#;; hopefully not though but! we shall see
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avoidmint · 5 months ago
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I hit the milestone a few days back but didn't have time to make anything. It's actually a little over 100 now! ♥
Thank you all so much! It's been fun being part of this community, even if I don't interact all that much. You've all been so kind. I hope to stick around for a while yet! ♥
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ivoryratdoggerythethird · 1 year ago
hot take (? maybe? i don't fully know what the general stance is on this) but i don't think chuuya would've left the mafia with dazai
not because their bond is shallow (sike, fyodor) but because i think chuuya found his grip in the mafia by the time the dark era rolls around. he entered the mafia because of dazai yeah but they both have lives outside of each other still. after everything that happens in fifteen, koyou being in the mafia, and also just chuuya's unwavering loyalty - which he swore to mori, however unfortunately but it's still the truth - i think he would've let dazai go alone.
but there's that other thing though; his bond with dazai. his very significant bond with dazai. that's why i think he would've let dazai go; as long as dazai isn't leaving because of something he did, or plotting to like, burn the mafia down, i don't think he would've been particularly bothered beyond the 'dealing with traitors' business but honestly lets be real if you're important enough in the mafia, being a traitor or threat or enemy means jackshit (tachihara, verlaine, chuuya, even dazai is literally invited back by mori lmao).
i can see chuuya just tsk-ing and waving him off like "you probably have an escape route planned so i'm not even gonna bother pursuing you, won't give you the satisfaction of dying quickly either, you do you bastard, imma go celebrate with wine now, don't die i'm still gonna kill you someday, see ya." or like. you know. some rough approximation of that.
i think if dazai actually told him, considering what i know of his character thus far, chuuya would've helped him leave or, at least, rolled his eyes and looked the other way and do essentially a scripted song and dance of hunting him down with everyone, including mori, knowing full well that a) dazai won't be found unless he doesn't want to be, and b) the only person remotely capable of finding him would just punch him in the face then let him go again
skk would probably just keep up their usual bickering nonsense via randomly breaking into each others places (i.e. dazai because he's now broke and chuuya exclusively breathes designer air) and even if they don't interact for long periods, they would easily slide back into their dynamics whenever they do, as it is in canon except they'd likely manage to be even more in-tune and annoying with each other.
(also the ADA would know about the mysterious rich redhead whose number is listed as "dazai's dog" to call up when dazai is up to his shenanigans so he can come over and kick discipline into him. guessing who the hell he is another one of their mysteries and they know it ties in with dazai's old job, just not how. ranpo cackles everytime he shows up. he and kunikida meet up for lunch to bitch about dazai.)
tl;dr, imo skk could've been skk for the missing four years with chuuya still being an executive and dazai stiill being a detective if only mister cyclops there chose communication over blowing a car up, because i do believe chuuya would've let everything play out the same as in canon except he and dazai wouldn't be cut off the whole time
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dandyghest · 2 months ago
I have (somewhat begrudgingly LOL) joined blueksy finally! dandyghest.bsky.social
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rosicheeks · 6 months ago
how is the sale going?
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oysterie · 7 months ago
taking british literature 1 this semester because american lit 1 was full
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raskies456 · 5 months ago
GRE today…..
#456 words#it’s optional for most things I’m applying to but. my grades are not amazing for the level I’m applying#so in my case taking the gre is a good idea if I can do really well#which#¯\_(ツ)_/¯#we will see#I did a practice test and sone practice problems and such and I do fine#but I would like a higher percentile in quantitative than my practices have projected#hopefully having practiced and being in a proper test environment will help push it up a few more points#also it’s like. 50/50 rn on whether I can finish the essay in 30 mins#ive gotten it closer each time I practice but#woof. hard to cleanly articulate a point you don’t know ahead of time in 30 mins#but yeah ideally I do well enough that I can send scores and they will help rather than harm#that’s all I ask. I could maybe take it again but would rather not have to spend another 250#we shall see#at least it’s not the time I took the mcat w only 2 weeks prep#and its also not the mcat#mcat has No fucking reason to be that long#that’s not a cognitive test or a content test it is an endurance test#I know gre used to be longer (like 4 hours?????) but. still#mcat was like 7 iirc#GRE is 2 hours which is a normal fucking amount of time for a test methinks#though ngl it’s a bitch that the hardest sections are at the end#well I guess that’s. a good sign actually????#bc iirc it modulates what you get on the last two sections based on your earlier performance#so the fact it gets harder means I’m doing well early on#but still………..#anyway I’m rambling#pre test thoughts I guess#don’t expect anyone to read this really and if you did sorry this is. probably entirely uninteresting
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light-lanterne · 1 year ago
With the type of stories you like to write I really hope youre severly mentally ill or went through some severe trauma. Otherwise you have no excuse to write about those things.
hey anon, idk how to write this without sounding confrontational, but
making assumptions about a stranger's mental health,
framing potential mental illnesses or trauma as some form of prerequisite for the production of certain literary genres,
advocating for restraint in the intellectual exploration of taboo or disturbing topics,
and harassing people who don't share your opinions or whom you perceive to be amoral based on your personal taste or principles,
are all way worse behaviours than someone writing dark little stories for the fun of it.
there is no need for excuses when it comes to creating harmless art; people are allowed to make stuff without being subjected to the relentless scrutiny of countless internet strangers with ridiculous moral standards that only serve as a vessel for censorship.
so yeah, please stop your misguided "righteous" crusade and look up ways to curate your online experience in a way that prevents you from seeing things you don't enjoy, and please indulge in reading or doing something you actually like instead of sending odd little asks like this to random strangers :\
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floralovebot · 6 months ago
imo tecna is the only one who looks good all around lol
i still love aisha's hair but her casual outfit... idk it's okay but it's not Great. same with the others
flora's skin is still too light but ik there's more dynamic lighting so,, we will see,,, ajdl although it did sound like she had an accent which! big if true!! she sounds so good :') i really hope thats a permanent change this round and not a temp decision :')
not surprised that they changed musa's eyes
also not loving the transformations.. idk something about it feels off. like one, some of the designs stink but also i think it's the textures?? like its uncanny seeing so hopefully i just need to get used to it! but i do like the animation of flora's tranformation! so much movement!! also braided hair!! love that for her! and musa's little twin braids!! so cute
LOVE the new alfea it looks so much more like a full school with dorms and everything OUGH the environments are also looking so good!!
idk i am still excited... i really want it to be good yknow? just worried about certain things ahflfj but hopefully... hopefully things will be good :') i really fucking hate those transformations though ahdkfjlg
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avemstella · 11 months ago
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You will always be your mother's daughter...
Happy Birthday Bina!!!!
So I had already been drawing this because, you know, chapter 37. But then I saw a Kurapika hxh birthday art last night and went "oh fuck it's Bina's bday tomorrow" before going, wait, I'm literally already basically done with something for her. We love some perfect timing haha.
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zeawesomebirdie · 1 year ago
For those following along while I slowly lose a bit of my soul to the Old West!AU: part 1 is done!! Well, sort of. I still need to go back and fully flesh it out. However, in the interest of getting the full story notated in some way shape or form, this bad boy is done! Only two parts left!!
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pushing500 · 1 year ago
How are you managing the corruption need of your colonists? Whenever I start an eldritch cult (in Rimworld) I always have trouble maintaining it at a solid level especially early on.
I confess it hasn't been easy keeping the corruption up.
We have to do the Incantation ritual (called Ecthuctu's Prayer) pretty frequently. I also try to keep the ominous obelisks in high-traffic areas to slow the corruption drain as much as possible.
Other than that, I think I'll just have to put up with the "low corruption" letter on the edge of the screen for as long as it lasts, unfortunately.
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goffard · 2 years ago
hi owo
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sprytesukii · 9 days ago
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hah … long time no see … :D
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positivelyghastly · 7 months ago
Someone stop me, I'm reworking a huge part of a finished drawing to add more unnecessary details again
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navxry · 11 months ago
This is your ticket to go on a ramble of anything that’s on your mind or anything you want to go ahead and share! Lore, creations, thoughts, anything that’s interesting you lately.
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Anon, I'm afraid you're giving me full rights to rant about the worst things in my head (/exag, it's not that bad I promise)
Anyways uh read more time!
Lowkey had thoughts of running a certain story in a different blog, or making a game for it. It's still in the works because I need to polish up a few things, make it make sense, etc., but it's still up there.
The reason why is actually pretty simple: I feel like people don't like to interact when it's not about the reader, so I decided that maybe I should make a game. It's going to have its own variation + my own indulgent version (that will NEVER see the light of day in my other blogs, fuck you), but I'm not sure if people would enjoy it. I know my friends would, but would someone that I don't know like that?
Speaking of which, I already have the blog made. 2, actually! One is for another purpose, which would be a love letter blog for a fandom. I missed writing IDV because I've left the game (it was becoming too much for my phone </3 sad time gamers), so I decided to try a love letter format for Yan IDV residents. I doubt I'll get traction, but it's a cute idea and self indulgent in a way, because I get to write my faves being in a variety of levels of unhinged.
I think I'm more or less hesitant on the first idea because it feels like the initial reception just... Didn't pan out so well haha. It feels like I'm trying to show my own personal stories to the wind, but the wind refuses to even acknowledge it's existence. With this method though, I can at least say that at least the people that like it will know where to look for it.
Again, it still needs polishing, it's not done and I sure as hell KNOW that it'll take months if I took the game route. However, I think it'll be worth it if I just push myself to try. It's the only thing I can feasibly do, after all.
To my friends who supported it and even to the people that followed the story in silence: thanks. You guys make it bearable for me to try this method. It sucks that it'll be something I (most likely) won't do on that blog and transferring it would be tough, but so is life atp. I'm probably gonna most likely cut it with plan B's ending (I knew my initial plan won't work orz), so uh. We'll see how it goes, yeah?
(also I am kinda glad I didn't get to 200 followers there ironically because MOST ARE FUCKING BOTS AND SOME ARE MINORS LIKE HELLO??? So unfortunately I have to block them en masse and tbh? I'm gonna update my rules for that. I don't want minors interacting there no sir.)
(yes I'm talking to a few of you that interacted there while knowing y'all are minors/ageless in your blogs. Don't think I don't see you.)
Anyways ty anon for giving me the ticket to rant, I needed that. Hopefully this didn't sound so depressing oops.
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dandyshucks · 1 year ago
today has straight up not gone well at all but julian saying "well, hello!" in his soft voice at the beginning of the episode im relistening to has made it marginally better tbh
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