#Types of Soil in India
greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
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Cinnamomum Verum
Known as: Ceylon cinnamon & sweet bark
Related plants: Cinnamon is a member of the Lauraceae or the laurels. It is a plant family that includes the true laurel and its closest relatives. This family comprises about 2850 known species in about 45 genera worldwide that can include Cinnamomum, bay, sassafras, bay laurel, litsea & cassytha.
Parts used: Inner bark
Habitat & Cultivation: This evergreen tropical tree is native to Sri Lanka, the neighbouring Malabar Coast of India, and Myanmar (Burma) and is also cultivated in South America and the West Indies. this species is found growing from the lowlands up to an altitude of 700 m. C. verum is a hardy species which tolerates a wide range of tropical soils.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 10-12
Harvest: Give your cinnamon tree two to three years after planting to fully develop. When the bark is brown and the leaves are firm, the plant is ready for harvesting. Carefully Cut away the outer bark until you reach the yellow-orange inner bark then peel away strips of the inner bark until you reach the core of the branch or trunk. Dry the inner bark & let the peeled pieces in a single layer on a window screen or tray. They will curl as they dry until they resemble the cinnamon quills you’re used to.
Growing tips: Make sure the planting site is several feet away from other trees & at least six hours of direct sunlight on most days. Cinnamon plants prefer a rich, well-draining soil-A sandy loam will work well & don't do well in waterlogged soils, so don't plant in heavy clay or hardpan soils. They don't do well when temperatures fall below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or in very dry conditions.
Medicinal information: Cinnamomum verum has been reported to have anti-diabetic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer effects. Cinnamon oil is also used in dental and pharmaceutical products. Cinnamon leaf oil has been found to be effective in killing mosquito larvae & in some studies the leaf oil is being proposed for use as an insect repellent.
Cautions: Cinnamon usually causes no side effects. But heavy use could irritate your mouth and lips, causing sores. The oil can be a skin irritant & therefore should not be put directly on your skin.
Magickal Properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Aesclepius, Aphrodite, Bast, Helios, Mercury, Oshun, Ra & Venus
Magickal uses:
• Add to a spell to speed up action &success
• Burn as an incense to stimulate spiritual powers, increase, psychic ability & awareness
• Wear as an amulet to attract passion into your life
• Hang the sticks or a cinnamon broom above your front door to keep negative energies away
• Keep a cinnamon stick in your wallet to attract financial prosperity
• Mix with your coffee for an easy prosperity spell
• Rub the oil on ritual tools to cleanse them(but please use gloves, cinnamon oil is very strong)
• Substitute the sticks for bones while attempting divination via osteomancy
• Use in a simmer pot for money, cleansing & prosperity spells
• Burn the bark or incense to increase male libido or empower sex magick
• Along side a green candle & basil, cinnamon helps makes a quick & easy money spell
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rainbowolfe · 2 months
Shamura's Name
When you look up a name's meaning, and can only find one source that gives it one, I take with a grain of salt. And I don't think "the Parentz dot com" is a particularly reliable source. So Shamura meaning diamond? I reject that. Wholly.
There's Shammuramat, the name of an ancient Assyrian queen, but we don't actually know its etymology. It's assumed it means something close to "high heaven", based on a similar ancient language. Based on how Tiamat is thought to mean "one who embodies the sea", Shammuramat is likely in the same vein. "One who embodies"... something.
With no real way of finding the meaning of just "Shammura" in Assyrian, I took a different route.
Anura, Darkwood, even Anchordeep to an extent, have very literal names. So let's assume Silk Cradle does too.
We have six places that we consider the "cradles of civilization": Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China, Caral-Supe, and Olmec. They're considered the starting points of civilization as we know it.
And one of these cradles also happens to be the birthplace of silk. Ancient China. Silk Cradle is likely just a clever reference to that.
If we consider Silk Cradle to be Shamura's place of origin, then Shamura's name is most likely either Chinese or Japanese.
Now, I'm not as familiar with Chinese, so someone might have to correct me on this, but there is no "ra" in Chinese. The closest would be "re" but I was having trouble finding a fitting character for it.
However, I do know Japanese! "Mura" appears commonly in Japanese names as both a prefix and a suffix. It means village. Its use in names generally translates to [from the] "X" Village. For example, Nakamura means "Middle Village" and Yamamura means "Mountain Village".
"Sha" has many meanings, but the most relevant one is most likely in reference to Shinto Shrines. Specifically a type of Tudigong, the title granted to the local earth (or soil) deity. The literal translation would be "Lord of the Land" or "Lord of the Earth".
Tudigongs are at the top of the divine pyramid, save for Houtu, the overlord herself. Below them are the Sheji, the Shan Shen, the City Gods, and the Landlord Gods in the order.
So "Shamura" would translate to [from the] Earth Deity's village.
Which leaves only one question. Who was the Lord of the Earth about 3000 years ago?
Ala is the deity of the Earth, Fertility, and Morality. She is considered to be the ground itself, so to disrespect the earth is to disrespect her. She rules over the underworld and casts judgment on humans. And she seems to play a similar role in-game based on her Relic descriptions.
Her symbol is the crescent moon. She's also represented by pythons. And not only is the crescent moon the shape on Shamura's Crown...
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It's also the symbol used for the Seal of the Bishops, the relic that freezes time.
But that's just an observation.
A SERIES of observations.
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bongboyblog · 1 year
A walk through Bengal's architecture
Bengali architecture has a long and rich history, fusing indigenous elements from the Indian subcontinent with influences from other areas of the world. Present-day Bengal architecture includes the nation of Bangladesh as well as the Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura, and Assam's Barak Valley. West Bengal’s architecture is an amalgamation of ancient urban architecture, religious architecture, rural vernacular architecture, colonial townhouses and country houses, and modern urban styles. Bengal architecture is the architecture of Wind, Water, and Clay. The Pala Empire (750–1120), which was founded in Bengal and was the final Buddhist imperial force on the Indian subcontinent, saw the apex of ancient Bengali architecture. The majority of donations went to Buddhist stupas, temples, and viharas. Southeast Asian and Tibetan architecture was influenced by Pala architecture. The Grand Vihara of Somapura, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was the most well-known structure erected by the Pala rulers.
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The Grand Vihara of Somapura
According to historians, the builders of Angkor Wat in Cambodia may have taken inspiration from Somapura. Bengal architecture became known for its use of terracotta due to the scarcity of stone in the area. Clay from the Bengal Delta was used to make bricks.
The temple architecture has distinct features like the rich wall decoration, often known as the terracotta temples, which was one of the remarkable elements of Bengali temple architecture. The double-roofed architecture of thatched huts was replicated by Bengali temples. Square platforms were used to construct the temples. Burnt brick panels with figures in geometric patterns or substantial sculptural compositions served as the temples' adornment.
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Dochala style
These served as models for many temples that were built in undivided Bengal. Construction materials used in ancient times included wood and bamboo. Bengal has alluvial soil, so there isn't a lot of stone there. The bricks that were utilized to build the architectural components were made from stone, wood, black salt, and granite. Bengal has two different types of temples: the Rekha type, which is smooth or ridged curvilinear, and the Bhadra form, which has horizontal tiers that gradually get smaller and is made up of the amalaka sila. Mughal architecture, including forts, havelis, gardens, caravanserais, hammams, and fountains, spread throughout the area during the Mughal era in Bengal. Mosques built by the Mughals in Bengal also took on a distinctive regional look. The two major centers of Mughal architecture were Dhaka and Murshidabad. The do-chala roof custom from North India was imitated by the Mughals.
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Jorasako thakurbari
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The Rasmancha is a heritage building located at Bishnupur, Bankura district, West Bengal.
Influence of the world on Bengal architecture: Although the Indo-Saracenic architectural style predominated in the area, Neo-Classical buildings from Europe were also present, particularly in or close to trading centers. While the majority of country estates had a stately country house, Calcutta, Dacca, Panam, and Chittagong all had extensive 19th and early 20th-century urban architecture that was equivalent to that of London, Sydney, or other British Empire towns. Calcutta experienced the onset of art deco in the 1930s. Indo-Saracenic architecture can be seen in Ahsan Manzil and Curzon Hall in Dhaka, Chittagong Court Building in Chittagong, and Hazarduari Palace in Murshidabad.
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Hazarduari Palace in Murshidabad
The Victoria Memorial in Kolkata, designed by Vincent Esch also has Indo-Saracenic features, possibly inspired by the Taj Mahal. Additionally, Kolkata's bungalows, which are being demolished to make way for high-rise structures, have elements of art deco. The 1950s in Chittagong saw a continuation of Art Deco influences. The Bengali modernist movement, spearheaded by Muzharul Islam, was centered in East Pakistan. In the 1960s, many well-known international architects, such as Louis Kahn, Richard Neutra, Stanley Tigerman, Paul Rudolph, Robert Boughey, and Konstantinos Doxiadis, worked in the area.
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The Jatiyo Sangshad Bhaban
This iconic piece of contemporary Bangladeshi architecture, was created by Louis Kahn. Midsized skyscrapers dominate the cityscapes of contemporary Bengali cities, which are frequently referred to as "concrete jungles." With well-known architects like Rafiq Azam, architecture services play a key role in the urban economies of the area. Overall Bengal architecture was influenced by various contemporaries of their time and continues to evolve.
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Gothic architectural style seen in St. Paul's Cathedral in Kolkata.
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Zamindar era buildings in ruin.
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Belur Math in Howrah
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froshele · 1 year
wondrous realization: the existence within the cultist sim/book of hours universe of occult examples of cinema made by scary bigwigs in britain implies the existence of the same in the colonies.
the colonies... including india, which from the pov of the librarian and cultist will not be independent for at least 17 more years.
the first feature film made on indian soil was made in 1913, and by the 1930s, bollywood was concretely taking shape and doing its thing.
all i'm saying is that at around the same time as chris illopoly was camping out in brancrug and blowing his nose into the curtains of the barber's tower, it's not impossible that somewhere very far away another young adept was having a very different time, equally intimately involving a camera.
the bush around which i am beating is that at least some of the allegedly horrific occult filmography treasured and feared by types such as the aspirant therefore consists of ... probably benign musicals in hindi, and moreover that some of these musicals are filmed by people who got suppressed for the completely banal reason that they summoned and choreographed 20 percussigants, due to they couldn't afford to pay a chorus line, and Sharmaji ka beta (that most feared and admired of adepts) said he'd do it for love of the craft
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starchaserwrites · 4 months
hello len i hope ur night is as fantastic as u 🫡 question for u and i just want u to picture it and i would love to hear ur headcanons: jegulus having a garden. who would tend to it more, what kind of things would they grow, stuff like that??
dear india,
i hope you are having a beautiful night too <3 you have no idea how much i'm loving you rn for asking this 
first and foremost, i believe that both would tend the garden to the same extent but in different areas. 
james' speciality would be all plants that have flowers, as monty taught him to look after those in his own garden from which he regularly gives effie flowers (he does the same for regulus now). roses, zinnias, daisies, carnations, chrysanthemums, etc. of all colours fill his part of the garden which regulus could sit and look at all afternoon.
regulus' speciality, on the other hand, would be all kinds of medicinal plants (mint, sage, rue, rosemary, etc.) which he had to learn about for survival purposes, and exotics (carnivorous plants, various types of succulents, a giant monstera which is his pride and joy, etc.).
if it were up to james, the plants would be growing all over the place without control, so it is regulus who would organise the sorting of the plants (flowers/non-flowers, type of soil they need, etc) and who keeps a detailed excel of when they need to be pruned.
when it comes to medicinal plants james also knows a thing or two, as long as it's about flowers. whenever regulus has trouble sleeping or feels very anxious he makes him an infusion of valerian, lavender for headaches, etc.
there was a time (dark times for them) when they tried to plant fruit and vegetables but failed miserably so now they only keep the lemon tree which strangely remained and bore fruit after james (on effie's recommendation) threatened to chop it down.
james thinks that regulus didn't notice that he placed his calendulas and geraniums strategically close to his most delicate plants to repel pests and insects, but every time he remembers it he can't help the smile on his face.
for one of their anniversaries/valentines, regulus would give james a white hibiscus (which is his favourite flower and the only colour he doesn't have), and james would give him an escargot begonia (a plant regulus is obsessed with).
i could go on about this all night lol
this was so fun!! thank you so so much for sending this ask, i hope you like the answer <333
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timeteaca · 4 months
From bush to mug: What do you know about tea? How the most popular drink in the world is created
Tea is drunk always and everywhere: at breakfast and before bed, in summer and winter, with sugar and lemon. But how much do we know about him? Why is black tea not black at all in a mug, but green tea has different shades from amber to gold? How is it grown and when is it harvested? And most importantly, how to drink and brew tea correctly? Together with Time Tea, we have compiled a tea guide and answered the main questions about the most popular drink in the world.
1. How tea is grown and harvested
White, green, black, oolong – despite the fact that there are many different teas in the world, they are all made from the same plant. It is called Camellia sinensis, or Chinese camellia. This is a small bush about a meter high, although closer to the south the plant becomes taller, stronger, branchier and more reminiscent of a tree. The first harvest is harvested five years after planting, but it is believed that the leaves gain maximum weight by the age of 50 (for this, the crop must be harvested regularly). Every year the bushes are pruned, and only the youngest, softest and juiciest leaves are selected for tea.
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2. Where are tea leaves collected?
Tea grows in more than 30 countries. Although it was originally cultivated in China, the country still ranks first in terms of yield. It is followed by India and Sri Lanka – the British brought tea there in the 19th century, so these places are famous for their black varieties. Depending on where it is grown, the leaves differ in taste and color. Thus, African varieties have a reddish tint – all due to the fact that there is a lot of copper in the soil. Thanks to the ideal climate, the best varieties of tea grow in China, India, Sri Lanka and Kenya – they are used in TimeTea
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3.What kind of tea is there?
In addition to the regions of growth, tea is divided according to the method of processing. There are six types in total – white, green, yellow, oolong, black and pu-erh. They differ mainly in the degree of fermentation. White is almost never fermented – the young buds just wither in the sun. Green is steamed, dried or fried. Black tea has the longest chain: dried leaves are rolled into plates, from which the juice is released. They are laid out on special trays, where the processes of oxidation, fermentation and fermentation take place – almost like wine production. It is at this point that the tea leaves turn dark in color.
4. How to tell if the tea is of high quality
The criteria differ depending on the variety, but there are several general principles. Examine the leaves – they should be approximately the same color and size. Make sure there are no twigs or dust in the package, and no foreign odors. When you have brewed the tea leaves, look at the water – it should be clear, even if it is strong pu-erh. The aroma of the drink should be light and the taste rich. If your green tea turns out bitter, it may be not only the poor quality of the leaves, but also the wrong water temperature or the wrong number of leaves.
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5. How to brew the perfect cup of tea
The first thing you need is fresh, high-quality tea. The second is soft water. It should not contain minerals, salt or chlorine – use a filter or bottled water. For one cup you will need a teaspoon of tea. Remember that water should not boil for a long time: the taste of the drink depends on the oxygen content, which decreases with long boiling. The brewing time depends on the variety: black tea needs at least five minutes, while white tea needs less than a minute. After this, the tea leaves must be removed from the teapot or cup.
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Discover the exquisite world of tea with Time Tea. Our selection of high-quality teas, including black, green, oolong, and more, is sourced from the finest regions worldwide. Whether you’re a connoisseur or just starting your tea journey, our premium teas promise an exceptional experience in every cup.
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nishantkapoor · 4 days
Sweet Corn Farming in India: A Brief Guide
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Sweet corn farming has gained popularity in India, which is attributed to the growing demand and profitability of the crop. Farmers are adopting this crop because it takes a short time to grow and is a versatile crop.
 Let’s learn more about sweet corn farming in India, its cultivation process and market value.
Land Preparation and Sowing
Sweet corn prefers well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Before planting, plough the soil to make it loamy and well-aerated. Sowing is generally done in the kharif season, when the climate is warm, and the soil temperature is more than 10 °C. Agricultural improvement involves using implements such as Indian tractors. These tractors help till your land in a shorter time than the manual process, increasing the farmer's efficiency.
Seed Selection and Planting
It is very important to select the right variety of seeds to get optimum yield. Today, numerous types of sweet corn hybrids can be bought, which are disease-free. Seed planting should be done 1 inch deep, and the distance between rows should be 2 inches. Space is also useful for getting proper sunlight and aeration for growth of plant.
Irrigation and Fertilization
The proper growth of sweet corn requires a moderate amount of water, which should be supplied regularly. Always ensure you rinse your crop well, particularly when the crop is at the silking or ear development stage. The fertilizer which should be applied in the early stages of the crop is a balanced one to supplement the nutrients. Some of the tasks that can be easily done by Sonalika Mileage Master tractors include fertilization, where fertilizers can be evenly distributed throughout the field.
Pest and Weed Control
Effective weed control is critical if one is to cultivate sweet corn successfully. Competition can be made between the weeds and crops for the nutrients needed so that less yield will be harvested. When it comes to fields, make sure to use herbicides and manually pull off the weeds in order to have clean fields. Monitoring is required in order to control pests such as the corn borer and the aphids. That is why an IPM plan needs to be applied to minimize crop losses.
Harvesting and Storage
Sweet corn is ready to harvest after 100 days. When the silk’s skin turns completely brown, and the kernels in it are well-filled, it is time to harvest. Using tractors like the SWARAJ XT TRACTOR makes harvesting easy and faster with mechanical combine harvesters.
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imperialchem · 30 days
Choosing the Right Gas Line Corrosion Inhibitor for Your Needs
Corrosion is a significant challenge faced by industries that rely on gas pipelines for transportation and distribution.  Gas pipelines, especially those exposed to harsh environmental conditions, are highly susceptible to corrosion, which can compromise the integrity of the entire system.  This is where gas line corrosion inhibitors play a crucial role.  These specialized chemicals help protect gas lines from corrosion, extending the life of the infrastructure and ensuring safe and efficient operations.
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In this blog, we will explore the factors involved in choosing the right gas line corrosion inhibitor for your needs.  Additionally, we will look at how gas line corrosion inhibitor manufacturers in India, gas line corrosion inhibitor exporters, and chemical manufacturers contribute to this vital sector, ensuring the global supply of high-quality solutions.
Understanding Gas Line Corrosion and Its Impact
Gas pipelines are prone to different types of corrosion, including internal and external corrosion.  Internal corrosion is caused by contaminants like carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), oxygen, and water present in the gas.  When these contaminants interact with the pipe's surface, they form corrosive compounds that degrade the metal over time.  External corrosion, on the other hand, occurs due to environmental factors such as soil composition, moisture, and atmospheric conditions.
Corrosion in gas pipelines can result in:
Leaks:  Even minor corrosion can weaken the pipeline walls, causing gas leaks that pose safety risks and result in product loss.
Operational inefficiency:  Corrosion can restrict the flow of gas through the pipeline, reducing the efficiency of the entire transportation system.
Costly repairs:  Pipeline corrosion can lead to frequent maintenance and expensive repairs, increasing operational costs.
Environmental damage:  Corrosion-related pipeline failures can cause gas to leak into the environment, potentially harming ecosystems and contributing to air pollution.
To combat these issues, gas line corrosion inhibitors are commonly used.
What Are Gas Line Corrosion Inhibitors?
Gas line corrosion inhibitors are chemical compounds designed to prevent or minimize the corrosion of metal surfaces in pipelines.  These inhibitors form a protective barrier on the internal and external surfaces of the gas line, preventing corrosive agents from coming into direct contact with the metal.
There are several types of gas line corrosion inhibitors available, each formulated to target specific types of corrosion and environmental conditions.  Understanding the different types and how they work is key to selecting the right inhibitor for your needs.
Types of Gas Line Corrosion Inhibitors
Gas line corrosion inhibitors can be classified into several categories based on their chemical composition and mode of action:
Film-Forming Inhibitors:  These inhibitors create a protective layer on the metal surface, preventing corrosive agents from attacking the metal.  Film-forming inhibitors are particularly effective for internal corrosion caused by acidic gases like CO2 and H2S.  They are widely used in both gas and oil pipelines.
Passivating Inhibitors:  Passivating inhibitors react with the metal surface to form a passive oxide layer, which inhibits further corrosion.  These inhibitors are commonly used in pipelines carrying gases that contain high levels of oxygen.
Cathodic Inhibitors:  These inhibitors work by reducing the rate of the cathodic reaction in the corrosion process.  They are effective in controlling external corrosion in gas pipelines buried underground or exposed to humid environments.
Oxygen Scavengers:  Oxygen scavengers are chemical agents that remove dissolved oxygen from the gas, preventing it from reacting with the metal surface.  Oxygen is a primary cause of internal corrosion in gas pipelines, so using oxygen scavengers is an effective way to mitigate this risk.
Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs):  VCIs release vapors that condense on the metal surface, forming a protective film that prevents corrosion.  These inhibitors are often used in gas pipelines exposed to atmospheric corrosion.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Gas Line Corrosion Inhibitor
Selecting the right gas line corrosion inhibitor for your pipeline depends on various factors, including the type of gas being transported, environmental conditions, and the specific corrosion challenges you face.  Here are some key factors to consider:
Type of Gas:  The composition of the gas being transported plays a significant role in determining the type of corrosion inhibitor required.  For instance, pipelines transporting sour gas (gas containing H2S) will require a different inhibitor than those carrying sweet gas (gas without H2S).
Corrosion Type:  It is important to identify whether the pipeline is at risk of internal or external corrosion.  Internal corrosion requires inhibitors that work inside the pipeline, while external corrosion may require cathodic inhibitors or coatings that protect the outside of the pipeline.
Environmental Conditions:  The location of the gas pipeline is another crucial consideration.  Pipelines in coastal or humid environments are more prone to external corrosion due to the presence of moisture and salt.  In these cases, external corrosion inhibitors or coatings may be necessary.
Temperature and Pressure:  High temperatures and pressures can accelerate the rate of corrosion in gas pipelines.  When choosing a corrosion inhibitor, ensure that it is designed to withstand the specific temperature and pressure conditions of your pipeline.
Inhibitor Compatibility:  It is essential to choose an inhibitor that is compatible with the materials used in the pipeline, as well as with other chemicals that may be present in the gas stream.  Incompatible inhibitors can react with the gas or pipeline materials, leading to unintended consequences.
Regulatory Compliance:  Different regions may have regulations governing the use of certain chemicals in gas pipelines.  When selecting a gas line corrosion inhibitor, ensure that it meets all local and international regulatory requirements.
The Role of Gas Line Corrosion Inhibitor Manufacturers in India
India has emerged as a leading player in the global market for gas line corrosion inhibitors.  Gas line corrosion inhibitor manufacturers in India offer high-quality, cost-effective solutions that cater to the specific needs of the oil and gas industry.  These manufacturers utilize advanced technologies and rigorous quality control measures to produce inhibitors that meet international standards.
One of the key advantages of sourcing from Indian manufacturers is their ability to provide customized solutions.  Indian manufacturers work closely with clients to develop inhibitors tailored to their unique requirements, ensuring maximum protection against corrosion.  Additionally, these manufacturers often offer comprehensive technical support, helping clients choose the right inhibitor and implement it effectively.
Exporting Gas Line Corrosion Inhibitors:  The Indian Advantage
India’s chemical manufacturing industry has a strong presence in global markets, with many companies acting as gas line corrosion inhibitor exporters.  The country’s strategic location, skilled workforce, and competitive pricing make it an attractive source of corrosion inhibitors for international clients.
Gas line corrosion inhibitor exporters from India supply high-performance products to a wide range of industries across the world.  These exporters comply with international standards, ensuring that their products meet the stringent requirements of global clients.  Furthermore, Indian exporters offer logistical expertise, ensuring timely delivery and reliable supply chains for businesses in need of corrosion protection.
Why Choose a Gas Line Corrosion Inhibitor Supplier from India?
Choosing an Indian gas line corrosion inhibitor supplier can provide several benefits for businesses, including:
Cost-Effectiveness:  Indian suppliers offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality, making them a cost-effective choice for businesses looking to protect their pipelines.
Customization:  Indian suppliers have the expertise to customize corrosion inhibitors based on the specific needs of their clients, ensuring that the product is optimized for the environment and pipeline conditions.
Regulatory Compliance:  Indian suppliers ensure that their products meet both local and international regulatory standards, giving businesses peace of mind when using their products.
Conclusion:  Protecting Your Gas Lines with the Right Corrosion Inhibitor
Choosing the right gas line corrosion inhibitor is critical to the longevity and safety of your gas pipeline infrastructure.  By considering factors such as the type of gas being transported, the environmental conditions, and the specific corrosion challenges, you can select an inhibitor that provides effective protection.
India’s chemical manufacturers and gas line corrosion inhibitor manufacturers offer a range of high-quality products that cater to both domestic and international markets.  With their ability to provide cost-effective, customized solutions, Indian manufacturers and exporters are well-positioned to meet the global demand for gas line corrosion inhibitors.
Whether you’re looking for a gas line corrosion inhibitor supplier and exporter to support your operations, India’s industry leaders can help you find the right solution to protect your pipelines and ensure smooth, safe operations.
I have attached a report, city wise.  I have given you all countries’ cities’ report.  It is not possible to give in-depth report of cities from USA.  Kindly check the attached file of city wise where you will find traffic from all cities, all countries.
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stephensmithuk · 2 years
The Five Orange Pips
ACD likes a shipwreck, doesn't he?
I will leave discussions about the Ku Klux Klan to those with more knowledge on the subject.
A mendicant is someone who generally takes a vow of poverty and relies on charity to survive - such as a wandering preacher. In Christianity, this was often done in deliberate imitation of the Apostles, who were told to rely on others (and by extension God) for their needs. Mendicants having a luxurious club would be a tad hypocritical.
We have two barques referenced here. To repeat my comment from "The Gloria Scott": a bark - or barque - is a type of sailing ship with three or more masts - the first two masts have square sails, the one at the back had them aligned with the hull. They were fast ships that needed a relatively small crew.
The UK's position on the Gulf Stream may keep the place from getting very cold in winter, but it also leaves us open to big storms.
Pince-nez glasses were very popular in this time period.
The area around Horsham does indeed have pretty clay-ey soil that's good for growing crops.
Horsham is a market and commuter town 31 miles from London.
Cheating at cards was apparently the worst thing a gentleman could do. In Ian Fleming's novels, two of the villains are immediately clearly wrong-uns as they're rich guys who feel the need to cheat.
Being "sent to Coventry" is a British expression for being ostracised. Joseph appears to have sent himself to the West Midlands town.
Pondicherry, now called Puducherry, was in fact a French enclave on the south-eastern coast of India and was not in fact transferred to Indian control until 1954.
"London E." was one of the postal divisions of the city at the time - it remains as the E postcode area, split into 22 districts, including two specially for Natwest and News International. Yep, Murdoch has his own postcode.
PC Cook is rather off his normal beat. H Division covered Whitechapel and had, a few years prior to this story coming out, failed to catch Jack the Ripper.
The Embankment here refers to the Victoria Embankment, a road and pedestrian avenue built by the river as part of a land reclamation project earlier in the century. It had the side effect of permanently ending any hope of Frost Fairs - the river now flows too fast to freeze.
I believe this story takes place pretty much entirely in Baker Street.
Lloyd's refers to Lloyd's of London, a very long running maritime insurance marketplace, who also underwrite a bunch of other insurance policies, including film stars' legs. They keep comprehensive records of ship movements for this purposes.
Gravesend is a town in Kent near what is now the M25 and would be a good place to spot a ship before the Thames Estuary widens out - beyond that, you might easily miss a ship in poor visibility from the few communities beyond it.
The transatlantic telegraph cables were firmly in operation by this point. Their successor cables form the backbone of the modern Internet.
Mail was generally transported on the fastest ships i.e. the ocean liners; so you'd be talking around a week to cross the Atlantic at this point. A sailing ship would be looking at three times as long.
Sliced bread - i.e. bread that came pre-sliced when you bought it - was not a thing until 1928.
Please note that those who wish to post orange pips to the United States today will require a permit from the US Department of Agriculture.
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lalsingh228-blog · 5 months
Aquatic Robot Market to Eyewitness Huge Growth by 2030
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Latest business intelligence report released on Global Aquatic Robot Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about the market size, % share of key and emerging segment, major development, and technological advancements. Also, the statistical survey elaborates detailed commentary on changing market dynamics that includes market growth drivers, roadblocks and challenges, future opportunities, and influencing trends to better understand Aquatic Robot market outlook. List of Key Players Profiled in the study includes market overview, business strategies, financials, Development activities, Market Share and SWOT analysis: Atlas Maridan ApS. (Germany), Deep Ocean Engineering Inc. (United States), Bluefin Robotics Corporation (United States), ECA SA (France), International Submarine Engineering Ltd. (Canada), Inuktun Services Ltd. (Canada), Oceaneering International, Inc. (United States), Saab Seaeye (Sweden), Schilling Robotics, LLC (United States), Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd. (United Kingdom) Download Free Sample PDF Brochure (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market Brief Overview on Aquatic Robot: Aquatic robots are those that can sail, submerge, or crawl through water. They can be controlled remotely or autonomously. These robots have been regularly utilized for seafloor exploration in recent years. This technology has shown to be advantageous because it gives enhanced data at a lower cost. Because underwater robots are meant to function in tough settings where divers' health and accessibility are jeopardized, continuous ocean surveillance is extended to them. Maritime safety, marine biology, and underwater archaeology all use aquatic robots. They also contribute significantly to the expansion of the offshore industry. Two important factors affecting the market growth are the increased usage of advanced robotics technology in the oil and gas industry, as well as increased spending in defense industries across various countries. Key Market Trends: Growth in AUV Segment Opportunities: Adoption of aquatic robots in military & defense
Increased investments in R&D activities Market Growth Drivers: Growth in adoption of automated technology in oil & gas industry
Rise in awareness of the availability of advanced imaging system Challenges: Required highly skilled professional for maintenance Segmentation of the Global Aquatic Robot Market: by Type (Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)), Application (Defense & Security, Commercial Exploration, Scientific Research, Others) Purchase this Report now by availing up to 10% Discount on various License Type along with free consultation. Limited period offer. Share your budget and Get Exclusive Discount @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market Geographically, the following regions together with the listed national/local markets are fully investigated: • APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and Rest of APAC; Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka) • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania) • North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) • South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) • MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa)Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical data – 2017-2022 The base year for estimation – 2022 Estimated Year – 2023 Forecast period** – 2023 to 2028 [** unless otherwise stated] Browse Full in-depth TOC @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market
Summarized Extracts from TOC of Global Aquatic Robot Market Study Chapter 1: Exclusive Summary of the Aquatic Robot market Chapter 2: Objective of Study and Research Scope the Aquatic Robot market Chapter 3: Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis Chapter 4: Market Segmentation by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2027 Chapter 5: Decision Framework Chapter 6: Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges Chapter 7: Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile Chapter 8: Appendix, Methodology and Data Source Buy Full Copy Aquatic RobotMarket – 2021 Edition @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=177845 Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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environmentaltesting · 6 months
Creative Analytical Lab & Consultant
Phone Number : +91-9634263373 Email : [email protected] Web - https://www.polutionsavers.com We Provides All types environmental related testing services, our services is - Ambient Air Testing,Indoor Air Testing,Lux,Dg Stack,Noise,Soil,Food,Face Mask,Sanitizer,Building Materiel Testing and Also Test all types Water Testing and Eia Services in Delhi,India and All Asian Countries.
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kimberly40 · 1 year
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🌱 Kudzu Facts- Although it seems like an obvious fact now that kudzu is a nuisance, its fall from grace from ornamental plant to weed took nearly 100 years.
•Here are 15 things to know about kudzu:
1-Kudzu grows up to a foot per day. The rate of growth led to its nickname: "The Vine that Ate the South”.
2-Researchers have studied the possibility of using kudzu to make ethanol.
3-Farmers were paid to plant kudzu. In the 1930s, the government paid up to $8 an acre to plant kudzu, hoping to curb erosion
and add nitrogen to the soil.
4-Kudzu covers 7 million acres across the
southeastern U.S.
5-Kudzu can be useful. The sturdy vines are used to make baskets and artworks, and blossoms are used to make jelly.
6-All kudzu species are native to Asia. They come from the countries of Japan, China, India and Taiwan.
7-Kudzu was initially ornamental. By 1900, kudzu seeds were sold as an ornamental vine to shade porches and courtyards of Southern homes.
8-Kudzu came to the US in the 1800s.
Kudzu was shown at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, but those plants were destroyed. An 1883 exposition in New Orleans introduce the vine to the South. For many years, the fast-growing vine was widely marketed for use for shading porches, as food for cattle and a cover plant to prevent soil erosion.
9-It wasn't until 1970, when it had covered millions of acres of the country, mostly in Southern states, that the USDA declared kudzu a common weed, according to Claire Wilson of Auburn University. It was later listed as a "noxious" species.
10- Kudzu gets its name from a mistake.
The American word "kudzu" is a misspelling of the Japanese word for the plant, “kuzu”.
11- Kudzu is edible. Certain parts are, anyway, Leaves can be boiled, deep fried or eaten raw. Roots can be ground into flour or cooked like potatoes. Some people make jelly from the blossoms.
12- Kudzu is extremely bad for the ecosystems that it invades because it smothers other plants and trees under a blanket of leaves, hogging all the sunlight and keeping other species in its shade.
13- Without natural enemies in the region, it spreads at the rate of 150,000 acres each year, faster than it can be mowed or poisoned to control it.
14- Both cattle and goats will eat kudzu and will weaken and eventually control the plant.
15- There are at least 15 types of kudzu. The kudzu species we see in the south is one of the many species generally categorized as kudzu.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
I am here to yell about my interests!!!!! Mainly in fiber arts and textiles
I spin yarn on a wheel and drop spindles and I’m excited about any opportunity to demonstrate them. In college there was a German professor who saw me spinning at one point and asked me to do a demonstration for her German fairy tales class and it was so much fun
Flax is a really cool fiber but is a bitch to grow & it can only really be spun wet or with wet fingers so most spinners I know spin it outside in the summer bc that can get messy. I read a thinkpiece a while back about flax spinning having been part of the inspiration for sleeping beauty. Not only does flax look straw-like before spinning, but it can naturally be a golden color. Additionally, there’s speculation that instead of pricking her finger on the ‘spindle’ of a wheel (more than likely a quill or distaff, if we’re going with that), it may be that she pricked her finger on a thorn and contracted tetanus from the soil.
Wool is a ridiculously cool fiber bc it keeps you warm even if it’s wet! A lot of fishermen wear wool for that reason. The reason wool felts (and alpaca/llama, among other protein fibers from fur/hair) is bc the surface of the fibers have scales and when they’re in hot water they kinda bloom open like a pine cone; then if you agitate it, the scales get stuck together tight and it’s almost impossible to get it un-felted. It makes for stronger and more water resistant pieces.
Sometimes people use wool’s natural tendency to felt to their advantage. There’s a technique called thrumming where you knit a piece and as you’re knitting, you use a pencil-thin strand of roving for some of the stitches. It leaves a really fluffy interior of the garment (usually mittens) and as they’re worn over time the thrums get felted and your mittens get super cozy!!!
Alpaca and llama fibers are almost identical if you don’t know which is which. They’re both super warm (more so than wool) because the fibers are hollow and trap heat more easily than wool. Both drape beautifully too. The fibers don’t have the same level of elasticity compared to wool though, so often people will blend the two together to get the best of both worlds.
Silk is one of the coolest fibers imo bc it is an incredible insulator, and when it was first used in textiles (in China thousands of years ago iirc), the source of the fiber - silk worms - was a nation secret and kept super super under wraps. Most silk these days comes from India I think, and the vast majority of consumer silk is from mulberry silkworms (it has the longest strand length) but there’s at least three other types of silkworms that can be used. Also silk doesn’t just come in white - it can be green, yellow, copper, all sorts of colors. I actually have some Eri silk in a coppery color I need to spin up at some point!
Cotton can also naturally be different colors - often in greens, yellows, taupes and tans. And the cool thing about that is that it’s not dye, so the color never fades - in fact over time, the color deepens.
A lot of fibers from “plant sources” are also just…semi-synthetic. They’re basically rayon. Bamboo fiber, tencel, etc, are mostly just processed plant material that’s chemically extruded into rayon. Flax and cotton are not; flax fiber is taken from inside the chaff of the flax plant and combed down before spinning, and cotton naturally grows super fluffy, so you just need to remove the seeds before spinning. Much more environmentally friendly, and much safer to process.
There’s a type of fiber called Sea Silk that’s one of the rarest fibers in the world. It’s processed from the beards of a specific type of mussel in the Mediterranean Sea. It looks like gold, and is thought to be the inspiration for the myth of the Golden Fleece in Greek mythology. There’s only one or two people who know how to harvest and process the fiber, and because of climate change, the mussels that provide the fiber are dying out. Last I heard the elder woman who knows this cultural craft has chosen to be the last one to know it.
Hope u like fiber arts!!!!!!!
i know very little about fiber arts (ive always had the vague wish to maybe try it out one day but it seems very complicated) but this is really interesting!!!!!!!! all the different fibers and textiles r so wild to me. there's so MANY of them and they are all so different from one another
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krishilearning · 11 months
What is Hydroponic Farming System
It is the skill of growing plants in the absence of soil. Hydroponic system depends on a water based nutrient rich solution.
Hydroponic is a method of growing plants in a controlled environment (eg-greenhouses) where nutrients are dissolved in water and delivered directly to the plant’s roots instead of relying on soil for support and nutrition. The hydroponic system utilizes various substrates such as perlite, coconut coir or even air to anchor the plants. The nutrition solution, which contains all the essential elements necessary for plant growth, is carefully monitored and adjusted to ensure optimal conditions.
Here are some key components of Hydroponic Farming -
Growing medium : Instead of soil, hydroponic system use various growing mediums such as rock wool, perlite, coconut coir or even air (Vertical Farming) to support plant roots
Nutrients Solution: A carefully balanced mixture of essential nutrients is dissolved in water and delivered directly to the plant roots. This ensures that plants receive the precise nutrients they need for optimal growth.
Environmental Control: Hydroponic systems enable growers to fine-tune environmental factors like temperature, humidity, light and CO2 levels to create ideal conditions for plant growth . This level of control minimizes the risk of pests and diseases.
Water Recycling: Hydroponics is highly water efficient. Unlike traditional farming which can be water-intensive, hydroponic systems recirculate water, reducing overall consumption. This makes it particularly attractive with water scarcity. 
Hydroponic Farming in India -
In India, hydroponic farming is gaining traction due to its potential to address various agricultural challenges, such as water scarcity, limited arable land availability, and the need for sustainable and high-yield crop production. It offers opportunities for urban and peri-urban farming, making it a viable solution for increasing food security and promoting sustainable agriculture practices in the country.
Applications in India:
Hydroponic farming has diverse applications in India:
Urban Agriculture: Hydroponics is well-suited for urban areas, where space is limited, and fresh, locally grown produce is in high demand. Rooftop gardens, vertical farms, and container farming are popular choices for urban agriculture in India.
Commercial Greenhouses: Many commercial growers in India have adopted hydroponic systems for the production of various crops, including tomatoes, cucumbers, and leafy greens.
Research and Education: Hydroponic systems are used in research institutions and educational settings to study plant growth, nutrient management, and environmental control, contributing to agricultural innovation in the country.
Food Security: Hydroponic farming can help improve food security by providing a reliable source of fresh produce, even in regions with challenging climate conditions.
Types of Hydroponic Systems:
There are various hydroponic systems designed to cater to different crops and environmental conditions:
Drip System: Nutrient solution is delivered directly to the base of each plant via a network of tubes and pumps. Excess solution is collected and recirculated, minimizing waste.
Nutrient Film Technique (NFT): In NFT systems, a shallow film of nutrient solution flows over an inclined trough, with plant roots placed in the film. Roots draw nutrients and oxygen from this thin film.
Aeroponics: This system mists the plant roots with a nutrient-rich solution, providing both nutrients and oxygen to the roots through a fine mist. This method encourages rapid growth.
Deep Water Culture (DWC): Plants are suspended in oxygenated nutrient solutions in DWC systems. Air stones or diffusers are used to oxygenate the water, ensuring the roots receive an adequate oxygen supply.
Wick System: The simplest of all hydroponic systems, wick systems rely on capillary action to draw the nutrient solution from a reservoir into the growing medium. This is a passive system that requires no electricity.
Ebb and Flow (Flood and Drain): This system cyclically floods plant containers with the nutrient solution, then allows it to drain, providing oxygen to the roots. This mimics natural irrigation patterns.
Vertical Farming: Vertical hydroponic systems utilize vertical space, allowing for the stacking of plant layers. This approach maximizes crop production in limited space, making it suitable for urban environments.
Kindly visit the profile for more - https://krishilearning.com/
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The nuclear test killed people on reservations on American soil but go off with your "It's just a funny line" Maybe the movie shouldn't have been made since innocent civilians both American and Japanese died but I'm screaming at the void whatever it's just kinda fucked up to lionize him & his actions
my apologies on ignorance of death toll of the test. i was trying to say that it wasn't making fun of people being killed.
i don't think the quote is funny as it is. i think it's dark. i do find it strange that a white man quoted a Hindu text off the top of his head. hence it being out of left field/ bizarre to me. especially in a pre internet world.
humans make movies about things still. and i wouldnt be suprised if there was pro US military propaganda in it. its in all the superhero movies and other big blockbusters. i haven't seen the movie yet. but i don't think the movie shouldn't have been made. there are movies about Winston Churchill, who contributed to a genocide in India, and Thomas Jefferson, a slaver. this is a movie about Oppenheimer. one can use the hype to educate people if they'd like. but the movies will come out.
these movies are released on the same day. the juxtaposition is comedic to me bc its two things that don't really go together. something dark that has horrible implications for the future (that we now live in), and Barbie (something bright and optimistic). the target audience doesn't seem to cross much but it is crossing, and is beinf g treated as a double feature. it's an unexpected phenomenon. more bizzareness.
not everyone's type of humor but a well documented form of it. you don't have to find it funny though. i think most people still will, despite the tragedy that is nuclear bomb usage.
i am aware of the relocating of Indigenous people done for nuclear tests (here and in the USSR) and find it despicable bc its cultural genocide. i would not make s joke about the relocation. the closest this meme comes to making fun of someone is Oppenheimer imo. there are multiple movies about WWII and most of them are full of propaganda.
i thought you came at OP really hard for something that was indeed humorous (to a lot of us) and were trying to dictate what OP found humorous in a way that happens a lot on tumblr, so i commented.
thanks for sharing your information and perspective.
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lumine3comics · 2 years
Cecil, wait no wait is that a spice i gotta look this up im sorry ok gimme a second to do my research here before we dive into the routine im sorry i just came fresh off of messaging neil gaiman a very important message normally i am much more prepared than this forgive me. Ok no it turns out i’m way off base but i did learn that no less than 9 places in the usa and canada have the name cecil, a programming language, two bands, a lion from zimbabwe, a type of soil, a college, a hotel in india, a type of long gun, a cigarette brand, and the patron saint of granada all share your name! How sick. Also tons of people obviously so thats a pretty cool name congrats. In other news you should check out wesley willis the man was a totally self taught musician who suffered from schizophrenia throughout his life, you may recognize his song rock and roll mcdonalds from the documentary super size me! If not i get it, busy times in the life of the world today. Anyway i hope you had a good winter holiday season and a happy new year and if you say bazinga i heard that next year will be even better (and that if you dont you run the risk of spontaneous combustion so ya know i wouldnt tempt fate)
You know I read this unlike the other one- :(
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