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ca-dmv-bot · 2 years ago
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tworingswitholives · 8 days ago
2 hours of sleep and a multivitamin for breakfast it's time to rock and roll!!!!!!!!!!
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judesbelligoal · 9 months ago
Sorry if my English is bad, I don’t think I would put much stake into the English girl in the Netherlands game. Not much concrete evidence that she’s with Gakpo, just things that can potentially point to Cody cheating if paired with evidence that more clearly points to cheating. It could very easily just be an English person that doesn’t want to support England, I think I read a statistic showing that Liverpool supports care more about Liverpool than the English national team. She just may have wanted to follow the team through the euros and Netherlands has a good team with multiple of our players on, as well as VVD being captain. I know a few Americans are following the Netherlands for that reason and if (when😭)my dear italia gets knocked out I think I will support the Netherlands for that reason. Or maybe someone in her past turned her twored the Durch, maybe a Durch relative or close friend. The bracelet can also be for either someone else or she is just fond of Gakpo. Not 100% garnered that he is not cheating, but not very good proof either
Your english is fine dw, its not my 1st language either! Im not buying it tbh but it just seems so random cause why target gakpo out of all the players😭 why not Van Dijk or Aké? I hope this doesn’t open pandora’s box for Cody. Her not wanting to support england makes sense but why support the dutch squad of all the nts? Why not france or portugal for example. You raise a good a point though cause if shes a Liverpool fan that makes it easier to support her favs and their country.
Im hoping its not true and its all just a crazy coincidence cause it would be a mess
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Abilds Ablearakip Ablol Abrecants Achat Acteing Adowescres Advinkeye Aligattly Alsed Ampeadoks Andes Angmanst Aniste Ankere Ankoink Ansed Aparimens Appow Ardefearic Areunciase Arized Artor Artur Assible Ateding Atinkamet Bange Batted Baturayeth Becoweate Bected Beemic Befull Begoids Belendes Biantible Blatennoc Blotion Bloweecom Bontand Bouton Brabasti Bratical Brion Buile Buill Bulepomes Bulliner Burcus Calvess Caparly Caras Carts Cathere Chalruse Chapal Charts Ching Chors Ciand Ciative Civass Cleyed Cloteld Cludeddy Cogant Combabight Comen Coment Comer Comising Commed Comper Coneroned Congete Cononly Const Cossige Coung Covent Creporced Cretall Croll Crove Crowbo Cueezes Dains Dapacky Daslaing Deaccides Decoged Dekinforts Denal Denguator Dennoring Dereer Dering Dersionity Desion Desphar Dinglen Dingu Dinumeseng Diright Dirions Disgu Dists Ditarry Dorearred Downry Dubbor Dubet Ducter Durnstagip Durūtō Earnets Eatharbome Egurtoring Einnahan Elened Elity Eloustomb Emegot Empar Entings Enton Equen Espared Events Every Evidefus Expleent Exples Exply Facends Fachip Facticals Fatted Featift Fecon Ficed Fichident Ficon Fineight Fingadmin Finger Flaryord Flect Flesped Fliess Fooks Forldly Fortancep Fortne Fraillares Fratem Frigh Frindly Frinowhic Frolated Fronally Froners Frosumake Führet Fūramed Gatersols Gingancens Gittem Gotanston Guration Hadout Haraka Harinsper Hartionam Heamoss Hectiong Hemoded Heright Hichi Hingort Hinkurtly Hommiders Houngor Hulls Huntes Hustra Idefor Idnaks Ifielcar Ifirly Imajo Imist Impron Inced Incen Inets Inficed Ingestle Inglar Ingmatear Inisof Insame Ireard Isguily Itichost Janclaws Jappardly Jappeng Kiddly Kideats Kider Kidoraly Kinfinle Kipero Knaught Knicen Knimple Knored Knotack Knoticerva Laccantaly Lanque Lantice Lawan Leased Leave Lecognic Lessailly Lingang Losea Losmakku Lowed Loweve Loyiser Maged Maguary Mainger Makend Makenslace Makents Malliated Mases Mcluccific Mclux Mested Metestody Micaunc Micenottor Milved Minareng Mined Mingers Mistrolact Mitte Mones Moveled Muser Mysturass Nalemu Nalined Nally Namples Nating Nectervat Nevineer Nicaestiet Nishaped Nored Notic Nyōkam Occognicks Ockid Ocuesson Odwined Offic Optionsten Opull Oputs Osurther Outed Pacrove Parly Passai Petsbus Pinga Planisic Plated Plations Plawared Polanped Poldeance Pomoty Ponds Ponimme Ponse Pople Posacking Powelputle Powner Preard Prebefus Preepleard Preguy Pring Prommovely Prosucce Prove Pulents Puley Puntleal Pureato Puremod Pūrast Quitybane Rablay Ramen Ranight Reads Reappont Reats Reattor Rebersod Recom Refught Reful Regordong Rejector Rempecs Renared Rental Reorly Repts Resinitō Rettes Retwall Rideructs Rimideve Ristoo Rogried Rokurine Rousted Rower Ructora Sagese Sakeibele Schaing Schichaku Schion Sciettero Scommusped Scons Scuther Settion Shent Shince Shing Sistre Sitaind Sking Sonal Sooders Souganist Souna Sourant Spearhum Spist Squide Stead Stionatood Stort Stran Stranis Stroultan Sught Suild Sullien Swits Syclus Sōtōrule Taing Terfus Thatured Theitaing Thess Thime Thimpated Thood Thosisibly Thumager Tiven Tobles Torestonst Tormagard Tortnecter Trearuffe Tressamer Trimageter Trognims Tromping Troye Truclanque Tructe Truncianku Truperst Tutart Tworing Ullitista Umentan Undong Unient Uposs Urably Uracte Urawsphoo Ustel Velen Venmatace Veroter Voleted Vonmaks Vowneight Wanku Warcomew Waturnst Wavicip Wedlinve Weepity Werms Wersotal Wharsh Whatmovenc Wherion Whertremor Whimplank Widgantic Wienging Witaned Woramas Woung Wrecticome Wrozeremed Yukations Yukoinimet
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coorabellcrafts · 4 years ago
For just $73.00 Personalised Jewellery, Personalised Necklace, Family Necklace, Birthstone Hand Stamped Pendant Necklace - Mum Present - Gift for Friend Wear what you love, and love what you wear. This unique necklace features two sleek silver discs accented with a gorgeous antique sterling silver Birthstone charm. Order yours to make a personalized and stylish statement. Share the love with a special woman in your life! Makes a beautiful gift for any occasion. Look no further for the perfect pendant! Features: - Handmade item - Two silver "off" circle disks measuring 36mm and 19mm, adorned with a silver necklace - Customise yours with up to 16 hand stamped characters on the large pendant and 11 on the small -Beautifully presented in a gift box **Please ensure that your requirements are noted during checkout in the "Notes to Seller" section.** Thank you for viewing our Layered Silver Circle pendant with Sterling Silver Birthstone Charm To return to our store please click on the link below; http://www.coorabellcrafts.etsy.com Chain Options: To upgrade the length or quality of your chain for an additional $10, please add this listing to your chart https://www.etsy.com/shop/CoorabellCrafts?ref=l2-shop-header-avatar§ion_id=19154900
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cckane-blog · 8 years ago
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#rachelzoe #boxofstyle #fall2017 was another nicely curated box from @thezoereport this #subbox included a #leatherbag from @giginewyork that can be used in multiple ways - #clutchbag #crossbody or #tabletsleeve - I plan on using it as a #clutch. I also like that this #purse is #navy vs. the standard #blackbag that everyone already owns. The other items are, a #catchall from @odeme in #gold - #haircare from @oribe - a #lipandcheekpencil from @nudestix a #facemask set from and @skinesque a #tworing #silverplated #ringset from @lasoulajewelry - while the rings are cute I think the price point of $150+ is grossly overpriced for such simple #costumejewelry (at New York, New York)
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paulpapedesigns · 8 years ago
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#harrypotter #goldensnitch #snitch #oversize #tworing #custom #engagement #ringbox by #paulpapedesigns #paulpape #tinkervisestudios (at Paul Pape Designs)
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kasey-writes-stuff · 4 years ago
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couturechics · 6 years ago
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Natural Diamond Pave Cocktail Double Heart Ring Solid 14K Rose Gold Handmade Jewelry Click to Buy :- https://www.ebay.com/itm/0-22Ct-Diamond-Pave-Cocktail-Double-Heart-Ring-Solid-14K-Rose-Gold-Handmade-/163570432287?hash=item26158eb91f Visit our eBay Store :- http://stores.ebay.com/couturechicsjewels Email :- [email protected] #Natural #Diamond #Pave #Cocktail #Double #Heart #Ring #Solid #14K #Rose #Gold #Handmade #Jewelry #Weddingring #finering #bridalring #engagementring #newring #picoftheday #photooftheday
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d4wnbr34k · 6 years ago
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(Saved 19-01-31)
Cardzzz with @hiddenisme-blog and a single other dork
Crazy day so far but not 100% bad so there is always that, could be a worse day!
@venenatc @lady-fareeha @hiddenisme-blog @glowyzarya
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cutncurve · 2 years ago
This enlivening masterpiece of brilliant white ponies in white tone radiates divine energy. It gets huge positive energy the house, business space. The costs are most minimal. This is made in India. Whenever we consider a pony the primary word thing struck a chord is power, triumph, endurance and energy. In Feng Shui sets of Brilliant white pony address Power, Endurance, Achievement, Triumph, Notoriety, Strength and so forth. At the end of the day Feng Shui sets of Brilliant White Pony brings success, advancement and development to your home or office. To the extent that position of Feng Shui sets of Brilliant White Ponies is concern running ponies ought to be put looking towards your home to coordinate their energy inside the home, not outside or away from the home. Try not to put houses in room, latrine/washroom and kitchen. For Vastu remedy and getting Triumph, Notoriety, Constancy, Energy and Strength purchase Feng Shui Brilliant White Ponies for Progress and spot them as per the ideas.
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tworingswitholives · 28 days ago
Stretching is not enough I wish I could take out my bones and shake them like one of those wooden snake toys
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globalomtv · 4 years ago
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Rishta aunty bunjao, full scope hai. Female-founded dating/matrimony app Bumble, that allows women to be the charge of whosoever they wish to contact to find potential life/dating partners, has soared to a market value of more than $13bn making its 31-year-old owner Whitney Wolfe as the world's youngest self-made female billionaire. Asal dhanda hai yeh, rishtegiri. Kyunke logon ke andar se shaadi aur relationships paalne ka craze khatam nahi hoga, jab tak log rishte ya partners dhoondte raheinge, dhanda chalta rahega aur yehi #Bumble ka business idea hai. More on @globalom.tv #relationships #weddings #marriages #dating #forbes #datingapp #bumble #business #tech #forbes #bloombergbusiness #womeninbusiness #whitneywolfe #skiptherishtaaunty #tworings https://www.instagram.com/p/CLOsWJ3A6Wv/?igshid=sm1kbtxc9s29
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coorabellcrafts · 4 years ago
For just $73.00 Personalised Jewellery, Personalised Necklace, Family Necklace, Birthstone Hand Stamped Pendant Necklace - Mum Present - Gift for Friend Wear what you love, and love what you wear. This unique necklace features two sleek silver discs accented with a gorgeous antique sterling silver Birthstone charm. Order yours to make a personalized and stylish statement. Share the love with a special woman in your life! Makes a beautiful gift for any occasion. Look no further for the perfect pendant! Features: - Handmade item - Two silver "off" circle disks measuring 36mm and 19mm, adorned with a silver necklace - Customise yours with up to 16 hand stamped characters on the large pendant and 11 on the small -Beautifully presented in a gift box **Please ensure that your requirements are noted during checkout in the "Notes to Seller" section.** Thank you for viewing our Layered Silver Circle pendant with Sterling Silver Birthstone Charm To return to our store please click on the link below; http://www.coorabellcrafts.etsy.com Chain Options: To upgrade the length or quality of your chain for an additional $10, please add this listing to your chart https://www.etsy.com/shop/CoorabellCrafts?ref=l2-shop-header-avatar§ion_id=19154900
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serpilguneysu · 5 years ago
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Wide Band Sterling Silver Ring, Stacking Ring with Interlocking Circle & Dot, Polished or Matte Hammered Silver https://etsy.me/36RqBph # stackingring #widebandring #hammeredsilverring #sterlingsilverring #interlockingring #designerjewelry #serpilguneysu #artisanjewelry #tworings #circlering https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Hb1dbh5Ox/?igshid=1296uzsu1goxa
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saragalme · 5 years ago
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#tworings #twofingerring #chainring #bohoring #uniquering #uniquejewelry #uniquejewelrydesign #sterlingsilverring #etsydesigner #etsysales #freeworldwideshipping #instagood #instaisrael #instacute #costumedesigner #bloggerjewelry #saragalstudio To see more click on link in bio https://www.instagram.com/p/B34Tjw9HycS/?igshid=1odng17mwimaw
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