#Two deadly (adoptive) parents and one enhanced child.
josephinekhawaja · 2 years
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The Clan of Three; my Forger family of a galaxy far, far away.
Now we just need whatever would be the galaxy's counterpart to a Great Pyrenees; Chapter 17 established Grogu is already anxious for a pet🎀🎀.
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cherrytreegrove · 2 months
Ivy Jackson
Ivy was bred from one of the mafia’s prostitutes and a assassin in the hopes of making the perfect killing machine. Ivy has enhanced hearing, eyesight, and speed, can control her heart beat for 1 minute, can control her blood pressure, is immune to all poisons and venoms, and is extremely flexible. Ivy was also a victim of Lev’s perverse behavior. At a young age she was dressed in a frilly and child-like version of the assassin uniform. Ivy’s body matured at a young age and had to use her body on missions. When Ivy found out about Elle, she vowed to not let her be as hurt as she was, so she was forced to sexually please Lev to keep him from actually touching Elle. When Ivy found out about Jewel, she took her in and treated her like her sister. Once they, Ivy and Luka, were out of a mission together and Ivy saw a cute little green hair clip, it wasn’t very special, just a basic green hair clip but Ivy’s bangs had been getting in the way a lot and she regretted not bringing money on the mission, Luka was lower on the Mafia tree and didn’t make much but bought the hair clip for Ivy with the last money he had.
Thank you @sickle-stick for the art🫶
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Ivy has two sisters and a brother. Her older brother, Luka, adopted her and two other girls in the mafia. She acts like the mom when in reality she’s the second to last youngest. She’s very protective of her sisters and brother.
Ivy & Elle Ivy & Jewel
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Mother and Father
Ivy’s mother, Madison, is one of the prostitutes in the mafia. They chose her as she was deemed the most beautiful of their prostitutes. While her Father, Alexander, is one of the mafia’s best assassins.
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Ivy was Lev’s first and worst victim. He convinced Ivy’s mother to basically give her to him. As Ivy’s parents didn’t care about her, she has no choice but to live with Lev.
“My darling doll. My Ivy. My perfect doll~”
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Oc x Canon
As most of y’all know. I ship Ivy with Ruggie. While Ruggie was raised in poverty, Ivy was born into a rich life. She understands the blessing that having money is and almost never brags about it intentionally at least. She spoils Ruggie a lot and in return Ruggie teaches Ivy about Love, which is something she never thought she could feel.
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Unique Magic
Ivy’s UM is called “Golden String”
It turns strands of her hair into golden strings that can very from sharp and deadly to soft and gentle. She can also create animal familiars with her UM.
Art by @cheerleaderman
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Art by @twistedwonderlandmemories
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Art by @celestelunia
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Art by @galacticstationsblog
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For the ABO Parent AU, a few things are going to be different. First, they are set in a reboot/au of either X-Men the Animated Series, X-Men Evolution, the XMCU, or possibly even the X-Men anime/s. Second, the au for the reboot/au is ABO based, meaning there are some changes based around that. Third, I will add some fanon/personal headcanons to this au. And finally, this is an au made by me, so it is what it is. It isn't canon, and it's platonic yandere fiction. It's for fun😊
The basics of this au will be discussed here, for the ABO Parent AU, and for the two platonic yans in question, and a bit about their groups/allies... with all of this said, let's begin:
• ABO in this world is complicated. I'm not going to get into it too much, but, guys and girls and nonbinaries can have different ways to have a baby. Omegas are not seen as helpless, neither are Alphas or Betas. There may be some stereotypes, but, each gender has their own strengths. Alphas are usually strong and speedy, and can't carry a child/pup/cub, because they don't have a womb. Betas are sturdy and hardy, they can survive in good and bad conditions easier than Alphas or Omegas, and can either give someone a child or have one themself. And then there are Omegas, who are usually muscular/bigger-boned and stronger than Alphas, and they all have a womb.
• Mutants are enhanced, no matter what gender they are. They have heightened senses compared to a normal human, stronger instincts/urges, and form pack bonds. They have the heightend specialties of their gender, as well as their mutation/s. This makes them very powerful, and in this world, less likely to kill each other or harm a child/pup/cub. And if they have an animalistic/feral mutation, well... they'll have the most heightend instincts and senses. The ability to smell if someone is related to another person, ability to scent someone's mood due to the chemicals they emit, can tell a person's gender by their scent... not to mention better eyesight, being stronger or quicker or sturdier, night vision and/or ability to withstand brightness... they have the best senses of humans or other mutants.
• In this au, Logan and Victor do know each other. They are not romantically involved with each other. I'm on the rocks if they are related, adopted brothers, or just old friends... I guess either way, they end up with a grudge against each other and a few memory problems. Will they kill each other? No. Will they fight on sight? Usually, yes. What I can say for now is this: they are both very old, used to know each other and were close (platonically), and don't want the other to die, partly because they fear the other is the only other person who will live as long as they will.
• These two, for this au, are Omegas. Remember what I said about Omegas for this au? How they are muscular/big-boned, and stronger than Alphas? Yep. These two are dangerous, deadly, and very protective of what is their's. And if someone messes with what is their's, then that person gets the claws.
• They, as well as the X-Men and Brotherhood, in this au, are very protective of kids. Or at least not about to toss them off a cliff or plan to kill them. At least, not the mutant kids. Depending on the mutant, they may go after any human kids who hurt their group's kids. The adults are actually trying to feed and keep their children safe. Yes, they still taught them how to fight and harness their abilities. But, they are more protective and caring.
• Nesting happens. A lot. Especially amongst the group members. Blankets, pillows, shirts and sweaters, stuffed animals, quilts, everything soft and with their pack's scent on it, it's going in the nest. Depending on the X-Men media used, the group dynamics may be different. There may be a few kids, one or two, a few adults, or pretty much all adults. One thing is the same: they all want the best for their group, especially the reader, who went missing/was presumed dead as a newborn.
• Speaking of that: both guys are heartbroken when they realize their pup/cub isn't with them after they gave birth. They're exhausted, weak, and barely coherent, but they ask for their baby... and when they find out their baby isn't there... they lose it.
• Their friends/pack do help them through the loss, trying to keep them alive and trying to hold out hope... and for the younger members who come along later, when they find out their teacher/mentor/adopted dad/elder lost their kid... they feel sympathy and empathy for them. Some of these kids have lost their families and friends, and the idea that their group's strong man and general terror lost their own child... it kinda breaks something in them, too.
• If it is X-Men the Animated Series, well, Wolverine has been friends with the X-Men for a long time, and Jubilee becomes a sibling to his child later down the line. Considering Sabretooth, well, he is on semi-good terms with Magneto and Mystique... and his kid gets Nightcrawler, Rogue (plus Gambit), and maybe Greydon Creed? as their siblings. If it is X-Men Evolution, Logan has known Professor Xavier and Storm for years, and his kid gets the entire main teen squad plus the side teen squad as their siblings (plus Laura!), and the other adults as their adopted parents/relatives. On Sabretooth's end, he has known Magneto and Mystique for a long time, and they, along with the Brotherhood teens, are honorary pack for him and his kid. If it is the XMCU, well, every member of each group kinda knows each other, that world is less sad/death-filled, and surprise!, the two starter dads are brothers there, and that dad's kid kinda ends up with an entire mutant society/school/mega-pack when they end up being discovered.
• And in the end, well... once their kid is found, they aren't letting them go. That is their child, their pup/cub, and they'll be d*mned if they let their child be taken away from them again!
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omegasamwilson · 3 years
I literally had a panic attack when I watched Ayo take off Bucky's arm. I was born without my left arm and see a lot of myself in Bucky. I have a prosthetic and had to stop the episode and watch it later. And it really hurt me to see your completely disregard that and say I have no right to be upset. It really pisses me off. I'm fully acknowledging that Bucky did a terrible thing, and he needed to be stopped. But she didn't have to remove his arm. He wouldn't have hurt her. To see you refer to his arm in the tags as a weapon further hurt me. It's not a fucking weapon, it's his fucking arm. You're trying to twist this into a race issue when it's about fucking ableism. I'm brown not black so I don't know if you'll accept my concerns with your post
Hi, one, I apologize for what is sure to be a very long and very frustrated statement. But I’m dealing with a lot of shit rn (actually related to race and ableism specifically) but I wanted to respond because my ADHD ass will forget otherwise.
Okay. One, you say “he wouldn’t have hurt her.”
We, the audience, knows that. Ayo did not. What she knows is that the man before her was an assassin and sniper, even before he was captured and forced to kill by HYDRA. He was a WWII sniper and seemed to be quite skilled (I’m going to assume that’s one of the reasons HYDRA tried to experiment on him and picked him to he the winter soldier.) In any case, this newly reformed (and at the time, just barely reformed. As in, he was healed a month, maybe two months before the events of infinity war. So he’s been healed for a whopping seven months.) This newly reformed assassin, who had been the victim of either chemical or otherwise mental subjugation freed a terrorist from prison.
Not only did he free a terrorist from prison, he freed a terrorist that was obsessed with HYDRA. If any terrorist knew a back door to unlock the winter soldier again, it would be Baron Zemo, who knew each and every one of HYDRA’s secrets.
While Shuri is definitely brilliant, it’s entirely possible that HYDRA buried a safety within their “asset” just in case he was able to break his programming. It’s entirely possible that it was so well buried amongst the labyrinth that is the brain that even Shuri couldn’t find it. After all, Shuri isn’t a neuroscientist, and the brain is largely regarded as the final frontier. So it’s entirely possible that she missed buried programming.
So, we have a person that got rid of HYDRA’s programming seven months ago that just freed one of the only people on the planet that could have the information that could potentially reactivate the winter soldier. And THEN, we have a video of this man “acting” as the winter soldier in madripoor. This was uploaded on the internet and I’m assuming that Ayo saw it.
What proof does Ayo have that he won’t hurt her? That she won’t weaponize his arm and hurt her? What proof does she have that he’s not under Zemo’s control, that Zemo can’t control him in a second. The only thing she knows are that Bucky Barnes freed a terrorist that had access to all of HYDRA’s information, the terrorist appeared to control the winter soldier in madripoor, and it is entirely possible that there is buried programming designed to deactivate the winter soldier.
She deactivates it, realizes he’s fully in control of himself and says, “bast damn you, James.” As in, “fuck you for freeing a terrorist and acting like it isn’t a big deal. You are clearly acting on your own accord in this.”
And yes, it’s different being Black vs. being Brown. It isn’t to say that racism and ableism don’t intersect with Brown folks because obviously it does.
But l specifically asked for Black opinions bc of the demonization of Black folks, especially the trope of “big scary Black women” or “big scary Black men.”
It’s ironic I see this today when I have a story that is so relevant and anger inducing.
I work with white parents of Black children, usually through adoption since I work primarily with lgbt parents, but I do have some cis het white parents raising Black biological kids. One of the parents and friends got into it today because her autistic Black child got into it with their sibling (also disabled). The sibling intentionally triggered their older sibling and punched them and it escalated to the point where the bigger sibling finally reacted and shoved the younger sibling. It broke the younger kid’s glasses. The youngest is legally blind and needs very expensive and specific prescription classes to even have 20/40 vision.
The mom called the police on her child and the kid was arrested and charged. She is 15. Mom described the kid as aggressive and awful and terrible and all sorts of names. A ww called the police on her Black 15 year old child having a meltdown. And she played into stereotypes that Black people, Black women, are aggressive/scary/angry. A ww could’ve gotten her child killed for having a meltdown because she broke a white child’s disability aid.)
A ww couldve gotten her child killed because she played into anti-Black stereotypes. That white people need protection from them. Even when the white child was initially the aggressor in the scenario.
Sure, it’s different, but it plays to the same stereotypes. Poor white disabled person needs protection from the aggressive scary Black person, and we’re just going to assume that the Black person was being unnecessarily aggressive because it plays into all of the stereotypes about Black people. No, there’s no way that this Black person was making a decision based on a series of evidence that could point to them genuinely being harmed.
(By the way, in the scenario of the two kids, I think they both needed help and support, and that the police shouldn’t have been called period.)
Nope, it’s just an aggressive Black person being ableist.
The same systems that have everyone seeing Bucky as a cute little uwu cinnamon roll in need of protection are what caused everyone to see Ayo as an aggressive ableist Black woman. White people usually get the benefit of the doubt. The best intentions are believed even when the evidence clearly says otherwise.
The evidence Ayo had indicated that she had no idea whether the winter soldier could’ve been reactivated and whether or not Bucky could’ve been under zemo’s control. She had no idea. None. She made a decision based off that information. And the fact that Bucky didn’t react strongly indicated that he was acting on his own accord.
Mayhaps, Ayo might even have been trying to trigger the winter soldier. I just thought of this but it makes sense. That the WS would react very defensively and even potentially deadly to that level of fighting, even if his previous orders were different.
In any case, this situation isn’t comparable to every day disabled people because our disability aids to not double as weapons. Most people can’t do more harm with a prosthetic limb than they can with a regular limb. Bucky can. Bucky’s arm is also a weapon and that fact complicates matters considerably. If bucky’s arm were simply a regular arm with typical strength, it’d be a no brainer situation. But it’s not. We don’t know the wakanda enhancements of his arms, but we know in the comics, he could kill with a single punch using his arm. He uses his arm tactically to map his surroundings. He uses his arm to send off EMPs that can disabled weaponry. It even has a retractable blade for close combat. It is a disability aid that it also a weapon. It was designed to be a weapon. The normal conversations around disability aids don’t fit it because no one today has a disability aid that could kill someone in seconds and even cause larger scale damage with a targeted EMP.
And finally, I want to say this, I am truly sorry that you had a panic attack while watching the episode. That is never fair and it’s never fun to be triggered by television shows.
I do hope this helped to better explain and clarify my perspective.
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fallencomrade · 3 years
                                                 ━━  𝟑s
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                                                     please repost, don’t reblog.
   ▘  LOYALTY   ➺   a  shining  trait  of  james  barnes  that  ( somehow )  survived  the  passing  of  time  and  tribulation.  since  his  early  brooklyn  days,  bucky  barnes  displayed  a  steadfast  loyalty  and  dedication  towards  those  he  loved  and  cherished.  growing  up  during  a  time  when  there  was  a  heavy  emphasis  on  duty  and  responsibility,  james  understood  his  role  as  the  eldest  and  only  male  child  of  george  and  winifred  barnes  -  and  assumed  that  role  with  ease  and  enthusiasm.  this  loyalty  extended  beyond  blood  though,  as  was  proven  by  james’  devotion  to  close  friends,  the  most  notorious  being  his  everlasting  friendship  with  steven  rogers.  hydra  had  tried  to  weaponize  this  gleaming  trait,  hoping  to  mold  it  to  their  liking  and  use  it  to  instill  a  unquestionable  loyalty  to  their  cause.  they  were  pathetically  unsuccessful  -  and  the  chair  and  cryochamber  were  fashioned  as  a  result.  after  his  time  spent  with  hydra,  TRUST  is  something  barnes  deeply  struggles  with.  his  trusted  inner  circle  has  certainly  grown  smaller  and  much  more  exclusive,  but  james  still  harbors  this  same  dedication  to  those  selected  few.  given  his  past  and  his  current  afflictions,  those  bonds  he  does  manage  to  forge  prove  all  the  more  stronger  and  resilient.
  ▘  TENACITY   ➺   the  serum  only  enhanced  that  which  already  existed  within  him.  childhood  was  spent  surviving  the  rough  and  tumble  of  brooklyn  city  streets,  made  all  the  more  grueling  with  steve  rogers  as  a  best  friend.  as  such,  barnes  learned  at  a  very  young  age  how  to  assess  a  situation,  adapt  to  his  surroundings  and  ( most  importantly )  how  to  survive.  dance  hall  skirmishes  and  back  alley  brawls  were  nothing  though  compared  to  the  brutalities  of  war.  still,  it  was  this  grit  that  helped  the  young  man  not  only  survive  but  excel  as  a  sergeant.  the  army  soon  discovered  that  this  notorious  flirt  from  brooklyn  exhibited  a  certain  aptitude  for  sharpshooting.  this  impressive  talent  along  with  james’  natural  charisma  helped  to  build  him  a  trusted  reputation  within  the  ranks  and  respect  among  his  comrades.  these  talents  were  also  what  made  the  man  such  a  formidable  soldier.  the  bastard - serum  amplified  these  strengths  and  hydra  WEAPONIZED  them.  years  blurred  into  decades  and  his  skills  were  hellishly  refined  thanks  to  rigorous  and  ruthless  training.  the  winter  soldier  program  reconstructed  the  man  into  a  living,  breathing  weapon  capable  of  handling  any  firearm,  blade,  explosive,  advanced  weaponry,  artillery  or  blunt  object.  &&  if  he  truly  found  himself  limited  and  weaponless,  the  cybernetic  arm  soldered  to  his  body  proved  a  more  than  capable  alternative.  in  combat,  the  soldier  proved  a  devastating  force  and  hydra  was  quick  to  take  the  credit  and  reap  the  benefits,  but  this  staggering  ability  to  adapt  without  pause  and  utilize  his  surroundings  for  his  advantage  stemmed  not  in  the  dirty  lab  of  one  arnim  zola  but  began  on  the  street  corners  of  the  city  james  barnes’  called  home.    
 ▘  VIRTUE  /  ETHICS   ➺   growing  up  during  the  depression  was  not  easy  for  anyone  and  neither  was  spending  the  beginning  of  young  adulthood  surviving  the  second  world  war.  his  childhood  was  marked  by  some  of  the  worst  and  most  difficult  times  in  history  -  and  yet  james  never  allowed  hardship  or  misfortune  deter  his  regard  for  hard  work,  nor  did  he  allow  it  to  pollute  his  idealistic  outlook  on  life.  both  his  parents  worked  hard  to  support  the  family  and  that  same  work - ethic  was  imparted  onto  james,  who  assumed  the  role  eagerly  and  naturally.  luckily,  during  this  time  of  strife,  his  family  always  had  enough  to  provide  both  him  and  his  two  sisters  a  comfortable  lifestyle,  with  various  opportunities  to  explore  and  take  advantage  of  -  which  was  more  than  some  families  could  boast  at  that  time.  after  the  death  of  sarah  rogers,  james  made  the  decision  to  move  into  an  apartment  with  his  best  friend.  as  young  bacherlors,  they  did  not  have  much  but  together  they  managed  to  scrape  by  and  make  an  honest  living.  despite  steve’s  skepticism,  james’  choices  were  never  made  out  of  pity  or  some  disgruntled  sense  of  obligation.  he  worked  tirelessly  and  did  what  he  had  to  because  that  was  what  he  grew  up  believing.  a  man  takes  care  of  the  people  he  loves,  no  matter  what.  whatever  the  cost  -  working  two  jobs,  skipping  a  meal  here  and  there,  some  months  spent  without  heat,  selling  unnecessary  belongings  -  bucky  would  do  whatever  was  necessary  -  and  did  so  without  complaint.  in  fact,  he  woke  up  each  morning  with  a  smile  on  his  face  and  a  quip  on  his  tongue.  for  him,  there  was  no  better  reward  or  greater  comfort  than  knowing  the  ones  he  loved  were  taken  care  of.  he  believes  himself  unrecognizable  when  compared  to  that  willful  man  now,  but  certain  traits  of  the  old  james  barnes  can  still  be  found  within  him.  there  is  a  payout  for  hard  work  and  the  man  that  he  is  today  is  slowly  remembering  those  feelings  of  satisfaction  and  fulfillment  in  honest  labor.  
▘  RUTHLESSNESS  ➺   𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑤𝘩𝑖𝑐𝘩 𝑎𝑙𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠.  𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡.  𝑏𝑎𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 ...    before  the  horrible  truth  was  unmasked,  the  history  books  painted  james  barnes  in  a  favorable  glow.  he  was  known  for  being  the  young  jovial,  dashing  side - kick  of  captain  america.  A  PATRIOT  -  dedicated,  noble,  brave,  honorable  ;;  an  honest,  hardworking  man  who  cared  about  family,  duty,  honor  and  sacrifice.  &&  he  was  many  of  these  things.  no  one  could  deny  james  barnes  of  his  genuine  heart  of  gold.  the  man  was  willing  to  do  anything  for  those  he  loved.  anything.  such  love  was  a  truly  powerful  thing,  capable  of  cultivating  great  beauty.  it  could  also  prove  to  be  equally  as  DISASTROUS.  at  its  purest  form,  it  inspired  strength,  selflessness,  kindness.  twisted,  it  became  a  deadly  incentive.  the  BRUTALITY  of  the  winter  soldier  was  not  born  solely  from  the  torture  inflicted  upon  him  or  the  serum  he  was  infected  with.  beneath  his  buoyant,  sprightly  exterior  existed  a  side  of  james  barnes  that  was  seldom  exposed,  unless  provoked.  there  was  a  violence  that  lived  within  the  darker  parts  of  his  heart,  a  ruthless  determination  to  protect  the  things  which  were  important  to  him.  &&  if  anyone  dared  to  threaten  those  things ?  well ...  those  details  are  far  less  known.  if  needed,  james  had  no  qualms  about  getting  his  hands  dirty  or  splitting  open  his  knuckles  to  send  a  very  clear  message.  he  had  an  ability  to  separate  himself  from  his  own  subconscious  and  used  this  talent  to  become  someone  almost  unrecognizable  from  his  more  charming  counterpart.  this  austerity  deepened  into  something  even  more  callous  during  the  war  -  when  the  enemy  became  much  more  larger  and  far  more  deadly.  to  switch  back  and  forth  between  these  personas  became  even  more  fluid  and  then  -  it  became  frighteningly  easy.  it  was  a  duality  that  many  were  forced  to  adopt  in  order  to  survive  the  TRAUMAS  of  war.  it  was  only  a  glimpse  of  what  he  was  truly  capable  of  though.  the  extent  of  his  CRUELTY  reached  its  full  potential  once  he  was  injected  with  zola’s  serum.  bucky  barnes  was  capable  of  great  horror,  even  before  he  became  the  winter  soldier  -  but  with  the  serum,  the  torture  &&  captivity  -  this  capacity  was  exposed  and  steadily  becoming  the  CRUX  of  his  entire  character.  despite  the  size  of  his  heart  of  the  pureness  of  his  intentions,  there  still  exists  a  violence  inside  of  him.  ruthless  and  efficient,  it  has  grown,  survived,  thrived  and  matured  over  the  years,  and  still  sits  within  his  core  today  -  its  potential  just  as  deadly  and  just  as  horrifying.
▘  DISSOCIATION / DETATCHMENT  ➺   an  extension  of  the  adverse  trait  described  above,  james  started  to  display  this  ability  to  separate  himself  from  his  more  repugnant  qualities  early  on.  he  was  never  known  for  being  VIOLENT.  that  brutality  was  extracted  and  molded  once  hydra  got  their  hands  on  him,  it  was  assumed.  the  historians  will  tell  you  the  winter  soldier  was  a  product  of  inhumane  warfare,  experimentation,  abuse  and  indoctrination,  but  james  knows  the  truth ...  in  the  beginning,  james  did  what  he  had  to  to  protect  the  ones  he  loved.  during  his  captivity,  he  did  what  he  had  to  to  survive.  &&  now  -  he  does  what  he  needs  to  to  live  with  himself.  &&  what  was  necessary  in  all  these  occasions  required  the  man  to  separate  himself  from  his  empathy  -  and  later  on,  his  HUMANITY.  he  relied  so  heavily  on  this  mechanism  during  his  time  as  the  soldier  that  the  disconnection  became  more  common  than  not  and  breaking  free  from  that  impulse  is  something  he  continues  to  struggle  with  today  -  and  something  he  is  hesitant  to  even  relinquish.  dissociation  makes  it  easier  to  exist  ;;  to  move  forward  -  as  is  expected  of  him.  one  day  bleeds  into  another,  into  another,  into  another ...  and  he  moves  with  it,  no  longer  a  phantom  existing  outside  of  time.  instead,  an  active  presence.   —  but  his  continued  reliance  on  this  crutch ?    he  exists.    but  is  james  barnes  living ?    IS  HE  REALLY  ALIVE ? 
▘  INDECISION  ( current day )  ➺   a  weakness  that  only  manifested  after  his  captivity,  barnes  deeply  struggles  with  the  burden  of  choice.  freedom.  autonomy.  ambition.  purpose.  all  the  small  ( yet  crucial )  decisions  and  preferences  that  define  a  person’s  character  oftentimes  feels  absent  from  his  makeup.  james  buchanan  barnes  used  to  have  strong  opinions,  about  anything  and  everything.  his  favorite  flavor  of  pie,  best  subject  in  school,  favored  season,  blondes  -  brunettes ?  hell,  he  even  had  a  favorite  color.  if  someone  were  to  ask  this  james  barnes  about  those  same  sentiments,  if  they  lasted  and  endured  the  years  along  with  him  or  if  they  had  changed  with  the  time,  james  would  falter  and  stare  back  with  vacant  eyes.  individuality  feels  like  a  withered  gravesite  inside  of  him,  a  bottomless  pit  of  nothing.  every  so  often  he  may  hear  the  flickering  echoes  of  what  once  was,  but  the  enthusiasm  -  the  passion  -  feels  distant,  far - away.  for  decades,  he  had  been  deprived  of  free will.  he  was  a  WEAPON  and  weapons  did  not  feel  or  think.  weapons  did  not  make  noise  unless  fired  by  the  hands  authorized  to  use  them.  unbounded,  given  a  NAME  once  again,  a  voice  -  and  he  knows  he  should  feel  grateful.  &&  yet,  the  only  thing  he  feels  is  overwhelmed.  his  mind  does  not  hesitant  when  it  comes  to  battle  ;;  TO KILLING.  his  hands  know  exactly  which  gun  to  reach  for  given  a  situation,  how  much  pressure  to  apply  to  snap  a  bone.  he  no  longer  needs  to  run  the  numbers  in  his  head  to  calculate  a  bullets’  trajectory  given  distance  and  wind  speed.  he  fires  without  thought  and  never  misses.  he  is  an  expert  of  wartime  tactics.  violence  is  second  nature  to  him,  right  behind  DEATH.  now,  alive  -  a  free  man ...  they  ask  him  what  he  wants  and  barnes ...  does  not  know  -  and  he  inadvertently  still  finds  himself  looking  to  others  to  supply  those  answers  (  that  instruction. )
▘  SHAMEFUL INCLINATIONS  ➺   to  admit  such  whims  out  loud  would  flood  him  with  repugnant  shame.  he  knows  it  is  wrong  to  reminisce  and  crave  the  inertia  of  subjection,  but  he  cannot  deny  the  nostalgic  longing  that  twists  inside  of  him  on  his  darkest  days.  to  think  such  things  ;;  to  feel  such  things  disgraces  the  efforts  and  sacrifices  that  were  made  in  order  to  free  him  from  those  chains.   —  but  james  barnes  has  always  been  selfish  like  that.  it  is  easy  to  brush  off  accountability  and  blame  hydra  for  everything.  𝗂𝗍  𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗇'𝗍  𝗁𝗂𝗆,  𝗍𝗈𝗇𝗒 !  𝗁𝗒𝖽𝗋𝖺  𝗁𝖺𝖽  𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗅  𝗈𝖿  𝗁𝗂𝗌  𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽.   ▪    𝚑𝚢𝚍𝚛𝚊 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞.    ▪   🇾​🇴​🇺​  🇦​🇷​🇪​  🇹​🇭​🇪​  🇱​🇴​🇳​🇬​🇪​🇸​🇹​  🇸​🇪​🇷​🇻​🇮​🇳​🇬​  🇵​🇴​🇼​.    ▪    𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚌𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.    ▪   𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖽𝗂𝖽 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗌,  𝗂𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎.    𝗒𝗈𝗎  𝖽𝗂𝖽𝗇'𝗍  𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾  𝖺  𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗂𝖼𝖾.  NO CHOICE.   they  had  absolute  control  over  his  body,  his  mind. (did they?)  he  could  not  refuse. (couldn’t he?)   the  grim  reality  is  that,  as  years  bled  into  decades,  the  leash  hydra  had  chained  around  his  neck  started  to  loosen  considerably,  until  the  pull  barely  existed  at  all.  rarely  did  his  handlers  need  to  rely  on  the  early  tactics  to  keep  him  in  line.  he  COMPLIED  without  resistance.  both  masters  and  soldier  fell  into  an  agreeable  rhythm,  following  a  trusted  routine.  it  made  activation  less  agonizing,  muffled  the  scratching  of  chaotic  thoughts  into  soothing  white  noise.  it  made  his  orders  simpler  ;;  made  killing  easier  ;;  made  existing  with  himself ...  easier.  it  was  a  gift  ( they told him )  to  be  relieved  of  the  burden  of  choice  and  there  are  times  when  he  still  ( shamefully ) agrees  with  this.  to  feel  nothing  at  all,  after  having  felt  so  much ... ?  it  is  a  very  dangerous  thing.  the  numbing  high  of  indifference,  apathy,  inertia  -  can  feel  like  FREEDOM. 
▘  LIKELIHOOD OF RECOVERY  ➺   the  harrowing  truth ...  he  has  lived  more  of  his  life  as  a  WEAPON  than  he  has  a  person.  after  everything  he  has  gone  through,  james  feels  more  machine  than  he  does  human.  he  feels  the  corrosion  of  rust  spreading  through  him.  his  body  does  not  feel  like  flesh  and  bone,  but  more  akin  to  gears  and  wires  and  metal.  thoughts  are  mere  embedded  programming ...  implanted,  artificial.  his  heart  feels  like  a  gnarled  knot  inside  his  chest.  his  soul  feels  absent.  morality  is  faint,  compassion  -  oftentimes  hard  to  find.  to  choose  requires  great  effort  ;;  to  think  requires  effort  ;;  to  care  requires  effort  -  and  james  is  exhausted.  those  on  his  side  tell  him  he  deserves  a  chance  to  recover,  to  heal  -  but  he  sometimes  thinks  that  the  best  thing  they  could  do  given  the  situation  is  to  take  this  body  that  feels  more  like  a  weapon,  decommission  it,  place  it  in  storage  under  lock  and  key  and  allow  it  to  gather  dust.  can  he  heal ?  can  he  recover ?  can  he  exist  as  anything  other  than  a  weapon ?  after  all  this  time  and  after  everything  he  has  gone  through ?  he  isn’t  sure.  optimism  hasn’t  been  his  forte  since  1942.  he  considers  himself  a  realist.  &&  if  his  chances  follow  his  rotten  history  of  luck,  the  odds  do  not  appear  to  be  on  his  side.
▘  DRAFTED SOLDIER  ➺   he  will  never  admit  it.  ever.  &&  how  befitting  -  this  dark  secret.  how  it  reveals  the  nature  of  his  character ...   all  the  blood  on  his  hands,  all  the  lives  he  has  stolen,  the  atrocities  he  has  committed  -  and  this  is  the  one  thing  he  is  most  ashamed  of.  his  head  is  filled  with  dark  secrets  -  hydra’s,  his  own.  all  of  them  are  shameful,  ugly,  brutal  and  yet  this  one  secret  stands  out  the  most  in  his  mind.  this  is  the  one  that  GUTS  him  the  most,  because  it  was  before ...  everything.  before  the  war,  before  hydra,  before  the  soldier.  this  reveals  james  barnes  at  his  core.  this  is  his  blemish  ;;  his  most  reproachable  trait.  this  destroys  his  character  more  than  hydra  or  the  soldier  ever  did.  it  is  a  truth  he  will  never  admit  to,  to  anyone.  he  will  even  go  as  far  as  denying  it,  lying  to  his  dying  breath.   —  but  how  could  he  admit  such  a  thing ?  after  witnessing  the  bravery  and  determination  he  saw  in  others,  in  his  best  friend  -  to  serve,  to  protect  -  without  the  slightest  pause  or  hesitation.  all  the  while  he  tried  to  hide  from  the  call  of  duty,  hoping.  praying.  james  barnes  never  signed  up  to  serve  the  second  world  war.  it  is  a  secret  he  has  never  admitted  to  anyone.  not  to  his  friends,  his  father  or  sisters.  not  to  the  other  commandoes.  not  even  ( especially  not )  steve.  &&  it  is  a  secret  he  will  take  to  the  grave.   
▘  LOSING AUTONOMY  ➺   while  freedom  has  proven  tumultuous,  he  still  prefers  the  struggle  when  compared  to  the  alternative.  while  under  hydra’s  control,  james  barely  surfaced,  but  the  rare  times  he  did  he  saw  the  world  though  a  murky  sheet  of  ice,  drifting  in  the  inertia  of  the  soldier’s  compliance.  existence  felt  more  like  an  out  of  body  experience  -  a  resultant  of  trauma,  he  was  later  told.  he  witnessed  his  torture,  his  brutal  crimes,  the  creeping  advancement  of  hydra’s  power,  more  as  an  onlooker  than  an  active  participant.  it  made  certain  things ... easier  to  stomach.  the  torture,  the  experiments  ;;  stasis,  the  chair.  it  made  following  orders ...  simpler.  he  hardly  blinked  when  exposed  to  his  own  potential  for  DEVASTATION.  the  violence.  the  breaking,  rebuilding  and  training  of  more  soldiers,  the  little  spiders.  torture.  murder.  during  his  less  lucid  states,  he ( selfishly ) welcomed  the  disconnect,  but  every  so  often  -  his  old  sense  of  morality  would  give  a  kick  and  he  would  stare,  wide - eyed  and  horrified.  he  would  honestly  try  with  every  bit  of  strength  he  had  left  inside  of  him  to  stop  himself,  to  control  himself,  but  even  his  hardest  endeavors  failed  miserably  against  the  soldier’s  rigid  conditioning.  nothing  more  than  the  occasional  hiccup  in  his  code,  a  sudden  half - second  hesitation  -  quickly  roped  back  into  submission  by  screaming  static.  to  exist  in  such  a  way  -  condemned  to  watch  as  your  shadow  destroys  every  bit  of  light  within,  fated  to  feel  the  rot  putrefy  your  soul,  slowly  -  slowly ... it  is  a  terrible  thing.  &&  it  will  continue  to  haunt  james  for  the  rest  of  his  life.  he  may  struggle  to  find  purpose  after  his  liberation,  the  motivation  and  energy  to  pursue  a  meaningful  life,  but  the  last  thing  he  ever  wants  ( what he fears )  is  to  be  used  as  a  PUPPET  again.
▘  LIVING  ➺   he  existed  in  a  definite  state  for  a  very  long  time,  long  enough  for  him  to  find  comfort  in  routine,  monotony  -  THE EXPECTED.  there  was  an  equation  to  surviving  hydra  ( surviving himself )  -  and  hydra  proved  they  would  be  true  to  their  word  if  only  he  obeyed.   COMPLIANCE WILL BE REWARDED.   orders  were  clear  and  exact  and  non - negotiable.  missions  were  organized  and  coordinated,  objectives  defined  well  before  he  was  even  pulled  from  stasis.  he  knew  what  to  expect  -  how  much  pain  he  would  need  to  endure,  what  followed  activation,  what  proceeded  mission  completion  -  and  he  knew  what  he  needed  to  do  in  order  to  make  the  process  bearable.  ( ready to comply )  the  soldier  did  not  like  it  when  things  did  not  go  according  to  plan.  like  hydra,  he  did  not  like  surprises.  lose  ends.  it  required  him  to  make  decisions, to  think ...   orders  were  simple.  all  he  needed  to  do  was  complete  them  as  quickly,  as  cleanly  and  as  efficiently  as  possible,  AS INSTRUCTED.  any  deviation  from  the  expected  leads  quickly  into  CHAOS  and  chaos  can  be  as  dangerous  and  as  deadly  as  an  explosion.  after  the  failure  of  project  insight,  the  soldier  was  forced  to  adapt  to  his  situation  in  order  to  survive.  the  upheaval  of  sudden  liberation  almost  destroyed  him.  he  spent  those  first  few  months  in  a  mad  attempt  to  regain  some  semblance  of  order.  he  hid  out  of  sight,  living  as  a ghost  while  struggling  with  whiplashing  whims:  the  rigid  impulse  to  return  to  his  surviving  handlers  ( for  orders )  or  the  luring  urge  to  continue  to  run  and  observe  this  new  form  of  reality  he  had  abruptly  been  exposed  to.  it  was  a  constant  strife  between  soldier  and  man  ;;  compliance  and  curiosity.  the  longer  he  was  exposed  to  clean  air  though,  the  more  james  barnes  settled  to  the  surface,  the  stronger  his  voice  became.  the  soldier  slowly  started  to  come  to  terms  with  some  truths.  he  did  not  miss  the  chair  -  or  hydra’s  drugs.  he  did  not  miss  the  violence.  it  was  enough  to  justify  his  decision  to  run  -  and  slowly,  the  man  started  to  live.  to  be  alive  ( human )  opened  the  door  to  many  things  he  did  not  mind.  music,  knowledge,  the  warmth  of  a  blanket,  pizza ...  but  there  was  a  price.  james  learned  in  bucharest  that  he  could  not  continue  to  live  as  a  ghost.  he  could  not  continue  to  reap  the  benefits  of  living  without  also  bearing  its  obligations.  the  more  he  is  dragged  back  into  the  land  of  the  living,  the  more  responsibility  is  placed  on  his  shoulders.  he  is  forced  now  to  make  decisions  that  not  only  impact  his  life  but  others  as  well.  it  also  brings  into  focus  his  past,  forcing  him  to  start  coming  to  terms  with  his  crimes  -  and  his  guilt.  to  live  a  life  involves  many  things  james  is  not  yet  comfortable  with.  he  is  forced  to  move  forward,  to  make  choices,  to  collaborate  and  trust  others,  to  heal ...  all  new  waters  the  man  is  deathly  afraid  to  wade  into,  because  it  leads  to  uncertainty,  leads  to  the  unexpected.  cause  and  effect.  there  is  no  equation  to  guarantee  success  ;;  no  trusted,  proven  procedure  to  follow.  to  live  a  full  life  means  making  decisions  and  then  being  brave  enough  to  live  with  those  decisions.  barnes  still  deeply  struggles  with  the  fear  of  the  UNKNOWN,  and  when  overwhelmed  by  crippling  indecision,  finds  himself  clinging  to  old  comforts.  that  same  sickening  desire  to  exist  once  more  beyond  the  bounds  of  time,  a  chimera  relieved  of  the  burden  of  choice  all  together.    
▘  HIMSELF  ➺   his  potential.   his  mind,  body  -  everything  contained  within  this  cage  of  blood  and  bone  terrifies  him.  for  him  ( &&  those  made  like  him )  freedom  is  nothing  more  than  a  far - fetched  pipedream.  zemo  shattered  all  illusions  of  freedom,  and  all  it  took  was  the  whisper  of  ten  choice  words.  regardless  of  the  small  progress  he  made  in  the  years  following  his  defection,  all  of  it  was  reduced  to  rubble  the  moment  he  was  dragged  back  into  the  plane  of  the  living.  he  was  careless,  ignorant,  sloppy  -  allowing  himself  to  be  curious,  hopeful  -  and  six  agents  paid  the  price  for  it  in  germany  when  the  soldier  was  reactivated.  the  great  fist  of  hydra  is  indeed  a  terrifying  sight  to  behold,  but  james  understands  the  soldier  is  simply  a  byproduct  of  himself  -  and  that  is  what  truly  horrifies  him.  even  before  the  serum  was  introduced  into  his  body,  his  potential  was ...  concerning.  the  things  he  was  willing  to  do  back  home  ;;  the  things  he  was  willing  to  do  during  the  war ...  the  disconcerting  ways  he  was  able  to  manipulate  his  own  morality.  his  malleable  ethical  code.  the  serum  only  heightened  that  which  already  existed  inside  of  him,  but  it  did  pave  a  space  for  corruption  to  thrive.  it  made  him  even  more  dangerous,  even  more  LETHAL.  his  potential  for  destruction  was  exemplified.  his  ability  to  survive,  his  tolerance  for  pain  -  expanded.  the  serum  allowed  hydra  the  opportunity  to  find  that  seed  of  ugliness  which  existed  inside  of  him  and  feed  it,  cultivate  it.  they  helped  it  grow  and  thrive,  and  then  sowed  the  deadly  fruits.  the  things  he  found  himself  capable  of  -  the  violence,  the  brutality.  the  things  he  learned  to  stomach  ;;  the  horrors  he  found  himself  able  to  commit ...  revolutionists.  bright  minds.  visionaries.  humanitarians.  entire  families.  innocent  bystanders.  good  people.  children.  he  killed  without  blinking  ;;  without  flinching  -  and  then  returned  to  the  people  who  issued  those  orders  and  waited  for  more.  there  were  a  handful  of  times  when  he  hesitated,  questioned  -  but  for  the  most  part,  he  completed  his  orders  without  question  and  did  so  without  feeling  a  flutter  of  disturbance.   i had no choice.  hydra had control of his mind.  you couldn’t refuse them.  it wasn’t your fault.   he  can  hide  behind  those  excuses  all  he  wants,  but  barnes  knows  what  lives  inside  of  him.  he  knows  what  hydra  put  inside  him  and  what  was  already  there.  the  winter  soldier  might  be  an  exaggeration  of  the  worst  parts  of  a  person  -  as  captain  america  exemplified  the  best  -  but  the  soldier  is  only  a  reflection  of  the  darkness  that  already  lived  within  him.     &&  THAT IS TERRIFYING. 
▘  PURPOSE  ➺   ever  since  his  reemergence  back  into  the  land  of  the  living,  james  has  struggled  to  understanding  what  to  do  with  newfound  existence.  a  name,  a  face,  a  place  in  this  world,  an  identity  and  yet  -  on  most  days  he  still  feels  like  a  weapon.  recovery  feels  similar  to  deactivation,  and  the  soldier  finds  himself  waiting,  constantly  preparing  for  the  day  when  they  will  take  him  out  of  storage,  brush  off  the  rust  and  use  him  once  more.  the  expectation  looms  over  him  like  a  dark  cloud  and  hinders  his  progress.   —  but  what  else  does  he  have  to  offer ?  what  else  can  he  do ?  if  not  for  some  useful  purpose,  why  does  he  exist ?  if  the  only  thing  he  knows  how  to  do  is  fight,  kill,  DESTROY  -  what  other  direction  is  there ?  he  is  good  at  what  he  does.  he  is  good  at  what  hydra  bred  him  to  be ...  but  he  does  not  want  to  exist  for  that  purpose.  he  is  tired  of  war,  of  violence  -  but  without  the  constant  stimulation  of  battle,  time  is  a  slow  and  dragging  endeavor.  he  does  want  to  prove  ( to  the  world,  hydra,  steve,  to  himself )  that  he  is  more  than  just  a  weapon  made  for  war,  but  he  finds  himself  more  often  than  not  questioning  the  validity  to  that  statement,  especially  when  it  is  the  only  thing  that  feels  natural  to  him.  the  serum  defines  him.  his  skillset  defines  him.  his  past  defines  him  -  and  if  he  has  proven  one  thing,  it  is  that  he  is  a  good  fighter.  A GOOD KILLER.  he  excels  when  it  comes  to  battle.  he  is  hard  to  stop  ;;  hard  to  kill  -  and  these  types  of  strengths  point  to  one  obvious  path.  one  does  not  use  a  blade  to  paint  a  magnificent  masterpiece.  he  was  weaponized  long  ago  and  to  try  to  be  anything  but  what  he  has  been  for  so  long  seems ...  counterproductive.   still,  he  does  not  want  to  keep  fighting  -  and  his  doctors  tell  him  that  is  important  ( essential ).  if  he  isn’t  serving  though,  what  should  he  do ?  time  is  so  painstakingly  slow  and  without  stasis,  he  does  not  know  how  to  fill  in  the  stagnant  space  in  between.  he  might  lose  whatever  shreds  of  sanity  he  has  left  -  and  there  isn’t  much  left  to  spare.  he  needs  guidance,  instruction.  he  needs  someone  to  tell  him  what  to  do ...  they  tell  him  it  is  up  to  him  to  decide,  but  he  doesn’t  know.  he  does  not  want  to  go  back  to  hydra  ;;  he  does  not  want  to  be  controlled  or  manipulated.   —  but  when  time  starts  to  pull  and  drag  and  his  mind  is  left  free  to  wander ...  there  are  times  when  he  feels  desperate  enough  to  long  for  orders.  he  hopes  to  find  some  kind  of  meaning  once  again  to  his  existence  and  hopes  this  time  around,  it  is  fashioned  for  something  good.  
▘  A SENSE OF IDENTITY  ➺   he  is  not  sure  he  will  ever  truly  feel  natural  within  his  own  skin  or  inside  his  own  mind.  the  face  he  wears  now  feels  more  like  a  mask,  stretched  to  the  seams  to  hide  the  husk  beneath.  for  so  long  he  existed  as  a  puppet,  body  moving  on  command.  his  actions  never  felt  like  his  own  and  neither  did  his  thoughts.  for  far  too  long,  he  was  a  stranger  inside  his  own  mind  and  body.  the  strings  have  been  cut,  a  name  placed  back  on  his  tongue  -  but  he  still  feels ...  empty.   who  is  he ?   what  does  he  like  to  do ?  what  are  his  hobbies ?  his  interests ?  what  does  he  dislike ?  what  makes  him  happy ?  what  makes  him  sad ?  they  ask  him  these  questions  and  all  he  can  hear  are  the  voices  of  old  hydra  handlers  inside  his  head.  A  WEAPON  NEED  NOT  BOTHER  ITSELF  WITH  SUCH  MEANINGLESS  FRIVOLITIES.    —   it  is  not  a  part  of  your  code.   he  often  needs  to  be  reminded  ( reassured )  -  he  is  not  a  weapon.  he  is  not  a  machine.  beneath  skin  and  bone,  he  has  a  heart.  he  has  a  mind  and  both  these  things  belong  to  him.  he  is  allowed  to  want,  to  feel,  to  explore,  to  refuse,  to  challenge ...  freely.  it  is  a  hard  concept  for  him  to  remember  and  to  accept,  but  he  has  made  some  strides.  he  has  discovered  ( rediscovered ? )  some  things  he  likes:  the  feel  of  sunlight  against  his  face,  the  smell  of  coffee,  the  soft  scratch  of  a  record  player  and  the  fuzzy  music  which  follows,  a  trusted  knife,  pizza,  warm  blankets ...  he  has  also  recognized  some  things  he  does  not  like.  the  building  crackle  of  electricity,  paralysis,  the  stench  of  death,  silence  so  loud  it  hurts,  eyes  watching  him,  the  sudden,  sharp  hiss  of  ice  melting,  prolonged  pain ...   meager  progress  maybe,  but  it  is  a  start  -  and  james  hopes  to  some  day  feel  the  same  comfort  within  his  own  body  and  mind  that  his  past - self  seemed  to  epitomize  so  effortlessly.  TO  BE  HIS  OWN  PERSON  -  defined  by  passions,  opinions  ;;  propelled  by  confident  choices  made  with  conviction ...  the  idea  seems  so  unattainable  given  how  DAMAGED  he  is,  but  it  is  still  something  he  would  like  to  attain.  if  only  to  prove  to  hydra  ( &&  to  himself )  that  he  is  in  fact  his  own  person  and  that  he  does  not  belong  to  anyone  -  but  himself. 
▘  TO PROMOTE POSITIVE CHANGE  ➺   after  all  the  destruction  he  has  blasted  into  the  course  of  history,  the  idea  seems  almost ...  laughable.  dismissible  certainly,  for  what  other  purpose  could  hands  sharpened  into  blades  be  used  for ?  &&  perhaps  even  insulting,  to  those  whose  lives  he  ruined.  like  his  other  emotions,  after  his  desertion  his  guilt  was  initially  muted,  but  the  longer  he  remains in  this  plane  of  existence  -  the  more  time  allowed  to  heal  -  the  more  james  comes  face  to  face  with  those  directly  impacted  by  his  crimes,  and  each  time  the  discomfort  inside  him  grows  stronger.  the  memories  are  returning  and  most  of  them  are  HORRIFIC.  the  lives  he  cut  short,  the  families  he  ripped  apart.  the  orphans  he  abandoned,  the  parents  he  made  bury  their  children ...  the  peace  he  broke  in  order  to  secure  continued  chaos.  hydra  was  a  parasite,  feasting  on  the  corpses  of  war  and  conflict  -  gorging  and  growing  -  and  he  was  one  of  the  reasons  how  they  survived  and  thrived  throughout  history.  the  fist  of  hydra,  zimniy  soldat,  the  soldier,  hydra’s  bloodhound.  he  was  unseen  from  the  eyes  of  the  world,  faceless  -  but  his  actions  resonated  ;;  his  reputation  notorious,  even  if  only  as  a  ghost  story.  many  of  his  crimes  have  been  made  public  thanks  to  the  widow’s  data  dump,  but  there  are  many  ( too  many )  that  are  still  undisclosed  -  known  only  to  him,  his  victims  and  the  hydra  higher - ups  who  issued  the  orders.  he  knows  it  sounds  silly,  far - fetched,  childish  -  but  it  would  be  nice  to  have  some  kind  of  impact  on  this  world  that  isn’t  so  violent  or  destructive.  he  knows  he  cannot  make  amends  for  all  the  bad  he  has  done.  there  is  too  much  blood  ( far  too  much  blood )  but  if  he  could  do  something ...  to  prove  he  can  be  something  more  than  that  which  hydra  made  of  him,  he  would  like  to  try.  there  is  no  fixing  the  damage  the  winter  soldier  has  caused.  there  is  no  way  to  restore  james  barnes’  promising  reputation,  but  to  leave  this  world  knowing  he  could  do  something  good  -  after  doing  so  much  bad  -  would  feel ...  freeing.
tagged by :  stolen ! tagging :  @cxpt​,  @justicetempered​, @gcroinya​, @fatedfuturist​, @agntross​, @mxndwitch, @toscrve​​​
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 34 Roundup!
This includes a LOT of awesome content from the Discord party this past weekend, which is all kinds of excellent!
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Title: Herbal Tea, Hikes, and Meditation Collaborator: Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Image of Bucky meditating Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Meditation, Sneaky Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Alternate Universe - Teachers, Alternate Universe - College/University Summary: Steve says he enjoys meditation but all he really does when he and Bucky meditate together is feel him up. Word Count:1401
Title: Bucky’s Christmas Tree Collaborator: hawkeyeandthewintersoldier Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U2 - Holiday Fic Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Christmas, Established Relationship Summary: Bucky decorates his Christmas tree, wondering if Steve will be home in time for the holidays. Decorating is a thing of pleasure for him, something he knows he deserves now. Word Count: 506
Title: A Better Future Collaborator: TiBun Link: AO3 Square Filled: U4 - Bucky/Clint Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Mature Major Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Murder, Loss of Parent(s), Adoption Summary: When Sarah and Joseph Rogers take in newly orphaned Clint Barton, they vow to give him the loving, supportive life all children deserved, help him to heal from the damage done. Years later when Clint returns home to Brooklyn after traveling the country with his summer job, he is reunited with his adoptive brother's best friend, and something new begins to spark between them. Word Count: 11,194
Title: Lighter Collaborator: hawkeyeandthewintersoldier Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K3 - support group Ship: BuckyNat Rating: Teen Major Tags: Dissociation, Therapy, Bucky Barnes recovering, Established Relationship Summary: After he has had a bad week, Bucky talks to his support group and dissociates. It leaves him feeling a bit shaken and his girlfriend Natasha picks him up. Word Count: 1217
Title: Siren, part 4 : Lost girls find a way Collaborator: writing-mermaid Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U1 - “This might as well happen” Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Mature Major Tags: Mentions of death, degenerative illness, abduction Summary: Y/N is a mutant, a Siren, the last of her kind, with deadly dangerous powers and a hidden past. If most of the Avengers likes and get along with her, Steve doesn’t, and it’s getting worse when Y/N and Bucky become close. After all what can bring two broken souls together if it’s not a dark past. Word Count: 2252
Title: Unexpected Collaborator: pherryt Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y2 - Wings Ship: WinterWidowHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: none Word Count: 955
Title: What's in This Coffee Anyway?! (moodboard) Collaborator: Faustess Link: AO3 Square Filled: C2 - Time Travel Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Baristas, Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Office, Coffee, Time Shenanigans Summary: Bucky is a barista and Tony Stark is his favorite customer. Today is the same as any other day except the espresso machine makes a weird sound and... sends them both back in time. Word Count: 100
Title: Star Camping Collaborator: ariasfandom Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - Star Watching Ship: WinterWitch  Rating: Gen Major Tags: Stargazing, moodboard, aesthetic, space, galaxy   Summary: A moodboard of Wanda and Bucky stargazing from the back of a pickup truck
Title: Coffee Time Collaborator: ibelieveinturtles Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K1 - Barista Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard  Summary: When Bucky unexpectedly inherits an old friend’s run down coffee shop, he doesn’t expect much. Then he discovers that the ancient coffee machine is a time machine, sending him from one end of history to another, learning the secrets of the most ancient society of Time Travelling Baristas.
Title: BBB November 2020 Round Robin Collaborators: fightingforcreativity, rebelmeg, ladydarkphoenix, ariasfandom, Faustess, LLightz, Politzania, ibelieveinturtles Link: AO3 Squares Filled: fightingforcreativity, B3 - Lost their Powers rebelmeg, K5 - gym buddies ladydarkphoenix, B5 - frenemies ariasfandom, K1 - Kidnapped! Faustess, B5 - Fortune Cookie LLightz, U1 - AU Office / Corporate Politzania, K5 - Role Reversal ibelieveinturtles, B2 - Language Ship: several hinted ships, up to reader interpretation Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Corporate, Gym Buddies, Fortune Cookies, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm, Ambushes and Sneak Attacks, Injury, Kidnapping, Magic, Multiverse, Plot Twists Summary: A trip to the gym takes one wild turn when Ten Rings Incorporated attacks. Word Count: 2695
Title: HYDRA's Dolly Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - Graveyard Ship: Tony & Bucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Tony Stark needs a hug, Canon Divergence, Angst, Fluff, Soft bois, Songfic Summary: Bucky remembers some of his victim's names. He knows he remembers this woman. Not knowing how else to deal with his grief, he visits her grave. Remembering more of his life as Hydra's doll, he is surprised to find company and ultimately an unlikely friend. Word Count: 1312
Title: Visions of Xmas Past, Present, Future Collaborator: lbibliophile Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U2 - Memes Ship: BuckySam Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard, blood Summary: Christmas Eve in his shity little apartment in in Bucharest, a recovering Bucky Barnes is granted a gift: a reminder of how far he has come, and how much more he still has to gain.
Title: It’s a Bee Collaborator: Pyrone Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C3 - free space Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: If you don’t like insects. there are bees, moodboard Summary: After getting funds from unexpected places Bucky moves out and starts a hobby with the old frames and houses he finds in his new place.
Title: FiveEver Collaborator: ariasfandom Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y1 - Crack Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Endgame, Crack, Drabble Summary: Forever is a long time to love someone, but fiveever is longer. Sadly, Steve couldn’t realize that until it was too late. Word Count: 100
Title: Alternate Bucky Collaborator: writing-what-writing Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y3 - alternate timeline self Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: alternate universe mumbo jumbo   Summary: Bucky and the other Avengers watch Hot Tub Time Machine and one of the actors looks familiar… Word Count: 414
Title: Workout Collaborator: lbibliophile Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B4 - Showoff Ship: Tony & Bucky & Steve Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard, dog!Bucky, dog!Steve Summary: If there were such a thing as supersoldiers in dog form, Bucky and Steve would be it. Tony loves them, but their energy will be the death of him someday.
Title: Xanadu Collaborator: Ibelieveinturtles Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U2 - AU: Artist/Muse Ship: BuckyDarcy Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: The Xanadu AU no one asked for: Former Junior Swing Dance Champion Bucky Barnes is home from the army and struggling to reintegrate. He’s got a job as a teacher at his sister Becca’s dance studio but it’s not really what he wants to do with his life. On a night out at a new retro disco nightclub with his best friend Steve, he dances with a girl who matches him better than anyone except Becca. Unfortunately she disappears before he can get her name or number. The next day Bucky runs into an old dancing mentor who invites him to audition for a new musical he’s putting together. When he gets there, he’s thrilled to find the girl from the previous night. Can he win the girl and the lead role or will he bust a move instead?
Title: Sweets for the Sweet Collaborator: Politzania Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - Blind Date Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Drabble, Moodboard, fluff Summary: Tony discovers something shocking about his blind date. Word Count: 100
Title: Till Death Do Us Part Collaborator: pherryt Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y4 - Marriage Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: none
Title: breathe easy (take your aim) Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y2 - AU: Sentinel/Guide Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Sentinels & Guides, Sentinels & Guides are Known, World War II, Brief Mentions of War-Time Violence, Lots of touching Summary: Erksine stepped up to him and began poking and prodding him, taking his temperature, taking his blood pressure, looking in his eyes, his mouth -- he said something that Steve only understood half of in German, before he drew back and smiled. “It worked.” - The serum enhances every one of Steve's senses. He needs Bucky more than ever. Word Count: 4993
Title: BBB November 2020 Round Robin - Take Two Collaborators: Ginger, eachpeachpearplum, Poliz, fightingforcreativity, Menatiera, ladydarkhoenix, Faustess, LLightz, Pyrone, ibelieveinturtles, Gavilan Link: AO3 Squares Filled: Ginger, B5 - magnet Peach, B3 - abandonment issues Poliz, C4 - Marriage Menatiera, K4 - passing notes ladydarkphoenix, B3 - comfort clothes Faustess, Y2 - Hand Holding LLightz, K3 - Dog Pyrone, K3 - magical girl ibelieveinturtles, B1 - “Kiss me” Gavilan, K5 - walking disaster Ship: possibly WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: comfort, coping mechanisms, supportive friends, therapy animals Summary: With the help of his friends, Bucky finds cuddly new ways to cope with his PTSD. Word Count: 3232
Title: Advent Calendar Collaborator: writing-what-writing Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C2 - Fluff Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: Advent Calendar, Domestic Fluff Summary: Bucky doesn’t know about advent calendars Word Count: 256
Title: Baby Steps Collaborator: ariasfandom Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - Bathing Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Smut, first time, fluff, aftercare Summary: Steve and Bucky had been dating for a while, and they'd been wanting to 'get together' for just as long. Every time they got the chance, Steve stopped everything dead in it's tracts. One day, Bucky brings this up him, and the answer wasn't exactly what he was expecting, so Bucky made it his mission to prove to Steve just how much he loved him and his body. Word Count: 3795
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1-1snailxd-art · 5 years
Caretaker Prompts 19 and 15 with angst. May I suggest in a Hunger Games setting or the like?
15 “I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
19 “Just keep pressure on it.”
I know you said Hunger Games, but because my brain is like a revolving door I couldn’t get anything that was really flowing well with that (I’m not big into Hunger Games. I’ve only read and seen the first one). 
So, I went for a Supernatural style universe with Vampires and Werewolves that I kinda came up with ages ago.
Relationships/Character: There’s no romance here - Deceit/Declan (Father figure/Alpha - Born from magic and connected to a snake spirit), Roman and Remus are 17-year-old twin pure-blood werewolves (parents were both wolves rather than being turned, giving them enhanced senses, strength and healing), Virgil is a 3-year-old pure-blooded Vampire (parents were both vampires), and Logan is a 17-year-old human 😝
Warnings: Blood mentioned, panic, vomit mentioned
Words: 2333
Summary: Babysitting was meant to be an easy way for Logan to earn money, but turned deadly when vampires came to hunt the child in his care. Supernatural beings or not, Logan was willing to risk his life for the boy and show he was stronger with nothing but human blood in his veins. 
“Just keep pressure on it.” Remus instructed, shifting aside for Roman to take his place. “I’m going to clear the perimeter.”
“Be careful.”
His twin nodded and hurried down the stairs, leaving Roman alone with a bleeding and grunting Logan.
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry. This wasn’t meant to happen.”
Roman felt horrible listening to the other boy cry out in agony as he adjusted his position to control the bleeding from his stomach.
“He gonna die, Ro? Did I- Did I did it?”
His three-year-old brother shuffled out of the bedroom, tears streaming down his face and mixing with the splatter of blood that coated his face and ninja turtle pyjamas.
“No, buddy. You didn’t do this okay. Just go back in the room and wait.”
“But tha teef.”
Sighing, Roman glanced from the stab wound in Logan’s stomach to the mess that was his shoulder. Fangs had sliced through flesh with the ease akin to a hot knife through butter but was thankfully clear of his face so Roman didn’t need to worry that he had been turned. The vampires who attacked the house were out to kill, not turn or feed, and Virgil’s mouth was too small to do that much damage even if he was rampaging.
“They’re not your teeth, Vee. I promise you; you didn’t hurt the babysitter.”
“Logan.” Virgil said firmly, tears falling faster as he got more worked up. “His name’s, Logan.”
    Watching his brother cry was heartbreaking for the older sibling and he had to fight the urge to scoop him up and away in the safety of his embrace, but he knew he couldn’t. Virgil’s eyes were glued to Logan, tiny chest heaving with hiccupped sobs and worsening every time the injured man made a sound.
“Virge, buddy, you need to get back in the room.” Roman was desperate for Remus to return, or even their father for that matter, just so someone could help Virgil before he had another vampire to deal with. “I promise I will help Logan, but I need you safe first.”
The small nod as Virgil shuffled back should have offered some reassurance but Roman’s senses peaked; his inner wolf smelling a change in his little brother’s system.
Turning towards the stairs, he focused on working out how far away Remus was.
   "Roman?“ The toddlers voice shook just as his body trembled; eyes growing in realisation and the brown of his left iris faded to grey.
“Virgil, in the room, now!”
He hated to yell but his tone was harsh enough to shake Virgil into action, scurrying into the room and slamming the door shut.
“We’ve gotta move, Logan. I’m sorry,  but this is going to hurt like a bitch.”
“Just get it over with.” Logan huffed, gritting his teeth as pain exploded through his body when Roman tried to lift him up.
A growl rumbled deep in Roman’s throat when he rose, thankful Logan had remained conscious enough to hook his usable arm around his neck and make the carry at least a little easier. Normally lifting someone Logan’s size would be easy, but after fighting off a whole vampire nest he was almost spent. Kicking the front door open, Roman rushed to his cars back door, thankful it was still open from when he and Remus had arrived at the house.
   "Roman!“ Remus called out and ran over to the car as his twin slid into the driver’s seat. “Perimeters clear but I think one sucker got away.”
“We’ll deal with that and Dad later. Vee is turning.”
“What? I thought you told the babysitter to give him his meds?”
“I did.” Came the grunted reply from the backseat and the twins exchanged a worried look.
“He’s getting worse than.” Starting the car, Roman shifted into reverse and gave Remus a concerned look. “Be careful, Duke.”
“Same to you, Princey.”
    Carefully heading back into the house, Remus paused to sift through the heavy vampire scent that hung in the air until he located Virgil’s; surprised to find it still concentrated at the top of the stairs. Slipping into the kitchen, Remus collected a plastic bottle from the fridge that contained a mix of herbs, animal blood and milk. To anyone else, the combination was vile, and the smell alone tormented the twins sensitive noses, but it was the best thing in the world to Virgil.
At the top of the stairs, Remus braced himself for his adopted brother to jump out and attack him, but nothing happened. He could hear the toddler breathing from the other side of the door, but they weren’t moving at all; vastly different to the other times he had shifted.
“Virgil? You okay, little buddy?”
The door creaked as Remus pushed it open, spotting the toddler shivering on the bed next to a puddle of vomit. Holding his arms up in surrender, Remus eyed him carefully as he stepped into the room.
“It’s okay. Dukey isn’t going to hurt you, alright? I’m just here to help.”
“Go -way.” Remus froze in shock that Virgil had managed to speak, spotting the rows of sharp teeth that now protruded from his gums. “I hurt you.”
“Oh, I don’t think you will.”
“I will.” Virgil insisted, pushing himself back against the headboard to stay away from his brother. “I kill.”
“Virgil, you won’t hurt me.” Sitting at the edge of the bed, Remus kept his voice level and calm; though he was ready to defend if Virgil suddenly turned on him.
“How ju know? I done’d it b-fore.”
“I know because every other time you’ve turned, you have attacked on instinct. Right now, you’re talking, Virgil. You’re in control of your instincts right now and I’m part of your nest. You’re in my pack and I’m part of your nest; we won’t hurt each other, I promise.”
Heavy breathing was the only sound in the room for a few moments, then the toddlers face shifted from fear to sadness. Not wanting to make a move in case he triggered an instinctual attack, Remus watched and waited until Virgil crawled towards him on his own.
“It hurts, Dukey.”
“It’s okay.” Opening his arms, Virgil gratefully climbed onto his lap and accepted the comforting embrace. “The pain will dull when you’ve fed. I’ve got your drink right here and there is more if you need it, okay?”
Shifting around so he was comfortable, Virgil accepted the bottle and started to drink; though he was soon unscrewing the lid when the plastic pop top limited the pace he desperately wanted to consume the liquid at.
“Are you feeling better or do you need more?”
“My no-sh-e -till hurt.” Virgil complained, wrinkling his nose further when he took a breath in.
“That would be from all the blood scents around here. You’re not as use to having to filter it out as Roman and I.”
Remus looked around the room at the blood splatter from Logan’s impromptu battle, genuinely impressed that a normal human could have fended off so many vampires while protecting the toddler they were after.
“Why don’t we get cleaned up, grab you another drink and take Logan’s car for a drive until your fangs retract?”
“Ok, but what -bout Dad?” Virgil wrapped his arms and legs around Remus when he stood and watched him carefully step around the headless vampires in the hall to reach the bathroom.
“Dad will find us, don’t you worry about that.”
    Logan loss consciousness some time during the drive but was thankfully still breathing when Roman sped up to the hospital and cried out for help; struggling to pull him out of the car now he was completely deadweight. Following what seemed like a million questions and 20 minutes of a nurse fussing over his own cuts, Roman was finally left to his own devices in the waiting area; giving up trying to call his Dad after leaving his 15th voice message.
He was hanging upside down on the chair when Remus came in; a sleepy Virgil on his hip.
“I thought you two would have found a park to hang out in, since the sun is finally up.”
“That was my plan,” Remus admitted, glad to feel his little brothers breathing even out as he fell asleep; “but the little nightmare wouldn’t stop nagging me to come. I would’ve preferred getting my ears boxed than listen to it for another hour, and now we’re here,  he falls asleep.”
Sitting up properly, Roman laughed and held out his arms so Remus could manoeuvre the youngest into his arms.
“Better asleep than freaking out on us.”
“Nah, I said he was fine.” Sitting on the chair opposite, Remus pulled out his phone and started scrolling through his notifications. “Fangs retracted after 15minutes and he was satisfied with two doses. Considering I was expecting to have him hanging from my neck like last time, it was a welcomed surprise.”
“You think telling Dad that will stop him from killing us for leaving Virgil with a human.”
“Only if we also leave out the fact that a vamp nest attacked the house.”
Exchanging a glance, the twins groaned and spoke in time.
“We’re dead.”
  The sun had set when Declan arrived at the hospital, half furious after hearing the twins messages and half worried out of his mind. He double checked his concealment charm was still effectively hiding his scaled side before entering the building, shaking off his damp trench coat once he was walking the warm halls.
Four days prior he’d left the boys at a secluded Airbnb to follow a promising lead on Virgil’s birth parent, assuming the hostile vampire nest tracking the pure-blooded toddler wouldn’t pick up their trail for at least a few more days. Returning to the trashed house made his blood run cold, though it quickly reheated hearing the twins had left their adopted brother to investigate a reported werewolf pack. Of course, it had been a trick, false reports given to encourage them out of hiding; Declan could’ve seen it a mile away and he regretted his radio silence even more now.
As he neared the room assigned to some boy attacked in the woods, Declan was prepared to reprimand the twins in the harshest way possible. Each step brought him closer to grabbing Virgil and storming off, but when he reached the door, he found himself frozen. He saw Remus passed out on a hospital bed, looking just as exhausted as his twin in the bedside chair despite both of them clearly being in a deep sleep. Resting a hand on the door, Declan could feel the warding they had obviously put on it to protect the room; something that would have exhausted them without his assistance.
It was Virgil’s position that intrigued him the most. The toddler was perched carefully alongside the boy on the furthest bed, looking more peaceful than he had since his vampiric blood started taking affect.
 “Excuse me,” a nurse called from the door over, “can I help you with anything, sir?”
“I’m the boys’ father, well, to three of them anyway. I’m Declan Fidi.” He held out a black gloved hand which the woman shook with a smile.
“You have some brave and lucky boys Mr Fidi. The whole staff agree that the twins quick thinking saved Logan’s life. Did you train them in first aid?”
“I wouldn’t have let them go out into that forest if I hadn’t.” Turning back to the viewing window a thought came to mind. “The boy - um - Logan, are his family around? I would like to have a word before I take my troupe away.”
“I’m sorry, but Logan doesn’t have family. He’s part of the local group home.”
“That’s okay. Thank you for your help anyway. I should probably get these boys to a proper bed and out of your hair.”
“Oh, they’ve been no trouble at all. Logan will be here for a few days at least, so feel free to bring the boys back if you like. I’m sure their visits will be welcomed.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
   Pushing the door open, Roman and Remus bolted awake instantly at the call of their warding; heads dropping in shame when they registered their father had entered.
“I’ll spare you two the lecture on your stupidity for later.”
“Yes, sir.” They said in unison, standing and stretching their tired muscles.
Declan moved to Logan’s bed and carefully picked Virgil up, the toddler whimpering as his sleep was disturbed.
“Shh, shh, shh.” He assured, rubbing Virgil’s back while he settled into his shoulder. “You’re alright.”
“Yeah, buddy. We’re going somewhere safe to sleep, okay.”
Leaning back, Virgil looked into his father’s eyes, tears lining his own.
“But Logan -“
“We’ll come back tomorrow.”
Declan pulled Virgil’s purple hood over his head and encouraged him to lean on his shoulder again, nodding for the twins to head out the door before he followed.
  They walked in silence back to the car park, Declan telling the twins to get in his van rather than taking the second car.
“You can work on cleaning it when we come back tomorrow.”
“Wait, you were serious about coming back?” Roman questioned, helping to buckle Virgil into his car seat.
“We’re not ditching town straight away?” Remus added.
“No. Roman’s got a car to clean, you’ve got a house to clean up, and I’ve got to see about adding to Virgil’s nest.”
The twins jaws dropped and watched Declan casually climb into the front seat in shock.
“You would let Logan join our pack?”
“Even though he’s a human?”
“A human wouldn’t have taken down three vamps alone. He’s not a human,” Declan chuckled at the thought of how shocked the vampires would have been. “He’s a hunter and a lost soul; just what our family needs.”
End Note: Smol Vampire Virgil had to happen. Don’t tell me you never thought about it. This was a universe I made months ago. I had a whole back story planned out. Maybe one day I’ll write it, or do art for it or just make it an ask AU or something. Honestly, I have too many ideas some times but just not enough brains and concentration to write it all.
Prompt from this list. 
More writing from the Caretaker Prompt ListWriting master post
General tag list (let me know if you want on or off): @thequeensphinx @ollyollyoxinfree @celeste-tyrrell @pumpkinminette @ahyeahisurehopeit-does
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maddmuses · 4 years
Mei “Mai Fuller” Fukaya
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(fc: Yanin Jeeja)
Age: 19 Date of Birth: April 3rd, 1988 Occupation: SOLDIER (1st Class), Assistant Noodle Chef/Noodle Puller (Former) Species: Mako-Enhanced Human
Universe-Inspiration: Final Fantasy VII/Remake inspired
Appearance Mei is a tall young woman of apparent Wutanian descent. Though it isn’t obvious, she’s able to pass for Midgarian without the knowledge of her name. With almond-shaped eyes, and hair both of a soft brown color, going with medium tone skin. Standing at roughly 6 feet tall, Mei stands as tall, or taller than, many other members of SOLDIER. Possessed of gentle features, Mei is prone to grinning, making for an approachable warrior, on the PR front.
With a muscular form, Mei often has an imposing air to her, with a number of individuals finding her too intimidating to approach, particularly in her 3rd and 2nd Class days, when Mei continued to elect to wear her helmet as per standard issue. Mei’s hands are also notable for being calloused in both the typical SOLDIER way, but also in the heel of her palms, and bends of her fingers, developed from a childhood and early adolescence of making noodles by hand daily. Running along both of her arms, and other key areas on her body, are scars with a slight discoloration (slightly light compared to surrounding skin) from years of training and missions.
Much like other members of 1st Class, Mei is able to modify her uniform and use personal equipment as she sees fit. Generally, Mei will utilize Gunblades of various make, commissioning and modifying a number of models for a variety of situations, seeming to spend the majority of her pay on these weapons, which are a point of pride for the woman.
While on missions Mei will usually wear fatigues that would be considered “standard” to 1st Class, though wearing silver straps, in a similar fashion to Sephiroth and Genesis, across the chest. Additionally, she will also wear a white trench coat designed with an intricate sigil in the center of the back, that reads as her surname in Wutai. On the shoulders of this jacket are a set of pauldrons, wrought from steel but with a silver-like appearance, the left made in the effigy of a dragon, and the right a tiger.
Personality Growing up in the slums of Midgar, Mei always felt a certain detachment to her heritage, through her father’s absence, and being so far from her mother’s homeland. While Mari, her mother, attempted to keep her as connected to this as possible, particularly through having her spend a great amount of time at Mari’s noodle cart in Sector 6. While Mei is possessed of a certain nostalgia for her motherland, she was still somewhat influenced by the Shinra propaganda that caused the young woman to associate the Wutai as having fallen into a bad place, misguided by selfish and foolish leadership. Seeing Midgar as her home, even if the people have treated her poorly when they knew of her lineage during the war, Mei always aspired to be like the heroes who protected their homelands, regardless of sides.
As a child, Mei’s favorite story was about the great warrior Mei Huang, who her mother named her after, a legendary figure who had helped defend Wutai by fighting off invading warlords, while taking a spot in the army meant for her father. Inspired by this tale, Mei decided that she would enlist in Shinra’s armed forces, aiming to join SOLDIER, the elite that were regarded as just as legendary as Huang Mei. With this, Mei hold others with similar goals in mind as her with the highest regard, even if they’re enemies. While she does not often split hairs over things like honor, she will often extend that cordiality to those that are like-minded to her, in this sense.
A passionate person, Mei pursues her interests and desires with a single-mindedness that often gets her into trouble with superiors, or missions dispatchers. While this nature can make her an asset in combat and other situations, it’s also just as deadly, as she can be steered off of her intended path by piquing her interest on some sort of other subject, such as a rivalry, feud, or threats to Midgar.
While initially intimidating, because of her height and build, most people tend to find that Mei’s actually a sweet person who enjoys simple things in life, such as training, cooking, and eating (though not necessarily in that order). With a strong sense of family, Mei cares for her mother above all else, though occasionally laments the fact that the mako treatments have removed from her the choice as to whether she could someday have children. While it was something she never thought to want, the option’s removal was something she had been blindsided by, and wasn’t ready for the loss of.
Biography The daughter of a Wutai immigrant, who sought out the city of Midgar as a means of improving her lot and life, and hoping to send gil home to her family, and a mechanic who specialized in portable restaurants, Mei Fukaya grew up in the Sector 6 slums. A rough part of the city, Sector 6 is known for being the night life of the slums, but also it is known for producing some of the more worldly and savvy citizens of Midgar.
Though Mei had two parents, her father would die before she was the age of two, leaving her mother a single parent. Her mother, Mari Fukaya, was left in a far from enviable position. As many attractive women in the slums do, Mari moonlit at the Honey Bee Inn, so as to bring home what extra money she could, while running the noodle cart that her dead lover had taught her how to build in the days. Mari was not the kind of person who would let others push her around easily, though, and she was well-known for chasing dine-and-dashers with a knife.
Mei grew up around the restaurant, protected from the reality that this day job actually brought in very little money, and was more for Mari’s passion than her livelihood, working every day to help her mother once she was old enough to begin pulling noodles. As they spent their mornings making noodles together, Mari would often tell her daughter of stories from their homeland, one that especially stuck out to Mei, and would become her favorite and later inspiration to join Shinra’s forces, was the story of Mei Huang, the great warrior who disguised herself as a man to help fight off invading warlords.
Shinra’s attempts to justify the Wutai war to the public would have unforeseen consequences to the city’s Wutai-descended population as well, though. Mei and her mother were often distrusted, with many daytime customers intentionally avoiding their cart, and the majority of Mari’s money at the Honey Bee came from special interest clients, as her tips would dwindle, as customers who were similarly leery of Wutai would often stiff her. This made it hard for Mei to get along with her peer group, though as the war went on, and the narrative began to shift to one that treated the Wutai of Midgar as progressive and right-minded citizens, Mei began to play down her own heritage around other people. Though she worked in a noodle cart, she was just as Midgarian as others, more even, because she was going to be in SOLDIER someday.
By the age of 8, Mei was expected to man the cart at night, so that Mari could still go to work. It was at this time that she learned of her mother’s second job, and she realized just how difficult things had been for the person that cared about her the most. She’d lived a selfish life until that point, and just as much as she was Mari’s most precious person, her mother would become hers.
Before school, every day, Mei would help her mother prep noodles for that day, attend lessons, return home and prepare additional noodles for that night, if needed, before leaving for the cart to relieve her mother.
At school and among her peers, Mei had adopted the nickname Mai, so as to come off as more Midgarian. This was something that her mother didn’t especially care for, but something she was still permitted to do. While working for her mother, Mei would often hear things from the adults who traveled to Wall Market, and would even meet other Wutai immigrants. Some nights they were simply out of ingredients, and Mei would experience things such as the coliseumS and other parts of Sector 6’s night life that was appropriate for a child.
On several occasions Mei had even met Andrea Rhodea, though each time he remarked that “disappointingly” she probably wouldn’t be suited for the position as one of his dancers, as her mother had issued a threat of death to anyone who attempted to recruit her into any parts of the nightlife.
By the age of 13 Mei was often mistook for an adult, as she was taller than even some men, allowing her to effectively pass for her mother Mari, resulting in a return to fewer dine-and-dashes, as the assumption was that they would be chased with a knife now that “the brat isn’t manning the cart anymore.” It was at about this time that others started taking her assertions of someday becoming SOLDIER more seriously, though the accepted lore was that there was a reason one didn’t see many women SOLDIER operatives.
Still, at 15, Mei left home to enlist into the organization, using an adopted pseudonym, based on the nickname she’d given herself, “Mai Fuller”. While it wasn’t unusual for Shinra to allow women into their infantry, the odds were already stacked against Mei, as not only had it been basically unheard of for women to be promoted into SOLDIER, but the standards following the Genesis defections were made to be even more strict. Despite this, though, Mei’s performance during the Infantry Training program displayed that her potential and use as a part of the next wave of SOLDIER was too good to pass up.
If she was to be a hero like Huang Mei, she was going to have to be no less.
Enlisted into the SOLDIER program, Mei underwent the procedures to make her 3rd Class, only to be told after the case that the hormone therapy and exposure to mako effectively rendered her sterile. This detail was tested and determined to be the case with her, just as previous potential recruits. In order to keep with her assumed identity, though Shinra knew better personally, Mei still used her fake name while in 2nd and 3rd while never removing her helmet while wearing her uniform. Oftentimes, due to her height and muscular build, Mei was mistook for a man when her face wasn’t visible.
As she worked in SOLDIER for the next three years, Mei rose through the ranks quickly, achieving 1st Class at 18. Mei’s specialty included leading infantry and infiltrating enemy operations. Espionage is something that Mei’s wheelhouse included, particularly as a part of Wutai infiltration. Similarly, she has been known to find her way into terrorist operations in the past. Though she wasn’t as hugely shown off to the population as the 1st Classes of the past, she is still notorious enough for her use of the Gunblade that she’s attracted her own following and fan club (Shinra instigated of course) that has resulted in the surge of popularity in her style of weapon. Accordingly, her position as a Wutai member of SOLDIER has made for a strong piece of propaganda, with the Shinra organization using her as proof that Wutai have, largely, showing fealty to Midgar.
Abilities and Skills -Chef: Prior to joining Shinra’s armed forces, Mei was taught by her mother how to cook, so that she could assist her at the family noodle cart in Wall Market. Specifically, Mei often made the broths and pulled the noodles, which was hard on her mother’s hands, which reflects in her own forearm strength and ability to multitask, as the cart served a number of different soups that she had to prepare at the same time, in order to get the cart ready for dinner and lunch rushes.
-Mechanical Skills: While not an expert, or even able to repair extensively damaged equipment, working with a Gunblade requires at least some mechanical ability. Mei’s is such that she’s able to modify her weapon for specific purposes, though not to such a degree that they become a functionally different weapon.
-Shinra Training: As is standard for SOLDIER operatives, Mei enlisted into the infantry program initially, but during said program was pulled for specialized SOLDIER training, when it was determined she was a suitable candidate. Accordingly, she’s a specialist in combat missions, and particularly specialized in infiltration, as her Wutai heritage suits her to acting as a double agent in the continent. Due to the differing standards of the SOLDIER program following the Genesis desertion, not only was more expected of Mei’s generation of SOLDIER candidates, but their training was that more extreme, so as to compensate for the ending of the use of Jenova Cells. -Physical Conditioning: Prior to her Mako-Infusing, Mei was exceptional in her physical abilities, notably having strong lifting and punching force, from having been handling noodle dough from the age of four, coupled with her more focused training when she shifted her interests to joining SOLDIER. -Martial Arts: Though she has had little formal training prior to her enlistment, Mei is considered an above-average martial artist in terms of technique, having studied from watching gladiators in Sector 6 do battle, and having learned from other Wutai immigrants, what things they knew. After her enlistment into SOLDIER Mei sought out hand-to-hand training so as to supplement her use of the unwieldy swords that she didn’t especially favor. -Swordsmanship: In a lesser degree, Mei also studied some swordplay, though limited access to weaponry prior to enlistment limited her ability to delve into this subject. Following her joining SOLDIER, though, she became something of a specialist, preferring arming swords as a rule, or weapons of a roughly similar length. By the time she was promoted to 1st Class, though, she was not only hyper-capable with swords, as should be expected of someone at that level, but also was able to use a Gunblade, and a style oriented specifically to maximize the force generated by pulling its trigger, and its bullets, which she can infuse with mana for a number of effects. -Firearms: As a part of her infantry training, Mei is proficient with firearms, a skill that she remained brushed up on even after her promotion to SOLDIER, which reflects in her current use of Gunblades. -Biking: A component of the SOLDIER training program expects its participants to be able riders on high-performance motorcycles, so that they may patrol the highways of Midgar. As a 1st Class SOLDIER, Mei is not only able to ride most motorcycles, but she is considered very skilled in their use, being able to ride along vertical surfaces confidently, though her abilities in fighting while riding these vehicles are less confident.
-Materia Attunement: A common practice in Midgar, and most regions of Gaea, Mei is able to slot materia into her equipment. She does this, in addition to the more typical process of SOLDIER operatives attuning their materia directly to their bodies. As-is the case with other SOLDIER members, she didn’t require as much training or time to make her materia stronger, and is even able to absorb extra materia into herself, and become stronger from it. When maximizing a materia’s level, like with others, Mei’s materia produces an additional piece of materia of that same kind. -Materia Fusion: With the appropriate equipment, Mei is able to fuse materia together, so long as they’ve been developed sufficient to be fuse-able.
Superhuman Powers and Abilities -SOLDIER Enhancements: After the ending of the Jenova Project’s application in SOLDIER, there were still innovations and advancements in the process of enhancing humans with mako. Unlike the archaic process of showering in the liquid, modern SOLDIER candidates are treated with a combination of injections, radiation, and the like, using the radiation as an attempt to tamper the effects of poisoning and maximizing the chanes of success for any potential operatives. While not as extreme an enhancement as Jenova-hybriding that was previously observed, the more extreme conditioning that Mei was put through, as well as the still-intense process of mako treatments allows Mei to execute superhuman feats of a similar level to SOLDIER operatives of older generations. A notable side-effect of the treatments, though, has rendered Mei infertile.
-Mana-Infusing: A technique that she developed from studying fighting styles that employed firing magical blasts, Mei developed a technique in which she infuses her mana into the cartridges of her Gunblades, enabling her trigger pulls to result in actual firing of shots, as well as causing the recoil to be more forceful when she uses them to enhance her swings.
-Limit Breaks: Mei’s Limit Breaks are all damaging in nature, often resembling those of Squall Leonhart, as well as a style of Limit Break that relies on firing explosive rounds that are set to detonate on a delay to weave complex combos with her rounds and blade that also deal devastating damage.
Equipment and Possessions -SOLDIER Fatigues: Aside from her modifications to the uniform, Mei wears the standard issue 1st Class uniform, lacking the more popular breastplate that many SOLDIER operatives wear. -Trench Coat: Tailored specifically to hold additional cartridges within it, without being apparent. This jacket is long, white, and is embroidered with black flames at the tail, with her surname written in Wutai down between the shoulders. -Pauldrons: Metal plated with silver, these are both designed as effigies of a dragon’s face and a tiger’s respectively. While they don’t add any exceptional defensive quality, Mei has been known to use them to turn fatal blows into glancing ones in the past.
-SOLDIER Sword: Though she often prefers more personalized armaments, Mei is sometimes known to carry the standard-issue broadswords as a backup arm. -Gunblades: Mei frequently uses a number of different Gunblade designs that she’s either newly commissioned, or tweaked from an existing one, the style of Gunblade that she prefers are those that enhance their striking power through the recoil generated by pulling the trigger. Though, Mei is able to charge her loaded ammo to make the rounds behave more like bullets and explosives.
-Various Materia: As a member of SOLDIER, Mei have access to a wealth of materia that she slots for a variety of purposes and uses. Based on other lower-class SOLDIER and other 1st Class SOLDIER members, Mei has access to at least Lightning, Ice, Sleep, and Silence materia. Additionally, based on Sephiroth’s access, it can be assumed that Mei also has access to a variety of support and elemental materia, as well as revival and restoration. Generally, though, Mei will use (most often) Command and Independent materia, as well as being known to use the Wind and Fire elements.
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“Somehow, I figured the coming of the lord would be a little more auspicious.” - Apollo
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Sun King
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Unique Physiology
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Solar Depletion
Vulnerability to Extreme Temperature Changes
Photosphere of Earth
The Carrier
Universe: Wildstorm Universe
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations: 
The Carrier
Eye of the Storm
Parents: Peter Desmond; father
Marital Status: Married (Midnighter; husband)
Occupation: Soldier
First Appearance: StormWatch Vol 2 #4 (February, 1998)
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Unique Physiology
Solar Absorption: Apollo's powers are dependent on the Sun needing only exposure or access to sunlight to activate. Apollo's body behaves more like a battery as his powers are far more directly dependent on the sun.
Flight: He can fly at great speeds. He has been shown to easily cross the entire globe in less than 30 Seconds.
Self-Sustenance: Apollo does not require food or drink as his body is entirely sustained by his solar energy. He can survive in anaerobic environments indefinitely.
Invulnerability: He has walked and survived in the Sun without any sign of discomfort and has been able to easily enter a lava flow to deactivate a volcano.
Accelerated Healing: Apollo can be injured by the depletion of his solar energy reserves. While he is still durable, he is susceptible to physical damage. When presented with solar energy his wounds heal within a matter of minutes if not seconds normally.
Heat Vision: His eyes are constructed to channel solar energy into laser like blasts, literally concentrated sunlight. The limit of his "laser vision" has not been discovered but it is so powerful that he has scorched the entire surface of the Moon without any effort.
Energy Projection: Apollo can also release his solar energy from other parts of his body like his hands or omnidirectionally from his entire body.
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Strength
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Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Leadership: Apollo was the leader of a black ops StormWatch team.
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Solar Depletion: Apollo can drain himself through overuse of his powers since living on the Carrier does not provide him with a constant exposure to solar energy. However, even when drained he will be able to fly after 20 seconds in direct sunlight, though it would take him 2 hours to be at full charge. This can be somewhat circumvented by transporting into close proximity to the sun. He may weaken, but it's in the same vein as an athlete who has exhausted himself, rather than a car that has literally no fuel left to function. He is still nearly invulnerable, and very strong. Apollo will die if he completely depletes his solar stores, and his strength/resilience drop accordingly when weakened to the point where he's essentially normal. It has been seen that his power can be easily depleted when he is blocked off from solar energy when it has no way at all to reach him and he expends energy. The signs of this are he becomes increasingly withered and aged.
Vulnerability to Extreme Temperature Changes: Apollo's powers can be heavily affected by extreme temperature changes, like hitting him with a blast of enhanced liquid nitrogen which quick cooled Apollo robbing him of much of his solar power as all the heat in his body had been rabidly evaporated into sweat.
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Photosphere of Earth
The Carrier
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Apollo was a former U.S. soldier and the leader of a black ops StormWatch team so secret that no-one but the first Weatherman, Henry Bendix, knew of its existence. Apollo was a normal human, bio-engineered by Bendix to have fantastic abilities including super-strength, heat vision, and a high degree of invulnerability. Apollo derives his power from solar energy, and becomes vulnerable to attack when that energy is depleted.
Of the seven-member team, only Apollo and Midnighter, Apollo's future husband, survived. Due to circumstances surrounding the mission, they went rogue and spent the next five years fighting undercover for a finer world in the alleyways of America.
After Bendix's fall in 1998, Christine Trelane discovered files hinting at the existence of Apollo and The Midnighter. Jackson King, formerly Battalion, now the new Weatherman, ordered them found, not sure if they were heroes or villains. Apollo and Midnighter were tracking weapons made in the "Nevada Garden", a leftover of the first Engineer. He ordered Fahrenheit and Hellstrike to tag them with fetishes so they could be transported into SkyWatch. At first, Apollo and Midnighter attacked the StormWatch team, believing them under Bendix's orders. However, they ceased the attack once they were told Bendix was dead. With King's help, they destroyed the Nevada Garden, and Trelane gave them new lives away from Stormwatch.
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The Authority
In 1999, Jenny Sparks convinced both Apollo and The Midnighter to come out of retirement to join a new team, dubbed The Authority. The Authority distinguished itself from other super-human teams in that it answered to no governing body or external authority, such as the United Nations. Rather, for the first time, these were super-humans fighting for a better world on their own initiative.
Throughout the course of their membership in the Authority, Apollo and Midnighter's relationship was revealed further. Apollo also developed a friendship with Jennifer Sparks, who felt comfortable confiding in him.
On December 31, 1999, Jennifer Sparks died. Her spirit was reincarnated in an infant girl born the next day in Singapore. As soon as the child was identified, a bloody battle broke out between competing forces--including The Authority--for control of the child, code-named Jennifer Quantum. Apollo was severely beaten in the course of the battle. After the battle, the Commander raped Apollo. Consequently, the Midnighter gored the Commander with a jackhammer.
When the Authority battled a renegade Doctor, a powerful shaman who usurped the powers of the Authority's Doctor and ended up regretting his crimes and repenting, Apollo fried him to a crisp with his eye-beams.
When Seth Cowie defeated and captured the entire team, Apollo was depowered and kept on board the Authority's Carrier which was then used by the G-7 nation's Authority. The Authority's replacements were, in reality, government lapdogs and were cruel, homicidal and masochistic. Apollo was used as a punching bag by two of the villains, Teuton and Last Call, who were his and Midnighter's respective replacements. Teuton almost raped him before the Midnighter appeared and shot Apollo's assailant through the back of his skull. Apollo then fried the head of Midnighter's replacement and later did the same to The Machine, who had taken the powers of Apollo's friend the Engineer. After having killing the G7 Authority and the miserable defeat of Seth Cowie, Apollo and Midnighter were married and adopted Jenny Quantum. From this point on, Apollo was referred to as The Midnighter's husband, and vice versa.
Apollo participated in the beating of Kevin Hawkins, an SAS agent and rampant homophobe. Apollo had forgiven Kev for actually killing the Authority in the past but this was one step too far.
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Human on the Inside
The U.S. President ordered an assault on The Authority which resulted in doubts, depression, and human foibles overcoming them. The Midnighter kissed another man, but when he confessed this to Apollo, Apollo became enraged and struck him, sending him through a wall. This is the first time that Apollo and The Midnighter became physically violent with each other.
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Coup D'Etat & Revolution
Following a deadly mistake by US leaders, Authority team leader Jack Hawksmoor decided that the time had come to remove the US executive branch and run the country their way. The takeover went smoothly, but the occupation did not go as planned. Shadowy forces intervened to destroy the Authority and put corporate interests back in power.
During this Apollo and Midnighter were sent to raid the base of Stormwatch: Team Achilles, but they found it booby-trapped. After narrowly escaping with their lives, their next mission was to eliminate the US military's super-human training camp. Midnighter returned with the declaration that the program was "Not so special."
The Midnighter received a revelation about the future which compelled him to leave The Authority, permanently. He left Apollo and Jenny Quantum without an explanation and returned to the underground. Following a humiliating nuclear incident in Washington, DC, Hawksmoor resigned as President of the US and announced elections. The Authority disbanded. From 2005 to 2008, Apollo raised Jenny alone in San Francisco, under the watchful eye of the US Government.
When Jenny was eight years old, a series of events propelled her to take matters into her own hands and rebuild the team. She caused herself to jump in age to fourteen, precipitating a verbal confrontation with her father, Apollo. With Apollo's support, she set about to round up the surviving members of The Authority, including The Midnighter. In a painful moment between Jenny, Apollo, and Midnighter, Jenny told Midnighter that she was "the product of a broken home."
In the battle that followed, Henry Bendix revealed that he had gained control over The Midnighter through a Trojan Horse strategy which delivered nanites into Midnighter's body. The Midnighter then fought Apollo and Jenny. Midnighter told Apollo that he must kill him if he got the chance, but Apollo refused. Midnighter, with the aid of a device stolen from Dr. Krigstein's laboratory, defeated Apollo in battle, but Jenny was able to engage Midnighter long enough that the Engineer could remove the mind-control implants and restore Midnighter.
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Apollo battled Captain Atom and his allies in a attempt to stop the destruction of the Wildstorm universe. He killed Grifter in the battle by incinerating his head, but he was later killed by Captain Atom in retaliation. Aftewards, Void recreated the Wildstorm universe, and Apollo lived on.
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While recharging himself, he was taken down by U.S. Military forces during his attempt to aid injured people in Afghanistan.
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World's End
During the events of World's End, Apollo was separated from Midnighter and the rest of the Authority when a thick layer of smog covered the Earth, preventing sunlight from reaching the surface. Apollo was forced to remain in the photosphere to absorb the radiation he needed to survive, visiting the surface in brief periods to help the team. While on the surface, environmental conditions sapped his powers, giving him a gaunt appearance and limiting his ability to fight.
He was later infected by the Warhol Fever, a super power-inducing virus, that evolved and became sentient by incubating in his body. Claiming to be "The Burn", the virus overrode his mind and attempted to escape into The Bleed. The Authority was forced to put Apollo in suspended animation, frozen and in an anaerobic room to keep the infection from spreading.
When Kaizen Gamorra and his forces attacked the Carrier and stole its technologies, Apollo was released into Gamorra Tower from the rest of Gamorra island, causing pure havoc. Apollo confronted Kaizen and killed him by incinerating his head. Apollo was sealed inside Gamorra Tower and the entire building was dropped into the Norwegian Trench so The Burn would go dormant in the cold environment.
Apollo was subsequently cured of his infection after Midnighter traveled to Scotland where he stopped a mad Habib Bin Hassan and was given an apple by Gaia Rothstein that cleansed Apollo's infection. The couple finally embraced after a long time. He and his husband later decided to stay on Earth after the Carrier left the planet, subsequently separating from the Authority, as Apollo's life depended on Earth's sun. Both Apollo and Midnighter then helped the heroes of Earth in battling the Knights of Khera, in which Apollo fought the Majestic-level Sebastian and was beaten when the Kheran warlord punched him to a un-sunlit Wales. Fortunately, he was teleported out of Wales by Stormwatch technician Link over five miles above the North Pole where he was fully recharged and able to destroy the Kheran's terraforming machines.
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Fun Facts
Apollo is gay and married to The Midnighter and is the adoptive father of Jenny Quantum.
Apollo is the confidant to the Engineer, like his relationship with Jenny Sparks. He would tease her, calling her his 'fag hag'.
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oliverdant · 6 years
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The Teen Titans began as a group of teenage sidekicks to the world-famous adult Super Heroes of the Justice League. Although they shared many adventures together, as they grew older, they drifted apart. But.... When the empath Raven needed a team of heroes to fight her father, the inter-dimensional demon Trigon, she recruited several original members of the Titans, who were now older teenagers, as well as some new ones, forming the New Teen Titans (read their adventures here). Raven’s lineup of Titans ended up being the most popular incarnation of the team. But who are these Titans? Here's a breakdown of the members, as they originally appeared, who will feature in the live-action Titans. Of course, just because a character's story played out one way in the comic books doesn't mean it will or won't go the same way for them on screen. The only way to know is to check out Titans when it debuts right here on DC Universe on October 12th!
Spoiler Alert! If you're totally unfamiliar with the Titans and prefer to keep it that way until you meet them in DC Universe's Titans, stop reading now!
Robin / Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
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Richard "Dick" Grayson grew up in Haly's Circus, as the youngest member of the acrobatic family the Flying Graysons. When his parents were murdered by mob boss Tony Zucco, young Dick was taken in by billionaire Bruce Wayne, as his ward, who recognized in Dick a kindred spirit. Wayne let Dick in on his secret identity as the Batman, and trained him to become his partner Robin, the Boy Wonder.
While still Batman's partner, Robin teamed up with other teen heroes in the first version of the Teen Titans. As the members grew older, they drifted apart. But when Robin was 18, the mysterious empath Raven recruited him to join a new version of the Titans. In this reformed team, Dick truly came into his own as a leader, and finally decided to move on as Batman's partner. He took on the identity of Nightwing, allowing another young hero to replace him as Robin. Today, as Nightwing, Dick Grayson is one of the DC Universe's most respected and trusted heroes.
Starfire (Koriand'r, a.k.a. Kory Anders)
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Princess Koriand'r of the planet Tamaran was born as the second daughter of King Myand'r and Queen Luand’r. Her older sister Komand'r was born without the Tamaranean ability to fly; and, because of this "handicap," Koriand'r was next in line to take the throne, creating a bitter rivalry between the two siblings. When the Citadel Empire threatened war with Tamaran, the King was given a choice -- give up his favorite daughter to become a slave, and his planet would be spared a war. He chose to give up his child to save his world.
Growing up as a slave, Koriand'r was experimented on by alien scientists called the Psions, and was given the power to create deadly starbolts. Using this power, she escaped captivity and fled to Earth, where she joined the Teen Titans as Starfire. Wide-eyed and curious, she proved herself a valuable member, though her teammates often had to curb her instinct to use lethal force. "Kory," as she was known to her friends, soon entered into an on-again/off-again relationship with Robin.
Beast Boy (Garfield "Gar" Logan)
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Garfield Logan's parents were research scientists. When they found themselves stationed in an African country, Gar contracted a rare and lethal disease. His parents created a cure by making a serum derived from a rare green monkey. Although Gar was cured, the side effects were extraordinary -- his skin and hair turned green, and he had the power to change into any animal in existence. When his parents died, Gar was taken in by the team of outcast Super Heroes known as the Doom Patrol, where he took on the name Beast Boy.
When the Doom Patrol were tragically killed in action, Gar was left orphaned for a second time. He was adopted by the billionaire Steve Dayton, who was very reclusive, leaving Gar feeling like he had no family. When Raven formed the New Teen Titans, she asked Beast Boy to join, which he did under the name Changeling. It was with the Titans that Gar found the family he'd always longed for. Despite all his tragedies, or maybe because of them, Beast Boy was always jovial and waiting to crack a joke, which made him the Titan's resident comic relief.
Raven (Rachel Roth)
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Raven's mother Arella was a lost soul, who found herself seduced into a demonic cult. There, she was offered up as the bride of the demon Trigon, and bore his child, a daughter named Raven. Half demon, Raven inherited her father's dark powers. Arella was eventually taken to live in another dimension with the pacifists of Azarath, where Raven was raised to hone her mystical powers for good, including the ability to separate her soul self from her body. She was taught to suppress her emotions, lest her demon half exert itself.
Eventually, Trigon would attempt to conquer Earth. Raven then recruited several young heroes as a new version of the Teen Titans, hoping they would help defeat her father. Raven was eventually corrupted several times by her demonic blood, but she died, freeing her soul self from her body and her father's corruption. Her soul then inhabited a new, younger body. Taking the name Rachel Roth, Raven continuously struggled with unleashing her own dark powers.
Hawk and Dove
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Brothers Hank and Don Hall were polar opposites. Hank was aggressive and reactionary, whereas Don was sensitive and thoughtful. One day, a pair of mysterious voices made themselves known to the two boys -- one belonged to the ancient Lord of Chaos T'Charr, and the other the Lord of Order Tarataya. They each granted the brothers enhanced strength, speed and agility, but also enhanced their innate personality traits. Hank became the warlike Hawk, and Don the peaceful Dove, and the siblings became crime fighters.
After several adventures with the Teen Titans, Dove was killed in the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Without the calming presence of his brother, Hawk became even more violent and aggressive. As it turned out, when Don died, his powers transferred to college student Dawn Granger, who became the new Dove. She found Hawk and became his second partner, restoring the balance of order and chaos.
Source: DCUniverse App
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Paid to Stay Home: Europe’s Safety Net Could Ease Toll of Coronavirus
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PARIS — Keeping your salary while caring for a quarantined child. Exercising the right to not work if you are afraid of getting ill. Sick-leave pay for up to six months.Europe is sometimes considered a home of overly generous social policies. But as countries around the world scramble to control the deadly coronavirus outbreak, some analysts say those social programs and protective labor rules could serve as a powerful vaccine against the virus’s feared economic toll: recession.Europe’s universal health care systems, for example, help bolster the economy by supporting consumer spending in the midst of a serious outbreak, because people aren’t worried about getting a big bill if they get sick.“I would be more concerned in the U.S. what the cost would be,” said Ángel Talavera, an economist at Oxford Economics in London. “For Europeans, that is not a consideration we have in mind.”Political leaders and central bankers have been full of assurances in recent days that they will do what it takes to blunt the impact and avoid a recession. An emergency cut in interest rates on Tuesday by the Federal Reserve sought to contain the fallout, but when or how much it would help was unclear.But more than rate cuts or bursts of spending, economists say, the best short-term measures to prevent an economic downturn may be “automatic stabilizers” — existing programs or regulations that protect workers, provide low-cost health care or help companies get through a lean period. Some of these measures were adopted during another time of financial stress: the 2008 financial crisis.Assurances that many workers won’t have to choose between caring for their health and paying their rent is a crucial psychological factor as Italy and France shut hundreds of schools, Britain unlocks an “action plan” to prevent the virus’s spread and businesses across the Continent cancel trips and meetings to limit their employees’ exposure to the epidemic.Certainly, the benefits vary from country to country. And while Uber drivers, entrepreneurs and the self-employed in many European countries have access to health care at lower costs than in the United States, they still don’t get the same level of wage protection as salaried employees.Italy announced Thursday that it would unleash a 7.5 billion euro (about $8.5 billion) support package to help businesses and families hit by the coronavirus, on top of €900 million in support announced last week.The governments of most European countries are offsetting the cost of emergency sick leave for employers and aiding smaller companies that are scrambling to survive.Most European governments require businesses to grant employees some form of paid sick leave. Germany, France, Denmark and the Netherlands are among the countries where workers have a right to receive full pay, in some cases for at least six weeks, if they are ill, are quarantined or are told to stay home by their employers.In France, employees can also exercise what is known as “the right of withdrawal” from work by walking off the job if they believe their health and safety are at risk, without having wages docked or facing punishment.Employees and their union at the Louvre Museum in Paris voted to stop working earlier this week, citing fears the virus could be spread by visitors. Management contested the move but couldn’t override it, keeping the world’s most visited museum closed for three days. Workers returned Wednesday after officials announced enhanced health security measures.The virus’s economic costs are already tangible in Europe. For example, cancellation of the Geneva International Motor Show, which had been scheduled to open to the public on Thursday, deprives the European auto industry of one of its premier showcases and means the millions they spent on elaborate displays went to waste.Some governments are moving more aggressively than others to offset the financial strain, especially for the small and medium-size firms that make up the bulk of economic activity in Europe, by providing tax breaks, extending deadlines for tax payments and easing access to government finance schemes.France’s finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, this week offered affected businesses state financing to pay for partial unemployment benefits, as well as eased credit terms from BPI France, the state investment bank. France has declared the coronavirus a “force majeure,” meaning suppliers won’t be penalized for failing to fulfill government contracts.In Italy, the epicenter of Europe’s coronavirus epidemic, the government promised to deploy measures it has used after earthquakes for 11 quarantined towns around northern Lombardy and Veneto, the so-called red zone of the outbreak, where some businesses are losing 100 percent of their income.Among other support, the companies can get immediate access to unemployment benefits for furloughed workers and will be allowed to pay their taxes late, helping to mitigate a collapse in sales and production.Others are holding back until the signs of economic damage are more clear. In Spain, officials said it was too early to take financial measures, with so much of the economic impact of the coronavirus in question. Germany’s finance minister, Olaf Scholz, promised this week that the government would take action if the outbreak hit the country’s already hard-pressed economy, but did not offer any specific proposals. There remains a deep reluctance in Germany to take on debt to pay for fiscal stimulus.Yet countries where the spread of the epidemic shows no signs of slowing are pulling out the stops. France escalated its response this week as the coronavirus threat rippled through schools, rushing through new emergency measures allowing parents who can’t find child care to receive full pay while staying home with children who must be quarantined.And in Denmark, the authorities said parents could take up to 52 weeks’ leave to care for a seriously ill child under age 18.Employers in Britain were already required to grant time off if a relative or child fell ill under short notice. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced this week that the country’s mandatory sick-pay system would begin payments on the first day for people with suspected coronavirus, rather than the fourth day as for other illnesses. Critics pointed out that two million low-paid workers — those who earn less than 118 pounds weekly, or about $153 — did not make enough money to qualify for the help under Mr. Johnson’s plan.The concerns highlight the uneven nature of such guarantees.In Italy’s quarantined red zone of Veneto, Taylan Arslan, 33, was forced to postpone the opening of a kebab-making plant after the government imposed a ban on all nonessential economic activity, leaving his 57 employees unable to go to work. Under the government’s emergency support plan, Mr. Arslan will be able to get access to unemployment benefits for his workers more easily and quickly.Mr. Arslan would also get €500 in support. But the money would not be nearly enough to recoup the lost earnings for his business, even with the proffered tax breaks, he said. He estimated that he had lost €12,000, or about $13,500, per day.The government “can keep their €500 a month,” he said, worrying about the tons of meat spoiling in his freezers. “I need to work.”But Italy can go only so far. Government debt far exceeds annual output of the economy, and Rome cannot afford to lose the confidence of bond investors. “In the short term, the government can help,” said Carl Weinberg, chief economist at High Frequency Economics in White Plains, N.Y. “But the government can’t support people forever. At the end of the day, somebody has to pay for this.”Jack Ewing contributed reporting from Berlin, Emma Bubola from Rome, and Geneva Abdul from London. Read the full article
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