#Ty for being my first letter anon <3< /div>
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weeping-statue · 4 months ago
Yandere Victor & Andrew x reader !!
—Genre: Smut, yandere, a bit of fluff (Mostly with aftercare, if you choose to add that)!! —You can make this a normal Victor & Andrew x reader- maybe just simply making them jealous, or turning it down a few notches- but if you don’t mind I like yandere fics, especially with duo yanderes!!
—Victor (Main headcanons): Victor is a more fluffy yandere, but he’s secretly very manipulative, due to his ‘shy’ nature he comes off as innocent, and he fully uses that to guilt trip reader when he doesn’t get enough attention from them. Victor’s also scared of losing Reader, afraid he won’t get any more letters just for him from them. But Victor does what every yandere does, when he gets threatened by someone else, he gets threatening back, it’s subtle, but he’ll send a letter to them, basically saying Reader doesn’t love them and they should back off- in a passive aggressive type tone, but if they don’t back off, during the manor games, he’ll purposefully put them in danger- tripping them, messing up decoding, etc. Though Victor will always play the “innocent, sweet postman” when confronted, feigning a lot of trust in Reader to seem more naive and incapable of doing such things!!
—Andrew (Main headcanons): Andrew is also very manipulative, but uses it in a different way, he both guilt trips you, and uses his “pathetic gravekeeper” status, to make Reader seem more intertwined with him. And by proxy, with people getting freaked out by Andrew, they’ll slowly become more isolated until they have nobody but him. Andrew was raised alone, never understood or given basic empathy, so when Reader showed the slightest affection, he opened up and became obsessed. Andrew is delusional, thinking this is what the lord destined him, an angelic, patient person to deal with his melancholy nature- and how any rivals are demons, he uses this to justify when he feels guilty for hurting Reader, indirectly or directly. If the isolation doesn’t work, Andrew will straight up threaten him, taking advantage of his lanky, sickly figure to scare off others!!
—Plot: Andrew noticed Victor getting too warmed up with Reader, and with how obviously affectionate Andrew was Victor noticed him. Originally they planned to full on kill the other, until they realized they had a common goal, plus they were also very close prior to becoming obsessed with Reader- so the two besties made a deal, they’d share Reader!! Andrew is vanilla because he’s holy-er than thou, so Victor had to explain certain positions suited for 3 people, making both blush really bad- surprisingly Andrew is the most dominant, and Victor is the more subtle one!!
—M anon: Your biggest fan !!
First off, this was just, chefs kiss.. like I loved reading this.. the writing and the font and the colors and askskdjdj
Second, MY FIRST LETTER ANON!! AHHH- I could kiss you…
Third your so right.. they would totally do all of that but let me present to you some of my thoughts..
Also I didn’t really feel like making a whole fic, sorry, but I’ll make one soon surrounded around this..!
Andrew and Victor sharing the same darling..
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Okay first, I just kinda wanna state what’s in my head first,
So in the manor I like to think that they can die, but they just wake up again in bed. Like respawning.
So Andrew definitely killed Victor out of spite at least once by ‘accidentally’ shoving him into the Hunter and getting him killed.
Victor would totally attempt the same but he’d never get the chance because he’d figure out their common goal.
So relationship wise I don’t feel like they’d be very poly, mostly because I’m sorta uncomfortable writing poly stuff but I’ll let the threesome stuff slide, just a bit. Though, they’d definitely take turns sharing you.
Like there’s dedicated days…
Not gonna go into the days stuff but they sometimes, rarely, fight about it.. just know that holidays are mostly on whoever lands on that day and the other has to suck it up and save it for the next..
So when it comes to actual sex Andrew was kinda standoffish because like, sex in general is unholy, wouldn’t doing it with two people make it worse?
After some gentle convincing, Andrew caves and agrees. Only to find out that he.. tolerates it. It’s good in a way but it’s not his favorite.
It would take Andrew sometime to warm up to this sorta stuff, but once he’s into it, he’s into it. Victor doesn’t seem to have a problem either way, he’s getting what he wants at the cost of having to share. And it’s mostly a win/win.
Andrew would rather have you to himself. As would Victor, but anyways, he figures out, somehow, the best types of positions. And gently guides the three of you through it.
Andrew is behind you, with Victor in front, ass up and mouth open, taking both of them so nicely.
Victor is gently grunting as he thrusts into your mouth, while Andrew has a hand on your hip and another in your hair, pounding into you as he loses himself in pleasure.
By the end of it you’re stuffed in all holes and sandwiched between the both of them. Their hold on you very possessive.
I Lowkey feel like they’d make a competition out of this, to see who can pleasure you the most. There doesn’t have to be a winner but the jabs here and there make it worth it.
I hoped you like this.. I really don’t know how to write smut well. I also hope I didn’t like derail what you had in mind cause that’s the last thing I wanted to do..
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neonmetro · 3 months ago
Sorry for the second ask, but there were some things I forgot to put in the first one, and I was half asleep writing that one, so please forgive me 😭
I would also like to know about Viola. . .they look so KSNXNCJCJFNGN FUCKING TERRIBLE ITS AMAZING *takes a long dreamy sigh*
I also kept holding off on asking for awhile but uh Tantalus, minos, lamia, and sisyphus. . .I see some resemblance to a certain quartet I could mention right now and I'm not sure if my mind is playing with my ass. . .I noticed it in your toyhouse for awhile but uhhhh, I was way to nervous to ask
-Ulysses loving anon
no you're so good... ty for sending multiple asks jdkfhhjdfkj
OKAY LIKE I SAID ATILLA (he/she) AND VIOLA (she/they) ARE BASED OFF OF CHARACTERS IN THE 12TH NIGHT. just. most of the plot of 12th night only happen later in their life
atilla is the older twin of viola and when they turned 18 they immediately moved out of their parents' house and started looking for work. they barely got by but managed to stay afloat by doing errands for fixer neighbors. they applied to multiple wings but one day they get a letter from lobcorp that they've been accepted to become feathers, atilla a agent, viola a clerk (doesn't really do wonders for her mental health but it is what it is)
tho eventually lobcorp falls and the branch they were in falls (tho there is a main lobcorp timeline where none of that happens and most of 12th night also doesn't happen, it just follows viola and atilla in lor)
however in lcb/canon timeline, viola just has to deal with her insecurities of not being good enough and having an identity outside of her brother and uh. She Sure Is Not and Will Not Continue Having a Good Time. in their adulthood, they end up trying to do more odd jobs to stay afloat after the collapse of L. corp and cuts off after act 3 when atilla duels a nobleman and kills him while getting confused for being viola, leading viola to run away and getting picked up by lcb to escape the consequences temporarily. she doesn't know atilla is still alive and she's just so shellshocked about everything and is attempting to not show that
viola's canto is mainly facing the consequences of your actions and identity, and most of her issues are Still unresolved, but she's slowly getting better and coming to terms she may be transgender (SHE HAS SO MANY ISSUES. I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!)
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viola comp she's so sillay
also yeas.... sisyphus, tantalus, minos, and lamia are all connected to the four horsemen... they're the original horsemen in the kescorp universe, the horsemen versions of themselves were pulled from a mirror world!
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stevie-petey · 5 months ago
GOD the last chapter was so so heartbreaking to read :( bug just wants steve to live his own life without dragging him with her to college in fear of it being the cause of their relationships downfall in the future UGHH and max and bugs sisterhood will never not make me cry they’re just so alike that it actually scares me bc they’re both willing to do anything to protect those around them (and are both stubborn about it!!) i don’t even know where to begin with dustins crying 😭😭 he’s forever bugs baby brother!! i love how even if they’re going thru a rough patch as siblings they still care for eachother just as much if not more now that they’re aware of what’s happening in hawkins <3 robin is still hawkins #1 bae like if no one’s gonna take her out Ik here im ready please give me a chance!! sorry vickie! (sorry i just had to share my thoughts about rob) AND IM WISHING EDDIE STRENGTH FOR WHATS ABOUT TO COME oh btw nance and bug?? i love these two so much!! and i love how instead of creating a big fight over jealousy between the two girls we got them as supportive gfs who literally praises eachother everytime <3 my adhd is so bad excuse this very very long anon letter
but yeah jonathan..ily but not on my watch….you leave bug and steve alone okay? please and ty <3 btw i hope school is going okay for u!! sending love  x 
-a very very stressed anon (leaving this strawberry & star cuz ik i’ll send more rants soon! 🌟🍓)
every time i watch season 4 im just like damn rip eddie u didnt stand a chance. poor lad.
but YES bug n max <333 theyve always had a cute lil connection so them fighting literal demons together seemed very fitting. same for nance and bug, i see them all on the same wavelength of "we all mutually respect each other even though we are lowkey too similar to get along"
now max and bug both willing to die for their loved ones ,,,, oh just u wait <3
steve and bug :(( their first real fight and its about literally spending the rest of their lives together. very typical of them tbh. sucks that trauma is preventing this from happening rip.
and DUSTIN !!! man i love complex sibling relations ugh when theyre flawed its so <333 like yes !! be human !! hurt each other !!
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cactus-juciest · 24 days ago
Any Ty Lokka headcanons to share?
My first ask! Never expected this tbh so thank you, anon. As a matter of fact, I have plenty:
When Ty Lee finally learns the name of the cute Water Tribe boy she’s been crushing on, she won’t stop repeating “Sokka! Sokka! Sokka! Sokka!” for hours. Azula and Mai lose their minds.
After the war, Ty Lee is quick to stake her claim but Sokka has trouble getting over her previous villainy. That changes when she sends him a ticket to one of her circus performances and while doing the trapeze, she swoops down over the crowd and kisses him. He’s 100% smitten from then on and learns to appreciate her mean streak.
Sokka makes several attempts to paint her portrait, but Ty Lee really struggles to sit still and keeps getting out of her seat to see his progress. Although Sokka isn’t the world’s most talented artist, Ty Lee loves his art of her anyway…and it might have to do with the way he overemphasizes her smile, the length of her braid…and certain other charms.
Their PDA is almost nonstop: hand-holding, pecks on the cheek, lots of cuddling. But the big one is Ty Lee always wanting to sit on Sokka’s lap. It’s her favorite place to sit in the whole world and she never misses a chance to climb over and onto him. Sokka normally likes some personal space but comes to accept that “his” personal space belongs to Ty Lee too.
Every time Sokka gets down on a knee for any reason at all, Ty Lee shouts, “Yes! Yes! Yes! It’s about time!” …including on their first date. He starts leaving his shoes untied to spare her feelings.
Their wedding is a chaotic mess. Sokka plans every detail down to the letter because that’s the way he is, but Ty Lee makes the mistake of choosing her sisters as bridesmaids…who all want to be the bride instead (they’re identical sisters so ofc they have the same taste in boys lol). Each of them has a different scheme to replace Ty Lee at the altar, so she has to suffer being tied up, gagged, locked in a closet, drugged, etc. Good thing Sokka has learned to tell the sisters apart. He’s able to identify and reject the imposters before they say their vows, and the wedding has to be delayed/repeated six times before he uses his detective skills to track down and free Ty Lee. That night, she chi blocks her sisters as a precaution to keep them away from the honeymoon suite.
They’re both blanket hogs and their unconscious tugs of war are legendary. They live at the South Pole, where Sokka often wakes up in the middle of the night to find himself on the edge of the bed with Ty Lee right next to him, aggressively snuggling for warmth. She is not a big fan of the cold to say the least.
Not sure how many kids they have. But I think I subscribe to the idea that multiple births run in Ty Lee’s family so they might get anywhere between 3 and 7 for the price of one.
As an avid spiritualist, Ty Lee sometimes decides to ‘air out her aura’ by forgoing clothes while at home. She encourages Sokka to do the same. He fully endorses this practice for reasons unrelated to auras.
On second thought they probably do have a lot of kids.
In a high school AU they’d be a nerd x cheerleader couple. Ty Lee pursues Sokka and makes it clear she wants him to take her to homecoming…by telling him outright. She also shows up to his math team competitions in her cheerleader uniform, silently jumping up and down in the back of the room when he gets an answer right. They kinda have the vibe of a classic horror movie couple so I wrote this fic for them. I know it’s oddly specific lol.
They have a lot of potential for meet cutes in a modern AU. My favorite is Ty Lee as a waitress and Sokka as a customer (probably the best Ty Lokka I’ve written: Order Up!), but others that come to mind are yoga instructor x student, airline pilot x stewardess, cop x driver (trying to flirt their way out of a ticket), patient x nurse and swimmer x lifeguard.
That’s all I have for now! Thank you again for the ask. Sorry it took a while to answer but I really enjoyed getting to scoop out all the Ty Lokka thoughts in my head, so you’re always welcome to send more!
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crystalflygeo · 1 year ago
Long overdue final ebg post (lmao) bc I need to get this out of my system...
Tag for all the posts/storyline
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Art by the amazing lovely precious cutie Aine @/ainescribe
First of all I want to thank @i23kazu immensely for allowing me to participate pls I was SO unsure at first haha and she absolutely killed it with the interactions, the lil side project, the prompts, the scores tally... it's just so much work, kudos to you Ying fr!! It was a super fun game.
Shoutout to my besties/mutuals
@silentmoths @ainescribe thank you for your lil asks I love seeing your characters aaaaaaaa 💕
@floraldresvi @moraxsthrone and all the anons I got, your sabotages here and in discord were brutal omg Vi you almost made my cry //pos bc I wanted to react/respond to Li's messages 🥺 EVERY SINGLE TIME ghgnhgnghgn and NOT KEL MAKING MY GIRL HAVE A WET DREAM/SPICY MEMORY TYVM 💕 the way I had to contain myself hELP I loved it svcgavscgvsjgacbkackl
@meimeimeirin you also sabotaged me a lot, meanie //pos I loved SO MUCH your asks/little stories aaaaaa thank you for engaging so much when I know you're super busy 🥺 it def made my day everytime, ty for bringing the girl home and solving my silly lil mystery hehe 💕
@kurikurikurisu GIIIIIRL it's so funny to me that we kinda started interacting more on the last ebg for Rin and then I was like "she's a cool person I wanna fren.... 👉🏻👈🏻 but I shy...." took my sweet time to invite you to the server and turns out THIS ebg got us closer (I think? ehe?//hit) we didn't interact much in tumblr with each other's plots but bOY were we emotional support in discord, we really were in this suffering together 🤝🏻 mhm //nods nods 🤣 thank you so much for being interested in my lil silly plot and my girl aaaaaa
As for the "plot" and other things... (this got so long I am so sorryy;;;)
Well at first I wanted to do kinda a normal ebg, no plot or anything bc I don't think I have the smarts to do an elaborate game/story lmao and I kinda wanted to have more established s/i lore?? And then I realized hey I can use the ebg to introduce my s/i!!!
See I'd been working SO hard on her names lately, researching and studying in-game adepti lore and stuff and I though why don't I make it a simple game where the goal is to guess her name (with me giving hints ofc) and at the very start I had the idea of her losing her memories so she could re-discover/remember things about herself alongside the "players" learning them. Whoever character I got as my bias would help her and get to know her too along the way, even npcs (or in the rare case of me getting Dottore/Pantalone, probs be the villain for her memory loss lmao)
And then I got Kazuha. And it was so SO perfect. I took inspiration from Spirited Away with the plot point of having your name/memories/identity stolen and for some reason I remembered the whole Ino-shika-cho koi-koi card combo from Summer Wars I just had this vivid mental image of a scene where Kazuha dropped the biggest hint by writing the Kanji for Butterfly (Chō) which doubles ofc as the Hanzi for Butterfly/Crystalfly (Dié) written the same pronounced (and romanized) differently :3c
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I was very proud of myself//hit also
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I did not end up making haiku bc they are complicated but I at least tried to loosely keep/emulate the 3 phrases, phonetic rhyme and sensory elements while referencing my lil plot lmao
✧˖Originally I was gonna blame it on a playful tanuki or smth but I don't think they're powerful enough youkai lmao it was probably a kitsune.... we may never know ✧˖She was technically never in any danger yeah but imagine being lost with no memories and no way to know if you could get them back even because every person she met kept telling her they didn't know ofc she'd break down, or at least me, I'm very crybaby and neurotic sometimes//HIT ✧˖Yes this entire thing was technically Zhongli's fault since he did write her a letter addressed 亲爱的晶蝶 ("My dear Crystalfly/Jingdie") and that IS her name woops on a random note I kinda imagine he also signs with something like 你的龙 "Your Dragon" and vice versa with Crys ("My dear Dragon/your Crystalfly") sgcvgajsvcjhacbajkca //squeals kicks feets
And all this started because I was stressing over the fact that "Crys" is not an appropriate name for a Liyue character lmao, I debated for so long giving her a chinese name, but I didn't want to further make her an OC I wanted her to represent me/my blog (also part of me was and still is immensely worried I somehow insult cn ppl by being as some sort of weeabo equivalent or that I am "appropriating culture" or idk I may be dumb but I try to do my research and I prommy it does not come from a place of malice or anything I genuinely love genshin and Li and it's got me interested in a culture/country I funnily enough have somehow interacted with and have friends in but never really paid that much attention to ig...) and then I just had the epiphany What if I just reverse engineer and name her Crystalfly in cn? Lore would be that either her name got accidentally translated in documents a long long time ago and ppl started calling ehr Crystalfly/Crys and she rolled with it or she simply adopted the translation/nickname as her name for international settings, keeping her true name more private (hidden in plain sight tbh) p sure the only ones who know are the elder adepti (Ganyu/Xiao included) and Neuvillette (once he told her his real/first name) (ironically Crys may be harder to pronounce i other languages lmaoooo rip Fontaine)
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Anyway this got way too long lmao sorrryyyyyyyy thank you everyone kith kith love y'all bye!! 💕
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shinycollarboneapologist · 2 years ago
omg illicit affairs anon here and happy to report how I feel on every taylor song!!! my fav album is evermore so I would die for any song on there and will defend it to my death.
matty is literally who taylor wrote all this songs for wdym?? Harry Styles? never heard of him... style is clearly for Mr. Matthew Timothy Healy and I won't here shit otherwise! I love to live in my delusion and pretend peace is ab me and matty bc he's so famous... no I am not mentally well thanks for asking!!!!
mirrorball? I think it's safe to say I'm a mirrorball stan considering I have a tattoo for it on my ribs... FOLKLORE IS POETRY I LOVE IT (I also rated the whole of folklore and mirrorball is no.3)
my tears ricochet? I CAN GO ANYWHERE I WANT, ANYWHERE I WANT JUST NOT HOME!!! proud owner of an og folklore cardigan here I love my tears ricochet!!!! it's number 6 on my overall folklore rating which sounds low but folklore just has too many bangers you know??
tis the damn season? seeing this on the eras tour set list did send me into cardiac arrest, thank you!!! this is one of those sad bangers that gets me HYPE to feel depressed but slightly jam at the same time. I was prepped to have 0 evermore songs but to have THIS?? I cried watching the live stream at 3am (International swiftie grind)
false god? unlike any other taylor song but it BANGS!!! I want her to play it and john from the 1975 to play all the sax bits ty!! lover is my 3rd favourite album and I haven't been able to listen to it since... the news :(((
I also am a debut stan I am happy to say, people give it wayyyy to much hate!! picture to burn?? should've said no?? I'm only me when I'm with you?? our song?? it's a no skip album and I'll take that to my grave.
overall miss taylor swift deserves every award and I want her and the '75 to stand there and preform their entire discography to me and you in our cottage ty, as payment we will name some cats after them!!
love you bestie <33333
EVERMORE AND SPEAK NOW ARE MY TOP TWO (WITH 1989 and FOLKORE TIED FOR A THIRD). evermore has the worlds best song (champagne problems) and the deluxe tracks???? right where you left me? its time to go? like okay ms. swift...
PLEJDGLDF as a h*rry stan and a 75 stan, my delusional brain goes back and forth through periods of daydreaming about 1989 being the harry album and the matthew Timothy healy love letter. ALSO i am right with you with the whole daydreaming thing. maybe mine is champagne problems being about me and matty and me not being ready for a relationship with him bc i love angst and drama. (i am the drama. also the rumor that went around when it first came out that champagne problems was about justin and selena? that broke me..)
MIRRORBALLLLLLLLLLL SENDS MEEEEEEE FOR A LOOP. its the song i lay in bed to and just stare at the ceiling, literally on my disassociation playlist. (i wish i was joking). and omg.. the tattoo.. its literally on my list of ones i want to get. (besties and twinsies)
me adding u to my rob list bc i longed for a folklore cardigan. ALSO. I GET TTTT IT SO MUCH. folklore is a banging album.
the way i literally threw my phone when she started playing it. i was in SHOCK. its literally top tier from the album. i was so ready for her to disrespect evermore completely, so i was very much satisfied that it was on the setlist.
FALSE GOD IS SO SEXY TO ME. the sax ... the soulfulness. i sway when it comes on bc its just so good?!?!? also ur so right for wanting john to play the sax on it. i think i would keel over and die. (Also just wanted to update you that i listened to lover on the way home from work ln and it .... it wounded me but i was BRAVE)
debut is soooooooooo chef's kiss. i am not a country fan at ALL. but i will get down and dirty to her old music idc. our song <3 im an our song STAN. i loved the music video.
me and you inviting only miss swift and the 1975 (plus their touring band) to our little cottage with our cats. it sounds like heaven to me. (matty is only allowed in when he's performing though, we have to humble him somehow)
love you SO MUCH. i hope ur having a wonderful day <3
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navxry · 11 months ago
This is your ticket to go on a ramble of anything that’s on your mind or anything you want to go ahead and share! Lore, creations, thoughts, anything that’s interesting you lately.
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Anon, I'm afraid you're giving me full rights to rant about the worst things in my head (/exag, it's not that bad I promise)
Anyways uh read more time!
Lowkey had thoughts of running a certain story in a different blog, or making a game for it. It's still in the works because I need to polish up a few things, make it make sense, etc., but it's still up there.
The reason why is actually pretty simple: I feel like people don't like to interact when it's not about the reader, so I decided that maybe I should make a game. It's going to have its own variation + my own indulgent version (that will NEVER see the light of day in my other blogs, fuck you), but I'm not sure if people would enjoy it. I know my friends would, but would someone that I don't know like that?
Speaking of which, I already have the blog made. 2, actually! One is for another purpose, which would be a love letter blog for a fandom. I missed writing IDV because I've left the game (it was becoming too much for my phone </3 sad time gamers), so I decided to try a love letter format for Yan IDV residents. I doubt I'll get traction, but it's a cute idea and self indulgent in a way, because I get to write my faves being in a variety of levels of unhinged.
I think I'm more or less hesitant on the first idea because it feels like the initial reception just... Didn't pan out so well haha. It feels like I'm trying to show my own personal stories to the wind, but the wind refuses to even acknowledge it's existence. With this method though, I can at least say that at least the people that like it will know where to look for it.
Again, it still needs polishing, it's not done and I sure as hell KNOW that it'll take months if I took the game route. However, I think it'll be worth it if I just push myself to try. It's the only thing I can feasibly do, after all.
To my friends who supported it and even to the people that followed the story in silence: thanks. You guys make it bearable for me to try this method. It sucks that it'll be something I (most likely) won't do on that blog and transferring it would be tough, but so is life atp. I'm probably gonna most likely cut it with plan B's ending (I knew my initial plan won't work orz), so uh. We'll see how it goes, yeah?
(also I am kinda glad I didn't get to 200 followers there ironically because MOST ARE FUCKING BOTS AND SOME ARE MINORS LIKE HELLO??? So unfortunately I have to block them en masse and tbh? I'm gonna update my rules for that. I don't want minors interacting there no sir.)
(yes I'm talking to a few of you that interacted there while knowing y'all are minors/ageless in your blogs. Don't think I don't see you.)
Anyways ty anon for giving me the ticket to rant, I needed that. Hopefully this didn't sound so depressing oops.
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rayofsunas · 4 years ago
"you'll be fine." they said.
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A/n: surprise update hehe. ahhh, it feels great to be back writing requests again, let me just say that :) i know it's been three months since i've written out any requests, but now that i have more free time i'm going to be writing a lot more hehe. i also know there are some really old requests, and my goal is to write those out first, BUT i couldn't stop thinking about this request so i started here first lol (ty anon for this cute request!). anyways, stay safe and happy everyone!! enjoy <3
Summary: you go on a short, but much-needed vacation, leaving your chaotic child/children in the care of your lovely, clueless, lover.
Parings: Albedo/Fem! Reader, Diluc/Fem! Reader, Scaramouche/Fem! Reader
Warnings: fluff (much needed after my recent works), tiny bit of angst, crack, swearing
Word count: 5k
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"He's much calmer than Klee, trust me, you will be fine love."
Thank goodness you were... partially correct with your reassuring words.
As soon as you left around noontime, Albedo was able to lull your son to sleep with a story about a certain Dragon, leaving the young boy sleeping for quite some time. In the three hours that the little toddler was off in snooze land, Albedo had gotten much done. Letters to fellow alchemists had been neatly written and sent off with the help of Sucrose, and he'd even been able to catch up on some of his old notes, to which he occasionally added to when he had the time. Though these days, parenting came first, which he didn't mind of course. But he did miss the months-long journeys across Teyvat that always left him returning home with more of an understanding of this peculiar world. Instead, he'd traded in his maps, beakers, and occasionally sword in for storybooks, hourly diaper changes, and a crazy amount of tummy time. But one thing for sure was Albedo wouldn't give up being a father for the world. He adored his little family so much.
The rest of the day went smoothly, which without a doubt helped Albedo sleep much more soundly that night. Though, the very next morning, everything went downhill.
Without a doubt, the young alchemist was more than used to early mornings and he rarely ever slept in, which he surprisingly preferred despite working incredibly long hours. But the sound of loud booming sounds outside of the house was enough to make Albedo want to go back to sleep and forget that he had such a terrible routine when it came to sleeping.
In all of her loud glory, behind the door was his younger sister, Klee. Eyes wide, awake and alert, despite how early it was. She was dressed for the day and appeared ready for a fun adventure. Unfortunately, like most days as of recently, Albedo couldn't accompany her. Not this time.
"Klee, good morning." Mumbled a tired Albedo.
"Hello, Albedo!" The child cheered happily, eyes glistening. He couldn't help but smile warmly at the little girl, but nonetheless, her chaotic energy did tire him easily, especially so early in the morning.
"Why're you alone?" The older blonde wondered, peeking around to see if anyone accompanied the easily troublemaking girl. He wasn't very shocked to see she was alone.
"Master Jean left me with Captain Kaeya, she has grown quite busy these days," The pyro wielder started. "And Captain Kaeya left me outside of the Favonious Headquarters, he was pretty busy as well... So I came here!" She cheered happily, despite one of the few people willing to join in on her trouble-making antics having to do adult things for once.
Another terribly loud boom sounded through the doorway again as Klee carelessly dropped her bombs on the ground below her shoes, laughs, and cheers of excitement soon following.
"Please, keep your bombs to a minimum... Or else-" No sooner than Klee had dropped her bombs, unsurprisingly, his son had begun to sob.
Albedo sighed, ushering Klee safely inside before disappearing around the corner to quiet his son down. This was his first mistake. Allowing Klee into the neatness of his home. His second mistake was forgetting how much she adored his son. She loved showing him her bombs, despite how young he was or how many times Albedo reminded her that they were incredibly dangerous; Klee always thought his little gurgles were that of approval. Albedo wanted to argue the opposite, he was just a small, clueless, toddler.
As soon as the Mondstadt native had managed to quiet his son down, Klee had instantly been the one to awaken him again, for the second time this morning.
"Albedo, do you think we could go on an adventure, us three!?" Klee asked excitedly, peering into the crib to stare down the adorable toddler who stared up at her equally as curious.
"Why?" She wondered with sad eyes.
"Not much time has gone by since the last time you asked." Not even a month had gone by since she last asked to go on an adventure with Albedo and the small toddler present, hell, it hadn't been long at all since Albedo had to calm her down after refusing.
"That is true, but Lady Y/n isn't here, so we would have more time to explore!"
"I'm afraid not this time, Klee," Albedo said. "I cannot accompany you on your journey, but I can walk you back to the Knights Headquarters."
Despite starting off rocky this morning, and seeing as how one could easily become optimistic after realizing Klee had become more than content with conversing with her little friend, Albedo knew not to get his hopes up too high.
He was right to do so because no sooner did the three leave for the City of Freedom did Klee run off in the opposite direction. For twenty minutes, Albedo chased a giggling Klee around in the fields outside of the city, meanwhile, the toddler in his arms cried with every hop and bounce.
Thankfully, Klee couldn't run forever, which resulted in her stopping eventually. But Archons, did she run for a long time. Albedo nearly tackled his sister as soon as she stopped, hoping to keep her in one place so she couldn't run off again.
Somehow, even with Klee's habit of getting lost, the three made it to the inner city in one piece.
Thank Barbatos...
As promised, Albedo accompanied his sibling to the Knight's Headquarters, leaving Klee to run off to greet Kaeya who had been smugly striding out of the Knight's Headquarters when the Geo and Pryo wielders ascended the stairs. Thankfully, the man offered to once again look after Klee, which definitely seemed better right now considering Albedo had other things, one being a toddler, to take care of.
Though nothing came without a price with the Cavalry Captain, meaning he expected something in return for the great service, as he'd put it, he'd be doing. Albedo decided, despite not particularly being fond of drinking, he'd accompany him to one of the taverns some night in the future and bill his drink.
Now that Klee was thankfully out of his hair so he could properly attend to his son, Albedo realized that the wild girls' presence only seemed to spur on the wildness in his son.
He seemed smitten with Klee's aura, especially her friendly nature and bombs... Albedo should've known something so dangerous would leave his son so curious, he was an impressionable baby after all, and nonetheless, his father's son; Albedo found that he was often drawn to dangerous things, naturally of course, given alchemy was a mysterious and more often than not, dangerous job.
To say the least, nap time was nonexistent, as was the toddler's usual drive to sit still. Albedo had never seen his son walk, crawl, nor run so fast in all of his two years of life, and it was hard to keep up surprisingly.
Dinner went expectedly well, but by the time bedtime rolled around, the toddler was cranky and shockingly so, went down with a fight. The lack of his usual nap seemed to spur on the crankiness, and Albedo couldn't understand why he wouldn't go down easily, especially since he'd missed the daily routine and appeared to be grumpy due to being tired.
It took the Geo wielder two whole hours for him to finally put his son to sleep. Lullabies only seemed to frustrate the boy, and lines from his favorite picture book didn't grab his attention like usual, not even a warm bottle soothed him to sleep.
Thankfully, the fireflies in the little mason jar did. It would act as a new obsession for the toddler, probably for a while. But as the young boy admired the dancing lightning bugs flutter around in the jar, Albedo realized he would have to catch many, many more when his son couldn't sleep, because it was the only thing that seemed to work.
By the end of the second day alone, Albedo himself was coming quite... cranky. He wanted nothing more than to run into your warm embrace and let you take over again, after all, you seemed to know how to better take care of your son than he did.
And Albedo hated accepting defeat, it was something he rarely did. He never ever gave up... But, it seemed like it would ultimately come to that when you returned home and he begged you to never leave again.
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"Don't be so scared to say no to them, yeah? You'll do great!"
The wine tycoon wanted to argue that it was easier said than done. Because it was absolutely true.
Despite seeming cold and distant on the outside, it was an impossible matter when it came to him refusing his children. Though, like you kindly reassured, saying no was okay, putting your foot down was okay. But not now, not when you were hours away and he had to deal with two uncontrollably crying toddlers.
"No, you shall not wander off the property grounds." They were only toddlers, yes, so the question was how far could they truly get? Diluc learned it was pretty far, despite being so little. His oldest had already begun running away as soon as she could hold herself upright, and he didn't want to think about his younger impressionable son learning to do the same...
"Your brother can't, so it will not be happening. My decision is final." One could argue it was unfair that his eldest child wouldn't be allowed to go outside and enjoy playing under the sun, just because her younger brother was too young to do the same, unlike her, a year older. The wealthy man had solid reasoning for not allowing it; he wanted his children to have equal chances at certain opportunities, so of course, if his son couldn't go outside and join in on the fun, his daughter would ultimately miss out as well. Surely, they could all have fun inside together, under the careful watch of his attentive gaze. He wanted to see them both happy.
"Absolutely not. Captain Kaeya will not be taking you two anywhere." If you were here, without a doubt, Diluc would've been persuaded into allowing his son and daughter to accompany their uncle on an adventure around Mondstadt. But you weren't here, and wouldn't be for a few more hours. So, Diluc refused the idea entirely. Knowing the ever so troublesome Kaeya, he'd get them all in loads of trouble, leaving Diluc to pick up the mess with his influence or money. The redhead would rather not fork over crazy amounts of money or assert his influence over the common folk all because Kaeya had frozen a farmer's crops, because to him, it was childishly hilarious. His two, precious, children would not be influenced by the likes of him, no matter how loud or long they whined to go with him.
But now he was afraid maybe, just maybe, he'd said no a little too often and comfortably during your absence... He was only following your suggestion though.
"Why isn't this working..." The Pyro wielder muttered awkwardly whilst handing the two toddlers each tiny stuffed animal, watching as his daughter threw it out of her reach and his son began fussing for his mother once again.
"Sir, you should take them for a walk!" Suggested one of his children's maids. She'd bowed her head respectively as she greeted her superior and his younglings before admiring the fussing children.
At this point, after hours of wailing and discontent, Diluc would do anything to quiet them. "Do you really think it would work?" He wondered.
"Yes! I often see Lady Y/n going out for evening strolls with the two children, she usually returns with them both soundly asleep."
"My wife... she's special. Of course, she could get them to fall asleep."
The family's maid nodded her head gently, deep in thought. She didn't want her words to offend him, so of course, she'd choose them wisely. "I suppose, a mother's touch is unique. But yours can be too," She reassured. "You're their father after all!"
"Yes..." Diluc mumbled, stepping forward to gently grab each child and hold them tightly to his broad chest. "I will take you up on your suggestion."
The maid gushed, happy that the young master seemed to be more than happy to follow her suggestion. "Wonderful sir! I will have a nice warm dinner prepared, and hopefully, for your sake, Lady Y/n will be back by the time you're done."
With that, the maid bowed her head again and offered a small smile to the toddlers, before scurrying off to prepare a nice meal.
"Come you two, we shall go for a nice walk."
To say the least, the walk was less than satisfactory. The youngest Ragnvindr was still wailing by the time Diluc had lapped the Winery once, and he had no intentions of stopping anytime soon; Diluc knew he probably missed your doting presence. Thankfully his daughter had stopped to admire the butterflies around their home, but no later did they flutter off, she began crying again too.
Archons, when it came to his children, he felt so useless. All he could offer them was a title and name to be considered worthy enough of gifts from the Gods. He couldn't quell their cries, nor entertain them long enough for them to remain happy... All he wanted was to see them happy and catch a moment's sound of silence. He would be getting neither until you returned home to fix this.
By the time his daughter began crying, Diluc had enough of the short-lived walk and immediately stumbled back inside. Thankfully, dinner smelled just about done, and he'd noticed a pair of shoes by the door that he immediately recognized as yours.
Now e could finally breathe, all he had to do was find you, and kindly beg for your assistance... For comforting his children was not his strong suit. He was sure wherever you were, you would come bounding towards him at the sounds of hiccups and cries, you always had.
Within minutes of his assumption, you were seen at the top of the winding stairs, eyes filled with worry at the unexplained crying. You were down and standing at the bottom of the stairs in front of him within seconds, eyes drifting between the redhead and small children.
"You're back," Diluc breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."
"I was unpacking," you explained, offering him a worrying smile, offering with a nudge of your head to hold one of the toddlers, he immediately handed you your son. "You look... annoyed." You explained, bouncing and cooing at your son, who somehow, someway, immediately quieted down.
Diluc felt jealousy at that fact, but nonetheless, he was thankful and could not complain. The cries had come to a stop.
"I've been dealing with crying children all day. I'm frustrated." Diluc admitted, for once, allowing his true feelings slip through the exhausted cracks.
With a frown, you dipped your head forward to plan a small kiss on his now reddening cheeks. "I see, I'm sorry to hear that," You whispered gently, arm reaching out to smooth down your daughter's wild mane. "But look! They're both happy now." You smiled happily, glad to be back with your family.
"Yes, I see."
"He's a bit fussy, naturally, but she's more prone to start crying if she sees him upset." You explained. "I think she was worried that something was wrong; he's probably just entering his terrible two's though." With that, you turned swiftly and made your way to the dining room, Diluc dejectedly followed.
"So what did you three do today?" You called back to him.
"Well, they were unhappy the entire day," Diluc explained, ignoring your worried eyes as soon as you got the chance to turn and look at him.
"Oh, my poor loves," You frowned. "And you didn't catch a break did you?" No response, but you already knew your answer... His silence was very telling.
"You know, you could've handed them off to one of their maids, I'm sure they wouldn't mind assisting you."
"I suppose... But I wanted to do it, I'm already absent as it is."
Another deep frown settled upon your beautiful features. He mirrored your features. Diluc hadn't meant to become so... gloomy. Especially since you've just returned from what he hoped was a nice trip to the sea with Lisa
"Don't think like that, love. They appreciate you. It was just one terrible day; how many good days have you had with them?" No response again. You knew your answer. "Exactly! You're an amazing father, don't doubt your abilities."
He hummed, appreciating your compliments and words of reassurance. Thanks to your kindness, he was able to shove his worries to the back of his for now and admire you awestricken. But as he was helping his daughter into her high chair, and you were doing the same with your son, he couldn't help but lowly snort to himself. You heard it, despite how quiet he was trying to be.
"What's so amusing?"
He smiled, "I'm afraid I've said no a bit too much today. I believe it's overkill at this point. Apologies..."
You laughed along with him. "At least you're self-aware."
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"She's chaos because of you, I figured you would know best how to look after her."
He should've known. It wasn't even uncommon at this point, for you to just casually leave in the wee hours of the morning and escape for a bit. It was so like you. Especially on days where he had important matters to attend to, and you knew.
It wasn't always that you got to visit Snezhnaya, so when you ventured with your lover into the chilly tundra, you always made sure to explore if you had the free time. When you traveled without Scaramouche in Fatui territory, you usually left Mei in your second home with him, seeing as though the toddler was too tiny to travel in the cold. This time was no exception, as your only parting gift had been a cheeky letter messily scribbled and even messier heart added to truly piss him off.
Though just because caring for his daughter usually was uncharted territory, nonetheless, as a man he would step up to the plate and care for her. So, without a worry in the world, the short man strode into the Cryo Archons palace, eyes stone cold as he walked with his head held high.
Though, despite his haughtiness, and authority, the lower ranking Fatui dared stare at him and his precious daughter.
Why did they all need to stare, questioning his authority just because he was holding a small child, his own flesh and blood. They had no right to watch him with demeaning looks in their eyes. How dare they diminish him.
"Nosy inferior beings, it would be best if you minded your business before I put you in your places." He called to the three Fatui soldiers standing under the shadow of a pillar, Scaramouche's keen eyes still spotted them. How could he not? They were cackling loudly, anyone would hear them.
"Sir!" The three saluted before the two men strode off with their own heads held high as if they were trying to assert the dominance he'd just shattered, and the woman scurried off before she could further be embarrassed.
Scaramouche smirked to himself, enjoying how all of the remaining soldiers in the great hallway seemed to straighten up and bow to him as if he were a God. Now, this was a sight he did miss while away in Inazuma, and he'd much enjoyed it this way.
"That's not very fatherly of you, old man!" Cheered Childe a little too gleefully as he came striding out from one of the doors embedded in the wall off to the left.
Stopping in his tracks, Scaramouche turned and stood with pointed eyes. The purple hues only seemed to darken and sharpen at the sight of the eleventh Harbinger, to who everyone seemed to bow their heads lower. The elder Harbinger scowled.
Bastard always stole his thunder.
"I don't think Y/n would appreciate that, either." The redhead noted, Scaramouche rolled his eyes blatantly. "Her precious daughter in the presence of violence?" The young man clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "She'd skin you alive." Ignoring what sounded like a threat, he held Mei closer to his chest.
"Our daughter." Scaramouche reminded, noticing that now Childe was scowling as well. The younger man always had... affections for you. He was a true kiss ass in your presence, and now it seemed even well away from you too. Shattering his hope, if he still had any after all this time, was entertaining. Scaramouche's smirk reappeared.
"Yes, I almost forgot! You're so absent, it's easy to forget your relation to her."
The man scoffed, "You speak as if you ever had any relation to her. She's not your child, and Y/n is way out of your league, she's far too divine for the likes of you."
Childe hummed, thinking of some sort of comeback, nonetheless, despite Scaramouche's quick and almost too easily thought of sassy remarks, the ginger bounced back. "Then, how she managed to snag you is quite peculiar."
"I'd argue, out of the eleven of us, I'm the closest to divinity and you know it. The Gods favor me after all, it makes perfect sense."
Now, this was a sight Scaramouche also missed. Childe, for once in a long time, appeared embarrassed by the dejected way his superior responded, and even had the bold audacity to saunter off proudly.
Ahh, the two despised one another greatly.
"Can you tell her to be quiet?" Snapped La Signora who seemed more annoyed with Mei's presence than anyone else in the room. Despite popular assumptions, just because she was a woman, did not mean she had to adore children like the rest of the ladies with or without kids. In fact, she found them incredibly annoying, even if Scaramouche's daughter was quite adorable, though awfully chatty despite being so young and not able to form proper sentences. "She has not stopped babbling since she arrived." The eighth Harbinger noted, earning a glare from her fellow sixth Harbinger.
"It doesn't work like that, you imbecile," Scaramouche snapped equally as ferocious as her. "She doesn't know what she's doing nor saying half the time, kind of like you all," he said with a smirk, ruffling Mei's short, dark curls.
"Ah, being a father does not suit you, you've turned soft." Sandrone lazily noted from his seat on the opposite side of the table.
"Ah," The short male mocked with a devilish grin. "You're as boorish as ever, Sandrone. Quit blabbering, I'm afraid you'd lull me to sleep with your nonsense."
Sandrone laughed, "You do not know when or how to shut up, Little Skirmisher-"
"Enough." Came the gentle, but the ice-cold voice of the most divine in the room, her royal highness, the Tsaritsa. She was enough to silence, even the likes of Scaramouche, but not Mei.
La signora sighed, sounding bored, though her eyes were sharp and held malice as she stared down the innocent toddler. "Quiet your offspring, Balladeer."
The man adorning red eyeliner was just about to speak when he was silenced by the Tsaritsa's hand-raising. "No," She spoke softly, offering a rare, and barely visible smile. "It's alright... She's done nothing wrong." Of course, without a doubt any child of his would-be favored by none other than the Gods and heavenly divine, it was inevitable.
Scaramouche smirked at La Signora and Sandrone who both seemed to have an issue with Mei's curiosity and Scaramouche's parenting.
"The Tsaritsa seems smitten with her." Exclaimed Childe with a smile.
"She is a woman, all of them oddly adore children. Besides La Signora." The fifth harbinger, Pulcinella, boomed.
"Not all women adore children," La Signora reminded.
"Only the bitter ones." Pedrelino, ranked number one Harbinger, joked.
Everyone in the room, besides La Signora and her highness, seemed to find the joke somewhat funny; the remaining Harbingers burst out in laughs, snorts, and held mischievous smirks on their faces.
"Deplorable..." Muttered Signora, immediately turning towards the Archon, expecting her to begin with today's briefing she called all eleven Harbingers in for.
"Yes. We shall begin."
As the meeting finally commenced, Mei found herself content while playing with the tassels of her father's intricate hat, and for an hour while the meeting drew on awfully long, she stayed silent, except for the occasional babble towards Dottore, directly beside the father-daughter duo, who kept using his mask as a hide and seek game with her; she adored the doctor.
The journey home after the three hour's long meeting didn't take any longer than said meeting. Thankfully, it was only a few minutes walk in the light falling snow, and barely visible roads, and finally the father-daughter duo were back in the warmness of their second home.
Despite how much Scaramouche enjoyed pissing off his fellow Harbingers and allowed the attention from the inferior Fatui, he despised the cold. Inazuma was warm all year round, except in the mountains, but even then, it couldn't be compared to this. This was awful.
As soon as Scaramouche and Mei arrived at the warmth of their second home, that's when all Mei's praises deserved to get flushed down the drain. No sooner than she made it behind the safety of the large double doors, she began disobeying her father, who heavily praised her the entire way home for her ability to get on the good side of the Tsaritsa and embarrass his fellow soldiers, as well as play well during the meeting. Archons, she already reminded him of himself; two-faced and knowing when and how to put on a good show in public. Believe me, he didn't mind it all, but when she disobeyed him? Well, that was a problem.
"Brat! Stop touching things, your mother will blame me, and next time, she'll be running off with you!" Yelled Scaramouche as he tried pulling his daughter away from a very expensive-looking jeweled necklace that belonged to you. Scaramouche wasn't sure where it came from, but due to the purple gems, he assumed he'd gifted it to you at some point... Honestly, he couldn't care to remember.
"You've already drooled all over one of your mother's dresses, and it was rather expensive to sew, so honestly-"
Seeing as though it was mainly your things be either permanently destroyed or momentarily, it was safe to assume Mei missed you dearly. Though, she had a weird way of showing that she did.
"Oh my..." One of the few trusted maids that traveled with the young family stated as she stumbled into the living room, to see her superior tugging on Mei, the young toddler was gripping the jewels tightly.
"My Lord, do you... require assistance?"
"Does it look like I need assistance?" Scaramouche snapped. She nervously fidgeted with her sleeves. Of course, all the help knew better not to embarrass him, better yet, offend him. She wouldn't tell him what he didn't want to hear, even if it was the truth. Without leaving her much time to respond if she dared, Scaramouche quickly waved her off. "You may leave now."
By the time you arrived back home after a long day in the Snezhnayan city, you were exhausted and more than ready to curl up on the couch with your little family and fall fast asleep. To say the least, you were glad to be home. It was freezing, and the warmth coming from the fireplace definitely comforted you.
But the living room... was an absolute mess, ruining all plans of curling up on the couch. Your husband and daughter? Nowhere to be seen, which if it weren't for the calm-looking maids cleaning away at the mess everywhere, you would've assumed had been missing or the victims of a home invasion. There were broken glass shards, and even a singular circular jewel laying carelessly on the floor, and wait... what that your dress on the floor all cut up?
"Ladies, what happened here?"
"Afternoon Ma'am!" All the ladies bowed their heads out of respect, before the head maid, Sylvia, approached you. She curtseyed which you always reminded her wasn't necessary, but nonetheless, you allowed her to continue because you were more curious as to how the mess around you occurred.
"My Lord and Lady Mei were simply making crafts, and the young Lady mistook your dress and jewels for paper and decorations..." Sylvia lied, immediately knowing that if she admitted the young child had actually been carelessly making a mess, that she could be fired for allowing this to happen.
"Where are they now?" You wondered, eyes dancing around the room seeing neither in your line of vision.
"I believe they are upstairs resting, it's been a long day for My Lord."
You snorted, before nodding your head and heading towards the winding stairs. "Yes, thank you."
Like Sylvia had said, you found your lover and daughter upstairs in one of the spare rooms.
"Excuse me," You announced stepping into said room, spotting Scaramouche and his hat laying carelessly upside down on the bed. As you moved closer you noticed a small foot peeking out of the hat. "Why is our daughter sleeping in your hat?"
Scaramouche shrugged carelessly. "Not sure, she found herself there. I've decided to just roll with it since she's finally quiet and has stopped running around."
"Well," You said gently taking a seat on the bed beside the two, peering into the hollow part of the hat to see your little girl snoring, curly hair pushed off of her forehead and curling behind her ears. "She's quite adorable like this."
Your husband hummed tiredly. "Also that reminds me," You turned to face him. "She broke a few heirlooms, and your dress and necklace are ruined. I hope they weren't of importance."
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6.14.21, rayofsunas
591 notes · View notes
dysfunctionalcrab · 4 years ago
little notes
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pairing: slytherin!dream x reader [mcyt hogwarts au]
pronouns: gender neutral
requested by anon: hello :] can I request slytherin!dream x ravenclaw!reader where dream tries to court them by putting cute little notes in their books, writing love letters, giving little gifts or just impress them with his skills please? he’s just so in love with reader and his friends tease him for it?
note: the hogwarts house of the reader is not mentioned :) also i have not watched harry potter in years so sorry if things are a little inaccurate. ty to @basilly for correcting my mistakes and letting me sound a little less stupid ;-; ily <3 (there’s probs still some mistakes)
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you sat on your bed, the window was open and you felt a small breeze hitting your face; it made you slightly shiver. it was a cold, starless night, and here you were, still up reading textbooks at bedtime. stupid charms.
but your mind short-circuited the second you heard a knock on your door. you froze. eyebrows furrowing slightly in curiosity. who the hell could be at your door at this time? you got up, placing the textbook gently on your side table and opening the door slightly, peeking through the small hole. then, you opened it wider, when you saw nobody was there.
“what?” you murmured to yourself, looking left and right to see if anybody was in the corridors. you couldn’t see anyone.
just as you were about to shut the door, you noticed a small sheet of parchment. you picked it up and unfolded it. it was creased, with stars printed in the top right corner. it was most likely ripped out from a diary since the edges were quite rough.
colours seem brighter when you’re around - D
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you received your second note in class after two days. it was the only thing on your mind since then. you had a secret admirer you assumed, and it freaked you out.
you tried your best to listen to professor snape, but whatever the hell he was talking about, your brain couldn’t focus for more than 20 seconds before zoning out again, every voice being drowned out by your own thoughts
“turn to page 214,” he demanded, his voice thundered in your ears, making you jump
you did so, but as you turned the first page behind the contents, another piece of paper stuck out. you already knew what it might be.
you took it out of the page and tried to secretly open it, not catching any attention of others
your smile is contagious :)
your eyes widened. again, your head moved from side to side frantically, eyeing every student who was a possibility. surely, it had to be someone in this class. too bad your thoughts were cut short when snape started to approach you
instinctively, you shut the book. the slam startling the students around you, that didn’t help at all.
“[l/n]” you heard him call. you held your breath.
“yes sir.’ you answered him, sitting up straight, looking at him directly in the eyes trying to seem confident. you weren’t
but the note was held out in the open between your thumb and forefinger. he snatched it between your grasp.
“your smile is contagious” he read aloud, completely unamused, if eyes could kill, you’d be dead. the facial expression he wore was terrifyingly unimpressed.
chuckles erupted from students across the room, you held your head down in shame.
“you will no longer be smiling when i deduct 15 points from your house,” he said stoically, turning around and scrunching up the paper into a ball. “now pay attention, do not disrupt me again,”
“yes sir,” you muttered weakly
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another two days passed by. you sat in the great hall, waiting to indulge on some dessert. your best friend was venting about some other student while you pretended to listen.
eventually, you had your pleasantries in front of you, you sighed happily. today had been somewhat exhausting, you needed some food.
you snapped your head towards them.
“what?” you asked
your best friend chewed on their food, pointing down at your plate. you glanced down, and sure enough, another beige note was sticking from underneath your golden cup.
“is it from the same ‘D’ ?”
you nodded. “it’s the same piece of paper, and the same handwriting,”
“what does it say?” they tried snatching it from you. you smiled as you eyes read along the messy handwriting
you’re always the most beautiful person in the room,
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the corridors were packed. students were pushing you to the side in all different directions, it wasn’t unusual though.
you were headed to your next lesson, your mind was focused on nothing but how you dreaded seeing professor sprout. undoubtedly, she was a lovely lady, but her enthusiasm was something else, way too much for you to handle when you were fatigued from your previous classes, your equalled ardour was now locked away in the first year.
suddenly. your eyelids cracked open at the sound of a thud against the floor.
you looked downwards, a diary had fallen open on the ground, your hand automatically went to reach for it, hands rubbing the leather casing slowly, if it were any other ordinary situation, you would’ve simply handed it back and continued walking, but you froze when you noticed something you had become all too familiar with.
coffee stained parchment, printed stars in the top right corner, and messy handwriting. your breath hitched in your throat
you gaped at the blonde boy kneeling in front of you.
it wasn’t meant to happen the way it ended up happening. you were sat in class, a giant textbook with the words ‘advanced potion making by libatius borage’ was placed in front of you.
you had been sat next to dream for the whole term, the two of you weren’t the best of friends, but you weren’t enemies either, he just happened to sit next to you in potions. he had a reputation, a big one, yet, you weren’t intimidated or phased by him at all.
dream sighed, stirring the mixture in his cauldron. the colour wasn’t looking how it was meant to. you glanced over at his. yeah, he definitely needed your help before professor slughorn came over and checked
“do you need any help?” you asked him.
he didn’t even look at you, he just shook his head. “no, i’m good,” he brushed off. you knew he was trying to put on some sort of persona.
“you know-“ you stepped away from your own cauldron and pointed at his. “it’s not meant to be that colour. i can help you,”
“i already said no,” he said sternly, snapping his head towards you. his green eyes were sharp, piercing the back of your skull. yet, you still weren’t scared of him.
you knew dream long enough to know he was failing potions. he needed your help, unfortunately, only 5 minutes of class was left, and he was too far into the monstrosity he had created in his cauldron.
you thought about this. one bad grade wouldn’t affect you anyways, you were one of his favourites. but everybody knew that dream sucked at many of his classes due to his careless attitude. he’d been threatened to be thrown out the school many times.
he needed this.
so when dream looked away for a second, you switched cauldrons.
to say the least, he was shocked when slughorn told him that he had made it perfectly. he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he looked down at the liquid which looked nothing like it was before, and then looked at yours
“[l/n], i must say, i’m quite disappointed with how yours turned out,” slughorn admitted, eyeing it disgustedly.
you shrugged. “i must’ve read the instructions wrong, professor, i promise it won’t happen again,”
when class ended, you felt pretty good, skipping away, happy that you managed to help someone out today. until you heard a familiar voice beckon you from behind.
you froze. turning around and seeing a tall dirty blonde boy in his cloak walking closer to you. you didn’t know whether to stay or step back.
“what was that?” he questioned, obviously referring to your little switch in class
you shrugged again. “what do you mean?”
“you know what i’m talking about,”
“i don’t think i do,”
dream was taken aback your confidence, he wasn’t used to talking with someone who’s stood up against him so confidently. he didn’t hate it though. he licked the seam of his lips.
“thank you,” he said.
you shook your head, you must’ve misheard him. dream, saying thank you? “pardon?”
he chuckled. “i’m not saying it again,”
you smiled, looking up at him. “you’re welcome,” before turning on your heel, holding your textbook to your chest and walking away with a giant grin on your face
dream was intrigued. never had anyone done something like that to him. he felt a little bad now that he remembered his attitude towards you for most of the term. maybe because he was so used to people making fun of him, tried blocking you out before it started. however, it occurred to him that you only want to help.
he didn’t know it, but within a week of your next interactions, he was gonna be absolutely smitten for you
luckily for him. so were you.
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he offered a small smile.
“oh, hey [y/n]!”
he obviously didn’t know that he just gave himself away. you pursed your lips and watched the giant grandfather clock as it struck, your lesson was in 5 minutes. without warning, you grabbed his arm, hauling him away from the crowd of students.
you stood nervously, face to face with him as you contemplated what to say and what to ask him.
“are you o-,”
“have you been sending me notes?” you blurted out, slapping a hand over your mouth, regretting your approach as soon as the words spilled out.
he had a blank expression, as if he were trying to act like he didn’t know what you were talking about, but his body language said otherwise. he just gnawed at his lip
you quickly shoved a hand into your pocket, searching for the piece of paper. you pulled it out and took the diary that was in his hands, placing the papers on top of each other. he wasn’t escaping this one.
he sighed. “you’ve been on my mind since that first stupid class, [y/n],” he admitted, his green eyes looked vulnerable, much unlike the dream that everybody knew and was intimidated by.
“so you’ve been sending me notes?”
“i had to shoot my shot somehow,” he shrugged
a breathy chuckle came from you, you couldn’t fight off the smile that smeared across your face. of all the people it could’ve been, it was the cute boy from potions. you were relieved it wasn’t that weirdo second year kid that had been hitting on you for ages.
“so?” he spoke up.
“so what?”
“what do you say? will you allow me to court you?”
you rolled your eyes. “no need to be so formal,”
if you said no it would probably be the most embarrassing thing for him. for weeks his friends had been teasing him for ages, who ever heard of slytherin being all doe-eyed for one person? this was a win or lose.
you once again put a hand into the pocket of your cloak, pulling out a quill,
you scribbled messily on the pale yellow parchment, ripping it from its backbone, folding it up and handing it to him with a giant and confident grin on your face.
dream hesitantly opened it up
i would love to go out with you, idiot <3
taglist: @inniterhq @basilly @nitejade @bunnyloo @siriushxney @notphilosopherstudentblog @tinyegg @dreamiewrites @kai-was-here @shiyanchan @sleepysoupi @forutheworld @ttakinou @cr0wbonezz-wr1ting-inc @sabinanotfound @esylwen
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glazelilyy · 4 years ago
this picture + albedo pleaseee and congrats on your 500 <3
the picture:
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𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 - 𝐚 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢
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pairing - albedo x gender neutral reader (modern au!)
genre - fluff
word count - 471
a/n - hihi anon!! ty for the congrats :D this photo just...captures albedo's essence so well, i absolutely adore it :)
content under the cut!
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"why the hell does victorian literature have to be so damn complicated?!" though irritation laced your fatigued voice, it only came out in a hiss of a whisper rather than an elongated groan like you'd normally do.
you tossed aside your hardcover copy of jane eyre and huffed as quietly as you could into your arms. screw the syllabus, you just wanted to sleep.
albedo gently laughed from the seat beside you, his slender fingers came to wrap around the book you'd tossed onto the dark, wooden table.
"maybe we should take a break perhaps? it seems we won't accomplish much if you're not up to working." from your place slumped over on the desk with your face buried in your folded arms, you felt the gentle, hesitant strokes of albedo's palm brush against the top of your head.
"a break sounds absolutely fantastic, if i have to read one more line i think my brain might implode."
you hadn't registered the feeling of albedo's momentary absence from the table, too absorbed in your fatigue. it wasn't until you stretched your hand out seeking his warmth that you realized he was missing.
"bedo?" you groggily whispered, trying your best to adhere to the library's rules.
"i'm right here, apologies i should've informed you that i left for a moment." his palm slipped itself to hold your burning cheek, warm from being nestled in your arms.
"s'okay, where'd you go?"
albedo perched himself on the edge of the wooden stool and held up a brightly colored, laminated book. "i was looking for this," you snorted, grabbing the book from his hands and inspecting it.
it was a typical children's book with some animals depicted on the front and the words "learning about animals!" marked on the front in big, blocky, multicolored letters. "why were you looking for this?" the edges of your lips tweaked upwards.
"i read this to klee when she's tired, it sends her right to sleep." albedo gently retrieved the book from your curious grip and scooted over to sit on your bench.
you didn't fight against the yawn that escaped your lips as you settled your head on his cotton covered shoulder, using your free arms to wrap around his bicep.
"anything's better than jane eyre." you sleepily mumbled against his shirt and watched as he opened the first page revealing a colorful flurry of animals and big, easy words.
surrounded by piles of classic novels, you let the world fall away as albedo's voice read to you about how orange a tiger was or how soft a panda bear's fur felt and fell into that steady, warm lull of sleep. he paused midway and you feel the press of a kiss against your temple just as you begin to drift off, followed by a quiet "sweet dreams".
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carpisuns · 4 years ago
New anon, but I saw the last one and I have some thoughts. Specifically, I have been obsessing over ml for the last month or so, and I’ve only seen three episodes, and they were the three released before crocoduel. And you know what? I wasn’t that into it, it wasn’t bad it just wasn’t half as engaging as fanon and fanworks have been for me.
I’ve also done this with the Magicians, Supernatural, and a couple others. I think the reason that this works, for some people, is because it is a more familiar and in many ways, easier way to discover and become attached to new material and new characters. Fan writers and artists are coming from a place of love for their source material (no matter what issues they may have with it) and that bleeds out into their work. Time is spent developing the characters and their feelings, their relationships, in ways that canon so often can’t or isn’t allowed to, and reading that, it’s very easy to fall in love with new characters very quickly. There’s also common AUs and dynamics that make it much easier to start something new.
And also: comfort characters. So many fans find common ground with characters and further project onto them, particularly in fanfic. And because of that it’s often easier to identify with a fan’s interpretation of a character than it is to identify with the canon’s, since you have these more deeply explored feelings and relationships based on a combination of canon and the personal experiences of the fan writer. Also, with these kinds of fics it’s extremely emotionally affirming since for someone who doesn’t have much of any connection with the source material, it feels like the original, even if you’re reading a large body of work by a lot of different people. And I’m so used to fanfic as a substitute for the emotional work and character development that shows/movies/books don’t have room for or aren’t willing to get into, that approaching a fandom as it’s own original piece of media in a way, feels very comforting.
That’s my perspective on it anyways, and why I do this. I do think it is a good thing to engage with the canon to an extent, even if it’s just watching a few clips (how I found ml) but I also don’t think you need any real connection or knowledge of it to be deeply invested in the fandom. Sorry, this got very long.
you know, i totally get being on, like, the fringe of fandoms and interacting with fanon to an extent without a proper investment in canon (I have a couple fandoms like that), but i honestly just can't imagine becoming super invested in a fandom when I am not invested in the source material...maybe that's just a difference between you and me, idk.
but also, i gotta admit that i'm struggling a bit to understand the reason. you yourself pointed out that fan work is enjoyable because the creator's love for canon bleeds into it. and isn't that the reason that you would want to give canon a real chance? obviously there is fan content made out of spite lol (and sadly a fair amount in this fandom), but to me most fan content is like a love letter to canon. like, "i adore this thing so much that it inspired me to create and share with other people who adore it." and what better recommendation is there than that?? i would think people would wanna familiarize themselves with canon in order to better enjoy fanon(?)
i completely understand your point about fan content delving further into characterization and relationships where canon hasn't/can't, and that is such a big appeal of fanfic/fanart. but i don't feel like that's a reason to not engage with canon? on the contrary, i feel like you are missing something important in your understanding and appreciation of that wonderful exploration if you haven't experienced firsthand the foundation that canon set. and maybe that missing thing is just your personal interpretation of a character/dynamic.
for example, i could say, "adrien agreste is this, this, and this and he would do this but not this." and of course i will think im right because my characterization is always perfect 😌sakjdfaldjks but someone else might have a slightly different interpretation, and someone else will have another interpretation, and when you mush all those individual takes on a character together, you will get a good sense of who they are, but you still don't have the Original™️ to draw your own interpretation from. idk, to me it sounds like basing your opinion of chocolate ice cream on what other people are saying about it without ever trying it yourself? ajsldakljf maybe that's an oversimplification but i do think that without experiencing it for yourself, your understanding will always be kind of incomplete.
idk, i big agree with everything you said about why fan content is special, but everything that is a point in fanon's favor is not a knock on canon. to me fan content feels pretty inseparable from canon, so it just doesn't compute to me to take canon out of the equation? then we would have nothing.
i feel like it's almost kinda trendy nowadays to be like, "oh this show actually sucks lmao but the fanon and AUs are good." like it's shameful to actually...enjoy source material? 😭 i mean i completely understand that miraculous ladybug is not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine! but if you truly enjoy the fan content that much i encourage you to give canon a real shot. it's not that surprising to me that you watched 3 recent episodes and didn't vibe that much, since you haven't seen the 3 seasons of buildup that lead to them. miraculous has a neat way of tying a bunch of things together so if you aren't familiar with all of it, you're probably missing out.
personally my love for miraculous was kind of a slowburn at first. i only started watching the show because my sister and i made a deal that forced me to watch the first few eps lol. and i didn't really vibe either. but there must have been enough of a spark there for me to keep watching bc for some reason i did and the more i watched the more i fell in love with it until it became the thing that occupies my brain more than anything else. i started with canon and then got into fanon, but it could easily go the other way too. and if you're already invested in the story and characters, i have to imagine it would be much easier to push past the initial cringe of "this is a show about a couple of teen furries rated TV-Y7 on netflix" lol and give anything you don't vibe with the benefit of the doubt.
again, to be clear, i'm not trying to judge or gatekeep here! i'm just saying this because i genuinely LOVE miraculous. it's my favorite show. that's why i make things for it. that's why i have this blog. i want people to watch it. so maybe, pwetty pwease, try watching the show you like so much? 🥺👉👈
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(source bc i was too lazy to make my own so i stole this from twitter)
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hopes-peak-postal-company · 3 years ago
saw yttd in the fandom list. may i perhaps get an angsty letter from mod tsumugi written by sou?
anon you,,, omg
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but to be honest with you, thank you for being my first yttd request! sou is one of my favorite characters. he's quite an interesting one to analyze and understand, isn't he?
i'm not sure if you've made it up to the most recent chapter, so i'll leave a larger cut for this letter in particular since it'll include spoilers for chapter 2-2's ending!
(angst isn't my strong suit but the motivation to finish this was stronk.)
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a knock on your door interrupts your reverie. it's kanna.
"h-hello. i know you want some time alone to yourself, but there's something sou told me to do after... that. i'll leave it out the door for you when you're ready."
her footsteps gradually disappear. you open the door and find a cellphone opened in the notes app. it's titled with just your name on it...
you've received a letter?
entering your room again, you sit on the bed and read through it...
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If you're reading this, I'm most likely dead now, aren't I? Wow, I think I felt chills reading that. Or it must be because of the air conditioning in this facility. I don't really know. But no matter the circumstances were of how I went, it's not your fault or anything, yeah? I was meant to die sooner or later anyway.
Gosh, this must be embarrassing, right? I'm sure it looked way cooler when the movie protagonists did it.
I just wish I could have been stronger like you. Just kidding! Unless...?
All jokes aside, is it weird that I started tying this on a whim after giving up on finding another way out? Everyone's scared faces, the large rocks, how we all lost hope so quickly, it all meant just one thing to me: I'm next. I've spent at least more than 3 nights now tossing and turning, thinking about the horrible ways I'm going to die in here. But when I think of you and Kanna, I don't feel afraid at all. You two have a better chance at surviving in this hellhole than I do, and I should be sulking about how unfair that is right now like when I was first given the survival percentage papers. Yet, here I am doing everything I can to protect you both, even if it means risking myself. Have I gone insane and accepted my fate this quickly?
(OK, maybe that was an exaggeration. Please don't remember just the cringy stuff I've said.)
Tragic, isn't it? I still even speak in the present tense, knowing I'm probably already done what I've talke about here.
If it isn't much of a hassle, can you take care of Kanna for me? During our time here, she's become like a sibling to me. You don't need to look after her 24/7, that is. Im sure she can handle herself well without me. As long as I die knowing you two are safer, I'm fine with whatever's in store for me beyond.
In the case that you get out, that's alright too... I guesss. Forget about everything that happened here and live a good life. Not that I'm telling you to live out your life for me too. Live out your life not to end up like me. Eat good food, meet some nice people, grow old and happy, all that jazz. May I shamelessly recommend you the seaweed soup at [redacted] Street? I swear it'll taste amazing. With all the messed up stuff we've seen here, it'll take some time to recover. You're a really strong person to have made it this far, though.
This became longer than i intendef. I don't thikn I can carry on typing any longer. How lng has it been since I last fell asleep properly in here? I know it all sounds so half-assed and last minute, but I believ in you. You'll make it out there. If reincarnation does exist, let's all meet again and get close in a world without the Death Game, yeag? I'll be waitingg
-Shin Tsukimi
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do you think zuko treated mai fairly? i mean... why didn't he trust her to tell her his deepest thoughts when he abandoned her in the fire nation? i know he loved her but i don't understand why he didn't just tell her instead of hurting her unnecessarily. they're cute but i find it so hard to get past this, i would be so hurt if my bf didn't tell me something so important. and then mai just. forgives zuko so easily even after he locked her in a cell still not trusting her. mai deserves better :(
It’s kind of funny you ask this, because I lowkey have a lot of feelings about the phrase “x deserved better than y”. For one, I’m always cautious around it, because in the A:TLA fandom I’ve seen it thrown around in two main ways:
“Katara deserved better than Aang!” followed by the most ridiculous slander labelling Aang as abusive, toxic, manipulative, etc. (Funnily enough, though, a lot of those people will also go and ship T.aang. Like T.aang is an Excellent ship, do not get me wrong, but it’s clear they just say ‘Katara deserved better’ because they hate K.ataang and don’t necessarily care one way or the other about Aang.)
“Zuko deserved better than Mai!” followed by the most obnoxious bullshit also labelling Mai as abusive, toxic, manipulative, etc. and even - I kid you not - saying she’s “too ugly” for Zuko. At worst, racist; at best, shallow. (And again, funnily enough, a lot of them will then ship M.ailee, again proving they don’t really care one way or another about Mai, they just hate M.aiko.)
Now, I’m not getting into the K.ataang vs Z.utara vs M.aiko ship wars, lmao, but those are the two primary ways that rhetoric is used. It’s kind of embarrassing, tbh, how fandom tends to use the phrase to discredit pairings and demonize characters instead of… you know. Moving on with their lives, lol.
But your ask fascinates me, anon, because you bring up the point of Zuko not trusting Mai, thus leading to the conclusion of “Mai deserves better than Zuko.” Which is interesting, because as I just mentioned, for most people who follow the “x deserves better than y” phrase, it tends to be used the other way around!
Firstly, however, I want to say that you don’t have to ship Maiko. You can read my explanation and walk away still feeling exactly the same way about Mai and Zuko’s relationship (love it, hate it, indifferent to it, all that jazz), and that’s totally okay! But I’m going to do my best to explain what’s off with the rhetoric of “x deserves better than y,” specifically regarding Maiko. My thesis, as it were?
It’s not about “deserve.”
Disclaimer: This obviously does not refer to genuinely unhealthy/abusive relationships. I shouldn’t have to say that, but we all know how Tumblr is. I digress.
Love isn’t about “deserve.” At first glance, that’s kind of a confusing take, isn’t it? Don’t we all “deserve” someone who will respect us, appreciate us, and treat us well? Of course we do! But those are just qualities of any healthy relationship. When I say that love isn’t about “deserve,” I mean that love can’t be simplified quite so easily. Here is a definition of “deserve”:
“do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment)”
How do we make ourselves “worthy” of love? I (an optimist) don’t think we do. Love isn’t about worthiness; I believe we are all “worthy” of love simply by existing. Instead, I argue that love is about openness. It’s not about if we “deserve” love or not, but rather if we allow ourselves to be open to it.
All of this is to say that it’s not about whether or not Mai “deserves” or “deserves better than” Zuko; it’s that she is open to receive love from him, and he from her. She wants to love and be loved by Zuko. No one else. She says it to Azula herself: “I love Zuko more than I fear you.” Mai chooses Zuko, full stop, just as Zuko chose her by a) doing everything in his power to keep her out of his betrayal of the Fire Nation (why would he risk putting a death sentence on her head, too?) and b) reuniting with her happily at the end of the show (i.e. he didn’t brush her off; he smiles his widest smile in the entire show during that scene!). So it’s not about “deserve.” It’s about these two kids loving and finding love in one another. A Shakespeare quote is particularly relevant here:
“Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.” (Twelfth Night – Act 3, Scene 1)
We are all looking for love, be it romantic or platonic or anything in-between, and there is no better feeling than we receive love even when we feel we don’t “deserve” it. Mai is willing to work with Zuko to make their relationship work despite his mistakes, because it’s not about if he “deserves” her, but because she knows he is willing to grow and improve (and she is, too).
Also, within the series of A:TLA (specifically towards the middle-end of Book 3), it can be concluded that Zuko believes that he is no longer “worthy” of Mai’s love. That he doesn’t “deserve” her love because of how he abandoned her (and she is the only thing about the Fire Nation he regrets leaving behind). Mai disagrees with him. She is open to a relationship with Zuko because she loves him for an infinite number of reasons (one being that he does what is right, including going against the Fire Nation, even if she did not at first understand). When Zuko realizes this by the time the finale comes around, they reconcile in a tender embrace.
And what reason are we ever given to doubt Mai regarding whether or not she “deserves” better than Zuko? Mai is perfectly aware of her own worth. She breaks up with Zuko in “The Beach” because his behavior is inexcusable and she knows that she doesn’t have to put up with it. Even in the comics, which are handled poorly, I don’t entirely hate the Maiko breakup because again, Mai knows that she does not have to be responsible for Zuko’s well-being. She loves him, she loves him so much, and she tries to help him, but she is not his therapist. So again, why should we doubt Mai? Going back to the A:TLA finale - Mai knows what she “deserves” and what she doesn’t. She knows what she will and what she won’t put up with. And after everything, she is still open to a relationship with Zuko. Because love isn’t about “deserve,” and it never has been.
To address your other questions:
why didn’t he trust her to tell her his deepest thoughts when he abandoned her in the fire nation? i know he loved her but i don’t understand why he didn’t just tell her instead of hurting her unnecessarily.
You almost answer your question yourself, anon. “[H]is deepest thoughts”? Who tells anyone their “deepest thoughts”? We actually talked about this in my Shakespeare class (I know, right? lmao). A very common trope in Shakespeare’s tragedies is a lack of communication. We all read Romeo and Juliet and Othello and were like “dude, if they had just talked to each other, none of those bad things would have happened!!” (and thus those tragedies might have been comedies).
My professor agreed with us. Then he asked, well, why do you think Shakespeare doesn’t have anyone communicate?
One brave soul said, “That’d be too easy.”
Which is… almost right. Perhaps, narratively, it would be too easy. The plays would definitely be resolved much faster. But the truth? It’s too hard. People don’t communicate clearly in real life. They hide certain things because they’re embarrassed, they’re ashamed, they’re afraid. Even couples who’ve been together for years will admit that they don’t tell each other everything, for whatever reason. People are imperfect, and thus their relationships are, too.
(Slightly amusing sidebar: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are actually an example of a perfect couple, because Macbeth confides everything to Lady Macbeth in Act 1. And, well, we all know how that went down[hill], lmao.)
So why didn’t Zuko tell Mai the truth when he was leaving the Fire Nation? He was afraid! He says it himself in “The Boiling Rock”: “Everyone in the Fire Nation thinks I’m a traitor. I couldn’t drag her into it.” Zuko is afraid of what might happen to Mai! He knows the Fire Nation now has a price on his head - why would he wish that on Mai? It’s bad enough that she’s the (former) girlfriend of a traitor! How much worse might it have been for her if she’d been associated with him after he’d threatened the Fire Lord’s life*? I’m not saying this to excuse Zuko’s decision, because perhaps Mai would have agreed to join him (although we cannot conclude this with total certainty), and I certainly think breaking up by text letter was a pretty crappy way to go about it, but all the same, he was trying to protect her. When Mai realizes this, what does she do?
Saves his ass from Azula and utters one of the most iconic lines in the entire series.
*Also, a kind of interesting parallel presents itself between Zuko and Hamlet here, lmao. One interpretation of Hamlet’s “get thee to a nunnery!” scene with Ophelia is reading it as him trying to cut ties with her in the cruelest way possible so she wouldn’t try to follow him and possibly get hurt as he killed Claudius (aka regicide, the highest crime in Denmark). While it’s arguable that Zuko isn’t quite so perceptive, lmao, there is the possibility that Zuko thought breaking up with Mai in such a callous way would help prevent her from remaining attached to him and thus getting mixed up in his mess (killing the Fire Lord, aka the A:TLA equivalent of regicide, the highest crime in the Fire Nation). Just something to ponder!
and then mai just. forgives zuko so easily even after he locked her in a cell still not trusting her.
I don’t know if I’d call her forgiveness “easy.” Making the decision to betray Azula? That’s hard. Mai was signing herself up for a death sentence, because Azula doesn’t take prisoners (Aang can testify to this, lmao). If Ty Lee hadn’t been there, Mai almost certainly would have died. So yeah. I wouldn’t call her forgiveness “easy,” anon. I think it’s one of the scariest choices she ever made.
Of course, one can argue that Mai’s true forgiveness of Zuko actually came later, which I don’t necessarily disagree with. I think Mai’s initial instinct was to trust Zuko because she knows him better than perhaps anyone (thus she realizes he wouldn’t walk away from the Fire Nation without true cause), hence her betrayal of Azula. When she survived because of Ty Lee’s chi-blocking (since honestly, Mai probably didn’t think she’d get that far) and was ultimately imprisoned, I bet she had plenty of time to think about Zuko and her relationship with him. Working on that presumption, again, I don’t think I’d call her forgiveness “easy,” because she likely took several days if not weeks to process everything.
Also, you say Zuko doesn’t trust her because a) he didn’t inform her of what he was doing when he left the Fire Nation and b) he locked her in a cell at the Boiling Rock. I understand that perspective, but again, I go back to this line: “Everyone in the Fire Nation thinks I’m a traitor. I couldn’t drag her into it.” Does that sound like someone who doesn’t trust Mai? I think the better description is that Zuko feared for Mai, as I mentioned earlier. Did he lock her in a cell because he thought she’d betray him, or because he thought it was the last thing he could do to protect her when everything went to shit as he, Sokka, Suki, and etc. were all escaping from prison? Could it have been a little bit of both? We can’t say for sure, of course, but given how happy Zuko was around Mai in “Nightmares and Daydreams,” I think his love for her ultimately outweighed his worries about Mai’s ties to Azula, which leads me to conclude his locking her in a cell was less about distrust and more a final, last-ditch attempt at keeping her out of his mess.
Plus, Zuko has issues. Mai knows this. She loves him all the same for it. As I said earlier, she is open to giving love to and receiving love from Zuko. I think it’s a bit of a discredit to Mai’s character to assume she forgave him easily. And besides! She told him herself: “But don’t ever break up with me again.” Mai implicitly tells him hey, don’t pull that BS again, and Zuko gives her an embarrassed smile before they hold each other in a gentle, loving embrace. It’s not a direct statement, and maybe that puts some people off from it, but Mai is firmly implying that she wants him to trust her more, and Zuko acknowledges this (and he’s rightfully a little embarrassed that he kept her out of it, since hindsight is 20/20 and he now understands she probably would have gone with him; do remember, of course, that he had no way of knowing that initially).
do you think zuko treated mai fairly?
Well, how do we define “fairly”? I guess the short answer is no, he didn’t, but what other choice did he believe he had at the time? Answer: none. It was either keep Mai out of it and guarantee her safety or drag Mai into it (which Zuko likely saw as a selfish option, i.e. what right did he have to pull his girlfriend into treason just because he didn’t want to lose her company?) and risk losing her. As viewers, we know there’s more to the situation than that, but Zuko doesn’t have our luxury. So his decision to keep Mai out of it and thus try to protect her? I would call that a “fair” assessment, yes.
And besides, anon:
“The course of true love never did run smooth.” (A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Act 1, Scene 1)
Mai and Zuko chose each other. Who are we to deny them their happiness?
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yamagucji · 4 years ago
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love letters from cupid.
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dear lovely anons,
i cherish every bit of interaction we have. im extremely grateful to know that there are people out there who read and enjoy my works. hm, hope you know that i care about each of you. honestly sometimes i just wanna make a post dedicated to each of you but idk!! if you’ll see it or not. hopefully this bit is enough to let you know how much i appreciate every single one of you. thank you.
dear readers,
thank you for reading my works. it’s comforting to know that there are people out there who will check out something that i’ve slapped on together with every bit of my effort. to those of you who have consistently supported my works in silence- you know who you are. im just... keeping my distance because ya’ll are really just minding your own business while i get giddy about seeing you pop up in my notifications again. im hoping to get around and send a ty note to as many special readers n special ppl on this blog. but im a little shy, so i hope you’ll give me some time. seeing you in my notifications from time to time makes me happy; sometimes i do wonder if you’re still here and in good health. i hope you all are right now. thank you.
dear dani,
what a wonderful being you are. never regretting the first time i *shyly* asked if there was anyone that wanted to be friends here. i probably already talk about my love for you and vera so much but who’s gonna stop me? you’re such a cool person. i look up to you (literally). i think it’s amazing to get to know a person who has a lot of passion for history like me. but also- screams about 2d men with me. truthfully, this site is much more bearable having you as a moot. i feel very comfortable talking to you, about anything at all. lomve you, you’re the best.
dear mayya,
kindness personified. im sure you’ve made a plethora of people smile with every rb and comment you’ve given; including me. i think it’s very refreshing to see such genuine comments. you radiate this calm aura that im always seeking for. thank you, for providing me (and many other people) with that. a little embarrassing that you see my uhm, messy sideblog, but... it’s comforting i think. to know that someone is listening. i hope that you understand it goes the other way around too— that i’m here for you.
dear hrituja,
my partner of chaos. when did it start? i can’t remember. all i know is that every little thing you send me on instagram really makes my day. i’ll have bad days and all i need to do is look at the silly stuff you sent me and get a laugh out of it. i think it’s cool that we’ve been able to build this space where we can talk about anything (literally), poke fun of each other, and also ourselves. you’re cool. i genuinely like hearing you go off about ace. if i could meet a moot it’d probably be you unless you’re secretly a fraud and you’re actually just a 80 yr old man looking for a sugar babie. in that case im in.
dear oz,
you overly sweet bean. i genuinely watch you in awe from afar, just by how talented and hardworking you are. your art is amazing, and i always look forward to the design you make for your oc’s outfits. thank you for understanding me, and for being patient with me. i care about you a lot, so if there’s ever anything that’s occupying your mind and you need to let them out, i’m here to listen. ps. i really don’t know any other mutual who listens to *that* comfort stuff like i do so im really thankful to have someone to talk about them with. you can always share your interests with me too, especially with your dearest tendou.
dear tate,
im such in awe of you. just the fact that you devote a lot of your time into writing and setting up the theme for your blog astounds me. not to mention, your art skills as well. i am still very much in love with that bokuto piece you made with the hanging leaves. i hope you know that bokuto loves you just as much as you do to him. i know you’re writing up something special atm, so i’m really looking forward to it. thank you for all the time you’ve spared just to send me an ask. it truly does mean a lot to me. it feels like someone is listening, and i’m very appreciative of having you as my dear mutual. please know that i’m here to support you too, with the best of my abilities.
dear winx club,
[ @wissbby @kageruna @pinkbunnyplushie @astrooliver @lovingtobio @kenmaki @lfjr @lcsbianist ]
im such a clutz, but thank you for dealing with me. i was little nervous to start up such a discord server because im bad at staying in one. though, the warm environment that you all provide makes me feel much more at ease. i think it’s funny popping in to the server and seeing a few people spamming the chat with hugs, headpats and kisses. it’s sweet, too. being in a group discord can get overwhelming for some people, so i appreciate you all for having that patience. another thing- thank you for understanding each other’s boundaries. its hard to be aware all the time especially when you’re interacting with people you don’t know to at a very personal level. im glad that you all helped each other make the space comfy. i look forward to more chaotic and genuine talks with all of you in the future. maybe we’ll still be in touch with each other after a long while? who knows. but im going to cherish every single moment i get with you all.
dear @nishinoya-is-baby @keitsukki11 @sullen-angel24 @smolbludandelions @whootwhoot @cheatingthroughthislife @tadashi-simp @oikaw-ugh @lostsealscreams @sleepykarabou @atsunflower @lfjr @globe-fish @bewwybun @tetsoleil @sleepykarabou @justcafewriter @rin-suna @atsumusc0ck @waitforitillwritemywayout @dorkyhaikyu @yemilnisu @sunseteyes @kenmaki @kenanami,
goodness, i would write you all individual messages if time let me. but, i hope this is alright. i just wanted to thank you all for interacting with some dummy like me because that shit takes real patience </3 y’all are some really cool people and im really glad to have you as a moot. im ngl im pretty sure i’ve stopped by all your inboxes just to forget to actually send an ask :’( or maybe im too shy. one or the other. hopefully i can come around to all your ask boxes soon and fill it with my love because it’s what you all deserve. ya’ll are such amazing and talented people. for the love of god- you have all my love and care in the world. i hope that these past few weeks have been gentle with you, but if not, please let yourself rest from whatever it is that may be putting you down. here’s a gentle reminder that im always here to listen, and i wouldn’t judge you for whatever it is it may be. thank you for being so kind to me, and i hope to return that as well. take care.
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@insanitywrites @derpeedoo @killuababie @lespaghetti @ordinary-ace
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i haven’t told you this until now but, thank you for giving me company and comfort during a time that i was deeply struggling.
ps. if there’s any grammar or spelling mistakes no u did not see that <3
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missturtleduck · 4 years ago
Fake dating anon-I think it would be cool if it wasn’t a modern au? But thank you!!!!
Sorry for your wait, anon! I hope you like what I wrote for you <3
Fake It Till You Make It
Sokka x Reader - FakeDating!Trope
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Needless to say, Y/N was slightly shocked by Sokka’s proposition.
By the age of sixteen, they had been crucial pai sho tiles in the gambit against the once Fire Lord Ozai. Returning home was odd for many reasons, but notably the reminders that they were still children really, or at least in the eyes of their families. It was Zuko who had suggested a gang trip – a joint life changing field trip – after the nations settled down from Ozai’s defeat.
The first to return home was Y/N. Her mother lived in Fire Fountain City. It was only a short journey away from the capital, and Hakoda had already travelled to see his children at the palace. Sure, she had joked about pushing off her mother’s insistent affection, but she definitely cried a little bit when she got to hug her mum, and even more when her brothers piled on too. Ever the monarchist, Zuko was welcomed into the house with open arms and plenty of celebration. Toph especially got on with her family, rough-housing with Y/N’s brothers like it was nothing.
Since Toph didn’t want to see her parents as of yet, the only family member left to visit was Sokka and Katara’s Gran Gran since Suki’s family were doing work in the Fire Nation anyway. It took some convincing for Toph to put on snow boots – “I’ll risk frostbite if it means seeing, Katara!” – but soon they were travelling all the way to the South Pole. It was on their stop at Kyoshi Island that Sokka had approached Y/N.
“I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend.”
Y/N barked out an incredulous laugh. “Tui and La, what?”
“Exactly what I said,” Sokka nodded, face solemn. “Katara wrote to Gran Gran a couple of times and mentioned Yue and Suki, but you know how that ended.”
“One turned into the moon and the other is a raging Sapphic in a relationship with Ty Lee.”
“Exactly!” He looked distressed, throwing his hands in the air. “And Gran Gran sent a letter back saying how excited she was to meet my girlfriend!”
Frowning in confusion, Y/N looked at him. “You could just tell her what happened.”
“But, Y/N, she was so excited!” He simpered the way a child would, and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh. “Obviously, we’re just friends, but would you do this?”
Ouch. Sure, they were ‘just friends’, but it hurt anyway. Maybe it was the terseness with how he said it, or the fact that since the war had ended all Y/N could think about is how pretty Sokka looked when he could finally relax. Whatever it was, it stung in her chest, panging with the intensity of heartburn. Heartburn seemed a fitting enough description regardless of its denotation.
So that was how she ended up fake dating Sokka, all for the sake of his ego and his gran gran’s happiness. As they travelled over the ocean on Appa’s back, he was as physically far from her as he could possibly be. Ouch, again. For a fake boyfriend, he was doing a crappy job at it. Staring daggers at the back of his head, Y/N sulked quite contently next to Zuko, who seemed to be comfortable with her mood – something about being friends with far grumpier girls. That had made her laugh.
Her laugh had made Sokka stare.
The sharpness to her gaze melted almost immediately when she saw the concern etched on his face. Instead, she beamed at him. Sokka grinned back, turning away to continue his conversation with Suki.
Y/N could feel Zuko’s gaze on her. “I swear to the spirits, Zuko, if you say that’s rough, buddy, I’ll chi block you.”
The crown prince was kind enough to stifle his laughter, though it seemed contagious. Her frown shifted into a small smile and she took to staring over the edge of Appa’s saddle at the canvas of blue beneath them. There was something tranquil about the polar water, the great water beasts breaching the waves only to dive back down into the impossible depths. Being from the Fire Nation, Y/N had never experienced such wonder in a single image – nor such freezing weather. Pulling furs over herself, she readied herself for what would happen on the ice.
Gran Gran looked to be the loveliest but scariest woman she would ever meet. The woman stood as the leader of the tribe; a gaggle of children stood behind her in uncertainty. However, as soon as Sokka hopped off Appa’s back, they were screaming and charging past her to tackle him to the ground. Her heart warmed as they hugged him and cried, shouting at him for leaving them without a warrior in the village.
“What are you seal pups on about?” He snorted, trying to avoid being winded by tiny elbows. “I trained you better than this.”
“That’s enough of that.”
At the woman’s words, the children picked themselves up, leaving Sokka in the snow. He didn’t last long though as he and Katara took their turn in charging. Embracing their grandmother with the tightest hug Y/N had ever seen, she left them to their moment, opting to instead help Toph down from their trusty steed.
“I hate this,” Toph muttered, holding both Zuko and Y/N’s arms in her own death grip.
“I know,” Y/N said softly, “But you’ll be able to take those boots off once we get inside one of the igloos.”
“And this must be Y/N.”
With wide eyes, she pried herself from Toph, trusting Zuko to make sure she didn’t cause any avalanches. Stepping to Sokka’s side, Y/N tried not to startle as he wrapped his arm around her hip. “Sokka, let me meet your grandmother before you steal me away!”
She felt smug satisfaction at how he flushed.
“Let me look at you, dear,” The matriarch ordered, though not unkindly. Presenting herself in the woman, she brushed off the scrutinous stare with a smile. “You’re very beautiful.”
“Thank you, erm- “
“Please,” She beamed, and all Y/N could see was the saccharine threat that Katara often fronted, “Call me Gran Gran.”
As the woman turned away, she swatted Sokka’s arm, meeting his gaze with a scowl. Stalking past him through the snow – which was harder than she had assumed – Y/N was followed by a curious flock of children tugging on her sleeves. Patient as a saint, she laughed with them, answering all of their burning questions.
Why is your hair like that? Why are your clothes red? Is that the same scary man who attacked our village? But he doesn’t look scary. Why is Sokka smiling at you?
Whipping her head around, Y/N met Sokka’s eyes. He was grinning like a dope, chin rested on his palm as Katara talked Gran Gran’s ear off. Somehow, he hadn’t realised that she had caught him staring, but the children soon fixed that; a snowball to the face promptly brought him out of his stupor. Had he hit his head on the way down from Appa? Whatever it was, it made her heart hurt and she had promised Toph a warm igloo anyway.
The sun was beginning to set behind the glaciated mountains on the horizon, illuminating the village in the evening light, dappling the ice with sunspots. She had never seen something so beautiful before, but as the sun disappeared, so did the warmth; the igloo more than made up for it.
As she sat with Zuko, Suki, and Toph – Sokka and Katara obviously busy whilst Aang promised the children some airbending games – Y/N grumbled to herself. Not only was she playing fake girlfriend, but fake girlfriend who was hated by the family. Well, it probably wasn’t hate. She wouldn’t blame Gran Gran for being protective over one of her two grandchildren. In fact, thinking of how her brothers reacted to Sokka, maybe she had it good.
Laid flat on her back, she listened to the gossip of the Fire Nation, of how Ty Lee was doing, and how Toph was seeing some weird stuff under the ice. Whatever it was, it couldn’t spike her interest enough to join in the conversation.
“Y/N?”She barely turned her head to see an anxious looking Sokka in the doorway. 
He looked around the room at all the faces and fidgeted. “About earlier- “
“Listen, I don’t care, okay, Sokka?” She said, trying her hardest to not seem entirely mean, nor upset; Toph scoffed, muttering something that sounded like liar.
“Just,” He sighed, “Can we talk outside?”
Pulling furs back over herself, she looked pleadingly at her friends to rescue her, but to no avail. Trudging after Sokka, she was growing more and more vexed as they moved further from the village and into the cold. The moon began to rise in the sky, glossing the ice with an ethereal glow, which was perhaps the only nice part about being out in the bitter cold.
“What, Sokka?” Y/N finally huffed, putting her foot down. “Am I not being a convincing enough girlfriend for you?”
“It’s not that Y/N,” Sokka started, waving his hands in a panicked motion as if warning off a polar dog.
“Then what?” She interrupted, not having any of it. “Did you want me to hold your hand? Maybe give you a cuddle?”
He flinched at the venom in her tone. “No, Y/N, if you’d just- “
“Just what?” Y/N snapped. “What you asked of me what really inconsiderate, 
Sokka, but I did it anyway because I'm your friend – just your friend.”
“Spirits, Y/N,” He sighed, realisation passing behind his eyes.
“But it’s fine! I’m a great actress, Sokka, because I wouldn’t be acting. See? I can hold your hand, hug you, even kiss you if you needed it, but it hurts me.”
Looking down at the ice, Sokka kicked some snow under his boot, looking very ashamed of himself for a second. It pierced through her anger in a way that was unfair. Instead of dealing a final blow, all she could think to do was grab his hand and comfort him. Yes, she still felt she was in the right, but Y/N didn’t want one of her closest friends to suffer at her hand, retribution or no.
“Gran Gran shouted at me, y’know,” Sokka said, a small smile quirking at his lips as his eyes fell on his hand in hers.
Y/N frowned. “Why?”
“For thinking she was a ‘dumb old lady’ apparently,” He chuckled, meeting her eyes. “It seemed Aang had let slip that we weren’t actually dating, so she told me off for that.”
“You deserved that,” She grin, bumping his shoulder.
“And then she called me dumb, which I didn’t appreciate.”
His smile said otherwise, so Y/N pushed. “What did you do now?”
“Try to fake something I actually wanted.”
Shocked, Y/N dropped his hand, and for a moment his heart fell heavy in his chest. This was the perfect chance to be with her, he thought, now that the war was over and she knew her family was safe. Now they had autonomy, surely they could focus on each other.
“Y/N, I’m so- “
His apology was cut off by an insistent pair of lips, begging him to be quiet and just enjoy their moment. Deepening the kiss, she looped her arms around the back of his neck, the scruff of his unshaven hair brushing against her arms. His heart was soaring, hers no longer burning but glowing. She pulled back and reaching up to his face, Y/N felt the warmth of his cheek in the bitter cold, radiating warmer than the sun. Whatever light had been taken by the night was captured in them.
“Gran Gran likes you by the way,” Sokka said quietly, leaning his forehead against hers. “Says you wrangle those kids better than I do.”
“Praise Agni,” Y/N gasped, letting out a bated breath she hadn’t realised was stuck. “She does the same scary face Katara does.”
Sokka chucked, rubbing his nose against hers. “Don’t you worry, Y/N. Me and Dad are just as scared by it.”
With a giggle, she rested her head in the crook of his neck, basking in their embrace for as long as she could.
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
I have incurable boredom so!!! let us play a little game hehe,, tag your precious mutuals and state some things you love about them!! im just going around random blogs and sending these stuff since I absolutely love seeing people connect with each other!! ♡ I hope you have fun doing this, deep!~
anon this is cute heck ur so cute ty for this !! 😭 i love my moots very much <33
@love-in-the-time-of-waffles best cousin award goes to:
no but seriously mel is amazing and the best person on earth and we've known each other for literal years and she's helped me through sm stuff and i love her very much <333
i wrote an entire essay and two love letters about why and how much i love amy. she means a lot to me bc i know i mean a lot to her, and she's the first friend i've had who i've never doubted that <333
@sugas-sweetheart SOF is amazing bc she always says the best things. she can always make me feel better and is so fun to talk to, i want her to be my sister so bad pls
our numerous self indulgent aus where we're all siblings when 😩
@justamultifandomfan16 abril is my soulmate !!! or long lost twin !!! idk what but we're literally the same person <3 neither of us can People and i suck at listening but i could listen to her for hours on end and enjoy every second of it <33 they bring light to everything the touch, and they're so amazing i love their voice sm <3
@hushyouu VEN one of my newest moots!! i dont know much about them yet but they're vibes are very chill!! it's super fun co oping with her in genshin, even though my mobile typing abilities are bad and i can't communicate for the life of me <3
@cxlris SHELL ANON,,, i would put the emoji but pc is annoying yk <//3 they may not technically be anon anymore but they will always have a special place in my heart for being one of the first to follow this blog <33 i love the essays they send me everyday, they are so fun to read since i tend to communicate in large blocks of text too <3
ur all!! amazing!! ily guys <3 and ily too anon who sent this!! maybe one day we can be moots as well hehe
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