker while Atsumu loved ‘em vocal, even bratty to the point of talking back.
“Of course, you would.” Suna commented as he dressed.
“What the fuck do ya mean by that?” The setter bit out.
“As in the fuckboy thinks he’s a girl tamer.” Suna snarkily replied.
“Well, when a girl has a mouth on her. I want to put it to good use.” Atsumu said with a smirk, earning a loose towel to the head, one that Osamu had just launched from across the room. Aran sighed and grabbed it before Atsumu could whip it back. Kita nodded toward his counterpart in quiet thanks.
Many of the others were still dressing after practice this day, it would be annoying to have to break up another fight between the twins then.
“Can ya be less of an asshole?” The grey-headed twin asked.
“Wha? I’m speakin’ the truth!” Atsumu defended, “Not every girl is like that anyway.”
“And who would the infamous Ratsumu have his eyes on?” Suna asked, genuinely curious but not missing the chance to poke at the setter.
Atsumu frowned, but continued anyway. “No one, right now. But I still got eyes, ya know. Ya can’t tell me our manager ain’t a cutie.”
“She would rather hand you a new asshole than ever date you.” Suna said, to which Akagi laughed.
“Careful, ‘Tsamu.” Osamu playfully warned, “People might think ya like (L/N)-san.”
“What can I say, she’s single and hot as fuck.” Atsumu replied off-handedly. 
It was a plain statement, but you could almost physically feel the temperature change in the club-room. Aran was glancing between the captain while the rest wondered why it was suddenly dead silent.
Osamu wondered if his prayers had been heard and he would soon be an only child.
“I suggest not saying that again.” Kita stated over his shoulder as he buttoned up the rest of his shirt.
That was a clear enough warning to everyone in the room that you were off limits. Suna had remembered this instance as well, in the present day reminding Atsumu after lunch not to push any buttons. It was clear then that Kita had no tolerance to any shit he was going to pull and now the pining was mutual on both your ends. Suna reminded him again and again during class to just let you and Kita sort your feelings naturally.
Was Atsumu going to be a little shit and try to sew some discord?
Hell yes.
“What can I say?” Atsumu feigned being casual, even shrugging as he exited the quiet storage room. “A pretty girl and a young guy enter a closet alone together, you know the rest.”
The glare he felt on his neck could have been enough to snap it with this much pressure. But, Atsumu digressed. He was doing the both of you a favor anyway, pushing you together when you both already had feelings for one another (albeit with some mind games interspersed).
Atsumu almost laughed when Kita grabbed your hand when the two of you walked home together. 
Kita knew what the setter was doing. What buttons he was trying to push, what he was trying to imply with you. The captain knew it all and he was still getting pissed off.
True to everyone’s assumptions, Kita knew about your feelings for him. The extent and duration, that he was not sure of. But he knew that you have thought about him in a romantic light for quite some time. Lingered looks and purposeful touches, on both your ends, was not something he could easily ignore.
What made Kita wonder was why you hadn’t said anything at all?
You were often pretty straight-forward as well. Not exactly in terms of romance, but you when were interested in something you tended to speak your mind. Whether it be a new show, some shounen anime you were following along with, you always shared it with him.
And for that fact he was always grateful.
Many of the others your age tended to be warded off by his way of thinking, branding him too mature or even too cold at times. To think that even the sarcastic Suna had nicknamed him as a robot, it was interesting to see that was how most people saw him.
But you didn’t.
Or at least, you saw passed his cold exterior and were just a freely-spoken with your mind. Kita’s blunt way of speaking had casualties sometimes, but you usually voiced if his blunt speech was too much. There were times that, if you were inadvertently hurt by his words, you would say it out-loud.
He remembered the last time this happened, not even a month ago. The two of you were hanging out under the shade of a tree, about to go out to a team hangout when you exited your back porch wearing a blue sundress. It flirted high above your knees and showed off the creamy legs of yours that he loved to trail his eyes over.
You looked breath-taking.
And so he said:
“Is there an occasion I’m missing today? I thought we were just going out with the team.”
The disappointed look on your face was immediate and it did not take a genius to figure those were the wrong words to say. But what he was not sure is where it went wrong. Logically, it made sense. You were going to walk at least two miles to the train and then from there a mile to the arcade. And most of that time you would all be standing. Would you even be comfortable doing all this walking in sandals?
But you didn’t get offended or draw away from him from these smaller misunderstandings.
You were always ready to knock some sense into him if need be.
“Not even a compliment on how I look? How mean.” You said with a frown, “I tried a bit more because I don’t usually get the chance to.”
“I know, but I want you to be comfortable considering the walks today.” Kita lightly grabbed your elbow as he stepped closer, “Besides, you always look beautiful no matter what you’re wearing.”
Your blush was palpable, Kita was almost sure he could fry an egg on your forehead, if the redness was any indication of temperature. 
“Let’s save this dress for another occasion. Preferably where only I see these.” He glanced down to indicate your legs, to which you sputtered and allowed him to guide you back inside the house.
And instead, he picked a pair of light-colored shorts and a loose summer-blouse. Kita knew you had a pair of black-and-white sneakers that would go with it anyway. You commented how it was almost scary that Kita knew your wardrobe, but he stated it simply:
I like what you wear. And I think it looks very agreeable on you.
It was simple and he stated it thusly. And from your reaction, it seemed as if it had made your day. From the beaming smile on your face to the new skip in your step, it was clear to him that he had amended the situation properly with your guidance.
But he still had the same issue: Kita thought he was being clear as day.
There was no one else he was spending time with like this. No one else whom Kita was expressing interest in like he was with you. From sharing ice-cream to hangouts alone with just the two of you, he thought his way of flirting with you was obvious? His actions alone should have been clear that he was showing his own interest in you.
And so if Kita was being clear with his feelings, why hadn’t you said anything?
This was not something he could just say and retract, either. The last thing he wanted to do was put your entire friendship on the line just to lose you. What if you actually did not feel the same way? But from your constant blushing and obvious gaze on him, you liked him too? But why hadn’t you said anything? Were you expecting him too?
He almost groaned aloud at this line of thinking.
Nothing had him flustered quite like you. Kita was confident both in school and on the court, a sure faith that no matter where it was. It was not a baseless arrogance, but more like a calm trust that he knew what he was doing was right.
And yet…
When it came to you, that brand of confidence simply withered away. Not always a bad thing, you often caught him off-guard with your own kindness and rarely did you ever truly fight. But there were times that he sorely wished he knew what was going on in that head of yours.
Like why hadn’t you said anything to him regarding this tension?
Or better yet, why the hell were you whispering with Atsumu in the gym closet?
The setter knew all about your being off-limits. Kita made it very clear that day and it seemed even then, the message did not totally receive in the asshole's mind. Or rather, it probably did, Atsumu just decided to ignore it.
And so on your shared walk home after practice, Kita gently grabbed your hand and did not let go. You almost jumped in surprise alongside him. Not that you hadn’t held hands before, but it was usually called for in the context. Navigating one of the twin’s parties, through a crowded group, or just to guide you somewhere.
But never had he held your hand for no reason.
Kita just smiled, hoping this would send a clear enough message to both you and the meddlesome boys behind you.
Meanwhile, Atsumu had to stop himself from cackling aloud. Osamu was ready to question his brother over what the hell was that about, but Suna assured him that it was best not to get involved at this rate. Aran simply sighed, but waved goodbye and goodnight to the rest of the team.
Your smile was a mask to your inward screaming, only to be silenced to a blank void. Your mind was comparable to that picture of spilled milk - the only thing inside as if the very act was an enigma. You had no idea what to say, what to do in this situation as you both continued to walk along.
For someone who was an athlete, the skin of his hand was surprisingly soft as it encased your own. You felt your hand unconsciously squeeze his and feared that the act would have him pulling away, as if waking him up from his act. But Kita squeezed back, a fond expression reflected back at you.
The two of you walked home together whenever you had the chance, unless called for by other duties. So this was usually normal for the two of you. Conversation was just easy, ranging from school or recent events, and even if one-sided you had no issues with simply speaking to the captain. And yet today…
Kita and you were both completely silent.
You couldn’t even tell if something else was on his mind, a neutral look on his face as he looked ahead. Was this action to show that he was reciprocating your feelings? You hated being unsure like this, but there was too much vulnerability to simply lay-out what you wanted to say.
Even on the train, Kita sat next to you quietly but still held your hand over his knee. You watched the action, before trying to level your breathing as to not freak out. But Kita kept going about his day, even taking out his phone to check a few texts with the other hand.
It was meant to show this was entirely on purpose.
Only when your house popped into view during something conspiratory popped into your mind - Did one of the boys tell him?
You felt the small seed of hope grow further. Was it just a coincidence that the day Suna and Atsumu found out about your secret was the same day, after literal years, that Kita found out as well? And that maybe if he knew now, was he reciprocating in some way?
You moved to glance at him in the corner of your eye, but he was already looking at you.
The both of you stopped short of the gate, but you hesitated for a second to say anything. There was so much on your mind and stewing in silence was the exact opposite thing you wanted to do. Before you could even think of words to say, your captain made the first move again.
Kita tenderly reached for your other hand, holding both in his much larger ones. He brought them up together and shot you a gentle smile, “(F/N), your hands are so soft.”
It came out like word vomit.
“I like you, Kita!”
Maybe you read him wrong?? If he was going to make a move, why was he looking at you so surprised??
“And here I was, wanting to say something first.” Kita said as he chuckled lightly, his hands gliding the rest of the way up your arms. “I like you, too.”
You didn’t even have time to overthink, Kita wasting no time and pulling you towards him. Quickly raising your hands to his chest, you steadied yourself against him as he held you in the close embrace. His smile was almost blinding - not from the size, but rather the genuine feel behind it.
Your hands slid upwards, folding behind his neck as your faces drew closer together. One of his hands gently carded in your hair, lightly guiding you to him. You closed your eyes in silent anticipation, long awaited joining finally happening with only stars as your audience.
The skin of his lips slotted gently against yours and you silently relished the feel of the prolonged peck. You pulled him closer, silently nudging him to go the step further. Kita smiled in response, making you beam right back at him. It was honestly hard to deepen the kiss further, expressions pulled from your shared grins. You were two idiots smiling at one another, foreheads pressed together as you struggled to deepen your impassioned kiss.
“I’ve waited so long to hold you like this.” Kita whispered against your lips, one of his hands resting around your waist.
“Me too.” You replied in a low vice, eyes still closed as you just felt him.
He watched your cute expression, from your rosy appearance to the way you deliciously leaned your body into him. Kita felt his eyes shutter closed, savoring the feeling of you two finally joined. You moved together in tandem, softly at first, and then with a swift intensity that made you cling to him even further - as if Kita was the only solid thing in this suddenly swaying world.
The world was constantly moving, either too fast or too slow or too much at times. Until finally, in Kita’s arms, it finally felt right.
“I’ve liked you for a really long time.” You confessed.
“I know.” Kita responded simply, “Me too.”
You almost wanted to laugh, but withheld it from possibly breaking the atmosphere. “Is it really that simple?”
“Yes.” Kita said as he smiled, moving to place a light kiss on your forehead. “I was honestly… afraid to say anything in fear of your response. But now we are both aware, right?”
You grinned back and stretched on your tippy-toes to kiss his cheek, “Yes.”
“That’s it then.” Kita stated as he leaned his forehead back against yours, “You’re mine. And I’m yours.”
You whispered back, “Sounds like a deal.”
His insistent mouth parted your eager lips, sending wild tremors crawling up your spine, evoking sensations you had never known you were even capable of feeling. And as the swimming giddiness spun you round and round, you steadied yourself to kiss him back just as passionately. With a swipe of his tongue against the crease of your lips, you parted your mouth eagerly.
There was no battle, no insistent fight between your two appendages. There was only Kita, eagerly roaming around your mouth as you sensually rubbed tongues. You openly moaned at the feeling, not even noticing the noise until Kita was smiling in response.
You blushed at the realization, but Kita only complimented the sound. “Make that noise again for me.”
Your smile dropped to a more sultry smirk.
“You’ll have to earn it.”
Kita felt his eyes comically widen before dropping to a half-lid, “Oh?”
“My parents aren’t home…”
Kita placed a kiss on your forehead just to lean away, one of his hands dropping to grab your own. You hurried along with his pace, suddenly breaking out into a faster walk in the direction of your home.
“Let’s make up for lost time, shall we?”
“No way.” Jisoo commented on the sight before her, nudging Atsumu standing next to her. The twin’s party was ravaging around them, but there was an unlikely and yet very likely couple that had just walked through the door. And while it was normal to see the two of them together, it was the first official time as an exclusive couple.
Walking in was Kita and you, hands clasped together like this was oh so natural.
Akagi greeted the both of you with a smile while Aran waved you guys over to the living, where many of the other team members were playing a game. Kita guided you through the party, joined hands proudly on display for all party goers.
Atsumu held out a hand in Jisoo direction’s, causing her to frown but nonetheless place some lost yen in his open palm.
But seeing you smile and share a kiss openly with the captain, Jisoo didn’t exactly mind losing this bet.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
As Fate Would Have It
[1 / 5] 
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The last time I saw him was July 16, 1392. It was also the day I died. 
➣ pairing/genre: idol!KTH x reader, past life au // feat. OT7 BTS
➣ word count: 1.3k (jus a lil bitty beginning)
➣ warnings/tags: this is gonna talk about death, but not in a super gruesome/direct way. we keep things pretty SFW over here
a/n: here we goooo! thank you guys for sticking around for this new series, I hope you enjoy it! as always, your comments, reblogs, and asks mean so much to me and really help more than you know to keep going. So please let me know how you feel about this new series! Enjoy! 💕 p.s. if you didn’t read the prologue I would recommend you do! 
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“This is a major downgrade,” you sulk while shivering beside a crowded bus stop.
           “Yeah, well,” Noa, your roommate gripes from your right, “at least you got to be royalty once. Quit complaining.”
           “I heard that Kate Middleton is on her third life, and she’s been royalty all three times!” Daeun chimes in from your left. She’s also shivering, clinging to a flimsy umbrella that’s doing a poor job of keeping the three of you safe from the rain.
           “Like what, born into royalty? Or did she manage to marry into it like this lifetime?”
           Daeun and Noa continue chattering away, throwing off multiple theories and speculating about Kate Middleton’s past lives. Of course it’s all guesswork; the details of previous lives are usually meant to be kept secret. However it provides a temporary distraction from the bad weather, which is all you can really ask for right now. Hopefully it will prove enough of a distraction to sway you from your rampant thoughts of last night’s dream.
           “Being born royal isn’t all that fun,” an elderly woman calls out as she ambles up from her seat to catch the approaching bus. It’s not the one you’re taking, that won’t be here for another couple of minutes. “My mistress saw a lot of sorrow in her day, and few remember her now. She deserved to be remembered, in my opinion. I owe her my first life.”
           You tilt your head, squinting a little as the woman gives a wistful sigh. A memory nudges you from the catacombs of your mind.
           “Who was your mistress?” The question falls from your lips before you can catch it.
           The woman blinks, smiling softly. It’s almost as though the mere thought of her past mistress brings her peace. “Iseul, the final daughter of the Goryeo dynasty.”
           The name carries a weight that comes crashing into you, both liberating and binding you to your memories. You’ve heard that name before, albeit centuries ago. And this woman…
           Two syllables, enormous power. The instant you utter them, the elderly woman gasps and drops her cane in shock. You rush forward, picking it up and placing it gently in her hands with a warm smile. There are tears in Ja-young’s eyes as you look at her, her old face creased with wrinkles and countless stories.
           “My…my lady…” Ja-young attempts to bow, drawing the attention of several onlookers. You grasp her shoulders, stopping her.
           “There’s no need to bow,” you reassure. “I’m just a girl now. I hold no power.”
           Ja-young shakes her head. “No, my lady. I- I owe you my first life! What you did for me-”
           “You would have done the same for me.”
           “Oh, my Lady…” Ja-young’s bottom lip quivers as she clutches your forearm with surprising strength. “My wish has been granted. For so long I’ve been waiting to meet you again. You look just as you did, all those years ago…how did I not see it sooner? So vibrant – you haven’t changed at all.”
           Noa and Daeun remain silent behind you, having experienced this before. It’s not your fault that nearly all your court from your first lifetime as the emperor’s daughter in the Goryeo dynasty have just so happened to be born within the same lifetime. Although, it does become a little odd when you cross paths with a gossipy maid or flirtatious errand boy in the produce aisle of your local grocery store.
           Life is funny that way. You’re on top of the world one moment, and living off of a diet of Mac n Cheese the next.
           “I’m happy to see you like this,” you smile. “You’ve lived a full life, it appears.”
           Ja-young inclines her head. “As I did in my first lifetime, so long ago. My Lady-”
           “I’m afraid that I’m just Hana now,” you gently correct. Despite the fact that you’re living in the 21st century, you still aren’t the most keen on the general public discovering your identity. Not when there’s potential danger still lurking out there.
           “Oh, if that’s the case then I’m Ma-ri now,” Ja-young – now Ma-ri says. “Hana, I’ve been praying for the opportunity to see you again. I’m running out of time now.”
           Time. It once seemed so infinite. And now it’s slipping through your fingertips faster than you can keep up.
           “You’ve made it to your fourth…?”
           Ma-ri nods solemnly. “And final lifetime. But I wanted to tell you, my Lady, that I kept my promise to you. I visited your grave often, I told my children stories of you. However, I wasn’t the only one who frequented the site.”
           You jump as the bus driver lets out a shrill honk, clearly impatient. Ma-ri turns around, waving him on. With a shrug and an eye-roll, the bus driver closes the doors and continues on his way. Now the bus stop is empty save for your party of four.
           “Who else visited me?” You ask, curious now at the gleam in Ma-ri’s eye. She had always been a feisty one, if you remember correctly.
           An invisible shudder runs through Ma-ri’s body as she finally delivers the message she’s waited three lifetimes to deliver. Indeed, she can pass on to the unknown now that she’s finally laid eyes on her mistress once more.
           “Kim Taehyung is not a murderer!” Noa defends, crossing her arms protectively as you clench your jaw.
           “No, but Sungho was. And they’re one and the same, aren’t they?” You mirror her, also crossing your arms. “Aren’tthey?”
           Your eyes flicker across the street, toward a billboard that lauds a BTS sponsorship for all to see. However, all you see is Sungho, smiling down at you with those same dark eyes from centuries ago.
           Ma-ri left just a few minutes ago, catching a bus and leaving you with a scribbled address to visit anytime you wanted. You tucked it away safely into the pocket of your jeans before losing your mind.
           “Hana, I don’t think you should be directing your anger at Taehyung,” Daeun quietly interjects, standing just off to the side. “He’s done a lot of good in this life-”
           “You’ll understand when you’re older!” You grind out. Noa winces, but begrudgingly agrees.
           “Yeah…sorry Daeun, but you’re a first-lifer. You’ll understand the next time around. It’s hard to separate people from what they were before.”
           Daeun doesn’t argue, knowing it’s pointless. Living with seasoned lifers, as people who have lived multiple lives have been so lovingly dubbed, doesn’t allow much room for argument. Noa sports two past lives, enjoying her third. And you…
           “Is this really how you wanna live this life?” Noa says, arching a brow. “Angry at some idol philanthropist just because of what happened in your first life? C’mon, Hana. That was three lifetimes ago.”
           “You’re not suggesting that I get over it, are you?”
           “Nuh-uh,” you take a step back, offended. “No way. Goryeo fell, I died, and he was there to watch everything burn to the ground. And I’m just supposed to let it go all because he’s some adored global icon?”
           “YES!” Both Noa and Daeun shout, sending a few birds flying from a nearby bush.
           You pause to think, staring daggers up at the billboard and Taehyung’s flawless features. Perhaps you would find him beautiful if it weren’t for the past marring your current viewpoint. You stare and stare, mind whirring with the possibilities of all that you could do instead of forgiving.
           “It’s no use sitting here and sulking about the past, not when I can’t do anything about it…” you start, ignoring the relieved expressions on your roommates’ faces.
           “Good, that’s good.”
           “No, back up. You were doing so well!”
           The corners of your lips turn up into an evil grin. “…I have an idea.”
           Daeun groans. “What’s the stupid idea now?”
           You shake your head, stepping forward as the bus rounds the corner. “I’m not telling you.”
           “Why not?”
           “Because you’ll try to stop me.”
           Noa elbows you lightly. “At least tell us what your end goal is here.”
           The bus pulls up, doors opening and a flurry of people pouring out onto the street. In the din and chaos of it all, you turn to your friends.
           “If you can’t beat them…” again, your eyes fall on the billboard, quickly finding Taehyung’s eyes among the rest. “Join ‘em.”
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jobrookekarev · 3 years
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T.S. x Jolex Week 2021 hosted by @thejolexgroupchat​
Chapter One of One
Words: 4410
Summary: Jo goes out drinking with Stephanie at Joe’s bar, but the entire night she can’t stop staring at Alex and his gorgeous face.
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson.
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, and Stephanie Edwards.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Fluff, Pining, Drinking, Alcohol, Drink Jo, Reeses the dog.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: DRUNK JO!!! Taylor Swift’s music or the lyrics to Gorgeous.
Jo watched Alex from across the bar as he played darts with Jackson and Meredith. She was sitting at the bar picking at peanut shells as she was drinking and trying desperately not to stare at him. 
“His voice is just so annoying sometimes, oh Jo go down to path and pick up my labs, oh Jo come assist me on this case, oh Jo blah blah blah,” Jo complained to Stephanie as she tossed a peanut shell into the empty red basket in front of her, just missing it as the shell fell to the floor. “Just because I'm a resident doesn't mean he can order me around all the time. I'm not his resident.”
“Yeah, that's kind of what being a resident is,” Stephanie said as she shook her head and took a sip of her drink. “I can't believe you're a resident again. Between you and Ben, switching careers, it’s like you all forgot the thrill of surgery.”
“You switch careers too,” Jo said, glaring at Stephanie. “You're a fancy med-school professor now. When was the last time you picked up a scalpel?”
“Yeah, but half of my body got melted off,” Stephanie said, gesturing to the burn scars on her arm and the side of her cheek. 
“You're still super hot, though,” Jo said as she smiled at her and Stephanie’s hard look broke and she smiled too.
“Thank you, babe,” Stephanie said, sitting up a little taller.
“You're welcome, babe,” Jo said as they both laughed. 
Jo was so glad that Stephanie was back. She missed her so much. Although they talked all the time on the phone, it wasn't the same as her being here. Sure he had Link and Meredith, but it wasn't the same either, they weren't Stephanie. Stephanie was her best friend, her girlfriend. Someone she could talk to about anything with, whether it was about how her new residency was kicking her ass or how heavy her last period was now that she was off her birth control. She had hoped that Since the University of Washington had offered Stephanie a teaching position, she could convince her to get a place close to her and the Loft, which was looking like a sure deal as Stephanie did seem pretty impressed with the U-Dubs offer. They were offering her a lot of perks, like her own fancy office and tenure right off the bat, along with an apartment in a really nice area with a pool. Jo liked the pool. Although she didn't know how to swim, maybe she could get Stephanie to teach her, but she wasn't sure if Stephanie knew how to swim either. 
Alex knew how to swim. Jo’s thoughts trailed off as she looked over at Alex again. He glanced over at her and gave her that smirk that she hated so much. Although she didn't really hate it, it was just so annoying sometimes. She narrowed her eyes at him and turned away, although it was impossible to stay away from him. He always drew her in like a magnet.
“Ugh, who cares about Alex Karev,” Jo said with a shake of her head, trying to convince Stephanie as much as she's just trying to convince herself. “Not me. I’ve got a boyfriend.”
“Oh really, you've got a boyfriend?” Stephanie said with a smile and a little laugh that Jo didn't appreciate. She did have a boyfriend.
“Yes, I have a boyfriend he's,” Jo looked around the bar trying to spot him, but quickly gave up as she just waved her arm at Stephanie. “He's around here somewhere, I don't know. We're not attached to the hip or something, besides it's a girl's night.”
Stephanie just laughed and took a sip of her drink. They were both still drinking despite how the night was slowly fizzling out. It was late, Jo didn't know how late it was, but the bar was starting to empty out, and it made it easier to spot Alex in the crowd. She looked over at him again, acting so cool as he won another round of darts. He was so cool, she hated how cool he was.
Jo looked back at her whiskey drink, shaking the ice around in the glass. The drink was called Sunset and Vine or something like that, she didn't quite remember. It tasted good, and she threw back the rest of her drink before signaling to the bartender that she wanted another. Stephanie gave her a look but didn't cut her off. That had been the agreement for the night Jo could drink as much as she wanted, and no one would cut her off unless she threw up. But she was smart. She was a freaking doctor. She knew how to hold her liquor and when it was too much, and so far, it wasn't too much. 
“He’s just so gorgeous,” Jo thought as she looked back at Alex again.
“You said that one out loud,” Stephanie said with another smirk as Jo turned her glared at her. 
“I'm drunk, my mouth has thoughts,” Jo said as the bartender presented her with another drink, and she wrapped her fingers around the glass before she glanced back at Alex.
“If you think he's so gorgeous, just go talk to him. You don't have to stay here with me the entire night,” Stephanie said, giving Jo’s hips a little push that almost sent her off the barstool. As Jo nearly lost her balance, she gripped the bar, but Stephanie only laughed.
“No, I can't say anything to his face 'cause, 'cause look at his stupid face,” Jo said, pointing over at him before she looked back at Stephanie. “God, I hate his stupid, good looking, handsome face for making me feel like this.”
 Stephanie only shook her head as she continued to holler with laughter, nearly tipping out of her own seat before she regained her balance. “God, I missed you. I even missed you pining over Alex all night.”
“I miss you too, but for the record, I have not been pining over Alex,” Jo said, focusing back on Stephanie again as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders.
This was a night for the two of them, and no one, not even Alex Karev, and his stupidly gorgeous face was going to get in the way of that. Except for maybe the fact that Alex was coming over to them and looking straight at her as he walked up to the bar. Jo tried to remember not to stare, but she had to physically remember to turn her head away and close her mouth, so she didn’t drool all over the table. 
“Do you want anything else?” 
Jo looked back at the bartender as he presented her with another drink. Did she order another drink? She couldn't remember, but as she looked down at the drink in front of her, she figured why not and answered his question with a shake of her head as she grabbed the drink. As she set her glass down on the counter, she could feel Alex against her as he talked to the bartender. He set his arms on the counter and leaned forward as his hand brushed her. There was a spark of electricity that made her gasp as she stared down at their hands. 
“Hey Jo, are you having a good time?” Alex asked her, but she turned away and looked at Stephanie, who giggled as she took a sip of her drink.
“Yep,” Jo said, she decided to stick to one word answers in the hope that she wouldn't embarrass herself in front of him.
“That’s good,” Alex said as she looked back at him and he just smiled. “Let me know if you want to go home soon?”
“Don't you have a girlfriend,” Jo said as she tried not to let her jealousy infect her voice.
Alex's eyes narrowed at her as he glanced over at Stephanie before looking back at her. “No, I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a wife.”
“Oh, that's worse,” Jo said as she turned away and took a sip of her drink.
Stephanie tried to contain her giggles and put a hand over her mouth. Jo could see that she and Alex were exchanging a look over her shoulder, but she didn't care. He was so gorgeous and hearing that he was married physically hurt. Alex got his drink and walked back over to where he was sitting next to Meredith. As Jo stared at him, his honey brown eyes stared at her. Jo loved his eyes, she felt like she could sink and drown and die inside of them because they were so gorgeous.
“You've mentioned that before,” Stephanie said as apparently, Jo said everything out loud now.
“Whatever,” Jo said with an eye roll so hard that it hurt her brain. “You're my best friend. You're used to me moping about guys.”
“You mean moping about Alex Karev, yes that I'm a little too used to,” Stephanie said with a laugh as she finished her drink and gave the empty glass to the bartender. 
Jo didn't realize that he was starting to close up and tidying up the bar. It was late and she should get going home. Jo slipped off her barstool and tried to stand up, but she didn't realize that walking was this hard as she started to fall. Suddenly two strong hands were on her waist as Alex caught her.
“I've got to go home, alone to my dog,” Jo said to him, despite how she gripped his hands on her waist, hoping that she could keep him there a little longer. Only because she was fumbling around and not because she thought he was gorgeous or anything.
“I know, I'm here to take you home to your dog,” Alex said with a little chuckle as he put one arm around her waist and turned to put some cash on the bar.
“Okay, I guess you could come along,” Jo said with a smirk trying to seem sexy as she looked back at him.
“Well, I hope that I'm coming along, considering that I'm your ride,” Alex said with a smile as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. 
“No, Stephanie is my ride,” Jo said as she looked back at Stephanie. 
“Yes, both of you are my ride, remember, Jo?” Stephanie said as she grabbed both of their purses and hopped off the bar stool with only a little bit of a stumble as Jo reached out to hold her hand. “We all came to the bar together?”
Jo tried to think for a second and remember how she had gotten to the bar and who was in the car with her, but it was all a little fuzzy, so she just shrugged and leaned against Alex. “I’m drunk, my memory isn't reliable. You should know this.”
“That's for sure,” Alex said with a smile as they finally started walking out of the bar. “You asked me if I had a girlfriend, completely forgetting that you were my wife.”
“Wait, I'm your wife,” Jo said in surprise as she looked down at the ring on her finger, and she realized that she was, in fact, his wife. “Oh, so I did marry your gorgeous face.”
“Yes, you did, twice,” Alex said with a smile that seemed brighter than the neon lights around her.
“Good, that means your gorgeous face is mine,” Jo said as she grabbed his face with her hand and leaned in to kiss him. It was a little sloppier than she would have liked, but she got to kiss him, and that was good enough. Plus, she could probably get more out of him once they got home. 
Alex helped her up to the parking lot and even held open the door for her as she sat down in the seat before putting her seatbelt on for her. She really did marry a kind, gorgeous guy, she got lucky in the husband department this time around, and she forgot how much she liked saying that he was her husband.
They dropped Stephanie off at her hotel and Jo insisted on giving her at least a five minute hug before letting her go. She knew they would have a lot of time together once Stephanie finalized her move back to Seattle, but having her here was still so new, and Jo wanted to make sure Stephanie knew that she loved her. Finally, she let Stephanie go, and they waved goodbye as she went into the hotel room. Jo pouted as she got back in the car and Alex put her seatbelt back on. 
“I miss her already,” Jo pouted as she looked out the window.
“I know, but you'll see a lot more of her. This is just your last night at the bar together. I’m sure you two will find a new hangout spot soon enough,” Alex said as he reached over and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze as they drove off.
She didn't remember the ride back, but she always ended up falling asleep in the car because the car used to be home. Now she had a home of her own with her husband, who loved her and their dog. When she woke up, she wasn't in the car anymore instead, she was in Alex's arms as he carried her up the stairs to The Loft. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her over to the bed. While Reeses found it around their legs, eager for pets. He was always so excited to see them. As Alex laid her down on the bed, Jo smiled up at him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. 
“You're so gorgeous,” Jo whispered as he pulled back from her kiss. 
“I know you’ve said that several times tonight,” Alex said with a smile as he just looked down at her and brushed the hair out of her face. 
However, Reeses used the break in their kiss to take the opportunity to wiggle in between them and lay a dozen kisses on her face. Jo laughed as she scratched his ears. She loved having Reeses to come home too, especially on nights when Alex wasn't there. He was always happy to greet her and snuggle with her. Finally, Alex pulled him off and got him to settle down. As Alex paid some attention to Reeses before putting him to bed in his crate, Jo watched her husband as he bent over and showed her the best view of him. When he came back, Jo stretched out on the bed with a smile, and she put her hair in a bun as she wanted it out of the way for all the fun things she wanted to do to him tonight.
“You're so gorgeous that I want to have your babies,” Jo said as she pulled off her shirt. “I want to have your babies right now.”
Alex just laughed as he walked away. No, he wasn't supposed to walk away. He was supposed to give her babies. “Alex, come back.”
“I’m just grabbing a sleep shirt for you,” Alex said as he went over their shelves and grabbed her second favorite sleepshirt, her old Harvard shirt, as she had spilled coffee on his Iowa State Hawkeye shirt that morning.
“Good,” Jo said as she took off the rest of her clothes and lay down in the bed. 
Alex came back over to her, and instead of leaning down to kiss her, he just pulled the shirt over her head.
“Hey,” Jo said when he pulled the collar over her head so she could see him again. “You're not supposed to dress me. You’re supposed to undress me.”
“You did a pretty good job of that yourself, besides we’re not going to do anything tonight. You're too drunk and it's too late.”
“But I want your gorgeous babies,” Jo said, hooking her fingers into the hem of his jeans as she pulled him closer to her.
“How about this? If you go to bed right now, I'll give you a baby first thing in the morning,” Alex said with a smirk that she hated as she narrowed her eyes at him. 
“I promise,” Alex said, sealing their deal with a kiss to her lips as he pulled the covers over her.
“Umm, kay,” Jo said as she closed her eyes.
She didn't fall asleep as easily as she had in the car. Yet, once Alex wrapped his arms around her and buried his nose in her neck, she took a deep breath, and before she knew it, she was out like a light. That night she dreamed of having Alex Karev’s gorgeous babies.
Jo woke up to a pounding in her head, although thankfully it was still dark out and she pulled the pillow over her face. As she slowly became aware of things, she felt Recess asleep at her feet and the warm spot where Alex was sitting next to her. She rolled over to bury her face in his stomach with a groan. She could hear him chuckle as he wrapped one arm around her waist and his hand tingle in her hair, lightly massaging her scalp as her groan turned into a moan.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Alex thankfully whispered, although even that was a little too loud. 
“Mornin’,” Jo mumbled against his T-shirt as she cracked open one eye. 
She realized that the reason it was so dark was because she was wearing her favorite pink eye mask. She pulled it further down her nose to block out the remainder of the light that seems to be streaming in through the windows at this ungodly hour. Although really, she didn't know what time it was, given the fact that Alex and Reeses were still in bed next to her, it couldn't be that late. 
Things fell silent again or as silent as they could be in their neighborhood with the constant riff-raff outside their door. There were the trains that passed by as well and the horns from the boats as they dockside at the port down the road. Yet, here, safely tucked away in Alex's arms with Reeses at her feet, everything was quiet and peaceful. 
“Do you want some water and painkillers or some coffee?” Alex offered as his hand paused in her hair.
Jo only nodded in response as Alex moved his hand away. She could hear the shuffling of papers as he put down the magazine he was reading and reached over to the side table. She felt a cool glass of water press against her forehead and his fingers brushed against her lips. She opened her mouth, and he placed the pills on her tongue before she blindly reached out for the glass of water. Alex moved it down to rest on the bed and Jo grabbed the straw to take a few sips of water as she swallowed the pills. The water helped a lot, and Jo drank half the glass before she pushed it away and Alex set it back on the side table. 
As she waited for the medication to lessen the effects of her hangover, Jo buried her nose and Alex's t-shirt. It's a little stinky because he never washed his sleep shirt more than once a week. He claimed that it wasn’t as dirty as his other shirts, but it smells like Alex, but honestly, she thought that he was gorgeous wearing anything. Including a dirty old t-shirt. He was gorgeous and Jo thought about it again as memories from the night before slowly trickled in like raindrops in her mind. She opened her eyes and looked out the window as she realized she was hearing rain against the skylight, and the soft light was the sun trying to break through the grey clouds. 
Reeses’ soft brown nose nudged against her shoulder as he wiggled up next to her. Jo smiled as she looked over at him as she let Reeses snuggle up against her. She rubbed her hand down his back as he kissed her cheek again before he settled next to her as she continued to pet him. As she pet Reeses, she turned her head up and looked at Alex, who had started running his fingers through her hair again. He had gone back to reading his magazine, but he still played with her hair. She smiled at him again as she looked up at his features. From where her head was resting on his chest, her vision of him was mostly just his chin, but she loved it anyway.
“You're so gorgeous,” Jo whispered as she reached up to run her fingers along his cheek, pressing against his stubble and brushed against his lips as he smiled. 
“You said that a lot last night,” Alex said as he warmly smiled down at her.
“Ugh, don't remind me,” Jo said as she buried her face in his T-shirt again. “I can't believe I forgot that we were married.” 
“I thought it was pretty cute,” Alex said, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. “Even drink Jo wants me.”
Jo smiled as she looked up at him. “I’ll always want you.”
The two of them exchanged a smile, staring at each other the way that they sometimes did. Neither of them could quite believe that the other wanted them even after all these years. Jo knew that Alex loved it when she said she still wanted him and that she loved him. Hearing that she still wanted him was his favorite thing in the world. Jo pushed herself so she could give her husband a proper good morning kiss. She let her lips linger on his, especially as he tasted the coffee on his tongue before she pulled back and rested her head on his shoulder as Alex went back to his magazine.
“Did you say there was coffee?” Jo asked, looking around and as she smelled the coffee beans in the air.
“Yeah, here,” Alex said as he handed her a full cup of warm coffee. 
Jo took a sip of her coffee and moaned. It was just how she liked it, with a hint of milk and the hazelnut creamer. As she sipped on her coffee, she looked around, and as if he could sense what she was looking for, he handed her her phone. Sometimes he was scary good at knowing what she wanted. Jo unlocked her phone and her eyes went wide as she looked at the time.
“It's noon?!” 
“Oh shit, what time did we get in last night?” 
“I think it was about 2:30 a.m. by the time we got back to the loft, but you fell asleep in the car. Since it was so late, I figured I'd let you sleep for as long as you wanted,” Alex said with a light shrug so as not to jostle her head on his shoulder. 
Jo sighed as she laid her head back down and looked through her notifications. It was just the news articles and social media notes. There was a text from Stephanie saying that she had moved the viewing for the apartment until later that afternoon as Stephanie was just as hungover as she was. Jo sent her a quick text back before dismissing the rest of her notifications.
She put her thumb on the last one before she read the banner and paused. It was a notification from her period app. The banner happily announced that she was ovulating. Suddenly, Jo remembered the reason why she had been drinking so much last night and the conversation they had had before they went to bed as Jo asked for a baby.
She sat up, sitting back on her heels as she put her hand over her mouth and stared down at her phone.
“What is it, what's wrong?” Alex asked as he immediately tossed his magazine aside and sat up too.
Jo glanced over at him, and she could see the look of concern across his face, but she pulled her hand away to reveal her smile. “I'm ovulating.”
Alex's concern melted away as he smiled too. Her excitement was contagious as his eyes sparkled in delight. “I know, we’ve been waiting all month for this.”
Jo bit her lip as she just smiled. That was why she had been drinking so much last night with Stephanie. They were going to start trying for a baby the next time she ovulated, and since they were trying, Jo had to stop drinking. So since Stephanie was in town, the two of them had arranged to meet up for one last night of heavy drinking before she gave up alcohol and got pregnant. 
“I could get pregnant today.”
“You could.” 
Jo smiled and licked her lips as she stared at him. He put his magazine down and took the coffee from her hand as Jo dropped her phone onto the bed. As if he could spend the two of them were about to shake the bed at Reeses hopped off and went to lay on his dog bed across the room. Alex smiled as he reached out to hold her hips and pull her forward as she swung her legs over his and sat down in his lap. Her hands and immediately tangled in his T-shirt as his hands ran up her back under her shirt. She tilted her head as she stared at his lips, not kissing him just yet.
“And I do remember that you promised to give me a baby last night,” Jo said as her eyes flickered up to his, seeing that the spark of delight had changed into a black hole of lust.
“And I'm very good at keeping my promises,” Alex said as he pulled her forward and kissed her. 
“That you are,” Jo said as she kissed him again before she pulled back and looked at his face. “Our babies are going to be so gorgeous.”
“They will be gorgeous, just like their Mama,” Alex said as he smiled and pulled her in for a kiss before he pulled off her top, and he kept his promise and gave her a baby.
Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine,
You've ruined my life, by not being mine.
You're so gorgeous,
I can't say anything to your face,
'Cause look at your face,
And I'm so furious,
At you for making me feel this way,
But, what can I say?
You're gorgeous.
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yandere enji x reader
summary; since enji took you, you’ve only really missed one thing; your houseplants. no, wait, not the houseplants themselves. you miss the control you had over them.
a/n; for @neroesecuzioni. thank you for supporting the blm global network! read the sequel here
tw; kidnapping, dub-con, nsfw
word count; 3.4k
Before Enji took you, all you had for company were your houseplants. Some hanging from the ceiling, spilling over the terracotta pots, other taller than you were with broad, glossy leaves. Some of them were tiny little succulents, pointy and dainty and smaller than the palm of your hand. All of them healthy and fresh and most importantly, alive. Alive by your hand and love. You miss them, the products of your hard work and love.
“Enji?” He grunts out a sound of acknowledgement, though his eyes don’t leave the laptop screen in front of him. 
“What happened to my houseplants?” At your question he finally looks up, eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
“What?” You fidget with the phone in your hand, debating whether or not to drop the subject and go back to pinning ideas for house decor. Something masochistic in you urges you on.
“My houseplants. You know the ones I used to have all over my apartment? Are they still there or?” You let your question trail off, tone light and neutral, but you can see a muscle in Enji’s jaw twitch. He doesn’t like talking about your life before him. Sometimes you forget you had a life before him.
“The movers probably threw them out. Just put it on the card if you want to buy more.” His gaze is already back on the laptop screen, and while you wish he would’ve said more you can’t expect the number one pro hero to pull himself away from his work to answer your silly questions about some plants. 
You busy yourself with picking out the perfect plants to keep in a bathroom, imagining how cute they’ll look hanging from the ceiling and juxtaposed against the white tile of the shower wall. Leaves falling on the bathroom floor shouldn’t be a problem, but even if they do? Well, you do have to leave your mark in this house somehow. How else would you let Enji know that you’re living here?
You can’t stop thinking about your old houseplants. You know it’s stupid, especially when you have access to a virtually unlimited credit card and so much more space to fill in the new home, but still. As stupid as it sounds, you formed a connection with the plants you brought home. Home. This house is your home, not the cramped, slightly outdated apartment you used to live in.
You remember what it was like before Enji took you in and decided that you were going to be his wife. You lived lonely and unseen, just like your quirk, blending into corners and shadows. It was certainly convenient for your job and superiors, who were thrilled to have someone who could slip into just about anywhere. Needless to say, it didn’t work out great for your social life. 
You’re surprised that Enji even noticed you in the first place, a wallflower of a person. Maybe he has just been the first person bright enough to illuminate the depths of your personality that no one else saw. 
It’s strange. In a way, you feel more seen when you’re with him, like the light that he emits both figuratively and literally has finally allowed you to bloom. God, your life fucking sucked if you think being kidnapped did wonders for your mental health. Not to say that it hasn’t but still, it’s the thought that counts.
Enji loves you. That’s the only thought that counts.
“What made you notice me first?” You play idly with straw in your drink, trying to contain your anticipation at hearing something wonderful about yourself that you never noticed. He gives the slightest shrug of his shoulders. 
“I don’t know. You were pretty enough. Lonely. Quiet. You seemed nurturing enough to be a good mother.” Your fingers still.
“Oh.” You’re embarrassed that you can’t hide the disappointment in your voice, but even worse, you’re embarrassed that you even asked. What romantic response were you expecting from a man who kidnapped you? Enji gives no sign of noticing your crestfallen face, and you quietly excuse yourself to go and shower. 
It’s when the warm spray of the shower head hits you that you finally start to cry. What a naive foolishness to think that Enji had been the first to notice how remarkably lovely you were, to appreciate all of your hidden little quirks and oddities that made you indescribably beautiful. 
You’re a lonely, quiet, forgettable wallflower whose only gift for mothering is to do any job and be too timid to complain about it. Enji chose you because you were convenient and because he was lonely. That makes it two of you, you suppose. You clasp a hand over your mouth to try and stifle your sobs, but deep in the back of your mind you know that the sound of your cries wouldn’t be enough to draw Enji from his work. Not that he would know how to comfort you. You get the feeling he’s never had any positive interactions with his family before.
You can imagine exactly how it would go down if you confronted him right now, hair dripping wet and eyes puffy and red. He wouldn’t open his arms to embrace and soothe you, no, he would stand awkwardly with an almost comical look of alarm on his face before you approached him and only then would he gently pat your back until your crying subsided. Then he would avoid you for the next couple days. 
Enji doesn’t notice how quiet and withdrawn you are later that night, snuggled up to his side as the two of you watch the news. To be fair, even if he did notice he would still say nothing. It’s with that thought that you realize you’ve just traded one miserable, deeply lonely existence for another. Only now you have the privilege of being ignored by the one person who’s supposed to love you more than anything else. The one person that you thought you might have loved.
Except, you know that he’s never truly loved anyone before, never experienced any sort of love that would allow him to recognize the sensation and verbalize it. You don’t think that he felt anything more than neutrality towards Rei, who he put in a fucking mental hospital after she cracked under his abuse, and he sure as hell didn’t love his children, least of all Shouto, who you’ve seen interact willing with him a grand total of three times. 
When he first kidnapped you he promised never to hit you, never to raise his voice or threaten you. He just wouldn’t let you go. He told you he was trying to be a better man, a better husband, a better father. The last part had scared you in the beginning, back when you still believed you would be able to leave one day and continue your career. Hero-work has no place for kids. 
But now? That fear has grown into complacency, your original wariness of Enji into something similar to affection. You never fought him, ever, because, duh. You’re not stupid, you know exactly how it would end. This strange sort of begrudging attraction though? It’s a new annoyance, something that has you dying for his approval and only kept in check by your remaining pride. After the disastrous attempt to find out what he ‘loves’ about you though, your pride is pretty much gone. 
You...don’t know how to retrieve it, and the thought scares you. If you can’t have Enji’s love and affection, or your pride intact, what do you have? You know the answer, even if you won’t admit it.
You have nothing.
The copious amount of clothes you have astounds you; you knew that Enji had picked out quite a few basics before he took you but you forgot to factor in just how many things you had ordered since coming here. As you paw through your bin of socks and underwear you feel soft lace brush against your fingertips and out of curiosity you yank the piece of clothing from the bin. As soon as you realize what you’re holding you feel your cheeks flood with warmth and embarrassment. 
Cherry red lace and mesh stare at you, wrapped around a tangle of satin and lace in the same shade. You vividly remember buying this, a robe and underwear set that you had drooled over for months while living alone in your sad, cramped apartment. It had remained in your shopping cart for weeks; you just couldn’t justify dropping a little less than a grand on some scraps of fabric that no one would ever see. Once you remembered it and had access to Enji’s credit card, however… 
You don’t hesitate to try the set on, something you were too scared to do when you first got it. As you tie the robe closed with a pretty bow and do a little twirl you feel a girlish sense of enjoyment like nothing you’ve ever felt before. You run your hands up your thighs, finger lifting the hem of the robe seductively before you cup your breasts, cradled in concoction of satin and lace. You look good. 
Then you remember why you bought it and immediately want to rip the whole ensemble to shreds. You had bought it back when you were still under the delusion that Enji was wildly and fantastically in love with you and despite the fact that he kidnapped you with no regard for your say in the matter you were convinced that you were going to surprise and seduce him in the outfit. 
That being said… A half-baked idea forms in your head as you gently take the set off, folding it carefully before placing it in the top drawer of your dresser, easily accessible should you need it. You know Enji likes it when you sleep in the same bed as him at night, so what if you...surprised him? He would love it. He has to love it, he chose you for a reason so for him to reject you- 
You can’t even think about it, the distress in your chest building as you try and push the thought out of your mind. Yes, Enji may have ripped you from your life before him but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a life here. You know Enji likes to read to wind down before bed, so you’ll just catch him then. Yeah. You still have it in you. You can still make him love you.
Enji barely looks up from his book as you approach, head peeking around the doorframe like a child asking for a bedtime story. You suddenly feel extremely self conscious in your skimpy lingerie, seized by a desire to run back to your room and change and admit that you were wrong, you don’t have it in you to seduce him and even if you do he’ll never love you for it. 
But this is the only thing you can hold onto, the only part of yourself that you can regain control of. You steel yourself as you take slow, measured steps to the bed, heart pounding as Enji sets aside the book and takes in what you’re wearing.
“What are you doing?” His voice cuts through the air, sharp but not unappreciative, and rather than answer you crawl as seductively as possible on top of the bed.
You clamber on top of his broad chest, legs on either side of his waist. He’s paying attention now, eyes trained sharply on your face as large hands wrap around your waist, whether to hold you in place or move you off you can’t tell yet. You don't think that Enji even knows what he wants to do. Enji doesn’t know what he wants.
The silk of his boxers are thin enough that you can feel his growing arousal against your ass as you grind down, hands spread prettily across his chest. His hands tighten around you, and you take it as your cue to let out a breathy sigh. 
“Fuck me, Enji. I want you to fuck me so hard that I can feel it for days afterwards; I want you to cum inside of me so much that I can feel it dripping out of me afterwards.” Your fingers curl, nails digging into your palms as you gaze at Enji through half lidded eyes. More out of nervousness than an attempt to be sexy, you drag your teeth across your bottom lip, watching as his gaze darts straight to your mouth.
“What are you doing? Where is this coming from?” He sounds wary, guarded even, and you can’t blame him. In however long you’ve been here you’ve never tried to initiate any sort of sexual encounter, merely going along kind of lifelessly every time Enji wanted sex. It’s ironic that the very man who kidnapped you to be his wife is now being cautious about fucking you.
“I want to fuck you. I want you to fuck my pussy with your cock until I can’t take it anymore and then I want you to keep going until I can’t tell you to stop.” One hand travels downwards, toying with the waistband of his shorts. He looks unconvinced, almost like he knows that it’s not normal for a captive to want to have rough sex with their captor.
“Please, daddy.” You bend forward and whine into his ear, bucking your hips against his as you nip at his earlobe. It’s your last resort, and it works. Enji growls, honest-to-god growls against your neck before flipping you onto your back in an impressive show of power.
“You’re a fucking whore, coming onto me like that.” You’re already shrugging off your robe, flinging it across the room in an effort to salvage it. Enji burns the straps off your bra before yanking the panties so hard that they rip right off of you. Damn. There goes five hundred dollars. 
His lips are on yours before you can think of anything else, harsh and demanding as he cups the back of your head with a large, warm hand. For someone as aggressive as he is you’re surprised he doesn’t use teeth. Enji’s other hand reaches between your thighs, finding you almost embarrassingly dry. He doesn’t seem to mind, shoving two thick fingers in your mouth and groaning softly at the way your tongue swirls eagerly round them. He presses deeper, taking pleasure in the way your throat spasms around them as you gag.
“You’re so beautiful. I knew from the second that I saw you that you would be mine.” That’s the first time he’s ever called you beautiful, or even complimented anything about your physical appearance. The praise goes straight to your head in the form of blood rushing to your cheeks, and Enji laughs at the way you squirm against him, pulling his fingers from your mouth.
“You can ask me to fuck you but you can’t take a compliment?” He doesn’t let you respond, instead brushing over your clit with his thumb before working his fingers inside of you, curling and seeking out the rough little patch on your walls. You’re glad for the way Enji captures your mouth again, relieving you of the need to decide between fake moaning and laying in uncomfortable silence.
He goes until the sound of his fingers squelching in your slick is all you can hear, and your stomach starts to clench every time his hand moves. Enji hasn’t deliberately touched your clit throughout the whole process, but the pressure of the heel of his palm is enough to work you quickly to orgasm. Much like the overachiever he is in his job, Enji doesn’t stop playing with your sloppily wet pussy until your thighs are tensing around his wrist, one of your own hands reaching down to stop his. 
“Enji- Enji, oh, oh, Enji, stop-” Your moan is practically pornographic, the pleasure quickly becoming unbearable. His fingers finally stop, and he raises them to your mouth.
“Suck.” You comply without hesitation, reveling in the way that Enji can’t seem to tear his gaze from your mouth. You let go with a ‘pop’ before pressing a small, soft kiss to the calloused pads of his fingers. 
Strangely enough it’s this relatively meaningless action that brings the most emotion to Enji’s face; desire, guilt, and regret all flash across his face before he attacks your neck, sucking what you know will be dark bruises into your flesh. 
You can feel him grabbing his dick and positioning it so that the head is right above your twitching hole and-
“Enji!” You practically shriek as his hips surge forward, burying himself deep within you in one go. Your legs wrap tight around his waist and squeeze, arms coming up around his neck as you let out pathetic little gasps and moans. The sensation of what can only be his cock nudging against the opening of your cervix has your legs squeezing tighter until Enji growls and grabs both your calves in his hands before hiking them over his shoulder and pressing forward.
The new position has your legs twitching as Enji knocks against your cervix with every thrust, and you draw his head in closer as he churns up your insides. The sound is obscene; you’re the one producing it and you’re still embarrassed. 
Enji finally has the sense to reach between the two of you and rub at your clit, peeling back the hood with a surprising dexterousness before flicking gently upwards with his thumb. You feel yourself clenching down harder and harder each time he does it, until you’re finally spiraling into your second orgasm of the night. 
The feeling of your cunt clenching down on his has Enji murmuring sweet nothings in your ear as his thrusts speed up and the force behind them becomes almost punishing.
“Mine, you’re mine, mine, mine-”
“Tell me that you love me.” Your voice is breathy and whiny and you sound so desperate but Enji takes no heed, chasing his own orgasm.
“I love you, god you’re going to make a beautiful mother, you’re mine, I love you,” the rest of his words trail off into incoherent babbling as his body stiffens and you feel hot cum flood your insides. Despite your less than positive stance on having kids right now, you can’t bring yourself to care, replaying Enji’s words in your head. He loves you. He wants you. He loves you. He needs you.
He collapses on top of you, rolling onto his side to avoid crushing you but still gathering you up in his arms. You bury your face in his chest, hands trapped between your bodies, and sigh. Enji’s silent, blue eyes watch your face with something akin to warmth before reaching a hand out to brush hair away from your sweaty forehead.
“I can uh, I can get a birth control pill for you tomorrow if you want.” Part of you screams to take him up on an offer that you’ll likely never see again, but the other part of you can’t help but think how much a child would tie him to you. If you gave him a dual-quirked son? Enji would have no choice but to love and cherish you. You’d be giving him what he’s always wanted.
“Mm.” You make a non-committal noise, snuggling further into his body heat and leaving him to awkwardly tighten his embrace.
“Is that a yes?” This is the most uncertain you’ve ever heard Enji in your life, and knowing that you’re the cause for it sends an immeasurable amount of satisfaction coursing through your veins. You make him so weak. 
“Can we talk about this tomorrow? I want to cuddle.” Your voice is soft and sweet, and you glance at him through your lashes. His face is uncharacteristically open, allowing you to read every bit of uncertainty that flies across his face.
“Ok. Let me get a towel first.” You say nothing, just scooting back so that he can get off the bed. He returns with a warm, wet towel, wiping down your inner thighs with a tenderness you’ve never seen before throwing it in the laundry hamper, turning off the lights, and settling in beside you.
As you drift off to sleep, Enji holding you like you’re made of glass, you feel him press a light kiss to your forehead.
“I…” he seems to be searching for a way to express his affection, something he’s almost certainly never had to do before, “I enjoyed tonight.” You crack an eye open, observing how the iciness of his gaze has melted somewhat. A small smile creeps across your face.
“I enjoyed it too. Goodnight, Enji.” He runs a warm hand up and down your bare back.
“Goodnight.” A pause. “I love you, y/n.” You feel drunk on power at the sound of your name from his lips. 
“Love you too, Enji.” 
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Marinette did not sign up for this part 10: Mari plots plotting
So long time no post. I live. Ish. Also finally figured out readmore on mobile, so yay. Will take forever to edit posts now though. Explanation at the bottom First part here previous part here. Ao3 here
Marinette wanted to go on record that Mandeliev did not, in fact, give her an extra day or so to study for the test. Why? Instead, she was told she may do a paper on the application of physics in gymnastics and principles of evasion in urban areas and how to combine the two to maximize one’s ability to run away from akumas and other dangers.
Or as Nino put it: “I am tormenting you into running better, the eight page essay.”
Alya dubbed it the “Run Better Paper.”
Aurore said it should include more formulas when Marinette showed her the draft. (as Adrien would complain about lack of theories and how she should have used this advanced formula she’d never heard of instead and then Marinette would have to forcibly stop him from taking over her paper. Again.)
Kim had taken to keeping her in his hoodie, escorting her to the bakery and didn’t leave her alone until Adrien said it was his “Marinette Anxiety Watch” shift.
Which she would like to go on record, is just plain mean to say. She has Liar 100% under control when world ending things and metaphorical bomb drops aren’t happening to her constantly.
Bruce tried to contact Diana and Arthur again. Hal was off world, and therefore useless.
As his missing son hadn’t contacted them yet. Was still in the Miraculous team’s custody. And he saw the footage of Robin—Damian—being hunted by a lving shadow, an element casting swordswoman, and a strategist that seemed to know exactly what to do to keep Robin cornered in battle. The living shadows—Chat Noir—tried to kill his son with Cataclysm.
That was when they were in public, and had Hal watching over them.
He didn’t want to think about what the kids might do unsupervised to someone that tried to kill Ladybug, openly stalked her civilian self, and apparently tried stalk her again, in broad daylight. And possibly may have revealed her secret identity…
From the comments, it seemed that the Parisians hadn’t connected his sons aliases to the pair, writing it off as “Copy-cat Vigilantes” thankfully. And none of them were revealing more than “so the Fashion Disaster tried to go after Chat and Ryuko’s civvie… Not A Smart CopyBird” was the most he was able to get.
His children, on the other hand…
“I Fucking KNEW IT!” Tim yelled. “I knew it was her!”
“But,” Jason smirked. “You didn’t tell us.”
“Soup girl, baby bat!” Cass said gleefully.
“Wait, we both talked to her—and you didn’t say you thought it was her either Cass!”
“So what I’m hearing, if my ears don’t deceive me,” Jason continued. “Is that you all lost too.”
“Wait a minute!”
“No way—”
Cass shrugged. She was the least invested in winning. She got to meet soup girl, who is very nice and her parents are safe for Baby Bat.
“We don’t have proof,” Dick pointed out. “Didn’t you say something about her being a mouse?”
“Yes.” Cass cut through Tim and Stephanie’s waffling. “She is.”
Dick rubbed his forehead. “How many secrets can one kid have?”
“Five?” Jason said without much thought. “Limit is definitely five.”
“Let me get this straight,” Miss Sting began, watching Ladybug very, very carefully. Rena and Carapace were busy that night and couldn’t act as the team’s Common Sense Filter in person. and texts only went so far.
So the job fell to Aurore. To talk (probably Marinette) Ladybug out of a Very, Stupendously, Inconceivably Bad Idea.
“You want to trust Robin—the kid who tried to kill you—to contact his mother—an assassin—to talk strategy about how to take down Hawkmoth’s civilian life’s business, not kill him, and trust that they won’t kill you?”
“…I’m bringing Chat with me.”
“What, do you want me to use a Lucky Charm to prove this is our best bet?”
“You know what?” Miss Sting threw her hands up. “Yes, yes I do.”
“Fine.” Ladybug threw her yoyo skyward. “Lucky Charm!”
A red, spotted ball with an 8 on it came down.
“… you have got to be kidding me.”
Ladybug shrugged. “Uh, Magic Eightball, is it okay to trust Robin with this?”
One shake later and the floating die window read “Without a Doubt.”
“Give me that.” Miss Sting scowled, shaking as she asked. “Should she bring someone besides Chat and Robin—like someone from our team or Wonder Woman or Aquaman?”
The ball answered “Outlook not so good.”
Miss Sting glared at the magic eight ball. “I can’t believe this!”
Ladybug shrugged. “Lucky Charms are Lucky Charms—and I gotta go.”
Miss Sting checked her beeping spinning top. Someone was just akumatized.
“Re-charge first!” Miss Sting yelled before swinging ahead.
“Oh, hey, when’s Demon Spawn going to contact us?” Jason asked as other bats calmed down.
“He’s not answering his communicator.” Bruce growled. “Hal took it earlier.”
The bats paused at that.
“Well then. Trackers?”
“Disabled—what? We didn’t need anyone crashing the apology and he ran off before I could stop him,” Dick defended. He is not Damian’s keeper. Just his Batman (as yes Bruce, he is Damian’s Batman and Damian is his Robin. Current masks not-withstanding).
“Then how are we supposed to find him?” Stephanie asked as the room grew uneasy.
No one answered that.
“How’s this,” Tim began. “Me, Steph and Cass agreed on who Hawkmoth probably is, each of us has a different set of evidence for it—and I’m counting breaking into his evil Liar and the cameras catching him mid-act a few minutes ago as absolute proof.”
“I’m sorry, you did what!” Stephanie leaned over Tim’s shoulder to see. “Oh shit. Isn’t that guy—”
“One of her friends? According to their private Instagram accounts, more like partner in crime and possible Chat Noir. I mean, he’s the one that calls her his “everyday Ladybug” and voices Chat Noir in everything." Tim answered idly. “My money’s on him not knowing at all.”
Bruce twitched. Then began to add ‘stalking social media feeds’ to his to-do list tonight.
“So,” Tim stepped forward. “I suggest we send this to the Wonder Woman and ask for Robin’s comm to be returned, and failing that, I bugged the video so anything they play it on, we get access to its IP and can find where they are.”
“Have Oracle go over the bug, just in case,” Bruce told them. “In the mean time, the rest of you suit up for the night. Gotham needs its vigilantes.”
Marinette wanted to go on the record that her plan (to keep the bats away) was going well. Deciding what to do with Mu—R—Damian. Damian. Damian and his offer, was a challenge.
For obvious reasons, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Aquaman were against her asking a bunch of assassins for their help. Chat has more than a few reservations. Carapace, Rena and Miss Sting gave her looks for that plan.
But it would work. She needs more information on how to make the plan burning in the back of her mind work. It’s a lot of chaos (and she may thrive in chaotic battles but this wasn’t her usual battlefield, and her team didn’t know who they were going up against for once). And Marinette? She needs to know its not just her doing this when its so out of her depths.
So despite literally everyone and their disagreements she had Chat on her right side with Damian on her left, meeting up with his Crazy, Semi-Immortal mother. And possibly his Immortal, former Black Cat candidate, grandfather.
As Marinette isn’t trusting the likely cult that makes up the Gotham Ghost Gang (Batfam if you like them) when she can get real advice and vague directions to immortal and allied (loyal and terrifying) assassins.
And yes, she wasn’t sure if Liar was wrong or right when they said it was a bad idea too.
But fuckit she’s already got Kaalki at her shoulder, looking a bit bored at the deserted rooftop that Kaalki chose for their meeting.
“داميان*,” the woman smiled at her son. “It’s good to see you.”
“Mother,” Robin greeted. “This is Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug wished to speak to you about potential strategies to take down an enemy outside of battle without violence,” Damian stressed.
“I am well-aware of the Kwami and their Chosen, اِبْن.**” The woman spoke calmly. “The League of Assassins formed to act as the Black Cat to restore the world to balance and un-burden the Order with its maintenance.” The woman offer Ladybug her hand. “I am Talia al Ghul, and I am at your service, with or without violence Ladybug.”
Marinette took her hand. “Thank you Talia. Our target being directly exposed like I planned would have…” Ladybug trailed off, thinking over the ramifications not only to Adrien, but to the whole of Gabriel’s brand, workers and all that worked with them. “Some intense ramifications I’d rather avoid.”
Talia nodded her head, waiting for more information.
“I believe its possible to topple them without affecting their employees by uncoupling them from their business, but doing so is, well, stocks and economics isn’t my strongest point.” Ladybug admitted a bit sheepishly.
“I would suggest,” Talia began, “to create a bit of chaos in the stock market. Perhaps a rumor here and there, let investors pull out and grab the abandoned stocks quickly. Consolidate them under one owner and become the company’s owner.”
Marinette twitched a bit at that. “That… sounds complicated.”
“Oh, but it isn’t. My son knows just how to that, or did you forget our lessons?” Talia asked coolly.
Damian twitched at Marinette’s side. “I did not.”
“You know,” Chat chimed in. “I do know a few things about those things. If its general chaos, well…” Chat’s face twisted in a way Marinette forgot he could do after that Chat Blanc episode.
“… I will take that into consideration.”
“Anything else?” Talia asked, watching Ladybug and her son. Specifically, how her son seemed glued to the girl’s side. “I am certain my son is able to take out your target, if all else fails.”
Damian scowled at Marinette’s side.
“However, I do believe that whatever is happening, whatever has you active, might require a more… experience hand.”
Damian brushed against her side. Code for ‘Possible Danger.’
“Thank you for the offer,” Chat moved in front of Marinette. “But mi’lady and the Guardians have that much handled.”
Talia’s eyes shifted from Chat to Ladybug, staying on her. “Is that so?”
“Yes. I merely needed more information on how to execute this type of plan, that’s all!” Ladybug almost, almost slipped into Marinette while Liar, while silenced for the moment, prodded the back of her mind. “I want to minimize collateral damage as much as I can, to everyone. The kwami already said they get to chose the target’s punishment.”
“Ah, I see.” Talia relaxed then. “You are following the kwami’s wishes. I will respect their wishes as well, Chosen.”
Marinette categorized this interaction as one of the “not too horrible, but will avoid a repeat” once they left.
*Damian in arabic
so we have Talia now as a Player, sort of. she plays by her word pretty well so hopefully its a cameo more than anything else.
any ideas on how JL will handle the video, and if Miraculous Team should see it and freak out or only LB and keep on the dl while JL assissts in her Chaos Plot?
End of update. Will have to repost from ao3 on my phone now as desktop tumblr is being exceptionally rude. Tags always open, just takes me a bit to do—sorry to vixen for vanishing from tags
TAGS:  @heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06 @chaosace @jeminiikrystal @toodaloo-kangaroo @kris-pines04 @bisha43rbs @izang @dreamykitty25 @emu-lumberjack @vixen-uchiha
34 notes · View notes
forkanna · 4 years
WARNINGS: Petplay, exhibitionism, cunnilingus, watersports(kinda). This chapter is going to remind people that I once co-wrote My Sister's Mistress, haha… though honestly it's not that bad.
Happy December!
I'm very sorry to all three of you waiting for the epilogue of this fic. I was feeling fairly dissatisfied with my writing, so I took some time off for reading, and NaNoWriMo to focus on my original work (expect news about that soon). Though some mental fog remains, I'm feeling a little sharper and more capable now to continue delivering updates. And to that end...
Prepare yourselves for WE'LL FACE OURSELVES: GOLDEN! This will not continue the story of Yukiko and Chie, though they will be around here and there; instead, it will focus on another unlikely ship entirely. I'll begin posting that in about a month, or sooner if I find time. You may also want to keep your eyes peeled for more content pertaining to another fandom of which I am a part...
Thanks so much for sticking with this until the end. If you'd like to look me up on other platforms, please check out my Carrd!
Until we meet again, Jessex
A horrific day that everyone hoped would never come had finally ambushed the Investigation Team. Yu Narukami was leaving Inaba.
Not a dry eye was to be had at the Yasoinaba station as they watched their gray-haired friend bid fond farewells to all the other friends he had made throughout the year. Chie herself was a little shocked to see just how many there were — hell, even after almost a year she was still shocked that Rise Kujikawa, the real Risette, was one of them! An internationally known pop idol! But there she was, hanging on one of Yu's arms and sobbing into his jacket.
"Yu-kun, don't gooooo!" she blubbered, long auburn pigtails trembling with her movements. "I wanna get to spend G-Golden Week with you, Senpaiiiiii!"
Naoto and Kanji weren't much better. They made for such an odd-looking pair, the rough-and-tumble yakuza-wannabe letting fat tears roll down his cheeks as he was comforted by the small, reserved boy-who-was-not-quite-a-boy. Even after finding out Naoto was a woman, not much had changed; she still dressed like a boy and even behaved like one in most ways. All of Rise's attempts to "girlify" her had fallen flat. Chie really had wound up with a colourful assortment of friends, but she wouldn't change that for the world.
"Yeah, man, you can't take off," Yosuke chuckled. Trying to suppress his feelings with humour; they all knew he was going to miss Yu as much as anyone. "Your girlfriend's gonna miss you, and that ain't cool."
Not that he was pointing at Rise. No, his finger was levelled at Nanako — the little girl she and Yukiko had run into once upon a time who turned out to be Yu's cousin. She was currently hiding behind the leg of her father, Detective Ryotaro Dojima, coming over shy after he had reprimanded her for being too clingy with the boy she had dubbed her big brother. Not that he could control Rise doing the exact same thing, despite having nearly ten years on the second-grader.
"Oh, shut up," Yu grunted — though his motivation was pure, as always. "Don't tease her."
"Whaaat? I'm teasing you, not…" But at the glares from everybody, Yosuke sighed and deflated. "You guys are no fun."
Rise pulled back, her large doe eyes shining with tears — on purpose, Chie knew. She was a top notch actress. "Can't you give me a little kiss goodbye? Something to keep me from… from dying from missing you?"
"Oh please," Yukiko muttered under her breath with a begrudging smile.
But Yu obliged. Sort of. Instead of sweeping her into a graceful dip and really planting one on her, he kissed her forehead. It was a tender gesture, though, so Rise couldn't complain; a much more genuine little smile pulled at her pouty mouth, and she hugged him around the middle.
"Excuse me? What do you think you're doing?"
They all pulled back to see Ai Ebihara approaching, hands on her hips. This bitch again? However, something was different about her compared to their last run-in. She was still glamorous, but Chie couldn't help noticing it seemed like her outfit was a little more… conservative?
"What is who doing?" Rise protested, clinging a little tighter to Yu's arm.
"You! Little trollop!" The teen queen stomped over to the two of them, getting right up in Rise's face. She was a little taller and therefore more imposing, but Rise didn't seem scared in the slightest. "Get your greedy little paws off my boyfriend!"
The idol stamped her foot and snapped, "HEY! I don't see your name on him anywhere!"
Yu gulped and began to back away. "Uh…"
"Really?" Ebihara scoffed. "What makes you think you have any claim to him, slut puppy? He went to the festival with me — and spent Christmas Eve with me, too! And for your goddamn information, we got pretty close!"
Poor Rise. Though she was flirty and manipulative toward Yu and Yosuke, it was in a playful way; she did consider them both friends but couldn't seem to suppress her impulses. And here Ai was making all kinds of accusations and getting legitimately competitive. Her lip wobbled, though Chie was fairly certain it had as much to do with losing out to Ai as it had to do with losing Yu himself.
"Senpai, say that's not true! How could you, when I… I let you… you know!"
"Hey, it doesn't count when I'm just sitting there and you plop your butt down on my hand," he protested at her. "And Ai-chan, we hugged a little; please don't tease her by making it sound like more."
Both of his would-be girlfriends pouted and averted their eyes, cheeks turning pinker. Ai seemed a little more genuinely hurt than her rival for the boy's attentions.
"Whew," Yosuke exhaled, wiping his brow. "Don't know how you get away with it, juggling two chicks like that."
"That's not- I didn't…" Yu sighed, shaking his head as he facepalmed. "Maybe I'm glad to be leaving."
But the minute he said so, even if it was in jest, all faces wore expressions of deep sorrow. Nobody really wanted him to go. They had all known his stopover in Inaba had been temporary and yet it was still a terrible shock that Yu would no longer be hanging out with them on a daily basis, going to school, having roundtable discussions in the Junes food court.
"The end of an era, man," Kanji grunted, trying to look tough and only partially succeeding.
"Aww, cheer up, guys!" Teddie proclaimed, bouncing up and down on his heels so hard his blond locks bounced with him. "We'll see Sensei again! Bet on that!"
"There you go, Teddie," Yu laughed quietly, nodding his direction. The bear-shadow-turned-human beamed.
"And in the meantime, I can look after all the girls for you! You don't have to worry about a thing!"
Rise stuck her tongue out at the well-meaning bear. "I don't want you, I want Senpai!"
As the squabbling only grew worse, other classmates began to approach to wish Yu bon voyage. Some girl from his drama class, those guys from the basketball team… even some young boy and his clearly married mother, though she did seem a bit too young to have a child of that age. Their team leader really had left an impression in the short year he had lived there.
When the train whistle signaled that it was about to pull away, the bickering came to an end so they could truly see their friend off. A lot of tearful hugs and well wishes were offered before he was inside, looking out the window at them as it pulled away from the station. They ran after him all the way to the end of the platform until they ran out of space, then stood waving after him until the train was completely out of sight.
Chie was amused that it turned out to be Rise comforting Ebihara, and Yosuke comforting Teddie. Those were some pretty mismatched pairings. Ryotaro took a sobbing Nanako home, and that seemed to be an unofficial signal for them to disperse from the station.
While Kanji was busy throwing an arm around Yosuke's shoulders, proclaiming loudly that they were about to go drinking despite the fact that neither of them had easy access to alcohol at their age, it was Naoto of all people who started drifting closer to Chie and Yukiko. At first, Chie assumed she just wanted some company, but it turned out…
"Forgive my curiosity, but I've been wondering about something for a while now."
"Hm?" asked a bleary eyed Yukiko. She hadn't sobbed the way Rise did, but she wasn't completely unaffected by the parting. "I'm sorry, what's that?"
"Why have you been wearing a dog collar for the past several months?"
Both girls stopped dead in their tracks. If this were an anime, there would have been a record-scratch sound effect. Yukiko flashed a nervous half-smile at her girlfriend, who was busy tugging at the neckline of her shirt and gulping.
"W-well, it's… a fashion statement," the junior innkeeper finally told her.
"Uh… huh." Her sharp eyes looked between the two. "You may have forgotten in all the excitement of defeating Adachi and Izanami, but I am a detective. Do you want me to simply state what I have deduced from my observations, or would you like t-"
"Okay, okay, already!" Chie hissed, waving back and forth rapidly with her hand. "Can you maybe keep it under that crazy blue hat of yours?!"
Before Naoto could respond to the crack about her belted newsboy cap, a throat was cleared behind the three of them. Ai had broken off from the others and approached them, looking penitent and uncomfortable.
"Yes?" Yukiko prompted her in mild surprise.
"I… thought I should say… I am sorry." She swallowed hard, brows furrowed. The expression still made her look angry and snobby, despite her tone of voice being gentle now; she just had resting bitch face. "Probably too late. But I was really going through some things when I sidelined you two in Aiya, and being rude is second nature to me. Can't be the most stunning girl in school without it going to your head, can you?"
"You say that like I would ever know," Chie snorted.
"Right. And… normally I would be agreeing with you and belittling you, Bowl Cu- I mean, Satonaka. I have a lot of practice." Grimacing, she growled, "Got so used to being queen bitch that it's so hard to just be nice."
After a brief silence, so awkward that it felt as if any sound would have been preferable, Yukiko laid a hand on Ai's arm, gentle and reassuring. "Please, Ai-san. We all have darkness inside of us; nobody is a perfect person. So I think it's very admirable you're seeing your flaws and that you're trying to improve. I am the same, and so are my friends."
"Oh yeah?" The girl let out a wet-sounding laugh; indeed, tears were budding at the corners of her eyes. "How the hell aren't you perfect, Miss Goody Two-Shoes? I mean… I've always been so jealous of how the boys talk about you. No 'buts'."
"No butts?!" Chie burst out. "What do you mean? She's got a GREAT butt!"
Ai chuckled a little more heartily at that. Naoto was the only one who tapped her chin while noticing Yukiko's slight blush from the compliment; the others weren't paying it any attention. "No, no, not her ass. Which fine, sure, it's fantastic. I mean like, they describe both of us as really beautiful, or hot or whatever. Same words for both of us. But with me, it always had a 'but she's such a bitch', 'but she's stuck up', 'but she's psycho' attached. Yukiko… a couple of guys said you were snooty if you turned them down for a date, but the rest of them saw through that. You're a good woman and I'm just a good-looking woman. I did so much work to be beautiful so boys would like me, but I'm just… ugly on the inside."
Though clearly, Yukiko was about to speak up, Chie beat her to the punch. "So that's it, huh? You're pathetic."
"Excuse me?"
"C'mon, Ebihara. You're made of tougher shit than that. Where's that girl who slammed her leg up on the table in Aiya and demanded we appreciate it?"
Though the teen queen had been firing up, being reminded of that moment in the diner made her squirm and fold her arms tightly over her chest. "That was stupid. Do you wanna know why I did that?" When Yukiko nodded, she pushed ahead, "Thing is, I was a... when I was little, I was nowhere near the adorable Ai you see before you now. Fat and hideous, got told I had pig hooves. So like, I'm sure it sounds really stupid to you guys, but having dainty little feet now is super amazing to me still."
"You were fat?!" Chie demanded, looking her up and down afresh. "No way! I call bullshit!"
"Yep, a total blimp. And I got hella teased because I didn't match up with their… whatever. Yu already knows all this stuff, but pretty much I decided to reinvent myself when I found out we were moving to Inaba. Obviously it went to my head, but… at least I'm better now. Getting better all the time."
None of them knew what to say. Chie, for her part, was stunned that Ebihara turned out to be more than a one-dimensional prima donna; she had never given any indication otherwise, even in Aiya when her interests in Yu were revealed to be genuine. Maybe he was the one responsible. After all, while the team had been doing their best to save the victims from dying inside the TV and stop further kidnappings in the first place, Yu Narukami had touched all their lives, brought about an awakening of sorts to their inner beauty that they likely would never have found within themselves without him shedding that light. It just seemed to be one of his latent talents. Unsurprising that he had done the same for the entitled fashionista.
"There seems to be only one solution for this predicament," Naoto was stating firmly with a small nod, finger tapping her chin. "We must return to Aiya to remember our departed friend, and strengthen our bonds with each other."
"Oooh, a party!" Rise piped up with an excited little bounce, despite the light drizzle that was beginning to fall. "Yes please!"
"I guess that's a plan," Chie agreed as Rise, Kanji and Yosuke joined them. "What do you guys think? We catching the portal to the meat dimension?"
Grimacing, Yosuke demanded, "Do you have to call it that every time, Satonaka?! Geesh! Sounds super nasty."
"Bet you can't even handle it."
                                      ~ o ~
"Ohhhhh, I couldn't eat another bite," Yukiko groaned as they slid open the door to her bedroom at the Amagi Inn. They had whiled away many hours at the diner before the fellowship was broken, and they began to drift their separate ways. Rise was the most afraid to be alone out of any of them, and seemed to want to hang out with Ebihara, despite their strife over Yu's affections. Naoto went off by herself to think, Kanji and Yosuke reinitiated their quest for liquor, that girl from drama class was hanging out with Daisuke and Kou from the sports clubs… and the two illicit lovers had paired off with no one questioning why. Probably because they had already been best friends for their entire lives.
"Well I could," Chie laughed in response as she grabbed a pair of paper slippers. "But you know me, I can always eat."
Yukiko giggled as she began to strip off her remaining clothing. "You and Yosuke, I swear. Your appetites are bottomless."
"Hey, I'm a growing girl!" she said, jabbing herself in the chest with a thumb. "What's his excuse? He doesn't even do martial arts!"
Once fully divested, lithe form fully on display for the other woman in the room, the junior innkeeper approached her side and slid her hands up to gently perch on her shoulders. "Mmm, yes of course. So very strong."
It was impossible for Chie to keep the blush fully out of her cheeks. "Y-yeah. I mean, strong when you're not making my knees weak."
"But Master shouldn't say things like that in front of her pet. She might think she can control her Master, and that isn't very good, is it?"
"True, yeah." Chie shook her head with a vague smile on her lips. It was funny; she was supposed to be the one in control, but most often it was Yukiko who reminded them of their play. The roles they were to serve for each other.
"Mhmmm. Alright." Even though she was clearly a little nervous, she crossed to her dresser, slid open a drawer and began to rummage behind the various undergarments arranged there. "I think we're both ready now."
Poor Chie didn't even bother to ask "ready for what?", because by the time the words began to form on her lips, her best friend was turning around, dropping to the floor and crawling toward her… with a long leather leash dangling from between her teeth.
"Wrgh dng hrrg trh," Yukiko said — before Chie took the leash from her to allow her room to speak. "I m-mean to say, this is only if you feel up to it, or are interested. But we've spoken a lot about it in the past few weeks, and… and I feel like I would be alright with it."
"Okay, whoa whoa," she laughed nervously. "Listen, I… know you think nobody will see us, but c'mon, the inn gets guests all the time! And like, what if your mom sees us?!"
Sitting up a little straighter, the puppy-girl reassured her, "No, no, I have a plan. Do you know the forest behind our property? It's a little bit of a walk, and I know it might seem silly to take a walk before my walk, but we will probably be free from prying eyes out there. So… so do you want to?"
Any fool in Chie's position could have been able to tell that this girl wanted nothing more than to take her love into the woods so they could play. Even if the type of play they wanted to do was highly unorthodox. How could she say no to those big, baleful eyes?
"Yeah, of course. So um, maybe just put this around your waist under your kimono?"
"YES!" she burst out — before calming herself and clearing her throat. "I mean, yes, that is a good plan. I'll get dressed, try to keep the leash on."
In no time at all, they were strolling through the grounds behind the Amagi Inn, seeming to the single gardener they passed as if they were merely two high school friends out for a stroll. Nothing telltale from their appearances to suggest otherwise — except the collar, and even that wasn't immediately noticeable.
"Okay," Chie whispered once they were in the treeline. "Are you really sure about this one? Cuz like, if you wanna bail on the idea, you can, right now, and I won't give you any shit. I swear."
But Yukiko was already shaking her head from side to side, even before she got halfway through speaking. "I've been looking forward to trying this for so long! Maybe it hasn't always seemed like it, but… how can we know whether or not we enjoy it if we don't try?"
That, as they say, was that.
"Okay…" Chie cleared her throat and tried not to feel too overly self-conscious. "Then take it all off so we can get started."
By far the most difficult thing to endure was watching Yukiko slowly disrobe — which she was clearly doing on purpose, adding to the anticipation. She even did that thing where she paused with the yukata halfway down her back, looking at Chie over her shoulder with a coquettish flutter of her eyelashes. 'Nosebleed City, population: me,' Chie thought to herself. Then she let it drop all the way to the forest floor, pooling amongst the grass and leaves.
Nude… except for two leather straps. One around her neck and another trailing down her back.
"Gooooood," she managed to groan. Then she shook herself and caught up the end of the lead. "Okay, so like… what now? I just take you for a walk?"
"Master, come on," she giggled. "You're not being a good Master." But when Chie frowned, Yukiko fidgeted and added, "I'm sorry. That was supposed to sound teasing, but instead… well, I really am sorry. I was trying to say that you weren't playing your role yet."
"Okay." Taking a deep breath, she cracked her neck and tried to shove away those feelings of inadequacy that had begun to brew. "So you mean I'm supposed to start being a dog owner for real? Like, until we decide we're done and wanna go back inside?"
"Yes," she sighed in obvious relief that Chie wasn't upset with her. "How about this: I'll get on hands and knees, and that's when we start? And I'll stand up if I need to stop."
"Sure yeah, that sounds pretty simple. Go for it when you're ready."
With a small nod, Yukiko stepped out of her zori and into the grass, toes flexing as it tickled them. Her lips quirked into a reassuring little smile before she dropped down to all fours, perky little ass high in the air. Chie wanted to dive right into that inviting sight now — but she could wait. They had a game to play; they could have sex pretty much anytime they were alone together, as long as they were careful about noise levels. And door locks.
"Okay girl, let's go!" she commanded her in a more cheerful tone. This wasn't their first time playing in this way, or even their tenth. They just had never taken the playing outside of a locked bedroom before.
And miraculously… they went. Yukiko started walking along on her hands and knees, making little panting noises now and then. Just to maintain the illusion. Chie was both disturbed and turned on, but that happened a lot during their more adventurous encounters. The more they learned about this strange new culture they were a part of — thanks to the internet — the more intrigued they were, but Chie wasn't as good at taking it in stride as her puppy was.
Her puppy, Yukiko. Still bizarre to her.
"What is it, girl? You like that one?"
"Wan wan!" she yipped joyfully as she continued to mime sniffing a tree.
"Then it's all yours," she laughed easily, reaching down to scratch behind her ear. Her girlfriend hummed at the pleasant sensation, and even tried to jiggle one of her legs. With some success. Then she unclipped the leash from her collar. "Wanna play fetch, Yuka?"
More gleeful barking. So she found a stick and wiped it quickly on her sleeve — which, obviously, she wouldn't do for a real dog like Muku, but she figured she owed Yukiko at least that much.
"Go get it, girl!"
As Chie watched Yukiko, a real human being, bound off into the brush after a stick, she couldn't help feeling that her life had really gotten off track at some point. Mostly, she just wanted to be a semi-normal girl who went to school, hung out with her friends, practiced martial arts. Lately she had been toying with the idea of going into law enforcement when she grew up. Maybe it was because of all their adventures inside the TV, and saving Inaba from the menace of a vengeful god who had judged humanity as both too complacent and too volatile. She had found that not only did her kung fu training really pay off, but she also had enjoyed the idea of saving people more than she expected. And it was important work.
But seeing Yukiko creeping back from the bushes with the stick between her teeth gave her pause. Surely a cop didn't do things like this. Or maybe they did and she was just naive. No matter how many times they discussed the fact that she obviously loved her little Yuka, it still felt foreign and weird to order her around, treat her like property.
Even if they both got off on the roles of master and pet.
They had probably been playing fetch for about twenty minutes when Yukiko dropped the stick at her feet, then reared up to rest her "forepaws" on her master's hips. Barking at her. It was as cute as it was bizarre. Privately, she kept wondering if it hurt her knees to romp around like that, but Yukiko never complained. So she crouched down to scrub all over her hair, disheveling it so badly that she would definitely need to brush it out when they got back to the inn, and her girlfriend responded with more happy yips and licking all over her face.
"AH!" she giggled, trying to push her away without any success. Yukiko could be pretty strong when she set her mind to it. "Cut it out, Yuka! Ewww!"
Of course, this wasn't the first time the kisses had turned to doggy kisses. Though it was still a little icky, it was also highly entertaining for both of them so they had slowly incorporated it into their play. Yukiko's wet pink tongue slathered all over her cheeks, lips, chin… anywhere she could reach. Until finally, Chie grabbed her by the collar and held her back.
"Okay, girl! I love you, too." Yuka barked again so she grinned and pushed their foreheads together. "Who's a happy girl? Huh? Who's my sweet, sweet, happy girl?"
The junior innkeeper's ass wiggled from side to side. They had discussed getting her ears and a tail to help complete the illusion, but decided it would be a lot harder to explain those versus the collar and leash, which could just as easily be for Muku as for Yuka. Besides, she was pretty good at wagging a non-existent tail.
Chie was distracted from her thoughts when she noticed her girlfriend was sniffing around the hem of her skirt. She saw a coy smile grace her lips just before her face shot beneath to nuzzle against her center.
"WHOA!" she gasped — and went down hard on her backside. "Oof!"
When Yukiko's face reappeared, she looked very concerned. Still, they had agreed she was not to break character unless Chie had made it clear that she should.
"I'm okay, girl," she reassured her pet with a shaky laugh. "Just, uh… did not expect you to go for it like that. What is it, girl? Smell something good?" Yukiko gave a very human nod before remembering herself, and letting out a bark instead. "Yeah? Um, y-you want a treat from Master for being so good?"
That prompted a very strong bark, and her girlfriend gave a pronounced wiggle from stem to stern, to make sure there could be no question she really wanted that treat. So Chie leaned back against her elbows, allowing her thighs to fall open. Within a single second, her face was right back between those thighs, snuffling around and making sure her lips and nose were pushing into everything firmly.
And God help her, it was so hot. Every time they played like this, she still expected to feel disgusted regardless of how often she enjoyed it. And then was still surprised again. Maybe she really did have a learning disability of some kind.
When the nuzzling began to feel a little more pointed and purposeful, she realized that Yuka had hit an impasse. Sliding a hand down between them, she shakily tugged the crotch of her panties aside to grant her pet access. No time was wasted. After only a couple of sniffs, a warm, wet tongue was pressing into her needy flesh.
Chie really hoped nobody else would suddenly decide to take a walk through the woods. Not with her screaming out in ecstasy like that, a buck naked girl's face between her legs.
After a few months of trial-and-error, Yukiko Amagi was nothing less than a professional when it came to cunnilingus. That tongue knew every little fold and crease of her lover's sex, and she was an expert at finding the ways to set her off. With almost brutal efficiency, even if the touches were sometimes so light and delicate. Chie gave herself over completely, reaching down to grip her raven locks and hold her in place as she began to buck her hips against that insanely gifted mouth.
So close… "I'm coming! Good girl, Yuka! More!"
Well, she most definitely got what she asked for. At this point the game had been suspended while Yukiko ate her out with all the skills she had learned over the past several months, almost as if someone had challenged her to do the deed as quickly and spectacularly as possible. Her tongue almost seemed to be in two places at once.
Birds took off flying from the treetops when Chie cried out from the climax rocking her entire body, back arching off the forest floor. It was beyond mind-blowing. And all thanks to a good little doggie.
"Tapout!" she finally gasped a few moments later. That was the codeword they had developed for when their eager clits had been overstimulated to the point they couldn't handle any more. Yukiko's tongue disappeared, and she breathed a sigh of relief as her entire body shook and shivered. "Nnhh… oh GOD, that was… super intense!"
A little giggle spilled from the shining lips of her love as she crouched over her. Looking at her with bottomless affection. Just a moment for that to be made known — before she bounced a little. "WAN!"
"Y-yeah… good girl… c'mere…" She patted her chest and Yukiko crawled up to lick all over her face. "AWWW, NOOOO! Yuka, down! C'mooooon!"
Of course, it didn't take long for her to shove her puppy off and to stand up again, though her knees were a bit wobbly. A few deep, cleansing breaths cleared her head enough to clip the leash to Yuka's collar again and set off walking around the woods with her.
"You did such a good job!" she told Yuka — and Yukiko, really. Though she knew she couldn't talk back while they were in the middle of play. "I'm really happy. And even though Narukami's gone, I mean, he'll be back… and the rest of our lives are pretty great. Kinda kicking ass and taking names lately."
"Wan, wan!" Yuka replied. Too cute.
"You like taking walks with Master?" She paused to turn and look up at her, panting with her tongue out; a doggie smile. "Awww, I'm so glad! Sweet baby!"
Yukiko put her paws up again, but this time Chie pointed at her and said, "Down. You know better than that, girl." In response, she let out a little whine and got down on all fours again, looking up at her with large, baleful eyes that would have melted glaciers. "I'm sorry, but you have to behave; I can't have you jumping up on my friends!"
Not that there was any chance of that happening. Even after Naoto had figured it out, they still agreed this was only something for the two of them — nobody else.
Mostly obedient, Yuka pouted a little longer before she resumed trotting through the grass. Once or twice she winced when she crawled over a stick or a rock, but mostly she picked her way around them; they already established their rules for this interaction were no permanent injury. Chie wouldn't begrudge her that, even for the sake of "committing to the role".
They came to a stop nearly half an hour later when Yukiko began sniffing around a white pine tree excitedly. Chie couldn't blame her; evergreens smelled amazing. But as she sniffled… a memory of a previous conversation came back to her master. Were they ready? Most importantly, was Yukiko?
"Okay," she suddenly said, though she could hear the nerves in her own voice. "Mark it so we can go home."
Yukiko's look of surprise was priceless. Even while in Yuka-mode, she couldn't seem to fully suppress that deep level of alarm. But she didn't argue or stand up.
"Go on… if you, um, you need to."
There was a brief moment where it almost looked as if her girlfriend would either cry, or stand up and tell her off. Then she raised one leg…
And let out a golden stream against the bark of the pine's trunk. Chie felt her stomach disappear: she really did it. Her girlfriend, poised, refined innkeeper that she was, a true classic Japanese beauty… was pissing like a dog on a tree. Curiosity spiking, she took a further step to her right to get a better view, and was greeted with the sight of the thin arc of urine issuing from the top of her flawless pink pussy — two fingers on either side, to help keep the liquid from catching on the flushed lips.
Flushed from arousal, from going down on her? Or did she like this? Maybe "like" was too strong a word: Yukiko found it satisfying to be degraded in very small ways, so long as they played into her role of belonging to a loving master. By now, Chie had figured out — thanks in part to her shadow — that this was due to her desire to be cared for, cherished. To belong. Perhaps having to pee like a puppy in the woods pushed the boundary of what constituted a small way, but it wasn't so overboard that she broke character. In that way, it had been a perfect thing to demand of her.
As her thoughts bumped around inside her skull, the stream petered out. Yuka shook her raised leg a little, to rid herself of lingering droplets, then lowered it back to the ground. She was trembling all over, and she winced, but still made no comment.
"Very… good, Yuka," she told her in a distant voice. "Oh wow…"
A whining noise came from her puppy-slash-girlfriend, and she made baleful eyes up at her. Not very often had she witnessed Yukiko's cheeks flushed as they were in that moment. But the moment Chie began to frown, she nuzzled her leg — reassuring her that she was not upset with her. Just that the experience had been a strange, unsettling one.
"Okay, um… well, you did your business, so I guess we, like… should head back? Y-yeah…" But she instead dropped to one knee, pulling her in for a hug. Yuka leaned into the contact gratefully but didn't embrace her back, since dogs didn't use their forelegs like that.
In a flash, she knew what she could do to make her feel better. It was so obvious! After petting over her hair and back a few times, she started sliding her hand all the way back to her rump, then angling downward.
"Wan?" Yuka barked, the noise holding a very human question even if it was animal speech.
"Shhhh, shhh," she soothed her, petting along the damp folds. "Master saw you were really wet back here, girl. I-is it okay if I clean you up?"
Her girlfriend let out some very sensual dog-whines. Which apparently were possible. Chie felt her stomach turn a tiny bit at knowing this wasn't just excitement she was playing around in, because some of it was pee, but probably not much. And either way… it was Yukiko. She didn't mind.
And clearly, neither did Yukiko. As her attentions grew more pointed and firmer, fingers parting the lips and dragging up toward her ass, then back down toward her pulsing clit, the puppy panted and moaned, hips squirming from side to side as if to shake her off. Their past experiences had at least taught them to stop taking that involuntary reaction as a sign that their partner actually wanted them to stop; there had been a few touch-and-go moments thanks to miscommunication. Practice makes perfect, after all.
Kissing the top of her head, Chie whispered, "It's okay, Yuka. Master's gonna take care of you. Just let it feel good, okay? Like you made Master feel good before!"
By now, Yukiko was full-on baying — when she wasn't making more human sounds of pleasure. They were terribly hard to suppress in that state. Her hips were rolling into the contact, begging for more. Not for the first time, Chie wished she had a cock to slam into her — and they had considered buying one, many times. Probably would soon. Maybe even one that had two ends…
Once she started in on her clit, it only took another minute of blistering punishment before Yuka couldn't suppress her climax anymore. Her back arched and she let out a howl as the pleasure racked her body, nearly sending her face-first into the leaves and grass. And even doing something so base, she looked as elegant as always. The magic of Yukiko.
"Gooooood girl!" Chie praised her, kissing between her shoulder blades as her other hand pet up and down her neck. "So good, you were amazing! I'm so proud of my pretty Yuka!"
There was a much more subdued little "Wan" that fell from her lips before she gave a weak wag of her hips from side to side. But at least she was clearly happy.
As they continued their way back to the spot where they left the yukata, Chie was all smiles, and kept praising Yuka or commenting on what they might do later in the day. They had fallen into the habit of Yukiko using happy barks and whines to show her approval or disapproval of their various plans; that way she still got to put in her two yen without fully breaking character. Maybe it was cheating, but who cared?
"God, I could use some lemon soda," Chie sighed as the clothes came into view. "Oh — there we go. Did you have fun out here today, Yuka?"
"WAN!" she barked with a huge, panting grin, bouncing a little. Then she winced. "Nnn…"
"Yuka?" But she shook her head, so Chie sighed and pulled her closer to the clothes. "Mkay, let's get outta here; we still have time to play some Famidrive. Bet I can whoop you in Power Intuition!"
But as Yukiko drew almost right up to the clothes, which would be the official end of their play, Chie suddenly stopped and held the leash taut. There was a quiet gag before her girlfriend turned around to look up at her curiously.
"Wait… um… I was gonna do this later, but I think… I wanna do it now. While you're still on your walk, Yuka." Meaning during play. She actually had been going to wait for her birthday, but that was almost a year away — and she hated that she hadn't thought of it before the last one. Oh well, better late than never.
"Wan?" Yuka asked in concern.
"Huh? O-oh, right! I got you a little something." Kneeling down, she produced it from her jacket pocket and held it out. "Hope you like it, girl."
It was a dog tag. Not just any tag, but a bamboo tag with an elegant burned-in design of flames on one side. When Chie's nervously twitching fingers turned it around, the kanji "優花" were emblazoned on the back: Yuka. Gentle flower.
There was a very real gasp from her girlfriend before she squealed, "CHIE!" and threw her arms around her, bouncing with happiness. Her owner just began to laugh when she suddenly drew back and cleared her throat. "W-wan!"
"It's cool," she laughed as she reached for her collar. "We were almost done, anyway, right? Hmm…" Then she delicately began to attach the tag to her pet. The big grin and the way she could barely keep still was too adorable — and doglike, which continuously surprised her. Even if Yukiko was a beautiful debutante in so many ways, she was also the world's cutest puppy. "There!"
And no sooner had she finished than she was pounced upon, licked all over her face amid a flurry of giggles. After a minute or two, she managed to push the girl away and stood up.
"Okay, you can stand up too now."
"Ohhhh, Chie, it's gorgeous!" Yukiko gushed as she finally rose to her feet, catching up the yukata along the way. "Where did you get it? How long have you been hanging onto this?!"
"Few days," she told her shyly, watching her slip her zori back on. So cute the way her little toes wriggled to slip the thong between them. "J-just… you got me that necklace for White Day, and I don't know why, I didn't even think about-"
"Stop that," she cut her off. "We already discussed this, I told you I wasn't even sure if I should get you something. Since we aren't boyfriend-girlfriend, we are two girls; the rules aren't the same. So you didn't disappoint me!"
Shrugging as she helped her slide the light kimono around her body, she muttered, "Y-yeah, but you still deserved a gift. And we've been going out for like a whole year, so…"
"Almost a year," she whispered back with a twinkle in her eyes. One that made her suspicious.
"Um… you're not planning some kinda crazy thing next month, are you? Like, because it's our anniversary?"
Trying to sound innocent, she pressed a hand into her clothed chest — now that she had finished tying her yukata, naturally. "Why, Chie-chan! Would I do that?"
"Yep. Okay, okay… I guess I do wanna celebrate it, but don't go wacko! Just like, find us something fun. Maybe we can have a nice din-"
"Don't you worry about a thing," she reassured her lover as she linked their arms together. "Just don't be too busy that day and everything will come up roses. Okay?"
Letting out a loud "UGHHHHH", Chie tried to be grumpy as they headed for the edge of the woods, and toward the Amagi Inn beyond. But she still ended up leaning over to whisper, "Fine, I'm excited. Just don't tell anybody."
"Because our relationship is anyone's business as it is," she giggled. "Hmm… are you sure this is the right way?"
As Chie Satonaka stared at the pretty little innkeeper, the shafts of light filtering through the trees, her heart stopped for a moment as time froze. Because her priestess was there, and warm, and real, and so sweet and beautiful. Because they were there together.
"Everything's right, Yukiko," she whispered with a huge, goofy grin. "Everything."
                                      ~ THE END ~
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kuroganeslayer · 4 years
How did you get into RP?
// The villians made me do it. Axel, Piccolo, Vegeta, Yami Bakura, Yami Malik, Renji, Grimmjow, hichigo, Gajeel, Cobra/Erik, Midnight/Macbeth, and Laxus.
That is hard to remember as it happened along time ago when I was watching yugioh for the first time when WB had it on tv. Then I grew attached and got the japanse ones including the manga books. I noticed a huge difference between the anime dubbed and the oringal. But sometimes I could understand why they change things, but people pointing your fingers at you which were oringally supposed to be guns was really stupid. Then changing the cards, editing the millienium Rod where Yami Maik is holding it in a wiered angle instead of seeing the dagger so stupid and even editing Zork, because he looks like he has a huge cock, but they edited It and made it worse for the dub. Shit they could of created smoke circulated around him and no one would of noticed it.
 That is where I got my inspiration on writing fan fiction, then I hopped on rp on forums on breaks during my internet class. I used to know how to do lots of html stuff, but now am really rusty with it. When I was in the yugioh fandom, they had a forum where you could look up spoilers, but I got into when you could rp with any other anime character you wanted I would rp as Yami Bakura and Yami Maik, as they were my favorite characters in the show even though they actually dueled against each other, but then took out the dueling part where me and a selected group had all of them go adventures and these two villians would cause chaos.
A few times I also rped as Piccolo, but that was hard to pull off. 
Then I got into the Kingdom Hearts fandom on a different site and rped as Axel and then things started to get hectic as me and a friend were harassed personally just because we wrote paragraphs when we rped. However the other group would god mod a lot so it just wasn’t a fun environment anymore Including the site getting hacked by a moderator who erased all the rps so I found my way to tumblr. At first I would just scroll and type things of my interest then I saw people rping and it looked like fun to me. There was another person who I quickly became friends with and she was a Axel rper and we would rp together. Then I found a Reno rper who has a butt load of other blogs as muses and we became friends. I would rp with almost all his muses. Eventually he and my Axel began shipping together. Then he disappeared and said he needed time away from the fandom and I understood that. Then he introduced me to Bleach and that is where I feel in love with Renji, Ichigo and Grimmjow. I currently have an Renji and Ichigo muse to this day, but I only go on there when I feel muse, but sometimes other people complaining about the manga doesn’t help or even the anon hate either. Also there was drama in the Bleach fandom and it started to get toxic.
So I found a different outlet, but it wasn’t until I saw Fairy Tail on Netflix so I watched it because I give anime a chance of at least 8 episodes or more. The story was hilarious and I decided I would keep watching it trying to find a favortie character that came along. Laxus was awesome and I liked him and his attitude, but also Natsu was completely funny and so was Grey. However when Gajeel came onto the screen I just fell in love with this bad ass. He was a villain and I love villains and I have always have in most cases when it comes to lots of animes. I root for them instead of the heros.  Also I have always loved dragons so Fairy Tail became a favorite and him being a dragon slayer like Natsu was pretty awesome. Damn Gajeel was such a bastard dragonslayer and he wanted to kill Natsu. Then I found out that Laxus was a dragon slayer also. I was thinking holy shit how many are there? So yes that intrigued me also. Gajeel being part of Fairy Tail still baffles me. Makarov making it happen by basically trapping him against his will. This really set off Laxus and he wanted to take over the guild because of dark guilds besides the econsidering his guild weak. Then after the Fantasia arc was over and Laxus leaving his thunder legion behind. I went to look for more episodes. I caught up and was a little upset that Gajeel wasn’t in the Oracion Seis arc and I still hate the creator for doing that because it would of been so much interesting in my opinion to see if Gajeel would turn on Fairy Tail or not. I secretly was hoping he would because I never thought he would become a redeemed villain that earily in the series. With how hes treated now as a comedy relief and joke I wish he never was part of fairy tail.
I even thought about boycotting that saga just because it didn’t seem that interesting. However that quickly changed when I noticed the villians. There were two guys that quickly grabbed my attention Cobra and Midnight. It was during the opening So I continued to watch despite the fact I had a problem of Wendy being exposed to a criminal underlord, guild a dark guild. Sorry, but that made no sense to me to expose a newbie with no fighting experience over someone like Gajeel, Juvia who has experience with fighting guilds. I wondered what the hell was the creator thinking. How come Gajeel wasn’t in this saga at all? It would of been right up his ally. So stupid and lame. Then I was thinking he was purposely excluded for some reason. I still feel for that as it wasn’t just a spy for Raven Tail thing because Gajeel already gave Makarov the information for being a double agent for the dark guild Raven Tail. Juvia also wasn’t in this saga either even though she has been with Natsu’s team when they were dealing with Jellal. I pondered this as well, both members part of Phantom Lord, supposedly a rival of Fairy Tail, however to me it never seem like the case. It was more than that especially if you read the japanese portion of the manga and anime (not the dubb) that evil Saint Wizard Jose wanted that guild terminated, everyone dead, jealously my ass. Much like dark guilds hate light guilds. Gajeel and Juvia were a threat to Fairy Tail and Makarov knew it, so he kept them out of it. Probably for the best, but I digress.
So I rooted for the other side, the Oracion Seis wanting them to beat the light guilds. Midnight was pretty interesting especially when he was sleeping on a carpet. The Cobra guy with his monstrous snake definitely had me hooked. There was something about those eyes and those fangs of his that seemed familar and it reminded me of Gajeel’s, Laxus and Natsu. Then his mind ability to hear anything and go through memories through me a loop. Shit I loved this guy kicking Natsu’s ass and it was just fascinated to watch. Then learning he was also a dragon slayer made me think of how well he and Gajeel would have been fun to team up in the series cause trouble loved to have seen especially to see how they faired against Natsu together. Unfortunately Gajeel and Cobra only teamed up in Fairy Tail Gaiden Rhodonite which I hope in the future its gets an anime adaption. It's about the only time Gajeel actually worked with someone (besides Pantherlily his bad ass black panther exceed) who could hold his own in a fight without interference from a third party. And actually respects him.
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
@fandomshipper28 requested:
Definitely Harley, Peter, and Morgan all getting to spend a ton of time with Tony!
(It ended up featuring not a lot of Tony because I didn’t see him in the prompt before I wrote it, so have some mainly Harley, Peter and Morgan bonding, I hope that’s okay too ;3)
“Tell me a story!”
“Ouch!”, exclaimed Harley as he hit his head. “What are you doing here? It's past your bedtime.”
Morgan Stark looked entirely unimpressed as she stood in front of Harley, clutching her Iron Man tsumtsum (“It's dad! But squishable and tiny! I love it!”). “Can't sleep. Tell me a story.”
Peter placed a bag of ice on Harley's head with a mocking 'That's what you get for not having super-healing' grin on his face before he turned toward Morgan. He smiled at the mini Stark and ruffled her hair. After a moment's pause, he turned to put the most dangerous of tools away, because even though Morgan was an adorable munchkin she was also indeed a miniature Stark.
“You're an emotional blackmailer”, stated Harley as he saw Morgan's pout.
He was holding the ice-pack to his now aching head, his legs crossed beneath him. He used his other hand to pull his helmet close, the thing he had just been working on before Morgan had come into their workshop. Well, okay, he had been working on the stability of the whole suit, laying underneath it and thus hitting his head. Before that, he had been working on the helmet. If it would be physically possible, he'd be working on all of the parts at once.
“So you wanna hear a story, Mo?”, asked Harley with a sly smile. “How about the story of the amazing Iron Man and his sidekick Spider-Boy?”
Peter made a small, offended spider noise as Harley held the helmet in front of his own face. ”First of all, I am not a sidekick! And second of all, you can't be Iron Man. Tony is Iron Man!”
“So? Tony retired. And you heard the old man, he wants me to pick up the mantle.”
Peter huffed, a pout on his lips as he sat down. The suit was gold and black - in mourning of Tony Stark, who had heroically died to save the universe and was currently upstairs, teaching Nebula how to play Mario Kart. Morgan climbed onto Peter's lap and nuzzled sleepily into his chest.
“Still... you can't be Iron Man. That's just... wrong. If anything, you're Iron Boy”, argued Peter.
“What. No. If you call yourself a man, I am definitely not going by Iron Boy”, countered Harley.
“Oh! You could be Iron Lad and I'll be Iron Lass!”, exclaimed Morgan (who had her pirate-phase.
“Iron Lad and his sidekick Spider-Boy then”, nodded Harley.
“Again; not your sidekick, Keener. I've been a hero far longer than you. I have seniority.”
Harley rolled his eyes at that but honestly he was too tired to argue on that front right now - they had been working on his suit for ten hours straight. And while Tony kept poking his head in with the large puppy eyes, wanting to help them, Harley wanted his suit to be... well... his. Self-made. Because if he couldn't do this, how was he ever supposed to carry Tony's legacy...? Besides, Tony was supposed to be on bed-rest and Rhodey and/or Nebula kept dragging him out of the workshop as soon as he set foot in it. Despite Harley's protests and teasing, he had to admit that Peter had been a great help though. He was brilliant and came up with amazing ideas. And he was fun company.
“Okay, fine. Not sidekick then. How about... partners?”, offered Harley softly.
Peter looked at him in mild surprise for a moment. He really had a hard time reading Harley, but maybe that was also because he used to be an only child. The way him and Harley bickered - it did remind him of Tony and Rhodey. He had never really thought about having a partner. A team? No, that was too much, he wasn't ready to join the Avengers. But maybe Harley wasn't ready either? He had never been a hero before. Joining the Avengers was too much but doing it alone was scary too...
“Partners”, agreed Peter after a moment.
“Hey. What about me?”, protested Morgan with a pout.
Peter and Harley exchanged a grin at that. “You, Iron Lass, have the most important mission of them all. Far more important than what Iron Lad and me are going to do.”
“Oh?”, whispered Morgan and perked up. “What is it? I'm ready, I swear!”
“You have to be the protector of Iron Man”, stated Harley. “Because the stubborn Mechanic is gonna have a really hard time laying low and not leaping at every sign of danger. So we need you to keep him occupied and distracted from it all by being your adorable, irresistible self.”
“That's not a real mission”, pouted Morgan.
“What? You think your honorary brothers would lie to you?”, gasped Harley mock-offended. ”It totally is. And it's a tough mission too. But Pete and I trust you with it.”
Peter smiled faintly. Morgan was definitely too young to put herself in danger. And Harley was right; it was going to be hard for Tony to not get into the suit again. But he has been through enough and the past five years of living alone with Morgan in the woods had apparently made him content with family life. Still, it was different now, the world was slowly going back to how it used to be. And with that, villain attacks would pick up in frequency again and at one point, when the all new Avengers (Sam who was now Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, the Wasp, Nebula, who had decided to stay on Earth. Thor had left with the Guardians and Rhodey, Bruce and Clint had retired for good after this fight; so had Natasha after Steve had exchanged the Soul Stone for her) would be called upon, Tony would go and be tempted to join them.
“Listen, Mo. No one says you can't ever be a hero out there. But for now, this is really the most important mission for you. Be a happy kid who gets to grow up with her dad, mom and stepdad.”
The Potts-Hogans were going to make sure Tony stayed out of trouble and so would Rhodey and Nebula, all living in what Peter had dubbed the Iron Family Mansion. Still, Peter knew Tony better than that. If the danger was big enough, he'd blow the cover of his fake death and fly head first into danger. That was why Morgan was so important, maybe the only thing that could convince him to not risk his life and let the active Avengers handle things would be his daughter, who needed him.
Still, Peter had no illusions that Morgan Hayley Stark was going to fly a suit of her own.
“Boys? Are you still here? Are you still working on this? I swear, you're nearly as bad as me.”
The three kids turned to face the door with wide eyes, watching how Tony entered the workshop.
“Cass, why didn't you warn us?”, complained Harley.
“Father is not a threat to you”, supplied Jocasta in confusion. “He requires no warning.”
She was still a very young AI and had a lot to learn, so Harley had for now uploaded her into the workshop to let her interact and learn from FRIDAY, at least until his suit would be ready.
“And what are you doing here, princess?”, asked Tony with a frown and picked Morgan up from Peter's lap. “You're supposed to be asleep.”
“And you're not supposed to be down here”, countered Morgan with a yawn, cuddling up to her dad. ”If you don't tell mom, I won't tell mom.”
“Good blackmail, princess”, hummed Tony fondly, pressing a kiss against her head.
“M not a princess”, protested Morgan sleepily. “Princesses always need rescuing from a knight. I don't need no knight to rescue me. I'll rescue all the knights myself.”
“You do that, Rescue”, chuckled Tony. ”But even big heroes like you need their sleep.” He paused before turning to the boys. ”Same goes to you two. Go to your rooms, sleep, continue tomorrow.”
“Yes, dad”, chorused all three kids with defeated sighs.
Both Harley and Peter also had rooms at the mansion to stay over whenever they wanted. They walked in silence for a while after parting ways with Tony and Morgan.
“What about knight?”, asked Harley thoughtfully. ”Like Mo said. The knights do the rescuing. So, what about that? Iron Knight? It is armor, after all.”
“Mh... Spider-Man and Iron Knight. I like it”, declared Peter with a grin.
“Hey! Why would your name go first? Iron Knight and Spider-Man, if anything!”, argued Harley.
“Seniority! I still have seniority!”, exclaimed Peter.
“Trouble is what you'll be having if you don't shut up and go to sleep, you brats! It's late!”
Peter and Harley exchanged a grin and broke into a sprint to their rooms at Rhodey's complaint.
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Fic: A Terrible Idea [14/?]
Fandom: Attack on Titan Title: A Terrible Idea Author: Immi Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ymir’s pursuit of the hot cheerleader was meant to stay strictly lustful. But it’s a high school AU with a ship tag, so you know, fuck that. Notes: This is secretly a fake dating AU.
Segment summary: Historia digs the hole a little deeper.
Finding more excuses after several weeks of pulling every one she could out of a hat wasn’t as simple as it sounded. Lunch, sure, and several days in the usual prep table had been gracefully overtaken by Ymir and people Ymir put up with. Pieck and Porco thought hanging out with Historia was a spectator sport, and Connie and Sasha had invited themselves when they saw an opening, because that’s what they did.
Reiner bench pressing both of them wasn’t the mood-setter Ymir was looking for, but time together was time together, and they shared zero classes. Lunch and after school. Such were the options, and neither worked great for talking about feelings. Ymir didn’t even want to talk about feelings.
“Yet somehow, you keep finding a way,” Pieck had said in the wake of one of Ymir’s light jogging sessions.
“More like you and Pock keep bringing it up,” was Ymir’s retort.
What she really needed was some time alone with Historia that didn’t leave them both putting up with crap and people they weren’t in the mood for.
“That’s called a date,” Porco had said, head slumped in his pillow while he stopped bothering with keeping his eyes open. Staying up past curfew was a trick his body had somehow never learned. In the bed on the other side of the room, slightly more awake, Marcel had supplied the similarly helpful comment of, “You two text every night. You can’t talk to her then?”
The people in her life failed at being remotely helpful with this, and she hoped they realized that. She’d told Pieck as much. Pieck, being Pieck, hadn’t cared.
“If you want to kiss her again, your mouth is the one that needs to put in the work.” She’d smiled, batting her eyes passively. “I hear you had some trouble with that the first time. Think of this as a much needed learning experience.”
Ymir’s friends were horrible people with not an ounce of compassion attributed to their combined presence.
The fucking problem, which none of them seemed to get, was that being around Historia made her happy. She liked watching her play games on her phone and teasing her about her jackass parents. She liked having someone around who listened to her bitch about her day. She liked how Historia told her she was being a dick while she squeezed her hand.
She liked the stupid, everyday being together enough that she wasn’t actually thinking about kissing her every second of the day, and bringing that up would grind it to a halt, and the only grinding she wanted to do was with Historia.
But with feelings now.
She’d been pretty upfront about the parts that didn’t take feelings. The new addition was different, and.
Just and.
Completing that thought was probably the first step to convincing Historia that making out needed to enter their socializing mix. With Ymir being such a catch, it would probably be the only step, but it was a step that kept not fucking happening for reasons of who the fuck knows.
A lifetime of watching other people screw up their feelings and laughing about it said that Ymir was probably the fuck who knew.
So she took up walking Historia to her car after cheerleading practice and thought about completely fucking over the warm glow that had decided it lived in her chest by talking about wanting the warm glow to be a real, tangible thing with labels and anniversaries.
Historia was fine with Ymir hitting her up for sex and breaking into lockers. Ymir asking her to spend the rest of her life with her was something else, also moving pathetically fast and probably creepy. Too bad that was the only way she could think of saying it, so sad, maybe they’d conveniently trip into each other in a secluded space and Historia would temporarily gain five inches of height so they could just accidentally make out and never talk about it.
Late Friday afternoon, as they walked to the hellspot of asphalt that contained Historia’s driver, that still hadn’t happened. Ymir was shocked. Truly. Shocked.
Sweeping one of the borrowed school towels through her sweat-tousled hair, Ymir struck up some conversation that kept her from thinking about the way Historia looked at her when she did that. “So why the cheerleading?”
“PE credit?”
Another thing Ymir liked about Historia. It was really easy to figure out where to dig.
“Nice try, but you like PE.”
Historia was trying not to smile. She had to try now. “How would you know? My PE years weren’t at this school.”
“Sure, and the fact that you sulk hard enough to bring down thunderclouds whenever your coach cuts practice short doesn’t say anything at all about what you like to do with your body,” Ymir said. “You never complain about the crap choreography because you get to do flips. You’ve got jock written all over your prep face.”
Historia’s shoulder dug into Ymir’s side. “The choreography isn’t that bad.”
“If you cared at all you wouldn’t be able to say that.” Ymir casually dropped her arm down and around Historia. A quick sight check confirmed she was okay with it. As did the small arm snaking across her back. “So,” Ymir continued, stars and lightning and all things frightening lighting up her world, “why did the girl with no cheer pick leading that charge?”
Historia took an exaggeratingly long time feeding her Tamagotchi as the parking lot crept closer.
“Don’t tell me it was the cute girls in skirts.”
“Jealous?” Historia drawled.
“Please,” Ymir said. “They’ve got nothing on me.”
Historia bit her lip and gave the parts of Ymir’s body she wasn’t glued to a thriceover. Ymir’s knees, a little worn out from running, weakened, and Historia’s arm around her waist turned into a weirdly stable anchor.
“If you don’t give me an answer now I’ll just bug you all night,” Ymir said. Nary a choked word in hearing.
Reaching the loading zone section of the sidewalk, Historia stopped. Racing to join Ralph or Sannes and leave Ymir behind was real low on the priority list. “Frieda,” she said.
“Your sis—?”
Ymir still, despite Hannah’s token efforts, got the track team all over her ass about joining up. She had amazing legs, and everyone wanted them. She was also just plain faster than everyone on the team. Pieck had a passive aggressive stopwatch reading to prove it.
Historia was frozen stiffer than a popsicle. In a fraction of time unobservable by humans later, she had vanished from Ymir’s side and left several Olympic records in smithereens.
All that was visible of her was a tiny blonde cannonball plunging into a human who would have been dubbed stunning in any other company.
Plus that smile.
Holy shit that smile.
Ymir almost forgot to miss holding her when Historia was smiling like that. She was hugging the tall young lady (Ymir had never actually met anyone before who fit the term, but Frieda was a lady) with a strength usually reserved for repressed homicidal urges, and she was smiling. Really smiling. With light and sunshine spilling out of her face like the radiance of the universe was trapped up inside her.
The sister was hugging her back maybe half as tightly, but no less happily, because there was no way to be in the presence of that smile, to cause that smile, without some of it rubbing off.
“There you are! How was practice?”
Ymir didn’t think Historia had ever cared less about cheerleading in her life.
“It… it was good! What—when did you get here?”
Frieda stroked several stray hairs back behind Historia’s ear, looking down at her like they were sharing a secret. “Just now,” she said. “What do you think, a good surprise?”
“Yes! I—yes, Frieda, it’s…” Historia had the same level of words to put to the situation that Ymir did. She went with hugging her sister some more instead. Still with the smiling.
Ymir stood in the background like a forgotten stagehand and couldn’t even mind.
Only she was a little less than wholly forgotten, it turned out. Frieda’s sugary sweet teddy bear affection sharpened over Historia’s head. They had the same eyes, but this pair hadn’t had weeks of being won over with charm and good looks.
Ymir had a very dark hunch, and very little evidence against it.
“Who’s this?” Frieda asked lightly.
It was a heavy compliment, Ymir knew, that Historia instantly broke her hug enough to look back at Ymir. She didn’t lose the smile when she did. If anything it brightened. Ymir didn’t think she felt her heart anymore. Mush didn’t have nerve endings.
“This,” Historia said, with all the significance she’d skipped for the last family meet and greet, “is Ymir.”
“Oh,” Frieda said benignly. “The same Ymir you brought to Dad’s party?”
Historia’s smile evaporated.
Ymir’s hunch started to feel a little more like fact.
She had only met Historia’s parents once. If a second time came up, she didn’t see it ending without a murder, and the only thing sparing Frieda at the moment was the streak of overprotectiveness lacing the hammer of judgment she was throwing Ymir’s way.
“That’s me,” Ymir said. There were worse introductions. Better, too, but she was guessing Mama and Papa Reiss had already screwed her on that front.
Frieda smiled congenially at her. You know, like how mother bears bared their teeth before they disemboweled whatever previously living thing was unfortunate enough to step near their cub. “You must be good friends,” she said.
It was bait on a devilish hook, and Ymir wasn’t going to be able to help the swallow.
Historia beat her to it.
It could have happened in slow motion. In a movie reenactment, it would have, and missed out on the stumbling garble that came from Historia saying the words faster than she had time to think about them.
Before Ymir could even think about tactics, in a second of combusting defiance, what tripped out of Historia’s mouth in front of her shiny, sparkly paragon of a sister who would accept nothing less was, “Ymir’s my girlfriend.”
So, the obvious: No, she was not.
The other obvious, stashed between Frieda’s good-natured, lying, happy exclamation of surprise and Historia’s rapidly paling face:
Holy fuck that so needed to change.
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ladyvegeets · 7 years
Letting Go - 1 Soft Blushes
Written for the 2017 October Vegebul Smutfest hosted by @tpthvegebulsmutfest
“In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.” - Deepak Chopra
1 - Soft Blushes
Vegeta loathed the lilac ceiling tiles in what Bulma had come to dub ‘the recovery room’. An appropriate name, given it was where Vegeta found himself when he overdid it during training. The first time he woke up here had been perplexing to say the least. In a fit of rage to achieve the Super Saiyan form, he had destroyed the gravity machine and himself. Waking up with an oxygen mask on was familiar, but where he expected to be suspended in a healing tank, instead he was laying in a bed with his blue-haired host at the bedside table next to him, asleep. That had been… odd. Vegeta left as soon as possible to resume training, much to Bulma’s ire. He didn’t know why she cared so much, or why her concern irked him like a fly buzzing around his head. [Read more under the break, or over on AO3]
He continued to push himself to his limits. Further injury was inevitable, and on this backwater planet without a healing chamber that meant suffering Bulma’s first-aid. She tended to him while he did his best to ignore her, counting the tiles overhead and pretending that her presence didn’t invoke something within him.
But she did, and it was troubling. Vegeta wasn’t used to emotions that couldn’t be categorized as anger, disappointment, indifference, or amusement at the expense of others. Bulma fit none of those, making him feel… differently. Vegeta didn’t like different. He didn’t trust it. So he tried to ignore her, glowering with suspicion as she chatted to him in the recovery room, her soft fingers stroking his arms more than he thought was necessary while applying his bandages. He ground his teeth whenever she gave him long looks with her twinkling baby-blues that had his stomach knot and his blood pressure spike.
What feeling was this?
Whatever it was, it was unnerving. Especially as he couldn’t figure out her motivations. Those who had helped him in the past had done so because of one reason: fear. Fear of him, or fear of Frieza. But she wasn’t afraid. It was unsettling, especially because he couldn’t dismiss her as being too dense to comprehend the monster she housed. She knew precisely who and what he was. She was smart. The longer he stayed in her house, the more he came to grudgingly realize that fact, and the more unsettled he felt. She fixed the gravity machine whenever it malfunctioned, and she invented the battle drones after he had complained of needing a bigger challenge. Her cleverness also extended beyond machines. She had wit enough to engage him in repartees, so much so that he found himself watching what he said about her. And she had a tempter to match his. But more than anything, he hadn’t failed to notice that Kakarot’s little friends all deferred to her despite her pathetically low ki.
She was important, and dangerous. Her girlish smiles and fluttering eyelashes hid fearsome intelligence and power. In retrospect, it made sense. Any half-decent operation needed at least one person with brains, and Kakarot and his ragtag team of delinquents certainly didn’t fit that bill. But she did. Bulma was the Frieza of Earth’s little empire.
He couldn’t let his guard down around her.
Which is why the next time Vegeta hurt himself and Bulma tried sticking him with a needle, he grabbed her hand and slammed it — and her — against the nearest wall. He barely needed to flex his fingers to get her to drop the weapon, the needle falling harmlessly to the floor.
“If you try that again, woman, I will end you,” he growled in warning, pressing the full length of his body against hers to show he meant his threat.
Her eyes had flown impossibly wide, her breathing accelerated. Fuck, it felt good to dominate her, to crush her soft tiny frame under his. Too long he had played the meek house guest, but no more. It was time to remind her that he was not one of Kakarot’s little buddies that she could boss around.
“Try what?” She asked, her voice breathless in what he hoped was fear. “Vegeta, it was just a local anesthetic.”
“Says you,” he countered, refusing to admit he didn’t even know what an ‘anesthetic’ was. From her tone it was something benign, but like hell he was going to take her word for it or let her jab him with a foreign substance.
“Yes, says me,” she replied wryly. “All those with a medical degree, raise your hand.”
Both their eyes looked up to where Vegeta had her hand pinned high against the wall. Bulma smirked. Vegeta grimaced, and looked back at her.
“Cute,” he snarked, a little miffed that she was cracking jokes when she should be begging for her life. “But your charms won’t spare you if you try and drug me again.”
She sighed. “Vegeta, if I wanted to drug you, I would have done it to your food.”
…Shit. She had a point.
Not that he was going to admit that.
“I can smell food that’s been tampered with,” he bluffed. It wasn’t entirely a lie, he did have a good sense of smell but it wouldn’t save him if she spiked his meals. Earth’s food was still foreign to him. Half the things he ate he couldn’t place the flavors of, it would be so easy for her to poison him. Was he really going to have to start mistrusting his food? She wouldn’t dare, would she?
“Oh, Son has a good sense of smell too,” she replied, her voice strangely quieter than before. “Is that a Saiyan thing?”
Ah good, she bought it. “It is,” he confirmed. Their faces were so close that their brows nearly touched. “Saiyans are superior to you pathetic humans in all regards.”
Her throat bobbed. “…How much can you smell?” she asked nervously.
He loomed over her, inhaling deeply against her temple for show. “Everything. I can smell the morning dew in your hair. From yesterday.”
Her breath hitched, and she lowered her gaze. She touched his chest with her free hand, in a feeble attempt to push him away.
“…I think you should let go of me now,” she whispered.
His eyes narrowed, suspicious not only of her request, but the strangely meek way she asked it.
She fidgeted and he tightened his hold on her wrist, suspecting some duplicity.
“Ah,” she whimpered, her eyes fluttering up to meet his. They were dark, her pupils two black moons as endless as space, burning with something he had never seen before but wanted to lose himself to. The softest of blushes stained her cheeks. And there, so faint he almost hadn’t noticed, something sweet, feminine, and intoxicating perfumed her skin.
Holy shit.
He let her go in shock as though her skin burned, his own face turning red with realization. She lowered her gaze, tightened her lab coat about her and left. Vegeta stood alone in the recovery room, still bleeding, hurt, and now gutted with the knowledge that Bulma had been aroused in his arms.
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prettywitchiusaka · 7 years
FMA One-shot: Soft Spot
Well would you look at that, I managed to clean up and pump out another Royai one-shot I’ve had sitting on my computer for quite sometime now. YAY!!!
And what do you know! It’s the one that will most likely make me loose all of my subscribers!...Yay!?
Oh geez, I don’t know. Feel free to decide for yourself and let me know what you think. Enjoy!
Soft Spot
by Prettywitchiusaka
Roy Mustang let out a yawn as he rubbed his temples with his fingers. It hadn't been easy sleeping upright in an uncomfortable vehicle chair for the entire night, but he managed it somehow. The scenery didn't help either, nothing but dirt road and blue sky for his piercing obsidian eyes to focus on.
He let out a sigh.
"How did it get to this?" he thought to himself.
A few days ago, he received a call from Furhur Bradley, asking him to deliver a huge supply of rations to the eastern jungle village of Zambia. Having been told the situation, Roy immediately accepted the assignment without any further questions.
After all, he wasn't just a Colonel in charge of the military's Eastern Division, he was also the Flame Alchemist, a personal servant of the Furhur, himself. And since whatever Bradley requested was legally binding, Roy began asking when he could expect the rations. Whatever it took to climb up the ranks and become the next Furhur, provided it wasn't too corrupt.
Once the supplies had been delivered from Central to his little neck of the woods, Roy and his military unit began the long, two day trek through the eastern jungle to reach Zambia.
It wasn't the easiest trip, what with everybody complaining about how hot it was. But once the sun went down and they set up camp for the night, the group just sat around and played a few rounds of poker. Roy even managed to win a few rounds, cleaning out his friend, Jean Havoc in the process…At least until he got cleaned out by another man in the group named Vato Falman.
Yes, everything was going great until they were ambushed by some men claiming to be from Zambia, much to Roy's irritation.
It was times like this he wished his First Lieutenant, Riza Hawkeye was here; she always knew how to keep him calm and focused on his objective.
It was really a shame she wasn't here, right now. Though not because the Lieutenant decided to sit out this mission.
Despite having made quick work of some of the men with her gun prowess, one of the goons was smart enough to sneak up behind her and hit her on the head, knocking her unconscious.
Before Roy could do anything about it, the men had jumped into their own vehicle and drove away, taking her with them. All they left was a note from their boss, Zarman; the leader of Zambia. All it said was "Mr. Mustang, I would like to see you in Zambia by tomorrow morning. You do want your Lieutenant back, don't you?"
Wasting no time, the Colonel and the rest of his team hopped into the military Tumblr and began driving towards Zambia, taking turns between the five of them the entire night. And it certainly helped because by ten-thirty the following morning, they were only an hour outside Zambia.
Pretty soon they would get to see their friend and co-worker, again. But if Roy was being honest with himself, he wasn't too worried about Riza.
Sure, he was concerned for his trusted friend and bodyguard. But at the same time, he knew that Riza Hawkeye was not a stupid woman. She wouldn't be dumb enough to provoke her
captors or identify with them like the women in those crappy romance novels she read. If he knew Riza, and by now he was pretty confident in thinking he did, than she'd be playing it safe. She would've been choosing her words carefully, waiting patiently for them to come rescue her.
Yes, if he knew Riza as well as she knew him, than she was probably fine.
Besides, it was more at what he might have to do when they get there that was currently occupying his thoughts as opposed to the Lieutenant's safety. Better to think over the negotiations and how to make them go over smoothly as opposed to going in unprepared, he thought.
But just because the Colonel wasn't voicing his concern for his friend, didn't mean that the rest of his men weren't going to. Probably the most vocal was his young Master Sergeant, Kain Feury.
"I sure hope she's okay," he said out loud.
Not that Roy could really blame him for thinking that; Kain was a good friend of Riza's, and he knew she loved him like a little brother. Of course he would be wondering, even praying that she'd still be in one piece when they got there.
Mind you, that wasn't the only reason he was worried for her, but it was understandable. They were all feeling it.
But much like him, though, his Second Lieutenant Hayman Breda was trying to keep his cool. So, he gave Feury a little slap on the back.
"Ah, you worry too much, Feury," said the overweight man. "Lieutenant Hawkeye's fine, I'm sure of it."
"I hope so," said Vato Falman. "The Zambian ruler is known to be pretty ruthless. If he had the guts to take a military officer, he's either ambitious or in over his head."
While he held the rank of Warrant Officer, Vato had once been part of the military's investigations department. He was good at keeping his nose to the ground and picking up on information, the main reason his friend Maes Hughes had initially hired him. So much so, he used to joke about how he was a walking encyclopedia. But as far as Roy was concerned, that wasn't far off from the truth.
Especially since Vato's assumption wasn't wrong.
Yes, the Zambians were a fairly small town in the jungle, living off the land and water situated in their neck of the woods. But their chief Zarman was known to be a very tyrannical, even violent man. With his own gorilla force, he would gladly take and steal from anyone who came close to their home, be they friend or foe, man or women. No even military personnel were safe from his wrath.
That thought had been on Roy's mind since the night before, but that's not even what really concerned him. He knew he and his men could take Zarman and his army if they tried anything against them, especially if he used his flame alchemy. It's just that he'd rather avoid doing any harm towards Zarman if he could avoid it.
These people were still pretty primitive, after all.
While Zambians did have their own set of armed artillery (mostly stolen from their victims), they were still a very low tech society. They harvested their crops like farmers, their irrigation system was wheel based, and aside from the few Zambian alchemists Roy knew back in Central, most Zambians thought of alchemy as either magic or sorcery.
In a way, they reminded him an awful lot of the Ishbalans. And the last thing the Colonel wanted was another massacre; bodies injured, people screaming in agony. Honestly, if he had to actually incinerate someone using alchemy, he wasn't sure if he could-
"Hey, Chief?" Snapping out of his thoughts, Roy turned to face his other Second Lieutenant, Jean Havoc. He was driving the car and smoking a cigarette. "You okay?"
Roy was silent for a moment before turning his head away from his friend. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said. "Just thinking."
Havoc smirked when he heard that; like he really didn't know what was troubling his friend and Colonel. "You think the Lieutenant's okay?"
"Hawkeye should be fine," the Colonel replied. "She's been in situations like this before, she knows how to play it safe. But that's not what's bothering me."
"Then what is it?" Jean asked. It was only when his eyes caught sight of the ignition glove on Roy's right hand did he get it. "Oh, right."
Jean focused his gaze back on the road, deciding it was best not to push the issue further. He'd always heard the stories of Roy's time in the Ishbalan uprising, how he'd been dubbed the "hero" of that war despite all the shady stuff that went down there. But as much as he'd like to ask, he knew his boss didn't like talking about it so he never bothered.
Heck, Riza had been there too and she never talked about it, either. So he could only imagine what it must have been like out there.
Half an hour later, the Colonel and his men arrived outside of the village. As soon as they came to the reinforced gate surrounding the village, the group found a small band of burly black men standing there waiting to greet them, all of them armed with riffles on their backs. Some of them even had grenades hanging from their belts.
Of particular note was the man in the center.
He was wearing a ripped red shirt that showed off his built torso, and blue jeans with tanned sandals. A red bandana adorned his bald head, and a gun holster was hanging off to the side of his left hip.
There was no question in Roy's mind; this man was Zarman. The man in charge of this small civilization, the man holding his Lieutenant captive.
Once they were out of the car and armed, the Colonel placed his right hand in his pocket and turned to his team.
"Keep your rifles off to the side at all times," he whispered. "Only fire on them if they attack first, got it?"
"Yes, Sir," the group whispered while saluting their superior.
The group walked silently towards the small band of men, making Zarman happy as he walked over to greet them.
"Ah, you must be Mr. Mustang. I'm so pleased to finally meet you."
"Likewise," Roy replied.
Smiling at the military officer, Zarman held out his hand so they could shake. But Roy never took it. He just bore his angry gaze into Zarman's, much to his surprise.
"I see…," he said. Placing his hand off to the side, Zarman continued smiling at the Flame Alchemist. "I see you have brought our supplies, thank you. Come, I'll show you where you can drop it off and you can be on your way-"
"Not yet!" Roy said. "I believe your men have kidnapped one of my subordinates."
"Subordinate?…" Zarman asked. All while tapping his finger on his chin, as if he didn't know what the Colonel was referring to. "Oh yes, that woman that was with you. We'll take care of that now."
With the clap of his hands, a tall burly man came out of nowhere, walking a stoic Riza Hawkeye by the arm. Her hands had been tied up using ropes, but aside from that she was fine. She looked as every bit the stern and no nonsense soldier she always did.
Seeing that made Roy's men breathe a collective relief, but not him; he'd been right to assume she'd be okay. Which could only mean one thing.
"You see, Mr. Mustang; my men haven't hurt her in the slightest," replied Zarman.
"Of course they haven't; it's not exactly smart to waste your hostage. Especially if you want to make a trade of some sort," Roy remarked.
"That's what I said," Riza muttered under her breath.
Zarman smiled. "Oh, Mr. Mustang. What would make you think that?"
"Well what other reason would you have to kidnap my Lieutenant? It's pretty obvious you want something extra with your provisions."
Zarman held his hands up. "All in good time," he said. "Now then, shall we make the trade?"
Roy let out a sigh; the sooner they could get this over with, the better. "Very well, what else do you want from us? I assume our ammunition?"
"No, nothing like that. You see, I want your Lieutenant."
Roy's eyes widened and he let out a gasp, as did the rest of his team. Feury, in particular was barely able to restrain himself from going over there and tearing this guy a new one.
"What!? How could you-"
Raising his hand, the Colonel said "Hold on." Seeing this, Rain stopped himself and stood at attention. Now that he got his subordinate to keep his cool, he turned his attention back to Zarman.
"May I ask why?"
"Well, you see, we heard that the military's lap dogs were on their way to deliver our supplies yesterday. We wanted to make sure you were going to come, so my men and I decided to spy on you."
Hearing that, Havoc turned to Breda and whispered "Told you we were being spied on."
The redhead shrugged. "Whatever," he said. "Anyone could've figured that out." Jean smirked; it felt nice to be vindicated for once.
"That's enough, you two," their Colonel said, making both men stand at attention. "Now what does this have to do with the Lieutenant?"
Zarman smiled. "Well you see, after my men tried to attack you, I saw what prowess this woman has with a gun…I had never seen anything like it."
Roy couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Riza roll her eyes; he was starting to get the feeling that this guy hadn't shut up about her natural talent with firearms the whole time she'd been his prisoner.
"Is that so?"
"Yes, from that moment, I knew I must have her," he said. "From that moment, I knew it was love."
For the second time in the last five minutes, the Colonel felt his eyes widen."What!?"
"I want your Lieutenant to become my wife."
The entire team gasped in shock and anger.
Riza in particular, could feel her blood boiling. He mentioned wanting her for his army, but nothing about wanting to marry her. She put up with his sexist comments and his arrogant demeanour all night waiting for her friends to come, knowing that whatever he threw at her Colonel he could take it. She wouldn't become part of his gorilla army, no siren. But now he was saying he wanted to marry her!? This was ridiculous! She'd been quiet until now, but this was the last straw.
"Hold on a second! You can't just decide my future like that-"
"Silence!" he answered.
Without a second thought, he walked over to Riza and slapped her across the face, making her fall to the ground.
Roy, meanwhile, started gritting his teeth, barely restraining a growl. All he could see was red, right now. All he wanted was to snap his fingers and torch that son of a-
"Colonel!" said a voice he knew all too well; it was Hawkeye's.
He looked up to see her amber eyes boring into his as the burly man picked her up off the ground. To anyone else, it looked like she was angry with him. Disappointed, even that he nearly lost his temper. But he knew better. Without verbally communicating it to him, she was telling him to keep his cool.
Not that he could blame her.
They both knew how irrational Roy could be when it came to the well being of his friends, and this was no exception; one wrong move and not only would he jeopardize the mission, but there could be casualties on both sides.
So, the Colonel took in a deep breath and placed his right hand back in his pants pocket, allowing himself to stand tall and bore his eyes into the cocky man before him.
"I see, so that's all you want then."
"But of course," said Zarman. "Surely, you understand my plight, Mr. Mustang?"
"Some of it I do understand, she is very physically attractive."
From out of the corner of his eye, Roy could see her blushing. Not that he was surprised; unless she was dressed up for a party, it was rare for him to comment on her looks.
And while he enjoyed seeing her clean-up, the Colonel always felt she was most beautiful when she was just being herself. Yes, as far as Roy was concerned, Riza Hawkeye was a kind, wonderful woman. But he was starting to get the impression that Zarman didn't see the same thing in her as he did.
No, he knew he didn't see her as he did. He could tell from the way that Zarman said "Yes…she is indeed…"
There seemed to be a dreamy, almost lustful yet loving look in his eye. Too bad Roy wasn't buying what he was selling, not even for a second. He knew that look all too well, mainly because it was the exact same look he had in his eyes whenever he seduced a woman into bed with him, the same look in his conquest's eyes as she asked him to call her sometime.
No doubt about it, this man had nothing good in store for Riza.
But the Colonel wasn't too worried about that, right now. Not when he had some good dirt on Zarman, dirt he was about to use against him.
"But as I recall, you already have a wife, yourself, Zarman."
Roy never let trademark smirk creep onto his face, opting instead to let his face show no emotion. But inside, however, the Flame Alchemist couldn't help but beam with satisfaction. Surely, that little piece of information would be enough to put his opponent in checkmate.
Instead, the chief gave him a evil smile. "Had a wife. She passed away recently," he said. "And even if she hadn't, what does it matter? People like her are easily discardable."
While Roy kept his emotions in check, he could still feel his hand balling up into a fist inside his pocket. Primitive or not, this guy's sexist attitude was really starting to piss him off.
"Aren't you assuming a lot of me, though? I mean, you have no evidence to suspect that I'll just go along with what you're proposing."
"True, but I have my ways," Zarman said. "I could always ruin your reputation."
When he heard that, the Flame Alchemist felt a smirk form on his face. "You can try, but I doubt it would be easy. My military record is pretty clean."
"Is it now?" Hearing that, Roy looked up to see Zarman smiling at him, again. "You are the Flame Alchemist, are you not? I hear you are quite ambitious always looking for ways to work your way up the military ladder. Which is impressive when you consider your "War Hero" status."
Roy didn't say anything. Instead he just stood there, taking in everything this man was saying.
Honestly, he wasn't surprised that Zarman knew of his war criminal history Zambia was only fifteen miles away from what remained of Ishbal. The only question on his mind was what was this man was plotting?
"It would be a shame if that was suddenly taken from you," said Zarman. "Why if I wanted to, I could simply refuse your nations."
"But wouldn't you be at a disadvantage? Your people need those supplies to live."
"True. But word spreads fast, Mr. Mustang. If I were to complain directly to your Furhur, I guarantee you I will make it do that your career will be tarnished."
"But it would be my words against yours," the Colonel reminded him.
"Yes. But I can always find ways to make you look responsible."
Upon hearing that, Riza could feel her eyes widen. She knew exactly what this man was doing; he was trying to blackmail Roy. But unlike some other blackmail attempts she'd seen on her Colonel, this one actually seemed plausible.
If he refused, than Zarman would find a way to not only ruin his career, but also his chances of ever becoming Furhur. His chance for redemption would be gone and he would be reduced to a depressed, suicidal husk once again. She didn't want that for him. And so with somber eyes, the Lieutenant let out a sigh; she'd made her decision. She would allow herself to become Zarman's slave to protect her Colonel. Obviously she didn't want to, but she would gladly take it. Anything to save her Colonel from a life of misery and shattered dreams.
"You wouldn't want that now, would you?"
Roy didn't respond to Zarman, he was too busy looking at his Lieutenant. The look in her eyes was sad and somber, like she'd made an awful decision. It made him angry.
But Zarman didn't notice any of this. If anything, he thought the pissed off look on his opponent's face meant that he'd won. It made him smile.
"That's what I thought. Now then, if you give me our rations, my men and my new wife will be on our way-"
"I'm sorry, but I can't do that."
Zarman felt his eyes widen when he heard that. With an angry face, he turned around to face the stoic Colonel. "What did you say?"
"You heard me; I'm not going to do what you've asked of me."
Zarman raised an eyebrow. "You mean you'd forsake my people in favour of this woman?
That's awfully cold of you, Mr. Mus-"
"You didn't let me finish," Roy said. At this point, he was practically fighting to keep his tone calm. "I didn't come here to trade my subordinate, I came here to do a job and that's what I'm going to do."
"Rubbish!" he said. "You "military dogs" are all the same; you'll gladly trade one life if it means getting what you want!"
"I prefer to see it the other way around. Lieutenant Hawkeye has been of invaluable help to me. She's a fine soldier and a great friend, and I am grateful to have her at my side."
Riza felt her eyes widen. She knew Roy was grateful for her endless assistance, but never in a million years did she believe he would admit it out loud. In a way, she should've been angry with him. Here she was trying to save him and he just went in and ruined it all. And yet, he did it with such conviction, such concern for her while caring little for himself that it made her frown soften into a smile.
Unfortunately, Zarman had chosen this moment to turn and see his captives' expression. Needless to say, he was not pleased with what he was seeing.
Her eyes no longer carried any fear. Instead, there was a glimmer of hope and satisfaction in them. Even her frown had softened into a smile, and that's what frightened him. He knew that look all too well; it was love. True, undeniable love. And all for the man who just said no to him.
He growled. "No! I will not stand for this!"
As if on cue, the the guard holding Riza grabbed her by the head and forced her onto her knees. That already put Roy on edge, but once he saw Zarman pull out the small handgun he kept in his holster and point it directly at Riza, he knew he couldn't stand by and watch this.
He could see the fear in her eyes, the angry, almost twitching grimace the man before her was wearing as he spoke again.
"Either you give me your woman, OR ELSE!"
Riza didn't know what to do right now. She'd been held at gunpoint before, but never like this. Not without a weapon to defend herself, and certainly never with a crazed man who supposedly longed for her holding the gun. So, she closed her eyes and waited for the end.
Before she even knew what was happening, Riza opened her eyes to see Zarman's hand on fire. He was screaming loudly as he let go of the gun and fell to his knees, seething at the pain left by the flames as they slowly dissipated, leaving nothing but some visible first degree burns.
"I'd quit whining if I were you, Zarman. You should consider yourself lucky." The man looked up to see the Colonel standing front of him, noticing the flame array etched into the white glove on his right hand. "I only burnt the skin, you'll find your nerves and skeletal structure will be fine once the burn marks heal."
Zarman didn't know what to say, he simply let Roy bore one last grimace into his soul before turning to face his men with that same look.
"Now then, gentlemen, I believe we have a trade to make. You wouldn't want your people to starve now, would you?"
The men raised their hands up to surrender. "No, we're good."
"That's what I thought."
Turning to face Riza, he gave her one last look before snapping his fingers and burning the ropes on her hands, freeing her.
"Let's go, Lieutenant," he said.
He turned his back to her and walked away.
But the Lieutenant didn't pick herself up, right away. She just sat there for a moment, staring at the ground sadly.
Before long, she finally replied with "Yes, Sir." Picking herself up, Riza walked over to her Colonel's side, knowing that they would need to talk about this later.
Things had been quiet since leaving Zambia. There was room to sit in the back crate now that the supplies had been delivered , so Roy and Riza decided to sit in the wooden box while Feury and Falman sat in the back seat of the military Tumblr. And Breda? He was sitting in the front seat, chatting with Havoc as he drove them home to East City.
But for the recently rescued Riza Hawkeye, all was not well. Neither she nor Roy had not spoken to each other since entering the vehicle, opting instead to sit together in silence. Him with his arms crossed and his eyes focused out on the dirt road, while she sat on her legs and stared down at her fists, thinking over what to say.
But that was the problem; Riza didn't know what to say. She knew that no matter what came out of her mouth, he'd still be angry with her.
Of course, that didn't mean she wasn't willing to try.
So, the Lieutenant took a deep breath and turned to face her commanding officer. "I'm sorry, Colonel," she said. "But there's no reason to keep yourself angry. We delivered the supplies to the village and you rescued me. Everything's fine."
Roy eyed her. "Is it"
The Lieutenant said nothing, she simply stared down at her hands before answering him. "No…No, it doesn't…"
Yeah, he was still angry with her. Not that she could blame him; she'd almost let herself become someone else's property in an effort to protect him, after all.
Riza remained silent for a moment, thinking over every possible answer she could give him. Of course, she knew there was nothing she could say in her defence that he'd be okay with, so the Lieutenant decided to be open and honest with him.
With her held high, she turned to face the young man.
"Because I swore to protect you, Roy," she said. "That includes keeping you safe from anything that could ruin your reputation, or God forbid, your mental well being. I could tell from the way he was talking that he was serious about making your life a living hell and I couldn't let him get away with it. The last thing I would want is for your dreams to be shattered."
"That may be…But there's no way I could ever let you do that." The moment she heard that, Riza felt her eyes widen as they remained fixated on Roy. He never turned to face her, preferring to stare off into the distance. But now he had that serious, determined gaze in his eyes she knew all too well.
"You're not some gun totting slave, Riza. You're your own person. But that's all he saw you as…," he could feel his hands starting to tense up as he continued speaking. "It makes me sick just thinking about it-"
Feeling a soft feminine hand place itself onto his hand, Roy let out a gasp. Turning his head around, he came to find himself staring at Riza. Her eyes were warm and concerned looking, as if she were conveying to him to let go of his anger.
"I'm sorry…"
And just like that, the Colonel felt his anger starting to subside. He couldn't help it, though. Whenever Riza allowed herself to show concern for someone, her eyes reflected that.
And for some reason, it relaxed him. Maybe it's because she knew it was her way of keeping him calm when they were alone.
No, he knew her better than that. It was her way of apologizing, that it would never happen again. He couldn't stay mad at her after that.
Letting a smile graze his face, he said "Don't be…"
Roy could see her surprised expression before watching as a warm smile graze her face. The smile that he rarely got to see, the smile he loved, because it conveyed to him the real Riza Hawkeye.
Riza, meanwhile was happy to see a smile forming on her Colonel's face and his body language relaxing. In his own way, he was accepting her apology. And she couldn't have been happier.
"Thank you, Colonel," she said, now staring directly into his warm obsidian eyes. "And thank you for saving my life."
He chuckled. "There's no need to thank me, you know? But I appreciate it."
She said nothing as she kept smiling at him. He too smiled at her for another moment before she finally took her hand off of his.
Now that they'd put all that awkwardness behind them, the two started chatting again. Mostly about work, but also what they might do now that their mission was over and home was just a few hours away.
Unbeknownst to either of them, Feury was watching the duo, smiling at how calm and relaxed they'd become. "It looks like the Colonel's starting to relax a little."
"Well, don't tell me you're surprised," Falman spoke up. "The Colonel's always had a soft spot for Lieutenant Hawkeye."
Kain smiled. "That's true.
The End
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turtlesoupstories · 7 years
A Medical Emergency Pt.2
Howdy friends! It’s wee bairn Marlo, coming to you live from a family holiday to Montreal. So many of you asked for a second part to my prompt surrounding doctor Claire and patient Jamie, which I have since dubbed A Medical Emergency (which you can read here). And, considering how angsty the last few TSS fics have been (blame Kaitlyn and Mikayla), I figured it was time to deliver some fluff for your amusement!
As always, a major thank you to my Kilt Kult buddies and fellow TSS mods for keeping me on track and reassuring me that my writing isn’t trash. Also, I owe all of you a major shout out as well, as I would never have written this fic without your overwhelming positive response. So, thank you thank you thank you from the very bottom of my heart!
It was two weeks before Claire could stomach facing Jamie again. The surgery had been a success, and Claire had meticulously mended the shattered bones of Jamie’s hand. She hadn’t counted on the infection that set in, keeping him bedridden and feverish for nearly a week. Claire couldn’t help but feel responsible.
“It happens all the time LJ. I wouldn’t worry about it.” said Joe Abernathy, Claire’s fellow doctor and hospital confidante. She knew that there was nothing she could have done, that infections happen and it was out of her control, but the thought of seeing Jamie in more pain, with even the smallest chance of it being by her hand, was too much to bear. She didn’t know what is was about this Scot: his bull-headedness, the way his nose crinkled when he smiled at her as she was wheeling him into surgery, or how peaceful and innocent he looked under anesthesia, the softness of his face making him look like a child. Whatever it was, Claire found herself experiencing feelings she had never felt before, and it left her simultaneously terrified and exhilarated.
It was a Tuesday afternoon, and Claire had just finished a run of the mill appendectomy. Granted with a brief reprieve, she quickly cleaned herself off before heading to the on-call room, eager to take a quick rest before her pager summoned her again. Unfortunately, she found herself having to cross through the recovery wing, where Jamie lay behind the closed door of room 263. Claire had continued to follow his case, coercing nurses into providing valuable intel on his condition and moral.
“Yes, he is eating.”
“No. He doesn’t have a fever.”
“If you’re so interested Doctor, why don’t you go ask him yourself?”
Still, Claire refused to step foot in that room. The nagging guilt in her stomach surrounding his prolonged hospitalization, coupled with the more puzzling stirrings deep in the pit of her stomach, wouldn’t allow her to walk down the white tile hall leading up to his room. Unfortunately, she currently had no other option.
She went by as quickly as she could, keeping her head down and praying that no one would stop her.
“Doctor Beauchamp!”
Claire grimaced as she heard her name and reluctantly turned around to face her summoner.
“Ah, Mrs. Murray. I hope all is well?”
“Aye. Things have been goin’ on well enough for me, though I canna say the same about my brother.”
Claire felt her heart drop. Had something happened to Jamie? Was the infection back? The cold white walls of the hall seemed to stretch out before her, and her head began to spin. She wanted to respond, to ask Jamie’s sister, Jenny, what was wrong. But for the first time, Claire couldn’t find the words.
Jenny saw the distress in Claire’s eyes. “He’s been askin’ for you.” she said, “Said that you owed him a date.”
He remembered that? Claire thought, shocked that after weeks, a major operation, and a bout of illness, Jamie still remembered the date she had promised.
Claire felt her cheeks go hot. “I guess I do… I just wasn’t sure if-”
“If he was being serious? Doctor Beauchamp, ye may not have known my brother long, but you oughta be able to tell that it wasna the pain speaking when he asked to see you again. I canna tell you why, but ye seem to have him wrapped around your dainty English finger.”
Claire was left dumbfounded. Maybe whatever nagging feeling in her gut that had been plaguing her since her first meeting with Jamie Fraser was mutual. Or, maybe he wanted to see her to ask what she did wrong, how horribly she had failed to keep him in hospital for an extra week, at least.
“I'll try and see him as soon as I can; I promise. But I really have to get going now, a doctor’s work never ends.” She slowly backed away. “It really was nice to speak with you again, Mrs. Murray, and I’m happy to hear that Mr. Fraser is recovering well. Give him my best.” And with that, Claire practically sprinted down the hall, feeling Jenny’s eyes burning into her back until she turned the corner.
Forgetting about her intent to rest, she pushed open the door to the women’s room, pushing into a stall, unsure whether she was about to throw up, burst into tears, or some combination of the two. She sat, chest heaving, her head in her hands, breathing in the sanitary scent of her post-surgery, anti-bacterial soap.
Pull yourself together Beauchamp. You’re a bloody doctor for Christ’s sake!
Slowly, Claire felt herself begin to calm, her hands stopped shaking and her heart no longer felt like it was going to burst from her chest. She left the stall, and stared at herself in the warped mirror over the sink, splashing water on her face and running a hand through her knotted curls. She thought about what Jenny had said; Jamie wanted to see her.
She knew she couldn’t hide any longer, and it was time to face the music. Taking a steely breath, and making one final adjustment to her hair, Claire escaped the rest-room and made her way to the cafe.
Arms laden with all of the delicacies the hospital had to offer, Claire stood outside of Jamie’s room, unsure what was awaiting her inside. Was she about to face the angry wrath of a man betrayed by his doctor, or was she going to find the same stubborn, exuberant face she had met in the A&E? Regardless, she had no other choice than to face him. Shifting the food in her arms, Claire quickly rapped at the door, her heart racing as she heard his Scottish lilt.
“Come in.”
Claire fumbled with the door handle with sweaty palms, hardly the dexterous fingers used just hours ago as she sutured the abdomen of her patient. She entered the room frazzled, taken aback by how utterly bare it was. Jamie lay in his bed against the wall, an IV slowly dripping antibiotics into his arm. Where patients normally had the walls decorated with well-wishes from loved ones or the doodles of a young relative, the walls of Jamie’s room remained starkly white. There were no cards on the table, nor flowers, save for the traditional bundle of forget-me-nots left by nurses wilting in a hideous ceramic vase. Jamie was reading a book, but she couldn’t make out the title from where she was stood. It didn't matter, he set the book aside as soon as she entered the room.
When he saw her, his face lit up like the sun.
“Ach! Doctor Beauchamp, I wasna expectin’ you. If I had known you would be payin’ me a visit, I would have made myself look a bit more presentable.”
In all honesty, Claire couldn't complain about his appearance. The whiteness of the room made the red of his hair glow like flames, and the periwinkle of his hospital gown made his blue irises shine. It made her feel self-conscious, the horrid green of her scrubs making her look ill, and her hair hastily gathered into a bun on the top of her head.  But his warm reception eased her trepidations and made the corners of her mouth lift into a smile.
“Well, I had promised you a date, and I felt it was about time I followed through.”
She pulled up a chair next the the bed, and lay out the assortment of snacks she had brought.
“I would have brought some actual food, but I didn’t want to poison you. So, pre-packaged it is.” She waved her hands over the assembled pile of crisps, muffins, sandwiches, and bottles of juice.
Jamie gave the food a skeptical look, before turning to Claire and grinning.
“‘Tis a feast worthy of God himself!”
And so they settled in, Claire’s fears quickly forgotten as she and Jamie slipped back into the quick rappeur they had shared during their initial meeting. The conversation started playfully enough, Claire inquiring about how he was feeling, and whether he was finally going to admit to the extent of damage he had taken during the brawl.
“I didna want to start anything, but the way I saw him treating the lass had me boiling.”
Claire snickered, “Chivalry isn't dead after all. You’re a modern knight in shining armour.”
Jamie, as gallantly as he could confined to a bed, bowed with a flourish, kissing Claire’s hand without ever taking his eyes off of hers.
The electricity in the room was palpable. Time seemed to slow significantly as Claire and Jamie conversed, toasting their bottled grape juice and exchanging tales about their childhood. He recounted the chaos of Lallybroch, where he was able to run wild through the highlands, causing all sorts of mischief. She told tales of her worldly adventures with her Uncle Lamb, traveling the world on archeological digs.
“But why did you go with your uncle?” Jamie asked, “Wouldn’t it have been simpler to have gotten a traditional education with your parents in England?”
She sobered, putting down the blueberry muffin she had been picking at. “My parents died in a car accident when I was young. My uncle was the only family I had left…”
He placed a comforting palm on Claire’s hand, his thumb making soothing circles over her porcelain skin.
“I ken how ye feel... my mam passed when I was a lad; Da followed her shortly thereafter. Most people say he died of a broken heart.”
It was Claire’s turn to comfort, leaning forward and brushing a stray auburn curl out of his face. Their noses were nearly touching, and she breathed in Jamie’s rugged highland scent. Despite the overwhelming sanitary odor that permeated the air, Jamie radiated the scent of the  outdoors: a mixture of pine and musk, leather and whisky. It made her dizzy. The pair sat in silence for a moment, taking each other in as if the other would disappear at any moment. She could feel his eyes boring into her, memorizing every last angle of her face, and she found herself floating away in the azure of his eyes.
“You were the first thing I thought about,” Jamie said suddenly, breaking the spell that had rendered them silent. “I ken it sounds daft, but when I woke up after the surgery, the only thought in my mind was your name. Claire.”
“Well...” She murmured, a smile at the corner of her mouth. “That would imply that I was the last thing you were thinking about before you went under anaesthesia.”
“Aye. I guess that you were.”
The pair slid into a state of tranquil silence, content just to be in each other's company. Claire wanted to ask Jamie if he blamed her for the infection, but she knew just what his answer would be. It seemed utterly impossible for Jamie to find a fault in his former doctor; she could tell just from observing the adoration in his eyes. It made her heart swell knowing that she could spend just a few hours with someone and have this coursing stream of affection serving as a tether between the two of them. It was something she didn’t want to lose.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why me?” Claire asked hesitantly, her fingers tracing up and down the thin cotton bedspread, leaving soft indentations in their wake. “You didn’t know me. I could have been a bloody monster for all you knew, yet you still asked me on this ‘date’; I just... don’t understand.”
“I dinna ken it either, Sassenach, but the moment I saw you in the ambulance bay, I needed to know you. There are no words to explain the way I feel about you. It sounds daft, but I think I may be falling in love with you, Dr. Claire Beauchamp.”
In the past, a similar declaration would have sent Claire running for the hills. The very notion of being in love terrified her. It was a completely foreign feeling that she had yet to experience. Yet, sitting beside Jamie in his hospital bed, surrounded by crumpled food wrappers and crumbs, Claire she knew that whatever feeling Jamie was describing- regardless of whether it was love- she felt it, too. She struggled in vain to come up with a response, but her head was addled with thousands of thoughts.
Am I losing my mind?
Is it morally wrong to see a patient?
What if we’re both wrong?
She opened her mouth to speak, Jamie’s eyes tuned to her in anticipation for her response. The door flew open, revealing a very flustered Joe Abernathy.
“Jesus, LJ, where have you been? It’s all hands on deck, multi-car collision, multiple code blues. We need you down in the A&E!”
“I’ll be right down.” Claire responded curtly, giving Jamie an apologetic look.
“It’s alright, Doctor. Duty calls. I’ll still be waiting here when ye’re done.” Jamie smiled softly, and before she knew what she was doing, Claire found herself leaning across the bed and kissing him. He made a surprised noise in the back of his throat, but didn’t pull away. Her hands found their way around his neck and she could hear the heart monitors rapid beeping, giving away Jamie’s racing heart.  It wasn’t until Joe cleared his throat that Claire snapped back to reality and pulled away sheepishly.
She jumped off the bed, straightened her scrubs and raced out of the room, leaving a stunned Joe Abernathy and a stupefied Jamie in her wake.
A sharp British shout echoed from down the hall, “Joe, are you coming?”
He looked out the door, then back at the red-headed patient sitting in the hospital bed in front of him, struggling to piece together what he had just witnessed.
“Hell of a first date!” He joked before escaping the room in search of Claire, leaving Jamie alone with the feeling of Claire’s lips pressed against his own.
Hell of a first date, indeed!
178 notes · View notes
thelastwarriornun · 8 years
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 —  Part 4 - AO3
Summary: Lexa’s seemingly got it all, she’s top of her class, captain of the soccer team, and one of the more popular girl’s in her school. The only problem her crush on Clarke Griffin, and Clarke’s fascination in competing with Lexa in every possible way. All she wants to do is make it through her Home Ec class without failing, or losing her mind, which becomes exponentially harder when she’s paired with her crush, and biggest competitor.
Pairing: Clexa, Octaven
Word count: 4,221
This conversation was inevitable and honestly Clarke had been generous allowing her even this long without asking for an explanation,” it’s a long story”.
Lexa doesn’t deserve her sympathy and yet Clarke gives it freely taking her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze,” shouldn’t I be the one consoling you”?
Clarke snorts lacing their hands together,” Just start from the beginning Lexa. We have all the time in the world.”
“Straighten up Alexandria”.  
Lexa can’t help but fight a frown when her body jumps into place conforming to her mother’s demand. Somehow one icy glare from indra and Lexa was like putty in her hands. It was how she was raised after all.
Anya offers her a sympathetic smile and Lexa wishes she could ignore that too. Anya had never been one to conform and yet Lexa two years her junior had never been one to resist.
“You both need to be on your best behavior. This is a very important potential partner for the company. Which means pay attention Anya, and Alexandra no matter how annoying you find the child you will pretend she is the greatest girl you have ever met”.
They both nod having been through this routine more times than Lexa can count, and would continue to do so. Anya had already made it clear that she had no interest in the family business and honestly Lexa wasn’t sure they would pass it to her even if she did. Anya was reckless and bold. She didn’t have the patience or the manners to deal with upper management.
Lexa on the other hand, well she had been destined for the position since birth. Six years old and she knew exactly the path her future would take.
“Indra I see you’re punctual as ever!”
Lexa had always thought her mother to be an expert in the art of faking interest but whoever this woman was she certainly gave her a run for her money.
“And you Nia stunning as always”.
“These must be your children, why don’t you all come on in, the maid will show Alexandria to the playroom.”
Just like that her mother and sister were gone, Anya stopping only long enough to pat her shoulder as she moved to follow the older woman.
A woman who was clearly the previously mentioned maid offered a warm smile before moving towards the opposite side of the house and Lexa dutifully followed.  
“If you need anything at all Costia knows how to reach me”.
They entered a room fit for a queen or rather befitting a child of their lifestyle. Before Lexa could even finish taking in her surroundings she felt a weight slam into her and moments later realized it was supposed to be some aggressive version of a hug.
“You must be Lexa I’m so glad you’re here. My mother never allows any children into the house. I’m Costia”.
Despite the assault Lexa forced herself to return the embrace awkwardly winding her arms around the smaller girl.
“It’s nice to meet you Costia.”
It was once again all she could manage before the other girl was stepping back offering her a brilliant smile.
“We’re going to be the best of friends I just know it”.
Oddly enough Lexa couldn’t help but believe her.
“You. As in Alexandria Heda are going to a sleepover”?
“Why is that so hard to believe”, she challenged rounding on Anya who’d been following her since she started packing.
“Well last time I checked you hate other children.”
“Well maybe you should check more often.”
“Wait does this sleepover happen to be at Costia’s house”?
For some reason Lexa felt herself bristle at the comment face turning crimson,” I don’t see what that has to do with it.”
“Sure Lexa keep telling yourself that”.
Lexa wishes she understood the implications in her sister’s words. Wishes she knew why she suddenly felt so full of embarrassment.
“Are you comfortable”?
They’d spent the night marathoning various movies and eating far too much junk food. It was the first time Lexa had spent time at a friend’s house and clearly she’d been missing out.
Lexa for some reason didn’t mind the cringy romantic comedies that Costia preferred. Meanwhile Costia had only gently teased her over her obsession with documentaries dubbing the trait cute.
“You’re a terrible liar Lexa.”
“Only because you’ve known me for two years”.
Sometime after their fourth movie they’d retired to Costia’s room Lexa taking the floor assuming anything else would be deemed less than appropriate. Based on Costia’s tone she was having none of it.
“Well come on then”, somehow Costia was already on her feet grinning from behind her extended hand.
Lexa takes the offered hand tentatively allowing Costia to pull her to her feet,” you can share my bed tonight”.
“Are you sure that’s okay”?
Lexa’s not sure why she asked. It seemed to be normal for friends to share a bed especially one as large as Costia’s and yet she was hesitating. A feeling that resembled… discomfort? Or maybe something closer to nervous. Although she certainly couldn’t explain why she’d be nervous in this situation.
“Come on Lexa.”
There was no arguing once her mind was set and Lexa resigned allowing herself to be pulled into the bed. It was honestly the most comfortable bed Lexa had ever been in and yet she couldn’t help but stare rigidly up at the ceiling.
“Ease up I won’t bite”.  
Lexa offers a weak smile and as per usual Costia seems to know just what to do to put her at ease.
“Roll over”.  
Lexa complies cautiously turning to face the wall and starts when she feels arms encircle her waist.
“Is this okay”.
Lexa simply nods wanting to laugh at Costia’s nerves. How could this be anything but okay? Instead she stays silent worried that if she speaks up whatever this is will be over.
Lexa isn’t sure when their dynamic changed. When her staring turned from innocent appreciation into a constant deep yearning.
“Can you put sunblock on my back? I always end up missing spots”.
Lexa flushes and hopes Costia attributes her red cheeks to the heat. This was nothing new and yet Lexa felt like her heart was bound to beat right out of her chest.
Wordlessly she grabs the sunscreen lathering it into her hands before attempting to apply it thoroughly and evenly across Costia’s back. She tells herself her only motive is Costia’s health as she traces her hands along the other girls back.
“That feels incredibly Lexa keep going,” Costia moans leaning back into her hands.
Lexa smirks  kneading Costia’s back with a practiced ease. She’s not sure when she ended up in heaven but she wasn’t going to complain.
“How is it you manage to be so good at everything”?
“God given talent and a little bit of luck”.
“You are so full of shit”.
Lexa grins feeling bold she leans forward resting her chin on Costia’s shoulder,” you love it”.
“I love you it’s different.”
“I can live with that”.
“Why do you care so much about the stars? They all look the same.”
Lexa can’t help but roll her eyes at Costia looking over at the other girl. They were using the trampoline in her backyard to do their biweekly star gazing session and as per usual Costia was less than enthused.
“I just think the stars are beautiful. They’re constant and dependable even when the world around us is constantly shifting.”
A brief silence fell between them. Costia hated star gazing but she continued to do it for Lexa and for that she was eternally grateful.
“Hey Lexa”?
“Yes Costia”, Lexa turned to face the other girl surprised to find her already facing Lexa. Eyes alight with the usual playfulness that came easily to her.
“You’re far more interesting and definitely more beautiful than any star”.
Lexa’s certain she resembles a goldfish as she tries to say well anything. These comments had become fairly frequent. As if they were testing the waters testing some unspoken bond between them. Still they always had the same effect on Lexa.
“I think you’re beautiful too”, Lexa finally managed lamely. So maybe she was far from the poetic one in their friendship.
Costia giggles a hand brushing one of Lexa’s stray hairs behind her ear,” you’re lucky awkward looks cute on you Heda.”
Lexa couldn’t help but smile as she took Costia’s hand returning her gaze to the stars. She was falling and and at that moment she couldn’t have cared less.
“So Costia was your first love”?
Lexa slowly nods shrugging uncomfortable at the weight of Clarke’s stare,” she was my best friend. She helped me discover who I was as a person”.
Clarke exhales sharply looking disheartened. As if knowing any of this somehow made them less than what Lexa had once had,” well that’s not a lot to compete with”.
Lexa needs to do something. That much was obvious. She wished not for the first time that Clarke could simply read her mind. Words couldn’t describe how much she felt for Clarke and how insignificant what they already had her past relationship was.
“There is no competition Clarke. Costia could never hold a candle to you. Do you trust me”, she reached out carefully tracing Clarke’s jaw wishing for nothing more than to hold her through this bout of insecurity.
It takes a moment for those gorgeous blue eyes to meet hers and Lexa wishes she could get lost in them rather than continue this conversation.
“I trust you Lexa. Continue”.
“Lexa why are you soaking wet? Get in the house before you freeze to death”.  
Lexa had a plan. Of course the rain presently soaking through her clothes had never been a part of her plan. No she had come to tell Costia something and yet she allowed herself to be led through the house. Powerless even in this moment not to fulfill Costia’s wishes.
“Strip I’ll get you some dry clothes so you don’t catch a cold.”
“I like girls”, it comes out stupid and nothing like the short speech she’d been rehearsing for days.
“The TV show? I hardly see why that’s reason enough to show up at my house-”
“As in I like girls the way I’m supposed to like boys. More specifically I like you. I know we’re friends and I don’t want to lose that but it wouldn’t be fair for me not to tell you how I feel.”
The silence is resounding. Costia’s studying her and Lexa suddenly feels the weight of the world lift from her shoulders while simultaneously the weight of insecurity and rejection filling her stomach like a dark pit.
“I know Lexa,” Costia finally mumbles eyes searching Lexa’s for an answer she isn’t sure she has.
“You do”?
“You know for being one of the most brilliant girls I’ve ever met you can be really dense”.
Whatever snarky offended comment she wants to give its cut off as Costia closes the space between them and Costia’s kissing her. It’s short and awkward and it’s everything. Lexa really shouldn’t be surprised Costia had always been steps ahead of her.
Before she could actually respond Costia’s pulling back the same excitement glowing in her hazel eyes as the first time Lexa had met her.
“Now hurry up and take off those clothes.”
“Do you think they know”?
It had been an unspoken agreement from the beginning that their relationship needed to be a secret. They both came from prestigious families and that came with certain expectations. Thankfully they’d spent plenty of time together before their relationship and the transition had seemed to slip by both parents. That didn’t prevent Lexa from stressing over the situation.
A quick flick to the nose and Lexa’s eying her girlfriend disdainfully,” what was that for”?
“Stop worrying so much they have no idea”.
“Well sorry I’m a little stressed that your parents might realize I’ve been defiling their daughter for just over a year now”.
Another hit to the shoulder and Lexa’s smirking at Costia’s obvious embarrassment,” not that you’ve had any complaints”.
There’s a drawn out silence and she wonders If maybe she’s overstepped. It wasn’t like they’d never talked about the physical side of their relationship.
“Lexa I love you”.
Lexa should be trained into expecting the unexpected from Costia. It would save her a lot of shock in her life. It takes her a moment overwhelmed by the emotions coursing through her. How she’d gotten so lucky she’d never know.
She was up and picking Costia up into an embrace spinning her around carefully.
“I love you”, she manages between the kisses she’s peppering across Costia’s neck.
“Take me to bed”.  
“ Your wish is my command”.
It was the summer before freshman year, they’d been invited to attend the annual team camping trip the school through together. Tryouts had started early and Lexa and Costia had been first draft picks for their respective sports, Lexa going for soccer and Costia trying out for cheerleading.
“Can you quiet down some of us are trying to have our own conversations”.
As per usual Clarke Griffin was eyeing Lexa with disdain from across the campfire. Lexa never understood the hostility but nodding offering a small smile of apology,” I did not mean to bother you. We’ll be quieter”.
The sentiment wasn’t returned as Clarke refocused on whomever she’d been conversing with previously. Meanwhile Costia’s expression was a mix of jealousy and annoyance,” why are you always so nice to her she’s always so rude”?
She shrugs resting her hand against Costia’s,” I simply don’t see the point if not being polite in return. Besides Clarke seems kind when she’s not correcting me”.
“Aka you’ve had a slight crush on her since elementary despite your undying love for me”, it’s a challenge and Lexa doesn’t back down her emerald gaze locked onto hazel.
“Are you seriously jealous”?
Lexa can’t help but sigh squeezing Costia’s hand gently,” you have nothing to be jealous about. I promise”.
Lexa couldn’t quite read Costia’s expression,” come with me”.
Just like that her girlfriend was up and moving and Lexa followed instinctively. Just like she always would.
“Costia this is a bad idea.”
“Oh please Lexa I know you secretly live for breaking the rules”.  
This was a school sanctioned trip and Lexa was positive their current positions were far from school approval. Costia seemed hell bent on breaking that rule though.
“Why do you have to know me so well”?
“We’ve been best friends since we were six Lexa kind of comes with the territory.”
Finding Lexa’s statement to be a resignation Costia slid her hands underneath Lexa’s jersey tracing along her abs. Lexa was embarrassed at the betraying moan she emitted burying her face in Costia’s neck.
“If you don’t stop Costia we won’t be stopping until I’ve tasted every inch of you out in these God awful woods”.
“Who’s to say that wasn’t my plan all along”?
God Lexa could’ve lived in that moment for eternity. The feeling of Costia pressed up against her. The familiar warmth and all that came with her presence overwhelming her senses until suddenly she wasn’t.
“Lexa. Costia.”
Lexa had never been one to be afraid but she swore her heart stopping in that moment. The voice belonged to Echo one of the supervisor’s on the trip, who also  unfortunately happened to be close friends with both of their mothers.
“It’s not what it looks like”, Costia had always been the quicker of the two. Although there was little either of them could say in their defense. The situation spoke for itself.
“I think it’s best if we return to the group now”.
Lexa jolted into action catching the woman’s arm,” please Echo you can’t tell them. They won’t understand.”  
“Shut up Lexa.”
Costia’s sudden harshness stunned her into silence as they formed a silent line moving back towards the main tents. Lexa wanted to pull Costia aside tell her that nothing would change but even she knew that wouldn’t be the case.
“You two gather your things I think it’s best if we cut your trip short don’t you”.
Shame cut through the silence and Lexa felt like throwing up or taking off into the woods avoiding whatever consequences that would come of this. Two years together and they’d never even sort of slipped up. Two years of hiding their relationship and that was over now. Shattered by one stupid public slip up.
They gathered their belongings in silence trying to ignore the states of their peers. One stood out to Lexa, probably because it was the first time Clarke had looked at her with anything other than pure hatred. Instead for once it was outweighed by sympathy.
Lexa found Costia’s hand once theyd been loaded into the back of the car squeezing on to her only anchor in this moment. Whatever they faced they faced it together.
“What were you thinking”? Their parents had been waiting for their arrival. Although Lexa couldn’t read the expression on her parents face, Costia’s parents were the definition of livid.
“I think it’s best we leave now Lexa.”
Lexa wanted to argue. Wanted to demand that they stay and face whatever Costia’s mother had to say. The look on her father’s face said otherwise. She tried to catch Costia gaze tried to imply with a look the love she had for her that this was only temporary. Costia’s eyes never left the ground.
“I’m sorry wait so you aren’t mad”?
The ride home had been silent an awkward tension filling the car and yet as soon as they’d arrived home the tension was gone. Her parents even going so far as to make jokes going about their usual routine.  
“Why would we be mad?”
“Because I’m gay and I just got sent home because my teacher found me with my girlfriend. My gay girlfriend”.
“Yes that annoyingly high pitched woman made that quite clear when she gave us a play by play on what she witnessed you doing”.
Gustus had the audacity to laugh high fiving his daughter who was too in shock not to reciprocate.
“I’m gay”.
“Oh dear Indra I believe we’ve broken our daughter. Although I’d like to insert that she gets her charm from me”.
Indra seemed to take Lexa’s response or rather lack of response more seriously and moved to place a comforting hand on her daughter’s shoulder,” Lexa dear we could care less what gender preferences you have. Our one and only concern is that you find someone who makes you happy.”
“Preferably someone who also comes from a good family although your happiness certainly comes first,” Gustus chipped in unhelpfully.  
Tears were forming in her eyes despite her best efforts and Lexa reluctantly allows herself to be pulled into an embrace. Whatever she had expected this certainly wasn’t it.
“I thought you guys would hate me. You were so quiet on the drive home I thought you were furious”, Lexa quietly sobbed into her mother’s shoulder. They had never been a family filled with sentiment but this seemed like a valid exception.
“Oh Lexa darling that had nothing to do with you and everything to do with Costia’s moronic small minded parents. They can expect to be removed from every guest list so long as we have a say”.
“Costia’s parents”?
“They think you manipulated their sweet innocent daughter into performing your lude acts. It was ridiculous but I suppose not surprising they’ve always been a little high and mighty.”
Her mother’s voice drifted into the distance as her mind filled with concern. What had she left Costia to suffer through? What if Costia needed her? What if Costia actually listened to what her parents said?
In the end she was unable to escape her parents until the next morning. She’d texted called used every form of communication possible to try and get ahold of Costia. It was the longest they’d gone without talked since they’d met, and Lexa was filled with anxiety.
The route to Costia’s was a familiar one. The route was only five minutes long and yet it seemed to last a lifetime. The house that had been her second home for years now seemed foreign to her. Still she was a Heda they didn’t back down and she’d come here to talk to Costia whatever the consequences.
Lexa knocked at the door before stepping back tightening her jacket around herself as if it might shield her.  It only took a moment for the door to open revealing an uncomfortable looking Costia,” thank goodness you’re alright”.
She’d only managed to take a step in the girl’s direction before a hand was being raised preventing her from moving closer,” Lexa don't”.
“Listen I know your parents aren’t exactly happy but maybe we could talk-”.  
“This is over Lexa”.
The air suddenly feels like it’s been sucked from her chest. Whatever she’d expected this certainly wasn’t it. What they had was real that wasn’t something that just disappeared in a night,” you’ve got to be kidding me”.
Costia had never seemed so distant, so cold and yet here she was stony faced at Lexa’s protests,” we’re done messing around Lexa I don’t know what I was even thinking. It’s wrong I should’ve never let you talk me into doing this”.
“Talked you into this Costia you kissed me first. You told me you loved me first. I know your parents aren’t happy but we can fix this. Just let me talk to them I promise we can make this work”, Lexa’s voice sounded foreign even to herself. Heavy with the knowledge that she could quite possibly lose not only her girlfriend but the only real friend she’d ever had over this.
Costia stops and for a brief moment Lexa wonders if maybe she’s having second thoughts. If she’s suddenly remembered Lexa and the promises they’d made to one another over the years. That what they had was worth fighting for” I don’t want you Lexa I never did. You were just a failed experiment and now it’s over. Delete my number I never want to see you again”.
“Cos please-”.
The door was closed before she could even begin to argue.  
Anya found her there hours later. Lexa had been too shell shocked to move. Much less even process what had happened to her.
“Come here little sister”.
Lexa allows herself to crumble then. Allows herself to feel the sting of rejection latching on to her sister. It seemed they were hell bent on breaking the record for most Heda sappy moments in a 24 hour period.
“How did you know”?
Anya smiled stroking her hair as she started them in the direction of home,” I’m your older sister Lexa it’s my job to take care of you. Let’s go home”.
“She just ended it”?
“The next day she had a boyfriend and a week later her parents had shipped her off to a new school”.
“I should start by saying there’s no excuse for my behavior. If you wanted to end things… I’d be sad but I would understand. I haven’t treated you the way you deserve to be treated. That certainly wasn’t my intentions. It’s just my last relationship was very hidden and physical and I didn’t want that for us. I want us to do things right. So if you’re willing I’d like a chance to do that. To do this right.”
She’s rambling and she knows it but Clarke’s silence terrifies her. The idea that she could’ve ruined a relationship that’d she’d wanted for years because of her own idiocy was awfup” Clarke please-”.
“You aren’t just a hookup Lexa. If you wanted to wait until marriage to have sex that still wouldn’t change my mind”.
Lexa can’t help but smile at that,” well in that case maybe our next date could involve a purity ring exchange”.
Clarke feigned a horrified look,” you don’t actually want to wait until we get married right”?
Lexa shoves Clarke with a huff and Clarke giggles their usual banter returning,” don’t tell anyone but I really like you Lexa”.
Lexa smiles pulling Clarke towards her and the blonde is quick to settle against Lexa straddling her lap,” deal so long as you don’t tell anyone that I also really like you too”.
She pauses somewhat insecure after laying her embarrassing one and only attempt at a relationship completely bare,” so we’re good then”?
Clarke’s heart breaks at the innocence in Lexa’s tone. She leans in resting her forehead against Lexa’s enjoying the closeness,” Lexa we’ve never been anything less. Thank you. For sharing everything with me. Sometimes you get so lost in your head, I appreciate the glimpse into what you might actually be thinking”.
She’s never had that. Someone who actively asked her opinion and valued it enough to prioritize it,” well I promise moving forward I shall do better at sharing those thoughts. Although I admit most might be quite sappy thoughts. You’ve become a frequent occupant of my mind”.
Clarke’s grin puts the sun’s luminous to shame,” and those are the one’s I would like to hear most”.
“You have my word”.
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